#kabby love
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kabra-malvada · 1 month
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▽Billified Kabra▽
Dying to get that book on my clasp, I need it hhhh
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#it's so sad seeing the t/r tag goddd#it really ended up like the kabby tag#forever mad at these men for actually turning out to be the most basic writers after all#who for all the preaching about romance couldn't let the big ships that made sense and felt like a natural endgame happen#but hey at least we got the iconic love story of beard with the woman who ripped up his passport...jumpscared him...stalked his friends...-#-didn't want him around his friends...threw his keys away and sent all those gross messages to him *sarcasm*#honestly it's worrying BH didn't see how bad that was and the message was nooo don't butt into your friend's ab*sive relationship-#-possibly saving them from a terrible fate and pain...(like you're just butting into a minor disagreement) just leave them be! what a-#-sh*tty thing to take from that...#and acting like they love their female characters but keeley who they gave a 'girlboss' ending (because oooo can't be both a girlboss and-#-in a relationship) but didn't show her being a boss in her own plot or anything really...#plus how last minute they made rebeccas plot and it didn't make sense and laughing at people who saw the t/r potential#they aren't sh*t and i mostly take back my praise (there were some good eps ofc which makes this mess worse)#hi im still mad about tl almost 3 months later#i try not to focus on it tbh i don't want to spend any more than 5 minutes thinking about it#the fact even when the strikes are done js will never own up to his sh*t#and i swear if that ep wins an emmy (when the other eps s3 and previously nominated were right there) im done#that'll be the sh*tty icing on the sh*tty cake
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jessiemcgrath · 2 years
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if anyone's considering watching Walker Independence, these are the ships. learn them, love them, live them
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sc3n3-b1tch · 1 month
Why I feel orokabu needs to be more popular! By @sc3n3-b1tch :)
1. The two of them are so cute together
2. Just look!
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Not my pic but look how cute!!!
3. Amazing yaoi playlist!!!!
4. They are both just sweet baby’s <3
5. Just because Kabby is 23 or 19 and orochi is 50 something doesn’t mean it’s pedo! And tbh it’s not real so yeah
6. Kabs is of age! Like 18 your a adult so he can kind of fuck whoever 🤷🏻‍♀️
7. They make a great ship!
8. The fandom is the sweetest!
9. Just see for yourself 👇
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SEEEE! Snake boyfriends!
10. be who you are and don’t let anyone tell you how to run your life! Fuck them! Love you!
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Kabby + get inside before you freeze to death.”
This is what I get for thinking that writing them couldn't hit the intense internal places anymore. WRONG. Post-s2 grayspace, PG-ish, and also on ao3.
This is just not her day.
To be fair, Abby has thought that… most days for the past few months, and the exceptions were usually worse but at least too much going on for her to process how bad it all was. The calm of winter was supposed to fix that, but winter on the ground hasn’t exactly been…
Mundane frustrations, she’s starting to think, are somehow worse than the possible end of the goddamn world. She’s not sure how that works, but it does.
Today, as usual, the primary cause of her anger and anxiety is the same person who’s reliably given her those emotions for close to thirty years. If she remembers right, the first thought she ever had about Marcus was that he was going to be a problem, and the judgment of twelve-year-olds is rarely so accurate but in this case…
The nature of the problem has changed a bit, but the problem remains. And today, apparently, the problem is passive-aggressively trying to kill himself. Again.
The power hierarchy is more fluid than it’s ever been in Abby’s lifetime, and while she’s functionally running things, she’s decided there are some areas she can delegate. Like anything involving the Guard – not her world, not her interest, not her problem now that Marcus has made it multiple months without even accidentally trying to kill her. In a functional world, she would not have to make suggestions about, say, more frequent rotations for outdoor shifts. In this one, apparently…
If the rumors are true, and anything four separate people report back to her tends to at least be worth checking out, he’s decided to give himself all the dangerous postings. Like overnight in the middle of a snowstorm. Alone.
In another life – two months ago, even – she might’ve thought about ignoring this particular bad life choice. He’s comfortably in her age bracket, aka more than old enough for fuck-around-and-find-out, and she might enjoy watching whatever goes wrong. Unfortunately…
Adequate damage control means going out in said nighttime snowstorm herself, in the thickest oversized coat she could find and armed with a flashlight the width of her lower arm, and reminding herself that this bullshit rescue mission is going to be easier than whatever frostbite might be acquired if someone were left unsupervised, because that would also end up her problem, because that man is living proof the universe hates her and-
“Are you out of what’s left of your fucking mind?” she says in greeting once she’s close enough to… well, not yell yet, but…
“Do I want to know what emergency brought you out here?”
“I’m looking at it,” she replies. “You’re out here in the middle of this and-“
“Someone has to-“
“No. Not today. Anything that might be an actual threat to us presumably also has the sense to stay in some kind of shelter in this weather. Now get inside before you freeze to death.”
Marcus looks her up and down like he’s more worried about her than himself, and of course he is, too many of his failed attempts at whatever he’s even doing have looked like an atonement tour, and she’s starting to wonder if-
“Not. Today. And not you.”
She can’t lose him, she thinks and can’t say under these circumstances. Too much of her identity has gotten tangled up in their complications to a point where he’s almost the only thing she has left and-
“Like you actually give a damn.”
The fucking nerve of him.
“Would I be out here in this lovely weather, halfway up into a questionably stable uninsulated watchtower, if I didn’t care about you? Has it at any point occurred to you that maybe I don’t-“
“You shouldn’t.”
Oh, like she needs reminding. His recent behavior is actually tolerable, the personality shift seems to have stuck well enough, but… this is still new and dangerous, and fascinating out of that, and-
“You don’t get to die on me and leave me like that, understand? You want to go out there and die tragic somehow, fine, but you don’t get to intentionally do that without a succession plan and-“
“I wasn’t aware-“
“Of course you weren’t,” she hisses. “You don’t think about anything but yourself. Even now. And no amount of moralistic-“
“You would be better on your own.”
“Maybe. But I’d be lonely.”
That makes him quiet, brings him closer to her. She sees that quiet pain in his eyes, all the things she thinks may be hers alone because she’s the only person left who’d think to look for them, and maybe…
“I will escort you back inside,” he says after adequate silence and time. “As is within my responsibilities.”
“You’ve done too much to me to be that formal right now.”
“Can you believe I am trying to do better?”
Maybe not in words, she thinks, but actions have shown her enough. Whatever quest he’s on for absolution, it seems to start with doing right by her, and he… has, lately. They’ve made it multiple days in a row, primarily working in the same space, without sparring. The last time she felt threatened by him was… the last time. They are in a new era now, and-
“I want to,” she breathes. “I am trying to.”
He joins her on the ground, and it’s easy enough to entwine their gloved hands, to stay that close as they walk back towards warmth. There are snowflakes in his beard and she has the fleeting thought that she should brush them out with her free hand, and she does, and-
“What was that for?”
It has been, Abby thinks, far too long since she’s given that kind of touch, and it awakens something in her that she knows now is not the time for and-
“I wanted to,” she replies, recoiling just as quickly before anything else can happen. “I-“
She realizes she probably worsened the issue, and she’d offer to deal with it again when they’re indoors but skin on skin might be a problem and-
“You always have to take care of people. Whether they ask for it or-“
“Better than trying to become a sacrifice at every opportunity,” she counters. “And you leaned into that, you weren’t exactly-“
“You of all people should know a biological reaction isn’t-“
“I am trying to respond to you! And I would love to know what you get out of saying you want to do right by me and at the same time pushing me away every time I-“
“It’s complicated.”
“Try me.”
“You deserve better.”
“I don’t think we’re in a situation where that matters. I have you. Fuck me for wanting to make that functional.”
She expects him to fight back, but he’s been doing that less and less lately and instead they slip back into comfortable silence until they’re indoors, hands still entwined as he walks with her to her room and-
“If you go right back outside…”
In this part of the building she’s taken up residence in, they can hear the howling winter wind. Nothing is out in that. Any living thing, regardless of intentions, is too cold to be a threat.
“I could claim that you had requested my presence.”
“Don’t make this weirder than it has to be.”
It isn’t, though. In the haze of everything that had happened when logistics were worked out, and her own immobility at the time, someone had appropriated a bed suited for two people and… it had been a nice week of knowing there was another presence near her, as cautious as he was not to touch her. Nothing happened, no matter what anyone else thinks, and-
“You heard something and you asked for me,” he decides. “Plausible enough.”
“You realize too many people think we’re screwing each other every chance we get,” she counters. “We don’t need a story, realistic or otherwise. Just… stay, okay? Stay where I can see you and let me sleep.”
There’s no real need for talk after that. They’ve done this before, this fakeout domesticity, and… it’s a little different with neither of them wounded, but still familiar enough. Still perfectly safe for her to strip down to minimal layers and slip under blankets that will be shared and-
“You’re a terror,” he mutters, letting her get comfortable before he joins her.
“You wouldn’t have me any other way.”
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prof-lemon · 1 year
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Cake is the most recent addition to the lab. Cake is a very special member of the Porygon family, they are what is known as a Polygon. Long story short, Polygon were created as toylike versions of Porygon. The full story of Polygon is over at @alexanders-pokemon-adventure.
Cake is a bit shy, but very very curious. Their best friend is Kabby, my sweet little Kabuto. Recently, they have gotten very brave and joined Kabby in his tank to cuddle. Cake has also started to open up to me. I got them a finger skateboard, and they love to be pushed around on it. They are learning to push themself, though, and they insist I watch!
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caesarflickermans · 2 months
I’m the anon, I didn’t know you shipped Kabby too that’s cool. I’ve read your analysis which I find it interesting. I’ll only correct you on effie’s arc in the movies cause i think you had missed something and it can happen to not have grasp it, so I’ll just add this. Book and movie effie have a different fate (that ends in the same way) that fits her character in both the adaptations: book effie is less present in cf and she has a subtle development due to the fact that whenever she was showing sign of emotions something else happened or it was just a line so it was not that noticed yet she was still sad, cried and proposed the golden tokens. Not knowing her fate during most of the mj book was to make readers think that she had either been executed or that she was fine but then surprise we meet her at the end when in just few lines we discovered that she had been captured, tortured and that she had a vacant look in her eyes. That trauma is what make her sympathetic.
Movie effie on the contrary had a more on-screen development due to the fact that the movies were in third person, she also talks about the four of them as a team and she apologize to them saying that she is sorry for what happened and is happening and that is what makes us sympathize with her. So it happens before. Her being brought in D13 makes sense in the movie verse cause Katniss and her are let’s say closer. And bc she had already a significant development. She stands with the mockingjay and we see it through her wardrobe. She first have a customize uniform cause she feels insecure, untrusty and unwelcomed in d13 (that’s how SHE feels) but she wears something gold that ties her with Katniss then slowly she starts to wear the same jumpsuit of the others in 13 meaning that she starts to feel welcomed and fully believes in the revolution (from 75% to 100%), but she still wears gold. She does think the revolution is necessary as she says “let’s bring back democracy” but she is a morally grey character with flaws and those are still showed in part 1&2. That doesnt un-do her development of cf, on the contrary it highlighted it making her more complex :)
I really liked Effie's more subtle and slower development in the books, hence why I've outlined and focused on it more. I know fans of hers (and that was me as well!) were delighted to have more, but the quantity did not feel like quality to me.
I'll agree to disagree with you on some interpretations of movie Effie. Every example you mention is focused on her feelings toward Haymitch, Katniss, and Peeta. She was inactive in 13 (again, why did the regime allow her to consume their resources without punishment) until Plutarch approached her about Katniss. Her journey you outline is that of caring for three people, but that does not make her a revolutionary or a believer in the revolution. Had she had scenes in the movie or the book where she reflected on the systematic oppression, I'd have bought into that arc, but she does not.
And I'll say that I like that about her !! She's a perfect example of a neoliberal white woman who learns that slurs are bad but who still believes in the fact that poor people are poor because they don't try hard enough. Her failure to grasp the injustices she represented each year are making her a realistic and interesting character as her indoctrination defines her to the end of the trilogy. And I LOVE flawed characters !! It's why I've attached blind spots to all the major characters I'm writing creatively who are part of the rebellion. None of them "fully" grasp it.
Unfortunately, and that's why I've turned away from the character & ship, I've felt that the movies I watched and the versions I've seen were ignorant to these flaws. I assume some part of it was discomfort in sitting with morally grey characters, especially when they were, in essence, part of the oppressing group. Effie has seemingly been viewed with rose-tinted glasses by many, including Francis Lawrence.
The scene you mention to allude to her finally having understood the rebellion ("let’s bring back democracy") happens at the beginning of MJ, so hardly a conclusion to her character journey if several other aspects mentioned occur later. This scene was originally supposed to be Plutarch's scene and Plutarch's words. Due to the actor's death, the only option was Effie, as Haymitch had his reveal scene later. I don't buy her saying or believing these words. Effie was raised in a fascist society and is the representation of the average Capitol citizen. I don't think she knows or grasps democracy, nor understands why it is necessary because her character flaw is not grasping systematic injustice. The scene also felt contrived in Cinna having given the book to Effie, but this isn't the focus here. If the sole hint for her to have developed a grasp of the overall rebellion's necessity hinges on the on-set death of an actor and the scrambling to keep that scene alive, that's a pretty weak character arc whose scene is out of character because it was never meant to be hers to begin with.
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sunsum-daee · 11 months
Help me pick a new name :)
I think it's time to move on from the handle Inkd Eyes. Not that I don't like it anymore - but I'm not sure of it. I wanted to incorporate my father's language so I've picked some names in relation to me and words or phrases that I think might be nice then had friends pick which ones were the most readable to them or enjoyable. Here are the options.
(I know some may not be grammatically correct, or sound silly, but we're all a bit silly, aren't we? I most likely wouldn't use full phrases as they can get long)
You can suggest names or put an "other" option in the tags too :)
Actual names
Name meaning second born
Mǎnu (male)
Máanu (female)
Name meaning "Born on thursday"
Yaw (male)
Yaa (female)
(variants) Yao, Yawo, Yawu, Yawa, Ayawa, Kwaw, Ekow, Kow; Yaa, Yaaba, Yaba, Aaba, Abina
Name meaning "Premature, sickly"
Words and Phrases
nkanyan (revival) kusuu or tumm (gloom, dark) kabii (dark) esum (darkness) bɔne (sin, darkness) owuo (death) nkwa ne owuo (life and death) ɛnna (tomb) afunsie (burial) nkaedeɛ (memorial) esum mu (in the darkness) Awo foforo a ɛyɛ sum (A dark rebirth) Esum mu awo foforo ( A new birth of darkenss) Anadwo ho dɔ (love of the night) Anadwo (night) anadwo no nkanyan (The awakening of the night) daeɛ (dream) adaeso mu (in the dream) adaeso ahorow (dreams of dreams) ɔdɔ mu yaw (the pain of love) esum a ɛyɛ mmerɛw (soft darkness) esum a ɛyɛ dɛ (a sweet darkness)
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
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sundayinthcpark · 2 years
Unconditionally Cared For
pairing: Marcus Kane/Abby Griffin
ao3: Unconditionally Cared For
for: @stormkpr (cc @johnmurphyisqueer @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis)
notes: hi !! i have not written fic for the 100 in ages and i don’t think i have ever written any that was set even close to in canon, so this was very new for me. i’ve also never written kabby before, even though i absolutely adore them. also, this idea came to me at about 11 pm christmas eve, so it probably is not as good as i’m telling myself it is. but here !!! merry christmas/happy holidays <3
For once, Marcus was glad to be awake before Abby.
Their room had a little window that showed the center of the camp- Arkadia, as they’d wound up calling it- and through that window came a harsh, cool light. It wasn’t Marcus’s first time seeing snow- they’d been down here, what, just over a year now?- but it was his first time being with Abby in the snow, and he couldn’t wait for her to see it. She always lit up whenever she saw something beautiful, and he was sure this would be no exception.
Slowly, carefully disentangling himself from Abby’s body- she let out a soft sigh when his arms moved from around her ribs- he crawled out of the bed, being sure to tuck the blankets around her as he went. He smiled softly, then made his way to the window.
The kids- most of them damn near adults, if he actually thought about it- seemed to have discovered the snow already- Miller was building a fort, Harper appeared to be attempting a snowman, Jasper was making snow angels, and Bellamy had a quickly growing pile of snowballs sitting between him and Clarke. Kane’s smile grew as he watched them. He knew things had been difficult lately, for all of them, but especially for the kids, and he was glad to see them enjoying themselves.
Drawing away from the window, Marcus grabbed two tin mugs from a cupboard in the room and set about heating up water, dropping some tea bags that Jackson had made into the water, then set about getting ready for the day.
He was halfway through putting on his jacket when he heard movement from the bed. Abby was blinking awake, giving him a soft smile as she opened her eyes.
“Good morning,” he said, giving her a soft smile in return. “Come and see.”
He held out her mug of tea and nodded toward the window. Abby’s face screwed up in confusion for just a second, before she fought a glimpse of the outdoors and practically leaped out of bed, hurrying over to stand next to him. “It snowed!”
Marcus had been right. Abby’s entire face had lit up, her eyes shining as she gratefully accepted the tea. Standing there in his t-shirt and the sweatpants she’d slept in, watching Octavia pelt Clarke with her brother’s snowballs and Raven laughing at her girlfriends, Marcus realized that this was something that was never going to go away. He was in love, and there was nothing to do about it now.
The realization didn’t scare him. He just smiled, and wrapped an arm around Abby’s waist as the two of them watched their kids play in the snow.
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causewhywouldnti · 1 year
My thoughts as I’m watching 24 seasons of law & order svu:
Season 12
I needed a bit of a break after binging 11 seasons. So, back to this. 12x01, dude seriously asking Stabler if Benson is single. As if Stabler actually would give him the go ahead. Bailee’s apology was really heartfelt there… what I really want to know, is what happened with Bailee’s character after this episode. Did she stay? Was she ever happy? Guess we’ll never know…
12x02, I want to know how they got the kid to talk. Benson and Stabler walking away from Henry Ian Cusick, rolling their eyes, is one of my new favorites. There was no need for the two of them to be that close together after they cleared all the perps, but I appreciate that they are. Well, Henry being the good guy was too good to be true. So we have both of Kabby being rapists on SVU.
12x03, Stabler calling out the perp for not washing his hands after using the urinal is a small but important thing for me. Not sure how I feel about the stalking of the perp. So did this episode inspire Mariska to talk about the backlog issue, or was it the other way around? Yay on judge Donnelly being back.
12x04, I always like a good excuse for TV shows having to change up sets, so bursting pipes are fun. Stabler looks so happy when he gets to be a special debuty U.S. Marshal. Finally got to the scene with Benson pointing her gun out of the moving car and Stabler pulling her back in. How did they get their badges back? They left it at the U.S. Attorney’s office…
12x05, I like the characters grappling with the new set. Also, Munch in a uniform is fine. Olivia on shrooms is great! First Stabler saves Benson's hair from being cut, and then he catches her when she faints, go Stabler! And yet again, no Stabler at Liv's bedside in the hospital. Stabler pretending to be high makes the whole episode even greater.
12x07, Benson and Stabler just ignoring Cragen's order to see Huang as always, until they eventually cave. I liked Stabler talking Benson down, when she thought Bello’s character was her half-sister. Entrance of Clavin.
12x08, well, that beginning was eerie. Dana is back, that’s not gonna end well for Stabler. And he got shot. Actually the first time this season he got injured. At least Benson is there to make him feel better. Poor Dana, that court scene was really well acted.
12x09, Paxton is back! Did not expect Paxton to be in the bed, assumed it would be Benson, this makes it better. Stabler looks so smug when Fin is talking about the penis pump. Stabler is terrible to Paxton in this ep.
12x10, the ADA was right, saying that partners can be closer than married couples. Bello is back. Love that Stabler would have backed Olivia up, if she went against her obligation in order to keep Calvin. The last scene started cute with Benson, Stabler and Calvin. Elliot trying to hold Olivia back and Calvin being taken away was sad though.
12x11, Tucker has it out for Stabler again. Sometimes Benson is not a good influence on Stabler.
12x13, Stabler going UC as sex addict, that’s all. Stabler never even denied that Olivia was his girlfriend, just saying. And he only got slightly injured here.
12x15, Munch and Fin eavesdropping with the spy tech is actually funny. And then Liv uses it. Elliot making fun of the perp is quite enjoyable.
12x17, Paxton was killed. At least we got a Stabler/Benson hug out of it.
12x19, Benson and Stabler undercover as a married couple, doesn't get much better than that.
12x21, Casey is back, literally out of nowhere.
12x22, John Stamos as Ken is just creepy. Props though, for accusing Elliot of wanting to get Olivia pregnant. Just logistically, how can he afford child care for 47 kids?!? Domestic Benson and Stabler with the dinner scene was cute.
12x23, poor Elliot. Here comes Tucker… communication in the Stabler marriage seems to be working.
12x24, loved the last shot of Elliot and Olivia looking at each other, whilst everyone else hustled. Absolutely hate, that it’s gonna take another 10 seasons until Stabler comes back.
Familiar faces: Joan Cusack (Runaway Bride), Bailee Madison (Just Go With It), Henry Ian Cusick (the 100), Stephen Tobolowsky (Glee), Jennifer Love Hewitt (9-1-1), Melissa Benoist (Glee), David Krumholtz (The Santa Clause), Amanda Fuller (Grey‘s), Maria Bello (NCIS), Debra Messing (Will&Grace), Kate Burton (Grey‘s), Mika Brzezinski, Rose McGowan (Charmed), Elizabeth Mitchell (again, OUAT), John Stamos and Rita Wilson.
Favorite episodes: 12x04, 12x05, 12x08, 12x12 and12x15
Favorite lines:
"I got a lullaby" (meaning alibi) - perp in 12x05
"I’m hot. I’m wet." - Elliot Stabler everyone 12x05
"I’m not the one who stabbed the captain with a pickle!" - Benson 12x05
"Well, Liv, make a decision. Your call." -Stabler to Benson (about taking Bello in, or keeping Calvin) 12x10
"Fin may have your six, but he’s definitely not me." "No, I’m better. I actually watch her back, and not her backside." -Stabler and Fin 12x17
"You’re an idiot." - Stabler to Tucker 12x23
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fea-the-grinch · 2 years
I have/used to have a few straigth ships, and I want to make a list of them:
~~~~ Straigth ships that impacted me the most:
- Tsunade x Jiraya (Jiratsu): my first ship ever. As they say, you never forget your first ;) no, really, I loved them for 5 years, but now, I just cannot read fanfiction about them anymore. However, they still hold a special place in my memory. I used to create so many stories about them, in my head, everywhere I went... I didn't know the term at the time, but I had so many AUs with them. It was truly one of the best thing in my life back then. One of the happiest I would say. I used my imagination to create diverse scenario, just for myself, and it was so fun. They shaped my taste in ships, in trope and everything. I grew up with them.
- Abby Griffin x Marcus Kane (Kabby): I loved them so much. The Angst. The Affection. The Warmth. The Trust. Yeah, I used to really like them. I never finished the series though, so I didn't see the part where everyone and everything turn crazy. In my version, they're just in love and happy. You best believe that I will never watch the rest of the 100. It's one of the only ships that I have where I often prefered the AUs to the fanfictions that happened in the real world of the 100.
- Nymphadora Tonks x Remus Lupin (Remadora): They were like my second big ship after Jiratsuna. I didn't realize at the time that I was so into ships that always ended up with one of the two people dying. I've always loved angst, and I didn't even know the word at the time x) Anyway, coming back to them: what I really like at the time was the angst and the fact that they were canon. The latter is a very rare occurence in my ships, and I knew it even at that time, so I truly enjoyed it.
Skip x Crystal: They're from the anime Carole and Tuesday. I love, love, love, love them so much. In this ship, there are angst, love, nostalgia, affection, caring, history, potential for more, talent, and so much more. They're both incredible people, and I would want nothing more than a 40 minutes episode, or a animated movie, about those two, their story together and then their stories when they fell apart and after. And then, maybe at the end, a little scene between the two of them, after this concert at the sort of opera, once Skip gets out of jail. They would talk about their feelings, their desires and their future. Whether they want to spend it together or not. Whether they want to give another chance to their love or not. Crystal and Skip are both so down to earth, they wouldn't let any drama happens between them now (don't know how it was before, when they were younger). They lived, and they learned. Now, I believe they're ready for each other.
~~~~ Random straigth ships that I like/liked:
Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago (Peraltiago): I've never read a fanfic that was only about them, but they're a couple goal. They're so good and adorable together.
Cisco Ramon x Caitlin Snow (Killervibe): I don't really ship them anymore but damn, I always had something for 'best friends who become so much more' ;^; For this type of ship, I'm always like "But if there had been a click… There would have been something amazing, sweet and beautiful between them". At the time, maybe two years ago, I think I read pretty much every fic there was about them.
Nia Nal x Brainy (Brainia): Yeah, you can probably tell that I watched DC superheroes shows. Nia and Brainy are super cute, at least in season 4 and 5, and I will ignore anyone who disagrees. I didn't catch up with the end of Supergirl, but I hope everything went well for them.
I think that's about it. I had a few others, but I realize that I didn't like them as much as I love /loved the ones here.
Creating this list makes me want to do the same for my sapphic ships...
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awkwardspontaneity · 2 years
All I Want for Christmas is Peace
For: @sundayinthcpark ( @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis @johnmurphyisqueer ) HMA Secret Santa 2022, here is a Christmas and slightly new years ish fic!!! Happy to be participating yet again, enjoy the holiday friendships!
Ships: Clexa, Kabby, Murphamy (somehow this one became the most obvious one??) still mostly platonic fluff with friends!! Peace, love, and friendship in these trying times!!! And some fatherly Kane because those children are his problem children your honor
Summary: In hopes of finding something to finally unite the grounders and the people from the sky, the old time tradition of Christmas is brought up. 
Welcome to the happy delusions of everyone being alive and happy together :D 
Chaos seemed to reign supreme when it came to the people of earth. Now, one might look around and see the crowds of people, shouting out requests and carting around supplies for their various tasks completely ordinary, but it was the people themselves that made this situation special. 
It had taken serious work from all sides, but with a lot of tense meetings and more than one rocky Romeo and Juliet romance, they finally had achieved a semi stable peace. And how did they choose to commemorate this new territory? By bringing back an old tradition of the people, long before the world had come near its end. It might not be what the history books described, a gathering in a neutral clearing somewhere in the middle, but it really was beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Raven watched over as people found common ground in the tasks they were given from her position of fixing metal hangers into decorations. The table was shared with some of the grounder children who were whittling away at blocks of wood to make their own decorations. She had gotten distracted by the loudest group of people, including Jasper and Monty who were ‘testing’ out their holiday batch of alcohol. Every delinquent there was positive that the two hadn’t done much of anything different in terms of flavor but, as they shared smirks and eye rolls every time another burst of guffaws would escape the crowd of grounders testing out the batch, everyone shared in the unspoken agreement that nobody would say anything.
Of course booze would be the thing to really bring people together.
One of the young girls nudged Raven, holding a star out to her. The mechanic smiled as she took the star and began placing the metal hook into the wood. She turned her eyes to the rest of the children, sitting around Finn as he showed them how to carve snowflakes. He stumbled through the instructions in Trigedasleng, flushing every time the kids would giggle at the wrong words. The little girls working with Raven snorted at another mistake and Raven met her eyes with a wink. There was no need to tell Finn just yet that they could understand their language.
Meanwhile, Bellamy was helping with hanging decorations. They had been mindful when picking their location to have trees to hang their decorations from while also having open space for the people to mingle. He stood beside Lincoln as they watched Murphy, Octavia, and two other Grounders take turns chopping down a tree for the center of the clearing.  Wiping sweat from his brow Murphy turned to look at the taller boy. “You planning on helping out, or are you just gonna sit back and watch?”
Bellamy laughed, pulling the sweater from over his shoulder and tossing it into Murphy’s face. “I am enjoying the show, but I could give you some audience participation.”
He slipped the axe from Murphy’s fingertips before taking his place to deliver a blow of his own into the tree. The sweater slipped into Murphy’s arms, but he held it up against his face to hide the smirk. (and maybe the blush too). He was quick to yank it over his head the moment he caught the teasing glint in Octavia’s eyes. 
The snapping of wood mixed with the group's cheers as they watched the tree crash to the ground. They made quick work of wrapping it in ropes and dragging it back to the clearing. If Octavia had to kick Murphy in the back of the legs for stopping to stare at someone else’s muscles, that was their business.
Cheers broke out from the people as they watched the giant tree come into the clearing- the loudest by far being from the group mingling around the brewing tent. There were definitely more people in that group than there were before they left. Clarke seemed to think the same, because she appeared with her signature mom stance. “Maybe we can take a break from the drinks and put our energy to use pulling the tree up?”
It was phrased as a question, but with the Commander standing behind her nobody had anything to say otherwise. Jasper raised a glass to the duo with a goofy grin. “Drinks on the house for our lovely ladies in charge.” 
Clarke would have been embarrassed by the tipsy teen had it not been for the smile on Lexa’s face. She sighed, grabbing her by the hand as she dragged her over to supervise the raising of the tree. This was the most relaxed she had seen the Commander, and she couldn’t squash the warmth in her chest if she wanted to. 
Everyone came to gather as the tree was secured, people passing around different ornaments and garlands made of various coloured fabrics. They worked together to space out the numerous decorations, Murphy even going as far as putting a kid on his shoulders so they could reach higher up. It wasn’t long before it became something of a competition between the children to find the tallest person to help them get their bobble the highest on the tree. Soon enough the branches within reach were decorated with wooden decorations and reflective metal disks that had been made before by Raven and a group of grounders that specialized in weaponry. It had been a close enough comparison for the team to work well together, even if they needed supervision from Kane to keep the young mechanic on track rather than try to teach the grounders advanced weaponry. Abby had to come in and reason that such topics could be discussed after the party, before she dragged away the exasperated man with her. Clarke was sure she had seen him with Monty and Jasper testing out their early batches of booze, and giving them advice on flavoring.
Finally they came to the realization that the tree was far taller than they were capable of reaching. Raven muttered how they should’ve brought ladders and, when Murphy made a retort about how lucky she was to have such good hindsight, she threw her garland at him. Everyone seemed to see the lightbulb above Clarke’s head which was met with loving eyerolls from her friends and a squeeze around her waist from Lexa. Picking up the garland, Clarke heaved it as high above the tree as she could and watched it fall to the other side. Seeming to pick up on the idea, Kane grabbed the other end and, with matching grins they walked around the tree, twirling the decorations around the branches. And this began the awkward dance of people tossing the fluffy ropes over the tree and twisting with a partner. In another bout of excellent hindsight, they realized they should have established a direction for people to walk around the tree… But maybe the laughter as people crossed paths and bumped into each other was for the better. 
As twilight fell over the clearing, Raven and her group set up flood lights around the tree. Drinks were passed around- not that many needed the reminder- and with a loud countdown together, the lights came on. Gasps fluttered over the crowd as the lights hit the metal discs in the tree making it shimmer as they spun on their hooks. Cheers erupted across the clearing as cups were raised and embraces shared. 
Music sounded out and within minutes, an area became something of a dance floor when Kane managed to convince Indra to join him, even smiling herself as she took the lead. Kane was spun into Abby’s arms with a laugh where he stayed swaying. They watched as the crowd became bigger and people began teaching each other dance moves to match the rhythm. Those on the side cheered on the newest person to enter the fray with a new dance until it became difficult to distinguish who came from where and they were all one crowd. 
As he watched the people mingling, eyes easily picking out his group in the crowd, Kane finally felt a sense of calm. Maybe one day he would have a comment about the amount of alcohol they consumed, but he wouldn’t interrupt as they let loose, dancing and reaching out past the confines of their circles to embrace new people. It had seemed like something they would never see, but if anyone could bring them to a better future- a peaceful life- it would be his kids. 
He couldn’t be more proud.
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stormkpr · 2 years
10 things I love about The 100 (and 10 things I hate about it)
10 things i love about The 100:
The characters
And way the show makes me  care about all the characters. I kind of love them. Once I was at a party and the song “Radioactive” came on, and I got teary. I explained why. My friends thought it was hilarious.
The settings. Although the worldbuilding was not perfect, it was good. Each episode could have launched a thousand fanfics
Although I believe many storylines were way too rushed, still this show had some great plots. I rewatched 5x2 The Red Queen recently and could only say “Damn this is good TV”
I already did a post on the ships I love. So I’ll just name them again. Bellarke. Memori. Mackson. Niytavia. SeaMechanic. Kabby. Marper.  
Some really really good non-romantic relationships too. Do I have to list them all? I can’t, but here are some. Monty and Jasper. Sinclair and Raven. Octavia and Indra. Kane and Indra. Octavia and Diyoza. Raven and Memori. Bellamy and Murphy. Bellamy and Miller. Roan and Clarke. Kane and the Blakes until the writers said screw it. 900 more.
The ending of S5. Which most of the fandom seems good with regarding as the real ending. I cry every time.
Raven and Octavia being badasses the whole way through. And shoutout to Indra for also being a badass, for 6 seasons
The music, the visuals, the direction. Top notch.
LGBT representation and strong female representation. Not enough POC representation though
Fanfics. There have been some amazing ones
10 things I hate about The 100:
Bellamy’s death
In fact, so many of the deaths were brutal. No, I didn’t expect sunshine and rainbows when I decided to watch a post-apocalyptic show. But damn. Lexa, Lincoln, Sinclair, Jasper, Roan, Luna, Kane, Abby. At least Marper’s deaths brought in a new era of hope for everyone else
Six seasons of lead up to Bellarke and it doesn’t happen
I want less rushing through a plot and more character interactions
The time skip after Praimfaiya didn’t do us any favors. Neither did the overall pacing - six months from 1x1 to Praimfaiya, then a timeskip, then it’s back to rushing. 
Not enough. Of anything. I want more backstory on all the characters
The way that some characters barely interacted at all (Octavia and Raven. Murphy and Octavia. And don’t get me started on the “secondary” characters. I want more than 1 scene showing Gaia and Miller’s friendship thank you!)
So many things that were teased or hinted at or “could have been” but never did and just got dropped. Examples? Too many. Niytavia for one thing. Reply to this post and list 100 others because if I start listing more I will scream
After S5, they never seemed to know what to do with Raven.
I love Mackson and I wanted more than the crumbs we got
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
Remaking the World
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Z59iDp
by Stormkpr
Jackson and Sinclair have been together since the Ark went down. Now that Praimfaya is approaching, they will face separation when Sinclair leaves the safety of the bunker to travel to Becca's island to help Raven.
Multi-chaptered, complete. I will post one chapter every 6-7 days. There is shipping and there are plots and storylines.
Words: 4516, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jacapo Sinclair, Nathan Miller, Eric Jackson (The 100), Raven Reyes (The 100), Madi (The 100)
Relationships: Eric Jackson/Nathan Miller, Jackson/Sinclair, Raven Reyes & Jacapo Sinclair, background Kabby
Additional Tags: canon-divergence, Praimfaya, Sinclair lives!, Love, Separation, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, The Sinclair & Raven tag is obviously platonic!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Z59iDp
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