#kang hyoung suk
korelist · 7 days
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 7,3 Benim Puanım: 7
Drama: Love in Contract
Hangul: 월수금화목토
Director: Nam Sung-Woo
Writer: Ha Gu-Dam
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Park Min-Young, Ko Kyoung-Pyo, Kim Jae-Young, Kang Hyoung-Suk, Jin Kyung
Farklı meslek alanlarındaki dizilerin yeri bende ayrıdır. Bilmediğim bir alanda fikir edinme düşüncesi bile kulağıma hoş geliyor. Gel gelelim, burada senaristimiz var olmayan bir meslek yaratıp onun üzerine dizi çekmiş. İnanamazsınız… Ana konusu ve hikayesi bu meslek etrafında dönüyor. “Bekar yaşam yardımcısı” ! evet, evet! Baş rolümüz 7 kocalı Hürmüz.
Dizi yayınlanmadan önce konusunu okuduğumda çok ilginç gelmişti. Fragmanı beni daha da meraklandırmıştı. İşin özü bir tık hayal kırıklığıydı. Beklentiyi düşürüp, kaliteyi görmezden gelirsek ortalama bir dizi olduğunu söyleyebilirim. İzlemesi kolay, kafa yormayan çok dikkat istemeyen, aynı zamanda oyunculardan keyif alabileceğiniz bir diziydi. Oyuncu tercihleri rollere çok yakışmış mıydı emin değilim ama oyuncular deneyimli, belli bir kalitenin üzerindeydi.
Choi Sang-Eun (Park Min-Young), uzun yıllardır “bekar yaşam yardımcısı” olarak para kazanmaktadır. Bunun anlamı, tam bir gizlilikle anlaşmalı olarak ihtiyacı olan erkeklere eş rolü yapmaktadır. Bu ailesi tarafından evlenmeye zorlanan biri için göstermelik düğün olabilir, eşcinsel olduğu halde göstermelik eş arayan biri olabilir, annesi ölüm döşeğinde tek dileği oğlunun sevdiği kadınla tanışmak olabilir. Gibi… sebeplerle müşterilerini kendisi seçmektedir. Bu şekilde geçmişinde 12 kere evlenip boşanmıştır. 5 senedir, haftanın 3 günü akşam yemeği yemek için evlendiği Jung Ji-Ho(Ko Kyoung-Pyo) haricinde bütün müşterileri ile sözleşmeleri bittiği sırada, emekli olmaya karar verir.
Arka planda ana karakterimizin son derece yetenekli, farklı alanlarda sertifikaları olan, zeki bir kadın olmasına rağmen neden böyle yaşadığının hikayesi dönmektedir. Hikaye; geçmişinde yaşadığı bir olaya odaklanır. Ve geçmişinde o olay sırasında orada olan Kang Hae-Jin (Kim Jae-Young) yeni taşındığı binada onu Ji-Ho ile yemek yemeğe geldiği bir akşam tanır. Başlarda evli olduğunu ve başkasıyla karıştırdığını söylese de sonunda gerçeği öğrenir ve kendisi de onunla anlaşma yapmak istediğini söyler. Tek sorun Hae-Jin çok ünlü bir oyuncudur. Çok büyük bir şirketin en küçük oğlu olmasına rağmen, ailesinden ayrılıp kendi başına ünlenmiş, zengin olmuştur. Annesi onu zengin bir kızla evlendirip, şirketin başına geçirmeye çalışmaktadır.
Dizinin başlarında Jung Ji-Ho karakterinin Hannibal Lecter, Dexter ve Joe Goldberg karışımı gibi anlatılması birazcık abartılıydı. Bu adam ne iş yapıyor diye boş gözlerle izledik. Birkaç bölüm sonra karakterler oturdu, hikaye bu üçlünün arasında seyretmeye başladı. Haftanın 3 günü alt kattaki Ji-Ho ile yemek yerken, haftanın diğer 3 günü üst kattaki Hae-Jin ile takılmaktadır. Daha önce müşterisi olan Woo Gwang-Nam(Kang Hyoung-Suk) ise hanım kızımızın en yakın arkadaşı aynı zamanda ev arkadaşı olmuştur. Gwang-Nam erkeklerden hoşlandığı için aralarında oldukça sempatik bir arkadaşlık vardır.
Dizi bir oturuşta bitmez ama arka arkaya birkaç bölüm izleyebilecek akıcılıkta. Keyifle izleyebiliyorsunuz. Aşk üçgenlerini ben çok sevmiyorum ama sevenler için tam nokta atışı yapılmış. İkinci erkek sendromları bol bol var. Benim fikrimi sorarsanız iki erkek oyuncuda ikinci erkek olabilecek seviyedeydi. Esas adam olacak kalitede değillerdi. Bol bol bütün karakterler içinde travma eklemeyi unutmamışlardı. İzlerken “Küçük hayatlarına ne çok acılar sığdırmışlar” sularında yavaş yavaş kürek çekiyorsunuz.
Kızımızın bakıcısı, onu yetiştiren büyüten kadın Yoo Mi-Ho(Jin Kyung) ise tez konusuydu. Uzun zamandır bu kadar mantıksız bulduğum başka bir karakter olmamıştır. Kızı seviyor mu sevmiyor mu belli değildi. Para istiyor gibi görünüp, parayla alakasız yaşıyordu. Tek derdi kızı zengin bir aile ile evlendirmekti. Çok zengin bir aile tarafından çok küçük yaşta evlat edinilip daha o yaşta yurt dışında eğitime gönderilmiş. Tek amaçları kızı süper donanımlı büyütüp, başka zengin bir ailenin oğlu ile evlendirmekmiş. Böylece evlat edinen aile iş anlamında güçlü bir ortaklık yapacakmış. Ancak kızımızın gençliğinde yaşadığı olay sonrasında evlatlıktan reddedilmiş. O da kendine böyle bir meslek yaratmış. Garip gurup bir alt metin. Kızımız aileyi hiç görmemiş bile, bakıcı kadın ile büyümüş. Valla ben anlamlandıramadım. Empatide kuramadım. Basmadı kafam.
Toparlarsak, izleyin geçin. Kafa yormuyor ama izde bırakmıyor.
YUJU - Real Love
Raven Melus
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passionforfiction · 2 years
Started watching Love in Contract.
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rye-views · 1 year
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Itaewon Class. 이태원 클라쓰. 7.6/10
I would not recommend this drama to my friends. I would not rewatch this drama.
Interesting themes of existentialism, family problems, receiving help or not, giving the baton to the other person since you've made your opinions or feelings clear, and choosing the right choice. It's interesting how many characters are like now it's up to you, you hold the cards. Saeroyi has an impact on people throughout time, and his actions stay memorable to people enough to change them. I cannot fathom that impact considering how I could do the same but those actions would just be forgotten. I do think it can oftentimes be about the person and not the action. Or at least the perception of the person. I get a lot of similar sentiments to Prison Playbook. Even Saeroyi's weird hair. His morals and this community building are like Prison Playbook.
Once Saeyori started reciprocating feelings for Yi Seo, I thought they were soo cute. I feel warm despite comments I've heard that they don't have chemistry. I don't relate. I so understand Saeroyi when like feelings are involved so it's more difficult to have skinship like petting Yi Seo's hair. Geun Soo recognizing that the person he likes is bad to him..those moments are sad to me bc I get it. Geun Soo is literally MIchael Corleone.
Seong Kwon was hot when fighting Hee Hoon. I'm here for Saeroyi in nice clothes by the end. Park Bogum being a handsome chef is the randomest thing but thanks for popping up. Saeroyi's money-building plans are so hot. Saeroyi's awkwardness and physical motions are so adorable, especially when trying to befriend Soo Ah.
Is escaping a kidnapping really the place for a love confession? I really thought the Best Pub show was gonna be rigged. People are so extreme with their feelings, especially Geun Soo. The name Saeyori is so saerowuh.
I like that Yi Seo draws. I love Hong Suk Chun being a likeable minor character. I love seeing Yi Seo fall for Saeroyi, especially when she asks for help in the restroom. Wow Saeroyi put his hand on Yi Seo's head. I would fall too. It's actually impressive how Yi Seo sold herself to become manager. I love Yi Seo explaining clubbing to Seung Kwon. I love how Yi Seo cockblocks Soo Ah's first kiss with Saeroyi, Idk what I would've done in that situation. I love the plants in Yi Seo's office.
Everyone's morals are so stubborn, but individual. I actually love it because I relate to it a lot. My moral gray gets it. The toxicity of people who choose bad when they also don't want to. I've seen it so much. I can't with Soo Ah in the beginning disliking receiving help and people asking for help yet she becomes a sub for Jang Dae Hee.
The emotions on Saeroyi's face, amazing. Son Hyun Joo plays such a pivotal character. Why is he so ideally optimistic and casual and supportive and the dad of all dads? He also has a cute personality. Saeroyi and his dad's dynamic, unbelievable. Especially, when an orphanage is a relevant concept. Yi Seo and her mom also have an interesting relationship.
Can you believe this cast? My babies, Ahn Bo Hyun & Park Bo Gum. Kim Hye Eun, a queen as always. Son Hyun Joo, the man I've known forever. I easily recognized Kang Hyoung Suk from Hometown Cha Cha Cha. Yoo Jae Myung playing this kind of character when he's literally like Son Hyun Joo's character in Vincenzo. & then Yi Seo's mom is literally the villain in Vincenzo. Interesting to see Lee Joo Young as a transgender character.
Memorable Quotes: "청춘의 완성." "지금껏 힘든 날도 슬픈 날도 많았지만, 살다 보면 가끔 그렇게 재밌는 일들이 벌어지고 해." "보통의 하루."
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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forursmiles · 3 years
When the chicken man is the best wingman
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Mi-Seon and Eun-Chul were once again so fucking cute?? When she thought she had won the lottery ticket, her first thought was about them, like how they’d both benefit from her win??? The fact that her immediate thought was to share this money with him and not for her own selfish gains?? When he revealed that he was the one who won the lottery ticket all those years ago, and she was the only one he had ever told this to? Her just gushing over how incredible he was, not because of his money but what he did with it, donating it and still wanting to become a cop out of his pure want to help others, which then made him all adorably flustered??? I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
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kingprecious19 · 3 years
biggest twist of ep 13 was Eun-Cheol and Geum-Cheol being brothers. Did I miss it earlier but I was actually soo shocked. They're literally opposites.
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rainstormmushrooms · 3 years
Hometown Cha Cha Cha
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glennethph · 3 years
I’m bad at sprinting but I’ve completed six marathons.
I love this explanation why he’s the way he is lol So sweet and adorable. Also, thank you for the assist, Chicken man!
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fewwordsmanyriddles · 2 years
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asiandramabitch · 3 years
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mirambles · 2 years
HCCCWeek - Day 6 - Funniest Scene
Again can’t pick one because Hometown Cha Cha Cha made us laugh a lot.
MatYi Halmeoni going bat shit crazy on the rash driver was epic grandma road rage.
‘I’ll rip apart your lungs and kidneys and use your intestines to rope them up’
I have framed this line on my car’s dashboard to use it when I encounter rash drivers 😂
But this following scene really cracked me up because it was so unexpected.
The GongJim team had just dealt with the sexual harasser , Chief Hong and HyeJin are in jail waiting for their names to be cleared.
HyeJin is totally restless with the injustice and even more frustrated with Chief Hong chilling in the prison cell, he ignores her question as to how he got to the clinic on his day off, worse he is allowed to get out for a change of clothes by the station officer while HyeJin is still locked up. And then DuSik comes out wearing a Hawaiian floral shirt - how many men can carry this off! Only Kim Seon Ho with his charm and looks can look so handsome in this floral shirt. Eun Cheol comes and opens the cell for HyeJin to come out, but she is adamant for justice and strikes till harasser is jailed.
Then comes MiSeon and both are sobbing and saying sorry to each other - hugging each other across the cell bars forgetting that HyeJin can come out since the cell door is wide open.
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The hilarity that ensues owing to Kim Seon Ho and Kang Hyoung Suk’s priceless expressions watching the drama in front of them is quite epic! They are calmly sipping ice coffee while Eun Cheol is carrying toilet paper to give to the sobbing women who are cursing the hell out of the harasser 😂
Gif credits to @tashataylorsversion
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atmiger224 · 3 years
Can we analyze the Pyo Miseon and EunCheol moments please?
Because I feel like she only made confident overtures toward him after he signaled interest first?? I am very lost with his Man of Joseon era effrontery when she asked him out. I’m not getting “flustered because a girl asked me first” vibes, he just seemed super confused.
I dont think this is a case of Kang Hyoung-Suk being a poor actor either (my dude was super creepy in ddllss) so what gives?
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asia1one · 4 years
دانلود سریال کره ای سقوط برروی تو Crash Landing on You بازیرنویس فارسی
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای سقوط برروی تو Crash Landing on You ♦ ♦ پخش آنلاین , دانلود موسیقی متن و زیرنویس فارسی تا قسمت آخر ♦
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای Crash Landing on You ♦
♦ مشخصات سریال کره ای سقوط برروی تو ♦ عنوان: سقوط برروی تو / Crash Landing on You عنوان کره ای:사랑의 불시착 ژانر: کمدی، عاشقانه، درام کارگردان:Lee Jung Hyo نویسنده:Park Ji Eun شبکه:tvN, Netflix تعداد قسمت ها:16 تاریخ شروع پخش:14 دسامبر 2019 جایگزین: سریال کره ای Melting Me Softly بعد از این:سریال کره ای Hi Bye Mama کیفیت: ۴۸۰-۵۴۰-۷۲۰ ♦ خلاصه داستان ♦ یون سه ری یک وارث ثروتمند در کره جنوبی است که در هنگام پاراگلایدر سواری به یک طوفان شدید برخورد میکنه و مجبور میشه که در کره شمالی فرود اضطراری انجام بده. در آنجا به طور تصادفی با لی جونگ هیوک که افسر ارتش کره شمالی است ملاقات میکنه و لی جونگ هیوک تصمیم میگیره تا برای محافظت از یون سه ری او را مخفی کنه. رفته رفته لی جونگ هیوک عاشق یون سه ری میشود و… ♦ بازیگران سریال کره ای Crash Landing on You ♦
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Hyun-Bin Son Ye-Jin Seo Ji-Hye Kim Jung-Hyun Ri Jeong-Hyeok Yoon Se-Ri Seo Dan Gu Seung-Jung Captain Ri's Company Five
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Yang Kyung-Won Lee Sin-Young Yoo Su-Bin Tang Joon-Sang Pyo Chi-Su Park Kwang-Beom Kim Ju-Meok Geum Eun-Dong Captain Ri's Family
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Jeon Kuk-Hwan Jung Ae-Ri Ha Seok-Jin Ri Chung-Ryeol Kim Yun-Hui Ri Mu-Hyeok Se-Ri's Family
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Nam Kyung-Eup Pang Eun-Jin Choi Dae-Hoon Hwang Woo Seul Hye Yoon Jeung-Pyeong Han Jeong-Yeon Yoon Se-Jun Do Hye-Ji
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Park Hyoung-Soo Yoon Ji-Min Yoon Se-Hyeong Ko Sang-A Seo-Dan's Family
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Jang Hye-Jin Park Myoung-Hoon Ko Myeong-Eun Ko Myeong-Seok Se-Ri's Group
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Ko Kyu-Pil Lim Chul-Soo Kwon Dong-Ho Hong Chang-Sik Park Su-Chan purchasing manager Seung-Jung's Group
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Hong Woo-Jin Yoon Sang-Hoon Cheon Su-Bok Manger Oh Captain Ri's NK village
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Kim Sun-Young Kim Jung-Nan Jang So-Yeon Cha Chung-Hwa Na Wol-Suk Ma Young-Ae Hyeon Myeong-Sun Yang Ok-Geum
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Woo Jung-Won Kim A-Ra Lim Sung-Mi neighborhood woman neighborhood woman market vendor
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Park Seung-Joon Gu Jun-Woo Oh Han-Kyul Kang Young-Eun Ho-Yeong (Wol-Suk's son) Nam-Sik (Young-Ae's son) Jeong U-Pil (Myeong-Sun's son) Eun-Byeol (Ok-Geum's daughter)
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Joo Ye-Rin Jin Yong-Wook Hwang In-Jun Cha Sung-Je Ahn Se-Bin neighborhood woman market butcher market pawn broker beggar boy (ep.3.15) beggar boy's sister (ep.3,15)
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Lee Se-Rang Park Ok-Chool Shin Mi-Young Shin Dong-Ryuk Kim Sook elevator operator (ep.5) elevator operator (ep.7) elevator operator (ep.9) English tutor (ep.10) fortune teller(ep.11,16) NK Military
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Oh Man-Seok Kim Young-Min Kim Young-Pil Jeon Jin-Woo Kang Hyoung-Suk Cho Cheol-Gang Jung Man-Bok Senior Colonel Bureau Director Choi Cho Cheol-Gang's subordinate
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Kwak Ja-Hyoung Baek Sung-Chul Park Kwang-Il Choi Moo-In Jang Nam-Boo Chief Coast Guard (ep.3-4) Hwang Yeong-Beom armory staff (ep.6) Hwang Tae-Yong (ep.6,11) Military Director (ep.8-9,12,16)
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Yu Seung-Il Oh Jae-Se Lee Jung-Yeol Nam Jung-Woo Detention Center Head (ep.9) commander at guard post (ep.10) military trial judge (ep.10) Military Director's subordinate (ep.12) Childhood Days
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Kim Tae-Yeon Kim Seung-Chan Park Seo-Yeon Yoon Se-Ri (young) (ep.4) Ri Jeong-Hyeok (young) Seo Dan (young) (ep.9) Others
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Jung Kyoung-Ho Lee Dong-Yong Lim Chae-Seon Park Yong Baek Seung-Chul Cha Sang-U (ep.1,5,7) grave robber (ep.1) grave robber (ep.1) Police Officer Lee Gun-Woo (ep.1) fishing boat captain (ep.3-4)
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Park Sung-Woong Lee Young-Jin Kim Yoon-Joo Sun Jung-Hwa Kang Chan-Yang taxi driver (ep.4) photo studio man (ep.6) Jin-Sook (ep.6,11) hairdresser (ep.6) Pyongyang Hotel clerk (ep.6)
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Ko Han-Min Lee Ho-Jung Na Young-Hee Choi Hong-Il Kim Na-In doctor (ep.7-8) patient (ep.7-8) clothing shop owner (ep.7) Jang So-Cheol (ep.7-8) kidnapper (ep.8-9)
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Moon Ba-Rom Koo Ji-Hye Lee Sang-Hwa Park Chan-Woo Kim Bum-Suk kidnapper (ep.8-9) Seo Dan's high school classmate (ep.9) Park Su-Chan's boss (ep.10,12) North Korean doctor (ep.10) NK track team coach (ep.10,13-14)
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Kim Soo-Hyun Bae Bo-Ram Ahn Soo-Bin Jung Young-Hoon Kyung Ki-Hyun Dong-Gu (ep.10,15) Seo Dan's friend 2 (ep.11) Seo Dan's friend 3 (ep.11) Seri's Choice security (ep.11-12) sandwich employee (ep.12)
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Kang Ro-Chae Choi Ji-Woo Yoo Jung-Ho Park Ki-Ryoong Han Dong-Ho Saleswoman Yoon Mi-Ji (ep.12) herself (ep.13,15) NIS Section Chief Kim (ep.14-16) NIS executive (ep.14-16) NIS agent (ep.15-16)
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Choi Seung-Yoon ♦ لیست موسیقی متن های سریال Crash Landing on You ♦ Track list: Part 1 01. 10cm - But it’s Destiny (우연인 듯 운명) 02. 10cm - But it’s Destiny (우연인 듯 운명) (Inst.) Part 2 01. Yoon Mi Rae (윤미래) - Flower 02. Yoon Mi Rae (윤미래) - Flower (Inst.) Part 3 01. Davichi (다비치) - Sunset (노을) 02. Davichi (다비치) - Sunset (노을) (Inst.) Part 4 01. Yerin Baek (백예린) - Here I Am Again (다시 난, 여기) 02. Yerin Baek (백예린) - Here I Am Again (다시 난, 여기) (Inst.) Part 5 01. Kim Jae Hwan (김재환) - Someday (어떤 날엔) 02. Kim Jae Hwan (김재환) - Someday (어�� 날엔) (Inst.) Part 6 01. Song Ga In (송가인) - Photo of My Mind (내 마음의 사진) 02. Song Ga In (송가인) - Photo of My Mind (내 마음의 사진) (Inst.) Part 7 01. April 2nd (에이프릴 세컨드) - The Hill of Yearning (그리움의 언덕) 02. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - The Season of Us (너와 나의 그 계절) Part 8 01. Sejeong (세정) - All of My Days (나의 모든 날) 02. Sejeong (세정) - All of My Days (나의 모든 날) (Inst.) Part 9 01. So Soo Bin (소수빈), SOHEE (소희) - Like You (좋다) 02. So Soo Bin (소수빈), SOHEE (소희) - Like You (좋다) (Inst.) Part 10 01. Crush - Let Us Go (둘만의 세상으로 가) 02. Crush - Let Us Go (둘만의 세상으로 가) (Inst.) Part 11 01. IU (아이유) - I Give You My Heart (마음을 드려요) 02. IU (아이유) - I Give You My Heart (마음을 드려요) (Inst.) Various Artists 01. 10cm - But it’s Destiny (우연인 듯 운명) 02. Yoon Mi Rae (윤미래) - Flower 03. Davichi (다비치) - Sunset (노을) 04. Yerin Baek (백예린) - Here I Am Again (다시 난, 여기) 05. Kim Jae Hwan (김재환) - Someday (어떤 날엔) 06. Kim Kyung Hee (김경희) April 2nd (에이프릴세컨드) - Sigriswil (시그리스빌) (Crash Landing on You Title Full Ver.) 07. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Spring In My Hometown (고향의 봄) 08. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - The Wind Of The Day (그날의 바람) 09. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) Feat. Jeong Hyuk (정혁) - The Song For My Brother (형을 위한 노래) 10. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - My Companion (나의 동무여) 11. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Like A Wild Flower (들꽃처럼) 12. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Time Of JungHyuk For Seri (세리를 향한 정혁의 시간) 13. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Go Eun Jeong (고은정) - Moments We Walked Together (함께 걷던 순간) 14. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Seri's Choice (세리스 쵸이스) 15. Song Ga In (송가인) - Photo of My Mind (내 마음의 사진) 16. April 2nd (에이프릴 세컨드) - The Hill of Yearning (그리움의 언덕) 17. Sejeong (세정) - All of My Days (나의 모든 날) 18. So Soo Bin (소수빈), SOHEE (소희) - Like You (좋다) 19. Crush - Let Us Go (둘만의 세상으로 가) 20. IU (아이유) - I Give You My Heart (마음을 드려요) 21. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - YoungAe And Villagers (영애동지와 마을 사람들) 22. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Chi Soo And Seri (치수와 세리) 23. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - The Song For My Brother (형을 위한 노래) (Orchestra Ver.) 24. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Seo Dan (단이) 25. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Same Sky, Different World (같은 하늘, 다른 세상) 26. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - Picnic (소풍) 27. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - The Season of Us (너와 나의 그 계절) 28. Nam Hye Seung (남혜승), Park Sang Hee (박상희) - When That Day Comes (그날이 오면) 29. Kim Kyung Hee (김경희) April 2nd (에이프릴세컨드) - Sigriswil (Opening Title Ver.) ♦ ریتیگ سریال Crash Landing on You ♦ Read the full article
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kpopdancings · 5 years
The Korean Business Research Institute has revealed this month’s brand reputation rankings for film actors!
New Post has been published on http://www.whatsupkpop.com/the-korean-business-research-institute-has-revealed-this-months-brand-reputation-rankings-for-film-actors/
The Korean Business Research Institute has revealed this month’s brand reputation rankings for film actors!
Actor brand reputation in December 2018 Big data analysis, first place Lee Byung Hun second place Ma Dong Seok third place Ha Jung Woo was analyzed.
The Korea Institute for Enterprise Research analyzed 165,021,375 brand data of 50 movie stars from 20th of November 2018 to 21st of December 2018, and analyzed the brand participation index, media index, communication index, and community index Respectively. Compared to the 148,064,874 movie star brand Big Big data in October, it increased by 11.45%.
The brand reputation index is an index that extracts brand big data and analyzes consumer behavior and classifies it into participation value, communication value, media value, community value, and social value and positively negative ratio weight. In the actor brand reputation index, consumers’ brand consumption patterns were analyzed by participation index, media index, communication index, and community index. Check out the top 30 for this month below!
Lee Byung Hun Ma Dong Seok Ha Jung Woo Cho Seung Woo Son Ye Jin Han Ji Min Hyun Bin Kim Hye Soo Gong Yoo Yoo Ah In Song Kang Ho Gong Hyo Jin Jo Jung Suk Jung Joon Ho Kim Da Mi Kim Dong Wook Yum Jung Ah Song Joong Ki Lee Jong Suk Yoo Hae Jin Ryu Jun Yeol Park Hae Jin Yoon Kye Sang Jo Woo Jin Lee Sung Min Kim Min Jae Bae Doona Kim Tae Hoon Shin Ha Kyun Park Bo Young
And the Lee Byung Hun brand was analyzed as the brand reputation index 7,910,272 as the participation index 2,343,254 media index 3,737,370 communication index 813,512 community index 1,016,136 . Compared to October’s brand reputation index of 4,668,452 , it rose 69.44 %.
2, and Mae Suk Seok brand was analyzed as brand reputation index 7,051,961 with participation index 2,958,107 media index 1,339,548 communication index 994,602 community index 1,759,704 . Compared with the brand reputation index of 3,923,039 in October, it rose 79.76 %.
And the Ham Jung Woo brand was analyzed as brand reputation index 7,031,859 with participation index 849,576 media index 4,243,974 communication index 919,181 community index 1,019,128 . Compared to last October’s brand reputation index 2,009,692 , it rose 249.90 %.
According to Lee, Chang-hwan, director of the Korea Corporate Reputation Research Institute, “By the end of December 2018, the movie actor Lee Byung-hun ranked first, followed by the movie actor brand. In the detailed analysis, brand consumption declined 10.12%, brand issues increased 19.31%, brand communication increased 11.00%, and brand proliferation increased 34.81%.
Lee Byeong-heon, who ranked first in the movie star brand in December 2018, was highly analyzed for “cool, romantic, and resemblance” in link analysis and “Lee Min-Jung, Instagram, and Son” in keyword analysis. “Brand analysis.
The Korea Corporate reputation research institute is analyzing the brand big data to understand the change in brand reputation. The film actor brand reputation survey will be conducted from November 20, 2018 to December 21, 2018 by Lee Byung Hun, Ma Dong Seok, Ha Jung Woo, Cho Seung Woo, Son Ye Jin, Han Ji Min, Hyun Bin, Kim Hess, Sharing, Kim, Jae – young , Kim, Jung – su, Kim, Tae – ri, Kim, Tae – young, Kim, Dae – Myung, Song, Ji – hyun, Jungwoo, Jae – Hoon, Kim, This study was conducted by analyzing brand big data for Lee Seo-jin, Moon Chae-won, Hwang Joo Ho, Kim Hyoung Gi, Cha Tae Hyun, Lee Soon Jae, Park Ji Hyun, Lee Ji Hoon, Song Seung Heon Lee Kwang Soo
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rainstormmushrooms · 3 years
Hometown Cha Cha Cha
Poor little Miseon. Hye Jin came home to this..
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Miseon finally had the courage to ask Euncheol out but was rejected coldly. I’m sure there’s a backstory to this. In the aftermath…
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Yet, he showed concern for her well-being.
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He offered her a ride to Seoul.
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Wonder what will happen next…
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