#justabigassnerd masterlist
justabigassnerd · 2 months
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(x reader):
Finally Safe
Come Home To Us
A Different Man
(x teen!reader):
Unexpected Bond Universe
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callsign-dexter · 3 months
Family Under Fire
Request: Tim’s daughter works a part time job (yknow like to earn a little extra money while in high school) and while she’s working one day someone attempts to rob the place…And Tim and Lucy are the closest to the robbery and Tim recognises the name of the shop way too quickly
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, cussing, inaccurate police talk, inaccurate hospital talk, robbery, guns, blood, caring Tim Bradford, Dad!Tim Bradford
A/N: Thank you @justabigassnerd for requesting it and also this is payback for sending angst TikTok videos.
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Summer. You always liked summer but it could become unbearable in Los Angeles but it was 2 months away from school work, which you did not miss. You 18 which meant that you were in the last of high school and you couldn’t be more excited. Sure, you loved seeing your friends and most teachers but you could care less for the cliques, bullies, jocks, etc.  During the summer you had gotten a part time job at Cozy Corner Café, a cute little place for people to hang out, meet up with friends, do school work, eat, and drink. Everyone there was so nice and it was refreshing. It was a fairly big café and it did really well so well it became popular fast. The café also was a 24-hour café which meant that sometimes you worked well into the night, that part sucked but it paid well and you loved it so you stuck with it. You had your driver’s license which helped with giving you freedom during the summer. You drove a Ford Bronco but recently it was acting up and when you told your father, Tim Bradford, about it the night before he said to bring it down to the station and he would trade vehicles out with you and he would get it looked at either have the mechanics at work look at it or take it down to a mechanic shop after work and get a ride from someone. 
Monday morning rolled around and your alarm clock started to go off abruptly waking you up with a groan. You opened your eyes and turned it off and looked at the time which was 7:00 AM. It was the first official day of summer break and the first day of work for you. You sighed and rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom while grabbing a towel from the hall closest, you needed a shower before you switched cars with your dad and headed off to work. You turned on the shower and got it to the right temperature before shedding your clothes and hopping into the warm water. The water cascaded over you, you quickly did what you needed and then turned off the shower and grabbed your towel drying off and then started to get dressed in jeans and your work shirt. You then brushed your teeth and brushed your hair leaving it to air dry. Once you were done there you grabbed your phone and shut the lights off and walked downstairs to drop your dirty clothes and towel in the washer. Kojo happily greeted you and you smiled petting the dog “Hey there boy. Are you gonna be good while we are gone?” You asked, smiling and not expecting a response but he barked and wagged his tail. “You’re always a good boy, aren’t you?” You asked and he barked and put a paw on your hand making you chuckle. You filled his food bowl and water bowl and then grabbed your backpack and keys. “I gotta get going. Be a good boy.” You said he barked again and then you were heading out of the house and to your Ford Bronco. You got in and put the key into the ignition and turned it “Come on please don’t do this now.” You said as it sputtered for a few seconds before turning over. “Thank you.” You said and then reversed and headed to the station. It didn’t take long before you got there and parked beside your dad’s truck and as soon as you did it died. “Right on time.” You said and got out grabbing your things and throwing on the jacket you would have throughout the night. You walked into the station and literally ran into Wesley Evers, aka your Godfather. “Oof.” You said stumbling back.
“Woah, are you ok?” He asked catching you before you fell backwards.
“I’m good. I promise.” You said looking up at him and then going to hug him.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be getting to work?” He asked and you nodded as you pulled away from him. He knew you started work today because you had excitedly texted him and Angela about it.
“Yes, I left the house a little bit early to drop The Bronco off.” You said
“Is it acting up again?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes unfortunately.” You replied
“Why don’t you trade it in and get a different vehicle?” He asked
“It’s my baby, I can’t just get rid of her.” You said and he shook his head.
“I get it. I get it.” He said smiling.
“Dad is letting me take his truck while he figures out what is going on with it.” You said and he nodded. “You know where he is so I don’t have to do a scavenger hunt for him?” You asked, chuckling and so did Wesely.
“Last I checked everyone was in the briefing room.” He said and you nodded.
“Hey, you should stop by later.” You said and he smiled.
“I will make sure to do that. I have to go but I will see you later Y/N.” He said and he hugged you again and kissed your head. 
“Sounds good. Bye Wesely.” You said and he smiled and then you both started to walk your separate ways. You nodded and smiled at the front desk and they smiled back, everyone knew who you were so you got a free pass. You got on the elevator and pressed the button and when it dinged signaling that you were on your floor you got out and instantly spotted everyone in the briefing room it looked like they had just finished as you walked onto the floor. Angela was the first one to spot you and she smiled, which was rare for her, and nudged Tim who looked your way and smiled, something rare that only few people have seen. They both walked out. 
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Angela asked walking up to you with Tim.
“I’m dropping The Bronco off for dad to get looked at and getting the keys to his truck.” You said and she smiled as you handed Tim your keys.
“Right, I’ll be right back. Let me go and get the keys.” He said and you nodded.
“Why don’t you trade it in and get a different vehicle?” She asked and you laughed.
“That is the same thing your husband said. I’ll tell you what I told him. It’s my baby, I can’t just get rid of her.” You said and she chuckled.
“I remember my first car. I had it until he upped and died on me on the interstate. Had to let it go then. It was truly a sad day.” She said
“Dad got me The Bronco when I got my permit when I was 15 ½. I learned everything in that car. I can’t let her go.” You said 
“When do you start work?” She asked
“8. I left the house early to switch out vehicles with dad.” You said as Tim walked back up and held out the keys to you.
“Be careful and remember it is very sensitive with the gas and breaks.” He said and you nodded.
“I remember. Oh, and the engine died as soon as I parked it.” You said and he nodded.
“I’ll get Seth to look at it while we are gone.” He said 
“Thank you.” You said and he smiled and hugged.
“You’re welcome. I’ll see you later. Call or text if something doesn’t sit right with you.” He said and you nodded.
“I will.” You said as Lucy came up. 
“Hey, what are you doing here?” She asked with a smile.
“My car started to act up and dad said he would get it checked out so I’m switching vehicles with him.” You said and looked down at your watch and saw it was 7:20 AM. “I gotta go. I’ll see you guys later. I love you dad.” You said and he smiled.
“I love you too.” He said and hugged you and kissed your head and then you were heading to the elevators. When you got down to the main level you waved at the front desk and walked out of the building to your dad’s truck. You got in and put your stuff in the passenger side seat and turned the ignition. You reversed and headed to the café ready to start your long shift for the day/part of the night. When you reached the café, you parked in the back where the employees parked and killed the engine. As you were getting out, leaving your bag in the truck, your friend and coworker, Valencia, got out of her car as well.
“You’re in a different vehicle.” She said and you chuckled and smiled.
“Yea, The Bronco was acting up.” You said as you locked the truck and the both of you headed into the back.
“Oh man you love that thing.” She said and you nodded.
“I do and I’ll be heartbroken when it has to go.” You said as the both of you began putting your stuff in the lockers. “Damn, I left my bag in the truck. I’ll just get it later.” You said as Mark walked in overhearing the conversation.
“You sure? We still have some time before we start.” Mark said, your other friend said.
“Yea, I’m sure. I’ll get it on break.” You confirmed and they both nodded and the three of you clocked in and walked to the front and the shift began. The beginning of the shift nothing exciting happened and not a lot of people came in. Some college students came in to grab coffee and maybe something to eat and then they were on their way to class and then the customers died down. You spent the down time by cleaning up and making sure everything was stocked and swept while Remi, Amelia, and Carlyn came and greeted you three, they were also your friends.
“So, you have any plans for the days you’re not working?” Valencia asked and you shrugged as you wiped down the counter as she tended to the cash register along with Amelia.
“No, not really. Might take Kojo out for a run one day and work on some college applications.” You said shrugging.
“Are you really serious about getting into the police academy?” Remi asked as he restocked the higher up things.
“I am. My dad went through it and I love helping people so why not? It runs in our family.” You said not bothering to say anything about your mom since she wasn’t in your life for most of it.
“That would be so cool when you get in and graduate. You’re badass now but you’ll be even more badass.” Mark said, leaning against the counter. You rolled your eyes and smiled and then playfully shoved him off of it.
“Hey I just cleaned there.” You said and wiped the counter down again.
“He’s right, you know. Y/N Bradford certified Badass.” Amelia said and you rolled your eyes and shook your head. 
“It is only the truth.” Carlyn said and everyone nodded and you blushed but smiled.
“Stop you guys.” You said as the door chimed and a flood of people came in and when you looked down at your watch you knew why, it was already noon and this was the lunch rush. Mark, Remi, and Valencia took to the cash registers and getting the food and you, Amelia, and Carlyn started to make the coffee and whatever drinks were ordered, you took this role because you were fast at it and everyone agreed. You three really worked in harmony and got people out quickly. Your boss said when you six were out of school and either going to college and needed work or just needed work in the summer you all had a job, you six were that good. Mark, Remi and Valencia were fast at making coffee too but you and Amelia were a tad faster but they could get the job done just as well and it tasted just as good. You had finished serving the last customer and they were out the door when you sighed in relief. “What a rush.” You said and the other two nodded.
“You got that right.” Mark said turning to you as did Valencia and now it was time to wait. While you waited you wiped down the equipment and cleaned it with the help from Mark. “What time is it?” He asked and you looked down at your watch.
“It is 2:00.” You said 
“Damn time flies by when you’re having fun.” Valencia said and everyone chuckled. As the afternoon went on you served customers and talked. Around 5:00 PM the college crowd started to come in. Mark took the coffee making and you took one of the registers. You were taking orders when a familiar face popped and you smiled.
“Wesley! You came!” You exclaimed and he smiled and nodded.
“I sure did. This is actually one of my favorite spots to hang out and get coffee. I got excited when I knew you were starting to work here.” He said and the two of you talked and he gave you his order and he got it and went to sit down. 
“Y/N take your break.” Mark said and you nodded and clocked out for your 15-minute break. Just as soon as your boss Jason Alderman walked in.
“Taking your break?” He asked and you smiled and nodded.
“Yes, Sir.” You said
“Good. Can’t have one of my best baristas breaking down on me.” He said and then walked to the front as you did and Mark handed you your favorite drink and food.
“You know me so well.” You said and he smiled.
“Of course I do. You’re my best friend.” He said and you rolled your eyes and went and sat down with Wesley while you texted your dad.
You: Hey, I’m on break and Wesley was here as well. 
Tim: You two have fun. I love you 
You: I love you too. 
“So, how have things been with you?” You asked as you took a sip of coffee and looked up at Wesely.
“I’ve been good. A lot of cases have been happening.” He said
“How are you and Angela?” You asked 
“Good. We’re good. Actually, we are trying for a baby.” He said and your eyes got wide.
“Seriously? That is amazing. I can already see a mini-Angela and Wesley running around.” You said and he chuckled.
“Yea, we are pretty excited about it too.” Wesley said 
“Sir, I can’t do that.” You heard Amelia say which made you and Wesley look up and him over to the counter and the both of you froze. The man was tall and slim, he had light brown hair and from the looks of it brown eyes. You got up and made your way to the counter to protect your friend and coworker kicking in. 
“Y/N no.” Wesley said but you ignored him.
“Is there a problem, Sir?” You asked
“Yes, there is, this little bitch won’t give me the money.” He said
“Sir, she cannot do that.” You said voice going into a commanding tone.
“I tried being nice but you made me do this.” He said and pulled out a gun and everything stopped.
“Give me the money now.” He growled out. Jason was quick to come out of the back.
“She is not going to do that.” He said and got in front of him and Amelia. As someone called 911.
“Fine.” He said and turned the gun on you and pulled the trigger. White hot pain is all you felt and then you were falling to your knees as someone was catching you and calling your name.
“Y/N!” Wesley said as he caught you and gently laid you down head in his lap as he applied pressure to the wound. It made you cry out. “It’s ok. I got you. Your dad is on the way.” He said.
“It hurts.” You said tears escaping your eyes.
“I know it does. Just hang on for me. Ok?” He asked and you nodded. There was commotion and Mark and Remi had tackled the man but not before more gunshots went off but thankfully nobody else was hurt as bad as you. They may have some scratches from glass and graze wounds but that is about it. 
“Ok.” You said through gritted teeth. You just wanted your dad.
After you had left the station everyone else had gone and got ready and they started to do the same and as they were at war bag station and they grabbed their cameras Tim turned to Lucy “Get the shop ready. I need to go down to the garage.” He said and she nodded.
“You got it.” She said as she grabbed the bags as Tim made his way down to the garage and straight to Seth, the main mechanic, to ask for him look at your Bronco and they agreed, he knew that Grey would allow it since Tim was a sergeant too, before they even left, they were already giving him an update. 
“So, the engine blew up and the transmission is bad as well.” Seth said.
“How is it possible that it was running fine for months?” He asked as they stood outside by your Bronco and hood up.
“Driving on a blown engine and a bad transmission is possible. Is it good? No.” Seth said
“It never showed any signs of going out or being a bad transmission.” He said and Seth nodded 
“That is not out of the norm. Most people don’t know about it until something happens. Has the light ever come on?” He asked 
“No never.” Tim said and Seth nodded.
“There could be a loose wire or connection. Don’t worry. We will get it up and working. It’ll be good to go by the end of your shift.” Seth said
“Thank you so much.” Tim said and gave him the keys.
“Not a problem. Have a good shift.” Seth said and Tim nodded and he was on his way to Lucy.
“So, what is the news?” She asked
“Blown engine and a bad transmission.” He said
“Oh man. That’s not good.” She said and he shook his head.
“What is even worse is that it didn’t even give warning that it was blown or had a bad transmission. No light ever came on.” He said
“Damn.” She said as they got in the shop and they started their shift. “So, are you going to have to take it somewhere to get fixed?” She asked and he shook his head.
“No, Seth said they would get it fixed by the end of our shift.” Tim said 
“Well, that’s good.” She said and he nodded. Their shift consisted of several noise complaints and several arrests. He drove by Cozy Corner Café and smiled seeing all the cars there and knew you were busy and thankfully Lucy didn’t pick up on what he was doing.
Around 5:00 PM Tim and Lucy were driving back from the station after having just booked someone when he got a text from you. He quickly pulled out his phone before starting to drive.
You: Hey, I’m on break and Wesley was here as well. 
Tim: You two have fun. I love you 
You: I love you too. 
As they got back out on the road the radio went off “7-Adam-100 respond to a 10-66 at Cozy Corner Café. One GSW reported. Multiple injuries. RA requested.” Dispatch sounded and Tim’s heart dropped and he had gone somewhat pale. He was quick to grab the radio.
“7-Adam-100 responding.” He said before Lucy could even make a move towards the radio. He turned on the lights and sped off towards where you worked.
“10--66 is an armed robbery. Tim, what is going on?” Lucy asked
“Y/N works there.” Is all he said and Lucy got a sinking feeling that something wasn’t right. 
“7-Adam-07 responding.” Angela came over the radio.
“7-Adam-19 also responding.” Harper’s voice came through and Tim was grateful for that.
Tim and Lucy were the first to get there and parked in a hurry and they quickly got their guns drawn and went in. “We have him held down over there.” Jason said and pointed to where Mark and Remi were keeping him at bay.
“Officer Chen, you go and take care of him. Where is the gunshot-” Time started but was cut off by Wesley.
“Tim over here. It’s Y/N.” He said and Tim was over there in a hurry. 
“Holy shit.” He murmured. “Y/N, Sweetheart, can you hear me? If you can hear me, open your eyes.” He said and so you did. 
“Daddy?” You asked, he nodded.
“I’m here, what happened?” He asked kneeling beside you not caring if he was getting blood on his uniform.
“He came in demanding money and A-Ameila said we couldn’t give it to him and I got up and went over to him, asked him what he wanted and he repeated himself and I told him that. He got mad then pulled out a gun and and pointed it at me and pulled the trigger. I was just trying to protect my friend, I’m sorry. It hurts, Daddy.” You said and and he put a hand on your face and you leaned into it.
“I’m not mad at you I promise, mad at him yes. I know it hurts, Sweetheart.” He said “Just hold on.” He said as the others arrived and Angela came straight over to you, Tim, and Wesley. 
“Fuck. Is she ok?” She asked 
“I think she will be.” Wesley said
“Are you hurt?” Tim asked and he shook his head.
“No. I’m fine. She didn’t hit anything as she went down. I caught her.” He said Jackson came over.
“Suspect is secured and the RA should be here any second.” He said and then walked away to help Nolan and Lucy and Tim nodded as he helped put pressure on your wound and you groaned in pain.
“RA is coming through.” Harper said. Lucy, Jackson and Nolan were checking in on everyone else and getting statements. The EMTs came through and quickly started to take your vitals and pack the wound as best as they could and then they were putting you on a gurney and ushering you out of the building. 
“I’m going with her.” Tim said and body stopped him. They got you in and he followed and they were off to the hospital. His hand never left yours and it would stay like that as long as they didn’t need it and thankfully, they didn’t. Everything was blocked out for Tim all he could hear was the rhythmic sound of your heartbeat and your unconscious form, when you passed out, he didn’t even know. He couldn’t lose you not now, not ever. Finally, the ambulance arrived at the hospital and you were ushered in and taken to surgery immediately and left Tim out in the waiting room. Not even 10 minutes later here came Jackson, Angela, Nolan, Harper, Lucy, Wesley, and even Grey. They spotted him immediately.
“How is she?” Nolan asked 
“Don’t know yet. They rushed her back to surgery. Wesely, I have to thank you for being there and keeping pressure on her wound.” Tim said, looking at Wesley at the end.
“She asked me to stop by and I’m glad I did. I hope she’s going to be ok.” He spoke
“She will be. Have you not seen who her dad is? Also, she is a Bradford.” Angela said and everyone chuckled and Tim smiled. Finally, the doctor came out and Tim was quick to get up and walk to him. 
“She is going to be ok. The bullet didn’t do major damage but just one more centimeter and it would’ve hit her kidney. All intestines were spared. We repaired everything and got the bullet out and I’m happy to say she’ll make a full recovery.” He said and Tim sighed in relief “You can see her now. She may be a little groggy but that is to be expected.” He said and Tim nodded. 
“Give me a second.” Tim said and the doctor nodded. Tim walked over and told them what he was told and everyone sighed in relief.
“You go and be with your daughter. Someone will bring your bag by and your truck from the café. I’ll let the garage know that you won’t be picking up The Bronco tonight.” Grey said and Tim nodded.
“Thank you.” He said
“Now go. Tell her we say hi, we love her and are proud of her.” Wesley said everyone nodded in agreement and he nodded and headed in the direction of the doctor who took him to your room. 
“Remember she will be groggy and may be in some pain. If you need anything or if something goes wrong just press the button.” He said and Tim once again nodded and then was left with you. He walked over and sat down. You must’ve sensed that he was there because you started to wake up.
“Daddy?” You asked and looked over at him.
“I’m here, Sweetheart.” He said
“I’m sorry.” You said and he looked at you confused.
“For what?” He asked
“For trying to stop the robbery.” You said
“Sweetheart, it is ok. You did stop it. Even though you got shot it gave Mark and Remi enough time to tackle him.” He said
“I did good?” You asked and he nodded.
“You did excellent. I’m so proud of you.” He said and leaned up and kissed your forehead. You could barely keep your eyes open due to the anesthesia left in your body.
“Get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up. Oh, and everybody says hi and that they love you and are so proud of you.” He said and you nodded with a smile as you closed your eyes and got comfortable.
“I love you, Dad.” You said and he smiled and cradled your face with one hand and you leaned into it.
“I love you too, Sweetheart. Get some sleep.” He repeated the last part and he waited until your breath evened out before taking his hand away slowly and leaned up and kissed your forehead. He sat back down and let the tears fall. He could’ve lost you today but he didn’t and he was so glad about that. He doesn’t know what would’ve happened if he had lost you but he doesn’t have to think about that because he could hear your steady heartbeat projected by the monitor and he could see your chest rising and falling. He held your hand and stroked your knuckles. “You did excellent, Sweetheart. I’m so proud of you.” He said again but softly and quietly and then sat back just watching. You were going to be ok.
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outoftheseine · 2 years
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note: some fics are 18+ so minors DNI.
main masterlist | part 2
fourth time is the charm • thomas shelby x fem!reader part 2
↳ by @moral-terpitude (smut)
a shelby mistress • thomas shelby x fem!reader
↳ by @mrsalwayswrite (fluff, smut, mentions of domestic violence)
time after time • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @all-mirth-no-matter
good for business • thomas shelby x fem!reader
↳ by @fallatyourfeet (slight angst, jealousy, fluff)
winter light • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @fallatyourfeet (very fluffy)
missing • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @fallatyourfeet (angst, fluff)
rules and how to break them • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @writersblockedx (violence, fluff)
my guiding lights • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @mrsalwayswrite (childbirth, some angst, fluffy ending)
an understanding • dad!thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @notyour-valentine (fluff)
the promises we keep • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @strayrockette (very angsty)
you will be safe here • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @justabigassnerd (mentions of abuse, angst, hurt/comfort)
silent treatment • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @earlgreydream (angst, ptsd, happy ending)
all for them • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @babybluebex (mentions of alcohol, fluff)
another day • thomas shelby x fem!reader
↳ by @thepeakygurl (some angst, fluff)
offers in the snow • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @dearshelby (mentions of death)
wild women don't get the blues • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @huntingingoodwill (some fluff, angst)
a man like tommy shelby • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @teenwolf-theoriginals (some angst)
the ring • thomas shelby x fem!reader
↳ by @pherelesytsia (angst, fluff)
a well-needed sleep • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @madame-wilsonn (mentions of death, hurt/comfort, fluff)
falling • thomas shelby x fem!reader
↳ by @peakyscillian (mention of sa, fluff)
sexy, is it? • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @vintunnavaa (slight smut)
the one where they are up all night • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @runnning-outof-time (fluff, little explicit)
807 notes · View notes
maverick-wingman · 1 year
Broken Skies (Bradley Bradshaw x Mitchell! Reader) Chapter 1
Note: I apologize for the long long wait. I was really lacking motivation and just on a long writer's block for the past few months. But here is Chapter 1 for Broken Skies. The Sneak Peak is linked below for those that have not read it yet. And also thank you @justabigassnerd and @callsign-dexter for motivating me to write more! ❤️
This is a redo of my Bradley Bradshaw Part 1. This is more of a prequel rather than a sneak peek this time. Mel - “one who is fearless and daring.” Canon characters are out of character. Iceman will be healthy in this fic. 
Warnings: Nothing big, maybe angst, other than a brief mention of death, and military inaccuracies. NOT grammar/spelling checked. Some switching between first names and callsigns.
Masterlist | Sneak Peek | Chapter 1
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In the room with Cyclone and Warlock, Maverick looked at the screen and saw 2 very familiar faces. Cyclone looked at Maverick and asked, “Is there a problem, Captain?” Maverick looks at him, “You know there is sir.” Cyclone signed and zoomed in on your picture, “Lieutenant Mitchell, callsign Mel, one of the best pilots I have seen in years. She was top of her class. Two confirmed air-to-air kills. You must be very proud. Captain.” Maverick smiles, “I am, sir. I’m proud of her every day.”  
Maverick was indeed proud. Starting from the second you were born, he knew you would be a mini him the second he got called for a parent-teacher meeting for you not following directions and being a bit rebellious. There was also the first time he took you on your first little joyride, instead of being scared like  most people that are thousands of feet up in the air going hundreds of miles per hour, you were so excited. You had the time of your life. You especially loved when he did aerobatics. You kept on asking him to do another one, he often wondered how you never got dizzy or felt nauseous. As you grew older, you went on to be just like him.  If not, maybe even a little better. Now here you are, getting called back to Top Gun to be a possible candidate for a special detachment. This isn’t like the past missions you’ve been on. This is life or death. He knows there is a chance someone isn’t coming back. 
Cyclone then zoomed in on another person. Rooster. “Bradley Bradshaw aka Rooster. I understand you flew with his old man. What was his call-sign again?” “Goose, sir” “Tragic what happened.” Warlock cuts in defending Maverick. All Maverick could do was nod. Memories of what happened replaying in his mind.
“Dad?” You saw your dad sitting by the bar alone. You thought he’s in the desert working on the Death Star. Why is he here?  He turned around and you smiled excitedly going over and hugging him as tight as possible. You felt him hug back just as tight. “Hey sweetheart.” You always loved the daddy-daughter hugs. It made you feel safe and relaxed. You haven’t seen him in person in almost a year. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you’re supposed to be somewhere in the desert.” You saw the look he gave and you couldn’t help but grin. “You pissed off another admiral, didn’t you?” He chuckled at your response. “You could say that.” You sat next to him. “So… what are you doing here at North Island? Did Uncle Ice tell you I was here?”  You asked him. 
“Well uh…. in a manner of speaking.” You noticed the look your dad had. There was worry in his eyes. You hadn’t seen that look in a long time. “You’re here for the detachment… aren’t you? That’s why you’re here.” He gave you a look. You knew the answer. “How bad is it going to be?” You looked to your dad. “I can’t say too much yet, but … this is something no one’s ever seen.” All you could do was nod. Before you can react you felt him rub your shoulders. “It’s going to be okay. I promise. You’re the best fighter pilot I know.” You let out a little chuckle, “don’t let Uncle Ice hear you say that.” You heard him let out some chuckles.
You talked with your dad for a little longer to catch up on everything. He told you that the Kazansky’s invited you both over for dinner tomorrow night. You were excited, as you have seen your Uncle Ice and Aunt Sarah in a while. You heard your name being called, looking over you saw Jake and Javy calling you over. You heard your dad’s voice, “go on, go catch up with them.” You looked over to him. “Are you sure?” “I’m sure. We have plenty of time to catch up more.” You smiled and hugged him one last time before going over. 
“What’s Pops doing here?” Jake asked after pulling you into a hug. You didn’t want to ruin the surprise. “He’s here visiting old friends.” You responded as Javy pulled you in for a side hug. 
As you talked, you caught up with Phoenix, you met some new members: Bob, who was so sweet, Payback and Fanboy who both were really nice, although you felt a little competitiveness between them and Jake and Javy. Jake would not stop teasing Bob, you had to nudge him a few times hoping he’d stop messing with the guy. 
Maverick watched as his little girl bonded with her teammates. Despite Jake's reputation he trusted him that he wouldn’t leave his daughter behind, but he is unsure if he would do the same for the rest of the team.
You looked over and saw a familiar face entering the Hard Deck. Bradley Bradshaw.
Bradley walked over to the group. “Bradshaw.” “Hangman… you look good” “Well, I am good Rooster, I’m very good. In fact, I’m too good to be true.” Hangman responds, smirking. Bradley then looked over to you. “Mel.” “Rooster.” “Why am I not surprised you’re here?” You rolled your eyes, scoffing at his remark. You knew what he was thinking, he still believed the reason  you made it this far is because of your dad and uncle. “Well who else did you expect?”  
Before Bradley could say another word, Jake cuts in, “you’re just jealous Bradshaw, admit it, you will never fly like Mel here. She takes risks unlike a certain someone. She’ll make a great mission leader, but anyone that follows you will just run out of fuel. Waiting for the right moment that never comes.” You felt Jake’s arm snake around your shoulders. 
Jake is your best friend, you could say. Sure, during training he would leave his wingman and fly off, but during the missions he was never like that. At least not to you. He saved your  life; that’s how he got his first confirmed air to air kill. If it wasn’t for him, you would not be standing here right now.
Bradley suddenly felt a ping of jealousy growing inside him. Since when were you and Hangman so close? But Bradley being Bradlet, he chose to ignore it. “And anyone that follows you will just end up in a grave.” That ticked you off a little. You wished Jake would let you tell everyone what really happened that day. You don’t get why Jake wants to keep it a secret, he loves to show off. Only a few people know the exact details. 
“They’re on me! I can’t shake them!” you said with a panicking voice. With an enemy aircraft chasing after you at full speed. Trying different maneuvers, you dodged as many bullets that you could. That’s when you heard a beeping sound; the enemy got a lock on you. Just as  you started accepting your fate, there was an explosion sound. You looked over and saw the enemy fighter jet blowing up into pieces. “You owe me a drink, Mel.” Y/N looked over and saw Hangman giving her a grin. He just saved your life, for once not living up to his callsign.
After that, it was Hangman and Mel. Jake and Y/N. You became best friends and each other’s wingperson.
Other than Rear Admiral Jackson, Javy, Maverick and Iceman, no one knew it was Jake that saved you. Jake wanted to keep it a secret. With the help from Iceman, no one knew what really happened. Because the mission only needed 2 pilots, it made it easier to hide the truth.
Maverick was watching the whole scene play out in front of him, feeling the guilt bubble inside him knowing he was the reason his daughter and Bradley are no longer friends. He remembers how close they were as kids, how they never left each other’s side. He hopes this mission will bring them together again.
The night went on, he ended up being broke after not realizing the rules at Penny’s bar. Jake and the others had the joy of “throwing” him out of the bar. You knew it was all fun and games. You knew your dad took a liking to him after he saved your life that day. Even you let out a little laugh watching it all play out. 
You heard a familiar tune starting to play in the background, you looked over to the piano and saw Bradley sitting there. The tune that your uncle Goose, Bradley’s dad always plays. You remembered how you and Bradley would sit on the piano with your dad, Uncle Goose and Aunt Carole gathered around singing “Great Balls of Fire” together. Your eyes wandered around and noticed your dad outside staring towards where Bradley is. You knew he misses them too. 
You sat next to Jake and Javy waiting for the debrief to start. You had this feeling that something was going to happen today and it was not the good kind of feeling. You know Bradley will not be happy knowing who the instructor for the detachment is going to be. You also know he will be mad that you didn’t warn him. But he has no right to feel that way. After all, you two were basically on no speaking terms. Cyclone’s voice disrupted your thoughts. “Good morning aviators.” 
At morning debriefing, Cyclone and Warlock went over the details of this mission. Just from hearing the details about what is going to happen, you knew this was going to be a detachment like no other. As he introduced who the instructor was going to be, you knew exactly who they were talking about, even though you already found out last night. You only know one person that fits the description so perfectly. 
You couldn’t help but look over to Bradley, wondering how he is going to react when he sees your dad. You can see him tense up as he sees your dad walk in. This is going to be a very long day. Bradley made eye contact with you and he was not happy, just as you had predicted minutes ago.  After the debrief, you and everyone else waited to be selected to go up in the air. First ones up were you, Phoenix, Bob, and Rooster. 
As you walked towards your fighter jet when you heard your name being called. “Why didn’t you tell me he was going to be the instructor?” You knew he was going to ask this. “How am I supposed to tell you if all we ever do is argue when we talk?” “Yea, well you’re the one that always starts it” “Are you serious Bradley? Look at us. Besides, would it really make a difference if I did?” “Yea, it actually would have.” 
As the training session went on, no one has been able to get a lock on Maverick. not even you. You were close but he is always steps ahead. And thanks to the little bet, everyone was punished with 200 pushups.
Now it is time for Phoenix, Bob, Hangman, and Roosters turn. You listened to the radio as Jake asked Bradley some personal questions. There was one secret you never told Jake, it was the exact details about you, your dad, and Bradley. All he knows is you and Bradley had an argument, he left and that was that. 
You heard your dad’s voice. Encouraging Bradley to take a little risk instead of playing it safe. Jake’s voice came in warning them about getting below the hard deck level amd telling Rooster to take the shot. Soon through the radio, you head the alerts going off telling them to pull up. You are holding your breath at this point. No matter how upset you were at Bradley, you didn’t want to lose him and your dad.  A few seconds later, you heard your dad’s voice. He got a lock on Bradley. What on earth were they thinking?
You stormed up to Bradley angry. “What was that Bradshaw?! Are you trying to get kicked out?” “Oh like you care, you probably would love to see me off this mission.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. It’s like he never changed. “I worked hard to get here and you know it!” “Well not everyone is lucky enough to have their dad and the Commander of the Pacific Fleet as their teacher!” He snapped back. You froze, not believing the words that just came out of his mouth. Not wanting to continue this anymore, you shook your head and walked away in silence. You knew if you stayed longer, you would end up saying something you’d regret, and possibly escalating the argument.
“Why are you such close friends with Hangman? You know what type of person he is!” You stopped in your tracks. Why did he change the conversation to this? Was he jealous? You turned around facing him once again, letting out your anger. “You’re right, I know what type of person he is. You don’t! You let your judgments get clouded too easily, you’ll just assume the worst in people!” You saw the look Bradley had on his face, hearing him let out a scoff, “all he ever did was leave his wingman behind! Everyone knows that! Why won’t you believe me?!” 
You don’t know what came over yourself. You’ve kept it in for years. Coming up with reasons why Bradley cut off contact with you, why he barely said anything to you during your time at Top Gun, why he treated you like you were nothing. He didn’t even believe you told him that you had nothing to do with his application being pulled. And now all of a sudden he cares about who you’re friends with. You knew what Hangman was like to others. That’s just a character he built up; he doesn’t want to seem weak or soft, easy to push around. Sure he messes around during training, but when it comes to the real thing, he takes things seriously. 
“You want to know why? Fine. He never left me hanging! He didn’t cut off contact with me for something I didn’t do!  He trusted me! He never assumed I got in just because of my last name! He didn’t hurt me the way you did!”
You were mad at your dad too, especially at first. But after a lot of begging, he finally told you why he pulled Bradley’s application; you understood, it was an extremely difficult decision. Adding on to it, it was his best friend’s dying wish.
You quickly walked away going to the locker rooms. You heard Bradley call out your name, but you chose to ignore it. Today did not turn out the way you had expected. It hasn’t even been 24 hours since the first time you saw Bradley in years and he is still the same.
Taglist: @alluringshawn @anurst @urmomssidehoesposts @sarahjoestewy-blog @adoringsebstan @70spadfoot @khaylin27
@littlebadariell @ems-alexandra
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marie-swriting · 11 months
Need More Fanfics ? Part.2
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Killer (Kate Bishop x reader) by @upat4amwiththemoon
Vigilante Shit | Part two (Kate Bishop x BlackHill!reader) by @upat4amwiththemoon
Clint's Stray (Kate Bishop x reader) by @maximoffsmuse
Never Let Go (Kate Bishop x reader) by @lightupthemoon
Frost Covered Window (Kate Bishop x reader) by @mayfieldss
The Scrapbook of You and I (Kate Bishop x reader) by deactivated account
Unpacking (Carol Danvers x reader) by @yelenasdiary
Care Bear (Carol Danvers x reader) by @captains-simp
Home For Christmas (Bucky Barnes x reader) by @onceuponastory
In Every Lifetime (Bucky Barnes x reader) by @wkemeup
Bi (Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader) by @alyswritings
I've Got You (Bucky Barnes x reader) by @onceuponastory
Lessons In Chemistry (TASM!Peter Parker x reader) by @mayfieldss
Black Velvet (Natasha Romanoff x reader) by @imtryingbuck
Society Says (Steve Rogers x Tall!reader) by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Nice To Be Kneaded (Steve Rogers x reader) [serie masterlist] by @rogersideup
Thirty-Two Years (Sam Wilson x reader) by @thepokyone
Criminal Minds
Starry Night (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @criminalmindswhore
Secret Santa (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @max-the-d0g
I Guess Sometimes We All Get Just What We Wanted (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @bi-bard
Untitled (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @reidsdaisies
My Favorite Medicine Is You (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @ssa-sugar-tits
Leave It At The Door (Emily Prentiss x plus size!reader) by @hannibals-favourite-meal (Minors do not interact as the author wishes!)
Wandering Hands (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @emilys-bangs
Showing The Bird (Spencer Reid x daughter!reader) by @letarasstuff
Sneaking Out (Derek Morgan x daughter!reader) by @rachaelswrites
Top Gun
My Heart Will Go On (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader), Titanic AU by @averagewriter-inthedark (⚠️TW : deaths and light smut, Minors do not interact as the author wishes!)
Driving Home From Christmas (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader) by @callsign-phoenix
Sweetest Devotion (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader) by @sometimesanalice
Don't Mess With The Storm (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader) by @mamsieur
G-Lock Too Far (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x reader) by @frost-queen
Let Your Senses Guide You (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x reader) by @topguncortez (⚠️TW : panic attack)
Untitled (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x reader) by @callsign-phoenix
Making You Proud (Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x daughter!reader) by @justabigassnerd
Nice Guys Always Finish Last (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader) [serie masterlist] by deactivated account
Outer Banks
Thunder = Luke (JJ Maybanks x sister!reader) by @alyswritings (⚠️TW : mention of abuse)
Those Christmas Lights (Light Up The Street) (Dean Winchester x child!reader) by @yourmomxx
I'll Always Cath You (Dean Winchester x sister!reader) by @winchesters-favorite-girl
Stranger Things
Fall For You (Chrissy Cunningham x reader) by @tommiruewrites
Say You Want Me Too (Robin Buckley x reader) by @sparklingsin
Come Into The Water (Robin Buckley x reader) by deactivated account
Kissing Lessons (Robin Buckley x reader) by @jellyfishbeansontoast
Favorite Song (Steve Harrington x sister!reader) by @alyswritings
Angel In The Sky (Benedict Bridgerton x reader) by @inkedobsidian
Enchantment (Benedict Bridgerton x reader) by deactivated account
Joy (Benedict Bridgerton x reader) by @redheadspark
Pinkish Clouds (Anthony Bridgerton x reader) by @d-targaryenshoe
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emma-frxst · 1 year
Detective David Loki fic recs
The lovely @sizzlingcloudmentality Asked me for fic recs for our beloved detective. After digging through the tumblr tags I found that the fandom is a lot bigger than I thought! So hi to all of you!! I believe I’ve got all the fic authors listed below who have David Loki fics, but if I haven’t included someone feel free to rb or comment! I will link this post on my masterlist for easy access.
I’ve found archive of our own doesn’t have many Loki fics, I’ve found rest results by searching detective loki (prisoners) x reader.
I’ve written a few things for David, going to add more soon! My masterlist is pinned on my blog and as of March 2023 my requests are open! I’m also on a03 as @ emma_frxst
Some of the tags didn’t work :( sorry
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potterhead2207 · 2 years
Fic Recommendations Masterlist 10
Ransom Drysdale
@wiypt-writes - Real Life Tasks With Ransom Drysdale
Steve Rogers
@heli0s-writes - Hymnostic
@heli0s-writes - Push
@heli0s-writes - Blessed
@heli0s-writes - Holy Nights
@heli0s-writes - Ride
@heli0s-writes - Untitled
@heli0s-writes - Untitled
@thatfanficstuff - Netflix. No Chill.
@sagechanoafterdark - The Stakeout
@sagechanoafterdark - Mark Me
@writing-for-marvel - It’s Gonna Cost You One Kiss
@writing-for-marvel - Steve Comforting You Headcanons
@undutchable11 - Untitled
@sgt-seabass - Untitled
@springdandelixn - Tonight
@jamneuromain - Shower
@tuiccim - Gag Gift
@tuiccim - Time Together
@tuiccim - Positions and Pleasures
@andydrysdalerogers - A Last Minute Mission
Ned Leeds
@cocoamoonmalfoy - Untitled
Andy Barber
@sunshinebuckybarnes - Taste Of Paradise
@ramp-it-up - Puppy Love
@jamneuromain - Brat Taming
Tony Stark
@writing-for-marvel - Matching Set
Tom Cruise
@malavera - Dirty Talk
@malavera - Sundress
Pete Mitchell
@youlightmeupfinn - NSFW Alphabet
@youlightmeupfinn - Him As A Dad
@youlightmeupfinn - Finding Out You’re Pregnant
@youlightmeupfinn - He’s Jealous
@youlightmeupfinn - Clingy
@youlightmeupfinn - Louder
@youlightmeupfinn - Cut The Jokes
@youlightmeupfinn - She’s Taken, Lieutenant
@pmitchell - My Girl.
@pmitchell - His Only.
@tongue-like-a-razor - There Are Rules
@justabigassnerd - I’m Right Here
@babyonboard - Untitled
@kyber-crystal - Thrill Ride
@mitchellpete - Be My Angel
Ari Levinson
@jamneuromain - You Had Me Before Hello Part 2 Part 3
Chris Evans
@bluemusickid - Is Polo-Sexual A Thing?
@bluemusickid - I Heard A Rumour…
@bluemusickid - Irresistible
@hansensgirl - Walk On The Wild Side
@andydrysdalerogers - Premieres, Puppies and Partners
@andydrysdalerogers - Can I Count On Your Vote?
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2K Celebration Writing Challenge
Hello, everyone! Since I hit 2k followers I decided to hold a writing challenge for my fellow writers! This is my first time doing this so... go easy on me! 
Send me an ask or a message of the prompt of your choice (whether it be an original idea or something from my prompt lists, a song etc!) I need to approve your prompt!  IMPORTANT: If you reply to this post with your prompt, I will not approve it, only because it’s hard to keep track that way and sometimes I don’t even get a notification! 
Reblog this post!! 
Once you have written your fic, tag me and use the hashtag #Afictionaladventure16Celebration !
You can write for any MCU character or actor
No minimum or maximum word amount, but I do ask if it’s more than 700 words please add the “read more” cut. (If you don’t know how to do this, it is perfectly fine, I understand. You can message me and I can show you how.) 
Fluff, angst, smut, platonic, etc. Just no incest or underage ships! It’s your prompt, your fic! (just put trigger warnings if anything.)
I’m gonna say it one more time... TRIGGER WARNINGS! I try my best to include them and it would mean a lot if you guys did too. (If you need help with this, don’t hesitate to message me!)
One prompt per person!!
This can be an x reader, x teen!reader, x daughter!reader, etc. you get my point 
You don’t have to follow me to do this challenge! (If you want to, you can, it’ll be appreciated!) 
Overall, just have fun! 
This is my first time doing a challenge, so, I hope people participate! Anyways! Have fun! 
All the entries will be put into a masterlist on my page and I will reblog all entries, as well!
Dialogue Prompt (This can be from one of my prompt lists I will link them below):
Avengers Prompt List 
89. “Is that all you got? Some kidnappers you are.” (@mybesttobobcratchit w/ Deadpool) 
57. “I Need Help.”  ( @ssebstann w/ Bucky Barnes x Daughter!Reader)
96. “Hey Y/N, it’s been a couple of years...” ( @avenging-natasha W/ Tony Stark)
9. Person A: “How high are you?”     Person B: “No it’s, Hi, how are you, dumbass.” ( @panicfob w/ Steve Rogers)
17. “Stop trying to give every mission a theme song.” ( @allknowingnerd w/ ??)
62. “I’m not some hero! I’ve killed people!” ( @mahvericks w/ Gamora x Reader)
Avengers x Teen!Reader Prompt List 
13. Person A: “you’re not my parent!”
Person B: “No, but I’m closest thing you have to one!” ( @endgameendsme w/ Steve Rogers x teen!reader)
26.  Person A: “Y/N, you’re hurt.” Person B: “No shit, Sherlock.” ( @angelsparkers w/ Peter Parker x Reader)
52.  “I’m sorry, you’re what now?” ( @alicat-life w/ RDJ x Daughter!reader x Tom Holland)
60. Person A: “You almost burnt down the whole place!”
     Person B: “Almost!  I didn’t actually burn it down though, it’s still all in one piece… except for that area, just don’t look in that area and we’re Gucci.”  ( @culturebay w/ Steve Rogers x Teen!Reader)
73. Person A: “You’ve grown.”
Person B: “Yeah, that’s what happens when you don’t see your kid for years.” ( @writings-of-the-unkown w/ Tony Stark x Daughter!reader and Natasha Romanoff x reader)
87. “I’m so scared.” ( @musicalmarvels w/ Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader)
AU Prompt: 
Song Prompt: 
Song Prompt Ideas...
Happier by Marshmellow
Boyfriend by Ariana Grande
Ghostin’ by Ariana Grande
Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield
Lose You to Love Me by Selena Gomez 
Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi 
Bad Guy by Billie Eilish 
I Like Me Better by Lauv
Lover by Taylor Swift
(Honestly, the teen!reader one has some prompts that can be used for x reader too!)
Tagging some mutuals: @iloveyouthreethousand-o6 @sophie-barnes26 @culturebay @mybesttobobcratchit @musicalmarvels @ellaorelizabeth @ssebstann @justabigassnerd @avenging-natasha
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justabigassnerd · 9 months
Merry Christmas
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Pairing - Jack Reacher x child!reader
Word count - 1,075
Warnings - none just Christmas fluff
Summary - it's your first Christmas with Jack and he decides to do just a little something to make the day special
A/N - okay so you know how I said I wasn't going to make a full fic...? so that turned out to be a fucking lie. I mean this isn't a massively long fic or anything I just saw the ask and couldn't stop writing so here we are y'know? everyone needs a bit of Little Reacher for the soul. as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!! (also happy holidays to you all!)
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25th December might as well have been an ordinary day to Jack Reacher. He hadn't celebrated Christmas in years. It had not been top of his priority list for a very long time.
Except now he had a kid.
Growing up, you had clearly not learnt about the holiday as you had questioned Jack on why bright sparkly lights were hanging outside houses and decorations everywhere. Jack couldn't find it within his heart to deprive you of something like Christmas, even with as little as he engaged with it.
When it came to Christmas Eve, Jack had come to a final decision. He wasn't going to travel tomorrow, he'd instead dedicate the day to spending time with you and celebrating at least a little. And as he made the choice not to travel, he knew he had to get you at least a little something to celebrate the day.
"Okay, y/n, we're going to go out for a little walk so I need you to stick by me the whole time, got that?" Jack asks, tugging on his jacket as he unhooks your coat and holds it open, patiently waiting for you to ease yourself into the coat before you turn to face him, smiling up at him and nodding.
"Okay." You reply, taking Jack's outstretched hand and letting him lead you out of the motel room.
Jack silently hated himself for waiting until Christmas Eve to look for something to buy you, so many people were rushing around like headless chickens trying to buy their last-minute presents without any regard for the people around them. Jack ended up just scooping you up and sitting you on his hip to protect you from any flailing hands or bags. He even made sure to send a few glares in the direction of people who barged his shoulder. Eventually, after glancing in multiple shop windows, Jack's eyes fell onto something that would be the perfect Christmas gift for you.
It was a small stuffed dog, with brown and white patches decorating it. And the toy itself could be no bigger than the size of Jack's palm.
"I just want to have a look in this shop, kid. I promise we'll be quick." Jack says to you, entering the store and then placing you down on the floor once he deems it safe enough. It was quieter in this shop than it was out on the streets. Jack grabbed a basket, grateful it didn't have any way for you to catch a glimpse of the toy when he grabbed it. He slowly made his way towards where the toy was and just before he reached it he turned to face you.
"Hey, y/n, could you grab me that book from over there?" Jack asks, pointing out a book on a stand. a small smile tugs at his lips as you nod, immediately turning to go and grab the book. The second your back was turned Jack grabbed the small plush dog and put it in the basket, concealed from your line of sight. Just in time as you turned around with the book in hand, bringing it over to him.
"This book?" You question, holding the book out towards Jack as he takes it from your hands carefully, flipping it over and acting as if he were reading the blurb.
"I must've mistaken it for a different book. Let's put it back and then pay for something and then we can head back. I know it's getting a bit late." Jack says, guilt tugging at his heart as he sees you attempt to hide a yawn. Jack puts the book back where you got it and leads you to the checkout where he makes sure to distract you while the cashier scans the item and bags it up before he pays for it.
"What's in there?" You ask curiously as Jack takes the bag from the cashier, thanking them as he grabs your hand with his spare one before leading you out of the shop.
"That's for you to find out tomorrow." Jack says as he re-enters the busy street, immediately navigating through the seas of people.
By the time you both made it back to the motel, Jack could tell you were just about ready to crash. He got you out of your coat and shoes and into your pyjamas as quickly as possible before getting you into bed. You barely had time to mumble a goodnight to him before you fell asleep, but Jack didn't mind. Jack instead whispered a goodnight of his own to you before getting into his own bed and slowly falling asleep.
The next morning, Jack woke up to see you still sleeping. When he glanced over at the motel clock he saw it displaying six in the morning. He let out a small sigh as he sat up and stretched, figuring he should be grateful he doesn't have a kid who gets so excited about Christmas that they're up at four in the morning.
By the time Jack had made himself a coffee, you had begun to stir, eyes slowly blinking open as you rubbed at them.
"Morning, y/n." Jack says, his voice a little gruff from sleep.
"Good morning." You say brightly, pushing back your bed covers as Jack crosses to your bed, perching on the end of it after grabbing the bag from where he'd tucked it away under his bed.
"Since it's Christmas. I wanted to buy you a little something." Jack says as he holds the bag out towards you. He felt like he'd let you down by not giving you the big Christmas you deserved with family, gifts and a big dinner, but all those negative thoughts melted away when he saw your face light up at the sight of the small plush dog, immediately pulling it out of the bag and holding it to your chest.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You say enthusiastically, hugging the toy as close as you can, pressing small kisses to the top of the dog's head.
"You're welcome, y/n. You deserved something." Jack says as you look up at him, placing the small toy by your side before clambering into Jack's lap, both of you smiling as he wraps his arms around you.
"Merry Christmas y/n." Jack mutters as he presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
"Merry Christmas, daddy."
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justabigassnerd · 2 years
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(x reader):
Safe and Sound
Queen of my Heart
More Than Friends
Treat You Better
The Perfect Gift
You Are Still My World
Healing Presence
Patience Worn Thin
Worth The Risk
Summer of Love (ongoing series)
(x sister!reader):
Self Discovery
(x daughter!reader):
Secret's Out
Deployments Suck
Not So Little Anymore
First Period
Sick Day
I'm (Not So) Fine
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(x reader):
Hold Your Horses
Days Like This
Unexpected Visitor and Revelations
(x sister!reader):
Sneaking Out
So Long Wisdom Teeth
(x daughter!reader):
You're Not Alone
New Best Friend
Replaced - (sequel to 'New Best Friend')
Night Scare
Hangman Junior Universe
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(x sister!reader):
You're Home
(x daughter!reader):
I'm Right Here
Mini Mav
Overprotective Aviators
The Talk - (sequel to ‘Overprotective Aviators')
Midnight Storms
Mitchell Charm
Love and Support
Daddy's Little Girl
I've Got You
Rough Days
Periods and Mood Swings
Making You Proud
New Home
Playgrounds and Injuries
Hidden Talent
Protective Friend
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(x daughter!reader):
Baby on Board's... Baby?
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(x sister!reader):
Surprise Arrival
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justabigassnerd · 2 years
Hangman Junior Universe
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a lil' universe I created wherein Jake Seresin is a single father to a teenage girl
Hangman Junior
Boys Are Jerks
Set Up
Secrets Always Come Back to Haunt You
You Knock Me Out, I Fall Apart
Custody Battle
Sleepless Nights
Mr & Mr Bradshaw-Seresin
Teen Angst
Just Need Space
Violence Is Never The Answer
Bad Decisions
Finally Free
Father’s Day
Father-Daughter Dance
New Family Member
Driving Lessons
Accidents Happen
Birthday Celebrations
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
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(x daughter!reader):
Lil' Hunt Universe
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callsign-dexter · 2 months
Changing Paths
Request: Okay not to be angsty or potentially make Tim Bradford seem ooc but like imagine he had a kid and growing up he was sure she was going to join the LAPD like him bc she always wanted to know how his day at work was (wanting to know what bad guys he caught), and always wanted to ‘play police’ with him but as she grew up she realised that being the kid of a well known/respected police officer can be quite pressuring (see Jackson for example) and she also just discovers new interests growing up too. And when Tim finds out, be it from her directly or from someone else accidentally, he kinda freaks a little like he had this whole plan in his head about her career and it kinda scares him that she’s diverting and potentially going to move away n shit so at first he reacts quite harshly but after some SEVERE talking to from some of his friends he realises his mistakes and apologies and all that jazz (I have no clue if that made sense it just popped into my head)
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, cursing
A/N: Thank you @justabigassnerd for requesting this! I may or may not have gotten a little emotional towards the end.
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You weren't like the other girls in your class. You weren't into cheer, barbies, or anything girly.  You loved the action and the adrenaline. You loved sports, football, basketball, baseball and softball, you loved them so much that you've been on the basketball and softball teams. You probably grew a love for it from being raised by only your father, Tim Bradford. You never knew your mother and she was never in the picture having left when you were just a day old. It's just been you and your dad and honestly you loved it. You are your father's entire world and he was so happy when you took interest in his hobbies and interests. Growing up; you had always wanted to be a cop. Your father and you played cops and robbers all the time and he showed you the ropes and taught you the law. You knew the dangers of him being a cop.
You have almost finished your sophomore year of high school, only 10 more days and then it was summer vacation and you had decided to start looking into colleges and a new career path. Your interests were still strong in cops but recently you wanted to steer clear of becoming a cop and you started to become interested in some girly things but not a lot. You saw the toll it took on Jackson West, one of the rookies that was in training with your dad's fellow coworker, Angela Lopez aka your godmother. You saw the stress it put on him to be perfect and not make a mistake. You didn't want that to be you so you started to look for new career paths and one that came to you almost easily was lawyer. Wesley Evers, Angela’s husband and your godfather, kind of inspired this. You loved arguing and you won several arguments and you were also on a debate team for your school and you were good at it like scary good at it. The only thing is you couldn't tell your father, were scared to tell him. He would hate it and try to talk you out of it but you didn't want to be talked out of it. You wanted to talk to someone about it so when your dad had to go to work for the weekend and Angela didn't you begged and pleaded to stay with Angela and Wesley and of course they agreed and so did your dad. He knew you would be fine at home but he wasn't going to keep you away from your godparents or tell you no, he wanted you to feel like you could trust him. So, when he went off to work you gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek and saw him off and then you were getting in your truck and heading over to their house. It was an easy and short drive. You parked in the driveway and turned off the truck and got out, you grabbed your duffle and slung your backpack and headed to the front door. When you got there you knocked on the door and waited with a smile. It wasn't long until it was answered by Wesley with a smile. “Hey, Sweetheart. I'm so glad we have you this weekend. I was missing our bonding time.” He chuckled and so did you as he brought you in for a hug.
“I missed you and Angela too.” You said as you hugged him. 
“Angela will be home in a few. She has some stuff to finish up at work.” He said and you nodded as you released each other and then he was ushering you in as you set your bags down.
“How has everything been?” You asked 
“It's been great. Cases have been going great.” He said “You?” He asked.
“It's been great. I think I've decided on a career path.” You said and he looked at you as you sat down at the bar stool while he grabbed a glass for you and him.
“That's great! What is it?” He asked as he poured some water for him and you.
“I want to be a Lawyer.” You said watching his reaction.
“Excellent career choice, if I do say so myself.” He said smirking and you chuckled “What made you decide that and not cop?” He asked as he leaned against the counter. You shrugged your shoulders.
“I've seen the stress that Jackson has to go through being a cop's son and his father being a higher up cop himself. I love cops, don't get me wrong but waking up every day and going to a job where you have to work to keep an image up just because of who your family is can get to someone. Everyone will know who my father is and expect me to be like him and if I fuck up then it would ruin his image and I can't do that to him.” You said and Wesley listened and nodded.
“I get it. I do. You know Angela and I along with the others will support you. Even though your dad won't like it, he'll be happy for you and support you. He'll love you no matter what. You know why?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Why?” You asked as he came around and you turned to him.
“Because you are his daughter and he's proud of you every day. He loves you so much more than you would ever know. Of course, it'll take him some time to get used to the fact that his daughter is growing up and going into a different field but he won't stop loving you, ever.” He said and brought you into a hug and some tears fell. That is how Angela found you both when she got home. 
“Everything ok here?” She asked slightly concerned and the two of you broke apart and you wiped your eyes.
“Perfect. We were just discussing my career path.” You said
“Ohh do tell.” She said 
“I've decided to become a lawyer.” You said 
“You would be a hell of a good one.” She said and you chuckled.
“I'm just afraid to tell dad. He has this big idea of me being a cop but after seeing how it took a toll on Jackson, I don't want to go through that. It's just what if I fucked up? It would ruin his reputation and image.” You said and she nodded. 
“I've seen how it takes a toll on him. He talks about it a lot. Everyone will support you either way. Believe it or not your dad will too. He's so proud of you each and every day.” Angela said and you smiled.
“That's what Wesley said.” You chuckled and they chuckled as well. “Enough of all these sappy moments.” You said and they chuckled
“And there is your father coming out of you.” Angela said “So, how does Steak Fettuccine Alfredo sound for dinner?” She asked.
“Delicious.” You and Wesley said at the same time and you both looked at each other and everyone laughed. 
“Well let's get to cooking and you,” She pointed at you “Get to working on your homework.” She said and you chuckled.
“Yes ma'am.” You said and went and grabbed your backpack and got your work out. As you were working and they were cooking you got to thinking. “Wesley?” You asked and he looked up.
“What's up?” He asked 
“Could you help me research good law schools?” You asked and he smiled. 
“Absolutely.” He said 
“Could you also help me with the college applications?” You asked 
“You know I will. You'll need some experience and I can help you with that and get you as an intern at the DA office and some law firms.” He said
“Thank you so much.” You said and he smiled.
“It's nothing. Meet me at the precinct Monday after school. I'll help you there and you can sit in on some cases. I'll even let you try your hand at some.” He said 
“Oh, that would be wonderful.” You said 
“You're going to be great at it.” Angela said and you smiled at her. "The rest of the night was spent eating, you working on your homework and getting help when needed, and then some TV time watching cheesy cop shows that Angela liked to make fun of, criticize, and critiquing and some lawyer shows that Wesley and fun criticizing and critiquing as well. Soon everyone was in bed. 
By the time the weekend was over you felt pretty good about everything. You said bye to both of them Sunday morning and headed out the door and got in your truck and headed home. When you got home your dad was home and was out with Kojo in the front yard it seemed like they just got back from their walk. You parked your truck and got out and grabbed your bags and walked over to them locking your truck. Kojo barked happily and tugged on the leash wagging his tail. You dropped your bags and bent down and he started to lick you and you chuckled petting him “Hey handsome boy.” You said and then looked up at your dad smiling. “Hey, Dad.” You said standing up and hugging him.
“Oh, I see I'm second best to a dog.” He said smirking and you chuckled.
“Never. How was work?” You asked
“It was good. Busy.” He said 
“How was Lucy?” You asked, wiggling your eyebrows and he rolled his eyes.
“Good.” He said “How was your weekend at Angela and Wesley's?” He asked.
“Great. We had fun. They helped me with some school work and we made fun of some cop and lawyer shows.” You said and chuckled.
“That's always fun. Let's get inside.” He said and you nodded and grabbed your bags and the three of you headed inside. You dropped your back at the stairs and met your dad in the kitchen. “So have you thought about college?” He asked and you nodded.
“I have. I'm gonna start working on some of the applications Monday. Wesley is going to help me with some stuff so I’ll be at the station after school.” You said 
“That's great. You'll have to let me know which college.” He said and you smiled.
“You know I will.” You said and he chuckled. 
“I'm going to take a shower and then we have all day to spend together.” He said 
“Sounds perfect.” You said smiling and he smiled back. He walked over to kiss your head and then headed off to take a shower. You sighed once you heard the shower turn on. How were you going to tell him that you weren’t going to be a cop and a lawyer instead? It was no secret that cops hated lawyers but it just spoke to you and you were quick to fall in love with it. You wanted this and decided that nothing was going to stand in your way. You must’ve been lost in thought because of the sound of your father’s voice speaking in front of you.
“Are you alright?” He asked and you looked at him confused.
“Yea, why?” You asked
“Because I’ve been speaking to you for the past 5 minutes.” He said 
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I just got lost in my head. So, what do you want to do?” You asked, smiling at him and he gave you a concerned look. 
“I figured that we would just stay in and enjoy our time together. Start with some breakfast and just let the day go from there.” He said and you smiled.
“That sounds like a nice day.” You said and that is what you did. The day was spent laughing together and bantering back and forth playfully. Lunch was eaten and shows were watched and then supper was made and movies were watched. Overall, it was a lazy day and you liked that especially if it was a lazy day with your dad. Soon it was time to go to sleep. 
“Have a good night and I love you.” He said kissing your forehead. 
Monday morning rolled around and you were getting up to the sound of your alarm. You quickly got ready for school and walked downstairs to be greeted by Kojo. Your dad was in the kitchen fixing breakfast for you and him to go. “Good morning handsome boy.” You said bending down and petting the dog on the head and he barked which alerted your father who turned around and smiled.
“Hey!” He said and came over and hugged you kissing your head. “How did you sleep?” He asked.
“Pretty good. Oh, don't forget I'm meeting Wesley today for him to help me.” You said as he stepped back to the food.
“That's right. I'll be looking forward to seeing you and so will everyone else.” He then looked down at his watch. “You need to get going before you're late.” He said as he handed you food and you grabbed your bag. “Be safe and don't do anything illegal.” He said and you chuckled.
“Well, there goes my plan for today.” You said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes and then started to gently usher you out.
“Go go.” He said and you were out the door and to your truck. You got in and headed off to school. You got there and met up with their friends and then the school day started. The first part of the day came and went and when you got to lunch you were quickly heading to the library to meet with your debate team as always. While you all ate everything and anything were discussed you all had met in your law class which is the only class you looked forward to was your law class. If it were up to you could stay in this class all day long and not complain about it. You really don’t know where the sudden change of career paths came from but you honestly didn’t mind it. It was your last class of the day and you were excelling in it. 
The final bell rang signaling the end of the day and you were quickly packing up and heading out to your truck. Once there you opened it and put your pack back away and then started it and once all clear you headed off to the precinct. When you got there and parked beside your dad’s truck you saw Lucy Chen, your dad’s former rookie but now partner, standing by the shop and you were quick to turn off your truck and get out to greet her. “Hey, Lucy!” You said happily as she turned at the sound of her name. She smiled when she saw it was you.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” She asked as she hugged you.
“Wesley is helping me with college stuff and he told me he was going to be here. So, I’m here.” You said as you both released each other from the hug.
“That’s right. Tim told me you were picking colleges. Do you have a career path in mind?” She asked and you nodded.
“I do.” You said smiling and she smiled back.
“That’s great! What is it?” She asked
“I want to be a lawyer.” You said 
“That would be great for you.” She said “I’m just curious as to why you don’t want to be a police officer.” She said curiously and you smiled.
“I have considered it but after seeing the stress and what it is doing to Jackson I decided against it. I love law enforcement but being a lawyer, I feel like it would be less pressure and less dangerous. Also, I would have to uphold an image and if I fuck up then people would be saying something like “Well your dad did it this way and wouldn’t have fucked it up.” and I don’t want that. Plus, it could ruin his image too and I don’t want that either.” You explained and she listened and nodded.
“I get it. Whatever route you take I’ll be there backing you up and so will everyone else especially your dad. We’re so proud of you, especially Tim.” She said as your dad came out and greeted you both.
“I shouldn’t be too late tonight. If I am then I’ll let you know.” He said and you nodded. “Oh, Wesley is in the briefing room. He just got done with dealing with a client.” He said.
“Thank you. I’ll see you later, Lucy. Love you dad.” You said 
“See you later.” Lucy said 
“Love you too.” Your dad said and you were heading off into the precinct as they got ready to go.
Lucy and Tim had just been on the road for an hour after leaving you at the precinct and started patrolling the area. It was silent in the shop as Tim liked it but Lucy did not. “So, Y/N said she has picked a career field and is starting to research colleges.” Lucy said.
“Yea that’s right. She’s going to be a good cop.” He said and Lucy looked at him confused.
“No, she told me that she was going to be a lawyer.” Lucy said and then suddenly the shop came to a screeching halt and Lucy was thrown forward against her seatbelt that luckily locked into place to prevent her from crashing into the dash. Tim looked at her.
“No, she’s going to school to become a cop.” He said defensively and she shook her head.
“No, she didn't, she told me that she wanted to be a lawyer.” She said “You can ask her yourself.” She said and suddenly the shop was jerking around and they were heading back to the precinct. “What the hell? Where are we going?” She asked, hanging on for dear life as he finally straightened the shop out.
“Back to the precinct. You’re wrong and I’m going to prove it.” He said
“So what colleges are you thinking about?” Wesley asked as he sat on the table in front of you. 
“I was thinking in state. I don’t want to be too far away from home and I want to visit dad whenever I can.” You said as you pulled your laptop out and he nodded.
“I can certainly help with that. Stanford is the top choice for California.” He said and you nodded.
“Which one did you go to?” You asked
“I went to Whittier Law School.” He said “We can certainly look into that one but I’m sure you want the best right?” He asked and you shrugged.
“I mean yes but I would be happy to get into any of them to be honest.” You said and he nodded.
“That’s a good way of thinking. Have you considered going out of state?” He asked 
“Yes, but I just know California better but if going out of state is what it takes then I’m all for it.” You said
“I like that you’re keeping your mind open.” He said “Why don’t we apply to some in state and out of state. We’ll research them and then go from there.” He said and you nodded smiling.
“I like the sound of that.” You said and so the two of you set off getting to work on researching and starting applications. Angela walked in and the both of you looked up from your computer.
“How’s it going in here?” She asked
“Pretty well. Wouldn’t you say?” You asked, turning to Wesley and he nodded.
“I agree she really knows her stuff and knows a lot about these colleges.” He said and you smiled.
“I just don’t want to make the wrong choice.” You said and they both smiled.
“I wish more people were like that.” Wesley said and then you caught your dad storming in and heading straight for the briefing room. Your eyebrows scrunched together and then the door was slamming open before your godparents could ask you what was wrong. 
“Dad?” You asked as they both turned to him and he was fuming.
“What is this I’m hearing about you becoming a lawyer?” He asked and you looked at Wesley and Angela and they both looked at you.
“We’ll be outside if you need us.” Angela said and you nodded and once they were out of the room you turned to look at him. 
“Dad-” You started but he cut you off.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me? I had to find out from Lucy.” He said arms crossed and now you were fuming not at Lucy but the way he was taking it. 
“This is why I didn’t tell you. I knew how you would react. Yes, I want to be a lawyer and yes, my plan was to become a cop but that has changed now.” You said
“No, you’re going to be a cop and that is final. I have your whole path mapped out.” He said and you shook your head and stood up almost like you were squaring up to him you were not backing down from this fight.
“See that is the problem right there. Your dream is for me to be like you. Yes, I wanted to be a cop but that has changed. I’ve seen the way it has affected Jackson and put pressure on him to be like his father. I don’t want that pressure on me. What if I do become a cop and don’t mount up to your expectations or what other people that know you. What will they say? I’ll tell you ‘Oh your father would be so disappointed.’ ‘You’ll never be as good as him.’ ‘Why aren’t you more like him?’ ‘You need to be more like your father.’ ‘Your father wouldn’t have done it that way, he would've done it this way.’ Do you know what that does to someone? It breaks them down and makes them feel like they’re not good enough. I would feel like a disgrace if I did become a cop and fucked up one way or the other.” You explained tears starting to form but not from sadness from anger “I get it you’re disappointed in me now and I’m sorry about that but it is my life, Dad. My interests have changed and so have my plans. I was looking to go to a college in state to be closer to you but now I think I’m going to start looking out of state because I don’t think I can be in the same state doing what I love while my father is disappointed in me for what I love. I don’t think I can deal with being in the same state going to law school while my father hates what I want to come. It’s no secret that cops hate lawyers and the thought of my own father hating me just because I want to be a lawyer kills me and I hate that feeling because I love you and I always will even if you can’t stand me or love me anymore just because I don’t want to become a cop.” You said and he had been silent the whole time still fuming.
“I’ve already put in a good word for you at the police academy and you will be going. I would still love you not hate you and wouldn't be disappointed.” He said angry that you would say such things and you huffed because you knew he didn’t like lawyers, the only one he did like was Wesley and that is it. Hell, the only reason he did was because he was married to Angela and they watched you as a kid. 
“Oh, bull fucking shit you would hate me, be disappointed, and wouldn’t love me because I would be lawyer! You hate them! The only reason you like Wesley is because he is married to Angela and he is my godfather. If he wasn’t any of those things that you wouldn’t even like him.” You said throwing your hands up getting frustrated. “You’re also not fucking listening to me!” You yelled out.
“Don’t curse at me and you know that is not true.” He warned and said and you saw red.
“I wouldn’t be cursing at you if you didn’t fucking listen to what I just said and also yes, it is true. Hear me when I say this.  I. Don’t. Want. To. Be. A. Cop.”  You said punctuating each word “I want to be a lawyer.” You added “If you can’t accept that then that is saying something. You can’t even support your own daughter in her interests and that is sad, truly sad. I just hope when I do become a lawyer you won’t hate me. If you do then I won’t even bother coming home on holidays, I’ll stay away. I won’t even contact you because you’ll be so disappointed in me. So, congratulations, you just lost your daughter.” You finished and grabbed your computer and shoved it into your bag and stormed out with him following you looked at Wesley. “I think I’m going to go out of state.” You said and walked off.
“Y/N, I’m sorry.” Lucy said and you shook your head.
“Not your fault, it was bound to come out at some point.” You said and rushed off opting to take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. Once you got down them and out the door you went to the truck and got in you bawled and then decided you couldn’t stay here any longer and went to the next person you trusted and knew would support you and who knew you wanted to be lawyer, John Nolan. 
Back at the station Angela, Wesley, Lucy, and Wade Grey were all standing outside of the briefing room shocked and to be honest a little pissed at Tim for the way he handled it. Grey knew all about your dream to become a lawyer; he actually encouraged it and was also helping you out. Angela was seeing red the most. She knew you wanted so much to please your dad but you wanted to be a lawyer. She loved you like you were her own kid. “What the hell is wrong with you?” She asked angrily when he came out.
“What?” He asked as she pushed him back into the room and shut the door making it clear that she wanted to be left alone with him.
“You know she hates disappointing you and you just made her feel like she just did because she’s not doing what you want her to do.” She said 
“That is not true. I just wanted her to carry on the police career.” He said “She would make a hell of a cop.” He said.
“She would but if she fucked up then what? You’ll be much harder on her and she would push herself until she burnt herself out. She doesn’t want to let you down which is why she is picking another career field.” Angela said 
“That is not true.” He said 
“Yes, it is. She doesn’t think you would be proud of her if she didn’t pick what you wanted her to be.” She said 
“That is not true. I would be proud of her and I wouldn’t be disappointed in her or not love her.” He said 
“Well, with the fight you both just had she’s thinking you’re not proud and that you don’t love her and are disappointed in her.” She said
“I didn’t mean it that way.” He defended
“It sure as hell sounded like it. It is a well-known fact that cops hate lawyers and now she thinks you’re going to hate her. She has been so scared to tell you that she wanted to be a lawyer and not a cop. I’ve never in my life seen her scared but when she was over the other night and told us she was. Let me tell you she was scared.” She said and that seemed to click something in his head.
“She was scared?” He asked and Angela nodded. 
“She told me that she was afraid to tell you. Because you had this big idea of me being a cop, she has seen the toll it had taken on Jackson and she doesn’t want to go through that. She said if she fucked up then it would ruin his reputation and image.” You said and she nodded.
“How do I make this up?” He asked
“Go talk to her and reassure that you’re not going to hate her, be disappointed in her, and not going to stop loving her. If I know her then she’s going to be at Nolan’s house.” Angela said and he nodded and then left. Grey stopped him.
“You better fix this.” He said and Tim nodded.
“Yes, Sir.” Tim said and then he was leaving with Lucy behind him because they were still on shift and they were off to Nolan’s house.
When you got to Nolan’s house you were quick to park and shut the engine off. You got out and locked the door and headed for his front door. When you got there you were quick to knock and didn’t have to wait long before the door was opening. “Y/N/N, What’s wrong?” He asked as you slammed into him hugging him and started to sob. He backed the two of you up until he could shut the door.
“Dad found out that I wanted to be a lawyer. We had a big fight. I have just seen what being a kid of a cop does to someone, that someone being Jackson. I don’t want a strained relationship like that but I think I just ruined that.” You said as he pulled back you wiped your tears. 
“I don’t think your relationship is ruined. He’s going to be proud of you no matter what career you go into. Sure, it may take some time to get used to but he won’t stop loving you.” Nolan said and you nodded. He always knew what to say.
“Can I stay here for a while? Just until I have enough guts to go home and face him.” You asked and he smiled and nodded.
“Of course, stay as long as you like.” He said 
“Thank you.” You said 
“It’s not a problem.” He said as you both went into the kitchen “Hungry?” He asked and you smiled at him.
“Maybe just a little.” You said 
“Food coming right up.” He said and started to fix something to snack on. You two talked about anything to just take your mind off of everything. It wasn’t 10 minutes later there was another knock on the door, this one more authoritative. Nolan went to answer it and you listened. 
“Is Y/N/N here?” Your dad’s voice came through.
“Yeah, she is. Come on in. She’s in the kitchen.” He said and when you heard their footsteps coming closer you looked up and eyes met your dads. 
“Can we talk?” He asked you and you looked hesitant and you looked at Nolan and he nodded giving you encouragement.
“Yea.” You said quietly the feeling of defeat and disappointment still there.
“I’ll be no here.” Nolan said and awkwardly made his outside and you chuckled but turned serious when you looked at your dad.
“I’m not changing my mind on the career field.” You said getting defensive.
“I’m not going to ask you to.” He said and you looked confused.
“But you want me to be a cop.” You said 
“That is true and I still do but I had a very stern talking done by Angela. I was angry and let my emotions take over when I heard you wanted to be a lawyer from Lucy and not you but I’m over it now. I’m sorry I reacted like that. I want you to do what you want to do and if that is to be a lawyer then so be it. I will love you and be proud of you either way. When I heard that you were scared to tell me it killed me, I never want you to be scared to tell me anything. I want you to come to me for anything. I’m so sorry for making you feel like I wouldn’t love you. I will always love you. I will always be proud of you. You could never disappoint me, Y/N/N. You being my daughter makes me so proud. I really hope you don’t go out of state. I don’t want you to stop talking to me. I want you to come home for the holidays. I don’t want you to stay away, I want you closer.” He said and you started to cry “Come here.” He said and brought you into a hug. “I’m so proud of you every day. I will always be proud of you even if you become a lawyer, hell you’re already good at arguing.” He said chuckling and you chuckled too. 
“You really don’t care if I become a lawyer?” You asked and he shook his head.
“I wouldn’t care if you became an FBI agent. I would be so proud of you.” He said
“You know that was a consideration.” You said and chuckled.
“I wouldn’t put it past you. Which part?” He asked as you both pulled away.
“The Behavioral Analysis Unit.” You said “I know some of them there.” You added.
“Do I wanna know?” He asked and you chuckled.
“It’s nothing bad.” You said and he looked at you. “I promise.” You said and he nodded.
“Ok, just making sure. So what college were you thinking in state?” He asked
“Stanford. Wesley said it was the best one.” You said
“Wesley knows what is best when it comes to law.” He chuckled and he nodded and after a beat of silence he added “I love you and I’m so proud of you, you know that right?” He asked and you nodded.
“I love you too dad and I know.” You said and then Nolan was awkwardly popping his head in.
“Do I still have a daughter?” He asked and you smiled.
“Yea, you still have a daughter.” You replied
“Good because I love her so much and am proud of her.” He said and you smiled and hugged him. It was silent for a minute. The only sound you could hear was his heartbeat, a sound you loved now and have since you were a baby, until Nolan was knocking on the now opened door as his head popped into the house.
“I don’t hear anymore talking or yelling and I got concerned that you both have killed each other but I see you both haven’t killed each other which is good.” He said and you both chuckled and smiled at his antics. “Everything ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“Everything is ok.” Your dad said.
“More than ok. Everything is great.” You said and they both smiled.
“Well on that note. Anybody hungry?” Nolan asked and you along with your dad smiled.
“I have to get back to work.” Your dad said.
“But I can stay.” You said and Nolan nodded.
“Great! I’ll get snacks started.” He said and walked into the kitchen. You turned to your dad. 
“Be safe and I love you.” You said.
“You know I will and I love you too.” He said and hugged him one last time before he had to get going. When he left you turned your attention to Nolan who was turning around with food in his hands. As you spent the rest of the time with Nolan until you had to go home for supper and because of school the next day. When you got home your dad was already there and when you parked beside his truck and turned the engine off and got out after grabbing your bag and locked it you walked into the house. 
“Y/N/N, that you?” He asked as Kojo ran and greeted you.
“Yea, it's more.” You said as you kicked your shoes off and dropped your bag. You walked into the kitchen where he was making dinner. 
“Good. Food is ready. You wanna eat at the table or the couch?” He asked
“Couch.” You both said at the same time and you both chuckled. You grabbed a plate and filled it and then he did too and then you were both headed to the couch and sitting down. He turned on the show that you’ve both been watching together. As you ate you got to thinking of how lucky you were to have him as a dad and he was thinking of how lucky he was to have you as a daughter. After you ate you cuddled into him and he snuggled you. 
“I’m so proud of you each and every day. I love you so much.” He said and you smiled.
“I know, Dad. I love you too.” You said and he smiled into your hair as he kissed the top of your head. That is how you spent the rest of the night, cuddled in the protective and loving arms of your father.
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callsign-dexter · 3 months
Beach Vacation
Summary: Tommy and Buck decide to take their 6-year-old daughter, you, on her first beach vacation. A few surprises come along.
Pairings: Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader, Tommy Kinard x Daughter!Reader, Evan Buckley x Tommy Kinard
Warnings: fluff, angst, Buck's past trauma with tsunami, tsunami mentioned
A/N: This is for @justabigassnerd and her need for these two being together and just being cute.
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Evan and Tommy had been dating for a year before they decided that they wanted to have children. Seeing as they couldn't have children they decided to do a surrogate. They had been looking for a while when they had found the perfect person, Maddie Buckley, Evan's sister. They had been through several other interviews but none of them seemed right and then Maddie said she would be thrilled to do it and Chimney is very supportive of it. You would have the Buckley genes and bloodline, it was perfect.
So they went ahead with the process and it was a success. Everyone was thrilled. Everyone stuck by Maddie through the ups and downs and was just there for her and you growing inside of her. When the ultrasounds came you were very active and much like Buck and they laughed. 9 months later you were born screaming into the world. You were somehow the perfect mix of them, it was crazy how similar you were to them. You were the final piece to make the family perfect. They fell in love right then and there and the rest was history.
You were now 6 years old and spunky as all get out. You weren't afraid to speak your mind but then again most kids weren't. You tested your parents but always respected them. You loved the fact that they were both firefighters and lit up whenever someone asked what your fathers did, Evan and Tommy just smiled at the spark that came into your eye as you told everyone what they did.
It was the last day of school for you and that had hyped you up for some unknown reason. Hyped you up so much that you were waking up at 5 AM and rushing to your dads' room. You ran and jumped on the closest one which happened to be Tommy. "Papa! Daddy!" You squealed which had them shooting up and Tommy to let out a grunt.
"Oof." Tommy said as his hands immediately went to catch you.
"Y/N/N what are you doing up at," Evan said looking at the clock "5 AM?" He finished and you looked at him like he was crazy.
"It's the last day of school!" You shrieked as you bounced and that made Tommy groan.
"It's too early. You need to go back to sleep." Tommy said moving you to the side to give his body a break.
"I'm not tired." You said but a yawn escaped you and they chuckled.
"Go back to sleep and Papa will make you your favorite breakfast when we get up." Evan said and you sat there thinking while Tommy looked at his boyfriend with the same look you gave but more of a questioning one and they had a silent conversation.
'Did you just bribe our daughter with food?' Tommy asked and Evan looked back at him with a smirk.
'Yes I did.' Evan said proudly and Tommy rolled his eyes but smiled.
"Ok." You eventually said and they smiled.
"I got her." Tommy said already getting up and picking you up. You immediately laid your head on his shoulder.
"Love you, Daddy." You called out and Evan smiled.
"Love you too, Sweetheart." He said and you and Tommy disappeared out of the room and down the hall to your room. As Tommy was carrying you, you had started to fall asleep in his arms and head on his shoulder. That made him smile.
"Papa?" You asked sleepily.
"Yes, Pumpkin?" He asked, using the nickname he had given you that just slipped out one day.
"Wanna go to the beach." You said lifting your head and looking at him with tired eyes.
"We can do that this weekend. We don't live too far away." He said and you shook your head.
"No. I wanna go to a beach house." You said and he looked at you as he stepped into your room.
"But we live 20 minutes away from a beach." He said
"No beach house." You said whining tiredly.
"Ok ok. I'll talk with Daddy and see what we can do." Tommy said and you nodded eyes started to droop. He laid you down and covered you up. As soon as your head hit the pillow you were out. "I love you." He said and kissed your head and got up and started walking out.
"I love you too, Papa." You said and that made him smile and he cracked the door. He walked back to his and Evan's room. When he got in there Evan was still up waiting for him.
"How was it?" He asked and Tommy smiled as he climbed into bed and gave him a quick kiss.
"Easy. Started to fall asleep on the way to her room. She did tell me something." Tommy said and Evan looked at him.
"She did?" He asked and he nodded.
"She wants to go to a beach house." Tommy said hee.
"But we live 20 minutes away." Evan said and Tommy nodded.
"That's what I told her but she wants to go." He said "I think it would be good to get away from here. Away from work." He added and that got Evan thinking.
"You're right. We need time to ourselves, just the three of us. How long are we thinking?" He asked
"Maybe a week. Leave on Saturday and get back on Saturday or we would do longer." Tommy said and Evan nodded.
"I'll check out some places later." Evan said and Tommy smiled and nodded and kissed him.
"Try and get some sleep. I have a feeling she's going to be pouncing on us again maybe soon." Tommy said chuckling and Evan chuckled but nodded his head. They kissed each other and laid back down, Tommy opened his arms and Evan burrowed himself into them. Tommy fell asleep quickly but Evan stayed awake. Thoughts about the tsunami he had been in with Christopher came flooding his mind and he had doubts about going, but he didn't want to be the reason their daughter was disappointed. He would be willing to put his fears aside if it made their little girl happy. Evan eventually fell asleep in Tommy's arms.
When it came time for them and you to actually wake up, you were sound to sleep. Evan chuckled and shook his head because he knew that this would happen. Now came the part of waking you up and you loved your sleep. "Alright, sleepyhead. Time to actually get up." Evan said as he started the wake up process with you. You groaned and turned away.
"No." You said and he smiled
"You wanted to be up early and now you don't? Something doesn't seem right with that picture." He said amused
"I'm tired." You said
"Papa is making you breakfast for your last day of school." He said rubbing your back.
"Pancakes?" You asked
"Yes pancakes and bacon." He said
"Ok." You said and got up still sleepy.
"You really are like me aren't ya? Love your food." He said not expecting a response. He carried you to the kitchen where Tommy was starting breakfast.
"That was fast." He said
"Food was mentioned." Evan said
"Ah, I see." Tommy chuckled as Evan put you in your chair and got you situated while Tommy got your plate of food and something to drink for you.
"So, Y/N/N Papa said you want to go to a beach house." Evan said and you looked up at him and nodded.
"Uh-huh." You said stuffing your mouth.
"We live 20 minutes from the beach. Why a beach house?" He asked and you looked at him with the same eyes Tommy and he had.
"My friend Holly is going to one. I wanna go to one too." You said now looking down and they both nodded.
"Ok. We'll look into getting one." Evan said and you looked up and your eyes lit up.
"Really?" You asked and they nodded.
"Yes really. Now finish up and then we have to get you ready for the last day of school." Tommy said and it seemed like you shoveled your food in.
"Done!" You said excitedly and they chuckled. Tommy got you ready and they both were heading out with you in tow to take you to school. The drive to the school was nonstop chatter from you and both men getting a word in when they could. They were both working 12-hour shifts so it was agreed upon that Maddie would be picking you up from school and keeping you until they came and picked you up.
"Are we thinking about staying in California or going somewhere else?" Evan asked Tommy as he drove him home so he could grab his Jeep.
"Maybe out of California so we can actually have a family vacation." Tommy said and Evan nodded.
"That makes sense. What about South Carolina?" Evan asked
"That's a 37-hour drive. I don't think we want to do that." Tommy said and Evan nodded. "Mexico?" He asked.
"We don't have her passport yet, even though we put in the paperwork for it." Evan reminded him.
"Actually I'm going to pick it up today, I got the call yesterday. We could always fly to South Carolina." Tommy said, they both had agreed that Tommy would be in charge of important documents unless Evan said he wanted to be.
"That's true. Do you want to plan on doing that?" Evan asked and Tommy nodded.
"It would be our best bet unless something else pops up." Tommy said and Evan agreed as they pulled up to their house. They kissed each other and Evan was getting out and walking to his Jeep and then they were both off to work.
"Hey, Buck!" Eddie said as he saw his friend walk through the doors.
"Hey!" He replied as he met up with Eddie and they walked to the locker rooms together where Buck started to get dressed and ready for the shift.
"How's Y/N/N and the boyfriend life going?" Eddie asked
"She's good and it's going great. I want to take the next step with him." He said and Eddie smiled
"That's great! Y/N will really love that." He said and Evan nodded.
"Yeah she would. She's been wanting us to get married for a while. Speaking of my daughter, she wants to go on a beach vacation." Evan said
"You live 20 minutes away from the beach." Eddie said confused.
"We know but her friend is going and she really wants to go to one. Tommy and I agreed we just don't know where to." Evan said as he pulled on his shirt and they started to walk out and up to the kitchen.
"Are you guys staying in LA?" Eddie asked and Evan shrugged.
"That's the part we're struggling with. We don't want to be on the road for days or hours maybe 8 hrs max. We thought about flying." Evan said catching Bobby's attention.
"Did I hear vacation?" Bobby asked and Evan nodded.
"Y/N wants to go on one and Tommy and I agreed." He explained and Bobby nodded.
"Have you found a place?" He asked and Evan shook his head.
"No, we thought about driving but we also thought about flying to South Carolina." He said
"Has Y/N been on a plane before?" Eddie asked
"No." Evan replied
"It may be a good first experience for her." Hen said coming into the conversation and Evan nodded.
"I would say go for it. You may not find something even remotely close to here. Also it would give you chance to be away from LA and work." Chimney said chiming in.
"Alright I will let Tommy know. He thought it would be a good idea to fly too." Evan said and before anybody could say anything else the bell was ringing.
Later that day when Tommy was heading to pick you up he got a call from Evan.
"Hey, what's up?" Tommy asked
"So I thought about it and talked it over with the team and I think it would be a good idea for us to fly." Evan said
"I think it would be a good idea too. It would be the first time Y/N/N would be on a plane." Tommy said and Evan smiled.
"Nothing like experiencing her first flight with her two dads." Evan said and Tommy chuckled.
"That is very true. Who knows some surprises may come along the way." Tommy said as he stopped in the line to pick you up and pulled out a small box and looked in it and smiled. Just then the bells rang.
"I gotta go. Tell Y/N hi and I love her." Evan said "I love you." He added
"I love you too and I will." Tommy said and then they were hanging up and Tommy was putting the rings away.
Tommy got to the front of the line where you were smiling and what looked like bouncing on the balls of your feet. He smiled as the door was opened and you hopped into the front seat. "Hi, Papa!" You said and he smiled.
"Hi, Sweetheart. How was your day?" He asked "Oh, Daddy said hi and he loves you." He added and that made you smile.
"It was good! We spent the entire day outside!" You said excitedly and then you were turning to look at him and he gasped.
"Y/N! You're burnt!" He exclaimed
"But I was outside!" You said not seeing anything wrong with it. He gently took your face into his hands and looked at you.
"I'll put some After Sun on you when we get home." He said and you nodded and then he was kissing your forehead and you both were heading home. The rest of the ride home was spent with music playing and you both having conversations that really made no sense. When you both got home Tommy parked and killing the engine and the you both got out and headed inside of the house. You dropped your stuff off and he was closing the door behind you and closing the door. You had ran off to your room to grab something and he walked into his and Evan's bathroom to grab the After Sun. When he walked out you were in the living room cuing up the Xbox One. As it was cuing up he came and sat in front of you. "Your Dad needs to see this." He said and grabbed his phone and snapped a picture and then he was putting the After Sun lotion on your face.
"It smells good." You said and he chuckled and nodded.
"That it does." He said and then his phone dinged and he looked at it. It was a text from Evan.
Evan: What the hell!? She's burnt!
Tommy: I know. I already put some After Sun on it.
Evan: What happened?
Tommy: All day outside for the last day of school.
Evan: They should've given them sunscreen.
Tommy: I know
He didn't hear anything else from him. While you played on the Xbox One and he was getting supper and looking at beach houses and flights he was also checking in on you. Occasionally he would come over and put more After Sun on you and then going back to his task. Once the beach house and flights were booked he was sending everything to Evan and then he was calling you for supper. When supper was finished you both cleaned up and then heading to the living room. The night ended when you had fallen asleep cuddled in his arms 40 minutes into the movie you both had picked out, he smiled and just let you sleep in his arms like you had done when you were little and a baby. Tommy had just started playing a game when his phone rang and it was a FaceTime from Evan.
"Hey, Babe." Evan said smiling and even more when he saw you asleep on Tommy's chest.
"Hey, how is it going?" Tommy asked
"Good so many calls." Evan said "I wanna see her face." He said and Tommy nodded and repositioned you and showed him your face.
"It's gone down since putting After Sun on it." Tommy said
"I still can't believe she got so burnt." Evan said and Tommy nodded.
"It happens. We should've sent some sunscreen or told them to put some on her." Tommy said
"Well we didn't know that she would be out there the entire day." Evan said and Tommy nodded.
"That is true. Anyways you saw that I booked the house and tickets right?" Tommy asked and Evan nodded.
"Yup. Bobby has already given me the time off. I can't believe you got the house on such short notice." Evan said
"Someone canceled." Tommy said "We got lucky." He added
"We sure did. Get some sleep and cuddle her for me." Evan said and Tommy smiled.
"Will do. We love you." He said
"I love you too." Evan said and then they were ending the FaceTime and Tommy repositioned you and he went on playing his game.
1 week later
It was the week that the three of you were leaving for South Carolina more specifically North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The flight left at 10 AM. You three would be leaving at 9 AM to give time to get there and through security.
Currently, the three of you were at the airport. Chimney and Maddie said they could drop you off and they were thankful for that because they didn't want the worry of having to find a parking space. As you were walking to your gate after getting through security your eyes were wide open in amazement. Evan and Tommy just smiled at the sight. "It's amazing isn't it?" Tommy asked and you nodded without looking at him and they chuckled.
"I'm glad the burn went down." Evan said. You could see where you got burned but now it had turned into a tan.
"Yea me too. It wouldn't have been fun with it peeling. I brought it with me just in case." Tommy said
"Good. I have a feeling we're going to need it." Evan said as you three arrived at the gate. During the trip there you were mostly quiet taking in your surroundings in amazement. You honestly were an easy kid at the airport you mostly stayed by the window and watched the planes taxi in and take off. When it was your time to board Evan picked you up and carried you on the plane and you looked around wide eyed.
"Papa you fly?" You asked looking at Tommy and he chuckled shaking his head.
"No, Pumpkin not this one. I fly a helicopter." He explained and you nodded and was silent as they find their seats. They had you sit in the middle of them to keep you seated and safe but once in the air you could move around.
"Daddy, food?" You asked Evan and he smiled and pulled out some snacks and gave them to you.
"Here, Baby Girl." He said.
Soon the flight attendant was going over the procedures and then you were being taken to the runway and then you were taking off to South Carolina. After a 6 hr flight with one lay over you had arrived in South Carolina. You had fallen asleep on the layover and had stayed asleep until you landed.
After getting a rental car and getting you settled in your car seat that they had brought with them. The three of you were heading to North Myrtle Beach to your beach house. It had a boardwalk and a pool. Evan still had his concerns about the ocean and there potentially being a hurricane but he also knew it wasn't hurricane season so he didn't have to worry, but that didn't mean he didn't worry.
Once you reached the beach house you were practically buzzing with excitement and they smiled at seeing you this excited. "Beach!" You yelled and they laughed.
"Ok, we will go see the beach before unpacking." Tommy said
"Yay!" You yelled and practically leapt out of the car when Evan got you unbuckled and you would have if he wasn't there to catch you.
"Easy there don't want you getting hurt on the first day of vacation." Evan said and you looked at him and nodded and put you down. "Let's go through the house." He added.
"Good idea." Tommy said and that is what they did.
"Ocean!" You yelled and pointed at it when you stepped out on the balcony.
"Alright lets go." Evan said and picked you up as they started to walk down the stairs and onto the boardwalk. They took theirs and your shoes along with the socks and headed down to the beach. As you got closer the waves could be heard and you started to wiggle. "Alright alright hold on." He said and put you down on the sand and watched you run to the ocean with them not far behind.
"Its nice isn't it?" Tommy asked and you nodded and giggled and then the water hit you feet and you squealed and thankfully Evan and Tommy were both filming and the pictures and videos were sent to everyone.
"It's cold!" You yelled excitedly and stomped your feet.
"You'll get used to it. It's cold at first." Tommy said and Evan agreed even though he was absolutely petrified he was putting on a brave face for you and would gladly do so anytime. After a few minutes the three of you went back to the house and Tommy had to carry you because you didn't want to leave but when the pool was mentioned you went.
While Tommy entertained you Evan went and unpacked the car but after a minute or so you and Tommy ended up helping, you 'helped' but only the light stuff. Once everything was unpacked and in the house Tommy and Evan started to put stuff in rooms and once that was done the night started and vacation started.
4 days into the vacation many hours were spent at the beach and in the pool and you were loving every minute of it. Evan was very cautious about everything and it may not have been noticeable to you but it was noticeable to Tommy, he was going to get to the bottom of it. So when they had an action packed day and then dinner and gave you a bath Tommy told Evan to meet him in the pool no questions asked. The pool was heated and there were lights so it was perfect. While Evan was putting you down Tommy grabbed some drinks and headed outside to the pool.
10 minutes later Evan was coming down shirtless to a shirtless Tommy "Hey, Sexy." Evan said as he stepped into the pool and Tommy turned around and smiled.
"Hey yourself." Tommy said looking his boyfriend up and down. He met him halfway and gave him a kiss as Evan got settled in and Tommy gave him his drink. "She go down easy?" He asked and Evan nodded.
"Very. Was out before her head even hit the pillow." He said and Tommy chuckled "I'm so glad we came here. It's been so nice just getting away from everything." He added and Tommy nodded in agreement. Now was the chance for Tommy to get to the bottom of things.
"Are you ok?" Tommy asked and Evan looked at him.
"What do you mean?" He asked
"You've been tense. Y/N may not notice but I did. What's up?" He asked and Evan sighed.
"A few years ago I was watching Christopher for Eddie while I was off the job and I took him to the beach. We had a great time but a tsunami came through and wrecked everything and I lost him. I was scared shitless. I thought he was dead and I wouldn't know how to explain it to Eddie when I saw him after walking over to the team. But a lady came and was carrying him and everything was good but it still haunts me and I blame myself for losing him." Evan explained and Tommy listened to him intently.
"Oh, Evan. That was not your fault , it was a natural disasters fault. You saved him. That is like a one and a million chance and I can't guarantee it won't happen again but if it does I'm here for you and so is our daughter. I love you and so does Y/N. Come here." Tommy said and Evan leaned over to him and he took him in his arms and kissed him. "You're not getting rid of us that easily." He added once they pulled away and Evan smiled.
"I love you both." He said and Tommy smiled and kissed him again. "Now let's talk about these scars you have." Evan said smirking and Tommy smirked back.
"Gladly." He said and so that is what they did until they were both yawning and then they were getting off and drying off and heading into the house and to bed but not without checking on you first.
The next morning it was like the atmosphere around the house had changed and it was so much lighter. This time around instead of you waking them up it was them waking you up but not too early. "I wanna go to the beach." You said and they chuckled.
"We will but first we need to eat and get ready for the day." Tommy said and you sighed.
"Fine." You said pouting and they chuckled. After breakfast everyone got dressed, teeth brushed, sunscreen applied and then it was time to head down to the beach. Evan grabbed the towels and the beach chairs while Tommy grabbed the bag full of sunscreen, snacks, food for lunch, and drinks. He also grabbed a blue velvet box and slipped it in without the two of you notching. When you got there they both went to work setting everything up. Once set up you headed for the water but Tommy was quick to stop you.
"Hold on there." He said and you stopped "You can't go to the water by yourself. You either need me, daddy, or both of us. Got it?" He asked and you nodded staring at him intently.
"Yes, Papa. I'm sorry." You said and he nodded.
"It's ok. Just don't do it again." He added and you nodded. "Now do you want to go down to the water?" He asked and you nodded.
"Please." You said
"Alright. Lets go." Evan said and the three of you went down to the water. You splashed around and giggled and even tried to run away from the waves and they found that hilarious and they made sure to get everything on video. You three started to dig around and you found shark teeth and that made you excited and a lot shells, which you were going to keep. After awhile you came up to them.
"I'm hungry and thirsty." You said and they smiled. It was getting around lunch time.
"Alright, come on. We need to reapply the sunscreen anyways." Tommy said and you made a dissatisfied sound but did as you were told. While Evan was getting snacks Tommy reapplied your sunscreen while you made faces and put up a fight but he just smiled and got it done, he was used to uncooperative people. After that was done then lunch was started. Tommy and Evan reapplied sunscreen to themselves. While you were playing very close to them with Evan, Tommy knew it was time. He dug around in the bag until he pulled out the box. He opened it and smiled and then got up and walked over to the two of you. "Evan." He said and he turned around and saw Tommy standing there and you were confused just as Evan was.
"What's up?" Evan asked
"I was going to do this eventually but I knew this would be the perfect time. We have out daughter to thank for that." Everyone chuckled and then he noticed the box and stood up as Tommy got down on one knee and you stared at them but grabbed Evan's phone and started to record. "I've known for 7 years and that time with you has been amazing, we even got one perfect little girl out of it. I knew from the moment we started dating I wanted to to be with you and marry you one day. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our beautiful daughter. So, I'm asking will you marry me?" Tommy asked and Evan smiled and nodded.
"I wouldn't want it any other way. Yes." He said and Tommy smiled and slipped the ring onto his finger and they kissed and you squealed and then stopped recording.
"Finally!" You yelled out and they chuckled and turned to you. "This is the best vacation ever." You said and they chuckled and pulled you into a hug.
It really was the best first vacation for you. It was one that nobody was ever going to forget.
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callsign-dexter · 11 months
Allergic Reactions and a House Divided
Summary: An allergic reaction sends Blizzard to the emergency room. Maverick can't get ahold of Ice and a fight occurs leaving a house divided.
Pairings: Maverick x Daughter!Reader, Iceman x Daughter!Reader, Maverick x Iceman
Warnings: allergic reaction, fluff, angst, yelling, hospitals, swearing, medical inaccuracies
A/N: @callsign-minx, @justabigassnerd, @maverick-wingman get your tissues ready! I'm also very sorry for the emotional rollercoaster....
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Rain. Rain in California is unusual due to the hotness of the climate. It was welcomed sometimes helping cool the environment off and stop it from being suffocating. When it rains that means all jets are grounded until it clears. Rain meant that Ice, Maverick, Goose, and the Daggers didn't have to go in but they did anyway due to paperwork needing to be done.
Normally Ice and Maverick would go together but Y/N's preschool on base closed due to bad weather and sickness going around so, Maverick opted to stay home while Ice went in. The daycare base let them know the night before so arrangements could be made.
Whenever Y/N got to stay home with one of her daddies she was always happy. When she got to spend it with both of them she was ecstatic. That little girl absolutely loved her daddies and wouldn't trade them for anything. She hated when arguments erupted and when she couldn't have both of her daddies with her at the same time.
The rain started on a Thursday night and hasn't let up and was going to rain for the rest of the weekend. As much as Maverick loved flying he also loved spending time with his little girl and spoiling her to no end. Ice complains that Maverick spoils her more but they both know Ice does it just as equally.
Friday morning rolled around and the rain brought in a storm that further grounded the jets. Although the jets were grounded that doesn't mean teaching stopped, no the top gun cadets still had to learn and so that meant The Daggers and two RIOs had to go in to teach them. Since the base daycare was closed Maverick opted to stay home and even though Ice was a little bit jealous but allowed it.
Maverick and Ice were the first ones up out of the Mitchell-Kazansky household. They started it out like every morning but this morning it was storms and rain. Maverick rolled over to see his husband sleeping peacefully and smiled, thinking to himself how lucky he was and that he should've confessed feelings sooner.
Ice felt like someone was staring at him and slowly opened his eyes to find his husband just smiling and staring. "Staring is rude." He said and Maverick let out a chuckle.
"Not rude if the person you're staring at is handsome and you're married to him." Maverick said and Ice rolled his eyes but smiled and kissed Maverick and then got up and headed into the bathroom. A few minutes later Maverick was following him.
"Blizzard's preschool sent out an email yesterday saying that'll be closed due to weather and the flu going around." Maverick said as he put his toothbrush into his mouth and Ice spit out the toothpaste in his mouth.
"Do you want to take her to work with us or do you want to stay home with her?" Ice said as he wiped his mouth as Maverick spit out his toothpaste.
"I hardly have any paperwork. I'll just stay home with her. If they need me to come in they can call me." He said and Ice nodded, he knew it was true. They finished getting ready and they both started downstairs to get breakfast ready. Once the batch of pancakes and bacon were done it was time for Y/N to get up.
"I'm gonna go and get Blizz." Ice said and Maverick nodded as he focused on getting plates and drinks ready. When Ice got to her room and opened the door he was met by the sounds of soft snoring and when he opened it up further he found her sprawled out, it reminded him of a starfish and her other father. He smiled at the thought as he walked over to her bed and got down on his knees. "Blizz?" He started while stroking her head but she just rolled over to where she was now facing him. He smiled and tried again "Blizzard. Honey. It's time to wake up." He said and she groaned and shook her head. "Don't you want breakfast and to see Daddy?" He asked that got her to slowly open her eyes and nod and he smiled. He stood up and gently picked her up and they headed downstairs. She clung to him like a koala and buried her face into his neck thinking about going back to sleep. Ice didn't let that last because as soon as she thought about it they were downstairs, Maverick smiled at the two.
"Good morning, Blizzard." He said and she popped her head up and smiled.
"Daddy!" She said and made grabby hands towards him and he quickly accepted it.
"You ready for breakfast?" He asked and she looked at him and nodded. Maverick already had the table set so all they had to do was sit and begin eating. Ice was already in uniform so he could make a quick dash to work but Maverick was in jeans and a nice-fitting black shirt that had everyone swooning over the man.
"Blizzard you're going to be staying home with Daddy while I go to work." Ice said as he took a bite of food and so did she chewed and thought about it.
"Why?" She asked and they both smiled.
"You're daycare called and they're going to be closed." Maverick said and again she thought about and nodded.
"Ok." She said and went back to eating they both smiled and shook their head. She could be easy going or she could be so stubborn, a trait she picked up from both of them.
When breakfast was finished Maverick got up and put the dishes and food that would keep away. Meanwhile, Ice was making sure he got everything he needed for work from his and Maverick's office, once he was sure he got everything. When he was done in there he came out to the sound of laughter and he smiled, that's the sound he always loved. Ice walked out to find Maverick chasing Y/N around the island he could see that Maverick was slightly damp. Maverick caught up to her and picked her up and attacked her with kisses and she squealed and then her eye caught Ice's.
"Papa! Save me!" She yelled out with a smile and Ice just shook his head and sat down his papers and walked over to her taking her from Maverick's grip. Maverick fought back playfully but in the end let her go to him. Ice then started to attack her with kisses the same way Maverick was doing to her just a few minutes ago. After he got his fill of his daughter's giggles it was time for Ice to get to work.
"Alright, Blizz. I've got to go to work but you'll be here with Daddy. I love you." Ice said and she nodded her head and he kissed her forehead and then she kissed his cheek.
"I love you too." She said as Ice put her down on the ground and watched as Ice kissed Maverick.
"I love you." They both said at the same time. Ice grab his car keys and headed off to work. Once they heard his car pull out and they saw him disappear out of view from their position by the window that they moved to as Ice walked out the door.
"Alright, what shall we do first?" Maverick asked as he turned to his 6 year old she turned to look at him look much like Ice when she was thinking.
"Blanket fort and movies." She said confidently now looking like Ice for sure and a little bit of Maverick. Maverick smiled and nodded.
"You got it." He said and they began gathering all the stuff needed to make the fort and put it right in front of the TV. The fort took about 30 minutes to make but with them both goofing off, being the same person, and while putting in their own comments, the fort took an hour to make. Their morning started at 7:30 AM and now it was 8:30 AM. Their morning was filled with naps, movies, and snacks.
When noon came around it was time for lunch. The storms had stopped but the rain was still coming down. As Maverick was getting their lunch ready he noticed Ice had left his and sighed. So he packed theirs and grabbed Ice's and sat them on the counter. Y/N was upstairs changing and getting ready for the rest of the day since Maverick made her go and change out of her pajamas, if she had it her way she would've stayed in them all day. "Blizzard!" He yelled out at the foot of the stairs and he could hear patters of feet coming down.
"Daddy?" She asked with a look of questioning and confusion, an expression similar to Maverick's most days.
"Papa left his lunch here. You wanna take it to him and eat with him?" He asked and she nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes!" She said excitedly she would get to see her Papa, Uncle Slider, Uncle Goose, and The Daggers. Maverick smiled.
"Ok. Let's go." He said and she descended the rest of the stairs and followed Maverick out the door while he grabbed the lunches. He sent a quick to Ice.
Maverick: You forgot your lunch. Blizz and I are brining it to you and eating with you.
As he waited for a response he got Y/N situated and then got into the driver's side when his phone dinged.
Ice: Damn. Sounds like a plan.
Ice replied quickly and Maverick smiled and then set his phone down. He opened the garage and started his truck and they started on their way to the base. 20 minutes later he was at the gate and showing his ID and then rolling through and parking in his assigned spot. The rain was now to a sprinkle but it was still enough to ground the jets.
Maverick killed the engine and got out and then helped Y/N out he grabbed their lunches and they headed into the building but first they stopped by the lunchroom. "Bradley! Jakey!" She yelled out and they both looked up and smiled.
"Blizzard!" He yelled back and she went bounding over to him and hugged him. Bradley and Y/N were like two peas in a pod despite their age difference. They loved spending time together and nobody could figure it out but they knew. It was probably because Bradley always gave her things and babysat her a lot when his parents couldn't take her. "Whatcha doing here?" He asked when he released her from the hug.
"Hey there Blizz!" Jake said and hugged her and when they released she answered Bradley's question. Jake had also watched her several times because he was with Bradley and they spoiled that girl to no end.
"Papa forgot his lunch so Daddy and I brought it. We are gonna eat with him." She said and the Dagger's swore their hearts melted. That little girl absolutely loved her fathers to no end. She greeted the rest of the squad as Maverick walked over.
"Blizz, let's go. Papa has a meeting in a few." He said she smiled and said bye to them and skipped along to Ice's office. Maverick greeted his squad and then was off in the direction of his husband's office. Along the way she greeted Slider and Goose and even Beau. Beau may act like he hates everyone but he secretly loves that little girl then again everybody loved Blizzard.
Maverick and Y/N arrived at the door and Maverick knocked and when they got the clear to go in, Y/N didn't hesitate and ran in and hugged Ice. "Hi, Blizz." He said as Maverick walked and held up the food. he pulled a chair up and gave Ice his and Y/N sat on Ice's lap and they ate and talked. When lunch was done. Maverick and Y/N headed home to finish out the day.
It was 3:30 PM and both Maverick and Y/N were sitting on the couch watching a movie when she turned to her dad "I'm hungry." She said Maverick turned to look at her.
"There is some fruit in the fridge in a bowl if you wanna go and get that and we can eat it together." He said and she nodded and got up and walked into the kitchen and to the fridge to retrieve the bowl mentioned. She then grabbed it and brought it into the living room. She took her seat back next to her dad and they began to eat while watching Tangled. What made up the fruit was some apples, coconut, watermelon, strawberries, grapes, and oranges. Neither of them were paying attention to what they were grabbing.
Y/N grabbed a piece of coconut and put it in her mouth and chewed it and then swallowed it. Nothing happened right away but about 10 minutes later her throat became scratchy and she started to cough. Maverick looked at her "You ok?" He asked looking concerned at her. She nodded her head not trusting her voice which was a mistake. He turned back to the movie but before he could get invested in it again she started to couch and wheeze. She felt her throat swelling and it was getting harder to breathe.
"Daddy." She said breathlessly he turned to look at her and his eyes widened because right in front of him his daughter was turning bright red. She was breaking out in hives and she was wheezing. Her throat was also swelling.
"Blizzard. Baby. What did you eat?" He asked jumping into action.
"Coconut." She wheezed out. It was something she hadn't eaten before and now she was having a severe allergic reaction to it. Before he could do anything she vomited and he tried to catch it but wasn't quick enough but he didn't care at the moment, because right now his daughter was close to passing out on him.
"We're going to the hospital." He said and picked her up and ran out o the garage and put her in the passenger seat and buckled her from the driver's side. He opened the garage door and every second he had to wait the closer to his daughter not being awake. He cursed silently to himself but when it opened he turned the truck on and backed out quickly and shut the door once he was clear. The rain had picked up again and the sky was dark and thunder rolled. "You still with me, Blizz?" He asked and glanced over to her and she had passed out and looked like she was barley breathing. Now he was full on panicking. Luckily Miramar Navy Hospital was close by like 20 minutes and little traffic lights. Maverick made it to the hospital in 10 minutes he didn't care if he got pulled over or breaking traffic laws his daughter was in danger.
Maverick through the truck into park in a parking space that was thankfully open nearby. He killed the engine and raced to the passenger side and opened the door and quickly got his unconscious daughter out and ran into the ER. "Help! My daughter is having an allergic reaction!" He yelled out the nurse at the front desk looked up and her eyes widened.
"I need a gurney! Also page Dr. Bailey!" She yelled out and another nurse came out rolling one in. She must've been the head nurse. As Maverick sat Y/N down on the gurney she turned to him "I'm Nurse Avery. What caused this?" She asked.
"We were eating fruit and she ate some coconut. She didn't start having a reaction until 10 minutes later and it took 10 minutes to get her. So, she's been having this reaction for 20 minutes." Maverick said.
"When did she lose consciousness?" Nurse Avery asked
"About 5 minutes ago." He said and she nodded.
"What out in the waiting room. Dr. Bailey is the best pediatric doctor we have. He'll get her reaction under control." She said and he nodded and she rushed off to deliver the information.
As Maverick sat in the waiting room he texted Ice several times and called him. His calls and texts went unanswered so he called Cyclone and told him what was happening and to get it to Ice ASAP.
Ice was in a meeting that had been going on for an hour and opted to not take his phone in since it was an important meeting. Cyclone nor Warlock were not in the meeting due to it being for only Ice and a few other higher-ups discussing some new training exercises and missions. Finally 20 minutes later the meeting was over and Ice was walking out of the room when Slider bumped into him. "Hey, Blizzard is in the Miramar Navy Hospital." The RIO said to his pilot.
"When did you find this out?" Ice asked
"Maverick called and told me." Slider said and Ice became enraged and stormed off into his office. He grabbed his keys and his phone and headed to the hospital which was also a 20 minute drive but with the rain and traffic it became a 30 minute drive which put Ice into a further pissed off mood. When he arrived he found Maverick's truck and parked next to it and walked in and found Maverick sitting there. The waiting room was practically empty. He stormed over to him and Maverick looked up.
"Oh good you're here." Maverick said and stood up to hug him and kiss him but Ice stepped back and Maverick looked confused. "What?" Maverick asked him.
"I had to find out from Slider that my daughter was in the hospital." Ice said in an ice cold voice and now it was Maverick that grew mad.
"I called and texted you several times and you didn't answer." He said in disbelief that he was having a fight while their daughter was fighting for her life. Ice took his phone out and saw all the notifications.
18 missed calls from Maverick
Maverick: Please call me ASAP.
Maverick: It's about Blizzard. We're at the hospital. She had an allergic reaction to coconut. They took her back and are working on her now.
Maverick: You need to get here quickly. I know you're in a meeting but this is important.
"I was in a meeting and didn't take my phone. You could've called Cyclone and he could've gotten the message to me." Ice said
"I did and he didn't answer the phone." Maverick said just as pissed. Before their fight could continue Dr. Bailey walked out and went to the two after Nurse Avery pointed them out.
"Hi, I'm Dr. Bailey. I'm the pediatric doctor and surgeon here. You're daughter had a severe allergic reaction but we got it under control and gave her epinephrine to reduce her allergic reaction in her body. We also have her on some oxygen to help her breathe along with some IV antihistamines and cortisone to reduce inflammation of the air passages and improve breathing along with some albuterol to relieve breathing symptoms. Her hives should reduce under 24 hrs. I'll take you to her room." He said and they followed him into the elevator as they were riding up to her floor he started to talk again "We did have to intubate her because her breathing did stop. We expect to take her off of it in the morning that way we give the medications time to work, so we put her under slight sedation and will take her off in the morning. I want to keep her overnight afterwards just to keep an eye on her and make sure her body is healed and reacting well. She'll be out of it for the next few days this a major hit to such a little body." He finished as the elevator dinged. Maverick and Ice were speechless Ice was still incredibly pissed at Maverick. All three of them walked out and to her room "If anything happens let Nurse Jade know and she'll page me." He said and they nodded their head.
"Thank you." They both said at the same time and he nodded and left they walked into the room and sat on either side of her. Rain was still coming down and hitting the windows. Neither Ice or Maverick said a word.
"I'll let the squad know how she is." Maverick said but Ice didn't say a word. Once he sent the message he got some right away saying they hope she get's well and they'll come see her when she's well. Nothing happened during the night and neither Ice or Maverick slept too worried about their kid. Nurses were in and out of the room take vitals and making sure everything was running smoothly.
The next morning at 7 AM Nurse Jade and Dr. Bailey walked in and greeted the two fathers. "We're going to be reversing the sedation and extubating her." He said and they nodded and stood up and back. Once the sedation was off and she woke up they explained to her what was going to happen and she nodded and when they removed it she coughed but took a huge breath and Dr. Bailey smiled. "Hi, Y/N. I'm Dr. Bailey. Do you know where you are?" He asked and she nodded.
"The hospital." She said hoarsely, which was to be expected and they all smiled.
"Good. You had a severe allergic reaction. But we gave you some medication to help you out." He said in a calm voice and she nodded. He turned to where he was looking at her and the fathers. "She's breathing on her own which is a very good sign. I still want to keep her one more night." He said and they nodded and then turned to her "I'll be back to check on you later." He said and she nodded and yawned and everyone chuckled and he left the room. Throughout the day she was checked up on and The Daggers, Carole, Slider, and Goose all came by and saw her but didn't stay long just so they didn't overwhelm her. Ice and Maverick still weren't talking to each other still incredibly pissed but put on a good act for their daughters sake.
The next morning bright and early they got the all clear for her to be released and go home and rest. Dr. Bailey was also giving them EpiPen's and a prescription for more. Once she was changed into her clothing she had the day before they were wheeling her out to the parking lot. "I'll take her home." Ice said and Maverick was gonna protest but one ice cold glare from Ice and he didn't fight it. Ice went and got his car and drove to the entrance. He parked and got out and then helped Y/N into car and then he drove off leaving Maverick standing there. Maverick walked to his truck and got in and caught up to them both quickly. When they reached the house they both parked outside and the rain actually let up that morning. Ice and Y/N were already inside and she was heading upstairs to lay down once they heard the door shut they turned to each other. "I want you out of the house for a few days." Ice said and Maverick was shocked but then was pissed.
"Excuse me? Were you the one that had to watch our daughter almost die? Were you the one that tried to catch her vomit? Were you the one that got to the hospital in 10 minutes when it take 20 minutes?" Maverick asked
"It doesn't matter. You're the one that gave her the fruit." Ice said
"I didn't know it had coconut in it. We didn't know she was allergic to it." Maverick said as he walked upstairs and grabbed his duffle bag and began throwing clothes in. "You know what? Fine I'll leave. I need a break from you anyways, we need to cool down because we just went through something traumatic. I'll go stay with Goose and Carole." Maverick said "It's not like our daughter needs both of her fathers at this time." He finished heading to the garage and walked through the door and into his truck. Ice heard the garage door open and a car pull out and it shut again.
Ice turned when he heard footsteps on the stairs. "Papa, where is daddy?" She asked and Ice sighed.
"He's gonna go stay with Uncle Goose and Aunt Carole for a few days." He said and she looked at him.
"Why?" She asked
"We had a fight and both need to cool off." Ice said and she nodded and headed back upstairs. He went into the living room and saw everything from this morning and afternoon and started to clean up. He saw where she had thrown up and that made him feel guilty but he wasn't going to apologize he was still pissed that he had to find out from his RIO about his daughter being in the hospital. Yes Maverick did try to contact him but he should've called Warlock since he couldn't get ahold of Cyclone.
It was now Tuesday and the preschool was still closed due to flooding. Maverick had yet been home and it was putting Y/N in a bad mood since she didn't have both of her fathers with her. Ice noticed this but still wouldn't apologize and neither would Maverick. Ice and Y/N did activates together but she wasn't enthusiastic about it The sun was out so Ice took Y/N down to the beach, he had taken the time off just to make sure she was ok, knowing that jets would be flying by.
When they got to the beach they grabbed their stuff and walked to the sand. The Daggers and the Top Gun cadets were flying over the beach and that always excited her. Ice sat back and watched them as well. Y/N was looking around when she spotted Maverick and smiled "Daddy!" she shrieked out that got Ice's attention and when he looked up she was already barreling towards him.
"Blizzard!" He yelled and got up and took off after her. When he reached them she was hugging Maverick and he was hugging her back in a tight hug. She had her head buried into his abdomen. His eyes were closed and head on hers. Ice stood there and watched them maybe he overacted but he was just stressed out. He was zoned out until Y/N's voice brought him back.
"I missed you, Daddy." She said
"I missed you too, Blizz." He said and opened his eyes and they met Ice's blue ones. "I missed you too, Ice." Maverick said.
"I missed you too, Mav." He said as Y/N released Maverick from the hug. "Let's head back to our spot." He said and they began to shirt trek to spot. Y/N nonstop talked about what they did and they reached their spot she had ran out of things to say. "Hey, Blizz. Why don't you go watch the jets further up? But stay away from the water." Ice said and she nodded and headed out of earshot.
"Look I'm sorry I didn't reach out to Warlock to get into touch with you. I was stressed and panicking. I knew you had a meeting and didn't want to be disturbed." Maverick said every now and then looking at Ice but then turning his attention back to their little girl.
"I'm sorry too. The meeting was stressful because they want everyone to learn to training exercises and maybe have a new missions. I should've taken my phone in with me. I'm sorry for making you leave. Blizzard was not happy with not having both of us together. She hardly slept and was just not acting like herself." Ice said looking at Maverick and watched him watch their daughter smiling and waving when she turned around and waved.
"Am I allowed to come back home now?" Maverick asked as soon as he saw their daughter halfway to them and knew she was safe and away from the water. Ice was still looking at him and he nodded with a smiled.
"Yes. Please come back. Blizzard and I would be happier with you back home." Ice said and Maverick smiled and leaned in for a kiss and Ice kissed back.
"Ewww!" Y/N said and they broke apart and looked at her and smiled and then looked at each other and had a silent conversation. They looked back at her and she pulled a confused look. Maverick grabbed her and then started to tickle her and she laughed and then Ice joined in. They attacked her with kisses and tickles. This is what they both needed and missed.
Ice and Maverick promised not to fight and if they did then they would make up before the end of the day. They never want to split up their family they got a taste of it and they didn't like it. They stopped tickling her and attacking her with kisses and they just sat there watching jets fly by as a family. One happy and whole family.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Summary: Bradley and Jake were in a relationship for 5 months after the Uranium Mission after a big fight over something petty, Bradley stormed out and went to The Hard Deck found a hookup went home, and accidentally knocked her up. Now Bradley sees Jake everywhere and works up the courage to call him. Can everything go back to normal?
Pairings: Jake Bradshaw x Bradley Bradshaw, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, fluff?
A/N: fic was inspired by the song Doppelgänger by Joshua Bassett. I also have to thank @justabigassnerd for pitching the idea and saying I can go with it, and also for getting me obsessed with Joshua Bassett.
A/N 2: If your name is Allie you can change this name
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2 years ago
Bradley and Jake just had arrived home not speaking to each other after work stressed out to the max. Jake had done a particularly stupid dangerous move when they were teaching some new students at Top Gun.
Jake's engines had gone out after he hit his brakes to invade a student and was going down when he got them up and going again at the last possible second. Bradley was listening to the whole thing and saw the whole thing since he too were up in the air. The class finished after that and everyone was dismissed for the day. Jake and Bradley packed their stuff up and headed home. Jake tried to speak to Bradley but got nothing. They arrived at their apartment and Bradley shut off the Bronco's engine still not saying anything, they got their stuff and headed inside.
Once inside it was silent Jake unlaced his boots and took them off but Bradley did not. He was fuming and it only got worse when Jake spoke.
"Ok. What is up with you? You haven't said a word since before we went up in the air." Jake asked Bradley. Bradley stood there before answering.
"What you did was reckless and you could've ended up hurt." Bradley said not moving. Jake scoffed which made Bradley frown.
"I saved it at the end. Everything worked out." Jake replied moving around the kitchen but yet Bradley stayed unmoving.
"Jake you're not getting it. I could've lost you today." Bradley said moving his arms to cross over his chest.
"But you didn't and I'm fine nothing happened." Jake said giving off his famous smirk but it fell when he saw Bradley's face.
"You're still not getting it. I've may have signed up for your cockiness but I did not sign up for recklessness. I've lost my dad and almost lost Maverick, I couldn't bare to lose you. I love you Jake I really do but I can't be with you if you're like this." Bradley said breaking his own heart.
"Fine if you don't want to be with me then leave. I don't give a fuck. We're done." Jake said breaking his own heart. Bradley turned and walked to the door opened it and stormed out and got in his Bronco and drove The Hard Deck. Bradley was heartbroken and angry, he needed a drink or two or three or five.
Bradley had his fifth glass of beer in front of him and he was feeling tipsy. He wasn't paying attention to anyone until a pretty 20 something year old walked up to him, she too were tipsy. They talked and they flirted and then Bradley was taking her back to his apartment. Things got heated quickly.
The next morning he woke up with a splitting headache. He sat up and noticed a girl in his bed immediately everything came back to him. He got up and put as much distance as he could away from her. He loved Jake. He went to the kitchen and started coffee. The woman walked out of the bedroom fully clothed. They talked and decided to keep in touch, she really wasn't a bad person. They exchanged names and it turns out hee name is Allie.
The next week Allie texted Bradley saying that she was pregnant. She told him that she wasn't going to terminate the pregnancy but once the baby was born she was giving it to him. Bradley was shocked but understandable. He still absolutely loved Jake tho and nothing has changed that and nothing will change that.
9 months flew by, Allie had been staying with Bradley during that time, and now Bradley was a father to a healthy beautiful baby girl named Y/N Y/M/N Bradshaw, that looked identically to him. Allie gave up parental rights at the hospital.
Bradley took Y/N home and everything was great. He still thought about calling Jake but decided against it each time. Y/N was the perfect little angel for Bradley never giving him trouble. He didn't get in touch with Jake until Y/N was 2 years old. He hadn't talked with Jake or seen him for 2 years, he may have seen him in passing but never stopped to talk to him. It was killing him and what he didn't know was that is was killing Jake too.
Present Day
Bradley had Y/N with him at a coffee shop/bakery/ice cream parlor spending the day with his little girl, that just so happened to the same and favorite place of Jake and Bradley. He had Y/N's back facing the door so he saw everyone that came in. Jake was on his mind almost everyday, he guessed he wasn't over him as he thought.
There was a man that walked in he wore a khaki uniform and had the same build as Jake and from behind he could've been. Feelings for Jake came back full force. He wanted him back but knew that Jake would probably never talk to him. He practiced for hours what he was going to say to him but each time he went and dialed his number his fight or flight kicked in and the flight won. His mind was telling him not to call and to move on but his heart wanted something completely different.
Jake wasn't taking it much better he wanted Bradley. He missed him so much. It hurt when he sees him at work but they never talk and it kills him to hear his voice. It really was a stupid fight and a stupid move. If he could take it all back he would. Jake thought about calling Bradley but backed out each time too, when Bradley left it shattered him. He cried for hours and drank until he passed out and had the worst headache in the morning and now he limits the drinks he has. He wanted Bradley back.
Everyone could see that both men were miserable. But they kept insisting they were ok but weren't fooling people. It sometimes impacted their flying and even started to worry Maverick.
Bradley kept seeing him around and wanted to so badly walk up to him, say sorry and kiss the hell out of him, but refrained from doing so. He and Y/N visit that shop every Saturday it was a tradition of theirs and each time he saw someone that looked liked Jake. He couldn't stand it anymore so that night when Y/N was in bed he decided to call Jake and prayed that he would answer and by some miracle he did.
"Bradley." Jake said and his voice was music to Bradley's ears.
"Jake." Bradley said full of emotion. He wanted him back badly.
"It's late Bradley. What do you want?" Jake asked and Bradley could tell that he was holding emotions back and it was true. Jake hearing his voice melted his heart and made it state racing he truly loved that man.
"I know baby. I just have to get some stuff off my chest." Bradley said letting the nickname slip but neither corrected it.
"I think this should be done in person Bradley." Jake said and Bradley knew he was right.
"You're right." Bradley said and Jake was right. "Tomorrow at our place near the lake in the park?" He asked hesitated but answered.
"That would be perfect." Jake said
"Oh and Jake?" Bradley asked
"Yea?" He answered
"I have someone you should meet. Does 2 PM work?" Bradley asked and Jake could've sworn his heart dropped and a million thoughts running through his head. Did Bradley move on? Why does he want him to meet the person he moved onto? Was he engaged?
"Yes that works. Goodnight Bradley." Jake said and about said 'I love you' but stopped himself.
"I'm looking forward to it. Goodnight Jake." Bradley said and ended the phone call.
The next morning at 1:30 PM Bradley called Amelia, his babysitter, to meet him at the park. He explained to her what was happening. Amelia nodded and took Y/N to the playground while Bradley went and sat on the bench, his and Jake's bench, in front of the water and waited. Exactly at 2 PM Jake showed like he said he would. He went to where Bradley was and sat down. Bradley turned to look at him, he was in tight fitting jeans and a hoodie and his hair was messy, just like Bradley liked, and he was still handsome as ever.
"I'm here. What do you want to talk about and who do you want me to meet?" Jake said getting right to the point and turning to look at Bradley.
"I just want to say I'm sorry for storming out. I planned out what I was going to say. I'm just going to get the point. These past 2 years have killed me. I miss being with you. I miss hearing your voice. I miss waking up in your arms. I miss your lips. I miss you in general. It was a petty fight, I'm sorry. I know you may never forgive me but I can at least try to apologize and hope you'll forgive me. I want you back Jake. Baby I love you so much. I went to out coffee shop and I could've sworn I saw you but it was just someone that looked like you." Bradley said pouring his heart out into the speech and Jake could see tears forming he knew that he was being sincere. Jake stayed silent and Bradley knew this was a mistake he should've never contacted him. He was getting ready to get up when Jake stopped him with a hand on his thigh and that made Bradley stop.
"Bradley, babe." Jake began "You really did hurt me that night. I drank until I passed out and woke up with a massive hangover that morning. I forgive you but it's going to take time for us to be whole again. I miss you dearly. These past two years have been miserable. I want you back in my life. I hope that can happen. I love you Bradley." Jake finished "Can I kiss you?" He asked Bradley.
"Absolutely." Bradley said and they smashed their lips together. They only pulled apart when air was needed "I missed your lips." Bradley said.
"Now who is this person you want me to meet?" Jake said in return. Bradley smiled.
"I'll go and get her." Bradley said. Jake watched him walk to the playground and had a conversation with Amelia and he smiled when he saw her jump in glee and hug Bradley. He was glad they worked this out. He watched Bradley bid Amelia a goodbye and bent down to a child's height and spoke to a little girl and saw the little girl nod. Bradley picked her up and walked over to Jake. "Jake meet Y/N. Y/N meet Jake." He introduced them sitting her down in front of Jake. "She was part of a one night stand 2 years ago when I stormed out. I got tipsy and took a girl home and accidentally kncoked her up. She stayed with me until Y/N/N was born and gave up parental rights that day." Jake listened and nodded looking at Bradley. He smiled at her once Bradley was done talking, she was the exact copy and Bradley.
"Hi Y/N. I'm Jake." He introduced himself and the little girl grew shy.
"Hi." She said shyly and after a beat of silence "Are you going to be my daddy?" She asked and Jake and Bradley could've sworn their hearts melted. Jake smiled and looked at Bradley who was smiling.
"If you and your daddy will allow that." Jake said in a sweet tone. Y/N smiled and hugged him. He took that as a yes. He picked her up and hugged Bradley which turned into a kiss and only broke apart again when Y/N made a high pitched squeal.
"Eww!!" She screeched out and they looked at her and laughed.
"What little miss?" Bradley asked his daughter.
"Gross daddy, you have cooties now!" She said with disgusted look but they just laughed.
"Well I guess we'll just have to give you some." Jake said they started to tickle her throwing her into a fit of giggles and she squirmed to get down and took off running. They took off running after laughing and telling her that they were going to get her. Jake was the one to grab her and swing her up in the air kissing her. Bradley stood back and watched the scene. He was glad they were back together and that both of his loves liked each other.
Everything was going to be ok. Jake and Bradley were happy again. Now they can raise their daughter. They were going to be one happy family.
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