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卯 x 戌 #🐰🐕 #卯 #戌 #Chinesezodiac #zodiacfanart #🎨🖌 #traditionalart #traditional #rabbitzodiac #dogzodiac #juunishi #eto #12지신 #兔狗配 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj6zImThhlv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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festivalofthe12 · 5 months
I JUST have so many FEELINGS about Yuki getting someone who is just!!! On his side!!!!!! 100%!!!!!!!! because Tohru is GREAT and PERFECT but she is One Singular Person with like a dozen people relying on her and I'm sure that's part of why Yuku tried to push himself to be in love with her because Everyone Knows that the partner comes over everyone else and that's something he's just never known. Ever.
And here comes this doofus who is 70% Just Some Guy (with just enough level of Fucked Up Family, as Well to get it) and he just isn't connected to like. ANY of the Sohma/Juunishi whatever bullshit. Yuki being the rat means exactly nothing to him.
And for a guy whose whole life has been defined by that, who never thought he'd get anything that wasn't carefully parcelled out on account of his role, who was literally kept trapped in a room away from anybody else who could have ever helped him, right in the deepest darkest parts of the Sohma estate. He needs somebody who can let him jsut be a dumb teenager and hear his thoughts and say 'wow that's fucked up' without thirty levels of guilt or equivocation or defensiveness or bullshit ~mystery~. He is quite simply just here (among the Sohmas) to be like 'I want my bestie to be happy and fuck everything else'. (His actual ability to fuck everything else is minimal at best but that's almost not the point??? He can look at Yuki and wonder how he's doing and just Exist By him and that!!!! Is so small but really what Yuki needs most of all!!!!!!!! Aside from Therapy)
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oneesanmarket · 1 month
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IDOLiSH7: Tsunashi Ryuunosuke  ~ Juunishi no Mai ~ Can Badge
Size: 8 cm
Price: 8€/13 USD
(Shipping price Not included)
Units Available:1
(Send us a message or comment if you’re interested)
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eyeathenenoctua · 2 years
Juunnishi y los 13 animales ♓️♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️⛎♐️♑️♒️
Esta es la verdadera historia, aquella vieja leyenda que todos olvidaron, hace ya mucho tiempo....
Hubo una vez hace mucho, mucho tiempo un hombre y por lo que el podía recordar, siempre, siempre estuvo solo. Si bajaba a la montaña, sabía que conocería gente, pero prefirió quedarse solo.
Teniendo la fuerza de miles de hombre, teniendo la vida de miles de hombres y así, teniendo miles de recuerdos, el sabía que era diferente de la demás gente.
Este hombre estaba asustado de la demás gente, asustado de salir lastimado. A pesar de tener muchos poderes, tenía miedo de ese "yo" que sabía que era diferente del mundo. Así era para él...
Un día vino un gato; este fue un encuentro inesperado, con un visitante para el. El gato agachó la cabeza y dijo:
-He estado siguiéndote por algún tiempo, tienes un aura inusual. Tal vez no pueda ayudar, pero puedo serte fiel ¿Por que no me dejas quedarme a tu lado? Por favor Dios-
Después de eso, como el gato dijo, nunca se alejó del lado del hombre, nunca lo dejó por un instante, e hizo muy feliz al Dios
Un pensamiento vino a el.
“Tal vez puedo hacer que dure más, y si fuera con otros aparte de los humanos, y si eso creara experiencias similares, de seguro tendríamos un divertido banquete”
Y así, el Dios escribió muchas invitaciones.
En retorno, doce animales llegaron a ver al Dios, siguiendo eso, los trece animales y Dios tuvieron un banquete cada noche a la luz de la luna y rieron unos con otros. En el banquete, por primera vez, Dios reía en voz alta, incluso la luna miraba silenciosa, sobre las cosas que no veían los humanos.
Como sea, después de algún tiempo el gato colapsó, su vida había llegado a su fin y no había nada que pudiera hacerse. Cada uno de ellos lloró, cada uno de ellos lo hizo.
Eventualmente, todos morirían, no importaba cuan divertido fuera, el banquete terminaría. No importaba cuanto los amara, eventualmente...
Entonces Dios, lanzó un hechizo, dibujo un círculo en el agua con su dedo, e hizo que el gato tomara un poco del agua, y entonces se volteó a todos los demás y dijo.
-Permite que nuestra amistad dure para siempre, así cuando muramos permite que nuestra amistad esté atada para siempre. No importa cuantas veces muramos, no importa cuantas veces renazcamos, otra vez, de la misma manera, no importa cuantas veces, déjanos tener otro banquete. Todos, estando juntos siempre, déjanos tener una eterna felicidad-
Todos aceptaron el contrato, y la rata fue la primera en dar el primer sorbo, después fue el buey, el tigre, el conejo. En su turno el agua se dividió equitativamente y al final, cuando la última gota se había agotado el gato comenzó a jadear.
-Dios, dios, ¿Por qué me hiciste beber eso? Dios, yo no quiero la eternidad, yo no quiero una felicidad eterna –
Esas, fueron palabras innentendibles. Para dios y para los otros animales, fueron palabras de rechazo. Todos estuvieron tristes por escuchar eso, y todos se volvieron contra el gato
Después de eso, el gato dijo:
-Dios, dios, incluso si estás asustado, déjanos aceptar que todas las cosas terminan, incluso si eso es triste, dejamos aceptar que la vida termina. Dios, aunque fue solo por un corto tiempo yo, fui muy feliz estando a tu lado… si yo tuviera que morir para renacer y conocerte de nuevo, la siguiente vez preferiría que no fuera a la luz de la luna, quiero verte sonreír a la luz del sol, la próxima vez que nos encontremos, quiero verte riendo estruendosamente con la gente –Y por última vez, el gato movió su cola, y murió pacíficamente.
Pero ninguno de los animales se preocupó más por el gato, por que todos sintieron que habían sido traicionados por él.
Después de eso, uno por uno murieron, y el último en morir fue el dragón y así, Dios se quedó solo una vez más, y eventualmente, incluso también llegó la muerte de Dios. Como sea el no tenía miedo, por que su promesa lo apoyaba.
Otra vez… otra vez tendrían un banquete… una vez más… muchas veces… siempre.
-No importaba cuan solo esté ahora, en el otro lado de la promesa, todos me están esperando-
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filliteapot · 3 years
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I don't need or want eternity.
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iseeareddoor · 3 years
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I always wanted to be the sign of the cat!
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tanuki-kimono · 4 years
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Jūnishi (Chinese zodiac) kimono outfits featuring matching cats, by Masaya Kana (I LOVE the outfit put together for my sign - the tiger 🐯. Also also would love wearing the dog and boar ones!)
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dweebaboo · 3 years
A continuation of the series I made earlier. I’ve done the juunishi, but what about those that lie above and below the cursed twelve?
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summonerdagger · 3 years
I just remembered cats hate being locked up, they love going out.
So what the Sohmas do is pure cruelty.
I feel bad for the previous cat so much, Kazuma's grandfather
Not being able to see the birth of your child, not being really there to see them grow up, go to school, fall in love, get married.
And then the grandkid is mean to him...
Even the outside looks like a cage, he could never even see the sun again :(
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reastless · 3 years
starter for @juunishi / yuki
“  YUKI,  ARE  YOU  ALRIGHT? ”  soft  voice  nudges  the  ambient  thrash of  rain  against their  windows.  the  hens  are  safe  inside, even  though  the  coop  would  be  perfectly suitable.  bonnie  shuffles around  under  the  coffee  table, clucking  idly.  luke  looks  to  yuki  with  concern,  then  touches  a  palm  to  his  friend’s forehead.  his  temperature feels  raised.
“  you  don’t  look  well.  ”
his  color  is  looking  just  a  shade  off  and  his  tea  sits  untouched in  a  mug  with  a  hen  on  it.  perhaps it  is  the  weather  draining his  energy,  or  he  could  be  coming down  with  something. regardless,  he  should stay  here  if  he  isn’t  feeling  well.  no  sense  in  going  home  either in  this  weather or  when  he  is  feeling sickly.  
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Por fin mi ship está junto 😭😭
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soahma-a · 4 years
@juunishi​ said: ‘ what do you want with me? ‘ ( for aya, from yuki !)
“  WHY, MY  DEAR  BROTHER!  whatever  do  you  mean?  is  our  fraternal  bond  not  strong enough  to  guide  you  to  the  answer? ”  he  flips  long  white  ribbons  of  hair  from  his  shoulder with  a  hearty laugh.  he  then  swoops  in  like  a  snake  strike and  grasps  both  of  yuki’s hands  before  he  might  have  the  chance to  pull  them  away.  “ oh,  what  small, delicate  hands  you  have,  yuki.  clearly  unburdened from  years  of labor,  like  mine  have  suffered in  the  shop!  but  dear yuki,  i  simply want  to  spend  the  day  with  you!  ”  he squeezes  his  brother’s hands  earnestly,  a  wide,  brilliant smile  tucked  into  his  cheeks, yellow  hues  sparkling with  anticipation.  it  isn’t  that  he  does  not  expect a  possible  refusal from  yuki,  and  it  would  be  well  deserved,  but after  the  distress their  mother  caused him,  ayame  thought a  day  together would  be  a  pleasant  way  to  take  his  mind  off  it.  yes,  he spent  years  trampling a  precious  thing, he  will  treasure any  chance  he  gets  to  cherish  yuki.  
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festivalofthe12 · 4 months
also I remember thinking this back even as a kid (yes I've been into Furuba for that like)(think like. the early 2000s.)(but that's a matter for another post!!!!!!!!!!!!!) is that
Kyou is so very EASY to like.
Which, first of all, that's literally a fact in-universe. Yuki comments, very early on, about how natural it is for Kyou to get along with people and make friends, compared to himself.
But it's true out-of-universe as well!!!!! Kyou is so, so easy to barrack for, and enjoy reading about, and support as a fan!!!!
He's the underdog. The one rejected from the family, from the zodiac. He's an ordinary guy who just wants to hang out and do dumb shit. He's kind of a dumbass, but in a loveable way. He's a rebel. He gets angry when people are assholes. He calls out the family for being full of shit. He wears his hurt on his sleeve, even if he doesn't consciously decide to. He's a clear Victim, and he's not taking it lying down!
And then there's Yuki. Precious, perfect, unattainable Yuki. Yuki, who represents seemingly every advantage the Juunishi have to offer. Yuki who is proper, pristine, charming, and adored by every girl in school. The God's favourite. The one Kyou routinely quarrels with, but who beats him every time. Why shouldn't Kyou be bitter and envious of him? Why shouldn't the audience? What's Yuki's big problem, anyway: oh nooooo, people like me too much? And they're not seeing ~the real me~???
And yet. Yuki is every bit as much of an abuse victim as Kyou. In many ways, he's actually even more of a straightforward example. And while Kyou at least had Kazuma growing up, Yuki had nobody.
Yuki struggles with processing what happened to him. He's still more scared and anxious than angry. He's still clinging to the scraps of 'privilege' his position gained him, despite harming him far more than it ever did him any good. He doesn't like to talk about things at all, let alone as bluntly as Kyou. Not only is he often kind of mysterious, sometimes even he doesn't know how he's feeling.
And that's what makes him so much more interesting to me. He's not a perfect victim - the prototypical 'good guy'. He is, in many ways, actually privileged! And yet he is still the victim of horrific abuse. He still didn't deserve whatever happened to him. And why shouldn't he fight back when Kyou attacks him? Is it his fault he got trained harder at martial arts, while he wasn't spending time with a family figure who loved him?
If Kyou wears his heart on his sleeve, Yuki is buried beneath so many layers he might just be layers all the way down. Complicated feelings, propaganda he can't shake off, the difficult task of letting go of people you thought you needed so you can build relationships that are actually good for you. The desire to follow rules and please people and be a good son and Juunishi member and Rat and Prince because that's all he has. He can't be an authority-defying rebel like Kyou can. But his pain is no less real, and his pulling away no less momentous.
By being exiled, Kyou at least got a clear message: that he wasn't wanted. That hurts. But it left him free to meet other people and build other relationships and form his own values. Yuki was taught that he was wanted, but that was a lie. And he's still being lied to and manipulated when the manga begins, for all that he's catching on to it. Leaving an abusive party who claims to love you - who tries to control you, tries to keep you in place, literally locks you in a room with nobody but them - is so much harder.
That's what I've always loved about Yuki. People can get so frustrated over victims who don't immediately hate and despise and want to leave their abusers. But Yuki's actions and thoughts and feelings are so eminently understandable. He doesn't deserve what he went through any less because of his reaction to it. His reactions were in fact many times deliberately cultivated to have the effect on him that it did. That's just the nature of that sort of emotional, controlling abuse, versus the outwardly hateful kind. And the one of those is not in any way less harmful or serious or dangerous than the latter.
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oneesanmarket · 2 years
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IDOLiSH7: Tsunashi Ryuunosuke  ~ Juunishi no Mai ~ Can Badge
Size: 8 cm
Price: 8€/13 USD
(Shipping price Not included)
Units Available:1
(Send us a message or comment if you’re interested)
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lesbiankiliel · 4 years
fruits basket juunishi + kyo and akito, oldest to youngest based on my observations! spoilers for manga!
hatori & shigure & aaya (went to school together, roughly the same age)
kureno (calls shigure "shigure-niisan" which indicates he's younger than the mabudachi trio)
ritsu (was already a child when akito was born but too young to understand the Big Secret)
kagura (two years older than the main trio)
rin (still in high school when main trio attends the second year)
yuki & kyo
hatsuharu & momiji (one year younger than the main trio)
hiro (said to be the youngest of the juunishi)
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teapotart · 5 years
Hi! If it's not a bother, could you draw the sohmas in their animal form? :3
Let’s start with the classic:
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