#kadence speaks
cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Still talking about about the Original Story I’m working on, so here’s some of the villains this time:
Main Villain’s:
Fennec: Any pronouns
The main villain, and a robot. A long time ago, they were thought to have been entirely defeated and gone- but in secret, they were recovering and being repaired, as well as thinking up a brand new plan.
Indie: She/Her/Herself, They/Them/Themself.
Someone that has been very close to Fennec, and is another robot. ‘Indie’ was the name given to them by Fennec, as in the past, she was never exactly given one—and she never thought of one, either. Fennec knows of their excellent skills.
Ceres: It/It’s/Itself
A Cyborg that was originally apart of a group that was planning on stopping Fennec years ago, but ended up silently joining Fennec’s side. It never speaks, and instead uses sign language.
Kadence: She/Her/Herself, MtF.
A human with lots of useful skills that Fennec likes—but not as much as Indie’s. Originally, Kadence joined to keep watch of her friend Ceres, but ended up enjoying her time, and quickly proved herself.
Tags: @aecholapis @novafire-is-thinking @ivycorp @swede-fish
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barcatchatter · 3 months
Been speaking Italian to Kadence lately? Seeing she's part Italian, she oughta learn young right?
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Of course! Right now, we've been speaking English, Italian, and French to her
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highschoolrealityff · 3 months
Chapter 25
I was tired of holding in the secret that could not only ruin my life but HIS. He has ignored me for a month and a few weeks. I’m tired of this! He was actually getting into me and SHE just had to ruin the chance for us to see what we’ve could of been. Call me delusional maybe but what Chris and I had was growing into potential. I feel so alone in this mess that I created. I just wanted him to notice and like me for myself. I don’t have anyone to talk to. Keisha turned her back on me. I can’t even talk to my mom. I’m literally alone. Lately, I feel so sick and can’t keep anything down. I gotta figure out what I’m going to do.
As I’m combing through my thoughts on what to do. Nothing seems to be the right thing to do. I told him the news and it’s like he could care less. I want him to care!
“Kam! Are you heading to school baby girl?” My dad yelled out to me. I was not in a mood to go to face everyone especially Chris. We needed to come up with a solution to this problem he helped create. “Kam!” Dad yelled out to me. “I’m coming! I’m heading out now!” I yelled back. I couldn’t stop looking at my reflection in the mirror as my former flat stomach was growing a small little bump. I am no where near ready to tell my dad so I’m going to hold my own secret until I can’t. 
I pulled a hoodie over myself and slid on my crocs. I wanted to be comfortable but also not play into looking pregnant. 
The bell rang as I walked up to the quad. I could see them on my right. Just laughing it up and having a good time. I am not going to lie. I’m heated. I needed to have a conversation with Chris. I’m going to make that happen no matter what. He has to speak to me. It’s important for the future.
“Just make sure you don’t die this time!” Mike yelled as he laughed. We had let the girls smoke with us and Mallory’s baby ass lung couldn’t hang. It was funny how slummed she was last night. As everyone in the group laughed. I couldn’t help but think about my short conversation with Kambria. There couldn’t be anyway I got her pregnant. I would of remembered having sex. Let alone with Kambria. I kept thinking about it. Even if it was a possibility. I’d never be like my dead beat father. I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Kambria heading towards me angrily. “Fuck man” I mumbled to myself. I had to dead this situation before it blew up to everyone. I caught her attention by pointing over to the empty tables that were out of sight. “Hey man. I’ll be right back” I said said to Mike. He nodded and went back to talking to the group. 
“We need to talk again Chris” Kambria said as she tightly crossed her arms around her chest. “Yeah we really do. I’m confused” I said. “Well like I told you the other night. I’m pregnant” She said as her eyes tried to search mine for a reaction. I had nothing to give her. I wasn’t going to believe her because I know for sure I didn’t fuck her. “Respectfully Kambria. I mean this with the upmost respect. I did not have sex with you” I simply said as her face dropped and tears filled inside her eyes. “I can’t fucking believe you!” She yelled loudly. 
“Cut that shit out!” I snapped at her. I didn’t need this kind of attention flooding around me. “All you have to do is be there for your soon child. I’m not asking for much” She cried as she held onto herself. “I am telling you the truth! It’s not my baby” I flatly said. This conversation wasn’t going anywhere. I can’t even remember going to her house. Kambria stormed away as tears fell from her eyes. I felt bad but that truth I can’t accept. Especially because it’s not true. 
I can’t even fantom what was going on between Chris and Kambria. Whatever that conversation was about. It had ole girl pressed. I wasn’t going to address what was going on because Chris and I barely got back on good terms. I don’t want to jeopardize what we’re currently building towards. “Hey ya’ll I’m about to head to class. I’ll link up with ya’ll at lunch” I said as I walked away with so many questions. As I was walking to first period, my phone was already buzzing. I ignored my phone and opened the door to the classroom. “Good Morning Kadence” My teacher brightly greeted. “Good Morning Ms. Henderson” I replied as I sat down in the desk I normally sat in daily. My thoughts were crashing all at once. 
“Earth to Kade” Keisha waved in front of my face as she laughed. I shook myself out of the haze I was in. “What’s up girl?” I asked as I pulled my binder and pencil case out. “I was trying to get your attention. I’m good” She said as she sat at the desk on my left. “Girl I’m just all in my head about Chris” I honestly admitted. “What’s going on now with his light skinned ass” She laughed as she started scrolling on her phone. “Nothing really. I saw him chatting with Kambria’s sneaky ass” I said as I checked my phone as well. “I thought he ended that situation girl” Keisha said as she raised her eyebrow. “Look that’s his problem” I said shrugging and brushing it out. “Good morning class. Let’s get started on this week’s lesson” Ms. Henderson loudly said as we turned to pay attention. 
“Today we will be learning about attachment theory and it components” Ms. Henderson announced. I wasn’t in the mood for Psychology class. Although it was one of my favorite classes. Today was not it. I need to check in with Chris. 
I just hate how much I care.  
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psychotic-cyclonus · 6 years
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Commissions are open!!!
-nsfw -complex machinery
-light gore -fursonas -simple machinery
I may and will decline anything I feel uncomfortable drawing or have a personal quarrel with
Please have your references/design ideas ready and finalized!
If interested please contact me here or send an email to: [email protected]
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fircytragcdy · 5 years
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“i hope you brought some of marcus’ whiskey with you.” kadence looked up at rhys with a small smile, leaning up on her elbows. the sun was hot and she moved from laying by the pool and slipping into it whenever it got too much for her. her wine glass was empty and she needed something else to hit the spot. asking marcus himself for some whiskey was out of the question, but rhys? he was cute and kadence didn’t mind having a little conversation with him. “you look hot. maybe you’re wearing too many clothes.” her intention behind the words was clear and she grinned, sitting up to dip her legs into the water. kadence turned her head to rest her chin against her shoulder, arching a brow as she looked at him. “tell me something about yourself, rhys.” // @wearyhands - RHYS
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protoformx · 2 years
forever think it was the funniest thing ever that when I first was trying out names in late middle/early high school I just stole my friends name and used it everywhere bc his name was cool
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dailyterencetdarby · 7 years
[[I. feel. like. absolute. shit.
but what’s new huh?]]
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preciousprentiss · 3 years
Prompts of Hotchniss - Chapter Eight
Since I posted a chapter about Hotch comforting Emily yesterday, I thought I would bring it full circle with a chapter about Emily comforting Hotch (because I love them and how much they care about each other). 
Prompt: Person A touching Person B as a show of affection/reassurance
Once the Sherriff and the rest of the team had left the conference room and the only ones remaining were her and Aaron, Emily pushed her hands into her jacket pockets and sighed as she walked towards him and watched him push a hand through his hair as he leaned against the wall. That was his tell. His way of saying, without words, that he was in a bad headspace and reaching his breaking point, and she knew that he need her even if he still had yet to reach that conclusion himself. He must have heard her footsteps because he stopped staring at the floor and turned his head in her direction just before she reached him, but he didn’t even smile and that was when she knew that this was serious.
“We should go back to the bed and breakfast and try to get some sleep.” She told him, placing her hands on his waist when she reached him.
“I genuinely thought it was a viable piece of evidence…” His voice was so soft that she barely heard him.
“I know you did, we all thought it was,” She replied. “Is that what you’re upset about? The evidence being unusable?”
He shook his head. “No. I’m upset because, by not considering how useful the evidence I found was going to be, I hindered the investigation in a way. It was a waste of time and that time could have been spent looking into a piece of actual evidence that could have helped us locate and save Kadence Henderson tonight. She’s already been missing for over forty-eight hours, Em, and we know that this unsub only keeps his victims for seventy-two, so that means she has less than a day to live and I’m going to be the one responsible if she dies before we get there.”
“Look at me,” She took her hands from his waist and rested them on the sides of his neck, her thumbs running over the stubble on his jaw as she looked him in the eye. “You are not responsible for the unsub’s actions, that’s something that you need to remember because you remind me and the rest of the team of that all the time. The only person who is responsible for the unsub’s actions is the unsub because they choose to do this. They choose not to speak out about their urges or seek help before they act on them. They choose to do it over and over and over again, Aaron, and no one is forcing them to do it. It’s something that, for some twisted reason, they want to do. You aren’t the person taking these lives, so you’re not responsible. You are an outstanding agent and you save far more people than you lose, you need to remember that.”
“Do you ever question why we do this? Why we put ourselves in these situations when we could just have a normal career?” He asked.
She nodded. “Every time we have a case. Out there, in the field, it’s hard and it’s dark and I find myself wondering why I would ever do it to myself on a constant basis. We see things that no one should ever have to see and we do things no one should ever have to do, but we do it because someone has to. Someone has to be here for these people. Someone has to advocate for these victims and someone has to be here for their families. Those are the thoughts that run through my mind when we’re on our way back to Quantico after a case. I remind myself that I made a difference in someone’s life, no matter how small, and that’s what helps me to find the motivation to keep doing what we do. I love this job because it gives me the opportunity to help people and that’s all I ever wanted to do. Our job is special, regardless of all the horrors.”
He looked at her in silence for a moment, but then the smallest smile crossed his lips and she felt a wave of relief wash over her at seeing it. “Sometimes, I think it should be you as unit chief because you are far better at finding the right words to say in these situations than I am,” He admitted, a slight chuckle in his voice as he slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close with a soft kiss to her hairline. “I think part of me knows that I’m not actually going to be the one responsible if the worst happens, but it just sucks that we’re no closer to finding Kadence than we were six hours ago. Every minute is so crucial in a case like this and the chance for us to save her is slipping away.”
“I know…” She soothed. “But the Sherriff was right in saying that we need to come back here in the morning and take a look at the case with a fresh pair of eyes. There’s something that we aren’t seeing and it doesn’t help that we’re all exhausted, so we need to head back to the bed and breakfast and just sleep for the next six hours. You never know, things might look a little better in the morning than they do right now.”
“You’re right,” He told her before leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. “Thank you. For being here, I mean.”
She tutted, taking a step closer to him and resting her head on his chest. “I’ll always be here for you. That’s one thing you can count on.”
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mitchellmoffit · 4 years
christmas needs to stop bringing up kadence when speaking to da’vonne. if your raggedy ass really cared about da’vonne as a single mother and you really want to see her win and do well, you would’ve never nominated her to begin with or you would have taken her OFF the block. instead you leave her there vulnerable when she’s telling you she doesn’t think she has the votes. just shut the fuck up and keep that baby’s name out of your mouth.
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Alright swiftly moving on from Theele, everyone here’s Kade! His name is actually Kadence, but you’ll only ever make the mistake of calling him that once because the glare he throws at you is bone chilling. He’s the second third of the danger duo (again the math checks out they promise) and he is an absolute chaotic child. To boil him down to a single sentence Kade is a self contained vine compilation- they honestly radiate the same energy. He is the self confident, overdramatic, theater child of the group. If Kade isn’t found in the middle of some sort of poorly thought out plan that’s turned into a disaster then that means he’s too busy running from the consequences of a previous one to be involved in high jinx at the moment. He is an absolutely lanky bean, with long arms and legs he doesn’t always *quite* know what to do with at all times. Kade is the palest child you’ll ever meet, giving him a constant pink glow from the wrath of the sun, and he has a birthmark on his face sort of in the shape of a heart that will never live it down, and one blue and one brown eye because genetics made him a beaut. Kade is a literal human magnet with an adoration for small children, so when he was chosen to be a teacher he didn’t complain in the slightest. Oh, and he’s an absolute bi bean
Here’s a Spotify list for Kade by the way, warning it’s definitely catered towards his party side. https://open.spotify.com/user/kelsomlk/playlist/6lGSw5FuVL4lUOQzMvxbkg?si=BQ2IXylRRnufBp_mBY77mQ
Speaking of vine compilations by the way, over a year ago I did a vine compilations for my Greener characters and now I’m realizing some of those would be great to add to character intros to help explain the vibe™️ of a character! So at the bottom there’s a Kade™️ vine. (Bonus the scared dog on the couch is Tamara)
Taglist: @ettawritesnstudies
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soleildansobscurite · 5 years
@oc-hoarder | x
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“ Well, you could say ‘good morning’ back for starters, Kadence. We are schoolmates after all, no need to be so hostile. “ Well, stuck in his body she can speak as she wanted, right? It’s odd but she knows Elliot speaks his mind. Just not... in this calm manner maybe. “ You know, sometimes a bit of politeness free from prejudices can be a very attractive trait. “ A little grin from her. “ Oh, by the way, have you by any chance seen Ell -- Ada? “
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oc-hoarder · 5 years
@blshng from x
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“Because Ava, you need to be more confident. If you don’t speak your mind, or tell people what you want they’ll never know.” Kadence said sipping her coffee. “no one’s a mind reader.” 
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jp-oc · 5 years
Double Bloom drabble 1
AU: On the right wrist of every individual is the first words their soulmate will speak to them.
Characters: Aalto, Iain, Destiny, Oliver, Mochi, Vel, Kadence.
Word count: 2,266
Aalto kept his arm outstretched. It strained him, keeping a focus on the spells he was practicing while maintaining control over his prosthetic’s fingers. To stay clear, he tested the waters and allowed his shaking hand to relax slightly to give himself more control.
“Keep your mind on balancing both tasks.”
Aalto stiffened his prosthetic’s arm once again. He hated to hear that voice, demanding and condescending. Commanding him to do what felt impossible, to do what made him sweat under the desert sun, with no sympathy to spare for him.
Hours passed, with limited success. Aalto was able to keep his prosthetic arm in the casting pose using his magic, however, since the incident that took his arm, Aalto encountered trouble in focusing on casting magic while controlling his prosthetic. He did well enough for a small nod from Iain before being told what he had done wrong.
It was only the occasional training session that Iain would end with some half-assed summary of what Aalto had done decently. Usually it was what he struggled with, and how it wasn’t anywhere near what was expected of him, as it was today. Destiny was always waiting inside on the days she didn’t teach, and would often greet Aalto afterwards, offering some kind of drink to help him cool off. He would take it, thank her, and go to his room and lock the door.
Now Aalto sat in his room, listening to the primarily one-sided conversation in their makeshift kitchen. Destiny was reminding Iain to ‘go easy, he’s just a human boy.’ Aalto assumed that Iain had barely acknowledged it. A thankful smile grew as he heard Destiny’s reaction to whatever bullshit Iain had tried for an excuse after that, ‘he’s not like us, Iain, and you know you shouldn’t push him like you are!’
Aalto then laid back onto his bed, trying to think past the conversation going on just down the hall. He tiredly pulled his tunic off, arching his back slightly to unzip his binder before pulling it off alongside his arm. He had heard the argument before, and he was tired of being reminded. He closed his eyes, listening to the sound of sand hitting his window as he thought back and attempted to keep his breathing keep and steady.
Aalto had lost his arm after casting a higher level destruction spell. Destiny was concerned for the fact that Aalto had suffered a major injury, one that was able to be healed quickly by her magic. She began her thoughts towards his mental health, but it was short-lived after Iain discovered the scene. He was proud, the bastard. Proud that this human that his sister had adopted somehow paid off. He told Aalto that casting that spell was promising, that it assured him of the potential that lay within him. Training increased from once a week to three times a week, one of which was with Destiny. Those were Aalto’s favorite sessions.
Aalto slept with a common dream of his own. When he had lost his arm, he had lost something else entirely. On the right wrist of every human individual were the first words they will hear from their soulmate. Iain and Destiny lacked those words, however, Aalto fawned over this distinction. When he was young, he had enjoyed the concept of a soulmate. He begged Destiny to tell stories of how he may grow older, a master of the magic Iain promised to teach him, and as he performed miracles to help other humans like him, a stranger spoke the words- “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
So what now? Have his words been erased from his would-be soulmate? Has his soulmate forgotten him, or would they be searching for the person with an intact right wrist that says those exact words as they speak? Oh, what a mistake he had made.
In this dream, Aalto was pushing his way through a thick wood, using his magic to bend the greenery out of his path. He wore the outfit Destiny had made for him, it felt as if it was made of silk, and it never grew dirty. She called it professional, said it made him look dashing. Maybe that’s why he always wore in the dream. As he trudged forward, wildlife watched him. An uneasy feeling overtook him as he moved faster, it was as if a message was passed through the woods to him, a message he was desperate to answer. It was then that Aalto pushed past into a clearing, and in the center lay a figure. Aalto called out, and in return he looked to his prosthetic, the words spoken towards him written as if that was his own flesh and bone.
When he awoke, Aalto saw Destiny’s kind face hovering over his. Immediately she smiled gently, knowing to keep her excitement down. He was exhausted, and a slow glance at the window gave the indication that he had slept towards the evening, with no harsh winds and a sky no longer burdened with a burning sun.
Destiny shifted, kneeling to be face level with Aalto. “Iain and I talked about your training, he should be going easier on you now. When you’re with him, I’ll be your audience from now on. How does that sound?“
Aalto hummed. “Good, I just… It’s just that I don’t want to trap myself again.” he whispered. After training, Aalto slept. Then he ate. And then he slept again until morning came, and Iain waited for him to eat before training began once more.
Destiny brought a hand up and began to run her hands through Aalto’s hair. She brought her head up to rest beside his. This was her boy. He was mature, but young. An idea sparked, and Destiny smiled, bringing her head up.
“Rumor has it that there is a bakery opening in Nucifera, and I’d hate to live in the mystery that their goods might somehow match up to our own.” Destiny brought an arm up to lean on, smiling more as Aalto understood. “So, I think it would be best if you redressed and went out to get a meal along with some treats from that bakery. Perhaps then we can make the decision on if it is up to our own quality.”
Aalto smiled, reaching for his binder and arm before Destiny pulled it over to him. She winked at him, and as she reached the door, Aalto gave a tired wave.
“Love you.” he said.
“I love you too. Be safe.”
When Aalto arrived in the kingdom, the sun was lowered enough to touch the sandy horizon. He enjoyed the view from the kingdom, but it was difficult to shake the feeling of unease as he stepped out of the desert and onto the cobblestone path as he moved onto the plains the kingdom was built on.
The guards watched him. Magic users were not common, and while they were not exactly welcomed, they are not completely turned away. Destiny once told a story of how magic users helped build the kingdom, how they worked alongside the royal blood to maintain such a prosperous kingdom. But those magic users left after the royals gave them nothing in return.
Aalto walked the path up, stiffly watching his own movements. Last time he had been here, Destiny had been told to wait at the gate, and Aalto refused to go in without her. Thankfully it didn’t burn his face into banishment, but it did make for a sour trip home. Aalto now regrets it, as he moved through another cobblestone wall through the path he followed. Shouldn’t market areas be easy to find?
“Excuse me? Excuse me?”
Aalto turned, to see an annoyed man, wearing a white coat and formal wear. Glasses framed his eyes, which stared right into his own.
“Who are you, why are you on royal grounds?” he asked. “Are you even supposed to be here? This isn’t a shortcut!" 
Aalto stared back, completely silent. No way he was gonna say something to bring more attention his way.
"Oliver, is there a problem?”
Shit. Aalto turned, seeing a small group, all of whom where looking at him. The one who called over was also wearing a white coat, they had long blonde hair with a blue stripe. Behind her was another girl, with red hair matching her outfit pinned up, a blonde stripe matching the other’s. Lastly, there was…
The fucking prince.
Aalto must have been hiding his panic fairly well, as Oliver and the blonde-blue hair white coated people bickered, the prince looked from them to him and fucking smiled before taking a fucking step towards him.
“Oh shit.”
The words were out of Aalto’s mouth before he could think, and by the look on the prince’s face, he was done. No meal, no stop by the bakery, if he was being released to go back home today then he was going home with some kind of fine and banishment from the kingdom. Perfect.
The prince’s look of disbelief faded and he began to walk towards Aalto again, who stood stiff. When the prince stood right in front of him, the prince’s smile was bright, and he put out his hand. And Aalto froze.
“It is a pleasure to meet you.”
The prince stood silent, watching Aalto’s face for any reaction other than intense discomfort. He then pulled his right sleeve up slightly. On his wrist the words ‘Oh shit.’ stood as a permanent mark against his skin.
“Granted, I never really… enjoyed having this sort of vulgarity printed on me. I will say my attempts to listen through crowds of visitors to hear it were straining to say the least. Though, I believe this meeting is preferable to the stories that I’ve heard from others.”
The group he was with was staring and whispering to one another.
“Although… I suppose other stories don’t compare to the one you create.”
Aalto took a deep breath. He did not want to be here right now. The prince took a step back and put down his hand.
“I’m- sorry, I suppose that isn't… the best… introduction. My name is Kadence, I'm… I’m Prince Kadence Nelumbo. This is the Kingdom of Nucifera, although you probably knew that.”
The two stood still, and Aalto then spoke softly, enough to Kadence to hear.
“You… you are my soulmate.” he said softly.
Kadence nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry if I'm… not what you had hoped for. I promise you, any further steps you want to take I will support.”
Not what he had hoped for? Aalto raised his right arm up, and watched Kadence as his eyes drifted down. Several emotions ran across his face, clear as day. This prince never had to hide anything, did he? Kadence looked up to meet Aalto’s eyes. The prince’s soulmate was a human magic user.
Aalto looked past Kadence to the group that had accompanied him. The red haired one pushed Oliver away as he harshly whispered to her, and the blonde gave a thumbs up. They were leaving. Oh, shit, he had to leave. Aalto took a step forward and looked back at Kadence.
“It’s- I live in the desert. It’s late, and I…” Aalto fumbled. He felt more comfortable when it was Kadence who was fumbling with words. But shit, it was worse when Kadence’s smile slowly fell into worry.
“Can’t you stay? Just tonight and we… we can further discuss things, we can discuss one another and make up for lost time-”
Kadence wasn’t really thinking when his anxieties crawled into his words. For years, maintaining his kingdom as its prince, a title he could never shake and must earn beyond, felt fruitless. He was pitiful. Kadence ruled his kingdom, but he was not a king. For years he believed that if he were to find his soulmate, certainly, he would mature. His staff would bloom and he would be the king. He and his true love would care for the kingdom and they would flourish. He couldn’t lose this man.
Kadence held Aalto’s metallic arm so gently. As if holding him closer would break them both, while holding him any less would whittle them both to nothing. Aalto leaned closer and rested his forehead against Kadence’s. He felt the prince freeze, although he had leaned into the touch. Aalto brought his left hand up to the prince’s side, where he brushed his thumb softly. Aalto took a slow breath in and out.
“Kadence,” a shift as the prince turned slightly to listen closely, “I promise you, I will be back. I’ll be at the gate when tomorrow dawns.”
Aalto began to pull away, and tipped Kadence’s chin up as his expression laid dejected. “You promise?” the prince asked.
“I promise.” Aalto’s eyes flickered down for a moment before leaning and kissing Kadence’s cheek.
“I… Okay, I’m gonna…” Aalto shrugged slightly as Kadenced smiled, watching. Aalto moved back, looking for the entrance he had moved through. “I’m gonna meet you then. Okay? Uh… bye!”
Kadence watched Aalto leave, almost hurried with a small sigh and a smile. He touched his cheek. His smile fell as he saw the group of staff at the window.
“How much did you see?” he asked.
“Enough to make you tell us everything about him.” Mochi called out, straightening her coat. Vel turned from her sister and shrugged before beginning to shoo everyone away, bribing them with the idea of a cake she may just make for the prince’s soulmate.
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highschoolrealityff · 3 years
Chapter 21 Part 2
The problem is I still care about that nigga BUT I will not be disrespected. I am not my mama. I refuse to let any man run over me like they have done to my mama. I may only be 16 but that’s not stopping a damn thing. Keeis better pray to the Lord himself that our paths don’t cross outside of school. It’s on sight and I mean that. 
“Hey Kee”. I slowly turned around to be met by Chris. “What’s up light bright” I teased and smiled at him. “Shut up nigga” He retorted and mushed me. Besides this nigga being in love with Kade. He was pretty cool and a loyal customer. “Are you good though? Just say the word” He said looking dead serious. “I appreciate the concern but I’m good” I responded looking away. “Ok well I’m here for ya. I know I’m just your customer but I care about your well being Kee” He said in a sincere tone. I smiled and nodded, “I appreciate that Chris”. 
We both parted ways and I continued in the opposite direction. 
Something wasn’t right. I haven’t heard from Kambria in a while. She probably was having another mental meltdown. I try to be supportive but she’s always pushing someone who cares about her away. I really wasn’t feeling the way she went about the whole situation with Kadence. 
Speaking of the devil. I spotted Kambria walking in my direction. Do I even try to give this lunatic the time of day? She was getting closer to me. 
“Hey Keisha” She said as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. “Oh so you do know who I am? I could of swore I was a stranger” I replied back with a nasty tone. “I’m sorry Keish” She said trying to sound remorseful. “Save that weak ass apology for someone who cares cause it for sure isn’t me” I said turning on my heels and walking away. “Keisha please! We need to talk about Keeis” She said as I stopped in my tracks. 
What could she possibly talk to me about Keeis?
Lately I’ve been stuck in my thoughts about the last conversation I had with Mikey. I’m not sure why it’s still bothering me. I know the only thing I need to worry about is being a seventeen year old and graduating soon. The what ifs wouldn’t stop taunting me. Was this relationship just something to do until he was bored? 
“Hey Mal are you good?” Kade asked me as I snapped out my thoughts. I instantly looked at her and nodded. “Kade what I’m gonna tell you. Please keep this between us” I said as I prepared to tell my best friend my hidden secret. “Your secret is safe with me Mal” She said grabbing my right free hand looking into my eyes. 
“Ok so a few weeks ago I had a pregnancy scare. I was so worried it would happen again because Mikey and I have been intimate like rabbits. Like I never make him wear a rubber” I said cracking a little smile. Kade just laughed and shook her head. “Anyways girl I told him what happened and that I got on birth control” I said sighing. “Mal even if you were pregnant you’d be supported by my family and I” She said confidentially. “I know but I’m not built to be a single mother let alone a baby mama” I said getting upset again. “You won’t be!” Kade responded matter o factly. 
“I’m just stuck on the what ifs Kade” I said as my eyes began to fill with tears. “It’s just fucked up to know if it did happen I’d be alone in it. Mikey dismissed the idea. I am fully aware we both don’t need to be teenage parents but he could of at least gave me proper reassurance” I cried as I could feel Kade wrap me in a hug. 
“Hey what’s going on ?” I heard Mikey’s voice ask out loud. 
Lately Mal has been moody as hell. I don’t know what her problem is but I’m not a damn mind reader. She needs to speak the hell up. Lunch break was about to start so I made my way towards our designated spot. I spotted Kade and Mal talking and it looked all dramatic. I should stay away but I know my nosey ass wasn’t going to resist the opportunity. 
As I got closer to the girls I saw Mal burst into tears as Kade consoled her with a hug. 
“Hey what’s going on?” I asked as I placed my things on the bench and stood by them. Mal quickly broke the embrace and wiped her tears. I didn’t like that because it was like she was hiding the fact she’s sad about something. 
“Nothing. It’s nothing” She said getting up and walking past me in a hurry. Kade sighed heavily. “You better go after her Mike”. I shook my head and followed behind Mal quickly as she dashed behind a building. “Hey wait up Mal !” I called out to her. I finally caught up to her lil ass. That girl could move. “Wait babe” I said lightly grabbing her arm. “Talk to me Mallory!” I said raising my voice looking deeply into her eyes. 
“Oh now you want to talk!?” Her eyed grew big and she exclaimed turning to me with a face full of tears and pain. “It’s funny because you didn’t want to talk to me when I literally told you I had a damn pregnancy scare!” She said raising her voice too. “Mal babe calm down” I said trying to search her face for why she was so pissed with me. “No ! You really hurt my damn feelings Michael” She said as the tears began to pour down her face. It hurt my pride that she was really hurt and that I didn’t try to see was really bothering her. How did I miss it ? 
“Mal I apologize if I hurt your feelings. I didn’t take your feelings into consideration like I should have. I should of reassured you. We’d be okay no matter what happens” I said grabbing her close to me. 
 “I love you Mallory”
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psychotic-cyclonus · 6 years
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I have had no feelings for this man for years I have not cared But fsr today of all days there has been a surge of love and I will protect him w my life
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blshng · 5 years
(oc-hoarder: Kadence) “You need to speak up more often.”
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Ava blinks at her. Just where does that comment come from? She feels a little nervous and she hides her thumbs in her fists to smother the stress.
"I don't feel the need to. Why are you telling me this?"
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