#kalego angst
sleptrn · 2 years
Kalego Angst With a Hint Of Fluff ( Gender Neutral)
Fandom: Welcome To Demon School Iruma-Kun!
tw! - insults, swear words, self-degrading, mentions of blood, injuries
includes: a 'fight', blaming, guilt, anger, rage, Kalego actually caring for you #WOAH😱😱/hj, friendly banter, jokingly fighting in the end (verbally), Kalego being obliviously smitten, fluff
"Fucking hell. You're so fucking stupid. What the hell is wrong with you?" Kalego grumbled as he pinched the space between his eyebrows.
He's visibly frustrated. No, frustrated is an understatement. He's absolutely enraged. So enraged to the point where you wouldn't be surprised if he killed you right here, right now.
But what exactly brought upon this? What exactly caused Kalego to be in such a furious state...?
You did.
You're the cause of this.
"It's all your fucking fault." He glares at you, with anger so strong that you flinch and look away, too scared to meet his gaze as it might be the end of you.
As he silently ponders for a few seconds about what to do next, thousands of thoughts start running through your head...
'He hates me now.... I fucked up... I shouldn't have messed around with his spell books.. if I didn't, the beast wouldn't have been released... Everything would've been fine...'
Indeed. Kalego isn't frustrated over something small and petty like a spilled coffee,
or you accidentally killing or dislocating his beloved cacti.
....Okay, maybe that isn't small or petty.
He's frustrated over the fact that you've just released a beast even Sullivan would have a hard time defeating.
Worst part about this is that, Sullivan is currently attending to foreign matters in a foreign realm along with all the great superiors of the Netherworld. Thus, it's up to the teachers of the school to take down this beast.
With absolutely no time to waste, Kalego glared at you one last time before storming out of the room, rushing towards where the beast was.
You were frozen on the floor, not knowing what to do. You felt helpless. This is all your fault, yet you can't do anything to help... Can you do anything to help?
No, you can't. You'd just get in Kalego's way.
'I really am nothing but a nuisance..'
You thought to yourself.
Despite your shock, you somehow picked yourself up and got on your feet. With trembling knees, you stumbled towards the window and gasped when you saw that the beast had already defeated 3 teachers and they were all laying on the battlefield, covered in blood.
You felt sick to your stomach, unsure if it was from the gorey sight or the sense of guilt taking over you.
You watched as Kalego arrived at the scene. He looked as stern as always, always standing his ground. But even from here, you could see that he had a hint of fear in his eyes. Well, he was in the presence of a beast who could probably wipe him and the whole school out within 20 minutes after all.
You stare anxiously as he exchanged blows with the beast, casting as many spells as he could with all his might. His comrades fought by his side, but they were all slowly knocked down, one by one. In the end, Kalego was the last man standing.
He took a deep breath.
He closed his eyes for a little while, as if he's praying or recalling a memory...
When he opened his eyes again, he turned towards your direction and looked right at you. He nodded at you slightly with a bittersweet smile.
His eyes were full of will and determination, but also sorrow.
You felt your stomach swirl from fear.
Oh no.
Please. Please don't tell me he's planning to-
Before you could collect your thoughts, Kalego charged up a chant and started attacking the beast with all his might. He casted all sorts of spell, even attacked it physically a few times. They exchanged blows, each blow got increasingly brutal and painful.
You couldn't stand watching the fight helplessly through a glass window when Kalego was risking his life for the school, so you dashed out of the room into the hallways.
I have to get there. I have to do something. I have to be at least a little useful. Fuck. Kalego, please. Hold on a little longer.
When you reached the battlefield, you scouted your surroundings.
Teachers covered in blood were littered on the floor, injured students were scattered by the grass.
The beast was still standing.
Kalego was not.
You stared at Kalego's trembling body in horror. You hurriedly ran towards him and cradled him in your arms.
"KALEGO!!" You screamed in terror as he slightly raised his excruciatingly heavy eyelids and coughed out some blood.
"*cough cough*" His eyes winced in pain as he felt his body ache all over.
"You... You need to get out of here..." He mutters.
He slowly raised his trembling hand and cupped one side of your face.
"Get somewhere safe. Before it's too late.. *cough cough*"
Your eyes water as you gently placed your hand over his that is cupping your face.
"Kalego..." You murmur in a soft, broken voice. You're not hurt, but seeing him like this has wounded you more than any wound ever did.
"Go. Now. Please. While you still can... Save yourself.." He softly says, looking at you with fear and concern.
Why does he care for my safety?
Why does he care about me when I was the cause of this whole massacre in the first place?
Tears ran down your face as you quickly used a floatation spell on Kalego to set him aside to a safe place. You proceeded to cast a healing spell on him - your bloodline ability - and gently kissed his forehead, praying for the best.
You stepped back onto the battlefield, heart filled with rage and anger.
You meet head to head with the beast, but you're not intimidated by it, no. In fact, it's the opposite.
"Im the one who released you, and I will be the one to put an end to you." You narrow your eyes threateningly.
And the fight begins.
....Anddd the fight is over.
You've finally discarded the beast, but you're basically half-dead.
You have bruises and scratches all over your body, you have a fatal wound around your abdomen and you're losing a lot of blood. You start to slowly lose consciousness as you take small steps towards the area where you've set Kalego down at.
You kneel down next to him and examine his body.
Thank goodness, he's alright.
You breathe a sigh of relief, and gently run a hand over his cheek, causing him to gain consciousness.
But before you could greet him or say anything,
You collapsed.
You flinched in your sleep as you felt a slight pain in your lower abdomen.
The pain got more intense by the second, and suddenly it felt like an electric shock, stinging you from within.
"ACK!" You screamed loudly as you shot up from your sleeping position.
You were... In a hospital room. You were on a hospital bed...
You were basically mummified in bandages...
You took in your surroundings as you tried to recall all the events that happened, but that train of thought was broken off by the familiar sting of pain.
"OUCH!! WHAT THE FUCK?!" You snap your head to the side only to see a familiar face holding a cotton swab.
A face that is ever so familiar.
A face that pisses you off ,
but also a face you're so relieved to see.
"Pfft... Someone who took on a whole deadly beast is scared of a little hydrogen peroxide?" He raised an eyebrow and laughed mockingly.
You glare at him, clearly not having enough energy to deal with his shitty attitude. Especially not when you just woke up. Especially not when he's stabbing you with that hell of a cotton swab.
"Is this really how you treat someone who saved your sorry ass? Torment them with a stinging, torture device?"
"Well it's either you deal with this so-called 'stinging torture device' and stop whining.. or you can get an infection. Pick your poison, your highness."
You glared at him, only to get a cocky grin in return.
"Sigh... I don't have the energy to put up with your shit right now. Are you done? I want to get back to sleep." You say, laying back down and pulling up your blanket.
"Yeah, I'm done. If I continue treating you with the oh-so-deadly 'stinging torture device' you'd continue to whine and cry anyways. And as much as I'd enjoy that, other patients probably wouldn't."
You rolled your eyes, smiling.
"Wow, okay, Mr. Sadist...." you mocked.
"Anyways, since you're done, I'll get some rest." You dragged your blanket closer and motioned for him to get out.
You expected some sort of remark from him, but he just complied with your request and smiled slightly before walking out the door.
Weird, that's not quite like Kalego.
Maybe he hit his head a little too hard...
You chuckled to yourself before you drifted off to sleep.
A few hours had passed,
Kalego came into your hospital room once again and sat on the seat beside your bed. You were still sound asleep, exhausted from the fight.
Kalego silently admired how peaceful you looked while you were asleep and ran his fingers over your cheek gently.
He recalled everything you've done on the battlefield, and how concerned you were about his well-being.
The thought made his gaze soften slightly.
"You really are something..." He sighs quietly.
He continues admiring you, resting his head by your bedside.
Then, he hesitantly gets closer to you.
So close you could probably feel his warm breath on you...
He gently whispered into your ears...
"...Thank you."
Right after saying those words, his ears had a soft tint of pink.
He's probably embarrassed. Or maybe it's pink for a different reason...
I guess we'll never know...
Kalego knows that you were the cause of this whole mess in the first place, but he somehow couldn't bring himself to hate you. You are constantly on his mind. Everytime he says something mean to you, he would be up at night wondering if he had gone too far or crossed any of your boundaries... He knows that despite the fact that you're an idiot to him, you're also special to him in some way.
He knows.
But what he DOESN'T know is that you were awake the whole time he said all that and did all those sweet gestures, also when he was mindlessly staring at you...
and you will never let him live it down.
The end 🥂
I'm not proofreading this until tomorrow it's literally almost 4am I NEED SLEEEPP
anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it!! It's not that angsty tbh so I apologize if You expected something more soul-crushing...
Follow for more content like this from me ✍️ requests are also open so feel free to send me some in my ask box!
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dollfishu · 2 years
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Can’t help but think how Kalego does his weird wing-like bangs just like Narnia. I was re-reading Kalego Gaiden and I noticed how his signature bangs weren’t a part of his ‘schtick’ as a child.
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Nor at the time when he was chosen to be the next watchdog of Babyls.
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At first I thought everyone in the Naberius clan might have the same hairstyle as Narnia and current adult Kalego, but Kalego’s Uncle didn’t. It’s just an adorable fluffy and messy tuft. (I’m not counting the horn-like cowlicks since these are a signature trait of all the Naberius’s as confirmed by Osamu Nishi)
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During his time as a student in Babyls, you can see a bit of a ’style change’ in his hair.
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Even the thought of changing his hairstyle from the one he is currently adopting was out of the question!
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During the flashback sequence after Opera’s punch, he remembers his older brother’s words:
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Narnia being the first person he thought off before he was about to ‘lose consciousness’ means that he obviously holds him in extremely high regard and respect. All younger brothers admire their older siblings. 
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Osamu Nishi confirmed that the Naberius household consists of Kalego, Narnia, their uncle, and their father. Since it is evident that their father worked in Border Patrol that means he clearly wouldn’t have the time to take care of his children. Also assuming that their is no Naberius mother in the equation, and knowing that the Uncle is an irresponsible deadbeat, the brunt of the household was left on Narnia’s shoulders. Being the eldest sibling holds enough responsibility on its own with a level of duty and dependability that comes with it.
This is why Kalego obviously sees Narnia as a responsible, calm and collected individual. Even their Uncle was intimidated by his authoritarian behavior.
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Essentially, almost all younger siblings have the innate desire to mimic their older sibling. They want to look like them, act like them and mostly want their approval. The first time Kalego fully adopted Narnia’s hairstyle with the side swept bangs were during his youngin days as a school-teacher trainee. Ponytail included.
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And in the end we ended up with the full package (sans ponytail):
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That’s why a part of me is extremely fearful about how Kalego would react if Narnia were to have returned to his demonic origins. It would be a major blow to him seeing the person whom he follows by example reduced to someone that succumbed to primal desires. His older brother, Narnia, whom he placed on a pedestal, whose existence is probably vital for his own sense of self - has let him down. I can't even imagine the whirlwind of emotions he will go through if that were true...
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xatsperesso · 1 year
what if Narnia was the one to tell Kalego that Iruma is a human?
Oh what would kalego feel? Betrayed that no one bothered to tell him, that he had to find out through his brother of all people? Conflicted that iruma is a human and thus may pose a threat to the school, but he's still one his students so what should he do? Would he feel horror slowly settle into his spine as he realises that a human, these squishy weak things his best friend is obsessed with, has went through a lot, has almost died several times, and would push for iruma to go back to the human world for his safety, a world that's made for such weak beings?
Or would he suddenly feel indifferent, any emotions he may have felt for his student vanishing in an instant simply because iruma is a human, something lower than himself? Blind rage at the fact that a human has been using for more than a year like his little pet? Making him his familiar to be tossed around at his whims
What if kalego's only against the six fingers because they put his school in danger, thus interfering with his job as Babyl’s gaurd dog? And as long as they do not come after the school he wouldn't bat an eye at anything they're doing. Narnia works under henri, so what if upon knowing of henri's worries over the child narnia decides to just take matters into his own hands and get rid of what may cause destabilisation to their world?
What if kalego heard his brother's reasoning and decided that he was right? What if he gave iruma to them on a silver plate to do to him as they wish because he doesn't want to interfere with his brother's work, as he would hate if narnia interfered with his work
Obviously I want kalego's reaction of Iruma’s nature to be positive but, ya know, what if
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vilevampire · 1 year
(continuing previous ask) Like for example, him trying so hard and doing his very best in his job but still not getting a lot of recognition from his students (and/or peers). He'd probably get burnt out if he keeps pushing himself too hard, but he also can't afford to be left behind because that'd be embarrassing and he wants to make Kalego proud of him too so he needs to keep trying HARDER and try to make up for what he's lacking until eventually he can't anymore and then he reaches a breaking point
damn he needs adderall
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lucian379 · 1 year
How did this happen?
By AclinuAzurosan
My own take on Iruma being discovered for having a lack of wings. Snippets of before shit goes down. A somewhat crack-fic vibe (low-level) Alice is blissfully ignorant (of Iruma and his feelings) People worry (rightfully so) Iruma is too much of people pleaser Author put low effort........sorry but not really
Chapter 1:
'How did I end up in here? I need to get away from here! They’re gonna find out!........ Why is my shirt lifting? Wait...' 
"NO DON'T-" 
*Collective gasps from the teachers* 
Iruma Suzuki, age 14, has found himself in trouble. A great challenge any high schooler must face. Yes, Iruma is facing the dreaded... FINAL EXAM . Now this wouldn't be such a huge problem for most students, expect for the fact that Iruma has never gone to school before Babirus. Meaning he has absolutely no studying skills at all. Why should he? It's not like he was doing everything he had to survive all the dangerous situations his parents put him through. Pssh yeah that's just crazy talk. 
'Mom, Dad, why?' Iruma thought crying to himself as his soul leaves his body. 
Asmodeus Alice, one of the top students in not only the Abnormal Class, but among the first years as well. How would he react to seeing just how bad Iruma is at school? Would he laugh? Would he be shocked into silence? Is he disappointed with Iruma?! 
Answer, blatantly ignore all signs and cry his heart out to Iruma since the image of him being the next demon king is seared into his mind. Az......
"I'm sure you can ace the tests!! I will help you in anything you don't understand Iruma-sama!" 
"Whaa- UH, thank you Az-kun?" 
Oh Alice, when will you realize, Iruma isn't any old demon off the block. 
Iruma Suzuki, age 14, deceased after one day of 'studying'. 
'I just don't understand anything said in the textbooks. What is this written in? Ancient Greek?' I head down to the dining room, maybe some food will help. 
"Do you want me to tell you what's on the test?" Grandpa says to me, honestly, I don't think that would help me. "Or if possible, we'll give Iruma-kun only the easy questions!" 
'Grandpa nooooo, please, I couldn't even get the easy questions right. Plus, I don't want to be caught cheating.' 
"There is no need to go so far for Iruma-sama. He will definitely score the test with F.L.Y.I.N.G C.O.L.O.U.R.S." Opera, I can't deny that when you say it with such confidence and expectation. 
*weeps heartbrokenly* 
A classroom, filled with heavy tension, everyone with a book in their hands, "Um..." Asmodeus Alice looks upon the strange scene unfolding before him. 
"Let's leave them alone Iruma-sama. Let's study together instead and see what you need help with!" 
"Ye-yes! Ok let's do this!" 
*one quizzing session later* 
'I'm gonna die.... none of these make any sense. How am I supposed to know what any of this is?' 
'I'm HUMAN! If only I could tell them that, but then I might get eaten.........waaaahhhhh.' 
Iruma Suzuki, yet again defeated by his greatest enemy, school work. 
Study High; the pleasure of scoring points it causes the person to get a big head on their shoulders. Who do you think became an idiot after scoring full marks on a subject he would obviously know about? 
Is it, (A) Shax Leid, (B) Saboro Sabnock, (C) Keroli Crocell, or (D) None of the above? 
Place your bets down people! 50 grim for the winner! 
Again, smile and wave boys because Az-Az over blatantly ignores the strangeness of Iruma's lack of netherworld common knowledge. Which brings us to the point before disaster strikes. 
You know, there are moments in your life where you look back and go, "Yep, should not have done that lol." 
This was one of those moments. 
Clara, Az, and I are walking to Darry sensei's class on 'Demonic History.' Everything is going great! I've got full marks on 'Imaginary Creatures', I must have a talent for things like this! Az-kun said so and everyone else in class! 
Only Darry sensei isn't in class, it's.... Balam sensei? 
"Isn't that...." 
"Ahaha Iruma-sama, maybe we should come back another time."  
"Don't worry Az-kun, I'm sure Balam sensei is-" 
*slither slither up in the air* 
'Hehe... I guess Balam is just a touchy guy? Whooooo, at least he didn't seem to notice. Haha.........I just wish he'd take these vines off my back' 
"Creatures like imaginary beings.....The research of imaginary beings.....vastly unexplored place...possible that new........DO YOU KNOW WHAT IMAGINARY BEINGS EAT!?" 
"UWAH! UH-" 
'Balam sensei is just going over what humans are. Phew, I guess it's good that I'm human. Maybe learning from him won't be so bad.' 
'This Balam person is certainly one to look out for. Grabbing Iruma-sama like that! Oooh, at least you're keeping to yourself now.'  
"But the demon world is a very dangerous ecosystem, that's why demons have evolved to gain tails and wings." Balam sensei drones on walking towards his new students. 
"Even without horns, with wings at least you could es...ca...pe...HUH?!" 
'I really should be paying attention to what Balam sensei is saying but I already know all of this. Hmmmm, maybe I can pass with just getting- UH WHAT IS TOUCHING MY-' 
"AHHHH!"  "WHOA!?" 
Balam sensei is forcefully carrying me on his shoulder. He's running so fast, turning this way and that, I've lost all sense of direction. Ugh, I feel like I'm going to throw up. 
Suddenly we burst through these doors, startling everyone inside. It's...the faculty room? Why- No wait, first I need to get off of Balam sensei. 
"Balam sensei what are you saying? No wings?" 
"Yeah, they're probably just in his back." 
'How did I end up in here? I need to get away from here! They're gonna find out!........ Why is my shirt lifting? Wait...' 
"NO DON'T-" 
*Collective gasps from the teachers* 
-------------(Talk about back scars)-------------
Iruma Suzuki, age 14, attack: 0, defense: ∞. 
That is, only now. You see, Iruma wasn't simply born with the ability to dodge everything that came his way. He had to learn and teach himself how to dodge. To the point where it became second nature to him. 
Iruma Suzuki...... wasn't always lucky enough to escape a dangerous situation unscathed. He's suffered, and suffered hard from the consequences of his negligent parents. 
He's scarred. He's hurt. And these scars will never go away. 
And that is exactly what he had been trying so hard to hide from everyone, even his adopted grandpa. And now everyone will know. Iruma Suzuki isn't super strong, he didn't train to dodge out of achievement, Iruma had to dodge to survive . 
"Wha-what is this?" A female teacher says horrified. 
"His back... it's..." said a male teacher this time. 
"Iruma... How did this happen?" Balam sensei, you shouldn't have done this. 
I quickly pull my shirt back on and run as fast as my legs can carry me. I can't see, I can't breathe, I feel nothing... nothing but pain and panic. Everything is blurred around me. The lights are too bright. The sounds of everything, too loud. Hide. I need to hide. I need to run away. I need to protect myself. 
'Please, stop. Don't look. Don't look at me! DON'T AT LOOK ME! '
This is also available on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same name.
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meabh-mcinness · 1 year
Anon that requested runaway!SO Narnia prompt here, and my heart squeezed when I saw you put it in your list. Thank you so much!
Saw your post, and I love the idea for it to take place before the 13th Deviculum, it changes Narnia's vitriol towards Iruma so much.
I don't believe that he doesn't think that Iruma's fame (as the Misfits are apparently a household name and in papers) DIDN'T influence his lover leaving him in a bid for freedom! Maybe he noticed that she had been paying attention to whatever news they got of Iruma's antics, like him even attending his first Deviculum.
Makes his beef with Iruma personal, if Narnia even slightly blamed the poor bean's (seemingly intentional) tendency to stand out as what put ideas in her head when she was pretty content to stay before.
(Actually, my first idea about why the SO leapt to the nuclear option of vanishing and not talking it out, prompt happening after-deviculum, was because he knocked her up. And girl got SO scared for her child, since at that point he revealed that he still hated 'dirty humans' and it fed into her pre-existing insecurities about how he kept her secret from everyone he knew, why he never married her in any kind of demonic ritual, and fed her growing misassumption that she was basically a pet that he didn't think was acceptable for demonic society.
Culminating into a major freak out when the SO found out she was going to have a half-human baby.
Like, would he want to keep her child? Would they be raised to never know that their mother was human, with the belief that her heritage made them weak compared to full-blooded demon children? Would Narnia still keep her secret and introduce their child to society as without a mother, without her?
...most of her worries aren't quite true, as imo Narnia *wasn't* trying to treat her like a mistress/guilty secret wife, it was mostly his yandere tendencies and unrestrained demonic territorial possessiveness talking and getting irrationally jealous of possible competition, of anyone else taking up her attention.
Part of it is because Narnia doesn't have many trusted allies (friends) that weren't also co-workers (and thus can recognize a human) and wouldn't set his instincts off! And he got way too comfortable with their current lifestyle, since he was probably an intensely private demon in the first place.
Truly a misundestanding of tragic proportions. Were it Kalego in his position, he could at least be alright to introduce her to Balam, and Balam Shichiro could have gotten a human to eventually open up and communicate about their discontent and gotten things addressed. Alas, this isn't a Kalego story, though it might be interesting to have one where Kalego and the Sullivan household come together over their secret humans, hehe.
But Narnia's SO hasn't been in a good place mentally and emotionally, not for a long time, and worked herself into an irrational panic that culminated into a flight into the night decision.
Sorry, this took so long to get out! I hope I've lived up to your expectations! My beta tells me this made her tear up a bit so I'm hoping it has the same effect for everyone but enjoys it anyways.
The Price of Freedom - request (Yandere!Narnia x fem!reader)Ⓐ
Narnia keeps you trapped on the property to keep you safe from the rest of the Netherworld and while his intentions are good he's doing more harm than intended. After all, humans are social pack animals meant to be able to roam about wild and free. And while there are exceptions to every rule, you are not one of them. So when you see a chance to leave, you take it. Leaving your heart behind but gaining your freedom in the process.
Also, this is a two-parter! The first part is angst but I haven't decided if our little couple here will get a happy ending or not yet. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
You took a deep breath, glancing over at the slumbering body holding yours. His long hair was fanned out behind him and his pale skin practically gleamed even in the darkness of the room. Soon enough, his alarm would go off, and those dark eyes would open blearily, and he'd grumble while trying to turn it off and pull you closer. Eventually, he'd give in, wake up more with a smile and a kiss for you and get ready for the day. It was a daily routine that had lasted for a few years now, and it was one you loved.
Your heart clenched at the fact that this would probably be the last morning it ever happened.
Your eyes travelled all the lines of his face, taking in every detail that you could, hoping to memorize them to the best of your ability. You had plenty of photos stored away, that you already knew you would take out over and over again until they faded with age and even afterwards, but no photo could ever beat seeing him in person. You were tempted to gently run your fingers over his cheeks and down his hair but knew he would wake up immediately, startled.
He was such a light sleeper due to the years of growing up under the Naberius household that you always tried hard to not make too much noise or movements so that he could sleep in when he could. And as this would be the last time you laid beside him, you wanted to enjoy this moment. To have time freeze over this peace, and not have the negative feelings swirling through your body running circles in your mind. To leave this all behind no matter how much you loved it because you couldn't stay caged in any longer.
But you couldn't. As a human, you held no magic beyond what the power of runes and already magic-infused items could give you, much less the amount of power needed to freeze time itself. So instead, here you lay, trying to absorb as much as possible because the moment that he leaves property lines, you would be getting to work. You had even purposefully made a bit of a mess last night and promptly shoved the both of you to bed so that you would have an excuse on why you were moving things about if he came back early for whatever reason.
You could only hope he didn't come home early.
Today had been forecasted to be nice and sunny until the afternoon rolled around with thunderstorms. If you timed it right, you'd be able to pack everything up, leave and make it to town right before the storms hit, with several hours to spare for the rain to wash away your trail. Otherwise, if the rain came early you would be stuck here until the next time such an opportunity presented itself, and who knew when that would be? More than likely you would have gone stir-crazy before that happened, and who knew what kind of damage you would do when that happened?
Not that this idea was much better. Had this been a more ordinary relationship, you would have easily just talked out the fact you had wanderlust and gone out to visit new places. Instead, as much as you loved Narnia, you could admit he was a bit paranoid and even straight-up territorial about your standing in this world. Always going on about the dangers of this world and wanting to keep you here in this safe bubble of a home he had made for the two of you.
Not that it was without reason. The Netherworld was indeed a harsh place and there were so many dangers just out your front door, much less the rest of this big bad world. And yet the human world was not without its dangers as well, and while you knew many threats had magic which left you at quite the disadvantage, you could at least protect yourself semi-well. Narnia had seen to that with what started as daily training sessions, which slowly moved to once every few days then to a few times a month as you proved more proficient, and he gained harder and harder cases to solve.
At first, you hadn't thought much of it. Even in the human world, it was quite often that schedules could get packed. You would have been fine with it if you had something to do other than roam this tiny amount of land. Instead, you were trapped here like a prized pet in a cage, forever waiting for your precious master to return. You couldn't live like that. Not anymore at least.
Suddenly your thoughts were broken by the sharp tones of his alarm. You couldn't help the startled movement you made, having not fully expected it to go off so soon. This in turn startled Narnia awake. His eyes snapped open and immediately focused on you before swiping the room for any danger.
You gave him a sheepish smile, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."
Narnia brushed off your apology with a casual wave of his hand and leaned in to give you a soft, lingering kiss. A large pale hand caresses your face and sweeps into your hairline to pull you in closer. It was a sweet morning ritual, one that you cherished. He tasted like roses and dark chocolate with a hint of mint, a flavour unique to him. His lips were warm and inviting, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to forget the impending departure.
Breaking the kiss, Narnia slipped out of bed, his movements fluid and graceful. He grabbed a towel from the nearby rack and headed for the bathroom. You watched him as he moved, his silhouette bathed in the soft morning light filtering through the curtains.
He began his usual morning routine, the sounds of running water and the clinking of toiletries filling the air. You couldn't help but smile as you listened. It was the ordinary moments like these that you would miss the most.
While he showered, you took the opportunity to slip out of bed and start preparing for the day ahead. You retrieved a backpack from the closet and began packing it with essential items: clothes, food, a first aid kit, and a map of the Netherworld. You knew you'd have to travel light, but you wanted to be as prepared as possible for whatever lay ahead.
As you worked, you couldn't help but glance over towards where Narnia in the bathroom would be. You could hear him humming a tune over the splashing of water, likely with a contented expression on his face as he went about his routine. It was moments like these that made leaving even harder.
But you couldn't stay. Your longing for adventure, for freedom, had grown too strong to ignore. And so, you continued to pack, determined to make the most of the time you had left with him. After packing the essentials in your backpack, you carefully zipped it up and placed it under the bed, hidden from plain view. You couldn't risk Narnia stumbling upon it and asking questions before you were ready to explain your decision.
With that task completed, you moved on to the next item on your agenda: breakfast. You headed to the kitchen, quietly so as not to disturb Narnia in the bathroom. You had learned to navigate this small cottage with a gentle touch, ensuring that your movements were subtle and silent. In the kitchen, you gathered the ingredients for a simple breakfast - eggs, toast, and a few vegetables. As you cracked the eggs into a bowl and started whisking them, the aroma of cooking filled the air, a comforting and familiar scent that made your heart ache with nostalgia.
By the time Narnia emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered and dressed, you had already set the table for two. He gave you a warm smile as he approached, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Smells delicious," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.
You returned his smile and turned to face him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "Just a little something to start your day off right," you replied, trying to sound as normal as possible despite the turmoil in your heart. Together, you shared a quiet breakfast at the cozy table, the two of you lost in your thoughts. Narnia talked about his plans for the day, the cases he needed to solve, and the colleagues he'd be meeting with. You listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and support.
As the time for Narnia to leave for work approached, you couldn't help but feel the weight of impending separation bearing down on you. You walked him to the door, his hand in yours, and shared a lingering kiss before he stepped outside.
He gave you a weird look, seemingly studying you, causing you to pause and tilt your head at him in response with the most curious look you could muster, before he shook his head and went back to making sure he had his things for work. You felt your body relax at passing whatever test that had been. You could thank the fact that years of wearing a mask in the human world also helped you here, even if you didn't much like why you were using it now.
You gave him a smile and leaned up on your toes to give him a kiss. 'Your last kiss' your mind supplied. What a shame you had to pass it off as your regular see-you-later rather than pour everything you had into it like you wanted to. But that would be suspicious, and he would want to stay longer or it might make him think you were in the mood and stay for a completely different reason. As much as you wanted the touch of his body one more time, you couldn't have it. Not without messing up your carefully laid out plan.
"Have a good day at work!" You chirped at him before waving him off with a laugh as he grumbled under his breath about how no day at work without you was a good day. You leaned against the door frame as you admired the large leathery wings that suddenly burst from his back, the appendages giving a few small flutters to stretch themselves out before he took off into the dawning sky with another wave at you.
You gave him another small wave in return and watched until you could no longer see him on the horizon. Even then you gave it a few seconds to see if he happened to turn around. It wouldn't be the first time he'd purposely forgotten something so that he could come back and spend a few more moments with you. Once those few seconds passed you deemed it safe to carry on with your plan. With Narnia gone for the day, you had a limited window of opportunity to execute your plan. You took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of excitement and fear as you prepared to embark on the journey that would take you far away from the life you had known, and into the unknown.
You only had a few hours to tear this place apart, grab everything you could, put it back together again and be on your way to a new life. It wouldn't be easy as you first went back into the bedroom and stripped the bed of everything. Throwing the sheets into the laundry and tossing your personal pillows aside to be packed later. Next, as the blankets washed, you scoured the walls and frames for every photo of you that you could find. There was an almost surprising amount of them, considering both your and Narnia's aversion to photos, but you supposed that anyone would want to have captured moments when they were in a relationship.
Had this been a normal relationship perhaps you would be packing everything up for a completely different reason. Perhaps moving into a bigger home than this little one-bedroom cottage, or even moving things aside until renovations were done to expand this one. However, this wasn't a normal relationship, and you couldn't entertain the idea of it ever being so any longer.
With every delicate movement, you took great care to erase any trace of your existence from the cottage. You gathered any personal belongings that tied you to this place, from clothing to small trinkets, and stowed them away in your backpacks, making sure not to leave behind a single item that might raise suspicion. The cottage itself bore no signs of your occupancy; the walls were stripped of photos, the bedroom was bare other than his belongings, and even the living room was devoid of any of your personal touches.
You took a deep breath as you stood in the now almost empty cottage, a sense of finality washing over you. It really was as if you had never lived there at all. With one last glance around, you knew it was time to leave. Gathering up your bags you took a deep breath as you took in the boundary line from where the property ended and the next one began. You knew from several small tests that there were no wards that would alert Narnia to your leaving. A serious oversight on his part that you were happily taking advantage of. As you stared at the line you couldn't help but think of Samwise from Lord of the Rings and couldn't but wonder if this is how it felt for him to leave his home behind for a big adventure.
Heart pounding and veins singing you made the first step across, then another and another until you laughed at the fluttering of pleasure that coursed through you. The imaginary shackles that had bound were falling free as you walked determinedly onward towards your new life. You wanted to stop and observe every plant and animal you came across, but you had a long way to go still and you could already smell the rain on the horizon.
Yet, deep within you, a tiny spark of hope flickered, for you were on the path to a new beginning, and the possibilities of the unknown stretched out before you like an open book, waiting to be written.
Narnia landed more harshly than he meant to in his attempt to get inside from the torrential downpour quicker. Mud splattered as high as his thighs from his hard crouched landing before he straightened up again to move towards the door. He wasn't entirely sure why he was so anxious to get home, but something in his veins told him that something was wrong. He hadn't gotten this far in life by entirely ignoring his instincts, and yet he couldn't think of anything that could be wrong.
Well. Besides the way you had been acting lately that was.
He wasn't blind, he had known there was something off with you. You had been steadily getting more and more twitchy, almost like a caged beast in too small of a kennel. Perhaps you were entering some kind of new phase? Like when birds moulted old feathers to make new ones, perhaps you were going through something similar but a more human body version? Your skin had peeled several times over the years, so perhaps a more involved version appeared when you hit a new phase. Such a thing would certainly make him twitchy.
As he came closer to the door, forcefully coming out of his thoughts, he realized that all the lights were off. This wasn't too unusual. You had a habit of occasionally going to bed early or watching TV late and purposefully leaving the lights off for a better ambience. But after the weird way you acted this morning and the feeling he had all day, it just made him feel more anxious.
Wrenching the door open, he quickly stalked into the living room, shaking his head much like a dog to get the excess water off his hair before tilting his head to the side. He listened carefully for either the low sounds of music or the TV or even just your steady breathing.
Nothing. It was absolutely silent. Heart pounding, he raced through all the rooms, praying that he would find you simply dozing off and would berate him for waking you. You would laugh before comforting him over his silly anxiety, and everything would be perfectly fine.
Only it wasn't. As he swung the last door open into your shared bedroom, water still trailing behind him, it hit him that you really weren't here. As his eyes swept over every inch, he finally registered none of you was here. The photos on the walls were missing, and your half of the closet was empty. Hell, even your pillows were gone, the bed freshly laundered and remade to look like only one person slept in it.
With this sudden realization, he tore back through the house carefully to confirm what he already knew. Everything you owned, every craft you had made, every book he had bought you, was gone.
You were gone.
If it wasn't for the faintest scent of you still trapped in the furniture, it would have been as if you had never even existed. As if you hadn't spent literal years together here in this home, cuddling on the couch or playing board games on the table. As if you had never had mini cooking wars in the kitchen that usually ended with you both laughing and kissing the food off one another or in the large tub relaxing as the warm herb-infused waters soaked into your muscles.
Had someone taken you? Had someone noticed your existence and decided they wanted you for themselves? Taken you against your will and made it look like you didn't exist so that he couldn't go to anyone for help without looking crazy? Or perhaps, since such a thorough job was done, had Border Patrol swept in without his knowledge? Purposefully kept him out of the loop with an important enough job to ensure he couldn't stop them.
But no, Henri would have kept him from leaving and questioned him regardless. Always playing by the rules, Henri did, and that left him, for the most part, predictable. So not Border Patrol then. But who else? Perhaps Baal? He hadn't been as subtle as he could have been in trying to figure out if Narnia was willing to return to origins. Had he discovered you when trying to stake Narnia out and gotten rid of you?
At the thought, a feral growl ripped out of Narnia, and he ran out of the house and back into the rain in the hopes of catching some kind of trail. With it raining as hard and long as it had, all scents and tracks would be long gone, so the only thing he had left was to feel out any foreign magic that would have been used and try to track that. And yet, no matter how hard he tried or how much power he threw into his wards, he couldn't find any recent detection of foreign magic. None at all. Even the local mail demon flying in would have left something to follow.
It was almost as if...but no, that was impossible. There was absolutely no way you would have left on your own. You knew the dangers and never strayed further than a couple of yards from the walls of your home. Even then you didn't usually go further than your flower beds, or food gardens in the back. With a snarl, Narnia turned back and raced back through the house more closely, determined to find even the smallest clue.
As Narnia's desperate search through the house came to an agonizing conclusion, he stood in your shared bedroom, drenched in rainwater, his chest heaving with anxiety and disbelief. Your absence was undeniable, and the once-familiar space now felt alien and hollow. His racing thoughts continued to churn with questions and fears, each one more unsettling than the last. The eerie silence in the house seemed to mock his growing panic.
Unable to accept the possibility of your disappearance, he clutched at straws, desperately searching for any sign of your presence. He scanned the room, running his fingers over the empty hangers in the closet and the vacant space on your side of the bed. The absence of your cherished belongings was a stark reminder of your absence.
With trembling hands, Narnia stumbled upon something that sent a shiver down his spine. A faint but lingering scent of you still clung to the furniture, a trace of the life you had shared together in this very room. It was both a cruel reminder of what had been and a glimmer of hope that you hadn't vanished entirely.
His heart ached as he clung to that scent, unwilling to let go of the memories and the love that had defined their life together. But as the minutes passed, reality continued to gnaw at him, and he realized he needed answers, no matter how painful they might be. Turning away from the room that had once been filled with your presence, Narnia retraced his steps, still soaked from the rain. His determination to find you grew stronger with every passing moment. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you, not without knowing the truth.
Tripping in his haste he fell to his knees next to the coffee table in the living room. With shaking limbs, he started to force himself to get up when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Laying innocently on the ground, a folded-up piece of parchment, his name written in your distinctive shaky handwriting. You never did get the hang of writing the demonic characters simply because you couldn't practice properly with the spell forcing you to see the letters in your own language but writing in his.
His emotions churned as he approached the letter, a fragile piece of paper that held the key to your mysterious departure. With trembling hands, he unfolded it and began to read. The words on the page weighed heavily on his heart, each sentence cutting deeper into his soul.
His hands trembled as his eyes scanned the letter quickly, hoping for some clue about where you were, only to grow more despondent the further he read. A pained howl tore from him as he took in what exactly your letter had meant, and he hadn't even realized he had started crying until the letters started bleeding together from his tears. With a choked gasp, he immediately wiped the tears away and tried to fan the letter dry again.
This letter was the only thing he had left from you besides the flowers you had planted outside. He had to take perfect care of it all. Had to keep it well until he could find you again. Because he would find you, no matter what it took. If you wanted the freedom to explore, then you could have it, just as long as you came back home-- back to him. His voice quivered with whimpers as he clutched the letter tightly to his chest, his heart aching with love and longing for the one who had vanished from his life.
To My Beloved Narnia,
As I sit here writing this letter, I can only think of all the moments we've shared together.
From our first meeting to our last embrace this morning, our courtship has been
nothing but a source of joy in my life. Sometimes, though, love isn't enough to make
something work. And I've come to the painful decision that we need to separate, at
least for a while. I will always cherish the moments and memories we shared and I am
sorry for the pain that this may cause you, but I can no longer do this. Humans are
not meant to be caged, no matter how nice that cage is. I need to be free, to be able
to go out and about, meet others, and explore this world, even if it's at the cost
of losing you. I'm truly sorry it came to this, and I will love you always.
Forever Yours
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Mairuma Incorrect Quotes.
Two words. Dark humor.
⚠️ Spoilers for my fanfic! ⚠️
Incorrect quote #1
Kerori: Okay, genuinely because I know some people here didn't get accepted for their sexuality so me and Iruma decided to give you guys, free tickets for Kuromu's concert- and free food.
Iruma: *nods*
Lied: ..I feel attacked, but you gave me free tickets and food so I won't complain.
Agares: .... can Gaap come too?
Kerori: Yes, yes you can bring your future hoe-
Agares: Shut up, or I won't go Mrs. Inferior and Superior Complex.
Kerori: Don't need to out me like that bro.
Purson, who has just been watching the whole time: ...
( I HC Lied,Iruma and Agares to be crossdressers. So they hang out sometimes and Purson knew about the whole thing but didn't say anything.)
Incorrect quote #2
Lied: Iruma-kun you are honestly checks off all the attractive looks. Hot, sexy, cute and pretty. Even I was strucked when you went out as Irumeanie. No homo tho.
Irumean: Well, what can I say? My anxiety is chronic but my looks are iconi-
Purson: Iruma no-
( These three is my second favourite trio. Love trio took first place because of their undeniable wholesomeness.-and poly couple goals- )
Incorrect quote #3
Kalego: If everyone jumps off a bridge, would you?
Purson: Kalego- sensei- okay first of all. I'll be the one to jump off first-
Kalego: Therapy session next week.
( He makes the Misfit Class go to therapy and he pays for all of them. Remind you that in my AU one demon to go to therapy is like 10,000 Vill a month or more because it's hard to find demons who actually care for others. )
Incorrect quote #4
Lied: Hello, hello everyone! When I came out to my dad he said "'I have no son!"
Jazz: You know you can't just cope like this right?
Lied: I'll do that when you and Allocer stop coping with smoking shit.
Jazz: Understandable, have a great day.
Incorrect quote #5
Dantalion: Kalego, you should really stop drinking coffee in front of your class. It's affecting your students.
Kalego: Where's the proof?
Dantalion: *points to Agares*
Agares holding his 5th coffee: More espresso,* sips * less depresso.
Kalego: What, he ain't wrong?
Dantalion: You send your students to therapy and yet YOU DO THIS SHIT-
( Agares is addicted to coffee )
Incorrect quote #6
Lied: Name one thing you hate about yourself go! I'll start first. Not being good enough.
Iruma: My anxiety.
Asmodeus: My feelings.
Agares: The lost of my will to live.
Kerori: My inferior/superior complex.
Clara: My abandonment issues and my body.
Elizabetta: My-
Kalego: Enough. You brats, I'm only gonna do this once but I'm treating you guys for lunch, no strings attached.
Misfit Class: ...
Lied: ... who are you and what did you do to our father figure-
So yeah some examples. I'm still trying to find the angst for each of the Misfit Class individual. Yes even Camui. An arguably a better version of Mineta. I can argue forever on how Mairuma is better than MHA. But I'll save that for a post. So enjoy misfit class suffer.
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 1 year
what f angst one shot with Kalego where in Reader gets hurt and Kalego gets not exactly mad but upset because of how worried he was and they start fighting but end up making up in the end 👉👈
I'm not very good at writing such things, so if I did something wrong, then… silence.
Warnings (?): reader gets injured and almost loses arm, but otherwise nothing interesting
For the first few years that Kalego was in school, he was constantly fighting with other students, as they simply refused to leave him alone. But around the third or fourth year of training, demons finally left Naberius alone. It wasn't just that they were learning from their mistakes, but that Kalego was getting stronger and stronger every year, so it was soon not just dangerous, but life-threatening to attack it.
 Even so, there was one demon who constantly tried to fight him... and no, it wasn't Opera.
 –Kalego-san, fight me! This time I will definitely win!
 Yes, it was you. You were the mad demon who continued to challenge the future "watchdog" to duels. Naturally, you were constantly losing, but you just couldn't stop chasing your "opponent". You were from an ancient family of battle demons, and therefore lived for fights and adrenaline. You also tried to find a strong opponent, but eventually settled on Kalego.
 The younger Naberius still sometimes didn't understand why he married you in the end. Perhaps because you've become a little... calmer over the years? You were still ready to get into a fight and did a great job as a guardian or warrior, but at least now you didn't rush at every moving object to try and stun it from behind.
 Unfortunately, even your vast combat experience did not always help you return home without bruises and cuts. Several times you ended your fights in the hospital by awkwardly staring at the ceiling while Kalego tried to drill a hole in you. He hated it when you risked yourself. He's talked to you about this many times, asking you to at least wear protective artifacts, since you can't live without attacking strong monsters, but you've never listened to him.
 –If you get extra protection, then fighting doesn't make sense! In this world, only those who can save their own lives can survive!
 You couldn't count the number of times your husband grabbed your face and growled menacingly. You have always taken his behavior lightly, knowing full well that you will always return home safely after a short treatment. Still, you wouldn't have lived this long if you didn't have excellent regeneration!
 Except... this time, something went wrong.
 Kalego hated it when you get any kind of injury. He felt it his duty to protect you. But how can he do that when you're rushing into battle without even thinking? The demon could pretend that your behavior "just pisses him off" as much as he liked, but in fact, he died inwardly every time he received a message on his phone that his wife was once again in the hospital.
 After so much time and so many visits to a large building that smelled of drugs and alcohol, Kalego "made friends" with one employee who usually looked after you. The young demon gradually began to write hilarious messages, such as "Good afternoon, Kalego Naberius-san! It's a nice day to visit your wife, isn't it? If you can guess which limb she broke the bone in this time, I'll buy you a wine to suit your taste!"
 So when he received a message where he was being addressed officially, without the slightest hint of joking, Naberius rushed to the hospital instantly.
 His heart was pounding too loudly for him to hear the people around him or the wind whistling. His heart ached, squeezed in his chest, and at the same time pounded so hard that it was hard to breathe. His heart was about to explode, and for a second he didn't even think he would make it in time, that the last time he saw his beloved demon, to whom he had given that damn fluttering heart, was a few hours ago...
 When Kalego arrived at the hospital, he immediately flew up the stairs, not bothering to communicate with the administrator, because everyone knew where he was going anyway. The girl at the counter only shouted ward at his back, pressing her head into his shoulders in fright when she saw the man's gaze turn around.
 Corridors, corridors, corridors, turns... Kalego froze in front of the door and knocked, afraid that he didn't have time, that something terrible had happened to you. The door was opened by a familiar demon who explained the situation in a low voice. When he was gone, Naberius gently pushed open the door, going inside.
 He has brought flowers to similar wards hundreds of times. And hundreds of times he wanted to beat you up with a bouquet of flowers on the spot, so that you could physically feel his excitement and chest pain. But such desires always disappeared when he heard your laughter, saw your innocent eyes looking at him calmly, received a small hug instead of the usual "hello", even if you could not hug him with your hands on a particular time.
 But now the room was quiet. And it made the heart of the demon, who had just heard that his wife was generally fine, shudder with a sharp pain.
 Kalego moved to the bed quietly, even though he knew you were awake. His desire to just give you a sharp shake so that you could start thinking with your head at least a little, gradually disappeared when he saw you against the background of white sheets. His sharp rage and anger were replaced by something heavy and ... sad?
 You opened your eyes and looked at your husband, and then immediately looked away. You were ashamed to look him in the eye. You felt like a child being scolded for a broken vase, which he decided to keep quiet about.
 You wanted to say something, to show in your voice that you were really okay, but you knew it wasn't going to work. Your "doctor" has already told him everything.
 You tried to get up and sit down to be on a level with the demon, but Naberius put his hand on your lap, silently telling you to stay down. He genuinely tried to get mad at you, to yell at you for jumping back into the fray like a dumbass, but he just didn't have the energy.
 He could survive a lot: his senpai, the idiot headmaster, the annoying and loud students... but if you suddenly die... he can't continue to call himself a "watchdog". Why should he if he couldn't protect you?
 –Um... Kalego? How... how are you f-feeling?
 –You know I'm supposed to be asking, right? – he motioned for a chair with his magic and sat down on it. You gulped and flinched as he gently placed his hand on your knee. It was warm, but... you could literally feel how tense he was just by his weak grip. – So, what excuse will you have this time? What words are you going to use to try to make me forget the fact that you once again tried to go to the demon king?
 You fell silent, not knowing what to say. It would be better if your child was angry with you now, it would be better if he started shouting and raging. You might have been able to handle it, and you often saw him like this during your school days, when you challenged him to another "duel". But right now, Kalego was calm and sad, making your heart ache wildly.
 –I know you've asked me a hundred times not to worry so much about you, but... – he looked directly at you and pursed his lips. – You think I married you to watch you risk yourself like this? Do you think I stood at the altar and thought, how do I care about the demon that stands in front of me? Do you think I decided to tie us together forever so I wouldn't have to care about you?
 He leaned down and nuzzled your lap. He was still looking at you... at least with one eye for sure.
 –I don't care if other demons say I don't care about my wife. But if she won't let me do it... then I just don't see the point in continuing this.
 He straightened up, and you looked at him in shock. Naberius rubbed his face and now looked at you through his fingers.
 –I'm not saying we should get a divorce. I would never want that… But I feel like I'm going to have to tie you to a bed for the rest of your life so you don't get hurt again.
 –Kalego, – you finally found the strength to speak, – I know how worried you are about me. But please listen...
 –You definitely don't know!  – anger flickered in his voice, but quickly faded. – Understand, (Y/N), this is not your usual time to end up in the hospital with one or two broken bones! You could have lost your arm! If you hadn't arrived here in time, you would have been left without it!
 You sat up slightly in your seat.
–I'm always on time, Kalego. And you're wrong, I know you're worried! But don't you know that I'm very different from the demon I was at school? I'm already able to assess the opponent's strength and my own abilities!
 –And that's why the monster almost cut off your limb?!
 –But I didn't cut it off! Listen, Kalego, I have everything under control, understand this! Yes, I end up in the hospital. Yes, I break my bones and get injured. Yes, I attack those who are stronger than me. But if the situation escalates, I'll run away, you know! My arm is only intact because I got away in time!
 –And if you hadn't started fighting it, you wouldn't be lying here at all!
 –Well, I'm sorry I don't have as much fun lying in bed all day and staring at cacti as some demons do!
 –But lying in a hospital bed is incredibly fun, isn't it?!
 –Don't act like you're not used to it! You know, it annoys you that I'm putting myself at risk, just as it annoys me that you're always trying to shield me from everything! Battle runs in my blood! You knew that long before you decided to marry me! And now you're complaining about it? I thought the Naberius clan only cared about what they were ordered to protect, not running around other demons like a lost puppy!
 –If it wasn't for me, you'd have buried yourself in one of those damn hospital beds long ago!
 –Stop thinking I'm weak just because your rank is higher than mine!
 –But this is direct proof that you're trying to defeat something you can't defeat!
 –I'm from the (Y/S) clan, I never lose!
–Say that to your hand that was almost torn in two!
 You clutched at the bandages as you turned away from Kalego. You bit your lower lip hard while burying your cheek in the pillow. You have been taught all your life to fight to the end, even if your opponent is stronger. You were supposed to be the one who protects the family and demons from monsters and villains who want to take the lives of innocents.
 And then your cousin came along and announced that he would be the next heir to the family.
 You did everything you could to show that you were no weaker than him. You rushed into battle without hesitation, wanting to regain your place in the sun, wanting to show everyone that you can manage the clan as well as your relative. You fought and fought until you lost to yourself.
 –You find pleasure in fighting, (Y/N). This isn't what you were supposed to come up with. People like us should hate battles with all our hearts, wish they were over as soon as possible. But you challenge others again and again, like a mad maniac. I'm sorry, but I can't trust you with your family.
 You were disappointed with your fate. You were disappointed with yourself. And that day, standing in the rain, you announced to your opponent that you would fight him to the death.
 –What makes you think I'm going to kill you?
 –Because if you don't, I'll kill you, Kalego-san.
 –You can try, but you won't succeed.
 You rushed forward as if your life depended on it... and ended up losing. You were lying in the rain, looking up at the sky and not quite sure what to do next.
 –What should I... do now?
 –Go fight something else, just leave me alone.
 –Exactly! – you jumped up and stared at him with shining eyes. – I know what I'm going to do! Since I can't live without fighting... then I'll fight you until I defeat you, Kalego-san!
 You blinked back tears. In that moment, you have found the purpose of your life that you lost just a few hours ago. You've been preparing to become a family heiress for years, but you couldn't become one. But after that battle with Naberius , you began to chase him, shouting about fights. Perhaps, thanks to his influence, you have become calmer... and found your own little happiness.
 You reached out with your good hand and placed it on top of your husband's fingers. He took his hand away from his face and looked down at you. He was obviously thinking about something, but as soon as you touched him, all thoughts disappeared.
 –I love you.
 You whispered it so softly and almost without strength that Kalego involuntarily rushed to you. He cupped your face in the palm of his hand, looking into your eyes as if trying to see through them all the injuries that you hid from the doctor. When he didn't find anything, he pulled back, horror written all over his face.
 –You don't want to... leave me alone, do you?
 You frowned and tried to sit up, but now you were held back by your shoulders. You reached out and stroked his horns, blinking uncomprehendingly.
 –Does a demon suggest breaking up a relationship after they confess their love?
 –You sounded like there should be a 'but' at the end.
 –But it's not here, Kalego. Because if I didn't love you... I wouldn't feel so bad right now because you're so worried. Fighting for no reason is a bad habit… – you pressed his hand to your cheek and rubbed your nose against his palm. – But I can't get rid of it. I'm sorry for scaring you so much every time.
 Naberius sighed and leaned in, kissing you on the nose. He froze as if he was going to kiss you on the mouth, but he didn't.
 –Just please take care of your own safety at least a little. You can fight anyone and for as long as you want, but please stop risking your life as if you don't have an egotistical husband who just wants you to live happily ever after.
 –I could wear a protective artifact... if you let me hunt something... more dangerous than I can find.
 –Then I'll have to go with you, do you understand that?
 You craned your neck, moaning a little from the pain in your arm, and kissed him on the lips. Putting your head back on the pillow, you closed your eyes and nodded softly, feeling Kalego wipe away the remnants of your tears.
 –I kind of promised you that I'd do anything to make you cry with nothing but happiness... You're making me break my promises.
 –Well, I'm disturbing your quiet life, so...
 You winked at him, and the demon sighed. He leaned in to kiss you again. You tried to run away to trouble so often that he couldn't bear to let go of your hand that day... or any other.
 You fell asleep clutching the slender fingers of your husband, who was sitting next to you reading a cactus handbook. His presence has made you forget about the pain in your arm, just as it once made you forget about the pain of losing your status as a clan heiress. Although... after all these years, you don't care anymore. After all, if you became the head of the family, you would never be able to become one family with your beloved and caring husband...
 So even if you continue to get into trouble and get hurt, the main thing is that Kalego will always be there to hug and comfort you... well, and also give you a blow on the head for continuing to risk yourself for no reason. Others may not see his excitement, but your heart warms every time he's around to ease your pain.
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itspeanutlove · 1 year
Do you think you can help me find a iruma kun foc or well a trope that I really want to see in written form
I don't really know what trope you're looking for, so I'll probably give some recommendations from fics I've read! (All of these are from Ao3, by the way)
Aptitude Test by VoidofLight: focuses on Alikred which is neat because I haven't seen a lot of fics focusing on him! Completed, one chapter.
Clara's Seduction by Vridelian: Clara already seduced Iruma (clearly) so she tries to seduce Azz as well! There's some mild angst near the end touching on Clara being bullied before but it all ends with Love Trio fluff! The whole chapter is mostly Clara shenanigans too. Also the Misfit Class is 100% cheering them on. Completed, one chapter.
Grounding by RoseberryGreen: what if Alikred never made those fake wings when Balam brought Iruma to the Infirmary? What if the teachers saw all the scars Iruma had before he got good at dodging and they thought that Iruma was tortured before? I really enjoyed this fic and to be honest with you, before you sent this ask I had forgotten to check on this story for a while now, so thanks for giving me a reason to check back on it and to find out that it has 25 chapters! Currently unfinished.
Kalego-sensei is... dead? by Icypheonix: a funny oneshot where due to being busy, Kalego doesn't go to class and Marbas is sent as a substitute teacher. The Misfit Class immediately assumes that he's dead and hilarity ensues, with them making a makeshift funeral for him. No angst, just fun. Completed at one chapter.
Sick Days by Icypheonix: SICKFIC SICKFIC SICKFIC— in this one, Iruma gets sick and Opera, Kalego, and also Love Trio are in it!!! Love Trio visit Iruma :))) Completed at one chapter.
Scheduling Conflict by Poptard: Kalego and Ameri fic where Kalego finds out about Ameri's crush on Iruma, a fun Irumeri short fic, disclaimer though Iruma is only mentioned in this one. Still, it's a nice read. Completed at one chapter.
You Didn't Connect Anything by ScatteredNova (Timewormbloom): a lot of the Misfit Class find out about Iruma and Irumi... and they think that Irumi is Iruma's sister. Hilarity ensues. This is part of a series, but so far I've only read this one. This fic has 3 chapters, first chap is mostly to set things up, second chap has a Jazz and Iruma interaction where Jazz learns a bit about Iruma's backstory (not all of it!) and the third is mostly just a collection of scenes for a potential chapter. Rife with misunderstandings! Completed.
This is probably most of the Iruma fics I've read, there are more good ones on Ao3, but so far these are the ones I remember most!
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crystal963 · 10 months
Recently got into Welcome to Demon School! Iruma Kun, and I ship Kalego and Balam so much. Anyways, I was talking to a friend about them and I had a horrible idea. Hanahaki au. Balam gets Hanahaki, and at first, no one bats an eye because Balam grows plants all the time, maybe he's just in a flower-y mood. I mean, what are the chances he has hanahaki. I have no thoughts other than this, but it has angst potential, and there are somehow 0 Kalego/Balam hanahaki fics on ao3, so I thought I would share.
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Reborn/Reader/Colonello polyship
Reborn/Reader/Bianchi polyship
Shoichi/Reader/Spanner polyship
Lal/Reader/Colonello polyship
Gokudera/Reader/Yamamoto polyship
Bianchi/Reader/Dino polyship
Yamamoto/Reader/Hibari polyship
Spanner/Reader/Shoichi polyship
TYL! I-Pin/Reader/TYL! Lambo polyship
Byakuran/Reader/Kikyo polyship
Dino/Reader/Squalo polyship
Fon/Reader/Colonello polyship
M.M./Reader/Bianchi polyship
Fon/Reader/Skull polyship
Tsuna/Enma/Reader/Basil polyship
Bel/Reader/Yamamoto polyship
Byakuran/Reader/Kikyo polyship
Mukuro/Reader/Fran polyship
Mukuro/Reader/Chrome polyship
Mukuro/Reader/Hibari polyship
Skull/Reader/Fon polyship
Tsuna/Reader/Gokudera polyship
Tsuna/Reader/Enma polyship
Haru/Reader/Kyoko polyship
Lal/Reader/Colonello polyship
Verde/Reader/Mammon polyship headcanons
Gojyo/Reader/Hakkai polyship headcanons
Gokudera/Reader/Yamamoto polyship
Gokudera/Reader/Tsuna/Yamamoto polyship
Gokudera/Reader/Yamamoto NSFW polyship
Xanxus/Reader/Squalo NSFW polyship
Gokudera/Reader/Yamamoto angst polyship
Tsuna/Reader/Enma polyship
Yamamoto/Reader/Gokudera polyship
Reborn/Reader/Tsuna polyship
Byakuran/Reader/Spanner/Shoichi polyship
Kyoko/Reader/Hana polyship
Xanxus/Reader/Squalo polyship
Gokudera/Reader/Yamamoto polyship
Gokudera/Reader/Yamamoto polyship
Gojyo/Reader/Hakkai polyship headcanons
Unsui/Reader/Agon polyship
Saeran/Reader/Saeyoung polyship
Zen/Reader/Jaehee polyship
Kikyo/Reader/Byakuran polyship
Kento/Reader/Cye polyship
Balam/Reader/Kalego polyship
Ichinose/Reader/Seiji polyship
Cell 13/Reader polyship
Jonah Clemence/Reader/Luka Clemence polyship
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Neverland Curse by Caspyre
Summary: The King hauls him up, but it’s gentler than Iruma expects.“There you are,” King Derkila says, words meant for the two of them before his voice thunders across the whole school in a way that makes Iruma’s knees want to give out from under him.“I have missed you, my son.”
OR: Turns out, Iruma is the son of the Demon King himself. Who knew! (Hint: Not Him!)
Rating: G
Relationships: Demon King Derkila & Suzuki Iruma, Lord Sullivan & Suzuki Iruma, Suzuki Iruma & Everyone
Characters: Suzuki Iruma, Lord Sullivan (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Opera (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Demon King Derkila (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Asmodeus Alice, Valac Clara, Naberius Kalego
Additional tags: Implied/Referenced Child, Neglect Suzuki Iruma has Seperation Anxiety, Demon King Derkila is Suzuki Iruma's Dad, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Demon Suzuki Iruma
Language: English  
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xatsperesso · 2 years
Iruma is taken
part 3 / 4
part 1 Part 2
Warning: angst
"I'm sorry," What. "I know you don't like being summoned, and I know i should stop the ritual but-"
"Don't." I damn near begged. Not so soon
"Don't you dare stop the ritual."
And it's strange. I've never felt so attached to a student before
It could have something to do with me being the whole familiar situation it doesn't
It could be opera-senpai's disappearance is he even safe out there?
It could be his effect on the misfits the class feels so so empty
I just can't
"I'm not going back without you"
Iruma stared at me. He looked surprised (am i that unreliable of a teacher?)
"Please," he said, voice too haorse as tears started trailing off his cheeks "i want to go home"
Iruma's sobs were quiet, smth, and too much to bear.
I layed my head on his cheek, the best comfort i could give him riggt now, then i looked at the restraints. They were made from leather, and probably laced with magic. They shouldnt be too hard to break.
That's what i thought, but no matter what spell i used, how hard i yanked, no matter how much i pecked them, they wouldnt budge. They wouldnt break or tear or show any sign that someone has even touched them.
"My bloodline magic," i turned around quickly, spreading my wings as far as i can reach. If that bastard thinks of going anywhere near iruma, im going to-
He raised his hand, a silent threat. I didnt move an inch
"You tried to break it, didnt you?" He entered the room "as long as i have mana, these restraints are unbreakable. Quite practicle, isnt it!"
I stayed silent, watching him, daring him to  try and hurt iruma more.
"It looks like iruma-kun is asleep. That makes everything easier" what? What's he planning to do-
"Hello, sensei"
That bastard is working with the six fingers?
"Amiy Kirio" I hiss out, hating how unthreatening it sounds like in this body
But at least iruma isn't alone now
"Please don't be hostile, sensei," he steps forward "I just want to make a deal"
A deal?
What would make them even think-
I blink
And suddenly I'm posing threateningly in front of my bathroom mirror
I've left iruma there
I take out my phone and dial that number
"You better have a good-"
"I've been summoned"
This is the closest I've ever been to death
It was a good call to get shichiro with me. Not like he was less scary, but he reminded opera and sullivan that if i get hurt they won't get there needed information.
Once we get our kid back, I'm grilling him on how he got close to the brat.
For now, I've been given a command from Sullivan
Report whenever i become summoned.
A smoke engulfs me, and i move without thinking. Flying straight to where iruma is-
I hit something
Kirio's shield
"My~ do you usually hit windows like birds do, sensei?" He is sneering at me, making fun of me. Looking down at me
The doctor is not with him
"If you know what's good for you, you will let me pass" he is not going to keep me away from my kid
"Aww, but sensei," Kirio puts up another shield between us "If you go to Iruma now he'll wake up. We don't want him to hear our deal now, do we?"
"There won't be a deal for him to hear" this is the second time he's mentioned a deal. Why on hell does he think I'll be willing to-
"Iruma hasn't drank water in two days"
I look at iruma, confused. What does this have to do with anything-!
Why does iruma look like this?
His skin is pale, cracked. There are dark circles around the eyes, and his breathing is irregular. He's comatose
What caused this
"Iruma is a...special type of demons. He needs to drink a lot of water to survive"
How did no one ever-
No. Not now
I grit my teeth and force myself to look into kirio's eyes. The bastard has the audacity to look so thrilled.
"What do you want"
"Glad we could come to an agreement, sensei"
"I've made a deal" the room stilled.
The tension rose in the room, becoming too thick it could be cut a knife. Balam straightened at my words, while opera's posture shifted, becoming defensive. Just in case. Sullivan.
His eyes became sharper. An aura engulfed the whole room, seemingly only affecting me as I tried to fight my legs from giving out, forcing my lungs to work, and preventing myself from choking on thin air.
"Oh," the room became suffocating as all the demons tensed even more "do tell me about this deal, Kalego-kun"
At this point, Kalego is not even sure how he's alive. Between getting repeatedly summoned in the middle of a terrorists base and facing a sullivan who has lost what could only be described as his most prized possession, Kalego is just not sure how he at the very least didn't loose a limb.
And so, once again he gets summoned. His first instinct is to fly to iruma's side, check his injuries, and this time he reaches his kid student unobstructed.
This time he is aware of the two other demons in the room (is there no one else in this damned place?) They’re standing near the door, gaurding it. Kalego pays them no mind.
He's focused on the demon laying ont the bed. Iruma is looking at him, his eyes glazed over seemingly dazed. He looks..terrible, but at least he's awake. At least he doesn't have more bandages. At least he's alive.
"Sensei," Kirio said, forcing Kalego to finally acknowledge their presence, "c'mon, sensei. Let's go"
Kirio moved to get out of the room, but Kalego stayed put. He’s not leaving Iruma's side. Not so soon.
"Kalego-sensei~ you're not gonna honor your words?" That
That broke kalego's resolve. His stubbornness, because if he is not going to honor his words, then why should they?
Slowly, he left iruma's side amd flew cautiously towards Kirio who was keeping the door open for him.
He tried to ignore iruma's eyes that were following him until he disappeared out of the door.
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vilevampire · 1 year
what about. robin angst.
he's really hard to angst bc he's so cheerful all the fucking time so. I have no idea tbh
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positively-mine · 1 year
Tumblr media
what if me thinks that Kalego x reader where reader runs / moves away from Bably's and they meet again YEARSSSS later when Kalego is teaching at school 🤔🤔🤔
JUST IMAGINE THE ANGST!1 then they have to figure it out together AND figure out their feelings for each other bc they both don't want to hold each other back 🫢🙉
Think about it guys. Also,,,,,if I do decide to write it can it be angst. I love angst. I know the content of WTDSIK is scarce but I need to do my part as a writer. No fandom is complete without angst.
Also, what if opera x reader, friends to lovers??
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meabh-mcinness · 2 months
Naberius Kalego Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Angst Ⓐ Smut ♣ Dark 𓆉 Multichapter ■ Series ☁︎ Fics ♪ Ficlets ♦ Headcannons ☼ Drabbles ⌂ Commission ✶ Art Trade ☪
Kalego courting human!reader☼
For Charity (xfemhuman!reader) ♣♪
When Sullivan throws a charity event for repairs due to the six fingers damage, you end up getting thrown into the auction so that some rich sod can get a date. Luckily, you had your own personal guard dog who comes to your rescue.
Thumping - (Naberius Kalego x GN!Reader) ♦
On Earth, it's common knowledge that when scratched correctly, a canine's leg will start uncontrollably thumping. Even with this in mind, you really didn't see coming that the Babyls 'Guard Dog' would have the same issue.
Cheating (Kalego x gn!reader)♪
As a teacher at Babyls, you had to go through and experience many things. Demon-eating plants on the loose, potion labs blowing up, and the many, many events that Babyls put on and almost always had something go wrong before you, the teachers, had to fix it. In the few years you had been there, you thought you had gone through it all, until now.For the first time ever, you had caught a student cheating.
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