#k plays coral island
paintdlady · 9 months
I just thought about it, but getting the letter about giving someone a locket to express your farmer's interest in dating them is so much funnier to me if the first person you get full hearts from is Pablo or Rafael because they're the ones sending the letter.
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Like, I can just imagine either one of them realizing they have a crush on the farmer and are like "I'm just sending this to let you know this is a thing, and totally not because I'm trying to drop a hint that I wouldn't mind if you gave me a locket, pft! don't be silly! Unless... 👀"
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aidansplaguewind · 5 months
Do any of you guys play video games?
I have an Insta dedicated just to my video games. I play all kinds of games from hack-and-slash to shooter but for the most part I post my cozy games because they involve so much decorating and they're prettier.
The cozy games I have played/am playing are Animal Crossing New Horizons, Stardew Valley, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Coral Island, House Flipper, Dinkum, My Time At Portia, My Time At Sandrock, Grow: Song of the Evertree, Fae Farm, Farm Together, No Place Like Home, Cozy Grove, Hokko Life, and a little of Palia though admittedly I'm having a hard time staying interested in Palia.
I've also been playing Hogwarts Legacy, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Witcher III Wild Hunt and have played Dying Light, Days Gone, The Division, Fallout IV, Halo, Fable, Destiny and many more.
Anyway, I made this post in case you guys wanna give me a follow. I'm usually not the type to shamelessly plug but ever since they changed Instagram to only showing people the top posts when they search something, I get absolutely ZERO interactions on my posts. It's crazy. My account wasn't super popular or anything but I at least got SOME feedback before. I hate what they've done to Instagram.
Here's some examples of my islands and valley:
ACNH islands
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Disney Dreamlight Valley
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So if any of you play any of these games and are looking for an account to follow for inspiration, give me a follow. Here is a link to my Instagram Account annie.plays.gamez
I will start posting more when I think someone is actually looking. When I stopped getting interactions I slowed down on my posts because I didn't see any point.
K. That's all. And thank you in advance for anyone who gives me a follow or just for reading through all of this.
Oh and if it matters I play on Steamdeck and Nintendo Switch.
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argentconflagration · 2 years
from reading through @curlicuecal's old bug xeno troll headcanons, I started to think, "what if a species that uses another species as part of its reproductive lifecycle, but they're both sapient?"
and what i came up with was: a world that's mostly covered in water, dotted with small volcanic islands that can only support a very small number of organisms as large as humans. the land-dwelling species crawled out of the ocean to take advantage of the much more abundant/concentrated resources on land, but as they tried to spread to smaller and smaller islands, groups frequently died out due to population bottlenecks and lack of genetic diversity.
enter the second species, who are sea-dwelling. there's much fiercer competition for resources in the sea, so they started hanging around landdweller-occupied islands cause they'd sometimes, e.g. drop fruit into the water.
what eventually developed was a symbiosis in which landdwellers provide seadwellers with nutrients in exchange for seadwellers spreading landdwellers' genes to distant islands. in the species' modern form, the seadwellers have a dedicated body cavity for receiving landdwellers' sexual emissions and extracting nutrients from it while preserving the genetic material for future matings. landdwellers are fully hermaphroditic, they can't afford sexual specialization when chances to mate outside their very small local gene pool are so rare and valuable. landdwellers are also very K-selected (few offspring with a relatively high chance of survival), maybe even more so than humans, because offspring who don't survive until adulthood just waste very limited space and resources.
this is completely separate from the seadwellers' own reproductive cycle. culturally, their pollination of landdwellers is in the same category as sex, because it involves the same sort of trust / social rituals / pleasure, but biologically it's a feeding behavior, and seadwellers have their own separate reproductive cycle, with two sexes and minor sexual dimorphism, like humans. landdwellers can also reproduce in landdweller-landdweller pairs, in a pinch.
i'm thinking seadwellers historically lived in relatively shallow seas (i.e. not deep seas), in coral reefs or kelp forests or something else with things to grab onto and make tools of. im imagining the landdwellers as roughly humanoid while the seadwellers have a mermaid-like body plan. the history of the two species has been deeply intertwined since before they've existed in their modern form, and there's been selection pressure to keep the two species able to understand and replicate each other's social communication, eventually including language. while there are many languages on the planet, they're not generally separated into "landdweller languages" and "seadweller languages", instead both the landdwellers and seadwellers in a particular area have shared a common tongue and other cultural aspects. in the modern world, there's the technology for landdwellers to have air-bubble enclaves in seadweller communities, and vice versa with water-filled seadweller structures on land.
anyway they play sburb.
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m-feys · 5 years
I would tell you that I loved you (If I thought that you could stay)
one shot | set after COE in a Ianto never dies au | date night | Ianto POV | Jack/Ianto | 2500~ words | can also be read on my ao3 (m_feys) |
They decide to walk to the upscale restaurant. They're close enough that their jackets brush together as they move, but they don't touch. They often don't. Ianto used to be content with that, had been happy about it, even, that he could pretend to be something other than deeply in love with this man in the eyes of other people.
Now he's not so sure, but Jack still doesn't touch him in public, save for the reassuring hand to his shoulder on special occasions. No, Jack reins himself in. Ianto is not sure he'll ever have a proper scope of just how much. But he understands that the culture Jack had been born into, one some three thousand years into the future, was one where touch was freely given and love didn't get held back. Jack had changed so much since he was a young man, that was something Ianto could easily understand.
Right now, he's traded in his slacks and suspenders for a proper suit, a deep grey color with a pale blue dress shirt. It's buttoned-up neat and his hair's been slicked back. He looks like someone who stepped straight out of 1945, as he often does, even more so now. Ianto is certain the look is more than love for the aesthetic, there must be something about the era he's particularly fond of. The tie he's wearing is coral blue with deeper blue swirls twisting across the fabric. Jack knows its one of his favorites.
They sit at their reserved table, it's one on the second floor, by the window with a stunning view of the bay. You can see Flat Holm from here, though the island dark, save for the faintest of lights in the distance.
Ianto shrugs off his jacket and drapes it on the chair behind him, with Jack following suit. Ianto has on one of his nicer three-piece numbers. It's deep black with an embroidered vest, delicate white vines decorating the dark fabric. The vest makes a fine cut of his figure in a way he knows Jack appreciates. His shirt is a stiff, clean white but the tie he's worn is a deep red blooming at his throat. Jack loves him in red, for the way it compliments his eyes.
Jack smiles at him where they sit across from one another, "What do you think of the view?" Jack asks, never one to stay silent for too long.
"Amazing." Ianto smiles back. The couple's table with a candle burning in the center is an unmistakenly romantic venue for them, though Ianto wouldn't mention it. He knows how Jack gets when he starts commenting on the specifics of their relationship. The annoyance he has about how much Ianto cares about definitions, and other people's opinions.
Ianto desperately wants to broach the topic of exactly what they are but he has no idea how, when Jack seems so reluctant to invest any words in them. Maybe they're not what Ianto thinks they are, so often he's not sure.
Jack's hand has come to rest in the middle of the table, it's an invitation. On nights like these Jack always reaches for some sort of physical contact, even in public, like they're playing romance on these nights.
Jack will take Ianto home, and if Ianto initiates it, they'll hold hands as they walk. He'll wait to see if Ianto invites him up to his flat (he always does), and it's not as if Jack needs to be invited, he does have a key, after all. And they sit and talk and kiss until they've strewn those nice suits on the floor and Jack stays the night with him, and Ianto watches him sleep sometimes, studying the way his face shifts as he dreams.
He wonders if, tonight, because they're playing romance, they could do the sorts of things that couples do. That maybe he could ask.
He crosses his ankles under the table, he knows Jack will keep his feet flat on the floor until he gets bored and decides to rub his calf against Ianto's leg and curl his foot behind Ianto's ankles and try to urge him closer. The thought brings an amused tilt to his smile as he leans forward and meets Jack in the middle, sliding their hands together. Jack tightens the grip of his relaxed fingers to grasp Ianto's hand in return. It's so simple, he wonders if Jack is aware of how it makes his chest ache with want.
They pick up their menus and peruse them languidly, they have all night, after all.
"I'm thinking about the chicken and mushroom pasta. How about you?" Jack asks conversationally. He always tries something new when they go out together. Ianto always steals a few bites.
"Would you believe it? I'm thinking of trying the fish," Ianto tells him, grinning wryly. If they come to this particular restaurant he always gets fish, he'd tried it the first time they came and it was so good he never could bring himself to get anything else.
"No," Jack gasps, grinning too, "finally stepping out of your comfort zone?" He teases.
"I know what I like," Ianto tells him, smirking in return.
Now, Jack is turning their hands over and looking at them as if he's examining how they fit together. Ianto follows his eyes and studies their hands. Jack's wide, and tan, and calloused from handling guns, Ianto's long-fingered and pale and steady from handing out mugs. He watches the way Jack's thumb plays over his knuckle, touch feather-light. They're just playing romantic, Ianto tries to remind himself.
"Well, you'd better get something green as one of those sides," Jack advises him, smiling sharply. Jack is well aware of his aversion to vegetables and always urges him to eat them at every chance he gets. The fact that Jack knows and notes these simple little things about him makes him feel so achingly fond.
The waiter comes and they place their orders, Jack gets water to drink and Ianto asks for wine. They don't let go of the other's hand like they might have when they first started going out on dates. Just playing romantic, he tries to tell himself as if Jack hasn't got his eyes trained only on him, looking like Ianto might be the only person in the universe. As if Jack's smile hasn't softened around the edges, becoming something so tender. As if they didn't have nights like these on the regular, nowadays.
But, things have changed now, haven't they? It's been months since the last, "end of the world," the horror that was the 456. Months since he'd watched Jack break once more. Months since he'd learned more about him than ever before. He knew Jack Harkness, and that was something he'd worked towards, something he wasn't planning to let slip from his grasp.
And Ianto was different now too. Rhiannon knew about them, not by his choice. But one of her friends had seen him in a place like this, seen the way he looked at Jack. She knew now. They weren't exactly how he had described it, because he never was so straight forward as to give anyone everything. Except for certain exceptions, people he was in so love with he could never hold it back.
But Ianto already knew how to appreciate men, just as well as women, but it wasn't any lie that Jack was so starkly different from any other person he'd ever met. Maybe subconsciously he'd been trying to tell her that. But it was the same with those little lies he told about his father, the sort of fantasy he'd rather be true. That Jack was the only man for him, some singular revelation, and that his father was a sharp-eyed tailor, instead of a drunken mechanic with a penchant for pushing too hard.
He and Rhiannon had never been especially close, but he still cared for her, she was his sister after all. And he was so fond of Mica and David, he'd always had a soft spot for kids, especially when he'd watched them grow up. Johnny, he'd rather not contemplate his opinion on, seeing as it wasn't particularly polite.
But now they knew him too, the last of his family actually had some idea of what he was. They now grasped the inclination that he was in love with this impossible man and he did impossible things every day. Rhiannon emailed him more often now, telling him how the kids were, and demanding visits, and stories, and explanations. And Ianto found he wasn't so annoyed with the more rapid interruptions to his life at Torchwood. These things that are shifting the tone of who he could be.
"Jack," he speaks seriously and its sort of intimidating that he's been watching Ianto this entire time. Those keen eyes of his, always intense in some way. Tonight, they are intently watching him, tracing over the shape of him as if Jack needed to drink him in. As if Jack didn't see him every single day.
"Hm?" The man hums, his face sobering instantly, he easily senses the tone change. But his thumb doesn't stop its minute movements over his knuckles and Ianto takes comfort in that fact as he inhales shaky breath.
"Jack, I know you, hate labels and when I..." he hesitates and stumbles over the words, "ask this kind of thing, so I—"
"Hey," Jack cuts him off, gently, "you're rambling," he points out. He knows its something Ianto only ever does when he's nervous and trying to compensate for something. "I'm not angry, just ask."
"Are you going to leave me?" Ianto blurts out at his prompting.
Something in Jack's eyes looks utterly heartbroken at the suggestion, but his face barely shifts.
But Ianto can't stop now that he's started, "Once something better comes along, will you just leave?" Like before, goes unspoken. "What would keep you here?"
"I told you," Jack starts speaking, his voice hard as steel and gaze lowered now. He hates having to repeat himself. "I came back for you," he informs him solidly, punctuating the sentence by meeting his eyes again with that piercing gaze.
"So this?" He says, brows raised and lifting their linked hands in demonstration, "lasts for as long as you want it to," his voice softens into a lower register, "as long as you'll have me." He leans forward now to press his lips to Ianto's knuckles.
"And how long would you have me, if you could choose?" The words seem to be rushing out of his mouth, unable to stop himself even when he knows the question is cruel to both of them.
Jack stares at him for an extended moment, silent and tense.
"Please tell me the truth," Ianto adds at a whisper, desperate to know even when he knows the answer will break his heart.
Jack just blinks at him for a moment and it's not until he speaks that Ianto realizes the shine in his eyes is that of unshed tears. "Forever," his voice breaks over the word.
Ianto can't breathe. Insanely, he wants to laugh, the idea that Jack Harkness wants to stay with him forever is ridiculous. But here the man is, close to tears and voice unsteady when Ianto has asked him for the truth. He surges forward, leaning across the table and catches his lips, putting every feeling he can't say into the kiss. It always has been their most effective form of communication.
It's awkward at this angle, with a table between them and Jack still in his seat. But he rises to meet Ianto and their hands are still clasped together and there's one of those big warm hands caressing his cheek now. Ianto feels the dampness of tears as his nose brushes Jack's cheek. He pulls back enough to look at his face, and lets go of Jack's hand to brush away the tears. his other hand braced against the table for balance.
"I would stay with you forever," Ianto murmurs in return, thumbing away tears.
Jack pulls away from him abruptly, dropping back down into his chair.
"But you can't," Jack points out to him, a bitter smile playing on his lips now. Ianto has nothing to counter that. He sits back down too then, warmth growing in his own eyes. He wonders how many people Jack would choose to spend forever with. He thinks, probably everyone he cares for, all those thousands and thousands of people he's met and loved. He would keep everyone close forever if he had the choice.
A wave of anger rises within Ianto suddenly, that Jack doesn't get an end. Jack doesn't get to live his life around who he chooses before letting go like everyone else. Jack has to just keep holding on. It's not fair.
Ianto holds out his hand for him again suddenly, "Jack," he says insistently when the man doesn't look up at the movement. He twitches his fingers expectantly, Jack gives him his hand but he doesn't look happy about it, staring Ianto down ruefully.
"Let's make the most of now, then?" Ianto suggested, keeping his tone deliberately light and meeting Jack's harsh stare head-on.
His gaze softens at that and slowly the corners of his mouth lift, "Let's," he agrees, voice still thick with emotion, but Jack is relaxing once more. They have right now, Ianto is going to make sure that matters.
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vegetacide · 5 years
Whump●tober - Muffled scream
Veg-notables:  This took longer to write than I thought it would.. but here it is. 
@gumnut-logic you are a saint for listening to me whinge and carry on.. Thank you for lending me an inbox to pollute with gibberish. ::hugs::
Obligatory whumptober stuff: @whumptober2019 @la-vie-en-whump
Blanket warning:  Angst all to hell..
Characters: Virgil and Kayo V/K
Whumptober - TaG’verse
Previous posts can be found HERE.
18. Muffled scream
Virgil awoke by himself. For the first time that he could recall in how many days, he was alone with the silence and he found some relief in that.  
Relief that he didn't have to school his expressions against the pain that roved like a raging fire through his nervous system.  
Relief that he could express his frustration without an audience.  
Relief that he didn't have to hide the gnawing fear that was consuming him from the inside out. 
He couldn't see but for fuzzy outlines, and blurred figures.   
The Doctors had explained to those around him that there could be long term complications but only time would tell to what extent.   He'd heard it all while they had talked over him to his family as if he wasn't there so he feigned sleep.  
Memory loss, neurological damage of an as of yet undetermined amount, vision…. Oh god, his sight… 
When he'd regained consciousness everything had been confused and disoriented haze.  Pain one moment, drugged out numbness the mess. He hadn’t had the capacity to assess himself, the conscious effort required had been lost in a sea of opioid induced soup of non awareness. 
When he’d dragged himself back out again Kayo had been asleep in his arms, he'd dismissed the blurred vagueness too tied up in the fight to live to be bothered to pay it much mind.  
As time moved forward as it always did,  he'd figured that the mist that seemed to cloak everything would recede as he grew stronger, gained more ground in recovery but there hadn't been any change and the Doctors had started talking long term.
Words like permanent impairment, and visual deficits had been said over his supine form as he'd all but crawled back in on himself and screamed.  In his mind where no one could hear, no one would know how much it pained him, frightened him, bound him to an existence of needing help instead of offering it.  Trapped, useless...a burden and a hindrance to himself and those around him. 
What else could possibly go wrong?  If he didn't have his sight, what else had and would he lose? The answer to that was staggering in its entirety.  
Hours had passed and his mental list had grown. Simple things at first,  avoiding the more prevalent one that he didn’t want to acknowledge..didn’t have the heart to accept.  Art and its array of colours and brush structs, its materials and mediums of chromes and stone, fabrics and woods.  The sunrise with its variations and gradients, nuances that he could be blind to.  The ocean around their island home, crested with white caps where it abutted the circling rocks and coral outcroppings. The green flecked of chartreuse that caught in the fading light of the sun in a pair of loving, warm eyes.  
He was going to lose it all…  
Fighting his fear, expression pinched in pain and worry, he argued with himself to just open his eyes, that maybe today things would be different.  Prayed that his sight had improved, that what he dreaded wasn’t actually reality. 
Only one way to find out.  
Fist tight, body trembling he held back his frustration as the dim light pierced through his skull and singed his brain but still it was like viewing the world through a distortion, a frosted glass enclosure between him everything else.  
Angry now almost beyond reasoning, he cursed and punched with what little strength he had at the mattress. The satisfaction weak as his heavy hands pounded into a bio-gel insulated matting.  No lick of pain to focus his rage, to cut through the panic. 
Annoyance, bitterness and discouragement enveloped his world and he seethed against it.  Shattering a glass, tearing at his sheet, tumbling a monitor.  
Strength hot and angry surged and then flicked off like a switch as it snuffed to nothing.  Leaving him broker and spent,. Beyond repair… 
Tears of disappointed ebbed and flowed over his chiseled, stub shadowed jaw. Joining a litany of others.  Fingers rough,  dragged and pulled at his hair in frustration and he wanted to scream.  Oh, how he wanted to scream.  
Curse whatever god would listen. Shout and holler his anger,  his despondency and rancor but he held back.   Clenched teeth tight,  muscles straining with wanton release.  His family was just down the hallway, outside the door, in his head.  Holding him up, calling his name.  
A hot, venomous curse pierced the silence, though it was said on a whisper. It burned the air bitter and resentful with its emotional inflection.  
Falling still,  tears smothered behind the heels of his palms that he pressed into useless eyes he shuddered amongst the torn disarray of his room.  An alarm was sounding and he knew that he wouldn’t be alone for much longer, a nurse or his family would burst through the door at any moment.  He need to contain himself once more.  Find his control in the chaos of the swirling mayhem of his mind.
A quick intake of air as sweet jasmine lit up the inside of his nose, warmed and encircled him. He tensed,  dared not breathe for fear that he had been discovered completely unhinged.  
Soft,  warm, comforting arms encircled him,  embraced his battered being.  Her voice washed like a gentle rain over his scorched landscape.  Solace like a balm to the damage wrought by an illness that he’d nearly succumb to.
“It’s okay, We’ll figure this out.  You’re not alone…”   
And he wasn’t. 
She'd wondered how long it would take him to fall apart as she sat in the dark and watched him sleep.   
Hours, days, weeks?  He could be a stubborn man when he put his mind to it. Immovable and unshakable. This? This was different.  
Something that he couldn't fix or put back together with a work shop full of tools. Finesse and cajole broken bits of machinery to function in some capacity or another.  
This was something that could only right itself if and when his body wanted to.  
She knew by the by the shift in his breathing, the slight hitch as a groggy mind resurfaced that he was awake but she didn’t announce herself waiting instead for him to seek her out.  
It surprised her when he didn’t and it shocked her to realize he had no idea she was there. So instead she bore down on her control, steeled herself,  remeasured the cadence of her breathing to a light pull in and out.  Quieted to invisibility and waited.   
Kayo could tell he was struggling and that there was a real need to release the tension that was building. Knew without a shadow of doubt that if her presence was known the restraint would return,  and the outlet would be lost. Virgil would hide his weakness away to preserve the image of stability and stoutness of mind. 
It wasn’t sustainable so she played witness as his wrestled mentally with his demons. There was no way she would let him suffer alone, even if he was unaware of her,  she would stay close and offer silent support. 
Rage like nothing she had seen before spewed out of him in a sudden explosion of emotion.  
The rolling utility table went one way, flying into medical equipment. A monitor crashed to the floor is a tangle of wires, one long droning shriek sounding out as it's power cord was ripped viciously from the wall.  
A jug of iced water went the opposite way, it contents spraying out and over everything in it path. Ice cubes skittering across the floor, pinging off the legs of chairs and bouncing off the rubberized baseboard that ran the circumference of the room.
It was over almost as soon as it had begun.  Energy spent in one epic burst of outrage and disappointment as he racked trembling hands through brown, sodden locks.  Rubbing angrily at his eyes,  a sound of mourning, low and keening ripped from his throat and stopped with a suddenness that had her on her feet in seconds.  
Her long, lean legs ate up the short distance between them.  Her arms coming up and around before she even knew what she was doing.  The only thoughts in her head were to comfort, to protect...
After a moment of stunned silence and eerie stillness he latched onto her like a drowning man. Arms tight and unforgiving, face pressed into her neck. Breathe panting, shoulders shaking. 
Kayo's gaze sept around the room, at the destruction brought on in a moment of distress and her heart ached. Such anguish in so brief a release.   
The rooms darkness abruptly split as the door swung open.  The entry filled with worried faces that Kayo forestalled easily with an upraised hand.  
A duty nurse, an on-call doctor, family and friends, concerns both professionally and personally marred their expressions but they heeded her command and didn’t cross the threshold.     
Her eyes made contact with Scott's and in those few short seconds a message passed between them as she arched an imploring brow. 
He turned to the others, his voice low but clear and ushered them away. The light faded as the door swung closed once more. 
They sat in the silence, time ticking slowly away. Resentment dissipating to be replaced with an inert quietness that was pervasive and a complete juxtaposition to just moments prior.   
The skin prickled with the charge that hung in the air even in the sudden quietude and Kayo forced her lungs to settle, even out hoping the action would pass over to Virgil.  
Little by little it did. 
Pulling back, she caught his chin and brought his face up to hers, brushed her lips across his brow.  “Okay?”  She whispered, attempting to catch his eyes as they tried to focus on her. The fact they couldn’t flickered across his face in an echo of his moment of anguish and she reached up to touch his cheek.
He leant into her as if her touch was keeping him alive and bobbed his head once .  “Ya,  I’m...sorry about....” His hand waved about to indicate the room at large
Her fingers skimmed over the line of his jaw, curved up the cup the back of his head.  “I get it, you don’t have to apologize to me for feeling the way you do. We all have our limits.” 
His chin dipped in embarrassment and she ducked down so she could see his face,  a flush darkening his cheeks. “Hey,”  She called gently,  “Hey,  none of that now. There is nothing to be ashamed off. Frankly I am surprised you lasted as long as you did, especially with Nurse Buxom around.” 
She grinned as she caught the edge of a smile grace his lips and a huff of what she thought was a chuckle.  “What?”  She asked, puzzled at the sudden change.  
“Scott calls her Nurse Ratchet.” That roguish smile of his light up his face,  not quite reaching his eyes but it was a vast improvement. “But I think I like Buxom better. Puts all sorts of pictures in my head.”
Kayo grumbled and Virgil chuckled softly.
“Watch it Buster or I’ll put you back in a coma.”  But she was smiling too as he leaned his forehead against her own.   
There was still a lot of unknowns and they had a fight ahead of them but they had each other and a hallway full of people there to help and with that sort of support, anything was possible. 
Next post can be found HERE
The Master List of prompts can be found HERE
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oribemutsumi · 4 years
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[ COLORS ] red. crimson. vermilion. tomato. burgundy. brown. tan. beige. ochre. sienna. orange. peach. tangerine. marigold. amber. yellow. citrine. mustard. butter. daffodil. green. lime. mint. emerald. olive. blue. royal blue. teal. navy. sky. purple. lilac. mauve. plum. amethyst. pink. coral. magenta. rose. blush. black. jet. ebony. licorice. bistre. white. ivory. snow. vanilla. champagne. grey. dove grey. charcoal grey. slate. ash. pastels. jewel tones.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. fog. wood.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canines. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. fur. feathers. scales. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. cheekbones. feline. pointed ears. chubby. curvy. short. tall. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. weak. struggling. athletic. lithe. curls.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. words. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. phasers. pistols. machine guns. slingshots. katana. maces. staff. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. peace. rifles. cannons. mind.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. copper. bronze. iron. rust. steel. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. quartz. metals. glass. shell. bone. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. satin. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. ichor. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. vinyl. carbon nanotubes. circuits. vibranium. adamantium.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. stream. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. woods. hills. highlands. islands.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. tigers. wolves. panthers. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. vultures. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. songbirds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. deer. dogs. rabbits. mantises. crows. ravens. mice. jackals. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. foxes. phoenixes. peacocks. coyote. bears. seals.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. soda. spices. herbs. apple. citrus. raspberry. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. gingerbread. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. stew. venison. rice. ambrosia. bread.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. reading. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. technology. swimming. theater. libraries. magazines. piano. violin. cello. guitar. lute. mandolin. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. eating. climbing. running. hiking. stargazing. fortune-telling.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. barefoot. heels. leggings. trousers. khakis. jeans. skirt. shorts. earrings. necklace. collar. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. bracers. belt. layers. bandana. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. sweaters. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visors. eye contacts. makeup. implant. artificial parts. robes. t-shirts. henleys. athletic shirt. joggers. tennis shoes. cargo pants. shawl.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. seascape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. fatigue. energetic. manipulation. faith. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. family. friends. chronic pain. assistants. somnambulism. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. devotion. smoking. drugs. drinking. kindness. love. hugs. time. questions.
tagged by: @cerisetheai​ ( neat~! ) tagging: You, the reader of this!
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multiipl · 4 years
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[ COLORS ] red. crimson. vermilion. tomato. burgundy. brown. tan. beige. ochre. sienna. orange. peach. tangerine. marigold. amber. yellow. citrine. mustard. butter. daffodil. green. lime. mint. emerald. olive. blue. royal blue. teal. navy. sky. purple. lilac. mauve. plum. amethyst. pink. coral. magenta. rose. blush. black. jet. ebony. licorice. bistre. white. ivory. snow. vanilla. champagne. grey. dove grey. charcoal grey. slate. ash. pastels. jewel tones.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. fog. wood.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canines. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. fur. feathers. scales. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. cheekbones. feline. pointed ears. chubby. curvy. short. tall. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. weak. struggling. athletic. lithe. curls.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. words. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. phasers. pistols. machine guns. slingshots. katana. maces. staff. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. peace. rifles. cannons. mind.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. copper. bronze. iron. rust. steel. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. quartz. metals. glass. shell. bone. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. satin. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. ichor. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. vinyl. carbon nanotubes. circuits. vibranium. adamantium.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. stream. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. woods. hills. highlands. islands.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. tigers. wolves. panthers. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. vultures. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. songbirds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. deer. dogs. rabbits. mantises. crows. ravens. mice. jackals. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. foxes. phoenixes. peacocks. coyote. bears. seals.
[ FOOD/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. soda. spices. herbs. apple. citrus. raspberry. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. gingerbread. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. stew. venison. rice. ambrosia. bread.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. technology. swimming. theater. libraries. magazines. piano. violin. cello. guitar. lute. mandolin. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. eating. climbing. running. hiking. stargazing. fortune-telling.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. barefoot. heels. leggings. trousers. khakis. jeans. skirt. shorts. earrings. necklace. collar. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. bracers. belt. layers. bandana. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. sweaters. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visors. eye contacts. makeup. implant. artificial parts. robes. t-shirts. henleys. athletic shirt. joggers. tennis shoes. cargopants. shawl.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. seascape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. fatigue. energetic. manipulation. faith. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. family. friends. chronic pain. assistants. somnambulism. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. devotion. smoking. drugs. drinking. kindness. love. hugs. time. questions
tagged by: @heartfulmind​
tagging: Anyone that wants to
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The Nursery Frieze was published by Edward Gorey through his Fantod Press in 1964 in a limited edition of 500 copies. Here are all 96 words being muttered by the animals parading in single file in the book, along with their definitions. Bear in mind some words have more than one meaning. 
Archipelago - Any large body of water with a chain of islands cardamon - Aromatic seeds used as a spice or condiment obloquy - Damning or censure of a person or thing by the general public tacks - A short, sharp pointed nail, usually with a rounded head Ignavia - Idleness or sloth samisen - Japanese musical instrument with a long neck and three strings, played with a plectrum bandages - A strip of cloth or other material used to bind a wound wax - A solid, yellowish substance secreted by bees gavelkind - Equal division of land among the heirs of the holder tumeric - A powdered plant rhizome used as a yellow dye or condiment, as in curry powder imbat - A cooling etesian wind in the Levant (as in Cyprus) cedilla - A mark (¸) placed under a consonant letter, as under c in French, in Portuguese, and formerly in Spanish, to indicate that it is pronounced (s), under c and s in Turkish to indicate that they are pronounced, respectively, (ch) and (sh), or under t and s in Romanian to indicate that they are pronounced, respectively, (ts) and (sh). Cassation - An annulment, cancellation, or reversal. Also, an 18th Century instrumental musical suite intended for outdoor performance hendiadys - A figure in which a complex idea is expressed by two words connected by a copulative conjunction: “to look with eyes and envy” instead of “with envious eyes.” quincunx - An arrangement of five objects, such as trees, in a square with one at each corner and the fifth in the center vanilla - Extract from an orchid pod, used in flavoring food Corposant - A corona discharge in the air caused by atmospheric electricitycausing a luminous region that sometimes appears around church spires, the masts of ships, etc. madrepore - any stony coral forming reefs or islands in tropical seas ophicleide - a musical wind instrument consisting of a conical metal tube bent double paste - A mixture of flour and water used to bind two objects together Jequirity - A poisonous scarlet colored pea used for making necklaces and rosaries tombola - British lotto or bingo played with paper and pencil as a gambling game. sphagnum - Any soft moss found in bogs, used in floral arrangements and for dressing wounds distaste - disinclination or dislike Aceldema - The land near Jerusalem purchased with the bribe Judas took for betraying Jesus lunistice - The farthest point of the moon's northing and southing, in itsmonthly revolution yarlborough - A hand in Bridge or Whist containing no honor cards cranium - The part of the skull that encloses the brain Febrifuge - A serving of medicine to dispel or reduce fever ampersand - A symbol to represent "and" hubris - Excessive pride or self-confidence geranium - Common garden flower. Also, a tone of the color red Opoanax - A semitransparent resin used in incense thunder - a loud noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge dismemberment - To remove limbs baize - A soft green fabric resembling felt, used chiefly for the tops of billiard tables Hellebore - Any of several plants of the buttercup family, the Christmas rose obelus - A mark (− or ÷) used in ancient manuscripts to point out spurious, corrupt, doubtful, or superfluous words or passages cartilage - A firm, elastic, flexible type of connective tissue of a translucent whitish or yellowish color; gristle maze - A confusing network of intercommunicating paths or passages; labyrinth Anitgropelos - Waterproof leggings piacle -A sacrificial offering occamy - A metallic alloy that simulates the precious metals silver and gold. (Side Note: In the world of Harry Potter, an Occamy is a winged serpentine beast found in Asia whose eggs have shells made of silver. The Occamy can grow or shrink to fill any space. Perhaps J. K. Rowling has a copy of The Nursery Frieze herself.) whistle - To make a musical sound by expelling air through a small space made by contracting the lips Maremma - A marshy region near the seashore accismus - The feigned refusal of something earnestly desired badigeon - A composition for patching surface defects in carpentry or masonry epistle - A letter, especially a formal or didactic one Quodlibet - A subtle or elaborate argument or point of debate, usually on a theological or scholastic subject. catafalque - A raised structure on which the body of a deceased person lies or is carried in state hiccup - The condition of having spasms remorse - A strong feeling of sadness and regret about something wrong that you have done. Idioticon - A dictionary of dialect gibus - Another name for an opera hat botargo - A relish consisting of the roe of mullet or tunny, salted and pressed into rolls divorce - The formal ending of a marriage by law Phylactery - Something worn as a talisman or charm gegenschein - A diffuse faint light, sometimes visible almost directly opposite the sun in the night sky clavicle - Collarbone sago - A white substance obtained from the trunks of palm trees used for making sweet puddings. Bellonion - An early 19th Century mechanical musical instrument consisting of twenty-four trumpets and two kettle drums thurible - A censer for burning incense aphthong - A letter or combination of letters used in spelling a word but not pronounced., eg "gh" in "knight" plumbago - Graphite Amaranth - An imaginary flower that never fades or dies rhoncus - A whistling or snoring sound of the chest when the air channels are partly obstructed pantehnicon - A furniture removal van drawn by horses hymn - A religious song that Christians sing in church Diaeresis - A pause in a line of verse occurring when the end of a foot coincides with the end of a word purlicue - The flourish at the end of a pen stroke sparadrap - A sticking plaster whim - A sudden wish to do or have something that seems to have no serious reason or purpose Cicatrix - A scar salsify - An edible plant whose root tastes like oysters palindrome - A word, line, verse, number, or sentence that reads the same backward as forward Bosphorus - A strait connecting the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. Narthex - A porch or portico at the west end of a church reserved for penitents and others not admitted to the church itself betrayal - To deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery or disloyalty chalcedony - A translucent variety of quartz, often milky or grayish phosphorus - a poisonous yellowish-white chemical element that glows slightly, and burns when air touches it Ligament - A band of tissue serving to connect bones exequies - A funeral procession spandrel - The area between two adjoining arches, or between the head of a window on one level and the sill of a window immediately above chandoo - An extract or preparation of opium that is smoked Gehenna - Any place of extreme torment or suffering, but specifically the valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem, where propitiatory sacrifices were made to Moloch etui - A small case, especially for needles anamorphosis - A drawing presenting a distorted image that appears in natural form under certain conditions, as when viewed at a raking angle or reflected from a curved mirror glue - A protein gelatin boiled in water, that when melted or diluted is a strong adhesive Wapentake - A subdivision of a shire or county corresponding to a hundred orrery - A mechanical apparatus for representing the positions, motions, and phases of the planets, satellites, etc., in the solar system aspic - A savory jelly usually made with meat or fish stock and gelatin mistrust - To regard with suspicion or doubt Ichor - An ethereal fluid flowing in the veins of the gods. ALSO: An acrid, watery discharge, as from an ulcer or wound. ganosis - A process of toning down the glare of marble as practiced by sculptors in classical antiquity, especially on nude parts of a sculpture velleity - A mere wish, but without the conviction to act upon it dust - A cloud of finely powdered earth or other matter in the air.
• http://www.finedictionary.com/frieze.html
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usfwspacific · 6 years
What the SHARK!
Common Sharks of the National Wildlife Refuges and Marine National Monuments of the Pacific.
Raise a fin if you’ve heard this one. . . A happy family takes the ferry out to a sleepy beach vacation town for some summer fun in the sun. Meanwhile, lurking in the water, a giant school bus with teeth just is waiting to gobble them up like sunscreen flavored bon-bons the moment they venture into the water. 
 Maybe it’s pop-culture, maybe it’s our primordial fear of monsters lurking in the deep, but sharks have gotten a pretty bad rap over the years. 
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Throughout the Marine National Monuments and National Wildlife Refuges of the Pacific Ocean, sharks play an important role in delicate marine ecosystems. But in popular imagination, sharks are either falling out of tornadoes or rising up from the murky depths — either way, our fear of sharks is keeping us from truly seeing them as the magnificent, but vulnerable species, that they are. 
There are hundreds of shark species found throughout the waters of the Pacific Ocean, here five of the most common species. 
Blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)
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Blacktip reef shark at Palmyra Atoll. K. Pollock
Fast Facts:
3 - 3.5 feet long
Eat fishes, crustaceans, cephalopods and other molluscs.
Litter size: 2 - 4 pups
Blacktip reef sharks are homebodies. A study at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge found the Blacktip reef shark’s home range was just 0.2 square miles, or about 130 acres. 
Whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus)
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Whitetip reef shark. USFWS
Fast Facts:
3.5 feet long
Eat fishes, crustaceans, and octopus
Unlike other Requiem sharks that have to be constantly moving to breath, Whitetip reef sharks can pump water over their gills while they stay still.
Litter size: 1 - 5 pups
Most sharks have to stay constantly in motion in order to keep oxygen moving over their gills. But some species of shark, like the Whitetip reef shark, can actually pump water over its gills. This allows it to lie still and rest on the ocean floor.
Grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos)
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Grey reef shark. J. Maragos
Fast Facts: 
4 - 4.5 feet long
Fishes form the bulk of the prey while squids, octopuses and crustaceans are less important food items.
Grey reef sharks like clear tropical waters around coral reefs and drop-offs.
Litters are small, up to six pups
Most people believe that sharks are solitary hunters, but actually they can commonly be seen exhibiting a behavior that scientists call social aggregation. While that might sound like a 990′s boy band, it’s actually just scientist-speak for “hanging out together”. Many species of sharks are very social and spend time hunting, resting, or simply gathered together in groups. In Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument large groups of pregnant Gray reef sharks have been observed coming together in shallow waters during the day and slowly swimming in circles.
Galapagos shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis)
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Galapagos shark. Yumi Yasutake / NOAA
Fast Facts: 
9 - 10 feet long.
Feeds primarily on fishes and cephalopods.
Litter size ranges from 4 to 16
The Galapagos shark are called Manō in Hawaiian. They are a common sight in the protected waters of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. The Galapagos look similar to the Gray reef shark, but have a larger dorsal fin and a low ridge on its back between dorsal fins. Most shark encounters happen because sharks are simply curious. Galapagos sharks like to hang out in small schools and are will often approach divers or researchers. 
Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
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Tiger shark in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Koa Matuoka / NOAA
Fast Facts:
>18 feet long
Tiger sharks have the most diverse diet of any shark species, eating everything from fish, to rays, to turtles, seabirds, and human garbage.
Tiger sharks live up to 45 - 50 years!.
The average litter size is 30 - 35 pups!
Tiger sharks are the only species of Requiem shark that is ovoviviparous, meaning they hatch eggs inside their body. Tiger sharks love to roam, and will migrate large distances for food. Researchers have shown that Tiger sharks in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument will regularly swim for hundreds of miles between the main Hawaiian Islands and the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and even out to the open ocean.
The waters of the Marine National Monuments and National Wildlife Refuges of the Pacific Ocean are important places where sharks and the marine ecosystems they are a part of are protected and where scientists can continue to study and understand these complex creatures. You can explore Palmyra Atoll, Papahanaumokuakea and and other protected remote islands by checking out these virtual tours.
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csnprogressive564 · 2 years
Can you turn poki into bells
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Piano Tiles 2 - Play on Poki.
How to Unlock the ABD - Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Heuchera-Coral Bells - Mike's Backyard Nursery.
Funfetti Strawberry Poke Cake - Maebells.
How to Save and Store Flower Seeds - Growit Buildit.
Yes, I Can! | Animal Song For Children | Super Simple Songs.
Poki papas cupcake.
This New App Lets You Turn Anything and Everything Into an NFT.
What do I do with poki? AnimalCrossingNewHor - Reddit.
How To Piss Off a Flight Attendant - Matador Network.
Play Prodigy.
🥇 430+ (DIRTIEST) Pick Up Lines Ever! (Sexy & Raunchy) - Nov.
How to get Poki - Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Shacknews.
Can you really fry an egg in the microwave? - AOL.
Piano Tiles 2 - Play on Poki.
Converting Poki on the right day can earn you more Bells. Once you have downloaded the DLC, go to the airport and choose ‘I want to go to work’ to fly out to the vacation islands. You need to go there and design houses to make Poki, which you get paid 15,000 for when you finish each house. After that, you can spend Poki on unlocks on the Happy Home. Mix up a batch of salt dough. Add 3 cups of flour, 1 cup of table salt and 1 cup of water into a large mixing bowl. Mix the ingredients together until the dough is pliable. Roll the dough out onto a flat surface. Use an elf shoe cookie cutter to cut out small elf shoes. Use a small straw to poke a hole in the top of each shoe ornament. The glossy green foliage is easily sheared into a tiny hedge if you are looking to create a traditional knot garden. Evergreen in zones 8 and 9. This is a really pretty thyme that our customers brag about for its vigor and size. Lemon thyme looks great in a pot. 2-pack starter plants. 19.3 fl oz pot volume.
How to Unlock the ABD - Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
The update is now available globally and costs about $25 USD. What is the ABD? advertisement ABD stands for Automatic Bell Dispenser. In this case, the ABD located on the archipelago can convert. Jul 24, 2009 · Re: how to turn a poke ball into a master ball in pokemon platinum Without hacking the game, that is impossible. Best to try your luck with the Pokemon lotto corner in Jubilife City. PSY (real name Park Jae-sang, Korean: 박재상) released his album PSY 9th on April 29, 2022, and I hurried up and got the album a.s.a.p., because I like PSY. I like everything about PSY, his voice, dance moves, compositions, and especially his sly and subversive lyrics. At first listen, his songs are slick and high-quality K-pop.
Heuchera-Coral Bells - Mike's Backyard Nursery.
Prepare the Pillsbury Funfetti Gluten Free Cake Mix according to the package directions and turn batter into a 9x13-inch baking pan. When cake is done, remove from oven and poke several holes in the cake (I poked 4 rows of 3) and pour the strawberry sauce over the cake and spread evenly. Allow the strawberry sauce to sink into the cake and cool. Baking the garlic sourdough bread. Preheat oven to 500 0 F with Dutch oven heating inside it. When the oven is ready, take the dough out of the refrigerator and flip on a flour-dusted parchment paper or a bread sling. Score and transfer carefully to the hot Dutch oven. Cover with the lid bake for 20 minutes.
Funfetti Strawberry Poke Cake - Maebells.
May 17, 2008 · Keep them on the dry side but not so dry they start to wilt from thirst. Stick your finger into the soil, if it is dry down to between the first and second knuckle then water but don't keep the soil moist. We would love to see pictures of them when you get the chance. toni, May 17, 2008. #2. Poke a hole in the center measuring half the length of the cutting. 4. Remove all the leaves from the bottom half of the million bells cutting. Insert the stem into the prepared planting hole.
How to Save and Store Flower Seeds - Growit Buildit.
Thanks for posting, Trainer! If you want more Pokémon, why not check out our Official Discord Server for active discussion, giveaways, speculation, or just a place to talk about Pokémon! You can also check out our affiliated subreddit r/PokemonBDSP for everything Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl related!. If you have some Nook Miles to spare, you can quickly turn them into Bells that you can spend to pay off your current home loan and more. Our guide will show you how. Before we begin, keep in mind that you need to upgrade the Resident Services facility from a tent into a building before completing these steps. Instead, select and plant the bag of Bells you found to grow a money tree. Or, if you have more Bells saved, you can take up to 10k out of your pocket and plant that for a greater value money tree.
Yes, I Can! | Animal Song For Children | Super Simple Songs.
Piano Tiles 2 is a musical piano game, published by Cheetah Games. The game has similar mechanics to Magic Tiles. The goal of the game is to play piano by tapping the correct tiles as they slide down your screen. You can play well-known songs such as Little Star and Jingle Bells. The further you get in the game, the more advanced songs you'll. Should you deposit 99,000 Bells into a money tree hole, you can potentially earn three, 99,000 bags when the tree fully grows. It is WAY more likely, however, that you return on that 99,000 investment will simply be 30,000, which is a huge loss to take. Essentially, it’s gambling. And frankly, the odds seem a lot worse than buying Turnips. The rate for Poki to Bells is always higher than Bells to Poki. On average, the Poki exchange rate is 100 Poki for between 220 and 350 Bells. However, both higher and lower rates have been reported by players. The highest amount of Poki that can be traded each day is 15,000. For players looking to make the maximum number of Bells, the best thing to do is to wait for.
Poki papas cupcake.
The legendary will seek out and try to attack the player who placed the bell, first. If this fails, such as the player being in a battle, the legendary will then spawn from the bell and wander around the bell's location. On a successful spawn, any bell that rang will be destroyed and lost. Since 7.x.x. Each bell will spawn a legend. Answer (1 of 4): If you are asking to exchange directly in-game, no you can not do that. But there are some ways to sell them online. One of the most popular place is E-bay.
This New App Lets You Turn Anything and Everything Into an NFT.
Nov 05, 2021 · Bells for home, Poki for work. At the start, it will take a while to get up a decent supply of Poki (especially if there’s stuff you want to buy), but by making dream homes, your supply of Poki.
What do I do with poki? AnimalCrossingNewHor - Reddit.
4 In the right pane of VisualEffects, double click/tap on the VisualFXSetting DWORD to modify it. (see screenshot above) 5 Type in the value number below for the settings you want to use below, and click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below) Let Windows choose what's best for my computer - Windows will automatically turn on and off the visual effects that it determines will run fine based on your. Once the pods start to turn brown, you can collect them. Then, I wait until they just start to open up. I will hold the base with one hand, then pry open the top (where all the cotton is) with my other hand, similar to how you peel a banana. Then reach into the pod at the top, while simultaneously pinching the bottom (to hold the seeds in the pod).
How To Piss Off a Flight Attendant - Matador Network.
Answer (1 of 7): I'm sorry, but what? Where is this question even coming from? No, playing 'ring around the rosie' won't help you survive a bear attack. If a bear is charging to attack you, and it sees you start playing 'ring around the rosie', it's not just suddenly going to stop; it's going to. Apr 22, 2020 · Source: iMore. Animal Crossing: New Horizons has three forms of currency: Bells, which are earned through selling items, Nook Miles, which come from completing activities, and Poki, which are used exclusively in the Happy Home Paradise DLC. You'll need to collect plenty of each to turn your deserted island into a true paradise.
Play Prodigy.
Snake’s head fritillaria (Fritillaria meleagris), also known as guinea hen flowers, are 12-15" tall. The bulbs produce grassy foliage and one or more stems, each with a single dangling flower. The flower petals can be creamy white, pink or burgundy and typically display a checkered pattern. 1. level 1. · just now. I modeled it up in Excel. Since we know the probabilities of the exchange rates (it’s in Wikipedia), we can look at the distribution. The average is 264 bells / 100 poki and the median is 263 bells / 100 poki. The 25th percentile exchange rate is 250 bells / 100 poki and the 75th percentile is 277 bells / 100 poki.
🥇 430+ (DIRTIEST) Pick Up Lines Ever! (Sexy & Raunchy) - Nov.
Popular Christmas songs! Jingle Bells is beautifully sung by our top talented choir. Great for Christmas performances, concerts, choirs and churches. Join us. Jan 23, 2021 · Poke four additional holes around the top of the smaller can. Cut four pieces of string. Fold the string in half and thread the loop through one of the holes along the top of the smaller can. Loop the ends of the string through the loop and pull to tighten (so that it looks like picture below).
How to get Poki - Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Shacknews.
1: Efficiency. Sometimes the most enjoyable luxury or add-on purchases go unused if they require too much work to use or to maintain. Hot tubs take work, but if you plan ahead, they can be very efficient in upkeep and use. Spas need water and electricity, so choosing the best pump for the tub size is important as is selecting the right size for. Can you turn your pizzeria into the most famous fast-food chain in the world? How to play: Select, drag and move ingredients - Left mouse button. About the creator: Papa's Pizzeria was created by Flipline Studios, and was later emulated in HTML5 by AwayFL. Also play other Papa's Games games on Poki: Papa's Burgeria, Papa's Taco Mia and Papa's.
Can you really fry an egg in the microwave? - AOL.
Dec 13, 2021 · The system rewards the player with a certain amount of Poki based on the player's progress in the DLC. In the beginning, you can earn 6,000 Poki per household. By continuously accepting tasks, the Poki earned will increase. Poki can be used to purchase special furniture items in the Paradise Planning Office.
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paintdlady · 9 months
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Betty said "you're part of this family now," and my farmer decided to marry her son just to make it extra true
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customized visit site tour in Maldives choose from luxury beach houses or tall water houses
Warm tips and precautions: clothing:
casual clothing is a common clothing, the most suitable is T-shirt and cotton clothing. For those who are prone to sunburn or sunburn, large straw hats and sunglasses with wide edges are necessary.
it is forbidden to export any kind of coral in Maldives. Tourists are not allowed to collect seashells on the beach or in the sea without authorization. To buy seashells, you need to go to the local recognized store.
Language: visit site</a> 
General resort English
The currency of Maldives is rufiya (RF), also known as Maldives rupee. US $1 is convertible to 10-11rf (depending on exchange rate changes). Generally, hotels use US dollars as the main currency, and most of the holiday islands accept popular credit cards. Ma Lei, the capital, is open to the two. It's better for tourists to take some small dollar with them for convenience.
Time difference and climate:
the capital male is 3 hours slower than Beijing. Maldives is close to the equator and belongs to the tropics, with mild climate and four seasons. The annual average temperature is 35 ℃. Drinking water:
the tap water of the hotel is not suitable for drinking, and it needs to buy mineral water, about 3-4 US dollars. Guests are not allowed to bring their own drinks into the restaurant, otherwise they can be charged a number of fees. on sale - women</a>
Entry rules:
personal belongings carried by passengers entering the country are not subject to tax, and 200 cigarettes can be carried. Arms, weapons, pornography, drugs and alcohol are all prohibited.
220V, plug specifications are different, you can provide your own multi-purpose plug, if not, you can ask the hotel front desk to borrow, please do not forget to return when you leave.
Other precautions:
1. It is strictly prohibited for individuals to fish, pick or trample coral on the island, and the violator can be fined up to US $5000;
2. It is strictly forbidden to cook food in the hotel room, and the violator will be fined up to 5000 US dollars;
3. Do not make noise on the island, do not throw rubbish everywhere, so as to ensure the beauty and tranquility of the natural environment.
4. The telephone and some TV channels in the hotel visit</a> are charged. Please use them after inquiry to avoid misunderstanding during check-out;
5. The hotel room can dial the international phone directly (about 5 US dollars per minute); if you call back China: 0086 - area number + telephone number, the charge will be paid at the front desk of the hotel. Customers who have opened China Mobile international roaming service can use mobile phones, and those who have access to the Internet in Hong Kong can use mobile phones.
6. Local tips$1 per bag per time; tip at the head of the bed; 1 per room per day; tip at the table; 1 per person per day.
G. Please don't swim too far, especially at the end of the island. Please pay attention to the strong undercurrent
h. When entering the beach, please wear shoes to avoid being tied to your feet by broken coral
1. Please note that the chemicals in the pool may change the color of your hair if you stay in the pool for a long time! They are not under the management of the hotel
K. some of the guests who came back from Madai recently reported that they put money and valuables in the safe of the room and there was a theft. Therefore, in order to prevent your money and valuables from being stolen, when you go out to play, please put the money and valuablesCarry things with you.
50. Since traveling to Maldives is mostly free travel, and there are many surface activities (swimming, snorkeling, etc.), guests should put safety first. Every launch should be made to ensure the safety of the plan, do not launch alone, do not exceed the scope of activities. It is suggested that the guest should have accident insurance. Otherwise, the guest should be responsible for the safety of life!
0 notes
insomniac-arrest · 7 years
Kissing the Pacific
story based off of @rasec-wizzlbang ‘s post here
summary: Josh is kind of still in school and mostly trying to make it as a nothing beach bum in Honolulu, he thought his first love was the waves and the second costco free samples- then he’s challenged to a fight at sundown during surf competition season
It doesn’t end how he expects.
tl:dr- an Australian and Californian surfer fall in love
The sun was going down next to a rising bonfire and down on the choppy surf, the water blazed against the paradise view and Josh can only put his hands up loosely.
“Look, man, I have like 68 cents in change and like, I totally don’t know how to convert that,” Josh reached for his empty pockets and realized they were just swim shorts with holes in them, “sorry dude.” The other surfer had sun speckled skin and a good couple inches on him, he squared his shoulders, “I said, pound-town.” He emphasized with his fists up, “not pounds. Square up derro.”
Josh threaded his fingers through his hair and pushed his bangs back, “okay, cool cool, fighting. I thought you wanted money.” Lucas, the guy who came in third at the tournament yesterday was widening his stance and Josh was looking past the palm trees to the little series of houses lighting up one by one.
“Oi, come on, eyes forward, I’m about to take the piss out of you.” He pushed on his shoulder roughly and Josh’s mouth fell open. “We’ll do it fair.”
“I’m sure,” He raised his hands higher, “but we could like get an interventionist or like, I think I could find a stick to talk with? I didn’t even medal today soooo I don’t see…the issue?” He rubbed the back of his neck and more hair fell out of his pony tail.
“Don’t give me that yank, I heard loud and clear you were aiming for a lick, well I’m here.” His nostrils flared and Josh raised his eyebrows.
“Who said I want to lick what?”
Lucas leaned back a little, “they said you thought I was an arse with a bad taste in guys. Said you wanted to square up.”
“Uh,” Josh looked at his broad chest and scuffed his feet in the sand, “I guess we could fight if you want, but no ankle shots, I gotta ride on these bad boys.” Lucas raised both eyebrows and put his fists down, “you really didn’t call my sister a slag?” Josh frowned, “I don’t think I even know what that is.” Lucas let out a full-bellied laugh and slapped him on the back, “I see, Debby is a fuckin’ liar, you don’t seem like the fighting type then.” Josh was feeling slight whiplash, but it wasn’t as bad as when he took the Route 27 home at rush hour so that was fair, “oh damn, no way. Do you know how many fights I can afford? I can’t even afford normal beef right now.” Lucas gave another delighted laugh.
“You aren’t bad yank.” “Yank?” He snorts, “I’m from California.”
He smiles back at him, “Let me buy you a drink, no hard feelings.” Josh lifts his chin, “Righteous.”
Lucas pushed him by the shoulders to the nearest bar, “you see those 10 footers today?” “That is why I come down here, oh man.” He passes some girls in grass skirts and a series of five open-roof jeeps. Lucas pats him roughly on the back again, “come out with me tomorrow morning.” Josh shifted from foot to foot, “right on. Sun rises at 6 here, we can get out before then.” They enter the open-air pub, “if you can get up tomorrow at 6 after you drink with me mate, then I’ll buy you rounds for the whole week.” Josh turned around with a lopsided grin, “don’t think I’m not going to keep up guy. Sons of Cali go hard too.” Lucas just gave him a sideways look, “oh ho ho, well I guess we’ll see.” He taps on the wood of the bar surface.
“Yeah,” he tied his hair back properly again, “I rushed with beta phi.” Lucas shook his head, “I’ll pay you five bucks when you regret this.” He rolled his eyes and Lucas bought him his first locally brewed Hawaiian lager, it was like Freshman rush but he couldn’t look at the dude’s face too much. He didn’t like being blinded much and couldn’t do much but take another drink from the guy. He laughs about something he doesn’t remember until it hurts and sips down more rounds than he could properly count.
“To the waves,” Josh cheers at his tenth drink and having Lucas hold him up.
“To gangly pacifist sons of Cali,” Lucas winks down, “and not puking on my shoes.”
Josh shook his head, “to us then man.” They push back another, he’d run with the best of them.
Josh thinks his hangover has a hangover.
He barely remembers the walk over as he staggers through the empty streets to Lucas’s hotel at the crack of dawn. Maybe he couldn’t feel his teeth and had twelve mysterious bruises, but some things like spite and proving a point came first. A painful first.
He stumbles to the motel front desk and asks for Lucas Lee three times with varying degrees of success. She manages to ring the room, but the place seemed to be empty.
The other surfer comes down a second later with two coffees and the look of someone who had showered and maintained a proper amount of stubble from the day before. Josh just groans.
“What’s shaking gorgeous.”
“A lot of Advil,” he tries to chuckle.
“I’ll be honest, didn’t think I’d see you today mate.” He hands him the other coffee, “knew you were a true surfer.” Josh just rubs at his eyes, “you bet your down under ass I am.” He sways in place, “you owe me another round tonight that means.” Lucas cajole’s him toward the door, “how ‘bout a round of waters this time. And get some food in you.” He agrees fully. Josh isn’t entirely sure how they make it to the beach, but Lucas tells him stories about his roommate doing keg stands and his head clears up a little bit. The surf is like a beautiful quilted cup of blue when they arrive, a mesh of fading and arriving colors, Josh almost cries when he sees it.
Then he lies down in the sand and presses his palms to his eye sockets, “Ugh.” Lucas snickers at him and they let another group of surfers go on ahead of them.
Josh briefly squints open his eyes, Lucas was already shirtless and in a pair of professional wet shorts. “Go on,” Josh waves weakly, “I’m a dead man crawling. I think I owe you five bucks or something.” Lucas nudges him, “nah, deal was I owe you five bucks for regret and being cocky.” He sits down next to him, “cute cocky, no worries.” “Gross cocky now.” He taps him with his foot, “I’ll take you on the water when you feel a little better.” He makes him drink water and tells him about the coral reefs in Sydney, the undertow and eels he caught, the bleaching of the flora and the second year of his enviro major.
Josh briefly talks about his finance classes before making a gagging motion and Lucas laughs with the sun.
The waves are calm that day, shallow and easy, Lucas just lets him straddle his board and push off into the deep sea. They just float for the day, talking and leaning back on the one long board.
He drags his feet through the water and lets the spray wash his face, they float.
“So, it was drinks for the week, right?” Josh says the next day with his shades on and better cologne on then ‘the morning after rank,’ “‘cause I wasn’t kidding about that 68 cents thing dude.” Lucas leans back on the wall of the breakfast nook they met at, “how are you even surviving here? Honolulu isn’t known for being cheap.” Josh had been floating around Honolulu for a month now.
Josh taps the side of his nose, “Let’s just say I play a mean street guitar.”
Lucas leans forward and chuckles, “of course you do.” “Hey man, I totally do!” He shows him his almost-just-as-good air guitar moves.
“No, I mean, I’d like to see that.” Lucas was smiling a 100-watt environmentally friendly solar panel powered smile and Josh has to look at his feet and scratch his hand.
“K, right, cool.” He runs to get his guitar.
He unironically plays Wonderwall and gets a couple extra bucks from the corner store lesbian couple when he plays All You Need is Love followed by I Want to Hold Your Hand. He may or may not look Lucas in the eye when he hesitantly glances up.
He gets another dollar.
He’d done more embarrassing things for less money, but the Beatles were coming through for him again.
It was a fast two weeks, a week of impromptu challenges and soccer games, of beach sand castles and hanging out until dawn.
It was a quick two weeks.
Lucas was apparently leaving on the 25th, Josh had a pretty poor sense of time and a second tournament to finish up. He finally medals that day, but he wasn’t really here for the gold, he was here to go with the flow and maybe catch a ten footer.
And now maybe something else.
Josh shouldn’t feel like he was getting his first wipe out on a beautiful day, with his stomach twisting and a sense of bruising on the inside like a soft peach, it was pretty uncool.
He would take out another joint and try to quiet the humming but his dealer had cut him off until he agreed to play halo with him like he promised (“you’re spending all your time with that Aussie flake”).
Maybe he’d switch to vaping.
The 25th crept up like a bad dream and Josh actually remembered to plug his phone in the night before so he could text as much as possible the next day. He was doing one more ‘Sunshine Hawaii’ friendly competition and then Lucas had his own tournament. Josh runs down half the island it feels like to get there.
“Lame, lame, lame,” he stubs his toe on the way and skids past five and a half flustered looking tourists as he sprints toward Waimea beach.
He makes it in time to see Lucas do you a bottom turn and a spectacular roundhouse cutback, the water under his board parting in a clean blitz as he hit the lip of the wave. “Woo!”
Josh ran down the beach and gave him a thumbs up before he even finishes the foam climb and eases back down.
“Damn Lucas, damn!” He bounces on his heels and wishes for once his best shirt wasn’t a faded coca cola tee. He bounces again, Lucas was coming in.
There is a scratching of pens at a table nearby and Josh isn’t even looking, he never really did anyway.
Lucas waves both hands as he paddles back in, “Pretty good, right?” He mouths.
“Fuckin’ sweet!” He shouts and doesn’t care at the crowd flashing him bent looks.
Lucas came in at the next tide and Josh expected him to go give a play-nice smile to the judges, he makes a beeline toward him instead.
“Man, I am totally going to miss you when you go dude,” Josh cups his mouth and yells, “I want to see that like ten more times.”
Lucas was fast walking, “don’t remind me I’m leaving.” He calls back loudly.
“Nah, you’re leaving man,” he says with a slight dip in his stomach, “but like, on a high note, can’t believe-” “Not yet,” Lucas grabs Josh’s shoulders, “you run all the way here from Waimea?”
He just pulls his hair back and grins, “yeah.”
“Good Lord,” He blinks, “is that a ‘kiss me now’ gesture or should I just think guys from Cali are crazy.”
Lucas leans forward tentatively and Josh upswings into a solid kiss, crowd be damned and sexuality be wavy at best.
It tastes like salt and feels like a gliding through the barrel on a board, which is exactly how he wanted all his kisses to taste and every high to feel like. It melts like a sunset and dawns in his belly like a sweet starburst, the whole world is slow and he didn’t want to be anywhere else.
He could live in that moment and not time zones or countries ever again.
They come up with a visiting schedule and download the Avocado couples app.
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villa-kulla · 7 years
I was hoping you might find time for the commentary! I expect this may be a common request, but would you do the scene at the end of Chisolm's 7, from '6 months later' to 'gradually remembered how to be himself'?
I had a feeling you’d choose that one haha and I’m so glad you did! It was exTREMEly satisfying to write. Thanks for the ask!
(***copy-paste disclaimer that this is NOT under a readmore because my blog’s black background makes reading long things a chore, so SCROLL FAST IF YOU’RE NOT INTERESTED!***)
Before this section even starts, for the 6 months later heading I intentionally left such ridiculously huge paragraph gaps before and after, just because I knew people would be scrolling and I wanted to convey distance for the time jump. If this had been a book I’d have wanted an almost blank page that says ‘6 months later’, so I guess wide gaps in between scrolling is the online version of that haha)
Goodnight stretched back on the lounge chair contentedly, baking underneath the hot sun. Billy would give him hell for having taken off his thin linen shirt in the middle of the day, but Billy was out swimming as it happened, and what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
Goody and I are one where the sun is concerned, in that we KNOW we burn easily but the allure of sunbathing properly is too much to resist haha, much to the despair of the ones who are trying to save us from ourselves/UV rays. This is absoLUTEly a source of much bickering for them haha
He reached for his drink, moving the colourful umbrella to the side as he took a pull from the straw. He licked his lips, the sweet juice mingling with the salty taste from when he’d gone swimming earlier.
They did that every day. Swimming, that is. Swimming, sailing, and making their way around the islands, no plans for the day other than if they should up the sails and find a new port to explore, or stay anchored, bobbing in crystal blue and green waters next to white beaches, alternating between swimming or laying back on the deck while they enjoyed each other’s company. Whether that was by playing cards, reading, tanning, keeping the large yacht in ship-shape, or having frankly ridiculous amounts of sex, the bliss of living with Billy Rocks still hadn’t worn off. And at this rate, Goodnight didn’t think it ever would.
living the high liiiiife. Back in chapter 1, Sam asks Goody what his plans with the bank money are, and Goody says ‘I see a yacht in my future’, and then BOOM, just like that I had the ending for this fic completely in place haha. Like the second I typed him saying that it was like “oh okay, so this fic ends with Goody and Billy on a yacht together, k cool”, and the whole way through I couldn’t wait to actually write it. And as we talked about before, this Dorothy L. Sayers quote was in my head the entire time writing it: “Lord Peter’s large income… cost me nothing and at the time I was particularly hard up and it gave me pleasure to spend his fortune for him. When I was dissatisfied with my single unfurnished room I took a luxurious flat for him in Piccadilly. When my cheap rug got a hole in it, I ordered him an Aubusson carpet.” Spending fictional money is extremely satisfying haha, so yeah, I was very much looking forward to spoiling these two
Goodnight nudged down his sunglasses, keeping an eye on Billy out in the water, smiling when he saw his dark head bobbing out in the water like a seal’s. They were anchored by a coral reef and Billy was out snorkeling again. Never content to just float on the water though, Goodnight often saw his head dip under to go chase a fish or pick up a shell on the sandy bottom.
I had to include the seal comparison, because as always, Billy is such a water creature to me. I blame River Grit lol, but the seal bit is my little shoutout to my own damn obsession with him as a water spirit. Also protective!Goody nudging down his glasses
Goodnight smiled and took another sip of his drink, making a mental note to ask Billy if he wanted to have dinner on shore or fix something on the boat. They were anchored off one of the many islands in the area, and this one had an appealing night market they’d explored the night before before, walking through the bright lights with cold beers in their hands, listening to the sounds of drums from the street bands, the smell of fish, pineapples, and coconuts thick on the air.
I like the domesticity in the phrasing of ‘fix something’, and how it suggests the kind of dinner routines they might have built up at this point in their little floating home. Can’t you just picture them in the kitchen, hips bumping while they both make supper, and holding things out for each other to taste? My heart
They’d seen what felt like half of the Pacific islands this way: sailing to different areas and exploring the local cities, enjoying the colour of each one. But as fun as their travels had been, Goodnight also enjoyed the time he spent with Billy just staying in on the boat: days spent lounging on the deck while they soaked up the sun, the ocean rippling clear around them; warm evenings of throwing something together in the yacht’s kitchen and eating dinner out on the deck with their feet dangling in the water as they watched the sun set; rainy evenings curled up in the lounge watching old movies on their flat screen while the rain drummed on the roof overhead and made the ocean outside as rippled and dented as a golfball. And then there were the nights spent with the windows thrown open, the hot breeze coming in while they moved together on the sheets, feeling and tasting every inch of each other, the movement of their bodies as steady and uplifting as the roll of waves.
I’ve often felt like this big chunky paragraph could have been more elegantly done, but I wasn’t sure how. But either way it was very satisfying to imagine and write these little scenarios for them. Personally I like the image of them eating on the side of the boat with their feet dangling in the water while the sun goes down best, but I also like the image of a rainy ocean being like a ‘golfball’. I was very keen to get the golfball comparison in there, but again, I feel like I could have done it more elegantly but just didn’t know how lol but ah well
Goodnight and Billy had each chipped in from their shares of the casino job so that they could buy the yacht. It was the closest thing either had had to a steady home in a long time, it had been worth every penny.
so they each made off with about 25 million if I remember correctly? I looked at a lot of yachts for sale while writing this (which was both fun and envy-inducing haha), and honestly a reeeeeally swanky mid-sized yacht could EASILY go for at least 50 million. But also I didn’t want them to spend their WHOLE cut of the take on a yacht, because they need to have millions left over to play around with! So idk, let’s say their yacht is certainly high end but not ostentatiously so, and they afforded it just fine with plenty left over for caviar. And btw, in all my yacht research, this one was probably closest to what I imagined for the exterior, although not exactly: https://www.burgessyachts.com/en/sale-purchase-category/yachts-for-sale/sailing-yachts/khaleesi-00006286.html (I couldn’t find an exACT match for what I had in my head but that one’s close-ish)
And speaking of a million dollar view…
coming up is my version of ‘Ursula Andress ascending from the sea in a white bikini in Dr. No’, only it’s Billy haha
Billy was climbing up the ladder, and god, this was just the best part of Goody’s day. He pulled himself up onto the deck, dripping wet, muscles glistening beneath the hot sun, black swimsuit clinging to his hips. He reached up to take off his snorkelling mask, the plastic strap tangling briefly in his hair which he then squeezed out. It was past his shoulders these days, either by preference or simply not being bothered enough to cut it.
would that not be a sight and a half……writing this paragraph was shameless voyeurism I tell you haha. Oh and also the ‘this was just the best part of Goody’s day’ was a reference to Matt Damon’s line in the movie when we see Julia Roberts coming down the stairs looking lovely and he says ‘This is just the best part of my day.’ Like it says in the fic notes, the plot itself is only LOOSELY based on Ocean’s 11 (in that it’s a team and they rob a casino haha), but there are a number of homages, lines, and references to the movie sprinkled throughout, because I love it so much
Billy bent down to take off his flippers, and Goodnight took the opportunity to quickly throw on his white shirt again, not bothering to button it. Billy would say he was burning up, although truthfully Goodnight had never been more brown in his life. He ran his fingers through his salty hair, mussing it up, knowing Billy found it fetching when his hair, sun-streaked with blonde these days, fell across his eyes.
while I do love canon-Goody’s gross, slicked-down hair as an endearing character trait, this was my chance to actually give him some nice, free hair, and I took it haha.
Billy straightened up and walked towards Goodnight on the lounge chair, clearly finding Goodnight as appealing a picture right now as Goodnight found him.
it’s fair to assume they don’t get a lot done, what with how much they just check each other out all the time
“Nice swim, cher?” Goodnight asked with a smile.
“Saw a lionfish,” Billy said with satisfaction as he picked up Goodnight’s drink and took a sip of it.
went back and forth for aaaages between ‘Billy said with satisfaction’ and ‘Billy said happily’. I really liked the ‘happily’ but felt it was coming off as too childish, especially for Billy’s first lines in this scene. I wasn’t trying to infantilize him with pure unfiltered pleasure at a lion fish, but that’s just how the ‘happily’ seemed to be coming off
“Bravo, darling. What’s that, only two thousand species left to go?” Goodnight asked, referring to the list Billy had taped to the fridge of all the different fish he wanted to see in the wild.
he WOULD have that though. oh I do love you, fishboy
“Something like that,” Billy agreed, handing Goodnight back his glass where he’d been batting at it. “Saw a leopard shark too.”
that ‘batting at it’ was completely meant to suggest lazy cat behaviour in Goody. ‘cause. I don’t know, man. They just make nice cats haha
Goodnight narrowed his eyes. “How big are those ones again?”
Billy warns Goody against messing with the sun, and Goody warns Billy against messing with sharks, it evens out in the end;) Protective bbs
Billy smiled. “They’re harmless, Goody.”
“Well maybe so, but you just remember what I said about chasing off after anything with bigger teeth than you,” Goodnight said warningly.
“You’ll be cross,” Billy said, smile still tugging at his lips.
“I’ll be cross,” Goodnight agreed.
“And you’ll scold me,” Billy murmured, bending down, his lips tickling Goodnight’s.
okay but writing Goody scolding people is just SO FUN FOR SOME REASON? I can see him getting all puffed up and ranting at people, and those who know him well know it’s best to just let him talk himself out. The scene earlier in this chapter of him floridly telling off Sam was extremely delightful to write lol. Goodnight definitely has a well developed sense of righteous indignation. Although any shark-related warnings Billy may have received would certainly have been given with love, they’d be given with fervour too, ‘cause I mean Goody didn’t go to all this trouble just to have Billy eaten by a SHARK
“Darn right,” Goodnight said with finality, leaning in to catch Billy’s lips, salty and cool against his own, and delicious every time.
He felt Billy’s lip turn up against his own, and suddenly Billy was pulling back and wiping a thick glob of cream against Goodnight’s nose.
“You were burning,” Billy said.
don’t know if anyone would have remembered the scene from chapter 6 at this point, but Billy was also warning Goody that he was getting a sunburn, and this is my little echo to that. Trapped or free, Billy is head of the ‘make Goody wear sunblock’ squad
Goodnight made a sound of protest but laughed and rubbed the sunscreen in. Billy kissed the tip of his nose when he was finished, and then hopped back onto the deck to go towel off.
I feel like Goody makes a lot of ‘sounds of protest’ in my fics lol, but sometimes it’s hard not to overuse the same mannerisms for characters. But on an unrelated note, BILLY. KISSING. GOODY’S. NOSE. I still can’t decide if that’s a very unBilly-like thing to do, or a VERY Billy-like thing to do, but either way, the image pleased me so in it stayed
Goodnight felt his heart swell to watch Billy move about the deck, limbs loose, posture relaxed, a world removed from the Billy Rocks he’d met in Vegas. That Billy had watched everything with wary eyes, posture tense, too skinny and his skin pale from so much time inside, suspicious of everyone and everything around him.
Goodnight had still found him the most beautiful man alive back then. But the Billy that had emerged these past six months was nothing short of a wonder. He was tanned and golden, muscles strong and healthy from hours spent swimming and doing work on the boat every day. His quietness from before had made him seem pent-up, almost like it was a defense. But any stretches of silence these days seemed borne of confidence instead, telling Goodnight what he thought of something with an eloquent lift of his eyebrows or a mere quirk to his lips. He was relaxed, cocky, so dry-as-dust funny he made Goodnight’s sides hurt, and so vibrantly self-possessed Goodnight felt he was seeing the real Billy Rocks come out more and more every day, leaving behind the buttoned-up Billy he’d met in Vegas as Billy gradually remembered how to be himself.
Hardest DVD commentary paragraph for last, but Billy was often a challenge to write in this one. I kept trying to write him as the Billy Rocks I’m used to - the one described in this paragraph - but he kept coming out as so wary, wound tight, and extremely vulnerable. But then again, why wouldn’t he be?? If you think about it, his situation is HORRIBLE. I think it’s realistic that he would feel extremely vulnerable and defensive, so that’s the Billy I ended up writing for much of the fic. And I told myself that the Billy we see on the yacht is when we finally see the REAL Billy Rocks….long hair and all:) Although if I can briefly mention the next paragraph, (‘Sometimes Billy would withdraw, and Goodnight knew he was retreating to years of repression and tension and wondering what he could have done differently to have changed his situation, or wondering if there was nothing he could have done at all. Sometimes it was hard to know which was worse.’) I felt it was really important to include that to show he’s not going to get over it just like that, or just because he has a nice house now. Billy would realistically have some ptsd for a long time after spending 10 years trapped and under extreme mental pressure. So it’ll definitely take Billy a while to cope with, but he has a much better footing to do it now, and I imagine given time, he’ll be even more like the Billy Rocks we’re all used to. And I like the last words of “Billy gradually remembered how to be himself”, because I’ve found in my own experience when it comes to getting over a traumatic period, those little flashes where you feel completely normal and like yourself again do feel like ‘remembering’ in a strange way. Like your whole body is remembering or something. So while it will still be a struggle sometimes, the more he remembers, the more like himself he’ll stay.
(P.S. Still not entirely sure if I’d do a sequel or if it’s just an idea to amuse myself with sometimes haha, but I’m sure the Billy Rocks in any ‘Chisolm’s 8′ would be more what we’re used to haha.  And my image of the team meeting up again for the first time would contain a lot of whistles and ‘damn Billy’ and Billy’s just like ‘what??!’ and all alarmed by the attention, much like how he met them for the first time, and Sam’s just amused like “Nothing. You look good, Billy,” and Goody trails in after with him a dreamy smile all like “Doesn’t he though?”. Smitten, styling, criminals ‘till the last haha. And yes, Billy absolutely keeps the hair haha)
Thanks for the ask!:)
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veesko · 7 years
7 Luxury Villas For A Perfect Family Getaway In Cyprus
Nestled at the crossroads of three continents - Europe, Africa, and Asia, Cyprus has always been a melting pot of cultural and geographic diversity. The country’s population is mainly divided into Greek and Turkish communities, whereas its natural attractions range from scenic pine-clad mountains to stunning sun-soaked beaches.
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Steeped in rich, ancient history, the easternmost island in the Mediterranean lures travelers with impressive archaeological sites, charming villages, and 403 miles of glorious coastline. Needless to say, families will be spoilt for choice with the amount of activities on offer. From water sports to winter skiing, there is something for everyone in beautiful, multifaceted Cyprus.
With plenty of space, privacy, and contemporary amenities, these well-appointed vacation rentals from Villa Plus are ideal for family getaways in Cyprus, whether your plans include swimming and sunbathing, culture and history, outdoor adventure, or just rest and relaxation.
Villa Jan Mari Elen, Polis
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Enjoying an elevated position in Argaka, Polis, Villa Jan Mari Elen commands sweeping views over Akamas National Park and the sea beyond. The contemporary 3-bedroom property is stylishly decorated and has all the ingredients for a perfect family vacation, from spacious, elegant interiors to a lovely swimming pool and alfresco dining facilities.
The charming small town of Polis and Latchi Harbour, with its great waterfront restaurants, are just a short drive away, and nearby activities include golf, hiking, sailing, as well as horse riding in Lysos.
Villa Toulla, Peyia
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A characterful 5-bedroom property on the outskirts of Peyia, Villa Toulla combines tradition with modern comforts to provide guests with a peaceful, relaxing escape. Accommodations are comfortable, and common livings spaces include three atmospheric lounges and a fully equipped kitchen/dining area. The house’s real highlight, however, has to be the outside space, where you can soak in the sun by the pool, play games in the shade, or dine in the open air whilst surrounded by manicured gardens and quaint countryside views.
The famous resort of Coral Bay, with its Blue Flag beach and excellent restaurants, is only a 10-minute drive from the property.
Villa Angelica, Coral Bay
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Located just a short walk from Coral Bay’s main strip, Villa Angelica is a wonderful choice for small families looking to combine rest and privacy with entertainment during their Cyprus vacation. The property sleeps up to five guests in two light-filled bedrooms, and has a beautiful swimming pool with sun loungers and umbrellas, BBQ area, and outdoor dining facilities.
Nearby kid-friendly attractions include Coral Bay Karting Center, Paphos Zoo, Tombs of the Kings, as well as the state-of-the-art K Cineplex multiplex at Kings Avenue Mall in Paphos.
Villa Castle, Protaras
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Close to sunny golden beaches and the lively center of Protaras, Villa Castle is a beautifully appointed 3-bedroom retreat with its own private pool, an attractive open-plan living/dining area, and lots of outdoor space to sit and enjoy the sunshine.
There’s a small sandy cove steps from the property, but active families will certainly appreciate the range of water sports available at Cavo Maris beach, just down the coast. Star Leisure Mini Golf Park and the award-winning WaterWorld in Ayia Napa are also conveniently close.
Villa Akamas Bayview, Latchi
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Charming gardens, distant sea views, and a tranquil countryside setting make Villa Akamas Bayview perfect for a Cypriot family escape. The spacious 5-bedroom property is just a short drive from Latchi, a pretty seaside resort with quiet, laid-back beaches, a picturesque harbor, and some of the best seafood eateries on the island.
Complementing the house’s bright bedrooms are modern bathrooms, a sprawling living area with comfy sofas and fireplace, as well as a classic style kitchen equipped with everything you’d need to prepare your own food. Surrounding the dazzling swimming pool are exotic palm trees and shaded terraces for enjoying outdoor meals together.
Villa Oniro, St. Georges
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Tucked away on a rural lane near the small village of St George and graced with dazzling views of the Mediterranean Sea, Villa Oniro provides a cozy home-away-from-home for families in search of comfort, intimacy, and recreation. Featuring three traditionally furnished bedrooms, an enticing outdoor pool, and a serene, open-plan living/dining area, the property combines modern day conveniences with the peace and quiet of Cyprus’ delightful countryside.
While the idyllic Coralia Beach is extremely close to the villa, guests can also visit the charismatic traditional village of Peya in the hills above, or spend time in Coral Bay, which is less than 10 minutes' drive away and offers countless shopping and dining opportunities.
Villa Niovi, Polis
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Villa Niovi’s central location in the traditional resort of Polis makes it easy to combine some serious beach time with the island’s authentic charm. The tasteful property accommodates up to seven guests in three bedrooms and offers appealing amenities such as a turquoise, Roman inspired swimming pool, covered terrace and BBQ, table tennis, and complimentary Wi-Fi.
The beach and harbor of Latchi are less than 2 miles away, and there is a good selection of bars and restaurants within walking distance of the villa.
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kabukv · 7 years
What are your muse’s aesthetics ?
BOLD any which apply to your muse! Remember to REPOST! Feel free to add to the list!
Tagged by: @kikaichv bae <3 Tagging: id k tag yourself !!
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. ( light ) pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. pale blue.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ]  claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. shoulders. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katana. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk.velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. plains. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. swamp. savanna. rain forest. caves. underwater. island. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains.
[ ANIMALS ]  lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. salamanders. cats. dogs. rabbits. alligator.praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. bats. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. foxes.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. sake. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia. vanilla.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running. researching.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood.gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sun glasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup.
[ MISC ]  balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs.
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