#kaishin shipper through and through
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shinydmoon · 4 months
I’m trying to think through the ‘Shinichi and KID are cousins’ reveal from the other side,To try and remove or rethink any KaiShin ship bias.
But besides anyone who didn’t like them together before using it as ammo against Shippers nothing to say is really noticeable.
But to new comers, thats where the question lies, so i can’t think of a example of any long running Anime who revealed 20+ years after their first appearance that 2 main/important characters are Family. Well that weren’t already laying a guided tour to that out come.
Its the new comers post movie 27 who will be confused. Do we just say ‘it was his Shed’ it or what?
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creative-jellyfish · 21 days
i'm sure no one will see this, but i really need to get this out of my head lolol
the theme song for kaishin (or a song that should be closely associated with kaishin) should be loser, baby from hazbin hotel. i can imagine the scene already:
KID just had a mental breakdown and really thinks that he cannot achieve his goal of finding pandora. shinichi comes along (in this context, it would probably make sense for conan to appear, but i am more of a kaishin shipper than a kidco shipper) and tries to cheer him up.
i envision shinichi trying to comfort him and the best way he can cheer KID up is just by calling them both losers because i think shinichi would have a hard time cheering someone up on the spot, especially when he comes across KID who is normally a suave and composed figure in his mind. then, they have the dancing sequence like husk and angeldust did and then KID would feel a bit better.
ALSO. the part where husk sings "there was a time i thought that no one could relate, to the gruesome ways in which i'm damaged" would perfectly fit how shinichi struggled as conan and the idea of living a double life. i feel like most people agree that shinichi gets his conan thing fixed before kaito finds pandora, so i think it makes sense that shinichi is trying to empathize with KID and show that he understands the struggles KID's going through
idk, just an idea. i wish i had more patience to fully draw out an animatic to clearly paint the image that is in my mind.
um, if anyone sees this, let me know if you want more things like this? i have ideas so far for good old fashioned lover boy and soldier, poet, king and some other songs on my kaishin playlist
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wandering-tides · 5 months
most of the movies iirc aren't canon so kaishin being cousins MIGHT not be true. but if it is honestly i think most people will straight up ignore it (i mean, its been 3 decades... some of the people who have been shipping this for close to a decade are in their final years of high school or a freshman/sophomore in college.) though i do feel like a hypocrite being a little worried if new fanworks for them will take a nose dive, since i personally am not comfortable with any form of inc*st. 😮‍💨
You are right, movies in det con aren't canon, and they aren't regarded as such until something in the movie is shown in the manga too later on. So yea, not all movies are canon. But i've seen people say that this particular info of the kudo's and kuroba's will show up in the manga too. Not sure about that tho, guess it will be confirmed only when it actually shows up in the manga, however long that takes...
I think its kinda hard to say anything too soon about what will happen to the kaishin fandom. Will many people leave? Or will people simply ignore and stay, what will be the majority choice?
There could be a chain reaction, like, if people start leaving, most would follow the majority not really thinking things through, or the other way around.
The choice, the kaishin fandom would take regarding this is still very much hanging in the air cuz a lot of people are trying to stay away from the movie spoilers, so no one can really say for sure about how this is going to end.
But I do understand where you are coming from when you say ince*t, cuz I hate it too.
But, I have been a kaishin shipper for over 10 yrs at this point and it's kinda hard to suddenly stop shipping them after shipping them for so long... this is probably the first time I somehow ended up shipping an incest ship, even if we did not know it would really turn out so...
So I am totally going to ignore canon, I don't always do so, but this is a special case I suppose. They are supposed to be cousins? Nope, it's just a wild rumor a refuse to believe.
People keep making fanworks for them? Go for it. If this was Gosho's way to turn the kaishin fandom into shambles, to highlight his canon couple, we gotta show him we won't turn into what he wants us to. (because what other reason could there be for revealing this after almost 3 decades?)
(Plus it's common in Asia, especially around south Asia where cousins marry each other so there's that too, cousin marriages don't raise eyebrows over there)
But yeah, I do have conflicting feeling about this... because, cousins.
So in that sense, I suppose, people who decide to stay in the kaishin fandom and ignore canon (like me), and don't really like incest could be considered hypocrites. But oh well, Gosho can fuck off. (Also, these are fictional characters so.)
Let's see what happens to kaishin shippers.
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alexiethymia · 5 months
(maybe) unpopular opinion? definitely a shinran shipper through and through, but I don’t think kaishin being cousins is the dealbreaker that it is considering again context, Japan. So like ship and let ship.
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vampirecatsw · 2 years
Intro and My Links
(for mobile + other users)
Hi, My name is Cyn, it's nice to meet you! Call me Cyn or Sol. My pronouns are he/him ^-^
I'm a blatant kaishin shipper and proshipper, so scram if you're offended. Block me and go back to your lives. You don't even need to see my face, and I don't want to see you.
You might have seen me around Ao3 as secret_werewolves, leaving little comments on everyone's works~
I live in Australia and my birthday is the 18th of April. Don't worry, you don't need to send anything for it!
I like to lurk around discord servers, fandoms, devour fanfictions, and reblog things. My main fandom is Detective Conan / Magic Kaito, although I do explore some other ones.
I sometimes draw too, but since life has gotten very hectic recently, I'm taking things slower
My Art (Tumblr tag): https://vampirecatsw.tumblr.com/tagged/cyn%20draws
New!!: My new art blog yay! https://cyndraws.tumblr.com
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/secret_werewolves  Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/10181337/ Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/secret-werewolves
My tags:
#cyn draws -> my art. I might also use #my art
#cyn talks / cyn speaks -> not much of a distinction since I often tag both. But cyn talks is for chatting, and cyn speaks is for original posts.
#cyn answers -> answering asks
Usually first name, last name for characters
#fic recs -> fic recs! Feel free to also browse my ao3 bookmarks or links on my fanfiction.net profile
#transmigrator kaito au -> my own au! I post under this tag (on both accounts, so click 'see all of tumblr'). Feel free to check out the link below and to follow the tag <3
This seems pretty popular so I'll put this here too. If I find another fic, I'll update it in this post. Happy reading~
Kaito pov/Kaito centric fanfic recommendations list:
Planned future projects:
Start writing fanfics hahaha. First I gotta get over my self esteem and start writing planssss. I do admire everyone who writes, but I really don't want to run out of steam halfway through projects. And if I'm gonna write, I wanna get into the habit of planning! It also allows for tiny details to be hinted in later, super satisfying >v<
Rn I'm super busy with uni so aaaa they might take a while
WIP Ideas in my brain, may or may not be actually posted. But definitely feel free to ask me questions about them!
Please send asks, I'm actually begging like please
- Kirby oc + anime au! (i have a series of monstrous documents with meticulous detail, it's getting ridiculous at this point adfghj. But I do need to watch the anime first). I have somehow ended up making an entire au around an oc haha. I'm taking some inspiration from other fandoms and fanworks.
- Dcmk oc/self inserts/transmigration aus (Shinichi/Conan, Kaito, detective boys, maybe some others. We need more of these in this fandom)
- Kaito transmigration au (Kaishin, platonic or romantic not decided yet)
Inspired by 'Entirely Out of Spite' by Bgtea, a Genshin fanfic. Would highly recommend! https://archiveofourown.org/works/30349320/chapters/74816049 And also "Scum Villain Self-Saving System" too, since EOoS is inspired by it in turn. I'm crying since writing is just Not Happening XDDD The funniest thing about this au is Kaito being extra giddy to meet Shin/Cone and being a fanboy in general
Kaitou / phantom thief oc Look he just slaps, idk how to explain XD
Ok, bye! Hope everyone is doing well! I'm going back to work now because uni is using me like its ragdoll in those flash games lol
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
C, M, and W?
Thanks for playing! :3
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
The probably never will is the tricky part. There's pleeenty of NOTPs to go around, but I have also encountered versions of ships I didn't like that made me like them in the end, or there are aspects of the ships that I do appreciate.
So something that I'm really sure of nobody/nothing could make me like and I never liked. Let's go with the very first ship that comes to mind there. Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince. Just does not work for me and I'm very sure I'll never come around on it. I also have veeery solid OTPs for both characters too; I'm a multishipper at heart so it's rare for me to have an actual One True Pairing for a character and those are both characters where this rare instance applies, so that weighs heavy in too.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
This is way harder unprompted, like that I'd have to think of a ship too, to say something nice about. xD
Uuuhm so let's go with shippers. Despite not sailing the ship itself, I do like Karadox shippers - Brainy/Kara - because they're a real nice bunch, the ones I've met through the Supergirl fandom? And I also think they're really, really chill.
Because their ship, despite being a major ship for Kara in the comics, was not endgame - or even a brief ship - on the TV show. And they didn't go about harassing actors and fans about it. They're happy with the crumbs they get and while obviously disappointed their ship didn't sail, they didn't get nasty about it?
That just stood out all the more prominently in comparison to certain other shippers within that fandom? Not to name names, but I think if you are familiar with the Arrowverse, you know which shippers in the same situation acted wildly different. *clears throat*
So, especially contrasted by these, it really stood out to me how friendly Karadox shippers are? And generally also more open to other ships, like multishipping themselves or generally accepting that other people may ship these characters with other characters.
(Mind you, I can not speak for all of them, I'm sure there are some rotten apples in the bunch too, but that's always the case. The overall fandom behavior though, and the lovely individuals I've met have given the ship a very good name.)
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
Oooh. Huh. Mh. Damn these are very hard when I have to also decide on ships. It's like suddenly my brain remembers not a single ship I have ever sailed... xDDD
Okay, let's go for five ships with different kinks too. Since I, uh, like to pile my favorite kinks onto my favorite ships... <_<
Shadowhunters: Malace + pet-play.
PJatO: Nicercy + praise kink.
BtVS: Spuffy + strength kink? I dunno what you'd call it but you can't tell me that Spike doesn't totally get off on seeing Buffy throw people around and stuff
RotG/HTTYD: HiJack + temperature play
DCMK: KaiShin + Shinichi having a thing for Kaito's hands, I don't know what you'd call that, but I know that's a thing and I'm sure our very talented thief would make that work ;D
Fandom Ask Game
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rusycchi · 5 years
"A Girl Found Dead, The Prediction Death Time is Right After She Send a Tweet, 'afdafsfgdfjj oh lord, this ship is killing me'" Its reported that police are still looking for what kind of ship has killed her and form a special unit to crack the code 'afdafsfgdfjj' on her tweet.
--- Not gonna lie, its definitely probably what my death news would be 😔✊💦
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equal-shipping · 4 years
Why Kaishin Still Holds Up, Even Now.
I FINALLY watched the 23rd Detective Conan and let me tell you what...
Why are there not more episodes with these two working so closely together? Like please?! They got that solved so quickly and just shared information with one another and can I please just have them interact before the series ends pleaaaaaase.
Yet I'm not here for begging. I'm here to rant and cleverly disguise that rant as an essay.
I want to rant about trust in Detective Conan (specifically with a look at Kaishin) and the Enemies turned Rivals turned Friends turned Lovers trope.
[Mild Spoilers Ahead]
Trust as a Driving Force in Detective Conan
If someone asked me what is one of the many driving forces in the DC plot as well as the cornerstone of many of the relationships in DC it would be trust. Most of the characters in DC are living their lives with lies as the foundation of who they present themselves to be.
And here is something that I love about the relationship these two have with one another:
The trust that Shinichi has on Kid was earned and vice versa.
I don't think that Shinichi thinks that Kaito Kid is the most honest person in the world, but he does know that the magician works by a code and he trusts him to not put someone in any immediate danger despite the fact that Kaito Kid does not inherently talk too deep about his heists with him.
Ask yourself this. Where in canon did it say that in Kid's heist nobody gets hurt by Kid? I've read the manga and nowhere does he really say 'this is a safe show for everybody!' Let me tell you where it says it: Nowhere.
So why do we all assume it to be that way? Because even we have trust in our favourite thief that he won't do something to actively hurt someone. Since the story is being told in Shinichi's point of view, most of the times, we can rely on the trust that Shinichi has placed on Kid to not get anyone hurt.
One big example of this would be in the Detective Conan Movie: The Sunflowers of Inferno:
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Leaving Ran in Kid's care is a conscious decision he is doing despite the fact that he doesn't know if Kid is even going to make it out. Shinichi loves Ran probably more than he loves himself and he wants her out of danger enough to place trust in someone that, situation wise, has no business whether Ran or Shinichi live or not. I honestly think that even Kid was surprised that Shinichi made that decision.
Now I'm not going to put my shipper goggles when I make this statement and go 'OH MY GOD THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH IT SHOWS IT EVERYWHERE. LOOK AT THE SHOW, STUPID."
But these two have something that not many of the characters in DC have and that is a mutual trust without knowing all the details of their lives.
Kaito happened to guess that Conan was Shinichi and I doubt that Shinichi is going to meet Kuroba Kaito by the end of the series. These two barely know each other but through their interactions just happen to understand each other enough to work together amazingly when thrust into a situation where they have to help each other out.
Which brings me to the second thing I want to talk about.
My Enemy Went From Being My Rival to My Friend to my Lover, What Happens Now?
I want to break into Gosho's house and ask him to please let Kaito Kuroba meet Shinichi Kudou. Like this is such a might need that I'm almost scared of looking forward to the ending of DC because I just have a feeling it isn't going to happen.
I might also ask him why the hell every side character needs a romance subplot but that is neither here nor there.
But now that the ships have been decided and canon has sealed the final nail on everything, I just want to talk about the trope that makes Kaishin just so amazing for me.
If I am remembering my facts right, Magic Kaito came before Detective Conan. Kaito was a realized character, somewhat, and was clearly a very likable chara with a ridiculous high IQ and a secret he couldn't reveal to anybody.
I mean he's a goddamn beautiful man is what I'm trying to say.
When I first read the series I could immediately tell that Aoko was set to be the romantic interest, Gosho really ain't fooling nobody. She seemed cute, extroverted and a girl who seems to really care for Kaito. Of course there was the juicy tidbit of Kaito being the thief her father is hunting down that also kept the relationship interesting.
So I was more than okay with having these two together.
I was already a bit aware of Detective Conan so I was all for the ShinRan as well. The pining, the secrets, the care that Shinichi has for her that transcends the organizations doing!
Also fun fact: Kaito/Aoko was the basis for Shinichi/Ran! Which is why ShinRan is thematically better than Kaito/Aoko but I will not go into that.
So one sad day during quarantine, I decided to rewatch the series to see if I could get any writing inspiration.
Now I don't know if it was quarantine or a change of heart or just me growing up but Gosho's friend trope seemed boring to me the more the episodes continued on. I AM NOT THROWING THE FRIENDSHIP TROPE DOWN, IT IS BEAUTIFUL I STILL SHIP SHINRAN
But I was tired of picking vanilla and wanted to see what else was on the menu.
And as luck would have it, I had decided to watch episode 515: Kaito Kid's Teleportation Magic and fate decides to deliver me a wonderful hit to the heart:
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What is it about characters pointing guns at each other that I love so much?
And Shinichi doesn't react like a normal fucking person he just goes:
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He knows this man ain't gonna shoot. They have had five interactions before this (if we are going by anime episodes) and through all those interactions Shinichi managed to get to a level of banter with this guy that he hasn't had with any of his other enemies.
If he even considered Kaito Kid an enemy to begin with.
Both Kaito and Shinichi have a mutual respect for each other's skill.
They test each other out in several situations and are pleased when the other figures it out, kinda transitioning their little chases to more of a 'two really smart guys trying to outwit each other' and less of a detective trying to outsmart a thief.
Shinichi enjoys figuring out his magic and Kaito enjoys the challenge of making some of his magic tricks near impossible to figure out. Their friendship is something really special and if they can have it without even knowing the details of each other's life, imagine how strong it would be if they truly met each other face to face.
I don't really want to cross into headcanon territory that would turn them into lovers, lord knows we have more fanfiction to do so, but it is just wonderful to see these two men both living a lie respectively but finding some solace in each other that they can shut their brains off for one second and just...play.
Hell, Kid's heists might be Shinichi's safe place. In those heists he is known as the 'Kid Killer' and not just some brat who happens to figure shit out. His opinion matters in those heists.
And not just to the police, but to Kaito as well.
I just wanted to show love to this wonderful ship q wq
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dee--eer · 3 years
also! see this as your free pass to talk about your favorite non-DCMK ship for the ask game! (my instincts tell me it's gonna be Klance I'm curious to see if I'm right xD)
IT'S DEFINITELY KLANCE, YEP. I didn’t talk much about them anymore but boy do they still have me in a chokehold. These boys own my soul tbh
I uh. Write much much more than I intended to lmao so, the rest goes under the cut!
Shipping them is actually kinda unexpected, you see, because while it's true that I started vld because one of my favorite writer start writing about them and I got curious, I actually went through the first 2 seasons completely not understanding where the ship is coming from lmao. I was more of a Shallura and Shatt shipper at that point, and I saw Klance as more of a friendly-rival characters sorts but probably won't go toward romantic route, kind of like Heishin for me. I am, however, already fell in love with Keith from the very start (this bit here is very important, alright?).
And then season 3 rolls around and I..... just fell headfirst into the Klance hell. Specifically that moment in front of Black when Lance goes to comfort Keith. I was just... so enamored by this moment, because see, up to that point Keith has been really insufferable, which is absolutely justified, but so is his teammates disdain toward him. And yet, out of all 5 people present there the one who goes up and comfort him is Lance. The rival. The boy who loudly complain whenever Keith as much as glance toward him. Like, they could've easily made Coran do that, with him being the oldest and (supposedly) the wisest among all of them. He did that with Lance, after all. Or Allura, maybe, because she's technically the leader of the pack and it make sense for her to try and comfort her subordinate. And yet, it was Lance who goes up and stand beside him.
And then the next eps when he just blindly goes after Lotor and literally endangering his teammates? Even I, the self-proclaimed Keith #1 fan, got a bit annoyed and feeling a bit like I want to kick some sense into him. And yet Lance is still the only one who's faithfully flying beside him, reigning him back when he's literally leaving his teammate behind, comforting him again and doesn't even try to antagonize him when he admits he went too farーlike bro. That "Keith, don't do this!" scene still haunts my dream, it was so good.
Those moment really cements how good Lance is for Keith, and that's ultimately what made me ship them in the first place. You see, one of my rule in shipping is that I will ship whoever made my favorite character happy. Like, this is kinda why I'm still a Naruhina shipper at heart because I love Hinata to death and I want her to have the man of her dream, despite how much I agree that Narusasu or even Narusaku is a league above them in term of a good couple. Like, I mostly just want to see my favorite character being happy, y'know? So yep. Those s3 moment show me how good Lance is to Keith, and that's how I sold my soul to the devil :'D
One other thing that really sent me is this specific characters trait of Keith and Lance. Keith, as an orphan who was left to fend off for himself for most of his childhood, ends up having too many love left to give. And Lance, the boy who have a bazillions family member, ends up already giving too many love in his life. And well, Keith will have more than enough love to shower Lance. Soulmate behavior, don't you think? 😆
It really doesn't help (or it does?) that I've always love an enemy/rival-to-lover trope since I know what shipping is. So in a way, I love Klance because I love Kaishin, ahah 🙈
I might've gotten too invested in answering this ajzjzkzk I'm so sorry it got a bit long, but I can't help itttt even after all these years they're still so precious to meeee ❤💙❤💙
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Kaito KID
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(I mean like i understand why bc its a dc movie starring kid but my kaishin heart)
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redrobin-detective · 4 years
Do you think Shinichi respects women? I understand a lot of people ship KaiShin simply because they find his treatment of Ran (and sometimes Haibara) disgusting, and want to throw him at someone who won't just stand there and take it.
Sometimes its hard to separate ‘this character has bad opinions’ from ‘this author has projected bad opinions onto this character’ which I think is more the latter in this case. I truthfully don’t believe Gosho is trying to make Shinichi or anyone openly sexist but it does unfortunately bleed through with his writing. He thinks just because Ran is a karate champ and yells at Shinichi when he’s dumb that she’s a Strong Female Character when, in fact, she’s sidelined and lied to for like 90% of the series. Its a flaw in the general story and not so much with the characters IMO.
Because I, as a fervent Shinran shipper, believe that Shinichi loves Ran and she loves him in return. I believe being Conan has made him appreciate her all the more and lying to her hurts him immeasurably. It’s his paranoia and protective instinct that causes him to keep her in the dark, that’s a character trait/flaw which makes him human but I don’t believe means he doesn’t respect her. I think he’s doing the best we can with a shitty situation and it comes more down to he doesn’t trust himself, not to slip up in the comfort of being around the love of his life, rather than he doesn’t trust her.
Plus, as I’ve said a million times about Kaishin, they are so unsuited for each other romantically that it bugs the hell out of me. Kaito and Shinichi have this lovely cat and mouse chase going on but they both play their secrets too close to the chest, never show all their cards and never give up. They’re too similar, their traumas forcing them into roles that aren’t healthy for either of them. Flawed or not, their canon love interests (Shinichi/Ran and Kaito/Aoko) are able to better get under their skin and lead to real healing. 
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momocicerone · 6 years
hewwo I just want to know how did you discover tumblr and how long have you been on here and why you ship ShinShi when the whole world is shipping ShinRan?
Gwwetings fwiend :’3
I was watching Fairy Tail in 2014 and Juvia Lockser was introduced and I just fell in love right there right then. I started searching the internet for Gruvia pics because yknow me I’m a loser and then I came across rboz’s amazing art in her tumblr page. So yea basically rboz is the reason why I have a tumblr in the first place.
AHAHAHA r u sure about that m8 ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) Kaishin fans coming out for blood
Jokes aside I, like probably 98% of the fandom started off as a ShinRan shipper (believe me i still think it’s cute). And then Shiho happened. And once you see the Shiho you cannot unsee the Shiho. She’s still, through time and many many fandoms, my fave character of all time. And idk man, whatever she wants she gets. And she wants Shinichi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Admittedly I ship all the Shiho ships: KaiShi, RanShi, ShiGo, GinSherry, BourbonSherry... I’ve even warmed up to MitsuAi because of some great fanfics I’ve read. (The only one I can’t really ship her with is Akai or the other people with an extreme age gap like the parents gang or God forbid, Agasa. I also dislike Vermouth with ardent passion so please don’t even mention that)
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backtodc · 7 years
It's rare to find people who dislike ShinRan because Shinichi side, majority who dislike ShinRan always mainly because they are hate Ran and favour other female character. Well I ship ShinRan from my heart, but Ran deserve to angry and disappointed to Shinichi., Ran always believe and love him without asking to much. But Shinichi too secretive toward Ran and yet he use her father as a puppet detective. I just want justice for Ran before DC ending. I hope Ran doesn't forgive him easily.
Yeah Ran gets a lot of unnecessary hate from AiCon shippers in particular (I haven’t noticed quiiiiite so much from HeiShin and KaiShin shippers but I’m sure it’s out there), as if Ran is a real person who is responsible for Shinichi not being endgame with [insert preferred partner(s) for Shinichi here]... it’s a common fandom trend and it’s deeply unnecessary. Ran has done nothing wrong in her life, ever, and Gosho’s poor writing decisions are not her fault. Ran deserves to have some anger towards Shinichi when the truth comes out and NEEDS to express that, but given how Gosho continually invalidates Ai’s very justified anger at Shinichi I’m worried he won’t let Ran have the anger she deserves, not without trying to play it off as her being in the wrong for being angry. He often portrays her as overreacting for being upset, which is also both wrong and I think contributes to some people not liking Ran. 
Anime originals and the movies often boiling Ran down to “cries, misses Shinichi, only does anything useful by remembering something Shinichi said to her, unconscious through the finale” with a 50/50 chance of her getting a cool fight scene somewhere in there don’t help.
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
kaito does not know conan's identity in mainline DC canon! his whole slip up in the tree god case where he pretended to be Agasa but kept calling him "conan-kun" even in private proves that much.
Hard disagree on that one though, anon. ^^°
Because Shinichi is completely aware that Kaito knows who he is, in the DC continuity. Which would make no sense if Kaito didn't know Conan is Shinichi.
In what is the most blueballing case in DC (for me as a KaiShin shipper, anyway), when Vermouth impersonates Yuusaku to cover a TV special - the chapters 1058 to 1060 - Conan just immediately assumes that impersonator is Kaitou KID.
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Which, I did too, hence the blue balls. And, among what can only be described as typical KID-Conan banter, this happens:
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Shinichi just flat-out asks the impersonator, whom he assumes to be Kaitou KID, how he knew that his dad - Kudou Yuusaku - was sick. That's the kind of slip up Shinichi wouldn't have if he wasn't talking to someone who already knows his secret. And no, he didn't do so because he had already figured out this wasn't KID. Shinichi doesn't figure that out in this case.
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He's genuinely shocked to learn that KID is currently busy somewhere else and is not, in fact, standing right next to him. Which means that he casually talked about being Yuusaku's son with Kaitou KID, implying that Conan knows that KID knows he is Shinichi, in the canon continuity of DC.
As to the point you're bringing up... Him referring to Shinichi as "Conan-kun" even in private can as well just be due to not enough research on the private, personal behavior between Shinichi and Agasa when they are all alone, something that is relatively hard to observe anyway, so he might have just suspected Agasa to be careful and refer to Shinichi as "Conan-kun" even when it's just the two of them. On various occasions, Kaito has slip-ups like that; in the Fist of Blue Sapphire, Ran figures out that Kaito is impersonating Shinichi due to how Kaito-as-Shinichi addressed Kogoro, because Kaito was only privy to an outsider's perspective on the Kogoro-Shinichi dynamic through the Kogoro-Conan dynamic and lacked the knowledge.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Number 1 for the Ship Ask Game. Ps love your blog! :)
Thanks for playing and also for the love! ^///^
1. Name a ship that feels like home.
Huh. That’s an interesting one.
I guess… KaiShin is the most homey ship for me. It’s been with me the longest now. I’ve been invested in it since the early 2000s, it was one of the first fandoms I read in, with Beyblade, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Harry Potter.
And even now, nearly fifteen years later, even though I stopped actively watching the show years ago now - if there’s an episode with Kaito, I will still watch it. And it will still immediately drag me into the ship again and I’ll still be inspired to write for it again.
Others make me smile with nostalgia when I look at art of an old ship of mine from an old fandom, but I still have a huge love for KaiShin. Heck, turning my head left I literally have KaiShin postcards hanging over my desk and a huge KaiShin poster directly over my bed. Even though I don’t actively read in this fandom anymore and only write when an episode/movie reels me in again, I still love it so much. (I am so fucking excited for the new DC movie because Kaito will be in it and my shipper heart is already racing at the thought!)
I’ve had many fandoms over the years. Some lasted longer than others. Some I’m only invested in to read and not to write. Some only get one fic out of me because the investment’s not enough. But no fandom has been with me as long as this, no ship still manages to get me into writing years after.
KaiShin reminds me of old friends and con experiences, heck it reminds me of being 12 years old and rushing home to watch Detective Conan before homework, it reminds me of some of my first ventures into English fandom after I was through with all the German fics for it at the time.
KaiShin’s like… coming home, yeah.
Ship Ask Game
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