#and i get Volo shoved in my face
peachypede · 9 months
I will never not be bitter about how Kamado is portrayed as an shitty guy in the fandom and Volo is uwu pretty boy he was just feeling angsty when he tried to destroy the world and kill protagonist with giratina uwu
Rant below
Kamado, yes, made a horrible decision. He had his reasons. He saw his whole village destroyed by pokemon when he was young and never wanted that to happened again, Beni says they watched their family and friends DIE, so he gave in to his paranoia and banished the protagonist. It’s not an excuse, but he has his reasons for doing so.
And what does Kamado do when he realizes he’s wrong? The man get down on his hands and knees and BEGS your forgiveness. He does the Dogeza, the bow in Japanese culture that is the ultimate form of apology and respect to the other person. Kamado eats dirt and is basically saying “I fucked up so bad and I am so very, very, very sorry.” The Dogeza also is performed to show high respect, so Kamado is basically telling you as well that you far surpass his position. Your emperor levels of worthiness and strength. I think the amount of how embarrassing and humble this pose is is lost to people in the Western culture but this is a BIG apology and possibly even the BEST apology Kamado could gives since it’s an apology beyond words. He also apologizes to everyone else, telling them they were right and he was wrong.
"I acted on ill-considered presumptions and drove you from the Galaxy Expedition Team, forcing you to face great hardship alone…”
And you change Kamado. He becomes more willing to delegate and work with other people. He follows your lead. Hell, he has a line after you beat him on Prelude Beach where he basically calls you a god, that’s how much this dude respects you now.
"Perhaps you are a divine being yourself, sent to bring us gifts from above…”
The guy takes no credit for the victory on mount coronet, he says it’s all you!
"I know I've no right to say this... But we are truly fortunate to have been able to count you among the Survey Corps' ranks. If you had not joined us, we would have fallen on Mount Coronet. We would have lost our home. We would have lost our future."
He is a truly changed man in the end.
"I used to think that Pokémon were terrifying creatures. You've helped me see otherwise."
Volo on the other hand? Tricks you, betrays you, and then tries to KILL YOU. Kamado was always upfront from the beginning that he didn’t trust you, but Volo? He’s buddy-buddy with you to take advantage of you.
And he’s the reason why this all happened! He created the rift, displaced pokemon and hell some people since Ingo obviously fell in through this rift too (People blame Arceus for this :/ ) and nearly killed everyone in Hisui with rampaging nobles and origin forme Dialga or Palkia.
And in the end, Volo doesn’t apologize at all. The dude doesn’t even change.
"Someday, I'll solve every riddle in the legends of Hisui's Pokémon. And on that day, I'll stand before Arceus at last—No, I will CONQUER it! No matter how many years, how many decades, how many centuries it takes me!"
I’m just fully convinced at this point that it 100% has to do with Volo being pretty and Kamado not being that attractive.
My hot take of the new year: Kamado is WAY better husband material than Volo could ever be.
Anyway my rant is over…no hate on Volo lovers, I do think he’s a fun character to rotate like a chicken on a spit in your brain but this has been my biggest grievance in the PLA fandom.
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archivestarlyht · 8 months
fox doesn’t let volo or the hag near his eyes because he’s too squeamish. sol’rys doesn’t let volo or the hag near his eyes because he’s too vain abt them. ☠️
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lucky-clover-gazette · 20 hours
(for the request thing) sometimes i wonder how Volo would feel/react if someone (like arceus’s chosen 👀) took a blow for him from a wild Pokemon or another person. From his perspective, Volo doesn’t have anyone in Hisui that cares about his wellbeing, and the game alludes to him having a troubled and lonely past, and with him having planned on erasing all life in Hisui in pursuit of his desires, would he feel guilt if someone showed him a level of care that would make them sacrifice their safety for his, when he was ready to potentially sacrifice them for his own sake when it came to Arceus?
(also wanna say ive loved your fics on Ao3, so talented <3)
(also on ao3)
You really prefer not to die in front of other people.
The edges of your vision darken as you shove Volo aside, taking the full force of the Alpha Vespiqueen’s attack. You manage the subdue your attacker with a well-aimed sticky glob and ultra ball, but not before suffering an undoubtedly fatal blow.
The consummate merchant comes to you at once, leaning over your fallen body with an oddly indecipherable expression. Usually Volo is abundantly obvious with his feelings, whether he’s passionately rambling about ruins or earnestly praising your efforts as the hero of Hisui. But the man you see now, as your vision begins to blur, simply stares.
“Caught it,” you brag.
His grey eyes widen slightly. You haven’t shared this with him, but you’ve always found them rather beautiful.
“You shouldn’t have…”
“Saved you?” you ask with a dry chuckle. “That’s why I’m here, remember?”
Volo furrows his brow. Reaches out to touch you, then pulls his hand back.
“I sincerely apologize,” he tells you, bowing his head. “If you are to perish in these circumstances, you deserve to know—”
You die and can’t hear the rest.
And then you open your eyes.
You stand on your feet now, in the last place you felt safe before the Pokémon’s attack. Volo still kneels in the distance, seemingly unaware that your body has been replaced by a fallen satchel containing your entire supply of ultraballs, a fire stone, and exactly four medicinal leeks.
You frown. This is going to be awkward.
“Hey, buddy,” you say, coming up carefully behind him. Volo’s back goes rigid at the sound of your voice, his head turning around at once.
You rub the back of your neck, sheepish. “Surprise?”
“You died!” Volo exclaims with an accusatory finger-point. “I just saw—” His head swivels to the satchel on the ground, then he turns back to you. “How?”
You sigh and sit down beside him. “Chosen One perk. I die, Arceus says my work isn’t finished yet, I get another shot. It happened for the first time when I fought Lord Kleavor. I had no idea what I was doing, and it took like a dozen tries before I got good.”
Volo looks horrified. “You’ve died a dozen times?”
“Of course not!”
“Then why—”
“My death count’s definitely in the triple digits now. Lord Arcanine was ten times worse than Kleavor, because of all the fire and bullshit arena. At least Lady Liligant was a total pushover.”
“Did it not hurt?” demands Volo, his face growing noticeably pale.
“Oh, it totally hurt,” you admit. “But somebody’s got to deal with it, and I’m the only one around here who’s been made invulnerable by God.”
Volo looks as if he’s been slapped. You suppose that’s fair, considering the shock of witnessing your death and resurrection. But to you, this really is just another Tuesday.
“I know it’s disturbing,” you sigh, putting a hand on his shoulder. His muscles are tense. “That’s why I try my best to make sure people aren’t around to see it. Just easier that way, you know?”
Volo wears another unreadable expression.
“Sucks to lose a satchel, though,” you say, lightly. “Thanks for keeping an eye on it. Without witnesses, I usually lose some of my stuff. Never the plates, though, don’t worry.”
He still looks lost in his thoughts, which is no good. You don’t know how to explain that this happens all the time, for much less important reasons than protecting your favorite person on Hisui. The pain is a small price to pay for his safety, and you’d readily pay it again.
“I thought you died,” Volo eventually says. “Saving my life.”
You elbow him playfully. “I guess Arceus is looking out for you too.”
His expression darkens. “No.”
He looks you dead in the eyes, with a different sort of intensity than you’ve come to expect from the eccentric wanderer. “Under an unjust god, endless life is endless pain. Do you truly wish that for yourself? For the world?”
Distantly, you wonder what exactly Volo had thought you deserved to know before your presumed demise. You have a feeling he’s not going to tell you now.
You offer him a hand. “Well, unless you’ve got a better god laying around somewhere, I think we’re stuck with what we’ve got.” And I like what I’ve got, you absolutely do not tell the merchant. I like that I’m here with you.
Volo still seems distracted, but he takes your hand anyway. “Right,” he mutters, and then smiles. “We live to fight another day.”
You rub your thumb against the side of his hand. “And maybe someday, we won’t have to fight. We’ll have everything we need.”
You can picture it, with him. You wonder, maybe foolishly, if he might feel the same way.
Supporting you is actually an investment in my own fortunes, Volo had told you once.
You would protect him regardless of your personal relationship, of course. Just as you protect the rest of this world. You want things to be better, for everyone, and intend to use your god-given powers to ensure that your dream becomes reality.
Volo nods, his sharp gaze fixed on your joined hands. A chill runs down your spine as he squeezes.
“Yes,” he agrees. “Someday.”
You smile softly.
“I think I can live with that.”
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kharmii · 12 days
I shouldn't get annoyed by it but I can't help but get annoyed by the obvious favoritsm going on in the Submas fandom...
I dunno its frustrating to see a pair of twins constantly being put up like that and pit against each other when their true strength is in them being close and together....
It makes me loose my interest because its the big names doing the favoritsm and it feels like everyone is following their lead.
I'm usually someone who doesn't complain much about things going on in fandom (I thankfully managed to avoid the gross stuff so far, thanks to the block button where everything that makes me uncomfortable or doesn't spark interest gets the boot.) But I feel the more I stay silent the more upset I get.
It's not only the favoritsm that annoys me but also the deconstruction of the character. Its basically just a skinsuit for someone's OC and that ticks me off so much.
It ticks me off when media does it with established characters and it ticks me off when some alphabet freaks do it in my fandom.
The japanese fandom is such a breath of fresh air. They do diverge a lot too but it doesn't feel like OC material... and at the core the twins are still themselves.
Honestly this is also a reason I don't mind shippers. I don't like the ship in of itself but I do appreciate that they're still themselves for the most part. Just with some kinks and fetishes shoved in. (some more alright then others... a lot of them are... ewwwwww)
But yeah I hope it's okay to vent out a little here. I'm not someone actively in the fandom more a silent fan from the sidelines but it just bothers me how the fandom devolved over time into that hive of scum and villany it is now.
I'm not sure if I understand 100% what you are saying, but it might be because I don't know who the popular artists are anymore. Seems like most of them have lost interest and are being replaced by new people with recent fixations. Even looking at the tags with another account that everybody hasn't blocked, I'm still not seeing the same people I saw when PLA was at the height of popularity.
Even the Volo tag is lagging. Masters just did an event with him in it, and the tags didn't even blow up. I didn't see any of that clique of people who badmouthed me on Discord over what I said about trans people. This is why Japanese artists are the best. They haven't slowed down on content. I'm still seeing regular art of almost everything I'm into.
Maybe you're talking about fans who post one and not the other? In some context that works -such as PLA fans where Ingo is there with no Emmet- but a lot of fans also treat Emmet as a self-insert. I see that a lot....like he's austistic LIKE ME and I want to make him this stand-up guy. Am I the only one who has ever written fan fics where Emmet beats Volo at something and is a total douche about it? -Like he does end-zone dances and is all like IN YOUR FACE!! (.....because in the very first games, he'd taunt you if you lost against him). People take them both too seriously sometimes.
At least I can tone out all that other stuff and still find the sweet angst with the Japanese artists.
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Art credit: ぽち@oniptt Twitter.
Side note: I hear ya about deconstructing a character and making it about the alphabet sexual nonsense. Someone did that recently on a Geten RP blog on Twitter. They were all like, "This Geten is asexual agender aromantic, has sharp teeth, eats human flesh and raw meat.."
I'm thinking....I don't like the goofy fetishes, but I do like me some shipping. There has to be a happy medium here, like this is what people are like if they don't have sexual fantasies to fall back on. It's like......I'm not into sex and romance, so all I have to fall back on is cannibalism. Yep, cannibalism, and I'm happy about it, godammaaaaaaattt!!!!!
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newtabfics · 1 year
I Didn't Mean To Drop A Building On You. Tav x Astarion Drabble
So, it was definitely me during this scene, just so you know. I was like OH NO I FUCKED UP I FUCKED UP cuz I happened to be out of revives.
Spoilers for BG3.
Btw, this is my Tav :D She's a half-wood-elf ranger! This photo is uh...pre-Volo surgery.
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"Tav, breathe," Shadowheart said gently as she shakily handed over the gold to the Wither.
"Give her a break," Karlach muttered softly. "It's not easy losing your first soldier. Should be lucky this dried up jerky is helping us. Ah, no offense."
The Wither simply shook its head with a smile on his face as he worked. With a bright glow, Astarion suddenly stood before everyone, gasping and patting at his chest.
"Alive, alive!" He muttered before locking onto Tav. "What in the sweet hells were you thinking, activating that lance? I was right there!" He stomped his foot almost childishly as he straightened. "Gods, do you have any idea how much that hurt?"
Tav's eyes watered as she smiled shakily, relief flooding through her. "I'm sorry," she croaked. "I'll be more careful next time."
Even Lae'zel flinched (if you count narrowing her eyes as flinching) when Astarion snapped on her, "Next time? No, no, no. If there is a 'next time', I'll be the one activating the all-powerful weapon, thank you"
He huffed and shifted as he tugged on his gloves. "Although, I do appreciate you trying to fix your mistake. Just don't do it again." He smiled tightly at her, almost relishing in the whimpering she let out. "Now, shall we go? Or do you have any other chaos you wish to unleash here?"
"Knock it off!" Karlach snapped, approaching and giving him a shove.
Astarion hissed softly at the heat from her palm, glaring at her. 
"She gets it," She snapped, looking at the small half-wood elf. 
The vampire studied her. In the corner of his eye, he saw the mace of the hour scattered near the bedrolls. Everyone was still in full gear, most were looking towards her with worry. Even the Githyanki stayed nearby. 
"She knows she messed up. Just let her hug you now," Gale said, smirking at the vampire.
He let out a huff. "Oh fine. Whatever. Get over–Oof!" He grunted when her body slammed into his chest, hugging tightly.
"Cute," Wyll chuckled as everyone eased up, returning to their tents.
Astarion swore he felt his dead heart flutter as she held him tight. It was as though she were afraid of letting go. This couldn't have been because–
No. He refused to let himself think it was because of the intimacy they shared once. She's just always been a kind and gentle soul. Fitting of a ranger living as an outlander. 
He tried to shove off her arms after a moment, grimacing when they refused to budge. "Release me, you vice," he hissed out.
"Five more minutes," She mumbled into his chest.
It was then he realized he smelt her tears, not the distant sea. She was crying for him. He sighed and bent, lifting her up, almost as though he were carrying a princess. Her grip quickly readjusted and he caught a glimpse of her panicked expression before it hid against his shoulder, refusing to give up the warmth of him.
"Let's at least go to my tent then, Darling."
"Sooo cute," Karlach cooed as he walked off with her.
"Fuck you," He shot back with a smile.
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melonthesprigatito · 10 months
So today is the release date of Indigo Disk, right? Yesterday I downloaded a YouTube add on to block all the YouTubers I know who release a video hours after a game comes out and put massive final boss spoilers in the thumbnails. Pokeli, BeardBear, ProfasiaGaming, several others, all who have ruined the surprise for me in previous games of various franchises.
Pokeli I hate the most from when I searched for something completely unrelated to Pokémon and got slammed with a thumbnail of Volo and Giratina labelled as POST GAME FINAL BOSS or something on the game's release date, just an hour or two before I even got the game. And he had this smug "Well you shouldn't have clicked on the video if you didn't want spoilers" attitude in the comments. Bitch I didn't click on shit, I was searching for an episode of Air Crash Investigation to watch when YouTube shoved your shitty thumbnail in my face.
Indigo Disk is one of the rare instances where I managed to make it to release day without seeing any leaks, datamines, people getting the game early and posting spoilers, etc mostly because Gamefreak was keeping this one safe. Honestly, good job, means I can go in completely blind.
EXCEPT….. I got home from college, went on YouTube to look up another episode of Air Crash Investigation to watch while I'm eating lunch, and guess fucking what. A YouTube video on my home page, titled "FINAL BOSS: TERAPAGOS" from some channel I had never heard of, meaning it missed the blocking purge from yesterday.
I've never been more thankful to have a shitty internet connection. The thumbnail didn't load. It was a grey square, a beautiful grey square allowing me to block that bastard immediately without getting spoiled.
I'm just so mad that this sort of thing is SPREADING. Now any YouTube channel is posting spoilers to get clicks and YouTube clout.
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flower-seller · 1 year
So per Salem’s request, I was asked to share a snippet of my own from our Lord Arcanine battle rp because that shit was insane GEHDBDND God I loved every bit of it though, it was so hype I will not lie.
For the context a bit, Volo was with another ginkgo at the time of the battle breaking out (Salem’s oc Kanata we love Kanata so much in this house) but the poor kid kinda got dragged into the battlefield just a bit. With Euph having just kicked the Lord directly in the face, this is Volo’s reaction and subsequent actions that really threw this particular fight for a loop
While this isn’t exactly the most “just some guy” post, I feel it does showcase a little bit of his quirks here and there. There is another snippet I’d love to post from this particular rp as well but perhaps in another post sometime (I’m too shy for this BSBDBJDJD)
Volo and Kanata ran as fast as they could, Volo’s hand a vice grip of fear around the boy’s wrists as the clear sounds of battle raged just ahead.
Please please please—
Volo needed her to be ok. He wasn’t gone long. He wasn’t gone long, but he had left her. He wouldn’t forgive himself for that. The wall came into view, and right as they approached it, Volo heard the gut wrenching wail chill the air around him.
He was only gone a second!
Volo shoved past the wall, and his eye widened. Euphorbia had thrown herself into the lord’s jaws. His heart stopped completely, terror filling him, freezing him solid even as Kanata crashed into him from behind. The seconds felt like hours, watching her twist her form around so cleanly, so practiced…
She… Kicked the lord.
He could hear the impact from his position, and watched in awe at the incredible power Euphorbia displayed in that one swift blow. He watched the way her hair flowed behind her like a crashing wave against the raging inferno. The fierce expression she wore, that of pure fury to rival even the frenzy of the lord himself. He watched as she landed it skillfully. He watched her body heave from the exertion, her chest rising and falling with counted breaths.
“Volo!” Kanata shook the elder ginkgo by the arm, snapping him out of whatever momentary daze had overcome him, “You’ve got a plan, right?!”
… Plan.
“I-I…,” He hadn’t thought of one. But he opened his mouth as if to speak regardless. What came out wasn’t what he’d planned to say either.
“EUPHORBIA!” Volo screamed suddenly, watching in horror as she was tossed into the air, fire raking up her arm. He had no plan, but he didn’t need one. He was already moving, darting forward with one hand locked around Kanata, and the other reaching into his pocket. Volo pulled out a pokeball and threw it forward. He jumped up, dragging the younger merchant into the air with him.
“RrraaAAAH!” Exploding from the blinding light, Volo’s own Arcanine burst from her pokeball. His clawed hand grasped her mane tightly, landing upon her back as she surged ahead at an incredible speed.
“Holy SHIT!” Kanata gasped as he was pulled onto the sudden mount. He clung to Volo’s back as if he were the other man’s pack itself. They rushed up the side of the volcano itself, his Arcanine pushing off of the crater’s lip to leap into the air after Euphorbia. Volo released his hold of the canine’s mane to reach for Euphorbia herself.
He caught her in his arms, and clung to her tightly as they landed with an earth shaking impact of their own. For only a second was Volo able to hold Euphorbia close to himself before he, with a shuddering gasp of his own, passed her into the arms of Kanata. Arcanine lowered herself as Volo let the boy off upon the plateau.
“Get her to safety. I’ll keep the lord occupied,” Volo announced with determination himself. Without another word to the boy, he tugged at his pokemon’s mane and the pair bolted back to the fight below.
“Arcanine! Rockslide!” He commanded as they ran down the mountain’s side. His loyal companion barked in acknowledgement, her own paws slamming down against the volcano with even more force than before as she thrashed about herself. She stirred the loose rocks from the land, willing them into rolling down alongside her. The pair rapidly approached the arena once more, and Volo released his hold of his pokemon, allowing himself to fall back off of her as she rushed ahead like a boulder herself.
Volo hit the rocky ground unceremoniously, the wind rushing from his lungs as his back made contact. He didn’t let that stop him though as he quickly flipped over and pushed up off of the ground in time to watch as his arcanine crashed into the lord for a solid and rumbling impact, followed by a pelting of large rocks. The two dogs fell into the lava, sending up a big splash up in their corner.
“Twolo! Get Chamerion out of here!” He pleaded in a half wheeze. A hand already clutching his chest. The little jolteon stared at Volo for only a second before he was racing off towards the knocked out little fire type. The eeveelution grabbed Chamerion by the scruff and was quick to run the way Volo had come from now that the path had been cleared.
Volo pushed off of the ground, panting himself for a moment before he removed his hat and tossed it aside. He wasn’t fucking around this time.
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protokirby · 4 months
While I'm thinking about stuff, I'm gonna ramble.
Before the indigo disk came out, I had thought Crispin would be my favorite character out of it. I'm not even sure if I knew he's a fire type specialist at that time. I probably was oblivious to that, otherwise my pyrophobia would have gave him a bad first impression in my mind.
I did not expect for the guy with toothpaste hair to end up as my favorite. Or for toothpaste hair to end up in my top 5 and even stir up enough chaos to shove Leon off his throne (or rather, convince 3 other characters in my top 5 to do it while he sat in the back of the mindscape-throneroom and watched). Leon had been unmovable from the top 1 spot for a long time but now the characters in my top 5 randomly wander around between places. The mindscape-throneroom is a disaster zone. They never all stay in one spot. It's just Leon, Hop, Grusha, Ryuki, and Drayton (not in that order) being rambunctious in the mindscape-throneroom while everyone else in the mind-castle (that is, characters in places 6 through 20) does whatever else. Places 6 and 7 are the castle guards who stand at the door to the throne room. and hold on. Now that I think of it, Crispin has found more favor with the goblins than Volo and Raihan. (Raihan was 6th, Volo was 7th) Now Crispin is 6th and Raihan is 7th. Volo is 8th. What is the role of the 8th in the mind-castle? Idk. Court jester? That is a highly honorable position. Not as much so as being a castle guard, but in the mind-castle of chaos, court jester is a praise-worthy position. Commander of the silly. But that's not technically protecting the royalty directly ya know(?)
Anyhoo enough about whatever that is.
I have had this image as my desktop background for such a long time now, hoping it would influence my dreams. In the hug sort of way. Looks real cozy.
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(it's all platonic, for clarification. 1. I don't experience romantic emotions. 2. I am repulsed by anything relating to the baby-making-act to the point I don't even say the proper word even though it's not even a swear word. 3. Most of the characters are minors so it would be seriously bad if it weren't platonic. 4. Plus that all is stuff taking place in dreams so - ya know -) If someone were to try and hug me irl, I believe I may panic and use my fingernails irresponsibly. Hugs in dreams are a different story. I crave them so badly that if I go too long without getting a hug from a beloved fictional character in a dream, I am more likely to be off my rocker. It's not pleasant.
The fictional characters who appear in my dreams can become friends with me and remember past adventures from other dreams like it's a continuing story. I don't know if that's a normal dream experience or not, but it really makes it feel like the characters are really my friends. There was a time I saw Grusha in a dream and I asked him to be my friend. He declined and that actually stung a little. I don't recall seeing him in a dream since then. Bro was serious.
Drayton and Crispin became my friends. I don't get to hang out with Drayton as much. I don't get to choose the location in dreams and I assume Drayton's laziness would get in the way of going to where I am most of the time. Based on experiences that I've had with Drayton, I'd still say that the friendship and trust is strong.
On the subject of the first and second part of this post combined with the part that showed the image of Drayton, I think it's hilarious that Crispin was the one who gifted me a hug dream before Drayton. It's also hilarious that during that hug dream, I was shapeshifted into Drayton during the hug (and the entire dream). Crispin knew it was me because of multiple reasons. I enjoyed the hug, for certain, but I still want a hug from Drayton too.
The rambling is Not Over.
When I look at Crispin, I feel some kind of surge of protective instincts(?) - like- his face is on a certain level of adorable. If someone were to hurt him, I think I might show a violent side I never had before, or if not, roar so loud the floor would vibrate. I have gotten that loud once- not on command, but if there's a trigger.
I think--- -If someone were dumb enough to hurt Crispin in front of me, that would be a trigger. But folks, I have a deranged mind. This is referring only to if by some twist of reality I end up in the pokemon world or if Crispin were to end up in this world.(Do I believe that kind of thing could actually happen? Not really. But I wouldn't be shookth if it did.) Angst in fanfics/au stuff doesn't invoke a negative response.
From the continuity level my dreams have and with how I'm aware of it when I'm dreaming, I will lose all sense of self-preservation if I have to defend the fictional characters from any evil monster or whatever in a dream. If I am killed in a dream, I wake up. The imaginary friends can just straight up die permanently. and I'm N o t going to allow Crispin or Drayton or any other imaginary friend become a repeat of what happened with Hop and Leon. It took a dream with an entirely awake level of awareness to bring them back. That is the only time ever I had a dream like that like it was some kind of miracle dream. It had been something I had prayed to have for months, maybe more than a year. I was very happy and thankful to God (and absolutely flippin' confused) that the dream happened at all. The awareness was nothing short of a miracle in that dream. I'm still surprised of everything about it. Leon and Hop still didn't visit often, but hey. The (ex)imaginary friends are alive again. Maybe they'll be my friends again someday but like-- they endured so many of my nightmares.
Leon and Hop have recently started appearing a little more so perhaps they had the chance to emotionally recover. It would be so awesome if Leon and Hop could be introduced to my newer friends. They know Ryuki already. Ryuki recently met Crispin so that's a start. I think the au Hop(Reaper) would get along with normal Hop. If everyone introduces themselves to each other and if we can get Drayton to come along(or maybe we could all go to where Drayton is to not disturb him) this would be one nice big friend group :D
These imaginary friends (aka unreal besties) feel so real to me htsxhbfyftyvt
Ramble over for now
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shadowmonkstone · 7 months
I swear, ever since I got that tadpole in my head things go from fucked up to even more fucked up at the drop of a hat.
We explored some more of the Goblin camp and found a follower, but could have been a bloody priest for all I know, of Loviatar. Bugger was actively torturing himself! Seemingly under the pretense that he was showing the goblin fucks how to do it but if you ask me he just wanted to get himself off without being interrupted.
He even offered me a chance to take part which, as you might bloody imagine, I told him to shove it straight back up his arsehole. Far too fucked up in my opinion and Prim would never forgive me if I came back with tenantcles on my face and scars on my body from some kinky torture game this priest pretends is ‘worship’.
Then, in the next room was a cage where they were holding the bard we’d met at the Druid camp. Volo I think his name is.
It was easy enough to persuade the goblin holding him to hand over the key. Were ’True Souls’ after all. And once we free the pompous twat he drank a invisibility potion he conveniently had about his person and buggered off.
Cheeky sod.
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guzmagang · 3 years
top of the world | volo x reader.
an: this story takes place some time after the events of "you'll never meet another me"; fun domestic scene :)
Staying in the Ancient Retreat is strange; it has been strange, not even knowing there was a woman living in the foothills of ancient mountains, but now I’m living here too-
Strange life ahead of me, huh?
But it’s not bad; not at all. It’s good to be away from everyone; the clan settlements aren’t too far and requests aren’t being shoved down my throat the minute I leave my cabin in Jubilife. It feels good to be a little on my own-
“Good morning!”
“Jesusfuckingchrist- Volo, you have to announce yourself,” I scold, sighing as my heart races, arms wrapping around my chest from behind.
“Right- I’m sorry,” Volo apologizes, kissing the top of my head softly, his arms around my arms, holding me against him like a doll.
“Good morning to you,” I say after a moment, relishing in his warm hold, “What were you doing?”
He’s not lying; that’s good.
“You always get up so early.”
“I’m used to it.”
“You could stay a little longer in bed, you know.” I softly whisper, his chin resting on the top of my head.
“I could…” Volo contemplates for a moment, tightening his grip on my arms, “But I feel like I’d accidentally wake you up some mornings.”
“I’m fine with that,” I hum.
Volo holds me against him, slightly swaying as he relaxes against me, his calmness a quiet comfort to the vines in his head starting to untangle.
“How have you been feeling?” I ask, squirming my way for his arms to loosen up, turning around to face him; his hair in a low ponytail and halfway out of his face.
“Calm,” Volo sighs, resting his forehead on the top of my head, “More content.”
“That’s good,” I smile, gently cupping his face- a soft noise leaving him at the gentle touch, “Still touch starved?”
“If that’s what you’re calling it, sure.”
“Do you wanna lay down with me?”
“You just got out of bed.”
“Yeah but we don’t have to go to sleep.”
Volo cocks his brow.
“Not that either. Maybe later.”
“What then?”
I smile, taking his hand and pulling him back to our bed; everything felt sudden with Volo, staying with the man who backstabbed me in a way I never anticipated, to staying with him and helping him into a more normal state of mind. Maybe that made me mad; if Volo really wanted to, the only thing that could really stop him from hurting me would be my Pokémon- he could easily overwhelm me with our height difference-
But something told me he wouldn’t do that.
“Lay down,” I instruct, laying on top of the covers as Volo joins me, absent-mindedly pulling me against his chest. I hum as I pull myself out of the grasp, pulling myself up in the bed higher to meet his gaze- pulling him against my chest as I kiss his forehead.
“What’s this?”
“You’ve been busy recently, and I thought it would feel nice if you were the one being held.”
Volo stays quiet as he readjusts, wrapping his arms around my back and resting his head against my chest, my hands playing with his hair absently.
“I’m still not used to this.”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have it,” I kiss the crown of his head; it’s strange to be in this position because of the natural difference in height.
“Does it feel alright?”
Volo nods, sighing deeply, relaxing further into my grasp.
“Can I ask you something heavier? Or would you prefer it if I didn’t?”
“Ask away.”
“Have you ever had this type of companionship before? One where it’s completely out of choice and confidence, not out of necessity?”
“I… I can’t say I have.”
That’s terrible.
I sigh as I stroke his hair, my nails lightly scraping against his scalp- a satisfied hum leaving him at the sensation. His arms tight around me as he clung onto me as if I was the only thing keeping him here.
“Maybe you just needed someone to stick by your side,” I mumble, closer to talking to myself than anything else.
“You’re adorable like this.”
“Little sweet Volo-”
“I summoned the god of anti-matter-”
“Sweet baby Volo-”
“It’s not too late to kill you.”
“Yes it is- You love me.” I smile to myself smugly, his sharp sigh eliciting a giggle. “You’re a demon.”
You literally sided with a demon you little shit-
“You’re my demon though.”
“I thought giratina was your demon-”
“I am not against gagging you to make you stop talking back.”
“But that’s mean, Volo.”
“You don’t think it’s mean the other times I gag you-”
Stupid little smirking motherfucker-
“-We can’t have Cogita hearing you.”
“I think we both know that she knows.”
“Yes but I believe she deserves to sleep.”
I roll my eyes, continuing to stroke his hair as Volo contently holds me against him, his little piece of normalcy-
“Thank you,” Volo whispers against my chest.
“You don’t need to thank me for anything.”
“You care about me don’t you?”
“Of course.” “Thank you.”
I hum, stroking his hair from root to tip, letting him melt further into my grasp- a small whine from him not escaping me.
“You alright?” I gently ask, his grip tightening around me momentarily, a soft hiccup leaving him. He presses his face further against mine- tears falling on my skin.
“You’re alright, you’re safe,” I reassure him, holding him tighter against me, his grip tight.
“I’m not-not used to this.”
“Do you want me to sto-”
I smile to myself, holding him in reality, his small hiccups dying out as he relaxes under my grip again- little content noises leaving him.
“You know, whenever you’re feeling starved, you can just tell me,” I remind him, kissing the crown of his head.
“I’m not good at noticing it.”
“I’m not used to having someone there, who desires me,” He mumbles, resting his face in the crook of my neck.
“Well, as long as I live, you will have that.”
Volo sighs, smiling against my skin, pressing light kisses against my neck.
“What’d you plan on doing today?” I ask.
“You said you had something you wanted me to do.”
“Oh, right,” I kiss the top of his head, “Could you, perhaps, write down all of those legends you know?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because the passage of time is very real and the few people who know these legends may not be able to continue them orally.”
“I feel like you know something by your ominous wording.”
“Okay- there’s books written about myths and legends and they’re worded exactly how you recite stories.”
“Hm,” Volo pulls himself up, pulling me on top of him, “And what would I get in return?”
“Something to focus on that isn’t a cataclysm?”
Volo shoots me an unamused glare.
“Okay, um, I’ll think of something.”
Volo rests his hands on my hips, pulling me down to lay on top of him, my legs straddling his waist.
“Hm,” I smile at him, his eyebrow cocking.
“How about when you get done,” I tap my fingers against his chest, a little mimic of hitting piano keys, “You can marry me.”
“Alright get off of me,” Volo abruptly sits up, grabbing supplies laid out on a desk in the bedroom. “Are you going to do it right now?” I giggle.
“I am going to have this done in 6 days.”
“Volo-” “I am going to get this done and I’m going to marry you.”
“Volo this is gonna take, like, a year.”
“You underestimate me.”
“Shh, dear, I’m writing.”
I smile, laying down and watching him-
I’m definitely dancing in fire.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Horny concepts:
Volo tracking you down while doing survey work and tying you to a tree, holding you there to figure out what he wants to do with you, only to pull down your panties and finger and eat you out until he’s bored.
If only he had a shorter attention span because you’ve been there for hours.
If you finally get a word in and ask him to stop, he’ll just steal you away to somewhere he has hidden :’)))) and continue his fun :)))
Tying up volo in your own time and using him for your own pleasure while he just… breaks bit by bit until he’s your slut for the night. He’s absolutely planning revenge in his head, he’s seething but also being milked for all he’s worth. I have like a violent urge to eat out his ass whoops
Emmet and Ingo coming home from work to their little housewife, Ingo going to his room to decompress and Emmet coming behind you as you prepare the beginning of dinner and either groping you from behind and dry humping until he cums, or getting you to stop for a moment and sucking him off. When Emmet is done with you he leads you to Ingo, who has been very tense today, and you help Ingo shower and relax after a long day. Rubbing his shoulders and cleaning his hair and taking care of his boner :))))) maybe shoving his face between your boobs too :)))
I need Adaman to give me a massage and have his hands start creeping :)))) that is all.
I want Adaman to choke me but also I wanna bite him and see what noises he makes :’(((( please let me bite him I’m in the strangest mood.
hands and necks kill me which is a symptom of “you’re not allowed to touch anyone before marriage and you’ve been inside for 3 years” so. nibble nibble bite bite fucking choke me and let me suck your fingers plz. all of them. all the men. plz. but also palina.
alright I’m done being a horndog for right this minute :) Mask
I'm ded mask whbsj I love all of those
I'm currently on a 'volo please turn me into your cute cottage housewife please'
How can I go back when I have a lovely husband back at my real home? we are going to have a beautiful baby soon!
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Lower Ch. 2
cw: choking, death, murder, unhealthy relationships, god emmet, yandere, dark content all around, poly
words: 3857
pairings: Ingo/Reader, Emmet/Reader
You shot awake, breaths heavy in and out of your lungs. Your hand pressed to your heart, where the wound had been inflicted upon you. It was not there. Heavy arms pulled you back down, your head was pressed into a warm chest while a hand combed your hair softly. Emmet held you tightly to him. Eyes met his as the glow of them was impossible to ignore the early morning darkness of your room. Ingo, nearby, did not even stir to your sudden movements. Only you and the being of your nightmares lie awake. Was that all it was? A nightmare? Had your paranoia ate so badly at you that it plagued your subconscious? 
Emmet would never do such a thing to you. He loved you. All his touches and caresses were meant to bring you comfort or pleasure, never (unwanted) pain. You sobbed into him, arms around his torso. It was terrifying. The pain in your heart felt so real, the warmth of your blood, the heavy scent of iron – the stains on Emmet's clothes. You took heavy, painful breaths. He cooed soft reassurances, reminders that you were safe and nothing could hurt you in his arms. 
“What… What if it's you who wants to hurt me?” you whisper, wondering if he knew about what you seemingly dreamed about. 
“I don't. I didn't,” he speaks gently, “I wanted to show you the pain that you caused me. My heart hurt when I learnt you were working with Volo. He's bad. Verrrry bad.” You freeze. Shoving him away, you stare at him in shock. He knows. He did it. Emmet had actually done that to you. Had you not died? How were you lying on the bed as if nothing had ever happened to you? A hand went under your shirt to feel where you had been stabbed again. Nothing. Emmet snickers at your actions. 
“Mmm, I don't want you to actually die. Nope! I love you tooooo much!” he continues. Your eyes dart to Ingo. Surely, he was hearing what his brother was saying? Was he truly still asleep? He couldn't have been. You refused to accept that he could sleep through all this. “Ingo won't wake up! He's in a deep sleep. I say when he gets up,” Emmet cups your face as you try to move away from him, “He doesn't need to know about our disagreement. He's verrry happy! Have you seen how often he smiles now? He even has more friends and goes out often! I want the same for you.” 
“You—you killed me!” you hiss, feeling anger and fear deep within your bones. A desperate, swelling mixture of heat and ice to a scene of your beloved husband's visage corrupted into something malicious and cruel. He stabbed you without any hesitation, ignored your pleas for help despite being able to do so with apparent ease. His eyes shift from one's of gentle love to something with a lingering frost, a reminder that he was not the same man from before. You were disgusted, skin burning from where he had held you. Emmet acted as if he had done nothing wrong. 
Getting from the bed, you run away. Your feet just keep carrying you. The doors all open. Movement propels you from the cage that once appeared as your apartment to the forest you had come to associate with safety. Somewhere to hide from Emmet's ever prying eyes. You hated him. Everything had become sealed the moment the blade pressed into you. He truly had to be stopped, but now he was aware of what you were doing. 
Volo had been wrong. Your memories were more than safe it seemed, but your sanity was now forfeit. If he killed you once, then what was to say he would not do it again? There was nothing you could do to stop him, but perhaps the blond could provide some more insight into how to handle this now. He stood there waiting, eyes on his phone, boredly. You felt scared. You were supposed to be able to run to Ingo or Emmet for comfort, but the two were one and the same. Emmet had hurt you, and Ingo would always be with his brother. (If he could even believe your claims, you could already hear him excusing it as some vivid nightmare and Emmet messing with you.) 
“… Something happened, hasn't it? You're still in your pyjamas and look like you've seen a ghost,” Volo noted, patting the grass beside him. You hesitantly took a seat. He was watching, without a doubt. Emmet's full, near omnipotent attention would likely be glued to you until you submitted to his will. “His eyes don't follow us here.” 
“They do. He knows,” you manage the four words before bursting into tears. You sob into your knees until the blond places a soft hand on your shoulder. Foolishly, desperate for physical comfort, you bury yourself into his chest, ignoring how he freezes and hesitates. His arms eventually surround you. He's silent, never speaking a word. “Volo… He – he killed me! He stabbed me and acted like it was justified,” you hiccuped. Volo just nods. You cling to him until the feelings ebb away into a numbness that haunts you. 
“He knows of our plans, yes? Well, he can't very well stop you unless he decides to glue himself to your side,” Volo ponders, “Killed you… I hate to ask this of you, but could you further explain?” You knew he likely did not care how much the question bothered you; the knowledge of what happened to you could prove pertinent to him eventually. 
“I don't know exactly what happened… We were arguing over his actions, and I told him that I hated him. Before I knew it, he had picked up a knife and pushed it into my heart,” you offer your recount, a hand laying over your heart, “He held me while I asked him to help. Some time after, my consciousness faded away. Then I woke up in bed perfectly fine. I thought it must have been some terrible nightmare until he basically said that he had.” 
Volo nodded, hand grabbing his chin while he contemplated your words. Emmet's control over this world was near absolute, but the blond new that Arceus would not go down without a fight. That was why he was granted his memories back; it was a punishment and a command. Fix this. Your memories had likely been returned in order to further assist him. An unrelated third party could not get close to Emmet to help him, but you could. Volo was a threat, Emmet's guard would always be up with him around, but you were someone he felt comfortable with. 
Killing you, however, seemed to show that perhaps becoming so powerful had toll to be paid. Emmet was so fiercely protective over those he cared about, from what he had observed, that it was unthinkable that he had actually done such a thing to you, but your panicked cries proved your words to hold truth. Emmet was likely watching you both. He knew that the deity would be unhappy to have watching him comfort you. You still needed the six other plates. Well, he did. His plans could not come to fruition until they were in his possession. 
Volo was not sure if he enjoyed the price of being Arceus's chosen one. 
(Moments in him nearly had him apologising to Akari, but she did not know him. All of her Hisuian memories were gone. Volo was simply a strange man who occasionally she caught smoking on a street corner.) 
“For your safety and mine, I recommend us not having a meeting for quite a while” he softly offered, “Let's give him some time to cool down, and then we'll continue our search.” You stared at him, afraid to be alone with Emmet again. 
“I - Volo, what if he does it again!?” you panic, “Nothing is stopping him! I don't want to feel that again. Please, I can't go back…” 
Volo softly cups your face and wipes the tears from your eyes. That was perfectly understandable, but there was not much he could do. Arceus could always grant his memories back if they were taken again, yet it seemed he had reason to fear some type of revenge from the twin. His brain recalled a story of a man who betrayed a deity of some sort and was forced to endure his liver being ate endlessly. If Emmet would harm you, then there was absolutely no safety guaranteed for Volo. 
“It's painful, I know, but if you want to end this madness as you claim, you will have to face the discomfort of being around him,” the blond explains, “Remember, he won't do that again while he believes you are agreeing with this world. We'll meet again, I promise. Just let him get comfortable again.” 
You agreed, but only because no other option was offered. Returning to apartment made you feel ill, but there was no other place for you to go unless you wanted to set Emmet off more. You sat at the table, lost in the sea of your thoughts. It was impossible to escape this world. What kind of happiness was Emmet seeking? He and Volo both claimed this was done for you and Ingo, but somewhere under the grease of your mind you knew it was simply what would make the younger twin happy. 
Your walk home had plagued your mind with deep thoughts. Listening in on the passing conversations around you, no one seemed to have any complaints or discomforts. Even those with neutral expression had happy stories to tell to their friends. In the middle of a centre, you stared up the bright azure that hung above your head. Fluffy clouds swirled and wafted across the heavens above, while the sun shined beautifully. It was idyllic. If you let yourself accept this reality, you were certain that you experience nothing but joy. 
Yet, that terrified you. 
What was happiness without pain? Was it possible to truly be happy without feeling sadness? Would you even be yourself if Emmet was technically the one pulling the strings? 
You remembered a time when Emmet would gossip with Elesa, but they never seemed truly involved in whomever they spoke about. It was mostly minor conversation and banter to fill the open air. When you truly put thought to it, despite his love for making those visiting the subway smile, his attention seemed mostly devoted to you, his brother and his friends. That was so far away from the Emmet you knew lurked just away from you. His fingers were certainly in everyone's pie, whether they realised it or not. You and Volo were the only ones aware of the horror of the reality around you. 
Heading out to the balcony, you stared out onto the spreading city below. The evening was beginning to set in, the sun's last light fading and bright lights shining across the area. A shimmering sea of humanity spread out before you. The ever-rotating Ferris wheel nearly hypnotising, a few fireworks shooting up from the amusement park. Advertisement boards across larger buildings in high-traffic areas. The people bustling from the Gear Station. 
It was a dreamlike recollection of the city. 
You decided to order take-out for dinner.
Volo felt a cold chill down his spine as he walked down the sidewalk. He was returning to his apartment, tired after his long shift. People are this modern era were much more demanding and rude than those from his time. The merchant much preferred the travel that the Ginkgo Guild provided to the hell of a modern grocery store. A wind blew his jacket, blond strands bracing across his face. He stopped suddenly, feeling eyes burning his skin. 
It was little wonder who dared stare him down. 
“Emmet…” he says. Grey eyes ventured a glance behind him. The false deity stood a few paces away, white cap casting a heavy shadow over his eyes. His long coat blew in the wind. The shine of the ring of Arceus hung over his head. Large white wings spread out from his back. It seemed he was going to receive his 'punishment'. The blond knew that the twin had not taken kindly to him interacting with his lover. “You know, it's not normal or 'happy' to stab one's spouse,” Volo jeers. There was no point to play nice. 
Emmet is eerily silent, eyes gazing from the shadow cast from his brim. They glow intimidatingly. A step is taken towards the blond. There is no movement from Volo. Each step is careful, planned; the younger twin moves with meaning. He stands shorter in stature to Volo, but the power he yields is beyond the capabilities of the merchant. “I'm not scared of you,” he admits, “There is no point. You know as well as I that Arceus still rebels against your will. I mean, they took your partner! You're afraid, Emmet. You realise this lie is falling apart. Nothing is under your control.” 
They stand chest to chest, Emmet staring up at him. The god's head only reaches his neck. It is pitiful almost, a being with such high power still remained shorter than him. Of course, that did not matter when a sudden force knocked him into the path of an oncoming, speeding car. Volo began wondering if becoming a god did something to a mortal being. His last conscious thoughts were not in fear or anger; he knew he would be back. 
Emmet knew it, too. 
All the throes of one realising his power was simply borrowed.
Ingo sat beside you on the couch, some weird sitcom on the television. He ate the noodles you got in a relative silence. The older twin was fully unaware of anything that was happening. He had walked in a bit later than usual, having took on some overtime, and was surprised that Emmet had not come home yet. You did not mind, not wanting to see him at all. Ingo was fine; he may look identical to his brother, but his attitude was his own. He put the box down on the coffee table. 
If only you could convince him as to what his brother was doing. You turned to him and gently cupped his face. Pushing him against the couch, you bury your face into his work button-down, sobs and hiccups leaving you again. This day had been filled with crying, and it seemed that they would just never stop. Ingo pressed you to him carefully, gently stroking your hair and hushing you. He asked many times what was wrong; if there was any way that he could fix. You could only shake your head and hide deeper into him. 
Seeing you so vulnerable had a deep effect on Ingo. His heart could not bear to see you in such pain. What had hurt you so? Why could you not tell him? Did you not trust him? The older twin would do anything for you. A tender kiss was pressed to your head. Slowly, the emotional rush dulled, and your tears dribbled into nothingness. 
In that moment, it was just you and Ingo. 
You stared at him. 
He was so unaware of everything. 
The pain he caused unknowingly by his disappearance, and his lack of knowledge to his brother's actions. 
His hands cupped your face this time, the pad of his thumbs wiping the tears from your eyes. You wondered if he would believe you. It felt like too much for now, so you instead rested your head against his chest again. The slowness of his heartbeat, softly lulling you away into a slumber. His hands combed through your hair as he hummed softly.
The next days passed with no events truly happening. Emmet acted as he always did, seeming to accept your nervousness for what it was. Ingo had questioned the sudden tension between you two, but neither of you had apparently given his a proper answer. It was clearly weighing on him, but the moment you decided to speak with him about what had happened between you and Emmet would be the moment you decided to try to convince him to your side. 
Still, you found yourself wandering around the city. Part of it was hoping you would encounter Volo by chance, and another was whether anyone else had come into realisation like you both had. Elesa seemed thoroughly under the spell of this world. No matter how many times you tried to convince her that everything was a little off, she just laughed it away. “No, silly, you must have got confused. That lamppost has always been there,” the model ignored your claims completely, “The city is big; it's only natural you would confuse things. Wait until I tell Emmet about this one! He'll think it's hilarious.” You begged her not to, pretending to be so deeply embarrassed about your mistake. She agreed when you visibly got upset. 
You found yourself sharing a coffee with one of Ingo's new friends. Irida was her name, and you presumed she was from Hisui like Volo. She was very polite and understanding. The way she spoke with you, however, was as if she had known you forever. A deep friendship bonded her with Ingo, having been thoroughly impressed by his skills with pokemon during a random challenge to the Battle Subway after having moved to the region from Sinnoh. The conversation was mostly light, with her discussing this friend Palina of hers and her apparent taste in men. You just nodded along. 
“Say… Does Hisui mean anything to you?” you ask, trying to recall the things that Volo had told you about his home, “I, uh – got interested in it recently. Clan wars, huh? Both of these 'Sinnoh' seemed to be real in the end, ironically.” 
Something seemed to flare in her blue eyes for a moment, like a distant memory clawing at the back of her brain and demanding to re-enter her circulation of thoughts. Her breath was a sharp inhale of air, the grip she placed on the table was frighteningly strong. She shook her head for a moment and apologised for her strange behaviour. “Ah, well, it was definitely something covered in history class,” she smiles amicably, “I was actually quite interested in it back then… I found myself aligning with the Pearl Clan's values…” she began to go on about the supposed Hisui lesson. 
You knew better. 
Taking the subway home, you found yourself in an empty car. It was not necessarily a busy time, but you still found it strange to see it so desolate. You felt nervous suddenly. A door slid open from the direction of the locomotive. The door to your cart opened. Emmet stepped in wordlessly, closing the door behind him. Ah, now it made sense. People were strangely willed to leave this car alone and give him space to confront you in a place without Ingo around. His glowing eyes stared at you. He sat down beside you. 
Your stomach churned as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close to him. He was still so far from himself, but you could not lie to yourself and say that you had not missed his touch slightly. The affection you usually found yourself smothered in, coming to a grinding halt. It was for good reason, but your reptilian brain did not care about that. You leaned into it for a moment. The sounds of the train rolling along the tracks echoed, filling the open space with a calming ambience. 
Lying, Volo told you to do. You wondered if you could. 
“Do you truly hate me?” he asks, taking his hat off. His eyes reflected pain and his hands clutched the hat tightly. “Are you not happy? I'm sorry I hurt you, but I lost my temper…” 
He was excusing it, naturally. One does not go from being upset to stabbing their spouse within such a short timeframe, but arguing was pointless. He would not listen to you. You refused to speak. In fact, you refused to further acknowledge him. Maybe if you pretended he was not there, he would get the message that you were not wanting to talk with him. Sitting with a strict posture, you scrolled through your phone. It was better this way. You could be comfortable this way. 
“… Is this how you're going to act, darling?” Emmet's tone held a sharp edge. You ignored with his words and continued your scrolling. Irida had sent you links and videos about the Hisuian period of Sinnoh, as your apparent interest caused her to want to share her culture's history with you. His hand gripped your chin and forced your attention on him again. You attempted to stare past him, viewing the metal of the train car rather than his face. It only served to upset him further. “Volo wants the same thing I do. He wants the powers I have. He wouldn't be a verrrry nice god. He wouldn't want you to be happy like I do,” Emmet warned. You were aware that you were testing his limits again. 
Emmet was growing tired of you ignoring him. He couldn't bear how you clung so closely to Ingo while pretending he did not exist. No words were spoken between the two of you since the incident, despite his desperation to. You were never around when he tried to speak with you about those things. Even now, you stared past him and acted as if he was not before you. His patience was wearing thin. He understood you were upset, but he was only acting in your best interested. The younger twin's thread wore ever thinner. 
He tried to press his lips to yours, yet you shoved him away and stared at him with this disgusted expression. Your eyes held the burning hatred that lapped at his skin and reminded him that you knew. He despised it. Emmet wanted you to love him. His heart solely belonged to you. The visions of you clinging to Volo while in tears plagued his mind. 
You went to him for comfort. 
You went to the being that killed Ingo. 
“I hate you!” you screeched, “Leave me alone!” 
Emmet was on top of you in seconds. Hat flying on to the floor of the car and his hands wrung your neck. Pressure was applied. Choked sounds left you as he constricted your airflow. Those words again. Those words you could not mean. The deity refused to accept them. You were simply confused. Nails clawed at his hands but did not true damage. Your legs kicked up, yet Emmet remained steadfast. 
Shrunken pupils stared at him while everything became dizzier and unfocused for you. It was painful to see you suffer. Emmet could not handle your scorn. He would have your love, even if seeing you like this was the price to pay. 
Slowly, your life faded again. 
Emmet's hands left your neck, ugly bruising apparent. 
He felt angry. 
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felswritingfire · 2 years
Y'all, like, hear me out, but I have been aggressively playing Pokemon Legend of Arceus, right?? I'm like half way through it, but I've fucking seen Volo, ok??? Idk the build up but I know he's the last fucker. I FEEL IT IN MY BONES.
(Ramble into spoiler territory for later parts of Legends of Arceus)
Ingo's S/O falling into Hisui, right? They're kind-sorta teetering on the edge of being an amnesiac, but they manage to grapple enough of their memories together to still remember their Ingo- they're still missing minor pieces of their life before Hisui, but nothing that would cause them to panic and their memories are coming back a slowly, but steady, trickles.
S/O ends up filling the place of the main protagonist in the game (Akari/Rei). They name their Oshawott, that they get from Laventon, after Ingo since the little guy has such a similar attitude and face to what they remember of him. So they go through the story with Ingo Jr. As their partner.
They meet Akari and Rei who are young Galaxy Team members who end up helping S/O and slowly begin to form a found family with them as their adopted kids.
S/O ends up meeting Volo and Volo ends up taking an unhealthy interest in them, managing to wedge himself into their life, taking up more and more of their time in between filling the Pokedex and appeasing the Gaurdians. That is until they run into Warden Ingo.
The attraction is immediate and the two become attached at the hip. Whenever S/O has any sort of free time, they can be seen next to the Warden and vice versa. Ingo might not remember why he's so attached to this person, but his heart aches when they're apart.
Volo slowly begins to feel himself fall into a pit of rage- his stomach tearing itself apart as it boils with a newfound hatred towards the stupid shell of a Warden. He hates him. Hates him, hates him, hates him. He wants him gone- he wants that sad, pathetic man to stop hogging all of S/O's attention. He wants them to focus on him again; see him as the beginning and the end. he wants everything that makes them.
Ingo knows there's something wrong with the Ginkgo Merchant: he can see it in the way the man stares at S/O like they're some kind of fruit ripe for the taking. Starved and mad. Ingo curls his lip at the mear presence of this guy.
Volo doesn't miss the way Ingo actively tries to steer S/O away from him. He even got that damn Sneasler in the mix: she's begun to hiss at him, taking the quick, practiced steps of shoving you in her basket and climbing away from him, most likely towards her precious little Warden. The smile on his face turns deadly and his eyes narrow into glares.
Well, two can play that game. After S/O had dealt with Palkia and Dialga, after being kicked out by the Galaxy Team, and him so graciously helping them when sweet, precious, dear Ingo couldn't- being preoccupied with Warden business- they had come to fully trust him. And now with Kamado having you work with him to discover the secrets of the myths, with no wiggle room to negotiate. He would sit back and watch as Ingo forced himself to bite his tongue everytime he stood and bore witness to the two of them departing; Volos' hand resting low on their waist, his smile twisted with something dark as he held his gaze with the brutal one of the Warden.
Yes. Two could play this game. And Volo was gonna win.
Now he had to also bribe that damn Samurott of their's too.
Like, how fucking whack would that shit be?? Am I right??? Fucking. Yes.
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On the Track to Victory
Part 9: Roulette
The walk from the Anville Pokemon Center to the home Ingo apparently shared with his brother was not peaceful. Not at all. People were running and screaming and freaking out like the world was ending. Emmet's smile was fixed, wooden, and Elesa was hustling along and glancing at the sky every few minutes as though expecting the rift to change.
It probably wouldn't change, Victoria thought bitterly, until some wide-eyed teenager with an impressive throwing arm decked Volo in the face and found a way to close the new Space-Time rift.
So obviously the first thing this wide-eyed teenager needed to do was regain her arm so she could actually throw that punch. And maybe some platform shoes. Volo is tall.
Everyone she hates is too tall to punch.
"Emmet, the sky has been torn open." Elesa finally manages. She hadn't spoken since they had looked out the window of the hospital and seen the rift.
Emmet nods, adjusting his grip on Ingo. He had elected to carry her uncle 'due to safety concerns' while Victoria had insisted on walking (by growling at anyone who suggested carrying her or attempted to pick her up). She's fine. She really is.
Okay, she's not. That's a total lie. But her nap had gone well and her feet mostly did what she commanded them to do.
Ingo waves a claw in a rather vague gesture. "Miss Victoria, any idea how we can tell them we've dealt with this once already?"
Victoria considers the problem, almost tripping over a crack in the sidewalk. "Might have to wait for that letter board, Uncle Ingo."
He sighs in response and Victoria goes back to glaring at the rift. Fucking Volo. Fucking asshole. She's going to tear him to shreds.
"Stop thinking of violent retribution." Ingo scolds.
He knows her too well.
"When we get to yours I'm calling Alder. I have zero doubt that there's going to be a meeting about this. Do you think it has something to do with Team Plasma?"
Emmet opens his mouth to speak but then notices Ingo shaking his head. "Ingo? Are you… you are answering her question, right?"
He nods.
"So… do you know what this is?"
Ingo rocks a hand in a so-so gesture.
"Okay. Okay that's both great and awful. You three are coming to whatever meeting gets called by the league about this… sky tear." Elesa says with the weight of authority in her voice.
Victoria nods, about to tell her Uncle that his brother is perceptive, but suddenly her senses overload-- her vision goes white, her ears fill with the sound of screams, her hair all stands on end, and ozone fills her nose.
She can barely hear her Uncle over the screaming.
Something impacts with her side and she stumbles, paws leaving the sidewalk and going onto grass and it's too much light and noise and sensation and her breathing is heavy and she's screaming and writhing and she can't see can't hear can't can't can't
h e l p……..
"Why don't you like nicknames, Miss Victoria?" Ingo asks. The pair are sitting on the edge of a cliff in the Obsidian Fieldlands. "I heard about you telling off Rei for calling you Vicky."
Victoria feels heat come to her cheeks and screws up her face. She aims and throws a Jet Ball, just barely missing the Togekiss for the twentieth time.
"Yelling at Rei about that was not my finest moment, no, but truthfully? I don't remember."
Sometimes these random conversations stir up memories like kicked silt in the bottom of a river. Sometimes there's nothing more than the answer of 'I don't recall'.
She whiffs another Jet Ball. "That thing is so fast." She grumbles.
"So do you think there is a reason?"
Does she think there is a reason…? Hesitantly, Victoria nods.
"Come on, Tia, I have this great idea. Let's go! You owe me $3,000 if we're late!" And with that he was off.
"You forGOT to tell me your idea!" Victoria shouts after him, shoving her boots on and thundering down the stairs. A woman with blue hair seated at a counter Victoria passes chuckles.
He's waiting for her outside, hands on his hips and foot tapping. "You took too long, Tia!"
"I took less than a minute, B--"
Victoria clutches at her head, the Jet Ball she'd been holding thudding to the grass from nerveless fingers. "How do you even get Tia out of Victoria?" She mumbles, rubbing her temples gently.
"You remembered something?"
"It's already gone." Victoria sighs. "Someone called me Tia at some point. That's all I got."
"I see." Ingo picks up the dropped Jet Ball and gives it a toss. It smacks the Togekiss right on the back, and into the ball it goes.
"Oh, come on! I've been trying to catch that thing for hours."
The lightning had come suddenly, striking dozens of places at once and not ceasing. There seemed to be a new strike every second, and whenever it hit a Pokemon said Pokemon would start screaming and flailing and writhing in pain. Some were turning on people and attacking them, or other Pokemon, indiscriminately.
Normally Emmet would be taking control of the panicking populace. He would organize everyone into evacuating the area and use his own Pokemon to protect bystanders from the… frenzied, that's the only thing he can describe it as, these Pokemon are frenzied and cannot be calmed.
Normally Emmet didn't have his injured older brother in his arms, clinging to his coat. He couldn't risk Ingo. Could not risk losing his brother again.
Victoria wasn't among the ones struck who were attacking, but she was clearly in a lot of pain, and almost immediately after she was struck (right in between Emmet and Elesa!) she was Feint Attacked by a frenzied Purrloin. Emmet had been surprised at the ferocity of her return Tackle, which sent the street cat flying before Victoria had collapsed onto the grass yowling in pain.
"Emmet!" Elesa says, and his head snaps towards her. She bends down and lifts Victoria, who shrieks in pain, and shoves her into the giant tote bag containing all of their belongings from the Pokemon Center. This is then shoved at Emmet.
"Take her and Ingo and get out of here! I'll try and get a handle on things here, but I don't want to find out what would happen if Ingo got hit with this freaky lightning in the state he's in! Get to your place and stay there until I call you!"
Emmet reaches out to grab the bag and support it beside Ingo, hoping she doesn't thrash too much. "Are you certain?"
"I'm a Gym Leader. This is part of the job. Get going!" Elesa commands over the sound of thunder and lightning, giving Emmet a small shove.
Emmet takes the hint and starts running.
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The Ancient Retreat is small but cozy – Akari thinks she wouldn’t mind settling down in a place like this, a pleasant little bubble to get away from it all. Volo leads her across the tiny bridge to an elegant woman seated at a wrought-iron table.
“Even with the sky bleeding like an open wound, you still come here to be a nuisance to me?”
“Always a pleasure, Mistress Cogita.” Volo brushes off her words breezily like he’s used to such a cold welcome, but it makes Akari frown. “But I'm afraid I'm not here today to learn more of Hisui's myths and legends.”
“Oh?” The woman, Cogita, turns and Akari is struck by how alike they look.
“Ah, you must be the poor girl, lost in space and time. Come,” she gestures to one of the chairs at her table. “Sit with me.”
Akari glances at Volo; she is well-acquainted enough with his expressions now to know the easy smile on his face is a false one. She moves closer, but stops at his side and crosses her arms.
“I’ll stand, thanks.”
“As you will, Lost One,” Cogita sips from her teacup. “It seems I shall fulfill my duty at long last.” Akari huffs impatiently.
“The two of you must be related – you both love to talk around things.”
“Where do you think I learned it?” The smile she finds on Volo this time is a real one, the frozen, service mask having thawed at her words. “It is true we are connected, though it is quite a distant relation.”
Cogita waves a gloved hand.
“Indeed, but I believe our family tree is quite irrelevant in this moment. This is not the matter you have come to discuss, is it Lost One?”
“No,” she looks to Volo, waiting for him to take the lead, but he has returned to maintaining his merchant front. She wonders why she is only just now noticing how stiff that facade is. “I suppose we aren’t.”
Cogita rises from her chair, and leads them inside her small home.
“It is said that each of Hisui’s three great lakes hold a Pokemon,” her long dress trails along the wooden floor as she comes to the bookshelf. “Believed to embody one aspect of the mind – knowledge, emotion, and willpower.” The pages flutter as she turns them past.
“To earn their gifts, one must pass their trials. And if the brave soul bears their gifts to the Shrouded Ruins, they may obtain the Red Chain, said to bind the world together.” She shows the book to Akari, where an illustration of three strange silhouettes float about the page.
“Bind the world?” Volo interrupts. “You mean it won’t close the rift?”
“Kindly spare me your doubts, young man. I know the old words and what they bid us do. How true they are isn’t mine to know.”
“Don’t talk to him like that!” Akari snaps out. “He was only asking – and what good are your old words if they aren’t what we need right now? How true they are happens to matter very much. Will this chain help us or not?”
“Mind your tongue, Lost One,” Cogita rebukes her sharply. “And regardless of their truth, I am bound to pass them on.”
“My name is Akari,” she growls. Before she can say anything more, the Arc phone beeps. She pulls it out to find the lakes of Hisui marked with waypoints. She shoves the phone back in her bag.
“Stupid thing could have just told us what to do in the first place,” she grumbles not-quite under her breath. Volo is watching her with wide eyes as she makes for the door.
“Is that all?” She tosses the question over her shoulder, one hand on the knob. Cogita nods.
“That is all, Lost One.”
“It’s Akari.” She slams the door behind her.
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summocrap · 3 years
Protagonist’s Personalities
I got bored, so instead of doing anything productive my mind started wandering and now you have some headcanons about the persoanlties about each of the 5 MCs
Long post is long so click under the cut
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“I would like to exchange this coupon for one sex, please.”
The living embodiment of a Shōnen protagonist.
Not an idiot, just reckless.... and kind of an idiot who spends more times in the app than studying for test.
Prone to hurting himself through shenanigans and antics.
Despite this, he finds far more coordination in battle than in his day-to-day life.
Acts like he learned what sex was three minutes ago.
Pickup lines aren’t nearly as smooth as he thinks.
Husbandos/Waifus: Hakumen, Nomad, Horkeu Kamui, Ifrit, Breke, Hombre Tigre, Ibaraki, Oguchi Magami, Tsathoggua
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“Father, I don’t want love, I want power.”
Would be the bad guy if the World Reps weren’t so evil.
What happens when a Little Miss Snarker meets a deadpan loli (she’s not a loli, so... deadpan woman?)
Be wary when you see any emotion, good or bad, she’s feeling it 1000%.
Most often happens during battle and would leave no survivors if the app didn’t reset everything.
Don’t ask how she got the alcohol without an ID. Just drink with her.
Is aware she may not be the most moral person, and is grateful for those with morals who can rear her in.
Husbandos/Waifus: Xolotl, Ryota, Oz, Moritaka, Tajikarao, Cu Sith, Cthugha, Claude, Jambavan, Masanori, Sitri, Tadatomo, Marduk
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“Alexa, what’s a himbo?”
Would be a mommy’s boy, but thanks to Mr.Mononobe a complete daddy’s boy.
Not stupid, just very naïve.
Talks with a country accent for some reason???
Doesn’t lift weights or anything, he’s just the world’s beefiest nerd.
Despite not being too good at hurting people, uses his size and self-healing to stay on the front lines and kite the damage.
A hapless romantic, whose torn between his husbandos and waifus and a desire to for a fairy tale like romance.
Husbandos/Waifus: Ellie, Volos, Horkeu Kamui, Melusine, Arslan, Snow, Maria, Licht, Hati, Shennong, Balor, Surtr
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“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. Promise.”
Unforutnatley cursed with evil face, terrible luck, and poor skill with words.
Stuffs kittens in a burlap sack before sneaking into an alley...
... Actually, just donating them to an animal shelter using the backdoor because the people that work there know the guy who donates strays once every week.
A rather straight forward and honest fighter, no bells or whistles or complex strategy, just honest, knightly skill.
Is aware of his misgiving his appearance gives him and is sensitive about it. So he appreciates people who can see past that. 
Husbandos/Waifus: Azazel, Maria, Shinya, Garmr, Moritaka, Breke, Wakan Tanka, Jacob, Shennong, Horkeu Kamui, Nomad
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“Ask me about how much I don’t wanna be here!”
Would rather be in a slice of life than this shōnen nonsense.
I mean, c’mon! He has hobbies he’d much rather be doing than saving Tokyo for the 12th time this month.
Surprisingly strong because people assume he’s chubby like Ryota, rather than a stocky strong man who weight lifts as one of his hobbies.
You’d be amazed at how strong someone just trying to get back to the things they enjoy when push comes to shove.
Fights with a fury matched by few, and determination matched by even less.
He may hate being burdened with protagonist-syndrome, but he does look back fondly on a lot of memories.
Husbandos/Waifus: Ryota, Breke, Macan, Jacob, Ifrit, Hati, Shennong, Toji, Licht, Lucifuge, Fufurumi, Kengo, Shiro, Balor
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