#kaito x Ansa
cuteanimecaps · 1 year
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Kaito x Ansa
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Meet the Seiyuu: Malleus Draconia
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Malleus Draconia’s voice actor Kato Kazuki is a live theater performer with roles in over 70 stage productions including the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera. Malleus Draconia is his first lead-character role in a video game. Today is his birthday!
Kato decided to get into entertainment after reaching the final round of a beauty contest at 18, but initially only found work as background characters in TV dramas. He worked parttime at McDonald’s and Tower Records until being cast in the Prince of Tennis musical at 22 years old.
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Kato's major debut as a singer was in April of 2006 with his mini-album Rough Diamond.
Kato has voiced only four lead anime/video game characters to date: - Malleus Draconia in Twisted Wonderland - Joker in Kaitou Queen - Aen Kaito in Kaito x Ansa - Leon Dompteur in Ikemen Prince: The last love of Beauty And The Beast
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Kato's live theater roles include Atobe Keigo in The Prince of Tennis musical alongside Vil's actor Aiba, Ronan Mazurier in 1789 Les Amants de la Bastille, the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera, Thomas Andrews in Titanic, P.T. Barnum in BARNUM and more.
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In 2021 Kato performed at Tokyo Disney Sea’s “Prince of Voice: Voice Stars Dream Live" alongside Crewel’s voice actor Ito Kent and Silver’s voice actor Shimazaki Nobunaga, singing “Go the Distance” from Hercules.
An interview with Kato on voicing Malleus can be read here
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animemascotarchive · 3 years
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Today’s anime mascot of the day is…! Yocchin from Kaito X Ansa!
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mangimeinwonderland · 7 years
Summer Season Anime 2017 list of those I'll be watching that no one asked for
As I still rather watch anime than study for my exams here are the anime I watch this season. And oh boy, it's a good one... Let's start with 18if. Honestly I don't even know why I started it but the story seems interesting and even though the art style isn't that cool, the backgrounds are really good! During the first episode I spent more time staring at the backgrounds than the characters. Then of course Ballroom e Youkoso, I've been waiting for an dancing anime with good quality like forever. And this one is really cool. They just take classic pair dancing and make it look intense and awesome so yeah... Also it's from the same studio as Haikyuu is, it has really good quality. Next one is Centaur no Nayami, I've already posted some thoughts about this so I'm just gonna say this. It's funny, but even more cute. I never thought a female anime centaur wearing skirts could be so attractive. Another sport anime is Dive!! which till now isn't as exciting as Ballroom e Youkoso but I guess it's worth watching. It's about diving so yeah... I'll see how this turns out. Gamers! seems to have tendencies for being kinda 08/15 and I hope it does get more... well interesting. It's the classic 'popular girl has some kind of interest in the main character who's a dull guy' thing. I mean the whole gaming club thing could work out nicely but well I'm not sure sure how this will turn out. Hitorijime my hero as I know the only Shounen-ai anime this season and oh man it's so cliche. Everyone is gay and we have all the typical character stereotypes in a school setting. Art style is kinda nice and it seems to be sweet but nothing special. Just your typical shounen-ai anime every fujoshi can fangirl about. And oh my god, I was sooo hyped for this one, Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi! I never expected that they would make another season but I'm so happy they did. Emna Ai is like one of my favourite female characters ever, my cute deadly waifu. Honestly I don't have to much expectations for the story, cause in my opinion they should have let it end after season two but still I'm a fan of this series and I'm thankful for everything I can get. I hoped the animation would have improved even more somehow, but in the first episode it didn't seem like it did. Anyway, I love it! Kaito x Ansa... I have no idea what this is about but the cover looked good. In the genres it says sport so yeah... Can't say much about it, haven't started watching it yet. Kakegurui is one of my favourites this season! So many good looking girls! Such good music! Such an intense atmosphere! Such a good art style! And did I mention the sexy girls? I love this one and I can't wait for the next episode! Everyone should watch it! Karadasagashi... Another one I haven't started watching, I'm not sure if it even started airing. I don't know what to expect but it's horror so yeah I like horror. Koi to Uso, the heartbreak-drama-lovulovu anime of this season. Like... It's nice... The art style is cute and the story is okay, but not exactly thrilling. Still it's nice, kinda reminds me of Kuzu no Honkai, at least when it's about the art style. Nana Maru San Batsu, yeah great an anime about competitive quizzing. I thing only japanese people could think of something like this. But it's surprisingly entertaining, also it looks kinda good. And last but not least Netsuzou TRap. Lesbians that aren't lesbians, a boring brunette guy and a good looking guy. Honestly I'm not sure what to think about this. On the one side I'm always a sucker for shoujo-ai but on the other side this whole 'ah we both have a boyfriend but we make out with each other and no one knows what this really is but it's sexy' thing, pisses me off. But I'll see in which direction this will develop. So yeah, now I'll continue to binge watch Gintama ψ(`∇´)ψ
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Grimoire of Zero 10 - 11 | Royal Tutor 11 - 12 (FINAL) | Kado 10 | Boku no Hero Academia 25 | Tsukigakirei 10 - 11...plus summer 2017 anticipated anime.
Just gonna put this here so it gets more attention while it’s open.-> http://www.strawpoll.me/13311671
Grimoire of Zero 10
Geez, the staff pulled a Kado 0 - 1 on us here…i.e. the ending of one ep is the same as the opening of the next ep. It’s just to a lesser extent than Kado did.
Seriously, who is Him??? They still haven’t told us!
Welp, there’s my answer. It was too obvious to centre a 12 episode series around, I would’ve given a plot point like that about…3 or 4 eps, tops.
Grimoire of Zero 11
The thing about this show is that you can just turn your brain off and watch along. It’s a tad slow, but enjoyable and that’s why I’ve stuck with it.
LOL, I understand what it’s like to have “messy, wormlike handwriting”…
I don’t believe a wisp of that karate chop, Holdem. The hand was at the wrong angle.
Finally, the show gets funny again. There’s the Zero we know.
I love the sense of scale the animators have demonstrated with the spells. Just saying that before I have no more chances to.
Ooh! Oh, that man. I actually side with Holdem on this one, he deserved that punch.
“I-“ – Ooh, at that moment I got completely engrossed in the cliffhanger. Normally shows don’t cut off in the middle of a sentence, do they?
Royal Tutor 11
I can’t believe they forcibly took Gregor. Isn’t there some kind of legal offence for-oh wait. That’s called kidnapping. (partially sarcastic)
I’ve always found it interesting that the princes have to refer to the king as such, rather than “dad”. That seems to be a problem in every single piece of media you get about royalty, although these guys have a conscious sort of “I am no longer the king, but your father” (and vice versa) switch which is controlled by Viktor.
Oh, so it’s basically all the Dickensian stuff you get in Oliver Twist…(I haven’t read it, but you know how it is with classics *rolls eyes*).
Heine’s movements are believable, but there’s some suspension of belief needed for Viktor’s (because he faints a little too fast, I think).
Welp, this ain’t quite crying material, but I can tell there was a “climax” where the audience was expected to cry. Knowing this is anime-only material keeps my eyes dry, I guess. However, knowing that Heine’s resigned as Royal Tutor really made my heart drop…after all, this is the second last episode, and I’ve really had fun watching these princes and their diminuitive tutor.
Royal Tutor 12
Bruno really likes Gendo poses, doesn’t he?
Heine’s voice is great for a noob VA. It really sells the character.
I always thought “hai-neh” was a weird pronunciation, but that’s what it says in the katakana.
Seeing Heine tell others their strengths really makes me feel like I’m missing them already, in a good way. I’m not tearing up yet, but it’s real heartwarming and I know if I were in the same situation, I’d cry too.
“Goodbye” isn’t quite “excuse me”, but I guess it works context-wise.
This is one of those shows where “show, don’t tell” works well and I think the show’s nailed it for the most part.
University degrees don’t necessrily make good tutors. Any student knows that, especially in uni.
I can see why even the author cried at this now, even though I’m still not crying.
W-Who’s that? With the dark hair? Eins???
Ah, there’s my answer. It was indeed Eins. Why does he have dark hair???
Welp, there’s one finale for the spring season over. The anime staff really couldn’t have done too much about Eins, though, which sucks. Come back another time for a different show, ‘kay?
Kado 10
I’m in that weird stage where I want to like Kado, but because everyone’s jumped ship, I won’t want to like it either…what a weird thing peer pressure is. *feels like crying*
I feel like I’m in Superhero Project (one of my stories) where protag Keisuke wakes up in a white expansive room to be trained in his powers. Only this time, they gave the room fractals.
Interesting. It’s like an alien LINE convo.
Sarasouju tree…apparently, it’s this thing. Commonly known as “sal”. I’ve never heard of it, though.
“Humans are ephermeal creatures.” – You remind me of Haibara (Detective Conan).
“There’re guns everywhere in America!” – LOL, that sure ain’t the truth, as much as America has gun problems.
Let’s play another common anime game. It’s called “Spot the Main Character from their Hair Colour”.
(SPOILERS for White Parasite from now on!) zaShunina’s still teetering on “cuckoo” from his facial expressions here. It’s sad, because I wanted him to be mysterious and beautiful like La Luna forever...that’s why I killed La Luna off!
*sigh* Okay, evil mastermind pretender, put your hands back on and please just negotiate like you wanted to in the beginning. (*on the brink of tears* Hey, I realised something. I keep making comparisons to White Parasite, but people find it confusing. By making those comparisons, I seem to have almost jinxed Kado to be this way.)
*crying because Shindo* La Luna’s force of living was the goodwill that it used to create its powers. Does that mean the anisotropic run off trust in the same way? (By the way, please don’t resurrect Shindo. That would break the laws of reality as we know it – even anisotropic laws.) (end spoilers)
Welp, I guess not. B-But, my dreams just got ruined by Saraka kissing Shindo (although the Kado tag spoilered it for me anyway)…
Pffffft. Okkkkkkay, Captain Shang, hold up!
Shindo’s angry face at Saraka wearing his shirt had me dying. He really is Captain Shang.
Kado. You were so beautiful at first. I placed my faith in you. B-But you changed, and now all I can do is see you through as you become a cliché fest I could have easily created with my own hands. In fact, I did create a Kado with my own hands - White Parasite. So I am the one to blame…I will have to see this through as I have seen through White Parasite.
Boku no Hero Academia 25
Well, that certainly threw me for a loop. Between two forces of roughly even power, it’s unpredictable who’ll win, but the ability to humanise a character comes with weaknesses. I know that already, as a writer and reader of hero stories.
All Might is such a fatherly type. I don’t think I could write a character like him – both OP yet grounded at the same time.
Plus Ultra!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait, the woman with red streaks is his…aunty? Sister? I’m not sure at all.
Aw, this Shouto segment was just too good. I’m worried about Iida though, because from the Stain stuff I’ve seen floating around, he will not take the defeat of his bro lightly. Also, amazarashi is coming in the next part of BnHA! I loved Speed to Masatsu, so it’s good to meet him again here.
Tsukigakirei 10
“An Encouragement of Learning” is a Fukuzawa work.
From Kawagoe to Chiba it really is about 2 hrs. Look.
Oh great. Bad CGI people strike again…
Did Hira have kawaii eyes just as the other people thrust trash at him?
Imokoi is a Kawagoe specialty involving…wait for it…sweet potatoes. That’s why the sweet potato mascot makes sense.
My eyes!!!!!!!! Bad CGI people stand out more in night scenes (compared to day scenes, of course).
Toki no Kane, apparently also known as the Bell of Time.
The “game” in question, that rock paper scissors, was probably a batsu (penalty) game.
I guess I should’ve guessed Kotarou would’ve gotten angry at Hira eventually. I just didn’t think it would be now.
That shot of Kotarou walking down the street looked a little awkward because it looked like he was walking on a flat surface when it’s actually slanted.
It’s not just my video, is it? Akane’s crying got sped up and that pulled me out of what was meant to be an immersive scene.
Chotto matte means “wait a bit”, but I feel like “I’ll be right there” is warping the meaning a lil’ too much.
Well, I never expected this show to portray anger. It pulled Kotarou’s anger off really well.
I never thought I’d see the day where Kotarou would rely on the potato mascot, either. I like a show that goes out of its way to be unpredictable like this. Too bad it came a little too late in the game.
Tsukigakirei is all about following the heart and not necessarily the mind, so this is a pefect way to show it.
Oh! That was another good unexpected thing, but then they’ve been teasing that since the fireworks. Too bad they kept part of Kotarou’s face hidden right after it.
This end of ep LINE convo is about a couple that can’t sleep, so one of them starts talking about their part time job…then it gets cut off.
Oh, so that’s how Sakura is related to the main events…okay.
Tsukigakirei 11
“To decide that I’m hopeless before I even begin is nothing but laziness.” - Wise words, Dazai.
Were there always two potato mascots at the top of 13.70? I think one appeared there when Kotarou first received his, actually, although I’m not bothered to look…
The people aren’t CGI now…or I’ve somehow gotten used to them…? Either way, they’ve stepped up their animation game (in exchange for ep 12 being late, according to a note on the CR page).
That’s a cute jumper, Akane.
The fact Kotarou changes his message is something I can relate with. Even one forum post can take hours to type, even though time is always never on my side.
What’s that purple thing on the onigiri plate? A pickled plum? No, those are red…
A “root for the underdog” story is a classic, so I can see why Roman’s rooting for Kotarou.
Hahaha…yeah, let’s just sat I can’t understand the science for the life of me and leave it at that. That stuff’s chemistry, I haven’t touched it since I was 14 or 15.
The stuff about circles appears to be on segments, equal angles and so on (you know how you find the angle of a triangle based on where it is in a circle? Yeah, stuff like that).
Oh yeah, I never thought this but…Kawagoe Seminar. It’s named like Sailor Moon’s Crystal Seminar, and for good reason – both are cram schools.
There’s a grade score near Kotarou’s wrist, so understandably he got an A in Japanese.
Parents aren’t like that, Kotarou. They don’t always hope for your failure, they just hope you’ll do well in life…says someone whose parents have aways supported them.
Instead of having CGI people moving, they’ve finally done 2D people. However, the tradeoff is that now the people are not moving, which is just as weird if not even weirder.
“PoPo” is such a weird name for a shop, LOL.
No wait, I take part of my comment about 2D people back. There is still CGI, it’s just less prononced now they’ve bothered to put in 2D background people as well.
That scarf goes well with his outfit…says someone who sucks at coordinating outfits.
Why not just talk with her when you’re ready, Kotarou? If The Royal Tutor taught me anything, it’s that it’s always good to talk things over if you can’t understand each other.
Aitai can mean “want to meet”(like you’re meant to do to make the fish a heart), but the ai is in hiragana (so it doesn’t mean anything) and the kanji for tai used means “red snapper”. As in, the fish.
There’s a lot of ganbaru (try your hardest) used in this ep, and Kotarou says benkyouganbaresou in this “Sorry it didn’t turn out so great” convo. The nuance is therefore lost in the translated version, “I feel like I’m ready to study again starting tomorrow”, although I can’t suggest a better alternative.
Yeah, Kotarou’s mother is right. If you have a normal sleep schedule, you’re able to work better, despite how great it may be to sleep in.
I get easily lost on public transport, so I understand the vibe Kotarou’s parents are giving off.
This ep’s ED LINE convo is two people (one’s a guy, the other I don’t know the gender of) talking about studying and, at the start of the convo, the guy’s mother being angry. At the end of the convo it turns out the guy’s notebook was blank (and that’s the punchline to the convo).
Well, I’ll confirm my lineup for summer here and now. Licensing’s already being doled out as we speak so some of the lineup’s set in stone already. In order of hype:
Definite hype:
Boku no Hero Academia 2* (carryover)
Katsugeki Touken Ranbu*
Nana Maru San Batsu
Kaito x Ansa (already binged Nazotokine to prepare)
Nobunaga no Shinobi ~ Ise to Kanegasaki-hen ~* (see below, carryover)
Medium - low hype:
Vatican Kiseki Chousakan
Princess Principal 
Jikan no Shihaisha (seen the first chapter or so of the manga)
Isekai Shokudou* 
Youkai Apato
Clione no Akari
Konbini Kareshi
Zannen Onna
Asterisks mean licensing’s been confirmed already for me as of this post - I’ve asterisked anything confirmed to be by CR this season, because that’s likely to be worldwide bar Asia. Katsugeki is the only known show out of the asterisks that isn’t a CR stream. 
Funi’s opened up its services to my region (due to the CR x Funi merger), I could probably watch 18if there, but 1) I feel like Funi doesn’t have a good enough player, and 2) I feel like it’ll show up on a service that has a better player.
You’ll notice Nobunaga no Shinobi, a carryover from the last season I previously didn’t care for, is on the list. I was looking at YouTube videos of people’s favourite OPs and I fell in love with Shirayuki (by Renka, it’s the OP for the current season) recently, so I binged the existing content in one day. However, it being a short series means it’s not eligible for simulcast commentary and I’ll have to make a separate ranking for short series once I make my year-end rankings (to include ~ Ise to Kanegasaki-hen ~, and because watching Kenka Bancho Otome has screwed my rankings over enough as it is). After all, my 2016 ranking policy was “a show I saw at least once over in 2016 and had at least one seasonal entry in 2016″, which if applied to this year would make Nobunaga no Shinobi eligible, but it would be unfair to pit it against any shows with standard 24 min eps.
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teamgensokyo-blog · 7 years
TV Anime "Kaito x Ansa" announced during AnimeJapan 2017! Cast and teaser video revealed!
The cast are: Kazuki Kato, Takahiro Sakurai and Genichiro Tenryu. It is scheduled to premiere this Summer 2017!
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newsintheshell · 7 years
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“Kaito x Ansa”
Serie TV anime, 12 luglio 2017
Sequel della miniserie originale “Nazotokine” ideata e diretta da Naoya Fukushi.
[PV2] [PV3]
Idea originale, Regia: Naoya Fukushi 
Sceneggiatura: Kouhei Katou 
Character design: Hitomi Takano , Yui Katou, Erina Takayanagi
Direttore del suono : Satoshi Motoyama 
Rompicapi: Jun Peyon, Takanori Morita
Supervisione Puzzle: Asobi Factory
Studio di animazione: Tengu Kobo
Sigla di apertura: 256 “Hoshi no Kazu dake” Sigla di chiusura: SuG “Agaku” 
Aen Kaito: Kazuki Kato 
Arishin Ansa: Takahiro Sakurai
??: Genichiro Tenryu
Yuu Kuromu: Daisuke Ono  
Hinata Takaragawa: Emi Nitta  
Yocchin: Kenichi Suzumura 
Tokine Amino: Natsuko Hara
Hacchin: Sora Tokui 
Sito ufficiale Twitter ufficiale
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cuteanimecaps · 2 years
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Kaito x Ansa
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amazingstories · 7 years
Summer 2017 SF Anime Preview
Summer 2017 SF Anime Preview
It seems to happen faster and faster, doesn’t it? It’s almost time yet again for the hourglass to turn and a bunch of new shows to spill onto the international streaming sites. As always, click through on the show names to see the official sites, with promo videos, more art, etc. 18if The premise: A young man falls into a dreamworld and learns to navigate it with the help of a scientist and a…
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animemascotarchive · 3 years
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Today’s anime mascot(s) of the day…!
Pukupuku and Tenten from Kaito X Ansa!
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myanimerecs · 5 years
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Rating: 1/3
Categories: fantasy, game, mystery, original work
Tokine is an outspoken young lady who finds herself the subject of a mysterious creature’s curiosity who’s interested in the good feeling humans get when they solve puzzles.
S1, 12 eps
Kaito x Ansa, 12 eps
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teamgensokyo-blog · 7 years
TV Anime "Kaito x Ansa" 4th preview video featuring the character, Kuromu!
Kuromu will be voiced by Daisuke Ono. The series will premiere on July 12th.
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cuteanimecaps · 1 year
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Kaito x Ansa
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Summer 2017 Anime
King of Prism. Pride the Hero MOVIE 10/JULY/2017
Katsugeki Touken Ranbu 02/07/2017 Cast:Ryohei Kimura Souma Saitou
Saiyuuki Reload Blast 05/07/2017
Vatican Kiseki Chousakan 07/07/2017 Nobuhiko Okamoto,Junichi Suwabe, Soma Saito
Shoukoku no Altair 07/07/2017 CAST: KENN,Katsuyuki Konishi,Junichi Suwabe,Takahiro Sakurai
Dive!! 06/07/2017 Cast:Yuuki Kaji,Takahiro Sakurai,Yuichi Nakamura
Jikan no Shihaisha ??/07/2017 Cast:Jun Fukuyama
Kaito x Ansa 17/07/2017 Cast:Takahiro Sakurai
Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun   Cast: ??
Konbini kareshi 07/july/17
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shiroyasha-01 · 7 years
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ESTRENOS TEMPORADA VERANO 2017 Animes: Kakegurui: 01 de Julio Fate/Apocrypha: 02 de Julio Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu: 02 de Julio Knight's & Magic: 02 de Julio Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ: 02 de Julio Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun: 03 de Julio Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita.: 03 de Julio Battle Girl High School: Battle Girl Project: 03 de Julio Youkai Apartment no Yuuga na Nichijou: 03 de Julio Koi to Uso: 04 de Julio Tsurezure Children: 04 de Julio Isekai Shokudou: 04 de Julio Aho Girl:: 04 de Julio Netsuzou TRap: 05 de Julio Saiyuuki Reload Blast: 05 de Julio Nana Maru San Batsu: 05 de Julio Made in Abyss: 07 de Julio Dive!!: 07 de Julio Vatican Kiseki Chousakan: 07 de Julio Konbini Kareshi: 07 de Julio 18if: 07 de Julio Action Heroine Cheer Fruits: 07 de Julio Jikan no Shihaisha: 08 de Julio Shoukoku no Altair: 08 de Julio Hitorijime My Hero: 08 de Julio Ballroom e Youkoso: 09 de Julio Centaur no Nayami: 09 de Julio Princess Principal: 09 de Julio Tenshi no 3P!: 10 de Julio New Game!!: 11 de Julio Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni.: 11 de Julio Musekinin Galaxy☆Tylor: 11 de Julio Hajimete no Gal: 12 Julio Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV): 12 de Julio Clione no Akari: 12 de Julio Teekyuu 9: 12 de Julio Kaito x Ansa: 12 de Julio Mahoujin Guru Guru (2017): 12 de Julio Ikemen Sengoku: Toki wo Kakeru ga Koi wa Hajimaranai: 12 de Julio Gamers!: 13 de Julio Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi: 15 de Julio THE REFLECTION: 22 de Julio Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic: 24 de Julio Owarimonogatari 2nd Season: Sin fecha de estreno Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart: Sin fecha de estreno Yami Shibai 5th Season: Sin fecha de estreno Musashino!: Sin fecha de estreno Mori no Yousei: Kinoko no Musume: Sin fecha de estreno Piko Tarou no Lullaby Lullaby: Sin fecha de estreno ONA: Karadasagashi: 13 de Julio Seizei Ganbare Mahou Shoujo Kurumi: Sin fecha de estreno OVA: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 OVA: 24 de Julio Bungou Stray Dogs: Hitori Ayumu: 04 de Agosto UQ Holder! OVA: 08 de Septiembre Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito: 10 de Septiembre Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen - Prologue Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma: 13 de Septiembre Películas: Free!: Timeless Medley - Yakusoku: 01 de Julio Mary to Majo no Hana: 08 de Julio Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou Movie 3 - Yakusoku_: 08 de Julio No Game No Life: Zero: 15 de Julio Seitokai Yakuindomo Movie: 21 de Julio Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection: 22 de Julio 3-Nen D-Gumi Glass no Kamen: Tobidase! Watashitachi no VR: 22 de Julio Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka?: 18 de Agosto Kimi no Koe wo Todoketai: 25 de Agosto Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Movie: Sekka no Chikai: 26 de Agosto Koukyoushihen: Eureka Seven - Hi-Evolution 1: 16 de Septiembre Digimon Adventure tri. 5: Kyousei: 30 de Septiembre Hibike! Euphonium Movie: Todoketai Melody: 30 de Septiembre Especiales: A-Channel: Nabe wo Tabeyou: 27 de septiembre Kabuki-bu!: Oogiri - Chiyokoreito Kassen: 27 de Septiembre
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salty-dracon · 7 years
okay, so here’s my summer anime list
fastest finger first- quiz bowl anime b/c i love love LOVE quiz bowl
the centaur one- it looks like a nonfetishized version of monster musume with school thrown in, so i’ll probably love it
chronos rulers- looks like a good action series
princess principal- if i sign up for an amazon account for college i’ll definitely be watching this. princesses in london show up as spies.
if i’m just that bored:
hitorijime my hero- some dude falls in love with his (guy) teacher and a few of his (guy) friends i think. i usually don’t like rom-coms but if anyone’s interested it’s on amazon. also i’ve had enough hot teachers after the... you know
kaito x ansa- two magical guys and a magical girl i think. the perfect bored anime. whenever i watch anything for the art it always turns out horrible though.
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