#kalego kun
sleptrn · 2 years
Kalego Angst With a Hint Of Fluff ( Gender Neutral)
Fandom: Welcome To Demon School Iruma-Kun!
tw! - insults, swear words, self-degrading, mentions of blood, injuries
includes: a 'fight', blaming, guilt, anger, rage, Kalego actually caring for you #WOAH😱😱/hj, friendly banter, jokingly fighting in the end (verbally), Kalego being obliviously smitten, fluff
"Fucking hell. You're so fucking stupid. What the hell is wrong with you?" Kalego grumbled as he pinched the space between his eyebrows.
He's visibly frustrated. No, frustrated is an understatement. He's absolutely enraged. So enraged to the point where you wouldn't be surprised if he killed you right here, right now.
But what exactly brought upon this? What exactly caused Kalego to be in such a furious state...?
You did.
You're the cause of this.
"It's all your fucking fault." He glares at you, with anger so strong that you flinch and look away, too scared to meet his gaze as it might be the end of you.
As he silently ponders for a few seconds about what to do next, thousands of thoughts start running through your head...
'He hates me now.... I fucked up... I shouldn't have messed around with his spell books.. if I didn't, the beast wouldn't have been released... Everything would've been fine...'
Indeed. Kalego isn't frustrated over something small and petty like a spilled coffee,
or you accidentally killing or dislocating his beloved cacti.
....Okay, maybe that isn't small or petty.
He's frustrated over the fact that you've just released a beast even Sullivan would have a hard time defeating.
Worst part about this is that, Sullivan is currently attending to foreign matters in a foreign realm along with all the great superiors of the Netherworld. Thus, it's up to the teachers of the school to take down this beast.
With absolutely no time to waste, Kalego glared at you one last time before storming out of the room, rushing towards where the beast was.
You were frozen on the floor, not knowing what to do. You felt helpless. This is all your fault, yet you can't do anything to help... Can you do anything to help?
No, you can't. You'd just get in Kalego's way.
'I really am nothing but a nuisance..'
You thought to yourself.
Despite your shock, you somehow picked yourself up and got on your feet. With trembling knees, you stumbled towards the window and gasped when you saw that the beast had already defeated 3 teachers and they were all laying on the battlefield, covered in blood.
You felt sick to your stomach, unsure if it was from the gorey sight or the sense of guilt taking over you.
You watched as Kalego arrived at the scene. He looked as stern as always, always standing his ground. But even from here, you could see that he had a hint of fear in his eyes. Well, he was in the presence of a beast who could probably wipe him and the whole school out within 20 minutes after all.
You stare anxiously as he exchanged blows with the beast, casting as many spells as he could with all his might. His comrades fought by his side, but they were all slowly knocked down, one by one. In the end, Kalego was the last man standing.
He took a deep breath.
He closed his eyes for a little while, as if he's praying or recalling a memory...
When he opened his eyes again, he turned towards your direction and looked right at you. He nodded at you slightly with a bittersweet smile.
His eyes were full of will and determination, but also sorrow.
You felt your stomach swirl from fear.
Oh no.
Please. Please don't tell me he's planning to-
Before you could collect your thoughts, Kalego charged up a chant and started attacking the beast with all his might. He casted all sorts of spell, even attacked it physically a few times. They exchanged blows, each blow got increasingly brutal and painful.
You couldn't stand watching the fight helplessly through a glass window when Kalego was risking his life for the school, so you dashed out of the room into the hallways.
I have to get there. I have to do something. I have to be at least a little useful. Fuck. Kalego, please. Hold on a little longer.
When you reached the battlefield, you scouted your surroundings.
Teachers covered in blood were littered on the floor, injured students were scattered by the grass.
The beast was still standing.
Kalego was not.
You stared at Kalego's trembling body in horror. You hurriedly ran towards him and cradled him in your arms.
"KALEGO!!" You screamed in terror as he slightly raised his excruciatingly heavy eyelids and coughed out some blood.
"*cough cough*" His eyes winced in pain as he felt his body ache all over.
"You... You need to get out of here..." He mutters.
He slowly raised his trembling hand and cupped one side of your face.
"Get somewhere safe. Before it's too late.. *cough cough*"
Your eyes water as you gently placed your hand over his that is cupping your face.
"Kalego..." You murmur in a soft, broken voice. You're not hurt, but seeing him like this has wounded you more than any wound ever did.
"Go. Now. Please. While you still can... Save yourself.." He softly says, looking at you with fear and concern.
Why does he care for my safety?
Why does he care about me when I was the cause of this whole massacre in the first place?
Tears ran down your face as you quickly used a floatation spell on Kalego to set him aside to a safe place. You proceeded to cast a healing spell on him - your bloodline ability - and gently kissed his forehead, praying for the best.
You stepped back onto the battlefield, heart filled with rage and anger.
You meet head to head with the beast, but you're not intimidated by it, no. In fact, it's the opposite.
"Im the one who released you, and I will be the one to put an end to you." You narrow your eyes threateningly.
And the fight begins.
....Anddd the fight is over.
You've finally discarded the beast, but you're basically half-dead.
You have bruises and scratches all over your body, you have a fatal wound around your abdomen and you're losing a lot of blood. You start to slowly lose consciousness as you take small steps towards the area where you've set Kalego down at.
You kneel down next to him and examine his body.
Thank goodness, he's alright.
You breathe a sigh of relief, and gently run a hand over his cheek, causing him to gain consciousness.
But before you could greet him or say anything,
You collapsed.
You flinched in your sleep as you felt a slight pain in your lower abdomen.
The pain got more intense by the second, and suddenly it felt like an electric shock, stinging you from within.
"ACK!" You screamed loudly as you shot up from your sleeping position.
You were... In a hospital room. You were on a hospital bed...
You were basically mummified in bandages...
You took in your surroundings as you tried to recall all the events that happened, but that train of thought was broken off by the familiar sting of pain.
"OUCH!! WHAT THE FUCK?!" You snap your head to the side only to see a familiar face holding a cotton swab.
A face that is ever so familiar.
A face that pisses you off ,
but also a face you're so relieved to see.
"Pfft... Someone who took on a whole deadly beast is scared of a little hydrogen peroxide?" He raised an eyebrow and laughed mockingly.
You glare at him, clearly not having enough energy to deal with his shitty attitude. Especially not when you just woke up. Especially not when he's stabbing you with that hell of a cotton swab.
"Is this really how you treat someone who saved your sorry ass? Torment them with a stinging, torture device?"
"Well it's either you deal with this so-called 'stinging torture device' and stop whining.. or you can get an infection. Pick your poison, your highness."
You glared at him, only to get a cocky grin in return.
"Sigh... I don't have the energy to put up with your shit right now. Are you done? I want to get back to sleep." You say, laying back down and pulling up your blanket.
"Yeah, I'm done. If I continue treating you with the oh-so-deadly 'stinging torture device' you'd continue to whine and cry anyways. And as much as I'd enjoy that, other patients probably wouldn't."
You rolled your eyes, smiling.
"Wow, okay, Mr. Sadist...." you mocked.
"Anyways, since you're done, I'll get some rest." You dragged your blanket closer and motioned for him to get out.
You expected some sort of remark from him, but he just complied with your request and smiled slightly before walking out the door.
Weird, that's not quite like Kalego.
Maybe he hit his head a little too hard...
You chuckled to yourself before you drifted off to sleep.
A few hours had passed,
Kalego came into your hospital room once again and sat on the seat beside your bed. You were still sound asleep, exhausted from the fight.
Kalego silently admired how peaceful you looked while you were asleep and ran his fingers over your cheek gently.
He recalled everything you've done on the battlefield, and how concerned you were about his well-being.
The thought made his gaze soften slightly.
"You really are something..." He sighs quietly.
He continues admiring you, resting his head by your bedside.
Then, he hesitantly gets closer to you.
So close you could probably feel his warm breath on you...
He gently whispered into your ears...
"...Thank you."
Right after saying those words, his ears had a soft tint of pink.
He's probably embarrassed. Or maybe it's pink for a different reason...
I guess we'll never know...
Kalego knows that you were the cause of this whole mess in the first place, but he somehow couldn't bring himself to hate you. You are constantly on his mind. Everytime he says something mean to you, he would be up at night wondering if he had gone too far or crossed any of your boundaries... He knows that despite the fact that you're an idiot to him, you're also special to him in some way.
He knows.
But what he DOESN'T know is that you were awake the whole time he said all that and did all those sweet gestures, also when he was mindlessly staring at you...
and you will never let him live it down.
The end 🥂
I'm not proofreading this until tomorrow it's literally almost 4am I NEED SLEEEPP
anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it!! It's not that angsty tbh so I apologize if You expected something more soul-crushing...
Follow for more content like this from me ✍️ requests are also open so feel free to send me some in my ask box!
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asmodeusamaryllis · 3 months
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artxii · 8 months
Kalego's evil cycle routine just dropped!
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writerswho · 4 months
Aizawa is a terrible teacher. I love Aizawa, but I love the fanon version of Aizawa. Even when he's a bad teacher in the fanfics, he's still better than the canon. But what made me realise what a crap teacher Aizawa is was Kalego. After watching Iruma-kun and starting to read the manga, I realised that Kalego, the uptight, grumpy, tired and kind of sadistic teacher who gives his students extra work just because he can, is everything Aizawa tries to be, but isn't. Because Kalego cares about his students in a way canon!Aizawa would never. Like, yeah, Aizawa would die for his students, but that is not due to the fact that his a good teacher. It is because he is a hero and that is what heroes do. While Kalego would also die protecting his students and even kill for them, he also pays attention to their needs as students. Half of the 1-A need help with their regular grades and the other half need help finding ways to use their quirks without hurting themselves. We all joke about Midoriya and his bone juice, but why does nobody think about giving that kid some extra help? Why didn't his homeroom teacher try to find a way for him to use his quirk without blowing himself? Or a way for Kamimari to use his quirk without frying his brain? Aizawa ignores de most basic things about his students' needs, like finding ways for them to use their quirks without damaging their bodies and health. Or the way Midoriya is around Bakugou, who tried to attack him on the first day and almost killed him on the second day. Kalego-sensei, on the other hand, took his time to make a personal notebook for each of his students and worried about finding ways to utilise their strengths regardless of how seemingly meaningless or nonsensical they may be and so many other things. Kalego-sensei cares about his class, about their growth and their future and is trying to find the best alternative for them. Everyone talks about what a bad teacher All Might is, but All Might is a rookie teacher with less than a year on the job (and nobody knows if he has a teacher's licence or not) while Aizawa is believed to be one of the oldest people on Nedzu's payroll. I am comparing Aizawa to Kalego because when I first saw Kallego, I thought he was the demon version of Aizawa. I now realise that if Aizawa were a third of the teacher that Kalego is, maybe these child soldiers would have a chance. When Iruma tried to do everything by himself/messed up, Kalego scolded him, obviously, but he made it clear that if Iruma had another problem, he could ask for help. Because Kalego is his teacher, and he's there to help him in any way he needs. But when Midoriya messed up/did everything by himself, well, they just yelled at him and made him feel guilty, and think that the solution isn't to ask for help or trust the adults next time, but to find a way not to get caught. Aizawa should spend a few days with Kalego and learn to be a real professional and a teacher who does what's best for the students.
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mandatorybear · 9 months
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I'm so glad Opera is a teacher now, so many opportunities to tease an old kouhai ><
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yuno-karei · 1 year
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[Image ID: A Mairimashita! Iruma-kun comic based on incorrect quotes. Opera in the first image says "I scare people sometimes because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there. " with a sigh. In the second image, it's a bottom up shot with Kalego squatting on top of a cupboard, scared shitless while holding onto a spray bottle and pointing it at Opera in an attempt to defend himself. "How did you get into my house!? " he asks. A bit of the back of Opera's head is shown in the bottom right corner of the image, and their ear wiggles while they reply "Exactly. " in delight. End ID]
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mazojo · 10 months
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rosehipkid · 2 months
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guys. what if they hung out and were also in love. also huuuge shoutout to kalego for having worlds most cartoony ass eyes ever
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madmarchhare · 6 months
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It happened again!!!!!
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korygeki · 5 months
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This is the piece i did for the MairumaDevizine !!!
A sleepover with Opera, Kalego and Balam when they were still in school🥺!!!!
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luxthestrange · 8 months
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#49 Huh...
Mafia Au...With You being adopted along with your younger brother Iruma by Sullivan...More details in the future-
Opera: You ever see something that changes your life and you're just like "Huh..." Y/n*Brushing their messy hair softly to untangle it and smiles*I saw you~ Opera*Taken aback and rolls their eyes but their ears tips are as red as hair* ... Honestly, that's cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Kalego in a bird costume
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nonbinarypirat · 9 months
physical affection and how it relates to iruma: part 1, parental touch
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iruma reads as someone who is touch starved and doesn't like/understand touch until he now has affectionate people in his life. His parents have probably never touched him besides the required amount when he was a baby and maybe a headpat or quick hug (which would more than likely just be a manipulation tactic to get him to do their crazy schemes). They left him alone for days on end, there's no way they even could have been affectionate with him. And it's not like he ever went to school, his "friends" at school couldn't even remember him because of how many days he missed.
Overall, Iruma reads as touch starved but doesn't know he's missing it since he never had it to begin with. Here comes the love trio, the misfit class, Balam and more. Suddenly he has a lot of people in his life who are comfortable with touching him, even want to as a sign of how close they are. And we can see iruma very much becomes happy with it in turn.
That's why Balam and iruma's relationship is important, a parental type person he trusts is actively choosing to be affectionate with him, not to manipulate him but just because he cares about iruma. He even told him the reason is just to bond and get to know iruma, not some sort of underhanded method. This is just Balam's way of connecting. And they are close to each other enough to be comfortable in each other's spaces. Whether Iruma reads balam as a parent or not, balam is very much like a momma bird, keeping him close and safe in his arms. And Iruma becomes more open to it as time goes on with them knowing more about the other.
This is also a great dynamic because balam gives him the affection that he doesn't recieve from kalego, someone he clearly holds in high regard. Almost every time iruma reflects on the people that matter the most to him, kalego is there. which i find fascinating because what is kalego to iruma? on a subconscious level, i think he views kalego as a parental figure to him as well, one of the first to give him clear and concise rules to follow. his parents were just a fucking mess, they barely parented. never really taught him life lessons besides "just say yes" and "run." Kalego clearly cares a lot while also helping iruma navigate the netherworld making it easy for him to project a father role onto kalego
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But kalego isn't an affectionate man from what we have seen. And even if he was, he is his instructor first and foremost so he may not feel comfortable being so with iruma (and also imagine the fucking annoying comments about favoritism from the other misfits LOL). Any touching has been fairly limited to him picking up Iruma like during the teacher dorm visits and Kalego's final hours as a familiar. Which honestly make these few scenes even more precious. Because he is actively choosing to be like this with Iruma. Affection does not come easy to Kalego like it does Balam. More than likely because of his upbringing and family beliefs (always needing to remain vigilant, dignified) and him as a person. So while he doesn't touch Iruma often, his one on one moments with him are extremely personal and parental in nature. And when he does interact with Iruma physically, the rarity adds to the specialness.
And then there's Opera. Opera has been especially more affectionate in the latest volumes with hand holding and hugs and all sort of touching. Which is very wholesome to see because Opera wasn't a character that had much of a strong relationship with Iruma at the beginning besides guarding him. I always got the impression that Opera didn't know how to feel about him, not to say they wouldn't protect him with everything they have. But the feelings and affection started up after the battler/batra Party when Iruma grabbed both Sullivan and Opera (though the care for him had been growing steadily before that). I have seen two main headcannons for their relationship, some see it more as a big sibling relationship while others see it as a parental one as well. For the sake of this post, I will be using it as a parent and child one.
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Opera has been right there with Sullivan watching Iruma grow more and more confident as time goes on. And through Iruma growing up, we see how proud of him Opera is. From a scared child to a more bold child, Opera has helped cultivate this in him. I also love that whenever Sullivan isn't around, Opera takes over for taking care of him, allowing the two to have solo family time. Obviously their relationship is more of a weird dynamic seeing as how Opera is a security devil, but that doesn't stop the story from developing their relationship. The physical affection for the two is started from both sides, Iruma hugging Opera or Opera holding out their hand to hold as they walk home. In this case, their relationship is the most parent like as the story progresses.
And finally, we have Sullivan who is the most affectionate of the four. Come on, you can't beat grandpa when it comes to love and devotion to Iruma. He is the first one to introduce Iruma to physical affection in the first place. Now granted, in a slightly overbearing way at first because Iruma is not used to this and Sullivan is too happy to have a grandson. But now, we can see the genuineness behind each of his interactions with Iruma. He very much acts like a doting grandfather, and he really does love him too. Touching clearly comes more naturally to him so it's his way of showing Iruma love which opened the doors for more people in Iruma's life to show this too. When Iruma first started touching Sullivan back at the battler/batra party, it highlighted that Iruma is now more comfortable with Sullivan to do so back. He has been taught by Sullivan this way of caring and cares about him in the same way too. There's a lot of mutual love.
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They have come a long way as a family unit. Sure, grandpa has always been Iruma's number one supporter, but at the beginning of the story it felt way too over the top? As the audience we were right there besides Iruma in feeling overwhelmed by Sullivan. This far into the story though, the emotional trust they have in each other is beautiful. They are no longer just two individuals thrown together by fate, they are two people who care about the other and their weird little family. And its even more wonderous when we think about Sullivan's past, having lost someone deeply close to him and has no way of knowing if he'll ever return (aka Delkira). From what we know, it seemed that Sullivan truly loved him like a son/grandson/family member and loosing him is still something he's grappling over. And yet, he was still able to create this, push through his pain to make a family with Iruma. He's not a replacement for what he lost, but somone he allows himself to care about in a similar way in the past. By pushing through the trauma, he has been able to give Iruma what he never had in his past life.
I see both Balam, Kalego, and Opera as parents who provide him with different styles of parenting (with grandpa also providing that but also being a "ill give you anything you want" guardian hehe). Through this, he can learn varied viewpoints and, more importantly to this post, the affection he never had as a child. Does it make up for never having grown up with it? No, it never could. But it's not about making up for what it lost, rather its about making new connections and love with what you have now. And displaying that love in small and bigger ways with touch.
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artxii · 5 months
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jnctln · 1 year
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We all know it's Opera's fault. 乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏ
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supreme-leader-stoat · 3 months
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"I am the Guard Dog of Babyls and have a duty to protect its students and its order. Anything and everything that disturbs the peace of Babyls is my enemy. Whether it's my family, my colleague, or even one of the students themselves. AND SO,
"I have heard absolutely nothing."
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