#kaeyas father
himejoshikaeya · 2 months
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quick design on how i think kaeyas bio father looks + rant:
ANYWAYS!!! i really despise it when people portray kaeyas biological father as this extremely abusive man, especially when they make crepus out to be this some sort of saint. we have to remember that kaeya and her father are REFUGEES - it is literally a core aspect of their story. their home country was completely destroyed, with most citizens either turning into horrific monsters or cursed with immortality. while we don't know much about kaeya's childhood pre mondstadt, it's safe to assume that it probably wasn't the best - however, i still don't think her father was abusive. from the very little that we do know about him, he seems extremely remorseful and perhaps even /regretful/ for what he had to do. he isn't an evil father - but simply one in an extremely difficult situation. would you rather abandon your child in order for them to have a better life or keep your child with you, even if it means that they'll suffer ? yes, kaeya was technically placed in mondstadt to be some sort of spy - but sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good, no matter how much it may hurt.
mrow (>w☆) !
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lola-x · 2 years
About the cutescene at the end of "of balads and brews" this is always the same voice i think it's the valcon why cuz the wepon we get is about the falcons death
So the voice we hear is him reapeating the last words from there father (rosaria kaeya diluc and ofc rezor)
Also kaeya saied that razor misses his dad and searches for him
Than kaeyas dad line "this is the place were you have to stay you are our last hope fergiv me ..kaeya" I KNEW IT HE WAS NOT AN ASS like evrybody else asumed and with the new quest now knowing that khaenri'ah was inecently nuked by celestia
My theory is that mihoyo did that cuz if pierro realy is kaeyas father pierros voive woud have given it away or somthing and no more secret yk ?
And idk if it only in englisch but the voice is almost the same as the one that told the story of rukkatavata and Nahida
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kaeyachi · 4 months
I'm seeing a lot of "Kaeya doesn't care for Khaenri'ah" for a while now in various socmed but like... this is the same dude that:
1. kept a portion of his father's notes about his clan when it was supposed to be burned
2. tested out the waters with Venti/Barbatos by putting a threat/warning in a letter
3. technically tried to run away from Dawn Winery to be able to go to Sumeru to learn more about Khaenri'ah when he was a kid
4. has his play performance imply that he is annoyed/mad about his birth father's actions BUT would like to keep both enemy and home nations safe and at peace
5. Avoids elaborating on Khaenri'ah but unafraid to say that that is his ancestry (in fact, he uses it to his benefit)
6. chose to keep using "Alberich" as a surname (he had his chances to change it, and no one could call him out, and yet he kept it? Again, what for?)
7. is torn with the idea of duty to his home nation and the love that Mond gave to him (character stories)
tbh I think Kaeya still cares for Khaenri'ah (whether it is because of his father's orders, or his own heart yearning for what could have been, or that he simply and genuinely loves his heritage). We still have Mona's voiceline saying that he has to make a choice someday, so clearly something is eating up his mind.
What I do theorize Kaeya is trying to do is to look for a different solution where he doesn't have to choose between Khaenri'ah and Mondstadt. That's what his Veluriyam Mirage vision is for- a mixture of the star of Khaenri'ah and the vision case of Mondstadt. In a realm where your dreams could be a reality, he decided to give himself both.
And honestly, could he possibly have both someday? Or does he need to realize that he can only have one?
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java-lava · 8 months
I’m a sane person (mostly) but will go absolutely FERAL over guys with long hair. (But like, in this way)
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Edit; I forgot to add Aether but he absolutely counts
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crows-of-buckets · 6 months
I feel like the genshin fandom doesn't talk about the fact that crepus was actually fucking dissolving when he died enough. Like.
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Like???? His arms already dissolved here, while his leg is actively dissolving. Like. I didn't even notice it my first few reads I only discovered it because I was drawing crepus dying for a comic. Do you know how fucked up that is???? To watch your father not only die, but to dissolve? Did they have a body to bury? Or did diluc and kaeya watch their father become ashes in his final moments. The sheer pain that he must have been in. I know some people think crepus was a bit selfish for telling diluc to kill him but in his defense I think I would also be begging for death if my arm was actively ripping itself apart and turning to dust
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nubisaureus · 1 year
when they get jealous and needy
how the genshin men show their jealousy over you
character(s): Cyno, Xiao, Kaeya
pairings(s): fem!reader x Cyno, Xiao, Kaeya (separately)
contents: uncertainty of feelings, smut, found family, angst, comfort
not proofread! im swamped with uni work so i might post less till next week, sorry <3
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he's absolutely chill most of the time, but there are some times he just gets jealous and insecure
you bet he's going to mark his territory: whether it is by putting his hand around your waist, pulling you close, whispering something in your ear while looking the other person dead in the eyes, his golden irises sending a silent warning
«And who's this, angel?» he asks, as he gets to your side
you better believe he's gonna get extra needy/rough when you two get in bed later
as he's balls deep in your pussy, he groans «you're mine, aren't you, angel?»
you struggle to answer. not because you don't know what to answer, but because you can't think properly, as he's relentlessly pounding into you, making you lose any semblance of rational thought
he stops, still inside of you.
«answer.» he commands now, making you squirm and whine for more.
«C-cyno..» you plead, incapable of uttering any other word than his name.
«yes?» his pupils dark and wide, much like the ones of a predator
«i am Cyno. that guy was just flirting with me because he can't stand you. he wants to make you angry because the matra once apprehended him due to his illegal schemes, and so he wants to take it out on you..» you utter those words, remembering the case that had shaken your Darshan from the inside out, before Cyno was even the general Mahamatra
as you finish speaking, he starts to pound into you again, making you scream his name, finally getting the release you were aching for
poor thing is still new to this having feelings for someone, so when he gets angry when another guy talks with you in a more friendly way, he doesn't know what to do with his feelings
so he goes to Zhongli, asking for advice (a/n yes, i believe in Zhongli as Xiao's found family, idc)
«Rex L-» «Just Zhongli.»
he looks down, biting his lip at the correction. it doesn't feel fair to him to call Rex Lapis as simply Zhongli, but he carries on, explaining his problem
«What you are experiencing is what mortals call "jealousy". While it is normal to have such a feeling when someone you don't like might be talking to her in a little too friendly manner, you must learn not to get overwhelmed by this feeling, as it only brings people apart and destroys relationships.»
he thinks long and hard about what Zhongli told him, and as you return to Wangshu Inn, you find him on the rooftop, deep in thought.
«I'm back, Xiao.» you say, catching his attention.
you are met by a dry reply, that makes you wonder what might be up with him
after a bit, he decides to confess, and you look at him, endearment in your eyes
«aw, love. you have no need to be jealous. i'm sorry you felt this way. whether adeptus or human, jealousy is a terrible feeling that no one wants to experience. but i can assure you that the only one i love is you, and no one else.»
he's got tears in his eyes
«are you sure?» you nod. «but..my karmic debt..» he averts his eyes, turning his back to you
you hug him from behind, resting your head on his shoulder
«my Vision protects me.»
he makes you promise to run away if he ever loses control over himself, and you reluctantly agree, even though you know that if that ever happened, you would fight for him until the bitter end.
oh boi, you're in for a ride
he's literally the smoothest talker ever, he doesn't even need to get jealous
he's more of a showoff really, basically showing off his wonderful girlfriend
so it's more him making other people jealous, whether men or women, because, let's be honest, it's not like women are not jealous of you
«all alone here, kitten?» he comes up at you at Angel's Share, while Diluc rolls his eyes at his cheesiness
you flirt right back, twirling a strand of loose hair in your fingers, catching his attention
your hair and neck are his weak points, so you know exactly what you're doing
his eyes are fixated on you, as you let go of your hair, and go back to your drink, ignoring him
he comes up to you, whispering something in your ear
«let's put on a show» are the words that come to your ears, and you smile wickedly
you turn your head towards him, staring at his lips intensively
he's too close for comfort, and you can feel his cold breath on your skin, shivers appearing in response
as you're about to kiss, your lips inches from each other, a suave melody starts playing
you see one of the most renowned bard of Mondstadt, Venti, playing his lyre for the tavern
you get all excited, and stand up, your dress flitting around your figure
Kaeya gives you a puzzled look, but it soon transforms into an amused smile, as he joins you in dancing
you two dance together, the entire tavern mesmerized at the sight of you two
might also be because Kaeya was using his vision to create small snowflakes around both of you, those same snowflakes catching the light of the tavern, creating a reflective spectacle
you decide to tease him, grabbing him by the ring that holds his collar in place
he smiles smugly, as if to ask "what now?"
your faces get too close for comfort, both of you lost in the each other's eyes
suddenly a whiff of wind swirls around you, diffusing an irresistible aroma around you
who's gonna give in first? it's a battle of wits at this point
Kaeya does.
you don't even have the time to process it, that his lips are on yours, and his hands are on your waist, pulling you closer
that was one memorable night
what you didn't know is that your ex was standing in a corner of the tavern, a bewildered look in his eyes as he witnessed the whole scene
Kaeya is a fucking menace
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wyvernne · 2 months
i keep thinking about how much blame i see being put on diluc about attacking kaeya and it drives me absolutely nuts that he’s painted unequivocally as the bad guy. i absolutely don’t think that is the purpose of that story at all. it’s about two kids, agonized by guilt and grief and horribly misplacing those emotions. kaeya went to diluc knowing it wouldn’t end well. diluc had just killed his own father. i feel like it’s wild to expect any sort of normal reaction beyond blinding anger. the point is, this is not meant to be a “who is in the wrong” backstory. it’s about two young men who, faced with a series of terrible circumstances, lost their last remaining familial connection. and in the current story, we’re seeing the clumsy, stilted journey the two make towards reconciliation.
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dixidin · 9 months
"Oh my god, Neuvillette is so hot!" "I love Neuvillette so much!" "Neuvillette is so dadd-" STOP flirting with my father
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amicus-siderum · 1 year
I don't know what's funnier
The people of Mondstadt actually don't know who the Darknight Hero is despite Diluc's horrible disguise, except for Kaeya who is losing his mind because how!? But also thinking that yeah, that checks out why they all just readily accepted him despite him being an obvious plant.
The people of Mondstadt actually know that Diluc is the Darknight Hero, but they've all agreed to just let their uncrowned king keep up his silly little vigilante fantasy and run around in his silly little disguise, because that's just good ol' sunshine child Diluc for you. None of them mention it out of respect.
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
Crepus *a couple of days after he found Kaeya, showing him around*: And this is the church, do you want go inside?
Kaeya:Umm... Sure... I suppose...
Kaeya:*hesitantly takes a step forward very very slowly, then visibly calms down when his foot touches the floor *
Diluc: Don't be scared. You can go in.
Kaeya: *takes a few steps in, looks up at the ceiling and smiles*
Crepus: I know, this place is really mesmerizing, isn't it?
Kaeya *in his head*: Wow! I did not spontaneously combust! Fascinating!
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leeryder · 11 months
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Day 5: Painting
Ragbros Week 2023
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nomohmoss · 8 months
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kaeya loves you
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lola-x · 1 year
fanfiction idea
baisicly kaeya and diluc have 2 asowem dads (idk if u squezz ur eyes and try realy hard u coud turn it into crepus x pierro but not the point)
Okay so imagen this pierro is kaeyas dad he drops him off in dawn winery but not sboned him in the rain
Araving at night telling kaeya to stay and listen to crepus kaeya crying pierro staying for the night but then leaving befor kaeya waks up
Crepus explains the situation
C: diluc this is kaeya he will stay with us for a while
D:why ?
K: yaeh why ?(still was told the 'lie' of being a spy)
Pierro and kaeya will write letters, crepus and diluc once saw one close and and thay thought kaeya coudn't write but it was actuly a diffret languiege in codes.
Since i hc khaenri'ah with a diffret calender than that of tyvat, once a year on kaeyas khaenri'ahan bday pierro will drop by give kaeya a gift and leave agin or if he realy realy can't come he will send extra gift with an i am sorry letter
When pierro woud stay for the night
One time kaeya pretends to be sick so pierro woud stay longer
Kaeya and diluc share there 18th bday yaeh yk where this is going
Evrything is the same pierro not there yet
When varka dottore and eroch have alrady done what thay did in the weebtoon pierro showes up and is like
''Yaeh i saw somthing complitly diffret care to explain ? " it is thaen that diluc and kaeya realyse kaeyas dad is a fatui harbinger the 1st/no.0
Now this dottore is in deepshit
Famaly is very important pierro has aczepted diluc as famaly and kaeyas foster brother /sworn brother and pierro knowes kaeya calls crepus dad when he thinks no one is auround
D:jester what a suprise I haven't expected to see you here in mondstadt
K:*sticks his tunge out and gives dottore the finger behind pierros back*
D:have some respect u son of bitch
P: i was viseting my sons for there 18th birthday *gives kaeya and diluc a blue and read box * Now who are u calling a bitch ? Do u think i am a bitch dottore? D: no ofc not sir K: No one insults my mother and will get away with it*pissed has cryo blade in hand* Luc: No one isults my brothers perants espacaly not u fatui scum P: since u are still usefull to the fatui u have a day to run P: until crepus is awake agin and well i will take care of both boys V: i have a few questions first P:*painfuly kills eroch* shur what do u want to know ? V: how ? K: lol tyvat dosen't even have a hospital ofc no one here knowes the baisics P: kaeya we talked about this. To put it simple i was around and saw evrything i called one of my best healers to check for brain activaty. Don't worry diluc ur father will make it he certanly won't be able ta walk agin but he will live. He is home resting D:leaves * P: *in khaenri'ahan * kaeya he has taken good care of u it's time to retun the favor
In the mansion kaeya diluc pierro and adeline are waiting for crepus to wake up when pierro notices crepus waking up he get diluc to get food leaving kaeya alone with crepus
With pierro and diluc
Pierro apolegises and thanks diluc for watching out for kaeya and excuse kaeyas somtins stange behavior with that kaeya is very mistrusting and hates the archons but diluc managed to win kaeyas trust and that diluc is one of the few things kaeya can love and trust in tyvat
With crepus and kaeya
Kaeya notices crepus waking up
"DAD are u okay can u hear me ?"
Kaeya screems for evryone to come crepus wakes up and huges his baby boys who cry cuz thay are so glad he is well crepus lives a few mins befor he dies kaeya and diluc start hating dottore more
Pierro knowing he can't stop tham gives tham a paiper that allowes tham to enter zyoply palace when thay are done hunting dowen dottore and his clones and leave shneznya unharmed
The other harbingers woud't dare tuch the jesters son and his brother
"A few ruls don't ruin imprtant projects. When u see columbina leave . When i see blood on ur cloths u will be graunded and if it's not ur owen idc if u both are now adults Kaeya u get 2 extra ruls *in khaenri'ahan * stay the fuck away from the abyss don't get diluc there. No abyssel powers u can keep the delusion u snached but if i see u with an abyssal goseple u are grunded till u turn 300"..."Can i through dottore in the abyss ?" "Fine only 5 i need the rest"
Thay go on a 2/3 year hunt for the fatui and kaeya saved there asses a few times with the ''do u know who my father is?" card thay stayed woth pierro for a night befor he retuned tham to mondstadt
Kaeya became horseless cavalary captain and diluc knowing the what the knights woud do has no intrest he is kinda mad at kaeya but not for long
Pierro let tham keep there delusions (kaeya has more then 1 but diluc dosen't need to know that)
Random one day diluc asks him about kaeyas home after travler and asks if kaeya is like tham since kaeya comes byoned tyvat too
Kaeya tell diluc what truly happned during the cataclysem and almost get a panic attack cuz trauma .diluc" Don't worry i will protect u if barbados woud ever try to kill u witch he won't cuz if he wanted he woud have done that alrady "
kaeya "hmmp u don't understand for the people of mondstadt it's been 1000 years since the anmo archon was seen but for me it wasn't even an 8th of that time "
D"do u want to talk more about it ?"
K "That ia a terable idea ! Have u heared of forbiden knowlige? I can get lisa to explain it she studied is sumeru she knows more than i do but what i know is saying anything that falls under forbiden knowlige will have consequenses...oh and befor i ferget i realy don't mind drinking with venti it's actuly reather funny guiltriping him in buying me drinks "
D: " that's a bit crule don't u think ?"
K"not cruler that what he did"
D: (Ô - Ô)
K: just kidding sheesh can't take a joke ? Here i thought the dark nightbhero woud have more humor
D"while we are at it whar coud u find out ? About the abyss order i mean"
K"nothing to much only 2 names one being fake"
D:"What makes u think that ?"
K:" dain slef "
K: it means dead legacy u can't sirusly tell me +500 years ago somone woke up and chose to name there child dead legacy DEAD LEGACY WHO DOSE THAT ?!"
D: Dosen't ur name mean flower ?
K:yes and no the sumerian version kaeya means monsoon flower then there are 3 other variants kaja(saied like kaeya) witch means jackdaw it belongs to the corbus famaly and is from my perants fav story of a peackook and jackdaw falling in love my stella fortuna pavo cocilus means peackook eye"
D:so u finnaly agre birds are real?
K :tf no there us no way birds are real there story makes no sense
D: WHY AM I EVEN TRYING ?!😒😩why is khaenri'ah so wird
K: it's not! Tyvat is wierd as shit u have words like failuer and vacation and give up or pumpkin what even is that ? Souds like somthing i woud name my puppys as a child
D:kaeya we can't sirusly have this argument agin !
Yah that's it . all fluff with a bit of angst
Do u think diluc will tell dain kaeya and his dad exsist ?
Thanks for reading so far
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kaeyachi · 24 days
Just thinking of Kaeya and how much guilt he actually carries within him.
Guilt for lying to the people that took care of him.
Guilt for telling the truth in the wrong time.
Guilt for serving a nation that he shouldn't be recognizing as his, and guilt for still wanting to know more of his birth nation- one that could someday ruin the peace and safety of the home that took him in.
Guilty for the jealousy in his heart when faced with the youth and innocence he sees in Klee.
Guilty for his incapability to be truthful to those he loves, and how easy it is for him to lie to their faces.
Kaeya just feels guilty in general.
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yaeggravate · 1 year
clarification on kaeya's behavior in the caribert quest
seen a surprising amount of people taking kaeya's words at face value so i'd like to point out a very important detail that has been easily overlooked
i don't have any video clips of this and the official soundbite unfortunately cuts off abruptly so you'll have to trust me on this or just do the quest again yourself lol but
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right here, in the very beginning of the conversation with kaeya, kaeya suddenly goes quiet and contemplative. if you pause long enough and NOT immediately skip ahead, you can actually HEAR footsteps approaching and kaeya going "hm?". and THIS is the moment when kaeya starts talking about his past. this means he knew dainsleif was there from the very beginning.
he then loudly proclaims that he knows NOTHING about khaenriah and that his dad probably had GOOD intentions (directly contradicting his character story) making himself purposely look naive and harmless in front of dainsleif so he could lure him out and get answers out of him or maybe he was just tired of this guy following him around. though to his credit dainsleif himself didn't seem totally convinced of his act
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as to why kaeya knew it was dainsleif just by his footsteps, there could be several reasons: 1) he saw dainsleif in sumeru beforehand and just guessed it was him, 2) he can sense the abyssal corruption inside of him and because he already spotted dainsleif before in mondstadt, could tell it belonged to him, 3) he's an all according to keikaku character and we're not supposed to think any deeper of it
tl;dr sometimes characters who are known to lie, lie
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moonilit · 11 months
Ok but the entire Dawn winery staff jumping around informing each other that kaeya is here so all of them get a chance to see him was very sweet, like i knew the staff cared about him but it’s nice to get a confirmation and few childhood stories lol
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