#kaoru hanayama x y/n
aifanfictions · 8 months
Hey! How would the Baki men react to a half-Succubus fighter?
For the characters can we pls get: Baki, Hanayma, Retsu and Katsumi? Feel free to skip if you don’t feel comfortable with this request!!!
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In the bustling metropolis of Tokyo, a world of underground fighting tournaments concealed itself behind the shimmering façade of the city's neon lights. It was here that the enigmatic Baki Hanma, the undisputed champion of the underground fighting scene, had forged his legend. But little did he know that his life was about to take a turn as he encountered someone truly unique – (Y/N), a half-succubus fighter with extraordinary abilities.
(Y/N) was a fighter like no other, possessing a tantalizing blend of human and succubus traits. Her striking beauty, captivating allure, and the innate power to manipulate desire left her opponents utterly spellbound in the ring. The audience couldn't get enough of her, both fascinated and entranced by her otherworldly charm.
Baki had heard the rumors of this alluring fighter but never paid them much attention. He had his own battles to conquer, his own reputation to uphold. That was until the fateful night when he found himself face-to-face with (Y/N) in the ring. As the crowd roared in anticipation, the two fighters locked eyes, and something electric passed between them.
The fight was fierce, a clash of raw strength and seductive enchantment. Baki's powerful punches met (Y/N)'s seductive sway, neither one giving an inch. But as the battle raged on, Baki realized that there was more to this captivating woman than met the eye. Her prowess in combat was no less awe-inspiring than her seductive powers. The fight was evenly matched, and Baki felt a strange attraction, not just to her appearance, but to the fighter within her.
As the fight reached its climax, (Y/N) could feel the audience's growing fascination, but it was Baki who fascinated her the most. His raw strength and unwavering determination were unlike anything she had ever encountered. Her heart raced with a mixture of desire and admiration, and she couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath his tough exterior.
In a surprising twist, the match ended in a draw, leaving the audience in an uproar. Baki and (Y/N) stood there, breathing heavily, the intensity of the fight still coursing through their veins. Their eyes locked once more, but this time it was different. There was a mutual respect that went beyond the ring.
In the days that followed, Baki and (Y/N) found themselves drawn to each other. They trained together, learning from one another's unique fighting styles, and slowly, their connection deepened. Baki saw the strength in (Y/N) beyond her succubus abilities, and (Y/N) saw the vulnerability in Baki that he rarely revealed to anyone.
One evening, under the city's dazzling lights, they sat together, sharing stories of their past, dreams for the future, and the unspoken attraction that had grown between them. Baki confessed, "You're not like anyone I've ever met. You're not just a fighter, (Y/N). You're a mystery that I can't resist."
(Y/N) smiled, her enchanting aura flickering, but her eyes were warm and genuine. "And you, Baki Hanma, are not just a champion. You're a man with a heart that's as powerful as your fists."
Their lips met in a kiss that ignited a passion that was both fierce and tender, their love story as unique and captivating as the fights they had conquered. Baki and (Y/N) found in each other a love that transcended the boundaries of their worlds, proving that in the midst of battles and desires, the most powerful force of all was the connection between two souls.
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Kaoru Hanayama
In the gritty underbelly of Tokyo's underground fighting circuit, Kaoru Hanayama was renowned for his exceptional strength and unbreakable spirit. A towering figure with a reputation as a fierce and unyielding fighter, few dared to cross his path. But when he encountered a fighter like no other, (Y/N), a half-succubus with her own unique powers, his world was turned upside down.
(Y/N) was a mesmerizing blend of human and succubus traits. Her striking beauty, irresistible allure, and the supernatural ability to manipulate desire made her a force to be reckoned with in the ring. She could enthrall and seduce her opponents, leaving them defenseless in her wake.
One fateful night, the two warriors found themselves in the same underground arena. The audience buzzed with anticipation as they stepped into the ring. It was a matchup of power and enchantment, and Hanayama couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and excitement he hadn't experienced before.
The fight was intense, a clash of raw physical strength against the enchanting sway of (Y/N). Hanayama's punches were relentless, but (Y/N)'s supernatural allure had an almost hypnotic effect on him. It was as if she held a power that he couldn't entirely resist. The audience was enraptured by her seductive charm, and for the first time in his life, Hanayama felt a sense of vulnerability.
As the fight reached its climax, neither warrior could gain the upper hand. (Y/N) felt an unfamiliar attraction, not just to Hanayama's formidable physicality, but to the man within. His sheer determination and resilience fascinated her, and she couldn't help but admire the unyielding spirit he displayed.
In an unexpected turn of events, the match ended in a draw, and they both stood in the center of the ring, breathing heavily. Their eyes locked, and something had changed between them. It was more than just a fight; it was a connection that transcended the boundaries of the arena.
In the following days, Hanayama and (Y/N) found themselves drawn together. They trained side by side, exchanging their fighting techniques, and slowly, a bond formed. Hanayama saw the strength and depth within (Y/N) beyond her supernatural abilities, while (Y/N) saw the unexpected tenderness and complexity within Hanayama's tough exterior.
One evening, they found themselves alone under the starless Tokyo sky. Hanayama, who was known for his stoic nature, looked into (Y/N)'s eyes and said, "You're not like anyone I've ever met. You're not just a fighter; you're a captivating enigma."
(Y/N) smiled, her succubus aura flickering faintly. "And you, Kaoru Hanayama, are not just a brute force. You have a heart that matches the power in your fists."
Their lips met in a kiss that was a mix of fiery passion and unexpected tenderness. In each other, they found a love that defied the expectations of their world, proving that even the fiercest fighters could be captivated by a force more potent than any battle. In the realm of desire and combat, Kaoru Hanayama and (Y/N) discovered that love was the most formidable power of all.
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Retsu Kaioh
In the heart of Tokyo's underground fighting scene, Retsu Kaioh was celebrated for his disciplined martial arts prowess. His aura exuded calm and control, standing in stark contrast to the chaos of the clandestine world he dominated. But everything changed the night he met someone entirely unlike any fighter he had ever faced—(Y/N), a half-succubus with enchanting allure and unique abilities.
(Y/N) was a mesmerizing blend of human and succubus, with beauty that could captivate the entire room and the innate power to manipulate desire. In the arena, her opponents often found themselves drawn to her irresistible charms, struggling to fight back the desires that she awakened within them.
One fateful night, Retsu Kaioh stepped into the ring with (Y/N), and the crowd fell silent. The battle that unfolded was one of mesmerizing contrast. Kaioh's disciplined martial arts met (Y/N)'s entrancing allure, and the balance of power seemed to teeter on a fine edge.
As the fight raged on, Kaioh felt an unusual fascination that transcended mere combat. He marveled at (Y/N)'s ability to bewitch her opponents, but there was something more profound within her, something that went beyond the succubus powers. He sensed a fierce determination, a fighter's spirit, hidden behind her enchanting facade.
Similarly, (Y/N) was intrigued by Kaioh. She could feel his unwavering discipline and control, which seemed impenetrable. His inner strength was a magnetic force, and as the fight reached its zenith, she found herself drawn not just to his martial skills but to the man himself.
The match ended in a surprising draw, leaving both fighters in the center of the ring, breathless and transfixed. Their eyes met, and something unspoken passed between them. It was not just the attraction of combat, but a recognition of a unique connection.
In the days that followed, Kaioh and (Y/N) found themselves drawn to each other. They trained together, each learning from the other's unique skills, and a bond formed that transcended the arena. Kaioh saw the determination and strength in (Y/N) that went beyond her succubus abilities, and (Y/N) saw the depth of character and honor that resided within Kaioh.
One evening, beneath the neon lights of Tokyo, they sat together, sharing stories and dreams. Kaioh admitted, "You're not like anyone I've ever met. You possess a power beyond anything I've seen, but it's your spirit that truly captivates me."
(Y/N) smiled, her enchanting aura gently flickering. "And you, Retsu Kaioh, are not just a disciplined fighter. You have a heart that is as remarkable as your skills."
Their lips met in a kiss that was a delicate blend of passion and admiration. Together, they found a love that defied the expectations of their world, proving that in the midst of combat and desire, there was a power even more profound—the connection between two souls. Retsu Kaioh and (Y/N) discovered that love was the most extraordinary force, a force that could transform even the most disciplined heart.
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Katsumi Orochi
In the heart of the bustling Tokyo underground fighting scene, Katsumi Orochi was a fierce and enigmatic figure. His reputation as a ruthless and relentless fighter preceded him, and his opponents dreaded the moment they would cross paths. However, Katsumi's life took an unexpected turn the day he encountered a fighter unlike any other—(Y/N), a half-succubus with captivating allure and unique abilities.
(Y/N) was a striking blend of human and succubus traits, with an irresistible beauty that left those who faced her in the ring entranced. Her innate power to manipulate desire often led her opponents into a bewildering state of infatuation, making it difficult for them to focus on the fight.
One fateful evening, Katsumi Orochi found himself in the ring with (Y/N). The audience hushed in anticipation, knowing that this battle would be like no other. It was a clash of raw power and seductive charm, a match that would leave an indelible mark on both fighters.
As the fight unfolded, Katsumi was astounded by (Y/N)'s unique abilities. He felt an inexplicable attraction, not just to her physical beauty but to the strength that lay beneath. It was as if she held a power that was unlike any he had ever encountered, and it unnerved him. Her seductive sway made him question the hardened exterior he had built over the years.
Likewise, (Y/N) found herself fascinated by Katsumi Orochi. Beneath his ruthless reputation, she saw a fighter of unyielding determination, a man who was unafraid to embrace his power and face his adversaries head-on. As the fight reached its peak, she couldn't help but admire the strength and depth within him.
In a surprising turn of events, the match ended in a draw, leaving both fighters breathless and standing in the center of the ring. Their eyes locked, and a palpable tension hung in the air. It wasn't just attraction but an unspoken connection that transcended the boundaries of the fight.
In the days that followed, Katsumi and (Y/N) found themselves drawn to one another. They trained together, each learning from the other's unique abilities and skills. An unexpected bond formed, one that went beyond the confines of the arena. Katsumi recognized the strength and resilience in (Y/N) that exceeded her succubus abilities, while (Y/N) saw the vulnerability and complexity within Katsumi that he rarely revealed to others.
One evening, under the Tokyo night sky, they sat together, sharing their stories and dreams. Katsumi confessed, "You're not like anyone I've ever met. Your allure is captivating, but it's your inner strength that truly astonishes me."
(Y/N) smiled, her enchanting aura flickering softly. "And you, Katsumi Orochi, are not just a ruthless fighter. There's a depth to you that is as intriguing as your combat skills."
Their lips met in a kiss that was a blend of fiery passion and unexpected tenderness. In each other, they found a love that defied the expectations of their world, proving that in the midst of battle and desire, there was a force more powerful than any other—the connection between two souls. Katsumi Orochi and (Y/N) discovered that love was the most extraordinary force, capable of melting even the hardest of hearts.
NOTE! This story was generated by OpenAI
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yandere-writer-momo · 7 months
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Wish Upon A Star
Yandere Hanayama Kaoru x Sweet Afab Reader
This piece is a little darker and very unsettling. It’s over 7k words, making it one of my longest Baki pieces. I had a dream about this so I HAD to write it immediately. Hanayama cat >>>
TW: Yandere behavior, dubcon, mentions of past abuse, angst, fantasy elements, and other dark subjects. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to these topics. You have been warned
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Red Salvias mean “Forever Mine”
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“I don’t need your input on my personal life.” Kaoru said in a crossly tone, he glowered at his fiancée (your name). Despite this being an arranged relationship, she treated it as if they were truly in one. And it annoyed Kaoru to no end. “This is just an arrangement. Nothing more. I’d greatly prefer if you left me alone until the marriage.”
(Your name) shrunk under his gaze. The young woman did her best to make herself as small as possible, despite her already being dainty. She hadn’t meant to upset him, she merely wanted to spend time with him… she wanted to know him better so they wouldn’t be miserable together. Plus, he spent more time with other women rather than her. It wasn’t fair.
“I just wanted to-“ Kaoru held up his hand to cut her off, the yakuza boss pointed to his office door.
“See yourself out and take the bento with you. I don’t need your affections.” (Your name) bowed her head and took the bento with her while she held in a sniffle. She truly hadn’t meant to upset him…
“I won’t bother you again then. Have a good one.” (Your name) bowed her head to him for the final time before she turned on her heel and left. She wouldn’t make an attempt to get close to him again.
Kaoru grumbled and got back to his paperwork. His eyes glanced at her retreating figure. Hopefully she would keep her word.
(Your name) kicked off her shoes once she made it back to her small apartment. The young woman reached up to undo her bun as she locked her door behind her.
She sighed heavily before she plopped herself in her reading nook. Her body sunk into the plush pillows, the calming scent of lavender soothed her heavy heart.
“Rejected yet again.” (Your name) bitterly chuckled to herself. She hugged a pillow close to herself at an attempt at comfort. How foolish was she to think she could find the love she so desperately wanted all her life.
To cope with her loneliness, she’d read fairytales. The ones of romance and happy endings to dull the senses. Her only escape was in her head.
(Your name) sniffled, the dam that held back her tears started to crack. And soon a loud sob followed. Was there something wrong with her? Was she not pretty enough? Not curvaceous enough? Was she too loud?
(Your name) didn’t know but she knew none of the physical things mattered on Kaoru’s interest in her. She was her father’s daughter and their families had been at odds for generations. Their marriage was simply a truce to stop the blood shed between them.
(Your name) glanced at the night sky, her eyes filled with wonder at the shooting star that danced across the sky. A childish delight filled her pitiful form yet the bitterness from her rejection still burned in her heart.
“I wish...” (Your name) sniffled, her fingers wiped away a few of her tears. “I wish for him to fall in love with someone who has no interest in him.”
Kaoru strolled through an alleyway with one hand in his pocket and the other smoking a cigar. Every time he saw (your name), it left an awful taste in his mouth.
She always tried to come to him with her soft smiles, hopeful eyes, and warm meals. She reminded him of a bunny with those innocent eyes and shy glances. (Your name) was weak, she wouldn’t last in the yakuza world.
Kaoru took in a deep inhale of his cigar, the smoke burned his lungs a bit but it soothed his frustration. She was the daughter of his enemy. The chess piece meant to be a peace offering.
Kaoru would never be able to give her what she wanted. Not when her family has been at war with his for so many generations. Kaoru hated her for where she came from. She’d never have his heart nor a place in his bed. He only agreed to marry her to end the blood bath between their families.
Kaoru exhaled the smoke and stomped his cigar out under his shoes. Even the thought of her disgusted him.
Kaoru glanced up at the sky, a bright light caught his eye. Was that a shooting star?
Kaoru chuckled to himself, a bitter wish spilt from his lips.
“I wish for that woman to no longer be interested in me.”
And that’s when a bright light consumed him. His eyes wide in shock as his body began to shrink and sprout white fur that matched the suit he wore. What the hell was going on?!
And before Kaoru could get a word out, he was now a cat. A very fluffy one at that.
How on earth was going to explain this one to Kizaki?
For three days Kaoru roamed the Tokyo streets as a cat. So far, he’s been chased off by his own men and had rocks thrown at him from ornery children. Kaoru had no choice but to hide from the elements and the people. They weren’t friendly to cats that looked like him.
Kaoru had seen his reflection in a puddle. Sure he was a Persian but his face was riddled in ugly scars. What may have made him intimidating as a man, only made him ugly as a cat. No one wanted to touch or take care of a cat that looked like it fought.
Kaoru was miserable and at this rate, he may die of starvation. He didn’t know anything about being a cat. He has never been so humiliated in his life.
And that was when he heard a familiar, soft voice. His body froze from under the dumpset. (Your name)…
Kaoru peaked out from the dumpster, his now copper eyes took in her familiar form as she bought groceries at a local market. Why was she in a place like this? She was the daughter of a yakuza boss. She should be at an estate.
“Are you sure you’re alright dear? You look so tired.” The elderly cashier expressed concern for (your name).
“I’m alright. Thank you for your concern, Hana.” (Your name) gave the cashier a smile. Her arms scooped up the paper grocery bag. “Thank you for the fresh fish.”
“Of course! You need some more sleep. Maybe you’ll attract a husband then?” (Your name) had a disgruntled expression on her face, but it was gone in a flash.
“Maybe. Thank you again.” (Your name) bowed a bit in respect. And then she was off.
Kaoru immediately pursued her, his fluffy tail stood straight up. His small paws tottered after her.
Come on… look at me. Turn this way.
(Your name) sadly was not a mind reader so Kaoru had no choice but to swallow his pride and…
“Meow.” (Your name) froze in her tracks, her head turned around to see the fluffy Persian that sat behind her expectantly. Its white tail flicked back and forth like a clock.
(Your name) studied the scarred cat in curiosity. What on earth was a Persian doing on the street? That breed was such a high maintenance one and it could get sick… was it abused?
(Your name) bent down and held her hand out for the cat to sniff. She didn’t have a clue that this cat was her fiancé.
Kaoru reluctantly rubbed his head against her hand. His copper eyes stared up at her pretty face. Even he had to admit that she was attractive despite their circumstances.
“Are you lost?” Her voice was barely above a whisper, her expression soft. “Poor thing…”
(Your name) frowned at the mats in the cat’s white fur and the dirt on it. It was most likely abandoned… just like her.
(Your name) slowly wrapped her hand around the cat and hoisted it up in her arm next to her groceries.
“You’re a heavy thing.” (Your name) whispered while she continued on her way to her apartment. A small smile on her lips when she felt the cat’s stomach growl. “And you’re hungry… well I have some extra fish. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
Kaoru sighed. Of course she’s take in an ugly cat like him. If he would have known, he would have come to her first.
Hopefully this situation was temporary. He had no intention of staying with her once he became human again… or so he thought.
(Your name) gently bathed the cat in her tub. Her fingers gently worked through the mats with dish soap. So far, the cat has been silent since she’s brought it home.
Perhaps the cat’s trauma made it mute? The cat didn’t even purr when she pet it. It hurt her heart to know this poor animal has never felt love before.
“I wonder if you’re a boy or a girl?” (Your name) muttered, her hands turn the cat around to check. The cat hissed loudly and swatted at her. “Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you.”
(Your name) apologized to the cat like it would understand her (Kaoru did). But she caught a glimpse of male genitals so now she knew her furry companion was a boy.
(Your name) scratched the cat behind the ears while she pulled the plug to the tub. She then gently picked the cat up and dried it with some towels. She found that the cat’s entire body was covered in so many scars. Most likely from years of abuse.
(Your name) studied the cat’s face in thought. Now that she had a better look at the cat… “You’re a little ugly.”
Kaoru furrowed his brow, which made (your name) giggle at how grumpy the cat looked. “But you’re also kind of cute.”
Kaoru flicked his tail back and forth while she continued to dry him off. He was perplexed. Even when he was a cat, she was still sweet to him.
Kaoru couldn’t understand her. What did she gain from this? How could someone be so kind to a fault?
Kaoru felt something stir in him as his copper eyes studied her face. A thought running through his head for only but a single moment…Had she always been this beautiful?
Kaoru was fed pretty nice meals for a cat. (Your name) would share some of her vegetables and fish with him. Food he knew he’d never find on the streets.
Yet he’d catch her nearly prepare a lunchbox once and awhile. The young woman would mumble curses at herself and hurriedly feed him whatever she was about to prepare.
“Oops. A bad habit. How could I be so stupid?” (Your name) quietly scolded herself once more before she fed Kaoru the chicken she had cut up. “Here you go. At least it will go to someone who will eat it.”
It took Kaoru a week to realize that her bad habit was preparing a lunch box for him. Human him at least. She had truly stuck to her promise of not bothering him again but Kaoru could see the hurt in her eyes whenever she caught herself. Why did she look so sad? They barely knew each other?
Kaoru’s copper eyes observed her clean up the kitchen in haste. She was such an anxious thing. She was like a scared bunny. Always jumping at the slightest noise and apologizing. Kaoru found it kind of endearing.
Kaoru perked up when she sat at the little nook in the center of the apartment. Her dainty body sunk into the cushions while the city lights reflected off her eyes. She looked so beautiful… like an angel.
Kaoru found himself trotting over to her before he realized it. His feline body now seated beside her.
“Oh? Do you want to see?” (Your name) softly asked him before she picked him up and placed him on her lap. The view was beautiful from the window. Kaoru could see most of the city from here. “I bought this room just for the view…”
Kaoru turned his head up to look at her face, only to be taken aback by the sadness in her eyes. Why did she always look so sad?
“I hope to enjoy it furfor as long as I can… I wonder if I’ll have a nice view once I have to get married?” (Your name) thought aloud, which made Kaoru freeze. “I hope… I’ll just sit there all day and read. I’ll be quiet. I’ll be good.”
And that’s when Kaoru slowly began to realize the signs. She was always so quiet, her voice was barely above a whisper at all times. She’s never been treated well.
Kaoru felt so awful when he felt a few tears drop on his head. He had assumed she was an awful person because of her family and yet she was just as much a victim. She was genuine and she had hoped to cultivate a relationship with him because she’s never had one.
Kaoru rubbed his head against her hands which shocked her. His copper eyes took in the small smile on her face. He burned it into his memory.
“Are you comforting me?” (Your name) gently held the cat close to her chest. Her fingers pet the cat’s head fondly. “Thank you… Yuki.”
And for the first time in the week and a half she’s had him, Kaoru purred.
Kaoru found himself rubbing against (your name)’s legs whenever she was in the kitchen after two months with her. His custom made collar jingled while he purred. Kaoru was content with her. He was happy to be by her side.
She’d talk to him sometimes and she’d read to him her favorite stories. (Your name) let him sleep beside her in her soft bed. His feline life was peaceful with her. Kaoru wanted to stay with her. He wanted to make her smile. He wanted to make her laugh.
She told him her secrets. Of how abusive her family was. How she was scared of thunder storms. How she would hide in her closet whenever she was scared. And what her father did to her first pet. How she wished she could move far away and start over. It made his blood boil to know what she’s been through.
Kaoru didn’t want her to ever be sad or scared again. He only wanted her to smile and to live a peaceful life. Kaoru would give her an amazing life if he ever became a man again.
Kaoru would make sure she could eat her favorite meal more often. He would sit with her as she read aloud. He would hold her close if a thunderstorm passed through and whisper sweet things into her ear. He would make love to her every night. He’d spoil her like a princess. He’d give her the world.
But with her interest in him as her cat, as her companion Yuki, he failed to realize that she had completely lost interest in him as a man.
A harsh reality he’d soon come to realize…
“I’ll be out for groceries.” (Your name) smiled warmly at her cat. Kaoru purred as he sat by the door. “I won’t be long.”
Kaoru sat by the door, even when it clicked shut. His paws touched the wood as his heart raced. Six months with her… he’s been by her side for six months. And it made him realize how much he loved her. How he adored her. Kaoru wanted to tell her… he needed to tell her.
“I love you.” Kaoru was shocked when he spoke rather than meow. His body soon began to change back into that of a man. The small purple collar snapped but Kaoru was able to quickly tuck it into his suit pocket.
Was this whole situation some crap version of beauty and the beast? Was love what broke the strange magic off of him?
Kaoru admired his hands and stretched them. It was nice to be a man again… but (your name) wouldn’t understand why he was there… maybe he should make it look like the cat was taken?
He’d have to make a scene in this apartment and then he’d have to find a way to explain his absence to Kizaki.
And what better excuse to use than to say (your name)’s family had harmed him? Kaoru was going to have to make sure to rough himself up before he went home.
Kaoru used his strength to break the door knob off and threw it against the wall on the apartment. Her then threw her cheap coffee table across the room and broke a few glasses. There. Now it was a breaking and entering.
Kaoru quickly fled the scene before he was seen. He didn’t want to be caught in her home and he didn’t want anyone to see him.
Kaoru’s heart hurt. He knew she’d be so crushed that her cat was gone but he’d swoop in to save her.
He’d be her prince just like the ones in those fairytale books she loved so much.
(Your name) held her groceries close to her chest. Her heart fluttered at the thought of Yuki being excited to see her.
She made sure to buy his favorite, salmon. Maybe he’d like to sit at the table with her?
That cat had no idea how he saved her from her pit of despair. How he made her want to live again.
(Your name) began to climb up the steps to her apartment but she stopped halfway. Her eyes wide in horror when she saw police outside her door.
“Ma’am is this your apartment?”
“Y-yes.” It was so hard for her to breathe. Yuki… was Yuki okay?
“I’m afraid there’s been a burglary-“ the cop froze when she dashed up the steps and frantically checked her house. “Ma’am. This is a crime scene.”
“I just need to make sure Yuki is okay…” (your name) felt her body tremble when her beloved cat didn’t come to her. Has her father taken yet another thing she loved from her?
“Ma’am-“ the cop froze when he saw the young woman sob. The cop awkwardly put an an around her.
“I’m sorry ma’am. Is there a place you can stay until the investigation is over?” The cop softly asked. “And you called out for a Yuki. Is that a child?”
“No… he’s my cat.” Her life. He was her life and he was gone.. gone.
(Your name) sat in her old room at her family’s compound over the last few days. She never wanted to come back here but her father didn’t want her to become ‘damaged goods.’
(Your name) curled up in the dark room and hugged her knees. A small light from the ceiling her only light.
Perhaps this was her fate? To live in a dark room for the rest of her life without any light. All for being a (last name).
“Yuki…” (your name) softly whispered, her hands held her body tighter. She should have just fled with her cat when she had the chance. She no longer craved love from anyone.
All she needed was her animal companion and she would have been content. Animals were better than people. They didn’t hurt her unless they were scared. Not like people… not like her father.
(Your name) jumped when gunshots and screams echoed throughout the estate. What was going on?
(Your name) began to panic, her head whipped over to her closet. The young woman crawled into it and made herself as small as possible. She just needed to make herself small… tiny and invisible. She wasn’t here. She was far away.
(Your name) was far away and with Yuki. She was safe. There weren’t footsteps in her room- there were loud footsteps in her room.
(Your name) put her hands over her mouth and held her breath. Her body as still as water.
The figure now stood in front of her door. She could see their large silhouette. She was going to die. (Your name) hoped someone took care of Yuki, if he was still alive. That they’d feed him bits of salmon and let him lay with them.
When the door opened, she was surprised to be pulled into a hug. A large body held her tightly to his, his body shook in powerful tremors.
“It’s okay… you’re okay.” (Your name) froze at the voice. Kaoru? Why was… why was he here? “Your husband has you.”
(Your name) was still frozen in fear, which made it easier for Kaoru to scoop her up in his arms. The yakuza boss pushed her face into his neck.
“Don’t look, okay? You don’t need to see them anymore.”
(Your name) trembled and clutched onto his shirt. She didn’t have to look to know what he had done. She knew he massacred her family.
The question was… why didn’t he kill her too?
“Boss, if you want I can take care of her-“ (your name) flinched when she heard a loud slap. Her body still held tightly against Kaoru’s.
“Don’t even think about touching her.” Kaoru pressed his lips against the top of her head. “She is mine. Do you understand?”
Kaoru safely escorted (your name) into his limousine. His arms held her tightly and refused to let her go. It confused (your name) to no end.
Why was he so sweet with her now? What made her special?
Or… was he just prolonging her inevitable death?
Kaoru was frustrated. Despite (your name) being with him for a month now, she refused to come out of her room. She trembled whenever he touched her and it upset him.
“Boss, what’s gotten into you?” Kaoru froze when Kizaki furrowed his brow. “You’ve been so… obsessed with Miss (last name)-“
“Missus Hanayama.” Kaoru corrected Kizaki. The man swirled his whiskey in his glass in thought. “Why is she so scared of me-“
“You killed her family. I think that’s a normal human reaction.” Kizaki pointed out which only made Kaoru huff.
“She hated them. They were awful to her-“
“How do you know so much about her anyways?” Kizaki asked with his brow furrowed. “Where were you actually for the last eight months? Were you truly being held captive?”
Kaoru sighed and gave Kizaki a look. “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. But (your name) saved me.” Kaoru muttered, his expression soft. “I love her.”
Kizaki sighed. He could tell Kaoru was telling the truth and he knew Kaoru meant every word he said.
“Okay… just start off small with her?” Kizaki advised Kaoru. “Maybe you could eat with her or something?”
Kaoru’s face lit up when an idea hit him. Why hadn’t he thought of it before?
“Kizaki. Let’s move her to a room with a big window and add a reading nook in front of it.” Kaoru smiled at Kizaki. “She’ll love it.”
(Your name) was led by Kaoru’s servants to a new room. The young woman clutched her hands close to her chest in nervousness. He’s been hovering around her for the last month like a surveillance drone. Had he been plotting all this time? Was she finally being brought to her execution?
(Your name) was shocked when the doors opened to reveal a cozy room with a reading nook that was eerily similar to her one at the apartment. Except it was much bigger than her old one. How did he know she loved a reading nook and how did he pick the same colors?
(Your name)’s fingers traced over the large nook in wonder. It looked so cozy…
“Do you like it?” (Your name) nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Kaoru’s deep voice. Her head whipped around to see him standing in her rooms, the servants had already skittered away like mice. “I thought it would make you more comfortable.”
(Your name) glanced towards the floor. She was still scared of Kaoru… and she felt as if his kindness had a hidden motive. She was terrified of him.
“It’s lovely. Thank you.” (Your name) jumped a bit when Kaoru grabbed a strand of her hair. The oyabun pressed a tender kiss to the silky strands.
“I just want to make my wife happy.” (Your name) was shocked when Kaoru suddenly pulled her into a hug. His lips pressed to the top of her head.
“Oh… but we don’t have to keep the arrangement now.” (Your name) replied in a mousy tone. If she had rabbit ears, they’d be folded back. “You’re free from the promise between our families-“
(Your name) squealed when Kaoru grabbed her face, his obsidian eyes filled with an emotion she’d never seen on his face.
“Has someone told you to leave me?” Kaoru asked, his eyes filled with an angry fire. “Have any of the servants been mean to you? You can tell me.”
“N-no.” (Your name) began to cry which made Kaoru move his hand down to hold her. “I… you said you didn’t want my affections…”
Kaoru froze in horror. He had forgotten he had told her that almost a year ago… that he always pushed this beautiful, sweet girl away.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” Kaoru bent down and pressed kisses all over her cheeks. “I will make it up to you. You’ll live a good life with me.”
(Your name) gasped when he picked her up and laid with her in the large nook that perfectly fit the two of them. Kaoru’s large hand moved to hold her head again his chest. His heart drummed in his chest and his cheeks felt warm since he was close to her.
This was the way it was supposed to be… this was perfect. His princess was safe and sound in his arms.
(Your name) sniffled but relaxed in his hold. There was something oddly comforting about Kaoru but she couldn’t put her finger on it. He knew so much about her… it was scary. She’s never told anyone anything about herself.
Except her cat, Yuki. She hoped he was okay. She hoped he wasn’t on the streets starving or cold. She felt like an awful pet parent.
“What’s on your mind?” Kaoru asked in a gentle tone. His cheek pressed against the top of her head.
“…I miss my cat.” (Your name) admitted in a whisper which made Kaoru frown. He was her cat… but that would be such a strange thing to admit.
“You can tell me about you cat.” Kaoru replied. “Maybe I could help you find him?”
“Really? You’d do that for me?” Kaoru’s breath hitched at the beautiful smile on her face. There it was… there was her smile.
“Of course I would.” Kaoru smiled down at her. “I’d do anything for you.”
(Your name) smiled and cuddled into his chest. Yes… she’d find her cat.
And then she’d make a run for it.
Kaoru made a lot of effort to help her find her beloved cat. He had a sketch artist draw her description and he even walked around the city with her whenever he wasn’t busy. Kaoru was wonderful to her.
She began to trust him and accept his subtle touches as the weeks turned to months.
Kaoru would have his chefs prepare all of her favorite meals and he’d sit with her on her nook to read.
Kaoru would make sure to cover her windows if there was going to be a thunder storm. He would even lay with her in her bed and hold her when it was storming. He didn’t care when she shook and cried, he’d shush her with sweet words.
(Your name) just couldn’t figure out how he knew so much about her without her telling him anything. He was a completely different man now.
It was almost like he was a prince… but that pain of the rejection from long ago was still there. She wasn’t sure if she could be with him romantically.
Today would be the first time she would seek him out. (Your name) felt bad that he always doted on her.
(Your name) opened his office door and peered in. He must have been out.
She was about to leave but something purple caught her eye. Was that… Yuki’s collar?
(Your name)’s hand shook as she lifted up the collar to her eyes to examine it. The engraved heart name tag broke her heart. It was Yuki’s…
(Your name) felt her knees buckle from under her but strong arms caught her. Kaoru had snuck up on her and flipped her over into an embrace. His face buried in the crook of her neck.
“I can explain-“
“Is he…” (your name) felt a sob rack through her body when Kaoru only held her tighter. He knows she’d never believe him if he told her the truth.
“I was so afraid to tell you. I didn’t want you to fall apart thinking you’re alone.” Kaoru whispered, his lips pressed against her shoulder blades. “I’m here.”
(Your name) melted into his hold. Kaoru was right. He was here and he was warm. He looked just like Yuki in his white suit. He even had the same facial scars…
(Your name) froze while her mind began to race. How did Kaoru know she was scared of thunderstorms? How did he know she loved to sit by a window in a nook and the color scheme she liked? How did he know about her abuse? Her favorite food?
Kaoru suddenly was affectionate with her when he had only ever ignored her and pushed her to the side.
“Kaoru…” (your name) felt like something was stuck in her throat when Kaoru nuzzled his head on her shoulder the same way Yuki did.
“This is going to sound crazy but… are you Yuki?” (Your name) felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up when Kaoru went completely silent. “That was stupid to say wasn’t it. I’m sorry-“
Kaoru silenced her with his lips. His hands grabbed at her flesh like she was his lifeline.
(Your name) gasped when he shoved his tongue into her mouth and eagerly danced with hers. His body trembled and his embrace tightened like a snake’s coils.
(Your name)’s eyes were still wide while Kaoru sensually moved his lips and tongue against her still ones. What… what was he doing?
Kaoru slowly pulled away, his body shivered. His cheeks were a bit rosy and he felt so warm. He finally kissed the woman he loved.
“I love you.” Kaoru whispered, his eyes filled with so much adoration in them that (your name) thought she would drown. “I love you so much.”
The wish… she had wished for him to fall in love with someone who was not interested in him… why did it have to be her?
Kaoru frowned when she didn’t reply. Her eyes stared straight ahead.
“Say something… please.” Kaoru furrowed his brow. His heart hammered in his chest in anticipation of her answer. “Do you love me too?”
(Your name) shook her head, her hands tightly gripped his white suit.
“There was a shooting star almost a year ago… what did you wish for?” (Your name) muttered under her breath. Her body shook like a leaf.
Kaoru went still. The star… the star turned him into a cat. Was that (your name)‘s wish? Had she… no. She wouldn’t wish him harm. She was too kind.
“I wished… for you to no longer be interested in me.” Kaoru whispered, he gave her body a squeeze from in his inescapable hold. “But I love you now so we can be together-“
“I wished for you to fall in love with someone who wasn’t interested in you.” (Your name) whispered so softly that Kaoru almost didn’t hear it. The tears started to fall down her face. Their wishes corresponded with each other’s… is that why it was granted. “But it wasn’t supposed to be me. You’re not supposed to love me-“
Kaoru pressed another kiss to her lips. His whole body shook. She couldn’t be uninterested in him. He was the perfect man for her. He knew everything about her. They shared so much with each other. She completed him.
“Perhaps this was meant to be then?” Kaoru replied, his hands tugged his tie loose. “It doesn’t matter because I’ll make you love me.”
(Your name) could only cry when his lips descended against hers.
She should have never wished upon a star.
(Your name) found herself in Kaoru’s bed as he hurriedly undressed himself. The twenty five year old cursed a bit in his frustration.
Kaoru had lit candles around the room for a dim, romantic lighting. Yet he was restless.
“I wanted this to be perfect… I don’t want you to experience anything less than perfect.” Kaoru sighed while he ran a hand through his hair. The black tresses now a bit messy. “But it’s all fallen apart now.”
“Kaoru?” (Your name) gulped when he glanced towards her. His eyes heavy with a mixture of lust and obsession.
“Yes, my wife?” (Your name) shivered when he sat himself on the bed beside her shivering form. “What’s wrong, dear?”
“I… I don’t want this-“
“You will.” Kaoru smiled at her, his lips pressed against her forehead. “I’ll show you just how much a man can love a woman. I’ll show you love and pleasure you’ve never experienced before.”
Kaoru’s lips descended to softly kiss her stomach. His eyes glanced up expectantly into hers.
“You’re so beautiful. My beautiful wife.” Kaoru whispered. His lips trailed up her stomach while his hands pushed her shirt up. “I want to see all of you… I want to love all of you.”
(Your name) tried to push him away but Kaoru grabbed her hands and kissed them. His expression soft.
“It’s like it’s the first time again for me… except I’m going to make love to the love of my life.”
“K-Kaoru. Please-“ Kaoru pressed his lips against hers and pulled her hips into his. A gasp escaped her lips when she felt something big press against her. There was no way… there was no way he was going to fit.
Kaoru could feel her nervousness so he helped her out of her shirt. His hands and lips covered every bit of bare skin he could reach.
“It’s okay. If you get scared, you can hold onto me.” Kaoru smiled at her, his hands tugged her pants down.
(Your name) inhaled a deep breath when Kaoru tenderly pressed his lips against hers. His plump lips nearly devoured hers from how much bigger he was than her. She felt as if she was a lamb about to be slaughtered rather than a lover.
Kaoru moved his lips from her to kiss her cheeks and down her neck. He made sure to greedily suck on each sensitive spot to leave his mark on her.
Kaoru snapped her bra apart with two of his fingers with ease. His breath hitched at the sight of her bare chest.
“So beautiful… my beautiful wife.” Kaoru sung her praises while he continued to kiss and nip at her flesh.
Kaoru then gently placed one of her pert buds in his mouth and gave it a suckle. His pointer finger and thumb softly pinched the neglected nipple while he paid utmost attention to her pert chest. A smile on his lips when (your name) began to moan and gasp under him. There it was. She was starting to fall under his spell.
Kaoru continued to suckle her chest, the man switched between each nipple to give them both equal attention. His tongue and teeth circled each bud in a salacious manner. Small waves of pleasure began to stir within (your name) as her eyes stayed locked with his. She couldn’t look away no matter how badly she wanted to cover her face in her hands. And that only encouraged Kaoru to take more steps.
(Your name) gasped when his fingers ran up and down her clothed slit. Her lacy panties her last line of defense from his starving eyes. Kaoru’s expression lit up at the dampness.
“I knew I could make you feel good… I’ll be slow, okay?” Kaoru quickly ripped the panties off her and threw them across the room. The man pulling back a bit to admire her completely bare form. “Beautiful. You’re so beautiful.”
“Kaoru, please-“ (your name) gasped when Kaoru began to kiss down her stomach until he stopped right on her pelvis. Kaoru gave her one last look before he dragged his tongue down her damp slip, which was only the beginning.
Kaoru gave her one last look before he dove into her folds. His tongue swirling and thrusting into her entrance. Sinful noises echoed throughout the room, his hands held her hips in place so there was no escape from him.
The young woman elicited sharp gasps at the sensation, her hips bucked forward and her toes curled. Her fingers tangled in his dark lock to try to ground herself from his assault. Her body betrayed her mind as he began to bring her to the brink of ecstasy.
And Kaoru knew that from the way her body began to go taut and the cute bit of drool that dripped down her lips. She didn’t need to fight it, he wouldn’t waste anything she’d give him.
(Your name) cried when her orgasm tore through her. Her body convulsed and shook to try to get away from Kaoru but he kept going. The man greedily riding her orgasm with her until she felt so over stimulated and spent.
(Your name) felt her body go slack with bliss. The poor girl has never experienced anything like this in her entire life. Not nearly to that magnitude.
(Your name) gasped when Kaoru sunk a finger into her, the man hummed at how greedily her pussy sucked the digit in. Her face scrunched up at the uncomfortable stretch. His finger was so thick…
“So greedy. Do you want some more?” Kaoru softly asked her with a smile. A bit of her essence glistened on his lips, his pink muscle quickly darted out to lick it off. “I’ll have to prepare you a bit more. I’m more than likely bigger than any man you may have had before.”
“I… I haven’t been with a man.” (Your name) nearly screamed when Kaoru began to thrust his finger in and out of her. His eyes filled with stars and his mouth agape.
“Then… then that makes you all mine.” Kaoru whispered in a hushed tone. (Your name) could only gasp when he began to insert a second digit. “My wife… my beautiful wife.”
(Your name) began to cry from how over stimulated she was. Her poor body trembled as his fingers expertly curled in and out of her. Her hands grabbed his forearms to try to brace herself.
“You’re ready.” Kaoru pulled his fingers from her, his fingers covered in her fluids. Kaoru pulled apart his fundoshi to reveal himself to her. (Your name)’s eyes widened in terror. There was no way… no way that was going to fit inside of her.
(Your name) attempted to scoot back but Kaoru was faster. His hands grabbed her ankles and yanked him back towards him. The man smiled down at her as he aligned himself.
“I’ll be gentle… just hold onto my back.” Kaoru pressed kisses to her knuckles, his hands placed her on his back. “I love you.”
And he pushed in, his bulbous tip pushed past her tight muscles to enter her warmth. His eyes rolled back in his head from the sensation.
“So tight… you’re so tight.” Kaoru hissed, his body shook as he slowly eased himself into her. His eyes softened at her tears. “It’s okay. It will only hurt for a bit. I promise.”
Kaoru kissed away the tears in her cheeks until he was all the way in. His hands affectionately rubbed the bulge on her stomach. His eyes held so much love, (your name) swore she was drowning in it.
Kaoru gave an experimental thrust, his eyes studied her expression in awe. Her cute little gasp only egged him on.
(Your name) clutched onto Kaoru as he began to thrust. Her body slowly was being pounded into the mattress by this massive man.
“You’re too big.” (Your name) cried, her body shifted from under him. She could feel him all the way in her guts. She could feel his tip forcefully kissing her cervix in a way she didn’t think possible. He was all she could feel. All she could smell. And now she was all his.
“You’ll get used to me as time goes on. You’re taking me so well.” Kaoru grunts from above her. He made sure not to be too rough with his thrusts despite the temptation to pound her into oblivion. “You feel so good… like a dream. You were made for me.”
Kaoru smirked when she let out a loud moan at a particular spot he thrusted. He found her special spot. He quickly angled her hips up and began to hit that spot repeatedly.
(Your name) whined when she felt that coil start to build up. Kaoru’s palm pressed down on her stomach to help her reach her high.
“It’s too much! Too much!” (Your name) felt her body be brought to the edge of yet another orgasm. Her toes curled and her body stiffened.
“I love you.” Kaoru whispered into her ear, his body trembled from above her. “I’m so close… I’m so fucking close. Please say you love me…”
“I…” She knew she wouldn’t mean it but she was currently lost in pleasure. She only wanted this to be over so she didn’t care about the consequences. “I love you too.”
“Cum for me.” Kaoru smiled down at her, his body trembled from above hers, his thumb rubbed lazy circles on her neglected clit. The sensation of her scratching his back and tightening around him was too much. “We’ll cum together.”
(Your name) came with a cry, her body convulsed and her fingernails dug deeply into Kaoru’s skin. And she felt something hot fill her. Without a doubt she knew he had came inside of her but she was so tired… she didn’t want to think about the consequences of this tryst.
Kaoru’s breathing was heavy, his cheeks a bit rosy from the ordeal. He never felt so fulfilled… so loved.
Poor (your name) was so exhausted. Her body sunk into the plush mattress. Kaoru pulled out, their fluids spilling out of her in a small stream of white. Kaoru marveled at his work for a second, his fingers pushed some of his cum back into her to prevent too much of a mess.
Kaoru plopped his body beside hers, his arms caged her in to stay with him. He placed tender kisses all over the top of her head.
“You did so good. You took me so well.” Kaoru grabbed the sheets and pulled them over her. He cuddled his large from into her smaller one. “I love you so much.”
(Your name) felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. And she had no desire to fight off her body’s desire to sleep.
Kaoru smiled down at her sleeping form, his fingers plays with a few of her silky strands of hair.
“I love you.” Kaoru whispered in her ear. “I’m so happy you love me too.”
Kaoru ran his fingers through her scalp while she slept. How could someone be so beautiful? So perfect? He was so happy he was able to please her. To show her pleasure and his love for her.
Tomorrow he would scoop her up and take a bath with her if she wanted. And then he’d get them breakfast in bed before he had to leave for work. He wondered if she wanted to get married soon since they’ve taken this big step together.
Hanayama Kaoru would do everything in his powers to make her dreams come true. Kaoru would keep her safe from the world outside until his final breath. He would do his best to be her Prince Charming like the ones in those fairy tale books she loved so much.
Sadly he failed to realize that he was no Prince. He was the dragon that kept the princess locked in a tower.
“We’re going to be together forever.”
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kairolee2004 · 9 months
Reporter: So reader! Out of all the fighters, who would you have fuck you first?
Me: Fuck- that is a hard question man… All of them. I would fuck all of them.
Reporter: What?
Me: You heard me, I don’t get ‘bent over.’ I ‘bend over’ both girls and guys!
Reporter: you’ve got to be kidding me…
Me: Hhahahah! Ask all of the guys, none of them are safe- except yujiro… the hoe is not my cup of tea.
Reporter: Im pretty sure none of those fighters would fuck you-
*The ‘hoes’ pulled up*
Baki: I aint say nothing- except i would.
Katsumi: I probably would-
Retsu: Let me think… respectfully i would be bent over by reader.
Hanayma: Your my bestie reader… but i dont get bent over.
Jack: Fuck yes.
Biscuit: Yasssssssss!!!!!
Yujiro: What the fuck did I do?
Me: Everything my guy… everything.
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mothwingwritings · 11 months
Why The Baki Men Love You, Feat. Baki, Katsumi, Hanayama, Biscuit, Yujiro, Jack, Doppo, Retsu, And Musashi <3
Here’s just a silly little thing I wrote in between working on bigger stuff. I was feeling sappy and wanted to write something with a bit of a lovey-dovey flair. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ The Baki men love you for loads of reasons, but I wanted to pin point some of their more personalized reasons for loving you. (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ I hope you enjoy!
(Also I have so many responses and questions that I need to answer, I apologize that it takes me 5-7 business days or longer to reply to basically anything. (´∀`;) Thank you all for being kind and lovely and patient and talking to me, I will be getting to those soon! (シ_ _)シ)
WARNINGS: None really, it’s all pretty fluffy. The editing is probs ass though because I did sorta whip through this, so there is that. (ノωヽ)
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゚。 Baki-Love
That’s all he’s truly looking for in a partner, really. Someone who unequivocally loves him without him having to prove himself in some way was the dream, and through you he was able to achieve that dream. Back when you first met you had welcomed him into your life so readily, arms open and heart bared- there were no caveats or stipulations to your love. His upbringing lacked tenderness, a sense of family something that was sorely missing from his life as a small child. He yearned for the feeling of a warm home, a caring family, and he has found that in you. For this he treasures you, and loves you more than he could ever say. He’s completely devoted to you, his love and adorable boundless, and he plans on spending the rest of his life reciprocating the affection you have so selflessly provided him.  <3
゚。 Katsumi-Support
It hasn’t been an easy road for the inheritor of the Orochi legacy. His young life has been full of as many defeats as it has victories, possibly even more so. He’s no strange to intense moments of frustration, so overpowering he loses control of himself. But when he hears your voice cheering him on, or when he I sat his limit and feels your steady hand on his back, he’s filled with such confidence he feels like he could take on the whole damn world and win. Simply seeing your face in the crowd, eyes bright and smile full of hope, fills him with a sense of certitude that he can’t achieve anywhere else. You are his lucky charm, his courage, his entire heart. He could spend his whole life thanking you and telling him how much you mean to him and still not be able to convey how much he adores you. <3
゚。 Hanayama-Understanding
Kaoru is a busy man with a lot of responsibilities. It’s hard for him to find time for a relationship, let alone find someone who is willing to put up with all the red tape that comes with being his lover. But to you, it was never a huge issue. You had the patience of a saint, never once pouting or putting up a fuss when he couldn’t end up keeping promises to you. He knew it upset you, knew that you often felt lonely when he had to leave you behind. But you always smiled so brightly the next time you saw him, never cursing him or giving him the cold shoulder, just thrilled that he returned safely to your side. Any grievances you may have felt were completely overcome by your happiness to see him again, and witnessing that joy light up your face never failed to warm his heart. Many people respected him, pledging their lives to him, awarding him their earnest devotion. But your love was different, much sweeter and tinged with a kindness he had never previously experienced. His love for you was boundless, and even with all your empathy, he would make any negligence up to you tenfold the moment he returns-always. <3
゚。 Biscuit-Affection  
Biscuit’s romantic obsession began when he got to know you, but truly blossomed once you began to reciprocate his feelings. He remembers very vividly the moment you became officially his-holding you in his arms as he sang your praises, practically begging you to become his partner, he expected you to be overwhelmed, maybe even somewhat annoyed. But when he nervously peeked over at you and saw that you were looking up at him with those big, love-struck, doe eyes, his heart nearly exploded. He lives for your praise, yearns for your touch, melts in your presence, and when he sees his presence has a similar effect on you it makes his heart beat so rapidly it may just rip out of his chest. To love someone so incredible, and be loved back in turn, is all he has ever dreamed of.  This man is absolutely head over heels for you, and his affections will only grow the longer you remain his. <3
゚。 Yujiro-Entertainment
Maybe it’s not the standard definition of love, but there is definitely something about you that caught the ogre’s eye and kept him intrigued. The way you move, talk, think, act- all of it is so interesting to him. Your reactions and thought processes so far removed from how he would respond to a situation that he can’t help but be intrigued. What would you say if he told you this? How would you respond if this occurred? Silly thoughts like this plague his mind, eating away at him so much he’s halfway tempted to hunt you down so he can answer his own questions and move on. But even if he finds his infatuation asinine, his focus always seems to be drawn back to you. It’s ridiculous, and he can’t quite sort out why he cares so much, but your magnetic charm definitely has an effect on him. It pisses him off and amuses him in equal measure. Where you fit in his life is an enigma, but it’s one he’s happy to grapple with. The paradox of your company has held his interest much longer than he ever imagined it would, and he intends to ride that out as long as he’s able.  That certain je ne sais quo you have about you is what keeps him coming back for more. <3
゚。 Jack-Strength
Not necessarily physical strength (though he loves that too), but what really got him was your emotional fortitude. He’s seen you get through situations that would make lesser people roll over and quit, watched you handle problems that would make even the toughest of people second guess themselves and break down. But you always pull through, no matter what situation you are faced with. You may cry, you may scream, you may kick and thrash and question the trial you are going through… But you always make it through and come out the victor. He draws strength from you, admiring you greatly for all you have struggled to achieve. You are an inspiration to him, and he loves you more than he thought he could ever possibly love another. He just wants you to know you never have to struggle alone again, your burdens are his, and he’s happy to shoulder them with you. <3
゚。 Doppo-Morals
It’s not that you were squeaky clean (and he wouldn’t necessarily want you that way, either), but there is a conviction about you that he can’t help but be attracted to. You stand up for what you believe in and don’t mince your words. Even if you are facing your opposition with a shaky voice, tears in your eyes, legs wobbling so bad you can barely stand… You still make you stand. It’s inspiring to him, and has made him so fond of you that he has vowed to never leave you fighting on your own. Maybe you don’t see yourself as particularly brave or outstanding, but Doppo begs to differ. You are an incredibly strong willed person who will put up a fight for their beliefs, and you have his full love and support each step of the way. <3
゚。 Retsu-Sincerity
Retsu himself is a very earnest person, and like attracts like. From the moment he met you, he was taken with how authentic you were. You didn’t have a disingenuous bone in your body, responding to people and situations in such a heartfelt and unfeigned way he couldn’t help but fall hard and fast. Everything you did was so profound. Your actions, words, and emotions, were all so beautiful to him. You spilled your heart to the world, never fearing any backlash or mockery. He deeply admires how you wear your heart on your sleeve, facing the challenges of each day with a clear head and a caring heart. He knew you could hold your own, but he always wants to be near you so that he may protect and support you through anything life may throw your way. Your natural candor never ceases to stir him, motivating and influencing to be a better man. <3
゚。 Musashi-Respect
When Musashi was revived, he was born into a whole new world. It was unrecognizable, foreign and distant, and he often felt as if he were just a phantom passing through. Just as in his previous life, people are star struck when they see him, vying to meet and speak with him, eager to challenge him. But it’s all a farce, a mockery of the past when warriors presented themselves to him for an honest battle, not some spectacle born out of misunderstanding and underestimation of him. It made him sick, to see how soft and ignorant mankind had become in the hundreds of years since his passing. He felt damn near ready to give up on this new humanity entirely, the notion that he may find someone he desired long term companionship in this new age laughable. That is, until he met you. From your initial meeting onward, you held him in a high regard, genuine in your esteem and admiration of him. He was quite struck by you too, as you were always polite and courteous, always indescribably beautiful. You carried yourself with a quiet dignity, having a distinct personality he found quite endearing. He was quickly ensnared by you, a warmth permeating him at finding a kindred spirit whom he felt safe sharing his heart with. The world is only destined to keep changing, but his love for you will remain everlasting. <3
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mangacharacters · 7 months
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ozzgin · 10 months
Hi it's me again.
I wanted to ask you if you could do a yandere baki characters with a pregnant reader because i love the concept. If i could request some characters i would ask for Retsu because he's the perfect husband : he's responsible, he can cook, he's perfect 😍. Katsumi because he's a family man, and as a yandere i'm pretty sure he would baby Trap you and you can't forget about yandere supportive grandparents. Hanayama would be the protective daddy's baby girl and he would spoil you so bad. But please whatever you decide to do, avoid doing Yujiro cause there wouldn't be much to write about this immature man.
I would love if you could come up with something from the start of the pregnancy until the first moment with the baby after labor. But i understand if it's to much to write
I hope this request will inspire you. Thanks for reading this, bye 👋.
Sure thing, I think you picked the perfect characters for it. I might’ve included Biscuit Oliva, but I’m horribly uninspired for the yandere part of it. Might update it in the future.
Yandere! Baki Characters x Pregnant! Reader Headcanons
Featuring Kaiou Retsu, Katsumi Orochi, Kaoru Hanayama. And a heavily pregnant reader!
[Baki Masterlist]
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Kaiou Retsu
Retsu has never been one to think hard about lineage. He himself was born and raised in a temple, without any known biological relatives, and nonetheless has built lifelong bonds based on loyalty and respect. Yet something about having his own offspring is intriguing and tempting. The idea itself wouldn’t be as attractive if it wasn’t for the fact that you’re part of the equation. Yes, that’s what makes it so special. Not the fact that he’s passing his genes, but that in doing so he’s further materializing his connection with you.
These thoughts come to fruition when you hand him a positive test. He looks at you with a serious, determined expression, but you can guess from the shaking hands just how overwhelmed he is. There’s no greater privilege than being a father to YOUR child. He offers you a deep bow and vows to become the best father figure you could ask for.
You try to tell him that he can take it easy, but this man stays true to his word. You look outside the window one day and see him doing his usual training, except this time he’s wearing headphones. Listening to music? As if! He got himself some parenting audio books in order to maintain his physique and improve his knowledge on the topic. Your fridge is overflowing with leftovers because he cooks several meal courses at once, just in case you suddenly crave a different dish. You’ve been approached by officers on the street and had to explain that the man stalking you is your husband, and he’s just worried you might get hurt on your grocery shopping trip. You sigh, exhausted.
A newly found sense of purpose floods his being upon holding the newborn. There it is, the concrete, ultimate proof of your love. The reassurance that you’ve chosen him, out of all the men out there, for this experience of a lifetime. Don’t worry, he will never forget it. He will spend the rest of his life demonstrating his devotion and adoration to you. You won’t regret your decision. Ever.
Katsumi Orochi
Katsumi has a complex relationship when it comes to family dynamics. He has known both the tragedy of losing a father and the joy of having one in his life to this day. He’s been plagued by grief and love at the same time and so for him, the image of a father becomes a labyrinth of feelings. Except that he’s not wandering alone, but with his darling (Y/N) by his side. His blindingly bright guide and love of his life.
When you surprise him with the news, he feels as if all pieces of the puzzle click together and he’s finally found an exit to the maze, an answer, a purpose. Naturally, being a father holds different meanings to different people. To him, having a child means that your fate has been joined with his. Whatever the future holds for you must now include him, soldered safely into your plans. Oh, what a blissful occasion. You’ve given yourself to him entirely and he will make sure to never break the trust.
You didn’t think he’d care for all the small details, but he does. He’ll be right next to you during all appointments. He’ll be holding your hand when you’re sick and unwell. He’ll be scribbling furiously and taking notes during the parenting classes you decided to attend. He wants to know everything and be part of everything. And you’d be fine with it if it wasn’t for the equally overzealous in-laws. The Orochi family has you under permanent surveillance, nearly worshipping the ground you walk on. You’re overwhelmed.
His hands carefully wrap around the fragile, soft body of the infant. Katsumi marvels at the size and lifts it slightly, in order to be able to view both the baby and the mother. His eyes narrow in a dazed smile, gazing at the sight in front of him. His family has taken many forms, volatile through time, expanding and shrinking. In this very moment, however, it’s this. Just you, him and the proof of your bond. He won’t allow anything else to interfere.
Kaoru Hanayama
Hanayama is very proud of his father as a yakuza leader, but never fully approved of the way he carried his duty as a parent and husband. He wants to prove that he can be a fearless, hard-hearted kumichou without stripping his kindness to his friends and family. Especially after meeting you, he’s convinced he could never have the heart to upset you in any way. The two driving forces in his life are the honor of his family and (Y/N)’s happiness.
And this oath might soon extend and bring everything together at once. When he hears your announcement, he closes his eyes briefly and pictures it. Unexpectedly, the meaning of family has been fulfilled in every way possible. He’s not afraid or nervous, in fact he’s welcoming it with open arms. He feels almost nostalgic, similar to when he inherited his father’s title and became responsible for his Group. He asks for the ceremonial cups to be brought, together with the best sake. From parent to child, he raises the small cup for his second sakazukigoto and you return the gesture with a solemn smile. You sheepishly remind him that you can no longer drink alcohol and he bows to apologize, flustered.
Hanayama will make sure that everything is at your feet. The whole branch has now been tasked to provide to your smallest wishes and desires. Not only are you his life companion, but you are gifting his Group with a new addition and he wants you to be aware of your importance. Sometimes he might become a little melancholic, wishing he could ask his mother for advice on how to proceed. When that happens, you hold his hand firmly and remind him that you’re just as clueless and you will figure it out together. Truly, what a blessing you’ve been in his life.
When the newborn child is placed in his arms, Hanayama can feel his knees weakened by emotion for the very first time. Not only is this small human his own blood and flesh, but a part of (Y/N) as well, serving as a promise of devotion. You’re all his and now he has a permanent reminder of it. He chuckles, slightly regretful that he can no longer parade you around with an obvious belly. He feels you tug at his sleeve. “Have you told Kizaki?” You ask, fatigued. “I told everyone, actually. They’re all outside.” You cover your eyes with your arm, not wanting to imagine the sight. Dozens of yakuza casually hanging out in the hospital yard. Welcome to the family, I suppose.
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umekawa-eve · 2 years
How did you become close part 1
characters: Hanayama, Retsu, Katsumi and Yujiro
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On the afternoon that Saeri and Hanayama broke up (actually they only dated for about five minutes), after lunch, you lay on the desk in the classroom and stared blankly out the window, looking up at the sky, only to see a lead-grey cloud drifting leisurely across the sky. You're still thinking about what happened this morning, Saeri's courtship confession, and Hanayama's astonishing behavior, too much information for you to understand.
"Y/N, excuse me." A voice brought you back to reality from your messy thoughts.
You turned your head and looked up to see that it was Hanayama Kaoru, the protagonist of the confession incident.
After seeing who the visitor was, you straightened your back immediately and changed your prone position. For some reason, Hanayama has this kind of aura that can't be ignored, and people unconsciously respect him.
"Is it about 'that'?" you ask in a deliberately low voice, even though there aren't many people in the classroom.
"...not like that," he said. "I just wanted to ask you how to do the math homework."
Hearing this, you can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that Hanayama was here to talk to you about that incident.
"Which question do you want to ask? Let me see." Saying that you took Hanayama's math homework and found that it was all blank and didn't write a single word.
You are taken aback by Hanayama's assertive tone.
"All? There are many questions that the teacher has explained in the class."
Hanayama bowed his head in frustration. "Sorry, I don't understand... The teacher teaches too fast."
Seeing his discouraged look, you couldn't bear it, so you quickly comforted him: "No, it's okay! This is very simple, and I can teach you."
Hanayama looked up suddenly, looking at you with some sort of admiration.
"Then, I'll leave it to you." he said sincerely.
Then you ask Hanayama to bring a chair over and sit next to you because you have a hunch it will take a long time to teach him to understand.
You start with the first question:
"This question is very simple. You see, these two equations are equivalent. That is to say, the left hand side is equal to the right, so the real number on the left is equal to the real number on the right, and the imaginary number on the left is equal to the imaginary number on the right."
Hanayama frowned in confusion, so you grabbed a blank piece of paper and wrote the steps on it.
x-1=11, 2y=x
"So you understand now?" you say. "Now, all you have to do is solve the equations."
Hanayama nodded in understanding, picked up a mechanical pencil, and wrote the rest of the steps on the homework. The final answer was x=12, y=6.
You clapped your hands and encouraged, "That's right! That's amazing! It's simple, right?"
Hanayama seemed to make a realization. "You are right."
Just after he said this, when he was about to do the next question, he was punched again by mathematics.
(7z+8)(12z+6)= 2(11z+3)(12z+6)
"This...this question...how to do it?" Hanayama asked weakly.
"Let's expand and simplify the two brackets on the left hand side first." you say.
Hanayama did what you said, and it went well at first, but when he saw 7z times 6, he stopped writing, turned to look at you, and asked, "7x6 is 48... right?"
"According to my memory..."
"No... how could 7x6 be 48?"
Hanayama wanted to refute but was stopped by you. "7x5 is 35, so 35+7 won't be 48..."
"There is no point in persisting on this question any longer, is there?"
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying to you! Math is math! It doesn't lie to you!"
"I clearly remember that 7x6 is 48."
You‘re frustrated, "Think! Hanayama. Think! Four 7 is 28, five 7 is 35, and six 7 is what?"
Hanayama became expressionless. He turned his eyes away for a moment, stared at the sky in a trance, then looked at you again. "48, it's 48."
You got infuriated, stood up from your seat, stepped on your own chair, grabbed Hanayama's collar with one hand, and yelled at him, "Don't you fucking underestimate math!! I say 42 is 42! Write the fuck down! You fucking idiot!!"
The focus of the whole class was on you for a moment, and since then, there has been a legend in the street that a female high school student dared to grab the collar of Hanayama Kaoru, who is known as "Japan's strongest fighting expert", and yelled at him. The angry appearance of the girl's high school is like a demon and is called "Demon Face" by the world.
You know it's rude to shout insults like this, so you immediately let go of Hanayama's collar and apologize. Hanayama didn't get mad and offered to invite you to dinner as a thank-you for your teaching.
The two of you became friends and became closer, and studied together in the cafe on weekends (mostly went to the maid cafe).
After you and Hanayama have become more frequent appointments, for some reason, when you walk down the road, the delinquents and the scary-looking people are respectful to you and even run away from you. As weird as you might think, it doesn't interfere with your daily life, so you quickly put these things behind you.
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You stay up late reading Case Closed/Great Detective Conan. Although you are not a person who likes to watch detective manga, but the male lead Conan is still likable - although according to your statistics, so far, Conan has fired a total of 90 anesthetic needles, and Richard Moore has been shot the most, he got shoot 58 times, the second place is Serena Sebastian, she got shoot 13 times ※.
(※Note: The source of the data is from 黝黑蜗壳天眼老师, and the statistical data does not include the original content of the theatrical version and animation version)
As a result, you wake up late the following day. Because it's summer vacation, your mother doesn't wake you up in principle, and you don't have to go to Shinshinkai for karate class today, so when she wakes you up with her hands on your shoulders, you feel confused at first.
"It's almost ten." said your mother.
"It’s summer vacation!" You sighed, opened your eyes hard, stretched out, and rested in the comfortable coolness of the air-conditioning. "And I stay up all night to read manga."
"You are rereading manga!" she shouted. "If you have the time to read manga, why don't you read the reference book I bought you."
"Mom, you are completely discriminating against the entire ACG community!" You retorted, "Reading manga won't kill my brain cells, but it can increase knowledge beyond textbooks."
"Then tell me what you learned in Case Closed," said the mother dryly.
"Leave the scene immediately when you meet a schoolboy who looks like Conan." you say.
"Forget it, I won't discuss this with you. Do you have any plans for today?"
"Don't you want to go out for a walk?"
"I know, I know, you just want to drive me away. I am such a sensitive and soft-hearted woman, I can't live well myself, and I can't love others well. Alas, even my own mother hates me."
"I'll give you ten thousand yen to buy something."
"Okay, thank you, mom, for your strong support. I'll go to the bookstore now."
Mother smiled, "Is it cool to go to the bookstore now?"
"I pride myself on not knowing what's cool to do." you reply.
After you eat, take a shower, and change your clothes, you go to the DemonBack Department Store by car. The DemonBack Bookstore is on the fourth floor of the DemonBack Department Store, but you first go to the food court on the second floor to buy a cup of bubble milk tea and then go to the fourth-floor bookstore.
As soon as you arrive at the bookstore, you immediately go to the manga area, and not to see ordinary manga, but BL manga, and it is the super erotic kind of BL manga.
Although you are underage, the clerks here never ask your age or ask to see your ID card. They just give you a scrutiny look, then quickly check out for you, and then put the manga in a paper bag.
By the end, the clerks were so used to you that they didn't even look at you.
On this day, you also came to the bookstore and took a manga called "Painter of The Light". When you were about to go to the cashier to check out, a familiar voice stopped you.
"Y/N!" said the voice.
You can't believe your ears, and you even wonder if you heard it wrong.
(How is that possible? I have already gone to the DemonBack Bookstore, which is far away from my home. How can I still meet acquaintances? What should I do if others find out that I like this kind of thing!)
You, who was named, swallowed and turned your head mechanically. When you saw who was coming, your face turned white instantly.
You have a bolt from the blue right now. "K-Katsumi? And... and Retsu-san?!"
The two walked towards you and stood straight in front of you.
"I didn't expect to meet you here!" Katsumi smiled at you.
"Yes, yes, haha, what a coincidence." Saying that you secretly hide the manga behind you. You're thinking, if Katsumi and Retsu know that you like Hentai BL manga, you'll probably die socially, no, not probably, you will definitely die socially.
"By the way, what books did you buy?" Retsu asked, pointing behind you.
(Retsu, read the room!)
"Could it be Hentai?" Katsumi blinked with interest.
"Only Katsumi you would buy Hentai." you said.
Katsumi raised his hand, flicked your forehead lightly, and said, "I'm your elder, brat."
"It hurts!" You covered your forehead but accidentally dropped the manga in your hand to the ground.
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Retsu, who was beside Katsumi, bent down and picked up the manga on the ground. "Painter of the light... They are nobles and painters with disparate status, but they are getting closer and closer from the sex time to time...?" Retsu frowned and read the content on the cover.
(I will never go to Shinshinkai again in this life.)
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Katsumi took the manga from Retsu's hand and roughly read the contents. After reading it, he calmly closed the book and handed it to your hands.
You turned your head. "...Please don't tell my parents."
"As long as you practice hard, we won't tell your parents." Retsu grabbed your right arm tightly. "You'll work hard, right? Don't miss class too often." He released his hand and patted you on the shoulder.
"I will..." You nodded obediently.
"We know your deepest darkest secret now." A playful grin spreads across Katsumi's face.
"You are so despicable now!" You turned your head again and grumbled at Retsu, "Retsu-san, hurry up and scold Katsumi! He's bullying me!"
Retsu kept pursing his lips and grinning while you and Katsumi spoke ill of each other.
In the end, you still bought the "Painter of The Light" smoothly, and it was a lot of fun to watch it that night.
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(Umekawa: Yujiro is a Tsundere, no doubt about it.)
One sunny afternoon, you and Sasaki agreed to play in the park, but since you arrived early, you first went to the small garden at the back of the park and quietly observed the big orange cat living there.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?"
A certain voice sounded behind you. You turned your head, and what caught your eye was Yujiro's face.
You look up at him. "Ah, it's you, Yujiro."
"What are you doing?"
"I'm looking at this fat cat. Don't you even know what a cat is?"
"Don't take me for a fool!" Yujiro frowned.
"I didn't take you for a fool!"
"I'm not the kind of vulgar boy who will be regarded as an idiot by you who likes such a corny creature." Yujiro finished without gasping for breath.
"Don't think of me as an idiot!" You exploded.
"What? It's rare for you to talk back."
"You have to interrupt every time I want to play with Sasaki. Why are you always being so mean to me?"
"Because you're too cheesy."
"No, no," said the two voices in unison.
You and Yujiro turn their heads and see two boys who look exactly the same but in different clothes standing next to you. These two are twin brothers Misawa, your classmates.
Yujiro looked at the twins in dissatisfaction and said in a sour tone: "What are you two doing?"
"What's your name?" the twin older brother Misawa Yuu asked.
"Do you have a name?" younger brother Misawa Shingo asked again.
"Of course, my name is Yujiro." Yujiro hummed.
"You are wrong, Yujiro." Yuu said.
"It's you who is at fault, Yujiro."
"What did I do wrong?! Can you two stop keep saying the same thing over and over again!"
"You like Y/N, right?" the twins whispered in Yujiro's ear.
Yujiro blushed. "Liar! How is it possible!!"
"Please don't call us liars." said the twins.
"What the hell is going on with you two?" Yujiro said, "This is the first time you've met me. How dare you to talk like this to me?"
"Even when I first met you, I knew who you were just by looking at your face." Yuu said.
"How do you know who he is?" 'Shingo snapped back.
"It doesn't matter who he is!"
"Don't treat people like idiots!"
"This Yujiro must be an idiot!"
Hearing the quarrel between the twins, the big orange cat had run away long ago. Your smile instantly evaporated, and you yelled at the two of them: "You two, don't go too far, Yujiro is my cousin! And the cats are scared away by you two!"
Yujiro stared at you intently and whispered, "Y/N..."
"Y/N scolded me. I'm going back." Yuu and Shingo said in unison, "Goodbye."
After saying that, the two brothers left.
"What are these two doing here..." you muttered.
"Y/N!" Sasaki's voice came.
"Sasaki!" Your face suddenly burst into a smile, and your voice became much sweeter.
"Shall we go for a swing?" Sasaki suggested.
You nod your head. "Sure♡!"
"Ah," Sasaki looked at Yujiro, who was speechless, "Yujiro, you're here too. Do you want to play together?"
Yujiro scoffed. "I don't want to play such a corny game. Goodbye."
Having said that, Yujiro left with a lonely pace.
"What's wrong with Yujiro? He seems sad." Sasaki asked, a little worried.
You wave your hand and say, "Don't worry. He isn't that fragile."
"You better go look after him. He doesn't look very well."
Under Sasaki's push, you go to Yujiro eventually.
You found him by the river bank when you were standing not far behind him and heard him say to himself, "I like Y/N? what a joke! I'm Hanma Yujiro. How can I possibly like her?"
"Oi, Yujiro." You finally said.
Yujiro turned his head suddenly and looked at you in panic, "Y/N?! You, did you hear it?"
"What are you doing here? Do you think you are a tragic heroine in a girl's manga? It's disgusting."
"I… aren't you playing with Sasaki?"
"Because you suddenly said you were going back."
"I'm going home tomorrow."
You are kind of happy. "Huh? Are you serious? Why? Goodbye then."
"You're so cold. You really hate me, don't you?" Yujiro looked at you resentfully.
"I didn't."
"Liar, you obviously hate me!"
"I just say I don't hate you."
"You obviously hate me!"
"Yeah, I hate you."
Yujiro chuckled to himself, "Really? Sure enough, I seem to really like you."
"But you don't have to worry about it. It's just that a man from out of town was dumped by a woman he shouldn't love... There was once such a man, and all of this is just like this." Yujiro whispered.
You are relieved that you have no clue what is going on now, "What, it's just like this!"
"Y/N, you idiot! Farewell!" Yujiro turned around.
"Yujiro, take care!" You shouted towards Yujiro's lonely back.
While it may seem like it has absolutely nothing to do with "How did you become close," this actually plays a significant role in your future with Yujiro.
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Texts from your Baki Boyfriend
Baki cast x afab reader (based off this tweet)
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Kiyosumi Katou:
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Katsumi Orochi:
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Kaioh Retsu:
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Baki Hanma:
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Jack Hanma:
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Hanayama Kaoru:
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Maybe Hanayama fluff ? (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Of course I can! Something soft and sweet for Sunday
Baki Fluff: Only For You
Hanayama Kaoru x Afab Reader
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“You… made me origami?” (Your name) softly asked her boyfriend, Kaoru. Her hands held up the origami rose bouquet that were inside the gift bag. The large man shifted in his seat across the limousine, his eyes glanced out the window.
“You said you were sensitive to smells so I thought that would be a better alternative. You don’t have to keep them-“ Kaoru froze when (your name) pressed her lips to his scarred cheek. A soft blush on her face as she averted her gaze from him. Who knew he could be so… cute?
“I love them. I can’t believe you made these.” (Your name) gave Kaoru a big smile.
“How… how did you know I made them?” Kaoru asked under his breath, his cheeks a bit rosy. He had been caught.
“Kaoru, I’ve seen you fold origami before.” (Your name) chuckled, the young woman placed a hand on his arm. “It doesn’t make you any less of a man. I love that you have a soft, creative side to you.”
Kaoru took her hand in his and gave her knuckles a kiss. “Only for you.”
“Of course.” (Your name) rested her head on his arm. The two cuddled into each other as Kizaki drove them back to the Hanayama compound.
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
Baki 12 days of Christmas… an angsty yandere for @justamegafan. Merry Christmas!!
The mc is Hanayama’s arranged fiancée who he hates (at first). A trope I will never stop writing until I’m shot dead on the spot
Yandere Baki Shorts: A Christmas Carol
Yandere Hanayama Kaoru x Afab Reader
TW: Angst, mentioned character death (spoiler), Yandere, and mention of terminal illness
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Hanayama often found his fiancée scuttling around his office like a little crab. She was such a skittish thing, with big, innocent eyes and a soft voice. She was weak, something Hanayama disliked most in a partner. And she always tried her best to get to know him… today was no exception
“Can we please spend Christmas together? Just this once?” Hanayama sighed when she stared up at him with her doe like eyes. Why couldn’t she get the hint that he wanted to be left alone?
“This is merely an arrangement by our families, I could care less about your feelings and the stupid holidays.” Hanayama ran a hand through his dark locks. “You’re bothering me so I suggest you leave.”
Hanayama ignored the soft sobs that escaped her lips and he didn’t even cast her a glance when she wished him a soft “Happy holidays.” The door quietly shut behind her and he went back to work. At least she could shut the door properly.
Hanayama shoved the Christmas cookies she made him into the trash beside his desk and continued to work on his paperwork. Hopefully this was the last time he’d ever have to deal with her… he couldn’t stand this arrangement but he kept with it because he wanted to honor his deceased mother’s wishes. Hanayama knew he could never grow to love the meek woman no matter how hard he tried, she’d break if he so much as touched her. She was far too fragile for him.
When it finally became night, Hanayama decided to retire for the night. The yakuza went to lay down in his bed but the screen door to his room suddenly opened and a cold, winter breeze blew in. What on earth?
“Hello.” Hanayama nearly jumped out of his skin when a ghostly apparition stood at the foot of his bed. The youthful face of his mother stared back at him which left his mouth gaping like a fish. “It’s been so long…”
“M-mom?” Hanayama reached out for the figure but she gently put his hands down. She was as cold as ice… “Why are you here?”
“We need to go for a walk… a nice, long walk.” His mother gave him a soft smile as she lead him around towards the door of his room. “A walk in the past.”
“The past… what do you mean?”
“Well, I’m the ghost of Christmas past.” His mother smiled as the walls of the compound began to change to the ones he was familiar with when he was a child. What kind of magic was this? How was this even possible? “You need to be reminded of your origins…”
Hanayama was shocked to see himself as a child crying as he sat beside his mother in the old family room. The ghost beside him pointed to the red welt on her human body’s face. “I used to beg your father to stay with me every once and awhile… to spend time with us as a family.”
Hanayama frowned as he watched the image play out of his mother. How could he forget that his mother had begged to spend time with his father when he was younger… perhaps he had blocked all those memories out since he had to become the leader of the yakuza at a young age? “This was the Christmas where I found out I had cancer… I really wanted to spend time with him since my time was running out…”
The ghost shook her head and lead Hanayama back to his room once she felt as if he understood her point.
The ghost held Hanayama’s hand. “You’ve grown so much… you look just like your father.”
Hanayama went to hold the ghost but she pushed him back, “and you’re just like your father.”
“Wait! Please don’t go-“ the figure of his mother was gone in a flash which left him clutching his chest in sorrow. Why did his mom leave so fast… wasn’t she proud that he’s taken over the family? Why did she show him such an image?
“It’s been awhile, Hanayama.” Hanayama froze when he noticed the ghostly figure of Retsu standing at his door. “It seems that it’s my turn with you as the ghost of Christmas Present.”
Hanayama was silent in thought. Retsu had just passed away recently yet… why would he be here? Retsu had nothing to do with his life…
Retsu waved Hanayama to follow him and Hanayama obliged. The two walked in silence until they stopped in front of a small room in the furthest corner of the compound. Retsu placed a hand on the screen door which made it into a mirror that they could see inside… (your name) sat in her room violently coughing.
“You know I was her best friend when I was alive.” Retsu whispered as he turned to look at Hanayama. “She’s dying, you know.”
Hanayama froze in shock. (Your name) was dying… she was dying. Why hadn’t she told him she was sick? Why- Hanayama was drawn out of his thoughts when Retsu held up a hand. The Chinese man frowned at Hanayama. “You don’t listen to her so she’s never told you… she needs new lungs.”
Hanayama placed a hand on the doorway when he saw her hold up a handkerchief full of blood. She was so fragile… just like his mother. And he had been so cruel to her. How could he-
“I was planning on confessing to her once I beat Musashi.” Retsu shared with Hanayama as he went into the room and sat beside (your name). She obviously couldn’t see Retsu as she softly cried. “I was in love with her.”
Hanayama clenched his fists as he watched Retsu drape a blanket around (your name)’s shoulders which made her look around the room in surprise. The man turned to Hanayama with a frown. “But my own pride ruined everything… I just want her to be happy.”
“… did you come here to gloat in my face?”
“No. She didn’t feel the same way.” Retsu smiled at Hanayama as he combed his fingers through (your name)’s hair. The ghost smiled sadly. “It’s so unfair… she deserves so much better than you.”
Hanayama was offended despite how correct Retsu was… he truly didn’t deserve (your name). She was always kind and sweet to him despite how many times he pushed her away over the years. She was undaunted by his rejection and still tried to get to know him… he should give it another chance. He should do something wonderful for her tomorrow…
Retsu rested his ghostly head on (your name)’s shoulder with a sad sigh. He pressed a parting kiss to her shoulder which made her glance around the room in confusion. The man then lead Hanayama back to his room. “I’m sorry… my feelings started to get in the way of what I was meant to show you. You’ll be visited by one last ghost, the ghost of Christmas future.”
Hanayama went to say something to Retsu but he was gone in a flash. The yakuza stood in the center of the room in confusion. One more ghost… who on earth could that be?
Hanayama then felt a sudden chill run down his spine as the room before him melted away into that of a grave yard. A ghastly figure in a black cloak that covered their body floated into the room. A skeletal hand was placed on his shoulder while the other pointed at a gravestone with (your name)‘s name on it. No… (your name) would die? She couldn’t die… she was so young.
Hanayama didn’t even have time to think before the ghost snapped their fingers and showed Hanayama a much older of himself who sat hunched over his desk. The older version sobbing as he held his head. What on earth had happened?
“You never found love again after she died.” The ghost whispered into his ear. “You actually went insane with guilt and it made your yakuza family fall apart.”
Hanayama watched this foreign version of him chug down an entire bottle of whiskey as he held a picture in his hand… it was a wedding picture of him and (your name)… they were meant to get married in a few months… so this must be a few years from now.
“I didn’t know… I didn’t know…” the other version of Hanayama whispered as he pressed his forehead against the picture. “I’m so sorry… I’m sorry.”
Hanayama frowned at how his office was in disarray. This wasn’t like him at all… why on earth was his office so messy?
“She kept all your paperwork organized. She’d sneak into your office when you were asleep to try to help you out since you’re not every good with numbers.” The ghost chuckled bitterly. “She as such a stupid woman… falling in love with a man as selfish as you.”
Hanayama gasped when the ghost pulled up the hood over their head to reveal (your name). Except there was no warmness in her eyes nor was there her tender smile. Why did she look so cold… why did she look at him with such eyes full of resentment? She loved him…
“This is your future. My future.” The ghost told him with a sigh. “You have to change, Hanayama.”
Hanayama but his lip as he stared at the sobbing figure of his future self. He didn’t want to be so pathetic…
“What do I have to do?” Hanayama asked the ghost who frowned at him. She didn’t say a word as she walked away. Hanayama went to follow her but the hallways began to distort and show Hanayama a different ghost of (your name) who sat side by side with the ghost Retsu. They looked so happy… she wasn’t supposed to be with Retsu. She was his. “Wait! Where are you going?”
Many images of the way he’s treated his fiancée flashed by him as he hopelessly chased after the ghost. Her teary face and bloody handkerchief now haunted him… he didn’t want her to suffer anymore. Hanayama didn’t want her to die… she couldn’t die. And he certainly didn’t want his wife to be with another man. No. She was his… (your name) belonged to him.
“There’s nothing you can do.” The ghost told him as she gave him a soft smile that was eerily similar to the ones his (your name) gave him. “Now wake up.”
And that’s when Hanayama fell into a dark bottomless pit. The large man couldn’t even utter a sound before he woke up in his bed. His body was covered in sweat and his eyes were wide in horror. A nightmare…
Hanayama’s hands grabbed at his body in shock before he gave a laugh full of disbelief escaped him. He was alive… he was fine…
Hanayama shot out of bed and quickly made his way towards (your name)’s room. He had to make sure she was alive… he had to make sure she was okay.
Hanayama slammed the door open to (your name)’s room which scared the poor girl out of her wits. She was already dressed for the day and was shocked to see Hanayama in his pajamas.
“O-oh. I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong-“ (your name) was shocked when Hanayama pulled her into a hug. The giant man pressed kissed all over her cheeks with passionate fervor.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Hanayama chanted as he ran his thumbs over her soft cheeks. “Let’s spend Christmas together.”
(Your name) couldn’t utter a single word out before she was whisked out of her room and brought to the dining room she had always wanted to sit at with him. What was going on? Had Hanayama gone insane? She was going to leave him alone just like he had wanted… so why did he have this sudden change of heart.
Hanayama had his servants quickly prepare a gran breakfast for the two of them. His large hand held hers close to his chest. The yakuza boss pressed kisses all over her knuckles as he waited for their food.
“I won’t ever ignore you again. We’ll spend every meal together and you can move into my room…” Hanayama gave her a soft smile. “And I’ll pay for your medicine, okay? You can get that procedure-“
“I-I never told you I was sick.” (Your name) whispered as she tried to pull her hand away. “It’s okay. You don’t have to do anything for me-“
(Your name) gasped when Hanayama suddenly pulled her onto his lap and pressed his lips against hers in a searing kiss. His dark eyes never let hers. “Nonsense… I’m going to be a good fiancé from now on and an even better husband.”
Hanayama’s hands began to explore her curves as a different kind of hunger filled his eyes. “I’ll take care of your every need from now on… because you’re mine.”
Rather than change for the better, he had changed for the worse
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mothwingwritings · 8 months
F!Reader X Kaoru Hanayama
Hello my little ghost, goblins, ghoulies, and all around babes! By some miracle I was actually able to churn out a lil Halloween fic feat. Vampire Hanayama for you guys to sink your teeth into ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) this hallow's eve. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope you all enjoy! Have a FANGtastic and funky Halloween tomorrow, my little morsels~!
(And yes, I realize I am posting two blood-centric fics in a row, I promise I don't have a thing for this heh heh heh)
WARNINGS!: Death, gore, blood, a horny and possessive vampire lord, an elderly couple having the worst day of their lives and terrible things happen to them, mentions of kidnapping and imprisonment/being held against your will.
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There was a convenience store at the foot of the hill, the last stop right before you start heading into the mountains.
It didn’t have a name, the weather worn, paint chipped sign simply reading ‘GOODS AND SUPPLIES’. The building was so small it didn’t have a dedicated parking lot, and it had a touch of dilapidation that made the rare passerby wonder if it was even still in business.
But the old building’s lights always shined so bright through its foggy windows, drawing any would be customers to the warm luminosity. Though scant, the shelves were always stocked, and the older couple that had ran the place for the last 50 years always gave you a pleasant and warm greeting when you walked through its creaking door.
Though you were sure you must look like a strung out, malnourished, vagabond they never batted an eye at your appearance. They also never questioned why you came around on a somewhat consistent basis, even though all that surrounded you was endless forest and towering mountains, the nearest town miles and miles away. This shop survived solely by being the only accessible place for campers to grab necessities before starting their trek into true wilderness. Places like this didn’t have regulars, at least not until you started coming around.
Maybe they felt sorry for you, thinking you were some poor homeless girl that had holed up in the mountains somewhere just trying to get by. Each time you entered their establishment you wondered if they were concerned you may pilfer from their limited shelves. Not that you could blame them if they did, by all accounts you appeared sketchy. Donned in ratty hoodies, your shifty eyes and general downtrodden persona would have had anyone keeping an eye on you. However, your appearance never alarmed them. If anything they seemed genuinely pleased to see you, their eyes lighting up in recognition whenever they saw you meandering down their aisles.
If they were troubled by your presentation, ever sickened by the bruises that dotted your body or appalled by the shoddily hidden bite marks that trailed your neck, they never spoke of it. You wished you could tell them how thankful you were for that. The reminders on your body were bad enough to deal with on your own, someone else nit picking you about them would be too cruel of a reminder of just how futile your situation was.
This little Podunk store had become your lifeline, your only beacon of normalcy since Kaoru Hanayama had claimed you.  You couldn’t slip away to it often, having to rely on the security of the sun’s rays to protect you from the great vampire lord, but when you could escape his estate you always ended up finding your way here.  Often times you didn’t even have money, coming and going with no purchases made.  Yet still you were welcome here, and you readily sought solace within its fluorescently lit walls, a reminder to yourself that you weren’t the last human alive on this god forsaken planet. It had become your sanctuary.
… Up until today.
You knew something was off the moment you stepped through the front door. The lights were all on, the glow of the welcome sign beckoning you with a brightness that cut through the shade of the setting sun. When you pushed open the door the same familiar chime announced your arrival, and the same old TV in the corner was playing whatever sport happened to be in season (right now it was baseball, and judging by the cheering, a player had just done something good). As usual, the radio was playing outdated pop songs softly over the speaker system, a bit of static barely noticeable as it blended with the jaunty tune.
For the most part, the store looked as it normally did. There wasn’t anything alarming about the old metal shelves holding new merchandise, and the coolers filled with varying beverages lining the back wall all hummed along as they typically did. The aisles were tidy, the floors clean, the racks orderly.  If any other customer had stopped by to shop, they would be thoroughly convinced it was business as usual.
But you were the only regular they had, and you were savvier on how they ran their business. Someone was always at the counter, but today the position sat eerily vacant. Even when they had to step away for a moment, one of the two would call out a greeting as soon as you stepped through the door. Your arrival was always announced, but today no cheery voice welcomed you, there was no warm smile cast your way as you made your way inside.
The absence filled you with unease, a cold dread seeping into your bones.      
Tentatively, you stepped closer to the counter, part of you wanting to call out to see if you get a response. Maybe you had caught them unawares-you did show up at a much later time than you typically did. Perhaps at this time of the day they are busy in back taking inventory or getting ready to restock. Was it really so strange that a small store like this didn’t have staff front and center at all times? It was just the two of them, after all. You can’t expect them to be stationed front and center 24/7.
But you couldn’t shake the feeling nestled deep in your gut that something was very, very wrong. The closer you inched toward the checkout counter, the more unsettled you felt. After a few steps in, a foreign noise came to your ear, growing clearer with every step. At first it was barely audible, a small and drawn out wheezing that sounded in weird intervals. It came from around the corner, near the back where the store room was located. You wondered if maybe the heating system was about to bite it, or an old cooler may be on its last leg.
However, a dying refrigerator didn’t explain the sudden wet sputter that rang out from just beyond your view, followed by a low, agonized groan.
Instinct took over. Propelling your body into action as you leapt across the counter, your legs taking out various snacks and energy supplements as you vaulted yourself towards the backroom. What if the owners had fallen, or something fell on them and they were trapped? Concern surged through you for the elderly couple. Surely there was a good chance if an accident occurred they wouldn’t have the means to pull themselves out of it. If they were in a compromising situation, who knows how long they had been stuck like that, who knows what position they may be in.
Nothing could prepare you for the sight that assaulted you as you rounded the corner.
Red was the first thing your eyes caught. It covered the floor, splattered the walls, coating the world around you. Its source was the kindly old woman whose warm smile you were greatly missing just moments ago. Her gentle, pleasant face was void of happiness for the first time since you met her, instead twisted into a look of abject horror and excruciating pain. She had a pallor that damn near made her look like a corpse, and you supposed that wasn’t too surprising judging from the amount of blood that was gushing from her neck, trailing in angry streaks down her body as it dripped down to the floor, adding to the mass puddle of human gore where her husbands decimated corpse was discarded.
You stifled a gasp, your hands flying to your mouth to muffle any cries or vomit that threatened to spill. Your body shook violently, a mix of disgust, fear, and anguish urging you to flee the scene, leave and never come back. Abandon your sanctuary, save yourself. They were beyond saving. They were beyond hope.
But you remained frozen in place, incapacitated by not only the shock of the situation, but also by the presence of the man that perpetrated it.
The woman hung limply from his mouth, much like how a dog dangles a toy when it’s trying to coax you into playing. His jaw latched to her small throat in a death grip, white fangs peeking through his snarled lips as his eyes caught yours. The only thing supporting the woman’s body was his bite, the ferocity with which he clamped down, the bob of his Adams apple as he greedily gulped down her essence, was quickly and efficiently stealing her life away. With her final burst of strength, her glazed over eyes looked your way. She raised a shaky hand towards you, one final rasp sputtering from her torn throat. Was it a cry for help, or a plea for you to run? Maybe she was cursing you for leading her to this fate. Whatever it was you would never know, as one final bone shattering chomp broke the woman’s neck, effectively ending her life.
Hanayama looked so out of place here in your secret spot, standing center stage as if he belonged here and wasn’t a blight on the ounce of freedom you had left. The whole scene was so surreal you felt as if you were trapped in a nightmare, your mind struggled to accept the horrors laid out plainly before you.
His imposing form nearly took up the entire store room, his height making his head graze the ceiling. Looking akin to a caged bear he was panting, his eyes wild as he released his grip letting the woman’s body fall limply to the floor, joining her husband. He was high from his meal, though you couldn’t imagine it being much of a thrilling hunt. The excitement surely stemmed from you catching him in the act. If you knew Hanayama at all, you knew the look of sheer dread plastered across your face was sure to send excitement coursing through him.
He was dressed to the nines in his tailored designer suit, shiny Italian leather shoes clicking away on the scuffed tiles of the floor as he started to approach you, each step adding a splatter of blood to his previously immaculate ensemble. His feral look had waned as he approached, giving him a more composed air. You imagined this is how he must have looked when he entered the building, his stony face littered with scars, inhumanly red eyes boring holes at the cashier, a dramatic shadow cast across his face from his swanky brimmed hat. He would have definitely caught the older couple off guard with how out of place he looked. Such a strange gentleman wandering into their quaint shop must have entranced them. These good-natured and trusting hosts were probably intrigued with his outlandish presence, interested in his story and what brought him so deep into the woods.
They would have never guessed what he truly was until it was too late. You just hoped that it had been quick for the husband, and that the woman’s suffering was not lengthy.
“So this is where you have been slinking off to.” His voice was smooth as he languidly wiped the blood from his lips, smearing the brilliant red across the once pristine white sleeve of his suit. You shuddered as he addressed you, and he instantly picked up on the quiver, though it was only momentary. He knew you like the back of his hand, all your quirks and fears, it was foolish to think he wouldn’t be able to ascertain that you were sneaking off when he explicitly ordered you not to leave the mansion’s grounds.
“I try and avoid the elderly. Past a certain age and the blood loses much of its flavor and vitality.” His eyes bore into yours, a cold smile tugged at his lips, “But these two were surprisingly delectable, even past their prime. Maybe it was their fondness for you that made them so delicious?”
“I didn’t…” the words died in your throat, burning as you choked them out. You cast your gaze towards the dead couple, the shop keepers glazed over eyes soullessly staring at you. They were still wet with tears.
“You didn’t think,” Kaoru seethed, taking another step forward, crowding your personal space. The coppery smell of blood was radiating from him in such intense waves that you could taste the tang of it on your tongue.  “You made a decision, one that I warned you against time and time again, and now you must face the consequences of that decision.”
He grabbed your chin in a tight pinch, the blood on his hands still warm as it smudged your skin. Stepping aside slightly, his hand guided your head, forcing your attention back on the couple. His steady grip kept your head in place as he spoke in your ear.
“You caused this, (name). If you had listened to me and done as you were told, their untimely death would have been avoidable. You only have yourself to blame. May the weight of their deaths hinder you from making anymore foolish decisions in the future, little one.”
He sighed heavily, releasing your chin, “I took a huge gamble coming out here at this time of day. Even with the sun low in the sky it still poses a threat to my kind. I compromised my safety to bring you home.” His gaze softened, his hand relinquishing its hold on your chin in favor of dragging his cold knuckles softly against the back of your cheek.
“It’s good I came when I did. If I had taken even a moment longer, it was sure to cause issues. Before I entered the store I heard them discussing you, talking about their concern for you. It seems they misunderstood your living situation, seeing you as some form of victim, believing that you had some manner of backwater husband that was abusing you.”
He spat the words with disdain, casting a brief disgusted glance towards the corpses on the floor. “They were trying to formulate plans to ‘save’ you, even mentioning they wanted to bring the police into it. Ridiculous.”
A sob erupted past your lips at the revelation, tears blurring your vision as they began to torrent down your cheeks. Hanayama lowered his voice, placing his hands on either side of your shoulders as he pivoted your focus to him, holding you in place. “This is why you must stay inside, my love. They don’t understand us. Most humans have small, closed minds. They don’t have the capability to understand the nature of our love. They only seek to tear us apart, hell bent on placing an end to something beautiful.”
He scooped you up before your legs could give way, nestling you against his chest in a restraining hold. He pressed a rough kiss to the crown of your head as he stepped through the door, beginning the long trek back to the cold, dank halls of the mansion.
“It has been a trying day, and you need rest,” Darkness had overtaken the sky, the chill of the nights air stinging your wet cheeks. The brilliance of the full moon was your only guiding light as it shone down upon the two of you, making Hanayama’s pale flesh appear to glow.
“But the night is young, my love, and you have a lot of making up to do for the transgressions you have made against me this day,” There was a huskiness to his voice, the words were meant as a threat, but the underlying hint of lust made their true meaning crystal clear. “You are mine (Name), and I will enjoy taking my time engraving that reminder into your soul for as long as it takes, until you finally realize your place.”
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mothwingwritings · 10 months
H and T for Hanayama pretty please <3
(it can be either of those two, it doesn’t have to be both thx 😅)
Thank you bb, I hope you enjoy and that I did our darling Yakuza boy some justice. <3
Warnings: Isolation, mentions of abuse, crying, and sex.
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Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The whole courting process was an absolute nightmare.
It began with the stalking, his overbearing presence following your every movie. If it wasn’t him, it was one of the men in his family, his influence as a Yakuza boss vast enough that there was always someone available to keep tabs on your movements. When you went to work, someone was following closely behind you. When you were sitting at home, there would be men stationed outside your door keeping watch. It was as maddening as it was terrifying, knowing the ease with which he had acquired access to every aspect of your life. You wanted your privacy and autonomy back, but had no way of achieving it.
Hanayama had told you the 24hr watch was for your own protection, but you knew better.  He couldn’t stand the thought of not knowing where you were, what you were doing, who you were with. He wanted total control over you, much like he did the men he commanded. However your loyalty was expected to be that of a romantic partner-his hungry eyes, roving hands, and forced kisses making that excruciatingly apparent.
After the stalking came the thinly veiled threats of what may occur to your friends and family should you not comply. You would try and tell yourself he didn’t mean what he was saying, that if anything he should want to make a good impression on your loved ones, as your family and friends would someday become his own by virtue of being close with you. But when you were out with your buddies just a little too late, or your parents/sibling kept you on the phone too long, or a particular friend was getting a bit too chummy for his liking, you couldn’t help but shudder at the look of displeasure that would flash across Kaoru’s face.  The fury that bubbled beneath the surface was just a terrible precursor of what was to come, a warning to not leave his annoyance unchecked.
Your family, your friends, your coworkers, essentially everyone you knew, all of their safety hinged on your interactions and reactions to Kaoru. Though you were fairly certain he would never turn his wrath your way, everyone else was fair game. Thoughts of what brutality Hanayama could and would inflict upon the people closest to you at any given time left you a distressed mess. Even if they could fend for themselves against some of his men, what was the likelihood that they would survive going against Hanayama? You shuddered thinking of the blood you’d occasionally see flecked against Kaoru’s white suits, consumed with the fear it may belong to someone you know.
And that brought you to the final horrid stage of this courtship, the isolation. Hanayama had successfully muscled his way into your life, rooting himself until his presence was unshakeable. He never flat out told you that you couldn’t see of speak to your loved ones, making it seem as if your detachment was all of your own volition. In truth, you were just so fucking scared of what may become of them, run ragged by the thought that their livelihoods and happiness all depended on how good of a lover you were to a man you wanted nothing to do with, that you eventually had to yield for your own sanity. You slowly weaned yourself from any interaction with them, visits and phone calls coming few and far between. You stopped using your social media and messaging apps, and always had an excuse at your disposal when someone asked to see you. Eventually even your closest friends stopped reaching out, your social network dwindling daily as more and more contacts gave up on you. It killed you inside. It destroyed you that now your entire life was nothing but Hanayama and the people he deemed worthy of surrounding you. You had lost yourself, your heart shattered by the knowledge that you would most likely never have the life you once had back.  
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
It depends on the tears. He cannot stand seeing you cry or scream in pain or out of fear. Godspeed to the person who made you cry, as the moment that first tear falls from your eye it marks that person for death (after a long bout of brutal torture and suffering, of course). He’s obsessed with making sure you are safe and protected, and if you ever have a moment where you feel even a moment of agitation he wants to quell it as quickly as possible (which is another reason why he quickly decided he was not keen on your friends and family. From what he gathered they were all wild cards with sketchy intentions towards you, and that is not something that sits well with him at. all.).
Now if HE is the cause of your tears (which is usually the case), he takes it very personally. He always seems to misinterpret them, choosing to believe that the reason you are crying and making such a scene is because he isn’t around as much as he should be and you feel neglected and abandoned (when in reality it’s basically the exact opposite). Your frustrated bawling only grows worse because of this, which in turn makes him extremely suffocating with his affection in an attempt to make you ‘feel better’. Whether his dense-ness is intentional or not, you are not entirely sure.
Now on the other hand, tears and screaming that come as a result of him fucking you? Music to his ears. It doesn’t even matter if it’s from pain, he knows you will get used to him soon and all the fuss is just a precursor to the immense pleasure you will be feeling momentarily. Your pained cries will soon turn into squeals of satisfaction, so the wailing does little to slow him down when he’s making love to you. Instead it fuels him to go harder so that the discomfort will subside quickly, wanting nothing more than for you to feel just as good as he does.
As for isolation, he actually kind of likes it. If you isolate yourself, even from him, at least he knows you are safe and no one else is bothering you, causing you harm, or encroaching on his territory. He would be downtrodden if you hole yourself away for too long, but accepts it because he believes this is just you giving him the cold shoulder for spending so much time away doing work related things instead of sticking by your side. Eventually you will come around, even if he has to be the one to forcefully coax you out of your seclusion. You’re an understanding person, and he’ll make sure to shower you in love to help alleviate any lingering loneliness that may still be plaguing you.
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yandere-writer-momo · 7 months
Something fluffy (To help endure the Kaotu Anal Religion WTF)
I feel like Kaoru would give you the best back, shoulder and ‘Anything that Hurts’ massages, his hands would be absolute magic
We have to keep that amongst ourselves. We cannot let the more… normal Baki fans know about that. We gotta hunt the anal anons for sport
Despite Kaoru having sausage fingers (just like the other Baki characters), he’s surprisingly talented with them.
Kaoru is a gift giver and prefers showing his affection with words and small physical gestures… at first. It won’t be long before he wants more and more from you.
He insists he’s rubbing you to make you feel better but he actually can’t get enough of how soft your skin is
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ozzgin · 10 months
Hai sweetcheeks💋, Can I request about sister Reader who is the daughter of Yujiro Hanma with his ex-third wife who is a famous beautiful model and the most patient and caring woman. Sister reader is very sociable and popular at school. Herself and Baki, sister Reader have known Baki since she was 12 years old (only 1 year different from Baki).Because the mother's sister wanted them both to know each other as sibling. The sister reader is very cheerful, kind, friendly, understanding and funny and goofy, she is also very humorous and good at joking.However, she would be like a cat when startled and jump high until she reached the wall or Baki and Jack's back. I also want to know how the sister Reader interacts with other fighters
You so lovely dear, i love you🍓❤️
Ooh, I’ve been wondering about a reader that’s related to Baki. Thank you for your nice words and hopefully this is close to what you had in mind!
Baki Characters x Hanma Yuujirou’s Daughter Headcanons
Featuring Baki, Jack and Yuujirou Hanma, Katsumi Orochi, Kaoru Hanayama. And a reader that’s nothing like her father! I picked the characters closest in age, though I’m sure reader is pleasant to everyone else as well.
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Hanma Family
Let’s just say Yuujirou won’t be bragging about having a daughter like (Y/N). He can’t deny that she takes after her stunning mother, but he dislikes her easygoing nature and worries she might soften Baki up. He’s always been against the two of them hanging out, but it seems that his stubborn ex wife still managed to get her way.
Both Baki and Jack can’t help but wonder if this is how their life could’ve been like. They look at your bright smile as you’re surrounded by all these people that love you, including your supportive mother, and feel the slightest pang of jealousy in their heart. Of course, their misfortunes are not your fault, you just occasionally remind them of the privilege of being vulnerable that’s been robbed from them.
The half brothers are very protective of you, especially knowing how much of a scaredy cat you are. Baki is quick to jump to action if something bothers you, but Jack is a little cheekier and enjoys briefly standing back so he can get a chuckle out of your silly fears. Afterwards he just needs to place himself behind you and whatever was the source of your discomfort scurries away.
You also have a very motherly side when it comes to the young men. You first met Baki just one year before tragedy struck him and sometimes his troubled face takes you back to the little orphaned boy, tormented by guilt and fear. You’re very grateful for Kozue and enjoy hanging out with her and Baki. Even though you’re all about the same age, they often approach you as the holder of wisdom whenever they have relationship problems and you always listen empathetically.
Similarly, you’re the one that reminds Jack to take a break from overworking himself. He’s very stubborn and will bark at you to leave him alone. It’s enough for you to allow a few tears to form in the corner of your eyes for him to drop the weights and walk away, mumbling something about you not understanding his grand plan.
Baki is more familiar with your friends since you often invite him to join you or just simply tell him about the latest gossip. Jack is much more reserved and introverted, so he likes to take you out to a restaurant, for example, and receive briefings and summaries of whatever is going on in your life. While taking mental notes about boy names that seem to appear with suspicious frequency. “Who? Oh, right.” Jack will look him up later and make sure he doesn’t get any ideas with (Y/N).
Katsumi Orochi
Katsumi has a massive crush on you, and who can blame him, really? You’re kind, nice and funny, and always ready to help your friends. He still remembers the day Baki brought you to the Dojo and introduced you as his half sister. He had to do a double check when he heard you’re Yuujirou’s daughter. He still can’t fully believe it and wonders if you were also adopted or something.
He likes to daydream about impressing you with his karate skills. Maybe some classmate getting too touchy with you, or some older man on the train standing too close. Then he remembers you’re under the watchful gaze of Baki and Jack and slumps, defeated. No way he can do anything out of the ordinary with those hawks lurking by.
Katsumi nearly has a heart attack when he receives a text message from you asking if he can maybe teach you some self defense. You proceed to explain that you don’t always want to rely on your brothers, and they refuse to engage in any talk about you fighting. Followed by a lot of emojis. He almost throws the phone against the wall and has to excuse himself (he was training with the guys) as the blush is rapidly spreading across his face. Everyone at the Dojo already knows, but they don’t have the heart to tell him.
Does this count as a date? He’ll be smiling like an idiot for the rest of the week.
Kaoru Hanayama
Hanayama has known you almost as long as Baki. He initially thought you’re Baki’s girlfriend and was, like everyone else, very doubtful upon hearing you’re also a Hanma. Then again, he doesn’t even want to imagine what a woman with Yuujirou’s temper would be like.
You take great pride in knowing you’re one of the VERY few people that can make Hanayama laugh. He will never do it in public, but if it’s just the two of you he’ll be greatly amused by your goofy antics. You love cheering him up, and in return he’s always ready to lend an ear to listen to your problems or a shoulder for you to cry on.
While he finds you incredibly cute and good looking, he would never flirt with you out of respect for Baki. Though Baki likes to say that if he has to give you away to someone, he trusts Hanayama to take proper care of you. Every time he does it Hanayama ends up awkwardly quiet and you chase him around, embarrassed.
For some reason, people often mistake him for your dad whenever you hang out. You laugh it off and explain that there’s barely any difference in your age. “Believe me, my actual father is much scarier. You don’t want to ever meet him.” Hanayama nods in agreement.
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ozzgin · 11 months
Hi, i noticed you were taking requests so i wanted to know if you could make something with a tall reader and i thinking REALLY tall reader 😅 ( like Jack Hanma tall). However reader as a shy and kind personality. I thought of this after seeing " Tall girl" on Netflix 🤣. I was thinking you could write about reader first meeting and a small bit of dating with several Baki AU man cause I really think Hanayama and Jack would love a girl like this.
Of course you can choose to make this with yanderes if you want or to change a bit from my request so you can make something you're confortable to write about.
Thanks for reading this, i hope you'll have a good day, bye.
How exciting, my very first request here! Thank you for the suggestion, I’m loving the idea.
Baki Characters x Tall Reader Headcanons
Featuring Jack Hanma, Kaoru Hanayama, Baki Hanma and Pickle! And a VERY tall reader.
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Jack Hanma
Jack is only interested in becoming stronger and, as he often likes to mention, has no time for mundane pleasures like women.
It just so happened that (Y/N) was getting her regular checkup at the time Jack was discharged from his last bone lengthening surgery. You accidentally bumped into him in the hospital halls and immediately apologized. Jack would have responded with his usual scowl if he didn’t end up speechless and baffled at the fact he was looking someone right in the eyes.
He wasn’t used to the feeling of encountering someone of the same height as him. He immediately regretted acting so silly and became somewhat flustered, attempting to mutter some generic scolding like “Just be more careful next time”.
You were beaming at the fact there’s someone as tall as you out there. Jack, on the other hand, was increasingly irritated by the knot forming in his stomach upon seeing your wide smile.
Truly exasperating. He could be training right now and instead he’s awkwardly standing in front of a restaurant. He’s gritting his teeth in annoyance, but his jaw instantly relaxes when he hears your voice greeting him.
He starts noticing that outings with you result in him being more focused and relaxed afterwards. You seem to have a calming effect on him. Most people are, in fact, very surprised to see you two together. Someone as stubborn and intense as Jack is now accompanied by a timid, welcoming woman.
A certain fulfillment begins to make its way into his heart. If he’s going to fall for a woman, it should be someone like you. No, it HAS to be you. You’re making him a better man and ground him when he’s close to losing sight of what’s ahead.
He would absolutely never show it, but Jack loves entering the fighting arena knowing that you’re right behind, watching him. It’s the motivation he never knew he needed.
Kaoru Hanayama
Hanayama noticed you were having trouble with some street hooligans and quietly interfered to shoo them away. He was planning to leave the same way, without any further words, but he couldn’t help his curiosity.
He found it rather amusing that someone as imposing as you is, in fact, terribly shy. He’d wondered if you’re a foreigner given he’s never seen another girl like you. After his polite inquiries, he came to the realization that he finds your company extremely pleasant.
The first few dates were a challenge on whose turn it is to break the silence, with Hanayama’s introverted nature and your initial sheepishness leading to clumsy but cute interactions. Later, Hanayama was surprised to hear himself talking more than usual, giving you glimpses of his life. He was prepared to be a faithful, stoic listener, yet the roles often switched and he’d find himself completely open with you.
Perhaps it’s your warmth that invited him to be this raw and vulnerable, or your noble sincerity. Either way, he is grateful that you’ve allowed such intimacy to develop between the two of you.
Reputation is vital in the yakuza world, which is why Hanayama always strives to impress friends and foes alike. He couldn’t have asked for a better partner to stand by his side. He’s absolutely thrilled to introduce you as his, someone of his stature.
If you’re ever feeling insecure about your height, he will remind you to stand proud as the soon-to-be wife of the family head. Everyone already refers to you as Ane-san and Hanayama demands that you’re treated with the utmost respect.
Baki Hanma
The moment the young boy laid his eyes on you, his mouth hung out in amazement and he couldn’t help but exclaim his admiration. Only afterwards had he realized his rudeness and profusely apologized, with his blush extending all the way to his ears. Hopefully he hadn’t offended you in any way. You reassuring him with a friendly smile that you appreciate his compliment is what sealed the deal for him.
While your height caught Baki’s attention, it’s your personality that caused him to become entirely infatuated. You’re so kind and caring and he finds himself helplessly addicted to your affection.
He doesn’t mind the height difference and will constantly shower you with compliments, just in case you ever doubt yourself. Someone on the street giving the two of you funny looks? Baki will excuse himself for 5 minutes and will return with reddened knuckles. Nothing to worry about.
Even though you’re much taller, he likes to remind you that you’re still his precious darling. He loves to pick you up and carry you around like a princess. If he’s feeling cheeky he might tease you like this in public until you’re a blushing mess.
Pickle immediately noticed you among the spectators to his fights. He was struck with a faint familiarity, a female human closer to what he would’ve expected to see back in his time.
He’s intrigued and will do everything he can to see you again. Perhaps you’d even allow him to be your mate!
He loves that you’re shy and soft spoken and enjoys lazing with his head in your lap, listening to your voice. It calms him down and helps him sleep.
He doesn’t understand that your height is unusual and you might sometimes be self-conscious about it. To him, you look more normal than all those tiny humans and he cherishes your appearance.
You’re the perfect height for him to rest his chin on your head. He’ll often hug you from behind and just stand like that for as long as possible, purring lightly.
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mothwingwritings · 3 years
*°:⋆ₓₒMaster Listₓₒ⋆:°*
*Italicized means explicit n s f w
My fics/drabbles/headcanons typically get tagged with #mothwingswritings. Responses to asks generally are tagged #mothresponse
JoJos Bizarre Adventure: 
Treasured Friend- Fem!readerxJospeh Joestar (yandere)
Halcyon Days Pt.1- Fem!readerxJosuke Higashikata (yandere) PART TWO
Save The Date- Fem! readerxJean Pierre Polnareff
J Yandere Alphabet Jotaro
Baki The Grappler:
✦✧✦✧The Stepcest Hanma Daughter Chronicles✦✧✦✧
Full Fics:
In The Dead Of Night- Fem!readerxYujiro Hanma
Special Treatment- Fem!readerXYujiro Hanma
Interlude- Fem!readerXYujiro Hanma
Paradise- Fem!readerxYujiro Hanma
Asks/Side Stories:
Hanma Family Yandere Stepcest Blurb
Musashi With A Crush On Yujiro’s Step Daughter
Pickle Takes An Interest In The Hanma Stepsister/Daughter
Naive Hanma Daughter Used Inappropriately
Muhammad Ali Jr. Getting Flirty With Hanma Sibling/Daughter
Yujiro Forcing His Step Daughters Hand In Marriage
Hanma Step Sister/Daughter With Luffy Like Abilities
Yujiro Stepdaughter Kissing
Breeding Kink W/Pregnant Reader
Yuichiro Enters The Scene
✦✧✦✧Yujiro Hanma✦✧✦✧
In The Dead Of Night- Fem!readerxYujiro Hanma
Special Treatment- Fem!readerXYujiro Hanma
Interlude- Fem!readerXYujiro Hanma
Paradise- Fem!readerxYujiro Hanma
G, O, A, K and H Yandere Alphabet
ABO Alpha Yujiro
✦✧✦✧Kaoru Hanayama✦✧✦✧
There’s Honey On The Moon Tonight- Fem!reader X Kaoru Hanayama (Yandere)
H and T Yandere Alphabet
Sanctuary-Fem!reader X Kaoru Hanayama
✦✧✦✧Baki Hanma✦✧✦✧
R and Y Yandere Alphabet
✦✧✦✧Katsumi Orochi✦✧✦✧
When The Smoke Clears- Fem!Reader X Katsumi Orochi
A and D Yandere Alphabet
Family Man-Fem!ReaderXYandere Katsumi Orochi
✦✧✦✧Biscuit Olivia✦✧✦✧
Biscuit Romance Headcanons
✦✧✦✧Jun Guevara✦✧✦✧
Jun Guevara Romance Headcanons
Shy/weak F!Reader X Doyle and Guevara
✦✧✦✧Jack Hanma✦✧✦✧
The Only One For Me- Fem!readerxJack Hanma (yandere)
F Yandere Alphabet
H and J Yandere Alphabet
Basic Maintenance-F!ReaderXJack Hanma
✦✧✦✧Motobe Izou✦✧✦✧ 
Kiss the Pain Away-Fem!readerXMotobe Izou
C and F Yandere Alphabet
✦✧✦✧Hector Doyle✦✧✦✧
C and D Yandere Alphabet
Shy/weak F!Reader X Doyle and Guevara
Three’s A Crowd- Retsu Kaioh x Fem!reader x Katsumi Orochi
Valentine’s Scenarios
Christmas Traditions Scenarios
Shy/weak F!Reader X Doyle and Guevara
Musashi With A Crush On Yujiro’s Step Daughter
Pickle Takes An Interest In The Hanma Stepsister/Daughter
Why The Baki Men Love You
Naive Hanma Daughter Used Inappropriately
Muhammad Ali Jr. Getting Flirty With Hanma Sibling/Daughter
Yujiro Forcing His Step Daughters Hand In Marriage
Hanma Step Sister/Daughter With Luffy Like Abilities
Yujiro Stepdaughter Kissing
ABO Alpha Yujiro
Misc Baki character reacting to reader faking an orgasm
Misc Baki men reacting to daredevil reader
Baki Height Difference
Breeding Kink W/Pregnant Reader (Stepcest)
Jack with aphrodisiac saliva
Doppo, Shibukawa, Motobe, Biscuit, And Yujiro As Your Sugar Daddy
Yuichiro Enters The Scene (stepcest)
What Picture Of You The Baki Men Choose As Their Phone Background, Pt. 1
Hanma Family Yandere Stepcest Blurb
Boyfriend To Death/The Price Of Flesh:
Frohe Weihnachten-Fem!readerXStrade
🦊Ren Hana/Fox🦊
Release-Fem!readerXRen Hana
The Innocent Act Of Dredging Up The Past-Fem!ReaderXRen Hana
Ren Hana As A Father
Valentine’s Day Gift Headcanons
Sleeping Headcanons
Tokyo Revengers:
✦✧✦✧Kisaki Tetta✦✧✦✧
Thankful- Fem!readerxKisaki Tetta
✦✧✦✧Taiju Shiba✦✧✦✧
There’s Just No One Like You- Fem!readerXTaiju Shiba (yandere) PART TWO PART THREE
Y and B Yandere Alphabet
From the Heart-Fem!readerXTaiju Shiba
✦✧✦✧Chifuyu Matsuno✦✧✦✧
E and Y Yandere Alphabet
Taiju Shopping
Tokyo Fist Relationship/Dating Headcanons (with Fem! reader)
Final Fantasy XIV:
Taming Of Beasts- Fem!Reader X Zenos Yae Galvus
Dreaming Of Worlds End-WOL ReaderXZenos Yae Galvus
Jealous G’raha and Aymeric
Honkai Star Rail:
Apologies-Fem!ReaderXYandere Welt Yang
Guilty Gear:
Those Who Dream Of Heaven- Fem!readerxLeo Whitefang
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