#karivarry life swap au
Current Projects
If anyone wants to talk about any of these projects, feel free to shoot me an ask or DM! I’d love to talk with you all!
Writing Projects: 
Trials of an Imperial Princess: Star Wars: De-aging AU: In Progress
The interaction between a Sith Temple and a Jedi temple can lead to...strange things happening. When the energy from the exploding Sith temple on Malachor interacts with the portal opening from the in-between place, Ahsoka is returned to being 17, with no memories of having left the Jedi Order or the past 16 years.
And this time, Darth Vader isn't going to let his daughter go.
Karivarry Life Swap AU:  CW Verse (Flash, Arrow, Supergirl): On Hiatus 
In another world Barry Allen is a Kryptonian, Oliver Queen is the Flash, and Kara Danvers-Grant is the Arrow. These are their adventures. 
A series of connected One Shots in no particular order. On hiatus until I figure out how to write a first date scene I don’t hate. 
Cerulean Wing: Miraculous Ladybug: Kwami Swap AU: On Hiatus
Marinette might not have been chosen to be Ladybug, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have the potential to be a great holder. Gabriel Agreste sees this potential and decides that perhaps it is time to pass the Peacock Miraculous onto a new Holder. With Ladybug and Chat Noir behind her, Marinette becomes Paris's newest superhero, Cerulean Wing.
On Hiatus until I figure out how to make it work with the current cannon, because some of the current storylines are to juicy to not use. May need to be rewritten. 
Mostly on TikTok, These are the character I’m working on, improving, and/or making videos of.
May “Mayday” Parker AKA Spider-Girl: Marvel Comics: Cosplay Complete
Lynn Snart AKA Captain Cold: DC CW Verse: Gender Swap: In Progress 
Luke Skywalker: Star Wars: Gender Swap: In Progress.
Coraline Jones: Coraline: Needs Improvements
Charlie Bradbury: Supernatural: Need Improvements
Emma Swan: Once Upon a Time: Cosplay Complete
Other Projects; 
Full Power Rangers Watch Through (All Shows and Movies): On TikTok: In Progress
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diannaphantom27 · 5 years
Arrow!Kara: So, why didn’t you get together with your Barry and Kara? Or just your Barry? I see how you look at them.
Arrow!Oliver: What? No. No. It’s not like that. They’re my best friends, that’s all.
Arrow!Kara: Oh my God. Did you friend zone yourself?! You friend zoned yourself!!!!!
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temmie-loony · 5 years
The Interdimensional Troublemakers meet Earth-1 Leonard Snart somehow.
Alissa: *happy* oh good! uncle len!
Nora and Dawn: *stare at each other in shock then back at leonard snart* 
Leonard: who are you and why are you hugging me?
Nora: you’re–
Dawn: –alive??
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ao3feedflarrow · 5 years
by DiannaPhantom27
In another world Barry Allen is a Kryptonian, Oliver Queen is the Flash, and Kara Danvers-Grant is the Arrow. These are their adventures.
Prompt requested by an anonymous Artemis_Luna: Kara always has a Kryptonite arrow and a freezing arrow in her quiver, not for Barry and Oliver but for evil versions of them or should they end up whammied. One day, it's not them but her that gets whammied...
Words: 2846, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Karivarry Life Swap AU
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), Arrow (TV 2012)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Barry Allen, Kara Danvers, Oliver Queen, Caitlin Snow, Original Metahuman Character(s)
Relationships: Barry Allen/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Kara Danvers/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Kara Danvers, Kara Danvers/Oliver Queen
Additional Tags: Writing Prompt, Tumblr, AU, life swap au, Angst, seriously, You guys like torturing Kara apparently, Worried Partners, True Love's Kiss
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Are you still doing Karivarry lifeswap?
Yes, but I’ve been focusing on other things lately. Also. I have writer’s block. I am sorry.
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Imagine: Kaiden West-Queen is surfing through the archive of YouTube and discovering Vines
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Karivarry LifeSwap AU Writing Prompts. Prompt 12/♾: Day in the Life
Prompt requested by Anonymous
Kara, Barry and Oliver and their interactions with their teams + how they live their civilian lives
“You can’t be serious.” Kara stared at her manager, sorry former manager, in shock.
“I’m sorry, Kara. The owner didn’t give me a choice. She said the police called. That you lied about your criminal history?”
It had taken Kara weeks to get a job at this stupid theme diner. She hadn’t even wanted it, but she needed the work desperately. So, during the day she stuffed herself into the stupid uniform (A pink dress with a fancy black apron tied around her waist and a pair of kitten heels), plastered a smile on her face, laughed at customers’ bad jokes, and hoped her feet wouldn’t be bleeding at the end of her shift. It wasn’t a good job per say, but they paid her minimum wage before she got her tips and gave her daytime hours.
And Maggie had lied to her boss and cost her it.
“I was never convicted of anything! They let me go every. Single. Time.”
“I’m sorry, Kara. You’re a good worker, but…”
Kara sighed, “You need a job too.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. I’ll change out of my uniform.”
“Thanks, Kara.”
Kara changed out of her uniform and returned everything, before leaving the building. She shoved down her anger and marched to the nearest bus stop. She was running out of options. Sure, she still had her inheritance, her mother had removed the excess requirements when Kara had come home broken and mentally scared. Cat Grant may have believed in hard work, but she wasn’t a monster. She would never leave her daughter to the streets if her PTSD prevented her from working. So she had a nice apartment, more than enough money to take care of Carter as his guardian, put food on the table, and pay for anything they would need, but she wanted to work. She hated sitting around doing nothing and John had literally pushed her out of the “Arrow Cave” a few times because “being the Arrow 24/7 isn’t healthy”.
Unfortunately, no one wanted to hire a girl with a BA in Anthropology. She supposed she could go back to school somehow, get her Master’s and PhD. But, the idea of field work made her heart race, her organs to chill, and her stomach to flip. She was actually terrified of it now when before it had excited her, and she wasn’t willing to admit that. Kara waved down the bus and rode it until she reached her favorite coffee shop. Apparently it was time to start looking for jobs. Again. So, that’s what she did, applying to everything she came across that she’d be able to do for hours until it was time to go home. She’d be there just long enough to fix dinner and wrangle Carter into homework and sleep before she was due at the Arrow Cave.
“Hey kid.” Kara said, ruffling Carter’s hair as she walked past him on the way to the kitchen. He was working on his Math homework, which would give Kara plenty of time to throw together something mostly healthy for them to eat.
“Hey Kara. I thought you got off work earlier today?”
Kara paused. Damn it, this kid was too smart. “So chicken or fish tonight? I think I have some Cod in the fridge…”
“Did you get fired again?”
Kara turned away just long enough to pull the cod and some vegetables out. “Yeah.”
Carter didn’t say anything for a few minutes, letting Kara work on cooking as he half-focused on a Math problem. As soon as the food was left to simmer, knowing that all Kara had to do was watch it, he spoke up again.
“You know you don’t have to work right? Mom said that if your PTSD was too bad…”
“Oh Car…” she turned to face him, “It’s not that simple. I like working. I like keeping busy. If I don’t work, it will just keep getting worse. Staying busy helps. Besides, what would I do with myself all day if I didn’t have a job?”
Carter shrugged. “I don’t know. I just...I don’t want you to end up getting hurt because you’re not ready for something, Kar.” Kara smiled at the old nickname. It had been a joke from Alex that had stuck. Her baby siblings: Kar and Car. Eventually the two of them had claimed the names for themselves, Carter actually declaring that only Kara was allowed to call him that.
“I’m glad you care, but it’s not your job to worry about me. I’m the big sister and you’re the teenage boy. It’s your job to do stupid shit and make mistakes and learn and it’s my job to worry about you.”
Kara was extremely glad that Carter was old enough to be left alone as she slipped out of the apartment to go to her “second job”. Kara had told Carter it was a managing job at Lena’s club and it was a good cover...for people who didn’t know who was on staff at Lena’s club or what was in it’s basement. So, Carter believed it. He was a smart kid, but he didn’t have all the facts and Kara was going to make sure he didn’t until he was older. Kara walked down to find John and Winn arguing about something lightheartedly, Lena elegantly stuffing her face with french fries, Mike and James arguing about something significantly less lightheartedly, and Kaldur and Artemis sparing.
“Kaldur! Artemis! What have I told you about sparing right before a planned patrol?”
They stopped. Kaldur at least looked reasonably chastised, he released his hard water construct swords, but not back into his water pack or as water vapor. No, he just let it fall to the ground. He then looked more embarrassed and even more chastised, luckily he realized his mistake and touched the puddle with a finger, he made his markings glow and evaporated it into the air.
Artemis on the other hand, just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Kara loved Artemis like a little sister, she really did, but that girl had more bitterness in her pinkie toe than the rest of Kara’s team combined. Kara would never blame her for that, no teenager should have to suffer through being raised in the League of Assassins. Unfortunately, it did make it difficult to act as her mentor. Kara had learned that, for the most part, Artemis needed to make her own mistakes and Kara let her as long as the mistakes wouldn’t get her killed. So if it had just been Artemis going some intense training, Kara would have let her, lecturing her after she tried to spin kick someone with a sprained ankle and wouldn’t be able to walk on it for a couple weeks. Kaldur didn’t learn like that though and if he’d pulled a muscle or gotten hit wrong during sparring and injured himself more in the field, it would only serve to put him in a funk and it could take him days to get back to normal.
“I want you two on petty crimes tonight. And remember; back here by 2:30, back home by 3:00.”
“Petty crimes? Again?” Artemis snarled, “We’ve been on petty crimes all week!”
Kaldur bit his lip. He clearly thought something similar, but was thinking up a way to say it more respectfully. “We’re just...concerned you’re going easy on us. How are we supposed to learn if we aren’t challenged.”
Kara’s shoulders slumped. “I know. But...what we’ve been working on...I’m trying to make sure everyone comes out alive. You’re both extremely talented and skilled, but the man we’re fighting won’t hesitate to kill you, even if you are just teenagers. I want you both alive, and if that means keeping you on the sidelines for a while, that’s what I’m going to do.”
Neither teen looked particularly happy about that, but they didn’t argue. Simply nodded and sulked off to do their job.
“That’s probably going to come back to bite you.” Winn said, spinning just a little too hard in his chair and taking a couple extra circles, which almost completely undermined his point.
“They’ll get over it when they’re still alive,” Kara said, walking over to her suit. “So, have we found something more about Ra’s Al Ghul?”
“Nothing more than the usual chatter,” John said.
“You know if Alex was here…” Mike stops as everyone glares at him.
Kara stares him down for a few seconds. “Wildcat. Petty crimes.”
“You’re on petty crimes. Mentioning my dead sister is in very poor taste and if you’re not going to provide meaningful contributions I’m going to treat you like one of the teenagers. Petty. Crimes.”
Mike stared at her, but eventually he left to join the teenagers on petty crime duty. Kara turned to the rest of her team and zipped up her leather jacket.
“Alright. Let’s get to work, then.”
Oliver sat at his desk at the courthouse, mindlessly clicking through a form as he waited for his lunch hour. Usually, Oliver was busy. Criminal Psychologists who were willing to work for one city were rare. They were always sending him “insanity defenses” to examine, children to interview, or even sending him to Iron Heights to do prisoner interviews. Today he just had to interview a couple of “unstable” defendants (off his meds and mad because a cop pulled a gun on her ten year old) and fill out some forms. The computer didn’t move at super speed or he’d have been out of here hours ago. It was days like this Oliver hated his job.
“Knock, knock, big brother.”
Oliver looked up from his computer. “Sara? What in the world are you doing here? I’m sure I would have known if Captain Cold was on trial…”
Sara laughed. “Please. I would totally wear my parka to my own trial. I’m just here as a character witness.”
Oliver looked over her tasteful slacks and light blue blouse. “...For who? Are you going to perjure yourself for one of your girls?”
Sara waved her hand dismissively. “I’m not going to tell you. You wouldn’t believe me if I said no and you’d have me arrested if I said yes.”
“Because you would have left me no choice, Sara. Honestly. Do you not understand any of our jobs?”
“Meh.” She shrugged.
Oliver sighed, “Why are you in my office specifically?”
“I’m grabbing you and Laurel for Lunch.”
“...You’re just going to walk into the DA’s office and invite your sister to lunch?”
“Well how else would I do it?”
“Are you forgetting that you are Captain Cold?”
“No one can prove that.”
“You literally don’t wear a mask.”
As it turns out, Sara could just waltz into the DA’s office by changing her body language, speech patterns, and letting her hair down. Gone were the familiar hard lines around her eyes, the sarcastic lift in her voice, the confident swagger, and the tight ponytail. Instead she was walking with more swing in her hips, had pulled her hair down and fluffed it so it looked wavy, wore a smile that just didn’t look right, but did make her look younger and sweeter, and spoke in that way Oliver was sure women only did when they wanted something.
But, it got her past security without anyone questioning her. Somehow.
Laurel barely glanced up from her paperwork as they walked in. “Hey Oliver. Sorry, I can’t talk. I just got assigned a case from Major Crimes and I’m pretty sure they think I’m some sort of miracle worker.”
In an instant, Sara’s body language shifted back to normal. Her smirk and sarcastic lift returned as quickly as she relaxed back into her usual self. “Come on, Laurel. Even ADAs get lunch breaks.”
Laurel froze and looked up suspiciously, already stuffing the paperwork back into files and locking her computer. “Sara? How did you even get in here?”
“She walked. It was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen and I hope I don’t see it again.” Oliver said, completely serious.
“Come on,” Sara said as she tugged Laurel from her seat and out of her office, “If we hurry we can help Roy play hooky. Have a real sibling bonding experience.”
Laurel and Oliver exchanged a glance as they followed her, too familiar with her antics to try to fight her or stop her.
“You know, if you just told her…” Laurel started.
Oliver glared, “Shut up. Why don’t you tell her?”
Neither of the two superheroes had an answer to why they didn’t tell Sara as they followed their super villain sister to lunch.
It took a grand minute and a half for Thea to crash right into a wall and knock herself out. Oliver winced as he slid into a stop next to her. That was a new record. Her mask was off center as well, they’d have to fix that so it wouldn’t slip off or accidentally blind her.
Her eyes flickered open and she tried to shake her hair out of her eyes and failed. “Mr. Queen? Did I win?”
Oliver smiled and sat down beside her. “No. Sorry. Don’t worry, turning is hard at first, you lasted a long time. Well, a long time for a speedster. Come on, sit up. Caitlin will be down soon to force water down your throat and check you for a concussion in a few seconds. And I imagine your father will be freaking out.”
Thea sat up with a groan as she pushed her mask up onto her forehead, messing up her hair even more, which she would definitely complain about once her concussion passed in a couple hours.
Oliver has never expected to have a mentee of his own, not really. He’d seen Kara’s protégées training as she watched, shouting out corrections and encouragement at them. They were brilliant, Kaldur was fast, silent, and smart, Artemis was creative and her aim was nearly as good as Kara’s. Oliver hoped he could be as good a mentor to Thea was Kara was to Kaldur and Artemis.
The air chilled as Caitlin walked into the speed lab, her white waves bouncing and her blue lips pursed in the disappointment Oliver knew all too well from the dozens of times he had hurt himself and she had to patch him up.
Mac was right behind her, his usually blank, hard face was awash with worry and concern. When anyone except Thea was in trouble, he showed his care with anger and frustration. It was strange, but oh so Mac. None of them would have him any other way.
“What happened?!” Mac demanded.
Caitlin rolled her eyes and kneeled down, ignoring Thea’s flinch and hiss as Caitlin’s ice cold hands cupped her chin.
“Thea still hasn’t figured out how to make sharp turns. It takes some time to figure out.” Oliver assured Mac, placing a gentle, comforting hand on Thea’s shoulder.
“Why isn’t it like normal?” She moaned.
“Because we’re really, really fast. It’s like a cheetah. It takes extra thought, extra energy.”
Thea groaned. “Stupid…”
Oliver merely laughed. Yeah. It kind of was.
Caitlin was asking Thea the standard concussion questions and shining a light in her eyes.
“Why are you so cold?” Thea whined, pulling away with a shiver.
“My people are from a frozen planet.” Caitlin said dryly.
“Shouldn’t you have fire powers then?”
“That’s not how we evolved.”
Thea huffed and everyone else shook their heads and chuckled. Caitlin pulled back and nodded. “You’ll be just fine with some rest and some food.”
Mac sighed and scooped his daughter up. “You know, if you’re going to be doing this you're going to have to be more careful.”
“Hmmm...I love you too, Dad, but I’m very very hungry.”
Oliver chuckled as he and Caitlin followed the father and daughter. Now that he thought about it, he was also very, very hungry.
Barry was bored. He was absolutely, positively bored out of his mind. As Dr. Tina McGee’s executive assistant, he was supposed to be paying attention and taking notes. Instead he was unprofessionally trying not to fall asleep in the middle of a board meeting that started at 5:30 and still wasn’t finished after lunch. Barry startled himself awake and adjusted his wire framed glasses as he tried to look like he’d been focused on his tablet. It probably didn’t work considering Dr. McGee gave him a fond look.
“I think that’s enough for today, gentlemen. Clearly we aren’t going to get any further and I think we all need a break.” She rose to her feet and left the room, Barry quickly stumbling to his feet and following after his boss.
Dr. McGee sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “Well, that was a waste of time. How much did they screw up my schedule, Barry?”
“Uh…” Barry clipped on his tablet with his stylus. “Very. The minute it went past eight I set up automatic alerts asking one of the receptionists to reschedule your appointments.”
“Is Wayne Enterprises still on the schedule?”
“Yes ma’am. They’re going to be here in an hour and a half.”
Dr. McGee nodded. “Alright. Well, after that disaster of a meeting I need caffeine and sweets. Would you head down to the nearest Starbucks and get me something? Oh, and get something for yourself too. You looked dead on your feet in there.”
Her smile was kind, clearly making an excuse to give Barry a chance to get some much needed caffeine. What Barry actually needed was sunlight, but he quite liked the idea of a Frappecino. It would be a nice treat. So Barry sped walked down, the balance between “I’m totally a normal human” and “I’m literally not a human being” led to him looking very, very clumsy as made his way to the nearest Starbucks.
Barry ordered two very sweet iced coffees and hopped back upstairs, giving Dr. McGee her drink before returning to his desk to send emails and do other assistant things. It was very, very boring and Barry wished, not for the first time, that his keyboard could withstand super speed. And that he wasn’t in full view of everyone. It would make his life so much easier. Luckily, he only had to make it through that one last meeting and then he’d be able to go to his real job.
“Your patrol route for the day.”
Barry smiled at Len as he took to the tablet. “Hello to you too, Len”
Barry was already in his Superboy suit, having flown over, his hair windswept since he wore his longer than Clark’s and didn’t include a pound of hair products. Len, currently in his human form smirked and rolled his eyes, fondly. Barry’s route was outlined in blue as usual and intersected occasionally with Iris’s (gold) and Ronnie’s (orange). The routes were randomly generated by Cisco every day as a way to avoid a pattern that their enemies could pick up on.
Barry memorized his route quickly and handed to tablet back to Len. “I’m going to check in on everyone first.”
“Go right ahead, Bar.”
Barry smiled at his friend and mentor before running from the room. Bette shooed Barry away from Cisco because apparently they were in the middle of an assignment, but Barry had managed to catch up to Iris and Ronnie as they were getting ready for patrol.
“Rondi! Iris!” Barry called.
They turned. Ronnie Raymond, a Tamaranian whose real name was Rondi’ander, but was better known to the public as Brightfire, smiled at Barry kindly as he came up.
“Bar-El, how was your day?”
“Long and boring. You?”
“Jax got upset and he has set our television room ablaze.”
Barry winced. Jaxin’ander, or simply Jax, was Rondi’s younger brother and he had the same problem all teenagers with dangerous powers seemed to. Namely, control. That was why they had Jax, Wally, and Jessie all training together under whoever was willing to lend a hand. Usually it was Len or Barry, sometimes Bette felt comfortable enough to lend a hand and every once in a while Clark would show up. One time he even brought Diana with him. Barry was pretty sure they like Diana more than the rest of them combined.
“What am I? Chopped liver?” Iris asked. She was already sitting on her motorcycle, but her mask, which usually covered her lower face, was around her neck and her goggles were sitting on her forehead.
“Of course not!” Barry hugged his sister, smiling brightly again. There was a reason people called him a golden retriever. “How was work?”
“Fine. They’re bugging my to get an interview with Guardian.”
“They want you to interview...yourself?”
“You see my problem? Maybe I should ask Clark for advice, he interviews himself all the time.”
“I think he actually has Lois ask the questions.”
“Hm. That’s not a bad idea. Well, I’m good to go if you two are,” Iris said, tugging her mask and placing her goggles on her eyes.
Barry smiled and nodded and the three of them headed out to work.
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If the Kara’s swapped places some how
Flash!Oliver And Super!Barry: *in awe of the super powered puppy, think she’s the cutest thing ever, blinded by her smile, both have said ‘marry us’ a few times. Yes, they’re aware they’ve already married a Kara. They just want to keep this one too.*
Arrow!Kara: *watches Barry trip over his own feet and wack his head open on something cause he was concentrating to hard on eating* ...Oh. My idiot now.
Arrow!Oliver: *is possessive* NoO!
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Are you going to write more superflarrow fics? I love reading them you’re so good!! ♥️
I’m actually working on right now! But I am a slow updater, because of life. But yes! I’m working on them!
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I'm not sure if you are still doing requests, but Karivarry interacting with the media, specifically to defend their partners. I just think it would be nice to see them doing that.
I am still taking requests, but it is a long list! I’m happy to add this to it though! You’re number 25
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Evil Speesters vs Evil LifeSwap!Speedsters:
Barry!Salvitar vs Oliver!Salvitar: *trying to kill each other, but elegantly.*
Hunter!Zoom vs Helena!Zoom: *trying to kill each other by ripping each other apart. They’ve resorted to biting.*
Reverse Flash 1: ...So you wanna-
Reverse Flash 2: *holds up a knife* go kill the Flash? Way ahead of you.
Len!Cold And Sara!Cold: *sitting in a coffee shop gossiping about their respective Flashes.*
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Karivarry LifeSwap AU Writing Prompts. Prompt 11/♾: True Love’s Kiss
Prompt requested by @temmie-loony 
Kara always has a Kryptonite arrow and a freezing arrow in her quiver, not for Barry and Oliver but for evil versions of them or should they end up whammied. One day, it's not them but her that gets whammied... 
Kara was used to not asking for help. It wasn’t a trust thing so much as it was a basic habit. She’d forgotten what it was like to rely on people years ago and old habits were hard to beat. So, when she was investigating a series of cases of hysteria and memory loss in which the victims committed a series of thefts. It didn’t occur to Kara that this would be anything more than a rather strange drug, some type of super roofie. She didn’t think that maybe she should call Barry or Oliver, who had far more experience dealing with people with powers.
What she did know was that the victims were getting more powerful as time went on. Not politicians or CEOs, not anymore at least. No, they were too easy to get to apparently. Whoever was drugging these people was going for bigger challenges. A group of Navy Seals. Two female FBI field agents. A couple of CSI agents. A world renowned thief Sara had worked with, apparently. A couple martial arts masters in town for some sort on competition. An ex army sniper. It was like someone was trying to build an army.
It had taken Kara some time, but she was pretty sure she’d found their base. More than one well off family had left National after the undertaking, leaving more than one large, old mansion empty. Whoever they were, they had taken over one of them. FBI agents were highly trained, but there was something empty to them. It made them predictable and it was easy enough to disarm them and knock them out with a hit from her bow. The martial arts masters were equally as easy to take out. Kara had never really mastered any of the styles she used per say, but she fought dirty because she fought to win. She fought to survive.
It was the Navy Seals who ended up giving her trouble. They, like everyone else here, were highly trained, but more than that, there were more of them. And they were much larger than Kara. She had fought them off as best she could, but they got into close range quickly, forcing her to use her bow as a blunt weapon instead of her preferred long range. In the end she had to throw her bow away in favor of her dagger. They took advantage of the situation quickly, using their size to subdue her. One of the pulled her into a very tight headlock, cutting her air supply down so she was forced to wheeze to get any air into her lungs. One of the other ones stripped her of her weapons as she scratched at the one holding her and tried to kick him in the balls.
“Get her hands!” One of them yelled.
Someone grabbed her wrists and wrenched them downward painfully. She felt something cold and metallic wrap around one of her wrists, tight and painful. Then the other. Handcuffs.
“Don’t let up. Give her an inch and she’ll manage to get away. She’s tricky.”
“I got her. Go get the boss.”
The one holding her tightened his grip slightly, just enough that her eyes rolled back in her head a little and she instinctively tried to tilt her head back to get more air.
“Boys, what’s this I hear about a gift?”
The one holding Kara released her just enough so that she could fall to her knees and gasp for air. His arm was still around her neck, but holding her place more than strangling her.
A woman knelt down in front of Kara. She was wearing a militaristic black outfit with her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. “The Arrow? Boys, you know just how to treat a girl.”
Kara snarled. The woman grabbed Kara’s hood and in one quick motion, pulled Kara’s hood and mask off.
“My, my, you’re lovely aren’t you. You know, I’ve been looking for a General. You’re perfect, aren’t you?”
Before Kara could react, the woman swooped down and kissed her. Kara’s eyes went wide and she tried desperately to pull away, but she had nowhere to go. The woman forced her tongue into Kara’s mouth and kept kissing.
Something was buzzed at the edge of her mind and it quickly started to take over, even as Kara fought it. It was warm. Comforting. The most welcoming feeling she’d felt in a very long time. This...this woman was amazing and perfect. Of course Kara had to follow her, serve her, she was everything. Kara started reaching to kiss her back. She wanted to touch her, to kiss her, to make her happy. Oh god, Kara loved her.
What about Barry and Oliver?
No. They were nothing compared to this woman. She was everything.
The woman pulled away and Kara’s heart ached at the loss. No! She wanted to keep kissing her!
“Hello Arrow, I am Marianna. Do you know why you’re here?”
Kara’s eyes lit up at the question. “To serve you Ma’am.”
“There’s a good girl.” Kara’s heart soared at the praise. “Let her go boys. She’s with us now.”
The Navy Seals released her and undid her handcuffs as Kara beamed up at Marianna.
Marianna smiled into the Arrow’s neck as they stood in the privacy of Marianna’s Master bedroom. Kara’s heart was soaring at the attention. At the touch and private moment with her mistress. Marianna pressed a kiss to Kara’s cheek.
“You’re exactly what I’ve been looking for. So strong. So powerful. So willing to serve me. You do want to serve me, don’t you?”
“More than anything.” Kara breathed.
“You would do anything for me?”
Marianna hummed and kissed Kara again, tugging on her braid to get a little moan out of Kara. She smirked at how expressive Kara seemed to be. “I have the perfect job for you, my sweet Arrow. But, I need you to be something else first. I need you to be my perfect general before you can be my perfect consort. Can you do that for me?”
Kara’s breath hitched. “Yes. Yes. I want nothing more than to be perfect for you. Let me be perfect for you.”
“There we go dear. You’ll get to be, I promise.” Marianna guided Kara to her knees and traced Kara’s cheekbones with her thumbs. “Do you want to know the job I have for you?”
“Yes. Please tell me.”
“I need you to kill the superheroes.”
No one noticed when Kara snuck into her base and left with a quiver full of cold arrows and all four kryptonite arrows in her possession. The thing about the superhero community was that it wasn’t a unified community, but rather a group of factions held together by alliances of an unsteady nature. And that was something that would work in her favor. Factions and their alliances were held together by central heroes. Kill the central heroes and alliances would break apart, factions would fracture, and soon the heroes would all isolate themselves. It would make them that much easier to kill.
Still, she needed to be careful. While more dangerous and thus a larger threat, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman wouldn’t hesitate to fight back if it was clear she was trying to kill them. Diana and Clark may be gentle and hold back due to their love of Barry, but she wouldn’t be able to defeat them.
Of course, she could take out the sidekicks easily enough. Nightwing, Spoiler, Signal, Kid Flash, or Stormfire would fall to her arrows before they even knew she was there. But that was too easy, it would never impress her mistress. No, It had to be Barry and Oliver. They would never strike her, never use their powers to do more than bruise her or restrain her.
It had to be them.
Oliver felt the cold before the pain. It wasn’t really surprising when he thought about it later. His body would of course feel the freezing of his muscles, bones, and cells. Feel the lightning that always ran through his cells stop suddenly and vibrate against the one thing that would always stop it. Then he felt the pain in his hip, stabbing, gushing, and throbbing. The arrow tip half buried in his hip bone. Oliver looked at the arrow buried in his hip but even with his blurred vision he recognized it.
It was one of Kara’s arrows.
Oliver pressed on of the buttons that held his jacket closed, the one on the corner of the large lightning bolt across his chest, and activated his communicator. “Felicity! Call Barry! NOW! ”
Oliver gripped a hand around the arrow shaft, carefully trying to keep it in place while he moved. Right now, it was acting like the Little Dutch Boy, keeping the blood inside of him and while it hurt, the arrowhead cutting his flesh over and over again and scratching his hip bone, it was far safer than risking the frostbite spreading and blood running from a wound that the cold would prevent from closing.
He couldn’t stand, much less run, but he needed to get out of the open. Behind a car or a dumpster or something.
Oliver heard the familiar sound of Kara’s bow sliding down a zip line and her combat boots hitting the pavement. Oliver managed to crawl backwards a couple feet as Kara pulled another cold arrow out of her quiver and notched it. She only had three, having used the other two once when Oliver was whammied, but with an arrow in his hip, she only needed one to finish him off.
Oliver heard a familiar rush of air and smiled a little. Before Kara’s arrow could hit him Barry caught it and snapped the cold generator in half with a tiny squeeze of his hand.
Barry dropped the pieces of the arrow and turned to Oliver, he slipped quickly into Speed Talk so only Oliver could understand him. “You good?”
Oliver nodded and Barry turned back to Kara, speeding over as she began to pull a Kryptonite arrow from her quiver. Oliver could really only watch as Barry grabbed her bow, applying the smallest bit of super strength to rip the bow from her solid grip as he knocked her feet out from under her. The kryptonite went bouncing and Oliver watched the green glow through a numb haze as another wave of bitter cold spread through his leg.
Barry had Kara pinned down, holding her by her wrists as she struggled and began to scream.
“Let me go! You bastard! You won’t get away with this! I have a duty to my Mistress and I fully intend to complete it!”
Fear flashed through Barry’s eyes and he tightened his grip just a little. “I’m sorry about this Kara.” He let go of one of her wrists. Just long enough to hit her across the face with just enough strength to knock her unconscious. The cold started to spread from his leg, Oliver couldn’t stop shivering and he began to have trouble concentrating. He knew Barry had spoken to someone, that the flash of swirling light was one of Felicity’s portals, that it was Diggle who lifted  him up and carried him through, but it didn’t seem to register. All that registered as the cold, the pain, and the betrayal.
When Oliver woke up, he was wrapped in warm blankets with an IV in his arm. Usually, speedsters woke up slowly. They slept hard, they slept deep, and they slept long. Mornings were hell and more than once Oliver and Roy had sat down to eat after a long patrol and just...fallen asleep. And after an injury like this? Well, Oliver tended to slip into healing comas. No, the only surefire way to wake up a speedster that didn’t involve constant prying was if someone they love is in danger.
Caitlin stuck her finger in Oliver’s face as he tried to sit up. “You’re leg isn’t healed yet.”
“Is safely unconscious and strapped to a cot in the Pipeline. Barry’s watching over her. You can wait until your wound closes, but you’re wearing the brace.”
Oliver glared at Caitlin, but laid back down. He hated the braces. They were made of titanium and used to hold his limbs still. Apparently he “couldn’t be trusted with splints” and so drastic measures had to be taken. There was even one for his spine. It would make it difficult to get down the stairs to the Pipeline.
“What about Kara? How is she?”
Caitlin sighed. “If I show you here scans will you stay in bed until your arrow wound closes?”
“Cross my heart.”
Caitlin pursed her blue lips and narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously, but still grabbed her tablet and pulled something up with a few quick taps. “These are scans of Kara’s brain. See these bright spots…”
“Her hippocampus, her prefrontal cortex, her pituitary gland...she’s in love?”
Caitlin nods. “It’s not natural love, though. Here...this is her brain during our routine scans, when I asked her about you and Barry...and here it is now.”
The glowing spots were about ten times a large and bright. Instead of the warm, happy spots that appeared in her routine scans, they were so bright and loud that they looked like they were burning. That..wasn’t right. Oliver stared at her brain for a few seconds, slowly piecing it together.
“Someone is using false love to control her.”
About an hour later, Oliver limped down to the Pipeline on crutches, his hurt leg immobilized by the brace. True to Caitlin’s word, Barry stood guard in front of a cell, shoulders tense and still in his suit.
“She hasn’t woken up, yet?”
Barry shook his head, not looking away from Kara’s unconscious form. Worry lined his face and swam in his eyes. Oliver set one of the crutches against the wall and hobbled over to Barry. Barry reacted quickly, putting an arm around Oliver’s waist to stabilize him. Oliver purposefully leaned a little more of his weight than necessary against his boyfriend. Not only could Barry take it, but he would know it was a sign of affection and comfort.
“When she wakes up we’ll be able to figure out how to fix her.”
“I know. I just want her back.”
“Me too.”
It took Kara a few more hours to wake up and within seconds she got to work trying to break herself out without any regard for her own body. Within a few minutes, despite Barry and Oliver’s pleading, she’d made her wrists bleed from struggling. She screamed herself horse about some mysterious mistress and a mission as Caitilin did test after test, mumbling possible cures under her breath. Finally, they had to put her back into the cell, wrists neatly wrapped in bandages and cuffs tugged tighter to try to decrease her ability to struggle.
“Wait!” Oliver called as he limped over to her side. “We will fix this Kara. I promise.”
“Fuck you.” she growled.
Oliver put a hand in her hair and leaned over, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead. Then he backed off and nodded, letting Kara be put back into her cell.
They next time they took her out for tests she was more subdued. She still clearly wasn’t Kara, but she wasn’t screaming about some crazy “mistress” and threatening them.
“Whatever this Meta-Human is using to control her seems to be wearing off.” Caitlin said, showing them Kara’s most recent scans. “It’s possible that it’s something that needs to be topped off regularly.”
Barry scrolled through the scans. “No look. They suddenly changed. If it was something that needed to be topped off, there would have been a gradual decrease in her hormones and brain activities. They just...dropped by half randomly. Caitlin, what did you do?”
Caitlin looked over the scans again, thoughtfully looking over everything. “I mean, I tried a series of hormone treatments, but they wouldn’t work this drastically this quickly.”
Oliver’s eyes went wide as he remembered something. “I kissed her. Right before we put her back in her cell.”
“Of course!” Caitlin exclaimed, “Real love hormones to counteract the false ones! Barry, Oliver. Go kiss your girlfriend!”
Kara woke up to Barry’s lips on her own, a killer headache, and her wrists burning. She blinked a couple times and pulled away from the kiss, not even realizing she’d been leaning into it. She was tied down on a medical cot with reinforced handcuffs and in the Pipeline for some reason. She blinked again and looked around, Barry was leaning over her, brushing hair off her forehead, and Oliver was on crutches, leg trapped in one of his braces.
“What happened? Ollie? Are you okay?”
They both smiled and crowded her, hands in her hair and cupping her face.
“You’re back.” Oliver breathed happily as he pressed a kiss to her lips.
“Yeah. Two questions. Where did I go and can you please untie me?”
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I tried to make edits, I guess:
Kaiden, in a speedster specific act of rashness, takes on a meta human he is not prepared for. He comes out seriously injured and for a time, it was unclear if he would live. Oliver confronts his son when he’s finally well enough to rest at home
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1) PTSD mess. The island really screwed her up.
2) She has an undergraduate/bachelors degree in ANTHROPOLOGY. With is a perfectly acceptable career path and way of study. But it’s one you need a Masters and PhD in. She’s not going back to school and the idea of field work makes her squirm after the island, so she has a “useless” degree as far as employeers are concerned
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Oliver Queen (The Flash) Headcannons
(For My Karivarry Life Swap AU)
(This is for you @temmie-loony!) 
Oliver is a teddy bear!!!
Yes, I’m starting with one of my favorite tags.
Oliver is a cuddlier, Kara is hesitant with affection and Barry is more of a “Doing things for my lovers” sort of guy, but Oliver adores a good cuddle. It helps that his powers make him a space heater. 
Even in his sleep he is a cuddlier, once he grabs Barry or Kara he will not let them go. 
He is no stranger to affection. 
Lance wasn’t exactly a teddy bear, (he’s more of a hedgehog) but Sara and Laurel made it their life mission to make sure Oliver was a well adjusted person emotionally. 
The Lance-Queen siblings are so open with affection that it actually freaked Roy out when he was adopted. 
This easily moved over to his team and his Partners. (Yes, this did freak out Kara for a while).
He is CONSTANTLY eating. 
Unlike Earth-1 Barry, Oliver actually did the math when the phrase 850 tacos came out of Felicity’s mouth. Around 200,000 calories. Not 20,000. 
Because of this, he’s almost always munching on something, usually something starchy. 
Seeing him without food is actually the weird thing.
One time Kara and Barry didn’t see him snacking for an entire day and were do worried they immediately took him to the DEO to get checked out.
Oliver’s Flash suit is blue
We all saw how horrible Oliver looked in the red Flash suit in Elseworlds.
Instead, his suit looks a bit like Jay’s or Iris’s
It’s blue with silver accents and a domino mask
His lightening is white-yellow
He was the one to ask Kara and Barry out
He would never admit it, but Sara is his favorite sibling
She was also his maid of honor at the wedding
He’s a cat person
Specifically, he made friends with a cheeta once.
Everything moves to slow for him
He can’t sit still and it’s difficult for him to enjoy movies and books because they move to slow.
When he does watch movies he likes action and heist movies, but he also holds a secret love for Pixar movies.
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Season 1 Oliver after getting his powers and needing all the carbs he can get: So, I'm going to grab a healthy breakfast.
Diggle: Are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up?
Oliver: Breakfast burrito, but yeah.
Diggle: I pity your dentist.
Oliver: Joke's on you. I don't need a dentist.
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