saltygilmores · 3 days
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x8, Let The Games Begin. Part 8-Party People Are You Ready to Cmrh?
Then she Cmere'd... I looked up the full lyrics of this song, Then She Appeared, for the first time today. And I feel this song is quite fitting for Jess and Rory, if for no other reason than they both appreciate References to Things.
Then she appeared Apple Venus on a half open shell Then she appeared The first photograph on Fox Talbots gel
I was a little frightened Flying with my senses heightened Cherubim cheered, then she appeared
Then she appeared As the giggling crew of Mary Celeste Then she appeared Pale Atlantis rising out of the west
I was a little dazzled Catherine wheeled and senses frazzled Know it sounds weird, then she appeared
And the sun which formally shone In the clearest summer sky Suddenly just changed address Now shines from her blue eyes
Then she appeared Brittle shooting star that dropped in my lap Then she appeared Dressed in tricolor and phrygian cap
I was a little troubled Hookah with my senses bubbled All Edward leered, then she appeared
And the moon which formally shone On the marbled midnight mile Suddenly just packed its bags Now shines from her bright smile
Then she appeared Out of nowhere Then she appeared Out of nowhere
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I CANNOT. *leaps off a short building* Every time I'm about to put a pox on AmyShermanPalladino's home for ruining What Could Have Been, I center myself. I remind myself that this is 1000% Milo Fucking Ventimiglia's fault. We could have had it all. But no. He had to break free. He had to explore greener pastures. If greener pastures were unforgettable cinema classics such as Dirty Deeds (the movie where he jerks off into a loaf of bread) And Stay Alive. Amy Sherman Palladino was like, hey Milo, how about 5 years of steady work? And he was like no can do Amy but how about Jess gets hit by a bus for funsies?
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You know what AmyShermanPalladino did ruin, though? This scene by having Rory abandon Jess to go find Dean for some reason.
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That's DIRTY. What part works? Your wiener? Are you saying your wiener is working, Jess? I mean, that's good to know. But moot. The little fella is not going to see the light of the day for the next 8 months.
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Uh oh. She's got that far off look in her eyes, people. Rory wears many crowns in this episode. The Queen of Blue Balls. The Queen of the Smooch and Run. She's got important business to attend to in both kingdoms. Jess will just have to attend to his own, apparently functioning, wiener.
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Sports announcer named Bill who doesnt know anything about sports and is also a referee kinda and the other announcer is named Jim: Bill: Oh, it looks like there's been a violation on the court! To the bench for Gilmore! Jim, I've never seen such flagrant blue balling in all my years of describing television shows while I watch them as if they were basketball games! Jim: This is an unfortunate day for Jess Mariano's wiener, Bill. Bill: An unfortunate day indeed, Jim. Just as it's career was getting off the ground.
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First of all Rory, of course you said "I look forward to many similar occurences in the future" after a mind bending makeout. Secondly, Why NOW? This very minute? Did Dean throw up the Butt Signal or something?
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Yes, let us all Cumurrrh. If only life were made of nothing but sunshine, rainbows, and Cmeres.
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She's still thinking about Dean while this is happening.
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What Jess is going to be doing to his meat for the next 8 months. #beatit #justbeatit #beatthatmeat
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Indeed. Hey, do you think Rory will run into Luke on her way to find Dean? I think his cock blocking mission went awry, he got lost and he's wandering around with a flashlight somewhere on the outskirts of Hartford, he thinks he sees movement in the bushes and thinks it must be Jess and Rory screwing on the ground in public (as it appears everyone thinks they do this) and he's like Aha! Found you! Jesstopher Mariano, as long as you live under my roof you will keep your pants on! It's back to the diner for you! You will work 12 hour shifts! I will pay you in acorns and pine cones and you will like it! And then he shines the flashlight but its just two stray dogs going at it. Between all this cock blocking and blue balling, there is a flicker of light. Of hope. of Joy. of Dean telling Rory to her face that nobody likes her. *wipes away tear* Dean was so real for this.
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We get Dean creeping on Lorelai's window, Jess creeping on Lane's window, Rory climbing a tree and creeping in Dean's window...In none of these instances are any of the people behind the windows surprised or freaked out (Lorelai loved it, in fact). This one is particularly egregious. Girly really left Jess at a gas station so she could risk life and limb to climb a damn tree to talk to this clown with ugly curtains. Just what she needs, another broken arm that everyone could turn around and blame on Jess somehow.
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Rory says she didn't want to ring the doorbell because she'd have to talk to Dean's mom who she thinks must hate her. Dean states his mom doesn't know anything. Yeah, it's probably not something Rory has to worry about, as I'm convinced Dean's parents dont know or care he exists. They just think a family of racoons lives upstairs and they made their den homey with a dartboard and a football poster. In any case, I don't think Mrs F gives a shit about her son's dorky high school drama. Thankfully not all moms are like Lorelai. Constantly meddling and sticking their noses into every tiny nook and cranny of their adult child's personal life. Speaking of Lorelai, Maybe Dean's Mom should be concerned though that he is being hotly pursued by a sexual predator (Lorelai). Okay, so not only did Rory leave Jess to talk to Dean, it wasn't even to discuss status of their own former relationship. She climbed a fucking tree just to implore Dean to tell his mom they broke up and to pout that his mom must hate her and thinks she's a little floozy (why would she think this? Mrs F's own worthless son dumped Rory, not the other way around. Also, Dean's mom better strap in in 2004.) Does my ex boyfriend's mom still love me and if she doesn't then why? Everyone loves me, Rory.
Describe Gilmore Girls Poorly: A show about about not engaging in any romantic relationships within a small town until you can escape and move at least 30 miles away. Again, if you think things are awkward now with your ex's mom... *whispers* 2004... Rory pouts that Dean is going to tell Clara and Clara is going to hate her too. Meanwhile, back at the gas pumps, Jess is realizing Luke is hopelessly lost and takes advantage of the situation.
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Portrait of the jerkoff artist at work.
Sometimes, something happens in an episode of a tv show, something so DELICIOUS, that nothing else that happens afterwards even matters. Closing time, I know who I want to take me home, etc etc.
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I really want to end the episode here because it would be just, UGH, perfect, but alas I still have soooo much rambling to do, while I bask in the confusing glow of Dean Forrester's humbling. Rory starts telling a story about some girl who lived in a tree for a year and Dean tries to close the blinds on her. Rory is not having it. Proceeds to tell a speech so unbelievably packed with lies and bullshit it would make Trump jealous. For every bullshit statement about Dean that comes out of her own, I'm going to zap with her with a tiny painless electric shock. Dean, you were the most amazing boyfriend in the world ⚡️ You made me so happy ⚡️ You made me laugh ⚡️ (when was this, exactly?) My mother liked you (and how!) you were nice to my friends ⚡️, you protected me ⚡️ (your friend had to protect you from his temper) you even came with me to that stupid ball (only after pitching a bitchfit about it first) I really did love you (only because my mommy said I had to love you) ⚡️I'm going to miss you sooo much⚡️(my mom will though) Dean: You're with him now? Rory: I don't want to talk about him. I just came to tell you how sorry I am. Wow. WOW.
Your NEW BOYFRIEND who is FRESH AS A DAISY and whose BALLS REALLY HURT right now is wondering where you went! Oh please Jess, do ask Rory tomorrow why she had to run off so suddenly. Let her stew in guilt juices as she struggles to explain how she ran away after your first real kiss as a couple to feed her ex boyfriend a freshly baked casserole of lies about how amazing he is and how much she misses him and how you, the new boyfriend, aren't even worth discussing. HOW IS DEAN THE HERO IN HIS EPISODE. Luke IS LOST really needs MONEY FOR CAB FARE FROM HARTFORD. She profusely apologizes for how she "treated him". Dean humbling Rory: Necessary on occasion Rory apologizing to Dean for anything: No. Just no. Even if she was at fault for certain things, like playing mind games and running around on him with Jess (Dean doesn't even know she cheated on him). We do not apologize to Dean for anything. Rory climbing a tree to grovel to Dean: Pathetic Rory climbing a tree to grovel to Dean and beg for his mom and 9 year old sister to please like her and tell Dean how uhmazing he was: Double pathetic with a side of Pity Cherries on top. We do not CRY-GROVEL to DEAN FORRESTER from a TREE! *whacks her with a newspaper*
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Oh no..oh no...I swear she was walking away from the couch like she was going to go to bed, then she had to turn around. SHE HAD TO TURN AROUND. Rory: It was...eventful. Lorelai: It was eventful? *Chuckles in Lorelai* *a dark cloud forms* *Salty braces for impact of Couch Speech*
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WHY RORY. WHY. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. Here's my End of Episode Bingo Card (with two bingos! Almost a full card!)
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taurus5151 · 5 years
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#goodmorning #shea #butters #justbeatit #caught https://www.instagram.com/p/B5DWPDYJCfi/?igshid=9673oljqvw2c
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shaheenyes · 9 years
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LetsBeatKalp (21july2015)
@hanimashaan 05. Skeletal armature.
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hintofjuniper · 6 years
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An unexpected color combination - silver on grey is giving us all the feels! . . . . . . . . . #hintofjuniper #teatowels #kitchendecor #homedecor #chopitlikeitshot #justbeatit #bakersdelight #cheflife #bakersgonnabake #silver #grey #etsyshop #etsysellersofinstagram #etsyseller
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byronschmidt-blog · 6 years
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#simpletipsunday . An excerpt from "Audel's Carpenters & Builders Guide #1" © 1923, 1939. How not to drive a nail. #nailedit #oldbooks #hammer • . . . . #basic #skills #technique #justbeatit #whack #smashit #martineztools #oldmatic #carpenter #carpentry #woodworking #woodworker #woodwork #framer #framing #framersareadyingbreed #buildersofinsta #bluecollar #construction #nails #nailsofinstagram #nailsonfleek #hashtagtakeover
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dan8gomes · 4 years
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Take time to have a good breakfast, bake that red velvet cake, try that healthy recipe you always pushed off. Ain't no time like the present. ✨ . . . . #justbeatit #kitchenillustration #foodillustration #drawingsketch #recipesketch #watercolorillustrations #plantpainting #botanicalart #botanicalillustration #plantdrawing #kitchendrawing #eggdrawing #watercolorillustrationstyle #watercolourart #watercolourpaint #paintingeveryday #doodlesketch #doodlepainting #draweveryday #painteveryday #dan8rt https://www.instagram.com/p/B96O4o0AsXP/?igshid=51pnwcty8lhv
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miss-el-p · 7 years
When you suddenly remember your 15 years of #boxing training but forget that you're at a #blacktie event and in your dress n' heels. Thanks to @carolinabkoster for my first #boomerang and more thanks to @arysamerica @zakifitness for those sweat-filled days and nights of #martialarts @newyork gyms & rings. #justbeatit #fitness #fighting #kickit #charity #pleaseme #londonevents (at London, United Kingdom)
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samyjo6542 · 7 years
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#snaredrumclock #musicdecor #timetoplay #timeformusic #musiclove #music #justbeatit #drums #drummer #musician #drumline #snare #bass #cymbals #timeformusic
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dj-andersondrc · 5 years
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Hoy no te citamos a Kotler o a Godin, hoy la lección de Marketing viene del Rey del pop. ⭐ Muchas veces nos empeñamos en luchar para demostrar que somos buenos para un mercado específico, ser los que dominan o tienen más clientes y en ocasiones terminamos usando la vil estrategia de bajar precios y desangramos el mercado. ⭐ Cuándo ya tenemos definida una estrategia y un camino claro debemos ser fiel a eso. ⭐ Se diferente, y cada elemento diferenciador debes volverlo memorable y evocar una acción. ⭐ y por último: "Nadie quiere sufrir una derrota demostrando lo fuerte que es su lucha, no importa quien tenga razón o no #JustBeatIt " . . . Si te ha gustado la temática de hoy déjalo saber en los comentarios. No olvides decirnos que otro artista nos puede dejar una lección de #Marketing . . #pop #king #rey #MichaelJackson #socialmedia #lección #artista (en Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UppSHlA10/?igshid=1hh4q6s45462m
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theretrollectors · 5 years
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Love Xbox’s Backwards Compatibility. Halo ODST in the books. Meh story, Halo REACH has a better story in my opinion. Tags: #justbeatit #haloreach #haloodst #haloguardians #xboxscarlett #masterchief #xboxcontroller #xboxcontrollers #xbox #xboxone #xboxonex #xboxones #xboxbackwardscompatibility #ps4vsxboxone #xboxgames #xboxgamer #consolewars #xboxplayers #xboxgamer #gamer #videogames #videogame #videogamer #console #gaming #gamingsetup #consolegaming #gamingconsoles https://www.instagram.com/p/BzDk-nRn9Jh/?igshid=1c9sfymxhr6xz
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sherrybchico · 5 years
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Beat the pinatä at Chico Taproom 2nd Anniversary. #thechicotaproom #sherrydoesbeer #pinatalife #justbeatit (at The Chico Taproom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxGqqKoFepM/?igshid=1vao111r0yyon
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#JustBeatIt 🤸 (at Álvaro Obregón) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsbZzIDnRmR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=59u48x4mw1qs
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jamieharbour · 7 years
Stans refresh accompanied with a party 😎🚵🏼🎉 #stans #stansnotubes #glitter #mtb #ridegiant #rideliferidegiant #giantbikesnz #wtb #tubeless #mountainbiking #justbeatit (at The Top Of Port Hills, Summit Rd, Christchurch)
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Fluffysideup #egg #youmeringue #justbeatit
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borikeproductions · 4 years
HOW TO KILL CORONAVIRUS BEAT,JUST BEAT IT #justbeatit #viral #videooftheday #dance #coronavirusmemes😂😂😂 #virus https://www.instagram.com/p/B-QBaIPjlMM/?igshid=x0jels31801d
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samirsandman-blog · 5 years
#justbeatit and try out a daytime private session in having fun with your #fighting and #fitnesslife with a little music and #laughter. Sometimes #lettingo is needed during a session. @paulee_pockets letting his inner music flow. Looking to shake up your training with something special.DM me. #muaythailife #muaythai #muaythaitraining #muaythaifitness #muaythaiboxing #boxing #boxingfitness #hayabusa #ontariotopteambrazilianjiujitsuandmuaythai #globalmartialartsacademy #fitnessgoals #strengthandconditioning https://www.instagram.com/p/B2hrDnAnUL3/?igshid=151l3gvb1tmvq
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