#kacchan x reader angst
crimsonredfeathers · 1 year
Imagine being partnered up with Katsuki during a training mission. Your enemies, Mina and Eijirou, are nowhere in sight, but you've also lost contact with your boyfriend Katsuki. Not having heard any movements during the last minute or so, you finally decide to move forward.
The moment you turn the corner, a hand connects to your chest. You look at Katsuki, panic written all over your face. "Are you stupid or something?!" Katsuki whisper-yells at you, his crimson orbs wide in shock, as he pulls you against his chest. "Sneaking up on me like that. That was fucking close," he mumbles through gritted teeth, "I nearly blew you up."
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bakuettes · 2 months
Catch My Drift 🏁 chapter 1
Street racer!bakugo x Street racer!reader
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: cursing, douche bakugo, slight misogyny, alcohol consumption, drug use, illegal activities etc
Kanjozoku; The term Kanjozoku is derived from the combination of the words “kanjo” (meaning ring) and “zoku” (meaning group).
Kanjozoku primarily consists of young car enthusiasts in cities like Osaka and Tokyo who have a passion for speed and a desire to showcase their driving skills.
Osaka was the place to be. Not where tourists go to take pictures and try japanese cuisine, maybe pick up a few souvenirs from the large amount of little gift shops that littered the streets but where a community of young adults with the passion for racing congregate. The night was still young, the sounds of tires screeching against the cold pavement and engines roaring was heard over the heavy base of 2000s club music. Girls dressed in scandalous outfits mingling with the guys posted up next to their pimped out rides. You could practically feel the vibrations of the noise in your head.
Three cars lined up with the drivers sitting on the hoods of their prized possession. A bright orange 1993 Mazda RX-7 FD on the far left. The car’s color was comparable to an orange or maybe even the warm sunsets that would settle over japan. The next car over was a 1993 Toyota Supra Turbo Mark IV. The bright colorful lights that surrounded the meet reflected beautifully off the cars mustard yellow chrome. The third and final car was a looker. Silver 1999 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 with royal blue detailing along the sides and on the hood. A royal blue flexivity rear wing with matching led lights underneath the body.
It was Bakugo’s baby. Spent years modifying and perfecting it. He was a skilled driver sure but having a car like his? Most would be intimidated to challenge him. “Yo Mina, let’s get this race going!” the orange mazda driver shouted. it was hard to find anyone in this crowd but said woman emerged from the sidelines with a confused look on her face. “Woah woah, wait a second.” She looked around the lot, once overing the lined up vehicles. “where’s your fourth at? i’m counting only three.” mina crossed her arms, unimpressed. the yellow toyota driver spoke up first “it was supposed to be joaquin but he caught the grave yard shift man.”
once you were scheduled to race it was a hassle to find new drivers, the time and place was set in stone. it wasnt that often when scheduled racers were a no show but then again many get caught racing outside of meets or their car needed more time to be repaired. It was a waste of mina’s time. she was the flag girl, not their fucking coordinator. “Na, y’all either find a fourth or you don’t race. How’s that sound? Times ticking boys.”
By standers erupted in shouts of anger and disappointment. they wanted to see a race, most of them drove well over an hour to be here! gas wasn’t cheap and neither was Minas time. Hearing the crowds complaining mina sighed and pitched them an idea. “Alright! i hear you guys, relax. How about this, why don’t i find y’all a driver and we settle this now?” bakugo smirked, nodding in agreement. he never said much but he also never needed to. his aura spoke volumes. “bring ‘em on.” he wasn’t nervous, he knew his talents and was confident. resting the palms of his hands on the hood of his car, he tilted his head towards the other racers, waiting to see hear their answers. “Anyone i want?” mina questioned with a grin that would give the cheshire cat a run for his money. “anybody baby!” orange jululis shouted, raising his arms to the side. cocky bastard. mina rolled her eyes and turned away from the drivers, pulling out her phone from her bra. there was a whole list of people she could call but there was only one person she knew who could end this race quickly.
she could hear the static from the other end of the phone. “y/n, you wanna race tonight?” it was quite for a moment before you spoke in to the speaker “i’m always down, send me your lo.” your voice was smooth like silk but sultry like a vixen. it sounded like you’ve been up for a while so mina didn’t feel bad for calling you so late. she knew you came alive in the night anyway. your energetic friend squealed before gathering herself together. “you got 5 minutes hun!” and then the line went dead.
it never took much convincing to get you out. when mina called you it was 12:15 am, meaning you only had exactly 5 minutes to get there. the meet lot was about 20 minutes out. you arrived there in 4, only a minute left to spare. the sound of you engine had heads turning (a certain blonde as well) as you slowly pulled through the crowd, careful not to hit party-goers. the hot pink body of your 2000 Honda S2000 was hard to miss. everyone knew who was inside and that fact alone made them scream louder. you never really cared too much though, it wasn’t like you had vocals like mariah carey. you didn’t have the ability to move like michael jackson. you were just a damn good racer and that was enough for them apparently.
all three racers turned their heads in the direction of the obnoxiously loud honda, tensing up at the sight. well, all except for one of course. bakugo had no idea why everyone was so fucking hyped. who was that? and why’s everyone acting like they’ve never seen a pink car?? “Racers!” mina yelled excitedly “here’s your fourth!”. your black stiletto boots were the first thing he saw exit the car. then it was a black leather hat. he glanced over at the others to study their reactions and they all had excitement swirling in their eyes. maybe even a hint of nervousness? bakugo didn’t have time to be sure because before he knew it, you were leaning back against the hood of your car crossing one leg over the other. “oh shit, it’s y/n.” you weren’t new to this, you were true to this. the air was crisp and cold, you probably should’ve brought a jacket because this top (if it could even be considered one) with this miniskirt wasn’t doing you no type of favors.
from the corner of your eye you could see a blonde headed man with spikey hair almost looking annoyed as he walked over to mina who was standing in the middle of the road. “no offense but i’m not racing a damn girl. you never said it would be a girl.” you rolled your eyes, who the hell does he think he is? a race is a race. why did it matter who was behind the wheel? you best friend looks beyond over this shit, she’s been annoyed her this whole night and she’s about to lose her patience. “you said anyone i wanted, i wanted her! stand next to your car before nobody races.”
“you scared spikes?” he turned his head to the side, watching you push yourself off the car and strut to the middle where he and mina stood. he sized you up, shamelessly checking you out. “what the hell did you jus call me?” he wasn’t scared. why would bakugo be scared of some princess nobody? “can you even drive with those heels on?” your outfit was impractical he thought. a miniskirt that just barely covered the expanse of your ass (not that he really minded) and what looks like a triangle bikini top. if you were to bend over then— no. now’s not the time to thirst over you. even if he did think you were hot.
“i’m just askin.. why wouldn’t you wanna race me if you weren’t scared?” you’ve dealt with his type before, cocky, thinks they’re better than everyone and so on. he’s got sharp red eyes with a piercing gaze. you let your eyes trail away from his face down to the hardened muscles on his chest. clearly well built and his black tshirt was doing nothing to hide it. “man whatever,” your eyes moved back to his hearing the sound of his voice. “i’m not doin this, find somebody else.” he wasn’t scared, he just felt that he could be using this time to race against someone on his level. why’s it that the egotistical men somehow always find you? you would’ve just let him go but you hated the feeling of being looked down on. he’s no better than you, he doesn’t even know what you have to offer. do you did what you do best, you uped the ante.
“15 grand.” you raised your voice a bit. silence fell over the crowd. “i’ll give you 15 grand if you agree to race tonight and win, that applies to the other racers too” you say to the other two drivers still next to their cars. that made him stop dead in his tracks. were you insane? you’re acting like that’s pocket money. fuck, he doesn’t know if he should do it. he didn’t need the money, but his sister did. he tries to help his mother out the best he can, this would cover at least two months worth of bills. gritting his teeth he turns around starting directly at you “don’t start to regret this when you lose ma.” got ‘em, you thought with shit eating smirk.
you walked past him, shoulder checking the man who’s name you still don’t know. he looked at you, staring at your ass as your skirt rode up with every step you took. you must’ve felt bakugo’s stare because your hands grab them hem of the denim and pull it down, throwing him a flirty smile over your shoulder. the tips of his ears turn a shade of pink. he quickly looks to the side, licking his lips attempting to play it off as if the whole meet did see the interaction. all the racers start getting into there respective cars, starting them up. mina struts to the middle of the street once again only this time with a checkered flag. her brown skin was glowing, the lights reflecting off the body glitter she wore.
mina exudes confidence. you hand your left hand on the wheel, the other hand tightly gripping on to the gear shift. foot tapping on the gas a bit. you were high off adrenaline, you lived for moments like these.
“Start your engines..”
bakugo couldn’t help but stare at you. the look in your eyes. ‘s like you got off on this, the wicked smile on your lips doing nothing to make him think otherwise. he wasn’t fazed though, he had this in the bag. maybe even after he wins he could take you out but that was something he’d ask later, he needs to focus. the flag drops.
and you were gone.
𝐀/𝐍!!: okay why was this way harder than i thought? 😭 please bare with me ik im not that advanced in writing. i also don’t know a lot about cars but i research by chapter. lmk how u like it so far and i promise to produce better work as time goes on!
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shonen-brainrot · 1 month
Stay with me - Bakugo x Reader (hurt-comfort)
The chaos of the battlefield was nothing new, but this time, it felt different.
Explosions rocked the earth, shrapnel flying in every direction.
Amidst the chaos, Katsuki found himself uncharacteristically disoriented, his sharp senses dulled by the sheer intensity of the conflict. He cursed under his breath, the taste of blood in his mouth a bitter reminder of his vulnerability.
The villain attack had come out of nowhere, catching everyone off guard. Bakugo had been in the middle of yelling at Kirishima for being too slow when the first blast hit. Now, separated from his classmates, he fought to regain his bearings in the maelstrom of debris and screams.
Through the haze, he saw you.
You were darting between the wreckage, eyes wide with determination and fear. For a moment, relief washed over him, quickly replaced by an unfamiliar pang of dread. You were in danger, and he needed to get to you as fast as possible.
Bakugo’s movements were instinctual as he charged forward, dodging falling beams and leaping over craters. His heart pounded in his chest, a rhythm that matched the chaotic tempo of the battlefield.
Finally, he reached you. Without a word, he grabbed your hand, fingers intertwining with a desperate strength he didn’t realize he possessed.
You looked up at him, surprise flickering in your eyes, but you didn’t pull away. Instead, you tightened your grip on his palm.
“We need to move!” Bakugo growled, his voice rough but steady. "Quick!"
The two of you navigated the pandemonium together, your hand in his serving as a lifeline.
Then, it happened. A sharp explosion too close for comfort sent you sprawling to the ground. Pain seared through your leg, and you bit back a scream as you looked down to see a piece of shrapnel embedded in your thigh. Blood poured from the wound, and the world around you seemed to spin.
“Y/N!” Bakugo’s voice was a mixture of panic and fury. He dropped to his knees beside you, eyes wide with fear he couldn’t hide. “Stay with me, damn it!”
You tried to speak, to reassure him, but the pain was too overwhelming. Your vision blurred as tears of agony streamed down your face.
Bakugo’s hand clutched yours with a ferocity that anchored you to the present, his touch the only thing keeping you from slipping into unconsciousness. “Somebody get a medic here, now!” Bakugo roared, his voice echoing over the battlefield. “She’s hurt! We need help!”
His free hand hovered over your wound, trembling as he fought the urge to rip the shrapnel out himself.
In this moment, Bakugo was just a boy, terrified of losing someone he cared about.
“Katsuki,” you managed to gasp, your voice weak. “I’m.. I’m okay.”
“Shut the fuck up,” he snapped, but there was no venom in his words. “You’re not okay. Just hold on tight.”
Minutes felt like hours as Bakugo screamed for help, his voice breaking with each plea.
Finally, medics arrived. They worked quickly, assessing your injury and preparing to move you to safety.
“You’re gonna be fine,” Bakugo said, his voice low and strained. “You hear me? You’re gonna be fine.”
As the medics lifted you onto a stretcher, Bakugo refused to let go of your hand. He walked beside you, using his free palm to push damp strands of hair off your sweaty forehead.
You looked up at him, your vision clearing just enough to see the fierce protectiveness in his eyes. “Katsuki,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
He didn’t respond with words, but his hand tightened around yours, a silent promise that he would always be there.
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misdeliria · 1 year
bkg slowburn partners to lovers excellence
fyi: aged up, drinking, not beta'd, deal w it
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Cupid's Chokehold (3.7k)
"I'm falling in love with you."
It rolls off your tongue without a second thought, and you relish the relief of your confession. Katsuki can't control his surprise, and you can read his answer off his face, and for a brief moment, you regret making your move.
The sting of rejection is quickly numbed purely by willpower, and you laugh airily.
"You have a terrible poker face," you tease lightly. You steel yourself for the next part by deeply breathing through your teeth. "You aren't interested in me."
"It's not like that," Katsuki mumbles quietly, his ears turning pink. "I need to focus on my career. We both do."
"Gotcha," you whisper, looking off into space, head turned away from him. "No, you're right." You clear your throat and begin to wrap up your trash from your forgotten lunch.
Katsuki seems to want to stop you, but he's silent as he watches you step out of your seat and make a quick visit to the nearest trash bin.
"Look, we're good," you assure him as you prepare to end this shared meal. "Nothing's changed. We're partners."
Katsuki raises a brow at you, remaining in his seat. "Then how come you're leaving?"
You respond with a dry laugh, fighting down the pit in the back of your throat. "Give a girl a second to wallow, Bakugo," you huff. Shrugging, you awkwardly shift your weight back and forth between your stance. "At least I won't be so distracted during patrols anymore."
It's your weak attempt to lighten the mood. Although, it's hard to commit when trying to come to terms with your rejection. Unfortunately, Katsuki doesn't find it amusing, and his expression remains a combination of surprise and confusion.
"I won't be as weird tomorrow," you brush off sheepishly. "Get home safe." With a single nod, you turn to leave before anything can stop you.
You feel like you can breathe again once you shut your door and feel your car engine rumble to life. Before you can shift gears, a wave of embarrassment and shame washes over you, and you throw your head back against your seat.
Pressing your hands against your face, you let out a sound of anguish, feeling like a fool. Raking your fingers back through your hair, you sigh.
"You just can't shut up sometimes, can you?" Your voice is quiet as it disturbs the otherwise silence in your car. "Brush it off. You're not dying." You shake your head and quickly note where the alcohol in your apartment is for when you get home.
Katsuki doesn't notice anything different about your dynamic in the days following your confession. You make eye contact easily and banter with him like nothing has happened. You're civil and, for the most part, stay on task during patrol.
You're the perfect partner, and yet, Katsuki can sense something has shifted.
"You're late," he grumbles, glaring at you as you stride to your desk with a compostable coffee cup in your hands.
"Would you relax," you dismiss him with a flimsy wave of your hand. You drop your bag onto your chair and start peeling off your layers. "We don't start for another ten minutes. I'll be right back."
You disappear to change into your uniform, and Katsuki takes this opportunity to invade your privacy.
"You don't drink coffee," he states skeptically after bringing your cup up to his nose and taking a whiff. The stench from the coffee is strong but not enough to cover up the scent of your lipstick coating the mouthpiece. He didn't even realize you wore makeup.
"Hey, don't drink my drink," you chastise as soon as you return, adjusting the sleeves of your uniform.
"You don't even like coffee," he accuses, setting your cup back on your desk. You respond with an incredulous laugh.
"No, you don't like coffee," you correct him. "I'm perfectly happy drinking coffee."
"Why would you need to drink it anyways? Didn't you get enough sleep?" Katsuki's glare softens as he gives you a quick scan, picking up the exhaustion clouding your eyes and the tentative way you handle your stationery. "Did you at least eat something? I don't need you passing out on me during a fight."
"You almost sound worried," you say with a dry tone, covering it up with a hollow chuckle. "Where's the trust, man?"
"There is none," Katsuki bites back quickly, but the humored glint in your eyes relieves him. "Are you almost ready to head out?"
"Can we ever just start when our shift starts?" You groan with a roll of your eyes as you return your stationery to their respective spots on your desk.
"Being on time is being late," Katsuki reminds you of what feels like the millionth time since he's met you.
He can hear you poorly imitate him behind his back, but when he turns to glare at you, you're inspecting your nails and obviously feigning innocence.
It's all too normal for his liking, and he's unsure why. He should feel grateful that you're not awkward after your confession and that you've moved past it and carried on your professionalism, but he's not. Not entirely, at least.
A little part of him can't stop hearing your confession.
"I'm falling in love with you."
Every time he meets your eyes, there's a brief pause, and Katsuki can't tell if it's imagination. You glow whenever you smile, even if it's not directed at him, and he can't look away from you.
You still grab lunch with him after your shifts, although now there's a thin blanket of tension veiling your conversations. And, outside of work, there's no contact from you.
Katsuki misses the days when you'd message him in the morning before your shifts, asking if he wanted anything from the shop that you stopped by for quick meals. He'd never take you up on your offer, but now he'll see you walk in with a to-go cup and wonder if you forgot to text him. He knows the truth, though.
You're trying to get over him. He can see right through your efforts, no matter how subtle you're trying to be. Katsuki notices the way you freeze up whenever he brushes his hand against your arm or grabs at you to check for injuries.
Every time, without fail, you'll clear your throat and yank yourself away from him, avoiding his accusing glare.
"I'm fine," you grit out, holding your arm that's obviously in pain. "I'll be good. Thanks."
Just let me take care of you, Katsuki will think bitterly to himself, watching you stagger away and doing nothing about it. You never used to be this difficult when he was just trying to do his job.
You'd argue that caring for you wasn't part of the job, and he'd find every fiber of him disagreeing with you.
"What are you doing this Friday?"
You're obviously surprised once you comprehend what Katsuki is asking towards the end of your patrol. You look flustered and waging an internal battle in your head.
"My idiot friends are having their monthly get-together," Katsuki explains, uncharacteristically mumbling. "They asked if you wanted to join."
"What?" You laugh, amusement washing away your nerves. "You're inviting me? What are they holding over you to do this?"
Katsuki glares at you, irritated that you guessed correctly. Mina threatened him to invite you, otherwise, she'd show up unannounced at the agency and introduce herself.
Normally, he'd go unphased by her threats, but ever since your confession, Katsuki's felt a shred of anguish that you'll disappear one day.
Even if he couldn't give you the relationship you hoped for, he wanted to provide for you somehow. And, if he had to expose you to his personal life a little more, then he was okay with that. As long as it meant you'd stay with him.
"They threatened to ambush us during a patrol if I didn't."
You fail to stifle your laugh, and Katsuki hopes to elicit more of that from you.
"I appreciate the offer," you eventually answer, and Katsuki feels elated at your initial positivity. It quickly dissipates when you reject his invitation. "I have plans this Friday, actually. For once." You laugh at your deprecating allusion, but Katsuki maintains his aloof expression.
"Suddenly, you're too good for my friends?" It was meant to be a joke, but his abrasive tone reveals his vulnerable ego.
You visibly hesitate to respond, and Katsuki wonders what you're fighting yourself on. What are you holding back from him?
"I have plans already," you repeat with more force, finalizing your explanation, and Katsuki feels irritation bubbling in his stomach.
You didn't make plans that required you to leave your apartment often – Katsuki knew this. You lived with your best friend, so most of your time outside of work was spent at home. Whenever you managed to come across real plans that involved wearing nicer clothes than sweatpants, you'd normally chat Katsuki's ear off about your anticipation.
"Do you have a date?" He blurts his question out before he can comprehend the thought, and he can feel the tips of his ears get warm with embarrassment.
You can't fight back the surprise from reaching your face, and Katsuki knows the answer before you nod.
You laugh sheepishly at getting caught, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear – a nervous habit Katsuki has caught on to after two years of working with you.
"Yeah, I do," you murmur, looking everywhere but at him. "My roommate set it up with her boyfriend's friend."
How come you didn't tell me, he wants to ask, but he already knows. "Is he nice?"
"Yeah, he's..." He watches your eyes glaze over as you get stuck in your head before clearing your throat. "He's nice. Why?"
Katsuki shrugs, feigning indifference. Inside, he's frustrated, but he knows he shouldn't be.
You're his partner. His work partner.
As long as this random head that's taking you out doesn't distract you during your patrols – when you're with him – then he can't shouldn't complain.
"Will you tell me how it goes?" His question is quiet because he's embarrassed to ask, but he wants to know. He knows not knowing will bother him, and he can't explain to himself why.
"Um, sure," you hesitate to answer, almost questioning yourself.
You keep details of your date private from him after Friday comes and goes. The curiosity eats at Katsuki whenever he catches you glancing at your phone or smiling at yourself at your desk, but he keeps it to himself.
Your shift today was harder than usual. A few minor misdemeanors followed up with a villain attack.
You could tell that Katsuki was frustrated throughout the whole time, keeping quiet and growling to himself more often than usual.
After, when you were packing up your things to leave for the day, you noticed Katsuki sitting at his desk with his head hanging low. His arms are relaxed against the chair handles and you think he looks defeated as people walk past him without a glance.
"Trying to get food?" You pipe up, sliding past him to lean back against his desk. You keep your demeanor light, resting your hands against the surface and keeping your chin up. "I'm starving."
"You head out without me," he mumbles, flicking his hand.
"Nah," you hum, smiling at him with encouragement. "Come eat with me."
"Wouldn't that make your boyfriend uncomfortable?"
Boyfriend? You frown at your partner, tilting your head with a curious look.
"My nonexistent boyfriend would probably be more concerned with my obnoxious partner giving me attitude when I'm hungry."
Katsuki finally looks up at you, and you widen your eyes in exaggeration.
"Oh my god, finally," you rasp, holding your hand against your chest. "I was planning on getting you a vest for your birthday to help you with your posture."
"You don't even know when my birthday is," he answers with a sneer, but it doesn't phase you.
"Of course I know when your birthday is, Bakugo," you tell him. "Now, can we please go eat?" You bounce off of his desk and pat his bare shoulder, shortly relishing the satisfying warmth that emits from his body.
Katsuki catches you by surprise when he holds your hand against his arm, squeezing gently.
"Are you okay?" You ask him, knowing what his answer will be but hoping for a rare moment of vulnerability.
"Just tired," he mumbles, not looking at you. You smile softly, understanding where his exhaustion might be coming from, and use your other hand to pat his spiky head.
"You're working hard," you remind him with sympathy. "You did a good job today."
Katsuki doesn't say anything, just responds with a nod.
You start to pull away, but he holds you in place for another moment. Your heart stutters in your chest, and you're hit with a familiar wave of infatuation that you've been desperate to avoid.
"We did a good job today," he finally says. "We're partners."
"I know, Bakugo." As badly as I want to be more, we're just partners. "You're not getting rid of me, unfortunately."
You're forced to yank your hand out of his, avoiding his glare when he turns back to look at you.
"Let's head out already," you plead, creating some distance between you before checking back to see if he's following you.
You can't fight back your smile when you find him out of his seat and pacing over to you.
Katsuki hates seeing you in Mina's apartment. It's like his worlds are colliding, and he's still not mentally prepared after a week.
He's grateful you let him pick you up and take you instead of finding your way there. He's also quietly pleased that you're glued to his side because you don't know any of his friends.
"I hope your friend likes this wine," you nervously babble in his ear, and it makes his skin vibrate with how close you are. "How do you not know what alcohol your friends like?"
"Cause I don't care," he bites back, arms crossed over his chest and sending you his normal glare. "And you shouldn't either. Not like they're your friends."
That was obviously not the right thing to say, and Katsuki immediately regrets it when he watches your expression fall.
"Then, why did you invite me?" You sound frustrated and lean away from him slightly. "What am I doing here?"
"Saving me from a night of nuisances."
Katsuki thinks he hears you mumble "Typically," but doesn't respond because Mina and Eijiro approach.
"Hey, Bakubro," Eijiro greets with a wide smile, clapping a hand against Katsuki's arm. "And hello to you too!"
You give them your name with a polite smile and present Mina with your gift. Katsuki has to fight the urge to put his arm around you – to protect you from his friend.
"I didn't know what to bring, but I hope you like this wine."
Mina squeals in delight, taking the bottle from your hands and inspecting it before throwing herself at you. Katsuki's skin prickles at the sight.
"I love wine!" She cries with glee. "You're so considerate! Bakugo never brings me anything."
"When do you ever bring me anything?"
"When do you invite me over?"
The glare Katsuki sends Mina is fatal, but she's unbothered, much to your apparent satisfaction.
"Let's open this right now!" Mina drags you away by the arm, and your panicked expression is enough to bring a soft smile to Katsuki's lips.
"So, she's the partner?" Eijiro takes your spot next to Katsuki and nudges his arm. "Think she's into you?"
The question makes Katsuki scoff, sending his friend a silencing look.
"She is? How'd you find out?"
"She told me," he answers gruffly. "Over a month ago."
Eijiro's eyes almost bug out of his head with how surprised he is.
"Why didn't you say anything? That's awesome, dude."
"Why would that be awesome?"
"Because it's obvious you're into her too?" Eijiro's brows furrow as he looks at Katsuki, who feels a burning fire in his chest light up.
"Excuse me?"
Eijiro sighs, scratching the dark scruff under his jaw. "Come on, man."
"You invited her to Mina's shindig," Eijiro points out. "You've been her partner for, what? A few years now, and you're finally bringing her around to meet us?" Katsuki just glares at him.
"Maybe you should mind your business," he tells his friend.
"You're defensive because you know I'm making a good point."
"When have you ever made a good point?"
Eijiro feigns offense when he puckers his bottom lip out in a pout. "I've been known to have good insight occasionally."
"This isn't one of those occasions." Katsuki notices you reappear from the kitchen with Mina, carrying four glasses of wine between you. He clears his throat obnoxiously, successfully silencing Eijiro with a look this time around.
"Hey, here's a glass," you tell him, handing him one from your hand. Katsuki takes it but isn't sure what to do with it.
"I didn't ask for this," he mentions as Mina hands Eijiro his glass.
"He means, 'thank you'," Eijiro answers for him.
"You don't speak for me," Katsuki barks, but your soft laughter kills his irritation.
"Don't worry, I know how he works," you tell his friends as you sip your drink. "He's actually holding my second glass for me."
Mina giggles at your statement, but the smile on your lips tells Katsuki that you aren't joking.
A short while later, after Mina moves on to her other guests and Katsuki has resituated you and him on the couch, you swap glasses with him.
You're invested in a conversation with Sero, angled away from Katsuki, but your legs are curled under you, and the fabric of your socks flick against his legs.
"I'll be back," he mumbles as he rises to his feet, empty wine glass in hand.
He finds himself in Mina's kitchen, a few guests lingering around and chatting. He comes across the wine you brought, empty in an ocean of half-drunk bottles.
Before returning to the couch, he refills your first glass with another wine he finds himself hoping you'll like. You're alone and on your phone by the time he comes back.
"Decide to join in on the fun?" You ask with a beaming smile once you realize he's returned. Katsuki finds himself pleased at the sight of you dropping your phone into your lap without hesitation as he falls into the cushion next to you.
"For you," he says plainly. "For when you finish that glass."
You frown at him playfully, taking another swig from his original glass. "You trying to get me drunk?"
"God, no," he exasperates. "Wanna make sure you're having a good time."
"Good call filling up another glass then," you laugh.
I know how you work too, he finds himself thinking.
"I am having a good time, though," you confess, resting your hand on his leg and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Thank you for inviting me. I like your friends."
"I think they like you more than they like me."
"Everybody likes me more than they like you. That's how our dynamic works."
Our dynamic. Everything you tell him comes out more meaningful than he assumes you intend. Katsuki doesn't know when that started to happen.
He cherishes the dynamic between you, and for the first time, he's worried that it's in jeopardy. That it's been strained since you confessed to him, and, right now, he's on borrowed time with you.
"Thank you," he tells you. "For coming. You didn't have to."
"I did, though, " you correct him. "Mina tells me she would have shown up unannounced at the agency if you kept me from her any longer."
"Well, she's an idiot."
You give him a knowing smile, leaning against his arm. "Then, you're an idiot by association."
"Shut the hell up."
Your gentle laughter is muffled by the wine glass against your lips. You finish your drink in a single sip and immediately hold the emptied glass to Katsuki. He wordlessly switches your glasses.
He watches intently as you take an experimental sip from the wine he chose for you, and the satisfied hum you release tells him you approve of his choice.
"This is really good. Nice choice," you tell him, holding it out for him. "Did you try it?"
"I'm driving us, remember?" He glares at you for your ridiculous question, but you roll your eyes.
"It's a sip, Katsu-" You stop yourself midway, and Katsuki notices the flush in your cheeks, but not without actively searching for it. "it's just a sip, okay? Try it."
You're shoving the rim of the glass to his lips before he can call you out on your mistake. He reluctantly takes a little sip and his face twists in disgust.
"I don't like wine," he tells you, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand after you spill some against his face.
"Well, that's a shame," you sigh dejectedly, throwing back the remaining wine with a few swigs. Even Katsuki knows wine isn't chugging alcohol. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom."
And when you return a few minutes later, Katsuki notices you curl up in your seat a little further from him.
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an: wrote this for @/sarahlovesseb ♡
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butterfly-writer · 26 days
HEY OMG IM GLAD YOUR REQUEST ARE OPEN!! . Okay so I saw that CLASS 1A x Nomu!Male!Reader oneshot and I was really good !! And I was thinking about one where the M!reader likes Bakugo (he my fav) and he just follows him where ever he goes and Bakugo just don’t mind at all, he even give him head pats , even feed him some of his food. Everyone is just shocked how Bakugo is acting
A New Friend or Pet?
Katsuki Bakugou x Nomu!Male!Reader Summary: Class 1A, loving their new addition to their class, couldn’t help but notice by the fact that their new Nomu friend seems to have a favorite… but who knew it would be the angry blonde?
★☽A/N: REALLY?? I honestly didn’t have much fun making it, but thank you so much!! <33 And I, too, love Katsuki Bakugou <33 Anyways, I’m still recovering from the fact that BNHA is ending in August 5 with their last chapter :(( BNHA had been a huge part of my life and I’m worried that I would grow out of BNHA and have a different favorite :(( But, still, I will forever love BNHA and will help continue the fandom!! Of course, not in the ykyk way…. Especially the tampon thing… ALSO! I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT TOGA IS DEAD, SHIGARAKI’S DEAD, AND DABI/TOUYA IS ON HIS WAY TO DEATH?? I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, PLEASEEEEE HORIKOSHI!! AT LEAST LET DABI STAYY, HAVE ERI REWIND HIM OR SOMETHING.
Contents: FLUFF
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── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
For the next few months, Y/N have been a really friendly and quiet person. Even though he doesn’t talk much, he expressed his emotions using his tail and ears! His ears would twitch in embarrassment, tail wagging in excitement, tail between his legs in worry, guilt, panicked, his tail would be on guard, like a cat, when he’s angry. Of course, his tail would be low if he would be sad.
Everyone in class found him adorable! Like a little puppy! Mineta wouldn’t stop being jealous, saying how he couldn’t believe that all the girls were falling for him! Of course, his statements were ignored by his classmates.
But lately, some of the students had noticed Y/N following around a certain blond…
“Stop following me, dragon!” Katsuki yelled out as Y/N tailed behind him. Katsuki was starting to get really annoyed by the dragon-like Nomu boy. Every single day, he had followed the blond to everyone.
Class? He’s right behind him!
Cafeteria? Save Y/N a seat! He’s coming with!
And Katsuki was slowly getting really pissed, always lashing out at Y/N who reacted to it. He didn’t even seem to mind! Every single punch and slap goes unbothered by the Nomu! All he did was stare into Katsuki’s eyes. Katsuki slowly got creeped out, and it’s not common for the blonde to get creeped out by something! But Y/N’s glowing pools of gold-like yellow was giving him shivers down his spine.
He thought, ‘If I continue to ignore him, he’ll leave me alone!’ But he surely thought wrong. Because he got used to the Nomu following him around, considering his wings adjusted and shrinked along with his tail and horns to look less menacing. Even if the blonde didn’t want to admit it, he actually enjoyed having the Nomu following around.
It might’ve even boosted his ego! Having a Nomu following him around made him look powerful- like he just tamed a beast! Even though it was like Y/N had tamed the beast named Katsuki Bakugou.
And slowly, he started to treat the Y/N like a pet. A friend pet, perhaps? Watching the menacing aura that surrounded the poker-faced Nomu follow the tempered blonde around was a rare sight to see. And by now, Katsuki didn’t mind at all!
Sometimes, if he had treats given by some girl or his friends, he would give it to Y/N who happily accepted the treats. Sometimes, if Katsuki was eating chips, he would grab one and offer it to Y/N who ate it out of his hand with a small smile.
And, when the blonde was bored, and out of curiosity, he would give Y/N head pats. It could be anywhere! In class? The black haired Nomu would sit beside Katsuki on the ground and the blonde would pat his head during class. The Nomu’s hair wasn’t exactly the smoothest, it was soft and fluffy when no one helped him with his hair.
And Katsuki, the ever feminist he was (Thank you, Mama Bakugou!) he would braid Y/N’s long hair. It was always a long braided tail that matched his own scaled tail. At the dorms, Katsuki would offer his food to Y/N which distracted him while the blonde braided his hair into a long braided tail.
Everyone was surprised at how calm the blonde was, a total opposite to his tempered side.
But, no one dared to comment and just let the blonde have fun with his new raven-headed friend.
── ࣪˖  ࣪ ⊹ ࣪ ˖ ──
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stinmybubs · 4 months
" Doing It For ME." Pt.3
Summery: The quirkless girl finally moving on. A new path ahead of her, her own that she can carve out, instead of following behind her first love Izuku Midoriya. But nothing ever stays. And its time to say goodbye to the Bakugou Family.
M. Izuku x AFAB! Reader x B. Katsuki
Pt.1 | Pt.2
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Katsuki Bakugou. He is horrible at expressing he is horrible at expressing his emotions, when he first saw you, sitting there all alone on the bench he couldn't help but pity you, especially after the day he had he felt nice so he let you in.
Slowly but surely your presence became something he needed, it didn't help that you always hung around Izuku all day which pissed him off, but in the end you always came home with him.
But now that school is over, you looking for jobs and a good high school while he was getting into UA, he was afraid you two would drift. That he would loose you.
Katsuki Bakugou loved you. He never will admit it, he never will say it but he knew he did. But seeing you crying and hugging Deku on the last day of school made him livid, to the point where he couldn't even look at you for days.
His jealousy was his downfall.
You, oblivious to his love, you were confused why the rowdy boy was ignoring you at home. It disheartened you, he was the only thing you had left. This home was the only thing you had left.
“Hey! Katsu? You’ve been ignoring me I just-“ you followed him into his room, shutting his door so you could have this private talk with you. What startled you was him suddenly slamming you against the wall, hands gripping your shoulders.
“Ah! Katsu- that hurts..” you wince confused at his sudden aggression. “Stop botherin’ me…how about you go to your lover Deku so you two can be a happy quirkless couple.” Katsuki grinding his teeth, the grip on your shoulder tightened.
“Wha-what’s are you talking about!? Stop it you’re hurting me!” You could feel your heart begin to race, memories of your father beginning to flash through your mind until all you saw was your father standing in front of you.
Your body filled with fear, tears welling into your eyes as your breathing begins to quicken. “Please…” you couldn’t breath. You started to panic and you started to struggle. Wriggling around so he would try and let you go.
Katsuki’s anger and jealousy consumed him, not realizing what he was doing to you until he saw your face morph into a horrified look. A look you have your father the last day you saw him. Shit. Katsuki quickly released you realizing you were starting to have a PTSD attack.
“Hey..- hey it’s okay. Shit Y/n I’m sorry!” You collapsed to the floor and begin to crawl away, struggling to get back on your feet and out the door.
“Y/n!” You couldn't hear Katsuki, all you heard was your father yelling. You felt like a kid again, the day after you found out you couldn’t develop a quirk. Your father had slammed you into a wall screaming curses at you.
You quickly run into the bathroom, trying your best to make yourself smaller in the bathtub. Trying your best to keep your crying as quiet as possible. Crying until you passed out in the tub.
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You and Mitsuki were packing your things, preparing you for the hospital.
“Thank you Mitsuki…for everything…for accepting me into your home. I just don’t think I can…” she cut you off hugging you. “It’s okay I understand.” Mitsuki began to tear up.
“Take care of yourself okay? Promise to keep in touch.” Mitsuki Bakugou. The mother you never had, she gave you the world, if only you could repay her.
Dragging your small luggage, you turn to look at Katsuki “it’s okay Katsu…it’s not you, I just need to work on…my...uh goodbye. Thank you so much, for everything.” You give him a big smile, wiping your tears before entering the bus.
Leaving everything behind.
Katsuki wished he could stop loving you.
He wished he had never let you in.
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While in the hospital you had talked with various councilors about your future, giving you classes to see which course you wished to take while you were taking therapy. Diagnosed with PTSD, and Severe Anxiety disorder.
They said being a hero was out of the question, being quirkless and having PTSD of grown men being violent wouldn't mix well, so many factors were involved you didn't know if you could even have a future job anywhere. You needed a job that nothing to do with violence, was nowhere near the violence and where you could work on your own with no triggers around you.
"Have you ever thought of taking the support course? Inventors? You wouldn't have to interact with anyone as long as they put in a commission." Your head perked up, the sound of being helpful to Izuku from behind the scenes sounded like a dream.
"That sounds great! But...where do I start? I've never touched any sort of mechanics in my life!" You stated. Only being in the hospital for a few months, hearing from Mitsuki that Izuku and Katsuki had made it into UA.
"We can help you by setting up some classes, take it over this and you can transfer into a real high school when the time is right. Recovery is very important!"
So began your new passion, something of your own. Something you can do for yourself and for others! You finally can be useful for once in your life. But you decided that you didn't want your name out there at all, you wished to go under a hero like name, an alias.
Protea, a flower that represented strength, courage and resilience.
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Time felt faster than ever, you spent your days hauled up in a garage making little gadgets and gizmos, taking everything Izuku had told you about hero's in consideration. It was almost like art, with a lot of welding and math.
This little hobby helped you move forward, but not forget. Something to keep your mind occupied was the healthiest thing you can think of, especially building your portfolio for the various support courses in the different schools. It was a shot in the dark but you submitted one for UA as well, you knew you couldn't do it but there wasn't any harm in trying.
Maybe you couldn't be Izuku's future, but you could help make a path for him.
From afar of course.
When your counselor brought the various envelopes from the schools you submitted your portfolio and application to. You were terrified, the fear of being rejected swallowed you whole.
"Deep breath Y/n, I know for a fact you'll get into one! Youve been doing a great job, and your progress has been amazing!" Your counselor placed the envelopes on the desk in front of you.
You let out a deep breath, slowly opening each one some were just regular letters and others were these flashy video tapes, the one you paid attention to the most was UA, your hopes were high wishing and praying that you hear the words of acceptance.
"Congratulations Y/n! You have been accepted into-!"
Your eyes widen, a smile creeping across your face.
I'll finally can make use of myself....
I can help!
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AN: I imagine in this society certain hospitals are different and better! Mitsuki wanted you to have the best care! I used my own experience with PTSD and fear of men yelling in this! Thank you all so much Xoxo Stinmybubs! Also the school you think she's gonna get into might not be it. ;)
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
Clingy -Clingy Husband!Bakugo Katsuki x Wife!Reader
I used to write Bakugo all the time (no, he's not a husbando of mine, you don't have to worry about me claiming him) but rarely do it now.
Fluff (slight angst) | 1,020 words
Once again not edited
Warnings!: Mentions of- death, losing a loved one, regret, (👈all from random civilians) and insecurity
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A hum escaped your lips as you wiped down your kitchen counter, basking in your husband's warmth.
"Do we have to do that now." Bakugo grumbled, pecking at your neck semi-aggresively.
"Yes Suki. I do not want to wake up to a messy house. And can you help? I'd get done a whole lot faster~."
"I am helping. I'm your emotional support."
"Katsuki.. will you please just get off me and do the dishes or something?"
"But I want cuddles." Bakugo all but whined, tightening his grip on your waist before nuzzling his face into your neck, ears red at his show of affection.
You just sighed, resting your head against Bakugo's before going back to your cleaning- a smile stuck on your lips.
After another thirty minutes you looked around at your living room, satisfied with your work. You single handedly cleaned the entire downstairs with Bakguo attached to you the entire time. You're not exactly sure why, but ever since Bakugo came home from work he's been clingy onto you, demanding you pay attention to him, and practically whining whenever you got up to do something.
"Are we done now?" Bakugo muttered, voice heavy with sleepiness.
"Yes baby. I'm done now."
Bakugo gave you a peck on the shoulder as a response, lazily picking you up. Wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, you had to admit that this was pretty perfect.
Your usually tsundere husband was giving you the attention that you demanded daily, showing off his clingy side for whatever reason. But for some reason you felt like something was.. off.
Bakugo -though he loves you dearly- rarely showed it via pyshical touch. He would cook and work for you, leave you little notes -which he totally blew off as you being crazy or you having a stalker, or in Bakugo's words: "They're probably from Dunce Face. He's always been jealous of me getting the hottie of the class" -, and grumpily letting you cuddle him and shower him with affection. And of course, he does xnotx like it at all. No no he hates it. But- if you come home you have thirty minutes to give him at the very least five minutes of your time showering him with this "unwanted" affection before he blows up and ignores you for a few hours.
Even though sometimes this was quite frustrating, most of the time you found it endearing, causing you to go soft for your big baby and give him the affection he adores- no matter how many times he denies it.
But this was different.
He's clung onto you for five hours.
The best you've gotten -and this was when he woke up feeling super clingy- was thirty minutes before he got bored of following you around as you did this and that, and so he went and sat on the couch, pouting as he watched you giggle at him.
After Bakugo tucked you in he immedietly climbed in beside you, wrapping you up in his arms as he pressed a few kisses onto your head, causing you to giggle.
"I love you Teddybear."
"And I you, Handsome. But.. is there anything wrong?"
At your silence you took that as a yes.
Leaning away from him, you left just enough space to look him in the eyes, playing with his hair as he looked down at your arm, drawing patterns onto it absent mindedly.
"You know you can tell me." You murmur, lifting Bakugo's chin so he was forced to meet your gaze.
"At work today.. there was this.. couple. The girl got crushed, and she wasn't able to be saved in time. She died-"
You panicked as Bakugo started slightly tearing up. Moving to kiss away the tears gathering in his lashes, you grabbed his hand, rubbing at his knuckles encouragingly.
"The- the man.. he was sobbing into her xdeadx body, apolgizing for not expressing his love enough.. he was so.. broken. And it reminded me of you- me specifically. You give me so much affection, but I- I hardly give you any in return. And I don't want to regret not showing you the love that you need, the love that you deserve."
"Oh baby." You coo, pulling Bakugo into your arms, pressing feather like kisses to any skin you could reach as Bakugo clung to you, letting a few tears fall.
"Listen- you do show me how much you love me. It's just not in the same way. Like when you cook me your special bentos, telling me to eat it or you're gonna track me down and force-feed me, or when you slave away only to come home and take me shopping, and when you leave me all of those sweet notes, telling me how much you love me, and spending a special amount on time on something so random."
"They're never random." Bakugo huffed, nipping a your shoulder lovingly.
"And I quote: 'Y/n, Teddybear, Goregous, Doll, Angel, and Keeper of not only my heart but soul, just so yk- that shirt looks xdazzlingx on you. You are so freaking xgoregousx if you weren't already married I'd ask for your hand.'"
"What!? You. Looked. Amazing."
"Katsuki, hunny.. you made it sound like I was a super model when I was in the same pjs I was wearing for the past three days with stains showing what I had for every meal since I put them on."
"You were goregous. And don't make fun of yourself. Your favoirte character just died."
"See- look. You remembered. That's another thing that makes you such a good husband, Babe."
"Yeah yeah whatever." Bakugo grumbled, wiggling out of your hold to pull you into his.
"I love you, idiot."
"And I you, boom boom boi."
Giggles filled the room as Bakugo pinned you to the bed, mercissly bombarding you with tickles, pinches -calm down they were soft, don't kill your idiot-, and kisses.
And no, he didn't stop until you apologized.
And no, you didn't apologize until your sides were aching and you desperately missed the warmth of your husband's chest.
Comments, Requests, and Reblogs are always appreciated <33
Bakugo's masterlist | Main masterlist | Requesting Rules
Tips <3
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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ariisheresstuff · 2 years
I’ll Always Come Back
Pairings: Bakugou x fem!reader (aged up)
Summary: You we’re waiting for Katsuki to come home from a mission, only for the news to make you think he wasn’t coming home. You daughter also seems to think her dad wasn’t coming home.
Genre: Angst,fluff
Warnings: Bakugou being slightly injured
A/N: My requests are open! <3
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“Come on bubs, it’s time for bed.” You picked up your daughter who was sitting on the couch watching a movie, it was her bedtime and you were getting her ready for bed. You walked upstairs passing every picture of you and Katsuki from your wedding to when you had your daughter. You softly placed her in her bed and tucked her in , you sat down on the bed rubbing her head. “Mommy?” You small voice appeared, she had a frown on her face making you worry. “What’s wrong Kayo?” You saw tears forming in her eyes and her lip began to tremble, “I-is daddy okay?” You we’re confused at first but then remembered the news on the TV showing where Katsuki was on his mission. It was terrible. Every building was on fire, people running and screaming, you didn’t know where or what your husband was doing. “Oh, baby I’m sure Daddy is just fine. I miss him too love, but you know what Daddy always tells me?” She looked up at you, “He tells that he always comes home to us no matter what.” You wiped Kayo’s eyes as she hiccuped “B-but what if he doesn’t?” The room went silent as you tried to find the right words to explain to your 4 year old. “We just have to think positive baby, okay?” She softly nodded making you smile, you leaned down and pecked her cheek before turning off the lights. “I love you Kayo.” “Love you mommy.” You softly closed the door as you sighed, you went downstairs to watch the news and see if there was updates about your husband. You felt your heart sank as you saw enormous yellow-Orange flames take over the city, the reporter went on about how many people are either dead or injured. They then mentioned Katsuki’s hero name and saying he isn’t looking too well. That made you panic as your mind started to ask so many questions. Is Katsuki dead? Is he injured? What if he isn’t coming back home? You kept telling yourself that Katsuki was just fine, but you didn’t feel positive about it. You started to pace around the kitchen as you bit on your nails in frustration and nervousness.
It was currently 4:30AM and you refused to get sleep until your husband came back. There were heavy tears falling down your face as you sat in the dark living room just waiting to hear the door open. You started to loose hope, you called him about 50 times but no answer. “Please, Katsuki come home. I can’t lose you baby.” You whimpered before breaking down quietly not wanting to wake up your daughter. You called everyone that was in contact with Katsuki asking them if they heard or seen Katsuki but nothing. You jumped up when you heard something from the front door, you gasped lightly as you heard the lock being unlocked. You immediately ran to the door, you put a hand over your mouth as you saw your husband in the doorway. He had dirt everywhere and cuts and scrapes, his head was dripping blood as he limped. You wanted to hug him badly but with how he looked you were scared to hurt him. Bakugou seemed to know that you wanted a hug but you were hesitant, he felt his heart break seeing your broken state. “C’mere baby.” You immediately dashed towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck, you broke down. Katsuki rubbed your back as he inhaled your scent missing you being in his touch. “It’s okay babe, I’m home now.” His raspy voice rang through your ears, your whole body was shaking. “I-I thought y-you- “I know baby, I’m here though. Safe and alive.” He cupped your face as he admired your face, he felt like such a dick seeing your tears streaked face and your red puffy eyes. He brought your face closer to him as he kissed you. You immediately kissed him back as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands on your back rubbing slow circles. “Don’t you ever do that to me.” You said as you snuggled into his chest, he chuckled lightly. “I promise babe, I’ll never scare the shit out of you again.” You laughed for the first time today as you gave him a smile. You took his hand and led him upstairs, he walked towards your daughters room. He opened the door belfre walking in quietly, he smiled seeing her sleep peacefully. He bent down to peck her forehead a few times, he rubbed her back lightly. “I’m home princess.” He whispered even though she was still sleeping. He got up before closing the door and walking into your shared room, “She is going to be all over you tomorrow.” You said as you got some towels for Katsuki, “I can agree.” “You know, She believed that you weren’t coming home.” He winced “Fuck, I’m sorry.” “Hey.” You went up to Katsuki and cupped his face, you could see the pain in his eyes. He softly grabbed your wrist and kissed your palm that was on his cheek. “Please don’t bring yourself down about this. I told her that you were coming home.” “But still, I hate that my daughter thinks the worst is gonna happen to me.” “But your home now.” It was silent for a few minutes, Katsuki pulled your head toward his chest as he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head before resting his chin on the top of your head. “I’ll always have you here.”
Tag-List: @ebiharachan @otomefan @amis-love-bugs @slasherstories123 @writeslikedream
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doumadono · 10 months
K with Kacchan and make it super angsty, you know I like it when it's bad and hurting 😏
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Warnings: blood, death, f!Reader, rather off-canon (I guess?)
A/N: I had a feeling you'd choose something like this! Honestly, writing these scenes hit me hard. Kacchan's death was heartbreaking for me, and I'm sure for many others too. I hope you enjoy this little ficlet! The inspiration for this ficlet came from the following post
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The battlefield was a chaotic swirl of dust and debris, a maelstrom of destruction that mirrored the turmoil within your heart. The acrid stench of smoke and burning rubble hung heavy in the air as you fought alongside Bakugo and others, your fellow hero students from Class 1A. The battle against All For One and Shigaraki had reached a fever pitch, and the ground beneath you trembled with the force of the clashes.
In the midst of the chaos, Bakugo fought with the ferocity that defined him, explosions erupting from his palms as he unleashed his volatile Quirk upon the villains. The deafening sounds of combat echoed in your ears, but in that cacophony, you heard Bakugo's voice, sharp and determined.
"Stay focused, dammit!" he barked, his crimson eyes ablaze with intensity.
You nodded, determination coursing through your veins. Together, you were a force to be reckoned with. However, in the blink of an eye, the tide of battle shifted. Shigaraki, fueled by hatred and power, lunged at you with a speed that defied belief. In the desperate attempt to protect you both, Bakugo stepped in front of you, taking the full force of Shigaraki's attack.
Time slowed as you witnessed the horrifying sight. Shigaraki's hand pierced through Bakugo's chest, leaving a gaping wound. The explosion hero staggered, his eyes widening in shock and pain. You screamed his name, a guttural cry that blended with the chaos of the battlefield.
He turned to you, his expression a mix of agony and determination. Blood seeped through his fingers as he clutched the wound, but he managed a strained smile. "Don't… don't lose it, idiot," he grunted, his voice strained.
Bakugo's strength waned, and his once-fierce posture faltered. His knees buckled beneath the weight of his injuries, and with a heart-wrenching groan, he sank to the ground.
"No! Bakugo!" Your scream tore through the chaos, a desperate plea for aid. The sound echoed in the air, carrying the weight of your fear and anguish. As Bakugo crumpled to the ground, you rushed to his side, the world around you a blur of smoke and devastation.
Kneeling beside him, you felt a surge of helplessness. His breathing was ragged, each labored inhale a painful reminder of the life slipping away. Blood stained his uniform, pooling beneath him. Panic welled within you, but you pushed it down, focusing on the urgent need for assistance. "Someone! Anyone! Help!" Your cries echoed, reaching the ears of those still engaged in the battle.
Edgeshot rushed towards you, his expressions shifting from determination to concern as he took in the scene. The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, a tangible force that demanded action.
Bakugo lay motionless on the ground, his eyes half-lidded, the spark of life still stubborn and flickering.
You clung to his hand, unwilling to let go. Your fingers intertwined with his, the contact a lifeline in a sea of uncertainty. Your eyes never leaving Bakugo's face.
Tears blurred your vision as you fought to comprehend the gravity of the situation. You knelt beside him, your hands trembling as you tried to apply pressure to the wound. Bakugo's breaths were labored and shallow, and the world around you felt like it was collapsing.
"I'm not leaving you," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. "Stay calm, please, don't say anything."
Bakugo's hand reached slowly for yours, his grip surprisingly weak. Despite the agony etched across his face, there was a flicker of warmth in his eyes. "Damn right… you're not," he replied, a defiant edge to his words. "Y/N, I..."
The battlefield continued to rage around you, but your focus narrowed to the man before you, the one you couldn't bear to lose. You whispered words of reassurance, encouragement, and love, hoping against hope that he could hold on.
"I need you," you confessed, your voice barely audible over the chaos, tears streaming down your dusted cheeks. "I love you so much, Kacchan," you cried.
Bakugo's gaze locked with yours, a silent understanding passing between you. As Bakugo's consciousness teetered on the edge, his grip on your hand tightened despite his hand shaking. "Kick… their… asses… for me…" he rasped, a faint smile playing on his lips. "... my beautiful... P-princess..."
You nodded, your heart shattering as his eyes fluttered, the light within dimming. "Bakugo, stay with me," you pleaded, your voice cracking with a mixture of fear and sorrow. "Stay with me, baby, please!"
His gaze met yours, but the fierce determination that once defined him now mingled with a profound weariness. A ragged cough wracked his body, and you could see the struggle etched across his face. His eyelids, heavy with fatigue, fluttered as he fought to maintain consciousness as he life was gradually escaping his body. "I… tried," he managed to gasp, the words escaping in strained intervals.
Tears welled in your eyes as you listened to his fading voice, a symphony of pain and regret.
You cradled Bakugo's head in your hands, your touch a feeble attempt to anchor him to the present. The sounds of distant explosions and the clash of Quirks became distant echoes as the world narrowed to the two of you. In those final moments, every shared smile, every heated argument, and every whispered promise flashed before your eyes.
"Bakugo, please, don't give up," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the cacophony of battle, and your tears dripping to his forhead.
His grip on your hand weakened, fingers slipping through yours like grains of sand. In that agonizing stillness, Bakugo succumbed to the pull of unconsciousness. His body, once a vessel of explosive power and indomitable spirit, slumped against the unforgiving ground.
You knelt beside him, a silent witness to the cruel dance of life and death. The weight of grief settled on your shoulders, and as you clung to the fragile hope that he might awaken, the reality of the situation pressed down on you, heavy and unrelenting.
"Y/N… He's gone," Edgeshot whispered, looking up at you with sadness. "He's gone."
Tears streamed down your face, unchecked and unrestrained. The sobs wracked your body, a raw outpouring of grief that threatened to suffocate you. The metallic scent of blood filled the air, but it was a distant concern compared to the pain in your heart.
Amidst the anguish, a voice cut through the haze. It was Edgeshot. "I might have an idea, a way to help," he offered, his voice a thread of hope in the darkness.
You lifted your tear-streaked face, eyes locking with his. "It's not possible," you choked out, your voice a raw plea born of despair. The ground beneath you bore the scars of battle, soaked in the lifeblood of a hero. "He's fucking dead!!!"
Edgeshot knelt beside you, his gaze unwavering. "I'll do everything in my power to save him. Trust me," he vowed, his words cutting through the veil of hopelessness.
"No, you don't understand!" you screamed, desperation lacing your voice. "There's nothing anyone can do!"
Edgeshot placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, his tone firm yet compassionate. "I won't let him go without a fight. I'll find a way, but I can't lose time anymore. You need to calm down and return to the battlefield, you're needed there, Y/N. I won't give up on saving him. Whatever it takes," the hero vowed, his determination cutting through the despair.
You looked into his eyes, searching for sincerity, and as you locked gazes, a flicker of reluctant hope ignited within you. The world may have been stained with blood and tears, but in that moment, you clung to the promise that Edgeshot held — a promise to fight against the inevitable, to defy the cruel hand of fate, and to bring back the hero who lay on the precipice of oblivion.
As the battle reached its crescendo, you rose from Bakugo's side, a storm of conflicting emotions raging within you. The echoes of his words fueled your resolve. You would honor his sacrifice, fight for justice, and carry the weight of his love into the fray. With tears streaming down your face, you re-entered the chaos, your heart heavy but your spirit unbroken. The battle continued, but Bakugo's presence lingered, a poignant reminder of the cost heroes paid in their pursuit of a safer world.
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katsumiluvs · 1 year
Have a safe trip..
tw: angst? / husband!Katsuki Bakugo x clingy wife!reader
Katsuki had to leave the country for his work. It would last maybe a few days, maybe even weeks. He couldn't turn it down since it was very important. The mission was pretty risky too, a villain with such power was on the loose. He might have to stay there for a bit long for the investigations and tracking down of the villain.
You didn't know he was leaving today. In fact, he didn't want to tell you because he knew you would freak out and worry. You were asleep as he packed his things. He was planning to tell you over text instead of telling you in person. He softly planted a kiss on your forehead and whispered a little "i love you"..
As he was about to open the front door, he heard your voice calling out his name..
"Kats..?" you said as you rubbed your eyes, you had just woken up. you slowly walked over to him and hugged him. "Where are you going baby? i thought work starts at 8.."
He hugged you back and tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear. "I have to leave for a few days, y/n."
You looked up at him with curiosity. "hm? where are you going?"
"The government wants me and some other heroes to go to another country. Apparently there's a villain on the loose and they needed back up.." he sighed. Katsuki obviously didn't want to go..
"huh..? nooo babyyy... don't leave me yet..." you hugged him tighter and nuzzled your head to his chest.
"I don't wanna go either, princess. I can't even sleep properly at night without you beside me." He kissed your forehead and patted your head. "if only i could turn down these damn missions.." he sighed.
"why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"
"I didn't want to because i didn't want you to worry"
"when will you depart..?" You asked, hugging him tighter.
"in an hour or so."
"I'm scared, Katsuki.. I mean- It sounds dangerous since they even called back up.. What if- what if you dont return..?" You looked at him with worried eyes and hugged him tighter and tighter..
He chuckled and rubbed your back. "Don't say that shit y/n. I've been through countless of missions and i completed all of 'em. Of course i'll return. I mean, I cant leave my baby waitin' all alone at home."
You pulled him in for a passionate kiss. "You need to go now, don't you? Be safe Katsuki.."
"of course baby. i'll be back home soon so take care of yourself, mkay? When i get back i'll plan a nice little date for us." he smiled.
"Bye, I love you.. be safe, okay..!"
"Bye y/n, I love you too."
note: BYE THIS IS SO SHITTY LMAOOO and idek if this is considered angst......? i mean its been months since i've written stuff like this ( i accidentally deleted my old acc lol 🧍🏻‍♀️🔫 )
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crimsonredfeathers · 1 year
Bakugou Katsuki x gn!Reader
Warnings: cussing, curse words, mild gore
Word count: 699
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"Shit!" Releasing a few more blasts from the palms of his hands, Katsuki kept propelling himself forward, a dark expression on his face. He could see the villain behind you that was getting ready to strike whilst you were trying to keep up with the attacks of a huge group of enemies in front of you. One more blast, and he would finally be able to reach you, to scoop you up in his arms and get you out of harm's way.
The moment he reached for you, screaming your name, you turned your head to look at him in surprise. Not a second later, you were gone, ripped to shreds in front of him, before the force of the impact pushed Katsuki to the ground a few feet away.
Katsuki jolted awake from his slumber, mind dazed by the cruel pictures that had accompanied his nightmare. His whole body was covered in sweat, hands trembling as he wiped his sticky palms on the covers. Teeth gritted and heartbeat racing, he barely dared to move his head to check on you. What if this wasn't just a very bad dream after all?
Slowly turning his head to the side of the bed you had claimed for yourself whenever you secretly entered his dorm room at night, fearful of what he might or rather might not be able to find, a breath Katsuki didn't even realize he was holding, escaped his lips in a short sigh. There you were, sound asleep right next to him. Tears of relief welled up in the corner of his eyes and spilled at the sight of your peaceful form.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he whispered while he wiped the salty tears away with his forearm, sharply biting down on his bottomlip to stop more of them from falling. "Kacchan...?" Your tired voice reached his ears, questioning his behavior as you sat up, rubbing your eyes. "Are you crying?"
"N-no, of course not," he plainly lied to you, even though it was painfully obvious from the hoarse sound of his voice and the quiet sniffling. "Lying bastard," you muttered, laying back down into the comfort of his pillow. Holding your arms wide open, Katsuki followed your invitation, nestling into your embrace and snaking his own arms around you, holding you as tight as possible.
Whenever Katsuki woke up like this, you knew another nightmare was at fault. Ever since you had gained a nasty wound that had cost you three fingers of your left hand in a battle against some villains, an ambush attack that took you and the other students by surprise months ago, Katsuki kept replaying the incident in his mind, blaming himself for what had happened. After the initial shock had worn off, Katsuki had jumped to his feet, realizing you were alive, but your left hand had been torn apart. The doctors had done their absolute best, but the tissue of three of your fingers was left beyond repair, the other two possibly staying not only disfigured but stiff for the rest of your life. You knew he did everything in his power to protect you that day. You were still alive thanks to him. If he hadn't come that close to you, shouting for you, making you aware that something was off, you wouldn't have been able to avoid certain death by moving yourself out of the way. He barely spoke about this day and the nightmares that had followed. And by now, you knew better than to ask about what was obvious.
"Don't blame yourself, love," you whispered as you kissed the top of Katsuki's head, your unharmed hand soothingly brushing through his blond hair. "I thank you every day for saving my life, for another day I get to stay by your side." All Katsuki could bring himself to do was nod. "This won't stop me from becoming a hero alongside you, you know," you chuckled. You could feel his fingers dig into the fabric of your shirt. "Dumbass," Katsuki mumbled, sleep slowly taking over his exhausted body once again, "if you don't start to be more careful, I'll surely have you at my agency doing paperwork until you're retiring."
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herofics · 3 months
Hey! So I saw one similar, it was one regarding aizawas daughter getting raped, it's also a comfort thing for me, since it's happened before but do you think you could write the same but endeavors the dad's and Katsuki bakugous the boyfriend, also with shoto content? If not you could just do endeavor only, but thank you!
A/N: The post mentioned can be found here. I tried to do some stuff for all three, Bakugou Endeavor and Shouto. I wrote it so the reader is Shouto’s twin sister, so they’ve got the same quirk, and because Endeavour didn’t think she could be a top hero, he mostly focused on Shouto and the reader was kind of left alone with their other siblings. Bakugou is the reader's boyfriend and he tells Endeavor. They’re third years I’d say. Goddammit I’ve been working on this on and off for weeks and it ended up really fucking long, at least compared to what I usually write…
Warnings: SA/rape, suicidal ideation
Word count: 3385
This happened to so many people, so many other women and girls, men and boys. You hadn’t seen it coming, there were no signs of what was about to happen, but it happened anyway. You were alone at home, sick, and as you went to the kitchen to grab something to eat, you noticed that the housekeeper had let the fridge repair guy in. You knew he was supposed to come today, you had just completely forgotten.
It must have been convenient for a man like this to have a quirk like the one he had. To paralyze someone by touching their skin, and from what you’d gathered to keep them paralyzed as long as he was touching them. What a horrible power to have for someone with the urges he possessed. You couldn’t talk, you couldn’t scream, you couldn’t move. You could only lay there and see and feel it happen to you. Afterwards he left you laying on your own bed and went back to fixing the fridge at the other end of the house.
You felt sick, and even after the effects of his quirk wore off you couldn’t move. At that moment, you wanted to die. You wanted to disappear, to just not exist anymore. You heard the front door open and close in the distance. He was gone, and you felt ruined.
When you were finally able to get up from the bed and drag yourself into the shower, it had probably been hours, or at least that’s what it felt like. You threw all your clothes, stained or not, in the hamper and stepped into the shower. You didn’t want to report it, you didn’t want to bring that shame to your family. You were the child of the former number one hero, and the one of the strongest upcoming pros. How could you let this happen to you? This wasn’t supposed to happen.
You turned the shower so hot that you could barely stand it. You felt like you needed to sanitize yourself somehow. Could you just burn this feeling off your skin? There probably weren’t flames hot enough to get rid of how dirt you felt right now. You stood in the shower for ages, or at least that’s what it felt like, but the feeling that you were stained, just wouldn’t go away.
When you finally got out of the shower and got some clean clothes on, you ended up just staring at your bed. You were quiet as you ripped all the sheets off your bed and burned them in the backyard. There was nothing left of them once you were done and you just went back inside. You couldn’t lay on the bed, not even sit on the edge of it. You almost wanted to break it into pieces and burn it in the backyard too.
You suddenly felt this immense anger well up in your chest. You hated that man. You wanted to hurt him so badly he would never be able to touch another person again. You wanted him to die, but there was nothing you could do, at least nothing you could do to him. Your room however, your bed? You could very easily destroy them. You started throwing your things around the room in anger, while the hot tears started streaming down your face. When you were done, your room was in shambles and your bed was in pieces. There were burn marks everywhere, and pieces of ice on the floor. It was a miracle the fire alarm hadn’t gone off.
You were breathing heavily, just staring at the floor, feeling like you were in a daze. When your phone rang, you didn't even hear it at first. It took you a while to react to it, but when you picked up your phone from the desk, you saw it was Katsuki calling. You didn’t even realize it was already three in the afternoon, so he had gotten out of school for the day.
“Hey, I’m coming over” he said as you picked up.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, I don’t want you to get sick too” you said apathetically.
“I’m coming over to cook you some fucking soup, it’ll help you get well quicker. I’m not taking no for an answer” he said and hung up.
There was definitely something odd about your voice. Even if you were sick, you sounded very apathetic and quite frankly off.
“Are you going to see (Name)?” Shouto asked, having overheard the brief phone call.
“Yeah, she didn’t really sound like herself. Is there something going on?” Bakugou noted.
“Not that I know of” Shouto shrugged.
You didn’t want to see him. You didn’t want to see anyone, but Katsuki was coming over no matter what you said. Maybe you could just avoid him and push him onto your brother, while claiming to be too sick to come out of your room. You took the time it took Katsuki to reach your family’s home, to compose yourself. You didn’t want to give him the impression there was anything wrong. You could probably blame a lot on the flu you had, but Katsuki was sometimes too perceptive for his own good.
When Bakugou got to the Todoroki family home, he made his way to your room. He knocked, and he could hear someone moving inside.
“I told you. I’m too sick to see you” you said, through the door.
You couldn’t let him in. Your room was basically destroyed and you didn’t have a reasonable explanation that you wanted to give him
“Oh come on, I never get sick anyway, it’s gonna be fine” Bakugou said and tried the door handle.
It was locked, which was odd. Were you really so afraid of getting him sick or was there something else going on? He noticed something weird. There was a smell of something burnt in the air. Not something that was still burning but something that had been extinguished.
“Are you okay?” Bakugou asked.
“I’m-I’m fine” you muttered, barely coherent.
“Don’t be an idiot, I can tell when you’re lying” he said calmly.
You could feel your knees buckle from under you. You felt sick, and you couldn’t hold it back anymore. You could feel the vomit climbing up your throat, just before you spewed the contents of your stomach on the floor next to you.
“I swear to god (Name), I’m going to break this door down if you don’t open it” Bakugou growled.
You reached for the lock on the door and opened it. Bakugou stepped back as you opened the door and you basically fell into the hallway. He caught you just before you hit the floor and you clung to his jacket.
You just cried, you tried to talk, but all that came was an incoherent mess that Bakugou couldn’t make any sense of. You didn’t want to tell him, not really, but you needed to tell someone. You just wanted to get rid of this feeling of your head exploding. It was all too much.
“What’s going on? Talk to me” he pleaded.
You couldn’t talk, not coherently anyway, and you were just clinging to Bakugou’s jacket. He could see into your room now, and it was absolutely destroyed. Bakugou really didn’t know what to make of this. What on earth could have happened? All he could do was wait, so he just ended up holding you until you calmed down enough to talk.
Shouto had heard your crying and he did want to check up on you, but he decided not to, since he saw that Bakugou was already with you. He didn’t want to intrude or eavesdrop, so he just went into his room, and left you and Bakugou alone. He could still hear a faint sobbing coming from the hallway. Shouto had never seen you like this. Sure, he’d seen you cry, but you sounded incredibly distressed and he was getting that impression without even really seeing you. He wasn’t sure if he would have known how to comfort you, but he wanted to find out what was going on. He would just have to ask you later.
“I don’t-I don’t know what to do Kats. I don’t know-know what to do” you stammered.
You were still crying but considerably calmer than before, maybe he would be able to get some answers out of you right now.
“What the fuck’s going on? What happened?” Bakugou asked, keeping his voice as calm as he could. He could feel the pit in this stomach grow as you looked up at him with your eyes full of pain.
“That fridge repair guy… He followed me to my room and… and he raped me…” your voice faded during the last few words, and Bakugou could only barely hear you.
He didn’t know what to say. What could he say in a situation like the one before him now? Mostly he was worried, but there was a part of him that was so incredibly angry it made him feel like he wanted to seriously hurt the bastard who had touched you.
“We need to call the cops” Bakugou said, already reaching for his phone.
“Please no, don’t do that” you begged.
“That piece of shit needs to pay for what he did, of course we’re calling the cops” Bakugou said, confused as to why you were so against it.
“No, we’re not. It’s not going to do anything. I already took a shower, so there’s probably no evidence left and I don’t want to bring that shame to my family” you tried to reason with him.
“Fine, but you need to tell your dad at least” Bakugou demanded.
“I-I can’t, he’s going to be so-so disappointed in me”
“Hey, it wasn’t your fucking fault, don’t you dare think that” Bakugou said sternly. “Your old man might be strict, but he’s not a fucking idiot. Besides, if he blames you for this, I’m going to kick his ass”
You didn’t want to tell him yourself. You didn’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes. You were terrified he would think you were as dirty as you felt yourself to be. You didn’t want to bring that shame into your family, but Katsuki was probably right. Maybe he would be willing to talk to your dad for you, so you didn’t have to see his initial reaction.
“Can you tell him? I can’t really face him right now” you muttered.
“I can tell him, but you know he’s going to want to talk to you after that”
“I-I think I can handle that. I just don’t want to see the look on his face when he first hears it”
Bakugou didn’t really understand why you were so reluctant about this, but he agreed to do it for you. If it helped you, he would do just about anything.
“Okay, but we need to do something about your room too, do you think you’re up for that?”
“I don’t really want to go back in there right now” you said.
“That’s okay. You wanna go into one of the million quest rooms you have here?”
“I think that might be a bit of an over exaggeration” you rolled your eyes. “But yeah, I think that’s a good idea”
You really didn’t want to see all the destruction you’d caused, and you felt like you would probably never go back to living in that room. You would have to move the things you hadn’t destroyed into some other room and make it into your own. Bakugou helped you up and walked you to the nearest quest room. He told you to please wait while he went to call your dad to come home, so he could tell him what had happened to you.
Bakugou closed the door to the room you were in, and dialed Endeavor.
“Hello” the Todoroki father answered the phone.
“I’m at your house, you need to come back here. Something’s happened to (Name)”
“What is it? What happened?”
“I think this conversation is best to have face to face. Just get back here old man”
“I’m on my way” Endeavor said and hung up the phone.
What could possibly have happened? The correct answer never even crossed his mind. No father wants to hear their child has gone through something bad. Bakugou had sounded very serious on the phone, so Endeavor was worried. He called his car and told the driver to get him home as soon as possible.
“What’s going on?” Bakugou heard your brother ask when he had hung up the phone.
“It’s not my place to tell you half-and-half, and you’re not going to ask your sister either. She doesn’t fucking need that right now”
“She’s my twin, I know there’s something wrong. I heard her sobbing too” Todoroki argued. Walking towards the door that Bakugou was in front of.
“You’re not fucking going in there. She’s got enough to deal with without you sticking your nose into everything” Bakugou growled and moved to be between his friend and the door.
“Move, or I’m going to make you” Shouto said coldly.
“Fucking try me” Bakugou challenged him.
“Stop it!” you yelled through the door, which made both of the guys freeze in their tracks. “I’ll talk with you later, okay Sho?”
“Are you alright?” Shouto asked, still keeping intense eye contact with Bakugou.
“No, but we can talk about it later. I’m just waiting for dad to come home so I can talk with him first”
“Okay” Shouto said and relaxed his stance, which made Bakugou also back off.
Shouto walked away, but looked over his shoulder, before turning the corner. Bakugou looked angry, very angry, but he didn’t think it was directed at him and especially not at you.
You and Shouto had always been able to tell when the other was lying, so you couldn’t just tell him everything was fine. He wouldn’t have believed that and would have gotten even more suspicious, so it was better to just be vague. You weren’t sure if you were actually going to talk to him later, but you would probably have to at some point.
When Endeavor got to the house, Bakugou was waiting for him by the front door.
“What’s happened?”
“You’re going to want to call the cops, but (Name) said she doesn’t want that. So listen and go talk to her after. You can try to tell her that calling the cops is a good idea, but I doubt she’ll listen”
“Just tell me what’s going on, boy” Endeavor said in an annoyed tone.
“She was raped by the fridge repair guy”
“Where is she?” Endeavor asked without hesitation. 
Bakugou only saw worry and anger on the old man’s face as some flames flickered near the outer corners of his eyes. He must have been furious about what had happened to you, but Bakugou still had to be sure, he wouldn't let anyone upset you more right now.
“If you’re going to yell at her, you’re not fucking going anywhere near her” Bakugou said, stepping in front of him as he reached for the front door.
Endeavor felt like he was about to explode at the young man standing in front of him, but against his instincts, he took a deep breath and attempted to calm himself down.
“I’m not going to yell at her. I’m going to talk to her” he had to force the words from between his teeth, so he wouldn’t start yelling.
“No, you’re going to fucking listen to her, and if she want’s you to, you can talk”
Endeavor just sighed and nodded, before Bakugou let him walk past him.
Endeavor was glad you had found such a protective and caring partner, but he was still your father, and he wasn’t going to do anything to hurt you or upset you.
You had been sitting on the quest room bed for about twenty minutes before the knock on the door came. You took a deep, wavering breath before saying: “Come in”
Endeavor opened the door and stepped in. He just stood there for a moment, before sitting down next to you on the bed.
“I’m so sorry” he said, and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into a side hug.
You just started crying like a little kid, snot and tears streaming down your face as your dad held you and rubbed your upper arm. You didn’t want to cry, you wanted to be strong and not show him how broken you felt. You didn’t want to disappoint him. You’d always wanted his approval, even when you hated him for what happened with Shouto and your mother. That need was still deep in you, even though you’d tried to learn how to deal with it and grow out of it.
“I-I’m sorry dad, it-it’s my fault” you sobbed.
“No, it is not. The only one at fault here is the one who dared do this to you” he said.
Endeavor wasn’t really sure how to comfort you. He’d never dealt with anything like this so personally. Sure, he’d seen all kinds of scumbags and victims during his time as a pro-hero, but he’d never been close to anyone who something like this had happened to. He knew you had a long road to healing ahead of you, but he wasn’t sure how to help you. He wanted nothing more than to be there for you, but he was terrified of making some mistake and making it worse for you.
You just sat there for a while, as your father rubbed your upper arm and tried to comfort you. He’d never been good at talking or even really listening, but you could see he was trying.
“I know you don’t want to go to the police, but I would like you to reconsider. That man deserves to go to prison”
“I-I don’t know dad. I’ve got friends who’ve go-gone through it and I saw-I saw what it did to one of them when-when things didn’t go their way” you stumbled over your words.
“I can’t really tell you what to do, it’s your decision, but whatever you decide, I’m going to support you” he promised.
“Can I decide a bit later? I’m so tired right now…” you yawned.
“Yes, of course. I’ll come ask you again in a couple of hours, but you should rest now” he said as he got up.
You grabbed his hand as he was walking past you to leave the room.
“Dad?” you asked.
“Thank you. I was honestly kind of afraid you would be angry at me”
Endeavor took a moment before answering: “I’m sorry I’ve made you feel I would react like that. It’s understandable considering how I’ve treated you in the past”
“I don’t think that really matters right now, since you didn’t react like that, but I still appreciate it” you gave him a tired smile. “I’m going to take a nap. Can you tell Katsuki to come here if he hasn’t left yet?”
“Of course” he said, before leaving the room.
Even though the situation was absolutely horrific and you were still feeling miserable, you were relieved you’d talked with your father. Now there was just Shouto to deal with. You weren’t sure if you were going to tell him. You would decide that once you knew what you were going to do with the whole police thing. You just wanted to sleep, maybe it would give you a tiny break from this horrible feeling. You just needed to wait for Katsuki to come back.
“Bakugou. She asked me to tell you to go to her” Endeavor said as he noticed the young man leaning against the wall near the front door.
“Do you think she’s gonna be okay?” Bakuogu asked as he passed the older man.
“She’s strong, but it’s going to take time” Endeavor said.
“Yeah” Bakugou muttered as he turned the corner.
Bakugou knew you were strong, but he also knew how something like this could break a person, but he has faith in you. You would get through this, even if it would take a long time, he would be there for you. You had so many people that loved you and who wanted to see you fight your way through this.
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
Jock vs. Nerd
part two
Had this little thought in my head...in a quirkless!college!AU...where you're a pretty girl, a popular one too...also, you're a very dominant young lady...and where you fell for the friendless, geeky, shy nerd...Izuku Midoriya...and leaving the jock, the most popular...the hottest guy in school...Katsuki Bakugo...heartbroken.
Thoughts on this? I have.
Warnings: ANGST, Bakugo: one sided-love, Deku: What? A hottie wants to date me?!, You: Come here, cute nerd! <3, Bakugo is a himbo, you're smart and pretty, Izuku's shyyyyyyy
Just to be clear: English is not my first language, so please bear with me :)
[your name will be Yena here. :)]
Have fun reading:
"I'm telling you, she likes you!", Denki nudges his jock friend Bakugo, who only swats the blonde's hand away from his shoulder. The Bakusquad was known for being good on the field in football and so being pretty popular already, but scoring even more points with the chicks because of their good looks, and with Mina Ashido being the cheer captain, one of the most popular girls in U.A. High and also one of your best friends.
And you.
Oh, please.
Don't get him started.
Should he start on how he met you? How he fell for you when you yelled back at him which made him flinch? How he couldn't get that cute frown and sweet pouty lips -which he never could stop daydreaming about kissing- of yours out of his head? How he thought that you were a literal angel when you treated his wounds? How softly you spoke to him, not yelling at him for losing their big game because of him?
Or how you'd always help him and the team out in their finals because wow; A hot and intelligent human being taking their time explaining them the subjects with a sweet voice and soft smile? Where Denki milks out every single advice and reassurance he can get form you, blushing like crazy with a stupid and smug grin directed to his teammates (where these signal him that they would kill him as soon as the study session with you was over) when you pat his head comfortingly?
Where Sero openly subtly flirts with you and you think he's only joking and flirt back, only to have him gulping while looking to the side with a shy grin but bright red face? Where Kirishima looks at you like you hung the stars because you explained him the difference between Mitosis ans meiosis in baby steps until he got it, and he gives you a dopey, lovesick grin with heart eyes. And he'd gasp softly when you'd call him a "good boy!" for explaining the difference after you've explained it to him ten times patiently (Everyone glared at the himbo with murderous intent).
Or where Shinso and Monoma asked you out multiple times in a row with you having to check your calender -a sweet, old fashioned-themed little book with a real feather and ink to write on- turning the pages a concerning amount of times with your delicate fingers (which makes the guys wish it'd be wrapped around something of theirs instead of that little book of yours) giving them a sad pout before telling the whole football team that you're not available until the next four months, which leaves the two least shy guys groaning in despair out loud and the rest looking to the side with a frown and some even cursing under their breath.
Sure, he was jealous that his teammates were ogling at you and blushing when you praised them since they were all crushin' on you, leaving him fuming in his seat, but oh, look how the table fucking turns and lands back on its legs like nothing happened when he finally has your attention. And even when he tries to listen- he really does! -he can't help but admire you.
You, who is so fucking hot and smart Bakugo's actually surprised that he hasn't popped a boner yet.
You, his childhood friend of nearly ten years, starting from pre school and onward, who he never thougth he had a chance with you until he got your attention in these little lessons you gave them, where your focus seemed to be on him and him only, where he started to sweat like crazy, especially his hands and his heart beating rapidly, his pen already slipping out of his hand, and when it does, you catch it with a fond smile before giving it back to him. However, you lay one of your soft hands on one of his caloused and scarred ones and you sigh and he thinks that you're going to ask him out on a date, to marry him, to confess your feelings to him in public-... when all you say is: "I know all this stress is taking a big toll on you, Katsuki. How about we study for fifteen minutes and do a little break, hm?"
And he can't help but nod, because suddenly, He feels a big stone in his throat, he feels like crying, scratching his eyeballs, hitting his head against a wall, because why would such a perfect little girl want to go out with a dumb himbo like him?
He knew that he was more the annoying best friend to you, because he always bullied you for being smaller than him, but no shit because he was literally a six foot something giant. He couldn't even attract you with his handsomeness, nor his rippling muscles and flexing body when it was too hot out in the summer and when he subtly tried to steal a glance at you, wanting to know if you were checking him out like all your girl friends did around you, he only found you giggling at something on your phone.
Yeah, Bakugo put on his shirt after that with a hurting heart, leaving your surrounding friends whining like greedy little bitches and running towards him.
Bakugo sighed. It was a nice dream Denki told him. Because Bakugo knew how much of a big, fat crush you've had on Deku. But what made him become your crush?
Deku's always invested in his books.
Deku's never seen without his baggy pants and oversized hoodies.
Deku's never talked to a girl except Uraraka or his mom.
Deku's never had a friend (except Bakugo himself) over at his house.
Deku's always muttering and scribbling away in his notebook or phone, where he's playing a nerdy fantasy game in the medieval times and sometimes whispers a silent, cringey: "Thou shalt be killed with that goblin-sized brain of yours...!", before you can hear a faint growling and slicing sound coming from his phone.
Deku, who never seems to actually take care of his hair, which is always in all places, too curly, or always in his face where he combs his fingers through his hair to actually see what he's doing.
And then you come into the game.
Whenever Deku does any of his little- to you very cute -antics of his, you sigh dreamily while looking at him while he writes away the english assignment he had trouble working on and you were more than ready to help him, leaving Bakugo gagging and growling quietly, staring daggers into your and Deku's head.
Or when he was over at your place, and he tried talking to you but you were too engrossed in something your phone showed you, he got fed up and snatched your phone quickly, Deku's name flashing as the chatting contact and then, he is being shoved down the ground from little ol' you, who is on top of him. Big, buff and strong Bakugo being overpowered by little sweet you, his big nose flaring up after he caught a wiff of your sweet scent and bakugo can already feel his dick twitching from where your heat was resting, but you quickly took your phone back and went into your room. However, you didn't close the door after you told him to get the fuck out of your apartment with an embarrassed red face. bakugo groaned and stared up at the ceiling, heart and dick throbbing in pain.
That's when he knew that you were crushing on his childhood friend.
One day, as you were chatting away happily with your friends, you spotted Izuku and called him over. The thing was, it would've been okay if you were with two or three of your friends, and if you guys were chilling in front of the classroom, or on campus. But no.
It was in the fucking cafeteria where you, Yena Hideyo, called a guy over to you. A cafeteria, where you were surrounded by your dozens of friends, all eating and munching, also surrounded by even more people and the cafeteria was extremely full today. Still, you beckoned him closer and suddenly, he felt all eyes on him.
I mean, it was the first time that the most popular girl in U.A. called a guy from the same age over to sit next to her and have lunch with her, except the freshmen, where the girls and boys all blushed from your milf motherly care and were asked about how school was and how you, their senior, would do everything in your might to help them. (U.A. ended up being the highest scoring school in Japan, thanks to a little help of yours) Also, they'd all blush from the close proximity you and them were in, because they could smell your scent, your glowing, sexy figure, where your thick thighs threatened to spill from your mini skirt, or how you had a too small shirt with a much too big cleavage on, where your large tits were spilling out a bit, or how your sweet tummy rolls were so cute -visible from the stomach-free top you wore sometimes- that they had to restrain themselves from pinchining them, or how nice your hair always looked, and with perfect makeup.
That's how Izuku felt, like a freshman, when he finally sat down next to you after he took an eternity with everybody's glare on him.(it actually took him less than ten seconds to speedwalk from his previous spot to yours but who cares) he could feel your unintentionally strong gaze on him and he allowed himself to feel important for once. I-if you were looking at him like that, then it was hard not to think that he wasn't special in at least some way. Izuku could smell your sweet vanilla perfume, but didn't dare to look into your beautiful face, let alone away from his hands in his lap, because if he even caught sight of your nice thighs, he'd be a goner, choke on his spit or thin air and die. He could even hear the thoughts his peers where having. How come Yena calls over such a loser? How come he gets her attention? What's so special about him? He's a nerd!
But you don't seem to care in the slightest, just happy that your favourite nerd (and crush) has taken your plea to sit down next to you. "How are you Mido? English hard? Do you need tutoring lessons?", you started speaking already after he took a bite to let him think about his answer, your friends looking at this little interaction with offended and confused faces. Why was he eating while you were speaking to him? Can't he chew a little faster to finally answer you?
And after he was done finishing his first bite, he began to ramble, but only for you and the person sitting next to him to cromprehend. "W-well, I actually do have a little trouble with English, but I think I'll manage, I don't want you to take more than you can handle- I mean, y-you- of course, you can handle things! You're- you're Yena Hideyo after all! I just d-didn't want to bother you with my problems, since you're already preparing the decorations and routine for prom and the big game is starting to come closer too and I just don't-"
"Breathe, Izuku.", you said gently, holding one of his hands which he was fumbling around when he tried to explain himself. You led it towards the table and smiled at him. Of course, he'd blush like crazy and nod before breathing. Unfortunately, the person sitting next to him was no other than Katsuki Bakugo, who'd of course laugh at him for not being able to speak coherently let alone look you in the eyes. Also, Bakugo wanted to embarrass Izuku in front of you as much as possible, so that you'd finally stop pining after that nerd and start catching feelings for him. That resulted in Izuku pale-ing/paling(?) and eating his sandwich until it was no more, all the while he had to endure this bullying side of Bakugo, which somehow still, never dissapeared.
"Ahahahahha- haaaa...you're one funny guy, nerd. Always muttering shit and not even being able to talk to Yena-" "Kats, that's enough. Drop. It.", your stern voice echoed in the big cantine, leaving everybody in shock.
They knew that you were Katsuki Bakugo's best friend and rumours spread around like crazy whenever students saw you and Bakugo interact with each other, playing with the thought of you and the jock being a couple and all. What they didn't know, for example, was that you, their little sweet sunshine of U.A., who'd always aid with a soft smile and calm voice, could hold such malice in her voice and glare at her friend of ten years with such hatred.
It left the eating ones stop chewing, the talking ones stop gossiping, the loud ones become quiet and Bakugo look at you with a shocked-I'd even dare say betrayed expression on his face. Even Izuku looked up from his sandwich to look to his right, where Kacchan was looking at you, then to you, who was giving him an annoyed look. The school bell signalled that the lunch had ended, much to everyone's dismay, and they all walked out with food in their hands.
You packed your things, but not before whispering something in Izuku's ear before you went away with your people, all the while not sparing the blonde football player a sliver of your attention. Izuku quickly stood up and ran as fast as he could, because 1. He talked to his crush-resulting in his heart beating rapidly against his chest, and 2. His crush stood up to Bakugo, with the whole school seeing them bicker wich was rather embarrassing to Bakugo...yeah, he'd kill him for that. And since Izuku didn't feel the need to die at the moment, especially after you've seductively whispered in his ear to meet you at 6 pm sharp, he ran up to the library to hide in the labyrinth of bookshelves, because Bakugo wasn't really known for his knowledge in this area, but he could still catch up to Deku.
However, since Deku knew this world of books like the back of his scarred hand, he easily dissappeared between the endless seeming shelves with his scrawny, thin body, leaving Katsuki lost and irritated. After a while, after Izuku was long gone, Bakugo found the exit and puked into a nearby dustbin because he couldn't stand the chance of seeing so many books, even though their backs were facing him. It scared him that there was an endless variety of pictureless books, where it wasn't like in comics and he also never understood actors and actresses in movies who always said that a movie would play while they were reading a book. so much for being a himbo.
"There you are!", you exclaimed happily, also glad that Izuku didn't leave you waiting any second longer. He even rang the bell to your apartment one minute earlier, which was probably because his watch was set one minute earlier so that he wouldn't come late to meetings and school and bla bla bla-
"U-uhm, yeah! You look pretty!", he said loudly, and you giggled. Taking his hand, you lead him to the living room, where all sorts of english books and literature were piled on top of each other. In total, there were only ten books, but they were thick.
Izuku was left dumbfounded. He thought that maybe, just maybe, you...well...uh, well!
"Are you hungry? I made us some pizza.", you said after he sat down and looked at the pile of books. He only nodded, a little dissapointed at the fact that he didn't get dicked down by you(...yet).
As he smiled up at you with a nod after he put on his sweet round glasses -with you internally dying of his cuteness- you made your way over to the oven of your apartment because you were already a big girl and could look after your own money which led you to invest in stocks and become rich but that's for another story (?👀?).
As you were taking out the pizza to examine the quality of the crust and middle part, being satisfied at how nice the cheese had melted, Izuku came inside and noticed you in an apron. To him, you were looking like his sweet little housewife, ready to be taken care of at the counter where he'd first eat you out and then the pizza-
Aaaaaaaaannnnd there went his dignity with his cock straining against his jogging pants. Well, shit.
"Hey Mido, need somethin'?", your sweet voice asked him and he felt his heart squeeze because you were just so perfect to him and he couldn't believe that he was alone in your home with you. "I-I jist, uh, I mean, I j-just wanted a glass of water-", and he pointed towards the sink behind you, "C-can I?"
This left you gasping and you smacked your head. "Silly me! Where are my host-manners!? I have other beverages as well! Orange juice? cherry juice? All Might smoothie? Apple-" "A-ALL MIGHT!", The nerd interrupted you and you couldn't help but burst out in laughter in his cute little antics and fanboying towards his idol the ingeneering master, Yagi Toshinori-Also known as all might.
"Okay sweetie!", you cheered before going to the fridge and giving him a fresh All Might smoothie. (it was literally a protein shake.) He loved that you didn't tease him for loving what he did, and he felt very precious in your presence. you never ushered him to something he never or didn't want to do.
Izuku took the smoothie with a precious grin and thanked you before going over to the english books and reading through them. So that's how you were always on top of the classroom...you must have been studying like crazy. And these books were amazing! He instantly understood what he did wrong when reading through the explanations.
The smell of perfectly baked pizza caught his attention and you put the sliced food in the middle of the table. You looked at him holding one of your books. "Understanding?" "Yeah, Thanks."
You smiled. "That's good to hear."
You were on your laptop, looking through some of your investments and writing emails like a professional and Izuku blushed. What were you not actually? You were smart, helpful, nice, sweet, calm, a good advisor for young and old, and you were pretty. And here you were too, helping him out by lending him some of your books to read and learn, and not expecting anything in return.
Even though he was thankful, he was greedy. Especially when somebody as extraordinary as you offered him an endless amount of help. He wanted more of your attention, more of your sweet words, and...your touch. Your hands and lips on him. The ony thing was, were you feeling the same? Probably not.
I mean, look at him, he's a nerd! Nerds don't get pretty girls like you. He could already imagine your phone going off any moment with Kacchan calling you, to ask if you'd be free today and then you'd excitedly say-
It seemed like he was staring at you too long, because after a while, you looked at him before stopping to write in your laptop. "All okay?"
Midoriya gulped nervously. Well, here goes nothing...!
"I...Uh-well, Uhm. There-there was s-something I'd like to tell you. B-but promise that you, well, that you won't laugh- or look at me with a disgusted face, or well, not a good reaction! I-just, I...I like you. Like, really, I really, really like you. I always have! From the moment I saw you for the first time where you helped a freshman reach their class and I couldn't take my eyes off of you, because you were just so pretty- which you are still now!-, and because suddenly, many people were talking to you and you had answers for every question they had.
Or the time where you were helping a teacher with finding their exams and when they found it, they were sooooo happy. Or just...all those other times, where you were just ....there!..... for everybody.
And it made me think...what about you? I want to help you. I like you, and I want you to get something in return for all those nice things you do everyday for everyone. So...what would you like to do?"
You looked at him for a moment of pure shock, not expecting him to know about your little dilemma, or even confess to you. Sure, you loved helping people, but you didn't like owing them stuff, or them having to do something for you. So...hearing your crush confessing his feelings for you and wanting to help you too, that made you swoon.
You hugged his arm and sighed. "...can we stay like that?"
Izuku gulped, feeling your soft chest, and small arms hug his toned arm, your knees on his thigh. "S-sure...!" But he still didn't get a reaction from you for his feelings. "Uh, would you like to go out sometime?"
You hugged him tighter. "Let's do that another time, love. I just wanna be close to you right now." And that made the boy happy.
"I'm surprised that you could see through my act though.", you said after a while, tracing some of his veins and scars which made the boy errupt in soft shivers. "D-don't wanna be creepy...but I can always see you...and I only see you helping people. Never anybody helping you."
You kissed his cheek by his little speech and he made happy noises. However, you didn't stop. you started connecting your lips to the arm you were hugging and pulled up his sleeve further and further until Izuku had to take it off. He was in a short sleeved grey shirt, oversized, and his thin arms were shaking with anticipation. Each time you kissed one of his freckles or scars, he felt more and more nervous. Sure, it felt nice and he cherished the moment, because it was very intimate to him. But still, he had his worries. He knew that you'd become a romantic maniac with your partner, but he never thought that he might become yours. Or were you just messing with him? Teasing him like the girls in middleschool did?
"Uhm, Yena-" "Hm? Wanna stop?", you asked, immediately backing away and about to let got of his hands when he grabbed them tightly. Strong shaking of the head. Your hands played with his hands and he felt his anxiety and bad thoughts drift away. "Wanna do something else?" Another shaking no of the head. "'want you to k-...kiss me...more...please?", he pleaded, looking up shyly to you with his thick long eyelashes. God, his eyes were so fucking pretty...!
This time, you let go of one of his nice but shaking hands and gently grabbed his cheek. "...Like...this?", you whispered against his mouth with hooded eyes and he whimpered, already leaning in with closing eyes. And when you brought your lips against his, he felt amazing. Every cell was partying as he grinned stupidly against your lips and intertwined your fingers with his, his other hand holding your hand which was on his cheek. your thumb caressed his cheekbone and Izuku sighed into the kiss in pure bliss. How many nights had the nerd been dreaming about kissing his popular crush? How many times did he want to hold your hand and just have you close to him? He couldn't remember and didn't want to either, when he had the real you right next to him, and taking his first kiss.
After a while, you parted and looked him into the eyes before smiling giddily and burying your head in his scrawny chest to giggle like a highschool girl. He was happy. If you were giggling like that and still holding his hand- this time more tightly- then it had to be that you were in love with him as he was with you. he hugged your frame, but something caught his eye; Bakugo.
The jock was standing in the corridor, his backpack threatening to fall down and scare you when it crashes to the ground, face twisted into anger, jealousy, hatred and hurt, and heavy, quick breathing. If Bakugo had been here a little earlier, he might've changed something, but no. He saw everything. From the moment where you started to kiss his knuckles up his shoulder and then...kissing his lips. Like you two were a real couple. You really loved Izuku.
he went out again and called one of the girls Denki recommended him. "Yer free t'night? Need to fuck out some pain."
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toji-bunny-girl · 2 years
Hee hee, older! Reader teasing him about his age, calling him nicknames like ‘kid’ and ‘squirt’ even tho he’s probably taller. She probably teases him about his bed time
“Aw how cute, the little baby has a bedtime 🥰 do you want me to tuck you in with a kiss and a cup of milk?”
(Change it to a cup of herbal tea and yeah he would)
+100000 if his senpai is shorter than him and she’s bullying teasing him while he’s over her height shaking and fuming but he still can’t do anything cuz your his favourite senpai 😭☹️ <33
everyone is flabbergasted at how much he respects and listens to you more than anyone else—perhaps more than a kouhai normally should; but they just simply wave it off as something platonic
Bakugou loves putting on a tough front in front of everyone too and especially when you’re there, but it’s so obvious that he’s only pretending by how red his ears are and sometimes, you thought you could see steam coming out of his ears 😭
whenever you’re bored, your favourite thing to do is to bully tease him until he literally explodes. he HATES HATES HATEEESSSS whenever you do that, gritting his teeth and sweating bullets while not just his face—his whole body turns all red and his blood boils and he’s shoving his fingers into his ears until eventually your friends jump in to save the poor boy before he overheats 😭😭😭
then comes one day when you’re about to graduate from your school and he finally musters up his courage and decides to confess to you. he tried writing letters but he’s too embarrassed to ask his friends for help and the examples on the internet was too cliché. he tried to admit his feeling through texting but he just couldn’t click the final ‘send’ button no matter how much he tells himself he can do it.
and that leaves him to the last option—spilling his feelings in your face. literally. he’s so close you can smell him and see the knot between his eyebrows before he screams accidentally confessed a little too loudly.
he expected some kind of teasing from you, like you always do. but you simply smile at him; a different kind of smile, but it sure was pretty to him, resting your palm on the blonde fluff of his hair.
“when you finally become number one, mhm?”
and there’s more of a reason for him to be the next All Might.
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xmaudx · 1 month
The Phoenix Burns
Chapter 3:
The first light of dawn crept through the heavy curtains of Y/N’s room, casting a soft, golden glow over the stone walls. She lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, her thoughts swirling with the events of the previous night. The unsettling encounter on the balcony still weighed on her mind however today was important—a day of diplomacy, and she needed to be at her best.
With a sigh, she rose from the bed and began preparing for the meeting. Her fingers moved carefully as she dressed in a churuthar. The yellow-green cloth was embroidered with intricate gold patterns, reminiscent of sun that symbolized her people. Over the tunic, she draped a rich, silk shawl—deep maroon with golden paisley designs, a nod to her ancestors who once wore similar garments in the ancient lands of her tribe. It was one of the very few dresses Queen Mitsuki still had of her mum from the visits between the two kingdoms. The ensemble was completed with a pair of gold bangles that jingled softly as she moved, and a small bindi, a traditional mark on her forehead, symbolizing her connection to her tribe’s spiritual roots. Humming her mothers lullaby as she got ready she'd move over to the mirror checking for any creases before adjusting her shawl.
A knock to her door however quickly shut her up. Y/N turned, half expecting it to be a servant, but when she opened the door, she was met with the sight of Ochako Uraraka. The witch smiled warmly, her brown eyes bright and welcoming.
“Good morning, Y/N,” Ochako greeted her, her voice light and cheerful. “I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I was asked to escort you to the meeting room. King Enji is expecting everyone soon.”
Y/N smiled in return, though the tightness in her chest didn’t ease. “Good morning, Ochako. You’re not disturbing me at all. I was just about to head there myself.”
Ochako’s smile widened, and she stepped aside to let Y/N exit the room. “Great! Shall we go together?”
As they walked through the castle’s grand halls, Ochako kept the conversation light, chatting about the beauty of the Hellfire Kingdom and how she’d spent her morning. Y/N listened, nodding at the right moments, but her mind was elsewhere. Despite Ochako’s kindness, there was a small, gnawing feeling in her gut that made it hard to fully relax around her. It wasn’t jealousy—at least, that’s what Y/N told herself—but something else, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.
After a lull in the conversation, Ochako shifted the topic, her tone a bit more serious. “I’ve heard so much about the Dragonblood Tribe. It must be incredible to be part of such a powerful lineage. But I imagine it also comes with its share of burdens, doesn’t it?”
Y/N’s steps faltered for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. “It does. There’s a lot of history, a lot of expectations for kats of course as well. But it’s also... fulfilling, knowing that I’m part of something bigger than myself. I have a family there, makes it easier to deal with everything”
Ochako’s eyes softened as she glanced at Y/N. “It must be hard, though especially after everything that’s happened to you... after what your tribe went through.”
Y/N felt a lump form in her throat but nodded in response. “It’s not easy, I guess there are some nights harder then others. But my amma wouldn't have wanted me to let my past haunt my present.” Her voice wavered, the uneasy topic felt strange to talk to with Uraraka.
Ochako was silent for a moment, her gaze thoughtful as they continued walking. Then, just as they were about to reach the grand doors leading to the meeting hall, Ochako spoke again, her voice quieter, almost hesitant. “Do you feel guilty for what you did? Or maybe...what you didn't do?”
Y/N stopped in her tracks, her breath catching in her throat. The question hung in the air between them, heavy with unspoken emotions. She looked at Ochako, trying to decipher the meaning behind her words, but the witch’s expression remained unreadable.
“I—” Y/N began, but the words stuck in her throat. She wasn’t sure how to respond, wasn’t even sure what Ochako was really asking. Guilty? For surviving? For not being able to save her tribe? For not doing more? She was young when it had happened but the trauma of it still haunted her in her sleep. The sight of children's dead bodies plaguing the land. Her mother's last gentle kiss to her forehead before pushing her small boat down the river sea. The screams and cries of women,children and men.
Before she could find an answer, the doors to the meeting room were opened by the guards, and Ochako gave her wide small, as if nothing had happened. “We should go in. The king is waiting.”
Y/N swallowed hard and nodded, pushing the question aside as she stepped into the room. But Ochako’s words lingered in her mind, gnawing at her as she took her seat at the table. The sense of unease that had been growing inside her only deepened, making it harder to focus on the task at hand.
As she settled into her chair, she forced herself to push aside the emotions swirling within her. There would be time to dwell on them later—now, she needed to be strong, to represent her tribe and stand her ground in the face of whatever challenges lay ahead.
Across the table, Katsuki’s crimson eyes met hers for a brief moment, and she felt a flicker of warmth, a reminder that she wasn’t alone in this. Whatever happened, they were in this together.
“Finally decided to join us, huh?” Katsuki said, his tone light but with an edge of impatience.
Y/N grinned as she took her seat across from him. “Aww did ya miss me kats?”
The blonde boy would click his tongue however a faint smile painted his face. Ochako settled into the seat beside Katsuki, her hand moving to squeeze his own, and Y/N couldn’t help but notice the ease with which she did so, as if she belonged by his side.
As the others resumed their conversation, Y/N focused on the topic at hand. Katsuki and Izuku were discussing recent reports of suspicious activity in Alkora Forest, a dense and mysterious woodland on the outskirts of the Hellfire Kingdom. It was a place shrouded in legend and fear, said to be home to ancient and powerful forces that few dared to disturb.
“I’m telling you, there’s something off about this,” Izuku said, his voice low and serious. “The patterns are too deliberate. Whoever—or whatever—is behind it is planning something big.”
Katsuki crossed his arms, his expression thoughtful. “Youstill think it’s that bastard All for One?”
Izuku hesitated, his green eyes flickering with uncertainty. “I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but... it’s possible. The signs are there. But if it is All for One, then that means One for All—”
“—might still be alive,” Katsuki finished for him, his voice grim. “But that doesn’t make any sense. One for All was supposed to have died in the Battle of Kraken.”
Y/N’s ears perked up at the mention of the legendary battle. It had been one of the most significant events in the history of the realm—King Enji’s predecessor, One for All, had faced off against the devil king All for One in a cataclysmic struggle that had left the kingdom in ruins. Both kings had been presumed dead, their bodies never found, but the impact of their battle had shaped the future of the Hellfire Kingdom forever.
Kirishima, who had been listening quietly, spoke up. “If All for One is back, then we’re in deep trouble. That guy’s no joke.”
Prince Shoto nodded, his voice calm but firm. “We need to investigate this further. If there’s even a chance that All for One is behind the disturbances in Alkora Forest, we can’t afford to ignore it.”
Tenya Iida, ever the diligent knight, added, “The safety of the kingdom must come first. We should prepare a team to investigate immediately.”
As the conversation continued, Y/N couldn’t help but notice the tension in the room. Everyone was on edge, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on them. She glanced at Katsuki, who was deep in thought, his usual fiery demeanor tempered by the seriousness of the discussion.
Before they could delve further into their plans, the doors to the meeting room opened once more, and King Enji Todoroki entered, flanked by his trusted hand, Hawks. The room fell silent as the king took his place at the head of the table, his presence commanding and imposing.
King Enji was a tall man, his fiery red hair a stark contrast to the cool demeanor he exuded. His sharp eyes scanned the room, lingering for a moment on Y/N before moving on. His expression was unreadable, but there was a hint of something in his gaze—something that made Y/N uneasy.
“Let’s get to business,” King Enji said, his voice low and authoritative. “We have much to discuss.”
As the meeting began, the discussion shifted to the main topic at hand: the trade relations between the Hellfire Kingdom and the Dragonblood Tribe. The recent changes in the political landscape had led to tensions between the two realms, and it was clear that the king was eager to assert his dominance.
Katsuki spoke confidently, outlining the terms of the proposed trade agreement. Y/N listened carefully, ready to chime in when needed. She knew this was an important moment—not just for her tribe, but for her as well. She had to prove herself, to show that she was more than just a survivor of her tribe’s massacre.
King Enji listened in silence, his expression giving nothing away. But when he finally spoke, his words were laced with an undercurrent of malice.
“You speak well, young Bakugou,” the king said, his tone almost patronizing. “But I wonder... is this truly the best your tribe can offer? After all, the Dragonbloods are not what they once were with a female leader ruling them.”
Y/N felt a surge of anger at his words, but she kept her composure. “Our tribe is still strong, Your Majesty regardless of what gender rules over. "
King Enji’s gaze shifted to her, and for a moment, she thought she saw a flicker of disdain in his eyes. “Ah, yes. The last of the Malabar Tribe. It’s impressive, truly, that you’ve managed to survive. But one has to wonder... how relevant are you, really, in matters of the kingdom?”
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest, her hands clenched into fists under the table. The king’s casual dismissal was sharp, his disdain for her clear. She could sense everyone's focus shift towards her. She took a deep breath, willing herself to stay calm, to not let his words get under her skin. Bakugou watched, his hand moving to grip his sword as he glanced over to Kirishima, a mutual understanding of how to act should this conversation turn violent.
King Enji leaned back in his chair, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Your tribe,” he continued, his tone dripping with condescension, “has always been a relic of the past. A small, insignificant group clinging to ancient traditions that have no place in the modern world. You’ve survived, yes, but survival is not the same as thriving. You’re little more than a curiosity—a footnote in history.”
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest, but she kept her expression calm, refusing to rise to the bait. “The Malabar Tribe has endured for centuries, Your Majesty,” she replied, her voice steady. “Our traditions are not mere relics; they are the foundation of our strength. We have preserved our knowledge, our culture, through generations and as the last survivor I will continue to practice our beliefs. It is not for you to decide what is significant and what is not.”
King Enji’s eyes narrowed, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Strength? How quaint. What good was your strength when it came to surviving. No one but you survived. Your men were left dead. Your women and children, your mother. Rumours had it her head was severed from her body and spiked on the gates of your tribe. So your strength is not as relevant as you claim it to be."
Y/N felt the final thread of her patience snap. The calm façade she had maintained throughout the conversation shattered as she stood up, her eyes blazing with a quiet fury. Her voice was low, but each word was filled with resolve. “You may see us as weak, Your Majesty, but you are gravely mistaken. The Malabar Tribe has endured more than you can imagine, and we will continue to endure long after you are gone. You speak of progress, but what you fail to understand is that true strength comes from knowing who you are and where you come from. That is something my people have never forgotten, and we never will.”
King Enji opened his mouth to retort, but before he could say another word, Y/N’s hand lashed out, striking him across the face with a force that silenced the entire room. The sound of the slap echoed through the chamber, and for a moment, everyone froze, their eyes wide with shock.
Y/N stood there, her hand still trembling from the impact, her breath coming in shallow, ragged gasps. She couldn’t believe what she had just done, but she refused to back down now. She met King Enji’s stunned gaze with a look of fierce determination, her voice unwavering.
“You may be the king of this land,” she said coldly, “but that does not give you the right to belittle my people. We have survived worse than your insults, and we will continue to survive, no matter what you or anyone else thinks.”
With that, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, leaving the stunned silence behind her.
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chaoticcmesss · 2 years
My mistakes
Izuku Midoriya x y/n
y/n is gender neutral
Warning: angst, OOC Deku, self-doubt, mention of cheating, talking bad of one's self, sadness, a tiny sprinkle of toxic, little bit of gaslighting
Words; 1.7k
part 1 | part 2
*My heart hurts so much while writing this, so I'm sorry in advance* *also my writing sucks a*s and it hasn't been checked at all yet* *i will update when I’ve reread it cause it’s sh*t*
☼this divider was made by me btw☼
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I've always wondered what it's like to have someone beg for you to stay in their life. Someone who would do anything just to get you back after a stupid argument.
My whole life I begged for someone to stay by my side so I wouldn't be alone.
I begged my mom to remain yet she left without a care in the world with her new family.
I begged my dad to stay with me yet he didn't even bat an eye towards my direction as he drove off with his mistress, never to be seen or heard from again.
I begged my siblings to stay by my side when my life went downhill, yet they just laughed at me and made sure to never contacted me again only when they need help.
But once I finally found him, the Izuku Midoriya. My life changed for the better with him by my side. He has slowly introduced me to his group of friends, especially his childhood and best friend, Dynamite and Shoto, they are all very nice and have interesting stories to tell. I knew that I now have people in my life that won't ever hurt me. Dynamight and I became very close with one another as we worked on several cases together and to be honest, we make an amazing duo. Same with Shoto, even though he doesn't really show his emotions that often, it's nice to have a logical conscious around.
Izuku and I have been together for 3 years ever since and nothing would ever come between us, or so I thought.
Our relationship slowly started to change for the worse, he would come home, give me a peck on the cheek and go to his office. He wouldn't even stay in the room with me unless it was necessary. He is always cooped up on his laptop doing the reports and important documents even at home. I don't think he realised that there was a sudden change in his moods or the way he’d come home smelling different. Of course, I’d notice the small details. I'd usually message Dynamight or Shoto on how he is during work and to keep me updated if anything happened.
Yes, I know that being a hero is very hard and tiring but so am I, I do as much hero work as him every day and night, and I made sure that I had time to welcome him back home, I made sure he ate and slept even with a hectic schedule.
But I felt like he slowly forgot about me, about us and what we have been through together.
Does he still love me?
Why is he still with me?
Does he have someone else?
Is he cheating on me with Uravity? (I'm sorry to uravity fans- lol I'm not sorry HA!)
I let these thoughts run around in my head as tears run down my face, maybe I’m just overreacting. Yeah. I'm just overreacting.
Looking at the hanging clock I saw that it was 7 pm, he is probably making his way back home. I don't know what to do with myself.
Do I confront him?
Do I just ignore it?
What do I do?
Taking a quick breather I heard the door open with a familiar jingle of keys and a sigh “y/n I'm home” says the man who I can't even recognise anymore.
It's always been a nickname. 
But it was just “y/n”
What happened to the man I fell in love with?
What happened to the man that I gave my heart to?
What happened to my Izuku that held my face as he proclaimed his love for me?
What happened to MY izuku?
“y/n? Are you okay?” Izuku says as he kneels to catch my gaze as he held my knees.
I knew something was wrong.
Please. Please, God. Anyone. Anyone who’s listening. I don't want to hurt anymore. Please…
Slowly looking up to meet his gaze, I ask the one question that I know will break me, “are we okay izuku?” as I saw his features go from a warm yet soft look to shock and disbelief. 
“What brought this up?” he asked like I'm some kind of idiot.
“Do you still love me like you did when we first got together? Do you even know when our anniversary was? Do you even remember your s/o? Do you still love me?” looking down at my lap, whispering all the questions eating me alive, wanting to find the answers I wanted to hear from him yet. Nothing. Nothing but silence from him.
“Izuku, please. I don't want to stay in this relationship when it's clear to me that you don't. I don't want- I don't want to be at home watching the news on how you and another hero would look good together, I don't want to be at home while watching you realise that you've fallen in love with someone else, I don’t want to be at home while you forget about me and everything we’ve been through. So please Midorya. Tell me what's happening so we can either fix what's left of us or I let you go” 
I knew what his answer would be. All these years being together, I knew him like the back of my hand. I knew this silence all too well.
Izu- no its Midoriya now. It always had been Midoriya, never Izuku. Never my Izuku.
I pull out my phone and text Tsuki to come to get me from Midorya’s place.
“God fucking damnit, I-” standing from my seat to walk over to our bedroom to pack I felt him wrap his arms around my waist as he buried his face into my stomach, feeling the tears soak through my shirt.
“I'm sorry babe, please don't go. Please stay. Please. She was just a fling nothing else! Please stay with me. I need you” he begged me to stay, and he finally begged me to stay. But for what? For him? For us? What's left of us? 
If I didn't know better, I would've agreed with him and stayed but now, things are different. This wasn't the man I wanted to have a future with. This wasn’t the man who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Not anymore. All I see in front of me was a man that I don't recognise, a man who I was in a relationship with who was no longer the man I fell in love with, all I see is a lying, cheating man who broke my heart, stringing me along until he encounters “someone else”. Someone “better”
The man that I gave my heart to, so long ago was replaced with a man who didn't care for me at all, a man who would leave me all broken with nothing but a shattered heart. 
I deserve to be happy, I deserve all the good things in life and make sure he goes through the same pain I went through. 
I knew the longer I stayed in this apartment the faster I want to leave.
I removed his arms around me and sped walked to the bedroom locking the door and packing as much as I could fit in my suitcase. 
I knew that there was no us, there was no more love in this relationship. 
I unlocked the door to see him on the couch, covering his eyes as tears descended from them. 
“Go be with Uravity, since you've always gone to her behind my back Midoriya” stating that I knew he had been cheating on me with her, yes I'm sad about being cheated on but at least I made it to the top 5 heroes without sleeping with the judges.
Hearing knocking on the door I knew it was Tsuki so I hurriedly rush towards the door to open it. Turning back to face Midoriya “You might want to get tested for any STDs considering that your side piece sleeps with a LOT of people. OH and I’ll grab my stuff on Thursday” Tsuki grabs my suitcase for me and wraps his arm around me, like a comfortable, muscular shield as we leave this dreaded apartment. Once we left the apartment, all the tears I'd held back rushed to the surface as I sat down in Tsuki's car, weeping my heart out for the love that I had lost, in his arms keeping me from any danger. My heart hurts so much. Knowing that I was easily replaced.   
Katsuki’s POV:
My heart hurts for them, but I knew how this all felt. Watching the love of your life fall in love with someone else who doesn't deserve them at all and watching them get broken hurts so fuckin’ much.
I didn't care how many people were watching us in the car park, all I wanted to do was hold them in my arms and keep them protected from anything that could potentially harm them.
“Let's go home idiot” releasing them from my arms as I secure their seatbelt and put mine on, we headed out to my apartment where they’ll stay for however long it'll take for them to heal even if it takes years. I’ll always be by their side.
“Thank you, Katsu” they whispers to me as they slowly drifted off to sleep
“You’re welcome… dumbass… my dumbass. I’ve waited 3 fuckin’ years for you, I guess I can wait for a couple more” I mumbled looking back to them knowing that they won’t hear me.
Third’s POV:
But little does Katsuki know, y/n heard what he said and couldn’t believe that all this time. Katsuki fuckin’ Bakugou was in love with them. But decided it wasn't the right time or day to say anything after the whole Midorya situation. I guess time will tell when both Katuski and Y/n realise their true feeling.
Midoriya sat in his apartment, thinking of ways to get his precious y/n back into his arms. Knowing that if they don’t come back. He’ll just force his way to get y/n back in any possible way.
The end?
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