#diluc and kaeya wanted to paint with their father one evening
leeryder · 11 months
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Day 5: Painting
Ragbros Week 2023
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{Won't you stay a little longer dear?}
Prompt: Some hcs on genshin men/women trying to get you to stay just a little longer <3 (g/n reader)
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and devious lies >:]
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Rosaria, Ningguang, Beidou, Xiao, Ayato, Yae Miko
Notes: these got pretty short near the end my bad 🙇‍♀️
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You came round for tea to talk about a new antique collection opening up at Mingxing Jewelry
You were talking and having such a good time that the time itself escaped you
Realising that you were getting ready to leave as you just refused a cup of tea and was asking the whereabouts of your outing jacket Zhongli couldn't help but feel a little sad, after all he hasn't had this much fun in aeons.
"Ah, Y/N, speaking of the new diadem they're about to release I believe i have a similar set of bracelets and charms in my collection, would you like to see?"
"Oh I couldn't, its much too late I'd hate to intrude" you did really wanted to see it as the diadem caught your eye when you saw it but you didn't want to come off as rude.
"Nonsense, stay as long as you'd like, even stay the night if you must, now where did I keep that box?" He stood up searching around his cabinets to find the box with the said look alikes. You stood up and followed him into the other room admiring other objects around his house such as different ornate tea sets, amulets of shining cor lapis and noctalucas jade.
"Ah here it is" Zhongli took out a wooden box with a few carvings on top and blew it free of dust, when he opened it up you could only be shocked at the pure craftsmanship the relics showed. "Oh my Zhongli, where on earth did you get this?" You stepped forward seeing the charms and other assortments of trinkets shimmer in the candle light like stars in the reflection of Luhua pool. He held up a necklace with 4 main charms, one depicting a phoenix on the far left, one a blazing dragon on the far right and in the centre ribbons of clouds were present. "I think this one in particular would look stunning on you".
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You were business parter and a childhood friend of Diluc
You visited the Dawn Winery to talk about preparations for the upcoming Wienlesefest
Diluc was already so used to your presence and the very sound of your voice he didn't realise that the meeting was finished as you organised different accounting papers and stall renting contracts
"Y/N, come here a moment please?" You were just packing up when you looked up and saw Diluc standing by the stairs infront of a painting depicting Diluc's old family Manor, the same one he sold when his father died.
As confused as you were you complied and got up, looking at the painting he was standing infront of, "Whats the matter Master Diluc?" Standing this close to him made you nervous, ever since his 4 year departure he had greatly changed and it still had yet to full render to you as all you could see was the hardworking and adventurous Diluc of the past, the one who wouldn't hesitate to throw a smile to any passerby in the streets.
"Please, drop the formalities, Diluc will do just fine" he missed the way you would call him Diluc without care, calling him is nickname "Luc" if you were feeling cocky much to the love annoyance of Diluc and the amusement of Kaeya.
"Yes of course, Diluc, what is it you need?" trying to remain as formal as possible lest you get too casual and slip up. "Do you remember when me you and Kaeya would run under and over the grape trellises much to the chagrin of the staff?" He let out a low chuckle as he went back to the past, remembering simpler times.
Times that are now long behind you both.
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You weren't around at Kaeya's in any official capacity, just visiting him as a friend
You just got back from your 1 month trip in Liyue to celebrate the Lantern Rite but in the meantime you left Kaeya awfully lonely
You were just nursing a glass of dandelion wine when you looked out the window, seeing only the pitch black of night and the streetlights of Mondstadt
He followed your line of sight, knowing immediately that you were aware of the time, he always was but didn't want to point it out so he could bask in your company just a little longer
"It was lovely seeing you again Kaeya but it appears I've overstayed my welcome" You got up from the comfort sofa, put on you coat and picked up your bags.
Personally Kaeya thought there was no such thing, you could stay as long as you'd like, infact he wouldn't mind if you decided to move in right then and there, but right now he wanted your attention just a little longer.
"Don't go just yet dear, I've yet to let you taste the good wines I saved up for us, you wouldn't let me and the 50 year oak barrel aged expensive wine down now would you?" He gave a small pout trying to coax you into staying, he actually got the wine for free after a little pestering of his dear brother Diluc, going on how it was for a "special occasion" and he wouldn't dare rob his brother of a "shot at love would he?". Dilux totally would "rob him of his chance at love" if it wasn't for Adelinde convincing him to cave.
You glanced over at Kaeyas admittedly convincing face and the wine that gave out such a fragrent aroma. "Fine, but it better be good" you sat back down and poured yourself a glass. "Trust me, my wine recommendations are never wrong" he smirked at your face as you savoured the flavour of the wine.
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You and Rosaria were out at the tavern as usual, you guys were regular drinking buddies as she had gotten tired of taking care of Kaeya when he got too drunk
You didn't exactly have the stomach or the liver for that matter to keep up with her so you mixed in grape juice with your wine to stop you from throwing up half your body weight
Seeing that the patrons were dwindling and Charles who was manning the bar seemed to be cleaning up the counter you told Rosaria you guys should probably get going now
She didn't want to be kicked out of the tavern so she agreed, but wanted to crash at your place claiming "I'd never hear the end of it from the other sisters if I came back drunk"
Getting her back to your house was surprisingly easy, you took her up to your room and decided to sleep in the living room. Placing her down you go get a pillow for yourself when you hear her whisper;
"Y/N, get over here a sec" you made your way over to the women, she grabbed your arm and pulled you into your bed.
"Its your house, you should atleast still sleep in your own bed" she nonchalantly said and immediately fell asleep.
You're gonna be stuck with this one for a while it seems. But to be completely honest, you wouldn't have it any other way.
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You were good friends with Ningguang far before she became the Tianquan or even as rich as she was now.
Both of you were celebrating the outstanding success of her latest business pursuit
It was incredibly late but knowing she definitely had the room you asked if you could stay over for the night
"Why of course, it would be dangerous trying to leave when its this dark but you see....." Ningguang tapped her nail guards against her ornate teacup in thought, "I'm currently having the only spare room renovated, it seems you must sleep in my quarters, no bother."
You hadn't heard or seen any evidence of construction but you just assumed either they were out late or ordered to not leave anything so to keep up the Jade Chamber's prestigious image. "I'd hate to intrude in your own quarters but, if needs must" You didn't give much argument, rather liking the idea of sleeping in the same room as the almighty Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, someone almost untouchable, not to you atleast.
"I will inform the staff to move your items to my quarters, i'll be there in a bit as I have some work to finish up." She stood up and made her way to her desk as one of her assistants guided you to her room.
Ningguang infact didn't have any leftover work, she just desperately needed to sort out her raging blush as to not alarm you.
She'll have to do something about this soon it seems.
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As a distinguished member of the crux fleet you and the other members were enjoying one of your weekly celebrations to keep spirits up
Beidou insisted you sit next to her, for 'no reason in particular'
She drinks as she usually does, god how is she still alive? Thats another question
As everything was settling down you told the captain you were going to get on one of the rowboats and sail back to the harbour to meet your family
You hadn't drank anything so you were perfectly sober
"Thank you so much for the celebration captain but my family are waiting, tell the crew to not fall overboard in a drunken stupor" Freeing the boat from the ropes you were about to jump in until your 'honourable' captain stumbled over and cut the rope either her knife making the boat unaccessible.
"Whoops my hand slipped, guess you'll have to stay here sorry" she grabbed your shoulder and brought you back to the rest if the crew, she didn't leave your side all night.
Ah your beloved captain with her love and alcohol drunk shenanigans.
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You first met the illusive adeptus Xiao when you got into some trouble with a group of treasure hoarders, you're adept at fighting but you forgot your weapon at the wangshu inn where you were staying.
As the man with the crossbow loaded in his bolt you saw nothing but green and black
When your vision cleared you saw the group on floor, not dead just incapacitated and a figure standing in the middle
You recognised him from ancient scriptures and illustrations and also the proud mother hen rambling of Verr Goldet.
You said your thanks to the guardian yaksha but he teleported away mid thanks, you weren't gonn let him get away that easily!
Climbing up the multitude of stairs up into the top balcony was harder than you thought, most likely because you ran back to the inn all they way from guili planes.
Once you made it up all there was that proved the Yaksha presence was the smoke of green and flakes of black. So he tried to play hard to get huh? Well that wasn't going to stop you. You sat down in the middle and gave your thanks, nothing too sweet or formal but archons you hoped he was here or you'd just seem like a lunatic if anybody saw.
The Yaksha was definitely here, you could his presence. You started to tell stories of your travels, how you were born in Fontaine but the strict rules amd etiquette was not to your tastes, so you left. You went on about your life again, hoping he was at least listening, for what felt like a few hours, as the moon was about to take its podium at the peak of the sky you thought it'd be best if you went to bed now.
"Well thank you, hopefully if you were listening, for time o' great adeptus of wangshu inn" you let out a chuckle, you couldn't take yourself seriously when you spoke like that, "but alas I must retire now, goodnight. "
Just as you were breaching the threshold into the building you heard a worship and suddenly a gloved hand with an anemo vision was on your wrist, you heard a gruff voice behind you but you didn't dare look back. "Wait...I.. uh, would like to hear more if thats ok." For someone so feared he acted so shy, thats adorable.
You once again wordlessly sat down again and began where you left off, the presence a little closer this time.
Looks like you were going to be telling stories for awhile.
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You were long time acquaintances with the Guuji, Yae Miko as you used to be a shrine maiden but resigned since your mother got sick and you had to take care of her.
You always tried to visit the shrine as much as you could since you had made many friends and was quite popular in your time there.
Sadly the Guuji rarely made and an appearance whenever you were on shift but you've met about 3 times. All of them featured relentless teasing.
Many of your colleagues faced the same "endearments" but somehow you never noticed how Lady Yae's comments always seemed so personal
She knew what your favourite food was, the days you prefer to be present at the shrine etc
As you were packing up your incense after praying for your mother's good health and saying goodbye to your friends, halfway down the path leading down the mountain you came face to face with the Guuji Yae herself.
"Good afternoon Lady Yae" you greeted her as formally as you could, former boss or not she still deserved respect due to her social standing....that and you feared what would happen if you didn't, only the Shogun knows what happens to those who disrespect the Lady Kitsune.
"Ah, little one, yes how are you and your mother keeping up?" Her usually snarky tone wasn't present today, strange. "We're getting by, thank you for your concern, Lady Yae." You bowed your head slightly to show gratitude, but what you didn't expect was that when you raised your head, the Guuji Yae had her hand outstretched.
"Please do accompany me for some sakura sake and mochi, the ones I ordered just arrived, i'd love it of you'd join me"
Who were you to say no to the Guuji Yae, especially not when she sounded oh so genuine.
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You were a long time retainer of Kamisato Ayato, the work you did in the Yashiro Commission was something your prided yourself on.
Taking care of the two siblings, preparing meetings, sorting out any refreshments and fetching Ayato his necessary boba, according to him
You wandered how long this place would last without you, as you seemed to do everything that's way above your pay grade, but nevermind, if you get to help thats payment enough.
After sorting out merchant documents and foreign visas for the upcoming iradori festival, you were about to head out when you felt something on your wrist.
"Is anything the matter My Lord?" You immediately thought that you must've left some paperwork unfinished, caught up in the small chit-chat you were having with the Commissioner while going about your tasks.
"Yes, I believe we missed some work on the transport needed for the foreign guests" He said calmly, letting go of your wrist. Last you checked he sent those to Ayaka to complete as she insisted to help.
"Did Lady Ayaka not complete them?" You asked, starting to worry for the ladys health as she never once let a task go unfinished. Immediately his face went red, maybe he forgot he sent them over? Or...?
"No, that was a lie, Ayaka completed them, just spent more time with me?" He eventually fussed up and gave you the best pleading look he could, in that moment your "regal" Lord resembled a lost puppy in the rain.
Who could expect you to refuse? You were even tempted to give him a kiss on the cheek to try and lift his declining mood as the silence went on.
"Thats your answer My Lord,"
Ahh, the commissioner and his ways
Notes: How was that for the first fic i published here? Still getting used to the format and all but hey, anyway I hope you have an amazing day/night and stay safe <3
[Mildly edited]
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
@https-kenma @tohrusoftie it’s your mansss 🥹
Tagging Gen: @lisiwalker, @rebloging-everything, @sweetenertea, @quoikuu, @tetsunova, @evielt13 @keyz-writes, @tohrusoftie, @sparrowb3nscloset, @elliotsbooks, @littleesfw, @0s0me0n30, @chrimsss , @hyeque
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The gentle colors of the rising sun peeked through the horizon, shining into the windows of the winery. It couldn’t have been any later than 6:00 in the morning. It was a quiet, tranquil morning, for not even the usual conversations of the blue jays had begun to echo into the room.
Wispy hairs stood staticky as a delicate, little head arose from its previous resting position. Inquisitive eyes drank in the world around, sending distress signals to the brain due to the absence of discernible objects.
This was an emergency, they figured, and it was time to fix it.
The serene environment was soon spoiled by the sounds of a tiny voice, whining under the light of the shining sun.
Both you and Diluc awoke to the soft sounds of distress that reverberated down the hall. You both groaned groggily, a gasp leaving your lips upon hearing the noise. You clicked on your bedside lamp, rubbing your eyes.
Before you could ever consider moving, your eyes flickered to your husband. Clad in a tight, black tee shirt and sweatpants, he was hastily tying his unkept hair into a sloppy ponytail. Thick with exhaustion, your hearing distorted his words. All you could register before your head hit the pillow were five words:
“Rest, love. I’ll get her.”
Diluc had to admit that he had not been the father he had wanted to be quite yet. He had been absolutely slumped at the tavern, and important customers and suppliers never seemed to want to stay in their own homes, instead opting to invade his for pointless meetings.
To be honest, your husband just wanted to spend some quality time with his little girl.
Gently turning the doorknob to the nursery, the male peeked into the room. He was met by the warm colors of the sunrise adorning the shimmering flowers painted on the walls. The sounds of cheerful birds finally made their presence atop of the serene sounds of placid water.
Glistening (E/C) eyes locked onto his own exhausted, crimson ones. However, in that moment, the loss of sleep seemed to be the furthest matter on his mind. With the smile of a patient saint, Diluc carefully scooped up your baby girl into his arms, resting her head against his shoulder.
“Why, good morning, (B/N). Have you decided to take on your morning a bit early today?” The sweetest chuckle escaped his lips as her own slipped into a yawn.
“Why don’t we take a visit outside?” He offered her, taking one of her little feet between his thumb and forefinger.
With a look of satisfaction, Diluc carefully walked down the stairs, bidding the cooing maids a good morning. He sat down on the porch swing, (B/N) in his arms, running his fingers over her red hair, and watching as the sun rises.
“Your grandfather used to do this with me and your Uncle Kaeya every single morning… isn’t that incredible?”
Of course, she didn’t understand a word he said, but the feeling of her daddy’s gentle touch, and the rumble of his chest as he spoke, lulled her right back off to sleep.
“Eeeeevery morning, that’s right. And poor Adelinde would have to chase Uncle Kaeya around just to get him to-“ Diluc smiled as he brought the baby’s head up to his lips, kissing her forehead like the touch of an angel.
“Sweet dreams, my precious girl.”
You woke up about ten minutes later, stretching groggily before sliding on your slippers. You leaned over to meet your husband’s lips for a “good morning” kiss, but fell face first onto the mattress. You chuckled to yourself as you remembered where he went,
With a yawn, you walked to the nursery, only to find the door wide open and both your husband and daughter missing. You smiled.
Of course…
Trudging sleepily down the stairs, you didn’t even have to utter the inquiry as to your beloveds’ whereabouts, for the maids squealed incoherently, pointing to the front door of the winery.
When you opened the door, your heart exploded at the sight before you: your husband cradling your tiny baby like it was his lifeline, the two of them dreaming pleasantly as the sun continued to rise over the horizon of Teyvat.
Another smile graced your lips as you carefully sat next to the two of them, leaning your head on Diluc’s shoulder. You plucked a dandelion off of the potted plant to your right, closing your eyes as you whispered a prayer and blew the seeds away…
“Thank you. Barbatos, for your blessing of my beautiful family.”
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brwnicons · 2 years
Hello! I’m making a kid oc and I was wondering if you would be comfortable writing a PLATONIC relationship w/ Zhongli, Kaeya, Thoma and Diluc + Gn Child reader?
I was thinking that reader was really tired and fell asleep on them or something like that.
Feel free to ignore
☆ Platonic relationships, specially with kid reader, heal my soul. I couldn't come with a scenario for kaeya but didn't want to have you waiting, sorry :( ☆
Genshin Dads x Kid!Reader
-> Summary: Kid!Reader falls asleep and their dad takes care of them
Tags: Fluff, Platonic relationship, Kid!reader, the main characters are the Reader's dad. Implied Thoma x Ayato [Thomato🍅?].
-> Warnings: This is a platonic fic involving a kid character, pedophilic behavior of any kind is not accepted nor respected here.
-> Triggers: None
-> Includes: Zhongli, Thoma and Diluc
Please tell me if you find any mistake!
You were peacefully enjoying some warm tea at late noon on Liyue's Harbour best teahouse when you started to feel your eyelids grow heavier. Your dad noticed your behavior and chuckled silently before taking off his coat and covering you with it, "Excuse me, sweetheart -I'm afraid I lost my control over time. How about we head home?"
You were too tired to answer so you just nodded softly after giving a small yawn to him and rubbing your eyes tiredly. You rest your head on his shoulder and he takes you on his arms before heading home, allwhile a loving smile paints his face.
You love accompanying you father wherever he goes but, as much as Mr Kamisato Ayato treats you nicely and gives you sweets whenever he sees you -he even showed you his bright katana!-, you have to admit that your father's work is rather...boring. Yes, you love to help him with the broom or cleaning the dust off some tables but the rest of the time you have to spend it in the garden, laying around on the grass or watching a row of ants work together on some lost crumbs.
Today was being a specially long day of work for your father at the Kamisato Estate and although he warned you about it, you were growing more and more tired. Eventually, it didn't take much time until your eyelids became heavier and your mind blurry. You were outside, in the garden, when you fell asleep on the dark wooden stairs of the Kamisato House. As soon as Thoma noticed your absence and couldn't see you around he grew worried and ran outside to search for you but he sighed in relief when he saw that you just fell asleep. He chuckled softly at the sight and picked you up "You're going to catch a cold if you stay outside" and gave you a soft kiss on your forehead before entering again the Kamisato Estate.
He laid you on a pillow and covered you with a soft blanket before smiling to himself and continue working.
When Mr. Kamisato Ayato returned from his meetings he couldn't feel but touched at the sight of you sleeping on a corner. Since Thoma had been working on the house all day, he didn't mind sending him home sooner than usual, and so he did. He whispered him, careful not to wake you up, something about having the rest of the day off so he could relax a bit.
Thoma was surprised about this suggestion but took it anyway so, when he finished organizing the documents from Mr. Kamisato's meeting, he took you in his arms and after a quick goodbye you headed home.
He had to admit that he loved having you around work but, sometimes, the thought of how you prefer being with him rather playing with other kids makes him a bit sad. He wished he could go with you to the park or just take a walk around.
But, who knows? Maybe one day some head of the Kamisato Clan decides that he wants to spend a peaceful day around Inazuma with you and your dad.
Although your dad doesn't want you around the tabern —even less if it's at night— he could only surrender at those pleading, watery eyes. After all, it wasn't that late anyway, so he let you stay around.
You were sitting in front of the bar counter with your favourite beverage on one hand as you watched closely how your dad worked.
Everything he was doing was so elegant —mixing cocktails, pouring milk on coffee, squeezing lemons on cups of tea- you couldn't be proudest of your dad.
Allwhile Diluc was working, a smile was painted on his face at your little, proud eyes, you were really enjoying watching the show of him working.
Eventually, he'll tell you outloud the recipes and steps for making different things and narrate you the process so you can learn them, too. When he's got a bit of free time, he'll also let you take a sip of the non-alcoholic beverages he makes, the ones with the best smell.
Needless to say that he'll watch with furious eyes to whoever happens to sit beside you and won't hesitate to raise his voice against anyone who starts talking and bothering you. Thankfully, Mr Kaeya and Lady Rosaria are also around and, as the good uncle and aunt that they are, they won't hesitate neither to kick some butts if it's for your safety and comfort.
Excuse me, I've got too excited, now to the main topic
You wanted to continue watching your dad work —It wasn't even late!— but your eyes refused to stay open. The moment Diluc noticed your tiredness, he asked Charles beside him for a quick relay.
Then, he gently took you in his arms and headed to the Favounius Headquartes, where he searched for someone who could take an eye on you whike he worked on the tabern —he wouldn't mind having you sleeping while he works if it weren't by the fact that his work is full of drunk weirdos—.
After peeking around the library he heard the voice of a woman,
-Diluc- She sighed -What are you looking for?-
Your dad turned his head to where he sound was coming and so he saw Lisa reading some book on a couch. She quirked an eyebrow at him and waited for an answer she probably already suspected.
-Lisa, I need you to watch my kid while I work- he stopped talking as he saw the librarian pinch the bridge of her nose -It won't be long, just until I finish a couple things, I'll be leaving soon today-
-Ah...Whatever!- She sighs again as she stands up and takes some blankets from a couch -Put them here. If they make any noise I swear I'll return them to you, Diluc-
Your dad let you rest on the soft surface before covering you with a blanket. Then, he thanked Lisa for the favor and quickly returned to the tabern so he could pick your things up.
The next thing you remember is waking up in a bed in a room of the Favounius Headquartes, your dad snoring softly on a nearby sofa. In fact, he looked rather uncomfortable, so you stood up and decided to put a pillow under his head.
You got to cover him with a blanket and put a pillow beneath his neck without waking him up. Then, you returned to your own bed to continue sleeping peacefully, knowing that your dad never left you and never will.
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abbacchiosbelt · 1 year
cw: pregnancy, tooth-rotting fluff. much softer than my usual stuff, but this idea got stuck in my brain. diluc ragnvindr x wife!reader. sfw.
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diluc is not outwardly sentimental - at least, he gives off that impression to those not in his inner circle. those closest to him though — you, his beloved wife, adelinde, and even kaeya — know the truth. dawn winery is full of trinkets and objects that once belonged to his father and mother, and his desks are stuffed full of small mementos.
if one were to open his personal desk, they may find a pressed flower from you, a particularly pretty rock from razor that'd he shyly given diluc, a cocktail napkin from the cat's tail that diona had drawn an angry face on... little things, that remind him of mondstadt's good. things that remind him of his humanity. and there are big things, too. the paintings that his father painted for his mother still fill the walls of the winery... and even that hideous vase kaeya bought him. oh, diluc complains about it, but he'd never get rid of it.
the moment diluc hears about the kamera, he knows he has to have one. to be able to remember such precious things with a picture instead of his memory, which could warp and distort things over time... it's the perfect tool for a man like diluc. he'll feign nonchalance about the whole thing, but he's first in line to receive one. of course, as the owner of dawn winery, the company in fontaine that produces kameras is practically shoving it into his hands.
there's one specific reason why diluc is so anxious to get a kamera.
you, his darling wife, are pregnant. diluc had been beyond words when you'd told him - a mix of overwhelming love and fear had shocked him quiet. his urge to protect you grew tenfold, and his love for you grew even deeper. of course, diluc was hellbent on taking care of you in every conceivable way. it wasn't enough for him, though. he wanted to be able to remember these moments vividly, to keep them locked securely in his heart. and diluc wanted to keep the memory of you, round belly and glowing face, as pristine as possible. you were beautiful beyond words.
so, when you find yourself being led outside by an excited diluc (muted as he may be around others, his excitement over your pregnancy had led him to be more open than usual), you have no idea what to expect. adelinde had delivered you a pretty, hand-sewn dress that diluc had made for you. it fit you perfectly - gauzy and loose while framing your pregnant belly. it was comfy, too.
diluc leads you to a particularly scenic area, and in front of you stands a strange machine, propped up by another device.
'honey?' you ask, confused but happy to go along with whatever diluc had planned. he smiles at you, soft, and explains what the machine is. a photograph... how novel, and how very like diluc to be interested, you think to yourself. he arranges the two of you in position so that the kamera will catch everything. the kamera had a mode to take several pictures at once without someone behind it, so you wait patiently while diluc sets it up and rushes back for the incoming photos.
diluc's smiling face, his hand resting gently on your belly, while you look at him lovingly. a picture of diluc kissing your cheek, sly expression hidden behind his flaming red hair. a picture of diluc knelt on the ground beside you, his expression reverent as he looks up at you, head resting against your stomach.
each photo is printed in succession, and when the kamera stops taking photos, diluc goes over to carefully collect them from the machine. they had come out perfectly, only a couple in the set ending up blurry.
when you wake up after an afternoon nap, you're not surprised to see the pictures hung up around the winery's top floor. when you go to find diluc in his office, you see him holding the photo of him knelt by your belly in his hand, a smile on his lips.
oh, diluc could pretend he wasn't sentimental all he wanted, but the photo he held tight in his hands proved otherwise.
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lychniis · 2 years
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diluc, kaeya, zhongli x reader.
 “longing for you.” + angst
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WARNING(S) : just...pining. a horrific amount of pining. that's it, that's the plot, unrequited but not unrequited love, and a shit load of feelings left unsaid.
#main masterlist | flos anthalogy masterlist
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&& . diluc ragnvindr · ( he lies to his heart ; the words stay unsaid )
“IS SOMETHING WRONG?” you ask, nervously shifting away one of the boxes as you look up at him with parted lips and a raised brow. He catches himself staring ( and he was always staring at you, across the street, from the bar, during your little talks and the conversations held during the afterhours; staring but never moving closer left the illusion shattering ) and shakes his head with the tiniest of smiles. It was there, but easily missable save for the sharp eyed and witty.
Your shoulders relax and you nod. “Alright then…” you mumble, carefully placing a tea set wrapped in thick cloth into one of the boxes. “You’re quieter than usual today, ‘Luc…” you add. “But…thank you for helping me pack…”
And there it was, that damned smile, the smile that took away the rationale and sanity and his peace of mind. The smile that invades his thoughts at night and fills them with you and your peace and the comfort you came with.
“It’s no issue for me.” He replies. “I am always happy to help you…” 
That was true, but not for this. Will you be safe? Will you be happy? Was he happy? 
Diluc knew life was filled with the good and the bad. The memories of his youth, the time he and Kaeya once played within the brook just a little ways off the winery, the smile his father passes his way, the inside jokes between him, Elzer and Adelinde and you. You and your small apartment and your silly musings and your walls filled with half finished paintings.
( The smell of it all has long faded. The walls were empty; Diluc feels empty. )
There were the happy things, then the sad. The hours he had left, the minutes that ticked by, the fact that you were leaving. Paths diverged every day, people met then part ways and life sets its course once more, unbothered by it all. Diluc knows that. He knows that.
Why does it hurt?
( His hands were trembling. He wants it to stop. )
You laugh, placing the last of the boxes out and pause by the doorway. He takes you in, one last time. 
Once upon a time, he may have found you a little annoying and strange; a bit of a sore spot, a presence he would have to put up with. Not now. Diluc would take all of you in, every part of you from the tiny peeving parts to the bits he adored ( and the silly nicknames, the ones that were so ridiculous and soft ).
He should tell you. He should, he ought to.
But he cannot. Because you were you, and he was Diluc. You were kind, and you deserved the world and someone safe. Not him. Never him.
So he stays quiet. He watches your belongings ( and the familiarity and the memories ) fill the cart. He watches your last checkup. He breathes in and he knows he should let you go. He should let you go ( even if Kaeya calls him foolish, if he is sick with worry, if he wants to pull you close and beg you to stay. Because Diluc knows this too : to love is to learn to lose. Because love was selfless, and it was cruel and it was pain and euphoria molded into one.
...fuck, he loves you... ) 
“I’ll be off then…” you declare. He snaps his head up. You were standing in front of him now. “I…I hope we see each other soon…” you add. “Shall we write often?”
“We shall.” he agrees and that provides a little bit of comfort. You smile again, but it seems subdued and suddenly, everything smells like you and Diluc buries his nose into your hair and hugs you back, tightly, desperately. Then you pull away ( and there it was again, the absence, the emptiness, the lacking of warmth ). 
“Every week?”
“Twice a week,” he promises and he intends to keep it. You chuckle, tugging at the hem of your sleeves. “I…” the words stay heavy in his mouth. You tilt your head. “I wish you a safe journey, then.”
You board the carriage and Diluc stays and watches it disappear into the distance, till it’s nothing but a speck. His chest feels like it’s torn apart. His lips tremble. Pathetic, he thinks bitterly. Pathetic.
( In the distance, you curl up on your seat. Mondstadt was far behind you.
You wish he asked you to stay. )
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&& . kaeya alberich · ( maybe when he was less of a child ; he'll say it )
HE WAS A FOOL, Kaeya thinks. Foolish, utterly insane. 
But there was something in you he longs to touch, something that shone, that was beautiful — and he’d draw his hands back when he catches himself reaching out for it, he’d take a few steps back when he sees how he pursues you. He was a fool, he thinks again, because he was a coward. Because Kaeya does not know how to say he loves you. 
( Why did he love you, another face in the crowd? Why did he think he loved you, him, a runaway child from a nation with no god and no place in this world? Why did he love you, someone who was nothing like him?
Kaeya does not know, because he was a fool. )
It scares him, how you could undo everything with just a touch. You could look his way and everything would stop, and maybe somewhere the flowers bloomed or the rains in Fontaine stilled or a part of Dragonspine thawed over — a part of his traitorous little heart would thaw over. “Pull yourself together now,” he would sigh to himself in the silence of the room, under the noise of the bar. His eyes would immediately find you after. He wants to slap himself.
Kaeya wants to hate you. He wants to revile the smile on your face. He wants to ask you why you’re so easily holding that dagger over his chest with little knowledge of its sharp edge. He wants to listen to you hum under your breath. He wants to kiss your knuckles and laugh at his jokes. He wants you gone. He wants to tell you everything he feels about you, everything and anything.
But the thoughts stay to himself.
He greets you amiably, hiding away the painful thump in his ribs. 
He smiles away, masking the stutter in his voice, the tiny trip in his words, the tremble beneath the syllables.
His feelings stay hidden, another one of his secrets, something he would never disclose. No soul in Mondstadt would know of it, including you. Especially you. ( Because you dare, you dare to love him in return. You dare to light up when he stands in the same room, mirror his feelings in a way that didn’t seem twisted or wrong. )
Kaeya thinks that’s what scares him; his ability or lack thereof to keep those thoughts a secret How it felt so easy to open his mouth and let them come tumbling out into a messy pile that he’d rather not deal with. The feelings will leave, they will fade out and soon you’ll be another face in the crowd again, something of an ire but a fond memory. Kaeya was certain of it.
He still finds himself looking at you.
“Kaeya you fool.” he whispers to himself when his cheeks grow hot as you catch his gaze and you wave back at him. And the feelings stayed and they grew and they festered until it was the undeniable truth. He suffers in his silence, wrenching himself apart over his longing, over his wish to tear these feelings out of his chest with frustrated tears, with wanting to bask under the normalcy of you and the thoughts of something soft and loving.
He wants it to stop.
But Kaeya still pines, he watches from the corner of his eye, he vies for those moments of serendipity, he revels in those coincidental run ins, he takes in your similarities and differences, he wishes to meet your gaze and says he loves, to give you his heart just as you were ready to give yours. Kaeya wants those moments of sincerity in his ocean of lies, to witness you unfiltered.
But his lips stay sealed, the secret stays, hidden away amongst the countless others he holds and the lies he so seamlessly weaves. I love you, a part of him would yell when he says something else. I love you, please, I love you. But it stays muted, a pitiful noise in the background.
Because he was being foolish, because he does not know how to tell you he loves you, because Kaeya wants to touch something he knows he would only tear apart.
So he stays silent, for you.
( And maybe one day, he can smile and whisper those words into your ear beneath a ceiling. He could kiss you on the lips without the lies weighing him down. 
But not today. ) 
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&& . zhongli | rex lapis · ( to love is to lose again ; is it worth it? )
ZHONGLI HAS LIVED too long to be capable of love.
The years have washed it away, to leave behind weariness. Grief had watered it down and hardened his heart and loss left behind its silt. Zhongli has lived too long to love anymore, because the grief still remains — it always remains, warping but constant. Because he was the aftermath of burnout, of a man torn by war and too many names crossed away from those who once lived. 
But a heart of stone is a heart nonetheless and the eyes of mortality drag him back down to earth ( because Zhongli never lost it. He never lost Guizhong’s teachings, nor did he lose the softness he once held for her. It simply stayed, waiting, waiting for another face that made him to stop, made him look, made him smile ). And he sees you one day, and something in his mind clicks.
You were meant to be a fond memory, a friend, someone who he cherished but not adored. You were meant to be someone appreciated at a distance, a soul who Zhongli would write into poetry in passing when your mortality takes you away. You were meant to be impermanent and fleeting ( a qingxing in bloom, a butterfly cupped within his hands ).
And then, Zhongli fell in love.
He fell in love with the ephemeral and time finally seemed to slow. The sunsets lasted longer, the moments of silence were drawn out, his hours at work seemed to span millenia. He sees himself facing a man less like Zhongli the rational, the even minded, the patient ( because the seconds feel too long now ) and more like Morax, hot blooded and hasty, who jumped at chances and lays out his contracts and strategies with cold tact ( Morax, who would do everything and anything to pull you to him, to sweep away for himself ).
It was strange and a little amusing and a little perplexing; seeing those years come undone by a single utterance of his name. 
But Zhongli was in love.
( And he was afraid of losing again. )
You were young, ready to face the world, ready for your future. You stood your ground with resolution, with stubbornness, and you were kind and eager and bold. “I think I might be in love with you.” you had admitted one day and Zhongli thinks about it after, over and over, every time his mind wanders, every time he thinks he sees you in the crowd and every time he shuts his eyes in leisure. 
Zhongli has lived a long time. Pain had worn him down, violence had weathered his gaze, blood stained his hands. 
And love taught him grief again. Love taught him the fears of losing a beloved. Love taught him what was soft but painful. Zhongli knows that one day you will be long gone and he will remain. Zhongli knows you would have to live with this knowledge, of his immortality, of him standing beside you as a memento mori.
( He could not hide from you, he could not hide away a secret so vast. Because love needed trust and trust was not hiding away his eternity. )
He looks into your eyes and he sees another face he might lose, the looming call of death, the thought in his head, if it was worth it, worth the heartbreak. Every rational thought telling him to pull away, to stop himself from cupping that butterfly close, to stop himself from taking your hand, from telling you he loves you too. Was it worth it? He asks himself, trying to envision a future without you, should he let himself be further ensnared; to experience a momentary high, this respite after years of battle. 
Should he tell you he loves you?
( Because he does, painfully so, passionately, sincerely, tenderly down to his very being, his very core. )
He looks into your eyes and he thinks it should be, and when you smile at him, he thinks he knows the answer.
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❪⠀🎬⠀❫ AINE SPEAKS ;;
requested by : @x-zho
*evil laughter* "die potato." "not today".
taglist — @x-zho, @dustofthedailylife, @deus-lapidis, @silentmoths, @nebulaera, @aestellia, @ofoceansandtombsanew, @meimeimeirin.
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AINE © 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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cynosdaydream · 11 months
Can I request teenage Kaeya x reader who have been friends for a long time but don’t realize they have a crush on each other but finally confess but they can’t be together because reader father said so but after a few years they finally see each other
Six Trillion Years
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Maybe first time isn't a charm.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Shoujo Rei
↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
Word Count: 3.3k
Author's Notes: Sorry for making you wait nearly a month for this anon </3 I hope you enjoy this !! And honorary tag for the biggest Kaeya simp I know @noxellaa
CWs: Slight argument | Hurt/Comfort | GN reader
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“I’ve liked you for so long, ___. It took me years to gather the courage to say this, so won’t you accept my confession?” 
Light rain drizzled all around you in the early hours of the morning, the sun beginning to paint the midnight sky with brilliant hues of orange and red. The atmosphere was quiet, with nothing but a few birds chirping in the distance. Kaeya held a single cecelia held in his hand towards you, a symbol of the true heart of his unbound soul. 
Both of you had been friends for years, starting when he first arrived in Mondstat as a small child. You would occasionally see him in the marketplace, wandering around with Diluc. Having not seen him around before, you decided to go up to him and start a conversation. “Hello, boy I haven’t seen before! Where are you from?” You guessed he was slightly caught off guard, as he gripped on to Dluc’s arm with widned eyes.
 “I don’t know where he’s from, but he’s my brother, and his name is Kaeya!” Diluc replied, beaming at you. The three of you spent the next few minutes talking about anything and everything, mostly getting to know Kaeya better. He told you about the eyepatch he had in his pocket, explaining to you that tt was a gift from his grandfather, and he wore it when playing pretend pirates with his brother. 
“That’s so cool! We should all play pirates one day!” You exclaimed, fumbling with the eyepatch that Kaeya had let you hold. Diluc suggested that you should come over to the manor and play with them, which you vehemently agreed to. “Sure! I’ll go ask my father, I’m sure he’ll let me go.” And with that, you parted ways with them and headed back home, the afternoon sun still shining brightly in the sky.
As soon as you opened the door to your home, you ran towards your father at an incredible speed, jumping into his open arms. “Father! I’ve been invited to a playdate!” He smiled in amusement, eyes crinkling. “Is that so? Who invited you?” Without hesitation, you told him about your encounter with the Ragnvindr brothers that afternoon, emphasising on Kaeya and his very intriguing eyepatch. However, your fathers face twisted into a frown, much to your confusion. Was he displeased with this information? It couldn’t be. After all, he’s the one who suggeste you go out into the town and make new friends. “As much as I would like you to socalise with other kids from Mondstat, I’m not quite keen on this.”
You tilted your head in confusion, prompting him to elaborate, Your father cleared his throat awkwardly, continuing, “There’s no polite way to say this, my dear child, but I’m afraid that the kid named Kaeya is…bad news.” Not believing your ears, you demanded evidence to support his claim. “No way! He’s a mice person! He even lent me his eyepatch today because I wanted to play with it…” Your father averted his eyes, telling you about how there were rumours circulating about how he might be a child from Khaenri’ah, and that he had been found by the Ragnvindersin the ruins of the fallen nation. “He might be dangerous, and I don’t want you to get hurt/ I only want the best for you, so please trust my decision to keep you safe.” 
A sulky expression made its way onto your face, but you decided to heed your father’s warning, breaking the news to Kaeya and Diluc with tears in your eyes. You left out the information about your father’s opinions towards Kaeya, not wanting to scare away the new friends you made. Kaeya gently patted your shoulder, albeit with slight hesitation. “Awh. Maybe another time then.” 
As years passed, you still regularly met up with the brothers under the guise of going into town to buy groceries. 
But after Crepus’ death, things just weren’t the same anymore. When you attended his funeral, you could feel the tension in the air between the both of them, thick enough that you could cut it with a knife. Getting the feeling that it was a personal dispute, you payed your respects and left after it was over. You just hoped the matter between Diluc and Kaeya would be resolved soon. 
Your prayers were not answered, as the distance between them only seemed to grow whenever you saw them. News spread around about how Diluc left the knights and took over his father’s wine business. Growing worried for them, you decided to pay a visit to the Dawn Winery to check up on them. 
“Hello, Ms/Mr.Mx ____. It’s good to see you again.” The woman you knew as Adeline stood before you, beckoning you inside the house.”Is DIluc or Kaeya home at the moment?” You asked. Her usually vague smile slowly transformed into an unreadable expression, not quite a smile but not a frown either. And on that day, right outside of the place you had so often snuck out of your own home to visit, you learned about Kaeya’s confession of being a spy for his fallen nation and the rift that had been created between the brothers. 
You did not hear from either of them since that day. 
Only after  the next few years, when things had eventually calmed down slightly, did you start getting glimpses of them again. Diluc had secluded himself somewhere in Mondstat, only seen when he’s on bartender duty,  but Kaeya roamed the city much more, appearing in the Angel’s Share almost every night. So you gathered up the courage and finally went to talk to him again. 
The sound of you pushing the heavy wooden door open was drowned out by all the ruckus that the drunkards were making. It was only nine in the evening, but a few of them already had flushed cheeks and spoke in slurs. You guessed that maybe some of them had a  particularly rough day at work. After a quick scan of the tavern, you spotted a head of blue hair sat right in front of the counter. You inhaled and exhaled quickly, making your way to Kaeya before you could chicken out. Your heart was pounding in your heart like you were gong to be put in a cage surrounded by bloodthirsty hounds, and not just going to talk to your childhood friend. 
“Hey.” You nervously tapped his shoulder. What if he didn’t recognise you after you had been apart for so long? You don’t know why, but that thought invoked some unknown feeling in you, like your stomach was being twisted into knots. He turned his head around, and you were met with striking blue eyes. You took in his appearance, noting that he now donned the eyepatch that you had so often played with as children. Kaeya’s eyes blew wide, voice barely above a whisper as he murmured, “___? Is that really you?” That almost made you chuckle. “Who else could it be?” 
Something about the subtle relief in his eyes brought a smile to your face. You sat down on the vacant bar stool beside him and ordered yourself something that you liked. You felt like that day was counted as a special occasion, after all. 
“What brings you here? I’ve never seen you here before.” Although Kaeya’s face was dusted with red, his speech had not been affected by the alcohol yet. You were glad for that, so you could at have a meaningful conversation with him while he was in the right headspace. “So, why’ve you been ignoring me for so long? I feel like its been years since we last talked.” You tried to make your statement sound lighthearted, but it could do nothing to soften the hurt tone lying underneath it. Kaeya seemed to be deep in thought before coming up with a response. 
“I…I thought you would’ve hated me, y’know, with everything that happened. I assume Adeline would have told you if you asked.” Kaeya muttered, clutching the glass in his hand tighter. 
“So you decided the best course of action was to ignore me?” You said, looking up for a moment to receive your drink from Charles with a small ‘thank you’. Kaeya shrugged his shoulders, taking a sip from his glass as if saying, “What else was I supposed to do?” 
You sighed. “Maybe you could tell me the whole story. Why did you do it? I wouldn’t immediately pin you as the villain, you know.” He glanced at you. “Well, I didn’t know whether you would’ve wanted to hear me out…but now I guess that you’ve said that…” You sensed that he wasn’t quite comfortable with discussing such personal matters in public, so the both of you sat there and chatted for awhile, finished your drinks and headed out of the door. 
Kaeya offered his hand out to you with a smirk. “Shall I escort you home?” You shook your head, replying,” Maybe another time. We still have a lot to talk about, after all.” He dropped his smirk and led you to a nearby bench. The atmosphere was quite silent for the city of freedom, the only sounds being the faint cheering that could be heard from the bar and the sound of leaves jostling against each other.
And after that, it took a few minutes of comfortable silence for Kaeya to open up to you about everything, just like that. He told you his side of the story, from start to finish, the remorse that he felt now, and how he wished that he could turn back time. When his voice started to shake, you gently intertwined your hands to ground him. 
After that encounter, the both of you started meeting up increasingly often, having drinks at the tavern or finishing commissions together for some extra mora. Over time, you could feel the wide gap that has been built between you and Kaeya close, bit by bit. You found your gaze lingering on the Calvary Captain for slightly too long sometimes, happening when you were at the Angel’s share, and he was slightly tipsy and spilling drama at work to you, or when his steel sword deflected an attack aimed at your blind spots. Kaeya’s hand lightly brushing  against yours when he was grabbing his drink also occasionally  triggered a light blush on your face. 
Surely, you shouldn’t be thinking about your best friend this way. Was it due to the fact that you haven’t seen him in such a long time, that every small interaction could manage to fill you with such indescribable emotion?
After a few days of coming back from work only to lie in bed and ponder, you have come to the conclusion that you liked Kaeya. You actually liked Kaeya Alberich, your friend since forever. Oh archons, how were you going to work this out? There was no possible way he could like you back, and although it had been years, your father still had not changed his opinion on the Calvary Captain. “I told you he was dangerous.” he would say, 
You carried these personal feelings with you for months, behaviours changing ever so slightly to not make them known to anyone else. Unconsciously drawing your hand back whenever Kaeya’s got too close, and being hyperaware of where the enemies’ attacks were aimed at so he couldn’t get too close to you. You even took up a few more commissions per week than you would usually take so there would be lesser chances of running into Kaeya. Okay, maybe you weren’t that subtle. But who could blame you? Whenever you saw him, it felt like a swarm of butterflies hatched in your stomach and your brain started to reboot. Maybe if you just ignored your feelings, they would eventually go away. 
After a few successful months trying your best to cut down interactions with Kaeya, you were met with quite the surprise.
Right outside your door at an ungodly hour, was Kaeya Alberich. 
“Good morning, ___. I take it you just woke up?”
You nodded.
The two of you conversed for a bit, before the conversation took a slight turn, leading to Kaeya pulling out a bouquet of flowers and shyly confessing, 
“This may a bit sudden to you, but I’ve liked you for so long, ___. It took me years to gather the courage to say this, so won’t you accept my confession?” 
Light rain drizzled all around you in the early hours of the morning, the sun beginning to paint the midnight sky with brilliant hues of orange and red. The atmosphere was quiet, with nothing but a few birds chirping in the distance. Kaeya held a single cecelia held in his hand towards you, a symbol of the true heart of his unbound soul. 
“Kaeya? What are you doing here? It’s five in the morning…” You mumbled, barely registering the words that came out of his mouth. He stayed silent as your brain processed what he said. “Wait- what?” You couldn’t believe your ears. Were you hallucinating? A side effect of being abruptly woken up?
But it didn’t make sense. Haven’t you been interacting with him less the past few months? WHat had prompted this sudden confession out of nowhere. “But…this is way too sudden. We haven’t even talked that much in the past few months.Why are you suddenly confessing to me?”
Of course, natural you were thrilled that the person you liked was right outside your door, professing their feelings to you, wich was a far-fetched dream for others. But you also wanted to know the reasons behind it. What if this was just a spur of he moment thing?
“I-” “___, who’re you talking to?” Before Kaeya could finish speaking, your father’s voice could be heard from behind you. You froze up, knowing his disapproval towards Kaeya. “Oh- it’s just one of my friends-” You sputtered, hurriedly trying to shut the door, but it was too late. Your father had already caught a glimpse of him.
The sleepiness seemed to dissipate from his expression and it quickly turned into one of irritation. “What business do you have here, Mr.Alberich?” Your father asked, his voice adopting a biting tone. 
Kaeya, unaware of just how much your father disliked him, told him the honest truth. This only seemed to make things worse, as your father started to chase him away from the house.
“Someone like you, trying to court my child? How preposterous!” He yelled, trying to get past you to confront Kaeya. The latter was slightly taken aback by his hostility, saying, “I don’t understand, sir-” This only agitated your father even more, compelling him to spill out all the nasty rumors about Kaeya and his past. “I don’t want such a person to even be near my child. Leave now.” 
Kaeya’s eyes widened, mouth twisting into a frown. Were those tears brimming on the edge of his eyes, or just a trick being played by the rising sun? “I…I see. Well, I’ll see you next time, __” He said, and promptly left.
“There won’t be any next time.” Your father grumbled as Kaeya’s figure became smaller and smaller in the distance. “What a troublesome man.” Your father said, and went upstairs with heavy footsteps. The blue hair slowly fading into the sunrise somehow made your heart ache, like Kaeya was a piece of you that was drifting away. 
You stood at your doorstep for a few more minutes, then headed back inside your home to get ready for the day. It’s okay. You reassured yourself. I can talk it out with him today. 
But you didn’t see him that day. Nor the next day. Nor the next. Or the next. Where could he have possibly gone? You’ve tried asking around, but got no actual lead to where he might be.
It was only when you went to the Knights Of Favonuis headquarters, was when Jean told you that he had taken up a more difficult mission just a few days ago. “Is there any particular reason you’re asking me this?” You shook your head, thanking her before rushing out of the office. What had your father done? Maybe if he had just put his prejudices aside for a moment and saw Kaeya for who he actually was, things would have turned out better.
You carried this regret with you for what felt like an eternity. Days blurred into weeks and months, until you realised that nearly two years had passed since that fateful day. Your father saw your heart-rending state and tried to apologise and change his ways, but it did little to mend your broken heart.
When people describe heartbreak, they say it’s like their heart has been split into two, and they had to get up to fix it by themselves or with the help of other people. But for you, it felt like a big chunk of your heart had been torn from you, and you were left to wander the endless universe to find it again. What a sad fate. 
Another few years passed, and you slowly began to live life again. You started going out with your friends more often, sitting in the library for hours poring over storybooks, and going to the marketplace everyday to try new food. Although you still weren’t completely over what happened a few years back, it definitely felt more refreshing to not focus so much on it and start focusing more on what was happening in life. Until one day, while you were out on a commission out on Galesong Hill, you saw a familiar figure out of the corner of your eye.
No. Focus. It couldn’t possibly be him. You ignored it until you heard a silky voice come from behind you. “Did you miss me?” Reluctantly, you turned around and was met face to face with the one and only, Kaeya Alberich. The sun was beginning to set, and it reminded you all to well of the scene that unfolded last time. But this time, it was just the two of you, with nothing but flora surrounding you, and no possible interferences. The poorly stitched together part of your heart that you had tried to replace with other things began to fall apart and bleed, but you nonchalantly accepted it, and ran into Kaeya’s open arms. 
Then you cried. All the built up emotions that you had tried to mask came crashing down, shattering like glass. You tried your hardest to silently sob into his shirt by biting on your lips, but to no avail. But Kaeya didn’t let go. Instead, he rubbed soothing circles on the back of your neck and held you close to him–close enough to feel his heartbeat. It was a comforting feeling, slowly but surely relieving you of any emotional pain you felt. So when you felt a few tears stain the back of your clothes, you didn’t say anything. 
When your tears finally halted and you let go of him, you shouted,, “Of course I missed you! Where have you been all these years?” “I…thought you wouldn’t have wanted to see me after that encounter with your father.” He explained, eyes downcast. This made you demand a proper explanation even more.
“There you go with your self-depreciating attitude again! When will you ever learn that you can just talk to me about any issues you have instead of running away…” You said with gritted teeth, intertwining your hands with hs. Kaeya looked shocked by your sudden outburst, but squeezed your hands and reassured you that he would. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again next time, I promise. I regret ever making you cry like this. When I see you like this and know it’s because of me…it doesn’t invoke nice feelings in me.” 
You sighed. “I’ll accept your apology for now, but later on, you’ll have to give me a better explanation.” Kaeya nodded. 
“So, can I confess to you properly now? Without anyone interrupting us, I mean.” He smirked, trying to lighten the mood. You laughed, slapping him lightly on the arm. “Of course you can.”
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milkypompon · 2 years
Gentle Nights
summary: y/n is in pain from their monthly cycle. Luckily, the ragbros are here to help!
genre: modern!au, roommates, fluff, flirty kaeya, shy diluc
word count: 1084 
With niceties aside, you asked the two bickering Ragnvindr brothers why they bothered to dorm together if they constantly butted heads. Not to mention how their deep pockets could easily afford an apartment in all the major cities of Teyvat.
Unfortunately, you didn’t have their golden family lineage to become a nepotism baby. Hence, why you had to room with not one, but two people to ease up on the rent.
The more hot-tempered of the two muttered about how their father wanted them to find a common ground before they inherited the Dawn Winery company.
Your eye twitched. Damn these rich brats.
That was last semester.
Now, if Kaeya or Diluc went missing, you wouldn’t leave a single stone unturned in the world to find them.
Your eyes danced along the slow-burn romance novel recently recommended to you by your honey-sweet friend, Lisa. She slid it to you across the table with a wink.
Being on the couch bundled up with too many fluffy blankets and reading a smutty book that Barbatos forbade anyone saw was the only reprieve you had the past few days.
You cursed as you doubled over in pain from the cramps.
Gentle tinkering of keys from the front door forced you to shove the book under Kaeaya’s blanket you borrowed – a fuzzy little thing decorated with twinkling snowflakes.
“You’re still awake?”
Speak of the devil.
You giggled softly. “It’s only 8 pm. I’m not a grandma.”
A flash of red caught your eye near the kitchen.
“I beg to differ,” Diluc snorted. “You read your book, ate Pocky, and napped repeatedly. Need I mention that you did that for most of the day?”
You rolled your eyes and pouted. “Try having a uterus for once, you dick bearing man.”
“Right, right.” He opened the microwave with a soft click. “And luckily for you, I cooked dinner.”
You smiled confidently. “That’s why you’re my favorite Ragnvindr!”
Kaeya toed his shoes off and gingerly placed them on the rack, remembering how much you hated it when he tracked in dirt. The last time he did, you forced him to mop the floors and scrub the soles of his shoes with an old toothbrush.
“I didn’t like what just came out of your mouth,” he smirked.
“And where has your mouth been? Your shift at Angel’s Share ended a while ago.” Your eyebrow quirked up.
“Forever painting me as the manwhore...”
You inhaled sharply when you noticed a plastic bag that dangled behind Kaeya.
“You really should treat me kinder, princess! It’s your fault I’m home later than usual.”
He tossed the bag to you. Inside was a pack of chocolates enough to feed a neighborhood of children during Halloween. But of course it wasn’t to give away, but to snack on until you were satiated and done with your monthly cycle.
With a sheepish smile, you hobbled over to Kaeya with a blanket around your shoulders. “You may have knocked Diluc to number two of my favorite Ragnvindrs,” you murmured into his neck as you wrapped your arms around him. Spearmint and a lingering smell of alcohol enveloped you.
Diluc cleared his throat. “Last time I checked there were only two of us. So it looks like I’m in last place.”
To Kaeya’s disappointment you pulled away first. He felt a warm wave of embarrassment at his realization.
You tossed the blanket to the couch and walked over to Diluc. “Well, there's your dad too.”
“You did not just say that,” the brothers exclaimed in unison.
Their reaction egged you even further. “With him on the roster, Mr. R may have just made it to the top of the list.”
The red-head turned around and quickly hoisted you up by the waist. Before you managed to realize that you were up in the air, he plopped you down in a chair.
Diluc wrung his wrists and sat next to you. “Eat up before the food gets cold again.”
Your eyes widened at his sudden display of physical contact. Kaeya was usually the one with touches that lingered on for too long. But after knowing him for months, you realized he seemed to crave skinship from everyone. So, you thought nothing much of it.
But Diluc?
Kaeya waving a fork-skewered chunk of the Pile Em’ Up sandwich pulled you back from your thoughts. “I’ll take the first bite if you don’t mind.”
The crunch of the crust and the sight of the cheese stretching made your stomach grumble.
“Hey, get out of here!” You huffed and snatched the fork from his hands. “Take a shower will you, Kaeya? The smell of wine is stuck to you like a second skin.”
With a swift tug at the collar of his shirt, Kaeya was left bare-chested. “Well if you wanted to see me naked, you could’ve just asked…” He purred.
You scrunched your nose from the slight tremble in your core.
It’s the hormones. You told yourself.
Kaeya let out a soft laugh and kissed the crown of your head. “Lighten up will you? You better have a smile on your face and Twilight on the TV by the time I’m done showering.”
Before you knew it, his long strides brought him to the bathroom, leaving you and Diluc alone.
Diluc gave you a small smile and pushed the plate closer to you. “Finish this first because Archons knows how long we’ll be watching.”
The sound of conversations on the television only served as white noise now. As the hours ticked by, your body melted into Kaeya’s chest, the mountain of blankets pushing both of you down into the couch. His lithe fingers massaged your scalp, teetering you into the brink of sleep.
Diluc scooted closer to you and lightly touched your thigh. “Y/n’s asleep again, huh?”
You pried your eyes open, meeting his radiant red ones. “Surely not with you nagging.”
He pulled away quickly. “I apologize—”
You grabbed his wrist. “Keep your hand there. You’re warm.”
Kaeya snorted at his brother’s utter cluelessness with your advances.
Diluc drew small circles with his hand, slowly being accustomed to the comforting warmth the three of you shared.
Something pricked Kaeya’s back. He carefully peeled away from your sleeping form, snickering about you looking like a small kitten, and reached behind him.
A book.
Specifically, your borrowed novel from Lisa.
He read the title and tossed it to his brother with a smirk.
Diluc’s eyes widened. His cheeks blooming into a blush.
a/n: getting back into writing again! I love love love soft kaeya and diluc.
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dandelion-wings · 16 days
Things I should have done today: chores. Things I could have done today: worked on any of my actual WIPs. Things I did do today: write 5k of loosely-connected and wildly wandering snippets of the AU where Fredrica raises Kaeya to marry Jean, omegaverse version, because my 2024 mood is that I can do whatever I want, forever, and today I wanted to do this. I tried to pack in everything @theabysscomeshome and I have kicked around for their teenage years, and almost (if not quite) managed it!
Today is a rare occasion: Mother is letting Jean go out shopping with Diluc, *alone*. It's the first time she's been allowed to spend time with him without Mother's supervision since Mother and Father divorced.
Okay, 'alone' isn't quite true. Mother insisted that she take Kaeya along. But she'd given Jean the purse, and told her she was responsible, and Kaeya is so quietly obedient that she can almost forget that he's there. And that the instructions Mother has given her about looking after him are identical to the instructions she used to give regarding Barbara.
Jean won't let him replace Barbara. It would be weird if he did, wouldn't it? He's going to be her mate someday, after all, and her husband, and so he can't also be her little brother--he's just someone under Mother's care, and anyone her Mother is responsible for, Jean is responsible for as well. Even if he's the alpha and she's the omega, Jean is a *Gunnhildr*, and he isn't yet. Won't ever be one the same way that Barbara is.
The same way that Barbara *was*.
Eager for a distraction from that thought, Jean slows in front of the bookstore, pausing to survey the display in the front window. The bright cover of a romance novel catches her eye: there's no question that the woman on the cover is supposed to be Vennessa, even though she's holding a style of sword that wasn't developed for another three hundred years and everyone knows that Vennessa preferred a claymore. She's holding that sword to the throat of a muscular, short-haired woman whose Lawrence insignia is half cut away, and while the pose is aggressive, the painter has put a look in both their eyes that makes it very clear who this romance is between.
"Are you going to buy that one?" Diluc asks beside her, startling Jean from her reverie.
"Of course not." Face hot, Jean tears her gaze away. Her mother would disapprove of her using the money she'd been given for any frivolous romance, but *especially* this one. No matter how compelling Jean finds it. The cover is so well-painted, that's all, Jean tells herself--it doesn't mean she would truly enjoy the subject material, not when a Lawrence is involved.
"There's a new book from Liyue about economics," she says, scanning the other titles on display. "That sounds educational. Mother would approve if we bought it."
She marches inside to do exactly that. Before she can get to the counter, she sees Barbara, browsing hymnals in the company of a nun.
"Big sister!"
Barbara flings herself into Jean's arms, and Jean instinctively hugs her close before remembering they may have an audience. Diluc won't tell, and the nun is smiling, but she still makes herself pull away. If Kaeya sees and tells Mother....
She can't make herself pull away immediately, though. "How are you? Are you making friends at the Church?"
"I am! I'm spending time with the orphans. None of them are as much fun to spend time with as you, though. I miss you a lot."
Jean feels a pang at Barbara's innocent words. Swallowing hard, she reminds herself that she should be mature about this. She can't encourage Barbara to continue to pine for her when they're always going to live apart. "I'm sure they could be, if you give them time to get used to you. If they're orphans, they're probably shy."
"But they're not *you*," Barbara says, tears welling in her eyes. "I really wish you were there. I don't know why you had to go away. And now you have a new brother-"
"He's not my brother," Jean says, fiercer than she'd meant, and hears a sharp little inhale behind her.
She looks over her shoulder to see Kaeya, whose expression flattens as soon as she looks, and Diluc, who goes wide-eyed and grabs Kaeya's hand to pull him away. Heat tingles in her cheeks. He's *not* her brother, though, she reminds herself again, defiantly, he's her betrothed, and that's a different thing. She didn't say anything wrong, or a lie.
"Oops," Barbara whispers, staring worriedly after them. "Is- is Mother going to be mad?"
"No," Jean says, though she knows all her perfectly correct arguments won't matter in the face of being told that Jean was talking to Barbara in the first place. Her stomach sinks at the realization that Kaeya has every reason to tell. Mother will approve of him if he tells, and disapprove of Jean, and if she hurt his feelings, even though that really shouldn't have....
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." Jean reaches out and squeezes Barbara's hand, doing her best to give her a reassuring smile.
"Barbara, dear, I think I've picked out a hymnal," the nun says. "Why don't we leave Miss Jean to her own shopping and check out?"
"Okay," Barbara says, reluctantly.
Jean lets go of her hand just as reluctantly, with one last squeeze, and makes sure to nod politely at the nun. "Don't let me keep you."
The nun takes Barbara's hand and hurries away to the counter, while Jean goes and searches the stacks for the economics text she'd seen in the window. She finds a few simple books for Kaeya, too, ones meant for children, which means he can probably read them. Maybe Mother will be less mad if she can prove that she was looking out for him like she was told.
Diluc and Kaeya are over in the fiction section, heads bent together, whispering furiously. Jean doesn't know what they're talking about, or which book Diluc takes to the counter, cover tucked to his chest like he's hiding it, when she's done with her purchases. He has it wrapped in brown paper before he hands it to Kaeya, who squirrels it away in his jacket with a nervous look at her.
Jean pretends not to see, and doesn't tell Mother, either, when they get home. Either that makes him decide to hold his own tongue, or Diluc bought it as a bribe in the first place, because he doesn't say anything to her about Jean's encounter with Barbara in the shop. Jean is relieved and grateful enough for his silence not to ignore him when he tugs on her arm in the hall on the way to their rooms after dinner and evening drills.
"I'm not trying to be your brother," he says softly, looking down at the floor. "I promise. I know what I'm here for, and that is isn't that. And I know that family is important, even if you can't be with them anymore. I won't... if you want to see her, I can help."
Which is a ridiculous offer. His training schedule is even stricter than Jean's, and even if he had as much free time, he doesn't know anything about Mondstadt. But some of the resentment Jean has felt all day subsides at his words. She nods, and smiles at him, and Kaeya slowly, shyly, gives her a relieved smile back.
Once Jean is an apprentice knight, she has more money and significantly more freedom. Spending an afternoon out with Diluc isn't as much an occasion; the apprentice knights are encouraged to spend social time together, it's why they're given twice-weekly free afternoons, so Mother can't do more than make oblique comments about who she spends them with. And having Kaeya along hasn't been an annoyance for some time now.
It's sometimes a convenience, even, when Barbara also happens to be out and about. He's better than anyone at contriving the sort of brief meetings that even Mother couldn't object to, and better yet at finding places for them to talk without prying eyes and discreet methods to get them both there. Which even Barbara, by now, agrees is far better than his strategy of his first year in the Gunnhildr household, when he kept contriving to be injured just badly enough for Jean to have to take him to the Cathedral, but not badly enough for Mother to come along.
If he and Diluc tend to duck off on their own now and then on these trips, too, Jean doesn't have room to complain. It could be a good thing. Mother might not let Kaeya get away with possessive behavior, but all the romance novels she sneaks from the Ordo library make a point of just how strong alpha instinct becomes when other alphas get too close to their mate. If they're friends before Jean and Kaeya ever marry, then Kaeya won't have to wrestle with that instinct in the first place.
She hopes, anyway. She knows better than anyone else just how much Kaeya does wrestle with the instincts that puberty is stirring in him, and that Mother's strict standards aren't the only reason they make him upset. Not to mention just *how* much he enjoys spending time with Diluc on their outings, and why.
*'If you're something other than an alpha, the Church has ways to fix it,'* she'd whispered to him, the night she'd found him crying in the bath. *'Mother isn't so cruel she wouldn't let you, if you tell her what you really are.'*
*'First I'd have to know what I am,'* Kaeya had answered, his expression twisted up in ways she didn't understand. *'All I know is what I'm not, and they can't fix *that*. Besides, I don't plan to leave you in the lurch.'*
He'd looked desperate when he said that, despite his attempt at a smile. Jean could understand. Mother wouldn't stop him from seeking the Church's services, no, but if Kaeya wasn't what she wanted him to be anymore, the well-behaved alpha mate who wouldn't try to dominate the first Gunnhildr omega in uncounted generations.... He's not a Gunnhildr yet. She'd end her guardianship of him and send him to the Church to take a place amid their orphans, or if he was lucky, to live in the Ordo dorms as a rare fostered apprentice. He wouldn't be part of Jean's family anymore.
Jean is selfish enough not to argue with his determination. She doesn't want to lose him any more than he wants to leave. That means that if whatever he *is* under all the uncertainty is someone who can look at an alpha the way he sometimes, when he thinks neither of them are looking, looks at Diluc....
They aren't married yet. He isn't her mate yet. Jean doesn't mind looking the other way and pretending she doesn't see. She just wishes for his sake that Diluc was only pretending that he hasn't noticed.
Out of the corner of her eye she can see Kaeya giving Diluc just that look right now, while Diluc picks through the tailor's display of new Inazuman silks in innocent ignorance. Jean turns back to her own contemplations. There's a beautiful robe here, pale green patterned with purple cranes picked out in charming detail, that she can't resist reaching out to touch. The fabric is smooth under her fingers. She traces the line of a crane's neck, turns over the price tag, then sighs and pulls her hand away.
When she looks back again, Diluc and Kaeya are both watching her. She smiles at them, embarrassed, and puts her hands behind her back.
"Mother would disapprove, wouldn't she?"
"If she doesn't pay for it, she can't stop you," Kaeya points out. "Let her frown at you all she wants."
"It's out of my price range, anyway. I'm going to look at their hair ribbons. I could use a few new ones."
Diluc frowns, but Kaeya shrugs, turning back to the silks and commenting on one Diluc seems to have liked. Their voices fade behind as she moves across the store to the hair ribbons, and she doesn't see them again until she comes to the counter with her selections. They're just ahead of her, Diluc counting out mora as the clerk ties string around two tissue-wrapped bundles. Diluc hands the smaller one to Kaeya before smiling at her and stepping out of her way.
It's far from the first time Diluc has given Kaeya such gifts on these shopping trips. It's a generous gesture, but it's also an *alpha* gesture, a courtship gesture, the kind of kindness that has a weight from alpha to omega or alpha to beta that Diluc probably doesn't even imagine it has here. That it wouldn't, alpha to alpha, if Kaeya was the alpha that everyone thinks.
As soon as her ribbons are paid for, Jean follows them out of the shop, clears her throat, and asks, "Kaeya, can you go ahead to Good Hunter and put in our order? I'm getting hungry, but Diluc and I should stop at the cobblers and see how the new boots for the apprentices are coming along. The Grand Master will expect a report."
His eyebrow goes up, but all he says is, "Of course," before taking himself off.
"Since when is it our job to check on the boots?" Diluc asks her, baffled, though he's heading down the street towards the cobbler's even as he asks. "No one said anything to me."
"It isn't, but Mother will appreciate that we took the initiative. Besides," Jean adds, her voice dropping as they pass a fruit cart, "I wanted to talk to you alone. I think... maybe you shouldn't buy things for Kaeya anymore. I think it might be giving him ideas about- about what you want from him."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Jean doesn't want to confess Kaeya's crush for him, but she forges on with as good an excuse as she can muster. "Kaeya... doesn't like being in debt to people. And- and at your age- for alphas- some of the things people say to him about, um, about us, that he's mentioned or I've heard about- he might think he needs to pay you back a... certain way."
Diluc only looks more confused. "He doesn't have to pay me back at all. It's my allowance, and I like buying things for the two of you with it. He knows that. What way do you mean, anyway?"
"With- kissing, and things." Jean blushes furiously, as much at the mental image of the two of them kissing as at the other word she can't bring herself to say. "Like I said, I *know* people talk like that about... us, and his debt to the family, and he's said some things to me, so I just...."
"Oh. *Gross*. No. Why would I even want that? I'll tell him so," Diluc says firmly. "And if anyone's making him feel weird about it, I'll punch them. The same if anyone makes you feel weird about it, either."
Jean's stomach drops, but at the same time she feels a rush of relief. She doesn't want Diluc to hurt Kaeya, but it has to happen sooner or later, and better that it happen before Kaeya gets too many ideas. And this way, by blaming the gossip that she honestly has overheard, she doesn't have to give up any of his secrets to Diluc. She'll keep those safe, just like he does hers. She'll just keep this conversation secret too, while she's at it.
However he might feel, Kaeya is an expert at *pretending* to be an alpha. It actually helps, she thinks, that Mother has spent years drilling into him that he can't be overbearing with her. If he smiles and demurs instead of posturing, and slides his way sideways out of most attempted challenges, and doesn't say a word about anything Jean does when another omega might look to their alpha for approval, then people blame Mother and not Kaeya himself. Mother meets every criticism with a pointed reminder that all dynamics are meant to be equal in freedom-loving Mondstadt, and Kaeya meets any scorn with a smile and an exact echo of her words in a faintly sardonic tone.
In the meantime, Kaeya mimics everything that Mother wouldn't reasonably have stomped out of him with aplomb. Most of it, she can tell, Diluc has taught him. Jean doesn't know when he'd shared that particular secret, or if he even has--Diluc may simply think that he's counterbalancing Mother's repression--but he imitates Diluc's straight shoulders and fierce grin when he does have to accept a challenge, and Diluc's careful backstep to signal disinterest when he's introduced to a new omega, and Diluc's fashion of cupping his hands around her own when he gives her a gift.
Which he does now and then, now that they're dating. The dating itself is a gift, too, Jean is well aware. Kaeya's disinterest in omegas is just as real as Diluc's, and it encompasses her, isn't because of her, despite the public facade that's all that makes those other omegas believe it. But she hadn't been able to keep herself being wistful, this past Windblume, and it must have been so openly that he had caught it, because she'd found herself the recipient of a bundle of roses and the worst poem she's ever read, and he'd taken the calla lilies and heartfelt if clumsy lines of her response with a smile and a cheeky reminder that, as a captain, she could afford better than he could to pay for a dinner out.
It's the least Jean can do to thank him for bothering.
Now that they are dating, Jean tries hard not to look too closely at things she isn't going to buy these days unless she's very sure that he can't afford it any more than she can. This jewelry set, though.... It's ridiculous, heart-shaped earrings and a heart-shaped pendant, set with colored glass in exactly her favorite shade of blue. Mother would disapprove of how cheap it is even if the motif wasn't so childish. Jean couldn't possibly buy something so gauche. No matter that it's cute.
And Kaeya can't buy it for her either. Necklaces are symbolic in ways that Mother would *despise*, and this particular one, with the romantic motif, would be utterly inappropriate for an alpha to give any omega but their mate. Even one they're betrothed to.
"What are we looking at?" Kaeya pokes his head over her shoulder just as Jean had expected, leaning in close. Jean enjoys the press of his shoulder against hers, and the brush of his breath on her cheek; that he means nothing by it doesn't mean that she can't take pleasure in it, so long as she doesn't discomfit him by letting it show. "Oh, that's pretty."
"I can't imagine where I would wear it, though. Mother would have a fit, and it wouldn't be appropriate on missions. It wouldn't be worth the mora."
Kaeya sighs against her ear, and it takes all Jean has not to shiver. "You don't have to talk yourself out of anything you think you want too much, you know."
"I just don't want it that much, that's all. There's no need to blow things out of proportion. And don't buy me a necklace you can't give me," Jean adds in warning. "You know how Mother would react."
"Yes, I know." Kaeya chuckles and leans back again, and Jean fights down a pang at the loss of his weight against her shoulder. "Sister Barbara! fancy seeing you here. You wouldn't happen to know how Sir Taute is holding up, would you? Jean's been worried."
Which is, if not a lie, *mostly* an untruth--Jean knows Taute is fine--but she grasps eagerly for the excuse, turning to smile at Barbara. "Yes, I would like to know."
"Let's step aside, for her privacy," Barbara says, in a cue Kaeya has long since taught them both, and smiles back at Jean as she leads her aside for a private conversation.
It doesn't occur to Jean how much of a distraction that was until hours later, when Kaeya stops her on the front porch to cup her hand and set a small box into it. Jean opens her mouth to scold him, then closes it again when she opens it. She had only told him not to buy her the necklace, after all.
"I still don't know where I'll wear them," she protests, resisting the urge to clutch the little box with its heart-shaped earrings to her chest.
"You can wear them on missions if you pass the Grand Master's uniform test. Which you should ask to take anyway. Half of your earrings dangle, and I know you wish you could wear those more often. You'll pass it with flying colors if you do."
Jean swallows down a sudden surge of emotion and puts the lid very carefully back on the box before smiling back up at Kaeya. "Maybe I will. Thank you, Kaeya."
"You're welcome."
He leans down and brushes his lips against hers in a familiarly chaste kiss, one that sends a thrill through her nonetheless. Jean takes a deep breath, taking in the rich spice-edged fruitiness of his scent, which seems to grow stronger every day. Then she pulls back before she can give into the urge to try and coax more out of him than he wants to give.
She doesn't comment on the second box she feels briefly through his jacket while they're pressed close. Kaeya may be an expert at pretending to be an alpha, eschewing jewelry for more prominent displays of ornate clothes and ornamented hair, but he ought to be allowed to experiment in private without Jean's prying. All her dreams of buying him whatever he *does* like most founder on the realities of their situation, so perhaps it's better if she doesn't know what he spends his mora on when she's not there.
Just as she shouldn't dream of a necklace to go with the earrings, and a claim he wouldn't want to make even if he dared.
Mindful as she is of Mother's disapproval, Jean does take advantage sometimes of having her own money to buy things that she knows Mother would never have let her spend her allowance on. The romance novels in particular. It's been years since she's had to skim them quickly in the shop or sneak them out of the Ordo library. Now she can buy them herself, at her discretion.
As long as she has good enough cause. Mother may not object aloud anymore, but Jean can still hear her voice in her head when she indulges too frivolously in some luxury she doesn't deserve.
This week, what she doesn't deserve is a beautiful first edition, with gilt edging on the pages and the author's signature on the frontispiece, of one of her favorite romance novels. She already owns a copy of the book, so it's an utterly self-indulgent purchase, but she'd thought she might have been able to earn it for herself anyway if only her company had come first in the survival games Grand Master Varka has decided the Ordo needs to run.
Unfortunately, Diluc, as always, outdoes her. Very slightly--a handful more points on foraging, which would have been balanced out by her company's better score in scouting if he hadn't made it back to base camp a mere hour before her--but it puts her company in second place, while his is first, and second place isn't good enough. She doesn't need Mother to tell her that.
Mother tells her anyway. "You *cannot* let an alpha outdo you," she says through gritted teeth, an old refrain, as she paces back and forth across their front room. "No Gunnhildr can let themselves be outdone by their peers, and that only goes double for you. Every alpha in the Ordo is primed to dismiss you, whatever excuses they may give for it. That means that you cannot give them *any* to seize upon. We have been over this."
"If it's anyone's mistake, it's mine," Kaeya says, even though he should know better than to interrupt Mother in the middle of a lecture. "I was the one who fumbled the net and lost us all those fish."
"And you cannot let him defend you!" Mother rounds on them both. "Never, *ever* let him defend you. The moment anyone perceives you as hiding behind an alpha, it will be him they look to in order to win your obedience."
"Mother," Jean begins, because ill-advised as Kaeya's words were, she owes him her defense in return.
She never gets further. Mother has significantly more to say, first to them together and then to Jean alone, and afterwards she sends Jean out with the instruction to send Kaeya in. Half of what she says to him is audible through the door.
Jean knows that all this anger is on her behalf, that it covers up the fear Mother has always felt that people will look at Jean as lesser, will disregard her accomplishments because of what she is and how she was born. That doesn't make it any less cutting. She's still raw and smarting by lunchtime the next day, though she makes sure not to let it show when she dismisses her company for their meal and heads herself to the Cathedral on the pretense of checking on two of her knights who had been particularly foolish in the games.
If that route takes her past the bookstore, well, she can look, can't she? Even if it's sand in the wound?
Maybe it should be a relief that the book is gone. The bottom drops out of Jean's stomach, though, and the rest of her day is dismal, only made more so by the discovery that Barbara is in choir practice when she arrives and won't be out before she has to go. She goes through the motions with as much efficiency as she can muster and is grateful for her bed.
She's more grateful still when Kaeya slips in through her window. Mother stopped checking on them after bedtime years ago; Jean still doesn't know if that's out of trust, or because she has some concept of what she might find teenagers up to on their own, not that Jean knows if Kaeya can stomach touching himself in the same way she couldn't resist doing in the rush of all the hormones at that age. If she still does so after he departs again from these nighttime visits, well, she's only overwhelming the room with her own scent to disguise his, or at least that's what she would try to claim if he knew.
"You know I wasn't defending you as your alpha," Kaeya says without preamble.
"I know."
Jean doesn't bother ask if Mother believed him. She doesn't know what Jean does, and Barbatos willing she never will. Not until he and Jean are married, anyway, and Kaeya is a Gunnhildr whether Mother wants him to be or no. Jean is determined to insist that he can present as whatever he is, then, or not present as whatever he isn't, and never mind the Gunnhildr reputation. It will be as welcome to her as it is to him when he stops playing the romantic alpha she wishes for in public.
Kaeya sighs in relief, as if he somehow thought she might not believe him, and sinks down onto her bed. Above the covers, while she's below, but Jean pushes the quilt down a little to bare her shoulder and he nuzzles into her neck as if he's seeking her scent. His own clouds around her. Jean breathes it in and feels herself relax.
"Do you want-"
"*Please*," Jean says, her voice nearly cracking. "Otherwise I don't think I'll sleep at all."
He pulls his face from her neck and leans down to nip at her shoulder, well below the line of her uniform, where no one, even Mother, will notice a mark. Well away from her bonding glands, too, which Jean refuses to be disappointed by. She'll get what she wants once they're married, once, if probably never again, and until then this is kindness enough.
The pinprick of pain as his teeth sink in is soothed by the brush of his tongue. His venom sweeps through her, calming her almost immediately, relaxing her muscles until she's lying nearly limp on the bed. As soon as it eases her tension away, she can feel the exhaustion throbbing in her temples surge forth to start ushering her into sleep.
She's selfish, though. Kaeya is already giving her one comfort, and she still wants another, something pleasant to take into her dreams. They used to do this through letters, hidden beneath matresses and passed back and forth in secret during the day, writing answers before bedtime to titillate each other with their secret fantasies. But they're both braver now, if only with each other. All she has to do is ask.
"If you were a pirate-" Kaeya likes pirates, so much that she's fantasized sometimes about saving up to buy him a tame dusk bird, as if Mother would ever permit such a beast in her house "-and I was a stowaway you found in the hold, what would you do with me?"
"A stowaway, hmmm?"
"A beta stowaway," Jean adds impulsively. "Promised by my family to-" she yawns "-to a powerful mated couple in, hmm, Fontaine, whom I loathed enough to flee."
Kaeya props himself up on one elbow and cups her cheek, running his thumb gently down it. With his venom in her veins, Jean couldn't resist her shiver if she wanted to.
"Well, if *that* was the case, you'd be quite a prize, wouldn't you? You'd have to convince me that it was worth my while not to give you up for a reward...."
He starts to detail exactly how Jean might convince him in warm, suggestive tones. Jean lets his voice wash over her, and as she sinks into sleep, all her disappointment fades away. She doesn't need first place, or that book, or even Mother's approval. She already has everything she really needs.
Her future with Kaeya is so certain, so solid a factor in Jean's life that she doesn't realize how fragile it actually is until Mother, with one private meeting and the slash of a pen, throws it all away.
Jean is still reeling as she follows Mother home, her throat hoarse from shouting protests that went nowhere against the united wall of her and the Grand Master and the Seneschal, all furious in different and equally terrifying ways. Mother's fury is quiet, grim, and sharp, and leads her straight to Kaeya's room. She doesn't even seem to notice Jean right on her tail.
She tosses Kaeya's room with vicious efficiency, emptying drawers, flipping his mattress, digging into the back corners of his closet, and then circling back to pry at solid furniture and slit everything soft in search of hidden compartments and stashes. Which Kaeya *has*, as it turns out. Jean is only briefly shocked; she would have hidden some of this from Mother, too, if she'd had certain of his secrets, or even if she'd simply known how to conceal things as cleverly as he has.
None of it, though, is evidence. Mother's frustration mounts as she dumps out jewelry and hair ribbons, toys and harnesses that under any other circumstances would make Jean blush, and books with featureless red covers that even now do. She tosses a necklace atop the pile of earrings and bangles with a snort of disgust, not seeming to recognize the blue glass heart that makes Jean freeze in place, nor note that betraying reaction. While she turns back to the closet, Jean reaches out with shaking fingers and dares to snatch it up. Had Kaeya bought that for himself...?
The back of the closet is full of bedding that Jean knows no Gunnhildr has ever purchased. Most of it is the same shade of pale sky-blue as the necklace, just enough lighter than Mondstadt blue a proper Gunnhildr should prefer that the difference is obvious. None of it has the feather and bird motifs that Kaeya most likes, nor the diamonds that are his second-favorite; there's a duvet embroidered with fine white dandelion seeds blowing in an invisible wind, a scarf with orange tabbies, a pair of pillows with several increasingly pale shades to suggest clouds, a brown-and-green quilt whose interlocking blocks are, she realizes, in the shape of tortoises.... Mother tosses another piece upon the pile, a green silk robe decorated with purple cranes.
"This is nesting material," Jean says aloud, her voice scratchy in her throat.
"He had *ambitions*, didn't he." Mother's lip curls. "Let's both be grateful that his nerve failed before he got that far."
Jean swallows hard. Mother moves on to the closet's top shelf, where the red-bound erotica had been, and pulls out a few more books that she tosses out atop the pile with such carelessness that Jean nearly cries out in horror. All are romances, and every one is familiar, from the old and yellowing one where Vennessa holds a Lawrence at swordpoint on the cover to the fine leatherbound, gilt-edged first edition she hadn't won the right to buy last year.
Kaeya has never cared for romances. These are all to Jean's taste, ones that she had wanted and for some reason or another had never purchased. She doesn't remember the details, but she finds herself certain anyway that she'd either eyed them or mentioned them in Kaeya's presence.
A feeling is stirring inside her that isn't shock, or grief, or even horror. Jean realizes, staring at the hard lines of Mother's back as she jerks a hidden bag out from where it was tied beneath the wardrobe and pours out only mora, that it's defiance.
She takes a step back, then another, then turns and flees the room while Mother is still distracted. Nothing in there is going to be evidence. Not of Kaeya's supposed treachery, nor of the loyalty that Jean can't help but believe in. One way or another, she'll have to find her own.
Mother has discarded enough of Jean's family. She was a child when she lost Barbara, and powerless to act; now she's a woman grown, a knight and an officer, with a Vision at her waist and all the power of her recent promotion at her disposal. This time, Jean won't let Mother throw away someone she loves. She'll get Kaeya back.
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beiq2y · 1 year
(Warnings : wine, drinking( wine testing), the drink ‘death after noon’)
In which diluc has hated alcohol since even before his father’s death, he simply just detested the taste of it.
So young bartender! Diluc who is exploring different and new mixes of drinks, refusing to taste even a single drop and using his brother Kaeya as his Guinea pig instead!
At first, Kaeya wasn’t a huge fan of the alcoholic taste, but if it was frm big brother diluc? It was heaven-sent.
Builds a high alcohol tolerance so that he can drink multiple concoctions at once, and is constantly giving diluc feedback!!
“Hmm i really like this one brother! It has a really elegant taste and all, definitely one of your best,” Kaeya begins, taking yet another sip of diluc’s latest creation.
Sparkling white wine and dandelion wine had been mixed together, creating an especially potent drink. But Kaeya couldn’t get drunk - he wouldn’t! Especially not when his beloved brother needed his sober feedback.
“Is that so? Well then maybe a small sip wouldn’t hurt..” Diluc muttered to himself, wrapping his fingers around the wine glass in his brother’s hand. He exuded elegance and class as he lifted the glass to his lips, taking a quick sip of his so-called “best creation”.
But there was nothing very elegant about the way Diluc’s face instantly contorted into a look of absolute disgust - his eyebrows furrowed as a grimace made its way to his lips.
“I really don’t understand how people drink things like.. that. Really, why drink alcohol when grape juice is right here. Same taste, same quality, but without all that.. bitter nonsense,” Diluc huffed, downing himself in grape juice to wash out the taste from his mouth.
“Now now, that possibly can’t be the behaviour of one of the best bartenders I know?” Kaeya hummed, a teasing tone underlining his words. “But, whatever you say brother! If you insist grape juice is better, I suppose we’ll just have to agree to disagree.”
He gently took the wine glass back from Diluc, running his finger over the rim of the glass as he pondered silently. For such a profound drink, it most certainly deserved a title worthy of its honour. Glancing out the window, he observed the setting of the sun as it’s rays began to disappear, painting the sky a sweet pink. Ah, how he adored the afternoon sky. And with that thought, his eyes shot up, eager to share his idea with his brother.
“Brother, what do you think about naming this drink ‘Love at Noon’? It certainly does give that aura if you ask me!” Kaeya proposed, nudging diluc’s shoulder gently, to which the red-haired man only groaned.
“I really don’t see where the love in this comes to play. Just a sip of that and you’ll be dropping dead. ‘Death at Noon’ sounds much more appropriate for the drink,” The older of the two grumbled, going for a refill of his favourite fruit juice, mumbling something along the lines of how ‘he could still taste it on his tongue.’
“Ah, but Death at Noon sounds so depressing, brother! What about death after noon, hm? Then we can save Love at Noon for another one of your other drinks!” Kaeya mused, letting out a satisfied hum as he drank the last bit of his wine. 
“Well, I supposed it isn’t a bad name. It’ll do,” Diluc gave his nod of approvement, and with that, ‘Death after Noon’ was created. 
A/n : BYE im dead. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE JS A SMALL HEADCANON FRM B4 THE SEPARATOR. But then i decided i wanted a small scenario and it ended up becoming 500+ words.. and i wrote it on tumblr and i was scared i wld lose my progress so i copy pasted every para of this to my notes app individually 💀 I HOPE U ENJOYED THIS BTW!! Also MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLS! Sorry i didnt write a Christmas special and vomited this instead LMAOAOAO 
kaeluc shipper dni
©beiq2y on tumblr, 2k22. Pls do not steal or repost my works!
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kaeliwritesstuff · 10 months
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To Thaw a Frozen Heart [Genshin Fanfic | Kaeya x OC]
Chapter 1
Diluc sat at his desk, a scornful frown painted his face as he glanced at the time again.
Where is she? He paced as he finally heard the front door to the winery open. His eyes fell upon his younger sister, as she tried to sneak into the place quietly. Whenever she turned around she was met with his glare.
Rachel gulped, and Diluc crossed his arms as she walked over to him timidly, "Just where have you been?" He asked lowly. "You know it's way past curfew."
"I-I'm sorry Diluc," his younger sister murmured.
"Tell me what happened," he sighed. It wasn't like her to break the rules. She must've had a reason.
"Ah well..." Rachel looked back up at him. "I was spending some time with Aether. He returned for a moment after his endeavors in Liyue." She explained as her expression went from sheepish to a little more sullen. "We already heard word about what's happened. But there's so much more to it than the stories tell. He's gone through some tough situations. And he still hasn't heard from or seen his sister... I didn't want to stop his venting because of my curfew."
Diluc knew there was some reason. His sister had a kind heart. But her kind heart is what would be her downfall without him around. "At least you had the Traveler there to keep you safe in case something happens but Rachel," he took a deep breath. "I set rules in place for a reason. I can't always be there to protect you. And you don't have a vision nor fighting skills to protect yourself."
Diluc would look over his younger sister. She's grown so much over the years. She is just four years younger than he and Kaeya. He's noticed a huge change in her ever since father died and Kaeya no longer stayed with them. And Diluc couldn't stand to look at Kaeya's face quite often. Some days were worse than others. But the only one left of his family that he had was Rachel. He was called overprotective often. But who wouldn't be in this circumstance? He wouldn't know what he would do without her.
Rachel looked up at him, an unreadable expression formed on her face as she continued to talk. "I know, but... Diluc I'm no longer a little girl. We have friends too, who will protect me in case something were to happen." Diluc wanted to rebuttal her comment but she held her hand up to continue. "I know there's been a lot on your shoulders. You've had to take dads place in literally everything, including taking care of me..." she looked guilty. "For that I'm forever grateful."
"To me it does not matter your age..." Diluc said in a softer tone. "Rachel you are my little sister, I will always be very protective of you."
"Especially since we've lost dad... I know, Diluc. I'm the only family you have left." Rachel said in a knowing tone. Diluc was always surprised at Rachel's astute observations of others. It's like she knows how people think or feel before they even say it. It's why she had so many close friends, and many opened up to her. Rachel was more of a listener than a talker. But she always talked with Diluc. "And Kaeya... he's still family."
This made Diluc clench his jaw. "I've told you many times, Rachel. Kaeya can't be trusted. It's not speculation, it's not out of any random reason why I say this. He *can't* be trusted."
"But he's still our brother," Rachel stood firm. This was the one thing he and Rachel fought on. Kaeya. Diluc had many speculations of the relationship between her and Kaeya. She still saw him as a brother, sure. But he knew there was more to it. A secret crush between them both? Perhaps. All he knew was that Rachel liked Kaeya more than just that. And Diluc would make sure that Kaeya could not break her heart.
"He's no brother of mine," Diluc said in an almost sinister tone. He felt himself harden at the idea of Kaeya being his brother once more.
"You know that isn't true," Rachel replied in a firm voice. He was surprised to see how grown up she had become. It was like she could see into his heart and soul, even though he locked everything away. "He's still our brother... even if you two don't get along. I can see you both still care."
Diluc sighed, "Rachel, we aren't having this argument again. You're to tend to the flowers and the gardens around the winery tomorrow as punishment for staying out so late. Don't forget to do your other tasks as well." He sent her on her way. Rachel looked like she wanted to say something else but her brows furrowed. She gave him this look that she was hurt by him, but she knew that he in the end, was right about some things. Diluc felt slightly guilty as he watched his sister go upstairs to her room. The room she's had since their father owned the winery.
══════ ∘◦❁◦∘ ══════
Rachel fell into her bed as she picked a pillow up to hide her face into it. It felt cooler than the air around her. She closed her eyes as she thought of what Aether talked about earlier. He seemed increasingly concerned about finding his twin. Rachel couldn't help but to feel for him... if Diluc randomly disappeared after she woke up, she'd be in the same position. Plus talking about his adventures in Liyue made her curious enough to want to explore Teyvet. Maybe when she was older...
Rachel sighed deeper as she recalled another part of the evening. One she kept from her brother. She had stopped at Angel's Share to make sure the place was properly stocked up before she would help transport supplies there tomorrow. Unsurprisingly to her, Kaeya was also there.
"Hey Rae," Kaeya said in a playful tone. "Come have a drink with me?" There was a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
Rachel shook her head, "You know Diluc would kill me right? Besides, I'm already late returning." Rachel noticed Kaeya's rosy cheeks as he had already been drinking. Probably trying to feel out another bandit that dropped by. Those poor men who decided to get a drink.
"Come on Rachel," he said a bit softly, as he moved a bit closer to her so others wouldn't overhear what was said. "You're already out late anyway. I... wanted to ask you a question."
Rachel had a hard time resisting his natural charm. This wasn't one of those charms he'd use on others to win them over. She and Kaeya have known each other since he got adopted into their family all those years ago. She and Kaeya used to be very close up until he wasn't allowed to return home.
"Fine, you can ask the question. But I won't be drinking," Rachel said with a defeated sigh.
"It's just too bad I have another drink waiting for you at the table," Kaeya chuckled. Rachel let out a short laugh as she walked over to the table he wanted to sit at. There was indeed, already a drink there.
Rachel lifted the cup to her lips, noticing Kaeya's playful gaze as he watched her take a sip. "What's your question?" She asked pointedly with a raised brow.
Kaeya's eyes got a little more serious, but he was still smiling. Albeit the shine behind it diminished. "I've noticed you and The Traveler have gotten closer..." he made an observation.
Just as Rachel was about to take another sip she stopped. Her eyes look over the Cavalry Captain. Her red eyes held a twinkle in them. "We have... he's a friend of mine since he helped the people of Monstadt out. You and Diluc included."
"You know that's not what I'm talking about, Rae," Kaeya leaned forward a bit against the table. She could smell the alcohol from his breath before she took a huge gulp of the drink he gave her.
The drink burned as it went down. "If you're implying he and I are more than just friends... I'm sorry to disappoint you." She smirked slightly. "Even if he and I were to see each other in that way... what does it matter if we liked one another?" She asked with a raised brow, her breath waiting in anticipation of what he'd say.
Kaeya chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "I just need to make sure you aren't sneaking around with another man behind your brother's back. Imagine how surprised and pissed he'd be." Kaeya said as his eyes told another story. His playful glint couldn't fool her. Rachel was really good at reading people. If she were to not know Kaeya for as long as she had, though... he might be impossible to read.
"If Aether and I planned to date, he would be the first person I'd tell," Rachel smirked slightly. "Are you sure there is no other reason for you asking, other than to make sure I'm not secretly seeing someone behind Diluc's back?" She asked with an emphasis on her brothers name. Because she knew Kaeya didn't want her seeing anyone period. Not with their deep bond...
"I'm afraid that's all there is too it," he chuckled and raised his cup to his lips.
"Liar," Rachel said softly as she finished her drink. She was tipsy at this point.
"What can I say? That's my specialty. It's just too bad your specialty is to see the true intentions of people's hearts, huh?" He leaned in, looking deeper into Rachel's crimson eyes.
"That's one way of calling me observant." Rachel chuckled, feeling her face getting hit from the alcohol.
"You're more than just observant, Rae..." Kaeya said in a much lower tone. "You're so scarily observant, I myself have felt that you can see right through my frozen heart." Although the words were said in a sarcastic tone, Rachel knew just how much Kaeya meant those words.
Rachel rolled her eyes at his pun. "Even if your heart was frozen, I'd still tell you that it's beating just like everyone else's. So, stop counting yourself out." Rachel said as a warning. She knew him too well. Kaeya chuckled as he leaned forward a little more.
"It's almost midnight," he said softly. This made Rachel's eyes widen as her head snapped to the clock. Where did the time go? She was so dead... a dark chuckle could be heard from Kaeya. "Good luck, Rae."
Rachel sent a glare his way. "Thanks for the drink, I'll pay next time..."
"No need," she heard him call out as she dashed out the door.
────── ∘❉∘ ──────
"That look you had was entertaining enough..." Kaeya said as he watched Rachel leave. He stared at the glass in his hand now, as his smile dropped. It was always so hard to hold himself back when he saw her. That girl who could always warm his usually frozen and frigid heart. He set the glass against the table a bit loudly.
If only he could allow his aching love for her to be set free. But there were already so many factors in the way. So many secrets hidden from her. All to make sure she never got hurt. He and Diluc both had agreed to not let her in on what happened to their father until she was older. But both seemed to silently agree in not mentioning his betrayal as being a Khaenri'ah spy.
Diluc has made it very clear that he would not interfere with Kaeya and Rachel in having a friendly relationship with each other as long as Kaeya did not step over the line in pursuing the romantic side with Rachel. Well... easier said than done. Rachel was truly the only person who could potentially understand Kaeya completely. And she was such an open heart for him... she would more than likely accept everything about him and still stand by his side even if he completely broke her heart. Kaeya did not want to hurt or use Rachel the most out of everyone. It just annoyed him that Diluc thought he had to lay these rules out for him.
His eyes trailed back to the entrance and exit of the tavern. Kaeya was amazed that he knew Rachel and Diluc so well that even the crazy similarities they had on the outside could not have him compare them mentally from one another. He could not see Diluc as he stared at Rachel. And he couldn't see Rachel when he stared at Diluc. Both with deep fiery red hair and eyes. He chuckled to himself.
Suddenly his chest filled with guilt and sadness. There was an inner conflict going inside his mind and chest each time Rachek left. From Khaenri'ah to the night of their fathers death... the fact that his own father abandoned him to partake in being an agent for the people of Khaenri'ah. He was not supposed to get as attached to these people as he did. But the fact their father was willing to take him in as his own son when Kaeya waited for hours for his own father to return... the way he grew close to Diluc and Rachel as they grew up. He was supposed to be doing his job for his home world which was long gone. Yet he grew to like this world and the people in it. The inner struggle never stopped.
"Charles, I'll take another," Kaeya said as he raised his empty glass over at the bartender with his signature smile. There were still a few patrons left in here he could speak with. Kaeya was very good at using his influence over others. Besides, why not do what he's best at?
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kakyoinryoko · 11 months
You're incredibly valid in that. I was just curious mostly in your eyes Barbara's role? She came after diluc so was it an attempt at anything guilt? Just like an accident ? And we saw Jean and diluc and kaeya react, but how would she you know? Thanks for taking the time ) !
post got long :(
re: barbara, i mostly looked to canon dynamics to figure out what could have been going on there… to me, it seems that in the gunnhildr family, frederica was the matriarch while seamus was just sort of there, and jean was the favorite child while barbara was an afterthought. i would say that it seems that their eventual divorce was due to them being very different people: frederica has exercised a frankly unhealthy level of control over jean’s life to the point that jean has grown into a woman who can’t bear to spend a second of her time on her own well-being, while seamus is described as a much more lax parent to whom barbara is very attached, and who encourages barbara to follow her own dreams and live her own life (re: being a singer). all in all the picture this paints for me is that frederica approached the idea of marrying and starting a family from the standpoint of wanting to carry on the family name and raise a knight to be proud of, while seamus simply wanted to be a father. i never really got into this in my own writing, but part of the reason frederica was so willing to immediately part with barbara almost immediately is because unfortunately barbara just isn’t the kind of child she wanted to raise.
i feel i should specify here that i am not trying to demonize frederica, i think she’s an interesting character and i’m very fond of her, but also… her style of parenting undeniably fucked up both of her kids. jean is a maladjusted workaholic, while barbara has a serious inferiority complex and is incapable of allowing herself to feel or process sadness. and on the other hand, jean barely comprehends the idea of celebrating her own birthday, while in the meantime frederica gifted barbara a special dress for her to wear during concerts in what is likely a gesture of motherly love jean couldn’t even imagine, because she’s the one who lives up to frederica’s standards, so she’s not the one who gets the gentle treatment. basically part of my goal with this has always been to fairly represent the way she’s treated her daughters without painting her as a villain by any means.
i guess this doesn’t really answer your question, but all of this is to say i think this all would still apply in pretty much the same way. i think at most what i’d add is that barbara could have been something of a way for seamus to feel he’s at least been able to raise one child the way he wants to, but really i think that could be said of her existence in canon already.
re: barbara learning the truth, i actually wanted to write something more focused on her, but i sort of lost steam, so there’s maybe a fragment or two of that leftover that stuck around. in short, i think everyone involved panics for a while like “ohhh poor sweet barbara we shouldn’t tell her yet… she’s going to be so distraught” and then they tell her whenever the whole family is next together again so they’re all there at once to soften the blow and she’s like “well….. yeah. i kind of thought so” because she, being the one closest to her father, noticed something going on when she was like 11 before anyone else in her family did.
ok. thank you for your time
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creative-hell · 11 months
         As he fell to his knees, Kaeya hissed, gripping his arm tight as the searing-cold sensation of the curse ate away at him. Consumed his mortal flesh and marred it with monstrous influence.
          His right side had been steadily engulfed by the affliction as it was, almost corrupted beyond any recognition. At least, to the average man, anyways.
         One who knew the sight well and familiarly would easily realize what was becoming of his body. How it had now come to grow closer in appearance to that of the strange Abyssal creatures scarce few lived to tell the tale of, those he had followed in his pursuit of the truth.
                                         Heralds, they were called.
                           Damnation, he knew very well, they truly were.
           Kaeya hadn’t been at all surprised by this outcome though. He had been quite certain it would been a possibility from the start, having been warned by his father, time and again, to never linger too close to the creatures. Having witnessed the very man who dedicated his centuries roaming Teyvat into fighting the Abyss Order, and further heard from him the nature of their people’s affliction. Who had also adamantly warned him to stay away from seeking out more on the legacy of his surname and those involved.
          Whatever the case, the reason for this change in him was clear–the longer he stayed amid and around those creatures, the more their Abyssal energy would taint him and take root within him. And then he would end up damned like the rest of them.
          One would think knowing such a harrowing end would have kept Kaeya away from it all. Would have deterred him from delving too deep, and kept him content to remain in Mondstadt as he had initially decided. As Dainsleif had wanted him to. But well...
                        Unfortunately, he had never been a good listener.
         And he had never been one to pursue something without taking out all the stops either, never once caring of the risks he would face along the way. No matter the investigation, no matter what he had to do to complete his mission, always, he always did with maddened determination and full intentions to pull through however he could. And he always did. But this time–
         “There you are.”
          Kaeya’s eyes widened as the heavy, deliberate footsteps echoed around him. Footsteps so familiar he could recognize readily above anyone else’s and without need for a moment’s thought. One whose unique Vision-imbued warmth he could pick out, even amid a crowd of similarly gifted others. The very warmth that had been all he’d known for the greater part of a decade, only to find himself left in naught but bitter cold the day he’d opened his damned mouth and ruined it all.
                          Once, his best friend. Once, his definition of home.
                                              The twin half of his soul.
          Kaeya closed his eyes, tipping his head back almost in prayer ( ha! As if any god would help him now! ) before pulling together his facade and shifting to smirk in the man’s direction.
         “Well, well–fancy meeting you here, Master Diluc.”
         A scoff and burning glare greeted him in turn.
         Diluc looked as good as ever–which truly was to say he appeared an utter, hopeless mess.
          The man’s hair was all tousled up and tangled, dark circles painted under his eyes that somehow seem to have gotten worse than Kaeya last remembered ( ugh, figures he never listened to Kaeya’s subtle little pleas to take better care of himself ), and his clothes were a rumpled mess too, all burnt and frayed in some places. Not quite what anyone, especially Kaeya, would call a sight for sore eyes at the moment, truth be told. Nor a truly pleasant one, considering the last time Kaeya had seen him look like this almost half a decade ago.
           How Diluc could pull together some uncanny semblance of poise and dignity whenever he manned the bar or stood about the Winery after dealing with his little…covert side projects always eluded Kaeya. Especially considering how he usually took care of things, ever the brute compared to Kaeya’s more roguish methods. Honestly...never had he wished Diluc would have at least tried for that cover up than now.
          Though Kaeya supposed it would be a bit much asking him to do the same so deep into the Abyss’s lair.
         “Where is he?”
          The corner of his mouth twitched at the sudden, blunt demand.
          “Always straight to the point with you.” Kaeya cocked his head a slight, feigning contemplation as he softly hummed. “Pray tell, do you ask for the young Prince? Or are you worried about my dear pal Dainsleif?” His teeth bared in a grin at the sharp twist of Diluc’s lips. “Sorry to say, but you’d be hard-pressed to find either here. It’s just me. Lucky you, right?”
          Diluc gaze hardened, as steam rose of his clothes. Wait—steam?
          Sheer practice and habit maintained Kaeya’s composure as he turned further to better survey the cavern. Even as he felt pinpricks of dread blooming in his chest.
         Stars–no wonder he’d felt so damn bad just now. He hadn’t realized how cold the space around him had gotten. How cold it had become in his wake, if he dared to gleam past where Diluc now stood. Although perhaps...perhaps he hadn’t noticed, because it had become something all too natural for him to feel, nowadays. Or perhaps because damn near every other physical sensation had come to dull compared to the agony of the curse eating away at him, more than they already had been before. Still…
          Kaeya’s eyes raked swiftly over the frost and ice that had spread about the room. Over all the odd flakes swirling about in the otherwise still and stifling air, and the icicles that seemed to steadily grow and inch menacingly toward them as his own nerves thrummed and screamed. At the fog that slipped past Diluc’s lips with every breath he took, unlike Kaeya’s own—
          “So…you’ve finally become one of them?”
          Kaeya blinked, now clearly remembering with a start exactly why he had stumbled here in the first place. Of the actual corruption so deeply entrenched in his being, it near fully manifested now across his right side.
          The side Diluc now had a clear view of. That had him far more on guard than before, his beloved claymore suddenly manifested in hand. 
          Kaeya claws dug into the now toughened, seemingly frostbitten-to-a-greyed-blue flesh of his palm as he laughed.
          “Well, you don’t need to say it like that, Master Diluc,” he remarked, shifting to finally face his sworn brother head on. The movement almost had Diluc brandishing his weapon, ready to swing if Kaeya should dare draw close.
                                                    As if he could.
          Kaeya couldn’t help the wry little scoff that left his lips. Perhaps he…couldn’t really stand upright right now ( weak, utterly weak- ) but he would still grace the man before him with the baiting little grin he knew he especially loathed to see. Just like the rest of him- “You wound me, y’know.”
          The Wolf's Gravestone glinted dangerously as Diluc grip on it tightened.
          I can do so much more than wound, the gesture almost seemed to say.
          Kaeya managed a laugh in spite of it all. “Ah, right.” In spite of the lurch in his gut at the all-too familiar situation he found himself in. But, hey, better to mask his weaknesses before the other. “I nearly forgot.” Just as he always had since they’d reunited a mere year ago. As he did, even in their youth- "You never were fond of small talk."
          A foggy exhale. “Neither of us have that luxury right now.”
          “Because of where we are?” A tilt of the head. “Or because you won’t let me?”
          Even with his jesting, airy tone, Kaeya couldn’t help the bitter jab in his heart as he spoke.
          Though really...really, what did it matter if Diluc allowed him to speak and explain himself, or not? They both long since knew not one conversation between them could go without wicked jabs below the belt nor without leaving either nursing bruising aches that stung more than physical wounds ever would. Not one conversation could ever even begin resolve the bad blood and tenseness between them.
         Could such a thing even help them now? With Kaeya in the worst of states, and Diluc scarcely a swing away from finishing what he’d attempted years ago?
           Ha, even Kaeya didn’t bet on absurdities like that.
           And Kaeya knew, far more than anyone else, that the Diluc who was so easily forgiving and caring to him had long since been stamped out like a fire amid a Snezhnayan winter. Probably because of his time wandering through one.
          Or had it been Kaeya’s truth that had done that?
         Diluc drew a slow breath, flames flickering to life at his fingertips and dancing along his blade.
          Kaeya couldn’t help fighting the urge to cringe away in the face of them. 
         The light burned as much as Dawn had that very day. All he wanted to do now was flee in the face of it, crawl further into darkness to escape it. It was only the conscious fear of turning his back to Diluc now and the lingering threads of his pride and bravado that kept him in place.
           Fear....ha. Since when did he fear anything?
           Truly...had he come to be so far gone–
          “And if I did...would you actually mean what you say for once?”
           Kaeya swiftly glanced back up in surprise. Then a soft sigh left him in realizing the action had only served to make Diluc all the more wary. Ahh, seriously...!
                                  You need only give me a chance.
          The words stilled on Kaeya’s tongue before he could dare give them voice. Right, a chance...no, someone like him didn’t deserve such a thing. Diluc knew that as well as he. And Diluc certainly wouldn’t be the type to cave to such a plea either, especially not now.
          As was evident by the way his grip tightened on the Wolf’s Gravestone’s hilt. Shifting as though he very well might swing right then and there–shit, would he really–
          An abrupt wave of cold rippled through the air. 
          Kaeya couldn’t help the stilted snarl in pain, curling in on himself as the heightened, even if unconscious, use of his Vision burned in his chest. Burned, as it always had from the moment he’d gotten it. Burned, stronger and stronger still, the more tainted with Abyssal energy he had become.
           Especially now, the more his steady corruption and transformation furthered. 
           Kaeya’s good eye widened a slight.
           Right. His transformation.
           The reason he had come to hide away here, like some hapless dying animal, the instant he’d heard the sounds of the knights challenging and fighting their way through the Abyssal domain. The very reason Diluc looked to him now with more wariness and enmity than he'd ever had before.
                  Was it still better than facing Diluc’s apathy and disregard?
                                   Į’d͏͏ mu̶̧c̵̛h̵̢̕ ̶r͘àt̷̷h͟e̴r͘ ̷͜h̴̴e̴҉ ̛͞s̡͜m͡i͜l͟e ̷̡a̴͝t̸͠͞ ́͘̕me͠҉ ̴́a̵g̴a̧in-
           Kaeya drew a shaky breath, jaw quivering a slight in a bated wince.
           It rattled against his ribs now, felt near useless to him, no matter how long he’d have it go on. Uncomfortable, like if it were water flooding through his chest rather than air. If Kaeya didn’t know any better, he would almost say his body were currently telling him he no longer needed it. No longer needed the breath in his lungs, that he need only close his eyes and sink into the murky...Abyss.
          A dry laugh left him.
                                         Right...that’s what it all meant.
                                          He truly was so far gone now–
           “Stave your hand a moment, Luc.” The nickname had the other man freezing right in place, halting his abrupt advance.
          Kaeya huffed out a ragged exhale, releasing the clawed hand he hadn’t realized had been digging into his chest. When had that happened? When his Vision had hurt him? In his contemplation?
          Whatever the case, he pushed the thought aside in favor of inspecting the self-inflicted injury.
           Rather than blood, whisps of dark Abyssal energy spilled from his deep, gouged wounds–oh...had that been why Diluc had started forwards? The sight of wounds?
           Ha, what was he thinking? For that to be so, the man would need to be concerned for his sake. And he clearly wasn’t. Why would he be?
           Looking back at Diluc, their gazes brief met as the man searched him for an explanation.
           Right. He wasn’t concerned...he wasn’t.
                              So then why was he looking at him like that?
            A certain desperation crawled up Kaeya’s throat the longer he made the mistake to dwell and overthink as he always did. At the sight before him now, of the now flame-laced claymore, of the man’s ever burning inferno of a gaze–one Kaeya had long since been unable to decipher–now. Of realizing...this would be the sight he would keep in his memories forevermore. This mocking memory of their most harrowing day together. All he needed now was for Dawn to make its appearance, and they’d have their picture-perfect recreation.
                                     Save Kaeya ruining it all, as always.
          The thought had his gut churning, an odd feeling gnawing at his heart. Or maybe it was the festering curse, for all he knew.
          Whatever the case...ha, what was he even getting so upset about? Had he expected to see a mournful smile? Pity? No, either from Diluc of all people, more so directed at him, would have been laughable. A dream at most, or perhaps a nightmare, better said.
           Wishful thinking, really; truly, that of a fool with too much hope to spare, and a wonderful daydream to look forward to. Someone Kaeya had never truly been to begin with.
         After all, it was his determination that brought him here, regardless of how it would have affected everyone else he know. Regardless of the consequences he would face in his venture, as he always acted–a man with something to lose and a future to look forward to would never do such a thing. Especially since he damn well knew part of those consequences had been accepting the fact that he would come to face Diluc once more. To face that weapon drawn his way yet again.
          There was no doubt in Kaeya’s mind–Dawn burned to taste his flesh once more; more than ever before. And with Kaeya being laced with Cryo and the sinner’s blight coursing through his very being now...well, he supposed it was clear there was only one way this encounter would end.
                                                    How it should.
          The thought had Kaeya’s steadily slowing heart thud painfully in his chest. Had dread and anguish thrumming through his very being, as he watched Diluc’s jaw clench.
          A childish part of him wanted to beg–he had always been able to get out of any trouble when he did, duping Diluc and anybody else with his little pout as teary-eyed pleas. The lad never failed to rush to his aid either way, even when everybody and himself damn well knew Kaeya was responsible and/or more than able to handle it all himself. But he already knew such a thing would never work for him against the other ever again.
          Maybe he should run. Run, and drag out the inevitability he must face now a little longer, like the coward he’d been for the past five years. He was always so good at that, running and rushing about to keep at bay each and every little thing he couldn’t bear to face. Perhaps now, at this very moment, it would ease his splintered heart enough for him to at last face it all.
           Ah...but what did it matter how he ultimately felt? Kaeya was well-used to forcing aside any bubbling feelings of unease and panic. Especially when he knew what must be done. no matter how difficult. Especially before the man in front of him now.
           Thus, he chuckled and shook his head. “Ahh...don’t worry, I’m not...I’m not going to fight you now, Diluc. Actually, I have just one simple request before you go on ahead.”
          Diluc’s brows furrowed. “And why should I concede to it?”
                                         Why should I believe you?
          Kaeya drew a soft, weak breath, then lowered his hands to his sides, palms upturned as he raised his head. “Well, it would certainly be of benefit to you. I can promise you that much.”
                                           You have no reason to.
                               But please, believe me just this once.
          A breath...two...and Diluc’s stance neither relaxed nor steeled further.
          Well, that was a sign as good as any.
          Kaeya licked his dry, frost-flecked lips and steadied himself. Straightening up his pain-wracked body with as much semblance of dignity he could cobble together, then at last tilting his head back just enough to still meet Diluc’s gaze as he would bare his throat.
         “Diluc, please...kill me now. And make it swift.”
          A rueful smile tugged across Kaeya’s lips as the firm, deliberate hand upon Wolf’s Gravestone began to tremble. As Diluc’s burning, cruelly-stoic gaze at long last faltered, shock and the faintest glimmer of grief flickering across his features.
          Had that truly been all it took to make the man look to him with something other than resentment and enmity?
          Ahh...but of course. What did a sinner like him expect?
          Truly, he should have expected nothing less from the cruel hands of fate.
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silk-fl0wers · 2 years
Lending warmth
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Characters: Kaeya, Diluc, Albedo, Tartaglia, Zhongli, Baizhu
Warning(s): None
Genre: Fluff
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�� ᴋᴀᴇʏᴀ
It was still too early in the morning for you to be awake yet your body couldn't stop shivering from the mornings cold air. Kaeya on the other hand was still sound asleep with his arms wrapped around your waist and as much as you wanted to get off the bed to get more blankets, you couldn't find yourself to do so.
Though it wasn't long till his eyelids started to flutter open to be greeted with not only your beautiful face but your shivering body as well. He chuckles, getting off the bed and telling you to stay there while he goes to retrieve something from the wardrobe.
He had taken his fathered scarf along with one of his shirts and started urging you to get changed and to come back to the bed. Once doing so, he motions for you back into the bed so he could hug you close to himself.
It's warm, it feels as though your sitting right next to a heater. There's no movement now except for the slight shuffles of the bed sheets when he's readjusting himself to bury his head into your neck, leaving the ticklish feeling of his breath there and also lulling you back into slumber.
"What's wrong, can't handle the cold? Haha, no worries love. I'll keep you warm as long as you stay here in bed with me."
────────── 〔✿〕──────────
❅ ᴅɪʟᴜᴄ
Diluc, most like any other pyro user, couldn't feel the coldness due to his vision helping him to keep warm along with his coat so it was no trouble for him but you were having some difficulties on the other hand.
He had taken you out on a stroll in the Dawn Winery's field; arms wrapped around your waist, tucked firmly into his side for a little warmth. But it seems to do little work since he can feel your figure quivering from the nights cold air.
He stopped walking; taking off his coat before helping you with the sleeves. Leaving him in his short sleeved shirt used for working at the bar and his dark hero duties. Reassured you that there was no need to worry about him getting cold and that his vision was good enough.
Enveloping you back into a side hug, the two of you continue your nightly stroll around the Winery with a reddened cheeked bar tender giving side eyes to the person next to him.
"Oh, don't worry about me. I'll be fine but you on the other hand might catch a cold so let me lend you my coat for night."
────────── 〔✿〕──────────
❅ ᴀʟʙᴇᴅᴏ
Albedo has invited you over at dragonspine to help with some inspiration for his paintings since he's been having the artist block recently. You've agreed and knowing that dragonspine can be really cold there you wore some thick layers of clothes and a coat hoping that it can keep you warm.
Meeting up at the base of the mountain is Albedo who was waiting patiently for you, smiling a little when seeing you arrive. After greeting each other the pair of you start your way up the mountain to make a stop by his lab to collect some of his utensils.
Yet the winds have grown worse, your figure shaking non-stop, and he had noticed. Stopping by a heat source, he takes off his coat and drapes it over your shoulder's saying that his lab is close by and he can manage without it for the time being.
Thanking him, he grinned a little before snaking an arm around your waist before continuing the walk through the snowy paths. He doesn't tell but he's been taking side peaks at you while wearing his coat, finding it amusing, even letting out a small chuckle.
"There's no need to worry about me, the lab is close so I'll be fine but you on the otherhand might catch a cold and I don't want that happening."
────────── 〔✿〕──────────
❅ ᴛᴀʀᴛᴀɢʟɪᴀ
He's not a pyro user but his body almost gives out the idea that he is. It was when he wanted to visit Snezhnaya with you on break from his harbinger duties, he wanted to visit his siblings and to introduce you to them so why not do it?
────────── 〔✿〕──────────
You knew Snezhnaya is a very cold place thanks to Tartaglia having said a lot of stories about his homeland. Gathering enough thick clothing and coats, the pair of you start making your way to the ports of Liyue to be taken on board of the scheduled ship to Snezhnaya.
It was a long trip for sure, still not having arrived there yet and all there was to see was the massive never ending ocean and a few chucks of icebergs drifting along. Having nothing to do you were out in the front docks staring mindlessly at the ocean humming a small tune. Tartaglia had been fixated on your small tune only coming out once it has ended.
He had kissed your forehead, sitting beside you with a arm draped over your shoulder bringing you closer to his body. In return you snuggle closer, leeching off from his warmth dare say that it even felt like home.
"Wow comrade, your shivering a lot over there so why not come closer? I am good at giving hugs you know!"
❅ ᴢʜᴏɴɢʟɪ
Until now where the cities lights have turned on making the streets and shops more enchantingly charming. Yourself and Zhongli were walking towards Bubu Pharmacy, glancing at the lily pads floating on the waters surface. Kneeling down to take a better look at them, few of the fishes had come up to the surface as well, almost as if they're greeting you.
The two of you have been spending a day together; visiting food stalls, antique shops, teahouses and such. It was a warm day where the sun was shining as bright, it's rays hitting Liyue's port giving the flowers the time to grow into something beautiful and exquisite.
Laughing to yourself, you stand back up making your way over to Zhongli's side, a little shiver had made its way to your back. He took notice of it and without muttering a word he slipped his coat off helping your arms through the arm holes and buttoned it up for you.
You muttered a thank you as he gave you a smile back. A arm embraced the side of your waist as he took small steps forward waiting for you to do the same and you did. The rest of the walk was peaceful, like as if you two were the only existing ones left.
"You seem cold darling, there's goosebumps on your skin as well. Come, we shall head home so I can brew you some herbal tea to help warm you up."
────────── 〔✿〕──────────
❅ ʙᴀɪᴢʜᴜ
It was early in the morning, the few staff, yourself and Baizhu had prepared the Pharmacy before it could open to its clients. Yourself and little Qiqi were found organising the medicinal herbs in the backrooms, all while a certain green haired man was watching the both of you at a desk.
It was chilly outside so if you were to look out of a window it would be fogged up. Baizhu looked like he was handling the cold better than you could, your shaking hands and legs were quite noticeable for the two.
The snake man had opted to leave the room to grab something before coming back. You could only nod your head else if you were to open your mouth your teeth would the chittering.
Upon entering the room again, in his arms was a thick blanket. He had wrapped it around his shoulders, making sure to avoid hurting Changshen, motioning for you to take a seat on his lap while Qiqi was in yours. It was quite the cute site and if anyone were to walk in then most likely they'd think it's a cute family.
"Being stubborn and not putting any think layers of clothing on? My, it won't be nice of you to get a cold now. Stay put and I shall find some blankets for us okay?"
────────── 〔✿〕──────────
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kirarinlovesidols · 2 years
Some genshin men as fathers headcannons i did at midnight cause i couldn't sleep
Also i tried to keep it gender neutral but i have little to no experience in writing and it might have seemed AFAB oriented cause well, I'm afab myself. So i'm very sorry if it's bad or cringy, idk. Just did it for fun.
‌At first he wasn't sure about what he should do or how. He never really imagined himself as a father but even if he were inexperienced the ginger was more than willing to try if you were to be by his side.
‌Strikes me as the worrywart type of dad. He wants his kids to have a free childhood instead of being restrained by their responsibilities as ragnvindrs but he still would rather have them where he can see them.
‌Kinda busy with work but still makes time for his family.
‌Anything they want he'll give them but doesn't let them become spoiled cause of it.
‌The kids love Kaeya and he hates it with every fiber of his being(he's actually just jealous).
‌Had a boy and a girl btw.
‌Had a girl and let me tell you... the way he acts with her is the most annoyingly cute thing ever. Ya know how that guy from Fullmetal alchemist acts with his daughter? It's Kaeya.
‌Of course he doesn't want to restrain her. That's against his personal beliefs and values. He just fears someone might take his little girl away from him.
‌Is the type of dad who is very particular about the way his kid dresses. He won't tell them what to wear or anything, he just gives very direct criticism.
‌"Dad what do you think about my outfit?"
‌"This is not your best combination. I told you to slay, didn't i?"
‌He paints her nails and gossips with her about things he heard from Rosaria at Diluc's tavern.
‌Talking about him, Diluc has to babysit his niece sometimes and it's seriously the most hilarious thing ever cause he has no idea how to interact with this kid. But he doesn't have the heart to tell her to quiet down so he ends up becoming the uncle who accidentally spoils her.
‌Oh boy this one was a little complicated. Due to being a homunculus he wondered if he was even capable of reproducing in the first place, which ended up in you two becoming parents.
‌His fascination for life made him eager to be responsible for the direct creation and guidance of a new being but you needed to make something very clear to him. That you wouldn't stand for letting him see your kid as a test subject of sorts.
‌You two talked about it, cried, it was angsty and messy. He didn't have the intention of making it seem like he saw his child as a lab rat but he would be lying if he said he didn't get carried away with his overall thought process.
‌Time passed and your child was finally born. A boy who was almost a carbon copy of his father with the exception of his eye colour that resembled yours.
‌You two happened to be blessed with a quiet baby. The only moment he seemed to cry was when he was hungry or needed to change diapers.
‌One thing you two noticed is how your son seemed interested in Albedo's experiments. He loved watching his father work. It was a little worrying for you to leave him there cause what if an explosion happened or something? But you couldn't bring yourself to say no when your adorable son looked at your husband's working self with so much admiration, affection and curiosity.
‌The little one also developed a love for drawing if the crayon all over your walls were any indication. Albedo convinced you to not clean or paint over it, these drawings could turn into precious memories after all.
‌As much as your son and Albedo seemed close, unfortunately, the chief alchemist couldn't spend as much time as he would like with his son so every little moment was cherished.
‌And on rare opportunities when he had a free schedule you would plan family days and do all kinds of things like picnics, taking walks around mondstadt, having lunch at good hunter or just cuddling under the blankets when the cold seeped in.
‌Needless to say he cried an entire river when you told him you wanted kids. He could never have imagine himself as a father or in a relationship with anyone for that matter.
‌Absolutely worried about his bad luck, what if it hurts your child? Benny needed a lot of reassuring from you tbh.
‌In the end he just decided he would try his hardest to protect you two if his bad luck ever threatened your lives.
‌You two had a little girl and this man...he was determined to be the best father in the world.
‌Very very affectionate, kisses and hugs were a must for him. He really wanted his daughter to feel loved and to not ever experience loneliness like he did.
‌Benny is a very fun dad! takes your child to little adventures he planned(they're all very safe of course) and would encourage her imagination. Countless times they would get home covered in either mud or dirt cause they apparently "had to save a princess from hillichurls." You were happy as long as they were having fun.
‌Your daughter sees him as a hero and that's his biggest pride. Seeing her brag to her friends about how cool her dad is just makes your hearts swell with love.
‌Oh wow? Getting him to settle down at all were a hugeass feat but a kid??? Jesus Christ he really is down BAD.
‌Your son was an absolute sweetheart most of the time(in front of you at the very least) however if his father were involved things would take a turn for the worse cause you see.... they're both menaces to society.
‌He was very mischievous and a prankster to boot. The worst part was how his father enabled his mischief and sometimes even joined! No one is safe.
‌They are literally this: ":3c" , ">:3c".
‌Jokes apart people always get shocked when they learn Venti has a son since they look like brothers instead.
‌The fact his father is an archon kinda just went straight through his head. This kid absolutely does not care, his dad is his dad and that's all there is to it. Venti almost cried ngl.
‌Ok ok, listen to me. Venti's archon form has wings, Right? Only fair your kid inherits those as well. Your husband taught him how to hide them away when needed but it's the most adorable thing to watch both of them flying and playing around.
‌Piggyback rides are a must btw. Venti loves taking his adorable son to walks and sometimes even sings lullabies which never fail to make him sleepy. It's a very cute sight.
‌Truly, your little angel is the apple of your eye.
‌Oh boy this one is a bit tricky, cause you see....Razor doesn't know much about this kind of thing.
‌He has seen the birth of some of his packmates but he had no idea how it happened at all. Yet, here you two were. About to become parents.
‌You had to tell him the little you knew and asked Lisa to help and educate him on the subject. He was pretty determined to learn so he could properly protect you and his future "pups".
‌You had twins, two boys. And they turned out to be absolute fucking menaces.
‌They're so energetic no one other than themselves and sometimes Razor can keep up with them.
‌Your family of 4 decided to live near wolvendom. You had a cottage built in a safe area, all of this for your husband's comfort.
‌The silver haired man got better at talking and interacting with people as time passed but he still wanted to avoid it if he could, so you two talked about it and decided to raise your children in a balance between human society and nature.
‌Razor's way of bonding and playing with them is either roughhousing or taking them to hunt. He isn't very good when it comes to advice about complicated matters but he does tries his best.
‌He usually prefers to use physical touch as a reassuring method for the twins cause for him it's way easier than talking.
‌Alright, this is pretty obvious but he's the perfect dad. This man has so much knowledge and has lived through so much shit that it's actually surprising he doesn't have an "heir" yet.
‌You two were blessed with a little girl who is literally, his princess.
‌Seriously she's so young but so polite already!!!! very kind and sometimes a little too mature for her age but you aren't that surprised considering who her father is.
‌Zhongli likes doing her hair, helping her pick her clothes and feels more than delighted in having her on his arms as often as possible.
‌Don't @ me on this but i'm a monsterfucker/kemono mimi enthusiast and i was bound to include my own fucking biases into this. He's a dragon and so is your baby.
‌Usually he retains his human form due to it being way more convenient but Zhongli does enjoy letting out his more draconic features when you are in the comfort of your house away from possible prying eyes and your daughter is the same.
‌It's the most adorable thing to see her cuddling with her father. Their tails tightly coiled together like some kind of hand-holding. Both of them letting out low and barely audible purrs(I don't care if dragons don't purr, they do know cause I said so, imagine it sounds like growling but softer and quieter).
‌He likes taking her to sightseeing as well! Your husband knows countless great spots that would make someone's jaw drop.
‌Ok. Xiao had a lot of complicated feelings when you told him he was going to be a father. First of all he had trouble wrapping his head around it at ALL.
‌Him??? The conqueror of demons having a child???what???for the first time in eons he felt like his brain truly blue screened(even more than when he actually came into terms with the fact he loved you). Also he had no idea how to interact with children let alone even...how he was supposed to act as one of their guardians.
‌He needs constant reassuring. Tell him he won't be doing this alone, you'll be with him and both of you can learn along the way since there's no such a thing as perfect parents.
‌As much as it hurts me to say it the Yaksha is a bit of a distant dad. It's not cause he doesn't love his child, he does he REALLY does. But Xiao constantly worries about hurting your daughter and can't really understand how he helped you creating something so adorable and pure.
‌He usually watches over her from the shadows and shows up as soon as she calls his name just like he does to you.
A little green haired girl yells to the wind.
"What is it? Are you in danger? Or perhaps your mother?"
The adeptus shows up almost instantly.
"No!! I just wanted to see you!!!"
She smiles as brightly as the sun as she says this.
"....I-I...I already told you to only call me when emergencies happen, didn't i?"
Her father's cheeks bloom in a rosy color. He looks to the side, hiding his face. Trying his best not to fall over dead due to his daughter's cuteness.
‌Xiao isn't very affectionate but he does pat his baby's head every now and then. Sometimes he sits through her talking about her day while making flower crowns, a soft but rare smile resting on his lips.
‌Do not let his tsundere behavior fool you this man is head over heels for his family. He loves you and your kid to death and he would die for both of you.
‌He's a very very very awkward dad. Don't even get me started on it, alright?
‌Low-key kinda strict to his son since he has to pass down his exorcist knowledge but won't force him to do more than what he can handle.
‌Unfortunately your baby inherited his father's constitution so you and your husband try to keep the house cool during the summer.
‌They usually eat popsicles together after training and talk about what he needs to improve and what he got right.
‌When it comes to comforting it's kinda gonna be up to you cause oh my god. Chongyun is as socially awkward as someone can get and your kid is very very shy. So you usually hug him or do some tricks with your vision so he can relax and stop overthinking.
‌Doesn't have much time to spend with his family, unfortunately. Even if he has an older brother Xingqiu agreed to be responsible for a good amount of the feiyun commerce's guild job.
‌But for some reason, only god knows how, he always seem to be waiting for his little boy every night, holding a new book each time. An affectionate look in his eyes and ready to tell another bedtime story today too.
‌Xingqiu also encourages his son's creativity and they have writing competitions or sometimes even create a story together. You happen to be the judge of the contents btw, it hurts to choose everytime.
‌Also this child is an absolute little shit and he bullies his friends just as much as his father used to in his younger days. Even his sly smirk is identical, you can't with this duo, you just can't.
Arataki Itto
‌Oh my god. What a mess, istg. Listen, Itto loves his children to death and if anything happens to them he goes absolutely ballistic.
‌He brags about how cute they are to everyone.
‌Loves hugging, cuddling or anything physical touch related. He WILL shower them with love and affection and there's nothing they can do about it.
‌Is very eager to teach his 2 boys and 1 girl about their oni lineage, at this point they're already tired of hearing it.
‌Probably the most fun dad out of every genshin boy out there cause whatever his children are playing he immediately joins and takes it to another level.
‌Since Itto is really huge due to his yokai blood your kids are already pretty tall even at a young age and that might scare some other kids. But he's always there to tell them to not ever let oni stereotypes or rumors define who they are.
‌Also needless to say this himbo literally walks around unbothered with 3 yokai children climbing his body like a jungle gym.
‌Fears the day his little girl bring someone home and present them as her partner...no one is good enough for her, no one!!
‌Imma be honest. You knew what you were getting into when you married this man.
‌Heat seasons, rut, courting rituals of his kind, you knew about it but it didn't exactly make the whole ride any less surprising.
‌Welcome to the world of being a mother of 4 puppies! 2 boys and 2 girls
‌Jokes aside they're all unbearably adorable and constantly whine for you and Gorou's attention. However as soon they get old enough to speak and walk things get... complicated.
‌They're way too energetic and love playing outside so you need to constantly have an eye on them so they don't get hurt or smth.
‌Nowadays your husband has a lot more opportunities to be with your family since he decided it was better to retreat from being a general in order to be able to raise his children properly.
‌The ex-general can be a little stern and use a little bit of an "intimidating" tone to reprimand them if they do something wrong but that's pretty rare. Usually Gorou can be seen brushing their tails, cuddling them to sleep, nuzzling their cheeks or giving them scratches behind the ears as they sleep on his lap.
‌He doesn't mind being himself true to his friendly, loveable and big hearted shiba nature when it's around your family.
Kaedehara Kazuha.
‌I think out of everyone he might be the most understandable and calm father ever. Does not raise his voice and always prefer to ask them about their feelings so he can properly understand them.
‌Kazuha didn't imagine he would settle down with anyone but here he is, teaching his daughter how to play the leaf flute.
‌Flowers still come out of his mouth when he speaks and you particularly think it's the most adorable thing ever, he's just so good with his words ♥(you are not biased at all, no sir). But he decided to tone it down a bit near your baby girl so she wouldn't be confused.
‌The samurai uses his anemo vision to play with her sometimes as well. Like engulfing her in a safer version of his chihayaburu and allowing her to "fly" even for a little.
‌Makes a promise to himself to always guide her and to make his family's happiness his top priority.
Kamisato Ayato
‌Another dad who cannot be with his child as much as he wish he did!
‌But my Lord he's trying, he tries so so hard to come back home as soon as possible but that's not always an option so he has to resort to letters or gifts.
‌It really does upsets him that he can't be the present father he wishes he was. Ayato doesn't want his son to feel the loneliness he didn't really allow himself to feel at the time due to having to take over the Kamisato clan head position.
‌When the commissioner IS able to return home he returns eager to see you, the love of his life and his baby boy waiting for him at the door.
‌One of the things Ayato loves doing is kissing your forehead. He thinks it's an adorable way to express his love for you and he happens to do that to your kid as well.
‌When they play shogi he always lets his son win, he absolutely cannot see his sad face, it breaks his heart.
‌Alright, father who? He's the mother here. Not you, not anyone else, it's him.
‌He cooks, cleans and absolutely refuses to let you do anything(you have to force him to let you help) and also cause you're kinda banned from the kitchen. I'll leave the reason to y'all's imagination.
‌Anyway he's totally a perfect dad. All your 3 daughters love him to death and for a reason, he has so much golden retriever energy it's impossible to hate him.
‌Is the type that wakes his kids up by kissing their cheeks or tickling them. He has so much love to give, the sight makes your heart melt.
‌The hot-pot game turned into a regular thing between your family and boy...as always he ends up eating all the weird stuff, he's very unlucky.
‌Nags a bit but means well.
‌So, we got to Ed Sheeran huh?/j, alright alright sorry not sorry.
‌Anyway y'all saw this man. His family is huge and so is yours. You had triplets all gingers full of freckles, his genes strangled yours pretty much ( do not @ me abt actual biology i only work with anime logic).
‌Ya know how he treats Teucer? Imagine that but 5x worse. So you have to be the "boring" parent sometimes and tell him, for the love of god, stop giving his sons so many gifts, they have enough already.
‌You worry they won't be able to learn about humility so you told him to knock it off for a bit and he reluctantly agreed(the kids still get what they ask for 90% of the time tho).
‌Ajax is actually a big softie underneath his stupid fatui mask so it's pretty normal to see him hugging his boys or peppering kisses all over their faces. And he won't stop that until they're angsty teens probably.
‌Takes them to ice fishing or declares they'rel having a snowball fight(which they all force you to participate). Childe loves saying "It's an easy victory buy i still won't hold back" until the triplets are involved. He can and will let them win, he just wants to see their smiles.
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albaedhoe · 3 years
when three became two
pairing : diluc x gn!reader x kaeya (familial/platonic)
summary : as the most stable sibling out of the three, your main job was to keep your dysfunctional family together. but with you gone, the two brothers you unwillingly left behind no longer see each other as such.
a/n : just want to make sure that everyone knows and i don’t get cancelled but this is not an incest post. the pairing is the familial or platonic kind of love.
tag :: @anormalguyreader
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“d-diluc...kaeya...i...i can’t feel my hands or legs anymore...it’s s-so cold...” you whimpered. the two brothers’ panic increased as they watch the light in your eyes drain in such a terrifying speed.
the death of your father had only been a few days ago, so why had you chosen to see him so soon?
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whenever the day of your passing drew near, diluc would sometimes find time in his schedule to visit your room. he would sit on your bed while admiring the trinkets you kept along your shelves, but the one thing that would always make him become overwhelmed with the sense of loss and emptiness would be the unfinished portrait of you, him and kaeya. the three of you looked so happy and joyful, not yet tainted by the evils of the world. diluc would scan the dried up paint pallets, the abandoned paintbrushes all over your desk and the unfinished ‘you’. kaeya and himself were the only ones complete with colours and shading while you were left with only pencil lines to show you were even there. much like the present time, you no longer have a place on this world other than his memories and heart.
during the times where paperwork would overrun his day, and stress would feel too suffocating, diluc would open up the top drawer of his desk and pull out the notes of encouragement that you would give to him.
“you can do it!! ✌︎('ω')✌︎”
“i bought a ton of grape juice just for you, so finish your work quickly before i drink it all ehe ☆〜(ゝ。∂)”
“fighting! (*´꒳`*)”
“it’s fried chicken tonight!! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ”
he would stare at your poorly drawn doodles for who knows how long. if diluc concentrated, he could hear your voice through the notes, every crack in your words, your tone, the child-like enunciation. he realises that over the years you have been gone, diluc finds it harder and harder to remember the sound of your voice. he is afraid that one day, there may not be any voice at all.
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before your passing, the last birthday present you had gifted him was a seemingly normal eyepatch to others but if you were to squint at the details, you could see the shimmering gold thread sewn into it. careful and graceful swirls around the edges, miniature dots to replicate the stars. kaeya would often spend hours just feeling the fabric, knowing you sewn on the designs yourself, remember when you gave it to him with plastered fingers from the needle constantly pricking you. he would only wear the eyepatch during the day of your death to remember that although you may not be in this realm physically anymore, remnants of your memories together would forever be kept within him as long as this eyepatch were to last. if forever were the answer, then so be it.
when you had confronted him about his past, it was during your final moments between the three of you. he remembers how you cupped his cheeks and said in such a pained and weak voice,
“you are still my brother. no matter where you come from. no matter where your views lay. no matter who you choose to side with. you are still my brother, no matter what...”
kaeya tries not to drink as much during your death anniversary, he knows you didn’t like seeing him in such a state. he finds it hard to resist most years, the pain sometimes being too unbearable and he ends up drinking the entire night away. the next morning he refuses to look at himself in the mirror, too ashamed that he gave in so easily. he wishes you were there to stop him like you used to do.
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