#kang min yeong
imsailorpluto · 1 year
Call It Love (2023), Kang Min-yeong
This one makes me awfully sad. There are lots of things one can label as "wrong" and "immoral". Life isn't all black and white, no matter how hard we try to make it that way. As a woman, I tend to side with other women any chance I get, no matter if it turns out to be a big mistake.
Dong-jin, even if you're played by Kim Young-kwang, I can't let you off the hook, sorry.
Their break up makes me think it was a bit of everyone's fault. Sure, we could just oversimplify it and say they weren't compatible in the first place. We still have no idea what he did, but she cheated anyways, so this is where we should just shut up all together. Well, maybe they were both too young and inexperienced to deal with their parents' burdens. It's best to learn on other people's mistakes, but this time neither of them could escape their own selves.
Dong-jin's mother is one peculiar women nobody would ever want to meet in any kind of circumstance. Her son avoids her best way possible, but she always finds a way back into his life, destroying everything she touches. Min-yeong comes from a disgustingly wealthy family (I mean the woman drives a Maserati, that car scene alone made me weep), it's only natural her life is full of problems as well; her parents never approved of her relationship in the first place. For a girl who seems to be hurried into getting married, is there anything else that's left to expect besides a tragic ending? Dong-jin tried escaping his mother's influence, more or less, but same thing can't be said for Min-yeong. My guess is both were in great pain which they couldn't get rid off due to coming from such different worlds while neither of the two knew how to patch the void in between. Inexperience.
Dong-jin's biggest mistake was hiding his true face from his partner while insisting on keeping the relationship going. He hid his background, his childhood, his wounds, his identity. Is having a meaningful relationship even possible without taking the mask off at some point? Yet that's something he could never do but still, from his perspective it must have seemed as if he's doing fine as a partner. That's not how it works, relationship is almost like a living being, and putting up a wall is always noticeable, even when the other side turns a blind eye.
Certainly, him not letting her in on his painful past has a great affect on all that lead to their break up. While Min-yeong was looking for support in the one she loved the most, she was not getting any reassurance back and she probably blamed herself for him not opening up to her. That's something women usually do. And what do people do once they can't see a way out of a difficult situation? They become (self-)destructive. She could bend over backwards but she was just not the one he would move his emotional blocks for. From what we can see in the series, he didn't really want to discuss their future together and he kept pushing her away, presenting it as if she might be the one to push him away, some day, when she learns the truth about him (if she ever does).
From that perspective, their whole situation smells like trouble. Big, big trouble. She said herself her goal was getting married and having a family. I can't blame her for wanting those things. Is wanting something she subconsciously knows Dong-jin would never offer so wrong? Is loving a person deeply to the point of being irrational and practically dumb so wrong? Ah, but desperate measures are always wrong. Why don't we all collectively just bury this woman alive, why would we understand anything that she went through? It's not like something like that could ever happen in real life to any of us, right?
Honestly, the show presents Dong-jin as if he were an angel and not a man with severe mother/father issues. He's portrayed as a kind hearted protagonist with a high moral sense, who drowns his sorrow in alcohol while lying on the floor for days after Min-yeong's mom sent him the wedding invitation. I can't deal with kdrama mom thing at all now, they're a different kind of evil, I swear.
The audacity of "I won't let you in and I won't marry you, but I won't let you marry anyone else either" is something known for ages. That's probably why her mom sent the invitation in the first place. And all of that together makes me think he didn't treat her like a decent human being. Not because he chose that, but because he doesn't have the capacity for it. Not having the capacity, being somewhat aware of it and insisting on the relationship, because the other person displays so much affection and love, is as equally bad as cheating. That is actually also cheating. A person doesn't have to get involved with anyone else to be a cheater. It's enough to hide their wounds and not be honest about it. That alone makes me think the reason why he pretended not to notice she was out dating someone else hides behind his feeling of utter guilt. Guilt for not being capable of providing her what she needs, to compensate for building up walls and wasting her time all along.
Dating emotionally unavailable person, heck, living with one, is soul draining. It hurts like hell looking at a person and feeling as if you're staring at a blank wall. The pain of having to go through that daily is worse than your partner actually cheating on you once or falling for someone else and breaking up. At least that's how I see it; the pain it puts you through is not even comparable. The reason behind it might be in the fact that for cheating one doesn't need intelligence at all. To lure someone in your life, make them stay and to calculate how much of which part of yourself you'll give in each and every moment, well... In my eyes that's way worse form of betrayal. It takes a lot of brain. That's manipulation at it's finest. There's something very dark and vile about it; it can play with other person's mental health in the most brutal ways, where outcomes may be even fatal. And we have it right there on the screen. Min-yeong became an alcoholic. She let a man with mommy issues and extremely low self-esteem drag her down to the bottom, while he then carried on with his life as the main victim in everyone else's eyes. That's something men who hate their mothers do very often.
Her side was never shown (at least not yet), how much she must have waited for him to change, to open up at least a tiny bit, how much energy and effort she poured into their relationship. How many times she tried to get thru his walls. Sure, she made a huge mistake by contacting his mother first, but I can't blame her. Imagine how desperate she was in that moment; she went behind his back to check his phone and steal his mom's number. Even thinking of doing that is hitting rock bottom yet she went on and did it without being aware of what desperation looks like on her. As any relationship, theirs must have had a great start. Keeping his character in mind, he was most probably an amazing boyfriend at first. Once the honey moon phase ended, first problems emerged. He probably pushed it all under the rug. Min-yeong's mistake was falling a bit too hard and not breaking up with him sooner, probably thinking she could change him. Could be she wanted to prove her parents wrong as well, but for whatever reason, it hurts to watch her scenes and think about her psychological profile.
It's never one sided, that feeling when relationship reaches the breaking point. People don't want to be the bad one, breaking up first. It is a bit pathetic, not ending a relationship and enjoying the victim role saying "I've been dumped" any chance possible. Meanwhile, those same people treat their partner so poorly it's evidently there is no love left there. I'm not trying to use this drama, nor Min-yeong's character to justify cheating. Of course cheating is wrong. What I'm trying to point out is the following. Dong-jin's move - not ending the relationship and choosing to live off of his partner's energy until she turned into a wreck - is also just as wrong, if not worse than what his partner did. She obviously loved him more. What a textbook example; men with severe self-esteem (and what-not) issues pursue gorgeous smart amazing independent girls, only to ruin their psyche, changing them into something, someone unrecognisable operating on survival mode. Sounds a lot like a parasite causing a disease.
Min-yeong's left miserable in the end. She turned into an alcoholic who, even after all the hell she's been through, still thinks she might have a shot with this guy who never even truly accepted her. Oh the brain fog. Oh the twisted perception. All the excuses she must have made for him until she fell into a hole they both dig up. While he just used her for tending to his wounded inner child. She must have been so confused and so lost, how messed up her head must have been when she couldn't even get rid of him. How do you get rid of a parasite? Without an intervention, you don't.
I'm good at writing apology letters for others, so why not writing one for her? So let's wrap this one up. In all honesty, Dong-jin probably took best years of her life while she waited for him to open up. What, they're probably in their late twenties, early thirties now? Imagine yourself living in a conservative society, where certain norms are expected, are even obligatory. I get that his mom made him miserable but she is still his mother. There is no other woman out there who could fill that role. Being in a relationship for god knows how long without introducing your "future wife" to your only parent, who is clearly still around, for whatever ugly reason he should have been open about, is wrong on so many levels. Min-yeong obviously loved him deeply. All she wanted was to marry a guy she loved and start a family, and not wait for him for 10 years to finally make up his mind. He knew they were not compatible, despite all the love. She was blinded, he didn't want to hurt her so he didn't let her go even though he should have. She tried to move on, but couldn't, because she wanted him. She wanted the person she could never have. She was hooked badly.
No satisfied woman would ever cheat, especially if she wants to commit to a man till the end of her life. At this point her actions look like a desperate cry for help, but her example is just another one in a sea full of such cases, no one will care once you're incapable of getting up on your feet; however, everyone will point a finger and be the first to judge and even cheer on as they watch you drown.
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teashh · 1 month
I am so glad the new kdramas are bringing back the specific brand of loser men. You know which brand I'm talking about. The Ahn "min min" Minhyuk brand of loser men and I'm loving it. The "I worship this goddess and I'm so in love with her and I can't believe I get to love her. Oh my gods I love her so much" brand of loser men. And we're being fed so well with lovely runner, love next door, no gain no love, my demon, Cinderella at 2am, Hierarchy, Midnight Romance in Hagwon, doctor slump, Queen of tears, welcome to samdal-ri and even good partner (yes it's one sided but the dedication and yuri's couple too).
We need more fictional loser men who worship women to satiate our eldest independent daughter desires.
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bitchofdarkness · 10 months
At first I wanted to gif this scene, but there is too much happening, so I put my commentary in the video 😂 I'll prolly still gonna gif some scene *cough* Seok-chan in his halfnaked glory *cough*
It was just so damn funny to me, how Sergeant Kim just quietly sat there in his corner and didn't react to the two knuckleheads starting to fight with each other and even got physical, but the very second Lee Dong-jun insults Seok-chan Sergeant Kim loudly reminds them that he is there 😂 like they crossed a line by possibly attacking or harming his favorite Private 😂 even though it was just verbally. They are such a couple it hurts...
Sorry for not adding subtitles, but lbr, if you watched it you know the gist of what's being said xD
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naksushadows · 28 days
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My 3 favorite Jung Somin dramas Alchemy of Souls This drama was one of the best experiences I've had in recent times. The mix of magic, fantasy, romance and adventure was so well done. I love Somin's acting in this drama, especially showing the duality of the character who was an assassin disguised as a servant and therefore needed to use humor and wit to survive. I highlight the change in tone of voice that the actress made when she was the real Naksu and when she was Mudeok the loyal servant. The Naksu/JangUk couple is iconic. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes This drama is so bittersweet. I will never get over, I have some reservations about the ending but nothing that will affect the experience. Seo Inguk continues to be the actor who had the most chemistry with Somin ✨️unsurpassed✨️ The couple starts off in a way that makes it hard to root for them, but as we discover more of Kim Moo Young's story we can understand why he is the way he is. I like to see Somin acting as such a sweet and human character, and I need to see her in more melodramas and thriller. Because This Is My First Life When I started this drama I didn't imagine I would like it so much. I loved how pertinent female issues were addressed, an eldest daughter who suffers from patriarchy and lack of recognition, and how the male character is different from the usual kdramas. His combination with the dear Yoon Ji Ho was great because she is very empathetic and relatable.
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 2 months
Masterlist - Sweet Home
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All - Ticking Time Bomb
Cha Hyun-Su - Coming Soon
Lee Eun-Hyuk - Coming Soon
Lee Eun-Yu - Coming Soon
Pyeon Sang-Wook - Coming Soon
Seo Yi-Kyeong - Coming Soon
Jung Jae-Hoon - Coming Soon
Yoon Ji-Soo - Coming Soon
Park Chan-Young - Coming Soon
Kim Yeong-Hu - Coming Soon
Tak In-Hwan - Coming Soon
Min Seo-Jin - Coming Soon
Kang Seok-Chan - Coming Soon
Lee Dong-Jun - Coming Soon
Ha-ni - Coming Soon
Jung Ye-seul - Coming Soon
Father Peter - Coming Soon
Bong Sun-Hwa - Coming Soon
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studio-orchid · 2 years
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what if i was a tad bit silly and rewatched this show for like the 15th time
but seriously i love this show so much and i very much so wish i could watch this for the first time again
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moonstruck-poet · 1 year
To all the k-drama enthisiasts
Would you like a fic on *ahem ahem* Kang Tae Moo or Cha Sung Hoon, aka the beautiful men from 'A Business Proposal'
I've just noticed an absolute LACK of fics for these two gentleman and am devastated
Drop some ideas please peoplee
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sinnerghvst · 7 months
posting about sweet home s2 on here (and not on my main blog) just because what's under the cut is military related.
ignore this post if you didn't watch s2 or the whole series yet and don't want spoilers/if you're not interested in it!
bad english ahead
you don't understand. yeong-hu has got feelings for seo-jin, not for seok-chan - he does have feelings for seok-chan, sure, but they're not love feelings (not yet, at least). sergeant kim said yong-seok would've returned to the stadium on his own, he didn't want to search for him at first 'cause he didn't think yong-seok was lost, but... listen to me: yeong-hu started wanting to find sergeant major choi when he saw seo-jin was desperate about his "disappearance". he cares about yong-seok and he would've searched for him anyway at some point, but he insisted to go and search for him because of sergeant min. kim is scared that seo-jin's anger and worry are gonna turn him into a monster, he's scared to lose him and that's the main reason he wants to find yong-seok. no matter what it takes.
the fact is seok-chan's always there with him, for him, and yeong-hu starts to notice a certain behaviour and to hear some words that come out the private's mouth that make the sergeant think. he realizes seok-chan has got feelings for him and that's the beginning of it all, imho.
in the s02ep04 we can see how yeong-hu looks at seok-chan when the latter is babbling about him not having a girlfriend, a person to love. the sergeant is thinking so hard, he's like "why does he care so much, though? is it because... ? no, it's not", but then we see the "higher power" scene in the s02ep08 and when yeong-hu tells seok-chan to shut up (fondly) it's as clear as water that he got it. how his eyes softens; how he cannot bring himself to look at seok-chan for a second more, so he lowers his gaze; how he finally understands his private is in love with him, but he can't help being in love with someone else (who doesn't love him back, who doesn't even know).
don't despair, though, 'cause my brain's telling me yeong-hu will snap out of his feelings for seo-jin, realize he's always got feelings for seok-chan and, eventually, they'll live happily ever after
if seok-chan doesn't die first
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jang-geums-dream · 2 years
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Official character introductions for season 1
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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"Come back after four years of divorce" Lee Dong-gun "Long Blady? To spend time with my daughter...so that my father doesn't feel absenteeism"
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dramastream · 7 months
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First look at Kang Dong Won & Park Jung Min in Netflix's Uprising (2024) dir. Kim Sang Man
Set in the Joseon era during a tumultuous time in the aftermath of war, take a journey through the lives of two childhood friends-turned-adversaries: Cheon-yeong, a slave with remarkable martial prowess; and Jong-ryeo, Cheon-yeong’s master and scion of Joseon's most influential military family.
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simply-whump · 1 year
Delivery Man (딜리버리맨) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Seo Yeong Min played by Yoon Chan Young
Synopsis : Seo Young Min works as a taxi driver to support himself. Somehow, he begins to take only ghosts as his passengers and he grants their wishes. Kang Ji Hyun happens to get in Seo Young Min’s taxi. She has no memory of who she was when she was alive. She doesn’t know why, but she isn’t able to leave his taxi. She, then, titles herself the sales manager of Seo Youn Min’s taxi. (MDL)
Genres : Mystery, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Seo Yeong Min
Ep 1 : Fighting, thrown to the ground, kicked — Scared, screaming — Unconscious, wakes up, screaming, startled — Has a nightmare, wakes up screaming — Startled
Ep 2 : Pretending to cry — Pushed to the ground
Ep 3 : Recalling painful memories
Ep 4-5 : None
Ep 6 : Attacked by three guys with bats, hit multiple times, concern for him, kicked, hit hard on the  arm, saved — Arm in pain — At the hospital, arm in a brace 
Ep 7-8 : None
Ep 9 : Put in handcuffs — In a holding cell — Friends worried about him — Interrogated
Ep 10 : Knocked out with a wooden bar, concern for him — Unconscious, tied to a chair, concern for him, wakes up, taunted (Gif Set) — (Flashback) Sees his mother die, panicked, crying, screaming — (Present) Surrounded by fire
Ep 11 : Tied to a chair with ropes, taunted, learns the truth about his mother death, emotional, crying, angry, struggling, hair grabbed, surrounded by fire, struggling against his bounds, panicking, falls to the ground, concern for him, saved — Angry outburst — Fighting, hit with a metal bar multiple times, falls to the ground, concern for him, groaning in pain, punched, falls to the ground again, hit his head, groaning in pain, concern for him, worried, desperate, begging on his knees, putting his hand into fire, in pain, crying, screaming 
Ep 12 : Screaming, sobbing — In the hospital, hand bandaged, eyes red, crying — Kicked, vase smashed on him while protecting someone — Grabs a blade with his bare hand — bandage on his palm — Crying
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Do Kyu Jin played by Kim Min Seok
Ep 7 : Attacked with a knife, arm slashed, arm cut, bleeding, heavy breathing — arm bandaged
>> More Whump Lists
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bitchofdarkness · 8 months
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Zoomed in peace-loving, indecisive Private Kang Seok-chan
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niklausxcaroline · 2 years
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Driver Yeong Min, your age... when were you born? I was born... '97. Ah, '97. '97... then 26 years old. You're younger than me.
DELIVERY MAN 딜리버리맨 2023, dir. Kang Sol, Park Dae Hee.
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Categorizing Parent-related Trauma for male and female leads in Kdramas:
Orphans: Lee Hong-jo (Destined With You) Moon Gang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Moon Sang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Ha-ru (Extraordinary You) Naksu/Cho Yeong (Alchemy of Souls) Tak Dong-kyung (Doom at Your Service) Nam Ji-ah* (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Cheon Sa-Rang (King the Land) Jang Man-wol (Hotel del Luna) Yoon Yi-seo (100 Days My Price) Kang Young-hwa (Moon in the Day) Kim Do-ha (Moon in the Day) So Mun (The Uncanny Counter) Do Ha-na (The Uncanny Counter) Kang Tae-moo (Business Proposal) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, present version) Lee Heon (The Forbidden Marriage) Do Do-hee (My Demon) Ji Eun-tak (Guardian: The Great and Lonely God) Na Bong-seon (Oh My Ghost) Kang Cheol (W: Two Worlds) Do Da-hae (The Atypical Family) Yeom Hae-sang (Revenant) Jeong Ji-an (A Shop for Killers) Shin Jae-rim (Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale)
Half Orphans with loving remaining parent: Eun Dan-oh (Extraordinary You) Koo Chan-sung (Hotel del Luna) Ye So-ran (The Forbidden Marriage) Nam Ha-neul (Doctor Slump) Yu Ji-hyck (Marry My Husband) Kang Hee-soo (Captivating the King) Choi Yi-jae (Death's Game) Im Sol (Lovely Runner) Ryu Sun-jae (Lovely Runner) Lee Chang (Kingdom) Lee Geum, Prince Yeoning (Haechi) Gu San-yeong (Revenant)
Half Orphan + Remaining Parent is THE WORST: Jang Uk (Alchemy of Souls) Kim Do-ha (My Lovely Liar) Lee Yul (100 Days My Price) Ahn Min-hyuk (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Seo Mok-ha (Castaway Diva) Gong Tae-seong (Sh**ting Stars) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, past version) Yi In (Captivating the King) Kang Ji-won (Marry My Husband) Kang Sun-woo (Oh My Ghost)
Parents (at least one) are THE WORST but Both Are Still Alive: Jang Shin-yu (Destined With You) Han Yi-joo (Perfect Marriage Revenge) Ko Mun-young** (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Mok Sol-hee (My Lovely Liar) Gu Won (King the Land) Crown Prince Lee Hwi/Dam-yi/Yeon-seon (The King's Affection) Do Bong-soon (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Woo Young-woo (Extraordinary Attorney Woo)*** Jung Ji-woon (The King's Affection) Kang Bo-geol/Lee Ki-ho (Castaway Diva) Yeo Jeong-woo (Doctor Slump) Hong Hae-in (Queen of Tears) On Eun-yoo (Twinkling Watermelon) Oh Yeon-joo (W: Two Worlds) Yoon Ji-ho (Because This Is My First Life) Nam Se-hee (Because This Is My First Life) Bok Gwi-ju (The Atypical Family) Moon Cha-min (Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale)
Immortal Being that Still Somehow has Parent Issues: Myul Mang/Doom (Doom at your Service) Lee Yeon & Lee Rang (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Jeong Gu-won (My Demon)
Added trauma flavour: Parent was murdered in front of them (**Still counts if they survived the murder Parent tried to murder them Dying from seemingly incurable disease which makes their parents/guardian sad (If your parents are alive, you must pay for it by dying yourself) Adoptive parent/stepparent is THE WORST
Somehow has normal, alive parents: Lee Jun-ho (Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Has no backstory at all. We only meet his older sister and hear nothing about his childhood.) Shin Ha-ri (Business Proposal, her family is refreshingly normal, right down to her brother being sent out to find her when she's drunk) Oh Han-byeol (Sh**ting Stars, Again, we know almost nothing about her family, only that she has twin sisters. But she doesn't appear to have childhood trauma.) Park Yeon-woo (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, her mom being annoyed at her for something that is a crime doesn't count as bad parenting) Lee Young-joon/Sung-hyun (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim, his trauma comes from a kidnapper, his parents faced a pretty impossible situation and did their best. They clearly love their kids) Baek Hyun-woo (Queen of Tears, nothing wrong with them out of the ordinary and they are in the drama a significant amount.) Ha Eun-gyeol (Twinkling Watermelon, very loving parents and the deafness and their reliance on him is not anyone's fault)
*Counting her as an orphan even though she gets her parents back after 20 years, she spent her childhood orphaned. ***This character is tricky because I understand why her mother wanted nothing to do with her, but her trying to manipulate the dad and also saying he didn't raise her properly made me so angry. Uncatagorized due to lack of clarity on parents: Soundtrack #1, Hospital Playlist, Happiness
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survivalistghost · 2 years
top 10 kdrama bromances to feed your empty heart
if you scroll through my page, you can already guess number 1.
#10 - our beloved summer : choi ung and kim ji ung
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beautiful beautiful men choi woo shik and kim sung cheol played ung bros for life in this beautiful beautiful drama. one of the best handled love triangles ive seen. they were there for each other through thick and thin, and helped each other through sm. best. on the tenth spot because they could've expanded on it more :(
#9 - what's wrong with secretary kim? : lee young joon and park yoo sik
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i could never make it through the series. i left it behind on ep9/10 i think, and primarily because i physically cannot digest how emotionless park min young is. BUT, kudos to the hilarious office best bromance by the great park seo joon and kang ki young. ps - why is kang ki young the pankaj tripathi of korean dramas?
#8 - strong girl do bong soon : ahn min hyuk and in gook du
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can we ever forget the legendary wink? or the dream where min hyuk is dressed as a woman? i think not. this was more of a frenemy type bromance, united by their love for bong soon and ironically divided by it, too. i refuse to acknowledge this as a love triangle tho. bong soon was astronomical in not hurting gook du and i will not take any criticism. is it a bromance if one of them is pretending to be gay? (and no, we will not discuss any sort of iTs pRoBLeMaTiC debates here.)
#7 - tale of the nine tailed : lee yeon and koo shin ju
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don't come at me with the lee rang comments. rang was his half brother, related by blood. their relationship was top tier, but the stay at home husband yeon and working husband shin ju was too cute to not be classified as a bromance. in the beginning, i saw their relationship as shin ju serving yeon, a dynamic that they both seemed to embody. but as the show progresses, yeon baby we know you love shin ju just as much :*
#6 - alchemy of souls : jang uk and seo yul
song joon ki seems to have an attachment to bromances. han seo had the best character arc of the ENTIRE kdrama universe fight me. that court scene where vincenzo pats han seo's cheek was max bro cuteness. still not over his death. he deserved better.
#5 - vincenzo : vincenzo cassano and jang han seo
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even though i didn't very much like the show's first couple, bromance delivered well. hospital scene peaked, complete true beauty sameness. it was pretty hard to understand who was the superior officer in this tbh initially, since their comraderie was so cool, shi jin was kid to soldier in a split second. loved how they chose not to unnecessarily exaggerate the love triangle initially bec i was only rooting for the second couple.
#4 - descendants of the sun : yoo shi jin and seo dae young
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business proposal was the first kdrama i saw. i finished it in a three day trip, and i remember thinking more about the bromance than the romance. i was NOT used to the clumsiness of kdramas in general, like wattpad fics incarnated. the bromance delivered well, made me root for the second couple, and was the only initial indicator of kang tae moo being human instead of archaeopteryx. that word was a nightmare to spell.
#3 - business proposal : kang tae moo and cha sung hoon
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the most wolfstar bromance if I ever saw one. and NO, i do not ship wolfstar just like i do not ship these two. they are totally adorable, and specially since their personalities seemed to switch from when they were children. yeong turned all serious face and lee gon got fun. love their years of friendship sm, their wordless communication and yeong in general. the acting was amazing.
#2 - the king - eternal monarch : lee gon and jo yeong
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#1 - guardian - the lonely and great god : kim shin aka goblin and wang yeo aka grim reaper
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yes, i know I'm missing a lot of iconic ones. unfortunately, i haven't seen alot of kdramas and have left alot in bw (like true beauty bec i couldn't see second lead hurt).
spring onion slays ^
told ya, if u follow me u already knew what the first one was gonna be. being the simp i am for the goblin and grim reaper, these two achieved the max points for their bromance. that slow dynamic of goblin calling reaper's hat tacky to fighting with knives to that iconic 'saranghae' to 'HOW DARE YOU' to goblin boiling eggs with his powers while reaper chills the beer. they know each other so well. love love love them and you should too 🔪
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in my heart, the trio of our boys beats nothing (except for the gookdu-minhyuk relationship of the crown prince and uk). but instead of choosing the frenemy thing, i decided to love yul and uk more. yul was such a quiet character, with incredible potential in him for me to hate him, but then...(the guy is literally too sweet and beautiful and nice i can ramble for days). and uk, man, our power baby who loves every version of our beautiful but slow girl, needed so much emotional support. uk and yul were not afraid to show their affection for each other, a trait i admired in all the three boys (jang uk, seo yul and park dang gu).
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