#just wanted to give you the opt if you wanted to continue this thread
emmyrosee · 7 months
“Don’t look at me like that. Freak.”
Kiyoomi’s words have you snapping out of your daze of, indeed, staring at him, blinking lazily and smiling dopily at him. His fingers continue to thumb through his book, just as he has been for as long as you’ve been staring at him.
Usually, Kiyoomi won’t say anything in regards to your staring, normally opting to be quiet and merely continue with his day, but today, he knows something feels different.
You have to get closer to him.
Your perch on the couch has you strangely close enough, close enough you smell his curl cream and the natural scent his body has due to not applying cologne or lotion.
He smells so good. You have to get closer.
“Stop staring at me.”
“I can’t. It’s against the rules.”
“Well my rules are: I’m gonna beat you up if you don’t at least blink while you stare at me. Feel those damn eyes fixated on mine.”
You laugh but say nothing, merely scooting closer.
“I love you,” you purr, kissing his cheek. He hums contently before gently grabbing your chin to keep you close, and he turns his head away from his book to kiss you properly.
Even sitting, you’re weakened from the affection, elbow buckling under the weight of holding you up being tampered with by the affection.
You have. To. Get. Closer.
“Yeah babe?”
“You know how sometimes I really like skin to skin?”
Kiyoomi flicks his eyes up at the sky, both in thought and in preparation for your question, “yes. Yes I do.”
“I love you,” you assure once more.
Before he can question, it’s too late. You’re getting closer.
“What’re you do- AYE! HEY! NO-“
It’s too late. With a smile, you force yourself under his shirt, his hands failing (and, to be honest, not trying very hard) to still you and get you back out of the shirt. He squirms slightly under the feeling of you jamming yourself under the fabric with him, trying to shove you out because yeah, he loves you, but what in the sam hell are you doing?
Threads in his shirt start popping, and he screams in agony once again, “I LIKE THIS SHIRT, NO!”
As if he’s truly trying to make you stop.
He could easily stop you, he’s done it before, he’s not fooling you any time soon.
“Just- hold on, let me-“ you show no signs of stopping your squirming.
“It ticKLES FUCK OFF!” He snarls, and he sends you a glare of rage once your head pops through the head hole with him.
Basically nose to nose with him, you smile and nudge him softly, “hi you.”
There’s a beat of silence. Then, he lets out a hot breath of fury through his nose.
“Listen,” he whispers yells, and you let out a string of giggles. “No, you listen to me-“
“This has got to stop- between you stealing them and you destroying them, I’m running out of shirts!”
“So don’t wear any,” you offer, and his face drops in annoyance and a roll of his eyes, and you laugh harder despite being pinned against him.
“No,” he snarls again, voices still pitched in a whisper, “no, you can’t keep doing this, just bite me for fucks sake! There’s no need for this!”
“Okay,” You say, and before he can even take his words back, you sink your teeth against his nose, biting softly while still giggling at his expense. He blinks unamused at you, clearly still in the act that he’s mad at you. “Sounds like you really just want me to bite you, Kiyoomi. Should I accept the invite?”
“IF IT KEEPS YOU FROM GRABBING MY TEETH, SNIFFING UNDER MY ARMS, AND CRAWLING IN MY SHIRTS, YES!” He barks, and you wheeze before thunking your head against him.
“You and I both know that those are not going to stop,” you assure.
He sighs, “yeah, I heard it as soon as I said it.”
“Glad we’re on the same page,” you say, giving him a small kiss for compensation. Then, you look around, your neck starting to hurt from being crinkled, “so… how do we get out of this?”
“Yeah but I have to pee.” You smack on a pair of puppy eyes and he rolls his, “unless… you don’t mind-“
“I’d rather rip this shirt to shreds and have you piss on it, than carry you to the bathroom and pee attached to you. I don’t love you that much.”
Regardless, he pulls against you to try and pop the threads, back arching to force you up. You giggle and whine as you plant your hands on his chest, trying to push against him. The shirt stretches quite a bit under your forces, and with another grunt of effort, Kiyoomi reaches around you to grip the collar in his massive hands, and with one final shred, the shirt comes apart; it frees you both from the prison of fabric, and you let out a breath at the feeling of being released.
Now that there’s shreds of shirt in his hands, mouth releasing pants of adrenaline out, you do feel a little bad for it; with a small frown, you lean back next to him as he gathers the small bits of fabric, and you him for his attention. He glared at you from under his lashes.
“Thank you for getting us out,” you plant a compensatory kiss on his lips, initially to be used as a peck, but your heart beats wildly as one hand come up to cradle your head and keep you there as a proper kiss.
“I’ll always get you out,” he says simply against your lips.
When he doesn’t let go of your head though, your heart beats a little bit faster.
“What?” The intensity of his kisses grow. You start to giggle against his lips, your hands planting on his shoulders to try and force some distance. “Why’re you freaking out?”
“Let me go!” Your words are smushed against his lips. He chuckles and pushes you impossibly closer, the entirety of his weight flipping on you and keeping you pinned. You squeal and try to fight more, only resulting in his kisses being planted down your neck and chin, making you erupt into more laughter.
“Thought you wanted to be close to me.”
“Too close!” You titter.
You feel him smirk against your skin.
“No such thing.”
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suhnshinehaos · 11 months
' ACCIDENTALLY IN LOVE ' | c. hansol
synopsis : the one where you get into an arranged marriage with your childhood best friend vernon, but neither of you seem to mind that much pairing : vernon x gn!reader genre/s : mini smau, non-idol au, fluff, little bit of angst
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five (finale!)
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walks with hansol aren’t always silent. when they are, they’re almost always comfortable. tonight isn’t one of those nights. you always know when there’s something on his mind. you see it in the way his gaze combs through every inch of the venue grounds, each step cautious and careful. he keeps his hands behind his back as both of you walked past a wooden sign, pointing one way to a quaint little building meant for the ceremony and the reception tent. 
you head for the direction of the building.
the small building was mostly empty, except for the rows of chairs and wooden arch decorated with dried and fake flowers at the very end of the room that had been set-up earlier in the day.  both of you opted to keep the wedding small. only sending out invites to family, close friends, and — of course — business associates. 
you absently run your hand over the backs of each wooden chair as you follow hansol. he’s a few   steps ahead, but both of you make your way down the aisle. it’s only then that it finally, truly, sinks in what was going to happen tomorrow.
you’re going to marry your best friend. your hansol. your sol, with the brightest smile you’ve ever seen. with the most comforting voice you’ve ever known. the same kid you’ve known before you could even walk on two feet. 
“are you sure you want to go through with this?”
his voice snaps you out of your train of thought. hansol has already reached the end of the aisle and he’s looking at you with expectant eyes. his voice is soft, hesitant, the most worried you had ever heard it. 
you don’t hide your confusion as you pick up your pace until you reach him. you raise a brow, standing just a few feet in front of him. “why are you asking me that? of course, i want to go through with it.”
you reach out, grab both of his hands, and give them gentle squeeze. hansol squeezes back, taking a deep breath, and gathering all the courage he has in himself. “you know how when we go on these late night walks, when you can’t sleep, or i get caught up in work?”
“you know the phrase i always say?”
“the moon is beautiful.” you let out a quiet exhale, recalling the words he always spoke to you. in a voice that’s tender and yet somewhat distant, as if he doesn’t want you to hear. but you always do.
and he knows that you do.
“to you, this could just be a business deal. a means to an end-”
your eyes widen, voice rising uncharacteristically as you cut him off. “that’s not how i see it at all. you know that.”
“you’re marrying your best friend.” he smiles, albeit sadly, and shakes his head immediately after. hansol lets go of your hands and lets his own fall at his sides, defeated. “it’s different for me… i’m marrying my best friend, and the love of my life.”
you feel tears prick at the corner of your eyes, but you blink them back and you let hansol continue speaking.
“going through with this is fine by me, but i don’t want you to wake up one day and regret it. because i love you. i don’t know why, or how, but i’ve never known a day where i didn’t love you.”
the weight of his words sit heavy on your chest, and you don’t let the silence last more that a few seconds. you reach a hand towards your pockets and pull out a bracelet. “i’ve been meaning to find a way to give this to you, i was hoping to do it before the actual ceremony. this wedding has been so publicized, and i wanted to take a moment that’s just between us two. no cameras, no press, no board members.”
you take his left hand and hansol lets you place the bracelet around his wrist. it’s a simple chained gold bracelet, but threaded through the loops are strands of cotton strings from a friendship bracelet you had made him in your childhood. you smile as his eyes light up in recognition.
“where did you find this?”
“i had some help from wonwoo. it took him a while to find that. i have one with the bracelet you made me, but it’s in my room and i didn’t wear it so i don’t spoil the surprise.” you laugh, shrugging your shoulders. “i know this wedding changes a lot of things, most of which are on the business side of things. it won’t change a lot either. you know, we’re not doing rings or taking each other’s last names. it doesn’t change the fact that we will take care of each other. and it doesn’t change the fact that i’m in love with you.”
his eyes widen in shock. “but wonwoo?”
“well, since he was older, it was kind of expected that i would marry him. and i thought, if i spoke of it enough times, i could will it into existence that he was the one i had feelings for.” you sighed. “but i’m standing here with you tonight, very much in love with you, like i have been the past couple of years. and i will stand with you tomorrow, in front of our friends and family, letting everyone know that this feeling isn’t going to change.”
hansol stands there, completely and utterly speechless. but mostly because he knows mere words would never be enough to express everything that he feels for you. so instead, he pulls you in for a kiss. 
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from reese, with love <3
and this ends the story of hansolyn !! they are so dear to me, thank you for joining me on this little adventure !! i hope enjoyed this story, and as always, i'd love to know what you think !! reading all your asks/rbs/replies is one of the highlights of writing these little brainrots <3 hope you're all doing well and taking care !!
ps. yes, i used 'the moon is beautiful' (pls look this up if u dont know what it means, it's v sweet hehe) as a plot moment again-- i just cant help it,, it was right there cmon sol like the sun and now we have yn and the moon sdfghjkl
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ollyissleppy · 7 days
𝙙𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 | venti, diluc x reader
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summary: just boys confessing their love while being tipsy
pairing(s): venti x gn!reader, diluc x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: mentions of being drunk, drinking, alcohol, mentions of being pressured into drinking
tags: fluff, drinking, confessions, reader works in church (in venti's), reader is from fontaine (in diluc's), diluc is all blushy (just the way I like him 😇)
a/n: I don't remember the last time I wrote (and actually finished) something let alone post it :( anyways there's also one with Keaya but I didn't have the time to finish it and just wanted to post what I have so I won't have the time to change my mind
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You stand at the back of the church, just casually chatting away with a few sisters, as you hear quick steps approaching where you are. You and your companions turn your heads to see who's in such a hurry, only to spot Barbara rushing her way towards you. 
"(name)! Thank Barbados, I finally found you," the blonde says as she stops right in front of you. “Could you be so kind and help me get rid of this drunkard? He's laying under the statue, and no amount of threads can make him leave.”
“Sure, just show me where they are, and I’ll get rid of them for you.” You send a warm smile her way and follow her out of the church. 
Once outside, you notice someone laying under Anemo Archon’s statue, attempting to play music on a lyre. Upon coming closer, you recognise the person who's causing Barbara to grow grey hair. You sigh, knowing now that not only Barbara's well-being but also potentially the identity of your beloved archon is at risk. After all, you don't want the drunk bard to expose himself as the Anemo Archon to the entire city. 
“You’re playing the wrong cord, Venti,” you say as you approach the bard.
“HOW DARE YOU EVEN—oh, it’s you, (name)! I was waiting till you came out of this stupid  building." Venti throws himself at you, his arms tightly wrapping around your neck. "I wanted to come inside and hang out with you, but she refused to let me in," he pouts while trying to give you the puppy eyes. 
You ignored his words and just opted to try making him stand on his own. Your attempt was unsuccessful; the moment you let go of him, he started to fall over. Holding him up by his waist, you turn to Barbara:
“Thank you for bringing me here, Barbara. You’re free to return to your duties, I got this from here.” After making sure you had a tight grip around Venti, you started making your way out of the city. You hope to brig him to the closest Archon statue to hopefully sober him up.
“You know, I thought alcohol no longer had an effect on you.” You couldn't help but ask a question as your mind was working overtime to figure out what could bring the bard to such a state. 
“Keaya brought some special wine from Sumeru, and we both shared a bottle,” Venti replies, sounding as if he's about to fall asleep. 
“Wow, now I feel sorry for Master Diluc. I can’t imagine having to deal with the both of you in such a state.” You shake the bard, making sure he stays awake at least till you both reach the statue. 
As you finally crossed the bridge just outside the city, you quickly apologised to Timmy for scaring away his pigeons and continued your journey until you reached Venti's statue. You lay him down under the stone version of himself and hope your theory about sobering him up is correct. You sit down beside him, your back against some roots, waiting for a change in the bard's position.
When some time passes and you start to wonder if you should just leave him there, he finally sits up. You look at him curiously, waiting for the bard to say something. Venti remains silent, just staring back at you. Another moment passes until he finally speaks up:
"You're really here. For a moment, I thought you were just a dream. "You can still smell the alcohol as he speaks. "(name), can I tell you something?"
You look at him confused, wondering if it is another one of his 'I'm an archon type of secret'. He looks at you as if he's collecting his thoughts, so you allow your mind and gaze to wander off. 
“I am in love with you.” Your head snaps right back at Venti, unsure if your mind isn't playing games with you. 
"What?" you ask, scolding your mind for even suggesting the bard said something like this. 
"I'm in love with you, (name)." Venti shifts his body to be closer to you, almost as if trying to kiss you, his gaze still fixated on you.
“Venti, you’re drunk.” You try to move your body away from his, causing your back to bruise itself against the roots. You found your archon's feelings highly inappropriate. 
He sighs and moves his body back to its original place, his gaze finally leaving yours. You relax, finally feeling free from the awkward situation. You realise that Venti's eyes seem to be focused on something, so you follow them to see what he's looking at. Off in the distance, you see two hilichurls dancing and seemingly enjoying each other's company. Both you and your companion watch the two of them in somewhat comfortable silence. You're not sure how much time passes until Venti speaks up again. 
“You don’t have to answer; it’s ok. It must be so confusing for you," he sighs, his eyes now looking up to the sky. "You devoted your entire life to an archon just for me to destroy your image of said archon and now selfishly confess my undying love for you.” 
You stare at him, unsure of what you should do. The bard was right; you were confused out of your mind. You look down at the ground, trying to collect your thoughts. The silence once again falls between you two, only this time it's more awkward than anything. After what felt like ages, you hear Venti move his body. You don't look up, still being within your own thoughts. The archon sees that and just gently cups your face with his hand, forcing you to look at him. Venti slowly moves his face closer to yours, his breath tickling you.
“But no legends say I'm not a selfish archon”
Diluc brought you to Fontaine in hopes you'll help him win it's people over and expand his wine empire in that direction as well. So here you are, catching up with some of your friends that you haven't seen since you left Fontaine. Learning all about their new lives, now without you. It didn't sadden you much, as moving away to another nation gave you opportunities you never knew were possible. You're so caught up in the conversation that you don't notice a person coming up behind you, let alone the arm that's making its way around your shoulders. The unexpected movement caused you to jump, only to calm down once you noticed the culprit. 
“Diluc, are you alright?" You ask worried, not remembering if you ever saw your friend with his face being almost the colour of his hair. 
"Yeah, I'm just tired." Diluc moves his body so he can rest his head on your shoulders. His moves catch you slightly off guard, as they're not something his usual self would do.
"Oh, look at the time,” you say, looking at your watch. "We really should all return to our houses; I'd hate for the staff to work overtime to clean up after us." Most of the people who were at the gathering agreed with you. Some people, however, weren't keen on leaving just yet, as they didn't get to discuss the legal matters of their agreements.
“Don’t worry, everyone; I'm sure Master Diluc will be ready to discuss further regarding the contracts tomorrow,” you say to comfort the worried bunch, hoping it'll be enough.
“Perhaps lunch time? Maybe at Cafe Lutece?” one of the men in the crowd replies, with a bunch of others agreeing.
“Great, we’ll be there!” You smile, happy to get them all off Diluc's back.
You sat Diluc down on one of the chairs and patiently waited for all of the guests to leave. You were so preoccupied by them that you didn't notice your friend started to drift off into sweet slumber. Once you do notice, you make sure to shake him awake to make it easier to bring him to your hotel rooms. You help Diluc stand up from the chair, and you start taking him upstairs, where your rooms are located. 
While making your way up the stairs, you decided to question what happened to make Diluc try his luck at drinking. 
'How can we know it’s good quality wine if the person responsible for making it won’t drink it?' was apparently something Diluc heard from one of the potential clients while he was trying to get them on his side. You felt kind of bad for Diluc, as you are aware that he's not fond of drinking, and tonight he was pressured into doing so. 
After what felt like a fight between you and the stairs, you two finally made it to Diluc's room. You close the door behind you and turn around to see Diluc struggling to get out of his coat. You chuckle at his sudden cuteness as you walk up to lend him some help. After a bit of struggle, you managed to get him out of the piece of clothing, settling it on one of the chairs in the room. You decided to skip trying to change the rest of his clothes, and you just laid Diluc down on the bed. You made sure to securely wrap him up in the blanket, and you started to take your leave. 
“Wait, don’t leave yet.” You stop in your tracks. You weren't expecting to hear his voice; you were almost certain that he was already out cold. “I hate seeing you leave.” You turn to look at him, thinking about your options.
You decided to stay with him a bit longer, at least until he actually fell asleep. You sit down on the other side of the bed, thinking about what you should say to make him fall asleep. 
"See? I'm not going anywhere, Diluc. You can rest now." You fix the blanket around his chest. The room falls into a comfortable silence. 
Your thoughts start to slowly drift away as the day finally catches up to you, making you wish you were in bed as well. You're so deep inside your head that you don't notice Diluc staring directly at you.
“Lay down with me.” His low voice startled you, snapping you back to reality. You take a minute to gather your thoughts to figure out the best response. 
“I don’t think it’s appropriate,” you said, hoping your answer would make him drop it. 
“Who cares? It’s just the two of us,” he argues, and you have to admit that he has a point. Besides, it won't hurt to lay with him just for a bit—until he falls asleep, that is. 
You sigh, defeated, and opt to lay down on top of the covers. That way, you had a way of getting out of his room and to your own when Diluc's no longer focused on you so much. As you move to your side, you notice Diluc visibly relaxing, even letting out a yawn. He looked like he would fall asleep any minute now, so you close your eyes, hoping it'll fool him that you're asleep as well. You are finally letting yourself relax. 
“I love you,” Diluc's voice was low and barely hearable. If the room wasn't dead silent, you probably wouldn't be able to hear it.
You don't respond, deciding that it must be just his tired and drunk brain talking. You keep your eyes closed just in case, still hoping to trick him into thinking that you're asleep.
“You hear? I’m in love with you,  (name)." Diluc moves his body closer to yours, as if trying to make sure you're able to hear him.
You lay still, trying to ingest his alcohol-reeking breath. Diluc sighs, moving even closer to you, just to throw his arm across your body, trapping you in bed with him. 
"I wish I wasn't such a coward and told you this when I'm sober and your conscious."
⊱⋅ ──────────── ⋅⊰
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can you prettyyyy please write a little piece abt best friends older brother choso n sucking him off n fucking him till ur both overstimulated :(( 💔💔
Oh boy can I, sucking him off and overstimulation are one of my two favorite things ♡
Sucking and fucking your best friends older brother until you're both overstimulated. NSFW. gn!reader.
A/N: I kinda went ham and its...long.
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You and your best friend had been friends since you started college. Sharing a dorm but soon transitioned into sharing an apartment. There were lots of things you loved about your best friend. Cleanliness, kindness, humor; but most importantly? The brother. Choso. He was a sweetheart, cute. Would always blush and stutter when you were around.
You didn't see him too often, only when he paid your best friend a visit. And today just happened to be one of those days. You admit. You'd liked him for a while and have had you fair share of..wet dreams about him. And you were pretty certain he thought about you too. His eyes would always linger a little bit longer than they should. And yet you two continued to dance around it, but not anymore. You were changing all of that today.
"Hey, we're out flour. And I need it to make the cake for later." You said, nonchalant. Hoping your best friend would offer to run to the store and grab some. "I...can get it." Choso said quietly.
"Actually, I needed your opinion on something, so I'd like you to stay here." He seemed confused but agreed, your best friend leaving the two of you alone.
"What did you ne-ah!" He yelped, just now noticing how close you'd gotten. Your hands messed with the ends of his shirt. "What I need, is your big dick inside me. Do you have any objections?" You opted to go the more direct route. Leaving no room for confusion. Choso immediately sucked in a breath, feeling his dick harden in his pants. Was this real? He would've pinched himself but the feel of your nails dragging along his stomach was all he needed. He nodded. "No..objections."
"Good." You gave him a smile before undoing his pants. Sliding them down his thighs, along with yourself, until you were eye level with his thick cock. You licked your lips, eyeing the beads of precum that already formed at the tip. "U-Um," he started but immediately hissed when he felt you kitten-lick his tip. Collecting what sticky liquid leaked out and pulled it back into your mouth. "Fuck-" he breathed, tentatively resting his hand in your hair. You hummed in approval before slowly slipping the tip into your mouth. Suckling as the sticky liquid glued itself to your tongue.
"Oh-oh fuck, keep doing that." He spoke softly, smoothing out your hair. And so you did, suckling on his tip until eventually he started to push more of himself in your mouth. Your tongue wrapped around his length, paying special attention to the veins that lined the underside of his cock. "God-your mouth is so warm, so wet." Choso grunted, his fingers now threading into your hair as he guided you. Moving you up and down his length, groaning low in his throat the further down you went. Until, eventually, you bottomed out. Your nose pressed flush against his pelvis, buried in the tufts of black hair.
"Mmm-fuck, give me a minute-i just-fuck." He held you there, breathing harshly through his nose as he tried his best not to cum. His body shook, his hips itching to thrust himself forward.
Your throat bobbed, contracting around his length and making him hiss. With one more breath, he finally let go. Giving you free rein to suck his cock like you wanted. And you did.
Obscene sucking noises filled the room, your chokes and gags mixing along with it. "Fuck-fuck-your mouth, God. It's better than I imagined." His hands framed your face, keeping your hair out of the way so he could watch his dick disappear past your lips. It was erotic. It was too much and he found himself stilling his hips, shooting ropes of his sticky seed down your throat. Eyes closed and head tilted back as he road out the orgasm. But you didn't stop, your mouth still sucking him in.
"W-Wait...that's, I just came-i can't, oh fuck-" hot searing pleasure shot through his veins, eyes crossing as he thrusted his limp-now hardening, dick into your mouth. But your goal wasn't to suck him off again. So when he was hard once more, you pulled off with a pop. Ignoring the confusion on his face as you dragged him to the couch, pushing him to sit. Climbing immediately on his lap before you seated yourself on him.
"What are y-oh my God, oh-s'tight...fuuck." he groaned, pulling your body flush against his as he tried to breathe. The stimulation already too much for his poor cock. But you didn't give him that time. Immediately angling yourself to bounce up and down on his cock. His arms tightened around you as he whined. Mumbling 's'too much' and 'please keep going' over and over. His thick cock reaching deep inside you, pressing all the right spots to have you shake, stilling as you came all over him and yourself. "Squeezing me s'tight, gonna make me-" He choked, his dick spilling yet another load inside you. And it still wasn't enough.
You gathered up strength and started to bounce on his poor, limp dick. Fresh tears formed in his eyes as he told you it was too sensitive. That he couldn't cum again.
"Can't...can't cum anymore, please you-oh god, fuck me. Squeezing me like that-" He held tight to your body, thrusting up into you as his mind soon entered a fuzzy aroused state. Where his body tingled from the overstimulation but it felt good. "Gonna cum...yes yes, m'gonna cum. With me, please. Cum with m-" He broke off into a sob, shooting barely any cum inside you, his balls already being drained. His broken whining and sobbing had you cuming moments later, your body falling limp against him.
"One more," you mumbled, hips shifting slowly.
You didn't care that your best friend could be home any minute. Could possibly catch you riding Choso like a damned monster. All you could think about was taking all his cum. Milkin him for all he's worth.
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hees-mine · 8 months
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟑 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐱! - 𝐋.𝐡𝐬
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𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 ⚥ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: smut, unprotected sex, cursing, public sex, teasing, orgasm denial, fluff.
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 🐈 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
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You don’t know why your boyfriend thought it’d be a good idea to finger you under the table at the restaurant you all were at, and not only that, you were with your family.
Thank goodness you were closest to the window so the other people in the restaurant couldn’t see you, but you still had to look your parents in the face while your boyfriend ran his warm fingers through your drenched folds. “So heeseung, when do you plan on marrying our daughter?” your dad suddenly asks out of nowhere and gets scolded by your mom, but heeseung has no problems answering his questions.
He lowers his head slightly, a small chuckle coming from his lips. “Really soon.” he turns to look at you, sticking his middle finger inside you alongside his index finger. “Right, sweetheart?” You do your best to hide your gasps by clearing your throat softly.
“Uhh yeah, right, we were uhh just talking about it,” he smiles, nodding at you while you try your best not to make any sounds.
“I really, really am so in love with your daughter,” he says to both your parents as your mother coos at his cuteness, not knowing what was going on under the table. “It’s like even when I’m next to her, I just can’t be close enough” he rubs the heel of his palm on your throbbing clit. “She’s truly my other half.”
Your father nods approvingly. “She better be,” he warns, but heeseung just smiles in return.
“Don’t worry, sir, she’s in good hands.” His words, combined with the way he was rubbing you, made it hard to hold in your soft moans. “Isn’t that right, my love?”
“He’s so charming,” your mother squeals in excitement.
“Yes, Hee,” you whimper, and your parents seem oblivious to the suspicious noise you just made, or maybe they were too engrossed in their dinner to notice.
Heeseung looked at you, a small smirk on his lips as He curled his fingers up, massaging your spot just right.
You shook your head back and forth, signaling for him to stop, but he didn’t instead, he increased the pace of his fingers, and you immediately grabbed a napkin to cover your pleasured face as your walls squeezed his fingers.
He leaned into your side, kissing your cheek and discreetly whispering in your ear. “Baby, if you get any wetter, the whole restaurant will hear just how fucking soaked you are for me” You clench around his fingers again, completely helpless to the feeling of him, and at this point, you didn’t care if the whole world heard you you just wanted to cum on his fingers so badly.
You can’t believe he thought this was perfectly okay. You were literally hanging on by a thread, and right before you could cum he pulled his fingers out of you, leaving you empty as he brought his fingers up to his mouth, sucking on them. “Oh boy, your food must be really good,” your mom says when she sees him sucking his fingers completely clean, not knowing it was actually your arousal he was eating off his fingers.
“Yes, mam, so good” You were a mess, face flushed, breath uneven, doing your best not to make a fool out of yourself in front of your parents, all while he was smiling and carrying on like nothing happened and on top of his shenanigans he didn’t even make you cum.
Two can play that game, though, so you slipped off your high heel, rubbing your foot along his leg, making him stutter while he talked to your dad about something you weren’t paying attention to.
He silently pushed your leg away from his continuing on, and that’s when you decided to put your next plan in motion, boldly placing your hand on his crotch. “Ahh fuc-“ his eyes went wide, and he quickly tried to cover up his sounds by clearing his throat.
He looks at you with pleading eyes, but you aren’t about to give in cause this is what he gets for teasing you first. “Baby!” He whispers, but you don’t listen and opt to squeeze him through his dress pants. “Mmhm,” he bucks his hips up involuntarily, pressing his growing cock against you.
“You okay, son?” Your dad asks.
“Y-yes, sir.” You brush your hand over his tip, knowing that would drive him crazy cause it always did. “J-just if you’ll both Uhh excuse me, I’ll head to the restroom.” your father gives him a nod before heeseung disappears. He looks back at you and signals for you to follow him.
You wait for a few minutes so your parents won’t think anything suspicious is happening, and your mom gives you the perfect opportunity for clearance. “Dear, he's been in there for a while. Maybe you should check up on him,”
“Yes, Mom,” you smile, excusing yourself to go find heeseung in the bathroom.
“What the fuck was that?” He whisper shouts.
“Nothing,” you say playfully.
“Nothing, my ass. Why would you do that, baby? You know how loud I get,” he whines.
“A little payback,” you shrug.
“Fair enough, but baby, look, I’m so fucking hard” There’s no denying that if anyone saw him, they’d think he had a snake in his pants.
“That’s what you get for being a tease,” you taunt.
“I know, baby, I’m sorry for that, but please, you have to help me out here please” You watch him practically hump the air for some type of relief, and he looked so hot when he was needy there’s no way you could or would ever say no to him.
“Today's your lucky day,” you tell him with a smile.
“Thank you,” he sighs, placing his hand on the bottom of your short skirt. Bunching it up, he swiftly pulls your panties down just enough to have clearance to your pussy.
His hands were shaking in anticipation as he tried to undo his belt. You couldn’t help but laugh a little before helping him with his belt and zipper. “Thanks,” he whispers shyly, resting his forehead on yours while you help him out of his bottoms and free his hard cock.
Moaning at the sight of his cock you let him take control, his hand going to the small of your waist, the other guiding his length to your awaiting hole.
He pushes in without hesitation cock sliding in your walls perfectly from how well he’d stretched you open at the dinner table.
Once he’s fully inside, he places his hand on the back of your head, slowly thrusting up inside you. “Oh, Heeseung,” you moan at the feeling of finally being stuffed full of his long thick cock.
He drowns out your soft moans and his occasional grunts by connecting his lips with yours, tongues tangled and sharing saliva between deep, heavy breaths.
The standing position is not ideal, but right now, you couldn’t ask for more his cock filled you up so nicely that you could care less. “Fuck” he mumbles, his words getting lost in your mouth as you swirl your tongues together. “Mhhm baby,” he whimpers when you bite down on his tongue, and you feel his cock twitch at the simple but effective action. “You’re so fucking tight around me” he grips your hair, pulling on it lightly, his tip hitting all the right spots inside you.
“Don’t ever make me wait this long again,” you scold him in between messy kisses, legs feeling like jelly as you opt to wrap one around his waist for stability. “Thought I was gonna lose my mind.”
“Sorry baby, I won’t.” he swallows your moans, replacing them with deep grunts of his own as he strokes your walls deeply.
He wished it could last longer, but he knew your parents would be waiting, so he withdrew his fingers from your messy hair to rub your clit, knowing the exact pace to have you coming undone in seconds.
“Fuck yes, hee” You squeezed his biceps, sucking in a breath as that fuzzy feeling expanded in your stomach, and you cum in record time.
“Feels so good,” he breathes on your lips. You moan in agreement as he rubs out your orgasm, your walls violently clenching his dick. “Yeah, baby,” he pants in your mouth, his hips stuttering, sweat forming on his hairline as he thrusts up two three more times and stills deep within your heat, releasing his warm semen with a low growl. “Fuck me,” he huffs out a breath, your head falling on his shoulder as he laughs softly, eyes falling shut as he basks in the feeling.
He kisses your neck, allowing you both some time to recover. “That was so good, hee,” you laugh, still a bit breathless from his performance.
“Hmm, it was. So glad you liked it as much as I did.” He smooches your lips softly, getting lost in your eyes and forgetting all about your parents waiting outside.
“Hee, I hate to ruin the moment, but we’ve been gone for some time,” you laugh and push him off your shoulder.
“Fuck you’re right. I’m sorry.” he scrambles for tissues after he pulls out, cleaning you to the best of his abilities with what little they had in the bathroom.
You watch him with a fond smile as he helps you fix your hair and your dress. “Okay,” he takes a deep breath. “I think we’re good.”
“Hee?” you try your best to hold in your laugh.
“Let’s go, baby, come on, they’re waiting.” he grabs your hand, walking you towards the door.
“Your pants,” you say finally, and you can’t help the loud laugh you let out at the look of realization on his face as he blushes and finally pulls his pants up.
“Thanks,” he muttered in embarrassment.
“I love you,” you smiled, stroking his cheek fondly.
“Love you too,” he smiles, grabbing your hand again and exiting the bathroom. You’d both have to come up with a convincing story to tell your parents, or maybe you’d let your boyfriend charm his way out of this one.
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Thanks for reading please reblog and leave feedback.
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musubi-sama · 3 months
You are officially Shoko Ieri’s girlfriend, but why are you being followed and gently threatened by two tall, disgustingly handsome men?
CW: afab!reader x shoko ieri, modern au, mild stalking, the boys being intimidating, toys, cunnilingus, shower sex, lady love, mild plot
AN: This is baby’s first fan fic, my first piece of fiction and self-indulgent prose. The world needs more yuri/sapphic/lady stories and I hope I can do it a modicum of justice. I will probably write out the two flashback references as additional chapters once I figure out what I want to do with them.
WC: 4.9k
Next chapter —
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“Let’s continue that little thread from last night after classes today?” she responds before pulling away and heading off to the lecture hall. “I’ll make sure to take ‘extra meticulous’ notes for you!” Your girlfriend puts extra emphasis and holds up sassy airquotes (even gives a little sideways nudge with her hip) because she’s notoriously a poor lecture student and you pay attention almost too much and too well, taking notes furiously from your front and center seat.
You give her a cute giggle and wave as she walks away; you’re heading off to meet with your adviser to discuss a research opportunity. While you walk across the quad into the neighboring dining hall to grab your usual Starbucks order (iced caramel machiatto).
Meanwhile, a pair of tall, offensively handsome men doing what would otherwise be a scene from a spy movie, fold the top half of a newspaper down and watch you and Shoko embrace and go your separate ways.
“Suguru, who the hell was that talking to Sho?” the white-haired, ethereally blue eyed man says a bit too loudly to his dark-haired, enigmatically purple eyed friend. The pair sit on the bench gawking, although the dark haired man winces at the volume of his friend.
“You’re going to give us away, shush, Satoru! I don’t know who she is or what that was about but let’s follow her” Suguru gets up and beckons in your general direction “and see where she goes” Satoru gets up and they both follow you at a safe distance, catching up with you as you are waiting for your order at Starbucks. Satoru perks up and nudges Suguru in the side with a cheeky smile when he hears the barista announce your order. “She can’t be that bad, she’s got a sweet tooth!”
“Let’s see where she goes from here.” Suguru pinches his chin as he watches you from across the cafe. You navigate around a few tables to reach the exit and head off to your meeting. While waiting for the elevator to the fifth floor, you catch a flash of messy-but-styled white hair from around the corner, but chalk it up to sleep deprivation and stress.
You make it to your adviser and he walks you through a few research opportunities, but the drawback is that you will need to take a year between finishing your primary in-classroom education and your clinical rotations. And the one that you like the most is across the country. Great timing, just after you finally get a girlfriend and think you may have your little life settled into a comfortable routine. Maybe you wait a few weeks to discuss this with Shoko. But maybe she would want you to bring it up sooner, it’s not like you haven’t known her for four years already. The responsible partner would talk about it soon. But you’ve never been too keen on bringing up tough subjects in a reasonable or quick manner, opting to mull quietly, by yourself, not wanting to bother other people or respond to negative feedback.
As you’re arguing with yourself, you take the elevator back down the ground floor and head outside to hole up in the library until Shoko is out of the morning’s lectures.
Except you don’t notice the two tall handsome boys following you from the lobby across the quad. They take notice of your internal conflicts written across your face and lack of spatial awareness to surround you and you bump into a dense, immovable statue. Fortunately for you, it’s not an actual statue, but a person, so there is a softness in the knock and a pair of arms quickly wrap around you to make sure you don’t fall. Two sets of arms, actually.
“Ah, Iamsosorry” You attempt to stammer out as you are brought out of your internal arguments. You look up to see long, feathered jet-black hair, reaching past the shoulders, but pulled partially up into a bun. Face framed by bangs hanging on one side. Piercing, focused, concerned violet eyes, and a soft smile. Your first impression is that he is cat-like. He catches you off-guard but you feel safe. As you step back to give him space and continue to your destination, your back bumps into an equally statuesque figure. But he’s the polar opposite when you tilt your head back and look up at him. A shock of white hair, dark round sunglasses, giant smile bearing all his teeth, ocean blue eyes piercing you. It’s unsettling how it feels like he’s reading every thought you’re having right now, in the past, and the future. “Oh, excuse me…” you mumble but it just trails off.
“Oh hello there.” Suguru places his hands on your shoulders to steady you. It feels nice, reassuring, considering you just knocked around some coastal rocks. “My name is Suguru Geto and this is Satoru Gojo. We just happened to see you walking across campus and you seemed distracted. Wouldn’t want you walking into anyone and causing a disturbance. Present company excluded, of course.”
“Yeah, what’s a girl like you doing so distracted?” You’re caught off guard by the brazen question. And confused by the implications. What kind of girl do they think you are?
“Sorry, I really just want to go to the library. I’m meeting my girlfriend soon.” You try to side-step the pair and they move in tandem to block your path. Ah, you start to feel the familiar anxiety of being pestered by someone who can’t understand that ‘no’ is a full and complete statement. What you fail to notice, is the shock that zipped through the boys’ expressions.
“I am sorry for the brashness of my companion” Suguru tilts his head up to give Satoru a piercing stare before his gaze softens again and he looks back at you. You feel as if you’re the only person in the entire world as he looks down. Completely taken by his gaze, feeling his arms re-settle on your forearms for a moment before dropping to his sides, giving you space with the lack of physical touch. “But we saw you with a friend of ours and we were just concerned for her. She always introduces anyone beyond a mere acquaintance to us, and we are only looking out for her best interests.” Satoru uses this opportunity to step around to your front, hands in his pockets. Although he still has a mischievous grin on his face.
“Er, what? I am sure that any one I am friends with surely doesn’t require a white knight or dark stallion to protect her honor.” You attempt to cut the conversation short.
“You’re right. You’re absolutely correct, dear. How about we get to know you over dinner? Our treat for being so forward. Tomorrow, pick you up at 7:00? I know a place that does great bananas foster with homemade caramel” Satoru winks, and you realize you’re still holding your coffee. You’re clutching it now, hoping he didn’t see that you asked for extra caramel drizzle in your coffee today. You’re a people pleaser, so you just quickly agree to the plans. You ask for their LineID and as you’re walking away, you get two messages immediately:
Can’t wait to see you, sweets! Looking forward to dinner and getting to know you.
Finally making it to the library, feeling buzzed, and not from the sugar or caffeine. But you manage to find some shred of focus for the next two hours. Your phone buzzes and you start to pack up your books and laptop. You respond to Shoko’s message that she’s out of class and heading to the dining hall with a quick “Yay, save me a seat!” message even though you know you don’t have to ask.
“How was the Pharmacology lecture?” You ask, while attempting to unhinge your jaw around a particularly ambitious forkful of salad. Your girlfriend just smiles at you over her soup.
“Hm, well you know how engaging Dr. Smith is at his age. I made sure to get an audio recording of the lectures and of course the slide notes include the markups from in-class.”
“Aww, thank you! You’re the best.”
Shoko gives you a fond smile as you both settle back into eating lunch. You continue chatting about classes, you feel confident over your polite dodging of any real answer to how your adviser meeting went “Ah, well, I am waiting for him to email me with some details on a couple research opportunities.” Shoko seems satisfied, or at least doesn’t have any follow up questions to your response. You don’t feel comfortable about lying to your best friend, your girlfriend, but you didn’t really tell her lies. Just, not the whole truth. You’ll tell her, soon. You promised yourself. That was the decision you had settled on right as you bumped into-
“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something. I have two friends I’ve known since forever and I want to introduce you to them. I have kept you from them until now because they can be somewhat, very, incredibly, protective of me and intrusive to anyone who gets close. But they are good people, even if I have to kick their asses when they pull their little “baby Shoko” stunts.” Shoko puts her hands on yours and looks straight at you, although struggles to keep eye contact when she mentions her friends’ not-so-kind traits.
You consider her question and do not want to respond too quickly or eagerly, but you have wanted to build some new relationships before your life gets too much more hectic with clerkships, graduation, and intern year on the horizon. And if these new friends are already friends with Shoko, then it’s even easier because you would want any new friends to be comfortable with both of you. You may only be newly dating, but you’ve already fallen for Shoko quite hard and want to settle down. Or something like that? You haven’t taken a breath to really figure your brain out.
“Oh, well, why don’t we get drinks and see how things go? I like the idea of making new friends, let’s give it a try!” You try to hold back your over-eagerness, but you let slip big excited eyes and slotting your fingers into Shoko’s hands and squeezing. A small squeal may have also escaped your lips, you’re bad a poker. And Shoko loves it. She gives you a soft smile, leans over to drop a peck on your cheek. The rest of lunch passes with easy conversation. You head off to your afternoon lectures and study sessions together.
After classes finished, you both headed back to Shoko’s apartment. Even before you started dating, you spent most of your free time at her place. It was closer, bigger, quieter, and nicer than your apartment. You grab a pair of beers from the fridge after you finished cleaning up from dinner and walk over to the couch. Shoko turned on Netflix and started the nightly ritual of scrolling new and recently updated shows to see what caught either of your interests before settling on one of the six shows you’re already in the middle of watching. You sit sideways and hand over one of the beers, laying your legs across your girlfriend’s lap. She settles on watching the next episode of your shared guilty pleasure, Doctor X. During the opening credits, your phone buzzes several times with messages on Line.
“Ugh, what is it now? I should’ve left it in the bedroom” you grumble as you lean over to the table and pick up your phone that has now buzzed four times. You see a newly familiar name pop up and scowl.
“What’s wrong, love?” Shoko perks up and looks over to you as you start to read the messages, more coming in while you’re reading.
“I literally ran into a pair of criminally attractive guys. Boys, really. They did that High School-Hollywood thing of boxing me in, making me look up, and then not taking no for an answer. I agreed to get dinner with them tomorrow just so they’d leave me alone and go away.” You flash her the phone with the messages. Her usually subtle expression shifted much more dramatically when she saw who you were talking about.
“Wait. You ran into, literally? Gojo and Geto? Tall, one with white hair sticking up in stupid directions and acting with way too much bravado, the other with big ear gauges and an air of incredible self-confidence? Today? Where? When?” She stops her idle massaging of your legs and turns towards you, taking your phone to read more carefully what they had sent:
Heyyyyyy. Wear something cute? Do you like Mediterranean? :)
“Yyyyeah that matches the pair. Why, do you know them? Have they bothered you on campus before?”
Shoko snickers softly. “You could say that. Remember the pair of friends I wanted you to meet? Looks like they found you first.”
“Oh.” You look down at your hands for a moment and then suddenly you remember what Suguru said to you “we saw you with a friend of ours and we were just concerned for her…” “Oh, wait a second. You’re the friend they were talking about!” And you relay the conversation you had with Suguru and Satoru to Shoko who just shakes her head and sucks her teeth.
“Yeah, those bastards. I told them to wait till this weekend, I had news for them and someone to meet. But they just HAD to get impatient.”
“I will call off dinner! Can I have my phone back, please?” you reach out your hand to begin composing a polite response to the nuisance pair.
“No, don’t. Just have them come over first. And then they can take BOTH of us to dinner.”
As soon as you send off your address, you put your phone down. Shoko’s ministrations on your legs intensifies subtly, but clearly with an agenda. You lean back against the arm of the couch as Shoko slowly massages her hands up your legs, focusing on the softer flesh on the insides of your thighs. You part your legs for her slightly as she gets closer to your clothed core.
The days have been long and you’ve hardly had time for yourself or your relationship since you’ve put official titles on it. You shift yourself so you’re now straddling Shoko. You reach your hands around her neck, threading your hands under her long, wheat-colored brown hair. When you met her, her hair was only touching her shoulders, but now it’s reaching far down her back. Her lips are so soft and inviting, a gentle sheen of spit covering them. Your eyes rake over her face, taking in every facial micromovement. You admire her lone freckle below her eye, something you’ve always found cute.
You lean in, lips parting slightly as her eyes glance up at you, pupils darkening in desire. As your tongues slipped past each other, they danced delicately but with increasing urgency as your lips press harder and Shoko takes a brief opening to nip at your lower lip, drawing out a soft moan from you. Your hands hold her neck tighter, one slipping up through her hair, giving it a light tug. Her hands start sliding back in between your legs, the side of her pinky finger lightly grazing your center which elicits a small grind from you. As your kiss slowly turns more frantic, trading breaks for air with trails of urgency on each others jawline, Shoko reaches under your shirt to gently wrap her hands under your voluminous tits. Still seated in a soft bralette, your nipples begin to harden as her hands slowly squeeze and make their way into the bralette and find your nipples with a soft squeeze.
You drop your hands to your sides and toss your head back at the sharp, but pleasurable sensations and start to roll your hips in Shoko’s lap, looking for some friction and relief for the growing tension. You whimper as the pinching and squeezing intensifies, tilting your head back up and you are met with eyes filled with pure lust. “I told you I wanted to continue from last night” Shoko growls. You just respond with a low moan. Shoko then uses her forearms to slide your shirt up and over your head, taking your bralette with it.
Now, your fully exposed chest and abdomen, your nipples clearly taut in response to the pleasure being shown to them. Shoko then leans down to one, taking it in her mouth with a light suck. Keeping her hand squeezing the other, she lightly bites down, rolling the puckered nipple in her teeth, sliding her slick tongue across. She releases it with a pop, letting it and your breast drop and give a little lewd jiggle. She repeats the process on your other nipple. You are still wantonly grinding your hips in her lap, keening against her touch.
As your body continues to relax, your brain slowly shutting off the noise and entering that cozy, listful, lustful subspace headspace, your hands claw at your girlfriends’ shirt and pull it off of her during a brief moment when her lips aren’t attached to your body. The moment her skin is exposed, you bring yourself vertical and then over, pressing your breasts into hers, enjoying the soft and supple squeezes from your body weight onto Shoko. You reach in to grasp the sides of your shared mass of tits, squeezing and pushing them together.
You are in a daze, skin on fire, as you are drunk from your beer and the lust spreading through your veins. You always knew you were bisexual, although you couldn’t put a fine point on it until you met Shoko while at your lab’s new grad student orientation 3 and a half years ago. You moved across the country for grad school, knowing you’d need to start over again and find new (local) friends. You were taking in the space when you turned around and saw Shoko Ieri walk in the room, immediately disorienting you and a sudden warmth spreading into your center. You couldn’t look her in the eye for the entire first month.
“What do you want to do tonight?” Shoko brings you out of your daze as she wraps her hand around the back of your neck. “Want to start with that new toy I picked up recently?”
“O-oh, yeah, I haven’t tried something like that before!” You start to untangle yourself from Shoko and roll off the couch. You’re chased by Shoko into the bedroom as she reaches out to pinch at your sweatpants-covered ass, you making sure she can still catch you. There’s fun in the chase, but so is there in getting caught. You leap at the bed, spin around and sit on your legs patiently while Shoko disappears into her closet. She returns quickly, now in nothing but a lace thong and brandishing a modest, slightly curved silicone dildo in her hands, twirling her hair with her other hand. You bounce a bit in anticipation, soft tits still jiggling as you stop moving. You move to remove your sweatpants, but are cut off.
“Ah ah ah, hands off. Why are you trying to deny me the fun? I said we are going to continue from yesterday. Which means it’s my turn to return the favor.”
“We don’t need to keep a running tally for equitability sake!” you whine, sticking your lip out in an over-exaggerated pout.
“You’re right, but since this is celebrating us putting some structure and a title to” she waves her hand between the two of you “this, I want to finish what you started. Now, lay back, please.” You settle on the duvet, heart racing, feeling giddy. Last night you off-handedly said ‘I love you’ over dinner at home. It came out of nowhere, but you were just chatting and catching up from the day over a bowl of spaghetti, and it just fell out of your mouth while Shoko nearly choked mid-slurp.
Shoko sets the toy down on the bed and climbs up the bed, caging you in. As she reaches your middle, she sits back on her heels and tugs at your pants. She loved how you always returned to your own apartment or hers and would immediately change into comfortable room wear, shedding the stuffy denim and wired bras for soft cottons and gentle elastics. Pulling your hair back to keep it out of your face, it certainly made easier to grab in the heat of sex and teasing. After she removed your pants and panties, reveling at your exposed frame, Shoko admired your neatly trimmed hair framing your glistening pussy. “Mine.”
Soft kisses with small nibbles sprinkled in begin to chase up the inside of your legs, feet planted on the bed. As the kisses intensify, your knees fall further apart. Your hands come up to your hair as you lace your fingers through to ground yourself. Gently, two fingers spread your folds open and you let out a small gasp. “Mmm I just love to tease your pussy.” One slender finger slides in, your soft walls pulling it in deeper until your girlfriend’s middle finger is sheathed up to the knuckle. She flips her palm upwards and curls the finger inside of you while bringing her thumb to rest on your hardening clitoris. Your hips begin to buck at the movements, moans increasing. Slowly sliding her finger out, pressure still on your clit, Shoko adds a second finger and begins to rub circles with her thumb and thrusting her fingers in and out. She looks up from her ministrations to watch your face go through a million small emotions in pleasure. “That’s it, love. Let me hear you, don’t hold back.” You unwind on her hand, fluttering around her fingers, riding out your high with loud moans and grinding hips.
As you come back down, Shoko reaches over to the toy, aligning the flat, angled tip with your hole, pulling out her fingers. “Ready?” she whispers, but with an edge of gravel on her voice. She also grabs a small remote that you didn’t initially see and reaches up to place it in your hands. “I also got a treat for you. Feel free to press the buttons as you want and see what happens”
Slowly, Shoko presses the toy into your soaked pussy, as the tip disappears in, she turns it on to the lowest vibration setting. You give a sharp inhale as you push your head back further into the pillows. You recollect yourself as the toy makes its way further into you, and bring your hand up to see what this remote is. Just two buttons, marked by a plus and minus sign. You touch the plus button and suddenly a sultry and surprised “Ahhh mmmmm” Shoko whines from between your legs. Her progress to slide in the toy momentarily halted as she adjusted to the vibrating inside of her. She regains composure as she seats the toy fully inside you and rotates it around until you slam your eyes shut and cry out in pure pleasure. “Ah ha, found it. So hot.” Shoko bought a g-spot vibrator and adjusted it till she found the right spot inside of you.
Squirming somewhat, Shoko slowly moves the vibrator around, placing her free hand on your abdomen with pressure against you. Your hips begin to gyrate and roll with increased intensity every time the head of the toy makes contact with the spongy sensitive bundle of nerves inside your walls. “Sho—Shooookoooo ple- FUCK please~” you preen and attempt to stammer out some words. You increase the intensity on the remote.
“Ye-s, l-ove? You’re doing so, so, hnf, well, better than the fantasies I had all day of this- of this mooooment.” Shoko showers you with praise, stuttered by her own building pleasure, knowing exactly what is to come next.
“Ahhh, Sho—Shoko, I’m-com-” You attempt to tell her what you’re feeling as the pressure in your abdomen has reached a fever pitch, ready to incinerate you at the lightest touch. Shoko steadies the vibrator right on the nerves and brings her thumb up to apply pressure to your clit and lowers her body to get closer to your core. “Give it all to me.” At that moment you scream obscenities as your body releases the built-up pressure and you squirt directly into Shoko’s waiting mouth. Helping you ride out your pleasure pushed Shoko over the edge, too, as she rolls her hips along with the waves of her own orgasm. As your body begins to slow it’s movements, she turns off the vibrator and removes it from you. She also reaches down to her own bullet vibrator and removes it, still shaking as you’re too high on your own pleasure to find the remote.
Shoko sits up and wipes your slick from her face, reaching a hand up to you to clean off. “Good girl.” You whimper at the affirmation, pulling on her wrist to bring her up to you, her body draped on yours. When you finish lapping up the wetness on her hand, you twist your head over and your mouths meet in lazy but passionate kissing. Tongues lazily exploring each other, gratitude shared between the two of you.
“Shower?” You nod, slowly rolling yourself over, legs finding the ground albeit a bit shakily. Shoko steps out ahead, sliding into the en suite ahead of you to warm up the shower and grab towels. You stand in front of the mirror admiring your body, re-adjusting your hair and pulling the strays that have fallen out back up. You step in to the shower, bottoms of your feet chilled on the hard tile floor, but skin warmed by the scaldingly hot shower.
“Ahhhh, perfect” You reach out to rest your hands on Shoko’s waist as you both take a moment to relax in the warmth of each other and the water.
“Yeah, you are, love.” You giggle at the admiration. Shoko’s hands come up to gently massage your breasts, lightly pinching your nipples. She closes the gap between you and nudges her leg in between yours, rubbing her thigh against your sensitive folds. You let out a soft moan, feeling sensitive and on-edge already, after just a moment. “I’m not done with you yet.”
You continue to grind on her thigh as she holds pressure against your heat. Your hands slide up to Shoko’s chin, cupping her face and you dive in for a kiss. Your lips are urgent and needy as you moan into her mouth, biting her lips with every wave of building pressure. After several minutes, Shoko breaks the kiss, pulling away and you whine as her leg also pulls back. She begins kissing down the column of your neck, down the center of your clevage, past your navel, sinking to her knees to worship at your altar.
Wordlessly, Shoko nudges your legs further apart, guiding you so you are now leaning against the cold wall of the shower. Placing her hands on the front of your thighs, she slides them up to your folds and with her thumbs, spreads your pussy open, exposing your wet core to the warm shower air. She leans in to take a soft lick, savoring the first taste. You lean back on the wall for support, hands threading through Shoko’s hair.
“God you taste amazing. I can’t get enough of you.” Shoko uses her nose to rub against your oversensitive clit, reaching her tongue inside your sensitive cunt, applying light suction as she goes. Drinking up every drop your body offers, you can feel her moans reaching deep within you. Moving between deep licks inside your pussy to abusing your clit with the tip and flat of her tongue, you can feel the coil again twisting inside of you. With your moans completely unrestrained, you use your grip on her head to keep her pinned against your center.
“Baby, love, god” Shoko praises you at each short breath she takes. You don’t even have a moment to tell her as suddenly the coil snaps and you silently scream as she eagerly accepts the orgasm she pulled from your body. Her hands wrapping around your hips, holding you close as you buck against her touch. Once you have stopped moving so harshly, she stands up and your lips crash together one more time, you licking your wetness off her face, her embracing and holding you.
“I’ve never felt so relaxed with someone, Sho. You’re my best friend, my love, I can’t see a future without you.” Your mouth is moving faster than your brain, letting your admissions tumble out. A common occurrence for you recently. Shoko just smiles and you wash each other clean, taking time to massage tender areas, and scrub the rough ones. After you step out of the shower, you both go through your nightly skin care and pre-bed routines. Passing products between each other, prepping and moving as one practiced unit.
Now laying in bed, you are in the crook of your girlfriends’ arm while you both scroll on your phones. Eventually putting them down and rolling into a more comfortable sleeping position (as cute as cuddling is, you both know that it’s not comfortable for sleeping all night. No one likes numb limbs!). You both drift off to sleep, feeling happy and content with each other.
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syrupgirl · 1 year
Sully men and the language they love in
+incl Neteyam, Lo’ak and Jake <3
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Quality time & acts of service
๑༄ ‧₊˚ This guy just wants to be helpful and be able to be with you whenever he has spare the time. I think being so close to his siblings made him love spending quality time with people he loves so that definitely translates into his relationship with you
⤷“Neteyam, where are you going?” Neytiri questioned, placing down the basket she attempted to weave.
“yn is going to help me with my free diving, maybe even teach me how to hunt.” He sounded giddy and was clearly ready to go. His mother smiled and looked down at her lap.
“Alright, do not get into any trouble.” Neteyam nodded frantically and without another second he took off towards the shore.
“Surely it cannot be that different than what Tsireya has been teaching us.”
The two of you bobbed up and down in the water, letting the waves gently jostle you while you taught Neteyam.
“You are right, not too different. But hunting under the water asks you to be able to move your breath around your body in a different way that just free diving.” You explained.
The distance between you closed and you placed a hand on Neteyam’s chest.
“Imagine the breath you take flowing all throughout your body.” His chest slowly expanded and deflated under your palm. “Like…Rain trickling from leaf to leaf, like wind weaving itself through the trees.”
Neteyam’s snorted and you whined, “Come one, you almost had it!”
He continued to laugh and brought a hand up to his face.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry. It’s just…The way you explained it. I could tell you were really trying to explain it in a way that you thought I would get.”
Heat crept up to your face and you looked away, a little embarrassed.
“I thought it might help you..,”
Neteyam’s laughing died down and he took your hand in his under the water, feeling a little bad.
“It did, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I think it is adorable you are trying to…customise your teachings for me.” He brought your hand up to his chest again and took a deep breath.
“Now, tell me what to do again.”
Gift giving & physical touch
๑༄ ‧₊˚ I don’t know about you, but I can totally imagine Lo’ak bringing you things he finds pretty or things he thinks you will find pretty. It might just be me over exaggerating that lone wolf, not-like-other-guys quality about him but in my head, he’s quirky like that
⤷”Lo’ak? Lo’ak!” You called. He was just next to you…Where could he have wondered off to? Leaping over a small creek, you continued to scan the foliage around you maybe to catch a glimpse of him.
The ground was moist beneath you noticed as you sat down, opting to wait for Lo’ak to turn up again like he always did. Your eyes drifted shut and you let yourself away with the gently breeze that combed and wove itself through the tall trees and colourful bushes. So caught up in the environment around you, you didn’t notice the sneaking footsteps behind you.
Lo’ak crept up behind you, a colourful flower in between his fingers. While sneaking through the thicket, he had noticed it and was immediately entranced by it’s delicate petals and long stamen. After sayings a quick prayer to Eywa in exchange for this beautiful gift, he plucked it and made his way back to you.
Now right behind you, he gently picked up the long braid that protected your tsaheylu and wove the stem through the intricately woven hair. You gasped and turned around suddenly, your hair slapping Lo’ak right across the face and he sputtered.
“Oh, Lo’ak! You scared me!” You gasped and punched him pathetically in the arm. He laughed and came to sit next to you.
“There was a flower, a pretty one. I thought you might like it.” He gently picked up the large plait and showed where he had woven the flower through. A smile settled across your lips.
“Thank you, Lo’ak, it’s beautiful.”
Lo’ak said nothing just smiled bashfully and shuffled a bit closer to you, threading his fingers through yours.
Words of affirmation & physical touch
๑༄ ‧₊˚ Over the years, the world has worn on Jake. He’s a father and he will stop at nothing to protect his family. He worries, worries, worries CONSTANTLY, so the days where he can let the weight slip from his shoulders and just gather you in his embrace and shower you in gooey loving words feel all the more sweet to him.
⤷“Whose kids are those?” Jake sighed as he fell down next to you. “Not mine, that’s for sure. I was never that hyper as a kid.”
A laugh bubbles up from your stomach as you adjusted Tuk on your chest.
“Are you sure? Maybe they don’t mirror your childhood, but they do remind me of when you first arrived here. All clumsy and eager in your new body.” He laughed at that and wrapped his arm around you.
The sound of the boys in the river playing not far away washes over the two of you both. After a while, you remove Tuktirey from your breast and up to your shoulder to clear her airway of bubbles.
Jake’s eyes lingered on you and his youngest and smiled. He brought a hand up to gently pat her back and Tuk responded with a gurgle. He took her from your arms and lay the baby across his chest, then pulled you closer by the arm around your shoulders.
You nestled yourself into his side and lifted a finger up to stroke your baby’s cheek. She cooed and you both smiled.
“I don’t say it enough but,” you turned your head up to look at your mate, “thank you.”
“For what?”
“For everything. For them-” he looked to the direction of his other children who were still occupied in the stream “-for her-” now looking at Tuk “-Everything. I don’t know where I would be today without you.”
No words were needed after that. As a tear rolled down your cheek, you closed your eyes and rest.
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forusomimiya · 9 months
hi love, so there is this *thirst* came to my mind and had to share with you obv if you are uncomfy with that you can just delete this ask
But osamu… osamu with beefy arms that can put reader on top of the counter of their house… he won’t do that in onigiri miya because it is more ‘violation of regulations’ etc. and he can just grind up to her.. yk bc he can reach there,, and he would spill filthy thoughts in her ear, maybe nibble on her neck, leave her hot and needy, then he’d just pretend he didn’t do it at all,, and continue what he was doing, just to see her blown irises, needy breaths and maybe even some begging too
Bc for sure osamu does love when reader begs for his attention
"Samu!" His beefy arms carry you in a jiffy to the kitchen counter, where he sits you down and spreads, without a hint of kindness, your legs to get between them, leaning over the edge of the marble, waiting for an explanation for something that even you can't explain. "What's wrong?" his eyes dive to your underwear and back to you.
Oh, right. You forgot you were home alone and opted to use your new outfit for the first time. You wanted it to be a surprise for Osamu but well, since he's already ruined it, what less than enjoy what may be to come.
"I like your new buy" his eyes roam over your skin, lingering on the blush beginning to grow on your cheeks, before studying your lips, separating to let the air escape. "I thought you'd wear it for a special occasion."
“Yeaah, umm…” not a stupid word you can spit out. So confident that you can take control of the situation, that when the man's body in front of you makes you shiver, you can only babble.
"Umm? Are you getting jumpy, kitty?" his calloused fingers caress your cheek, and as time passes, your heart beats faster. It makes no sense sticking to the wall to get space between both, ‘cause Osamu will drag you to the edge and have no shame in rubbing your crotch against yours. "You don't have to, babe. I'm just surprised you didn't welcome me properly."
You can't help but nibble on your lip as he impulses you to tilt his head to access your neck, staying there, just inches from your skin, just enough to make it bristle as he speaks into your ear.
"Don’t know whether to teach you a lesson or let you to ruin me" you gulp and think about how to reduce your heartbeat as your eyes point to his arms, focusing on his biceps, and how a thread of veins grows from his forearm and down to the back of his hand, which you don't know when or how it has reached your thigh. "I really miss being down here so much, between these soft thighs..." a small nibble on your neck startles you, giving Osamu what he wanted to hear: a howl and his name uttered in a whimper. He smiles as he watches you grind towards him indiscreetly. "You want me? Is that it?" you nod ashamed.
Both hands have flown to your waist to pull you closer to him, handling you so easily under his grip that you can't help but let yourself go, something he's no longer even surprised by, seeing how easily you melt at his dirty words sung in your ear. He lets you grind a little more next to him before put a delicate kiss on your shoulder and pulling away from you to go back to what he was doing, with a prominent erection under his pants. You open your eyes realising that your body is missing two large hands on your waist, a six foot tall muscular built man between your legs with his warm breath giving you goosebumps and leaving you on the verge of reach an orgasm without being touched.
"Wanna eat something?" he asks looking at you as if nothing has happened, as if you weren't still on the counter, gasping, burning with your eyes his fucking body and that fucking erection that makes you drool inside. Hundred of questions roam through your head, but you only want one answered.
"Are you gonna fuck me?" Osamu sets the rice packet aside and turns to you, arms crossed, watching as you still look for a little friction on the counter.
"You really want it?" you nod and, by the size of his pupils, you know that he would also do his best to fuck you right there, without worrying about rules because that's not Onigiri Miya and he doesn't have to worry about to not violating the rules of the shop for putting you against the table and fucking you hard for a while. "Well.. keep begging and maybe I'll give you what you want"
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findingnemosworld · 9 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐤 𝐬𝐳𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐳𝐥𝐚𝐢
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐳𝐨𝐛𝐨, 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐊𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐩'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫? 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭? )
𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 ( 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 )
[ 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 ]
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If her father knew, she'd definitely be dead, or worse ... he'd be dead.
Yet how could she stop herself from reaching over to touch every part of him, how could she stop herself from kissing those delectable lips every time he came over to her house after training - it was initially a friends with benefits arrangement which somehow blossomed into something more with each night they spend in each other's arms, he was single, she was single - they could go public and show the world their love, however there was only one problem.
Her father.
Hence why they agreed to remain silent and instead opted to bask in the thrill of secrecy.
" Your father is going to kill me " Dominik murmurs, pressing open mouthed kisses to the spot behind her ear, down to her neck and onto her shoulder. " And yet, every time I'm training ... " he continued, " All I can think of is you "
She whimpers, " yeah " her digits thread through his soft hair, gently tugging on them in response to the way he sucked on the spot behind her ear. " what do you think about? " she teased.
Dominik smirks, pulling away to give her a boyish smile. " Do you really want to know? "
She sits up, placing both of her hands on the hem of tank top to pull it over head leaving her semi bare upwards; her nipples hardened instantly due to the cool air, and her arousal was drenching her panties from the way Dominik looked at her with a mixture of lust and affection. " Yes " she nods with a lazy smile, swiping her tongue across her lower lip before he crashed his lips onto hers with one hand expertly cupping one of her breasts then pinching her nipple before moving to the other one to give it the same treatment eliciting soft moans out of her lips.
" All I thought about was coming home to you, skipping dinner all together because .. " Dominik chuckles teasingly, swiping her tongue across both of her nipples. " You are far more delicious than any food "
Her bottom lip is trapped between her teeth, " Is that so? "
" Yes " Dominik grins, " And if you don't believe me, allow me to show you " he lays her down on the couch and gently spreads her legs to reveal her clothed pussy which was visibly wet causing him to groan at how uncomfortable he was feeling at the moment. " Jesus, baba "
Before she can respond, he pushes her panties aside and swipes his tongue up and down causing her to cry out, " Dominik " she mewls.
" See what I mean " Dominik moans, " just one swipe and I'm already so fucking hard baba "
She whimpers, " Please "
Dominik pressed his thumb over her clit, relishing in how she was squirming. " Baba " he smirks, " be patient " he hums in delight once he swiped his tongue again and again, and again until he was sucking on her clit entirely.
She struggled to lay still, the intensity of his tongue and mouth all stimulating her was overwhelming to say the least, " Fuck Dom " she whispers, one hand gripping the couch arm with all her might while the other tugs on his hair causing him to groan, the vibrations of the sound sending shockwaves into her entire body.
He looks up and she swears she can feel his lips curve into a smile as he continued the deliciously painful torture of devouring her pussy, " come on baby, I know you can do it, cum for me "
It was akin to a switch, her eyes were blurred by the sensation of his tongue, she arched her back off of the couch and cried " Fuck I'm cumming "
Minutes later, he climbs up; his chin glistening with the remnants of her arousal. " Told you " he chuckles pressing his lips onto hers while he cradled her face in his hands, " Delicious "
She giggles, " It wouldn't hurt you to admit the truth " she teased in between their kiss, " My dad actually likes you "
" Yes, he likes me when I score goals, and during training but he's a father " Dominik reminds her, tilting his head to press soft kisses across her jaw. " All fathers want to protect their daughters, and while I respect him, I would also like to remain on his good graces which won't happen if I walk up to him and say, just so you know ... your daughter and I have been dating for nearly seven months now "
" One day you will " She assures him, heaving out a sigh of relief when he alternated between kissing and nibbling the length of her neck.
Dominik looks up and nods, " In the mean time " he pinched her nipples and grinned. " I'm going to fuck you senseless "
He hoists her up in his arms, walking towards the direction of the bedroom; once he walked in, he shuts the door and moves to the edge of the bed before gently dropping her on the bed to undress himself.
She pushes herself back to lay her head on the pillow while he grabbed the condom from the wrapper to be cautious - then he crawls up on top of her, devouring her lips with a deep and passionate kiss then he whispers," Édes és szemtelen lányom ... ( My sweet and naughty girl ) "
He knew how she liked it when he teased her with his native tongue, how simply using one or a few words was enough to have her pussy clenching for his cock, they engage in a melodious composition of kisses laced with tender sounds of pure pleasure, one hands sneaks its way between her legs and a smile is instantly drawn against his full lips, " Still so fucking wet for me, I love it " he groans.
" Dominik please " She whimpers, using her hands to pull him even closer to her body by grabbing his chain.
" Baba " He teased before a groan escaped his throat, " Patience "
He teased her pussy with the tip of his cock, grinning when she whimpered yet again, " olyan édes cica ... ( such a sweet kitten ) " he cooed, gently wrapping one hand around her bruised neck; applying just the right amount of pressure, " Olyan jól viseled a farkam ... ( You're taking my cock so well ) " he encourages just as a hiss escapes his lips from pushing his cock all the way in.
Her hands grasp the bedsheets, knuckles turning white at the sheer size of his cock inside of her pussy. " Dom " his name comes out as a moan.
" Just for a minute Baba " Dominik grunts, his eyes tightly shut from the sheer amount of pleasure he felt from the way her walls squeezed him, " Jesus, every time I'm inside of you, it's like the first time "
Mere minutes later, he sets a moderate pace; not too fast and not too slow but enough to have the bed creaking with the way he moved against her. He leans in and presses a soft kiss to her lips before burying his face in her neck, " You take my cock so well baby, so fucking well "
" You feel amazing Dom " She murmurs, running her digits through his hair. " So good to me "
He then pulls back and rests his forehead on hers, grinning when he felt her shudder due to the cold sensation of his chain as it collided with her warm skin. " Te vagy az én édes lányom ... ( You're mine sweet girl ) " he whispers, pecking her lips. " You belong to me "
" I'm yours " She echoes with a lazy smile, " No one else's "
That last phrase was enough to send Dominik's heart racing a hundred miles, while this arrangement may have started as two people wanting to relieve the tension they had from work, he ... more than her sometimes, yet he genuinely adored her. " It's a good thing you said that " he grins.
She scrunched her nose in confusion from his phrase, still smiling as she asked him. " Why? "
He thrusts harder, " Because " he whispers, " I'm not going anywhere, even if we do end up telling your father, I won't leave you "
" Good " She beams before gasping, " Fuck "
He must have felt that as he bit on his lower lip, " I can feel it Baba, don't hold back on me "
She couldn't do that, even if she tried. " Fuck " she gasps, a similar shudder like the one before takes over; same as him, he buries his face into her neck, murmuring encouraging words while he kissed and nibbled on her skin.
Taking to a moment to recover, he pulls back then pecks her lip before he makes his way to the bathroom to grab the wet clothes to clean himself and clean her; later on, they're wrapped in each other's arms underneath the covers as he had her lying on top his chest.
" I'm going to tell him eventually " He assures her, pressing a kiss to her head. " For now, let him just see me as a player first and not as the love sick fool who's crazy about his daughter "
She looks up and smiles, " I love you, and no matter what my dad says, I'm staying "
He smiles, " So am I Baba, So am I "
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cheese-ception · 10 months
Yīnyuán Hóngxiàn
姻缘红线 [ yīnyuán hóngxiàn ] means the red thread of fate warnings: none  word count: 687
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During a shopping trip in the Liyue Harbor with Zhongli, you decide to look for a small but meaningful gift for Xiao. After careful deliberation, combined with a touch of mirthful advice from the retired geo archon, you opt for a red string bracelet, with another one for you to match. Zhongli tells you that one of the meanings behind this sort of a bracelet is protection against bad karma, and you can't help but to find that to be quite the touching sentiment, especially considering Xiao's condition. What he neglects to mention, however, is the fact that a crimson string of identical hue is also believed to signify the inevitable fate of marriage between two people destined to be together. Oblivious to that knowledge you complete your purchase, bid farewell to your esteemed advisor and set off for a trip to Wangshu Inn, elated at the thought of presenting the yaksha with your little token of affection. As soon as you reach the spacious balcony, serene and bathed in moonlight by the time your journey concludes, you waste no time and call out to him. Just as the last letter of his name rolls off your lips, he is there, and your heart flutters in your chest, the eagerness with which he appears before you never failing to pull at its strings. Focused on you, Xiao appears visibly pleased to see that you are not in any danger, and you proceed to explain the reasons behind his summons. Or try to, anyway. You stammer a bit, pulling the box with your gift out of your sleeve, awkwardly requesting for him to remove his right glove, and he obliges, patiently waiting for you to finish with your ministrations. Carefully, you finally manage to tie the red bracelet on for him, but as you're about to let go of his wrist, you feel a gentle grasp around your hand, eyes meeting his in a daze. "This is unexpected," he murmurs as he holds you still, cheeks tinged with a rapidly spreading blush. The sight leaves you at a loss for words and before you manage respond, he continues. "We have been close for quite a while and surely you are aware of my feelings for you, but for you to suddenly propose like this is still rather surprising." It really is your turn to be surprised though, the realisation of his interpretation hitting you like a crashing wave, causing you to promptly glance away. Noticing the shift in atmosphere, Xiao's shoulders stiffen, his hands snatched away from you by the prickly pang of regret. "Perhaps I misunderstood," he utters, his voice barely above a whisper. "It is unsurprising you wouldn't want to truly bind yourself to one such as I, after all.   Think nothing of this brief lapse in my judgement. Thank you, though.   For the gift. I shall cherish it nevertheless." His gaze lingers on you, intense and sincere, and it's then that your mind is made. Before you even fully realise it, you bridge the space between your bodies, cupping his still flustered face, your shared warmth dispelling some of the tension. Xiao's eyes close and he leans into your touch. It feels beyond precious and intimate. A display of trust reserved just for you. Letting one of your hands drop back to his wrist, the pads of your fingers caress it gently, stroking his skin as well as the red string that adorns it. "You didn't misunderstand." "…" He blinks, confused, lips parting slightly in silent anticipation. "While the original intent of this gift wasn't as such, please don't be mistaken. I would very much love for it to be the symbol of our bond as well, if that's what you also want." The following moment, all is still. No more words get exchanged between the two of you, but the way Xiao's hold on you tightens tells you more than any of them ever could, the relieved sigh which he lets out the only sound as he cradles you to his chest tenderly, grateful to accept all that you've chosen to give him. ________ Masterlist
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qqtxt · 8 months
[🎈] at ease (for a moment) [🐯]
[!] this is for the 1k followers mini fics. click here to find out more! ✿ pairing: beomgyu x reader / idol!txt / non.idol!you / fluff / 584 words / a bit explicit at the end (i'm SORRY) / explicit dialogue at the end (minors dni!) / explicit(ness) starts after the cut! ✿ request: [play] + beomgyu (for one muse to play with / brush / braid the other’s hair) ✿ note: i'm sORRY it was supposed to be sweet and my hand slipped :") [main masterlist 🌸] / [event masterlist] / [tag: #qqtxt: 1k]
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if there was something beomgyu had to list on the top of his mind of what he loves for you to do to him (minus all the explicit ones...), it would be–"hey..." beomgyu half-whispers, half-whines in the midst of the movie being played in front of all of you. it was movie night with the boys; huddled up by the television with snacks on the table, some on the floor in their respective bowls. this time around, you and beomgyu occupied one of the sofas which resorted to beomgyu resting his head on your lap, legs dangling off one end of the sofa with yeonjun beside you on the other end, leaving you in the middle. kai and taehyun were on beanbags by yeonjun's side while soobin occupied the other sofa beside beomgyu with his legs stretched out.
it was casual and cosy, so much so that beomgyu's more than open to want you to–"why'd you stop?" beomgyu keeps his volume low, but even then it catches yeonjun's attention. "if you need me to shut him up, say the word and i'll kick his ass off the sofa," yeonjun murmurs, earning a snicker from you and a nod, "thanks, jun. i'll definitely call you for that some day," you gaze down to beomgyu who's already looking at you like a beaten up puppy, "just not today."
with that, one of your hands remains resting on his chest, right where both of his hands were playing with yours. your other hand comes up to his head as you continue running them through his hair and it earns you a satisfied smile as beomgyu diverts his attention back to the movie.
just a couple of months ago, he was rocking a shorter haircut. now, with a comeback in tow, it grants him to grow his hair out and he knows just how it makes you feel being able to have your fingers tangled in his hair. as you undo the knots, beomgyu relishes the way your fingers thread each couple of strands. it gently tugs his scalp in a delightful manner that has him rolling his neck on your lap before he stops moving as you continue doing it.
it goes on for a few more minutes until you feel beomgyu grabbing your hand, giving you a squeeze to get you to look at him. upon meeting eyes, the soundtrack of the movie gets so loud that you have to bend down to put your ear by his lips when you know he has something to say.
"you can stop it now. it's making me sleepy... and horny."
you scoff a laugh and lean back a little, watching how he has his legs lifted up in an attempt to hide whatever threatening to form below his abdomen. you smile at him and shake your head, "at a time like this? all i did was play with your hair," you whisper, then he gently reaches up for your neck to pull you down a little so only you can hear what he has to say: "but it reminded me of you sitting on my face and pulling on my hair so hard as you cum on my tongue. kinda hard to ignore that memory."
you can't deny that his words make you feel warm at the recollection. so you opt to put your lips by his ear as you murmur: "behave and we can relive it again later."
beomgyu has never been so well-behaved in his life.
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kerorinart · 10 days
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This's Ush based on my headcanon, I'm going to explain everything about this Ush. I'll comment on the IDEA, I will explain the CONCEPT of the entire design and finally I'll tell you the LORE of this Ush (it will be a brief lore since it's not fully developed yet)
Let's goooo!!👇
🔺The idea
Basically, the idea comes from a dream I had a few days ago haha. I dreamed about a heroic Ush that for some reason the Ush in my dream had white spots on his fur.
I thought it was so cool that I wanted to draw the Ush from my dream, But cooler would be to give him a lore and a reason. And something quite interesting occurred to me 👀 (when it comes to my favorite characters I put a lot of effort into it hahaha)
The white spots reminded me of when Ush in the Remington comic suffered very serious burns. After sacrificing himself to save Bonta from a fearsome monster, he was reincarnated into a kitten, who in the comic kept those stains from the burns. I thought it would be cool to keep those burns in the form of white spots as a symbol of his sacrifice for the nation 🫡
As for him outfit, I was inspired by traditional oriental clothing, since Ush looks that type of clothing. This Ush is wearing a blue haori* ( *a traditional Japanese jacket) , very representative color of Bonta, with a silver headdress around the edges of the garment. He wears his uniform somewhat sloppy and more comfortable for combat. The red ropes on his legs are woolen threads.
As for the weapon, I opted for a lance because I liked one of first designs of Ush that had a lance, in that design, the lance had a bell hanging and I decided to add it as a reference. This spear isn't just any spear, I was inspired by the niginatas! a Japanese weapon. And of course i wasn't going to forget that he's an Ecaflip, therefore his weapon on the upper blade represents a ♠️, on the lower blade a ♦️, like playing cards, and because the original Ush carries two swords which also represents these symbols. I should also mention that the upper blade is also inspired by the tips of French spears.
With this design I wanted to make something neither so detailed nor so simple.
🔺The lore
This's the story of a different Ush, who after the threat of a terrible monster in the nation of Bonta, sacrificed himself putting an end to the monster and reincarnated into a new life
In addition to preserving his nobility, he was named as a hero of Bonta, Ush would continue to live up to this name and find the admiration he so desired to have, or that's what his lackeys told him, because Ush... He doesn't remember anything about his previous life.
He doesn't know who the Brotherhood of the Forgotten/The Siblings are, and they didn't go looking for him again either because his priorities changed. Although he isn't involved in these canonical events, who knows if he may meet the little eliatrope again 👀
~ The end ~
Thank you for reading :)💕
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Fluff. The fluffiest fluff :)
Happiest of birthdays darling ♥️
Darling please | fluff
*Authors note~ this is such a cute idea and inspired by someone dear to my heart so I hope I can do it some justice and bring some comfort to them and you all my doves*
Trigger warnings~ none?
Prompt~ you're not okay! Some comforting fluff where R is on their period and suffering but trying to hide that from her girlfriend written for Abi1468 wattpad
Being a women sucks. That was the only conclusion you could draw from your situation. Of course it is something that is very natural but did that make it easier to deal with no? No. This months Mother Nature visit is brutal. Not only did it arrive earlier than you had planned but it also brought the most horrendous cramps. The kind that leave you paralysed, keep you up all night withering around in pain and nothing would ease them. You'd tried everything of course but nothing worked. You'd been up all night now and absolutely exhausted yet you had classes to go to.  No amount of herbal teas, heat pads or painkillers were getting rid of these cramps.  Completely souring your mood and making small tasks almost impossible to complete. Honestly you couldn't even sit up without being in agony, yet you still forced yourself to function through the pain.
It had taken 30 extra minutes to get yourself ready for the day, having to stop and curl into yourself every few minutes was most definitely responsible for that. Now you only had to survive the school day then you could come back and die quietly. Didn't seem to be any reason why you should allow yourself to take a day off for something as silly as this. After all what would you say? Sorry principle weems I need a sub because i started my period? What were you 13? No you would stick this out. And absolutely under no circumstances would you slack off.
You tried to teach your first hour stood up, quickly learning that would be a disaster you switched to sitting as your desk allowing them to work from their books. After all this was a literature class, books, reading, comprehension and writing were a massive chunk of the curriculum. The second hour seemed to worsen the pain. You opted for a silent reading lesson, sitting at your desk attempting to mark some papers, failing miserably as the words continued to swirl together. Sighing you snuck a hand into your desk and took out two shiny pearl and washed them down with your coffee. You attempted to curl up without being noticeable and you thought it was a success. At least no one had made it obvious that they had caught sight of you like this.
Lessons continued as normal and you were hardly holding on by a thread. When lunch arrived you fled back to your room rather than the food hall. You made quick work of refilling the hot water bottle and resting it on your abdomen. You settled back on your bed letting out a hiss of pain. The heat seeming to provide a small bit of relief. Just enough relief for you to curl up into the hot water bottle and to give into your exhaustion.
It was the heavy knocks to your door that woke you from your nap. Groaning, you shifted to stand up and answer the door, until you caught sight of your phone. "FUCK!" You muttered to yourself in a panic. How long had to been asleep? Quickly you made your way to the door in a panic. "I'm sorry I am a little busy can you-" you words dying in your throat when you caught sight of your girlfriend, "Rissa?"
"Darling, can I come in?" She queried looking past you she could spot the messy bed, packet of pills and around your waist you were still sporting a hot water bottle. "I uh yes?" You stuttered out unsure if this was a girlfriend visit or a principle visit. If your honest you want her company, her comfort, her help but you can't seem to justify needing it. After all you had grown up being made to feel as if these were something to be hidden, only to be discussed in private and especially away from any males. Now your girlfriend wasn't male that much was obvious and you knew she got periods too but it's a hard habit to break.
You watched as your girlfriend moved around your room taking everything in. "Darling are you okay? This isn't like you" she murmured coming closer to you hoping to gather you in her arms and care for you. You seemed to flinch away at her words before mumbling "I'm okay Rissa I have a class to get to" in which she quickly interjected that you'd slept through one class already and that would mean you are not okay. "Ive cancelled the rest of your classes today darling." She informed you watching the relief flood through your eyes even if it was just for a second.
"Darling? Are you on your period ?" Her tone was soft and gentle and it caused tears to spring into your eyes as you gave her a small nod. What you were expecting was most definitely not what you got.  "Oh my love, why didn't you tell me you were in pain? I could've helped darling. Do you have everything you need?" Immediately the taller women started to real off all the comfort items you could possibly be craving or in a need of. There was no hint of upset or frustration at all. "Rissa I'm fine honestly you don't have to do this" you mumbled out embarrassed really at the care being shown your way. "Honey, I know I don't have to but I want to. Let me take care of you please? My love you shouldn't have to suffer alone." She reassured you coming to finally embrace you.
You sunk into the embrace and finally allowed yourself to cry. This was just so different and honestly you just felt so emotional you couldn't contain it. Larissa held you and swayed with you in her arms until you calmed down. Your cramps choose that exact moment to strike once more. Such a strong feeling of being stabbed caused you to double over in her arms and a whimper of pain to escape you. "Oh darling shall we get you a bath? Would that help my love? Bath some painkillers and some food?" She suggested and you couldn't help but wonder how you got so lucky. This was more than you believed deserved. True to her word Larissa drew you a bath got you some medicine and your favourite take out before snuggling with you in bed. Her hands wrapped around your lower abdomen rubbing firm slow circles into the flesh there. You couldn't help but let out a little moan at the relief it provided.
She chuckled at the reaction making sure to mentally note down you enjoyed this. "Does that feel good my darling?" You hummed in a response and lent back into her front. You were truly being spoiled with caring comforting actions and it truly made your heart fill with more love for the women. You were so lucky to have her in your life and although that meant learning new things about how you should be treated you couldn't help but be so glad you had the choice.
Word count ~ 1248
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blue-slxt · 11 months
Two Can Play - Chapter 3
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: I know I said I'd post this later tonight, but I have the time to get it up now so here it is! This part is my personal favorite of the story. I appreciate all the support and all the love! Huge shoutout to @pandorxxx for inspiring this story. Check out her Search & Rescue series if you haven't already. Hope you guys enjoy! The rest of the chapters will continue updating on Fridays. All characters are aged up.
Previous Part | Next Part
Pairing: Lo'ak x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings: Explicit Smut, P in V, Oral (M and F), Fingering, Squirting, Creampie, Overstimulation, Mentions of Panic Attacks, I think that's all
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: Somebody loses the bet.
Things are pretty quiet for you for the following day. Lo’ak hadn’t made any big moves and neither did you. The two of you still carried on with your playful, flirty banter, but it didn’t exhaust you the way it used to. Instead, you found yourself walking away from them wanting more. You had to give credit where it was due, Lo’ak didn’t show many signs of losing any time soon. If you were being honest with yourself, you couldn’t say the same about you. Ever since that night that he came to check on you, your body longed for that safe feeling again. A safety that you now missed when he wasn’t around. And at night when your mind would wander and your fingers would find their way under your loincloth and slipping between your slick covered folds, it would be Lo’ak’s face and voice and touch that you would imagine.
This had to be some kind of joke Eywa was pulling on you. After all this time, all these men, the one that you long for is the one you’ve refused at every turn? Ridiculous. And yet, you couldn’t stop yourself from subconsciously scanning every crowd you were in for his face.
Ako noticed it way before you did and she never lets you hear the end of it.
“You obviously like him and he likes you too so you should just forget the stupid bet and be together finally!” she’d say.
It wasn’t that simple. Even though it sounded stupid and petty, you had too much pride. You weren’t ready to give in just yet. He had to cave first. You had to hear him say it. But it wasn’t simply pride that held you back. Underneath the pride, there lived fear. Fear of baring your soul to someone and being met with harsh rejection. Fear of abandonment. There was no way you’d be able to recover if you confessed how you felt to him and he tossed you aside like all the others. Listening to it now, you cringe at your own hypocrisy. You had rejected so many that desired that emotional connection with you and you didn’t give them a second thought. Why do you of all people deserve grace? You don’t really feel like you do. So, you opt to keep your feelings to yourself where they’re safe.
“Hellooo? You there?” Lo’ak waves his hand in front of your face to snap you out of your thoughts. You came back to reality where you sat sharpening arrows. Ako wasn’t with you today. There was too much that needed to be done for both of you to partner up like you usually do.
“Sorry, I was zoning out. What’s up?” you look up at him relaxing in his presence.
“I wanted to give you something.” He pulls his hand from behind his back to show you a small bracelet with beads woven through the middle of the material.
“Oh, it’s so pretty”, you take it from his hands and admire the way the colors of the beads seem to shift in the sunlight.
“That’s not all, the beads actually spin, see?” he demonstrates twirling one of the beads around the thread with his fingers. “I made it because I thought it might help you, you know when you get scared or something.”
Your breathing stills for a moment. You look at him in disbelief. He made something specifically for you and he had taken your needs into consideration. He had actually put thought into this seemingly simple little accessory. And that made it all the more precious.
“Here, I’ll secure it for you” he holds your wrist while he ties the small band around you. Once it’s tightly fastened, he takes your hand and runs his thumb over your knuckles back and forth. “Meet me at the pond after eclipse?” he asks you lowly, almost as if it was a secret.
Your cheeks get warm, but you do your best to suppress the color from actually reaching your face. You just nod at him unable to locate words in your brain right now.
He smirks and kisses your hand before he stands and leaves. If your face wasn’t flushed already, it definitely was by now.
Shit, he’s good.
For the rest of the day, you unintentionally count down the hours until eclipse. You also mindlessly fidget with the little trinket on your wrist.
You shouldn’t be getting your hopes up. This is Lo’ak we’re talking about. Who knows how many other girls he’s pulled this same stunt with. This whole thing is probably some elaborate set up to try and get you to break. Not happening. You couldn’t and wouldn’t lost this bet. However, that does nothing to help calm your pounding heart.
You try to keep your expectations low for the encounter as you make your way towards the pond. A lot of people knew about the pond, but most people never bothered to come because it was so out of the way.
You spot Lo’ak’s figure perched on a large rock looking out at the water. His ears flick in your direction hearing your footsteps getting closer. He turns and hops down to greet you, “Hey, you made it.” “Wouldn’t miss it for the world”, you say only half-joking. You truly couldn’t pass up this opportunity to be alone with him. “So, what is this? Your favorite hook up spot?” you’re teasing, but in the back of your mind, you want to prod him and try to figure out what this was. You stayed on high alert. As carefree as Lo’ak seemed, he still let on very little about himself.
He laughs lowly to himself shaking his head, “No, nothing like that. I usually come out here alone, actually.”
Was that the truth? Or was it a play? It’s hard to tell. If it is a play, he’s playing it well because you believe him.
“I come here a lot when I need to clear my head. I thought we could spend some time and just…talk.”
You’re cautious. You give him a skeptical look. He laughs grabbing your wrists and walking backwards into the water with you, “Just come float with me, woman. Trust me.”
You relent and follow him into the water until you’re both about up to your chests. You let your body go and float on your back. The gentle ripples and waves from Lo’ak’s movement make your body flow with the water.
For the longest time, you both just float together in comfortable silence. Occasionally, one of you would rotate the other way or you’d float farther away and gently wave your arms to bring you back to your spot next to the other. You had to admit, you could see why he would come here. It feels like the whole forest is still and quiet from right here. A perfect little oasis.
Lo’ak is the one to break the silence, “So…heights not really your thing, huh?”
You breathe a big sigh halfway embarrassed that he found out your secret, “Yup.”
“Do you uh, panic like that a lot?” his tone is soft, he’s not trying to pry too much too fast, but he wants to know more.
Your eyes focus on the night sky catching shooting stars, “Not a lot. Not anymore.” You’re getting into dangerous emotional territory, and yet you can’t seem to do anything to pull yourself out of it. You almost don’t want to.
“You ever had one?” this time, you’re the one to ask him.
“Nope.” His answer is short and simple.
Your immediate reaction is to scoff a bit, “Consider yourself lucky.”
He angles his head to look at you, “What does it feel like?”
You keep your eyes forward on the sky, “It’s suffocating. It’s like no matter what I do, I can’t get enough air in my lungs. And my body shakes terribly. And it’s almost like I’m not living in my body anymore, but I’m watching my body move on its own without me. It’s terrifying. I pray you never know that kind of terror.”
A single tear falls from the corner of your eye and runs into the water surrounding your face.
He simply hums a response and lets your words sink in. They’re heavy on his heart thinking about how many nights you had suffered through one of those episodes without anyone to pull you out. Another long stretch of silence falls on you.
“Can I say something that’s probably stupid?” Lo’ak speaks up next to you.
“Sure.” You wouldn’t judge him for whatever he says. Not right now.
Lo’ak brings his body down from the surface of the water and he walks over to you to look you in the face directly. Now, you move your gaze from the sky to his eyes staring down at your still floating figure and his expression is serious. You mimic his actions and stand in front of him to give him your full attention.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that night” his hands carefully hold your face, “and…I really want to kiss you again.”
His words knock the air out of you.
His thumb traces the bottom of your parted lips, “Can I?” His eyes bounce between your eyes and your lips waiting for your permission.
Words. Words. Use your words! “Mhm” you squeak out. Smooth.
He chuckles to himself before tenderly pressing his lips to yours. It’s different from the last time you kissed. The last time was so desperate and rushed from the high emotional intensity of the moment. But now, this one was sweet, genuine, and dare you say, loving?
His hands rest innocently on your waist pulling you closer to him. Your hands rest on top of his arms and you let yourself just have this. Have this moment of bliss where nothing else exists to muddy your joy.
It’s as if every move of his lips against yours chips away at the carefully crafted guard you had up this whole time. He pulls away still holding your face and just admires your features under the dim light of the night sky.
“Would it ruin the moment if I said that I want more?” Your words are barely a whisper and your eyes drop to watch the regular up and down movement of his chest. Looking at his face right now is too scary. You couldn’t take it if you saw the rejection write itself across his expression.
He bends slightly to bring his face down to yours and you’re met with a softness you’ve never seen in him before. “Of course not, sevin.” He brings his lips back to you.
In one simple, but fatal move, he’s completely broken your resolve. You couldn’t hold back your want for him anymore. And you didn’t want to hold back. You wanted to lose yourself in him in this moment. Your arms snake around his neck to pull him even closer against you. You wish your bodies would just meld together right now.
“Lo’ak…I want you.” Words you thought you’d never utter.
Clearly, he thought so too from the way he’s looking at you. “Are you sure?”
You nod at him pushing away your nerves. He flashes you his sharp canines when he smiles and your heart flutters in your chest. He kisses you again and lets his hands slide down to your thighs and lift you up around his waist. You automatically lock your legs around him and let him carry you over to the ground and lay you down on the soft moss that glowed under your body weight. His lips dip from your face to your neck leaving kisses and licks and nips all up one side, down the middle, and up the other side. His lips kiss the spot just below your right ear and you unintentionally let out a moan.
Lo’ak pulls back to look at your face with wide eyes and you can’t help how your face burns.
“Is that your spot?” he coos at you clearly pleased with the sound you just made.
You open your mouth to respond, but his tongue finds its way in before words have a chance to leave. His grip on your body is bruising, but you lean more into it. “I want to hear it again.” He says breathily between kisses before he attacks your sweet spot again.
Almost no one ever finds your most sensitive spot and it pushes your mind more into the haze of hormones growing in your head. He rolls his hips into yours and you can feel him getting hard. You try to wiggle yourself out of your loincloth and it makes Lo’ak laugh against your skin.
“Patience, sevin. We have all night…and I want to take my time with you.” His voice is low and husky and it sends ripples of desire through your body.
His hands push your top up and expose your nipples that stiffen from the cool night air. He gropes and massages one while he latches on to the other. Your breaths come out in heavy pants. He uses his free hand to untie your loincloth and finally give your pussy the attention it’s been missing. He groans feeling how easily his fingers slide between your folds.
Right now, Lo’ak was struggling to maintain his own patience. He wanted to feel you and make you scream his name. But he also wanted to savor you and properly worship every part of your perfect body. But he’s losing his grip under the painful throbbing of his own neglected dick. But he would make sure you got yours first. He was nothing if not a giver.
He sinks his head down between your legs and wastes no time lapping up all your free-flowing juices. “Fuck, so sweet” he mutters to himself. Your back bows off the ground and your head falls back feeling how his tongue perfectly swipes against your clit. You can’t remember the last time someone ate you out this good. Actually, you don’t think anyone ever has. It’s truly mind blowing.
Your hands grab hold of his braids to give you leverage to roll your hips more into his face. He moans and hums while sucking on your clit and the vibrations push you closer and closer to the edge.
“Ah…s-shit Lo’ak, I’m close” you whine chasing that growing tension in your core. Without saying a word, Lo’ak drives two of his fingers inside of you and pushes against the spongey part of your walls. Your eyes shoot open in shock. The pleasure is consuming you. “W-wait, wait Lo’ak! If you d-do that…” he ignores your words and continues delivering you perfectly placed thrusts and licks. A tidal wave of release washes over you and squirts straight out from between your legs. It gets all over Lo’ak’s arm and face and chest and he takes it all in, catching every drop he can get.
Your body convulses as he continues eating you through your orgasm and you’re reduced to a whimpering mess writhing in your own pleasure.
When Lo’ak finally detaches from you, his pupils are blown wide just like your own. He can’t hold back anymore. He undoes his own loincloth finally freeing himself. His size was incredible. Just how thick it was made your breath get caught in your throat.
He hovers over you kissing you deeply and letting you taste yourself on his mouth. You can’t take the waiting. You reach down between your bodies and line his tip up with your drenched pussy.
With how wet you are, it takes little to no force for him to push the tip in. When he does, you jump at the feeling. The stretch was unlike anything you’d ever felt. It’s almost painful, but you wanted this too badly to back out now. He keeps pushing slowly.
“F-fuck! So big”
“Shh I know, just a little bit more. You’re taking it so well.” He whispers in your ear.
Tears prick your eyes by the time he finally bottoms out. He pauses while your body learns his size and shape, but he also just needs a minute to focus on not cumming inside of you right off the bat.
He slowly pulls back and pushes back in watching your reaction for any sign of discomfort. He finds none as the pain is quickly replaced with just want.
“Faster” you breath out. That was all the confirmation he needed. He pulls almost completely out of you and slams back in full force.
“Ah! Lo’ak…” you moan out at his thrusts.
“Oh fuck, never stop saying my name” he says with his face buried in your neck. His nose buried his smell into your skin. He was scenting you, but you couldn’t care less right now. Both of you were losing yourself. Years of built-up sexual tension and frustration was finally being released all at once and flooding any and every sense either of you had.
“Lo’ak…haah Lo’ak…Lo’ak!” You chant his name like it’s the air you need to breathe.
His pace gets faster. “Mmh, shit. You’re so fucking perfect.” He says between kissing your neck and your spot below your ear.
You’ve never experienced anything like this before. No one has ever known your body so well. He’s driving you insane. “D-don’t stop. Ha-ah! Please don’t stop!”
“I won’t. Fuck, I want this forever” he groans feeling the way your walls hug him just right.
“It’s yours. Ah! Fuck, it’s all yours! Lo’ak!” You were never the type to say that kind of thing or fully give yourself to someone. But if it meant having this feeling for the rest of your life, you would gladly give all of you to Lo’ak right here, right now.
“Let go for me tíyawn. I want it.” His words make your toes curl. You can feel it building again.
“Shit Lo’ak, I’m gonna cum again!” your head feels delirious as your second orgasm takes you.
The force of your walls contracting sucks him in even deeper until his tip is shoving into your cervix. “Shit, me too.” He says through gritted teeth. He’s about to pull out of you until you hold him against you. “Don’t”, you plead.
“Please Lo’ak…need… need to feel you”, your words are little more than pathetic mewls right now.
You’re breaking one of your own biggest rules, but you can’t find it in you to care. All that mattered was prolonging this high you were on. And your womb literally ached with desire for him.
Lo’ak bites his own lip unable to hold off his own orgasm any longer. He lets go inside of you and paints your walls totally white. The warmth that spreads through your body makes your eyes roll back. There’s that feeling. That complete, full feeling you’ve been searching for this whole time. That perfect fit. It’s right here.
It flips something in your mind. It speaks in barely-there whispers to the deepest, most primal part of your brain, your most carnal desires. And you let yourself succumb to its influence.
Lo’ak keeps his face hidden in your neck while he struggles to find his breath. Before he can finish composing himself and pull out of you, you use your full body weight to flip him over so that you’re sitting on top of him.
His eyes are wide being caught off guard. The look in your eyes is completely feral. Your pupils have basically overtaken any kind of color your eyes originally had.
You all but rip your top off of your body, “I need it again, Lo’ak.”
He laughs a little nervously, “Yawne, we literally just finished.”
“But I need more. I need you to fill me again. Pleeeeaaaase. I need it.” You’ve already started moving your hips on top of him. You can feel him getting hard again inside of you.
“I don’t know what’s happening to me…but I need you Lo’ak. I’ll do whatever you want, just please give it to me again.” You keep bouncing up and down trying to milk more out of him. “Shit.” He can’t stop his hips from bucking up into you on their own. “If you keep doing that, you can have whatever you want.”
The two for you were there for hours. It was like there was an itch deep inside your head and he was the only one that could scratch it. You had never been so satisfied yet starved at the same time. No matter how many orgasms he crashed you into or how many times he filled you to the brim with his seed, you still wanted more. It was like a drug. There was no such thing as ‘enough’. At least not for you. You weren’t so sure you could say the same for poor Lo’ak who had become putty at some point after his 4th orgasm. Or was it his 5th? You had lost count a long time ago between your 6th and 7th orgasm.
“Yawne…I don’t h-have anymore…”, he whimpers under your touch.
“Shhh…just one more, baby, please…just one…”, you beg before sliding your tongue up his length. The mere fact that he could stay hard even after all of this was amazing. It just drove you to keep going. And the sounds he made from the overstimulation caressed your ears and sent shockwaves down your spine. You suck on his tip and he sucks in a sharp breath letting his head fall back. You bob your head up and down on him trying to coax just one last orgasm out of him. Just one more hit.
“F-fuck…I can’t…” his words come out broken.
“Yes, you can, baby…just one more for me. You said, ‘whatever I want’, right?” you take him back into your mouth swirling your tongue around the head slowly and over the slit.
You can tell from how his dick twitches in your mouth that he’s about to give you what you want. You push your head all the way down so that his tip is in your throat and that throws Lo’ak over the edge. His cum spurts sporadically into your throat. You greedily swallow it all feeling that euphoria again. When he’s done, you finally have mercy and release him.
His body falls limp against the moss beneath you and he fights just to stay conscious.
You bring your face to hover just above his, “Told you that you couldn’t keep up with me.” You peck his nose and lay your head on his chest.
It shakes when he laughs breathlessly, “Alright, I’ll admit it, you are a mad woman. I didn’t expect you to be so insatiable.”
“I’m normally not, but for you, I’ll make an exception.” You laugh.
The fog is finally lifting from your mind and a question appears in your head.
“Hey, so earlier when we were…ya know…and you said that you ‘want this’…what did you mean?” the question is tentative as it leaves your mouth.
He rests a hand on your back rubbing small circles with his fingers, “Just what I said.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes at his response, “But like specifically what did you mean?”
He sits up to face you, “I mean that I want this. Fuck the bet, I want you. I want to be with you. I want to fall asleep with you, wake up to you, comfort you, laugh with you, hold your hand, kiss your lips, talk to you for hours, fuck you for hours, and everything else in between. Is that specific enough for you?”
There was no hiding the big, goofy grin that spread across your face.
“So does that sound okay to you?” his eyes are gentle even though he’s more than a little tired. There’s not a single hint of deception in his words or his demeanor. This is normally the part where you’d cut and run, but instead, you want to run to him.
“Yea, I guess that sounds okay to me”, you say kissing him again.
He pulls away first, “Easy, I’m still recovering” he gestures down to his dick that was finally given the opportunity to rest.
You playfully smack his arm before rising to your feet, “Come on, let’s wash up and go to bed. It’s the middle of the night. You can come stay at my place for the night…if you want.” You’re still hesitant since this whole situation is uncharted territory for you. You never let your hookups stay the night with you.
“Sounds perfect” he stands and kisses your forehead and heads towards the water.
You bite your lip smiling while you watch him walk into the pond.
“Fuck the bet”, you whisper to yourself before following him in.
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anmylica · 1 year
Take Me Out (After the Ball Game)
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Since @winterbaby89 and @sotangledupinit wanted baseball pickup lines in the pitch thread of the CSMM Discord, I decided to give it to her. This is shameless flirting indulgence, so you’ve been warned! I have ideas percolating for a follow-up, but for now, this is going to be a one shot.
As always, let me know what you think!
Tagging the Usual Crew:
@kmomof4 @snowbellewells @sotangledupinit @tiganasummertree @zaharadessert @xarandomdreamx @whimsicallyenchantedrose @deckerstarblanche
Want to be added? Send me an ask!
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Emma rolled her eyes as she tried to hide that she was checking a text from her brother during the meeting with the mayor of Boston bugging her about going to a Red Sox game with him and Mary Margaret, his wife. Emma hated baseball with a passion, and she didn’t see why David would want her to go to a game. She didn’t get to respond to his text, opting instead for ignoring it when the mayor’s secretary handed her a folder. She thanked the woman and turned her attention back onto the words being spoken at her.
Emma groaned softly and sank into the cushy chair in the mayor’s office as the mayor of Boston, Regina Mills, continued to drone on and on about the importance of improving the community’s impressions of the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office and how Emma, as the sheriff, was supposed to do that.  Regina ignored her dramatics, well used to them by now after the last couple of years working with the blonde, and she continued her lecture, knowing that Emma was hearing every word.  All Emma could think about was the time spent away from investigations, not that that seemed to matter in terms of the “Evil Queen’s” (as Regina was fondly and not-so-fondly, depending on who was talking, referred to as) priorities.  Once Regina got something on her mind, there was no stopping her.
“And there’s the community fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital in two weeks that you need to make an appearance at.  We should be a united front, and definitely bring Henry,” Regina said, talking at her usual mile-a-minute pace, barely glancing up at Emma from her papers as she did so.  When she did manage to glimpse up at the blonde sitting across from her desk, she frowned at Emma’s lack of attention.  “Are you listening to me?” Regina called sharply.
Emma jumped.  “Oh!  Uh, yeah, I’ve already made sure I have Henry that weekend.”
Regina narrowed her eyes before nodding.  “Then there’s the matter of the first pitch and the Red Sox game this weekend.”
“What?  What ‘first pitch’?”  Emma asked in confusion, not recalling Regina ever having mentioned that before this.  
“In honor of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, the Red Sox have kindly agreed to have one of the members of the Sheriff’s Office throw the first pitch.  We wanted someone who looks good in casual clothes with the Sheriff’s Office logo to go out and show that the office cares about the community, and what better way to do that than show up at a baseball game?”
Emma blinked owlishly.  “Why am I just now hearing about this?”
Regina waved her hand.  “Because your brother, David, backed out at the last minute.”
David was a deputy in the department that she worked closely with.  Emma had been elected to the position of sheriff a couple years earlier, and had beaten out her competition very narrowly.  David had been a large part of the reason why she had won it.  He had campaigned very hard for her to beat Sydney Glass, a man who ran a local small newspaper and who had never served in law enforcement a day in his life.  She owed her position to him and all the campaigning he had helped her do.
“Why would he back out?  He’s the biggest baseball nut I know.”  Emma frowned, thinking about how unfair the short notice was.  What if she had already had plans?  Thank God Henry was going to be spending the weekend at Neal and Tamara’s.  She’d hate to have to cancel any plans with him, though the kid was likely going to be mad he had missed the opportunity to go with her.  Other than David, he was the biggest Red Sox fan in their family (something he did not get from her).
Regina waved off the question.  “Something to do with Mary Margaret needing him for a fundraiser.  I don’t know; I didn’t ask many questions.  Since you’re sheriff, and you’re approaching reelection in another year, this will be a great time for you to foster some good will from the people.  Shake some hands and kiss some babies type of good will.”
Emma raised an eyebrow.  “Gee, Regina, I didn’t know you cared,” she responded drolly.  
“I don’t,” replied Regina loftily.  “I just don’t want to work with someone even more clueless than you.”
Emma rolled her eyes.  Thanks for that, Evil Queen.  “So this weekend?”
“The game is Saturday at 3.  You’ll need to be there at 1 for pictures and interviews.  And you’ll meet the players and organization as well.”
Emma sighed.  “I’ll be there.”  The meeting reached its conclusion shortly after the details were finalized, but Emma couldn’t shake the feeling that something big was going to happen this Saturday, as reluctant as she was about the whole affair.
Emma’s feeling was right, and it hit her quite soon after arriving at Fenway Park Saturday at 1 in the afternoon.  She arrived, ready to take some photos, do some interviewing, and walk her through the first pitch mechanics, feeling as if she was constantly looking over her shoulder.  She was so nervous for this event that she was seriously regretting not convincing David to do this after all.
Emma talked to the owner of the Red Sox, and then mingled with the managers.  She met so many people she couldn’t even have said any of their names. The one person Emma remembered the name of was Robin Loxley.  Robin was the General Manager of the team, and he immediately set Emma at ease.  He had been the one to set up the opportunity along with the PR manager of the team, Belle French.  He was great, very friendly and outgoing, and Emma decided she liked him a lot.  Emma had actually worked with Belle before on organizing security and managing traffic after games, and they had become fast friends all those years ago.  They were there during the interviews with local news and Emma felt grateful to have their support.  The interviews went by like a breeze, and Emma walked down onto the field with confidence in herself and her abilities.  If she could get through the interviews, she could get through anything.
Then she was brought into the locker room to meet the players.  Emma felt a bit exposed meeting the team like this, but Robin assured her that it would be fine and that all the players would be very welcoming.  Emma came to find that some were definitely more welcoming than others.
The moment she stepped foot in the locker room after Robin introduced her to the men already in uniform and lounging around the room, one of the players wolf whistled.  Emma whipped her head around, quickly locating the source.
“Come back to my place, and I’ll show you what a grand slam looks like,” he said with a smirk that he clearly felt was appealing but just made Emma a little nauseous.
“With lines like that, you’re more likely to strike out,” Emma countered, rolling her eyes.
“Whale!” Robin hissed.  “This is Emma Swan, the sheriff!  You might show a bit more decorum?”
Instead of the decorum Robin mentioned, Whale’s eyes lit up with leering mischief.  “Oh, you can cuff me anytime, baby.”
“The only cuffs you’ll experience are the ones that will land you behind bars.”  Emma rolled her eyes as the rest of the team howled with laughter.
Robin’s face turned a deep shade of red.  “My apologies,” he said quietly to Emma.  “Ignore him.  That’s mostly what we do.”
Emma nodded in understanding, turning her attention to the rest of the players in the room.  She learned that she would be working briefly with Jefferson Hatter, since he was to be the starting pitcher today.  
“I promise, I’ll help you throw the ball without making a fool of yourself,” Jefferson smiled politely, which Emma returned.
Robin introduced her to Leroy Miner (who sneered at her, though Robin assured her he did that to everyone), Will Scarlet (a sarcastic little shit that Emma wasn’t sure she liked), and the rest of the outfielders, Graham Humbert (the left fielder who was definitely easy on the eyes), Phillip Ormin (the center fielder who she knew was married to Aurora Ormin, who worked with Mary Margaret as a teacher, and who she already had met), and Eric Fisher (the right fielder who merely nodded but said nothing else upon their introduction) next.  Emma greeted all of them with a polite smile and a greeting, though she might have considered something a little more to Graham had the next two people on the team not walked in late.
“And where are the Jones brothers?” Robin asked with some concern.  No one answered him, and it turned out they didn’t need to because the two missing players had just arrived.
The door opened as if on cue and in walked two men.  Emma turned and surveyed them.  The first through the door was a bit taller and broader than the second, with curly dark hair cropped short and pretty light blue eyes.  The second was a bit darker in complexion and hair color, though his jet black hair was straight and his blue eyes were a bit deeper and he had a dusting of ginger scruff that looked as if he spent a good deal of time grooming just right.  The moment Emma made eye contact with the second man, her heart stopped and then resumed its beating faster than it had ever done.
“Ah, here they are!  Sheriff, this is Liam Jones, our second baseman, and Killian Jones, our catcher.  Killian will be who you throw the first pitch to today.”
Liam gave her a polite smile and a nod as he greeted her, but otherwise went to his locker and grabbed his glove.  Killian smirked as his eyes roved over her figure, causing her to flush under his scrutiny.  
“I’d be delighted to be on your mound,” Killian murmured, taking her hand in his and bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to its back, his dark fair falling into his eyes as he did so.
Emma frowned.  “I thought pitchers were the ones to take the mound, not catchers,” she said before she could stop herself.  Dammit she did not mean to say that.
Killian smirked in obvious delight, seemingly not offended by her banality in the slightest.  “Oh, I think I’m going to have fun with you, lass.”  His voice wrapped around the words like warm honey, and Emma fluttered her eyelashes as the implication of his words sunk in.
“Alright, let’s go, you lot!” Robin called, interrupting their moment of connection.  Emma tore her eyes from Killian’s and looked around at everyone else.  She noticed that Liam was scowling in their direction, though the reasons why he would do that eluded her.  “To your warm up stations!” Robin ordered.  
The team all filed out, with Killian lingering until it was only he, Emma, and Robin in the room.  Liam gave his brother and her a dark look on his way out but said nothing.  Killian left the room in front of them, pulling his eyes from Emma’s at the very last moment before sauntering onto the field.  Emma and Robin exited, Emma’s eyes glued to Killian’s form as they followed him.  Once on the field, the two walked to the pitcher’s mound where the starting pitcher, Jefferson Hatter, was waiting.
The three of them discussed how the first pitch was going to go.  Killian took his spot behind home plate, squatted down, and caught the pitch Jefferson threw.  Once Emma and Robin reached the mound, they stood and watched.  Jefferson seemed cool and unrattled, though Robin murmured to Emma that he frequently went off the rails a bit as the game unfolded (which was why he was their starting pitcher and not a closer). 
Emma nodded and smiled, responding at all the right times, but she was only slightly paying attention. Her eyes followed Killian Jones’ every move. For the most part, he looked like he was in the zone, completely focused on his warm up routine with Jefferson, but Emma caught him looking at her out of the corner of his eye many times. 
Every time he squatted down into position, he threw a slight smirk her way, as if he was hoping she’d be looking at him in his “seductive” catcher’s stance.  (Emma was not going to admit that she was enjoying the view. Not in a million years.)
After Jefferson and Killian had thrown back and forth, Robin interrupted and took the ball that Killian had just thrown to the starting pitcher.  He turned and handed it to Emma.
“Now, I’m going to have you throw a few from this spot here,” Robin said as he pointed a little ways in front of them, “and Killian is going to give you some pointers for where to throw now that they’re warm.”
Emma sputtered, but Robin turned and walked back to the dugout.  Killian sauntered up to her, his glove perched on one hip while he held his belt buckle in his right hand.  Emma noted with some annoyance (and a dash of attraction, not that she would admit it) that he seemed to let his hips lead him in the direction he wanted to walk.  Emma frowned as she realized she noticed that.
“It looks like it’s just you and me, now, love,” Killian smiled once he got close enough to her so he didn’t have to shout.
“And the whole field of your teammates,” Emma retorted pointedly. 
Jefferson frowned as Emma crossed her arms and Killian closed the space between them even more, smiling at her the whole time.  “Uh, guys?  You’re not actually alone.  I’m- I’m right here,” he said, a bit baffled by their behavior.
Neither seemed to take any notice of his presence as they stared challengingly at each other, so he sighed, shook his head, and turned away, waiting impatiently for whatever this was that was going on between the Sheriff of Boston and their starting catcher to finish.  Jefferson looked towards second base to gauge how Liam was taking these events, but if Liam noticed anything suspicious halfway to home plate from the mound, he didn’t give any indication of it.
Killian glanced down at Emma’s figure surreptitiously before meeting her eyes.  He held out his glove to her and said, “So let’s see if you know your way around the balls.” 
Emma scowled and pushed the ball into his mitt hard.  “I’ve been known to fondle them a time or two.” 
Killian chuckled in amazement at her gumption.  “Alright, you want to stand right here, like this,” he said as he maneuvered her body into position. 
“Is it really necessary for you to touch me like this,” Emma huffed, but otherwise let him touch her legs and shoulders to get her into position.
“Well, strictly speaking, probably not,” Killian answered mildly as he tapped her foot to get her to move it a bit further away from her other one.
“Figures,” Emma huffed, showing more annoyance than she felt at his insistence on feeling her up.  If she had really minded it, she could have put a stop to it; the fact that she didn’t spoke volumes to them both. 
“Well, I’m a baseball player, love.  I know my way around the bases.”  Killian looked up at her through his lashes to gauge her expression.  He was delighted to see that, underneath her mask of outrage, her eyes were glimmering with suppressed mirth brought about by their banter.
He decided to back off a bit after that particularly risqué remark, instead focusing on his instructions for what to do to ensure a good first pitch.  Jefferson, upon seeing that they were finally getting serious, contributed his input on how to hold her feet and where to step to ensure that she didn’t look as if she knew next to nothing about throwing a baseball. 
After the brief instruction, Killian moved behind home plate to catch a few throws from her.  Emma threw the baseball to Killian to get warmed up, trying to make sure she implemented all the instructions Killian had given her (with Jefferson’s correction as needed) and Killian threw the ball to Jefferson, who caught it and handed it back to her.  Emma took this time to shamelessly get to watch Killian as he moved. 
He made the act of catching and throwing look like some kind of lyrical dance.  He moved so gracefully, so fluidly, through the crouches, the throws, and the almost-lazy catches.  Emma was secretly pleased to note that he seemed to need to pay very little attention to where the ball was, instead paying her the majority of his attention in the way his eyes raked her figure.  She hoped she looked even slightly as graceful in throwing as he did in catching. 
After a few minutes of practicing her pitching skills, she nodded to Jefferson that she thought she was ready.  Killian ran out to meet them before she walked off the field to wait until game time. 
“So, Swan,” he said smiling at her, “how do you feel? Are you ready for your big debut?”
Emma chuckled.  “I don’t know about a ‘big debut,’ but I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.  I think I’m looking forward to the bottle of rum I’ve got at home for when this is over.”  She reached over and massaged her shoulder a bit. 
“A rum drinker too?” Killian whistled.  “You’re a girl after my own heart, aren’t you?”
Emma smiled slyly, and that was his only warning before she quipped, “I’m quite the catch.”
Killian laughed.  “You’re a catch worthy of a gold glove,” he agreed, delighting in making her laugh more. 
Their moment couldn’t last, though.  Robin’s yelling broke through their concentration on each other, and he and Emma glanced over to see Robin waving her over to the dugout. 
“Duty calls,” Killian noted.  “Are you going to stay through the whole game?”
Emma nodded.  “I’m meeting a few friends in the stands after the pitch is thrown.”
“And what about after?” he pressed. 
Emma gave him a searching glance.  “I’m not sure,” she answered.  “Why?”
Killian swallowed, and decided to shoot his shot.  “Well I was just wondering what the ‘win probability’ was for taking you out some time?”
Emma raised her brows, ignoring RRobin's increasingly agitated summons.  “My dugout or yours?” 
Killian smiled.  “How about I get your number after the game, and we can decide?” 
Emma smiled prettily, and Killian had the sudden notion that the sun hadn’t truly shined until it illuminated her smile. 
“I think you just hit a home run.”  She left him with a lingering look and a smile, finally turning and going to the dugout where Robin was shaking his head.  
Killian watched her go with a starstruck look in his eyes.  Jefferson watched her leave the field with less interest than Killian did. 
“Think we can focus on winning the game, now?” Jefferson asked pointedly.  Killian nodded and shifted into focusing on the game at hand.
As the teams focused on completing their warmups, the fans began trickling in.  Emma was taken to a part of the stadium just off the field where she gave an interview on the latest activities at the sheriff’s station of Boston.  She talked about a few projects in the works as a way for the officers to give back to the community, hoping to highlight their humanitarian efforts.  The last question she was asked by the reporter concerned her plans for re-election.
“While no campaigns have officially kicked off, I do have plans on running again and continuing the work for the community of Boston that I’ve championed,” Emma replied, with a polite smile and nod.
The reporter thanked her, and then Emma was whisked off to the field for her first pitch.  She stepped onto the field to applause, making sure to wave at the crowd for the cameras (and hoping she didn’t screw this up and have to listen to Regina later), and she took the baseball from Robin.  He moved off the field, and she stood at the position she had been told previously.  She paused for a moment, letting the cameras take their pictures, and stared at the catcher.
Killian Jones squatted behind home plate, his mask off for the moment and laying on the ground beside him.  He smirked at her and raised his eyebrow, seeming to say, “So what have you got for me?”
Emma felt her face heat at the suggestion in his eyes.  She rolled her own and resolved to knock his smirk off his face.  She took one last breath and held it.  She reared back, the ball clutched firmly in her hand, and moved forward with the throw.  The rest of the world seemed to fade away as she stared Killian down.  Nothing else existed but this moment as his blue eyed gaze met her green one.  She released the ball, watching it almost float in the air, and let out the breath she had been holding.  Killian’s glove snapped shut around it, and the crowd cheered.  Killian stood up and cheered as well.
“Play ball!” the announcer exclaimed, and Emma was ushered off the field after a few more pictures.  Once off the field, Emma was escorted by Robin to her seat for the game.  She made sure to get some popcorn and a drink just after the home team took the field, settling in to have a good time with Ruby and Dorothy, who had both agreed to accompany her since Henry wasn’t with her this weekend.  Once she was settled, she sat back and enjoyed herself.  Her seat was just behind home plate, high enough to see the rest of the field but close enough to keep a close eye on the catcher and umpire.  
The game progressed like baseball normally did, with both teams managing to get hits into gaps in the defense and then getting players out to prevent any runs scored.  Emma took a few selfies to post to Instagram to pass the time, making sure to take some pictures of the field and the players as well that she included in her post.  (And if she happened to take a few of the Sox’s catcher, that was no one’s business but hers.)  Ruby and Dorothy enjoyed photobombing some of them, and Emma laughed at their antics as they took pictures of each other, cheering when the Sox got on base or got a player out.  They enjoyed chatting and catching up, as they didn’t see each other as often as they liked to.  
As the game progressed, there were a few times when Killian had to chase a ball to the backstop that Emma could have sworn he was looking up at her after catching the errant ball.  When he went back to get into catching position, Emma also swore that he was purposefully bending over a bit more than he probably would otherwise, and did he just wiggle his butt at her?!  Emma smiled and dug out her phone to try and catch it again, recording the video for a time, laughing along with Ruby as she did so.  She wanted to use it as blackmail material for after the game (and she did manage to catch it again on her phone).  She cheered when the Sox scored each time, cheering especially hard when Killian managed to get a hit and run the bases.
The game finally ended with a score of 4-3, the Red Sox winning handily after a seventh inning rally by the opposing team.  Once the game was over and Emma had said goodbye to Ruby and Dorothy, who had plans for dinner that evening, an official from the organization asked her to come with him, and she followed him down to an area where the locker rooms were.  The official told Emma to wait there, and so she leaned against the wall and waited.
She didn’t have to wait long before Killian came out of the locker room.  He had changed into street clothes that consisted of jeans and a dark blue hoodie that made his eyes pop even more.  He was closely followed by his brother, Liam, who scowled at the sight of Emma waiting for them.  Emma watched as Liam said something to his brother, a tight look on his face.  Killian waved his concerns off, and then the two men fell silent, obviously having some sort of silent conversation about Killian’s decision to meet her after the game.
Finally, Emma watched as Liam rolled his eyes and stalked off.  Killian turned and sauntered over to her, a broad grin on his face.
“Now, how about that date, Love?” Killian asked, a hopeful look on his face.
Emma looked him up and down, deliberately letting her eyes linger over his form.  When her eyes met his once more, she smirked. 
“I guess that would be alright.  But what happens after that?” Emma fluttered her eyelashes.
Killian stepped even closer until he was close enough to brush her lips with his.  “Date me, and you’ll eventually see a real diamond.”
Emma’s heart skipped a beat at the sudden intensity in his eyes.  
“What are we waiting for then?  Let’s go,” she said, holding her hand out to his.  He took it and raised it to his lips, pressing a lingering kiss to the back.  They left, intent on both getting dinner and seeing where this might lead.
A little less than a year later, they were in front of their friends and family at the head table at their wedding reception, holding each other close as they danced in slow circles, the diamond in Emma’s ring glinting in the soft lighting.  Emma raised her head from Killian’s chest where it had been resting and gave him a loving, mischievous smile. 
“What is it, darling?” he said, smiling softly back at her.
“It looks like you’re batting .300, what with the wedding and all.”  
Killian laughed and softly kissed her lips, which she eagerly returned.  “No, my love,” he replied, “I’ve succeeded in batting the elusive .400, what with our successful courtship, engagement, and now wedding.”
He spun her out and then pulled her back in dramatically, causing her to laugh.  
“Now we’ll just have to see if you hit a home run with the honeymoon,” Emma responded.  “Then you could be at an even better percentage.”
Killian smiled brilliantly. “Oh, it will be, Swan.”
“Swan-Jones,” she corrected. 
“Swan-Jones,” Killian amended, pulling her in closer.  
All around them, their friends and family mingled, having a good time.  Henry and Alice, Killian’s daughter, were playing, and Liam was having a good time with the two kids, having finally gotten over his aversion to Killian and Emma’s relationship.  It had taken time for them to get to the place they were in, where they were all family, but Killian and Emma wouldn’t have it any other way.  Emma thought back to all of their trials, their own issues, vengeful exes, and miscommunications, but having the one person she could call hers made it all worth it.
Emma decided then and there that her favorite sport was baseball, after all.
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turnthepagevn · 1 year
how would a spicy night of playing 7 Minutes in Heaven go in Robin's library?
and how would Robin react to being MC's partner in the closet and how would he react if some other person being randomly picked to go in the closet with MC?
(I dont know if this has been asked oop-)
Oh goodness, that other person just tripped over nothing and absolutely ate shit. How odd!
Even more odd is that no one noticed the shadow slinking back into the darkness.
As for how a spicy night of 7 Minutes in Heaven with Robin would go?
You're continually impressed with the number of different nooks and crannies within Robin's expansive library.
Tonight, it's quite handy, as you found yourself pulled into a game of 7 Minutes in Heaven with the lanky librarian. You're surprised that he hasn't put a stop to the game, but you're even more surprised when he's picked to be your partner and he actually goes along with it, graciously guiding you to a closet that he usually stores cleaning supplies in.
It's dark, and you can hear each other breathing. Robin breaks the silence first.
"Would you like me to turn the lights on?"
It's easier to hide your blush in the dark, a blush that intensifies the closer Robin gets to you. His scent is heavenly, and you breathe it in.
He seems to be full of surprises as he snakes an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him, and you can feel his lips against your ear as he speaks.
"I was hoping to tell you how I feel in a more....romantic way, but. I can't get you off of my mind."
He punctuates that statement with a quick kiss on your cheek.
"I find myself thinking about you constantly. I love when you're near me, when I can see you smile and laugh."
Another kiss.
"I'm completely enchanted by you."
You thought the darkness would help you feel less flustered, but you can feel his lips hovering mere millimeters away from yours. The choice is left up to you.
You opt to close the gap, and you're taken aback at how soft Robin's lips are, and how they meld against yours.
His teeth are sharp, you can feel. But he's so gentle with you.
"You don't have to give me an answer right away; if you want to just-"
"Robin Adler, yes, I have feelings for you, for goodness' sake, shut up and kiss me," you say.
He complies at once, hands trailing along your body, almost like he's memorizing how you feel against him.
"Fuck, you're intoxicating," he hisses when you nip at his neck. His fingers thread into your hair and he pulls gently, revealing your neck to him.
"Is it alright if I mark your throat?" he asks. You give your assent, and he's quick to bite at your neck, laving his tongue along the bite marks, and sucking dark marks onto your skin.
"You are exquisite," he says, kissing you like a man obsessed. You gasp against him when he pulls you up to grind against his thigh.
Why is this scrawny book nerd so strong??
"Ah, what a cute gasp...I wonder what other sounds I can coax from you," he muses as he continues his barrage of kisses and licks.
"I f-feel like we're crossing into 'staying overnight' territory. I don't want a bunch of people hearing me moan your name," you tease. Robin shudders against you.
"Ah, a shame; I wouldn't mind them knowing that you're all mine."
"So what I'm hearing is-"
You're interrupted by a kiss.
"-Library's closed once we're done in here?"
"If that's what you wish," he purrs against your ear.
"Show me how fast you can close the library," you say with a grin.
A shame that you can't see the sharp grin that dances on Robin's features.
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