#danganronpa book
penguwastaken · 3 months
Some Danganronpa pixel art I forgot to post here.
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Follow me on Twitter for more, I mainly post there. Alternatively, all my pixel art is available on my website as well :D
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Danganronpa Togami Fan Translation Masterpost 🧵
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Danganronpa Togami is an official spinoff of the Danganronpa series written by Yuya Sato, featuring characters and elements from the Kagami Family Saga series. It follows Blue Ink as she tries to help Byakuya reclaim his identity while writing his biography, "Byakuyako." For the longest time, the novel trilogy was not fully translated. This project aims to fix that.
This project is incomplete, so expect this to be updated frequently. if you want more information, check out the website. It features translation notes, a personal review, and will feature offline downloadable copies for each volume when they are finished.
Originally I intended to have these all put the website manually, but I found posting them on Tumblr to be much easier. But like I said, the website will still include downloads for each volume when they're ready.
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Chapter 1 - Byakuya is a God 🔗
Chapter 2 - EVE Burst Error 🔗
Chapter 3 - Triple Threat Match 🔗
Chapter 4 - Me & the School & Me (Part 1) (Coming Soon)
Chapter 5 - Me & the School & Me (Part 2) (Coming Soon)
CODA - Despair High School (Coming Soon)
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No chapters are available to read at this moment, please check back again soon.
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No chapters are available to read at this moment, please check back again soon.
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lainfangirl · 2 years
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cognitiveafflatus · 1 month
danganronpa and book of bill spoilers below
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we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day
saimatsu week, day 7 - free day
hello again @saimatsu-week and saimatsu nation. this is what i was prepping. also hello gravity falls fans!! if you're reading this you have already been sufficiently spoiled! too late now!!! anyway, saimatsu week just so happened to land smack dab in the middle of the hype train for book of bill and it just so happened that this beautiful section from bill's soul contract gave me the same bittersweet vibes that saimatsu does so OBVIOUSLY i needed to do something with it. so this was born. as a newbie to the DR community ive still got love for all three games in equal parts (and slightly less but still some for despair girls), so i HAD to get some nods in, and i threw in some other stuff too considering this is already a massive crossover piece anyway. ;)
a bit of a downer to end on, i know, but there's a reason i did that other piece before this!! and who knows maybe ill do more after this! there is no deadline! i was honestly considering submitting this as DAY ONE but that was insane so. here we are lmao. i hope somebody out there appreciates the work i put into it ✌️
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hellscap3 · 3 months
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feeling listless, his enclosure needs enrichment.
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yudidoodles · 4 months
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So there's this anthology, Danganronpa 1 2 Beautiful Days yeah? Its the cutest shit and I KNOW its non canon or whatever but idgaf its cute
Here's a bit from the first story, where Makoto runs around and instills hope in everyone like day 2 in the cringiest way possible, honestly between this bit, IF and her freetimes honestly starting to ship Mukuro and Makoto, homegirl needs more love and as she herself says Makoto needs an assertive gf
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evercelle · 10 months
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[shoptalk!] hello hello! i'll be releasing my v3 fanbook + leftovers of past acrylic goods this saturday, DEC 9 @ 12pm (PST)! what a great time to give (yourself?? i guess) the gift of knife romance
shop link here, see ya on saturday!!
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 7 months
CG and Execution Thumbnails
I recently got my hands on the V3 art book and I am absolutely obsessed with it!! I wanted to share some of my favourite (mostly subtle) differences between CG/Execution thumbnails and their final iterations.
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In this death road of despair cg, Miu was originally supposed to be in the same slice as Kokichi and Gonta, and a tenth unknown person in the top left corner.
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Angie seems much more defeated in the original sketch for the other death road of despair cg, with her head drooping rather than praying.
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I just find Shuichi's grimace in the sketch of the first training cg Very funny compared to the final one (which is much more dignified).
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Shuichi and Kaito's shocked expressions in the original sketch for the cg with Maki joining in training are delightful to me, I wish they kept them.
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Maki originally was reaching out to Kaito in the trial 4 cg where his illness is revealed, as opposed to her straight posture in the final cg. Shuichi's expression in the thumbnail is also very funny to me.
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The stupid little nose they gave kiibo in the sketch of the cg where he's lying flat in the hydraulic press made me giggle.
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Maki's expression was much more intense in the original sketch for her pointing the crossbow at Kokichi in this cg.
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Himiko's >_< face made me smile in the cg of everyone (minus Kiibo) training together after trial 5.
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THIS thumbnail from trial 6 is especially interesting to me. I wonder if the thumbnail was made before the trial character placements were decided at all, so this portrait and figure are random. Or maybe this was done later on when it was partially decided, and a survivor was initially next to Tsumugi, before they were moved later. It's kind of hard to tell because of the, uh, lack of detail in this one. But I'm very curious.
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In the dark belt bonus scene in chapter four, originally Himiko, Shuichi, and Gonta were in their normal outfits! Also, Gonta's expression is MUCH different. I'm glad we got that cute little smile in the end, its such an iconic Gonta CG and probably one of my favourites because of it.
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Initially, the end of Kaede's Execution had everyone sitting as members of the audience. Its much less intense then the final result, so I think this was a good change.
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Originally, there was no death fake out for the v3 survivors! Kiibo just let them be and proceeded to blow up the school.
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Nothing different here as far as I can tell, I just LOVE how detailed the storyboards are for Kaito's execution. This is just one example. Its so, so pretty looking
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byakuyasdarling · 4 months
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Portraits of my husband <3
[Reblogs encouraged ❀(*´◡`*)❀] ; Doubles and Nae//gami shippers DNI
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caffeiiine · 3 months
i love medias taht affect me to no end so much so that there’s no real way to get the pre-media ‘me’ back
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penguwastaken · 3 months
This is the review I wrote for my Danganronpa Togami fan translation that I am currently working on, which I figured I might as well upload to Tumblr.
In June of 2023, after reading Danganronpa Togami for the first time, I wrote a review of it on Twitter. I want you to pretend like that review doesn't exist. Completely disregard it because BOY was I wrong.
When I first read Danganronpa Togami last year, I absolutely despised it. I was miserable almost the whole time. But I'm not the same person I was a year ago, I was naive and stupid, but now I have an IQ comparable to Albert Einstein! So basically what I'm saying now is I'm smart enough to understand it now. I couldn't disagree with my original review any more as I am now a based and enlightened Danganronpa Togami enjoyer. That's right, ME, the person who for a year made fun of this novel trilogy, finally sees the light I would like to issue a formal apology to Danganronpa Togami for being so stupid and blissfully unaware of its peakness.
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Jokes aside, the more the novel sat in my head, the more conflicted I began to feel about it. I felt pretty mixed about it when I first read it, but those feelings only grew. Were my criticisms warranted? Did Danganronpa Togami really deserve the treatment I gave it? I picked it back up and gave it a second chance, and I was surprised to discover that it was... really good? I thought you were supposed to be this edgy, nonsensical, stupid book, that's how I remembered it at least, so what happened?
I'm going to try to keep this review as spoiler free as possible, because something I realized is that Danganronpa Togami isn't something that can really be explained. It's something that has to be experienced, beginning to end. The summaries don't really do it justice, which is part of why I started this project in the first place. Though at some points I may dive into some minor spoiler territory, so I'll make sure to mark those parts. So consider this my apology and defense of Danganronpa Togami, because I have to admit that in my blind hatred for it, I probably did end up harming it's perception. So maybe, if just a little, I can rectify it here and maybe convince you to give it another chance like I did.
I will say, Danganronpa Togami is probably one of the darker entries in the series. It features a lot of sensitive content, such as graphic and violent imagery, assault, incest, and abuse. If that's enough to turn you away from it, that's fine and perfectly understandable, especially given Danganronpa's track record with those topics. And I will admit, there are absolutely times where Danganronpa Togami borders on being edgy. But I don't think it's without purpose, and it's handled with more severity than most entries in the series. Once again, if that's enough to make you not want to touch it was a 2000 foot pole, that's perfectly reasonable.
Everyone knows Danganronpa Togami is like, REALLY weird. Octopus suits, lightsabers, fortune telling human-cows, you name it. This all seems a little out of place, even for Danganronpa, but it starts to make more sense as you proceed with the story. These weird things aren't real, they're the result of an unreliable narrator. Contrary to what idiot me from 2023 says, I don't think having an unreliable narrator invalidates a story. Even with it, you can still piece together the events of the story and it creates what is honestly one of the best plot twists in the series that ties everything in the novel trilogy together.
If I have one critique of Danganronpa Togami, it's Byakuya's characterization. It makes sense in the context of the novel for him to be perceived as some kind of god due to circumstances and Blue Ink's POV and stuff, but that's not my issue. My main problem comes from the fact that some of his actions are just bad, plain and simple. He is NOT a good person in this novel. I guess it makes sense, this is before his character arc in Trigger Happy Havoc after all, but it just feels kind of weird and out of character sometimes. You could chalk it up to just "more unreliable narrator nonsense," but I feel that misses the point a little.
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Danganronpa Togami takes full advantage of its medium, it's twists are something that you can really only put in a novel. It's difficult to explain without going into spoilers, but unlike something like Danganronpa Zero or Danganronpa Kirigiri, I genuinely couldn't imagine Danganronpa Togami as anything else. It's also filled with a lot of fun and witty banter full of references and charming characters.
Danganronpa Togami has some really interesting themes of identity and how one's past or situation can change their perspective. This is seen all throughout the novel trilogy, whether it be the protagonist whose a victim, an idol forced into a popularity debate, or its version of the despair disease, acting more as a placebo effect here. Its themes are a bit more subtle than other entries, not even I'm sure if I fully get them, but they're certainly interesting.
Unlike Danganronpa Kirigiri, which feels like a completely unrelated story with a few elements from the games and Kyoko (not saying that as a bad thing btw), Danganronpa Togami feels like it takes as many elements as it can from the games and stuffs them in. It takes place during the tragedy, features characters from not only the first two games but also the novels, has references to Ultra Despair Girls, brings back weird plot points like the despair disease from Danganronpa 2, and so much more. In a way, it's kind of like a big Danganronpa crossover (also featuring Kagami Family Saga because Yuya Sato couldn't help himself lol).
At some point, you've probably wondered: "is Danganronpa Togami canon?" Due to elements from in it and the divisive nature of Danganronpa Togami, you can't really find a straight answer about it online, so I figured I'd weigh in on the discussion. If you asked me back when I originally read it if it was canon, I'd probably give you a hard "no." But it's a bit more complex than that. It's a little more complex than just a simple "definitively canon" and "definitively non-canon." Disregarding the unreliable narrator, there are parts of the story that we do reliably know happened.
The closest thing to a reference to Danganronpa Togami in any other piece of media in the series to my knowledge is Byakuya saying "by the dignity of the Togami name" once in episode 7 of Danganronpa 3 Future Arc, however Byakuya swearing on the Togami name has been around before the novels even if it is prominently used in them. However, a more definitive piece of evidence towards its canonicity is in episode 11 of Danganronpa 3 Despair Arc, where you see Sonia leading an attack on Prague with a graph of a satellite in the corner. I think this is a pretty cut and dry confirmation in favor of Danganronpa Togami being canon, albeit told through an unreliable narrator's perspective.
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And that about wraps up my review and personal thoughts of Danganronpa Togami. It's definitely one of the more weird, yet fascinating entries in the series. I don't think it's on the level of Danganronpa Kirigiri (I don't think any entry in this series is), but it has its merits and hopefully I could convince you to maybe check it or appreciate it a bit more.
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danganwiki-bug · 3 months
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Original on Twitter X
Here are HQ scans of the "prom" sprites from the Danganronpa Decade artbook.
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cutejessieemerald · 13 days
Excuse me, my friend, if I am not intruding on you, my situation is very critical. Please, a small donation from you will make my children happy, please.
in am unable to donate but i can share
please donate or reblog to help
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ecogirl2759 · 5 months
Forget Beam!
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As promised from the Taka poll, I've finally translated another 4Koma KINGS comic! I tried to pick one that hasn't already been translated and uploaded without reference to Pinterest *coughcough*, and due to popular demand, I went with this one from the 4th volume!
Min's been a huge help once again lol. She added the text and looked over the translation, as well as fixed some of my wordage. Everyone go give her some love :D
Blank, untranslated & translation notes are below the break \/
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(I may or may not translate another comic early if you get Makoto and Mondo to win these polls here hehe)
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templegate · 3 months
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Some drawings that are either the planning stages of other drawings, or entirely scrapped ideas- oumota week edition!
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bogglle · 2 years
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thinking about their relationship early ch.3
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