#kankuro imagine
venerawrites · 3 months
I need a Gaara hc or small fic where his s/o took an interest to kankuro than him ❤️
If u see this (have a great day!!) 💕
Gaara x gn! reader
author's note: thank you so much for your request! Gaara is one of my favourite characters in the show, so it was an absolute pleasure to write this one! I think it got a little bit longer than intended, but I hope you still like it! Also, I hope you had a pretty great day yourself <3
Warnings: none, slight angst? (not a warning, just a note - also I tried to make reader gn, since it was not specified in the request. If anyone sees any pronounce other than "they/them" used, please let me know.) <3
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Memories of that one particular night often invaded his thoughts uninvited. Sweet memories, filled with soft music, heavy smoke, and a pair of dark eyes, which have haunted his being every waking moment for almost a year now...
The war was officially over. After a long period of struggles, losses, and the lost lives of countless young men and women, the citizens of Suna finally had the chance to continue their lives, free from worry and fear. And what better way to acknowledge this new freedom than a village festival?
Gaara reluctantly has agreed for the Council to organize a celebration, despite the current "black hole" in the village's finances. In his view, a priority was the rebuilding of the buildings and strengthening the economy, rather than hiring questionable street performers and musicians.
"Stones and sand blokes are easily replaced, My Lord", one of the old councillors has said to him earlier that day, "But is the spirit of the people that need to be brought back to life. They need an escape... a way to forget the painful and bloody reality we all live in."
That night he found himself silently following his siblings through the busy streets of Suna, his pale eyes observing the smiling faces of reunited families and the cheerful laughter of warriors, who eagerly shared stories of their bravery and courage to their fellow villagers. Maybe the councillor was right after all..
"Gaara, look", his brother shouted excitedly, pulling his sleeve and pointing towards a large tent towards the end of the village square. An old wooden sign was hanging next to the entrance stating: "Exotic dancers from far away lands... Come and experience the magic!"
The young Kazekage signed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He already felt irritated that he had to postpone his work for the day, but having to deal with his older brother, who acted like a hormonal teenager, made his mood even more sour.
"Kankuro, I don't think-"
Before he can finish his sentence, Kankuro has already wrapped his hand around his elbow and was dragging the redhead towards the tent. Temari, who was murmuring something under her breath, soon followed, looking just as annoyed as Gaara.
"We already visited three of the village attractions chosen by Temari", Kankuro finally said, looking at his sister, who crossed her arms and rolled her eyes in response, "Now it is my turn."
The siblings entered the tent and Gaara had to immediately squint his eyes to adjust his vision to his surroundings. The air was heavy with white smoke, carrying a certain sweetness to it, a product of the numerous pipes placed on the tables around the space. The light was dim, coming only from the small candle lights hanging around the ceiling.
"Kankuro", Temari coughed, waving her hand in front of her face, "Where did you bring us? I can barely breathe here."
The puppet master clicked his tongue, taking a seat at one of the empty central tables.
"Ah, stop complaining", he smirked, waiving her off, "I endured an hour of half-naked men twirling fire sticks. I am sure you can enjoy a few minutes of real art."
Temari opened her mouth to protest but stopped herself once Gaara glanced at her. He shook his head, signalling her not to argue. The two eldest siblings have been bickering all evening and the Kazekage's patience was running thin. He preferred to just agree to his brother's wish and hopefully after that, he would finally manage to escape back to his office and continue his work.
"Ah, what a surprise! What a surprise!", an excited voice sounded behind them and they all turned around only to find a tall blonde woman dressed in a red kimono. She smiled widely, before moving in front of them and bowing.
"We did not expect to be visited by the mighty Kazekage today", she said, looking directly at Gaara, "We are delighted to have you, My Lord."
The redhead remained expressionless but nodded his head at her words. Truth to be told, he did not want to be seen in a tent full with "exotic dancers", but at this point, when almost the whole space was full with people, he would draw more attention by standing up and exiting, than just sitting quietly on his chair.
"Thank you", he politely said, throwing a quick glare to Kankuro, " We are excited to see the show you have prepared for tonight."
"How long is this show?", Temari asked impatiently, looking and noting that the audience was predominantly drunk males, "And where is it going to take place? I don't see any stage around here."
The woman laughed, tilting her head to the side.
"The show can be as long as you want it to be. You can stay only for one dance, or you can enjoy a full night full of music and dances. And there is no stage. The dancers are going to create their art right here, in the public. We prefer to create an atmosphere which is more...", she paused, moving her eyes back to Gaara.
The Kazekage tilted his head, crossing his hands in front of his chest. Something about this woman was making him feel uneasy. They had chatted with her for a few minutes now and he had more questions, rather than answers about what to expect.
The loud sound of rhythmic drums suddenly rang around the space and the crowd, which was enthusiastically chattering, silenced itself. The lights became slightly more dim and everyone's attention shifted towards the middle of the space, where a lonely petite figure raised itself from the ground, scanning the unfamiliar faces all around.
Dark eyes moved from across the room till they stopped on his pale ones. And suddenly, the whole world stopped... the music, the applause, the unamused murmur of his sister beside him. All he could see was the piercing gaze that bore into him, unmoving and not even blinking. It was almost as if was putting him into a hypnosis and he involuntarily leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table before him while he followed each move of their body.
From bold dark make-up to a body covered with gold jewellery, gemstones, and pearls, they were moving under the seducing rhythms with such ease and grace, Gaara could have sworn they were floating off the ground. Their hips swayed from side to side, while their body was twisting and turning, pearl beads clicking against their gemstone covered suit with every move they made.
Gaara has never seen anything more beautiful in his life.
Expertly moving between the tables, without losing even a beat of their rhythm, the dancer moved in front of the Kazekage's table with their back facing the siblings, before they bent backward, their dark gaze locking with Gaara's mesmerized stare once again. Without breaking eye contact, they sharply turned around and jumped on the table, their head tilting as if silently inviting the redhead ninja to say something.
Unable to resist this silent request, he leaned forward even more, raising his voice a little so the dancer could hear them:
"Who are you?"
They only smirked, swiftly moving once again in such a gracious way, that before the Kazekage could realise, they were behind him, their warm breath next to his ear.
"I can be anyone you want me to be..."
They stepped away, briefly focusing their attention on other members of the crowd, who just like Gaara had already fallen under the ethereal spell of this siren.
After a few minutes and a final loud sound of the drums, the lights went completely off and just like that the dancer was gone. Everyone looked around in confusion, before they stood on their feet, loudly clapping and whistling. Gaara also stood up, but instead of clapping, he quickly started to make his way towards the back entrance of the tent, where he caught a glance of a bare foot covered with pearl anklets exiting the tent. He heard the sound of his siblings yelling his name behind him, but he could not focus on anything other than catching up to the dancer.
It took him just a few seconds to get out of the tent, but once he did and he scanned his surroundings, he couldn't see anyone but drunk ninjas, who were stumbling down the road. No sight of the person he was looking for or of any of the "exotic dancers" for that matter. He made a few steps, peering behind the corner, only to find the alley behind it empty.
His lips immediately pulled themselves into a frown and he shook his head, looking up at the sky. What was wrong with him? He was never one to act impulsively or without thinking... but then what was he doing out here? He didn't even know this person. For all he knew, they could actually be an assassin, trying to trick them.
Gaara has just turned around, when he heard a voice behind them.
"I did not take you for one to give up so easily", a melodic laugh followed the words and he quickly turned around to find the dancer he was looking for sitting on top of one of the empty performers' carriages. They smiled, swiftly jumping down and making a few slow steps towards him.
"I assume you were searching for something... or someone", they laughed, raising their eyebrows slightly. Gaara's cheeks warmed at their words and he opened his mouth, before closing it again and gulping loudly.
Why was he feeling so nervous?
"No, I... I mean, yes. I was looking for you", he admitted, nervously moving his hand behind his head and scratching his neck, "I... wanted to tell you that your performance was truly beautiful."
This time it was the dancer's turn to smile and blush. They looked down, their right feet making small figures in the sand beneath. After a few seconds of silence, they lifted their eyes again, boring into his.
"Thank you. I am flattered that the Kazekage himself enjoyed my performance."
The redheaded male gulped again, his thoughts racing with ideas of what to say next, yet his whole body stayed frozen. If the slight blush on his cheeks and the top of his ears did not give him away, his stoic expression could easily be mistaken for indifference.
"Well", they finally broke the silence, peering behind Gaara's shoulder to see if the other dancers had finished their performance yet, "I better go. I have one more performance to do before we have to pack."
Gaara's heart leaped at their words. He nodded his head, gesturing with his hand towards the entrance.
"Apologies! I did not want to keep you, I just...", he stopped himself, unsure how to finish that sentence, "I am excited to see you dance again."
The dancer looked at him, biting their lip before giving him a small smile.
"Actually, the performance is going to be... private."
"Private?", he asked too quickly and with a voice too high pitched. He closed his eyes, mentally cursing at his reaction, before clearing his throat, "What does it mean... private?"
They let out a small laugh at the Kazekage's awkwardness, but quickly regained back composure, before tilting their head toward the well-lit noisy house at the end of the street.
"As performers, we are often hired by people for their own celebrations. The family that lives in that house over there just got their two sons back from war... so they wanted to organise something special."
Gaara listened carefully, the sound of their words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. The idea of them giving a show to other people, where he had no chance to join and watch them, did not sit right with him. Who was that selfish to keep such beauty and grace to themselves, barring everyone else from seeing it?
The dancer gave him a small bow and a polite "goodbye", before swiftly turning away. They made just a few steps, when the Kazekage's voice stopped them.
They turned around, a curious smile playing on their lips.
"Yes, Lord Kazekage?"
"You can call me Gaara", the redhead said, closing the distance between them. His eyes shifted between their dark eyes and the house where they were supposed to go. Knowing he had little time, he had to choose his next questions carefully.
"What is your name?", he asked, his feet stopping right before them. The performer smiled at their question, battling their eyelashes and clasping their hands behind their back.
"Why do you want to know?", they arched a beautifully painted eyebrow, "With respect, Lord Kazekage, it is not my style to give my name to members of the crowd... even if they are the village leaders."
It was Gaara's turn to look at them questionably.
"How do one book you for a private performance if they do not know your name?"
Their gaze fell to the floor and for a second time, their cheeks turned a rosy colour. It was barely visible in the darkness of the night and under their stage makeup, but Gaara saw it as bright as day. He bit his lip, fighting the urge to let out a smile. His efforts quickly became pointless once they looked up at him again and he couldn't help but let the corners of his mouth twitch upwards.
"Speak to Izumi, the woman who was annoying your table earlier", they laughed, before turning away and starting to walk away. They did not get too far, however, before they turned to look at him again.
"They call me Pearl", they shouted, before lifting their hand and gently shaking the pearly threads hanging from their sleeve. With a final smile, they continued walking, soon getting lost into the darkness.
It did not take long for Gaara to find a reason to call the dancer for a private show.
Just two weeks after the village festival, it was one of the Councillor's birthday. Unlike his usual self, Gaara insisted on throwing a grand celebration. And just like the "selfish people who kept beauty and grace to themselves", he hired a private performer for the occasion, which just so happened to be Pearl.
A few months after that, there was a visit from Naruto and a few other Leaf ninjas to the village. Another reason for a feast to be thrown, as well as another reason for Pearl to be there.
Then it was Kankuro's birthday. And as a gift, he hired the same dancer again, this time offering to pay for them to stay for a full weekend.
Thinking back, this was the biggest gift he had ever given his brother and probably the only one he regretted
It would be foolish of him to think that he was the only one who had fallen under the magic of their body and gaze. Deep inside he had already expected that his brother would fall victim to their charm.
What he had not expected, however, was that they would fall too... for Kankuro.
Maybe it started the first night they met. Maybe the whole night they were actually looking at his older sibling, rather than him. Maybe he has mistaken their glances across the room for harmless coincidence, rather than silence promises to meet somewhere private once the moon is up high in the sky. Maybe he had lived in his own fear of rejection for so long, that he accidentally gave Kankuro the chance to snatch the thing he wanted the most right under his nose...
There were a lot of "maybes" racing through his head as his blue eyes stared at the object of his deepest desires and his brother embracing each other under the pale light of the moon, their lips locked in a passionate kiss, while their hands explored each other's skin.
Gaara's fingers involuntarily snapped the flower he was holding in his hand, resulting in one of the thorns on the stem piercing his skin. Scarlet drops of blood started to drip on his pale skin, forcing him finally to look away.
People always said love was supposed to feel beautiful. That it gave you wings and made you see the world in a different light...
But where was that beauty? How was he supposed to see the world, when it seemed it was all fading in darkness?
Throwing the flower to the ground, the Kazekage turned away and hurried back towards his home. Not daring to look back, he thought of the night he met them for the first time.
The night when it was just him and them.
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hyuganejiswife · 2 years
Favorite Person? | Kankuro X GNReader
| REQUESTED, not edited, slight angst, Temari meddles, a bit rushed, might do a part 2
| 15. "There is my favourite person!" "Haha, you're so funny!"
Word Count: 452
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“There’s my favorite person!”
You pause, mid bite of your breakfast sandwich as you step into the office, your eyes locking on Kankuro, his face paint still fresh on his face. You swallow and laugh nervously, “Haha. You’re so funny, Kankuro…”
You step past him, heading upstairs to talk to Temari, needing to go over a few files. Kankuro hops off the desk he’d been sitting on, finally allowing the poor receptionist to get back to work.
“Woah! No good morning? I’m not your favorite person anymore? You always say that!” He huffs, not understanding why your sudden need to not exclaim who he was to you bothered him so much now.
What could have happened over your weekend off that made you want to avoid him like the plague now?
He follows you up the stairs, ignoring Temari as he inserts himself between the two of you just as you opened your mouth to speak. “I wanna know why you aren’t talking to me.”
“I did… I mean, I did talk to you though? Back there… Downstairs. I said you were funny!” You rub the back of your neck as you try to step around him, not in your usual chipper mood.
You were simply taking his sister’s advice now, trying to coax the confession out of him. After all, while you were obvious, he remained oblivious and she determined that if you redirected your attention elsewhere, he would surely cave and realize how he felt.
“Yeah, but that was it? You ignored me after that! Coming straight up here to…” He throws an annoyed glance back at Temari, resenting the fact that she had your attention, “Her.”
“Well, I’m just trying to work. I go out on a mission in three days,” you shrug and look down, your gaze remaining on your feet. “I don’t exactly have time to-”
“When did you get that mission and why am I just now finding out about it?”
“And you didn’t tell me?”
“Why does it matter, Kankuro? You’re not they’re boyfriend.” Temari finally speaks up, smirking as she catches him off guard. “Why don’t you run along? Y/N and I have work to do.”
She waves him off and he stalks away, heading upstairs, no doubt to talk to Gaara about sending you off and to get the details of your mission.
Temari turns to you, smiling a bit and crossing her arms over his chest, “That ought to keep him busy. Now we can get on to phase two.”
Now you panic. “Phase two? How many phases does this plan have?”
“Enough to get him to stop being an idiot before someone comes and steals you away from him.”
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thrakenaheart · 1 year
Sekisetsu no Tanuki
Summary: After nearly a decade, Tanuki, the red flash of the snow, and Kankuro's old childhood friend, finally returns to Suna, only to question her life choices. Will she forgive Kankuro, or simply turn her back on him once again?
A/N: Everything concerning Yukigakure is an AU. If you want a bit more information on Tanuki, you can fnd it here. 
Warnings:  Angst, Swearing, slow burn. Wordcount: 8K
“Tanuki of the Fallen Snow”
“You would never have allowed yourself to be manipulated by others.”
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Almost a decade later, during a tournament organised by the sand, the shinobi from the hidden village in the snow were personally invited. Not just to participate, but in the hope to form an alliance between the 2 villages.  Despite missing Suna, Tanuki wasn’t too fond of the notion of returning to her homeland, even if it was just for a tournament. To be fair, Tanuki was never too fond of leaving home to begin with. She knew she was gonna have a hard time one way or another, but her fellow shinobi however, eventually managed to convince her to come anyway, "because hey, if anything you can always just beat somebody's ass."
After a week on horseback, they finally arrived in Suna, and were welcomed with open arms by the Kazekage himself, along with his siblings. If Tanuki hadn’t overheard beforehand, she would’ve spontaneously cracked up on the spot by seeing Gaara, of all people, sporting the Kazekage robes. Much to her dismay, Kankuro, being the cocky flirt he was, was the one to greet her. In his attempt to introduce himself, he held out his hand for her to shake, only to be met with Tanuki cocking her head to the side. She looked him up and down, scoffed and clicked her tongue to get her horse moving, leading it to the stables. Kankuro was left standing there with a stupefied look on his face. He cast a glance at the other snow shinobi, as if he was silently asking them what he'd done wrong, but they simply gave him pitiful looks from underneath their masks, stating that's just how she was sometimes.
Right after getting settled in their rooms, they were called into the Kazekage's office. There, Gaara informed them that they would not only participate in the tournament, but that they would also be regarded as if they were Suna shinobi, meaning they too, would get sent on errands within the village when necessary, as well as personally guard Gaara. Tanuki cursed inwards. By now she seriously regretted coming along. When they were finally dismissed come nightfall, she locked herself in her room. But sleep would not grace her that night. Instead she was left tossing and turning all night with a million thoughts swirling through her head. About how the siblings had grown and how Gaara was so much more polite than she remembered him to be. How Suna still looked the same, even after all these years. Memories overwhelmed her in a matter of minutes, and she contemplated disappearing in the dead of night, as she had done all those years ago.
When the sun breached over the horizon, Tanuki still hadn't slept at all, and decided to just get up. Shovelling down her breakfast, she quickly finished up and went to retrieve her tasks for the day. Meeting Temari, she was informed that today would be dedicated to giving the Shinobi from the snow a tour of the village instead, with Baki and Kankuro being their guides. Not long after, they were all following the 2 sand shinobi through the halls of the kage building. Kankuro was lazily drawling on about which door led where until he stopped in front of one and turned around with a grin. "And this, is where I live. Come, I'll show you." He stated excitedly, and opened the door to lead them in. Tanuki sighed silently and rolled her eyes. Cheeky bastard.
It was a relatively empty room, except for several puppet parts hanging from the ceiling, and a workshop area crammed into a nook. Perched on the bed opposite sat Karasu. What was probably an attempt to show the puppet off, resulted in some snow ninja steering clear from the creepy thing. Tanuki however, despite being scared with the puppet countless times when they were younger, decided to inspect it closer. It appeared to have some newer mechanisms as well as some replaced parts, but other than that, it still looked the same. Looking it over, her eyes landed on 2 photo frames on the bedside table. One of all three siblings together, and one of Kankuro and her.
The comfort she once felt in this room left her with a stinging feeling in her chest. Deciding not to think too much on it, she turned back to her group, watching as Kankuro proudly showed off his tools. Once he considered himself done, they went outdoors, which was, for many from the snow, an unwelcome change of temperature. Baki took over leading the tour, and Kankuro decided to hang in the back, walking between Tanuki and her friend. Mentioning how unbearable the heat was, Tanuki waved off her team mate's complaints, though Kankuro was happy to make conversation. She simply ignored them, watching her surroundings instead. 
That was, until she noticed Kankuro had turned around, walking backwards in front of her. Slightly annoyed, she silently cocked her head at him once more. He gave her a flustered smile, though it was unclear whether that was because of her, or the fact that he couldn't read her face through her mask. "I never caught your name..." He said, though it sounded more like a question. Tanuki stopped in her tracks, and studied his face. 
"Tanuki." She answered shortly, and continued walking. His eyebrows furrowed together for a split second, before he dashed after her. "Alright....Tanuki..," He stuffed his hands in his pockets, trying to act as casual as possible. "I noticed you were the only one who actually looked at Karasu. Say, personal interest or just curiosity?" He smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck. "Y'mean the puppet on the bed?" She lied, and side-eyed him before shrugging. "Bit of both I suppose." Though before she could elaborate, Baki, to her relief, announced the end of the tour. "Aww..." Kankuro sighed, before turning back to Tanuki. "Wanna....grab some lunch?" He offered, grinning widely, though it disappeared just as quickly when Tanuki shook her head. "No thank you." She stated and walked off, leaving Kankuro stunned in the middle of the road once again. But instead of sulking, he decided to go to his sister to ask for advice on what the hell he could be doing wrong in her eyes.
Returning to the kage building, Tanuki was called in to Gaara's office. One of the rules of the snow is to never show your face to anyone, except for team mates. Gaara was made aware of this, though he was dead set on knowing the faces of those that were supposed to protect him. After all, the Snow and the Sand were to be considered equals, and they eventually settled on just Gaara knowing their faces. So when Gaara made the request of Tanuki, she went as white as a sheet. Her mask and name change had protected her identity so far. It was what allowed her to steer clear of those she once knew. Looking at the ground, she bit her lower lip. This was a mistake. Coming here was a bloody mistake.
As Gaara continued to press, Tanuki finally gave in. Pulling her facemask down, she took a deep breath before removing the dragon headpiece and looking up at Gaara with a look of utter shame. Gaara's eyes flitted over her face a good while before widening in realisation. He quickly got up to approach her and study her closer. "Please Gaara.... Please don't tell Tem and Kuro..." Tanuki practically squeeked out. Gaara looked pitiful at her, remembering how Kankuro had expressed the turmoil in himself after her disappearance, and that she probably felt likewise. He gave her a slight smile and to Tanuki's absolute astonishment, he pulled her into a hug. Standing there, she awkwardly hugged him back, a storm of emotions brewing within her. 
"They miss you, you know... We all do." Gaara stated softly as he let go. The breath had more or less left Tanuki's lungs, and she was gasping for air as tears welled up in her eyes. Gaara offered her a seat and some tea in the hopes to sort things out. Placing her headpiece on the desk, she managed to calm herself some as she inhaled the scent of the tea given to her. She and Gaara spent long into the night together, talking about everything that needed to be talked about. About everything that happened, and about how everyone felt. How some harsh truths needed to be said by both sides, but received equally well too. 
Eventually Gaara promised not to say anything to his siblings, understanding all too well that Tanuki needed to do so of her own will, though he did repeat how happy it would make them to know she was safe and well, as she had been missed greatly. Saying their goodnights, they both turned in for the night. After last night's lack of sleep, and the day's distressing events, it was no surprise that as soon as Tanuki's head hit the pillow, she was out cold.
The next day, she woke up feeling a little lighter. Rolling out of bed, she realised she had overslept and practically jumped into her clothes and bolted out the door. Passing Gaara's office, she greeted him happily. She met Baki outside, who, to her annoyance, assigned her to run errands with Kankuro today as they both arrived late. She rolled her eyes and took the list before turning to him. Kankuro however, seemed to be under the weather today. Tanuki assumed he probably slept badly, and decided not to question it. 
They made their way to the market in silence. Once there, Tanuki turned to Kankuro again. “You wanna split up or stick together?” She asked softly. Kankuro looked at her for a moment, contemplating his decision. He did seem angry doing so. “We can stick together.” He grumbled. Tanuki nodded her head in response. “You okay?... You seem out of it today..” She finally questioned. Caught off guard, he side-eyed her. “Yeah, had a rough night.” He admitted with a sigh, stuffing his hands in his pockets again. Temari had given him shit for being so straightforward with a stranger. Even if the presence of said stranger gave him such comfort. Not that he could put a finger on as to why that was, however. 
Tanuki patted his shoulder to pull him out of his thoughts. “Listen, I didn’t mean to be so harsh earlier. Truth is, I would love to grab some lunch with you, but,” Tapping her headpiece with her nails, she sighed deeply, “I’m not allowed to take this thing off.”  Kankuro’s eyes flitted over her, a somewhat sombre expression on his face. “Like, not at all?” He cocked his head to the side, questioning the practicality of it. Humming, she shook her head. “Only team mates are allowed to see my face. Lord Kazekage is an obvious exception to the rule of course. We’re much like the Anbu in that sense.” Tanuki grimaced under her mask. Kankuro, however, chuckled. “But I’m your teammate right now!” He exclaimed hopefully. This earned him a giggle from Tanuki, though before she could respond, her stomach grumbled loudly, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. Rubbing the back of her neck, she pointed at a nearby stall vendor who had breads and pastries on display. “So, wanna grab some breakfast instead?” She offered awkwardly, to which Kankuro nodded his head with a smile.
Curiosity got the better of Kankuro, so he couldn’t help but subtly try to sneak a peek under Tanuki’s headpiece whenever she took a bite of her breakfast. Or at least, he thought he was subtle about it. Tanuki however, playfully threatened to smear his face paint everytime he tried to look. Kankuro more than gladly accepted the challenge, but just as warned, ended up with smeared face paint. As a final insult, Tanuki swiped her thumb over his cheek, and smeared a purple line on his forehead. “Simba.” She exclaimed dramatically, and they both cracked up. The fun was short lived however, as Temari appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and scolded them both for acting so immature in public. Tanuki nonchalantly waved her off, and moved to the next stall vendor. It caused her to miss the silent exchange between the siblings, how Temari shot her brother a small smile, and the flustered look that had crept over Kankuro’s face. Temari did point out to Kankuro that he really needed to clean his face though, as he looked ridiculous. 
Against all odds the face paint was quickly forgotten, and Tanuki and Kankuro spend the rest of the day buying everything on the list, occasionally shooting banther back and forth. “Say, how come you have an interest in puppets? It’s hella difficult to control them when your fingers are frozen solid.” He joked, though there was a genuine curiosity behind the question. This caught Tanuki off guard. “Oh…Uh..” She chuckled awkwardly. “My best friend growing up was a puppeteer. That’s all.” She shrugged solemnly, inwardly kicking herself for the obvious connection to Kankuro. “Was?” He questioned, cocking his head to the side as his eyes flitted over her again. She emitted a deep sigh, and shook her head. “It’s not a subject I wish to breach right now, if that’s okay with you?” Kankuro nodded understandingly, and continued walking beside her in silence. 
The sun had already begun to set when the pair finally managed to make their way home. They dropped off everything on the list they had bought, and said their goodbyes for the day. Temari intercepted Kankuro on his way to his room, and straight up started interrogating him. “What is that I see, Kankuro?” She chuckled, folding her arms over her chest. “You and a kunoichi from the snow?” She mused. Kankuro huffed, glaring at his sister. “Get your mind out of the gutter Temari. I’m just trying to make friends, okay?” He bit back, before pushing past her and slamming the door. In his defence, Temari had been hounding him about the subject over and over, and he had grown tired of it. Tanuki went to see Gaara again. Why? She didn’t even know herself. Perhaps it was the comfort and familiarity Gaara brought her. To be able to take off the mask and just feel human. Air her heart with someone who wouldn’t tell her what was right and wrong, someone who’d simply listen to everything she had to say. And so she told him about her day. About how she decided to give Kankuro an honest chance. Because despite the things Kankuro had said to her the night before she left Suna, she had still missed him and his siblings. The secrecy had already started to eat at her, and she didn’t know what to do. Gaara suggested to just come clean, but that would mean risking being forsaken by the Snow for bringing one’s identity to light. Even if she’d always have a place to come home to here in the sand. She eventually decided against it, and after a bit more talk, bade Gaara goodnight and returned to her room. It was the first official day of the tournament, and Tanuki was fired up as she was itching to get back into battle. Her fire was even more fueled when the tag team announcement came. Temari, who had personal responsibility along with Shikamaru to assemble the teams, decided to annoy her younger brother by purposely teaming him up with Tanuki. Though it bothered  neither her, nor Kankuro. Judging by the flags in the arena, there were 6 villages participating, which explained why the first part of this tournament was almost 2 weeks long. She and Kankuro however, were not to participate before a good few days in. Instead they were to guard Gaara, which neither of them really had an issue with. Occasionally pestering one another with remarks,and mostly discussing tactics, they spend those days standing on that balcony and watching the battles beneath before setting foot in the arena themselves.
“Now introducing! Our very own puppet master, Sabaku No Kankuro! Accompanying him, coming all the way from Yukigakure! Tanuki, The Red Flash of The Snow!!” Kankuro’s eyes went wide as the crowd cheered again, and Tanuki grabbed his hand, pulling him with her into the arena. They had made a base plan, but ultimately decided that improvising would be their best bet. And during their first fight, that’s exactly what they had to do as they faced off against 2 shinobi from the mist. Kankuro had kept one of them busy with Karasu, while Tanuki had hounded the other one, loosening arrows around the arena, but each one of them seemed to miss their target, lodging themselves in the wall instead, one even ending way up by the Kazekage’s balcony.  Kankuro’s frustration ran high, and in the heat of it all, he made a back-handed comment about her aim. His lack of focus however, allowed their foe to get in close to him and knocked him down. The impact resulted in a nasty injury to Kankuro’s leg. As the ninja went for Tanuki, she threw her bow and last arrow at Kankuro’s feet in seeming anger, and activated her Flying Raijin Jutsu. Tanuki disappeared, using the arrows to teleport herself around. With a red flash she appeared again behind the other Mist ninja, and quickly immobilised him, before turning to the other. The Mist nin in question was cocky, and taunted the both of them. He had managed to toss Karasu out of Kankuro’s reach earlier, leaving Kankuro defenceless on the ground. Tanuki stared at her foe, calculating her actions. In a last attempt to defend himself, Kankuro jammed the arrow’s tip in his foe’s leg, forcing the focus to be on him instead of Tanuki. 
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Kankuro hadn't been able to teach Tanuki much when they were younger, only how to form the chakra threads, albeit unstable, and how to connect them to the puppets, which was all she needed. Connecting her fingertips with Karasu, she hurled the puppet at her foe before teleporting to Kankuro. Despite being quite heavy, she managed to throw him over her shoulder, and disappear again. This time, she teleported to the one on the balcony, grabbing hold of the ledge and pulling them up. She set Kankuro down before pushing off the ledge again, allowing herself to freefall down into the arena, disappearing in a flash again. Her foe, however, anticipated her. Concentrating, she performed the necessary hand signs to emit lighting, and the entire ring of arrows glowed red. Charging up, she finally changed course by jumping up, and released the rest of her chakra on her enemy. The lightning bolt attracted the surrounding electricity, and hit her foe hard, knocking him out. The crowd had sat with bated breath, before they erupted in cheers and whistles, calling both her and Kankuro’s name. She gave a courteous bow, and teleported up to the balcony to check up on Kankuro. Cursing, he glared at the medics, who had been a bit too rough with him. She redirected said medics, with the help of Temari, to a room in the back. Helping up Kankuro again, she brought him there too.
Although annoyed, he let the medics do their jobs. “You could’ve told me you knew how to handle a puppet, y’know…” He groaned, even though he couldn’t hide a cheeky grin. Tanuki let out a chuckle and shook her head. “I swear, what you’ve seen is about all I can do.” She awkwardly patted his head, and turned to look out the window, where the next battle was already in full swing. A deep sigh emitted from Kankuro. “I’m sorry for what I said down there. It was a stupid spur of the moment remark that left you without a partner….” His eyebrows knitted together as he frowned. “Nah. Don’t worry about that.” Tanuki shrugged, and sat down beside him in an attempt to console him. “Winning was not my aim anyway.” She chuckled again. Kankuro sighed somewhat content, and allowed himself to rest his head on Tanuki’s fluffy shoulder. For once, Tanuki was grateful for the mask, as it hid the blush that had crept over her face. “Hey, I swear, if you ruin my fur with your face paint, I will beat your ass Kank” She laughed, and to his dismay, pushed him off. “Who gave you permission to call me ‘Kank’ huh?” He shot back playfully, and poked her sides. She cackled and attempted to poke him back, but he was quick to catch her wrist. “Want me to call you ‘Kuro’ instead?” She mused with a light hearted chuckle. Kankuro however, went red in the face and simply stared at her. “Say that again.” He suddenly demanded. “What? Kuro?” She repeated, tilting her head to the side, questioning. Kankuro suddenly leaned in, intensively looking at her. Her eyes flitted over his face, until she realised what it was she had called him. 
Kankuro's train of thought was interrupted by the medics stating they were done. And that he was to walk as little as possible for a while. He groaned in frustration until Tanuki got up and offered him her hand. "Want me to walk you back to the kage building?" He simply nodded and took her hand, allowing her to pull him up. They silently walked back, his arm slung around her shoulder and her arm wrapped around his waist in order to stabilise him. Once back, he asked her to help him to his room. 
Sitting down on his bed, he leaned back against the headrest. Swallowing thickly, Kankuro fiddled with the hem of his shirt. "Say, Tanuki….,"He started, but kept his focus on his hands. “Do you…wanna stay for a bit?” He offered, hopeful. Tanuki bit her lower lip, though eventually nodded. “Sure. Want some help getting that paint off before you smear it on me even more?” She teased, to which he nodded with a chuckle. She disappeared to the bathroom to fetch a damp washcloth. Coming back, she gently sat down beside Kankuro again, lifting his chin so she could wipe the purple off his face. He secretly relished in her touch, his half lidded eyes focused on the masked kunoichi before him. Despite never having seen her face before, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel some sort of attraction to her. Once done, under the guise of checking whether she missed a spot or not, she admired him for a moment, being so unused to seeing him with a bare face. “That’s really unfair though,” Kankuro pretended to whine. “You get to see me but I don’t get to see you…” He pouted indignantly. Tanuki giggled and put the washcloth aside, before sitting down beside him. “I’m sorry, Kank. You know I can’t take my mask off…” Laying his head on her shoulder again, he fiddled with his own hands. “Not even in the privacy of my room? I mean, nobody will know…” Tanuki shook her head apologetically as she stared at the spare puppet parts hanging from the ceiling. They remained like that for a while until there was a knock at the door. 
Rubbing his eyes, he called out that the door was open. It was Temari who came to bring back Karasu. Plopping down the puppet on the floor, she looked questioning at the pair, but decided not to ask. “Well, lovebirds,” She teased, grinning. “I gotta go back to my duties. Though I do expect you to invite your friend for dinner, Kankuro.” Kankuro simply groaned in response. Temari waved and left the room. Snuggling down properly, it didn’t take long for Kankuro to doze off, most likely due to the painkillers the medics had given him. Tanuki smiled looking at him.
She was quite tired herself, and definitely wouldn’t say no to a nap either, but she eventually decided against it. She tucked him down properly, to which he only stirred a bit, but continued sleeping, and she returned to watch the tournament. Walking up on the balcony again, she informed Gaara about what happened. Though before she could elaborate, Temari snuck up on her from behind. "Sooo, enjoying Suna so far?" Her appearance caught Tanuki off guard. "Sorry? Uh… I suppose? Why?" A devilish smirk appeared on Temari's face. "Oh, just wondering." She shrugged and patted Tanuki on the back. "Temari.." Gaara warned. "Can't you leave it alone?" Temari looked at him indignantly. "What? I'm just trying to do my little brother a favour. I haven't seen him this interested in somebody since Sasha left." Gaara cast his sister a glare. "That's because-" He quickly bit his tongue, remembering that Temari didn't even know the truth. "-Tanuki puts up with him and his puppets." "Or maybe, it's because you scare everybody away by being so bloody hellbent on getting your brother laid." Tanuki playfully shot back, shrugging. If looks could kill, the Snow shinobi would have been dead by now. Deciding against a straight up, public catfight, Temari huffed out a frustrated groan, and practically stomped away. Tanuki simply shook her head and turned her attention back to the battles, and continued to explain to Gaara what had happened earlier on.
Come dinnertime, there was a soft knock on Tanuki’s door. When she opened it, she was met with the sight of a flustered Kankuro. He had apparently stumbled all the way over to her room to invite her to dinner anyway. As much as she appreciated the gesture, she had to remind Kankuro about the rules she was bound to. His face falling, she patted his shoulder. "I'm gonna personally fight your sensei." He suddenly claimed, and stumbled away. This earned him a laugh from tanuki, who quickly went after him. Grabbing his hand, she stopped him in his tracks. "Listen, how about you go eat dinner with your siblings, and I'll talk to my sensei?" She offered. Kankuro gave her a half smile, though it quickly faltered again. "I just looked forward to having you there.." He admitted in defeat. “I know. And I really appreciate the thought. But I’m as much a shinobi as you are, and I too will have to adhere to the rules and customs of my village. Besides, didn’t the medics tell you to walk as little as possible?” She teasingly poked his chest in the hopes to cheer him up a bit. Kankuro simply groaned, before slowly nodding. “Well, see you tomorrow then? You know where to find me, if anything.” He smiled, and stumbled off. “See you tomorrow Kank!” She happily called after him.
It wasn’t until a few hours later that she finally made it back to her room. She had laid out her request to her sensei, about how she asked permission to take off her mask in the company of Gaara’s advisors, as she had put it, making the same argument Kankuro had made. Her sensei, however, shut down her request almost immediately, stating his belief of not being equals at all, but rather superior to the sand. This remark pissed Tanuki off. She was also warned that if she were to ignore orders, she would, without question, be considered a deserter, and never to be welcomed back to the village that took her in when she had nowhere else to go. She dropped the topic, and thanked her sensei for his time. Pacing her room, she went through all possible scenarios to bend the rules without breaking them, but couldn’t think of anything concrete. She already knew that there would be no sleep to be had for her tonight. There were only six days left of her visit in Suna, and she was dead set on making the best of it. 
In the middle of the night, Tanuki decided to just walk the corridors instead, perhaps get some tea even. Gaara had retired to bed already, although when passing Kankuro's room, she noticed a streak of dim light underneath his door, as well as the soft clicking of tools, indicating that despite the late hour, he was still awake. She stood there contemplating for a moment, but decided to go get tea instead. Entering the kitchen, the sand shinobi on night watch cast her a few questioning looks, but decided to ignore her. Tanuki grumbled inwards, why was it so hard to choose a tea? Settling on a Suna speciality, she poured her cup and made her way back. A bit further down the corridor, she was surprised to run into Kankuro, who, coincidentally, was on his way to the toilet. “You should be in bed.” She joked, to which he spun around on his heels. “Tanuki!” He chuckled tiredly “I know, I know. I initially couldn’t sleep, so I figured I’d repair Karasu instead…” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping too?” He yawned. She held up the cup in her hand. “Couldn’t sleep either.” “Ah. You…wanna come in?” He pointed at the door with his thumb. “I’d love to.” Tanuki simply answered. “Very well. I’m just gonna run to… the toilet… real quick, but make yourself at home in the meantime!” He grinned, and hopped away. “‘Run’ huh?” She chuckled, mostly to herself, before pushing the door to his room open. 
Putting her cup down on the crafting bench, she looked at the different internal parts of Karasu’s head spread around the table, the head itself sitting in the corner. She carefully picked it up and studied it. If it hadn't been for the fact that one can’t see from the inside, she would’ve used it as an alternative mask for dinner instead. It was bound to get some sort of reaction from Kankuro’s siblings, if anything. Chuckling to herself, she put it down in its spot again, before being surprised by Kankuro standing behind her. She was so engrossed in her own thoughts, she hadn’t heard him stumbling in again. “What’s so funny?” He mused, leaning on her shoulder. “Oh, just thinking of alternatives to hide my face but still have dinner with you guys.” She answered thoughtfully. He managed to connect the dots on her thought-pattern rather quickly and hummed, taking a gentle hold on Tanuki’s chin to be able to look at her mask from different angles. “Say, what are the rules on showing just your eyes?” He suddenly asked. “Uh…I don’t know actually? Why?” “I was thinking, I could probably come up with a temporary solution for your mask, but for that I'd, ironically, need you to take it off.” He pulled off his own hood, and offered it to her. She slowly nodded, finally understanding what he was getting at. She excused herself to the bathroom, and swapped the head piece for Kankuro’s hood. It being too big for her worked in her advantage, as she was able to pull it down over one eye. She quickly made her way back to his room, and handed him the mask. Kankuro however, couldn’t help but stare. Not only because he could finally make eye contact with her, but despite her face being entirely covered, save but one eye, he thought she actually looked sort of cute in his hood. And the fact that one of the ears had drooped, didn’t help either. Tanuki simply chuckled, pulling him out of his thoughts. A blush of embarrassment crept over his face as he took the mask from her. “Eh…sorry.” He chuckled sheepishly, to which Tanuki shook her head. “Its alright Kank." She sat down on the floor by the end of his bed, and leaned back, watching him curiously from a distance. Though it didn’t take long for her tiredness to finally catch up to her, she slowly dozed off. Kankuro was so absorbed in sketching out his ideas and testing them, that he hadn’t noticed, until he turned around to ask for her input. “Tanuki?” He softly called out, but got no response. Moving away from his bench, he squatted down in front of her, and smiled softly once he understood why she hadn’t answered him. A deep sigh emitted from him, before he leaned forward and carefully picked her up, laying her down again on his bed. If it wasn’t for his injury, he would have carried her back to her own room but alas, this was the best he could offer right now. He did fight the temptation to take a peek at her face, after all, nobody would know, right? But ultimately concluded that he didn’t have a right to breach her privacy like that. He scribbled a quick note, and put it on the nightstand along with her mask, before turning off the lights. Tonight, he himself had to make due with the sofa in his brother's office.
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Groaning, Tanuki awoke disoriented, with no recollection as to when or how she got to bed. And if she did, why was she still fully dressed? Sitting up, she scanned the room, swiftly recalling last night's events. She rubbed her face, and was reminded of both her mask, and Kankuro’s hood. While turning her head to look behind her, she noticed the dragonskull on the nightstand, as well as Kankuro’s hood on the pillows. She put her headdress in her lap and picked up the note, flitting over it. ‘Hey, you fell asleep on the floor. Figured you’d prefer a bed instead. Left your mask so you wouldn’t be running around without it, even if you look much cuter in my hood. Will be in the Kazekage office. Kank.’ She smiled brightly, and tucked the note in her pocket. She put her mask back on, folded the hood down on the nightstand, and got up. Right as she opened the door, Temari stood in the hallway with her arms folded over her chest. “Oh? Where do you think you’re sneaking off to hmm?” She taunted playfully, jabbing the symbol on Tanuki's mask. Surprised, Tanuki blinked before grinning. “Oops, guess I couldn’t find my own bed after all.” She retorted with a shrug before booking it. “Hey!!” Temari shouted, but Tanuki was already out of sight. The weather was horrendous today, as strong, sand mixed winds whipped at the windows and faces of any poor souls who had the misfortune of being outside. Running up to the Kazekage office, she came to a halt as soon as she saw her sensei, a scowl clearly present on his face, addressed to her. “Sekisetsu No Tanuki!” He roared. All blood drained from her face, and she lowered her head in preliminary shame. “Yes, sensei?” She answered in what could best be described as a whimper. “Do I need to remind you of the rules?” He howled, leaning down with his face mere inches from hers. “No, sensei.” “Then explain to me what you were doing in his bed!” He pointed at Kankuro, who looked equally ashamed and apologetic. Apparently the Snow leader had barged into Gaara’s office just as Kankuro was explaining to his brother why exactly he slept on the sofa, instead of in his own bed, and had only overheard the part where Kankuro mentioned that you were fast asleep in his bed. A look of annoyance washed over Tanuki, and her chest puffed up in defiance. “The rules state that I’m not to share a bed with somebody else. It says nothing about that I can’t sleep in their bed while they sleep elsewhere, which is exactly what happened.” She shot back. “Can you prove it?” Tanuki contemplated the note in her pocket, but handing it over would also betray the fact that she was trying to work around the mask rule, so she simply shook her head. “No, I cannot.” “Very well then. In this case, I consider you guilty until proven innocent. You are disqualified from the tournament, and not to leave the premises until our departure. Nor are you allowed to be in his, or anybody else’s room after nightfall, is that clear?” “Yes, sensei.” And with that, her sensei walked off. Tanuki waited until he was out of sight, and childishly started mocking him. “I Am tHe lEaDeR Of yUkIgAkUrE. mY WiLl iS LaW. wE ArE SuPeRiOr tO ThE SaNd. Fuck off.” She snorted, but froze once she saw both Gaara and Kankuro stare at her. In truth, she was so riled up that she had simply forgotten about their presence. “Want some tea?” Gaara offered sympathetically. Tanuki was so unprepared for the casual question, that she burst out laughing. “Yes, Gaara. I would love some tea.” She answered once she had managed to catch her breath. Despite the relaxed atmosphere, Kankuro still couldn’t shake certain things from his mind. Tanuki had looked so familiar, acted far too familiar and intimate too, for someone who claimed not to like people in the first place. Not only with him, but also with Gaara? Not to mention the things she had said when she mocked her sensei. Superior? Is that why she called Gaara by his name? Because she felt superior to us? Tanuki noticed his absentmindedness, and laid her hand on his knee. Looking at her, the expression etched on his face looked as if he felt personally deceived. “You okay Kank?” She asked, a tinge of concern in her voice. “I’m fine.” He shot back, harsher than he intended. Taken aback, she removed her hand and looked at her lap  instead. Kankuro got up angrily, aggressively scraping the chair over the floor in the process, and stormed out. Tanuki was about to go after him, but Gaara’s sand blocked the door. “He needs some time for himself, Sasha.” Looking back at him, she sighed. Perhaps Gaara was right, it was his brother after all. She nodded, and sat down again, chewing her lower lip. “I feel so bad for lying to him though…” She suddenly voiced. “Kankuro deserves better than that… Tem too….” She took off her head piece, put it on the corner of the desk and rubbed her face. "They do, yes. But circumstances make it quite difficult, and I'm sure they would understand that if you're honest with them." Meanwhile, Kankuro had thrown himself on his bed, burying his face in his pillows, groaning.  He remained there for a while, allowing his thoughts to consume him. It wasn’t until he looked at the photos on his nightstand that it slowly started to click. The combination of the nightstand being higher, and the hood laying on it, partially obscured Sasha’s face. He sat up, his face scrunching up in concentration. No way. He jumped up and started digging around in his drawers, searching for a marker. Finally finding what he was looking for, he sat down on the bed again, snatching the frame from the table, and started doodling on the glass.  First the face mask, then the hood. Once he was done, he stared at it for a while, turning it in different angles. They did have a striking resemblance to each other, now that he compared them. But would Sasha truly go as far as to pretend she doesn’t know him? Or was it just a coincidence? He raked his brain again, trying to come up with a way to definitively confirm, or contradict, his theory without straight up asking her. Tanuki paced Gaara’s office. Something about this visit wasn’t sitting right with her, and it wasn’t the anxiety talking this time. She stopped, to which Gaara looked at her. She looked back at him, before pacing again. “Why would the snow come here if they feel superior, and seem to have no interest in an alliance at all?” She wondered out loud, and Gaara followed her with his eyes. Temari had voiced the exact same concerns earlier, but felt as if her suspicions were ungrounded. She had after all, no idea what the snow was like, and their aloof behaviour could very well be normal back home. “Why waste the time and resources for such a trek, if you don’t plan to gain anything from it?” Tanuki continued muttering, more to herself than to Gaara. Unprompted, she came to a standstill again. “Unless… they are here to-” ''Gather intel.” Gaara finished for her. She looked at him and sighed deeply. “Temari suspects the same thing.” He added. Tanuki shook her head and stuffed her hands in her pockets, fiddling with the note. “I honestly wouldn’t put it past them.” Shortly after, Gaara had called an emergency council meeting to discuss the possibility of the snow looking to deceive the sand. Most members of the council agreed, finding it suspicious that all their offers for alliance contracts were met with resistance, with the snow demanding more than they could offer, and even expecting to partake in council business under the guise of equality and trust. The final verdict was that the shinobi of the snow were not to be trusted, and to be handled with utmost caution. The shift in hospitality was noticed rather quickly by the snow ninja’s, and their leader went to talk to Gaara as to why there seemed to be an air of sudden hostility towards the village. Being backed up by his siblings, Gaara informed him that all negotiations of a possible alliance were off the table, although they were welcome to stay until the end of the tournament. This however, was unacceptable to the Jonin, and he in turn informed the Kazekage that they would forfeit the remaining battles and ride by nightfall, before barging out. A shiver ran down Kankuro’s spine, as this meant that Tanuki would leave too.  Gaara sent Temari to inform Tanuki about the changed circumstances. Knocking on Tanuki's door, Temari waited for a response and went in, closing the door behind her. "Temari?" Tanuki sounded surprised by the appearance of the sand sibling. "Hey Tanuki. Gaara sent me. He wanted me to inform you that your unit will leave come nightfall. Your leading jonin has decided so." Tanuki stared at Temari for a moment, processing what she had just told her. "That bad huh?" Is all she managed to say, to which Temari nodded “Thank you for the information, Tem.” Temari’s eyes narrowed. “Tem?” Tanuki chuckled nervously, realising she gave herself away. “Welp.. This was not how I planned this to go down….Listen, Tem.” She rubbed the back of her neck, and sighed. “I didn’t mean to…ah…fuck it y’know.” Deciding it was best to just rip the bandaid off, she took off her face mask and headpiece, tossin it on the bed. “Happy now?” Instead of being surprised, Temari just grinned. “I knew it!” she exclaimed. “What? How?” Tanuki asked, astonished. “Besides the fact that Gaara more or less accidentally gave you away the other day? Come on girl! Kankuro is still glued to you just as he did when we were kids!” “Oh…But Kankuro doesn’t know tho… Does he?” “He doesn’t?” Tanuki shook her head. “Unless he figured it out himself, or Gaara told him…Which reminds me… I should go say goodbye to them too…” She concluded, somberly. “Can’t you stay?” Tanuki shook her head, visibly upset. “I wish I could, Tem, I really do. But right now that would put everyone at risk.” “Then please know that you always have a place to come back to, one where you’re loved and missed.” She offered, wrapping her arms around Tanuki’s shoulders in a tight hug. Tanuki stared at the sketchbook in her hand. How could packing your belongings be so painful? She wanted to scream, to tell the snow that they could suck it, so she could stay here. Here in Suna, where she belonged. She threw the sketchbook on the ground, and trudged to Gaara’s office. “Got a minute?” She wondered, to which Gaara nodded. “Always, Sasha.” “Listen…”
Tanuki bared her heart once more for the Kazekage, laying out her thoughts and feelings. They spoke for a few hours, and eventually, Gaara hugged her tightly once more, and handed her a red Suna headband, telling her to go find Kankuro before it was too late. But despite searching every possible place she could think of, she couldn’t find him. The sun had started to go down, and one of her fellow shinobi informed her that it was time to saddle the horses. With an aching feeling in her chest, she dragged herself to the stables to retrieve her steed. Come nightfall, they were ready for departure, and Baki personally saw them off. Tanuki’s horse however, seemed to have no interest in leaving either, and meandered quite a way behind them, which worked in Tanuki’s favour. She leaned over every once in a while, both to feed her horse a treat, as well as inconspicuously drop a chakra-infused piece of wood , making sure the gelding pushed it down into sand with its hooves. She kept this up until they were a good way out of reach of the village. As she leaned down to drop another one, something suddenly moved in the sand, spooking the horse, who, in its turn, tossed Tanuki off. She landed unceremoniously in the cold sand, but got swiftly back to her feet as she heard the familiar clicking of a puppet. Sanshouo emerged from the sand, but remained motionless. “Don’t you dare leave again.” Kankuro’s demanding voice sounded from behind her. She turned to look at him, and rubbed her arm. He had donned his old costume, with the same face paint as when she left the first time, the one she had loved so much. “I’ve been looking for you…” She said softly, though Kankuro was having none of it. He was not about to let her walk out of here again without putting up a fight. “I’m not letting you go.” He declared, folding his arms over his chest, though his eyes had started to water. “Kankuro, I must…” She pleaded, reaching for his face, but he pulled away and grabbed her wrist instead. They tussled for a bit, before losing their balance and crashing into each other. Kankuro ended up on top of her and pinned her wrists down, but Tanuki was quick to manoeuvre herself on top of him. She took a deep breath as Kankuro still struggled underneath her, and slapped him hard across the face, before dropping back on her hands again, knocking her dragonskull against Kankuro’s headband, causing it to be lifted up. He stared at her wide eyed, with tears running down his face. He noticed Tanuki’s puffy red eyes, and felt a tear falling down on his face. “Please trust me Kuro…” She sobbed, and crashed down on top of him as her muscles gave in from exhaustion. They held each other in a tight embrace, and remained like that for a while. 
“Will you be back?...” Kankuro finally asked quietly. Tanuki nodded and sat up, removing her face mask. As Kankuro sat up too, she cupped his face, and looked him in the eyes. “I promise you, I’ll be back.” He gave her a weak smile, to which she shoved his hood up, and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I’m gonna miss you, Kuro.” She admitted softly, before giving him one last hug and getting on her feet. “Please stay safe, ok?” She added with a smile, before covering her face again. He nodded, and also got to his feet. “You too, Sasha.” He sighed mirthlessly. She clambered on her horse again, and cast him one last look before galloping off into the night.
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Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! <3 If you wish to tip or commission me, you can find my Ko-fi here! <3
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mayhemscorner · 1 year
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mushies-stories · 10 months
Naruto boys
The first time cockwarming them
Naruto, Shikamaru, Gaara, Kankuro X GNReader
Warnings: SMUT 18+! cock waming, pet names, no use of Y/N
The first time Cock warming them
Naruto Uzumaki: sweet and loving S/O
Naruto wouldn't have thought of the idea himself but you, after a night out with some friends and while gossiping, you were introduced to a new idea. So a few nights later while naruto was late coming home you went to seek him out, not wanting to fall asleep without him.
You walked into his office late at night, the room lit only by the desk lamp. He was hunched over his paperwork, eyes tired but face smoothing when he sees it's you. He gives you an apologetic look as you approach his chair. “Sorry sweety, late night. I promise I'll be home soon.” he said.
You shook your head and smiled sweetly, you slid your pants and underwear down and kicked them aside. You brought a leg to slide across his lap so you could straddle him. “No need, ill by just a second.” you as you undid his pants and slid your hand into his boxers and slowly started to pump his cock tell you felt it begin to harden.
His body tensed as he watched you. “Baby, wait a minute I gotta finish these papers.” he said. 
You leaned down and kissed his jaw. “I know.” you said, finally pulling him out so his cock could stand erect. You adjust to you hovering over him with the tip pressed against your entrance and slowly sank down. 
You both let out  gaspy moans as he filled your tight hole. When his cock was fully nestled in you he let out a shaky breath. “So tight, how am I supposed to focus?” he chuckled, feeling your walls flutter around him. 
You yawned and leaned into his chest. Closing your eyes you snuggle into him. “I'll relax in a moment.” you said with content sigh. “Take your time.” you whispered, already dozing off into his warm heat surrounding you. 
He smiled down at you as you were breathing steadily and you finally relaxed around him. In all honesty it took him longer to get his work done, having to take a few breaks to just feel you pulse around him. You got a nice nap in until he was finally done, and finally ready to fuck you properly.
Shikamaru Nara: bratty and needy S/O
He was trying to nap, laying on back with one arm behind his head and the other resting on his stomach when you creeped into the room. You hadn't gotten to spend much time together lately and you were starting to feel lonely. He heard you approaching and opened one eye to look up at you as you stood above him. “Shikamaru, you've been busy all week.” you said with a pout. 
He hummed and closed his eyes again. “Just a little nap.” He said.
You huffed and went to straddle his lap, he didn't even react. You leaned over his body, pressing yourself against him and littering gentle kisses to his neck and jawline. He sighs and opens his eyes, narrowing them down at you. “Cant even wait thirty minutes?” he said with a yawn. 
You shook your head and sucked the skin below his ear while grinding down against his now semi-hard cock. “I’ve been waiting, I cant anymore Shika.” you whined. 
He let out a soft sigh and rolled his eyes. “Aright alright, take your pants off brat.” he said.
You complied and stood to take your pants and underwear off while Shikamaru shimmed his pants down enough to let his cock spring free. You smiled and went back to stadling him, looking down at him with a happy smile. He chuckled and nodded his head once. “Go on.” He said.
You wasted no time in lining up with your entrance and sliding the tip in with a content sigh. Your eyes closed as you slowly sank down on him. Before you could bring yourself back up him his hands were on your hips, slamming you down so his cock was filling you completely. “Shika!” you whined at the sudden harsh movement. 
He just smirked and brought a hand up to the back of your neck and pulled you down to lay your head on his chest. “Nap first, then ill fuck you how you want.” he stated, holding you firm and close. Both hands came to wrap around your back as you sank into him with a drafted grumble. 
He might be a brat himself, but he kept his word and when he woke to find you fast sleep on his chest he couldn't help but hold you sweety against him as his cock slowly started to fuck you awake. 
Gaara: sweet and loving S/O
It was early, much earlier than anyone else would be awake and gaara was sitting in his office, head leaned back and eyes closed. He looked tired and really you couldn't tell if he ever even came to bed since he had a tendency to sneak in late, normally after you fell asleep.
He didn’t notice you standing in the doorway until he heard the click of it shutting and saw you walking over to him with a small smile and tired eyes. “Been here all night?” you ask, coming to stand next to his chair and immediately he pulls you between his legs and hugs your waist so his face is hidden in the fabric of your shirt. 
He nods. “There was just so much paperwork and planning.” he mumbles against you. 
Your hands rake through his hair. “Maybe… I can help you alleviate some stress while you finish up?” you offered, voice hushed and a little uncertain. Gaara was still tricky when it came to intimacy and you didn't want to push him. So you thought you'd at least offer. He looked up at you, waiting to hear what you had to offer. “Sit back for a moment, okay?” you said and he complied, leaning back so you had room to undress your lower half. 
“Darling…” it almost sounded like a warning but even he didn't seem sure of it. You continued and moved to grab the waistband of his pants. You looked up at him with reassuring eyes and he shifted so you could guide his cock free. A small huff ame from him when you sat back in his lap and pushed the tip to your tight hole. “I have work my love.” he stated, holding your hips still above his already hard cock.
You smiled sweetly and kissed his cheek. “I know, let me help?” you said, trying your best at puppy eyes. He chuckled softly and allowed you to sink down on him. He closed his eyes briefly as he felt his cock sink into your tight hole but held his sounds in while you let out breath gasps when you felt he was fully in. Once you were comfortable in his lap you brought your arms up to wrap around his shoulders and leaned into him. “I'll be right here waiting for you to be done.” you said, kissing the side of his neck. 
You waited so patiently for him to finish his work and when he was finally done he made sure to thank you. 
Kankuro: sweet and needy S/O
He was working on a puppet late at night, repairing it in time for a mission coming up. You had woken in the middle of the night feeling particularly needy only to find your bed empty and your heart feeling similar. your fingers grasped for Kankuro but found nothing. You knew where he probably was and rushed down the stairs to his workshop. All you wore was his shirt and a pair of underwear as you bare feet hit the cold ground.
His head snapped up when he heard the door creek open. You stood peering your head to see where he was. you looked so sweet and tired and his heart leaped when you finally followed the dim light to his work space in the corner of the room and your eyes finally found him. “It's late.” He said. 
You smiled sheepishly and stepped into the room and closed the door behind you. You padded over to stand opposite him on the other side of his work table where puppet pisces and bits were all strung about. “I know, I just… I wanted to see you.” you practically whispered. 
The faint blush creeping on your cheeks told him you wanted something more than just to see him. He smiled sweetly and set the part he was working on down. “That so sweetheart? You just wanted to see me in the middle of the night?” 
You looked away for a moment before looking back to Kankuro. You knew that wasn't the only reason but you didn't want to bother him while he was working. “Mhhmm” you hummed. 
He nodded with a small smirk. “Would you like to help me while I work baby?” he asked.
Your eyes gleamed at his words. “Can i?” 
He smiled and leaned back. Your eyes followed his movement as he slid a hand down the front of his pants and started to pump his cock as he looked at you with soft eyes. “Take those off and come here?” he asked, motioning to your pants with his free hand.
He freed his cock as he watched you discard your pants and underwear and came around to stand between his legs. He guided your hips with both hands to straddle his thighs while his cock pushed into your little hole. You whimpered softly into his neck while you clung to his chest. “sshh, relax for me.” he soothed, finally bottoming out in you. “Now, you keep me nice and warm while I work okay?” he said, picking his part and tools back up. 
You let out a soft sigh and nuzzle yourself into him, perfectly content and stuffed.
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sweet1delusi0ns · 26 days
Naruto boys calling you ma’am ──☆*:・゚
!Slightly suggestive!
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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He’s sassy so ofc he’s gunna piss you off by calling you “ma’am” making you feel old. Normally when you scold him over stupid things he refers to you as that-
“Did you think about how dangerous that is?!” “No ma’am!” “use your little head before doing something dumb!” “Yes ma’am!” “ok stop with the ma’am I feel like a teacher scolding a bad student” “what you gunna smack me with a ruler?” Rolls eyes “I will if you don’t keep quiet!” “Whatever you say! Ma’am~” “I’ll be back with the ruler.” “WHAT?!”
He uses it nonchalantly or when he’s being goofy. Like everytime he leaves home you always say “be safe baby” and he always responds with “yes ma’am.” In a serious tone. He knows you worry that one day he may not come back so he must reassure you!
“Be safe Sasuke. I expect you home by 10!” “Yes ma’am, i will I promise. I must go now! I’ll see you at dinner darling” you whisper “it’s cute when you call me that” right before he closes the door (he heard it anyways)
He is such a good boyfriend honestly. He’s the kind of guy to do little tasks for you when you ask. So normally when your to lazy all you gotta do is ask him to do it instead!
“Tachi, can you please get me some more water?” “Yes ma’am!!!” Very rare times you ask him to do something without him responding with a “yes ma’am~”
His mouth gets himself in trouble, sometimes he says things that could be viewed�� a different way without realizing it. For example he once said you remind him of a frog. I don’t know how it’s a compliment but he meant it as one…which obviously you didn’t know
“ARE YOU CALLING ME AN UGLY FROG KASHI?!” “N-no ma’am! That’s not what I mea-” “NO I KNOW WHAT YOU MEANNNN! YOU THINK IM SLIMEY TOAD” you start smiling once you realize how silly this really is “no I swear I meant it in a nice way!!!” “WELL-…did you call me ma’am?” “Uhm…depends do you not like it” you chuckle “no I don’t mind, it’s cute.” He lets out a sigh of relief “well I guess I’ll call you that more often?~”
Like kakashi his mouth gets him in trouble, exept Kiba does it on purpose to try and get a rise out of you he likes it when your rough ofc that means he just teases as much as possible, but then he tries acting all innocent
He’s on his knees directly infront of your legs waiting for you to look at him “I know what your doing Kiba. It’s not gunna work” he flashes the puppy eyes “well I’m not doing anything y/n🥺” “so your serious not trying to get a rise out of me?” “Noooo ma’am” you grab his face with your hand rather aggressively“is this want you want puppy?” A very quiet “Yes” could be heard from him
He only calls you ma’am when you nag him about doing chores or helping you cook, he knows he can’t say no but “maam” is his only way of back talk
“Hey Shika be a dear and take out the trash” “ahhh yes anything for you ma’am.” He responded in the most sarcastic voice he could make “watch that tone babe!” “Yeah yeah whatever, such a pain” “I’ll show you pain.” A water bottle was soon thrown directly at his head LOL
Call me weird but I feel like if he was going to call you something like that he would call you mistress instead but that’s for another time! When he does call you ma’am it’s mostly because he admires your leadership. You guys would be testing battle strategy and when you command him into a certain position you could here his cheerful “yes ma’am” while he runs into position
He only uses it to get out of trouble actually. When he does something he isn’t supposed to he tries lying abt what he did
“Neji. Were you in my drawers?” “What!!! No ma’am that is absurd I would never dig through your shirt drawer!” You look at him with a blank stare “I never said it was my shirt drawer. Time to fess up pretty.” He sighs loudly. “Fine yes. But only because I missed your scent!!!” “Awwwww…kinda creepy but cute!!”
Your like his own personal Inspirator. You give him pep talk like every single day and being the energy ball he is he is so hyped to hear about it
“Are you gunna train hard today?” “Yes ma’am!” “And you going to be proud of yourself no matter what?!” “Yes ma’am!!!!!” “Are you not gunna over work yourself for me?” “YES MA’AM!!!!”
Again he takes your authority very seriously! So ma’am is fitting when your taking charge of every day things. Even if your not trying to be all serious he will always respect your power but he also looks to you for guidance
“Hey handsome you said you needed me?” “Yes y/n-chan. I figured you could help me with this?” You sigh “the only way I’ll be of help is if you do what I tell you too, can you…do that?” “Yes ma’am! I’m a very good listener!” You giggle “cute now let’s get started”
He has mommy issues and your strong and independent ofc he’s gunna call you names like that and ask for you to take care of him?! You love babying him anyways but it’s always so cute when he’s had a rough day mentally wise and the first thing he does is go to you
“Y/n, may we please have some alone time…” he asked shyly “of course rose, bad mental day?” You open your arms to him “yes ma’am. It was hard today.” He comments before hopping in your arms waiting for you to make everything better
He calls you ma’am when your all mad at him for being bratty “but I was just checking out your new pants!” “You expect me to believe that you were just looking at my pants and not my ass?” “Yes ma’am” kinda like Kiba he wants you to be rough with him ok. He’s just trying to tease so you do something about it which you don’t because your strong, and it’s funner to just calling him a brat and watching him squirm at the insults
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obitos-whore · 26 days
This is awesome, can we have more? Not only more, but I mean *much more*
Hey there nonnie. I assume with *much more* you mean some spicy stuff, right? If not, just send another request and I'll see what I can do.
Anyway, enjoy some Naruto men going down on you.
(Kakashi, Obito, Itachi, Shisui, Gaara, Kankuro, Madara, Sasuke)
18+, Minors do NOT interact
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When it comes to going down on you, Kakashi is a downright menace and will do absolutely everything in his power to make sure you'll think of him for days to come
To ensure he has the element of surprise on his side and you don't see what's coming your way, Kakashi will blindfold you and tie your wrists to the headrest of your bed. He can't risk you peeking after all. Besides, there's something so incredibly hot and beautiful about seeing you so helpless and having you at his mercy
Will absolutely take advantage of your vulnerability and take his sweet time bringing you close to the edge, only to deny you the sweet release that's boiling inside just as you are about to burst
Chuckles at the myriad of curses you throw at him for being a dickhead and not letting you fucking cum
But when he does, boy oh boy, does make 'up' for his cruel teasing and make you cum several times in a row, each orgasm more intense than the previous one, ending with you as an overly sensitive mess unable to form a coherent thought, and a very happy and satisfied Kakashi
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Obito is downright addicted to the taste of you. If he could, he'd spend hours between your legs and pleasure you. And sometimes he even does.
He's very vocal during it, showering you in praises and letting out satisfied moans as he pleases you with his mouth
Depending on his mood, he'll either be incredibly sweet and tender, or downright cruel and edge you for hours on end. He'd make you beg and squirm desperately, even going as far as to restrain you with some nice ropes and let his possessive side come through and mark you everywhere, before he even considers giving you what you've been begging for since the beginning
Tends to get carried away rather quickly and becomes quite sloppy during it with saliva coating his chin after being away on a mission for quite some time. Must be the withdrawal symptoms
Would definitely not mind waking you up with his mouth on you every morning
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Itachi likes to take his time with you and slowly get you worked up by kissing along the insides of your thighs and making his way up to your center inch by inch
Once he gets to it, his ministrations are gentle and sensual, flattening his tongue to give you slow strokes and suckling on the very sensitive parts of your sex
If you squirm too much, he will hold you in place and 'punish' you by going even slower, enjoying the sight of your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your hands gripping the sheets or his hair as you let out squeals and moans of pure ecstasy
Praise. Praise. Praise. This man has studied the book of praises and will stop at absolutely nothing to make you feel like royalty, both physical and verbal, while looking up at you with the most pussy dripping and dick hardening gaze that's humanly possible
Once Itachi is done with you, your legs will be shaking for hours. And the mere thought of having him between your legs again will be enough to make you all hot and bothered
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Just like Obito, Shisui is completely and utterly addicted to you. He just can't keep his hands off of you, much less his mouth
Aside from your incredible taste and the delightful sounds that escape your pretty lips, it's also a way for him to relieve his pent up stress. Being a shinobi of his calibre does come with a huge amount of it after all
Shisui, being the playful little tease he is, will have you beg for him to finally let you cum, while the tip of his tongue playfully dances around your most sensitive spots. Always bringing you so close to the edge before withdrawing just in time to deny you that sweet release and leave you whining in frustration and need
He's also rather shameless and would love for everyone to hear you scream his name, so that they know who's making you see stars at the training grounds during the day. It's like a badge of honour for him
Sometimes he gets so into it, that he subconsciously activates his sharingan and stares at you with a look of pure hunger. Like a predator ready to strike its prey
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Gaara is the definition of attentive and gentle. He loves hearing you moan his name as he uses his mouth and hands to bring you to heaven.
He's completely devoting himself to your pleasure and will always hold one of your hands, because he's a sweetheart and just craves the physical touch on top of the shared sexual intimacy
Will shower you with compliments and gently coo your name as he watches your face contort in pleasure and feel your body squirm underneath him
Gaara could never deny you anything, you're like his personal deity. However, he's more than willing to comply with your wishes and play a bit more dirty if that's what you're into
To Gaara, giving oral isn't just a way to pleasure one's needs and desires. To him, it's a way to show his deep love and devotion for his partner. It's like an art that demands the finest of skills. And your responses and reactions are the highest of praises one can receive
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Kankuro is not only a cocky and smug bastard with a witty tongue and a master of puppeteering. He also knows how to use that mouth and fingers expertly in the bedroom and make you scream his name for the entire village to hear
Knowing that he can make you feel so good only boosts his already big ego and will make him even more eager to have his way with you
He will use his chakra strings to keep your hands tied and your legs nicely spread and open for him to feast upon you to his heart's content. And may Jashin have mercy on you when he's been deprived of it for too long
Of course, given that he can be quite the prick, he won't give you what you want so easily and make you beg for it, relishing in the frustration and neediness that resonates in your tone
"You good, sugar?" He would ask you with feigned innocence between harsh sucks and light bites, plastering your inner thighs with his marks while you are teetering on the edge of heaven and hell
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Madara isn't a man who takes orders from anyone. Not even his little darling. However, if you ask him very, very nicely, he might relent and give you what you desire. But it comes with a price of course
Once he starts giving you what you asked for, there's no turning back. His mouth and hands are constantly on you, possessively touching every inch of skin while enjoying the way your vocal cords sing his name, your squirming body firmly pinned to whatever surface you're on
Madara takes great pleasure in taunting you when you ask for a break because you've come three times already and are overstimulated beyond comprehension
"What's wrong, darling? Tired already? Here, let me help you."
On top of stimulating you until your knees are practically jello, he'll also fuck you senseless afterwards. To remind you that you either play by his rules or not at all
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Sasuke is incredibly mean about you wanting him down there, teasing and taunting you about being so needy and will only give in so you stop whining like a 'bitch in heat'. He acts like he's annoyed, but in reality he's totally down for it
He's more on the rougher side of things and will make you whimper and writhe in total ecstasy and desperation as he selfishly takes what you so generously offer
During it, he'll possessively cover your body in bite marks and hickeys and tell you how pathetic you are and how he is the only one who can and will pleasure you
And since he's so nice, he'll go all out on you until he says he's done you're completely satisfied
Of course his 'services' don't come for free and so he will demand some sort of repayment. Whether it's him fucking you, or you giving him a blow job doesn't really matter to him in that moment
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rae-writes · 19 days
pre/early relationship things + Naruto boys <3
sawft bois, cute bois, sweet bois || 0.9k
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Kankuro asking you to wait for him after the war: there's some things he's gotta figure out (including getting all his feelings together) and some things he needs to do, so he asks you to wait with a sheepish smile at the gates of Konoha
Kankuro's really glad he had his face paint over his cheeks because he feels a blush spread across them when you rub your thumb over the paint and smear two purple lines over your own cheeks in acceptance
And Kankuro nearly falls out in the floor when, a few weeks later, he's back in the sand village opening a letter from Temari and a picture falls out: you're standing in front of a mirror, purple eye pencil in hand, as you very clearly mimic a thinner style of his paint markings- with a bright smile plastered over your face as you look at the camera
Kankuro decides he has to go back to the Leaf as soon as possible. He needs you to be his. Really his.
Naruto trying his hardest to keep a clean presentation in front of you at first; neat hair, no sloppy clothes, wiped off face. He's just really nervous because he really likes you and wants to..essentially detach any images you may have of him from all the village gossip (even though you don't think anything but the best of him)
So Naruto was about to have a meltdown when he bumped into you as he ran late for a team meeting: bedhair fluffed out and sticking up the wrong way, clothes askew and barley put on properly, cheeks and mouth covered in crumbs and jam from his on-the-go breakfast that was clutched half eaten in his equally messy hand
But before he could disappear on the spot and go crawl in a hole and die, Naruto found himself with a racing heart and red cheeks when you gave him a sweet little laugh and helped him out. Your fingers in his hair, brushing and smoothing out the stubborn strands, running along his chest as you straightened his undershirt and zipped his jacket, swiping at his cheeks and lips to get rid of the mess (and sticking your thumb in your mouth to clean off the jam was just the nail in the coffin)
Naruto decides right then and there that he's gonna marry you someday (and when he realizes he said that out loud, he'll practically explode in a shade of red before stammering out a loud "Believe it!" before running off to go meet his team)
Watching Kakashi attempt subtlety as he stares at your lips whenever you're talking or simply just lounging around with him. He wants to kiss you so badly but he's not ready to take off his mask just yet but the thought of kissing you is on his mind so much that he thinks he might go insane if he doesn't get to learn how it feels
It's gotten to the point where Kakashi always presses his forehead against your temple, covered nose and mouth brushing over your cheek and jaw as he plays it off as exhaustion; really, though, he's just a little embarrassed (and a bit scared) to ask you to kiss him without removing his mask
Which leaves Kakashi absolutely shell shocked and delighted all at once when, as you're seeing him off before his mission, you press your lips against his through the mask as a parting gift (leaving the scent of your flavored chapstick behind on the fabric, something that keeps his mind just as occupied as before he got a kiss, only now it's because he needs to taste that flavor- mask be damned)
Shikamaru starting to debate the way he acts with you after seeing his friends with their partners, realizing he's never really asked you how you felt about his...lazy habits when hanging out and wonders if you're actually as okay with it as you seem
It's a real drag, honestly, Shikamaru thinks- having to question something he's never had self doubt on before. He makes up his mind that he's just going to ask you straight out and get it over with. His brilliant plan goes out the window and into the trash, though, when you trudge into his house for your date night and curl up beside him, mentioning something about 'been looking forward to our weekly shared nap' (which makes his heart speed up, hindering him from even being able to fall asleep. he wasn't complaining- for once- not after seeing you so at ease with his lazy habits)
Kiba not knowing why Akamaru runs off for around thirty minutes each afternoon after training is over, but not minding too much since his fluffy companion always comes back from wherever with his tail wagging and tongue out happily. He does get curious, though, so he ends up following along one day
And Kiba about dies on the spot when he sees Akamaru bounding up to you, the civilian that he has a giant crush on (who always smiles and waves at him, no matter what, in passing). He watches his tank of a hound sprawl in your lap- almost covering your entire body- and get petted and cooed at. He stumbles over with a dumb grin and heated cheeks, making easy conversation
When he leaves with Akamaru in tow, Kiba formulates a plan to finally ask you out, hopefully using his best furry wing man to help
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bandsandwristbands · 1 month
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i just think theyre kinda goth
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Naruto Love Languages (Konoha 12 + Sand Siblings)
Naruto Uzumaki - Words of Affirmation
This man is your #1 fan. Everything you do he is behind you cheering and hollering the whole way. It doesn't matter if it's something stupid like trying to do a bottle flip, Naruto is gonna hype you up. He just adores you so much and wants you to know that! He wants you to know that he believes in you fully. When he isn't being a hype man, Naruto is just genuinely complimenting you and showing his appreciation for all you do. Nothing you do will go unnoticed, you WILL feel this man's love
Sasuke Uchiha - Gift Giving
Sasuke is, uh... kinda rough when it comes to romance. He's gone through some shit and even after all these years doesn't quite know how to deal with it. He isn't good at words, is wary on physical contact, and isn't around often. But the one thing he succeeds in is giving you gifts. Everytime he leaves to go who knows where, he will always return with an incredibly thoughtful gift. Sasuke doesn't just grab whatever he see, he knows what you like and what you appreciate. Every gift he gives you has meaning and fits you perfectly
Sakura Haruno - Acts of Service
Sakura is a girl who heavily desires to be loved. Ever since she was a child she was a hopeless romantic, so when she finally got together with you she fell head over heels. She's quite open with her feelings for you both physically and vocally, but her favorite way to show she cares is by helping you around the house. She'll cook for you, help clean up, give you massages, and of course heal your wounds. As long as you are dating her you will never see another Medical-nin. Every injury you get will be treated by her with full seriousness (even if it's just a paper cut)
Sai - Gift Giving
You though SASUKE was bad with feelings? Dear lord you gotta have a lot of patience with Sai. Unlike Sasuke though, Sai tries his hardest, even if it's a bit rough. He tries to say nice things and touch you, but it's still incredibly foreign to him (not to mention he can get a bit brutally honest about some things). The only thing Sai is confident in is his gift giving skills. He loves to draw art for you, pretty much everything he sees inspires more art to give you. It's gotten to the point that you have a whole room filled with them (Sai keeps telling you it's okay to get rid of some, but you refuse! They are so pretty!). On special occassions, Sai loves to bring his drawings for you to life, enjoying the look of amazement on your face
Ino Yamanaka - Gift Giving
This girl is gonna treat you RIGHT, believe that! She's is incredibly open with her feelings, especially when it comes to flowers. You will be getting flowers for every occassion, sometimes just randomly. She'll buy you other gifts like jewelry and clothes and books, but her real love language is flowers. Her bouquets aren't just randomly put together either, Ino carefully hand picks each one and take in mind the meaning of each one. The longer you date you will soon learn the different meanings, which makes her so proud. Although she doesn't really expect anything back every time, make sure to get her a lil something for special occassions, she'll appreciate it~
Shikamaru Nara - Quality Time
We know Shikamaru is a lazy bitch, but that's what we love about him! He may seem distant and seemingly uncaring, but if you look closely you can clearly see how he shows affection. Sure he may not wash you with praises or get you expensive things, but he stays by your side. Always. Somehow he always is in the same room as you, even if you are doing two different things. You're always together in some sort. He'll definitely deny it, but you notice he doesn't leave still. It's kind of like a cat, ya know? Shikamaru gets especially clingy when you're in bed together. This man doesn't get up for hours, and you aren't getting up either. You will lay and sleep with him for 3 more hours, no discussion
Choji Akimichi - Acts of Service
Just... just so sweet. My boy is such a sweetie oh my god. Choji is quite nervous in your relationship, both due to low self-esteem and just anxiety in general. Just you surprising him with a hug is enough to fluster him for a solid minute. Since more direct ways get him anxious, Choji prefers to do things for you, and his favorite thing is to cook for you. This man can COOK like no one's business! You guys will go out to eat on the weekends (there is nothing like fresh barbecue), but through the week he is in the kitchen cooking your favorite meals full of love. Seeing your giant smile and hearing your satisifed eating makes his heart soar. Also, you are one of the only people who he'll always share his snacks with, no hesitation (the other is Shikamaru, obviously)
Kiba Inuzuka - Physical Touch
Kiba is a toucher, hands down. He LOVES to just touch you all over. He is always in contact with you no matter what, appropriate or otherwise. Hands on your waist, head on your shoulder, fingers in your hair, sometimes he will just randomly pick you up to get a reaction out of you. Let's be real, Kiba's a dog through and through, and dogs adore attention. Whenever he wants your attention or love, Kiba will poke you and bug you until you give in and cuddle with him. Spooning is his absolute favorite position. Give this man his head pats and belly rubs god dammit, and don't forget Akamaru!. Oh and uh, warning, this man is also perverted. Quite perverted. Your cuddle sessions will devolve into him dry humping you 50% of the time. You gonna get manhandled and groped quite a bit (every touch full of love <3)
Hinata Hyuga - Words of Affirmation
You thought Choji was shy? You haven't seen nothing yet. Hinata was already a sweating mess when you were just friends, the moment you asked her out she literally fainted and collapsed on the floor. Thankfully she is better now (and didn't get brain damage), but it's still nerve-wracking to be in a relationship with you. You're just so... perfect. And Hinata wants you to know that. Throughout the day she is normally very sweet and appreciative, but whenever you are on dates or cuddling in private, she lets all her feelings out. She shares her admiration for you, her appreciation for you, and just how happy she is to have you in her life. It always makes you cry, which makes Hinata feel bad, but you always assure her they are happy tears
Shino Aburame - Acts of Service
Shino is a man of little words, and you knew that going into a relationship, so you have no issues with that! It makes the times he does speak up mean even more. Since he's inexperienced with relationships and romantic gestures, Shino's main way to show he cares is by protecting you and keeping you safe. He always is ready to defend you in public, and whenever you go somewhere alone he gives you one of his bugs so he can know you're safe. Anyone who even tries to harass or injure you is getting shot down immedietely. Losing you or you getting hurt is one of his biggest fears, and he'll never let that happen. You'll never feel unsafe when Shino is around
Rock Lee - All of Them
You can call this a cop out, but let's be real, Lee is the embodiment of EVERY love language. He never stops gushing to you about your beauty and skills, and screams how much he loves you from the rooftops. Anything you ask him to do will be done in record time perfectly. He loves to give you extravagent gifts for your anniversaries and random occasions. Spending time with you is his favorite thing in the world, especially when you train together. And physical touch? He is always happy to hug and kiss you all over. Lee is just full of love for you!! He knows he can be a bit overwhelming at times and will calm down if you tell him. He just is so grateful to have you in his life, and wants you to know that every day for the rest of your life
Neji Hyuga - Words of Affirmation
It may come as a shock to most due to his sharp tongue, but the way Neji shows his love is by words. To most he is aggressive and stand-offish, and ocassionally is to you too. It's just how he is unfortunately. But unlike with others, he is noticabely incredibly soft with you and is much more open. Neji isn't afraid to compliment how you look or give praise when you succeed at something. Even when he gets annoyed he doesn't raise his voice or throw insults at you, he stays respectful. The fact that he calls everyone an idiot except you says a whoooole lot about how he feels about you. Wear that honor with pride
Tenten - Quality Time
Tenten is pretty easy going and prefers a partner who is the same. Of course some spice and excitement is greatly welcomed, but at the end of the day she just wants to sit back and relax with her partner. So spending time together means a lot to her. She loves going on dates where you guys try something new (just no long hikes, please) but if needed will default to the local weapon museum. By the way, everytime one of you has to go on a mission, Tenten will act cool but will secretly pout the whole time until you meet up again
Gaara - Physical Touch
As he's grown, Gaara has turned into a real sweetheart. With you he is incredibly gentle and cares for you deeply. You are his treasure, you deserve the world. He still is dealing with social anxiety, and can be a bit awkward sometimes. But Gaara is always comfortable touching and holding you. His touches are gentle and kind, and sensual when he wants. He likes to give gentle kisses all over you throughout the day, and whenever he leaves for work he gives you a loving kiss before he leaves. Gaara also really values cuddling together. This man is touch starved like no one else, everytime you hold eachother he feels like a part of him is healing. Please reciprocate, he deserves it
Temari - Words of Affirmation
Temari is fiery as hell, and you knew that the moment you met. And her words are just as sharp! She isn't afraid to tell off people who annoy you guys (especially when you are on dates, they are DEAD). With you she is still mildly aggressive and intense, but in a more lighthearted way. She just gets so worried about you, she can't help herself from scolding you for being an idiot. Every word she says (positive or negative) comes from the heart. When you manage to not be a fool Temari is vocalising her approval and pride. Oh, and she has a habit of openly bragging about how amazing you are to your peers (much to your embarrassment)
Kankuro - Quality Time
This man is a teeeeeease (in a good way or bad way, your decision). He is constantly joking and making fun of you, reveling in your cute annoyance. He even likes to annoy you physically like blowing on your neck or pinching your butt. Kankuro is quite playful pretty much 95% of the time, but the other 5% he's actually quite sweet. Spending time with you is his favorite thing in the world! Yeah it's fun messing with you, but he likes to just have genuine connections and going on more mature dates. His favorite thing is dancing surprisingly, and he honestly is quite good. Holding you close and swaying makes him content ... Until he sneaks in one of his puppets halfway through, scaring the shit out of you in the process (he slept on the couch but it was worth it)
Konoha 12 + Sand Siblings | Shinobi & Founders | Akatsuki
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slutfics · 2 months
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warnings & content. adult content. afab reader, no pronouns included(?). very small nsfw but not too much. established relationships, fluff.
writers note. im having a kankuro brainrot, im gaining ideas every time and it’s controlling, the tags are going to be filled with my content and shit (probably). but if you do end up writing for kankuro and perhaps obito, please tag me, im literally being deprived of them.
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boyfriend kankuro who’s love language is making fun of his significant other for the hell of it. you would need to have a tough heart to be his partner, because he needs to have those kind of moments with them. yes they are light and he knows his limits, doesn’t make fun of you of your past and traumas, those are one of the few things he doesn’t joke about. insults are his petnames, however he does use ‘babe’ for you.
boyfriend kankuro who gets jealous easily when someone else is talking to you, he will pull the ‘i don’t know, why don’t you go ask your other lover.’ move on you, he will give you the silent treatment for awhile before he’s all up on you, wanting to cuddle and kiss you. he has issues and is afraid of you leaving him for someone else, he needs a lot of reassuring. he loves and trust you, it’s just the other one who he doesn’t trust.
boyfriend kankuro who loves getting kisses before he leaves for work, he loves getting them in morning, before bed and during work hours. he loves having your soft lips on his own whenever he gets the chance. however, this is mostly away from others, he will only kiss you when the two of you are alone. he’s not a big fan of pda he prefers to keep his affection hidden from others, but he will hold your hand in public and give you welcoming kisses and that’s about it.
boyfriend kankuro who can’t resist the urge to slap your ass whenever he walks past you or you laying in bed, comfortably, only for his heavy hand to smack down on your poor ass. kankuro isn’t an ass man by all means, he just thinks it’s funny to startle you and hearing a small yelp coming from you. do it to him and there will be consequences for your actions. he has a nice ass actually, nice and full, it’s all the working out he does, just give it a hard squeeze and it’s over for you. he honestly thinks a bit funny, just don’t do it too much.
boyfriend kankuro who loves having his hair played with while he lays on your chest after a particular long day of ninja work. he won’t admit it to you, you’ll just have to figure that information out on your own. he’ll sigh loudly and have his head on your shoulder or simply lay on your chest and look up at you in hopes you get the silent message, he’ll also groan loudly until you look at him, that’s when you’ll know what he wants. he looks at you almost silently begging you to run your fingers through his spiky hair. he loves those feelings you give him and he will quickly fall asleep.
boyfriend kankuro who likes to finger you during a mission together inside your tent as everyone else is soundly asleep, with a few ninjas at watch. he will whisper into your ear, while watching you try to hold in your cries as he magically moves his fingers wonderfully inside you, rubbing your walls and curling against that one spot that has you throwing your head back and biting down on your lower lip harshly. he’ll hold down your hips with his other hand if you tried to grind against him. he’s doesn’t want you finishing just yet.
boyfriend kankuro who loves to eat you out after a stressful day at the kazekage office or mission. he will have your legs over his broad shoulders, keeping you spread open for him so he can stuff his fingers inside of your soaking core while his wet lips are latched around your clit. kankuro is a strong man, all he simply needs is a single arm on your abdomen to keep you from moving against him. he’ll stare up at you with a hazy gaze while flicking his tongue against your sensitive nub. he loves how your stomach tenses and how your walls squeezing his fingers. he can have his face between your thighs all night.
boyfriend kankuro who loves when you request a blowjob, especially after he’s done with his puppet building or after training. he loves the feeling of your pretty mouth wrapped around his pulsing cock. he’s clarified a head pusher when he’s close to cumming. he’s also a grower not a show-er. grunts and moans will leave him as he has a tight grip on your hair, rutting into your warm mouth, feeling the wonderful tension of your throat squeezing him, he also loves the way your eyes water when you try to take him deeper down your throat and surpass the gag.
boyfriend kankuro who loves to dirty you with his face paint. your skin will be covered with purple smudges of paint, between your thighs, your neck, your shoulders, any part of your body that he’s capable of reaching, his paint will no longer be neat, but smudge and messy. it really turns him on seeing you such a mess, especially when your panting and sweaty, he can’t help but wanting to go for another round with you. he thinks you’re the prettiest when you’re covered with something of his.
boyfriend kankuro who loves doing ‘corny romantic’ things with you, whether it’ll be cooking, baking, even going as far as talking about the future with you, he adores these soft moments, it makes him feel warm and fuzzy. he could spend the rest of his life with you and he genuinely sees a bright future with you and he hopes he can have that. he will actually lose his mind if the relationship ever ends. you don’t ever have to worry about his loyalty to you, he solely belongs to you and you to him.
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© SLUTFICS. . . please do not repost, steal, copy or publish my works on other platforms, however reblogging and ♡ are greatly appreciated.
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uzumakiramen · 2 years
☼ when they have a crush on you [the sand siblings] ☼
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gn! reader.
warnings: 1 curse word.
a/n: maybe I’m a gaara simp. mind your business🤨
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he does not know how to exist around you
becuz hes so used to feeling constant hatred towards almost everyone in his presence it really does catch him off guard when he starts to take a liking to you
you make him nervous!!
and you make his heart race!!!
and you make him feel all tingly on the inside!!!!
like you could just smile at him and his face world turn the same color as his hair😭😭
gaara really doesn’t know how to be near you without blushing or stuttering or just gapping at you like a fish out of water
sooooo he’s definitely the type to admire you from afar
he just can’t help it‼️
the way your eyes light up when every u talk to your friends and the way you smile and laugh with them is just so mesmerizing
seeing you so happy makes him feel all warm on the inside
he’s definitely not getting over this crush anytime soon🙃
she just doesn’t know how to let u be😭😭
she’s always trying to protect u from something
or save u from tripping out in the sidewalk
and as cute as u think it is u try to tell her that it really isn’t necessary
but she just wouldn’t know what to with herself if something happened to u and she could’ve easily stopped it
she just loves you so much—
oop🫢. yeah it’s not even a crush anymore
she’s just in love.
to other ppl he’s stand off-ish and arrogant
a bit of an asshole tbh
but with you he’s extremely flirty and actually pretty nice
he’s always throwing pick up lines at you and offering to train with u
he even offers to buy u ur favorite snack after a long day ☺️
he honestly just puts up this whole confident flirty facade to hide the fact that u actually make his heart beat out of his chest everytime he sees u🤭
it’s so out of character for him that you kinda think he’s just pulling a huge prank on you😭
but u enjoy him doing it anyways becuz u most definitely have a crush on him too.
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© 2022 copyright. all rights reserved. @uzumakiramen.
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thottyimagines · 1 month
Do you have any Kankuro and Temari headcanons? They barely get any attention (Kankuro at least doesn't), and I'd like to see if you have anything interesting to say about them because honestly, your hcs are the best.
Thank you!!
Has a strict "no uggos" dating policy. However, his taste in people is...eclectic. So it's difficult to discern who's going to make him go insane with lust and who's going to make him go insane with offense to the gaze.
Loves eating coconut, but it always gets stuck in his teeth.
Lowkey likes the smell of sweat on a person (who's not an uggo).
Facial hair grows in patchy :(
Still sometimes has nightmares about when Gaara was largely ruled by Shukaku. In them he's often crushed to death via sand or has to watch Temari get trapped in the sand coffin.
Kind of goes out of her way to keep her hair coarse and dehydrated lmao it helps it poof up the way she likes.
Is farsighted, but refuses to admit it (it's why she prefers to be a distance fighter)
Can be a bit of a player!! She has a string of people across Wind thinking she's coming back to visit someday to reignite whatever it is they started while she passed through. And she very well might, for she loves a free place to stay.
Sucks at genjutsu and usually gets her feelings hurt if someone traps her in one during training.
Has, like, super steady hands.
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thrakenaheart · 2 years
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Welp. I'm back on my Kankuro bullshit y'all... What was supposed to be an art description, turned into a bloody 4k fanfic.... I'll go throw myself out of the window now yeah.
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
Hey! Could you do a Gaara x fem reader where he is in love with her but he is extremely scared about hurting her especially with the way he used to be in the past and midst this turmoil his brother out of anger gives him the push he needs and says to him : ❝  if you keep waiting until you’re done ‘working on yourself’ before you let yourself be with the person you love,  you’re never gonna be with them.  and they’ll find someone else who is brave enough to give them a chance to love them exactly how they already are.  ❞
I saw this on your prompt list😊
Yep, here you go, little nonnie. <3 Hope you like it!
Word Count: 1.1k Warnings: Insecurity, mild language
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Working on Yourself
You had crept up on Gaara over time. You were a jonin, so at first you only saw Gaara when receiving or debriefing from missions. You kept things professional, of course, but you always tried to say something nice to Gaara, even if it was just a “I hope you have a wonderful day, Kazekage-sama.” He appreciated your comments, and always reciprocated your kindness by asking after you.
The two of you kept things general at first, but at one point, you mentioned how proud you were of your students for coming so far with their taijutsu, since taijutsu was your speciality.
Gaara looked up at you. “You are a taijutsu specialist?”
You nodded, studying him curiously. “Is that significant?”
“Perhaps,” Gaara said. “I have been looking for a new taijutsu coach since my previous one was stationed in the northern territories. Would you be interested in the opportunity?”
You smiled. “I would be honored.”
Gaara led you down to the bottom floor of the Kazekage Tower, where a private training field was hidden away. Once the doors closed, you engaged him in a spar. You weren’t fighting full force, you just wanted to test and see where his skills were. You could easily see he’d been trained due to his stances and how he reacted to certain moves, but there were still gaps in his stance and reaction times that needed work.
You started meeting three times a week to work on Gaara’s taijutsu. He was the best student you’d ever had. He was very attentive and a fast learner, taking your corrections without an ounce of resentment or disrespect.
Your sessions started to grow slightly longer. First five minutes, then ten minutes, then a half hour. Your conversations shifted from purely professional to more friendly, and when the two of you finally ended things for the day, Gaara always felt gloomy when he had to return to his office.
As the weeks went on, Gaara started to notice more about you. The way your nose crinkled when you laughed. The way your eyebrows pinched when he made a mistake, and the way they relaxed again once he fixed it. The sincerity in your voice when you talked to him, and the way you gave him your full attention while he spoke.
He realized that he valued your company - more than that of a ninja, but as someone precious.
And he didn’t know what to do about that.
The only people who were truly close to him were his siblings and Baki. His friends were far away and busy with their own lives, and his family were, well, family. You were the first in so long he wanted to spend time with. You were the first at all that he wanted to hold close.
But did he really deserve such a thing, he asked himself. He’d spent more than a decade trying to atone for the sins of his past, and still felt like he would never fully cleanse his soul. He’d done so much wrong by so many people. He still had so much more work to do. Things like love were out of his reach.
And yet, it didn’t stop him from cherishing the time he spent with you.
It didn’t stop his face from lighting up whenever you entered his office.
It didn’t stop him from wishing that when you corrected his stance with gentle touches that your hands would linger just a bit longer.
He wanted you so badly it burned, but he didn’t feel like he deserved you. To say he was lost was an understatement.
One day, Kankuro dropped in for a chat. Since it was almost time for you to appear, Gaara barely paid attention to his brother, glancing at the door between sentences.
Kankuro was suspicious of his behavior, but he clearly understood once you walked through the door and Gaara’s whole demeanor changed.
You spent a minute saying hello to Kankuro, catching up from when you’d been paired on a mission a while back. The whole time you talked, Gaara couldn’t tear his eyes away from you.
Kankuro watched you two with a fond smile, then asked if he could steal his brother for another minute before you started.
You agreed and told Gaara you’d meet him at the training field when he was ready.
Once you left, Kankuro raised an eyebrow at Gaara. “I see you two are getting along.”
“Of course, we’re friends, and she’s an excellent taijutsu coach.”
Kankuro scoffed. “I’m not blind, Gaara. Friends don’t look at each other like that.”
“Then you’re mistaken.”
Kankuro folded his arms. “Am I? So if I went downstairs right now and asked her on a date, you’d be ok with it?”
White hot rage shot through Gaara as he shot out of his chair.
Kankuro snorted. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You can relax, I’m not interested in her like that.”
Gaara bowed his head. “Forgive me, Kankuro. I didn’t mean to act so rashly.”
Kankuro sighed. “I forgive you, but I still don’t see why you’re hemming and hawing about her. Just go ask her out. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“No,” Gaara said. “I have a long way to go before I’m worthy of being anything to her.”
“Gaara, you know that’s bullshit, right?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Look, I know you’re all about working on yourself and atoning for your past and all that, and that’s a noble cause. But if you keep waiting until you’re done ‘working on yourself’ before you let yourself be with the person you love, you’re never gonna be with them. And they’ll find someone else who is brave enough to give them a chance to love them exactly how they already are.”
Gaara closed his eyes. “But…what if I hurt her?”
Kankuro’s gaze softened. “Is that what this is really about?”
Gaara nodded.
“Answer me this, Gaara. Do you respect her?”
“Of course I do.”
“Then you should tell her. Let her decide what she wants to do instead of making the decision for her.”
“…You’re right,” Gaara said. “When did you get so wise, Kankuro?”
Kankuro grinned. “I am your big brother, it comes with the territory.”
Gaara rolled his eyes, then excused himself and descended to the training field. He saw you going through your warmup, stretching your shoulders and legs.
He felt a bead of sweat roll down his face that had nothing to do with the desert heat.
“There you are,” you said, smiling at him. “I was starting to worry.”
“Forgive me,” Gaara said.
You waved your hand. “Are you ready to get started?”
Gaara smiled. “Actually, before we begin, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”
Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @rayofmirasol @therozpoz @undersero (if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know)
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vote-gaara · 1 year
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What are you hoping to see if Gaara wins the Narutop99 contest?
The winner of the popularity contest gets their own short manga written and illustrated by Kishimoto himself.
Remember that you get one vote a day until January 31 so click here and go vote for Gaara!
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Reblog and share what you would like to see if Gaara wins the short manga!
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