#kai confession
demaparbat-hp · 2 months
No war au: first time meeting each other at a diplomatic event. zuko, crown prince of the fire nation kisses the hand of katara chief of the southern water tribe.
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Beyond diplomacy.
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ihatethebrits · 2 months
hawkmetri shippers rn
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painted-piethon · 21 days
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Though I prefer lostshipping, I like to think that this ship existed before Dragons Rising
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sensei-venus · 9 months
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Short thought but I think Miguel and Robby would be the guys who after a long day, hop into bed with their wife/gf and curl up with them.
Just all fluffy, spooning them from behind, soft kisses to the neck with small breaths. It's just all gentle and soft with them. They are just so tired but want to love on their girl for a while before going to sleep. Eyes half shut as they lay together, arms wrapped around their girl from behind.
Then it turns into light grinding against her ass for a while. After a few minutes, he lazily helps pull off her night shorts/pants/underwear. He whips his dick out with no extra thought in mind.
It's slow to turn into side sex as he gets a little irritated at the fact his dick isn’t in her yet. When he finally lines up his cock just right he pushing right in with no problem. He buries his face into her neck with a groan. His hips shake and sputter to life as he starts jumping into her tight cunt for the first time that night. Lifting one of her legs up and over his hip while he thrusts into her. They whine loudly as the night goes on.
He plays with her clit as they start to taper off. Making sure she gets off before blowing a nice warm load deep into her pussy. It’s warm, wet and sweet.
They both breath heavy while laying together. Breathing each other in, the room silent besides their loud breathing. Soft sighs shared with small kisses.
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wangxianficrecs · 1 month
🔒 Buried Deep by NeverEnoughWangxian
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🔒 Buried Deep
by NeverEnoughWangxian (@neverenoughwangxian)
T, 11k, Wangxian
Summary: They proceed to play a somewhat staticky audio recording of the teacher in question. “—if it’d just been me in here I’d vote for the underwater tunnel option, but I’ve got kids in here who can’t swim. We have plenty of snacks and water to last us for a while, so please just focus on getting the rocks cleared away, okay? Safely, of course. Oh, and remind the ones out there that I still expect them to do their homework for tomorrow!” He laughs, bright and clear even through the crackle of the bad reception. Lan Wangji drops the knife. It clatters loudly on the cutting board, just barely missing his fingers. He hardly even notices. He’s too focused on that voice he knows so well, on the laugh that he still hears sometimes in his dreams even after all these years. He exhales shakily. “Wei Ying…” Wei Wuxian disappears without a trace, and then ten years later, shows up on the news during a cave-in... Kay's comments: This story was great! It really had me hooked all the way to the end and it was beautifully written as well. Despite the setting, I also found that the angst was more on the minor side, despite me being practically glued to the monitor until the end of the story. I really loved how seamlessly the pieces fell in place for Wangxian and how there wasn't any awkwardness between them even after thirteen years. Jingyi was also a lot of fun in this story. Excerpt: Whenever the audio switches to recordings of Wei Wuxian over the handheld radio, it takes all of Lan Wangji’s control to keep from swerving into another lane from shock. Hearing his voice is surreal after so long. He wishes it could’ve been in very different circumstances, of course, but even this, even just knowing he’s alive, feels like a gift. Lan Wangji savors every word he says, every staticky laugh, every light-hearted quip clearly meant to keep his students from panicking. At one point, the rescue team asks Wei Wuxian about his injury and he tries to brush it off again, but the kids in the background — including Lan Jingyi — loudly and unabashedly reveal the truth: he’d pulled students back from the falling stalactites and covered them with his own body to protect them from the spray of debris, and in the process a few stray rocks had clipped him across his back and shoulders.
pov lan wangji, modern setting, modern no powers, teacher wei wuxian, professor lan wangji, mutual pining, disappearance, reunions, love confessions, minor injuries, hurt wei wuxian, angst with a happy ending, getting together, friends to lovers
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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emloafs · 11 days
me to myself when i think binary boyfriends will kiss at the sekai taikai
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neverland93 · 5 months
Peter Pan Imagine/ Troublemaker
“What are you doing here?!” You yell as Peter walks into the bathroom
Peter looks confused with only his towel to cover him
“This is … the men’s bathroom.” He said blankly with one eyebrow raised up
You fold your arms
“No, it’s the women’s restroom.” You say
You suddenly hear laughter behind the door
“The show is about to begin.” A fairy laughed with the lost boys
She opens the door to find nobody in there
That’s because Peter grabs your hand and brings you into the shower and and puts his finger over his mouth
“Don’t say a word.” He said seriously
“Where are they?” A lost boy asked
“Yeah you promised us a good prank.” An other said
Your eyes open wide and Peter could see the fear in your eyes.
“What do you guys want?” Peter asked, tried to put an annoyed tone with it.
“Uhm uhm…” the fairy said
“Is there a reason you’re in the guys bathroom?” He asked
“Peter, we know you’re not alone, we saw Y/N walk in here, you should be asking her the same thing.” She said boldly
Peter rolls his eyes
“Well she’s not.” He says rubbing his face, stressing out and you could see that.
“Bullshit Pan.” A lost boy says as he was about to look under the curtain Peter caught that and lifted you up so you are now straddling him.
“Is there a reason you guys are in the shower room?” Peter said
“Yeah I don’t know where she went but she’s definitely not in here.” The lost boy got up and shook his head at the fairy
“Psh move out the way do you really think I’m that stupid-“ she looked as well and only saw Peter’s feet.
“Can you fuck off now?” Peter yelled away from your face so that he wouldn’t hurt your ears.
“Uh-uh-“ was all she could say
“Do you really wanna see me naked that bad?” He cocks a brow and smirks
“No! No Peter, I was just trying to pull a good ol prank! Come on guys!” She grabs a lost boys hand and the others follow.
Peter gently puts you down and looks at you up and down.
“This stays between us.” He looks at you and gets inches away from you.
You nod your head
“You really are a trouble maker you know that?” He says
You look at him confused and before you could say anything he pulls you in and kisses you, grabbing you by the neck and wrapping his other arm around your waist.
Grabbing and tugging his hair this felt all new to you. You’ve kissed boys before but not like this, not Peter.
As you both let go for air you were speechless.
“Take it as a you’re welcome gift.” He winks
You just smile and nod.
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kacey should've been aphmau's second love interest in pdh s2, not ein. the love interests should've been kai and kacey. see, it even has a ring to it! kai or kacey? alliteration. so marketable.
meanwhile, ein should've been the deuteragonist-turned-villain of the show and (at least spiritually) aphmau's younger brother (but still very protective like an older brother and suspicious of the other boys in her life and their motivations. this would lead to a lot of conflict and paranoia, as well as some excellent yaoi potential).
all it would take are a couple of tweaks and everything would've been so much better. you can keep a lot of the plot points that have nothing to do with einmau unchanged as well, such as the alpha and omega thing. and just like that...
incest crisis averted!
see how easy that was? oh jesson the things you could do if you knew how to write and not be weird...
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mass-effect-anonymous · 8 months
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I always really liked the idea of switching Kai Leng out for a brainwashed/resurrected Virmire sacrifice. It would have been melodramatic, sure, but the implications of Cerberus using the knowledge of the Lazarus project to intentionally manipulate Shepard once again with someone from their past is really intriguing. Plus, it would have really added to the horror aspect they were going with in ME3.
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alwayspining · 7 months
Kissing scenes in Perfect Propose (2024) l dir. Tadaaki Hôrai
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quirkwizard · 3 months
Ideas for Quirk training for the yakuza guys? Maybe throw in Gentle and La Brava?
I'll stick with the Yakuza since I have more then enough ideas for them. Plus, I really like the idea of this being part of the Hero Haul AU and this is Kai taking his gang on a retreat in order to "build team work"
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Hojo, Tabe, and Toya: Hojo would be making his crystals while Toya would be trying to pull them off of his body. In between them, Tabe would be trying to eat the flying crystals before Toya can catch them. This would train Hojo's production speed and durability of his crystals, increase Toya's range and pulling power, and improve Tabe's ability to catch and eat moving targets.
Rikiya and Deidoro: This two have a special job. They are two go around to where any one else is training and start harassing them, with Deidoro making them lose balance and Rikyia draining their energy. This not only helps train everyone else by add extra difficulty, but could help improve their own powers as well, like increasing Rikiya's drain rate and Deidoro's range.
Tengai: Since Tengai already has enough defensive power and can use his shields reactively, he doesn't really need to train those parts. What he could do is try to get better and forming moving the shields. Things like trying to slowly inch it forward to a certain point or trying to form the shield around other objects as a way to trap them within the barrier, improving his ability to control and deny an area.
Joi: Considering the only known limit of his power is the size limit of his power, he could try and take over larger objects and make them move around. He could try to take over small parts of larger objects. It be like what he did in the hideout, but on a smaller scale. Barring that, he could simply try to get better at shaping and controlling the objects, like trying to solve a puzzle box while he is the box.
Hari: Since Hari can't really train his power on other people without ruining a whole afternoon of training, the best choice for him would be to simply practice on dummies. Namely ones that are constantly moving around. This could help increase the speed and accuracy of his arrows, making the condition easier to inflict, Heck, it could even help grow the Quirk to the point where it can start working on objects as well as people.
Shin: While I do like the idea of Shin going around and asking people uncomfortable questions all day, I think his time would be served better elsewhere. Since so much of his power is based around questions, it'd be good for him to try and figure out better ways to phrase his words. He could also try and learn psychological tactics to try and dig for what would be the best questions to ask someone and how to best exploit their secrets.
Rappa: While I figure Rappa's training would involve him punching stuff, that's not the route I'm going to take. His training would involve him using his hands for literally anything else. Look, I've said that Rappa has been wasting his power and this would be a good chance. Things like rapidly doing tasks with his hands or using them to practice throwing's things. I don't care if I have to duct tape tools to his hands, he's going to do something other then punch things.
Kai: Overhaul was easily the hardest to come up with anything for. How can you go up any further from one of the strongest Quirks in the series. The only thing I could think of was the fusion aspect of his power. For all of his power, Kai's fusions seems very incomplete. Less perfection combination and more heinous hybrid. So maybe he could try practicing on some non-living objects, like trying to turn a bunch of metals into an alloy by trying to piece them together or something like that.
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bubblegumflavor · 1 year
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ihatethebrits · 2 months
how yasmine and moon feel after randomly showing up every couple of episodes to remind the audience that demetri and hawk have girlfriends and totally aren’t in love with eachother
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sensei-venus · 7 months
Something fluffy, poly! Daniel Amanda and Johnny where Reader gets sick when she's at home with the Twins! Robby and Sam. But then it turns out she's pregnant with Anthony?
Reader wanted to act like she was fine that whole afternoon but she knew it was a lie. That morning she woke up overly sore and tired out of nowhere with a belly that felt like it was full of lead. But she sucked it up for babies. Everyone had work that day so she was the only one home that day to take care of them.
Johnny had early classes at the dojo.
While Daniel and Amanda were off to the dealership for an important morning meeting about new inventory that would be hitting the dealership soon.
After a few morning kisses spread between all of them, a few peaks to the kids cheeks and they where gone. Off to work leaving her and the twins alone. Days like this she was grateful that the two children were almost six.
Only a few months and they would be turning six together and the following year be eligible to start school. There was a hint of mixed emotions on that. A big part of her was sad that her babies would be leaving the nest so soon but it had to be done. They grow up so fast.
"Mama! are you going to help me with my picture or not?" Samantha grinned as she held up her half colored paper. The coloring book page of a cartoon princess was only half colored in. She had done her very best to keep inside the lines clearly.
Reader quickly put her thoughts to the back burner before smiling down at the girl and nodding. Sitting down next to the girl at the kitchen table she grabbed a crayon and started to help by filling in some of the blanks. The whole time Sam talked about the princess they where coloring in. Giving the made-up girl a whole background that Reader was eating up.
“Mama look at my T-Rex….” Robby shyly said from across the table. He pushed over his completed page. A bright green and brown trex was drawn and colored out on the piece of paper. Reader grinned and looked over to him “Robby that’s so good! You did amazing, he looks so real! Did you like coloring him in?” Robby slowly started to smile. It was a bit of a surprise when Robby started to age up next to his older twin, who just so happened to be only three minutes older than him, and was the shyer one of the two.
Sam took the head of being more outgoing and outspoken while Robby liked to sit in the background for a while until he wanted to really come out. He was such a sweetie that Reader couldn’t help but spoil him.
While Sam was more of a daddy’s girl with the guys, Robby was HERS. He was definitely more of a mamas boy.
The happy thought was cut off by the weight in her gut. It made her physically stop for a moment. Trying her best not to vomit right then and there. With what will power she had she stood up and covered her mouth. With urgency and the last bit of strength she had “Mom needs to go-“ and practically ran from her spot at the table.
The sound of scrapping chairs filled the room behind her while she ran down the hallway.
The kitchen sink was not a option, she needed to hold onto the toilet for what ever was about to happen. Her eyes watered while pushing past her bedroom door and then though her bathroom one. Both hands where on her mouth as she almost threw up into them but was lucky enough to get to the toilet in time. Her knees crashed to the floor as she flung the seat up. Hunched over the porcelain with both hands gripping the bowl she puked.
A few stray tears fell as she vomited everything she had ate in the last few hours. Breakfast and the lunch she sheared with the kids. The feeling of weight leaving her stomach made her head spin. The taste of acid filling her mouth made her gag even harder. It felt like forever before she finally stopped puking. A few dry heaves later and she was almost falling over the toilet rim. With a shaky breath, sweaty body and tear stained cheeks she gently fell back into her butt. She closed her eyes for a moment while trying to breath again.
It wasn’t until she heard the sound of light whimpers did she open her eyes again.
Robby and Sam stood in the doorway with scared eyes. Well, it was mostly Robby who looked the most scared out of the two. He held Sam’s hand as they watched from the doorway.
“Mama!” Robby almost cried as he walked into the bathroom and collapsed next to her on the floor. His hands gripping at her shirt in tiny fists. She rubbed his back as they both tried to relax. When she was able to breathe right again she quietly said “It’s okay, I’m okay, I’m sorry that I scared you like that. Mama didn’t feel good and she didn’t want to get sick on you and Sam.” Looking up at her with teary eyes he nodded.
“Does your tummy hurt Mama? Like when I was sick that one time. I threw up like that too but you helped me and cleaned me up.” He mumbled. If Reader wasn’t suddenly so tired she would have laughed. With a tinny smile she replied “Kinda like that. But I’m okay now so don’t worry.”
Robby nodded and tried to push his head up for a kiss but Reader could only give a small laugh and put a hand over his mouth lightly “Ahh no kiss, mama just threw up. Her mouth is yucky and she doesn’t want you getting sick either.” Robby pouted but seemed to understand.
“Sam baby will you get mommy a water bottle from the fridge? Please and thank you.” Sam bolted out of the doorway and back out to the kitchen. The sound of the fridge door opening and closing was heard before the pounding of her feet followed. Practical flying back into the room she handed her mama the nice cool water. Reader rinsed her mouth out, spitting back into the toilet before flushing it. After a few good minutes, she felt safe getting up off the floor. Robby was almost attached to her side, still a little shaken.
“How about we take a little nap since mama isn't feeling so good.” Reader did her best to muster up a calm voice. The puking only did so much to make her feel any better than she was. If anything it made her more tired than she was.
Robby almost bolted out of the room, jumping onto her huge bed with a giggle. Sam looked at him then back to Reader. Her big eyes filled with questioning almost as if she was asking “Are you sure your okay?” it was sweet of her. But Reader shooed her off. She followed suit of her twin by climbing up on the bed next to him. They both giggles while throwing the covers around. Hiding under them. Their heads poked out to look back at her.
She gave a small laugh “You two get comfortable, I'm going to clean up a little and go to the bathroom.” the two kids ducked back under the blankets. Reader rolled her eyes before closing the door.
She looked for a rag to clean up with, to wipe everything down. Digging around under the sink she felt around for the spare fabric. Her hand knocked into something making it fall and tumble out onto the floor. Sighing she grabbed whaever it was. Her eyes widened when she turned the small box around, reading the packaging.
Pregnancy tests.
It had been years now that she hadn't taken one. The last time she did- it was when she found out she was pregnant with the twin. That felt like it was so long ago.
She could remember it so clearly. Sitting on the bed, Daniel paced around the bedroom, Johnny lying on the bed while Amanda looked over her shoulder in excitement. Watching as the test started to slowly turn positive over the span of five or so minutes.
The memory made her hear flutter a little in her chest.
Why not take one for fun?
A stupid gag almost. Maybe it would spice things up if someone found it in their trash later on. She almost laughed at her own stupid idea.
Breaking the seal she took out two tests and went to work. Peeing on both of them before flushing and washing her hands. Cleaning long forgotten. For a split second, she felt a bit sad. Knowing that the tests would be negative. It wasn't like they were trying to get pregnant again, but still. The feelings and emotions still bubbled up as she left the tests to load. A small beep alerted her that they were both done so she flipped them over.
Her heart almost stopped put of pure shock as she gazed down at them.
Both tests were bright and positive. The lines are bold and bright against the bright white result paper.
Her heart felt like it would stop at any moment from just looking at the positive pink lines. This was real, very very real. She was pregnant with her third baby an she only found out from jokingly taking a stupid pregnancy test for fun. Pacing around the bathroom did nonthing to calm her spicking nerves. So many questions went thogh her mind in that very moment.
How was she going to tell her husbands and wife?
When did this even happen?
How far along was she?
All of those things filled her head making her even more nauseous. Taking a long deesp breath she tries to calm down.
“Mama are you coming? Me and Robby are getting tired.” Sam’s voice rang out from the other room.
“I'm coming!” Reader lightly yelled. She placed the used tests on the counter to be dealt with later on. Straightening herself up she walked back into her room with a grin. Finding the twins bundled up in the sheets and blankets. Reader climbs up onto the bed, flipping the covers over to reveal the two kids. They both laughed as they were uncovered.
“Scooth over so I can get in there,” she mumbles while getting between the two. They cover backup. Both twins snuggle up to her sides, heads resting on her chest.
“Your heart is really fast mama.”
“Are you okay?”
Reader smiled while playing with Sam’s light curls.
“Well I'm a little excited because I found out some really good news.”
Both kids perked up at the statement.
“What if Mama told you that you guys would be having a little brother or sister soon?” Sam gasped loudly. Her eyes were big while replying “Like a baby?!?” Reader nodded “Like a baby. I'm going to have another baby and give you guys a little sibling.” she laughed at the girls reaction.
“The baby is in your belly right? That's where Miss Page had her baby at.” Robby spoke up mentioning the woman who works at the dealership who recently had a baby. Robby pokes at her squishy belly. Sam joins by rubbing at the flesh.
“Yep, but they're really tiny right now so you can't really see them just yet. They have to grow a bit more before you guys can see them in my tummy.”
“Does Mommy and Papa and Dad know?”
“No not yet, but, I was thinking before they get home we could think of a special way to tell them. How does that sound? We can do something special to tell them about your new sibling.” both kids beamed at the idea. They both try to scatter of the bed but Reader holds them back. She laughs while pulling them back onto the bed.
“Not yet guys! Mama still isnt feeling so hot. We can start planning after our nap okay.” the twins reluctantly nodded but laid back down next to her. Cuddling up into her sides once again to finally go to sleep.
Who knows what will happen in the next few hours.
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(Part 2??)
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wangxianficrecs · 1 month
it's your soul by syriala
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it's your soul
by syriala (@bloody-bee-tea)
G, 3k, Wangxian
Summary: Wei Wuxian never said it out loud before, the fact that Lan Zhan just loved him for his body, and he’s surprised at how much it truly hurts him. The only thing Wei Wuxian always wanted was for Lan Zhan to love him, him, and not his body, just like he loves everything about Lan Zhan. And now he doesn't even have his own body anymore. Kay's comments: An AU where Wangxian were in a situationship before Wei Wuxian's death, but because they still were in their misunderstandings/miscommunication era, Wei Wuxian died thinking that Lan Wangji only loved his body, but not him. This story left my heart aching, but it was also beautifully resolved. Really loved it, because it was believeable. Excerpt: I love your whole body, is what he doesn’t say but what Wei Wuxian still hears. “But what about my dashing personality?” Wei Wuxian asks, breathless between one kiss and the next, and he whines high and needy when Lan Zhan pulls away to stare down at him. “Ridiculous,” Lan Zhan eventually says and Wei Wuxian chuckles in response. It’s a better alternative to start crying then and there. He should really stop hoping for anything more from Lan Zhan and be content with what he does have right in front of him. It’s still hard to shake the thought that he would give everything he has for Lan Zhan to love him for more than just his body. Even though Lan Zhan tries his best to kiss the very last thought out of Wei Wuxian’s head.
pov wei wuxian, post-canon, misunderstandings, miscommunication, developing relationship, angst and hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, love confessions, pining wei wuxian, not actually unrequited love, pining while fucking, mutual pining
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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