#kamado did some things wrong
peachypede · 9 months
I will never not be bitter about how Kamado is portrayed as an shitty guy in the fandom and Volo is uwu pretty boy he was just feeling angsty when he tried to destroy the world and kill protagonist with giratina uwu
Rant below
Kamado, yes, made a horrible decision. He had his reasons. He saw his whole village destroyed by pokemon when he was young and never wanted that to happened again, Beni says they watched their family and friends DIE, so he gave in to his paranoia and banished the protagonist. It’s not an excuse, but he has his reasons for doing so.
And what does Kamado do when he realizes he’s wrong? The man get down on his hands and knees and BEGS your forgiveness. He does the Dogeza, the bow in Japanese culture that is the ultimate form of apology and respect to the other person. Kamado eats dirt and is basically saying “I fucked up so bad and I am so very, very, very sorry.” The Dogeza also is performed to show high respect, so Kamado is basically telling you as well that you far surpass his position. Your emperor levels of worthiness and strength. I think the amount of how embarrassing and humble this pose is is lost to people in the Western culture but this is a BIG apology and possibly even the BEST apology Kamado could gives since it’s an apology beyond words. He also apologizes to everyone else, telling them they were right and he was wrong.
"I acted on ill-considered presumptions and drove you from the Galaxy Expedition Team, forcing you to face great hardship alone…”
And you change Kamado. He becomes more willing to delegate and work with other people. He follows your lead. Hell, he has a line after you beat him on Prelude Beach where he basically calls you a god, that’s how much this dude respects you now.
"Perhaps you are a divine being yourself, sent to bring us gifts from above…”
The guy takes no credit for the victory on mount coronet, he says it’s all you!
"I know I've no right to say this... But we are truly fortunate to have been able to count you among the Survey Corps' ranks. If you had not joined us, we would have fallen on Mount Coronet. We would have lost our home. We would have lost our future."
He is a truly changed man in the end.
"I used to think that Pokémon were terrifying creatures. You've helped me see otherwise."
Volo on the other hand? Tricks you, betrays you, and then tries to KILL YOU. Kamado was always upfront from the beginning that he didn’t trust you, but Volo? He’s buddy-buddy with you to take advantage of you.
And he’s the reason why this all happened! He created the rift, displaced pokemon and hell some people since Ingo obviously fell in through this rift too (People blame Arceus for this :/ ) and nearly killed everyone in Hisui with rampaging nobles and origin forme Dialga or Palkia.
And in the end, Volo doesn’t apologize at all. The dude doesn’t even change.
"Someday, I'll solve every riddle in the legends of Hisui's Pokémon. And on that day, I'll stand before Arceus at last—No, I will CONQUER it! No matter how many years, how many decades, how many centuries it takes me!"
I’m just fully convinced at this point that it 100% has to do with Volo being pretty and Kamado not being that attractive.
My hot take of the new year: Kamado is WAY better husband material than Volo could ever be.
Anyway my rant is over…no hate on Volo lovers, I do think he’s a fun character to rotate like a chicken on a spit in your brain but this has been my biggest grievance in the PLA fandom.
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echantedtoon · 5 months
KNY Swap Au Ramblings
I've seen a lot of others make their own versions of a swap au and I wanted to create one too just for fun. None of this is cannon, and not everyone will be swapped out and it'll have my own twists on things. And have some things added for new story elements.
Most of the role swaps I've seen are usually with either Sanemi and Genya or Gyutaro and Ume replacing Nezuko and Tanjiro. Or the rolls are swapped with Tanjiro being the demon instead(personally my favorite interpretation of this is by @yuramec). But for this I'm swapping out the Kamado Siblings for the Tokito Twins. I won't go into depth about everyone but I will give important differences to the story.
WARNINGS: Mentioning of killing, death, lose of a child, etc.
EDIT: If you don't agree with any of the placements or head cannons that's fine. This is only my take on things.
I'm swapping out Muzan for Kagaya for this purpose. Most of the story remains the same as it did in cannon with Muzan. Kagaya is born deathly ill, he's given the medicine made with the blue spider lily, however instead of killing said doctor out of anger Kagaya is completely overjoyed and taken by the doctor's success. He wants to make MORE medicine. He wants to give this to MORE people like himself! At first the doctor accepts this. He's excited for the success of his medical treatment. However something isn't right.
Kagaya is twisted by the medicine and it's effects on his body. He begins to crave human flesh as Cannon Muzan (who I will refer to as CM), however he sees it as a greater mercy to the masses. Why live such miserable lives when you can join him? Be a part of him? Death is a mercy. Life isn't. The doctor is appalled at the way the medicine twisted Kagaya into a far worse person. (His mindset would be a similar one to Cannon Douma. Seeing it as a mercy or better fate to become a part of something bigger for the greater good overall not really seeing his twisted thinking is only harming hundreds of others and not really caring believing the end goal is worth all the bloodshed to get there.) In a fit of frustration, he attempts to turn the doctor into a demon in order to force him to make more medicine after the doctor refuses to do anymore research disgusted by the results, however as he was still fairly new to making other demons, the doctor instead dies from the infected blood. Frustrated Kagaya attempts to make the next hundreds of years perfecting his technique and turning people into demons as 'sharing his gift'. The first few demons was his beloved wife Amane and their five children.
He attempted to turn the rest of his family into demons too but that did not go so well. (Apparently it's cannon that Kagaya used to have two younger brothers). As with the doctor his youngest brother's body didn't react to him changing and Kagaya accidentally ended up killing his youngest brother. His other younger brother and their father fled and went into hiding. His father later blamed himself heavily for all of the evil Kagaya does and takes his own life. Kagaya's brother later goes on to create the demon slayer corp in search of a way to stop him. Later down the line the Ubuyashiki name is lost and replaced by the last name Kibutsuji, their bloodline cursed due to creating the first demon progenitor.
He sees his demons as 'beloved children' and as such sees what they do (eating humans, killing, etc) as nothing wrong and only as a means for survival and to spread his 'gift.' Don't underestimate him however. He may not rule by fear but his voice and mind is able to manipulate and soothe most demons into submission, and he is not afraid to use force if needed. Amane and their demon children are the ones that he allows to eat disobedient demons if they're hungry and he does so with a warm smile on his face. It puts the fear into anyone who sees it if they aren't already loyally following him. He is also crazily strong physically and mentally.
Desperately looking for both the blue spider lily and the Kibutsuji family. He doesn't want to kill Muzan and his family per say. Merely to put a endless mercy to his beloved little brother's family's torment and free his own 'children' from theirs. Whether it be by turning them or by 'sending them to heaven' he hasn't decided yet. Created the Infinity Castle as a safe haven for his newly turned family and any demon deciding to live there.
Amane is his beloved spouse and is actually the one who controls the Infinity Castle in place of Nakime, and constantly rotates it keeping track of their children. She usually just blinks and any demon her husband wants is immediately teleported to them. Their children are absolutely NOT allowed to leave the Infinity Castle. AT ALL. 
He created the twelve Kizuki as a way to reward his most obedient 'children' and as extra protection for himself and his family. The lower three moons are usually killed off not by him but usually by Sanemi in anger or by slayers. Otherwise he has no problem with how the Kizuki interact. Although his favorite is Yoriichi who happens to be Upper Moon One, and his most loyal and powerful demon.  He usually doesn't have any trouble blending into society Thanks to his personality but he still eats, kills, and makes demons. 
This one's sorta obvious but also an idea I haven't seen explored too often also he's not as OP as he is in cannon. Essentially everything proceeds to happen with Yoriichi the same as in cannon. I mean everything is the same except for Uta's death. As Yoriichi is late to getting back to Uta and their unborn child, Uta unexpectedly went into early labor losing the child and her own life due to complications. Unfortunately Yoriichi arrived a little too late and was devastated by the discovery of his family, but as the causes of death was natural instead of by the hands of a demon, Yoriichi does not develop the hatred for demons he has within the normal timeline. Yoriichi still buries Uta in the mountains where the blue spider lily grows unknown to everyone, and leaves to wonder aimlessly until coming across one of the strongest demon slayers at the time battling a powerful demon. Being the kind person he is Yoriichi helps him with his own sword skills where afterwards the slayer is impressed with Yoriichi's skills and invites him to join the corps. Without the drive of hatred for demons, Yoriichi decides to join instead for a desire to help others and a place of belongings. From there everything also continues as in cannon. Yoriichi meets Tanjiro's ancestors saving them from a demon and becoming good enough friends to teach the Hinakami Kagura dance, and gifts them his earrings as a keepsake. He still comes across Michikatsu and everything continues as it was.
Michikatsu's own story proceeds the same without much change. His entire backstory up to this point does not change in the slightest. His pride, his jealousy, his drive. All of it remains the same. The only real difference is when Yoriichi and Kagaya happens to accidentally come across face to face. 
Because of the real driving hatred of demons Yoriichi would've previously had, and Kagaya's own nature, it would inevitably end up differently. Kagaya's compliments of his strength and the genuinity of his compliments and kindness has Yoriichi confused. He was different than all the regular blood thirsty demons that he usually killed, so why was this so.. Different. His hesitation and confusion leaves Kagaya with an opening to explain himself and to explain his twisted 'help' and Yoriichi finds himself entranced. Kagaya's talks leads the two to genuinely bond over their own personal losses and lives and Yoriichi finds himself oddly at peace listening to the Demon King's words. What if he was right? What if this new medicine could've prevented Uta from dying and had made it possible for their child to survive? What if his mother could've also been spared such a tragic fate? What if this entire tragedy could've been prevented? 
Kagaya genuinely likes Yoriichi's personality and genuine drive of the same goals he has. Sure he manipulates him a little bit but in the end it's 'for the greater good for everyone'. So when he offers the haishira his blood, Yoriichi only needs a few minutes to think it over before accepting. Yoriichi as Upper Moon One is stoic, distant. Barely speaks. Somewhat twisted by the blood in his veins. He's been rejected and cast aside for so long and been dealt so much grief that it was easy for him to follow Kagaya. He has a place now, with a purpose. A GOOD purpose. He loves playing with the Ubuyashiki quintuplets and gets along with most of the other Kizuki, although during his long reign as a demon he's become numb to most feelings making him a ruthless asset on the battle field for Kagaya's purpose. 
His one regret is Michikatsu. 
Michikatsu's reaction to his brother ascension to a demon was rather mixed to say the least. He's angry. Enraged that his brother had not only gotten stronger, but was just handed that power essentially without even working for it as he had. (Context for that see @lavenderdrxp's character analysis of Kokushibo/Michikatsu's work ethics and character drive for this next bit.)  Not to be out done, not to be bested by his brother anymore, not to allow his work to be undermined- He rejects Yoriichi's offer to join him in serving Kagaya disgusted by the thought of joining only to never surpass him for eternity and have the proof constantly living with him. So he rejects Yoriichi's offer, opting to try and kill his brother instead. It ends with Yoriichi killing his brother in battle. The death of his (for now) only remaining family member drives Yoriichi further into his emotionless state. 
His prized possession is the flute Michikatsu gifted him which he carries with him. He fights using his sun breathing techniques and making six swords with his arms. After being changed into a demon, Yoriichi's body suffered some permanent damage from the side effects of Kagaya having problems creating demons. To make up for this, Kagaya gifted him six arms to replicate the movements he once originally had. In similarity to Yoriichi Type Zero.
Most powerful Haishira becomes second most powerful demon. Gyomei runs a (cult-) refuge in the same way Cannon Douma does, the only difference is that he actually believes what he teaches, deeply believes in Kagaya, and believes sending the helpless people that flock to him to 'Eternal Paradise' actually helps them and spares them from their tragic lives.
He fights using stone manipulation demon arts similar to Cannon Douma's ice manipulation abilities.
Not much to say about upper three. She's very strong and flexible and uses the strength to claw her way up the ranks to just under Gyomei who she couldn't bring herself to challenge because he's too nice to fight for Upper Two. She was changed after running away from home and striking a friendship with a snake demon. Obanai changed Mitsuri out of greed and selfishness. Mitsuri clawed her way up the ranks because she heard that she could get more attention from demons and slayers if she was an upper rank. Originally joined Upper Ranks looking for a husband.... Obanai is still sitting in the sidelines trying to get her attention back on him.
Her demon arts are similar to Akaza's that she fights using physical strength and reflexes, but she can also use a charming affect to lure in prey.
Scary. Very, very, VERY scary. But also very protective of his younger demon brother Genya whom doesn't remember his life before becoming a demon. Sanemi and Genya were the only survivors after their own mother was turned into a demon and slaughtered their own family. Their entire life was pretty much the same until Sanemi just so happened to run into the demon king Kagaya. The king felt sorry for the two brothers and forcibly turned them both so neither could be separated again. Sanemi doesn't remember much of his human life except for the love and protectiveness he feels for his brother. Extremely loyal to Kagaya and and hot tempered. Physically wrestled Tengen out of Upper Four and wouldn't let him go until he agreed to give him the placement of Upper Moon four. The only two people who he'll listen to is Kagaya and Gyomei. Although he respects Kanae. Constantly starting fights with the lower moons and weeding out the ones he doesn't think is worthy no matter how much Kagaya and Gyomei scold him.
He uses Air blood demon arts in a similar fashion to Karaku.
Not much to say about him. Kagaya found him depressed after leaving his father and remaining brother after being forced to fight to the death with his other siblings.  It did not take much convincing to change him. Demon Tengen changed his three wives and forcibly changed his best friend Rengoku. Is scared of Sanemi after the air demon physically held him down and forced him to give up his previous place as Upper Moon Three. Best friends with Rengoku.
Tengen fights in both numbers with his wives in ambush style attacks and by sound baced demon arts such as Urogi's screech abilities and using sounds to distract, destroy, or decoy his enemies.
Not much to say about this demon. He was actually forcibly turned by Tengen and doesn't remember too much about his previous life although he has glimpses of a woman who's kind with red eyes and a little flamed haired boy that looks like him sorta. Much of Rengokus positive attitude is still present but as a demon it's toxic positivity only contributing to Kagaya's toxic 'merciful' agenda. He currently is content with his place as Upper Five and gets along with most of the others. Although he has to stop Sanemi and Tengen from fighting a lot as Tengen likes to tease others. 
His blood demon arts is fire based which is why he usually doesn't leave shelter if it rains or go places where water is present. Making his abilities limited.
The real powerful demon is Kanae who shares it with her sister Shinobu. To be honest no one is really sure where they came from or how Lord Kagaya found them. He just introduced the demonic butterfly duo one day to the rest of the Kizuki and placed them in with the others. Kanae is the much kinder of the two sisters and believes that not all slayers are bad. Shinobu heavily disagrees with that sentiment and prefers to poison her victims slowly with a smile. The sisters have two younger butterfly demons, Aoi and Kanao, and together the four of them run a laboratory for Lord Kagaya in his research of his specialized blood. They also have three small helper girls that they took in out of pity. The three butterfly girls often can be found playing with the Ubuyashiki quintuplets in the Infinity Castle.
Similar to how Cannon Nakime didn't have an official number in the Kizuki ranks despite considered a part of it, the sisters are considered part of the official Kizuki despite having an official number. It's rare that they are in fights usually spending their time doing research, but the sisters can use flying attacks, poison, flying petals sharp enough to be blades.
Like the sisters, not much is known about where the most powerful Lower Moon originated from. Lord Kagaya brought him back and he's been tailing after his approval since. His is mostly an outcast by choice being very quiet and reserved but Shinobu likes talking to him and Mitsuri, Gyomei, and Rengoku go out of their way to be polite to him unlike Obanai and Sanemi who openly detest his presence. Yoriichi likes him well enough though. Both are quiet and don't talk too much. He finds Giyuu's character and presence similar to his own and thus likes him.
Giyuu's blood demon arts are water manipulation similar to Sanemi's wind manipulation but because of waters flexibility he's can do much more with it. A reason why Sanemi hates him and why Rengoku keeps his distance.
Similar to the Butterfly sisters, Obanai doesn't really have an official number despite being considered a part of the Kizuki.  Is the one to forcibly turned Mitsuri. After meeting the girl and starting a friendship with her (at the time she was engaged and he respected that despite not liking her fiance) , he eventually fell in love with her and forcibly changed her after her deadbeat fiance dumped her later eating him in retaliation. Obanai himself was changed by the very snake demon that killed the rest of his human family although he really doesn't remember, however he has a general dislike for most women he can't explain. Usually he just lounges around waiting for prey to ambush.
His blood arts are unique. He's able to fling sharpened scales from his serpent tail, contrict his victims, poison them, shoot darts of venom from his mouth, and a series of ambush snake strikes to take down his prey 
One of the ones I didn't swap out. In a similar fashion to Muzan, Kagaya gave RUI some of his blood and allowed him to remake his own family out of pity from his own mortal life. Not really much changes  except for who kills Rui later.
Again nothing really changes with them too much. Kagaya originally was interested in Tamayo's abilities as a doctor nevermind the fact her family tragically was killed by his own demons. Tamayo was one of the rare demons who remembered her human life and saw right through Kagaya's twisted justice agenda. She was able to mentally break free from his hold after Yoriichi's encounter with Michikatsu and witnessing the strength and driving force the Moon Haishira had endured to withstand against him.
The story from there continues as normally.
That's it for now. Might do a second drabble with the SWAP Haishira if anyone's interested in hearing more about this.
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shookie-y · 2 months
Wisteria Blooms (3)
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Pairing: Giyuu X Reader/ Tanjiro X Reader
Desc: (Y/n) is Giyuu's Tsuguko. Ubuyashiki appointed him to train her a year after he met Tanjiro. (Y/n) has had strong feelings for the water pillar for a few months. During a mission with Giyuu she runs into the two Kamado siblings. For Tanjiro it was love at first sight. What happens when (Y/n) has to fight her feelings for not only the two slayers but also keep up with the fight against the demons?
A/N: All of the characters are slightly aged up or down to make this story work. Tanjiro will be 18 and Giyuu will be 20. (Y/n) will be 19. If anyone has any questions about the other characters ages feel free to ask.
The woods around you are quiet. There is a small breeze blowing through the trees. Your hair is moving slightly from the wind. Your leg doesn't hurt as much anymore. Shinobu had stitched it up when you dropped Kanao off. You couldn't stay long because you needed to get back to Giyuu... well his estate. The walk isn't long but it's taking you longer than normal due to your exhaustion. After what feels like forever, you finally see the doors to Giyuu's estate.
You smile and walk faster to the front door. "Tomioka-san? I'm back." You make your way through the building, looking for any sign of the man.
There seems to be no sign of him.
Well you think that until you hear a door sliding open behind you. "Tomioka-san! I was wondering where you went off to." You turn around with a big smile. Your gaze lands on Giyuu, who is standing there in shock. having just come from the bath. You look him up and down. The only thing he's wearing is a towel around his waist. You freeze and stare at Giyuu's bare chest. Water was still dripping down his abs.
"Oh... you're back." The nonchalant tone startles you and you quickly cover your face, your cheeks burning from embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to stare! I should go rest!" You quickly turn around and rush off to your room. You quickly shove your door open and collapse on your bed. "I can't believe I just did that." You groan and shove your pillow over your head.
I didn't even try to hide the fact that I was checking him out. What is wrong with me? I'm his Tsuguko for goodness sake.
Not a second later you pass out.
Thirteen days pass as you're waiting for your sword and uniform to arrive. You've been avoiding Giyuu since the day you arrived back. It wasn't hard to do since he was usually on a mission or doing Hashira stuff. He is here today though.
You are currently sitting outside on the steps. You're just enjoying the breeze when a sound catches your attention.
Kting, kting, kting
You look up and see a person walking towards you. They're wearing a a sunflower patterned haori and a Hyottoko mask. They also have a hat which appears to have windchimes all around it. That's probably what is making the noise.
"Hello?" You tilt your head in confusion and stare up at the mysterious person.
"I am called Haganezuka. I am he who forged (Y/n) (L/n)'s katana." A deep voice comes from behind the mask.
"I am (Y/n). Would you like to come inside?" I motion to the front door. "I can make tea or something."
Instead of answering your question, he kneels down on the ground and starts opening a box.
That box must contain my katana.
"Oh, please co-"
"This is a nichirin sword. I forged this blade. The iron sand and ore that are the materials for a nichirin sword are gathered at the mountain closest to the sun. Scarlet iron sand and scarlet ore both absorb light. The sun shines all year on mount yoko. It is never cloudy and rain never falls."
The door opens behind you and Haganezuka shoots his head up.
"Your sword is here." Giyuu is staring down at the both of you. "Please come inside." He turns and walks back inside.
Haganezuka and you pick up his stuff and carry it inside. You all kneel down around some tea Giyuu had set out. "Draw your sword, (Y/n)."
You nod at Giyuu and pick up the katana carefully. The sheath is a light blue with tiny white snowflakes hand painted on. "It's beautiful. Thank you." You smile and bow at Haganezuka.
"Yeah yeah..." He huffs and crosses his arms. "Nichirin swords are also called color-changing katana. Their color changes depending on who is holding them.
You slowly pull out the katana and hold it up. It takes a few seconds before the blade starts to turn white. You gasp and stare at the sword in amazement. You go to say something but are cut off.
Your crow flies down to the window. "Kaw! Kaw! (Y/n) (L/n)! You must head for a town east. This is your first job as a demon slayer!" The three of you listen to the crow speak. "Children are going missing every night from their beds!"
Children going missing?
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creative-kny-fics · 7 months
Lee! Yoriichi and Ler! Sumiyoshi and Suyako?? Pliss
Of course! In the manga/anime, Yoriichi showed a great approach to family! (Artist name is in the images) (I also added Sumire-)
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Lers: Suyako, Sumiyoshi and Sumire Kamado
Lee: Yoriichi Tsugikuni
"After Yoriichi gave me his precious earrings, I thought I would never see him again... I felt that this gift marked a farewell... Am I wrong...?", Sumiyoshi thought, he was not sure what it had happened to his friend, they constantly talked through letters, but there was nothing more to it than that.
That was their communication until one day...
'Hey Sumiyoshi! Don't you know what I found on the way back home... Or rather... Who!', Suyako announced excitedly, pulling at the haori of her husband, who had his back turned. 'Is it a squirrel? Or is it maybe...'
'Hello... Sumiyoshi...', that voice... Sumiyoshi turned around quickly, shook his head and rubbed his eyes, he couldn't believe it, was he dreaming? 'What's wrong dear...? I thought you'd be happier to see Yoriichi-San... Maybe-?'
Suyako jumped to the side a little when Sumiyoshi rushed to hug her companion, smiling when she saw him hug Yoriichi, it had been a long time since she had seen them together.
After that hug, they invited him to stay, well, more like they forced him a little, his 'it's not necessary' was totally ignored by the couple. 'It's been a while... How have things been...? Anything new to tell?'
'I don't know... Everything has been a bit confusing, there are things that my mind needed to think better... And I apologize for that, for the way you hugged me and how you expressed yourself, it seemed like I worried you...Excuse me for that', Sumiyoshi patted his shoulder, assuring him that everything was fine.
For Sumiyoshi, seeing his friend again was more than enough. Besides, he wasn't the only one who had missed his presence. 'Dad!'
'Huh? Oh, what's wrong Sumire?'
'This is Sumire...? Wow... Did I really isolate myself for so long? The last time I saw her, she was just a baby, she's grown up a little...'
Sumire looked at him confused, she had never seen him before, although her parents always told her the story of how he saved them, she didn't know that it was about him.
'Sumire... Meet Yoriichi-San. You remember him, right? Your mother and I always tell you about him! Besides, he used to carry you when you were very little... I remember your little smile when you saw how he approached our house...', the little girl approached, bopping Yoriichi's nose and then grabbing his cheeks with curiosity
'She seems to like you hahaha! Sumire has also missed you a lot, she used to wait for you every day and she would get sad when she saw that you didn't arrive... But we never let her forget about you!'
'Did she really do that...? Forgive me, little girl... I didn't mean to do it', he sighed and sat the youngest on his lap, stroking her head and looking away.
Sumiyoshi frowned and motioned to his daughter, who nodded laughing. 'He-hey! Su-Sumihire!'
'Ooooh, is that a giggle you just heard~? Hmmmm? It is not? Then why do I see a smile on your face~?', he laughed, thus encouraging the little girl to continue.
Sumire's hands began to rise Yoriichi's neck, smiling while he himself tried not to wrinkle his neck to let her continue. 'Ooooh? Aren't you avoiding stopping Sumire? How adorable!'
'I-It's juhust... I do-dohon't wahant to h-hurt her! Sumihiyohoshi! Stahahap heher!'
'Mmmm... Why should I? You obviously like this! Come on Sumire, give your father some space! Here I come Yoriichi~!
Yoriichi didn't even try to get away from him, his only attempt was to raise his hand while asking him not to come closer, but that only encouraged his friend to join his daughter. 'Wahahahaihit! Sumiyoshi plehahasehehe!'
'Mmmm? Please what? Be more specific Yoriichi-San! Do you want us to continue? That you want?! Did you hear that Sumi?! He wants us to continue!', the little girl laughed and nodded, this time she lowered her hands and began to press on his ribs.
Both she and her father laughed as they noticed how Yoriichi moved his arms that were covering his ribs away and tried to keep them away.
His excuse was 'not wanting to hurt them', but they both knew he was just too shy to admit he was having fun. 'What's happening? Have I heard some laughter? Oooooh! Is it tickling time?! What fun!'
'Suhuyahahakoho-Sahahahan! Stohohop thehehehem!! W-wahahaihit!! Nohohot yohohou tohohoho!! Thihis is so unfahahair!!'
The tickling continued, none of the three moved from the spot they had chosen to tickle, Suyako had his neck, Sumiyoshi his hips and Sumire his ribs.
'He's laughing a lot, isn't he? But maybe not enough... What if we try to make him really laugh?!', there was no need to convince them, they both agreed.
Suyako lowered her hands to his thighs, squeezing them gently, but it wasn't the reaction she was looking for; Sumiyoshi tried his knees, all he earned was a squeal.
Apparently they could only get him to laugh up to that volume, his laughter didn't increase!
'Mmmm... His sides! Dad mom! Help!', they both looked at what the little girl was pointing at.
No one had noticed that Yoriichi was covering his sides, at the moment when Sumiyoshi had decided to go for his hips, to avoid having his sides tickled, he decided to choose to cover them. 'Oooh! Good observation! Honey, do we do the honors~?'
'With great pleasure!'
'W-wait... Let's talk about this!'
There was no way, Sumiyoshi and Suyako took Yoriichi's hands away from his tummy, thus giving Sumire the opportunity to make him scream, or at least try to...
'Stop? Hmmm... Well, we'll stop, with some conditions~', Yoriichi looked confused.
What did he mean by "conditions"?
'The first is that you must admit that you like this!'
'Hmmm, what exactly is "this"? Be more specific Yoriichi-San!'
Suyako laughed and playfully pushed her husband, after a while of laughing, they both stopped. 'That is better! You have a very nice laugh, Yoriichi-San!'
Sumiyoshi nodded, walking over to his friend to make sure he was okay.
'And what is the second request...?'
'Smile more often or else...-!'
'You'll tickle me... I get it... I'll try to comply...', Yoriichi stood up, using his fingers to form a smile for them.
Definitely, both Suyako and Sumiyoshi missed that smile...
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after-urh34rt · 1 year
A-anything for me?
Requested? No
Pairing: Tanjiro Kamado x female Y/N
(Happy birthday, Tanjiro)
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"Wakey wakey!", You poke your boyfriends cheek as he lays in bed. He's a morning person but he worked so hard yesterday that he's tired!
You get on the bed and sit on his waist while he's asleep and whisper in his ear, "Wake up Tanjiro~".
Tanjiro groans but gets up anyways just to be greeted by his girlfriend's smiling face, he could never get tired of seeing you when he wakes up.
But..This was different.
You were sitting on his lap, while he was lying down. He can't help but get flustered by the sight.
He sits up and hugs you, "Good morning, love".
"Happy birthday, Tanjiro". When you say those two words his eyes start to form tears.
"I'm sorry! Did I say something to upset you?". "You remembered, you remembered my birthday!", He says between sobs.
Your smile gets bigger as you cup his cheeks and wipe his tears, "I'll never forget your birthday, birthday boy. Now let's go eat breakfast".
You get off of his lap and he gets up and stretches, you grab his hand and guide him to the dining room.
"Tada~!", You show him the three stacked pancakes with whipped cream in the center with a little sprinkles and some blueberries and strawberries.
"Wow, it looks delicious!". You sit next to him as you watch him eat, "Mhmfhmfhmf?".
You laugh at him and rest your head on your hand, "chew your food, darling. Then you can talk". He chews his food and swallows.
"Are you gonna eat?". You shake your head and give him a closed eyed smile, "no, I'm gonna watch my king eat".
He frowns and cuts a piece of the pancake and stabs it with his fork, he then holds the fork up to your mouth.
"Say, ahh~", he smiles at you as you shake your head. "I'm supposed to be granting your wishes, it's your birthday after all".
"well I wish for you will eat these pancakes with me".
You feel your heart burst from your body, how'd you get blessed with such a cutie pie who is willing to do things for you even though it's his day?
You open your mouth as he feeds you.
After breakfast you sit down on the couch with Tanjiro and watch TV, the birthday boy looks awfully upset with something. He's been like this for the last 20 minutes.
"What's wrong, birthday boy?".
"It's funny how no one else said happy birthday to me except for you".
He forces a smile on his face even though he's hurting on the inside, "Aww, Baby. Go take a shower and we'll go somewhere, okay?".
He nods his head and gets up to go take a shower.
You pick up your phone and call Mitsuri.
. . .
"Moshi Moshi?", An energetic voice answers the phone.
"Mitsuri, is the surprise done? He's getting upset that no one told him happy birthday, It's making me upset!".
"It's almost done, just get him in the car and start driving here. We should be done by then! Text me when you're here, mk?".
You sigh, "mk, I trust you on this".
You hang up as Tanjiro walks out of your shared bedroom, "You look nice! Lemme go get ready, okay?".
You walk into the bedroom and change into a white long sleeve shirt with a pink overall skirt with white heels.
You walk out of the bedroom and grab Tanjiro's hand.
"You look beautiful!".
"Thank you".
You start walking towards the house door.
"Where are we going?". Tanjiro tilts his head and you just smile.
"We're going to go shopping", though Tanjiro liked shopping, it was his birthday. He wanted to spend time with you and his friends, not shopping.
You open the door to the driver's seat and get in the car, "Do you want me to drive? I don't mind, really".
"No, it's your birthday. You shouldn't do so much".
He slowly nods and sits in the passenger seat, you back out of the driveway and start driving to Mitsuri's house.
"Darling, you drove past the mall".
"I know".
You smile and continue driving, "Oh, Mitsuri texted you".
Your eyes widen as you take the phone from his hand, "Wha-".
You wait until the stop light to check your phone.
M: Are you near, We're ready
You: Right around the corner
Tanjiro looks at you with an unhappy face, "Y/N..If you're cheating on me, you don't have to hide it. I understand that I'm not that great, but please, I'd prefer to not have my heart broken like this".
Hearing that broke your heart, "Tanjiro..I'm not cheating, you'll see in just a second".
You pull into Mitsuri's drive through and get out of the car, "Come on, birthday boy!".
Tanjiro gets out of the car and you hand him a blindfold, "put this on". He raised his eyebrows but does it anyways.
You grab his hand and lead him to Mitsuri's door, you open the door and lead him to the dining room where there's a cake and everyone is standing around it with birthday hats on.
You let go of his hand and stand next to Shinobu and you put a birthday hat on, "take the blindfold off!".
Tanjiro takes the blindfold off and everyone says happy birthday in sync, Tanjiro's eyes widened as he breaks into a smile.
"Come sit down, birthday boy!". Rengoku points at the seat that's near the cake, you sit down next to Tanjiro and place your hand on his.
"I thought you guys forgot about my birthday..", Tanjiro starts to tear up and starts crying.
"Aw, it's okay Tanjiro!". Mitsuri cheers Tanjiro up as Nezuko puts her arms around him from behind.
Giyuu and Obanai look at each other and sigh, "Happy birthday to you..".
You look at the two and they start seeing happy birthday, everyone else starts singing along.
"Make a wish, Birthday Boy..". You whisper in his ear, he stops and after a few seconds he blows the candles out.
"What'd you wish for?".
"Can't tell you unless it's not gonna happen!".
Everyone gets up and starts hugging Tanjiro. Sanemi, Giyuu, and Obanai just stand near Tanjiro.
You take this as the perfect opportunity to take a picture, Tanjiro laughing and everyone laughing with him. You press click and take a picture, once you get a great picture you smile.
You dance, play games, talk, and laugh.
Once you get home late at night you start looking for your headphones and look at the night stand and a piece of a folded paper catches your eye.
You walk towards the paper and open it.
Dear Y/N,
I really appreciate everything you did for me for my birthday, I don't know how I got blessed with an angel like you but I'm grateful. You're all a man could ask for. Out of Obanai, Giyuu, Rengoku, and Uzui, you chose me. They are much better than me but you decided to choose someone much weaker than them, but I'm thankful. I have liked you for so long and I finally got to spend 2 years with you, I wanted to wait until my birthday to tell you how much I love you.
Your significant other, Tanjiro
Reading that definitely made you tear up, you look to your right to see a camera set up facing towards you.
You turn around to see Tanjiro kneeling down holding a ring out toward you, "Y/N, ever since I saw you I felt the need to protect you. So my question is...Will you marry me?".
Those four words are capable of changing your life forever.
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He's the best boy and will treat you like a queen even though it's his birthday<3
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crazytea5 · 1 year
Yandere Tanjiro Inosuke and zenizu.
so I’m doing this because of the “What do you want me to post?” Post so I’m doing it like I said I would. Now let’s do it! Pls note that y/n uses she/they pronouns.
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1 Yandere Tanjiro.
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Now you met Tanjiro selling some pastries in your family’s bakery.
he noticed you and instantly became obsessed with you.
he started to stalk you until one day gaining the confidence to come and say hi. Little did you know that he had been stalking you.
he decided to buy some kelp rice balls.
He asked if you would like to see him later on but you declined due to your mother being extremely afraid of oni (demons) and apologised for not being able to but he said that it was fine.
he started to come EVERY SINGLE DAY but you didn’t mind because you believed him to be your best mate. He knows what you thought of him and believes you still think that.
You didn’t just work 3 hours a day at the bakery you also did wood chopping for 5 hours a day and then would give it to you Father to sell.
after work you would meet up with Tanjiro but that stopped when his family died.
Fun Fact: You were at the kamado household when it got attacked and you suffered serious injuries trying to protect them you also managed to save not just nezuko but also Tanjiro.
Tanjiro came straight home and didn’t stay at another house.
giyyu saved you and brought you all to the demon slayer HQ were you and Tanjiro trained under him as his successors.
Tanjiro kidnapped you on a rainy night in a alley.
He is EXTREMELY obsessive and delusional.
2 Inosuke
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You and Inosuke met in the final selection.
in final selection you had seen Inosuke coughing up blood and being extremely injured so you helped him.
he felt different. He had never felt love before but after experiencing it he was safe to say it was a very real thing and not just for fairytales.
one day you and him have the same mission. You too have missions together a LOT. Due to Inosuke asking and due to him threatening to kill your Crow. Due to polite requests.
he kidnapped you when you to finished a mission. He then told everyone that you had died during said mission and said that the demon kidnapped you tortured you and ate you alive.
YOU HATE HIM! You love him he’s so kind! No we hate him… stop lying.
He keeps you in a box like Tanjiro’s when you have to leave tho thats pretty rare.
you live in a cave with him and if you do something wrong expect to almost be beaten to death.
He is extremely delusional and scary.
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Now Zenitzu only met you due to you being a local farmer. Only due to Tanjiro being busy as he would normally be the one to do food shopping when he seen you it was love at first sight. Totally not a obsession.
He was just crying and you had come to help him so he started to believe that you Loved him too.
So after asking Tanjiro Zenitzu was allowed to come with him to the farm to buy food.
Zenitzu after knowing you for a year kidnapped you while you were asleep and defenceless.
he is extremely delusional
You extremely hate him and try to do murder attempts to kill him but you always fail and he always says that it’s just a stage that people go through when their taken to a surprise home and that love will always fix it.
Ok I’m finally done because I am posting this at 06:51 in the morning and I have had 0 sleep so bye!
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Obsession Set Ablaze (Scenarios) Yandere Kyojuro Rengoku X Adult Female Tanjiro (Demon Slayer)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter this one will have Yandere Kyojuro Rengoku X Adult Female Tanjiro! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here, my sexy muffins!] 
(Disclaimer: Kyojuro Rengoku is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yandere is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are! You dirty, flaky, biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! 
Disclaimer 2: Tanjiro is an adult female in this! Aged up to be an adult and is genderbent to be female. This is Not Canon, Tanjiro Kamado! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all!) 
(Kyojuro Rengoku) (Firey Passion and Obsession) 
(Kyojuro's POV) 
I had met her when I said that my fellow hashira and I should cut off her and her sister's head. Of course that was before I saw her face. I did not realize how consuming her beauty was. Worse of all I could not get her face out of my mind. I did not understand, but I wanted her and I needed her. I wanted to have her as my wife, and mother to my children. When she was assigned to my mission with me I knew I would fight for her. We fought together and I was so proud of her and how strong she had become in the last few months. 
But then Upper Moon 3 had come, and I could not and would not let my Tanjiro be hurt. I was not fighting just to protect humanity! I was fighting to protect the woman I loved. My Heart and Love for her was set ablaze and I wanted to be there for her. I was punched in the gut and I fell to the ground. I could see her over me.  she is doing something to my wound. 
"Stay awake!" She cries out. "Please! Rengoku!" 
My arms feel like lead and I cannot move them to wipe her tears away. She is crying, please do not cry, Tanjiro. I love you too much to see you in pain. 
The last thing I saw, heard, and felt,  was my Tanjiro. 
-In The AfterLife(?)-
I saw my mother and I wanted to run to her, but I realized, if I went to her, I would leave Tanjiro behind. She walks up to me and smiles. 
"It is okay, Kyojuro." She tells him. "It is not your time yet, she is waiting for you to wake up. You kept her waiting for so long." 
I turned around and went back the way I came. I had to get back to my Tanjiro. 
-1 Year Later- I groaned around the tube in my mouth. It is hard to breathe. Suddenly I see Shinbu come in and pull the tube out of my throat. I was talked to and realized I had been in a coma for a year. Tannjiro was on a mission and then I waited for a week for her to come back. I was having some miso soup when suddenly the door to my room slammed open. There I see her, Tanjiro, she stares at me and tears start to rush down her face and she runs over to me. 
I am a bit happy that she is happy to see that I am okay. I just wish she did not have to cry. She sobs and grips my hand in her as she cries and I tell her I am okay. She promises to stay with me until I am better. I knew it was wrong, but I milked that for all it was worth. I used her guilt to keep her by my side, and I continue to use it and make her my student. 
She agreed with me right away, that was far too easy. I am glad I got to her first, who knows what would have happened if someone else got their hands on her. I started to train her and she was willing to listen to every word I had. 
"Tanjiro," I say as she pants from her training. 
"Yes, Rengok-"  "Ah, Ah!" I cut her off. "I told you to call me Kyojuro, or Kyo if you prefer." 
"Kyo..." she says slowly and I feel my heart race as if my love for her is set even more ablaze!  "I want you to become my wife!" I say confidently.  "Huh!?" She cries out in shock. 
"We may not make it in the final fight against Muzan," I tell her and kneel. "I am still not in fighting shape, I want to be able to Marry the Woman I love before either of us dies, I almost lost the chance to be with you... Please do not take it from me, I could not bear it!" 
I continue to guilt her a bit and I see her cave. Was it wrong of me? Yes, but I would not give up my chance to have Tanjiro Kamado, become Tanjiro Rengoku. My Sweet Darling Wife~ 
She is going to be my wife, and I will never let anyone take her from me! Ever! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS And Another chapter is done, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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dragon-queen21 · 2 months
More Agere Crossover Shenanigans (Feat. Alolan Raichu) Because Why Not
When you’re sitting in bed and then the ideas come straight to you at 1 in the morning, so now you gotta talk about Alolan Raichu because no one has uttered a peep about it because it’s always “Alolan Vulpix” this and “Alolan Sandshrew” that, but no one ever talks about the freaking pancake giver for some reason AND THIS INJUSTICE SHALL BE RECTIFIED!
In case anyone couldn’t tell, Alolan Raichu is my favorite Alolan variant because I would have a good excuse to ever evolve a Pichu (my favorite Pokemon) all the way into a Raichu, as it’s everything I believe the OG Raichu should have been. The fact that no one brings up this absolute gem often is a shame because it’s a literal surfing pokemon before the gold surfer mascot ripoff existed and also, HELLO, IT SERVES AND MAKES PANCAKES, HOW IS IT NOT POTENTIAL CAREGIVER CODED?!
Also, yay, more long rambling about stuff, I’m about to pull an all nighter for this ;W;
Caregiver Alolan Raichu with Regressed Inosuke
Alolan Raichu: *keeps having to make more pancakes* How much does this boy eat? I can’t keep having to make him pancakes!
Zenitsu: Believe me, I stopped asking ages ago.
Tanjiro: Umm… How much batter do you have left?
Alolan Raichu: …Why?
Inosuke: *wailing for more food elsewhere in the house*
Alolan Raichu: *facepalm* God dammit.
Caretaker Alolan Raichu with Pichu and Regressed Nezuko
Pichu: *being used as a stuffie currently* How long is she gonna hold me?
Nezuko: *holding the Pichu because she’s getting a shot from Shinobu* 🥺
Alolan Raichu: Uh, how long is she gonna be crying for after this?
Shinobu: Give or take, I’d say about 10 minutes.
*it went downhill quickly because Pichu started to freak out, and it wasn’t even getting a shot*
Caretaker Kyojuro with Regressed Tanjiro
Kyojuro: *is starting to lose his patience because Tanjiro skipped a sleep and it’s starting to get to him*
Tanjiro: *currently having a meltdown*
Kyojuro: If this child breaks something in the next five seconds-
Tanjiro: *throws a lightbulb at Kyojuro*
Kyojuro: 💢 Okay, THAT’S IT! Corner now, Tanjiro, you’re in huge trouble!
Tanjiro: *freaks out and starts running away*
Kyojuro: *runs after him*
Tanjiro: *dumps Legos on the floor to stall Kyojuro before running off again*
Kyojuro: *steps on the Legos* OW! 😡 KAMADOOOOO! *runs after him again*
*after a few minutes of the goose chase, Tanjiro slips up and runs into a corner, where Kyojuro finally gets him*
Kyojuro: *grabs Tanjiro before carrying him off to timeout* Alright, I think we need you to have a think about why you don’t throw things at people.
Tanjiro: *wailing as he’s being put in timeout*
*20 minutes later…*
Kyojuro: *comes back to get Tanjiro* Okay, timeout is over, you can get up now.
Tanjiro: Σ OロO *scoots away from Kyojuro*
Kyojuro: Come on, you don’t have to stay there anymore. *attempts to get closer*
Tanjiro: Σ(゚д゚lll)*scoots further away* Nuuuuuu!
Kyojuro: Kid, timeout’s over, you’re free to go.
Tanjiro: 🥺 *starts wailing again*
Kyojuro: Come on, what is it this time? Why the tears, ember?
Tanjiro: *hic* K-Kyo like Shinjuro… *hic* He yell like him at me… That mean Kyo no like me anymore…! *wailing*
Kyojuro: *realizes the horrific implication of how he lost his temper on Tanjiro* 😨 Kid, no, I don’t hate you!
Tanjiro: Th-Then why you yell?
Kyojuro: I- … *sighs* I really shouldn’t have. But I did.
Tanjiro: An’ dat mean you Shinjuro…!
Kyojuro: No, no, it doesn’t mean I’m like him. I’m nothing like my father, Kamado.
Tanjiro: *doesn’t believe Kyojuro*
Kyojuro: *starting to feel guilty for yelling at Tanjiro earlier* Look, I know I don’t normally yell at you like that, and I should be better at handling this ‘cause it’s you. I… *sits down next to Tanjiro* I don’t know what went wrong today, I don’t normally lose it like this…
Tanjiro: So… Why Kyo yell like Shinjuro…?
Kyojuro: *lifts up his bangs to show a scar he got from Tanjiro throwing a lightbulb at him* This is why. It was from the lightbulb.
Tanjiro: 😨
Kyojuro: I-I got mad because it hurt, and you don’t throw things at others whenever you get upset, and I should’ve told you that first, but I- *groans* No amount of excuses make up for yelling at you today…
Tanjiro: …
Kyojuro: …I’m sorry, my ember. You know I wouldn’t want to hurt you on purpose. Just because I yelled at you doesn’t mean I hate you… It… *starts having tears form* It means that I… *deep exhale* How can I say that I still love you when that’s the opposite of that?
Tanjiro: *slowly crawls over to Kyojuro* What do you mean?
Kyojuro: No big brother should be yelling like that to their younger siblings… especially not to their kid brothers… And not like this…! *starts crying* I still hurt you, no matter what my intentions were… and you’re scared of me for it…!
Tanjiro: Kyo… I… *hugs Kyojuro* I’m sorry… I shouldn’t say Kyo like Shin… You nothing like him, not at all…! I hurt you saying dat…! I hurt Aniki by calling him awful…! *starts crying again*
Kyojuro: *hugs Tanjiro back* Kamado, I’m so sorry I made you think I was like my father… I don’t want to turn out like he is now. Especially when I still want to care for you, my little ember. *sniff* You know I love you. But sometimes… we have to do things that don’t make us happy. Like how I had to put you in timeout earlier because you threw that lightbulb at me. It doesn’t mean I love you any less than now. Do you get what I’m saying?
Tanjiro: *nods*
Kyojuro: I’ll forgive you for doing that if you can forgive me for upsetting you, okay?
Tanjiro: *nods again* I forgive Aniki… Don’t like seeing him cry… It break my heart…
Kyojuro: I forgive you too, Kamado. I don’t like seeing you upset like this either. *picks up Tanjiro and starts carrying him to the living room* Wanna lay down with me for a bit?
Tanjiro: *nods*
Caretakers Hu Tao & Tengen with Regressed Gyomei & Zhongli
Aether: Which story did you two tell them about this time?
Hu Tao: I swear, every time I get to the part about rocks, he starts crying for some reason because he thinks the rocks get hurt! And then the other guy started to cry for the same exact reason!
Tengen: How the hell do rocks even have feelings?
Hu Tao: You tell me! I don’t know geology!
Gyomei: *in the background weeping softly again*
Hu Tao: Why does he cry for everything?!
Tengen: It’s Gyomei, we don’t ask him that because it’s rude and he’ll start crying again. Why does your grandpa dragon baby cry over something that isn’t alive every time you bring it up falling from a mountain?
Hu Tao: Hey, you do not talk about the Geo Archon like that, dingus steak!
Tengen: And you don’t talk about the Stone Hashira like that, you Palworld Flame Drifloon!
Hu Tao: I AM NOTHING LIKE THAT NFT 🤬 NINTENDO RIPOFF! (She threw a cuss word in the sentence, which got censored)
Aether: *groans* Do I need to get the adeptus to handle this?
Hu Tao & Tengen: 😳 No, sir!
Caretaker Alolan Raichu & Kamaboko Squad with Regressed Hashira
(I delegated the Kamaboko Squad to include Aoi because there was no way she was getting left out of this; they have 7 members total in my headcanon, so take that as you will)
Aoi: Okay, Tanjiro has Giyu, Zenitsu, you get Tengen, Inosuke gets Obanai because he can check for poison, Genya gets Sanemi because he refuses to eat anyone else’s cooking besides mine, Kanao gets Shinobu, Nezuko gets… *looks over the list* Uhhhh…
Genya: What now, lady?!
Aoi: We have a problem. *pulls up her staff list* If I assign Nezuko to Kyojuro, Mitsuri, Muichiro, or Gyomei, there’ll be an issue. Mitsuri and Kyojuro have huge appetites, and Nezuko’s not equipped for that. Muichiro may get distracted again and distract Nezuko on accident while attempting his breakfast. And Gyomei’s not too keen on having her near because he’s still getting used to having kids be near him again, and I don’t think I want to push it.
Nezuko: I’m not that young, Aoi!
Aoi: And he’s 7’2, he’s gonna think it’s a kid he’s talking to, and the only three of us that can handle him are myself, Tanjiro, or Genya. But if I have you swap out with Tanjiro, then Tanjiro’s stuck having to either do Kyojuro or Tengen, and Tengen specifically wanted Zenitsu today because he had Inosuke mess up his order last time!
Inosuke: It was just dirt, woman!
Aoi: And that’s the problem!
Alolan Raichu: *floats in* Hey, guys, what’s going on?
Tanjiro: Aoi promised the Hashira a breakfast banquet today, and she’s trying to figure out who to assign which of us to.
Alolan Raichu: Can I see that list?
Aoi: *hands the Raichu the list*
Alolan Raichu: *looking over the list* About half of this is gonna go wrong because the wrong people are serving the wrong Hashira.
Aoi: WHAT?! Nonononononononono- What did I do wrong?!
Alolan Raichu: Don’t worry, I can fix this for you. Giyu can be served by either Tanjiro or Nezuko since they know his favorite dish better than the rest of you. Whichever one gets Giyu has the other get Kyojuro. That’s one scenario that could work, but that leaves the rest as subpar options to serve the other 7 Hashira. Ideally, both Nezuko and Tanjiro can serve almost all of them, but you have to put into account what they also dislike. For instance, Tanjiro, what’s your preference, Obanai or Sanemi?
Tanjiro: Uh… Obanai because he doesn’t hate me as much?
Alolan Raichu: Right, Nezuko, what about you?
Nezuko: Um… Sanemi because I don’t trust Obanai all that much.
Alolan Raichu: *pulls up chalkboard to show a diagram* See, if we had to put people to serve someone they ideally would avoid, based on picking the lesser of the poisons, Tanjiro would rather get Obanai despite the latter hating him just for talking to Mitsuri because he and Sanemi are a 75/25% chance ratio to getting into a fight or leaving it be for now. Meanwhile, since Nezuko doesn’t like Obanai, she’d rather get Sanemi in this case instead.
Zenitsu: How in the world did you come up with that?
Alolan Raichu: I got 25 baby Pokemon that I watch back at home, four of them play in a fighting game tournament. What do you think?
Kanao: So… who gets who?
Alolan Raichu: Do any of you object to me getting two of the Hashira and y’all get one?
Kyojuro: *decided to eat off the floor because the table didn’t feel right to him for some reason (don’t ask how that happened)*
Alolan Raichu: Kyojuro, for the last time, someone will step on the pancakes if you eat it in the pathway.
Kyojuro: *confused full mouth noises*
Alolan Raichu: *moves the plate onto the seat* See? Now you can eat on the floor and no one will step on your food!
Obanai: *accidentally stepped on Mitsuri’s food and is crying*
Mitsuri: *more concerned that Obanai is crying rather than her food being stepped on*
Alolan Raichu: …Like that. 😓
Kyojuro: Oh… *noms the pancakes*
Alolan Raichu: It’s okay, guys, I’ll fix it for you! *yells to Genya* GENYA, GET THE FIRST AID KIT! KANAO IS BUSY WITH SHINOBU!
Gyomei: *sleeping on the floor because he got bored*
Aoi: I had people wake up early for this…
Alolan Raichu: It could be worse! Inosuke could’ve put dirt in the oatmeal because Sanemi said no earlier.
Alolan Raichu with Regressed Tengen (Feat. Unhelpful Itto)
Itto: Oh, come on! It’s not like it’ll kill us!
Alolan Raichu: *dragging Itto away from the bag of dog food* Just because you think the idea is good doesn’t mean you should act upon it! Now I see why Rengoku asked for my help with Tengen today.
Tengen: *watching Miira no Kaikata again*
Alolan Raichu: Tengen, spit that out please!
Tengen: *spits out the dog food*
Believe me, I wish I could save some of this as a copy because it’s all fanfic ideas and I have not the capacity to keep them all straight, tell me how you like them, May! *collapses because I stayed away to write this out, HELP*
Okay but at least this was a new idea, try finally getting an idea to solve that ONE plot hole only to forget about it come morning. Truly I feel your pain. Also currently answering this while I make mac and cheese, whoo multitasking >:3 here’s to hoping the pot doesn’t over boil
~Alolan Raichu??? Nah nah nah, ✨ freaking pancake giver ✨
~Just wait for a baby Mitsuri if you think Inosuke can eat a lot XD
~Wait that’s so cute 🥺 Let Nezuko cuddle with the Pichu shots are very scary. A cuddle buddy is a must
~Oh gosh. Tanjiro’s me. Just. Yeah. Overtired and over emotional. And then saying that Rengoku is like his father. Ouch. Low blow little guy.
~Bdjsbjsbj oh my gosh not Zhongli and Gyomei crying over a fictional story. Aether is so done with this crap. They are asking the wrong questions. Why does Hu Tao keep telling stories with rocks getting hurt in them at all??? We all know Hu Tao will not learn her lesson and do the exact same thing again
~But also Gyomei and Zhonngli, them being small together is such a cute idea. It just fits. :3
~Breakfast equals chaos and you know what? Rengoku is very right about eating while sitting on the floor. I do that all the time lol.
~Itto with the motto of, everything is eatable if you try hard enough >:3
~Jdbskn XD at this rate anime is going to be banned from anyone who’s regressed.
I enjoyed these very much! 20 outta 10 for the sillies :D Sorry for such a late response my life has been hectic to say the least and my brain would not cooperate in coming up with responses even though I wanted to 😭
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tokito-dulya20 · 1 year
Soooo what if… the twins fight over you because they both have feelings for you hehehehe 🤭. You’re doing amazing by the way! I can’t wait to read more of your works 💚.
Tokito twins x reader
Characters: Yuichiro Tokito (older twin),Muichiro Tokito(younger twin)
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{The twin mist hashiras have feelings for you [(f/b) hashira], and they seem to have a little fight or some sort of competition to win your heart}
You were chilling with Muichiro and Yuichiro at the house you three shared,talking about the usual things like how your day went,rumors, and all that stuff. Then a crow came by and told Muichiro and Yuichiro that they both had a mission together. They said goodbye to you and they left. Now that you're alone, you wanted to walk a bit so you did. While you were walking, you heard a demon slayer talking smack to someone. You went to see who they were talking to… it was Tanjiro Kamado, one of your buddies. 
Slayer: How you carry a fucking demon here in the corps, you know it’s against the rules right?
T: The master approved Nezuk-
Slayer: Blah,blah whatever. I can just kill that little shit you carry with you around.
How could this random demon slayer talk shit about your buddy like that? Blood boiled in your veins, you knew you had to step in and tell him to stop. So that’s what you did.
Slayer: i bet yo-
Y/n: Hey shithead, leave him alone.
Slayer: Or what? He laughs
Y/n: Stop talking shit about my friend or the next time you talk shit about my friend, I will cut your fucking tongue off.
The slayer was scared shitless and ran off. Tanjiro ran to you and thanked you for saving his ass from that slayer. 
T: Thank you Y/n-san
Y/n: No problem Tanjiro-kun, anytime.
T: Nezuko and I really appreciate it.
Y/n: I’ll be heading home, I’ll see you soon. Bye!!
T: Bye Y/n!!
You headed home to the house. Meanwhile the twins are walking home from their mission…
Y: I really like Y/n
M: Yeah, me too ni-chan. I wish I would date them
Y: The fuck are you talking about Muichiro?! I’ll be the one who will date them.
M: No you will not!
Y: Yes I am!!
When they got home they headed inside and saw you chilling. They ran to you and hugged you, but they were still trying to win your heart. On their days off, Muichiro wanted to hang out with you but Yuichiro also did too. They were tugging on your arms like two kids wanting to play with the same toy. This was getting on your last nerves and you yelled at them to stop.
Y/n: What the fuck is wrong with the both of you?! You both have been acting weird since you both left on that mission a few days ago!!
Y: We both really like you but…
M: Me and Yuichiro wanted to win your heart to date you Y/n
Y/n: Really? Then why didn’t you both say so. I really like you both too.
Y: But how could we even date you?
M: Same
Then an idea popped in your head to prevent the problem to getting any worse
Y/n: I have an idea. To prevent one twin from getting jealous of the other twin, we could all be in a relationship or what the average people call it, a throuple. 
Y: A throuple?
M: That’s sounds like a great idea!!
The twins seemed to like that idea of a throuple. So they agreed. Eventually starting their relationship as a throuple. They headed to bed. The next day they were busy doing their duties as hashiras. On their days off, they were training, chilling and doing some stuff an average couple/throuple would do.
THANK YOU @theyslaydemons FOR THE IDEA!!!!
( ° ᴗ°)~ð (/❛o❛\)
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sapphic-agent · 11 months
I'm not sure if you ever heard of the fic 'Bitter', but there's things that it does right and things that don't (I'm going somewhere with this, I promise). Among the things that it does right is actually showing Izuku as resentful to Bakugou's treatment of him, he stands up to Aizawa in regards to the 'Problem Child' nickname and his double standards concerning his and Bakugou's behavior. Most importantly, he's resentful over Bakugou getting praise upon praise for saving someone, even though Izuku gets in trouble or is ignored when he does it.
It brings up the point that I'm not sure if it was in some sort of omake or light novel, but it showed that Izuku was actually pretty bummed/resentful that he lost against Todoroki (not against Todoroki himself), or maybe he was resentful at how the Pro-Heroes dismissed him during that fight, but I was like YES! SHOW MORE OF THIS, HORI! I know that Izuku's a determined, laidback, unfailingly kind and positive character, and I'm fine with that, but he's still human! Showing this side of him would have given Izuku a more rounded character!
I've never heard of it, but I'll certainly check it out.
This is all I need for the series. Izuku is a human being. Not only that, he's a kid who face discrimination/bigotry his entire life, was bullied and abused his entire life, has been dismissed despite being very capable, has been in multiple traumatic situations, and has been coerced into helping his abuser improve. I don't care how kind or selfless you are, no one isn't resentful or upset about those things.
I've been afraid to bring this up, but it's really the difference between him and a character like Tanjiro Kamado.
Don't get me wrong, he isn't perfect. But he still feels human while keeping him selfless and kind. Say what you want about Tanjiro, but he absolutely does not take anyone's shit. He doesn't hesitate to say that he doesn't like Sanemi because of what he did to Nezuko. He's never afraid to call Inosuke out when he's being insufferable (even if it's something minor). And when Genya says that he doesn't like Tanjiro because he broke his arm, Tanjiro (rightfully) reminded him that he was manhandling Kanata and deserved it. He also has a full-blown panic attack when *SPOILER FOR SWORDSMITH VILLAGE ARC* he thinks he's going to lose Nezuko.
Tanjiro while still selfless and kind and empathetic and mature, still acts like a regular human. He still reacts in ways that are realistic. And I'm not saying that he's better than Izuku (I love them both equally), but I am saying that one mangaka cares to treat their MC like they're a person with feelings, the other treats their MC as nothing more than a prop
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shokos-lazy-life · 1 year
Guys....guys...about the Kamados...
Also spoilers!
Just finished reading this damn sobfest manga and a question here,specifically about the dad,
as in are we sure Tanjuro,the Kamado patriarch,didn't die because he overtaxed himself with the Sun Breathing?
We sure he didn't die because of the demon slayer mark or something?
Like it's never specified what age he was when he died but he seemed young if ill and the Kamado's wouldn't know that they are essentially performing superhuman and really taxing feats,yeah?
Like Tanjiro specified his father had the same damn mark he himself is developing and Hinokami Kagura is essentially just Sun Breathing for dummies so...?
I mean the official reason for the death of the Kamado patriarch is basically an unspecified illness and I am totally ready to accept that too!
Don't get me wrong this story is tear jerking enough without the implications of the blessing of inhuman strength also basically being a curse for everyone involved.
But yeah this thought won't leave me alone and since I am sick right now and possibly delirious if this post makes no sense I apologize.
But really,realistically Kamado's wouldn't know what the damn breathing is and anyone else would have just called a random wasting sickness.
At the same time,they did live on a mountain so maybe the dad just caught pneumonia or something?
But like he was wrestling bears at one point and dancing the Hinokami for hours apparently,and Tanjiro describes that as actual debilitating pain and a stamina and strength sapping effort of only pulling one of the forms,imagine dancing it consecutively for hours?
Man no wonder Tanjiro just seems to be so good at this too!
He had the most difficult form of breathing as a yearly tradition!
No but really this damn breathing form and breathing in general was dropping people left and right and most of the Hashiras got their mark in the end but imagine being a normal man and pulling this superhuman bullshit as a yearly tradition that lasts hours?
Damn the entire Kamado family is something else.
It also gives credence to that whole adage about no hero ever had a happy life but thankfully we had the power of friendship on our side.
In other words Kamado's are crazy but that's nothing new.
On the side note,apparently the realest and smartest person here is evidently Tengen.
Man came there,saw,conquered and dipped.
No but really how pissed of would you be if you basically killed this world's version of basically Satan and then the very thing that gave you the strength to do it,kills you?
It's probably nothing and I hope it was just some random illness or something but jeez the coincidence and implications are not giving me any joy.
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Sooooo... This took much longer than expected in terms of research. And just as long to rank. HOWEVER!-
*Drum rolls*
The 40 Mom Tier List:
Ranking the Mom's of the 40 Characters!
S Tier:
Tamako Yukihira - Taught her son that making mistakes is part of success, introduced her son to a new passion for cooking, etc. Cool Mom points for sure.
Rachel Phantomhive - Even she had asthma, she tried her best for her family while she alive. Took care of her children, disciplined them when needed, and took joy when her sister played with them when she couldn't. She was even there for sister when her husband died and tried her best to cheer her up.
Hiroko Kastuki - She's a caring and supportive Mom. AND SHE'S ALIVE! S Tier for sure. :D
Hinata's Mom - Same as Katsuki's Mom. Caring and supportive. We like supportive Mom's in this household.
Nanako Hasegawa - Top Tier Mom, supportive of her son's passions and offered advice during his feed with Reki. She even asks for advice from her late husband's photo when it comes to her son, which shows how much the two mean to her.
Kie Kamado - Took care, supported, and raised of all her children while she was alive, so that counts for something, right? S Tier.
Kotoko Fujioka - Someone Haruhi tries to model after, so that counts for something.
Mitsuko Serinuma - Supportive and caring of her daughter and son, especially with Kae's biy troubles. She even supports her otaku's shenanigans without much of a fuss from what I've seen. Of course, she got worried when she locked herself in her room, though.
Senna - Cares for her child avatar or not. Supports her even though it sometimes means letting her go perform her duties as the Avatar, no matter how dangerous.
Trisha Eldric - CARED for her family and supported them even though she was mourning her husband all the while.
Sachiko Fujinuma - Known to be caring and dedicated to her son.
A Tier:
Ursa - Look, aprt from taking care of Zuko however she could, she was also part of how he remained strong after all those years and taught him that trying even though things get tough was a strength of his. But Azula. Enough said there. Plus, if you want to include the comics, then much more of a reason may be.
Inko Midoriya - She takes care of her son and supports his decisions even though it takes convincing sometimes, say how she wanted to keep him from U.A. that one time. Buuut, as much as it pains me, she did sort of unintentionally cause some issues to form in Deku the day he was prescribed as quirkless. So A Tier instead of S Tier.
Kurumi Saiki: Now, she's personally one of my favorites; she is part of why Kusuo rarely ever uses his powers for wrong reasons. BUT, she also sometimes fails to be an actual parent to both her children who were probably barely raised, if at all because of their fastmature news compared to her and Kuniharu. Not to say she didn't try, but considering Kusuke and Kusuo's sibling hood, Kurumi get A Tier. Still like her though.
Sukuyo Mankanshoku - Now correct me if I'm wrong, you guys (I wanna finish this fast, and I've hardly watched Kill La Kill before sorry), but she seems like a sweet mom. She takes care of her childern, discipline, and even makes meals fo Ryūko as if she wer her own. But she has shown to be a bit oblivious like Kurumi when it comes to the safety of her children, so that's probably one of the only reasons she's not in S Tier.
Kyoko Honda - Reeeeally wanted to give her S Tier, but even if she helped form Torhu moral compass and all that with her wisdom, she did go into a depressive state once her husband passed away leading her into neglecting Tohru and even considering suicide. So, A Tier is the least to do here.
Mrs. Kageyama - A little overworking and doesn't know that her son is hanging with Reagen of all people in all honesty(no offense to Reagen dudes), but supportive.
Kuchel Ackerman - Worked as a prostitute sooo... She cared for Levi, she did, but if only she reached out to someone to take care of him while she was getting sicker. Not saying it was without reason, but she unintentionally did leave her child to starve if it weren't Kenny. Well, I'm not giving her B Tier, but I'm not giving her D Tier either.
B Tier:
Maho Fujiwara - I didn't find much on her and I've never watched much of Love is War, but since she's diplomat, overprotective, and Chika barely mentions her, Imma say she tried her best, but could do better. Feel free to tell me if I should move her up or not.
C Tier:
Yugi/Hanako's Mother- Now I tried to research about her but... well after her son left, well she sort of-... Well, committed sewerslide. Yikes. She only gets D Tier because she didn't treat them like nothing while she took care of them.
D Tier:
Hiromi Shiota - Projected her desires onto her son by making him present as a girl so that he could live a life she wanted. Not very caring or nurturing if you ask me. Then again, she not F Tier.
Leano - Chose her appreance over Legoshi. If you know then you know.
F Tier:
Raygo: No. Just no. NO. (If you know then you know)
Isabella: Season 2 didn't do it for me, so she gets F Tier as she deserves.
Kikyo Zoldyck - Do I really need to explain this one? Do I REALLY need to explain this one? N-O.
Iruma's Mother - Yeah, if you read the first ranking of the Dad's, you know what she did. No S Tier for her.
Bonus, some honorable mentions here:
Kya, Midori Nendo, Mrs. Nanase, and Mrs. Neogi
@the-ravenclaw-werewolf , you like? Please help me fix the ranking if you feel I was too harsh/soft on one of these Mom's. Remember to take a break please! :D
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lesbianasfuckwomen · 9 months
It was frustrating not being able to talk.
It was frustrating not being able to do simple things without fucking it over.
It was frustrating being a demon.
Nobody looked at her normally.
Her brother, Tanjiro, would look at her with concern.
Zenitsu would look at her with pity.
Inosuke would look at her with confusion, like he didn't understand where she was coming from.
And don't get her started on the slayers.
Disgust, anger, pity, sadness, she could go on and on and on about the looks she gained.
Nobody knew her anyway.
She was known as The Demon.
The Scum.
Tanjiro Kamado's younger sister.
Nobody would look at her correctly.
Nobody would address her properly.
That was until she met somebody.
A person who looked at her with a normal gaze.
A person who called her Nezuko Kamado.
A person she least expected to do any of this.
Genya Shinazugawa.
Younger brother to the wind hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa.
The same man who stabbed her.
The minute she had heard the last name, she had decided to avoid him at all costs, thinking that it would end up with the same out come as his older brother.
Oh how she was so wrong.
The moment she met him, he looked at her straight in the eye with no bullshit in between.
No concern, no pity, no confusion, no disgust, no anger, no sadness, no nothing.
Just simple eye contact.
Oh how she missed that.
"Hello Nezuko, enjoying the sun? How was your day?"
He didn't talk to her like she was a baby.
He didn't talk to her like she was mentally deranged.
He didn't talk to her like she was a demon.
He talked to her like she was a human.
She could only give a small thumbs up, in hopes that he would understand.
And he did.
For the first time in 3 years, Nezuko didn't have to struggle in expressing herself. She felt herself grin.
"I'm glad that you've been doing alright."
Is this how Tanjiro felt around Zenitsu and Inosuke?
Did he also feel like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders?
Did he also feel like he could hide from the outside world and actually feel like everything was alright?
Did he also feel safe?
With Genya it felt like taking a huge breath of fresh air.
He understood her and made sure she felt comfortable.
When she first heard of Genya, he was described as a delinquent. If anybody described him as delinquent now, she would (if she could) laugh at their face and tell them to go fuck themselves. How could Genya be a delinquent if he's one of the most shyest, kindest kid she has ever seen. How could you ever hate the dude?
And that is why she was feeling raging seething anger all coiling into a wretched snake at the wind hashira at the moment.
How could he say that about Genya?
How could he say such venomous things to Genya?
And more importantly, why was Genya just taking it?
She would have immediately insulted Tanjiro if he had done that to her.
Stabbing her was one thing, she could understand that. He was just doing his job. Insulting Genya however, was something she couldn't grasp her head around.
Why would you push away the only thing that was left?
The way the wind hashira talked to Genya. Like he was a scum.
Like he was a demon.
Fuck no, not on her watch.
She stomped over to Genya's room, closed the door and gave him the biggest hug she could offer.
Genya tensed underneath her hug, clearly surprised. It wasn't long until he was hugging back though.
"Nezuko, It's the 28th."
It was said so softly Nezuko barely caught it. She tilted her head in confusion. Why would the date matter?
"Tanjiro told me it was your birthday today."
Her birthday.
She was 15 now, wasn't she?
Not like she cared.
Her family was gone, and Tanjiro was way too busy to celebrate it.
"I got you something."
Genya slowly opened his fist to show her some colorful candy.
Her favorite food.
"Happy Birthday."
The rain fell on the sun touched kimono.
A new kimono Tanjiro had bought her for her 16th birthday.
She stood over a grave in solemn silence.
Not that it would matter.
The body wasn't even underneath the headstone.
According to the crows report, Genya Shinazugawa died in his brothers arms, fading away.
Like a demon.
She reached into the pocket of her kimono, and pulled out some Konpeitou.
"Gomeifuku o oinori moushiagemasu"
She rested the Konpeitou on the headstone of the grave.
"Thank you for celebrating my birthday."
Gomeifuku o oinori moushiagemasu = May their soul rest in peace according to google translate. (Please correct if i'm wrong)
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ecargmura · 1 year
Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc Is Good! (Anime Review)
I’m unsure if I am qualified to write a review of Season 3 since I haven’t reviewed the previous seasons, but I did watch them. Since I have screenshots and I am a writer, I am going to write a review! I do want to write a thorough review of the previous seasons too! Anyways, don’t worry. I’m not one of those anime snobs that say “mid” or “cringe” all the time. I’m concise and fair.
While the Entertainment District arc is still the best season, I cannot deny that the Swordsmith Village arc has its own flare that makes it stand out from the previous season in both good and bad ways.
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I’ll start with the good points about this arc. The characters are the highlights, honestly. Both main and minor characters are very memorable here. This season, Zenitsu and Inosuke take a backseat. Genya, Muichiro and Mitsuri are the prime characters for this arc for they fight alongside the Kamado siblings. I really like them.
Genya stands out for being the only slayer who does not use a Breathing Technique. While he still uses a sword, his main gimmicks are his gun (memed as American Breathing) and his demonic transformation that he gains from consuming demon flesh (these powers are temporary). He serves as a bit of a foil to both Tanjiro and Nezuko in a way. He’s not as talented in sword fighting like Tanjiro and he’s a lot prickly compared to him. However, they’re still strong fighters. In regards to Nezuko, he’s a foil to her in the sense that he’s also the second oldest of many siblings. He and Nezuko both survived a demon attack, but Genya is traumatized for life while Nezuko transformed into a demon. Genya has a bad relationship with his older brother Sanemi while Nezuko has a good relationship with Tanjiro.
Speaking of which, Genya’s past is the same as the Kamado family’s, but R-rated. Unlike Tanjiro who wasn’t present to witness his family being slaughtered by Muzan, Genya saw his siblings die right in front of his eyes and when he was chasing after Sanemi who grabbed the demon and charged off into the forest, he saw that the demon Sanemi killed was his mother who had changed into a demon. He wasn’t aware of this until a bit later and by that time, his relationship with his brother became sour. Because Genya had no talents in swords and couldn’t use breathing, he had to rely on unorthodox methods like marksmanship and demon consumptions to get by. I just feel like the people who probably had bad or no impressions of Genya eventually developed a better one for him. The same applied to me.
Muichiro is the first of the two featured Hashiras for this arc. Like in his first appearance, he’s air headed and blunt, but this arc shows that he’s not doing it out of animosity and that he has amnesia due to trauma. He’s extremely skilled in sword fighting, however. He has faster reflexes than Tanjiro, especially shown in Episode 3 where Muichiro immediately picked up his sword and tried to cut Hantengu. It showed how much more combat-prepared he is compared to Tanjiro. I also like that his skills don’t lie. He’s a talented Hashira who’s younger than Tanjiro.
I do like how human interaction is a strong catalyst to Muichiro’s development. His personality would rub some people the wrong way, which is shown with Kotetsu. With Tanjiro, he did believe he was mean at first, but realized he’s not truly hostile. Tanjiro is still nice to him and when Tanjiro said “When you do something for someone, it will come back around,” it did shake something in Muichiro that eventually tapped into his potential. It’s only when he saw Kotetsu saving his life after he had saved his earlier that he finally recalled his repressed memories of his father who had said the same thing Tanjiro had said to him years ago. The repressed memories also contained his sad life of how he lost both of his parents on the same day and how he and his older twin brother Yuichiro dealt with it until the tragic demise of Yuichiro at the hands of a random demon.
This backstory was as sad as Genya’s. The fact that Muichiro lost his parents at ten years old and then his brother at eleven was quite tragic. He’s currently fourteen, which means it was four years since his parents died and three since his brother died. Seeing how Muichiro came to be the person he was made me like him a lot. He’s probably my second favorite Hashira right now as Shinobu is still the first. Also, I do like that Muichiro is the first Hashira to slay an Upper Moon by himself without the help of Tanjiro or any of the Kamaboko Squad. He’s extremely popular in Asia, and I can see why.
Mitsuri is so cute and sweet! The big sister figure everyone needs! I can’t help but to smile every time she appears on screen. There’s something about her that gives off an infectious, happy vibe. Compared to Muichiro and Genya, she actually gets the least amount of screen time, but she is a scene-stealer every time she comes out.
I think she’s Ufotable’s favorite because she is so well-animated. I was wondering how they were going to animate her given that she’s full of flips and turns. They did her so splendidly. Episode 10 is just animation beauty—a literal chef’s kiss. Her fight against the Fish Demon in Episode 4 was also perfection!
Unlike Muichiro and Genya, she didn’t have a tragic past. Her life was still sad of sorts. She was a victim of sexist societal issues in a way. Because she’s different from other girls in terms of hair color, appetite and strength, she felt like she’s unwanted. Fortunately, she has parents who love her dearly. However, what she sought was someone to accept her as her true self. She tried dying her hair and being someone she’s not but she couldn’t handle it. I admire the fact that her backstory revolved around conformity. It doesn’t have to be another rinse and repeat of parents dying due to demons.
The side characters were great too! Kotetsu, Kanamori and Haganezuka were essential to the story. Kotetsu was definitely as important as the main characters in this show. He’s the one that managed to get Tanjiro his new sword; he’s the one that Muichiro saved after listening to Tanjiro’s words about helping people; he’s the one who helped Muichiro in return. Without him, Tanjiro and Muichiro would’ve struggled a lot. Kanamori was helpful in a way that he forged Muichiro’s new sword for him to defeat Gyokko and the fact that he’s friends with Haganezuka to the point that he knows his weaknesses. Haganezuka was actually the focal point of this arc. Tanjiro went to the Swordsmith Village to find him, only to get caught up in the demon mess. That’s all it was—the arc was Tanjiro trying to find Haganzuka to get a new sword. Haganezuka’s face reveal was amazing though; he’s super hot.
The villains were a bit of a hit or miss, honestly. I liked Hantengu, but he was very annoying in the sense that he just won’t die. His clones were awesome, though. The emotion clones and Zohakuten were awesome in design and in the fact that they were pure menaces to Tanjiro, Nezuko and Genya. Zohakuten’s appearance in Episode 7 was purely amazing, especially with the way the dragons were introduced and his intimidating presence. However, the fact that he kept having insane reasons why he cannot be cut down immediately felt asinine, but there is a reason why he’s Upper Moon 4 in that he’s too tenacious to die.
Gyokko felt underwhelming. While he didn’t have much screen time in combat compared to Hantengu, he at least showed how despicable he was when he showed off his art piece of mangled swordsmiths. Other than that, he proved less of a threat as Muichiro soloed him after awakening his marking. Like, Gyutaro by himself was more of a struggle compared to him. That’s insane, isn’t it? The Muichiro vs Gyokko fight was underwhelming in itself because Muichiro was too OP for him.
The music and animation were as great as always. I feel like the music quality improved a lot this season. Mitsuri’s theme was a pure 20/10 in terms of amazingness. Yuki Kajiura doing her magic again. Muichiro’s theme was great too. Also, everything about episode 11 was Go Shiina greatness. I cannot praise that man enough. The remix of Nezuko’s theme was another 20/10 too. The fact that there was emotional aspects that came with the remix is enough to make anyone cry. Especially when the piano portion starting hitting as Tanjiro started tearing up at the realization Nezuko sacrificed herself for him to save the villagers. I’m glad she’s okay. I legit teared up during that entire sequence. That also ties in with the animation. I love Mitsuri’s fighting style and the way it was animated. I also really like the animated water that was in Muichiro’s backstory. That’s some high quality CG water. However, I do think that the CG fishes were a bit wonky.
And here’s where the bad parts come in. I’ve got a few things to say about this season in terms of things I don’t like. The main thing I didn’t like about this season is the pacing. Because this was a bit of a shorter season compared to the previous season, some episodes ended abruptly. From what I’ve seen, some episodes animated only two chapters and had to add a few anime only scenes in order to squeeze in the time frame.
The fight pacing was fast and too abrupt. This season went straight up with the action starting Episode 3 as the demons invaded. The remaining 8 episodes were just fighting scenes. They don’t get any rest. They just fight. Remember that these fights take about a few hours as they can only fight demons in the evening.
Since Tanjiro and Muichiro have to fight Hantengu and Gyokko separately, the pacing between the two fights were very weird. In one episode, it was mainly Tanjiro, Nezuko and Genya fighting Hantengu and then a scene of Muichiro being stuck in the pot was shown for five seconds and then the episode transitions back to Tanjiro. 
Other than that…I don’t think I have anything else to vent about. I just really dislike the pacing. Everything else was passable for me to not care too much about.
Overall, while this season is good, but not great. There are still a lot of memorable moments worth seeing in this season. However, I do advise watching it all at one go so that the pacing won’t throw you off. Props to most of the main characters fighting without shoes in this arc. Also, Season 4 got announced, so I am excited.
How was this review? Do you want me to review the previous seasons? Please let me know!
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hisuianhellion · 9 months
I Finally Chose Violence
SO. TO JUST PUT IT INTO PERSPECTIVE. Some major shit went down here. Three bandit sisters took the NON-heir brother of a Noble's ACTUAL heir. The Noble was dead, had it happen a few years prior, and the heir hadn't taken their place. The sisters, in their INFINITE FUCKING WISDOM, took the WRONG BROTHER to try and make a Noble outta him. Why? Ain't got a clue. Maybe to force a ransom payment or prove their way was better.
One problem: they took my Luxray, too, using a Gengar's bullshit shadow traveling shit.
Below is a play-by-play of what the fuck went down when I showed the fuck up.
I showed up. What I saw was Lucien (my Luxray, for context) putting himself in front of the Growlithe they stole and the Miss Fortune trio. He was not letting them get an inch closer, and I'm pretty sure when the middle sister got too close, he nearly took her arm off. He bit down, made eye contact, held her there, and let go. He didn't Crunch. He didn't use Fire Fang. He was making sure she knew he held back there, and I could not be prouder at him proving he is The Goodest Boy.
They did not take kindly to this, and sent out THREE POKEMON AT ONCE to try and take him down for DAAAAARING to attack them. So I turned things on them. I sent out both Nanami, my Samurott, and Barry, my Sylveon. Nanami backed Lucien up, while Barry? Oh I let him have some fun.
Barry went straight for the oldest sister there. He latched right onto her leg with his ribbons and started TUGGING. And the moment her Gengar came out? Shadow Ball To Their Face. That little genius knew the Gengar was a major threat, and I knew the exact one to send out to bait their defense.
See, they're used to the Security Corps. They use their Pokemon in a similar way to normal Survey Corps folk, and tend to follow strict regimens and rules. Exploitable ones. Ones these sisters liked to play around to fuck with them and get away with their schemes. Nah, fam. I don't play by the fucking rules.
The youngest sister ended up charging me directly after her Abomasnow got knocked out clean, but she was the only one not being handled. Thankfully, I had been brushing up on a few... SKILLS by proxy of dealing with Kamado. She wasn't expecting me to body-check her head-on. And I might've bruised more than her ego. Her nose was blooooody when she landed on her back.
To put it simply? Shit went very south very quickly for them. Because they weren't expecting someone capable of smoothly commanding three Pokemon at once while literally cracking someone's face with my shoulder, cane in the way.
So. Three sisters, all losing both Pokemon battles and actual brawls. They're all flailing madly. They're all rapidly regretting their choices. And it's at this point that I think, alright. They've had enough punishment. We don't need to do permanent damage. I've made my point, and I call back my trio. Instantly, they listen, and they're right behind me, glaring down these three. One's scuffed along the front, one's got a bite mark on her arm, one's got a broken nose. They're a bit nonplussed.
So I make an ultimatum. Give back the pup. Or they go straight back to Jubilife and I get a fucking explanation for things, pronto. They effectively go rabid with rage at that suggestion, popping Revives into their Pokemon's mouths, getting ready to fight just as dirty as I had.
This is when the two wardens of this area, Palina and Iscan, show up with Irina, the Pearl Clan leader. They've brought the smaller Growlithe, the ACTUAL heir. And when he sees what's going on... he charges.
I could see the desperation on his face. He saw three angry people with four angry Pokemon trying to take his brother away from him again. I'm also pretty sure all of us heard a howl come from the peak of the mountain, too, because I think something snapped in him. Not only did the light of evolution cross by his body... it was MATCHED with LIGHTNING FROM THE FUCKING SKY. Yellow, tingling lightning that literally made all of our ears RING.
What came out... was the BIGGEST. FUCKING. DOG. I HAD EVER SEEN. That thing was apparently an Arcanine, and he was AT LEAST the size of a whole ass SHED. And he was PISSED. Needless to say, even myself and my Pokemon were a little nonplussed and shocked by this, so the Miss Fortunes used that chance to flee using their Gengar again.
Which left us with a giant, pissed off, frenzied Arcanine Noble.
I was literally only here for a ghost sighting.
... needless to say, I had two Water types, though. Ones a lot more experienced in battle than a flailing pup-turned-monster...
........ it really didn't take very long, I'm gonna be blunt. But once he calmed down, hey! He wasn't a Gigantic Behemoth of a Doggo anymore. Just one that was actually close to my own height. And a lot more like his meek self from before. Lovable li'l flufferpup just got a glow-up. Literally.
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cure-icy-writes · 17 days
Okay so. I've been watching the notes on the @pokemischaracterization polls and oh my goodness this is fascinating. A brief summary of trends I've noticed this far:
-ingo and emmet are both in the bracket, but many people say that their characterization is largely fanon and difficult to get wrong. I'm going to argue that you can get it wrong, actually. Because of the ableism. If you write Ingo as someone who likely has an anxiety disorder that masks itself behind his autism symptoms, that's a perfectly reasonable interpretation. If you write him as being a secret zoroark who ate babies and is in a yandere situationship, you may want to re-examine some things.
-nemona, rose, and raihan are all victims of fandom racism. nemona made it to the yandere fandom wiki, and raihan gets similar treatment with people calling him "feral". Chairman Rose is in a much more ambiguous position, as he did in fact do several things wrong! But that just makes it trickier to spot the biases.
-Silver and Lusamine both get the "mischaracterized by their own source material" lament. I haven't gathered enough data on Silver, but Lusamine has canon trying to claim she did nothing wrong in later installments and interpretations, while retaining many of her abusive behaviors in USUM. While pokemon is a multimedia franchise and characterization may vary between adaptations, it does come off like they're trying to walk back on their themes earlier about child abuse.
-Lusamine and Cynthia both seem to get their characterization erased in favor of making them. Hm. Can't say that unless I want to mark the post 18+, but in particular, a lot of fanartists draw them in a way that appeals to a very particular crowd. Lusamine's toxicity is swept under the rug, and Cynthia's kindness and genuine love for the world and her history is dismissed as being unfitting for the particular fantasy that these people want to fulfill.
-Autism coding is something that comes up a LOT. Ingo, Emmet, and N are all a victim of zoroark AUs, a fresh spin on the changeling story that rehashes the same harmful tropes as the original without doing any introspection. In particular, N is infantilized and his character arc of understanding that he has a human heart is erased. which is suspicious because this mischaracterization is a mirror image of ghetsis' abuse. Nemona is viewed by some people as being autistic, hence her overly enthusiastic nature and inability to pick up on social cues. And she's criticized for these same traits.
-Special mention to magma admin Courtney! We're not sure if she's autistic or something else, but she's compared to a robot rather than a zoroark. Diversity loss! Ableism finds a way!
-Cyrus and Volo are character foils, who both wanted to remake the world but have friendship evolutions to show how they're not uncaring or heartless. Fandom seems to be allergic to nuance on them, with Yandere Volo headcanons especially. Volo seems to have it a lot worse, though.
-Red and Blue are somehow mischaracterized? Maybe I'm just not in the right corners of the fandom, but they seemed pretty straightforward to me. Hell, I'm a pretty big fan of Blue's characterization in pokemas, where he's presented as a cocky mentor sort who's largely mellowed out over the years and takes a lot of the newer rival characters under his wing.
-Kamado gets turned into a hate sink. My theory on this is that it's about the way the information about him is presented; he's wary of you to begin with and the banishment comes off as irrational, and then the banishment happens. By the time you learn enough about him to make him feel sympathetic, you're being attacked by a ninja who is likely trying to kill you, and then you have other things to worry about. More information about his backstory is hidden in subtext and minor quest dialogue that you could easily miss.
Anyways! This is just me liking to analyze data and trends. If you have information you'd like to add, feel free!
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