#just works bts at the agency and stuff
theloveinc · 2 years
Plsssss do more of old n grumpy bakugo😭😭 I loved it soo much
(pt i here!)
we already know old and grumpy bakugo has given up on hiding the fact that he's a complete and total cuddle bug........ but before all else, he needs to cuddle you every morning or his whole attitude will be wrong for the day (even tho it's not so much about the cuddles as it is just knowing you want to cuddle him).
but then... clock hits 10 and you're pestering him about breakfast and he literally makes the grumpy cat face thinking about having to get up LMAOOOOO. like for real will just roll his eyes and sink in on himself cuz he's so nice and cozy and doesn't want either of you to move.
but you say something about, idk, not wasting the day bc he has a meeting later anddddd idk you wanna go out or something...
and he's just going, "i spent almost 30 years getting up at the literal ass crack of dawn, you can't just let me lay here?"
"baby, it's almost eleven."
and he's like... turning over and ignoring you LMAOOO for once in your relationship. but what's funny is... if you leave him be for long enough, he's getting pissed about that TOO.
stomping into the kitchen in his underwear and staring you down, caging you against the counter and not even saying anything, just looking all >:( because you left him.
And really all you can do is laugh because 1. it's cute, and 2. he's really turned into such a baby about things.... and even he knows it, cuz he's not even that tired!!! he just wanted to cuddle more and ignore whatever work thing is coming up.
(feed him a little brunch and some protein shake though and he's happy again. i'm thinking like while he's standing there glaring, too.... you're chest to chest, but if you press a little bacon or whatever to his lips, he's eating it and then melting cuz it's sweet of you to cook for him. still some old man ass shit though).
and also earlier, when i was trying to think of some stuff for this... it was making me laugh to think about bakugo like... tending to his veggie garden or doing some kind of workout in the yard........ and accidentally attracting a bunch of attention onto himself cuz he's just ... so handsome.
and like... everyone on the block knows you've been married forever, so it's not a problem in THAT sense... but old ass grumpy ass bakugo still puts on the hose to "accidentally" spray water at anyone who walks past trying to catch a peek.
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flaresanimedump · 4 months
Why Fukuzawa is the Hottest BSD Character
*Cracks knuckles* ok here’s “what’s likeable about Fukuzawa/Why would Ranpo like Fukuzawa” because I saw that again recently
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Twunks are agelessly hot. Don’t pretend you didn’t think movie stars 10+ years older than you were attractive as a teen. And everyone currently thirsting over BTS - he was the same age as they are when Ranpo met him.
2) You like strong, warm hugs where it feels like you’re swallowed up in the other person’s arms? You like the safe feeling it gives you?
What if those strong warm arms belonged to a bodyguard??
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3) Ok now what if those strong arms belonged to a bodyguard who was also once a bad guy.
You know those hands can kill because they have before. But they’re gentle with you, careful. He’s on his way to being reformed but you’re seeing the good that was always there to start with, if only the world hadn’t pushed him into violence. This is Bungo Stray Dogs so just go ahead and briefly imagine this as a dog rescued from dogfighting that’s the absolute sweetest thing you’ve ever met. Now transfer that feeling to Fukuzawa, a man who was used by the government in a war Ranpo was too young to be part of, a rogue who’s learned the error of his ways and seeks to repent, a reformed bad boy with a heart of gold, you might say??? Incredible I’ll take 12.
4) Before we get into the long character analysis stuff I am going to try to impart to you the allure of an older man who isn’t a creep.
4.1) They’re wise and confident. They can offer help nobody your age can.
4.2) They stay calmer under pressure. An island of serenity.
4.3) When they get mad they usually get shit done. Way less drama. Fukuzawa may be a slight exception because of his former boyfriends but he has done his best to kill them both himself so I stand by the statement.
4.4) They’re still very human. Fukuzawa specifically gets passionate and loses himself in emotion when he’s worried or afraid, but it takes a lot to crack his exterior chill. It’s extremely hot when you get a reaction you had to work for.
5) Fukuzawa is about the most dependable husband-type we have in BSD.
He built up a whole agency to support his and Ranpo’s life together (a lifestyle they both wanted to continue, as mentioned in 4th anime opening Shirushi) despite initially being bad at 90% of the skills required.
(Rough Shirushi lyrics in question below)
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Fukuzawa's described as "afraid of strangers" and thinks to himself how everything about leading a company is something he could never do in Origins,
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and then we see him 12 years later and he's worked really hard to be able to do it. We get all these hints about how connected he is now
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and we see how good he is at leading the ADA but there are times when it's clear it's something he adopted and not what he was born for, like when Mori started asking about strategy books and he'd only read the most common one, or how he plays Go but was reading a book about the rules in one of the official arts set in present day.
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Of course, Tsun Tzu isn't exactly light reading, but I don't think Asagiri would make the character based on the most notable proponent of education in Japan be less well read than his opponent if it wasn't core to Fukuzawa's character in BSD. He's worked so hard to be what the ADA needs and wasn't/isn't a genius at it but still does well, and he basically switched careers on a whim at 33 to support Ranpo. Imagine if somebody did all that for you. If Ranpo wasn’t in love with him before I think that would be the killing blow.
6) Even if Fukuzawa’s not a genius, he’s able to understand and accept others more than any of the "normal" people in Yokohama.
He thought Ranpo was amazing when everyone else thought he was annoying (Fukuzawa also thought he was annoying of course, but the amazing part won out in the end). He experienced the full brunt of Ranpo’s observation and felt bad that he got upset over it when literally every other person who’d encountered Ranpo over the course of 2 years had been angry, shouted, and in the case of the Police Academy dorm head and presumably Ranpo's classmates, beat him for it.
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We can guess from the agency members Fukuzawa employs that he’s a freak magnet and it’s probably because of this trait of his. I’d say he has ‘clear vision’ in that he’s able to see if someone is good or bad beyond societal norms even though he is aware of them himself.
Basically, Ranpo doesn’t like “common sense,” and while Fukuzawa is familiar enough with it to function normally in society, he’s one of very few like that who aren’t governed by it.
7) Fukuzawa is a genuinely good, kind person.
He listened to Ranpo more than anybody but his parents would, took him in when nobody else would. He refused to become a soldier, to go and kill other soldiers with no power over the outcome of the war, in order to assassinate the officials actually responsible for continuing the war.
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I’d argue that Fukuchi was trying to follow in his footsteps with his grand war-stopping plan – that he felt Fukuzawa’s decision to kill the fewest possible people to end the war was correct. And Fukuzawa made personal sacrifices to do that, letting his best friend go to the front alone, not knowing if he’d live or die. Losing friends and losing the respect of those who did come back when he quit.
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But even though there’s a good chance that what Fukuzawa did saved a lot of lives, and even though the people we're aware he killed were unquestionably evil, he still felt that his feelings at the time put him in the wrong. He was still horrified at what he was capable of and quit once all the officials who could restart the war were dead.
There aren’t many characters in BSD with that kind of moral fiber. Dazai’s not trying to repent in the ADA, he’s just there to do good because a friend said he should. Ranpo’s not a bad guy but he’s not exactly caring or in possession of a strong moral compass.
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Atsushi’s obsession with doing good is so tightly wound into his own self-worth it’s almost involuntary, which takes away some of his agency in his actions. We know Tanizaki is willing to commit murder without fear, Kunikida was fine with letting Atsushi be kidnapped, and everyone in the Port Mafia is morally gray at best. Even the Special Operations Division is governed by a “needs of the many over the needs of the few” mentality.
Arguably the only other characters who even come close to this level of humanity are Oda and Chuuya, but Oda's not in this essay and even Chuuya doesn’t care as much about collateral damage. The only characters in the cannibalism arc who drew a line to stop their groups from killing each other and anybody who got too close were Fukuzawa and Mori, and Mori’s morality would require another essay. So I’d argue that in a series where many are great, Fukuzawa is a very rare good man.
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As illustrated by his scene with Fukuchi and Teruko. Fukuchi is a great man willing to work himself to the bone and die for others, but he’s also willing to “curse” Fukuzawa, as Ranpo said in the finale, with the long-term burden of his plan, and to kill innocent people to make it all happen. Teruko is a great girl willing to carry out Fukuchi’s orders out of either devotion to him or to justice, but she’s willing to kill and frame a man she knows isn't a villain to do it. The ends justify the means.
(To be clear I think this makes her a great character, but not one whose allegiance is to simple good-ness.)
Fukuzawa isn’t willing to kill someone who isn’t evil. He WAS willing to kill his evil mad friend to save his other friends. We saw that when he first struck Fukuchi down, so it wasn’t the closeness of their relationship that stayed his hand after he understood Fukuchi’s plan. It was that he felt the ends did not justify the means.
Virtually every other character in this series would have done it, thus: Fukuzawa is a good man in a series full of great people.
And that is what I ultimately think made Ranpo attach himself to Fukuzawa and listen to him without question despite Fukuzawa being an idiot in comparison. Let's face it, Fukuzawa's a bit of a himbo. But Ranpo realized he could trust Fukuzawa to know right from wrong at the same time he realized he couldn't trust himself to know: when Fukuzawa shouted at him after his rescue in Origins.
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Ranpo was in the process of doing exactly what all the other characters do: whatever it took to catch the bad guys/stop the bad thing from happening. He allowed himself to be kidnapped and accepted the risk that he might be shot in order to find the hideout of the men responsible for, so far, a murder and a kidnapping conspiracy with Very Bad implications for the peace in Japan (kidnapping Natsume is not something they would do JUST for a ransom).
Objectively, without considering the human element, this appears to be the correct choice. Ranpo being in temporary danger isn't a big deal when the grand scheme has such major red flags for national security. Many many more people were probably in danger, and we now know the group was somehow tied to Fyodor so yeah, he was on a Very Troubling Thread. But even without knowing Fyodor's connection it seems sort of brilliant and ideal.
The ends justify the means.
But Fukuzawa didn't see it that way. He didn't care about catching the bad guys, he didn't care about efficiency or Ranpo's plans or anything of the sort. He was the only guy in the city whose main focus was on the human element - on Ranpo. Fukuzawa presented a fundamentally different way of thinking that Ranpo and the majority of the cast just aren't capable of, and it's natural to him. And I think Ranpo understood that in a split second when Fukuzawa said he shouldn't put his life in danger and decided that even if Fukuzawa was essentially blind compared to him, Fukuzawa's decisions would always be better than his.
SO that's what I think Ranpo would like about Fukuzawa and what makes Fukuzawa attractive!! Also he's really sexy :D
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mapletine · 8 months
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silly celeb au concept sketches (wing photocard next week <3)
+ i have so many thoughts abt this au guys i need to be sedated (don’t open the cut unless u rly want more info bc. there's. A LOT. it will be a wall of incoherent rambling text im sorry)
ok first disclaimers: i know very little abt idols and even less abt modeling so!! if anything is horrifically inaccurate forgive me im stupid!! and also this will literally be stream of consciousness unedited so if it makes zero sense im very sorry
now we begin the madness
some background info: kite was scouted off the street (as he was walking off from pickpocketing someone LMAO) for his height and build, currently very sought after to model for many brands because he’s literally the same as the sketch models on paper so the designers don’t have to compromise on their clothing designs to fit the model, bc he just. looks exactly like the paper sketch. also the white hair is very distinctive!! and his prep/management team is his research team <3 he’s currently the face of several brands, including the zoldyck brand (i see the zoldycks as a very influential family in the fashion/modeling industry, kikyo was a former model until an accident, now she’s focusing on designing, all the kids are involved in the industry somehow, illumi is within the same agency (?is that how modeling works) as kite). he’s in his mid-twenties ish and hes 6'3" - 6'4" (190 - 193 cm)
wing and his idol group debuted a couple years ago (haven’t thought too much about the members, but im thinkin feitan maybe? kurapika?? shalnark?? idk guys maybe he’s a solo act) and they’ve skyrocketed to fame. uhh in terms of content they produce, thinkin something similar to wayv/bts type music (stuff that crowds just eat up LOL like love talk by wayv, luna by oneus that kind of music) and im thinking that wing’s debut look was REALLY BAD (they made the poor man blond) but when they put him back to his normal hair color he got rly popular. he’s had some bad eras where the stylists made him look a little goofy but… he’s good now (his best era was the mullet era). also he was trained by bisky who was a former idol who has retired and she's a legend in the industry… and wing is currently guiding an idol trainee (zushi lol). wing’s in his early-mid-twenties i think and he's 5'9" - 5'10" (175 - 178 cm)
ok and the main 4 fit into this uhh... i think gon is also an idol trainee along w zushi. and killua is currently modeling for a popular teen's clothing brand. i think i mentioned kurapika as being a part of wing's idol group but lowk i think maybe he's an actor instead. leorio is also. an actor. yeah ok there we go
uhhhh ok general thoughts:
i see them meeting at like.. the met gala or its equivalent and they meet when wing trips over kite’s clothes (he’s wearing something with a ridiculously long train and wing isn’t looking where he’s going), and at first wing thinks kite is super standoffish/rude bc he doesn’t apologize or offer a hand when wing trips… he just.. sorta stares at him on the floor for a second then clacks off in his very pointy shoes (he was flustered abt the very pretty stranger who just fell for over him. also he was STRESSED asf) (also the perspective that wing had probably didn't help bc bro was on the floor and kite was staring down at him from a height of like 6'9 with the heels)
afterwards there’s a bunch of pictures and edits of wing falling over all over the internet bc it was kind of funny… and ppl are telling him like “oh my god you tripped over yorknew’s top model the LITERAL FACE of fashion right now” and wing is like “damn i didn’t know also he’s a jerk”… and to kite ppl r telling him “oh my god the country’s MOST POPULAR IDOL tripped on you” and kite’s like “uhhh.. who?” (he doesn’t keep up with the entertainment industry despite being a part of it) and they both search each other up and they both have a moment like “oh my god i fucked up (also he's really hot)”
anyways they continue randomly (not at all random very much orchestrated by the people around them) meeting at things,,, there’s a very awkward apology from kite where he explains (sortof) why he didn’t help wing up… uhh stuff happens they fall in love and start dating LOL (i didnt think abt this part that hard) and for a hot minute there r paparazzi photos circulating of them together and the media is losing their collective shit
fast forward a little bit and they r like “yea we r together LOL” and then u start seeing kite at wing’s concerts in a spectator box staring very lovingly at wing on the stage and wing (and sometimes his whole idol group) starts showing up to fashion shows and wing looks like shellshocked every time kite steps onto the catwalk hes got kind of an awed stare on his face
ok future thoughts:
after abt two? ish years dating (engaged for 6 months out of those 2 yrs) they have an extremely private wedding with only close friends invited, and when ppl start noticing theyre wearing wedding bands (takes a while bc wing usually wears a lot of rings anyways, and kite wears his on a necklace and not on his hand) the media has a collective meltdown. again. (i am the media in this i think. i have meltdowns bc of them.)
um and eventually (around when him and kite get married) wing's idol group splits apart as they all go to pursue individual passions/careers, so now he's workin on his own music/vision. i think his personal music is much more peaceful and vibey than what his old group produced, more gentle love songs and poetic music and whatnot.
and kite steps out of the spotlight and is focusing on nature conservation philanthropy type stuff,, so he'll still step out and model for charity/fundraiser type stuff and he's the face of a large conservation foundation. (also bc sometimes he'll join like.. ocean cleanup initiatives or similar things and like. imagine ur volunteering to pick up garbage on the beach and u literally see like. anya taylor joy and her husband also out there picking up garbage or smthn. that's how the other ppl feel.) hes also a big advocate for no kill shelters and donates a shitload to them i like to think.
so yeah ok if u made it this far bless u!!! i dont really have any coherent storyline thoughts just this aggregation of random world building thoughts ok bye (btw if u have thoughts on this feel free to dm me abt them or tell me what u think in the replies or tags im brain rotting abt this stupid au so hard rn)
anyways im no writer (if u couldnt alr tell from this word vomit) so no fic but i may continue churning out thought fragments like this
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Mun, give me your shot on Usagi Headcannons :crying & fire emoji: the world needs it
Of course! Here's what I got so far in terms of backstory and tidbits about him too:
Usagi's parents are Robert Alohaoe and Donna Therese Alohaoe (née Nakashima). Both are Japanese-Hawaiian descent and Usagi is their only child. Usagi had a twin sister that didn't make it to term but neither of his parents told Usagi her name or that she existed, not wanting their son to feel guilty or sad about the matter in any way.
Robert was a construction worker who was also the local construction union's president. Donna works as a receptionist for a retail tax office in Downtown Honolulu. After Robert's death, Donna quit her job due to grief and now stays at home. She's able to manage the payout for Robert's death so she and Usagi could live comfortably and more and is rather frugal too.
Growing up, the Alohaoes were a close, loving family. They were actually involved in a local church in Honolulu and Usagi's early years were him being involved in things like the children's choir and plays done in celebration of Christmas and Easter. The church itself was a nondenominational Christian church that the Alohaoes met through and got married in.
Both parents wanted Usagi to have some exposure to the arts but lacked the resources to give him professional classes or have him try out auditions for agencies, so Usagi's time in the performing arts involved him taking free community classes or attending volunteer-run events. It's there that he learned how to dance, sing, and act.
Usagi was a rather popular kid with many friends from church, despite his father worrying that being a theater/dance kid would mean kids were going to bully him. His rise to fame among the church kids was when he showed that he could do the splits during a free ballet class. He was also, at the time, strong enough to lift the girls trying to pretend to be ballerinas.
Robert's death threw more than just a wrench into things. Despite the church doing what they can to help and comfort, both Donna and Usagi lost their faith and stopped attending services like before. Usagi briefly stopped doing theater stuff and stopped seeing his friends at church. He became a loner in school that people thought was weird. He often brushes off his father's death as a means of coping with it. But, secretly, he misses his dad a lot.
Usagi himself isn't religious anymore as he started getting involved in scientific research and not agreeing with sentiments that various religions have towards marginalized groups (women, lgbtqia+, indigenous, etc.). But, when he misses his dad or really needs divine intervention, he will say a little prayer and hope it gets answered.
To satisfy his itch for performing later in life, he turned to learning Kpop choreography and making Kpop content. He has a secret social media account where he dresses up with his face and body covered and films himself doing dance covers. He would also attend Random Kpop Dance Plays anonymous as well to talk to other stans. Everyone knows him as his dance persona but no one really knew who he is under the all-black fits and surgical masks he wears.
He's massive in the forums related to BTS. Online, ARMYs knew him as an i-lovely with wacky theories about the BTS universe and his love for Suga. His biaswrecker is Jimin and he eventually bonds with Charming Man over BTS as the two start to become more friendly with each other. Usagi also runs an anonymous stan twitter account to help him keep up with Kpop news and is really involved in voting during awards season.
Since his father's death, Donna has been way more overprotective than before. Usagi himself was a sheltered kid and sometimes feels suffocated by her actions. He does understand that he is arguably the only physical reminder of Robert and her intentions are well-meaning, but it has caused him to rebel secretly. It's part of why he accepted work from Meryl Mei and experimented with drugs. He does it behind her back because he doesn't want to disappoint his mom in the end.
Usagi wishes to be a researcher of sorts after high school, but he's not sure what field to go into. He's considered being an ornithologist because he loves birds but also a pharmaceutical scientist, hydrologists, research physiologist, and, when he was younger, he thought about being a marine biologist. His passion in being a researcher led him to learn a lot of stuff online and that's why he has so much information.
His experimentation with drugs came from his initial desire to be a pharmaceutical scientist and curiosity on how chemicals can affect a body's function. He also wanted to see which drugs would enhance his academic performance the most, so he extensively researches on the drugs and how to safely use them before actually trying it on himself. It's also where he gets his extensive medical knowledge.
Donna used to be someone who wanted to make sure Usagi has a home cook meal and the family used to bond over cooking. However, since Robert's passing, Donna stopped cooking out of grief and Usagi can't bring himself to cook for similar reasons. He's mostly eaten takeout fast-food or quick meals like instant ramen since then. Donna is trying to get back into cooking meals again for Usagi's health but it's still a struggle.
Usagi doesn't know much about his dad's past but is interested in Robert's dadlore; Donna herself only knew so much. The bits and pieces of the lore Usagi knows is that Robert used to be close friends in high school with some guy name Dean. The two separated after a terrible fight but reconnected months before Robert passed away. Usagi knows it was this friend who helped his family receive the insurance payout but he doesn't know Dean's full name.
Usagi only knew Dean by the nickname Robert supposedly gave to him and the two had nicknames for each other; Robert was called "Fripp" and Dean was called "Belew". However, Usagi misheard these names and thought the nicknames were Pink and Blue.
Usagi vowed to be like Dean, someone who goes out of their way for others, and hopes to find his own Pink that he could help the way Dean did. What a coincidence that that Pink ended up being Dean's own child: Dragona.
That's all so far. I hope you enjoy it. :3
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Ok there's something that needs to be said about this solo stuff. Hobi focused on the US. Jin went to South America. RM went "exclusive" with his small gig in Korea. So tell me why Jimin is being lambasted for doing a rigorous but wholly normal Kpop promotional period? Are fans really so stupid they don't understand that each person picked what they wanted to do in consultation with their management etc? Are they really so thick-headed that they can't see how the group's western favortism has changed the group and its focus?
Jimin is doing 70 fan calls and going on K music shows, what every other Kpop group does as a matter of course for their releases. THAT isn't favortism. It's a choice to do these promotions. Everyone had this choice, and they didn't take it. Maybe fans should digest that before deigning to speak.
It seems to me the fans are changing their tune depending on what they decide to be angry on any given day. They tell people to "trust the boys and their words" and then when these men actually talk about their own decision regarding their work, all of a sudden "clearly RM and Hobi didn't want this or that and the company failed them". It's impossible to take any argument seriously.
Especially RM and Hobi's projects were conducted and promoted exactly in the manner of how Army wants them and sees them when part of the group. "Bigger than K-Pop", performing on a global stage or promoting it in exclusive settings or American museums. They had opportunities that other idols in the business for as long as they have been, do not have. And it was all thanks to BTS success. What they did was perfectly in line with the status of the group. Their fans complain about delays in shipping or physical releases, all because it impacted negatively their chances of charting high, completely ignoring that being a headline at Lolapalloza is bigger than any of that. Again, they don't see the forest for the trees.
And now they have an issue with Jimin because he embraced and reinforced his professional identity and career as an idol. His other bandmates did not do that. I thought the fans wanted them to be bigger than idols. Again, changing their tune because it's Jimin. Why do they mind so much. Is it envy? Are they projecting their own frustrations? Jimin is only doing the standard promotions for an album release, especially domestically. It's his choice. Just as everyone else had their own choice and control over what they want and how they want their music to be released to the public. The Disney+ documentary on Hobi is a testament to that because it says exactly what we are talking about. Each of these men have free will and enough autonomy to be able to decide how their career to be like. But fans would rather believe they are puppets on a string and invent lies and make vicious comments.
And an underline of this (especially from I-fans) is how army and solo stans infantilize Asian/Korean men and idols by taking away their own agency. Which means they need to be coddled, protected, defended or free from the consequences of their harmful actions, depending on the situations.
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flurrys-creativity · 1 year
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Sciamachy (n.) - a battle against imaginary enemies; fighting your shadow
Pairing: Jung Hoseok (BTS) x Fem!Reader; Genre: Secret Agent AU, Fake Marriage AU, e2l, Romance, Angst, SMUT; Rating: nsfw, 18+, MDNI; Warnings: mentions of smuggling, going undercover, somewhat forced marriage, some cursing, smut, usage of toys, masturbating, fingering, humping, cum shot, aftercare, mentions of cheating, talks about illegal stuff, kissing; Wordcount: 5.741; Project: Idols over Flowers event by @k-vanity​ 
Bouquet: Roses (romance) and violets (angst) and a hint of lavender (crime and mystery) with elderflower (fake dating), amaranthus (marriage and co.) and thistle (own au a.k.a secret agent) as supporting flowers and cordyline (e2l) and silver dollar eucalyptus (only one bed) as greenery.
Summary: It needed just one glance and you knew you had to be aware of Hoseok, wanting to avoid him at all costs. Hadn’t it been for your boss revealing to you that Hoseok would be your partner during a big mission from now on. So now you were married to an agent, who seemingly tried to avoid you as much as you wanted to avoid him.
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The moving truck stopped in front of one of the many similar looking houses in the suburbs. You heard the door of the driver side open and close again, yet you stayed rooted on the passenger seat with a distant gaze.
Trees lined along the street, all of them with the exact same distance to the next. No trash could be found on the street or the sidewalks. Kids rode their bicycles in the distance while others played hopscotch on the sidewalk, laughing and cheering.
You turned your head to the side, staring out of the window to your new home. Lush green bushes almost hid the pristine white fence surrounding the neatly kept lawn. A straight path led up to the porch and to the evenly white front of the house.
The dream for every newly wed couple.
So lost in thoughts you barely noticed how the door of the passenger side got opened and Hoseok stepped into your view, smiling brightly. You blinked a few times to focus on him, silently waiting for him to say something.
“Honey, don’t just sit there. Come out and look at the house.” He offered you one hand to help you out of the moving truck, showing the ever loving husband.
It took everything within you to keep the scowl from your face, instead nodding shortly and getting out of the truck with his help. You struggled to keep the facade of the doting wife - at least towards him. Yet the higher ups decided you two would make the perfect newly wed couple for this mission.
You grabbed a vase from the back of the moving truck and walked towards the front door of the house, only half aware of everything around you as your mind constantly drifted back to the day you learned about the mission.
You impatiently thrummed your fingertips on the table top. After you got called to the unscheduled meeting, you immediately got out of your work space and rushed to the room. Apparently not all participants had the same work ethic as you, taking their time to finally arrive.
The scowl on your face only deepened when Hoseok waltzed into the room with a bright smile - not even apologising for being late. Ever since he started working at the agency - excelling at absolutely everything with ease - you couldn’t stand him. His ever so cheery persona kind of spooked you and you just knew you had to be careful around him. One of the reasons you stayed clear of him unless absolutely necessary.
“Wonderful! Everyone’s here now!” Your boss clapped in his hands and motioned to the slide show he prepared, briefing everyone in the room about the situation.
A smuggler ring had settled down in the suburbs of your city, using the appearance of a happy family to hide their illegal business. 
Due to this - quite effective way - the agency had barely any intel on the smuggler ring. Most of the information your boss showed felt more like guesses than proven facts. Therefore he had decided to start an undercover mission, hoping to get a lot more intel with this.
You stopped in front of the porch, staring up at the house with an empty expression. Even if you were a true newly wed couple you’d probably still dislike the house and garden with absolutely zero uniqueness to any of the other homes on this street.
“Isn’t it amazing?” Hoseok asked you as he stepped next to you, wrapping an arm around your middle and planting a kiss on your cheek. He leaned down to your ear and pulled you closer into his side. “The neighbours are watching”, he murmured - his tone of voice suddenly ice cold, “at least try to act like you’re excited to move here.”
You raised one hand to cup his cheek and turned around in his hold, plastering a sickly sweet smile on your lips. “Can’t your wife be too stunned with this dreamlike change?”
You felt the tick of a muscle in his jaw as his cold eyes ever so slightly narrowed. He stared at you for a moment longer before his cheery persona took over again. Hoseok squeezed you once more and let you go, running back to the moving truck to get more stuff.
Your eyes followed him until he got hidden by the truck. Only then you felt able to breathe again, turning back to the house. You didn’t bother checking who of the neighbours had been watching as you walked towards the house, opening the door and vanishing inside.
With every house looking identical on this street, you thought the layout would be pretty much the same as well. You wandered around the empty rooms, making mental notes of doors and windows. 
While you roamed the house more agents dressed as workers from a moving company arrived. They helped Hoseok carry all the boxes and furniture into the house. You didn’t have to tell them where to bring all the stuff since everything got decided prior at the meeting.
You neither bothered pretending to guide the workers, choosing to go to the top floor instead. You walked to a window inside the master bedroom, silently observing the area. 
Two men came out of the house to your right, chatting with each other and even waving towards Hoseok, who carried another box into the house. He stopped and placed the box on the ground, greeting them as well. You watched them having a short conversation before they continued to be on their way.
Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook. Except for a parking ticket here and there they had nothing suspicious about them. At least on paper.
You turned your attention to your left after hearing a dog bark. A man with a brown toy poodle walked down the sidewalk. The second he noticed the moving truck a scowl settled on his face. He stopped momentarily in front of the house next door, eyeing the workers with suspicion. His gaze wandered to your house until his eyes landed on you.
Unsure what to do, you simply stood there meeting his eyes. Only after Hoseok came out of the house again and greeted him, did he look away. He didn’t greet back though and simply walked into his home, shutting the door behind him.
Except for his profession as a piano teacher and him having a dog, you knew nothing about Min Yoongi. Though this little encounter made you aware of being especially careful around him.
Lastly you turned your attention to the house opposite of yours. The target. You couldn’t see the lawn due to the trees that aligned the street and except for the windows on the ground floor all had drawn curtains, which would make observing quite hard.
According to your information, three people lived in that house. Kim Namjoon and his husband Kim Seokjin as well as his cousin Kim Taehyung, who frequently stayed over but had his own residence somewhere else.
“Any intel already?”
You jumped slightly, surprised Hoseok showed up behind you. “Not really”, you mumbled and shook your head, continuing to stare out of the window, “just to be careful around Min Yoongi. He noticed me up here.”
Hoseok hummed and stepped next to you, checking the surroundings for himself. “The Kims won’t make it easy for us, huh? Any idea how to get to them?”
“Once the agents leave we go to our neighbours and introduce ourselves with presents.” You sighed and turned to Hoseok. “Should we be able to enter their houses we need to hide a wiretap.”
Hoseok raised one of his eyebrows questioningly. “All of their houses?”
You nodded with a roll of your eyes. “Obviously. This is a neighbourhood and unless they are incredibly dense then they know what’s happening here.”
“Were you always that distrusting towards others?”
Without giving him an answer you pushed Hoseok aside, walking past him and back down to the ground floor. The last agents cleared out, nodding shortly towards you and Hoseok, who had followed you quietly.
“Guess, it’s showtime.” 
You rolled your eyes again and grabbed the little gifts the agency prepared, heading towards your main target: the Kims.
You had hoped the mission would have been done and dealt with within a few weeks or months at best but your hopes dwindled every time - especially after living with Hoseok for over six months already.
Outside of the house you two still presented the lovey-dovey newly wed couple but behind closed doors the atmosphere between you two resembled the tundra during its coldest season.
At least you became close friends with Jimin, Jungkook and Jin. Your little group would often meet up to chit chat or gossip and sometimes even Taehyung joined those meetings.
You also knew for a fact that Hoseok had become good friends with your neighbour Yoongi, often conversing with him from the porch during the evening.
The only person with no progress was Namjoon. Neither you nor Hoseok were able to get close to him, meaning you two were also unable to get more information about him. Though you had to admit you didn’t get much intel about the others as well.
They truly seemed like normal people living in the suburbs and some mommy drama was their highlight of the week.
“So, when will it be your turn, love?” 
You blinked several times, trying to process Jin’s question while Jimin and Jungkook stared at you with eyes as large as saucers. “Wha- What do you mean? When will what be my turn?”
“Be the main focus of our weekly mommy drama review.” Jin’s plump lips stretched into a smug grin as he raised an eyebrow. His gaze wandered down to your stomach and back up. 
Jungkook and Jimin followed his gaze as well, making you uneasy and hiding your stomach behind your hands. “I- no, Hoseok and I, we don’t-”
Jimin gasped loudly and grabbed Jungkook’s hand, clutching it hard enough so his knuckles turned white. “I thought you were just incredibly silent! But you haven’t had sex with your own husband?! For how long?!?”
Both you and Jin asked loudly. Each of you for a different reason though. Jin was shocked about this revelation while you felt incredibly confused.
Jungkook snickered softly, waiting for Jimin to elaborate on his statement as soon as he noticed your confused expression. 
“Ah, we got several noise complaints from the previous neighbours because apparently they were able to hear us during sexy times.” 
You felt the heat rushing to your face, neck and ears, immediately knowing what Jimin was talking about. You had heard it too but as long as you moved to the other side of the house and kept your windows shut everything was fine. “Well, but, uhm, our bedroom isn’t towards your side of the house.”
“That’s what I told Jimin too”, Jungkook nodded, sharing a pointed look towards him.
“I know, I know!” Jimin waved his hands dismissively in front of his face. “And I believed that too. But your statement just now proves something else! When was the last time you had sex with Hoseok?”
You helplessly stumbled over your own words, knowing full well you never had anything physical with him - except for his cheek kisses.
“You don’t even remember?” Jin stared at you in disbelief, gently showing your side. “Shut up!”
“Okay, here is what you’re going to do, darling!”
“What?” You nearly choked on your own saliva, hearing Jimin’s determination. To your dismay he didn’t stop his explanation despite your resistance, telling you in excruciating detail how to move, what to do and what to say. Even demanding to meet up the next day again to hear every little detail of your night.
When Hoseok came back from his fake business job, you still sat at the kitchen table - the horrified expression never having left your features since the guys had gone.
“What’s wrong?”
As if you were in trance you turned your attention towards Hoseok, who stood at the entrance of the kitchen, staring at you quizzically. He still wore his suit and just loosened his tie.
“They’re expecting us to have sex.”
Hoseok choked on his own saliva, coughing violently while hitting his chest. “What? Where did that come from?” He looked at you, blinking away the tears in his eyes from the coughing fit.
“Apparently the walls are quite thin and our direct neighbours would hear if we had sex.” Your voice became smaller and smaller with each word. 
“Let’s move this conversation to the bedroom”, Hoseok suggested and immediately turned on his heels, heading towards the master bedroom. 
He got rid of his tie and shoes and paced along the room, while you trudged into the room and stopped in front of the large bed.
You only had one bed so all this time both of you had slept in it together. Though you built a barrier of pillows every night and kept as much distance towards Hoseok as possible. 
“Let’s just make some noises. I’m sure that will be enough.” Hoseok stopped pacing and nodded to himself. He then proceeded to change out of his working attire. “Start moaning or something.”
You sighed and started building the pillow barrier again. This was utterly ridiculous. Still, you moaned softly and added some whimpers here and there. Yet, it didn’t feel right or enough.
“Maybe we should do the real thing.”
“What?” You whipped around and stared at Hoseok in bewilderment. “You can’t be serious!”
Hoseok quickly raised his hands to deescalate the situation. “I didn’t mean together. Just, uh, masturbating. It would make the moaning more realistic.” He avoided eye contact and started rubbing his neck, desperately trying to cover up the redness spreading there.
“Probably.” You sighed and sat down on your side of the bed, closing your eyes to think this through. “Can’t we just play some porn with full volume?”
“Not using our voices? Really?” Hoseok clicked with his tongue. “Just be professional about this. We have to keep this masquerade going at all costs. It’s not like neither of us has ever heard someone else masturbate. We’ll just do it underneath our blankets. If you have toys, use them.”
“Fine.” You grabbed your sleep wear and walked off into the connected bathroom. As soon as the door closed behind you, you crouched down on the floor and hid your face into your knees. This shouldn’t be such a problem but something about this didn’t sit right with you. Knowing you’d pleasure yourself with him next to you made you incredibly nervous. And you didn’t understand why - after all you didn’t even like Hoseok.
When you emerged from the bathroom again, Hoseok was already sitting on his side of the bed - lower half covered by his blanket. He leaned against the headrest with his bare back, one arm crossed over his chest while he scrolled through his phone. 
You stilled when he looked up at you, his eyes roaming over your bare legs and up towards the large shirt that barely covered the top of your thighs. “Ready?”
You only nodded and climbed into the bed as well, turning to your nightstand and pulling the lowest drawer open. Next to a secured box, where your gun was placed, you had a small bag with two of your favourite toys. You pulled them out and closed the drawer again, hiding the toys underneath the blanket next to you.
Your heart pounded heavily against your ribcage and your hands quivered as you shimmied out of your panties. You exhaled sharply and grabbed the vibrator. 
Nervously, you glanced towards Hoseok. You could only see his face, shoulders and upper chest as the rest was hidden from your sight due to the pillow barrier. Though he would be able to see you. Hoseok didn’t look into your direction yet you still turned on your side and away from him.
As you turned on the vibrator you winced slightly, feeling as if the buzzing was way too loud. You closed your eyes and moved the vibrator towards your core, pressing it against your clit. A jolt of pleasure soared through your body but vanished just as quickly since your mind constantly reminded you of Hoseok’s presence. You bit down on your lip as a mixture of pleasure and uncertainty spread through your veins.
Hoseok exhaled shakily. He hadn’t thought the tiny whimpers that escaped your lips would affect him that much. His dick laid heavy on his lower stomach, pulsating and twitching with each little sound that came from you. He turned his head to look at you, noticing how stiff you were.
“Hey, Y/N”, he spoke softly and turned towards you, removing some of the pillows. “Let me help?”
You didn’t dare to look at him, quickly trying to blink away the tears of frustration. Instead you only nodded and laid on your back again. 
His long fingers danced across your thigh until they reached your hand with the still running vibrator. Hoseok gently pried the toy out of your hand as he kneeled next to your lower body. He tentatively pulled your blanket away, checking your expression every other second. “Tell me to stop as soon as I’m overstepping.”
You whimpered at his soft but clear tone and nodded once again, hiding your face behind your arms now. 
The second Hoseok had removed your blanket, his hands landed on your knees and pushed your legs apart, revealing your glistening folds. He kept your legs apart and moved the vibrator over your folds, making you twitch. 
Soon enough you couldn’t hold your moans back in, letting them increase in volume as well as your curses and whines. The sparks of pleasure shot through your body like little bursts of electricity. 
Hoseok pressed the vibrator against your clit and used something else to run over your wet entrance. You gasped once he passed it and pushed deep into your pussy. At first you thought it to be your dildo but once Hoseok curled his fingers inside of you, pressing against the rough patch, you knew it were his fingers. This knowledge spiked your pleasure even more and you arched your back, crying out loud. 
“Fuck, Hoseok, oh my god, please, please, oh shit, shit, shit.” You had your eyes wide open but you couldn’t see a thing, your body thrashed under the onslaught of pleasure as Hoseok continued to fuck his fingers into you. 
A scream ripped through your throat as you came hard onto his fingers. You sagged back into the mattress, spent from the orgasm and heavily breathing. 
Hoseok turned off the vibrator and placed it on the ground next to your bed - same with the dildo he found under the blanket. He was about to get out of bed when you stopped him.
“What about you?” You looked up at him with glazed eyes, holding on to his pinky finger with no strength at all. 
“I’m fine.”
You shook your head and softly pulled at his hand, indicating he should lie down next to you. “Please.”
Hoseok couldn’t deny your request and crawled next to you. He watched you silently as you pushed his blanket away, turned on your side and grabbed his arm to pull him with you until he spooned you. His initial confusion vanished the second you pressed your ass against his hard cock. “One sec”, he mumbled and removed his boxers. He pushed his hard on between your thighs, the mess he had created between your legs being the perfect lubrication.
You clenched your thighs experimentally and immediately received a groan from Hoseok behind you. “If you’re doing that I won’t even last a second”, he mumbled into the skin on your neck, placing a kiss on there right afterwards. Another groan left his lips when you clenched your thighs again. Hoseok wrapped his arms around your upper body, keeping you in place, as he started thrusting. 
Your own moans got mixed with his groans as he kept hitting your sensitive clit with the head of his dick. 
“Shit, you sound so fucking hot. I could get drunk on your moans and whimpers alone. Fuck, let me hear you, let me hear how good I make you feel.” 
As you cried out his name, Hoseok released his load. White spurts of cum covered your shirt and thighs, the warm, sticky liquid slowly descending down on the sheets.
Neither of you moved or said a word for a while, simply basking in the after sex bliss.
“You wanna sleep on my side of the bed tonight?” Hoseok asked with a teasing lilt to his voice, gently pulling you closer against his chest.
“Yes, please.” 
He pressed a kiss to your shoulder and pushed himself up. “Let me clean you first though.”
You tried pushing yourself up as well. “I can help.”
Hoseok simply shook his head and hurried to the connected bathroom. He came back with wet wipes, gently cleaning you. He even helped you out of your shirt - careful so you wouldn’t smear his cum anywhere - before he cleaned himself.
Only a few minutes later both of you laid on his side of the bed, cuddled together. He held you in his arms, legs tangled together and his chin on top of your head. You quietly listened to his heartbeat and slowly got lulled to sleep.
“If you’re going to gossip about this tomorrow with the drama kings of our neighbourhood”, Hoseok spoke softly, “tell them I’m big.”
You snorted and gently hit his chest. “You are big! Don’t make it sound like you’re not.”
Hoseok chuckled lowly and wrapped his arms even tighter around your body. “What are you going to tell them though?”
“That it worked.”
“That what worked?”
“Jimin told me to do a lap dance for you. He described every move in great detail. If it weren’t for Jin he would have probably shown me with the help of Jungkook.” 
“Try it tomorrow”, Hoseok snickered, “let's see whether it actually works.”
You giggled tiredly. “Tomorrow it’s getting back to our mission.” You didn’t notice how Hoseok tensed momentarily before he agreed.
Over the next few weeks you noticed a change in Hoseok. On the outside he became much more clingy and touchy, using absolutely every chance to hug you, hold your hand or even place a kiss on your skin. Yet, inside the house he avoided you as much as possible - even leaving for work early and only coming back late into the night. Sometimes you weren’t even sure he slept in the bed anymore.
While a tiny part within your head was concerned about his behaviour, the vast majority of your mind pushed that voice to the back and focused on the mission. 
You sat on the bedroom floor with dozens of notes strewn around you. After all this time you discovered Namjoon worked in a private clinic as a doctor while Jin owned a chain of restaurants. Lastly, Taehyung was a social worker. And somehow all three of them had to be involved with smuggling. You rubbed your eyes tiredly, glancing at your alarm clock to see it was way past midnight already. With a deep sigh you pushed yourself up and cleaned the floor, hiding all the notes in the secret drawer underneath your weapon.
Right as you were about to close the drawer all the lights vanished, leaving you in the dark. You stilled momentarily and listened to your surroundings. You grabbed your gun when you heard some shuffling downstairs.
With silent steps you walked towards the window, hiding away from the moonlight. You didn’t see anything out of the ordinary despite the missing lights on the whole street.
Your attention turned back inside the house when you heard steps ascending the stairs. You hurried towards the door, standing beside it and holding your gun ready. Dark clouds moved in front of the moon and hid you away in complete darkness.
Someone stopped in front of the door and you prayed your beating heart wouldn’t be as loud as you thought it was. You leaned closer, getting a whiff of an unfamiliar scent through the small opening of the door.
The door opened and someone stepped into the room. Without hesitation you charged forward and pressed your gun against their head. “Don’t move or I’ll blow your skull away.”
“Woah, woah, woah, it’s me!”
Only after moonlight shone back into the room and showed Hoseok’s shocked expression did you lower your gun and step back. “Where were you?”
“Not important. What happened to the electricity?”
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Where. Were. You.”
“Just out, it’s not important.” Hoseok tried to deflect once again.
You stepped closer to him, tapping the tip of your gun against his chest. “I’m not asking again.” You caught that unfamiliar, flowery scent as you inhaled. Your hand started trembling from the thoughts racing within your mind. You pressed your gun against his chest. “Are you cheating on me?”
“No!” Hoseok placed his hands on yours with the gun, slowly pushing it down. “How could I cheat on you? We’re not even married! Anyway, do you really think I would risk blowing the mission for a fling?”
You dropped your arm, staring blankly at the ground. He was right. What were you thinking? “Right”, you mumbled and turned away, moving towards your nightstand. You tensed the muscles in your jaw, hoping to prevent your emotions from taking over. Even though you didn’t fully understand why you felt conflicted at the thought of Hoseok having someone else.
You tried shaking those thoughts and feelings but even days after that night they haunted your consciousness. 
“What’s on your mind, love?” Jin nudged your side, noticing you haven’t been present throughout the whole conversation.
A pout formed on your lips and you pulled your legs to your chest. “Why is it always you calling me out?”
The guys laughed heartily. Jimin even threw himself over Jungkook’s lap from the force. “It’s just that your feelings are like an open book to read. So what is it?”
You leaned back on Jin’s couch, sighing deeply while your eyes wandered around the living room. Before you could even stop yourself, you opened your mouth to say: “I think Hoseok is cheating on me.”
All eyes were on you, various expressions of shock painting their faces. 
“You’re messing with us, right?” Jungkook leaned forward, disbelief written all over his features. “He’s so lovey-dovey with you. Honestly, not even I am as head over heels for Jimin as this guy is for you!”
Jimin punched his shoulder before he moved over to your side, wrapping his arms around you to console you. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. Do you have any proof though?”
You smiled sadly and shook your head. “Not really, just a feeling and the scent of a perfume of some sorts I picked up on him a few nights ago.”
“This calls for something stronger than tea”, Jin announced and stood up. He walked over to a cupboard and pulled several shot glasses out of it. Jungkook quickly got up as well, helping Jin and grabbing some of the alcohol too. As they returned Jimin poured the liquid to all of you and handed the shot glasses around.
You stared at the glass in your hand for a moment before you placed it back on the table. “If it’s alright with you I’d rather get myself a glass of water.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded and got up, motioning Jin to sit down again. “I’ll be back in a bit, no worries.” You took a deep breath once you reached the kitchen. It annoyed you that this issue kept bugging you this much. You shook your head, you had to focus on the mission.
Your eyes roamed around the kitchen. Two weeks after your mission started, Jin had invited you to his home and you had used the chance to hide a wiring device inside the kitchen. So far it didn’t give you any intel though. Maybe it was about time to remove the device again. You leaned against the kitchen sink, staring at it deep in thought.
“Is it true what you said to the others? I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation.” Taehyung appeared behind you, tilting his head to one side. “Are you planning on doing anything about it?”
You turned towards him. “I wouldn’t know what to do about it. I don’t even know whether I’m right or not.”
Taehyung cornered you against the sink, hands caging you in. “You could always get back at him.” He brushed a strand of hair out of your face, cupping your cheek in the process. 
“Get back at him? Are you saying I should cheat on my husband?” You tilted your head and crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Also who would be willing to break the rules of matrimony with me?”
Taehyung smirked and leaned closer into you. “Maybe someone closer than you’d think.”
You scoffed and shook your head. “Why do I have the feeling you’re talking about yourself, mister? Are you someone willing to break rules? Going against the current, huh?”
“What if that were the case?”
You hummed softly and placed your hand on his chest. “I’d wonder how far you would go. What are you willing to do?”
Taehyung chuckled lowly. “Only one way to find out.”
“Or you’ll just answer my questions”, you offered. 
Taehyung shrugged with his shoulders, tilting his head to the side again with a smirk, silently telling you to try and find out.
“Would you join an illegal street race?” You waited for him to answer before you asked the next question. “Would you take illegal substances? Or smuggle those?”
“That was two questions at once.”
“And you answered neither of them.”
“I’m actually hoping for you to ask the good questions now.”
You scoffed: “Like what?”
“Whether I’d kiss a married woman.”
Your eyes widened ever so slightly but you kept your composure. “Would you?” You felt your heart pounding within your throat yet your voice wasn’t much louder than a whisper.
Before Taehyung could answer you or do something the silence of the house got disrupted by excessive ringing of the doorbell.
“Hoseok?!” Jin asked in surprise as he opened the door, unable to say anything else before he got pushed to the side.
You glanced over Taehyung’s back towards the entrance of the kitchen. When Hoseok appeared at the door, eyes furiously roaming around the kitchen until they landed on you, made you shrink down behind Taehyung.
“What’s going on?” Jimin, Jungkook and Jin appeared behind Hoseok, switching glances between Hoseok and Taehyung. 
You quickly used the chance to sneak out behind Taehyung and walked over to Hoseok. Your focus switched between his eyes, desperately trying to understand his motive. “Why are you here?” You grabbed one of his hands, uncurling his fist and playing with his fingers. “Did something happen?”
He glared over your shoulder towards Taehyung. Only after several deep breaths did he focus on you. “We’re going home. Now.” Hoseok didn’t wait for your answer. Instead he pulled you along and past the guys. He didn’t look back, ignoring the calls behind him.
Once you reached your house and he slammed the door shut behind you, you ripped your hand out of his hold. “What is wrong with you? Do you understand you could have blown the mission just now?”
“I don’t care about the mission!” 
You jumped back, surprised by the volume Hoseok used. You never witnessed Hoseok being angry and right now he appeared to be furious.
“How could I just sit back, hearing this bastard making a move on my woman?!” 
“Nobody knows you were able to hear us!” You ran your hands through your hair in frustration. “Also why would you even get like this when we’re not even a real married couple?”
“Because I fucking love you for gods sake!”
Your jaw dropped and you stared at Hoseok with wide eyes. “What?” You closed your mouth again, swallowing audibly and blinking several times. “If you’re trying to mess with me, this is not funny.”
“I swear to…” - Hoseok grabbed his hair and pulled at its strands, groaning in frustration - “I am NOT joking, Y/N!”
“Are you really asking me why I fell in love with you?” Hoseok shook his head as he closed the distance between you two. “You’re driving me insane, Y/N. Do you really need me to count all of the reasons I discovered over the time we’re living together?”
Hoseok grabbed your hands, squeezing them with desperation. “I love you, Y/N. Please. I love the scowl you make when you’re annoyed. I love the twinkle in your eyes when you’re excited about something. I love the way you make a little dance when you taste something delicious. I love the way you stick out your tongue when you’re concentrating on something.”
Tears gathered at the corners of your eyes. You felt your hands trembling even though Hoseok held them so tightly. “But I’m just part of the mission. I thought you stayed out so long because you actually met your loved one.”
“I stayed out trying to forget about my feelings for you at first. I wanted the mission to come first. I wanted to stay professional. So I followed Namjoon first and later Taehyung, who went to a strip club a few nights ago.”
“Are you crazy? They could have seen you!”
Hoseok laughed softly and shook his head. “I am crazy, yeah. Crazy for you. Crazy enough to question whether I want this mission to end or just keep living like this for the rest of our lives.”  He cupped your cheeks and wiped a few stray tears away. “Maybe we should come up with an explanation for the mess I created though tomorrow morning.”
You clutched his shirt, softly laughing through your tears. “You’re an idiot”, you sniffled as you pulled him down to kiss you. 
“I completely agree”, he mumbled against your lips, wrapping his arms around your body and holding you close to himself. “But it’s worth it.” He smiled into the kiss, giddy as you hummed in agreement.
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Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ 
38 notes · View notes
Hey BPP!
I came across this post about the ‘slave room’ that I think you might know already. Here’s the post https://old.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/m4cdy9/a_slave_room_was_created_to_monitor_users_spread
I remember you talking about how you and your friends consistently reported a lot (hundreds???? of antis and their misinformation a few years ago and now this. The post talks about this room mainly targeting girl groups like Twice and a couple of comments down there was even a mention of STAND, the anti fans of SNSD who really wanted to bring them down. Reading this blew my mind because with the amount and reach of their organization feels like miles ahead than an organized group of trolls and antis that I thought most idol groups dealt with.
Does BTS have something like this? Because when I read your post on antis I was under the impression that it was a small group of head antis with a few minions to do the legwork. This slave room actually spent tons of money on this smear campaign. It comes off to me that they might have backing from a company but maybe I just can’t believe that people would waste their cash on something so petty lmao. Time maybe but not money. It sounds like a real campaign almost like QAnon or MAGA, which is scary to think about!!!! The users say that their k-fandom worked against it but weren’t successful as much until it was uncovered by the media. They didn’t even contact the gg’s agency for help. Are K-Army aggressive when it comes to squashinh down stuff like this?? Antis are scary and unhinged 😭😭😭😭😭
Hi Anon,
Your link.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the anti 'slave rooms' are well known. Antis in k-pop are a very special breed and yes sometimes there is corporate backing for that hate. I mean, the most recent example of that is Kakao's Idol Lab expose that newspapers in Korea reported in November 2022. For anyone who doesn't know, Kakao (the same Kakao that SM stans would rather have their idols be managed by, rather than HYBE), funded a group known for 'reverse viral marketing' that specialized in creating and spreading hate and malicious rumors against Aespa, Le Sserafim, NewJeans, Itzy, Garam, and a few other rival groups, while simultaneously creating and boosting positive posts for IVE, Monsta X, Wonyoung i.e. groups under their Starship music label. The company claimed that group of haters were third-party contractors and that Kakao wasn't aware of what they were doing, but given this is same Kakao that rigged a music talent show so extremely and blatantly that some of their staff went to prison, many people clearly don't buy it.
Now, here's a quick quiz. It's more of a temp/sense check to see if from all I've been writing about the k-pop industry and HYBE / BTS / ARMYs' relationship with it so far, you've learned something and can answer the following questions correctly.
Did that very damning revelation impact Kakao at all?
Did fans of SM groups who learned their favourite idols/groups were explicitly targeted by Kakao, care in any meaningful way?
Did those fans care when Kakao was revealed to want to acquire management rights of their idols/groups? And what about after Kakao was revealed to have pursued illegal means of acquiring SM shares?
Does the wider k-pop fandom view Kakao as worse or similar to HYBE?
Has this revelation impacted any of Kakao's groups in any meaningful way since then?
Do you think the reaction of k-pop stans to Kakao's manipulation would be the same if HYBE was found to have done the same?
I'm kind of curious to know what your answers are.
Anyway, by this point I hope that when I say the behaviours you see in k-pop fandoms are structurally supported, and that ARMY (for most of the fandom's existence so far) has borne the brunt of acting counter-cultural to the dominant behaviours you see here, as has BigHit and BTS going against many industry norms, and that many people in k-pop fandoms aren't here for the right reasons, I hope that by this point y'all can see I'm not talking outta my ass.
Many people here get into k-pop for the shiny veneer of perfection, of bright MVs, crisp choreos, and hot Asian celebrities who engage in the sort of fan service only rockstars of old got away with, but they stay for the fanwars, for the long-running feuds between fandoms, for the constant picking apart of idols and groups they dislike, for the hope that one day the groups/fandoms they hate will experience a reckoning... - people stay for the hate. Many of them do absorb all sorts of conspiracy theories about BTS and groups/idols they hate and yes, it can take on a Q-Anon quality.
There's a lot that's fucked up in this industry and not even HYBE is completely spotless, but what matters for a lot of the people in this space is making an example of the one group that was the anomaly, and the company and fandom that helped them rise above it all. I'm not even trying to be alarmist or sycophantic, this is literally just the reality I've observed for years.
This is one reason I suggest you simply report and block when you see hate, don't engage with the hate or give people/spaces with a taste for it any oxygen. It's why when I see people engage in 'discourse' where they simply fan up theories or unilaterally negative critiques about groups (and especially BTS), I just check out.
Now that k-pop has gotten even more international exposure courtesy of BTS, it is potentially even more lucrative than before, and so the stakes have only gotten higher. But the players are still used to relying on their unsavory playbook and see no reason to change because the wider k-pop industry and fandom is more than okay with it. I mean, just look at the Kakao-SM deal and k-pop fandom's reaction to it even after the police have just raided their offices...
The quality of music BTS makes is more than enough reason to focus only on them and that. Their personalities and group chemistry are a wonderful bonus. And their history and relationship in this industry for anyone who understands the dynamics here, is only the cherry on top. This is one reason it sometimes annoys me when ARMYs let it get to them or act just as unhinged, disgusting, and stupid as many of the folks who only 3-4 years before they couldn't stand.
Sigh, oh gosh I've rambled again. Lol writing abridged versions is hard. But I hope you got your answer Anon.
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08279 · 2 years
Welcome back! Care to share any dadmight thoughts you’ve had since you’ve been gone?
Hi Blade !!! I hope you're well!! You've opened the flood gates so I'll put a little 'read more' cause it's pretty long lol.
Izuku and All Might just hanging out casually while people around them freak out because omg it's ALL MIGHT
All Might, in the midst of retirement after being a hero for like 40 years, following Izuku's hero fights. Mirroring how little Izuku followed All Might *sob*.
Izuku actually spent part of his childhood in the US and speaks English fluently, but he forget to tell All Might. After a while he just decided not to say anything because he felt it would be too awkward. Present Mic starts noticing odd errors in Izuku's English assignments and figures out that not only does Izuku speak English fluently, but he uses American English and has purposefully been making certain errors to act like he doesn't know English.
All Might messes up his medication (or some other plot stuff) on the day of the Sports Festival and insists that it's far too dangerous for Izuku and won't let anyone touch him. The heroes working the Sports Festival as well as UA teachers go through various hijinks to get Izuku who is reluctant about leaving All Might's grasp. All of this is, of course, captured on camera for all of Japan to gawk at and speculate towards.
Izuku spends his summers (or Japanese equivalent) working in the White House. This popped up after watching The West Wing, one of my favorite TV shows ever.
Toshinori and Inko have fun flirting and thus making Izuku angry. He is a momma's boy after all.
[AU where Izuku is Toshinori's biological son] Izuku (~3) goes on his first errand. All of Tokyo watches with baited breath.
All Might sends out a love-filled happy birthday tweet for Izuku's 16th birthday. Except the world doesn't know who Izuku is. And All Might didn't make it clear what their relationship was in the tweet. Japan erupts with the new of All Might's 16 year old son. Izuku blushes a lot.
Inko and Toshinori are married and Izuku is their son. None of that information is public. It isn't until the parent-teacher conferences that the UA teachers start putting together why Inko and Toshinori are so comfortable around each other. Then they realize how Izuku is involved and everything begins to make sense.
This is more of a full-fledged fic idea, but here's the cliffnotes version:
Inko was a superstar in her young teen years when she was in a Korean girl group. She later became a solo artist and maintained her success, but stepped away from the limelight to have a family.
Once she has Izuku, she takes him to her agency and he's raised around performers. Come to find out, Izuku is a gifted musician and choreographer with otherworldly vocal talent. He becomes a choreographer and songwriter, but Inko is hesitant to let him become a performer despite repeated begging from the agency's CEO.
In the meantime, Izuku trains with kids his age so he can make friends. When Izuku turns fourteen, Inko relents after Izuku begs to be allowed to join a group. (She feels guilty that he won't be able to go to UA in the next year, and wants him to do something he's passionate about) So Izuku trains with a boy group who is essentially BTS except I don't really know that much about BTS so I just kinda glaze over the group members lets move on because
BOOM Izuku is fifteen and BTS debuts in less than a year when he meets All Might and suddenly he has the chance to be a hero and to go to UA. But he's also been envisioning a future with his best friends doing something he's good at and enjoys.
Inko is desperate for Izuku to go towards the safe route of being a performer rather than a hero, but she knows it's a losing battle. Izuku pulls out of the debut but remains a choeographer and songwriter while also occasionally providing instrumentals and background vocals.
One of the main reasons I like this so much is because there isn't really a life-or-death aspect. Izuku gets to choose between two things he loves. It's a win-win :).
ALSO there's a slight alternative to this AU where 1A records their summer break (or whatever is the equivalent in Japan) in a vlog style and Izuku's vlog is about working at the agency with the top performers in Asia.
ANOTHER alternative is where Izuku gets the fic version of BTS and TWICE to perform with 1A at the culture festival :D
This so much longer than I thought it would be. Wow.
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sadfragilegirl · 4 months
In My Scarlet Red Eyes
In those scarlet red eyes, you think at first glance, it's just a normal scarlet red eyes.
But for me...Those scarlet red eyes of mine, it's a sign that there will be a something that's going to be terrifying and traumatizing that it could slowly broke your heart and soul into a million pieces.
Why? Because the world right now has slowly turned into a place that's no longer a safe haven for me.
In my scarlet red eyes, all I can see it now is...
Innocent people are killed from the war, explosion and genocide.
Children who are supposed to go forward to their bright future with their biggest dreams are already killed and died and marked with their own blood by those people who are monsters inside their souls.
The unstoppable hatred and conflict that it keeps adding up with problems that it could never, ever be solved.
Those happy-go-lucky people who shined everyone's hearts are passed away from suicide because of those people sending unnecessary hate and death threats.
The unnecessary fanwars from every fandom is getting out of hand.
The mistreatment of any artists and idols bt the management, industry and agency are getting even more sickening and disgusting.
The problems are kept adding up and it's getting even more serious and worse, even they tried to solve it and fix it, it gets even worse.
And worst of all, there's too many tragedies and heartbreaks in this world that it makes me imagine myself how my world is slowly turned into black and white with scarlet red details all over the place, thinking about how the world right now is no longer safe and humanity and hope is already lost forever.
I had enough of those things that gave me emotional damage because I'm already traumatized enough that made me feel like my head is spinning and gave me headaches. The deafening sounds of those horror things in the world today made me want to cover my ears but it gets even louder and louder until I couldn't take it anymore that I have to scream it out loud as I could until I knelt down and start to cry with tears streaming down to my eyes.
And the next thing what happened next to me is I became slowly distancing over doing the things that I really love doing it always and the things that it became a part of me.
It's slowly eating itself alive until I became the person I no longer I was anymore.
The person I used to be...Cheerful, free, filled with passion and used to love of things and special interests that made me whole...
Is already dead and gone...
I'm no longer the person I was after all those traumatizing moments that it broke the whole world.
If only I can stop one heart from breaking every time I saw scary things that wounded me...
But in the end...It didn't...
The damage is done and it became an apocalypse of myself and the whole wide world.
I would rather just sleep to escape this dreached reality and never wake up ever again.
Because why?
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
I'm already traumatized enough.
Behind The Poetry Work I wrote is under "Keep Reading" to see why I wrote this poetry.
Behind The Poetry Work
The reason why I wrote this poetry work in one go is because I have to vent myself out about why the world is no longer a safe haven anymore because of those tragic things happening in this world and it's depressing as always.
And after what happened in the world of Kpop right now is nothing but fanwars, mistreatment and idols leaving group or passed away due to suicide (F*CK YOU, PEOPLE WHO ARE SENDING UNNECESSARY HATE AND DEATH THREATS!), I became slowly distancing over loving Kpop Ravi leaving VIXX last April 11, 2023.
Plus, I became slowly distancing over loving other stuff since last year like...
Love Live! series because of announcement of SIF 2 decided to pull out the plug, especially when the Global server will end at the end of the month + the original voice of Setsuna Yuki decided to retired for good and replacing it with new voice actress, which I still not getting used to it.
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden and Boruto after negative news happening after the Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections finally released.
RWBY after Rooster Teeth will slowly closing the doors forever.
Pokemon because I didn't get used to watching somd new anime series, including the Horizons series.
So now...I am currently focusing on other stuff like Honkai Star Rail and Love and Deepspace after all stresseful moments that bought me down.
I hope you can understand my vent because I can't take this bullsh*t any longer.
~Queennie 🥀
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fromtenthousandfeet · 3 months
Well, that was not a fun read.
Can you please explain to me what this means?
It’s almost impossible to leave unless they pull a TXVQ or Beast.
We know they finally have some stock--and maybe voting rights, but not their name, their playlist, their work? And then this, the silliest, yet most damming thing of all, for some reason:
The plushies boys designed for the fans r not even theirs. It’s all BH. Boys don’t get cent out of this.
No, it wasn't a fun read. It's actually really disturbing, but not unexpected. Her other old threads are equally enlightening.
I'm not a K-pop fan but I did do a search for TXVQ and this is what I found on Wikipedia:
Lawsuit against SM Entertainment On July 31, 2009, three of the members—Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun, and Xiah Junsu—submitted an application to the Seoul Central District Court to determine the validity of their contract with their management agency, SM Entertainment.[76][77] Through their lawyers, the trio stated that the 13-year contract was excessively long, schedules were held out without the confirmation or permission of the members, contract terms had been extended and changed without their knowledge or consent, and that the group's earnings were not fairly distributed to the members.[211] Early termination penalty of their contract would cost them twice the profit that the group was estimated to earn for SM Entertainment in the rest of the contract period.[212] The news of their lawsuit was enough to cause SM Entertainment's stock price to drop over 10%.[213] The Seoul Central District Court granted the three members a temporary contract injunction in October 2009 and stated that SM Entertainment could not interfere with their individual activities, thus placing a halt on TVXQ's group activities in South Korea.[214] The members claimed that the contract was unfair and that they were left out of proper profit distribution.[215] In response, SM Entertainment called a press conference and claimed that the lawsuit was not about unfair contracts or human rights, but motivated by the three members' greed to pursue their cosmetics business uninhibited by the restrictions of their exclusive contract with SM Entertainment. The agency submitted a complaint on criminal misdemeanor charges against the cosmetics company CreBeau; however, it was never brought to court by the prosecutor on grounds of insufficient evidence. The three replied that they hoped SM Entertainment would respect the court's decision.[216]
It goes on, but I assume this is what the Twitter post was referencing. Obviously the members of BTS did not sue to get out of their contracts. The long thread definitely gives some insight into just how beholden (indentured?) idols are to their labels.
Jimin's dad's ZM-illennial merchandise line seems all the more relevant when you realize the members do not benefit from sales of BT21 stuff.
I hope all seven members of BTS can figure out how to get out of that company.
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There’s def a group on here that’s very very aggressive and bold with their claims about this man and how much insider knowledge they have.
They got people’s attention last year because they posted they got some merch from a movie the celeb in question was filming (they claim they got the merch from their friends who worked onset) and that’s why many impressionable believe them.
They are BFFS with another person who screams they have insider knowledge yet has an angry meltdown whenever something doesn’t go how they expect (literally every time 🤣).
I believe there is def fuckery or weirdness going on with the whole thing but this particular group has made several claims that were incorrect and they were proven incorrect soon after they made the claims:
1) this celeb has dropped their publicist (she then shows up at the VF party with him in pap pics in the parking lot)
2) this celeb is no longer with his PR team (he’s still listed as their client)
3) this celeb’s wife was dropped by her American agency and she has no team or representation (she showed up to her agency’s pre Oscar party with her husband as her plus one)
4) this celeb would have stuff drop around his bday but it wouldn’t be what the other team was insinuating (nothing of either side was dropped at all but im sure they’ll claim stuff changed BTS)
5) claiming the celeb has drug problems and that his wife has an eating disorder. Extremely dangerous claims to make and also comparing their claims of his “substance abuse” to another celeb whose mugshot has recently been making the rounds after his DUI arrest the other day.
6) claiming they have insiders feeding them intel about the celeb that they claim to dislike and hate but are here on this site to “inform others about the bs”
Let me ask you all a question? Is it a coincidence that the majority of this little group claim to not be fans of this celeb yet have dedicated daily/weekly hours for the past two years to this SS? They also claim to be fans of another celeb that used to be in movies with the celeb they’re always ripping on, which makes me feel like they’re purposely putting him down so the celeb they actually like looks better by comparison. Even though that guy clearly had his own issues and problematic relationships - funny these blogs weren’t around to dissect their “fav’s” last problematic relationship with another z list European actress. Funny how when their fav stays silent about anything it’s nbd, but the celeb they enjoy ripping on is now the worst person on the planet for simply existing.
I think people are on here to hate watch and get followers and also have nothing better to do. Which, they are entitled to peruse the internet as they wish. But spreading dangerous and likely false accusations and rumors about celebs without providing actual proof is a reckless and irresponsible.
I don’t care if you claim to have insider knowledge. If you can’t prove it with hard evidence and you hide behind an anonymous blog, then iMO, anything you say is hearsay and should be taken with a bucket of salt.
Of course, some super impressionable and clearly unstable anons and blogs on here run to these blogs to get intel and then spread the nonsense as gospel. Just an endless cycle of irresponsibility.
But that’s just me.
i believe coincidences are very few and far between
hate watching is a thing; so is troll marketing
i believe none of what i hear and half of what i see
some people are looking for a confirmation of what they want to believe so they don't have to accept what is actually true.
no one with insider knowledge is going to post about it on the internet unless that was their specific job to do so.
thanks for stopping by and sharing with us, anon!
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insane-weasel · 1 year
I always knew the OG DSMP fandom would divide. But huh. The line is not where I thought it would be.
I honestly was like "yeah, SBI, Tubbo, Charlie, and probably Q would be more on one side and Dteam -Q, +Co would be other."
But I guess even as someone who watched the finale, the fact it didn't occur to me that I probably should revise my prediction to include Tubbo and Tommy as more akin to DTeam, because I really suffer from the illness of seeing Tommy as "likely to do whatever Wilbur does." Like damn, forgot he had agency.
To say the events unfolding are surprising?--not at all. Id say I'm pretty content with the fandom split and still enjoy both parts, absolutely. All that matters is the content creators I love working together (Wilbur, Q and Charlie) plan to continue and I admit I feel like Dteam's stuff is a different genre. I still like the genre, but sometimes the chemistry was off, with like what kind of role players they are. I feel like the way they split has something to do with BTS drama, but also with how they like to play a multi-player server.
Like how involved/how they like to interact/expectations. I can see after the stranglehold following the "plot" had on some people that they'd detest the idea, while others who flourished under the plot are more eager to return to it. Also--just some people you don't like to role-playing with and that's normal and acceptable.
Still wondering if this drama is a bit or like fully real and if it's real what the fuck happened off camera, dawg?!
But otherwise, damn this kind of fun. Woke up the fandom.
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reversecreek · 8 months
Tumblr media
welcome to marina, WILLA DENEURVE ( woman, she/her ) ! they are a TWENTY-EIGHT year old who has lived on the island for TWO MONTHS. word on the street is they’re currently living in HYLAND PARK and works as an ACTRESS. everyone also says they look a lot like ASHLEY MOORE. what do you think?
“Her voice was trained, supple as leather, precise as a knife-thrower’s blade. Singing or talking, it had the same graceful quality, and an accent I thought at first was English, but then realized was the old-fashioned American of a thirties movie, a person who could get away with saying “grand”. Too classic, they told her when she went out on auditions. It didn’t mean old. It meant too beautiful for the times.” — Janet Fitch, White Oleander.
willa ws born to honestly like….. the perfect family not to honk my own tit bt……………. they were jst rly quite wholesome. her mum celeste was this larger than life person who could never b contained by the four walls of any room she was in. she hd the presence of a gold glitter chess piece on an otherwise mundane wooden board. her dad marlon used to always joke that he had absolutely NO idea how he landed her bc he was just this like. rly average guy by all accounts n purposes….. blended into the sea in high skl……. had a few close friends but was never rly Notable or made a proper impression anywhere…… he always retold it as him coasting thru life until he met her in college. kind of like he’d been half awake before
willa always very much took after celeste…… there’s this one quote i remember reading that goes vaguely like “my mom and i would sit and listen to leonard cohen and joni mitchell lyrics together. from a young age i remember her being like “i’m playing this song and when it’s done i want u to tell me what’s happening in it” n she would give me a fake glass of wine when i was 8 and i would listen and b like. i think there was an affair.” which so much summarises their dynamic…… she ws just so like. dramatic n fun n always encouraged that in willa too. her mum was like. everything she aspired to be…… got scouted by a modelling agency in college n shot one campaign before blowing it off simply bc she was bored. starred lead in a play. spent a few weeks travelling asia selling handmade candles shaped like koi fish or curled up foxes or elegantly stretched hands. dated a parisian movie star during a break she and her father took n was featured in tabloids on his arm at the premiere. sm fun n exotic stories willa literally cldn’t get enough. whenever she’d tell them to willa as a kid her dad wld roll his eyes like ohhhhh here she goes again but it’d all b playful n he’d smile bc he honestly cldn’t get enough either. the stuff dreams are made of luv (lizzie mcguire stans rise)
(car accident & death tw) so u know when ur walking down a flight of stairs n then out of nowhere u miss a step n u get that lurch in ur stomach like ur in free fall? yeah. i won’t go into it too much but one night they were driving back from getting frozen yogurt and then suddenly they weren’t. she doesn’t rly remember much about it except for completely ignoring the doctors trying to give her the news and just saying “dad chose pecan. who chooses pecan?” n repeating that over n over n over until it didn’t rly register in her ears as english any more.
willa was uprooted from marina at 11 to go n live w her aunt in NY. this was like. a huge adjustment honestly….. her aunt blanche hd always been a little unconventional bt extremely glamorous. she lived in an old defunct theatre she’d bought out n came from a lot of money. willa’s mum’s side of the family hd always been well off bt celeste opted to live a little more Ordinarily shall we say after settling whereas blanche ws jst balls to the walls dripping w eccentric excess…. wld say she was never naked bc she ws always wearing black opium by yves saint laurent…… probably the living embodiment of la vie boheme….. she’d been admitted a yr early to a rly prestigious parisian design school n is an AMAZING seamstress. a corset she stitched a broadway star into got commissioned fr an actress’ red carpet walk at an indie film festival. rly just lived such a life rich w lots of stories n lots of talent too…… had that star quality essence tht her mum had n that was smthn willa found quite comforting everything considered.
(grief tw) u would think maybe a situation like this (one involving so much sudden change) wld cause a kid of tht age to withdraw into her shell bt willa only came out of her shell MORE. she coped w her situation by spinning it into a celebrity origin story inside her head. the tear jerker tale someone tells during their x factor audition to get the judges rooting for them. mentally streamlining things. repackaging all that hurt as a surefire ticket to success bc it had to be useful for something right? there had to b a point to it right? willa decided the point was she’s a star. KFHSGKFHGFKHGKJSFHG. get it girl….. she ws literally just like ok well clearly i’m destined to be famous n i’m the main character of this story. this story called earth. it’s all about me.
rly heavily immersed herself in her high skl theatre scene……. loved experimenting w fashion n literally wore the most outlandish things like. she treated the hallways like her milan f/w debut every new school yr…… a lot of the things she wore were actual like. costumes frm her aunt’s collection…… she has a multi-story closet u have to climb ladders to reach things in like a very rustic library…. it rly wasn’t uncommon for willa to turn up one day corsetted like a pirate with billowing sleeves or sporting the baby blue gingham of a swedish milk maid. it’s like she literally jst…… became a role. always. every day. the world ws her stage. the cameras were always rolling. her aunt only encouraged this tbh n honestly? icon. we love to see it. willa partied a bunch n rly lived a lax lifestyle where responsibility was concerned…. her aunt ws her best friend…… made rly gd friends with performers in the drag club scene n loved the glitz of that….. lots of wild nights turned grossly bright mornings
snagged an agent fresh into her first yr of college (she gt accepted to a pretty competitive theatre program at [redacted] in NY bc i haven’t looked into what that wld be yet <3 i’m merely a helpless british lass <3) n booked a few commercials n things….. when i say willa wld enter audition rooms like she owned the place i’m rly not exaggerating…. once she turned up to a casting call for MEN n just walked right to the front of the line scraping a random chair along the way n then took a seat w her legs crossed popping a bubble in her gum as they all glared at her like wtf is literally going on who are u. she received several complaints n she was just like “ur all acting so jealous of me….”
i feel like she got a pretty big role in a theatre production in her last yr at school. haven’t decided what yet. maybe smthn rocky horror or even mimi in rent. this was meant to b some like huge moment for willa like yes girl finally making it ur on ur way this is what u wanted n she WAS happy abt it but once it was wrapped she jst had this strange like Huh feeling in her chest……. n a la celeste w all her exciting stories was just like well i’ve done that so what’s next?
SO basically i feel like she finally moved back to marina a few months ago n lives in the big empty house in hyland park tht used to belong to her parents. she inherited it n never sold it. it's kind of eerie n weird n like a giant frozen shrine. she hd a brief stint starring on a reality tv show beforehand where her dog gained a handful of fan accounts dedicated to him……. u maybe will see why in the first bullet point of her personality section………… FKGHKSHFGGKFSHKHG. honestly she ws received pretty well too (mostly bc she’s so fking dramatic n like a caricature of a person) bt it wasn’t anything to warrant actual Fame (despite what willa herself might think). she’s mostly jst like. chilling honestly. accepting scripts n flying out fr auditions still. she’ll nab the occasional part bt she’s looking for that One Thing that rly feels like her big moment….. otherwise i cn just imagine her treating marina like a little dollhouse compared to the roaring mansion of NYC n having fun playing around in it. strikes a pose w a hand on my hip…. and now to personality.
got a very large n lithe greyhound n named him marlene dietrich bc she was a black n white hollywood starlet famously known for her affairs n “bedroom eyes”. willa was like ugh. icon status instantly. didn’t rly foresee the responsibilities tht came w owning a dog tht loves exercise n complains abt him being like “ugh he wants to run soooooooooo much 🙄 like where are u literally going”. having said tht loves him dearly n he can often be seen wearing little clothes. a baby’s bonnet. a quilted leather waistcoat. a custom dog boa. he’s very glamorous. willa calls him a gay icon despite no evidence to support this theory. she also says he can sniff out evil in ppl so she brings him sometimes when she’s first introduced to a friend’s new bf n if his nose quivers a certain way she’s like “marlene has spoken. it’s done”. her friends r like omg? what’s done? willa gets up n walks away without elaborating. marlene’s little paws clicking along the floor w attitude.
literally dressed as marie antoinette for her high skl prom even tho there was no theme pertaining to this. jst loves the spotlight. can fake cry and WILL to get out of a parking ticket or teach someone to watch their tone or even simply for the theatrics of it all. the Most dramatic………….. rly fits being an actress like when people find out what she does it’s very like oh that makes sense.
says she doesn’t get hangovers. she’s just like “i revoked that it doesn’t happen to me”. alludes tht this is bc she’s an all powerful deity that was Chosen to be Blessed bt really she’s jst great at bouncing back n acting fine even w a blistering headache. it’s about believing the performance so much that u even convince urself.
has an extremely elevated sense of self importance bc this is kind of the equivalent of several layers of bubble wrap to cushion her frm the world. strives to b extraordinary bc ordinary honestly feels like a death sentence n there’s nothing she’d want to b seen as less. despite this weight she puts on that she rly doesn’t tend to let ppl’s opinions affect fr the most part like she’s quite firmly set in this I’m Literally The Most Gorgeous And Beautiful Angel Star Creature To Walk This Narsty Little Earth view
probably an incredibly big fan of dramatic short lived love affairs. she wants the glamour of it all. the scandal. the randomly breaking up w someone in a public place n sliding on sunglasses after delivering the words over a freshly ordered coffee (tht she’ll leave without drinking bc that’s star power babey she waits fr no man or no hot beverage)…….. has no preference gets w any n all regardless of gender……… romanticises things so they hv a better spin or story in her head n doesn’t rly take things seriously like jst has fun in her fantasy world…. she’s like ugh chuck i know u wanted to marry me but i’m a beautiful bird in a cage n u literally need to undo the latch n set me free……. the guy’s like……. my name’s chase n we’ve only been on two dates….. willa’s like…… please don’t take this so hard i can tell ur besides urself but people r starting to stare……. gets up n leaves. no-one was staring. chase is confused n honestly probably semi concerned fr her welfare.
always has to b the hottest n most glamorous person in a grocery store…. probably goes to them when she doesn’t even need anything jst holding a basket nonchalantly over her forearm glancing over at a cashier in her wizard of oz corset seamed interpretation on a dorothy dress thinking he wants me soooo bad it’s not even funny….. seduces him over the check out counter jst for him to ask her to come back to his so she can lean back scandalised n cry “IS THAT THE KIND OF WOMAN U THINK I AM, PAUL?! YOU’RE A GHASTLY LITTLE MAN, YOU ARE….” with all the gusto of a telenovela. attracts the shocked glances of all surrounding elderly.
speaks fluent french. probably on her brief stint on tht reality show i mentioned earlier was like “ugh can you believe Deneurve of this guy?” n in her head was like this catchphrase is sensational it’ll catch on fast the twittersphere is abt to implode but it didn’t become a thing except for in a small isolated community. despite this she’s like “yeah it went viral….. go figure. just another day in the life.”
honestly like a lot of fun bt also a huge handful at the same time. keeps her real Serious emotions in a locked box bt is always overflowing w melodramatics n rly giving her all at the drop of a hat where Performing is concerned. probably Loves parties n sees them as another form of production in which she wants to b the lead. rly just. loves herself. except does she? 🤔 lifts my hand up like rihanna n winks. find out next time. lucky by britney plays as i slowly disintegrate in spiderman rp…..
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alittlefrenchtree · 6 months
Wait wait help me understand 👀 so he changed his team, right? and if a deadline article has been published, from what I've learned, when it comes out on deadline it's because they want to launch the news, right? It could already be a move by his new team? I wonder if he has had proposals and then changed because of that or was it a previous choice.
However the silence was obvious because he was working bts 👀 I know great things are coming now
The article seems to say that he kept his previous team(s)/agencies and only added more muscles on his side. It could be for a transitional time to ease and smooth the change or because he still wants (and can afford) to work with more people dealing with different aspects of his career. I imagine some of his people are more focused on fashion stuff and other on acting stuff.
I don't know enough about American medias to know if Deadline means something specifically but i'm not sure if we can talk about a deliberate move to launch anything. I mean it's just the way things work.
But like you said, it's bts work that take time and it's certainly is a step in the right direction of incoming news!
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peppertaemint · 2 years
I have a big Ask about becoming drained by the kpop life (Anon added a lol, btw). I thought I would put excerpts here and respond. The Anon is aiming this at all fandoms.
there seems to be this constant wave of complaints, entitlement and overreacting to every damn thing. Either it's a conspiracy and the company their fave group works at is trying to sabotage their faves or complaining that the company is over working their faves not taking into consideration what that artist is capable of being able to handle or discussions they may have had with their agency, overreacting that their fave isn't being treated equally, counting how many lines their fave gets, how much camera time, if their fave is sick or hurts their ankle, back, finger, leg, hand, arm, it's catastrophic and they act like it's RIP city and people are crying and talking about how scared they are, if two members get along and like to spend a lot of time together then that automatically means they're crushing on each other or in s secret relationship.
The misogynists, the homophobics, the akgaes, the sexists, the ageists, the constant mobbing at the airports, the having fits about their faves dating or getting married and still plotting shit against those who dare live their lives just like everybody else on the planet deserves to do. All of it, I just don't want to see it. And as much as I have muted and unfollowed and blocked, the shit still gets through. I want to stay up to date on what my favorites are doing but I don't want to see the stupid shit. Those of you who have managed to not be exposed, mad props, but it hasn't worked for me. I need some advice because I am worn out by fans, not the kpop groups themselves
First, I don't believe the people who I see commenting and Ask-ing etc who say "wow I don't get how you see all this stuff wow I never see it." These people are either liars who want to make you feel crazy (gaslighters, lol) or they're only going on Tumblr and just got here so they haven't seen it yet. YET.
All fandom experiences have pieces of what you describe Anon, but it's Kpop fandoms that are the most extreme. And this is because it's driven by teens and mostly young girls. As much as people want to be the exception to the rule, the majority of people in these fandoms are still kids (up to 25 yrs old). Beyond kids, you have a lot of people of different ages with unhealthy fixations. I mean, how many "army" have you met who say their only happiness is BTS? I don't at all judge those people, but we have to be honest in saying that's not in the realm of healthy mindsets. When you put your happiness in people you don't know, that's a huge gamble.
A lot of people are fixated with online fandom community because they're filling in a void in their life; it can be a hobby (probably reasonably healthy) or it can be the person's reason to keep going. That's why you see such extreme reactions. When you're 12, everything is the end of the world. When your entire life is Baekhyun, his sore throat is gonna be the height of anxiety to you. Again, I'm not judging this; different strokes for different folks.
So what advice can I give you? Perhaps just to understand why it's happening and take breaks from it when it's not adding to your life. I mute people a lot. Basically, I put them in time-out. Even on DM too (oops secret's out!). If someone is crying about something I find infantalizing and a detriment to my life, I close it off and move on; I come back when/if I have time for that. I tend to unmute people when I can't remember what they did that was annoying. It works well. I can always re-mute. And this saves the block drama.
The easiest fix tho? Close Twitter, Tumblr, IG, etc and do something different. Watch a movie. Go out with friends. Or, watch a concert to remind you why you're really here. My "fangirling" is mostly in private, where I get to watch Taemin and SHINee concerts whenever I feel like it, by myself or with family and friends, and the only person whose opinion matters in mine.
Recently I watched SHINee World IV with my mom. She adored Jonghyun. Just gotta say that. ;)
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irishhorse-blog · 11 months
I don't actually find it insulting tbh anon is right that it could be used as an insult but that requires intention imo. There's 7 members plus any number of other people they work with creating things for the album they literally can't all make it and some stuff will be objectively better sometimes or does it not count when the person you root for the most is the one picked because jm and jk both made dis-ease bridges and jms was picked cus it was better that doesn't mean jk is a shitty untalented songwriter. Everyone is just walking around angry waiting for something they can misconstrue so they feel justified being mean about something they were inevitably going to do anyways because they wanted to
Exactly. The anger is just epic.
I swear I wasn't trying to shade Jimin. I swear that I do believe in him, support him, and find his artistry and talent amazing. The post that has everybody all riled up really doesn't reflect what I feel or think. Now they're coming for me with guns blazing, telling me what I think and feel, and they're 110% wrong. Apparently mistakes are not allowed.
Whatever. I truly am OT7, and more than that, I'm an adult who has worked in group settings before (read: fiction anthologies for publication). Sometimes things don't make the cut, but it doesn't mean they're bad, and it doesn't mean that the writer/songwriter is being targeted. Like you said, it's impossible for EVERY submission to make the final product.
At the end of the day, PJMs are going to hate me and pot shotting my in box will no doubt be the sport of the week. Whatever. They can howl all they want, but they don't understand my intent (which is understandable, because I really didn't express myself well). They don't know me, my beliefs, or my feelings. Further, their opinions of me matter not a whit.
Cry about it, cast aspersions and make accusations, but at the end of the day, I know what I meant, and I know who I support. I also know that there's a whole Real Life out there that has more important things to worry about than which singer gets more number ones, and whether the promotion path they chose for themselves matches the ones these solos/mantis would have chosen.
The "so-and-so is a victim" narrative is RIDICULOUS. These men are artists, adults, and have agency. None of them are sweet little kids being battered by the big bad industry. Yes, there is some of that. BB, Spotify, YT, Grammy - they're all guilty. But believing that a company that ultimately sees all 7 as cash cows and products would hamstring the success of one of them is really stupid. HYBE/BigHit exists to make money on the backs of their artists. It makes ZERO sense for them to hold any of the members back.
By the way, while you PJMs were acting like my opinion just set fire to your gonads and the world was going to end because Jimin didn't get the treatment you would have given him, people have been dying in war, from disease, from hunger, from gun violence... but that doesn't matter, does it, as long as your fav gets all the awards? I guess you can't win awards of your own, so you get validation by living through Jimin.
Sad. And I'm done with this topic. Come for me if you want - I really don't give a shit what any of you think of me. Scream at me to your heart's content. I'll just keep deleting your anon messages (no respect for those who won't claim their diatribes or threats) and I'll keep supporting ALL of BTS... Jimin included.
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