red0490 · 8 months
do you do porn because the way you draw that huge red exo man it says somethin, if so where can one find some, tell me privately i beg you
Late reply, sorry XD
I answered something like this before haha I do but it isn’t often. I don’t really advertise where I post those doodles either. Most just kinda stumble on the page
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dement009 · 4 years
because i have no clue whats going on is the so far comic in a hiatus, ended or something else?
scroll back a bit and you can read
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i feel like for the episode where pink was canonically revealed to be pink is instead gonna be the point where WDsteven finds out gregs last name (universe one btw) and that its his too
To be fair - it ISN’T Steven’s last name. As per Earl’s retelling in the recent comic, Steven was picked up by patrol in the middle of a forest. His last name was given to him by the foster system and it is not Universe. 
At least not yet. 
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perfectstevenau · 4 years
im geussing once we do figure it out you arnt gonna tell us
Nope! mwhahahah- I wanna do a dramatic reveal! Although no one has guessed it so far!
I will save the message though for when it IS revealed!
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jigokuhana · 4 years
so is that au you and that person who i cant remember on hiatus sorry if you answerd this allredy
its me & @wilted3sunflowers :)
and its not on hiatus, since we technically havent posted anything yet.
to be clear for everyone’s benefit, we’re making actual comic pages for this & not the one panel stuff ppl usually see from me.
we want to get a decent amount of pages done first before we post anything, so we can post something for u guys while still being able to work on future pages.
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so with the end of steven universe future is this gonna continue?
Oh of course! I still have a story to tell! I just update every Tuesday or Wednesday. with everything that’s going on in the world, I work in a retail store so I am a necessary employee, so I still gotta work. which means the pages sometimes can be delayed depending on what my job wants me to do. But, don’t worry this comic isn’t gonna be abandoned because su and suf is over!
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homeworld-steven-au · 4 years
aw man i was just about to give an ask ill do it anyway this is most definately probably asking to much but do you think you will ever try to finish this agin if you see this and dont want to answer thats fine
At this point. Its a possibility. DONT GET YOUR HOPES UP THOUGH. A lot of my problem with doing the Art is gone. I’m back into my groove of making artwork. But the other main problem is my SU burnout that I don’t think I can really get over since I just get angry whenever I think about SU anymore. I’m sorry but if enough time is passed. I will come back and tell everyone the plans I had for the story and some extra drawings that were too spoilery to show at the time. For right now though, my complicated feelings about SU get in the way. 
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v-murderkings · 2 years
In your AU, since Darius is a teenager, how would the rest of his school friends react? And would Alador be the next coven head instead?
(aaa my first ask!!)
Initially they’d all be confused and conflicted, not too long after Darius (unintentionally) escaped. Eda, Lilith, Raine, Perry, Alador, and Odalia were brought to a local Scout Station for questioning. The interview was more about whether any of them knew Darius’ whereabouts so they kept their very different opinions about Darius’ innocence or guilt to themselves.
And yes! A few months after Darius escaped the previous Abomination Head began to seek out other candidates just as a necessary precaution, one of which being Alador. He eventually got the position, after a few years The Abomination Coven slowly became a marketing front for Blight Industries.
(Thank you for the ask! I never would’ve thought about both of these ideas if it wasn’t for you. I’ll definitely go more in depth in a future post <3)
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kraviolis · 4 years
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quick question worst thing someones called you or someone you know
I cannot say on this blog, mostly bc I wanna try and keep a friendly atmosphere (besides the occasional friendly poke in the side either from me to you or vice versa). Let’s have fun here. :)
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hopeididntscareyou · 2 years
Art of war 101: Never explain, never complain
Aahh, heres the World War 2 junkie in me again. Contrary to the popular belief, I've been obsessed with WW2 not because of the military action and all that disasters it caused. WW2 movies are always usually about the life of soldiers or some other drama for the ordinary people.. But honestly for me, WW2 history is mainly interesting because of the IRL Strategy gaming of the world leaders. Whats behind a powerful action is a brilliant mind. Its like a 4D chess strategy, or some string theory shit.
Ive been always a fan of the communist leaders, which is kind of lulzy to discuss with the average people who knows a thing about history. People are always like, "dont u eVen kn0w whAt hApnD iN the h0locAUst/guLag", "dont you know that mao zedong is responsible for the death of 45Million people" uhm yes i know he outdid Stalin and Hitler combined which is why hes easily such a succesful IRL übermensch. However, what im going to talk about has got nothing to do with Marxism, but more about a a wisdom learned from Winston Churchill, one of the prominent leaders during WW2, the one who orchestrated alliance with Russia and US that eventually led to Germany and Japan's a very, very Nietzsche tragedy.
I'm not going to quote everything that Churchhill said but he said this, "no matter how good the arguments were, the mere fact of advancing them would be everywhere taken as a sign of weakness.” in this, Churchill is basically saying apologizing and explaining shit is a sign of weakness.
Everyone thinks communication always solve problems but i disagree. Telling someone how they have wronged you is the worst decision you'll ever do in your life. Trust me, the times ive done that i knew the possibility I had to take the L (but even if i had to do that, its not for ethical reasons anyways). To explain your actions of self preservation is to imply it's up for debate. You are simply giving the other party an opportunity to control you. And no, the other person is never going to sympathize with your point of view, they are just thinking they just have to get you monologuing like a cheap movie antagonist so they have time to set the (emotional) trap off on you. Most importantly, people operate on their subjective reality so arguing for the sake of being objective is pointless.
You can't make some one learn ever. If theyre capable to learn, they will learn from your clear disengagement with them. You are under no obligation to manage nor even observe someone else's growth. They have all the recourses for growth without you, just as you have all the resources for growth without them.
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yanyan-stuck · 4 years
Can I get an AraSol oneshot? Maybe about how they met their darling?
Yandere Aradia/Reader/Sollux Oneshot
You watched Sollux walk out the door through the mess of hair that was covering your eyes. You didn't look up to watch him, you didn't want him to know that you were reacting to his leaving at all. Once he left, you flipped your hair up over your head.
It had grown out during your captivity, as your captor hadn't cut it or let you cut it. It was something you were slightly grateful for, if only because it gave you that faintest idea of how long you've been trapped, chained to the wall of his hive with no idea where you were.
Only a few minutes passed, way less time than it takes for Sollux to go up to the roof and feed his lusus, when the door slowly creaked open, as opposed to how Sollux opens and shuts the door in a hurry, afraid that you'll be seen even though not a single person is still bothering to search for you. You watched the door curiously with a spark of hope that someone else will find you and rescue you.
A female troll with long wavy hair and curly ram horns peaked in through the door and slowly looked around. She made eye contact with you and her face transformed into a shocked expression. She opened the door quickly, rushing over to you and examining the heavy metal collar Sollux had put on you. She let go of the collar and started fussing over your hair before asking you if you knew where Sollux was. You sighed in disappointment, almost losing all hope of escape that you had.
She frowned at you and asked again, "where's s0llux?" When you didn't reply fast enough for her liking, she asked a different question. "d0 y0u kn0w when he's c0ming back?" You perked up at that, wondering again if she would help you escape, even though you knew it wasn't likely.
"He'll be back soon. We have to hurry." You started pulling at your collar, trying to get her to take it off. She walked back to the door and glanced out the doorway. She walked back to you and asked you where Sollux was again, but this time you finally answered, "He's on the roof with his lusus, but you have to hurry and help me get out because he'll be back soon!" You whisper shouted it, because the door was still open and you didn't want Sollux to hear you if he was on his way back already.
The unknown troll ran out the door, shutting it and locking it with a click that spelled out your doom. She wasn't going to help you, and you were going to be stuck here until you died. You almost cried at that thought, freedom was so close but it just slightly eluded your grasp, dancing around your fingertips in a life or death game of cat and mouse.
Far too soon, the door slammed open in a familiar manner, and you found yourself flinching even though you tried to stop it. Sollux marched in, holding the troll girl's hand, dragging her into the room with him. He let go of her, and stared at her expectantly. She took that as her queue to start talking, and told him about how you had tried to get her to let you out as soon as she met you.
You flinched again as you felt Sollux's cold glare move to you, hiding your face and cowering. He sighed exasperatedly and you slowly peeked above your arm to look at him. He was staring at the troll girl again, and quickly tried to introduce you to her, saying her name was "Aradia."
You watched her distrustfully, knowing that she was the one who sold you out, that this troll girl, no, Aradia, was the one who got you into big trouble with Sollux. She watched you with slight smile eerily painted on her features. The smile slowly turned into a grin, which showed her dimples.
You glared at her, wondering why she was so happy. You were almost certainly going to be punished by Sollux and it was her fault. Why did she get to be happy when all you were able to do was suffer. Sollux watched your frown turn into a snarl of aggression, and after you ignored, or maybe just didn't see, his warning glare, he shocked you with his psionics.
The whole room lit up a bright red and blue for a couple of seconds, and you let out a yelp as you felt the jolt of electricity collide with your arm. When the lights faded, Aradia was staring in shock and fear. Perhaps she was just as scared as you were? Perhaps now that she saw that her "friend" was a monster, she would help you escape?
"oh 2hiit AA, iim 2o 2orry, ii diidnt thiink about iit," Sollux lisped out. Aradia shut her eyes and took a few breaths, calming herself before opening them and speaking again.
"s0, what ab0ut the deal?" She asked when she was calm enough to speak without shaking. "are we g0ing t0 share, 0r are y0u g0ing t0 just kick me 0ut?" She raised an eyebrow at Sollux, giving a slight smirk.
Sollux sighed again before responding, "fiine. theyre 2taying at my hiive, though. you dont have the 2tuff to keep them captive, 2o iill do that for you. you can vii2iit, and maybe take them to your hiive occa2iionally. ju2t dont 2hare them wiith anyone el2e. got iit?"
Aradia grinned and let out a small squeal, pulling at your collar and almost strangling you with it, when Sollux walked up with the key and unlocked it. Aradia grabbed your hand, crushing it in her surprisingly strong grip and pulled you down the stairs of Sollux's hivestem and started running through the fields with you being towed behind her.
You ended up in front of a small hive that you assumed was hers, and a faint white glow surrounded your wrists. You stared in confusion when Aradia spoke up, telling you how she was going to keep you under her telekinesis so that you couldn't escape while she got something better to restrain you with.
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dement009 · 5 years
im geussing the so far comic is on a hiatus right at least i hope it is as the alternative well sucks
it isss for a bit more yea as im trying to get financially stable inbetween prepping the print version for vol.3 and working on commissions
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perfectstevenau · 4 years
i think we may have pushed him over the line but he did cross it first anyway TO THE CRYSTAL GEMS! oh also greg and connie
Tumblr media
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the-hs-etaverse · 5 years
A Homestuck Mean Girls AU just sprang into my head fully-formed like some sort of reverse Athena.
It’s basically an AU in which the Homestuck characters act out the events of Mean Girls, but set in Alternia and roughly ten times as gay. Starring Rose Lalonde as Cady Heron, Vriska Serket as Regina George, and Terezi Pyrope as Janis Ian.
Some highlights below the cut:
Eridan: “made out wwith a hot dog”?
Eridan: oh my gog, that wwas one time!
Terezi: TH1S 1S T4VROS
Tavros: hI,
Feferi: And I don’t t) (ink my ancestor,
Feferi: T) (e inventor of the caste system,
Feferi: WOULD B--E TOO PL---EAS----ED TO ) (-------EAR ABOAT T) (IS!!!!!
Aradia: s0 if y0ure fr0m earth why are y0u white
Feferi: O) ( my GOG, Aradia, you CAN’T just ask people w) (y t) (ey’re W) (IT--E!!!!!
Rose: On October 3rd, she asked me what day it was.
Kanaya: Excuse Me What Day Is It
Rose: It’s October 3rd.
Jane: I just wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school.
Jane: I wish that I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles, and we’d all eat it and be happy.
Porrim: Do+ yo+u even go+ to+ this scho+o+l?
Jane: No, I just have a lot of feelings.
Dualscar: Do not hawve sex, because you vwill get pregnant and die.
Terezi: VR1SK4 S3RK3T
Terezi: HOW DO 1 3V3N B3G1N TO D3SCR1B3 VR1SK4 S3RK3T
Eridan: vvriska serket is flawwless
Meenah: she got two findi purses and a blue cutlass
Sollux: ii hear her haiir’2 iin2ured for ten thou2and caegar2.
John: her favorite movie is con air.
Jade: one time she met andrew hussie on a plane and he told her she was pretty!
Nepeta: :33 < one time she purrnched me in the face
Nepeta: X33 < it was pawesome!!!
Cronus: Nice vwig, Terezi. Vwhat’s it made of?
Terezi: YOUR LUSUS’ CH3ST H41R!!
Aradia: y0u kn0w wh0s l00king fine t0night? 
Aradia: s0llux capt0r
Vriska: Okay, you did NOT just say that.
Aradia: what? hes a g00d kisser
Vriska: He's your cousin!
Feferi: W--E S) (OULD TOTALLY JUST --EX--ECUT---E T) (--E SUFF---ER-----ER!!!!!
Rufioh: What we need... 1s an att1tude makeover...
Rufioh: 1 don’t care how long 1t takes... 1 w1ll keep you here all n1ght...
Porrim: We can't keep them past 4.
Rufioh: 1 w1ll keep you unt1l 4...
Aradia: hi this is aradia megid0 0u0
Aradia: its 68 degrees 0ut
Aradia and theres a 30 percent chance that its already raining
Mindfang: I’m not like a regular ancestor. I’m a COOL ancestor.
Tavros: yOU GO, eQUIUS zAHHAK,
Rufioh: Rose Lalowned?
Rose: That’s me. But my name is pronounced “Lalonde”.
Rufioh: My apolog1es... My name 1s Ruf1oh N1tram... and 1 get annoyed when people pronounce 1t “Ruf1o”... almost as mad as they get when they real1se 1t’s spelled “Ruf1oh”...
Dave: aaaaaall
Dave: yooouuu
Dave: sucka mcs aint got nothin on me
Dave: from my grades to my lines you cant touch davey
Dave: im a mathlete
Dave: so nerd is inferred
Dave: but forget what you heard im like james bond the third
Dave: sh sh shaken not stirred
Dave: im dave strider
Terezi: F3F3R1 P31X3S H4S 3V3RYON3S BUS1N3SS
Rose: Well... there’s this girl in my Calculus class...
Aradia: 0u0 wh0 is it
Feferi: It’s a senior?
Rose: Her name’s Kanaya Maryam.
Feferi: NO!
Aradia: n0 n0 n0
Feferi: O) ( no, you CAN’T like Kanaya Maryam! T) (at’s Vriska’s ex-matesprit!
Aradia: they went 0ut f0r a year
Feferi: Yea) (, and t) (en s) (e was D--EVASTAT-ED w) (en s) (e broke up wit) ( ) (er last perigee!
Aradia: i th0ught she dumped her f0r j0hn egbert
Feferi: IRR-EGARDL--ESS, ex-matesprits are just, OFF-LIMITS to friends! T) (at’s, like, t) (e RUL--ES of F-----EMINISM!!!
Rufioh: Coach Dualscar… step away from the underage trolls...
Cronus: Havwe you buttered your muffin?
Rose: Uh...
Cronus: Vwould you like us to assign someone to butter your muffin for you?
Roxy: wehres rose?
Dirk: She went out.
Roxy: sges GROINDDD
Dirk: Are they not allowed out when they’re grounded?
Vriska: Oh my Gog, it's her dream come true, diving into a 8ig pile of girls.
Terezi: OK4Y, Y34H, 1V3 GOT 4N 4POLOGY
Terezi: SO 1 H4V3 TH1S FR13ND WHOS 4 N3W STUD3NT TH1S Y34R
Terezi: 4ND W3 TURN3D H3R B3ST FR13NDS 4G41NST H3R
Terezi: OH GOG, 4ND W3 G4V3 H3R FOOT CR34M 1NST34D OF F4C3 W4SH
Terezi: GOG, 1 4M SO SORRY, VR1SK4
Terezi: R34LLY, 1 DONT KNOW WHY 1 D1D 1T
Terezi: 1 GU3SS 1TS PROB4BLY B3C4US3 1V3 GOT 4 B1G, *L33333333SB14N* CRUSH ON YOU!!
Terezi: SUCK ON TH4T!!
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[[ logs/thread with @carnivalsorphans​! Ringleader and Aradia have an encounter ]]
> There are three trolls who’ve messaged the Captor since you caught up to him a couple lights ago, and each you vaguely recognize from pictures on his palmhusk. One has left a single message, one has left three, and one has left sixty-nine. They seem emotional.
> Aradia selects the icon with the red 3 tacked over it. From the timestamps, it looks like these were sent shortly after you brought the Captor here.
carnivalsorphans hey brother, ya runnin a bit late?
> Huh, no response. Wait a good hour or so.
carnivalsorphans kids is missin their practicin partner. you around?
> And still no response. Another half hour?
carnivalsorphans hope ya know i'm gonna work ya real hard later ta make up for this :o)
twotoned2marta22 > Kids? Practing partner? > She absolutely should not respond, but... the Captor has somehow been in contact with others. Others who know he’s a limeblood. So who is this?
carnivalsorphans > Someone who uses clown speak, and fuck knows what that could mean.
twotoned2marta22 > Exactly. > Curiosity is absolutely Aradia’s second greatest weakness. Maybe she can fool him...
2orry, ii lo2t track of the tiime. had two go huntiing iill 2ee the kiid2 for practiice later ju2t runniing low on 2uppliie2
carnivalsorphans huntin? nice, ya gonna bring me back a body or two?
twotoned2marta22 > Okay, so the Captor is providing for this clown somehow. And the kids. > Who is this.
2ure, whatever youre iin the mood for
carnivalsorphans ;o) some with nice long horns is always nice
twotoned2marta22 > The clown is a fucking cannibal. > The Captor is a fucking cannibal.
you got iit where 2hould ii 2end iit two thii2 tiime?
carnivalsorphans whacha weapon of choice this time around. i'll grab coords in a sec
twotoned2marta22 > What was it he tried to pull on you? Gun, right, of course.
dont need anythiing el2e when youve got a decent gun, riight? hone2tly why do you even a2k giimme tho2e coord2 ii dont want two lug thii2 thiing everywhere
carnivalsorphans i thought you said you was gonna change it up the last time we talked.
carnivalsorphans sorry, kids got me fuckin swamped, gimme another minute or two
twotoned2marta22 > Fuck, he uses other things to hunt? Does he set traps? Wait, of course, with his psi he is the trap. > Aradia nervously taps her claws on the table a moment.
you know how iit goe2 deciided ii diidnt want two go for the change kiid2, riight. tell them ill try harder two make iit next tiime
carnivalsorphans > cannibal clown? > Ringleader is Officially Very Suspicious.
carnivalsorphans how you holdin up practicin all the fire dancin shit by the by
twotoned2marta22 > Aradia actually has to stop, for a full fucking minute, because how in the goddesses' names does a limeblood in hiding have the time and space to learn fire dancing.
iit2 diiffiicult but iim iimproviing
carnivalsorphans nice fuckin proud of you brother
carnivalsorphans > Ringleader gets Tarrat to do some hacking for him to see if this is really Snips, considering what Tarrat used to do for his moirail. > Tarrat sends an image file, nothim.jpg, that shows a rustblood with curled horns, looking pretty horrifically sunburnt, and apparently doesn’t have the fucks to tie the robe she’s wearing. She's in a small white room, pink accents everywhere, things accessorized with the Peixes logo. One coon, a table and some seats, where she is accessing the palmhusk by hooking it up to a laphusk. No sign of Snips. > After that is sent two text logs, one with her moirail directly after the kidnapping of Snips (titled 'yourewelcome.txt'), and the other a conversation between her and a troll named Terezi (titled 'jui2y.txt').
> He has now acquired Aradia, Feferi, and Terezi's trollhandles! Wonder if those'll come in handy. > A fair amount of time passes while he talks to Tarrat, until he finally responds.
carnivalsorphans how's your sunburn?
twotoned2marta22 > ...Fuck. > Aradia stares down at the largely broken palmhusk attached to her laphusk. > She doesn't type a response.
carnivalsorphans looked pretty bad.
twotoned2marta22 > She’s not exactly self-conscious, but Aradia isn’t keen on some stranger seeing her spheres out. She slowly ties her robe shut. > Still doesn't answer.
carnivalsorphans oh come on now, you're so fuckin bad at fakin bein him, that's a real innocuous question and you been answerin all the other ones that was just as specific
twotoned2marta22 > You are a grownass troll, Aradia. You’re going to frown very sternly and... maybe twist this in your favor. The Captor doesn’t even use his real name on this site. There could be a lot that he’s hidden from these people. > Appealing to the moral code of a cannibal, though. > That might be kind of pointless.
d0 y0u even kn0w wh0 snips even is
carnivalsorphans yeah i sure do :o) glad ya dropped the game, ya didn't fool me for long
twotoned2marta22 > Scowl. She doesn’t like being mocked.
really n0w snips is an unhinged murderer wh0 has evaded auth0rities f0r sweeps. he targets any caste, any age, and has n0 care f0r h0wever much suffering he causes in fact i am pretty certain he d0es things with the intent 0f causing as much damage t0 inn0cent tr0lls as p0ssible and his name isnt even "snips" its s0llux capt0r
carnivalsorphans wow fuck, now i gotta join ya cause right the fuck now
twotoned2marta22 > Is this sarcasm or...
pr0ve it
carnivalsorphans hahahahaha god you're so gods damned gullible sollux "snips" captor wants ta be LEFT ALONE.
carnivalsorphans and ya kidnapped him if you really thought he was a threat to society, you'd just kill him. but no, you want ta use him for somethin. or, your moirail does :o)
twotoned2marta22 > He can’t... there is no way that the Captor could have known it was Feferi coming for him, or that Aradia was her moirail, and certainly he wouldn’t have passed that information on. > There is no way this palmhusk is secure. Idiot, this device could be tracked. > Aradia disconnects everything in a hurry, reaching into the palmhusk to remove its chargeworm.
carnivalsorphans > Oh no, she went offline :o( > What ever will he do :o(:o( :o(
twotoned2marta22 > Heave a sigh of relief. Nice to have that done. > Maybe she’ll just climb back into the medicinal sopor for the light.
> Aradia’s palmhusk chimes.
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