akamikazae · 2 years
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Love me Mercilessly: Akami x Kakashi Chapter 30: Field Test word count: 10k tw: mentions of sex/sexual content/super-mild BDSM/mentions of violence/gore/mentions of character death/traumatic nightmares previous chapters: [x] or under my tag 'Love me Mercilessly'
Fuck fuck . Akami shot up out of bed “yeah! Sasuke?”
Kakashi groaned. Akami shushed him but he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, his head now in her lap. “Five more minutes' ' he grumbled into her thigh. 
“You promised we could train today?!” Sasuke whined through the closed door. She shoved Kakashi off.
“Yes I-I didn’t forget”, She said frantically looking for clothes to throw on. At the sound of his footsteps coming closer to the door she blurted out. “I’m changing hold on!” She heard him sigh and throw himself onto the couch. 
“You’re training? I thought you were starting with Shikaku today?” She threw Kakashi’s balled up shirt at him, irritated he caught it before it could hit him in the face, even groggy his reflexes were impeccable.
“I am” she said, pulling a T-shirt over her head. “Meeting him for a run through at eleven.” Kakashi stepped into his pants. “But I promised Sasuke last week I’d help him with shuriken.” 
Akami was adamant about not telling anyone until she knew for sure, but after she called the number on the card Shikkaku gave her last week they met up for coffee. They discussed the ins and outs of her report, he confirmed her suspicions; he was the only person to read it. He admitted that he was impressed, he said her report was promising, not perfect but promising. ``But you see what I see.” He had said. 
Being the head of his own division Shikaku was allowed to hire whoever he pleased, something Hiruzen often reminded him of when he dismissed his constant requests. Shikaku reassured Akami that her hire wasn’t just to spite Hiruzen but they both agreed it was an added bonus. Akami asked what exactly she would be doing for him, Shikaku shrugged, “I’m not entirely sure yet,” He admitted she’d probably excel in T and I but he and Inoichi could fight over her later, “I think I want you to be an assistant of sorts–acting as an intermediary between myself and intelligence.” He stopped only to gauge her reaction, “you have the mind for this sort of thing, trust me I can tell. You’re good at getting inside people’s heads and turning them inside out. In fact I’d say you quite enjoy it. I know I do. And well there are so few down in Intelligence that also have combat experience, even fewer with leadership experience. I know I don’t know you but I feel like you’re someone who’s capable of telling me how it is. You’re the type of woman who doesn’t like to pull her punches and I don’t need a yes man.” Akami smiled, maybe she should have taken offense at his analysis of her. She appreciated it, he wanted her for her mind not for how many bodies she could pile up. 
Today she was meeting with him for a tour of the Intelligence building as well as the Jonin Barracks; she didn’t spend time there on account of being Anbu her whole life. Shikaku wanted her to understand what she was getting into, despite the fact he called her an assistant he made it clear her opinions would be valued as highly as his own, and that he’d think of a more appropriate title when she was sure she wanted to work for him. 
Kakashi wrapped his arms around Akami and leaned down to bite her neck. “You might wanna cover these up.” She pushed him off wanting to investigate the damage for herself. 
She turned her head in the mirror and her neck was laced with hickeys. She tugged at the collar of her t-shirt and found more trailing down to her shoulder with small indentations from his teeth. The corners of her lips pulled up and she let out a small sigh. She heard him laugh behind her and their eyes met in the mirror. She quickly exchanged her smile for a frown. He laughed again and put his hands up in defense. She shushed him before taking off her t-shirt and replacing it with her customary high necked top. Short sleeved on her right arm and longer on the left, stopping at her forearm so her summoning tattoo was accessible. Akami ran her hand over it, she thought about wrapping her wrists to cover it, she was nervous about today. 
She caught Kakashi’s reflection as he hopped up into her windowsill and swung open the glass. 
“Hey!” She said hastily turning around and stepping closer to the window, he stopped and pivoted on the balls of his feet. “Am I gonna see you later?” She asked.
He watched her forefinger dig at the tattoo on her forearm like he’d seen her do a hundred times. He smiled softly knowing she could see it through his mask and nodded, ducking out the window. Akami stood there for another minute or so before leaving her room. 
“Sorry Sasuke, I didn’t sleep well last night,”  It wasn’t entirely a lie, but he could tell there was something more she wasn’t telling him. Akami didn’t want Sasuke to worry about the new job unless she was sure she was going to take it. 
“It’s okay,” he said, playing with the tread of the pillow clutched to his lap. 
“How bout I make us breakfast, whatever you want?” He smiled but still looked down at the thread he twirled between his fingers. “Come on it can be anything” she tried again walking into the kitchen. 
“Gohan and tsukemono?” He asked sheepishly 
“Sounds good, what else?” She walked out of her room to retrieve a clip for her hair. 
“Ummm can we have okonomiyaki?” He hopped up from the couch and followed her into the kitchen “and .. and milk bread?! 
“And milk bread,” she repeated. He seated himself on his knees on one of the tall chairs across from her and leaned over the counter excitedly watching her take out the ingredients. If he had inherited anything from living with her it was an appetite. 
“No miso?” Akami questioned ducking her head into the fridge.
“Mmm I never really liked miso, mom made me eat it.” He said nonchalantly. Usually when discussing his family he would stop himself or his voice would get shaky, she would stiffen up not entirely sure what she should say or do. But he mentioned his mom like it was nothing so Akami did the same.
“Mm, me neither” Akami reached for a pan. “Okay Senshi, do you want to help or just watch a master at work?” 
“Can I help?” 
“Of course you can my little chef.” 
She left Sasuke to knead the dough for the milk bread while she sliced and diced.  
“I’m done!” He shouted, his little hands covered in flour wiped at his face. Akami took the dish from him and placed it in the oven. “Did you set the timer?” 
“Uhh huh!” He said cheerfully and hopped back up on the stool after putting the dirty bowl into the sink. “Now what?” Sasuke smiled, He had the same slim mouth as his father—The Uchiha were known for their stoic features, Akami thought it was because their eyes were so expressive that they never needed to use the rest of their face to show what they were feeling— but Sasuke had this way of smiling that made her feel like she could do the impossible. 
Her whole life she was told she was cold and unfeeling, she was praised for it in fact. Maybe they were right, but that didn’t mean she didn’t know how to be warm too and Sasuke made her feel like the sun. 
Akami reached forward and used her thumb to wipe the flour from his cheek. She wished she could bring his family back for him but she knew she couldn't, so she wouldn’t feel bad for thinking… I’m happy I have you . 
Sauske squished his little face into her hand; he giggled, grabbed her fingers and pulled them off. “Kami-chan, Can I crack the eggs?” He asked with three of her fingers trapped in his small fist. She hummed, giving his hand a squeeze and passed him the carton of eggs. 
Shikaku started the tour at the Jonin barracks. The barracks were twice the size of Anbu’s locker room, and their weapons arsenal was impressive to say the least, it wasn’t surprising considering how small and discreet Anbu was. He took her through the training grounds and cafeteria, the locker rooms and the small room inside Hokage Tower where his office was, the room looked more like a meeting space. It was where Shikaku dished out assignments and met with possible clients. 
Akami got quite a few stares as they strolled through Jonin territory (as she and Kakashi called it) but it only amused Shikaku. 
“Don’t worry once you kick their ass a few times and show em’ a thing or two those stares’ll be in admiration.” 
Akami stopped in the outside corridor connecting training fields 1 and 2. Shikaku turned around with his hands in his pockets when he didn’t feel her at his side. 
“You want me to train them?” She asked, 
“Well yeah, it’s not everyday they’ll get to learn from an ex-Anbu. We’ll come up with drills together.” He shrugged and looked up at the clouds, “You mentioned in your report something about breaking ANBU into divisions, we kind of do that here in the sense of teams but I liked that you wanted to have them all spar against one another despite their varied specialties. I mean it makes sense–though I do see why the previous Commander had people hone their individualized skills, but I think in the long run it’d be more beneficial if everyone rounds themselves out, you never know what or who you’ll be up against”. He turned back to look at her, “what’d you call it? a jack of all trades and a master of one” Akami nodded and Shikaku turned back around with a contented sigh and kept walking, Akami pursed her lips to hide her big fat smile and skipped up beside him again.
Shikaku introduced Akami to every single member of Intelligence and its varied divisions. He took her on a tour of the building and showed her an abandoned office right beside his that she could have. They swung by the cipher core, sensory unit and T and I. He sang her praises to Inochi Yamanka. Other than seeing the man in passing and exchanging awkward smiles when she went to the flower shop the last time they spoke was when Minato brought her here and Inochi took a stroll through her mind. He shook her hand and welcomed her like it never happened, in fact he said “I look forward to working with you” with a smile on his face Akami was hard pressed to find was genuine. 
They swung past the archives room, Shikaku didn’t bother to give her a tour, “I take it your familiar” he gestured with an open palm, “honestly I don't know how you found anything in here, you’ll have to show me how you did it”.
Shikaku took her to the basement, a huge space largely abandoned and on occasion used by Ibiki. It was down there that he discussed his goals and dreams and aspirations. He wanted to create a division that could merge brain and brawn, like her position he had yet to come up with a name but he knew with a bit of help that they could get it done. 
After dishing out the paperwork needed for her hire, Shiakaku escorted her all the way to the training grounds behind the Academy, where Sasuke was waiting for her, it was then that Shikaku handed her a scroll. 
“What’s this?” Akami asked, unrolling it to find a mission. 
“Field test little lady,” Akami made a face that had nothing to do with the very unfitting nickname she hoped wouldn’t stick. “Sure I’ve seen your record, but you said it yourself in that report of yours that experience is the true decider of skill.” Shikaku sniggered, “And I would like to experience you in battle.” Akami frowned and rolled up the scroll. 
“Oh don’t tell me you’re nervous now? It’s nothing a Jonin couldn’t handle, should be easy for someone like you.” He teased. 
“It’s not nerves, it’s …” Her words died when Sasuke came into view, he was working on his kata, running through the warm ups she gave him. He was focused until he saw her, then he smiled real big. 
Shikaku nudged her with his shoulder, “That’s not going to distract you is it? Knowing that your life is truly precious to someone?” She thought he was trying to goad her, until she saw the way he smirked at his son laying in the grass looking up at the sky beside the little Akimichi boy.
read the rest of the chapter here [x]
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everydayisfridayg · 10 months
I made this Tumblr simply for fanfic interactions and explanations behind half of the decisions I've made in my fics... I don't know what I'm doing, I've never had an active Tumblr before since I'm just a lurker for the most part but, well, several AO3 Authors tend to have them and use them to do deep dives outside of their fics so here I am.
Here's a link for my KakashixOC fic on AO3 (ongoing):
Aaaaand my MadaTobi Supernatural Crossover AU (completed):
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ljh-writing-blog · 8 months
naruto fic teaser? would be a kakashixoc, slowburn ftw. my OC will be the twin sister to Asuma and former student of not only Kushina but Orochimaru (gonna learn a little from all the sannin but him mainly) much like Obito, also i won’t resist making them besties, when she’s younger she aspires to be the Hokage just like her father. obviously you see the tragedy already on its way. i have thought of sm drama for this fic so even if someone doesn’t read it i’m still gonna write it lol. fair warning my writing is very slow but i will come up with the first piece today. if you’re interested could i get a like or a reblog to let me know ?
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aurorafandomblog · 1 year
I have a confession to make:
i made this blog so i could try writing a drabble or something for itachiXoc or for kakashiXoc but uhhhh.... i have absolutely zero confidence in getting their voices right 😅
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uchihahanakoo · 2 years
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Hello you wonderfullies 🤍
I finally decided to re-write my story (for the fourth time..) 🤍🦋
But I think I’m in love with it now and you can check out the first parts in my WattPad, FINALLY 🥰🌻
all art in my story is drawn by the lovely © @lesyarei7 💜
The cover of my Story was made by my lovely sis, @ladymoo20 🤍
Love you two to the moon 🌙 and back. 🌻
Enjoy 🤍 (I’ll drop the link down below)
You can also contact me on Instagram: @/uchiha.Hanako 🤍
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theunchosenpotato · 2 years
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Hi I’ve been off on a different account drawing a completely different thing but here’s my first attempt at a book cover. I also don’t expect this to get a lot of love because it’s not Maas related but that’s the way the cookie crumbles and I’m just gonna be content with the crumbs I have. ✌️🍪 #bookcover #fanfiction #artwork #thedreamdevourer #naruto #kakashixoc #wattpad #artist #thedreamdevourer #fanfic #digitalart #narutard #kakashihatake #kakashi https://www.instagram.com/p/CiNPomBO4ft/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tinytots09 · 3 years
Shattered [Kakashi x OC] - Chapter 28: The Priestess- is finally up!!!
After a long wait I finally finished this chapter. Hope you old readers enjoy the next installment and new readers....go check out Chapter 1 hehe
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mylittlesyn · 3 years
Chapter 41 of Sunrise:
“Wait.” I called out and he spun on his heels with an exhausted look on his face, dark circles under his eyes, and a frown beneath his mask. He lazily walked over to me and pressed his forehead to mine, putting weight on it as he rested for a moment with his eyes closed. With him facing away from Shikamaru, I lowered his mask and rested my hand on his cheek as I thumbed it while thinking about how much I love this man. After pulling him in for a brief and sweet kiss, he pulled away with the slightest of dreamy smiles before frowning again. He pursed his lips as he sat down with his eyes still closed in front of the screens. That frown still so visible… It’s hard to tell whether it's from the exhaustion or if he’s still angry with me. Though, if I’m honest with myself, it’s probably a bit of both. I watched as he fiddled with the screens and computer, his eyes barely open, all while Asuma continued to tug at my hair with a harsher grip. Ok, it’s starting to hurt. I readjusted my yukata and carefully readjusted Asuma for him to suckle, hopefully calming him so he would stop tugging at my hair so much as I pulled it out of his hand.
 “Oh my! Lord Hokage, what a handsome face you have!” I heard Lady Mizukage’s voice and my head whipped around to see Kakashi scrambling to lift his mask. I tried my best to stifle my snickers, but the scowl Kakashi shot me quickly helped with that. “You look positively exhausted. Are the twins keeping you up?” She questioned with a concerned tone. Kakashi sighed and nodded, far too tired to finess anything akin to a diversion.
 “They’re teething.” He stated with a grimace as he rested his head tilted onto some fingers as he held it up. Just then it seemed the rest of the Kage joined, and I quickly nodded off at the sound of them droning on and on about trading resources.
 “LORD HOKAGE!” The Raikage thundered me away and when I turned my head to Kakashi, I noticed him blinking with wide eyes before rubbing them. “Are we boring you?” The Raikage scolded.
 “No, Lord Raikage. I’m terribly sorry.” Kakashi quickly apologized and continued on with the trade, this time moving on from exchangeable goods, to resource management. I sat up and readjusted Asuma as I pulled the yukata back up before putting him into the crib. Putting on my slippers, I walked down to the cafeteria, holding my side as I went. When I walked up to the cafe portion, I ordered some matcha tea. Bringing the warm aromatic cup back up to the hospital room I was staying in, I opened the door without a sound. When I got there, I saw Kakashi with half lidded eyes, not even noticing that I had walked in. Quietly, and trying my best to stay out of frame, I bent my knees to lower myself and place the cup of matcha tea onto the table. Still out of frame, he grabbed my hand and gave it a thoughtful squeeze before I could walk away. That being said, the tea wasn’t going to do anything unless he drank it… And I watched as he attempted to drink it through his mask, mumbling curses under his breath when it pooled into the cloth of his mask. Quickly, he reangled everything so that his face was barely visible when he took a sip.
Kessho (Female OC) and Kakashi are now living married life, with Kakashi now as Hokage and twins along the way. The war is now over and the ninja that does not exist is starting to grow... A little restless with the lack of chaos. Plus, how are two emotionally stunted ninja supposed to parent?
So far the way I've written it, it's pretty ok to read on its own without having read parts 1 or 2. (Pancakes is their safeword, forgot that part)
I'm just going to lay this out there outright. If you're looking for something super fluffy, or characters who are perfect, where everything works and 'I love you no matter what' because everything is always perfect, or silly tantrums that could've easily been talked out as the form of angst... Don't look here. Relationships take work and I believe that that will make them stronger if two vastly imperfect people work on themselves together... Grow together. There's going to be a lot of angst. (I love writing angst). But it's always constructive and helps build them up. That being said, there are fluffy moments, and when they have them... So please, enjoy!
Also a tag to thank @daddyjackfrost for the prompt of sorts in terms of the Kakashi being tired and forgetting his mask was down.
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Chapters: 3/50 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Original Female Character(s), Hatake Kakashi/Natsuki Rei Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Rei Natsuki (OC) Additional Tags: One Shot Collection, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Anxiety Attacks Series: Part 14 of The Scarecrow and the Bell Summary:
A collection of fluffy one-shots based on this tumblr post: https://myaekingheart.tumblr.com/post/642878623968329728/50-item-writing-prompts-50-wordless-ways-to-say [Standalone companion piece to The Scarecrow and The Bell]
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akamikazae · 2 years
OC-tober Day 28: alternate universe -70’s Kami and Kashi ! 🪩
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I thought Kakashi would look rad with feathered hair, but it’s actually really hard to draw
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everydayisfridayg · 10 months
A Rant by Friday (I'm tired as hell and have writer's block)
Having an idea for a sequel or continuation of a series you're writing on AO3 is great and all until you actually start writing it and feel like you're cheating on your current project by jumping too far ahead, especially if you like it more than the original.
Unrelated (pfft), Prisoner is going to have a follow-up in the same universe taking place in the Founder's Era and I'm in love with the project. Which, coincidentally, means I'm struggling with Prisoner now. Lack of response lately hasn't been helping. Seeing so many writers struggle with the same feedback loop of just not getting a response to certain projects is as depressing as it is relatable. Having that response for over 25 chapters and then losing it was just confusing. (No disrespect to my lurkers, I know you're there. Having over 600 kudos and 120+ bookmarks is what keeps me writing, even without active comments.)
However, if there's one thing I've learned over twelve years of writing, it's that I don't need to care whether or not I lost some readers along the way or if the fic is taking a different direction than the readers want. Fanfiction, to me, is writing what I want to read in a fanfic. If we're searching for popularity, that's where published books come into play.
I stress enough chasing popularity through traditional publishing, why stress out about it for my hobby? Same deal with perfection in plot or perfection in the writing itself. I do my best not to stress about it. I'll still feel bad that some readers didn't want to keep reading or interacting but, at the end of the day, I'm writing what I want my story to be. Maybe I'm just coping.
If you feel like reading a KakashixOC fanfiction that's projected to be over 200k words by the end, Prisoner is for you. Linked below.
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kogiwaru · 5 years
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couldn’t help myself from drawing Kakashi after the boruto episode with Guy and Mirai ~
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orthodoxlily · 4 years
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Excerpt from Civil Affairs - Chapter 23 - “Kakashi’s Denial”
The saying was that everything happened for a reason, some greater cosmic reason, but Kakashi had known too many terrible things to believe in that. There was always a real, tangible reason that something bad happened in life. A man didn’t die because of fate...a man died because of an enemy, a sickness or a bad decision.
Sometimes it was because of another’s arrogance...like what had happened to Obito.
There was a real reason for Tobiro’s death too.
There had to be one. Kiyoko was smart...probably one of the smartest women he knew...so why didn’t she see it? Why didn’t she see that there was a reason? Why didn’t she see that someone had done this to them. That was the only explanation. Someone had killed Tobiro.
Someone had killed his son.
The realization caused the grief to melt away and replaced it with something different...something even more familiar to Kakashi then loss. A mission.
He had a mission.
He stood abruptly from where he had been hunched next to the memorial stone. His fist clenched, his head now clear and his expression determined. Kakashi had never considered himself an avenger, he thought revenge was a waste of talent and energy, but this time he would make an exception.
He would find the person that killed Tobiro and they would pay.
Read More @: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12878064/1/Civil-Affairs
Also available on AO3.
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motofox5 · 5 years
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tinytots09 · 3 years
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Shattered [Kakashi x OC] - on wattpad
Headcanon: The one where they went to a festival in Konoha. (Kakashi should probably take Ahsoka out on one of these...don't you think??)
**Featured in Chapter 25: A Game of Shogi
Link to story: https://www.wattpad.com/story/215737069-shattered-kakashi-x-oc
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theunchosenpotato · 2 years
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Another fanfic book cover because it’s a lot of fun ✌️ #bookcover #kakashi #itachi #naruto #kakashixoc #fanfic #wattpad #illustration #coverdesign #artist #narutoshippuden #akatsuki #thedreamdevourer #anime #procreate https://www.instagram.com/p/Cicwe82O2Q9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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