#kalego fluff
sleptrn · 2 years
Kalego Angst With a Hint Of Fluff ( Gender Neutral)
Fandom: Welcome To Demon School Iruma-Kun!
tw! - insults, swear words, self-degrading, mentions of blood, injuries
includes: a 'fight', blaming, guilt, anger, rage, Kalego actually caring for you #WOAH😱😱/hj, friendly banter, jokingly fighting in the end (verbally), Kalego being obliviously smitten, fluff
"Fucking hell. You're so fucking stupid. What the hell is wrong with you?" Kalego grumbled as he pinched the space between his eyebrows.
He's visibly frustrated. No, frustrated is an understatement. He's absolutely enraged. So enraged to the point where you wouldn't be surprised if he killed you right here, right now.
But what exactly brought upon this? What exactly caused Kalego to be in such a furious state...?
You did.
You're the cause of this.
"It's all your fucking fault." He glares at you, with anger so strong that you flinch and look away, too scared to meet his gaze as it might be the end of you.
As he silently ponders for a few seconds about what to do next, thousands of thoughts start running through your head...
'He hates me now.... I fucked up... I shouldn't have messed around with his spell books.. if I didn't, the beast wouldn't have been released... Everything would've been fine...'
Indeed. Kalego isn't frustrated over something small and petty like a spilled coffee,
or you accidentally killing or dislocating his beloved cacti.
....Okay, maybe that isn't small or petty.
He's frustrated over the fact that you've just released a beast even Sullivan would have a hard time defeating.
Worst part about this is that, Sullivan is currently attending to foreign matters in a foreign realm along with all the great superiors of the Netherworld. Thus, it's up to the teachers of the school to take down this beast.
With absolutely no time to waste, Kalego glared at you one last time before storming out of the room, rushing towards where the beast was.
You were frozen on the floor, not knowing what to do. You felt helpless. This is all your fault, yet you can't do anything to help... Can you do anything to help?
No, you can't. You'd just get in Kalego's way.
'I really am nothing but a nuisance..'
You thought to yourself.
Despite your shock, you somehow picked yourself up and got on your feet. With trembling knees, you stumbled towards the window and gasped when you saw that the beast had already defeated 3 teachers and they were all laying on the battlefield, covered in blood.
You felt sick to your stomach, unsure if it was from the gorey sight or the sense of guilt taking over you.
You watched as Kalego arrived at the scene. He looked as stern as always, always standing his ground. But even from here, you could see that he had a hint of fear in his eyes. Well, he was in the presence of a beast who could probably wipe him and the whole school out within 20 minutes after all.
You stare anxiously as he exchanged blows with the beast, casting as many spells as he could with all his might. His comrades fought by his side, but they were all slowly knocked down, one by one. In the end, Kalego was the last man standing.
He took a deep breath.
He closed his eyes for a little while, as if he's praying or recalling a memory...
When he opened his eyes again, he turned towards your direction and looked right at you. He nodded at you slightly with a bittersweet smile.
His eyes were full of will and determination, but also sorrow.
You felt your stomach swirl from fear.
Oh no.
Please. Please don't tell me he's planning to-
Before you could collect your thoughts, Kalego charged up a chant and started attacking the beast with all his might. He casted all sorts of spell, even attacked it physically a few times. They exchanged blows, each blow got increasingly brutal and painful.
You couldn't stand watching the fight helplessly through a glass window when Kalego was risking his life for the school, so you dashed out of the room into the hallways.
I have to get there. I have to do something. I have to be at least a little useful. Fuck. Kalego, please. Hold on a little longer.
When you reached the battlefield, you scouted your surroundings.
Teachers covered in blood were littered on the floor, injured students were scattered by the grass.
The beast was still standing.
Kalego was not.
You stared at Kalego's trembling body in horror. You hurriedly ran towards him and cradled him in your arms.
"KALEGO!!" You screamed in terror as he slightly raised his excruciatingly heavy eyelids and coughed out some blood.
"*cough cough*" His eyes winced in pain as he felt his body ache all over.
"You... You need to get out of here..." He mutters.
He slowly raised his trembling hand and cupped one side of your face.
"Get somewhere safe. Before it's too late.. *cough cough*"
Your eyes water as you gently placed your hand over his that is cupping your face.
"Kalego..." You murmur in a soft, broken voice. You're not hurt, but seeing him like this has wounded you more than any wound ever did.
"Go. Now. Please. While you still can... Save yourself.." He softly says, looking at you with fear and concern.
Why does he care for my safety?
Why does he care about me when I was the cause of this whole massacre in the first place?
Tears ran down your face as you quickly used a floatation spell on Kalego to set him aside to a safe place. You proceeded to cast a healing spell on him - your bloodline ability - and gently kissed his forehead, praying for the best.
You stepped back onto the battlefield, heart filled with rage and anger.
You meet head to head with the beast, but you're not intimidated by it, no. In fact, it's the opposite.
"Im the one who released you, and I will be the one to put an end to you." You narrow your eyes threateningly.
And the fight begins.
....Anddd the fight is over.
You've finally discarded the beast, but you're basically half-dead.
You have bruises and scratches all over your body, you have a fatal wound around your abdomen and you're losing a lot of blood. You start to slowly lose consciousness as you take small steps towards the area where you've set Kalego down at.
You kneel down next to him and examine his body.
Thank goodness, he's alright.
You breathe a sigh of relief, and gently run a hand over his cheek, causing him to gain consciousness.
But before you could greet him or say anything,
You collapsed.
You flinched in your sleep as you felt a slight pain in your lower abdomen.
The pain got more intense by the second, and suddenly it felt like an electric shock, stinging you from within.
"ACK!" You screamed loudly as you shot up from your sleeping position.
You were... In a hospital room. You were on a hospital bed...
You were basically mummified in bandages...
You took in your surroundings as you tried to recall all the events that happened, but that train of thought was broken off by the familiar sting of pain.
"OUCH!! WHAT THE FUCK?!" You snap your head to the side only to see a familiar face holding a cotton swab.
A face that is ever so familiar.
A face that pisses you off ,
but also a face you're so relieved to see.
"Pfft... Someone who took on a whole deadly beast is scared of a little hydrogen peroxide?" He raised an eyebrow and laughed mockingly.
You glare at him, clearly not having enough energy to deal with his shitty attitude. Especially not when you just woke up. Especially not when he's stabbing you with that hell of a cotton swab.
"Is this really how you treat someone who saved your sorry ass? Torment them with a stinging, torture device?"
"Well it's either you deal with this so-called 'stinging torture device' and stop whining.. or you can get an infection. Pick your poison, your highness."
You glared at him, only to get a cocky grin in return.
"Sigh... I don't have the energy to put up with your shit right now. Are you done? I want to get back to sleep." You say, laying back down and pulling up your blanket.
"Yeah, I'm done. If I continue treating you with the oh-so-deadly 'stinging torture device' you'd continue to whine and cry anyways. And as much as I'd enjoy that, other patients probably wouldn't."
You rolled your eyes, smiling.
"Wow, okay, Mr. Sadist...." you mocked.
"Anyways, since you're done, I'll get some rest." You dragged your blanket closer and motioned for him to get out.
You expected some sort of remark from him, but he just complied with your request and smiled slightly before walking out the door.
Weird, that's not quite like Kalego.
Maybe he hit his head a little too hard...
You chuckled to yourself before you drifted off to sleep.
A few hours had passed,
Kalego came into your hospital room once again and sat on the seat beside your bed. You were still sound asleep, exhausted from the fight.
Kalego silently admired how peaceful you looked while you were asleep and ran his fingers over your cheek gently.
He recalled everything you've done on the battlefield, and how concerned you were about his well-being.
The thought made his gaze soften slightly.
"You really are something..." He sighs quietly.
He continues admiring you, resting his head by your bedside.
Then, he hesitantly gets closer to you.
So close you could probably feel his warm breath on you...
He gently whispered into your ears...
"...Thank you."
Right after saying those words, his ears had a soft tint of pink.
He's probably embarrassed. Or maybe it's pink for a different reason...
I guess we'll never know...
Kalego knows that you were the cause of this whole mess in the first place, but he somehow couldn't bring himself to hate you. You are constantly on his mind. Everytime he says something mean to you, he would be up at night wondering if he had gone too far or crossed any of your boundaries... He knows that despite the fact that you're an idiot to him, you're also special to him in some way.
He knows.
But what he DOESN'T know is that you were awake the whole time he said all that and did all those sweet gestures, also when he was mindlessly staring at you...
and you will never let him live it down.
The end 🥂
I'm not proofreading this until tomorrow it's literally almost 4am I NEED SLEEEPP
anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it!! It's not that angsty tbh so I apologize if You expected something more soul-crushing...
Follow for more content like this from me ✍️ requests are also open so feel free to send me some in my ask box!
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yayakoishii · 3 months
Childish Mistake | Kalego x Reader
Fandom: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Pairing: Naberius Kalego x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Genre/Tags: Fluff, Married Relationship, Memory Loss + Deaging Potion Accident
Summary: You have an accident and end up losing your memory and reverting into your teenage self.
A/n: I'm starting to think that all my fics for this fandom will be spur of the moment, I-got-possessed type of fics lol. I read the Kalego Gaiden and caught up to the manga so, I obviously had to write for him~ I really want to write a teenage Kalego or Balam fic tho! so much fun to write about their Babyls days...
also available on ao3!
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"Sensei!!" A shout had you pausing in your steps. You turned around to find a student running to you with a desperate expression and your admonition about running in the hallways died on your lips.
"Is everything okay?" You asked in concern. He stopped just short of bumping into you and panted.
"There's been some disturbance at the Magic Development battler!" He said immediately. "I think one of the potions leaked and students have become all aggressive. Fights are breaking out!"
"Oh no," you muttered under your breath and immediately dashed to the battler's room. You could make out some of the abnormal class students trying to subdue the aggressive ones; Jazz must have called for help. "Alright, break it off!"
You immediately cast spells to get everyone distanced as you joined the fray. With a snap of your finger, you bound up the students who were trying to lunge at the others again. There was still chaos and shouting and you turned to see the Magic Development battler wailing and getting angry– a lot of the potions and gadgets were now broken and spilled over the floor. You carefully tried to walk around them to where the battler head was but accidentally bumped into a shelf where only one bottle was remaining.
Your eyes widened as you watched the contents spill on top of you in slow motion, your reflexes only fast enough to close your eyes in time so that it wouldn't blind you.
Excruciating pain ripped through your body and you couldn't help but let out a bloodcurdling scream. It felt like your blood was on fire and like your skin was being stretched taut. You crumpled into yourself, balling up on the floor, too overwhelmed by the pain to heed the concerned shouts of your students as you passed out.
Kalego was walking down the hallways to the staff room when he heard the commotion coming from the Magic Development battler. A scream he had never heard before pierced the corridors and he immediately rushed over; he had never heard it before but it still sounded familiar. There were students shouting and he parted them with a wave of his hand, trying to get to the centre of the commotion.
The purple haired teacher was shocked to find you lying on the floor. Well… ‘you’ was a bit of a stretch. Because the one lying unconscious on the floor was not the you he talked to, but the you from your teenage, when you both attended Babyls as students. You had somehow reverted to that age and Kalego was glaring at the students in a silent question.
Everyone seemed relieved that he was here (a first, he mused) but it took a few minutes for them to properly tell him what the hell had happened. Kalego sighed and immediately called for more teachers to take care of the affected and bound students. He himself made his way over to your unconscious body and started to pick you up so he could take you to the infirmary but the moment he touched you, you woke up with a loud gasp.
Kalego froze and looked at you, finding it strange to look at your younger self. Your wide eyes were still the same and yet, teenage you somehow seemed more brighter and innocent. Like you had yet to see the horrors of the world.
"What's your name?" Kalego asked immediately in lieu of checking your memory after he had helped you sit up. You cocked your head at him, staring unblinkingly. He waited for a few seconds but you didn't respond. "Can you hear me? Can you talk?"
"Uh, yeah," you nodded and blinked, cheeks flushing. It did not go amiss by Kalego, who only now remembered something you had told him a long, long time ago. "I'm (y/n). What's, what's your name, mister?"
Kalego could feel the silent stares from the students all around him and decided that he needed them gone.
"Alright, get out of here," he shot everyone a glare and most of them scampered off, not wanting to bring on the wrath of the guard dog of Babyls. The Abnormal class stayed behind but Kalego glared at them too. "You won't get a special warning. Leave."
They were hesitant but agreed to leave only after Iruma asked, "Will she be fine? Can you fix this?" and Kalego had answered an unwilling "Yes." It appeased them for now and they left him alone with you, who were looking at everything in curiosity.
"List everything you can remember and are aware of," Kalego said immediately, not bothering to get up from where he was crouched next to you. You immediately straightened up at his commanding tone.
"My name is (l/n) (y/n), 16 years old, student at Babyls," you said quickly, eyes flashing over your surroundings. "You are… Naberius Kalego. Last thing I remember is watching my juniors' Harvest Festival before going to sleep. Judging by my surroundings, I'm guessing I am currently at Babyls but… this is an unfamiliar Babyls. I have probably lost a lot of my memory if I'm correct in my assumption."
"Yeah, it's a lot," Kalego sighed and stood up, offering his hand to you. Your eyes flicked to the hand and you blushed even more furiously. Now was not the time but Kalego couldn't help but be pleased at how flustered you were getting around him. You had told him long back when you got together that you had had a crush on him since your school days. He had only nodded and moved on but now. Now he could see its effect in action.
"Thank you," you took the hand and stood up. You followed him and Kalego could see you glancing at him with awestruck eyes as you walked.
"Is there something on my face, (l/n)?" He asked calmly, enjoying this. It had been years since he had called you by that name. It wasn't even your name anymore.
Your excited smile dropped immediately at his question and you looked heartbroken. It made him pause. Kalego hadn't noticed you in school days much. In fact, when you joined as a teacher, he just remembered you by virtue of you being one of the top scorers during your years. He hadn't got to see your younger face much and unexpectedly, he had the chance now– yet he had somehow made you sad.
"What's wrong?" He asked, failing to hide his concern. He wouldn't let it slip to anyone but you… you were different. He could let it slip because you would never tease him. You huffed and looked away, pouting.
"I don't know, Naberius," you bit back. Kalego had to bite down a smile threatening to pop up on his face. If only you knew that you were Naberius too. "I'm not stupid. I can tell that you're all grown up. You look pretty much the same. I can hazard a guess that I probably fulfilled my dream of becoming a teacher at Babyls too."
"What's the problem then?" He asked as the two of you started walking again. The infirmary was close now.
"I don't know," you said quietly, looking sad. "I thought… I thought we'd be closer now, I guess. I want to befriend you, you know? Ah, I mean, for you, it's probably in the past. I guess I'm just sad that I failed to do it."
"Who says we're not closer?" Kalego asked as he opened the door for you and gestured for you to go in. You went in and shot him another tiny glare. It really was cute.
"You're calling me by my surname," you pointed out. "Not even a bit different from my memories."
"I did that to suit your memories," Kalego answered, moving to the shelf to bring out certain ingredients. A quick and easy recipe to fix the problem at hand. "If you wanted me to call you by your new surname, you could have said that outright."
There was silence in the room as Kalego quietly worked on mixing the antidote. He waited a few minutes but with no response from you, he had to look up. You were staring at the ground in horror, looking absolutely terrified with tears in your eyes. Internally, he wondered how much he had fucked up to see you cry.
You never cried because of him. The only times he saw you crying was during the days leading up to your rare evil cycle. Even when he was mean to you, glared at you, or accidentally said anything hurtful, you had never cried because of him. You had looked sad and always talked it out like a mature adult but, he had forgotten that right now, you were just a teenager.
He was your husband but… he actually had no idea how to comfort you when you were crying. Kalego ditched the antidote to make his way to where you were sitting. He kneeled in front of you and took your hands in his own.
The action startled you and you stared at his hands in amazement.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly. A genuine apology was always a good start whenever he upset you. "I didn't mean to freak you out. I just wanted to tease you a little."
"Telling a 16 year old they're married to someone is cruel, Kalego," you huffed. He raised an eyebrow at the usage of his first name. You looked away, face flushed again. "What? Do I not call you that? What do I call you then? Darling? Love? Here, doggy doggy?"
Kalego's face scrunched up at that last remark and you burst out laughing. He let your hands go but you grabbed his, looking pleased.
"So I was right," you breathed out, looking a little amazed. You could tell from the way he was acting around you, concerned and teasing like he was very familiar with you. "You really… married me?"
"Yes, I had a lapse of judgement five years ago," Kalego stood up but didn't try to get his hands back from you. You tugged him to sit next to you on the bed, eyes still glimmering with excitement. You clearly didn't read into his attempt at seeming nonchalant.
"Shut up!" You beamed, eyes raking over his entire body. "I can't believe I convinced you to marry me. Good job, future me!"
Kalego didn't tell you that you had hardly needed to do any convincing. He was unfortunately quite in love with you. He was the one who had to do the convincing, actually. You had insisted on a romantic proposal and refused him three times before you finally deemed his proposal worthy.
"I can't believe I'm really living my dream life," you couldn't stop smiling, looking absolutely giddy. You had dropped his hands to cup your own face. "I'm sure I tell you this all the time but, you look very hot in your teacher uniform, Kalego."
"You sure got used to saying my first name quickly," he said dryly, trying to switch the topic. It was one thing when you said it to him before dragging him to bed. It was another if you said it in your teenage body with none of your memories. You grinned at his remark.
"I've been preparing for this ever since I met you," you said, a little shy at the sudden confession. Kalego felt like his heart was going to burst if you kept making new admissions to his face. He would never show it to anyone because showing he cared was showing weakness, but damn if he did not love you with every inch of his body. "I… I'm sure the me of your present is living a very happy and satisfied life."
"You are," Kalego smiled softly. You froze at the sight, body shaking in shock at the fact that this older Kalego had just smiled at you. Right. 16 year old you had never been on the receiving end of one of his smiles, right? "I try my best to ensure that."
"I- I see!" You squeaked, face fully red as you tried to hide it. Kalego got up and went back to finish making the antidote. There was silence again for a while before you spoke up. "Are… Are you happy too, Naberius?"
You had switched back to his surname in your nervousness but hearing you say it made him smile. It really had been so long since you had called him by his surname.
"The happiest," he confirmed as he finished making the potion to fix you. He non-verbally cast the spell on it and walked over to you. "I… don't know if I'm doing a good job but, I really try my best to keep you happy."
"You're silly," you smiled at him as you took the potion from him. You smiled down at it, more to yourself than him. "I may not have my memories, but I know I am the happiest too."
With that, you downed the potion in one go. Kalego immediately caught you in his arms as you dropped unconscious and started morphing back to your actual age. In a strange way, today's events had let him meet the you of so many years ago– a side of you he never had the chance to meet.
Even back then, when he hadn't noticed you, you were brilliant, smart and quick to understand your surroundings and yourself. Kalego smiled at the top of your head as he gently picked you up and placed you flat on the infirmary bed.
Today's mistake was unlike you but… that was okay. You weren't perfect and that was fine. As your husband, it was Kalego's job to ensure that you were okay even when you end up accidentally dousing yourself in age-reverting memory potions. Seeing you knocked out like this, trusting him fully, Kalego couldn't help but think. He was the guard dog of Babyls; that was his destined duty from the moment he was born.
But being your protector, your lover, the one who stood by your side– that was his choice.
A duty he was just as happy to fulfil.
all likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#22 Dali got trolled
Kalego & Dali are in the office doing late work but as Kalego stands up to leave he looks at Dali and smirks, showing him pictures of you, Balam, and him nuzzling in bed to another of your three & Iruma to the water park using the same pattern swimsuits with Iruma in the middle of you three smiling
Kalego: I’m actually deeply in love with Balam & Y/n and we’ve three been dating for a couple months now, we even have adorable pet names, Balam is our Pretty bird and Y/n is our Fallen Angel
Dali*in disbelief*...why are you telling me this??
Kalego*Deleting the pictures in front of him...he has a folder of them saved anyway and smirks as he walks away*Because no one will believe you~
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sixknight · 1 year
Naberius Kalego Fluff Alphabet
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A = Activities (What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
Kalego is fine just hanging out quietly in the same room with his S/O. His perfect idea of a date is just reading together on the couch and drinking tea. He also likes it if they take an interest in helping him take care of his plants.
B = Beauty (What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?)
He likes their eyes. Eyes are expressive and help him read people better. He also admires their wit. He likes a partner with a sharp mind that can keep up with him.
C = Comfort (How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
It's subtle. He's not really known as the comforting sort but he will talk calmly to them about how it will come to pass. If it's a bad panic attack he makes them some calming tea and gives them something soft like a pillow to squeeze while he sits with them. He may also bring up stuff about his students and work, trying to take their mind away from what's bothering them.
D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their s/o?)
He's not a big dreamer, having them with him is more than enough, but he does like the idea of retiring from his teaching job and running a plant nursery with them.
E = Equal (Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
Dominant. He will hear out what his s/o wants to do of course, and he'll compromise for them and only them, but he's usually the one taking the lead in the activities and plans.
F = Fight (Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?)
He's very passive aggressive after a fight and it will take him a while to cool down. He will recognize if a fight was his fault and try to make it up to his S/O with a gift (usually their favorite drink/food). If the fight was S/O's fault however he practically makes them beg him for forgiveness. He's a petty bitch <3
G = Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
He's very aware of the things his S/O does for him and he's grateful for their help and mindfulness. He doesn't say it, of course, but he tries to show it through gestures.
H = Honesty (Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
He has secrets of course, some big some small. Also he absolutely never wants them to see him in his familiar form.
I = Inspiration (Did their s/o change them or the other way around?)
He's probably more likely to change his S/O if only a bit. Although Balam would argue that point, saying he's gotten a bit softer (no one but Balam notices this).
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
He doesn't get jealous often but when he does he doesn't admit it and he hides it very well. Once alone with the person trying to chat his S/O up however... well, they usually just try to avoid even making eye contact with S/O afterwards. He'll also get a little more touchy with his S/O when they're alone.
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser?)
He's... average. He's not a big kisser to be honest. He's fine with receiving them (in private only, do NOT try to kiss him in front of school staff or his students) but he rarely initiates them. His lips are usually pretty dry (please gift him chapstick) and his own kisses are usually very short pecks on the forehead, top of the head, back of the hand, or lips.
L = Love Confession (How would they confess to their s/o?)
IT TAKES THIS BITCH FOREVER!!!!!! Literally has to have Balam push him into confessing. It's... awkward... but rather casual. He simply asks if they wanna join him for tea or coffee... together... as a date perhaps... because he likes them. Balam is giving him two thumbs up from the bushes.
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
He's thought about it. It would be nice to settle down with his S/O. He wouldn't do anything elaborate or flashy, he'd probably propose in the middle of some mundane task. Just a simple, "Do you want get to married?" while grading papers or something. Marriage to Kalego wouldn't be that different from dating him. He's a "sticks to a routine" kind of guy so not much would change.
N = Nicknames (What do they call their s/o?)
He's not big on nicknames but when alone he may call them darling or dear.
O = On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
Literally no one but Balam (and maybe Opera) knows he has a crush. He looks their way a lot but with his glare everyone assumes S/O is in danger cause they think he wants to kill them. He's not great at expressing positive feelings most of the time but he does try to keep his tone a little more neutral so he doesn't scare them off. But when he interacts with them he's noticably a little calmer and patient.
P = PDA (Are they upfront about their relationship? Are they rather shy when others are watching?)
He will admit to being in a relationship with his S/O but he prohibits them from PDA at the school. If they decide to mess with him and kiss him in front of his coworkers or students he will give them the cold shoulder for the rest of the day.
Q = Quirk (Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.)
His ability to focus no matter what comes in handy around the house. Chores get done pretty quickly.
R = Romance (How romantic are they? Cliché or rather creative?)
His idea of romance is rather unique. He's not going to show off or smother them with attention and affection. He'll be more open with them than other people and he'll tend to do more for them than others. He's not one to expect flowers from at random but he will set up surprise dates at their favorite places every now and then.
S = Support (Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?)
He believes they can do anything they put their mind to and he's more than willing to help (so long as it's something that wouldn't jeopardize his reputation or position) if they need it.
T = Thrill (Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?)
He prefers routine. As stated before he will make a surprise date every now and then but it's usually more for his S/O than him. He's more content to just curl up on the couch and read or watch a movie with them.
U = Understanding (How good do they know their partner?)
He can usually read them rather well. He notices all their small quirks and habits. Yes he has a little book dedicated to notes about them.
V = Value (How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
He values the relationship as much as he values his reputation amongst his colleagues, so it's quite important to him!
W = Wild Card (A random Fluff Headcanon.)
He's both touch starved and touch adverse so when he decides to let someone close enough to touch him it's a very vulnerable moment. He likes to lay on his S/O's chest or lap and have his head stroked until he falls asleep.
X = XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
With someone special to him he can be a cuddler. He dislikes being touched by most but with someone he loves he'll want to lay on and against them every chance he gets in private.
Y = Youth (The morning is the youth of the day, so what’s it like waking up by their side? how do they feel waking up with their s.o?)
He wakes up early. Very early. He will wake his S/O before going to work because he doesn't want them wasting all day sleeping but he usually waits until an hour or so before he has to leave for work. Although... since S/O is around now he secretly stays in bed a tiny bit longer to hold them before he gets up to make breakfast and arrange paperwork for the day.
Z = Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
He will literally kill to protect them. Like straight up slay a beast into oblivion if it's threatening them. When it comes to other sapient demons he'll threaten them and try to get some other higher ups involved, but if ot doesn't work then he has no problem raising a magical hand towards the demon. He is even willing to spare a demon if his S/O pleads for him to stop.
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eeleye-mcshitposts · 2 years
Balego kid fic ?🥺
Where they have to deal with hatching an egg and Shichiro's worried about his face and claws and he's worried about not being able to kiss his baby or scaring it. While Kalego in a rare softness comforts him telling him how much he loves him and confiding in him his own fears of turning out like his parents and worrying about their child being cursed with his bloodline ability or not knowing how much he loves them-- because devi-damn he loves them so much already and they're not even here yet. And then soft cuddles and kisses with the promise to figure it out together and just 🥺 aisfghthspfstfrjk
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meabh-mcinness · 1 year
Do you ever like think of the adult trio doing things related to their respective animal?
Like whenever balam is happy he involuntarily lets out soft peeps that kind like a baby chicken would do?
Does opera make biscuits when they're sleepy?
When there's something that kalego deeply enjoys does his tail pop out unexpectedly and just wags?
Deeply thinking on this matter STFD anon
So my answer to this is yes. Yes, I do think about this. Balam 100% fluffs up when he's happy, Opera purrs and Kalego? Well, Kalego has a little problem with-
Thumping (Naberius Kalego x GN!Reader)
On Earth, it's common knowledge that when scratched correctly, a canine's leg will start uncontrollably thumping. Even with this in mind, you really didn't see coming that the Babyls 'Guard Dog' would have the same issue.
Main Masterlist
It had been an average weekend when you had discovered a rather interesting titbit about the Naberius clan. 
It was a rare day when neither of you had any work to do, and could simply exist as you wanted. Both Kalego and you had been lounging on the couch at the time, you were peacefully on the verge of having a nap and curled into his side as he read. A gentle orchestra played in the background on an enchanted gramophone, a mix of strings and woodwinds playing along with the barely discernable scratching of the needle against the record. 
The moment was so tranquil and pleasant that your mind was permanently stuck in that in-between phase in the middle of being asleep or awake. It was why you didn't notice it at first. In your sleepy haze, one of your hands that was draped over his stomach lightly trailed up and down. Tracing non-existent patterns and going no particular way, your hand simply moved — following its own made-up path. Your hand moved closer to his side and continued its aimless wandering there, when suddenly you were more awake than you had been a mere few moments ago. 
You blinked, eyes bleary with sleep and confusion running through your brain. You weren't entirely certain what had woken you. In fact, you had no idea at all. One moment you had been dozing peacefully, the next you were staring across the room at the bookcases lined with novels and textbooks you had both collected. Mentally, you shrugged it off and settled back in again. You assumed it had been hypnic jerks, the sudden jerking awake with a muscle movement often accompanied by a sensation of falling. You had simply too close to drifting off to realize if you had moved, and hypnic jerks didn't always include sensations of falling specifically, or sensations at all really. Shifting to get more comfortable, you felt Kalego's arm lift slightly to give you more room to move, before falling gently again around you when you finally settled down. 
Once again, you slowly started to drift off, your hand moving once more to continue its aimless wanderings along his side. Tracing your fingers along, you suddenly jerked your eyes open again, only this time you knew why. It hadn't been you that had jerked. 
It had been Kalego. 
Blinking in confusion, you forced yourself not to give anything away, to continue moving your hand gently along as if you were still drifting off when you felt it again. His leg had moved. Just a quick twitch, but it had moved all right. You buried your face into his side to hide your grin. Who would have thought the great Naberius Kalego — the doom and gloom emperor—  would be ticklish? Though you had to admit, it was a bit odd that only his leg had twitched. Generally, someone who was ticklish had a full-body reaction, but you chalked it up to the famous Naberius control he had.  
Running your hand into a more deliberate pattern, you trailed it up his side and back down again, being sure to keep your breathing even as if you were still on the verge of sleep. Once more, you felt his leg twitch by your side, and you shifted gears to rub circles occasionally as you moved your hand along his side. The leg twitching grew, and yet he didn't even seem to notice from what you could feel. 
As it became more consistent, you suddenly realized something. Kalego wasn't being tickled, he would have gently smacked you upside the head and moved your hand if he was. This seemed more like an unconscious movement that he potentially had no control over. And the movement was so consistent in a way, always just the one leg moving, almost as if- but no, that wasn't possible. 
That was such a dog-like thing and while your mate was cursed with dog spirit, he did have some dog traits such as sensitive hearing, and constant snarling (which reminded you of a prickly hissing cat to be honest) along with some other more intimate similarities, you didn't think he would share something so, so mundane. So human world like. After all human world dogs only did it due to the way they were built, the neurons crossing wires they weren't supposed to, and it led to an uncontrollable movement. You didn't have enough experience with Netherworld canines to know if they did the same thing or not, but you wouldn't be too surprised if they did or didn't do it. 
Regardless, you never thought the day would come when you learned that Kalego's leg thumped when you pet his sides. 
You personally felt like this was such a monumental find in a way. The waspish, no-nonsense guard dog of Bablys thumps his leg like a common canine. You loved it. It was pretty adorable to find out, and you kind of wanted to tease him about it. At the same time, you were certain he would be extremely offended and find some way to turn it on you. The last thing you needed was for him to discover your tickle spots. 
A book thumped your head, and you let out an ungraceful squawking noise in surprise. Your hand jerked away from his side to clutch at the back of your head, lifting your face from his side to glare up at his smirking one.  As you glared up at Kalego's smirking face, you couldn't help but seize this opportunity to tease him about his unexpected quirk. With a playful glint in your eye, you decided to go for it.
"Kalego, my darling mate," you began, feigning innocence, rolling over on top of him so that you could look him in the eyes, "I must say, I've made a fascinating discovery just now."
Kalego raised an eyebrow, still smirking, but his curiosity was piqued. "And what, pray tell, have you discovered, my dear?"
Leaning in closer, you whispered with exaggerated seriousness, "I've discovered your secret weakness, your Achilles' heel if you will."
His smirk faltered slightly, replaced by a mixture of surprise and annoyance with a bit of confusion. After all, the Netherworld had no concept of the Greeks, much less who Achilles was. Probably for the best, you really didn't want to know what their version of the Trojan horse would be. "And what might that be, exactly?"
You grinned mischievously as you sat up, straddling his hips and pointed back to his leg, which had been twitching all this time. "This," you declared triumphantly, "your leg thumps when I pet your sides. Who would have thought our mighty Naberius Kalego is as ticklish as a common Earth dog?"
Kalego's eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he regained his composure. "Nonsense," he huffed, trying to brush off your discovery. "It's just a reflex from staying in one position so long. A need to stretch, nothing more."
You chuckled and decided to push his buttons a bit further. "Oh, come on, Kalego. Admit it. You're not as impervious as you want everyone to believe. You have a soft spot."
He scowled and leaned up closer, his voice dropping to a low, threatening growl. "I suggest you drop this topic immediately, or I might discover your weaknesses as well."
You couldn't help but laugh at his attempt to intimidate you. "Oh, I'm not worried, Kalego. I can handle a little tickling. Don't worry though, this will be our little secret."
Kalego rolled his eyes, but you could see a hint of amusement in them despite his gruff demeanour. 
"Though now, I'm really curious," you stated, nails lightly drawing a line from his side down the prominent v-line before stopping right above his pants line where you were sitting. His stomach visibly grew taunt; breath coming out in quickening pants as he started to grasp your intentions.
"If you share this trait with earthen canines," Your finger lightly tapped the bulge forming in the tent of his skirt. "What others do you share?" You looked up and locked eyes with his. A slow smirk grows on your face, as you already know the answer to the question. 
"Shall we find out?"
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 6 months
if possible.. Kalego being soft with the misfits in his own kalego way ofc
(i'm just a sucker for found family fluff)
You have come to the right place
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niiine · 2 years
Character(s). Misfit Class + Kalego Sensei, Balam Sensei, Opera, and Sullyvan
Synopsis. How I see the reader being treated in Babyls and in the netherworld in general as you’re Iruma’s younger sibling
Younger! sister reader
-Finished s3 of Mairuma last night so I’ve reread the music festival arc. I just wish s4 will come faster becauseee I’ve been LSS-struck by Lilith’s Red Carpet and the music isn’t even out yet 🥺
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Iruma is a BABY. Everyone around him wants to protect and cherish and love all of him. But you? Oh, hell you enter the room and they’re all either kneeling or cooing because how can you be such a cutie?
Sullyvan treats you and Iruma like toddlers. You want those dresses? Here buy ten each. Oh, you love that dessert? Opera, please bring more. You wanna go shopping? Take his wallet, his bank details, take his whole life if you must. Sully-sama just wants the best for you and your Nii-chan.
But unlike your brother, you’re not allowed to have a sleepover or stay outside way too late. Either Opera will come hunting you down once it’s past seven pm or your whole class will be the searching party.
Opera is much, much stricter to you than to your brother. They make sure that you are above prim and proper most of time. “You’re a lady in the household, (y/n)-sama”, or so. But they’re still as gentle as they could be and always prioritize what makes you comfortable.
No man. And I mean NO MAN, is allowed to come near you aside Asmodeous Alice (and somehow the other misfits as well). Pray that no one would dare to walk you home because,
“Apologies, (y/n)-sama. I thought you’re being kidnapped” “OPERA-SAN WE’RE LITERALLY GOING HOME” you’re freaking out at how bloody the nose of your friend is.
At class, you’re seated between Alice and Lead because Azzazz thinks that he should be in the middle of you and your brother so he can protect both of you in case somethings happens. And Lead insists that he must be beside you because you’re his “Baby sister.”
Ofc you’re part of the Iruma gang but you spend time with the other circle from time to time as well. One of your favorites is Nee-san and Krocell because you’ve never had a big sis and these two are doing good at the job. Sometimes they dress you up like a doll with Clarin just bringing out the most random (but cute) clothing from her pockets.
Jazzy and Garp spoils you rotten. You’re their princess and they call you as such. Jazzy loves to bring you shiny gems and jewelries that he bought because “You’re special” and then he’ll ruffle your hair. He will also let you play with his familiar.
Garp would cook for you. You’re tired of the foods from the cafeteria? Open up the kitchen of the royal one! You want sweets? He always keeps sweets. Garp also blows wind at you if you feel hot due to the weather.
When you’re tired, or if you just need it—like in the harvest festival, Agares is assigned to make you comfortable. Yes, the misfits have talked about it. They have no doubt about your strength and ability, you’re Iruma’s sister after all, but “What if the bugs and other insects bite her? We can’t have that!” Cue, Agares building a whole castle for you (As well as for him and Garp). When other students took shelter in the said place, he made sure you still have the Luxury of space and as comfortable as you can be. Even though you argue that no, you can fight, and a cramped space is fine for you.
Babe, you should have seen the way the other girls look at you with playful jealousy as Agares dotes on you.
Allocer and Sabnock helps with your study. It’s a great help when you feel a bit pressured at Azzazz’s teachings. Besides, you can’t add to his luggage anymore (a.k.a Iruma and Clarin). Sabnock mostly teaches you about the Demon king, but he’s also pretty good when it comes to other subjects. He’s gentle and caring, being the big brother that he is.
Aloocer, on the other hand, is a much stricter tutor. He gave you assignments and pointers. But his work certainly help you pass every exam, most of the time even sharing it to your brother when you two study at home.
Camui is also one of your favorite classmates. He’s not allowed of course to hog you, as the other twelve will go after his head, and he wouldn’t do that as well to the class’s baby! Because of him you can pet animals and beasts (With the help of Krocell) without getting hurt.
Sometimes you will hang out with Iruma and Lead and it’s so cute because it looks like two babies trying to protect a smaller baby. The two of them will spoil you as well and you’ll be the one to decide what to eat, what to play, or what to do for the day or for that specific time.
Purson Soi also gives you a special treatment. If he vanishes and the class can’t find him, one call from you and puff! He’s there. You don’t want to talk to that schoolmate who keeps asking you out? Big brother Soi will make sure your presence is gone in a moment.
It’s very subtle and he still treats just like the whole class, but Kalego-sensei just seems to “miss” if you’ve done something wrong. Or he would just let it slide “very unnoticeable” if it’s about you.
And Balam-sensei? You remembered how scared he was the first time Iruma told him that he’s a human? That’s he’s reaction to you up until now. The professor wouldn’t even touch without thinking that he’ll break your soft body. Tell him that it’s fine though because the man wouldn’t even breathe the same air as you in fear of intoxicating you.
BigBro!Iruma in Evil Cycle is the cream of the crop. All hands off of you. All eyes off of you. “You want something now, Princess?” Say you want the whole netherworld and it’ll be at your feet. He wouldn’t barricade you or anything, but his eyes will be watching you and anyone around you. 
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lettersvoid · 1 year
Hi there!
Can we get balam x fem!reader fluff?
Reader is a human and is believed to be irumas mother by the school of babylus.
She more relaxed to being a human in the netherworld than iruma is but is quick to throw a punch towards any harm that threatens her son (ex: she grabbed kalego by the scruff and said bad puppy before throwing him out the class).
She gets caught in a harmless plant or something and is just basically chilling upside down.
While she's upside down balam comes over to help her down and she can't help but say something like the line "your eyes really are like sapphires".
Just some sweet and silly fluff please!
Pretty eyes
Balam x fem!Human!Iruma's mom! reader
A/N: Thank you for requesting! Please forgive me if my writing happens to be bad, I am still somewhat of a beginner and I'm still learning ^^ 
(edit: I did not know how to end it I am sorry)
Being a human in the netherworld isn't all that bad for (Y/n), after all, she is an adult and she doesn't have to work to the bone like back in the human world, but there's always someone at the back of her mind that makes her worry, Iruma a human just like her, who's now her son.
Compared to her son Iruma, she's far bold and more fearless, mainly when she thinks her son is being mistreated. After she learns what his parents make him do and how kind he is despite being mistreated, which made her very protective of him to the point that she displays her boldness and lack of fear when confronting Kalego regarding his harsh treatment of Iruma. 
Being known as the daughter of Sullivan with an unknown rank rumors spread around students of Babyls about her ‘hidden powers’ and how Iruma may just as be scary as her.
“HOLY F-” 
That so-called powerful mother is tangled up with a monster plant which was slowly swallowing her.
Any normal demon with magic could have gotten out of it in no time but (Y.N) is a human and she can’t use magic neither does she has tools to get herself out of the plant’s mouth. 
Then once she was losing sight of the light outside a hand grabbed her.
Two big and surprisingly gentle hands.
Then (Y/N) opened her eyes again to be face-to-face with a tall big demon with white hair and a mask. She recognized him as Balam Shichiro, one of the teachers at Babyls, and the one that Iruma was talking about. 
For a minute she stared back at him as he puts her down.
“Your eyes are like sapphires….” He spoke  
“Oh sorry, I mean are you okay..?” Balam asks as he avoids eye contact with her as he escorts her back to the Sullivan manor. 
She awkwardly walks with him, scratching her neck “Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you….” 
They’ve arrived at the gate of the mansion, she turns to thank him.
She notices him looking away like he’s holding back something “You’re Professor Balam, right? Iruma has talked about you..! Thank you, for taking care of him”
He still avoids her eye contact. 
“Your eyes…”
“Your eyes are pretty” 
His words made her smile a bit. “Thank You, Professor Balam, I think your eyes are pretty as well” 
He seems to smile under his mask, this is the first time they’ve talked to each other despite seeing each other around and he saved her from a monster plant. 
“Professor Balam, do you wanna exchange numbers?” 
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gennabi · 2 years
Hello can i request both iruma and evil cycle iruma asking their crush out if your fine with it
ik this has been so so long but i wanted to write for it, sorry it took me a decade to finally have ideas and write 😞 hehe this was fun, thank you for requesting !! also i changed my writing style a bit ?? (i think)
asking their crush out
iruma / evil cycle! iruma x reader (no prns) • 0.4k
romantic; fluff
[ reader is a demon in iruma's , second hand embarassment in evil cycle! iruma's , personally i think iruma is such a complex character so im sorry if i dont nail him akjshvbs ]
m!ik masterlist | main masterlist
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iruma has always been embracing whatever position the world puts him in. it has always been that way and he thinks it should stay that way: it is after all the safest way to live without upsetting others. which is also why he was fine with watching you from afar, having only the occasional conversations to pass by the time waiting for the teachers to arrive— or more if luck is on his side and he is blessed to be in the same group with you.
but the blue-haired boy doesn't think he can go on like this.
he blames it on the time spent with you, a tad frustrated that he is starting to lose his cool and stutter more every time you talk. i mean, why is your smile that blinding in the first place?!! and why do you look at him like that, like he deserves to be looked at with so much love? iruma is going to be more in love if this happens.. :(
but, iruma has always been good at embracing things. and that includes the fact that you make his heart flutter.
he asks to walk you home (you think it's sweet of him, since you can spend more time together walking than flying home) and your lips curve into the lopsided grin he's fallen for.
you don't talk along the journey, letting the sound of birds and the shuffling of your shoes to fill the air. soon arriving, you turn to your classmate to thank him when you notice the red his cheeks are flushed with.
"i want to be honest with you..—", he purses his lips, "—i've liked you for a long time and uh..u-uh... i'm wondering if...." "if~?", you tilt your head playfully to better look at his face.
startled, he takes a step back. his eyes meet yours and he swears you can hear his heartbeat, immediately covering his face with his hands. "uh i'm- i'm sorry for saying it like this but i can't say it while looking at you...", he takes a peek from behind his hands and continues when you say you don't mind.
"please go out with me!!"
peeling his hands off his face and intertwining your fingers together, you softly smile. "you don't even have to ask."
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evil cycle! iruma
one thing about iruma on an evil cycle is that he gets what he wants. right there and then. which is why the moment he realizes his feelings for you, it took him no seconds for him to stride right towards your seat.
it's a usual evening in class and professor kalego is explaining something on the board when iruma stands. ignoring him, you continue to listen to the lecture when suddenly you feel your hand being gently enveloped with your blue-haired classmate's.
"hey, wanna go out?"
you lift your head to meet his gaze and the corner of his lips pull up into a small smirk. you don't realize you've been staring at him until something soft makes contact with the back of your hand─ AND IRUMA IS KISSING YOUR HAND??@?&?
a cough interrupts your moment and you feel your whole body go warm from the looks you're getting from your classmates. IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS TOO? IS HE CRAZY??
pulling him closer by his hand that's holding yours, you whisper shout to his ear in disbelief, "go back to your seat!!"
unphased, iruma turns his face to you and you miscalculated the distance because the next thing you know, your noses are almost brushing and you can already hear your heart bursting. "so that's a yes?"
growing more concious of the stares you're getting, you clench your jaw and roll your eyes in frustration. iruma leans back, not yet letting go of your hand, and excuses himself for interrupting the class. (wild i know, but you have some weird effect on him.)
the class however thinks otherwise as they start hollering and cheering, with professor kalego losing yet another junk of his lifespan from the chaos. wanting to get it over quick, you mumble a quiet yes. and you don't think iruma missed it, not when he closes the distance yet again to press a kiss on your forehead before going back to his place.
you definitely can't focus on the lecture now.
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itspeanutlove · 1 year
After receiving that fateful ask from @cutelittleriot, I decided to go look for some more fics! I'm looking for some Balam stuff, but these are some other neat ones I found while still looking for the kinds of fics cutelittleriot requested! All of these are on Ao3, so here you go:
Balam Shichiro's Guide to Humanity by FortunateCookie: Balam asks Iruma about human stuff! No ships, as far as I can tell, and just generally the two being chill. Balam realizes how weird humans are. As of the time I'm writing this, the story is incomplete with four chapters and was laat update about 1-2 months ago.
Flightless by Sleepycoffeeaddict13: another 'Grounding' fic (maybe I should start trying to compile all the grounding fics I find...) where the teachers discover that Iruma has lots of scars and doesn't have wings and everyone wants to murder Iruma's parents! Chapters 1-2 focus on the teachers while the third has Opera and Sullivan appearing. Completed with three chapters.
Unhinged by Sleepycoffeeaddict13: this is actually a 2 story series! The first story is Predator, which is completed at 2 chapters and is about Iruma going FERAL at the harvest festival (but in a predator way) and the instructors' reactions to it as they watch him fight a hellbear and also an intruder. The second story is (In)human Instincts which is completed at 1 chapter and is about Kalego talking to Balam about Iruma being feral and about the intruder Iruma beat the crud out of, also Balam and Iruma moments. Warning, though, this one features stuff like blood and gore (Iruma kind of...rips out a throat of a monster here...) so watch out for that.
Accidental Demonic Grandfather Acquistion by Passing_Ghost_Friend: instead of Iruma being adopted by Sullivan when he was 14, he was adopted when he was a little baby 🥺🥺🥺 (lets all just strangle iruma's parents)
Female Humans what?! by Sol_Victoria: Sullivan, Opera, and Balam learn about menstruation from Irumi. They are absolutely flabbergasted and mildly horrified. Small nitpick, but I was kind of getting annoyed by Irumi's stutter —Iruma's genderbent in this one, by the way! — but if you can ignore that, the fic is pretty interesting. Completed at 3 chapters.
Don't Leave Me by draconicshinx: kind of angsty at the start/first chapter, but the second chapter is really sweet! Basically, after an attack on the school, Azz and Clara get injured and Iruma uses his blood to heal them revealing his identity in the process. TONS of Love Trio content!! Completed at 2/2 chapters.
wait, do they know?! by Xatsperesso: a short fic, but very entertaining! Ameri and Balam both know that Iruma is human. The problem is that they don't know that the other person knows. And so — they try to 'protect' Iruma from the other person, not knowing that both of them know about his human-ness and want the best for him. Hilarity ensues. Also, quick Purson appearance near the end. Completed at one chapter.
Technicalities by RoxyRay28: a completed 3 chapter fic about Iruma's dumb idiot parents having another baby thinking that Sullivan would give them more money cuz they ran out, but nope, it just means Sullivan gets a new granddaughter and it's just generally chill stuff.
exception by spicygrass: a completed fic about the first time Balam showed Kalego his mouth, set when they were still in highschool. Very cute and fluffy! Could be interpreted as romantic or platonic.
So THAT'S Eggie-sensei?! by SpareMeA_Striike: Robin finds out that Kalego is Iruma's familiar, and that escalates to him finding out Iruma is a human. Cool read.
A Spoonful of Sugar by silvershadowkit: four words — sickfic, love trio, fluff. Literally what else could you ask for? Iruma gets the common cold, Azz and Clara visit him, and it's all cute and I'm evaporating.
Heartbeats and Bloody Knuckles by Kickitwithyou: Kalego and Balam when they were young and in the harvest festival! Completed at one chapter. It's a Kalego/Balam ship fic, btw.
The Practical Pirouette by frolickingfiend: Babylis era Balam and Kalego ship fic where there's a school dance and Balam wants to go but his talons make it hard for him to dance. Opera plays matchmaker. Completed at one chapter.
Roulette by Marshmellowtoast: Balam becomed a substitute for Momonoki's class and teaches a species swap spell! Pretty chill. Completed at one chapter.
A Familiar Promise by Kickitwithyou: role swap/age swap between Iruma and Kalego where Iruma is a teacher during Kalego's time as a student in Babylis! Completed at one chapter.
Celebrating Demonic Rites with Chocolates by Kickitwithyou: Babylis era Kalego and Opera and Balam! Kalego's birthday is on the same day as Alliance Day, the demon equivalent of Valentine's Day and he doesn't realize. Implied Balam x Kalego near the end because I support that ship <3 completed at one chapter.
Are You Serious? Right In Front Of My Trumpet??? by WyvernQuill: Purson-centric fic complete with 4 chapters. It features Purson chilling out (or trying to) but being interrupted by people PDA-ing near him because they don't realize he's there and him just being. Absolutely done w this bullshit. Also one of the people is Gyari and one of the ships is Gyari/Kuromu which we really need to see more of on Ao3 honestly!
If you're goin' my way (turn around) by squidballsinc: Kalego gets summoned by Iruma and suddenly chased around by the misfits! It's a very entertaining, fluffy and fun read.
For Neither Love Nor Money by WyvernQuill: a splendid, completed 10/10 chapter fic where the other teachers find out Kalego is *loaded* and thus try to woo him. Shenanigans galore! Also, Balam x Kalego is the main ship. Lemme tell ya, I was looking for this fic for a while so I could include this in the list! (Subtle love trio, too!)
The Weaving of Lilith's Carpet by writerkat: Babylis era Kalego and Balam when they were having their Music Festival stuff and Kalego was chosen to play the piano (Lilith's Carpet). Aroace Kalego? Neat! Completed at one chapter.
Mending Anonymity by writerkat: Balam and Nafra! I don't see Nafra in fics often, which is a shame 'cuz she's super fun. Nafra's cloak gets torn and Balam helps repair it, also helping with her confidence! Compmeted at one chapter.
The Internship from Hell by Kickitwithyou: unfortunately, this fic only has one chapter and hasn't been updated since 2021... but that one chapter is very entertaining, at least. Human daycare AU where Opera, Balam and Kalego work as daycare employees and look after the Misfit Class. First chapter focuses mostly on Clara.
His Sun and Moon (Love trio drabble) by Meeparino: love trio 🥺🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹 i am actively disintegrating. The netherworld has two moons and the author is using that metaphor to attack my soul and make me melt into a puddle of bliss-drunk goo. Completed at one short but sweet chapter.
Evil Phase Projection by ScatteredNova (Timewormbloom): love trio focused story where after Azz's mom got into her Evil Phase, Iruma got concerned due to his own trauma and Azz and Clara got concerned and there's plenty of fluff! Completed at 3 chapters.
we're soulmates, i think... by cookiescrumbles: a series of oneshots focusing on love trio! Need O say more? Angst with hurt comfort.
Soulmates: The Love Trio by seereeus: more love trio because I am a dirty rat. Most of the fic is based on that one omake with the trio's mornings before school, but its very sweet still!
My Sea, My Star. It is you I adore by Ravifan: its a love trio fic. I'm sure that you're seeing a pattern here. It's a one chapter drabble where I think the trio are adults and married, and Azz is pondering his soulmates!
Deviline's Day by AllTheLokisWelcome7: another love trio fic, basically it's Valentine's Day but Demon-y and Azz and Clara are hoping for a certain someone! We all know who it is.
Adult Azz/Iruma/Clara move in together after school and figure life out by Vridelian: a series of one shots where, you guessed it, the love trio move in together as adults in the future and. I just. 🥹🥹🥹 its v enjoyable for someone looking for love trio fluff
Culting it close by Vridelian: love trio pain sharing soulmates AU!
Mission strawberry: Make Azz-Azz blush by Vridelian: Clara and Iruma make a scheme to make Azz Azz blush! Unbeknownst to them, Azz is already trying his best to stop himself from blushing whenever he's around them.
it's a love trio not a love triangle by psy_kicker: a bunch of love trio shenanigans. Completed at 3 chapters!
Time to be Human by Hatelikingbatman: love trio soulmate au with a timer! Completed at one chapter.
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yayakoishii · 3 months
Lucky Bastard | Kalego x Reader
Fandom: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Pairing: Naberius Kalego x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre/Tags: Plotless, Silly, Fluff? Crack?
Summary: It's your birthday and the class just found out that you have a husband. Who is the lucky bastard?
A/n: this was absolutely random. it has like, no plot, no purpose, just me writing a short silly fic abt teachers who are married and haven't told the students !! such a fun trope ;; I'm like, 3 eps away from finishing the anime's season 3, but this fic is spoiler free!! hope you enjoy this <3
also available on ao3!
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You hummed happily under your breath as the students filed in for their lecture. You were one of the most friendly and popular teachers at Babyls because you were approachable and kind. All the students always greet you happily and strike up conversations without hesitation.
"Good morning, (y/n)-sensei!" Elizabetta said cheerfully as she passed by your desk. You wished her back but she paused and instead looked at you with wide eyes. "You look really happy, sensei! Did something good happen?"
"Not quite," you answered, giving her a warm smile. "You could say it hasn't happened yet, I suppose."
"So something good is going to happen?" Lied said from behind Elizabetta. Everyone was in the class already and they all seemed curious about your unusually happy and excited state.
"It's not all that interesting to you guys," you waved it off and gestured to the two to go sit on their seats.
"But I'm curious about what's got you so happy too, sensei," Iruma added. Everyone around was nodding so you just sighed and gave them a tiny smile.
"If I answer your question, will you all be good students and pay attention?" You asked. A chorus of incoherent affirmations echoed and you shushed them. "Alright, alright. It's just that today is my birthday–"
"It's your birthday?!"
"Sensei, you should have told us!"
"We'd have got you a gift!"
"No need for that," you sighed but felt touched nonetheless. "As I was saying, since it's my birthday, the principal let me have the rest of the day free the moment my lectures end so I'm going on a date with my husband. It's been months since we got to go on one, y'know."
There was pin drop silence surprisingly. You blinked and then there were shouts and screams. The class had no clue that you were married! You had somehow let it slip by them without them even realising.
"Calm down, calm down!" You shushed them again. Thankfully they listened and you picked up your book. "Alright now, that's enough about me. You come to school to learn and gain knowledge."
"We just learned something new about you, though, sensei!"
"This is important knowledge too."
"It really isn't," you laughed and opened the textbook to the page you had stopped at last time. "Now. Last lecture, we were discussing the importance of pronunciation when casting spells…"
You started the lecture, unknowing of the commotion you had accidentally also started. Everyone's favourite teacher was married and had a husband? The news spread like wildfire amongst the first years and by the end of the lunch break, everyone was talking about what your husband might be like. The senior students already knew who your husband was but it was always fun to watch the freshmen try to figure it out.
"He has to be a really nice and sweet person to be married to (y/n)-sensei, right?" Kerori suggested. "She wouldn't like someone who is unkind and rude…"
"What if her type is a bad boy though?" One of the boys butted in.
"Can you even imagine that?"
Everyone silently thought over it and decided that Kerori was probably right.
"Whatever he's like, isn't it super romantic?" Elizabetta squealed lightly, hiding her cheeks under her hands. "They're married but she was so excited to go on a date with him! They must be so in love."
"He's one lucky bastard," Lied said, clutching at his chest dramatically.
"Yeah," Clara chimed in, looking jealous. "He gets to play with (y/n)-sensei all the time!"
"Um, guys," Iruma laughed nervously. Everyone looked at him. "Weren't we going to get her a gift?"
They forgot all about that.
Kalego didn't know what was going on but he could tell that his class was up to something. They were all fidgety and not paying attention (although, that wasn't rare or even surprising) and he could still hear incomprehensible murmurs. They usually did a better job of hiding their conversations too. Something was definitely up.
When the bell rang, a few of them automatically sprang up but Kalego didn't even blink and glared at them.
"Sit down," he said sharply. "We'll have ten minutes more of class time since you all displayed such great concentration today."
The class collectively groaned and started complaining. The purple haired demon crossed his arms over his chest and gave them his meanest look.
"I could have held you back for a whole hour but I have something to do today," he said calmly. "Be grateful it's only ten minutes, you idiots."
"But (y/n)-sensei will be gone by then!" Lied complained. Kalego paused and raised an eyebrow at him.
"And what do you need her for?" He asked, looking even more eviller than usual. Lied shivered and instinctively hid behind Jazz, who just laughed nervously.
"Don't you know, sensei?" Elizabetta tilted her head in question.
"It's her birthday today!" Clara jumped on the spot, vibrating from the desire to escape the classroom. Kalego just stared at them all so the class decided to continue.
"We made her a gift!" Goemon produced a big box wrapped in paper of your favourite colour.
"She will be leaving now," Jazz added. "If we don't give her this now, she'll be gone before we can do it."
"Please, Kalego-sensei," Iruma pleaded, giving his best puppy eyes. Kalego humphed and looked away. He was about to say something when a familiar voice could be heard from outside the classroom.
"Kalego, are you done, dar– Oh!"
You were standing at the doorway, wearing a cute outfit. Surprised by the students inside, you gave them a small smile.
"I'm sorry, is the class not over yet?" You asked Kalego. "I didn't interrupt, did I?"
Everyone turned to look at Kalego who just glared at you then sighed.
"No, we're done," he answered. Everyone cheered and immediately pounced on you, who startled at the sudden enthusiasm as they pushed a big gift in your hands.
"What's this?" You asked, surprised. You hadn't actually expected them to get you a gift so quickly.
"It's something we made for you, sensei," Iruma smiled up at you. Your chest felt warm as you looked at the students who were all beaming and singing happy birthday to you.
"Happy birthday to you~!"
"You're all very sweet," you told them when they finished, ruffling Clara's hair. "Thank you for the gift."
"Anything for our favourite teacher!"
That made you laugh. You were totally going to tease Kalego with this later.
"You look really beautiful, sensei!" Elizabetta beamed. Your eyes softened at her compliment.
"Thank you, I'm sure my husband thought the same when he bought it for me," you smiled down shyly at the outfit. The girls started giggling and awwing over your blush and it only embarrassed you more, considering you could feel Kalego's intense stare over your figure. "Ah, I have to leave now. Kalego?"
"Ready," he popped up next to you and you tightened your arm around the gift as you smiled gently at him. "Let's stop by the dorms first so you can drop your gift off."
"Ah, sure," you nodded. The two of you started walking out. "I'm sure this has nothing to do with the fact that you totally forgot an outfit to change into."
The class watched you two leave, happy from the success of giving you the gift in time. Until…
"Wasn't she going to go on a date with her husband after the lectures?" Lied mumbled.
"Why would Kalego-sensei need to change his clothes?" Kamui asked.
"Why did she come here first?"
"Didn't Kalego-sensei say that he had something to do today?" Even Alice couldn't help but add on to the conversation.
The class looked at each other. There were no words to describe the shock, horror and disbelief they were feeling.
"There's no way."
"We're just jumping to conclusions," Jazz insisted.
"Yeah, there's no way she would ever like someone like him, much less marry…"
Even as they tried to deny it, suddenly all the interactions between you and Kalego made sense. The way you always hung around him. The way you always smiled so warmly when you were talking to him. The way Kalego's rare soft smile had been that one time when you had been laughing too hard at a student's submission (which Jazz had reported after witnessing it in the staffroom).
The way Kalego always glared harder when the class talked about you.
"He's totally the jealous and possessive type, isn't he?" Jazz sighed, placing his fingers at his temple.
"I can't believe this."
"Does that mean I was right? (Y/n)-sensei likes bad boys?"
Everyone resigned themselves to the knowledge they had just received. After all, denial would not change reality. Their favourite, kind teacher was married to their sadistic class teacher. Lied burst into tears as he cried:
"Kalego-sensei turned out to be the lucky bastard!"
all likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
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luxthestrange · 1 year
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#3 Mommy & Daddy
Kalego*Looks at You with a raised brow*So does this mean we're married now?
Y/n: Only if I get to keep the dog and pinball machine in the divorce
Kalego: Well if you're already planning for a divorce
Y/n: Alright!, Since you wanna have an attitude, I get to keep the squirrel-proof bird feeder as well~
Y/n: I was trying to keep things civil, But if you want to raise your voice too, FINE...Im taking ALL the spoons too~, Enjoy the inconvenience of not being able to eat your cereal in a normal way~
Kalego: I dont eat cereal, Because im not a child
Y/n*Flips table and points at him*AND THIS IS WHY WE'RE GETTING A DIVORCE!
Clara"Eldest daughter"*Clapping at the act, after she convinces You, and Kalego to play House with her and Azz and Iruma*Oooh!~If you guys get a divorce maybe it's time to bring Balam!
Iruma"Eldest Son":...I feel oddly conflicted...I can't choose between them...
Clara when You or Kalego are around-
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So chapter 308 and 309 reallly wants to make me cry huh?
In summary of 309
Misfit Class: As long as you guys aren't depressed and limbs attached who fucking cares about the future of the demon world?
Asmodeus and Iruma: But-
Misfit Class: No buts.
Momonoki-sensei: and also Kalego-sensei is in an evil cycle/wicked phase.
Jazz and Lied: Wait...he usually isn't?
Robin-sensei: Iruma come with me, to the Barbatos Clan as we make demons there suffer as well!
The misfit class part warmed my heart so much. The fact they only care if all of their classmates are safe and doesn't care about the demon world is lovable at least.
Chapter 308 is not any less emotional fluff than the chapter after.
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Why just why. Don't put three adorable ass characters as babies and make them cry it's wrong come on dude. Nishi why are you doing this to me.
But the well executed fluff is amazing and the fact that they say they'll wait for all of their secret's answer is amazing. Not pressuring people to reveal their insecurities is again *chef kiss*
Wow, Nishi you easily dropped two of my favourite relationship aspects in the show like it's nothing? I stan a queen 🙇 .
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taki118 · 1 year
IruClarAzz Master Post Part 9
Just collecting all of the cuteness of the Love Trio and adding my commentary. Spoilers ahead very current with the manga but with ch 308 I just HAD to post. (Also warning I may make jabs at the IruAmeri ship here and there just small comparisons showing why I don’t like it as much, no hate but if you don’t like your ship being talked about even slightly negatively probably look away.)
If you didn’t see it Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here, Part 3 here Part 4 here  Part 5 here Part 6 here Part 7 here Part 8 here Bonus here
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So Iruma wants to go to super important demon ball but Opera says no after heartbreaker incident so he asked for outside help in persuading them and his choice says a lot
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SO he asks Azz, but the thing is Iruma’s mind when he hits this Opera sized wall and thinks about who can rely on. Thing is you gotta wonder why it wasn’t his super capable upperclassman who invited him in the first place, Ameri? put a pin in that
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Opera acknowledges Azz abilities and his short comings
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Which is why his mom is also watching over them. Now to the question I asked earlier you could say this is the reason however Ameri’s dad is also one of the 13 crowns and if you think from a purely practical standpoint you’d consider the guy who’s basically in charge of the police first wouldn’t you? 
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But Iruma asks Azz for help because time and time again Azz has been a consistent place of knowledge and support when he’s in need of help this is where he looks to. You could say “well Ameri’s dad hates Iruma of course he wouldn’t seek him for help” however Iruma never considered Amu that was Azz’s thought he swallowed his pride and asked him mom to help them out. (and if that ain’t love I don’t know what is) So again I ask why Azz? Why did Iruma’s mind immediately go to Azz when it could have just as easily been Ameri? and this is more so if Ameri is the intended love interest wouldn’t you want more reason for the two to interact? Just some food for thought.
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Why does this look like boyfriend telling girlfriend he can’t make date night? cause it does
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Clara asks to go with them but they know she can’t (side bar I am actually sad we didn’t get a training montage of Clara maybe another time)
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Iruma describes the difficulty he had to go through and I just adore how Clara offers comfort
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Iruma says that even though its tough he doesnt regret his choice and wants to see things through and aww look at Clara I love how they just let her do this and move to support her.
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I hate that we don’t get love trio but of my god the softness of this yeah its totally drawn like a platonic scene yup what are you talking about there’s no romantic implication here.
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But they both say how they have been thinking of Clara all this time making her captain of the magitools club for the work of the festival since they can’t be there.
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Iruma compliments Clara on how easily she’s able to connect with others, and our girl sure haas come far like cause her development isn’t as flashy people tend to ignore it.
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Azz even agrees that she really is the most suitable for this even though he teases her. 
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Once more the trio are front and center
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Side thing Iruma has a dream of those close to him becoming like kalego but whats interesting is that an Ameri fluff isnt here
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Hes actually a little disappointed
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So at the ball while Iruma does escort Ameri in the two only dance briefly before being pulled apart by the other grandsons in fact Iruma spends more time dancing with him than her. I think he’s also implying here that Iruma goes both ways which facts dude
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Making small talk Iruma is asked about demons he’s close with and he once more first goes to Azz and Clara their descriptions top tier.
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It almost looks like Azz is holding his hand
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Shit goes down and these two just insync working together
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I just find this spreads placement interesting 
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And again gotta question why just Iruma and Azz like Iruma I get but once more I need to question if Ameri is usppose to be the love interest why is she not here?
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So Kirrio shows up separates Azz from Iruma and as he’s taunting Iruma with the knowledge he has Azz looses it enough to break through the barrier just saying very much a romantic lead move
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And thats a hell of a statement (not sure Ameri could handle that if she were to date Iruma just sayin)
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Azz asks a very.....normal question again I wonder why it wasn’t Clara along with Azz, also I don’t tend to sniff my friends and notice how they smell.
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Kirrio threatens to reveal Iruma’s humanity to Azz and he’s so desperate to keep his secret and tell him and clara (Specifically he wants to tell them) on his terms he’s ready to kill Kirrio
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And oh my god you don’t know how happy this made me cause I knew I just knew
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It was Clara, and oh I was missing her, to me at least there was Clara sized hole that couldnt be filled when Iruma is just with Azz. But also I’ve noticed this trend of Clara seems to pop up just when she’s needed.
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She fills Iruma in on whats happening with the club cause she thought the ball was over and her small words set Iruma back to normal.
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She brought him back to normal so much that Kirrio is now disappointed. 
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I like the thought that she tells her siblings stories about Iruma and Azz Coughfuturebrotherscough
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So after returning and recovering We get our trio back together and oh my god this chapter healed my heart
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I like that Clara went to get Azz first before Iruma you can either see this as A: Azzs house is on the way to Irumas from hers, B: she talked to iruma already and wanted to see Azz or C: she wants to keep things even so she got Azz first. No matter what its cute
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So this is something I’ve noticed for a while, I’ve seen people question what CLara brings to the trio and this is it. 
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Clara out of all of them has the best empathy she sees Iruma and instantly knows something is wrong and so she figures out a way to help him deal with it and Opera understands that
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This is what Clara brings to the trio Azz and Iruma are not good at expressing themselves but Clara is 
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She turns them into kids and puts them in a place all alone so they can say the things that are bothering them and not feel bad about it. Like both Azz and Ameri either can’t read people the way Clara does or can’t push like she does and Iruma (and Azz) need that. 
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Like had she been at the ball the other crown wouldn’t have needed to step up and while she did help its obvious Clara wouldve helped better
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Not only does Iruma let it all out Azz does too. 
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And Clara gets angry for them and its all so sweet
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Iruma confesses that he has a secret he wants to tell them but isn’t ready
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Not only do they tell him its ok they both confess they have something their keeping too. (my guesses Azz its his bloodline magic and Claras is something with her wings)
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Awwww they proceed to play to their hearts content 
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Opera does as asked and sees the bond the three share, and again yeah this is a totally platonic scene. yup just friends snuggling each other and hold hands in a not at all intimate way yup. Anyway I’m dead I needed to do this as soon as I saw it but once more we gotta wait.
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cookiesandbiscuits · 1 year
Hello.If it's don't bothering you may i ask headcanons Kalego x Fem! Human! Assassin! Reader as Yor Forger from Spy x family.If you don't watch this one, then how you imagine yourselves relationship Kalego and Fem! Human! Assasin! Reader. I think it's kinda cute he is guardian dog and she is the soldier-protector of her country
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Hi!!! Thank you for asking! It's not a bother at all, really ^^
I enjoy writing stuff for other people to enjoy, hence why I created this blog aside for my hyperfixation ramblings.
I did watch the show until the 9th episode and read the manga until the 58th chapter (I got busy with school so I can't finish it yet :'D). Honestly, I understand how Yor got her fame in the fandom (I love seeing a badass female character that's also pretty soft on the inside)
It's been a while since I wrote a headcanon tho... Anyways, hope you enjoy this!
Happy reading!
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Soft but Deadly: A Dating Headcanon
Pairing: Kalego Naberius x Fem! Human Assassin! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: might be a bit OOC and out of order (I blanked out in some parts, oops 😬 damn my sleep-deprived brain); Narnia Naberius is such a jerk here (I'm still salty about what he did to Iruma in that chapter) not proofread
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Dating Kalego is a very interesting experience. Expect to have numerous discussions about your shared interests.
He is a very romantic person on the inside (lemme have my romantic Kalego okay?)
He'll be taking you out on a date whenever your schedules align. And he'll be gentlemanly about it. Dinner dates, a trip to an opera house, and the like are the typical setting for the dates that he planned. However, that doesn't mean that it's boring. He makes sure that you'll enjoy the dates to the fullest because you only deserve the best of the best.
In short, dates planned by him can get a bit fancy for your taste. That's why you make sure that he also get to experience new things in life.
Dates planned by you are simple yet enjoyable enough for the two of you. Picnics, travel dates, movie dates, and the like are the things on your list.
He enjoys the massages you offer to him when you know he's tired from work. You just know what points to focus on to make him loosen up (due to the nature of your job)
He does not bat an eye on your job as an assassin. But that doesn't stop him from worrying about your safety. He'll be the one who'll take care of the wounds you got from your latest mission. He'll be scolding you while dressing them though.
When you told him about the nature of your job, he first thought that you were pulling his leg. You were so gentle with others, how can you have such a profession as your job?
But after seeing the serious look on your face, he knew you weren't joking around. Well, it's okay. He can live with the fact that the love of his life lives a double life as an assassin.
Before the start of your relationship, Kalego used to be so cold, bordering on mean to you. But that didn't stop you from admiring the demon, even though it was evident that he did not return the same sentiments.
So you were surprised when he asked you out on a date one day. He had liked you for a while now, but he doesn't know how to tell you.
The only reason that he asked you out was that Balam was pressuring talked him out to confess to you.
And apparently, he got fed up with his friend's nagging that it gave him the courage to ask you out.
He can be subtly protective of you in public. But this becomes more prominent after you reveal to him that you were human.
He knows that you are capable of defending yourself from physical harm, but you can't use magic, so you won't be able to save yourself when your opponent used their magic on you.
He wonders how you got into the Netherworld in the first place, but he doesn't ask you about it. He knows that you'll tell him once you're ready.
But like all relationships, the two of you also experienced a lot of setbacks, mainly from his brother Narnia.
I saw it, you saw it. We all know how Narnia feels about humans from that chapter. So naturally, he's against his brother's relationship with you.
For some reason, Kalego's older brother discovered your secret and was very obvious about his prejudices. But your boyfriend defended you from him, claiming that it doesn't matter to him whatever your race is.
Kalego doesn't play around when he decided to enter into a relationship with you. He does not date around just for fun, no. He is serious about you and considers asking for your hand in marriage in the future.
Once he made it clear to his brother, Narnia decided to back off. He still does not like you but he also doesn't want his brother to resent him.
While Kalego was thankful when his brother got the message, you also knew his plans for the future now. Well, it doesn't matter. It's not like you'd refuse him when he finally asks the question, no?
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