#karly watches arrow
chosetherose · 2 years
What a coincidence, Taylor is wearing arrow heart earrings in her new tiktok to match Karlie's wish you were here post emoji
Wild! The earrings stood out to me as soon as I watched MMWM because I blogged about that specific pair a few times last year.
This was so loud!
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diannaofthemyscira · 5 years
i LOVE that mia is thinking about killing 5 year old JJ
and Will’s “Mia” was great
i love their dynamic so much
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falcqns · 3 years
Stay The Hell Away From Him
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Morse!Barton!Reader, Sam x Reader (platonic)
Summary: John gets a little too close to Bucky for your liking.
Warnings: John Walker gets punched in the face (as he should), swearing, violence, implied smut.
A/N: Just another idea I got off of TikTok LMAO. Doesn't exactly follow the FATWS plot and timeline but oh well. Also, for anyone confused why I chose Clint and Bobbi Morse as the readers parents, they were actually married in the comics, and I love Adrianne Palicki lol. Hope you enjoy!
Part Two
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You watched from a distance as your boyfriend, Sam and Zemo talked to John and Lemar.
To any normal person, it would appear that John was talking calmly to the two former Avengers, however you knew different. You could HEAR different. The enhancements you received from the Infinity Serum that your mom took before she had you that were passed on to you often bothered you, but you were thankful for them in moments like these.
You could hear John accusing Bucky of messing up the most recent mission. They had finally got a pretty good lead on Karli and The Flag Smashers, and Bucky left his post to take care of a former Hydra agent that he spotted. He may be partnered with Sam and all, but he still had a duty to the government in order to make amends.
You watched as John took a step closer to Bucky, and your hand flew back to your waist band to grab your retractable bow, and pressed the button to release the limbs, and it snapped into place silently. You grabbed an arrow from the pack behind your back, and loaded the arrow in to it, just as John grasped Bucky by the front of his shirt and slam him into the wall at his back.
You thought about aiming for his head, you really did, but logically you knew that wasn't the smartest idea. So, you aimed for just above his arm. You knew if you times it correctly, it would just graze his arm, which would make him jump.
You grasped the bow string and pulled it back, glancing through the sight window before releasing the arrow. It flew through the air quickly and quietly, just as John lifted his arm slightly. Your eyes widened, but you smiled when the arrow went straight through some of the material that sat atop his skin, not his actual flesh.
He stumbled back as you put your bow back where it belongs after retracting it, and you felt all eyes on you as you walked towards them. You looked at Bucky who had a smirk on his face, and then Sam who wasn't trying in the slightest to hide his smile. You glanced over at Zemo who just nodded in your direction.
"Who the hell are you?" John asked, pulling the bow from his suit and getting in your face. You heard Bucky growl behind you, and a small thud, which turned out to be Sam gripping Bucky's arm. "This is a government matter."
You scoffed and gave him a sickly sweet smile. "A government matter? Is that what you're gonna call shoving an Avenger into a wall? Nice try." You said, and ripped the arrow out of his hand before turning to Sam, Bucky and Zemo.
"So. What have I missed?" You asked and Bucky smiled.
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The six of you were sitting inside the safe house, debating your next move. You were sitting on the couch next to Bucky who had an ice pack on his shoulder from when John slammed him into the wall, and was glancing at your computer, which you were using to find any trace of Karli on the satellite links that Sharon had sent you.
"Anything?" Bucky asked, and you shook your head.
"Nothing yet. She seems to be getting better at covering her tracks, but I'll get a hit sooner or later. If I can't, I have some people I can contact." You said and smiled at him. He returned your smile, and got up to go to the bathroom after pressing a kiss to your cheek. You watched as he walked into the bathroom, and groaned as the door closed and John walked up to you.
"So." He said, and you barely spared him a glance. He scoffed and sat down next to you. "You're pretty talented." He said and you nodded in agreement. You saw him lift his arm and go to lay it behind your body out of the corner of your eye, and decided to finally talk to him.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." You said, and he immediately tugged back his arm.
"Why?" He stupidly asked, and you chuckled before tearing your eyes away from the laptop to look at him.
"Let's see. I'm the daughter of an Avenger and a super soldier who was a member of Phil Coulson's most elite S.H.I.E.L.D. squad. My mom had two serums, one of which is a replica of the serum that Captain America had, which got passed down to me. My father is Hawkeye, who is the best marksman in the world. Not to mention, I'm dating a former brainwashed Hydra assassin who can definitely hear you from the bathroom and could knock your lights out in one punch, as can I, so I wouldn't do that." You stated, and John smiled sarcastically before turning to Lemar and back.
"That's impossible. Aside from the Flag Smashers, only Bucky and Steve ever got the serum. And I'M Captain America now. Not Steve."
You threw your laptop to the couch and stood up. You got in his face, just like he did to you earlier. He smirked at you, and you didn't waste any time.
You rose your dominant hand and punched him as hard as you could in the jaw, which sent him flying to the floor, blood flying out of his mouth as you knocked a few teeth out.
You stood over him. "You may carry that shield, but it doesn't make you Captain America. Until you can lift Mjolnir, stay the hell away from his best friend." You said, and stepped over him.
You started to walk over to where Bucky was standing, his arms crossed, and a big smile on his face when John had to open his mouth again.
"You say that like you can lift Mjolnir too." He said, and you turned on your heel.
"You're damn right I can. I'm worthy of ruling a whole kingdom, while you sit there on your self righteous pedestal thinking you're worthy of that vibranium shield. You aren't."
You continued your journey to Bucky, who pulled you into his arms, and pressed a searing kiss to your lips. "Fuck, that was hot honey." He growled, and you smirked at Sam who was standing with Zemo, and allowed yourself to be pulled out of the room by Bucky.
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gumsnail682 · 2 years
Story idea: A world where Hanahaki disease exists, BUT theres a cupid like creature who purposely creates unrequited love situations.
Ex: (Unedited)
"You're engaged!? Karly, that's amazing!" Hanna threw her arms around her best friend. The two girls had known each other since childhood, Karly had always dreamed of finding the love of her life and getting married. Now that dream was becoming a reality.
Karly always swore Jake was the one ever since their eyes met at that coffeeshop. Hanna couldn't be happier for her best friend, "Naturally you're gonna be the maid of honor! What kind of dress do you think I should wear? Should I go with heels or no heels? I don't really wanna be dancing in heels all night but then again I could use the extra height-" Hanna listened intently as Karly rambled on and on about her wedding. 
Hanna suddenly felt a chill crawl up her spine, a feeling of sudden doom enveloped her and for a very brief moment it felt as if something had stabbed her In the chest.. but as soon as she turned to look behind her the feeling faded. "And-! Are you ok?" Karly stopped mid sentence to check on Hanna, who looked like she'd seen a ghost. "I'm fine, I just got this really weird feeling. I'm sure it's nothing."
But it wasn't nothing. Lurking a short distance away a small, bow wielding creature floating amongst the trees. It grabbed a pure silver, slightly transparent arrow from its arrow pouch on its back and began to aim. 
It lined up its arrow perfectly to Hannas heart, it released the arrow and it shot through Hannas body. The girl shivered and looked behind her but couldn't see the little flying creature. 
She couldn't have seen it even if it was sitting on her lap. It was invisible to the human eye and it knew that. A dark chuckle escaped the creature and watched as Hanna turned back to her dear friend. 
Hanna didn't understand why but.. she couldn't take her eyes off Karly. She looked so.. angelic, beautiful and stunning. She shook her head. "What the hell's wrong with me? I've never thought about Karly like this.. why all of a sudden do I feel..?" Hanna couldn't stop the burning in her cheeks. "You're all red! Are you feeling sick? Come on, we've been here long enough anyway. Let's get you home." The way Karly took hold of Hannas hand felt like her hand was being held by an angel. 
Hanna never wanted to let go. Karly continued to ramble on about something, and Hanna was so entranced by her voice that she didn't even register what Karly was saying. Why? What was going on with her?
It wasn't until later that night, as she lied in bed that she figured it out..
She was in love with Karly.
But.. why? Why only now was she feeling this way? She's known Karly practically her whole life so.. 
Hanna felt a sudden burning in her lungs, it felt as if her lungs were being stabbed at by thorns. Her breathing hitched and she began coughing, hacking up a couple flower petals covered in blood. 
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spade-riddles · 3 years
You have probably already seen this video but it's so cool to see all dominoes fall. Maybe that's where Taylor got that idea to write about her hair falling like domino. I am almost 100% Taylor watched this show.
I mean Karlie's face, a red heart with an arrow, NYC:
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iwanthermidnightz · 4 years
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Taylor Swift said “good morning to forest sprites only.” In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last *checks watch* mere hours, this morning, venerated lumberjack, revered protector of the woods, and noted hunter-gatherer Taylor Swift announced her surprise eighth studio album, Folklore, to be released at midnight, and nothing has ever caught me more off guard. According to Swift’s new Instagram aesthetic, the album is thematically folksy and wooded, with much of the album co-written by Aaron Dessner of the National, plus a Bon Iver feature — Folklore is certifiably cottage-core — and honey? I’m yelling “timber.”
Luckily, as an aspiring woods dyke with plans of going (plane emoji) full off-grid cabin-gay, I’ve been training for this moment. So grab your bow and arrow, your cable-knit sweaters, and gird your loins, Swifties: Here’s how to prepare yourself for Taylor’s surprise woods album.
I don’t want to start off too intense, but the first rule of both survival and being gay is Be Intense, so … Girls, we’re sleeping inside a bear tonight!!! Five years ago, when I saw The Revenant, I thought, “this isn’t for me.” But as it turns out, Leonardo DiCaprio Mr. Miyagi-ed me! I now know how to survive being stranded in a remote area under grueling conditions: We must hunt a bear and sleep between her ribs tonight, ladies. And when we awaken? Folklore.
Taylor Swift may not have given queer women the representation we thought we’d get with Lover, but with Folklore, Swift is providing necessary representation for women who want to enter the woods and never return. It’s something I’ve dreamed of doing since Hillary Clinton haunted the woods of Chappaqua, and now I finally feel visible enough and strong enough to live off the land. We barely live in a society anymore anyway, so, it’s speared river trout and twig tea for lunch today, ladies!
Got some leftover wood from the fireplace you built inside your properly ventilated log-and-pitched-tarp cabin? There’s no cell reception here in Folklore, so pick up a fun and butch new hobby: whittling. There’s truly so much you can do with a small block of wood: A sculpture of Joe Alwyn drinking water (or whatever it is that he does). A monster that turned out to be just trees. A woodblock print of THIS image Karlie Kloss posted to Instagram a few hours after Taylor’s announcement (I guess smirking in a forest and calling it her “happy place” is how she’s prepping for Folklore.)
Sorry, no part of me believes you’ll be ready for the Taylor Swift woods album if you haven’t either a) been raised by wolves or b) watched the 1994 Jodie Foster film Nell, in which the lesbian legend portrays a “wild child” raised in the rafters of an abandoned house in the mountains. Either use your last drip of WiFi in your home of logs to stream Nell and get hyped for Folklore or I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe Justin Timberlake has some spare rotted squirrel thigh for your weak ass.
Folklore drops tonight at midnight. Join me in the forbidden forest for a listen: I’ll be the one with sticks in my hair, moose meat in my belly, illuminated solely by the light of the moon and these flames.
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violetmuses · 3 years
Grey || Chapter 2
Dedications: @clints-lucky-arrow @mymagicsuitcase @mypoisonedvine @punemy-spotted
Helmut Zemo
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“I was a God. I did what no other scientist since Erskine was able to do, but mine was going to be different. No clunky machines or jacked up bodies. Mine was going to be subtle, optimized, perfect.” Dr. Nagel held enough arrogance to proclaim so-called immortality. We learned as well that Nagel recreated twenty vials of the damn Serum before Karli Morgenthau had stolen those items. I kept scowling, eying his boxed lab with disgust. Across the room, James and Sam were still alert nearby.
“How have we never heard about this?” Sam reasonably questioned soon after lowering his own firearm. James still kept his weapon close, planning to threaten Nagel once more if need be.
“Before I was able to complete my work, I turned to dust. When I returned, it was five years later. The program had been abandoned, so I came here. The Power Broker was more than happy to fund the recreation of my work.” Nagel continued speaking, his voice low but still purposeful. I quietly armed myself after finding a gun tucked under one silver cart.
“Where’s Karli now?” Sam probed once more as expected, keeping calm despite our current situation of urgency. With each passing moment, I’d become restless, but knew better than to react before questioning truly gripped its strong point.
“I don't know where Karli is, but a couple of days ago, she called and asked if I could help someone named Donya Madani. The poor woman has tuberculosis and it’s a typical consequence of overpopulation in displacement camps like that.” Nagel offered more information and I still listened intently, despite holding the gun.
“What happened to Donya?” Sam then asked logically to volley himself back for this interrogation.
“Not my pig, not my farm.” Nagel acted smug once more, irking my thoughts again.
For a moment, I concealed my weapon and stepped towards him, eying Sam as he allowed me to move forward. If questioning by “good people” didn’t work, then there was a chance that I would be convincing here. There was no other choice.
“If you won’t reveal where Karli is, then perhaps you can tell me where this woman could be found.” I reached for one of my inner coat pockets and showed Nagel this personal photograph. My own heart dropped and raced all at once this time.
“You’re definitely behind the times with this picture, but I know exactly who that is.” Nagel laughed almost menacingly to himself while sitting in the chair. James and Sam stood in place with clueless expressions, but of course I did not care.
Another story for another time.
“Where is she?” I asked, nearly gritted my teeth whilst anger coursed through every vein within me now. James and Sam were still watching us both, but questions had surely crossed their minds as I changed subjects of this probe.
“Dionne Charles has hid in plain sight for decades now. You haven’t been paying attention.” Nagel clued to me, but remained vague. It took everything in me not to shoot, but his answers would've meant quite the breakthrough. I needed more.
“Is she here?” I snapped once more, patience finally growing thin.
“Maybe, maybe not.” Nagel shrugged. I back away, deciding not to pull the trigger yet.
“Back to business. Is there any serum in this lab?” James stepped forward and pressed the barrel of his firearm right up against Nagel’s temple.
“No,” Nagel allowed his voice to tremble as he reached the brink of death once more.
“Guys, we're seriously outta time here!” Unexpectedly, Sharon Carter entered the container and warned us of more incoming trouble.
Not caring, I finally unveiled my firearm soon and pulled the trigger, killing Nagel without any further hesitation.
“No!” Sam and James then yelled towards my direction, pulling me back with his own stronghold.
“What did you do?” Sharon asked, peering towards my eyes. I still couldn’t care less. Impact of the powerful gunshot had shuffled Nagel and forced his hardened chair to fall backward. Blood immediately splattered all over his chest and face.
James, Sam, and I had taken my private jet once more, moving to my safe house in Riga, Latvia the following day. One GRC resettlement camp had been located in this specific city and Donya Madani passed away there, which signaled one step closer towards Karli.
“I’ll ask you again. Who the hell is Dionne Charles? You won’t even show us the picture that Nagel saw yesterday.” Sam questioned me, sitting at the kitchen counter. I’d placed down a drink for him, but he crossed both arms, waiting for me.
“Fine, do you want the truth?” Sarcasm lined my voice, but he was right. I’d quietly spent the past few days hiding behind phones and secrecy to find someone and my veiled movement left them suspicious.
“Lying would put you back in jail without a doubt, so tell me everything.” Sam kept his words leveled, but this sense of curiosity peaked as well.
“Apologies for the old photograph, but this is the image that I showed Nagel yesterday.” I’d taken this laminated Polaroid out of my coat and finally handed the beloved image to Sam.
I’d captured the image myself with a disposable camera. 2003 had marked the year on a white border. In this candid picture, Dionne wore this cocktail dress and drank her favorite wine, sitting on the balcony of my family’s estate in bliss. The dark complexion of her skin tone nearly glowed as daylight turned into evening.
“She’s beautiful.” Sam mumbled gently, but I understood. Of course she was beautiful.
“I know.” I sighed, thinking back. Anyone with two eyes knew that she was arguably one of the most gorgeous people in the world. The phrase “often replicated, but never duplicated” was true, especially considering her presence.
‘Any reason why you’ve kept this picture around? I’m sure that times have obviously changed for both of you.” Sam asked, narrowing his eyes. At least he was not willing to act invasive.
“Nostalgia, perhaps. I haven’t seen her in person since…” I trailed off these words when James entered the safe house, entering my kitchen as well. Even Sam had then caught me and tucked the Polaroid back into that fur-lined coat of mine.
Mission first, memories later. I thought to myself.
“Well, the Wakandans are here and they want Zemo. I just bought us some more time.” James announced, not bothering to greet Sam or I in some content manner.
“Were you followed?” Sam asked James in return, completely forgetting and ignoring my previous conversation with him.
“No.” James answered quickly.
“How can you be so sure?” I joined in, facing the stain-glass window.
“Cause I know when I'm being followed.” James defended himself.
“It was sweet of you to defend me at least.” I turned away from the window and sprayed cologne, faintly smirking.
“Shut it, no one’s defending you. You killed Nagel.” It was not long before Sam spoke up once more, facing me.
“Do we really have to litigate what may or may not have happened?” I volleyed back, prompting Sam to respond again.
“There's nothing to litigate. You straight shot the man.” Sam eyed me as I handed over another beverage.
“Eleven injured, three dead.” James scrolled through his cell and offered information on Karli. A bombing at the GRC supply depot had taken place recently. There would be more attacks if a list of demands weren’t met as soon as possible.
“The very concept of a Super Soldier will always trouble people. It was that warped aspiration that led to Nazis, to Ultron, and to the Avengers.” I reiterated our need to rid the world of these monsters. No one deserved to have that immortality.
“So, Karli is radicalized, but there has to be a peaceful way to stop her.” Sam joined the conversation once more, facing me and James.
“The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals. Anyone with that serum is inherently on that path. She will not stop and she will escalate until you kill her, or she kills you.” I set down the truth of Karli’s intent.
Whilst discussing our mission, I didn’t know what to believe when my burner phone began ringing within the trench coat. Backing away from James and Sam, I discreetly moved towards my coat and reached for that pocket. James and Sam were clueless, just continuing to speak on Karli or the Flag Smashers radicals.
As soon as I grabbed the phone, this New Jersey phone number flashed before my eyes, signaling memories that had been long buried. Ignoring James and Sam once more, I headed into this cornered master bedroom, closing the door behind me.
“Hello?” Pacing back and forth at the foot of this bed, It was not long before I smiled briefly, trying to register the possibility of hearing her voice without jumping through the answering machine. This chat would be twenty years in the making.
“Who the hell are you?” On the other line, a man’s voice nearly growled unexpectedly to somehow address me. I’d never heard his voice before, but anger coursed through my veins as time stopped. This stranger even sounded American.
“Where’s Dionne?” I snipped with a low tone, conjuring up the worst case scenarios. In short the time when Nagel explained that Dionne could’ve been hiding in plain sight, an abduction could’ve taken place soon after. My skin crawled.
“You really don’t remember me, Colonel? That’s a shame.” This bastard laughed to himself while briefly recalling my years with Eko Skorpion. Despite still holding the title of Baron, I’d taken military service not long before Ultron destroyed Sokovia.
“At least give me your last name during this call, please. You sound like some average and run-of-the-mill American man.” I said, rolling both eyes, regardless of ongoing anger. For all I knew, this man could’ve held Dionne for ransom right now.
Back in 2012, Russell Perkins somehow bypassed the no-flight list and failed this harsh attempt to assassinate one of Sokovia’s official diplomats. Not only was Perkins arrested and indicted immediately, but he’d been imprisoned shortly after.
“How the hell did you escape prison?” I grit my teeth. Enough was enough.
“I could ask you the same question.” Perkins chuckled, showing the velvet tone of voice that would’ve rivaled any one of my cousins on their best day.
“How I have now been freed from my cell is none of your concern, Perkins. Where is she?” I returned to our main speaking point: Dionne. My heart dropped and shattered once more, trying to calm, but still enraged now.
“Right here. Hold on.” Perkins lowered his voice once more. Both anxiety and anticipation had quickly raced through my mind as I listened out for Dionne's presence, hoping that Perkins wouldn’t make a joke out of this very situation.
“Z…” Dionne spoke to me at last. Her voice, nearly fleeting, edging on the brink of death, shocked me. Not a hint of joy or content lined her tone as she tried to utter my last name.
“Hello, Sweetheart.” Tears pickled my own eyes. Yet, at that moment, my heart sank. It took everything in me not to shout for her and give myself away during this phone call. Sam and James would’ve immediately noticed that I was not nearby.
“Don’t say that to me.” she warned, reminding my heart of the mistake that led to our breakup many years ago.
“Apologises.” I whispered to her, still keeping my voice leveled despite the anguish that filled my very being now.
“Just say hi to Sam for me and tell James that I’m proud of him. I’ve heard a lot of different things since The Blip took place.” Dionne offered greetings to Sam and James, emoting bittersweetness.
“I promise to speak with James and Sam, but where are you? Where is Perkins hiding you right now? Please tell me.” I tried to keep up this clear facade of strength, but the attempt crumbled with each passing moment.
“I’m so sorry, but I can’t tell you. He’ll...he’ll kill me if you find out.” Dionne whispered back to me. Her perfect voice had shuddered against my left eardrum in response, but one damn gunshot then pierced out loud just moments later.
“No!” I yelled, allowing the phone to drop out of my hand instantly. If James and Sam barged through the door, so be it. To be honest, this moment marked the first time that I’d genuinely cried since the loss of my family, including Heike and Karl.
“I took the liberty of crossing my name off in your book. I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do. Goodbye, James.” I bid farewell to James one last time before members of The Dora Milaje could haul me away towards The Raft now.
“She’s alive.” Whilst lowering his firearm at last, James uttered something from behind me. At one point in time, even one member of the Dora had allowed me to turn around.
“What did you just say?” I asked, narrowing my eyes across the cobblestone path found between us.
“Dionne is alive.” James repeated himself.
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oopssasha · 4 years
A Fan Theory: Larry Stylinson
Dear Sasha
Because you wouldn’t Elsa and let it go. I’m gonna go all out with this once and for all. Quarantine is honestly killing my mind. So might as well do it now.
In this very long multiple-part essay, I will explain why I believe that Harry and Louis have been together for a decade now.
This is part 1: What got me digging into the pit of Larry Stylinson evidence.
I only got into 1D because Louis’s ‘Walls’ album is AMAZING. So I went back and listened to every single song that Louis was credited as one of the songwriters. Guess what, I noticed things. I’m a nerd who’s into music and lyrics interpretation. And I didn’t live under a rock, so I’ve heard about Larry Stylinson before. I just never looked into it because I was too busy being a Swiftie.
When I started listening to 1D, I hit a jackpot with Perfect. (The only 1D released song that Louis and Harry wrote together without other boys) Because I was such a Swiftie, I recognized Style immediately. Same tempo, same key, same chords, same everything. It’s basically a COLLABORATION. I died. DEAD. Instead of Harry and Taylor holding hands in Central Park for paparazzo, Taylor, Harry, and Louis could have been writing more music together!
Here. Listen to this. Then I dare you to say you don’t want more. Fans of both Taylor and 1D were ROBBED.
I knew that Haylor’s Winter Romance was a PR thing because Taylor did not try to hide the fact that it was a PR thing at all. I actually think she resented that she had to do it to promote an album, instead of letting her music speaks for itself. She’s a GREAT MUSICIAN. I’m sorry. I got a bit too worked up about this. All the drama she went through, especially from 1989-reputation, was really difficult to witness. She called 1989 the depiction of what the media wanted her to be. Then she basically dumped the mainstream media with Reputation. “There will be no explanation. Only reputation.” And her AMA performance was the greatest ever “Bye, Felicia!” to her old recording label. And I just love my dramatic Queen, okay.
Back to Larry Stylinson, I can’t unheard what I did in Perfect. So I started digging into the other side of Haylor. And, oh boy. I thought Taylor was unhappy about it. But Harry and Louis looked downright miserable during this time. So devastated that it hurt my heart. God, no wonder Taylor wrote Out of the Wood. It’s basically a gay anthem. Just listen. “...the rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming colors.” The most blatant rainbow reference ever and some people still think this song is about a heterosexual relationship, honestly. I used to think it might’ve been about Kaylor (Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift) but nuh uh.
Taylor said OOTW was written for the relationship she was in where the biggest feeling in that whole relationship was anxiety. (Will we, won’t we make it?) She emphasized a lot on how ‘just because it was filled with anxiety all the time doesn’t mean that it wasn’t special.’ God, imagine being in her shoes, in a PR relationship, holding hands with a heartbroken boy who isn’t allowed to hold his boyfriend’s hand in public. It broke my heart to pieces. Probably broke Taylor’s, too. (You remember how I wrote another detailed essay on this before, yeah?)
My next stop was music written by Harry and/or Louis, obviously. That’s the playlist you wrote plot bunny about. You could write an entire plot of a romance novel, exclusively from their songs. And damn it, even the songs Harry/Louis wrote for someone else to sing are still obviously their own story. I’m talking about Blackbear’s CHANGES (It’s sad but true, can’t be in love with you = the forced closeting), Ariana Grande’s Just a Little Bit of Your Heart (I know I’m not your only, but at least I’m one. = the bearding), Alex & Sierra’s (You ran your finger down my back and you spelled out your name. = all the times they were hiding their affectionate gestures behind their backs. And other boys’ back. Honestly, they were being sneaky. But it’s something you can’t unsee. And once I saw it, I started seeing everywhere. I’ll give you examples, you’ll see.)
After the music, I arrived at the figurative tattoo parlor. I went there next because Harry and Louis have far too many suspiciously complementary tattoos. (Hi-Oops, Ship-Compass, Anchor-Rope, Heart-Arrow, Rose-Dagger, A Small Cage-Flying Little Birds, Butterfly-‘It Is What It Is’, I can’t change-a blank quotation) Taylor was there when Harry got his ship tattoo, at the same place where Louis got his compass tattoo within the next 24 hours. According to the tattoo artist, Harry said, “We’re always on the road. But my heart is at home and I want a ship.” Meanwhile, instead of pointing toward North like a regular compass, Louis’s compass points to HOME. I absolutely think Taylor wrote I Know Places for them. Again, listen. “Loose lips sink ship all the damn time, not this time.” And do you know what this song reminds me of? 1D’s Something Great. Why? Louis’s lines in Something Great, the last four, completely deviate from the rest of the song. The last four in I Know Places did the same thing.
“You’re all I want”
“They takes their shots but we’re bulletproof”
“So much it’s hurting.”
“And you know for me it’s always you.”
“You’re all I want”
“In the dead of night, your eyes so green”
“So much it’s hurting.”
“And I know for you it’s always me.”
They sounded like a shift in perspective to me. The difference was that in Something Great it was just a melodic line, a plea from one person to another. But in I Know Places, the chorus stayed, as a witness.
Taylor was a Larrie. There. I said it.
When 1D was asked about the stories behind their tattoos, Louis always dodged the question by saying something along the line of, “People always think it has to mean something when it could’ve meant nothing at all. It’s just a tattoo.” But recently on a radio show, he talked about the time a fan asked him to write something on her arm so she could get it tattooed, he asked her what she wanted him to write and she said, “I don’t know!” And Louis’s shook. “To be fair, love. It’s a lot of pressure for me. You’re gonna have this on your body for the rest of your life and you’re just saying to me, ‘Write anything.’ It’s difficult.”
So, the same Louis Tomlinson got several prominent tattoos (a stag, a compass, a dagger) which will be on his body for the rest of his life with absolutely no meanings at all. Quite a few (little birds, quotation marks under his rope) that he couldn’t remember why he got it. The compass was the strangest thing. He seemed to have spent a lot of time looking at it, for something with no meaning behind it at all. And, “It points to home. Isn’t that sweet?”
Boobear, you’re not fooling anybody.
Honestly, the tattoos are enough to convince me that Harry and Louis, at the very least, were together for quite a long while. At least from the start of 1D to 1D going on Hiatus. Just look.
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First Day of 1D: Louis jumped into Harry’s arms. Harry attempted to twirl them unsuccessfully.
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Last Day of 1D before Hiatus: Harry held Louis’s arm behind Niall’s back (This was very much a recurring theme throughout their time in 1D.)
Here’s an exhibition of ‘See it Once, See it Always’
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Sir Ian McKellen & One Direction on the Graham Norton Show: Louis was sitting very awkwardly here. At first glance, it seemed like he wanted to be as far away from Harry as possible. But look at his leg. Just look. Louis kept his right leg there, touching Harry’s left leg throughout the whole interview. There were some comments in this video that went on about how Louis was being so mean to Harry. And I’m like, please look before you pass judgement. But I’ve got the benefit of hindsight is 20/20 and hearing Louis sings about Princess Park, so. They were definitely very much in love here.
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Night Changes performance on this show was just Harry’s serenading Louis. Watch the video and just look at the way Louis smiled back. He’s so happy. It’s adorable. Zayn and Niall were absolutely trying not to fangirl here. In fact, let me make a meme out of this.
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Come on, when you know, you know.
Before heading to Part 2, you should watch this first. Chely Wright is a lesbian country musician. She was in a closet for a long time. It was a difficult experience for her and a heartbreaking bedtime story for me.
Will edit the link to part 2 in when I post it.
Good night now Sasha
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jaxiferfanpage · 5 years
Gold Stars
Jax’s POV
We were bored out of our minds. As I lay upside down on Luci’s thrown, I could see Kyler sitting crisscross on the floor scrolling through Instagram, Gibbs sleeping in a makeshift bed of chairs, Karly drawing on a discarded sheet of paper from the other day, Rachel sitting on the floor while leaning against the wall, one leg bent up and the other tucked under it with her left arm over her top leg lazily, her right hand resting one her phone beside her with earbuds connected, and finally- “Andrew, why are you rolling on the floor?” Rachel asks, staring at him with a raised eyebrow and an amused grin. “Because I’m bored.” He replies, voice muffled by the ground and he suddenly stops rolling and sits up.
After a few minutes of silence, Rachel stands up and slides her phone into her back pocket. She walks over to the table where our weapons are displayed, picking up her pistol and Angel Blade, tucking her pistol behind her back and covering it with her jacket. “Where are you going?” Andrew asks her curiously. “To kill.” She responds calmly. “Oh! I’m going with you!” I say, practically tumbling off of Lucifer’s throne and onto the floor, quickly racing over and picking up my bow and arrows. “Me too!” Andrew shouts. “I’ll go, but I’m gonna be in a different area. I want to kill on my own.” Karly smiles, standing up and walking over to us, picking up her own demon knife she carved a few weeks ago. “Kyler?” Andrew looks down at him, picking up a sawed-off shotgun and filling it with bullets he took from his backpack. “One sec...” Kyler trails off, staring at his phone. “Oh shit, I forgot to load my gun.” Rachel mutters, taking out her gun. “I made devil’s trap bullets last night!” Andrew smiles widely, seeming quite proud of himself. “Loser, I did that the first night we got to this universe.” Rachel laughs. “Oh yeah? Then where’s yours?” He questions confidently. She walks over to her bag and takes out a few cases of bullets. “This one is full of devil’s trap bullets,” she holds up one of the boxes. “This one is full of angel banishing bullets,” she holds up a different box. “And the bullets in this case are filled with holy water.” She smirks as his confidence fades from his face. “Bitch, wake up.” I hear Karly say, followed by the sound of wood being kicked. Gibbs shoots up and falls off the chairs and groans in pain. “Get up, we’re going hunting.” Karly says. “No, we’re killing demons. Nobody’s gonna let us leave until the angels are off of our asses.” Rachel says, putting her gun back in place after loading it with holy water bullets. “Damn angels. Who knew hell could get boring?” I say, smacking Kyler on the head. “Are you going?” I ask. “No, I’m going to s-“ he gets cut off by Gibbs snatching his phone out of his hands and replacing it with his silver knife. “Silver won’t kill demons, you know.” He grunts. “Yeah, but I carved some marking on the handle that affect demons and a few other supernatural species.” Gibbs explains. “Good job, I’m actually impressed.” Rachel smirks and Gibbs bows. “If I’m being forced to go, so are you.” Gibbs says, grabbing the spare Angel Blade. “Here, I thought you might like these.” Rachel says, handing Gibbs a pair of Enochian brass knuckles. “Woah, these are cool!”
As we walk out, we’re greeted by some of Luci’s Watch Demons and Rachel nudges me since I live here. I walk up to the, quite nervous. “...hi” I tell them. There’s a pause before I look back at Rachel and she gives me a ‘seriously?’ look. “please move, I’m gay.” I say in a small voice. They look at me for a few seconds, then look at each other. “Lucifer gave us direct orders to make sure none of you leave, go back inside and wait.” The taller one tells me. I turn around and Rachel mutters something along the lines of “oh my god...” and face palms. She goes up to them and looks them both in the eyes. “What do you want, shorty?” He asks her and I notice her twirl her Angel Blade around her fingers. “Move.” She states and the both laugh until she holds up her blade. “I’m going to kill some demons before the day ends. Now either you move your asses out of the way, or I can add you two as the first kills.” She threatens and they quickly let us through.
“Everyone can go kill whoever and however they want, when do you want to meet back here?” She asks. “In two hours.” Kyler replies. “Alright, go do what you want.” She says and everyone runs off, killing every demon in sight.
The two hours pass and I head back to where we started. I see Kyler, Gibbs, and Karly but no sign of Rachel or Andrew. We wait a little long and Andrew shows up, a few minutes later Rachel appears around the corner of the wall looking super pissed off. “What happened to you?” Karly asks. “The bitch broke my fucking weapon.” She grunts, opening her hand and dropping pieces of what I can only assume to be her Angel Blade used to be.
Suddenly, she whips out her pistol and points it to her right. She pushes Kyler out of the way and shoots a female demon in the shoulder. “Bitch.” She mutters, shooting her again until she’s dead on the ground. “Come on, let’s get back.” I tell her, grabbing her jacket and pulling her down the hallway.
The six of us wait another miserable two hours before Lucifer enters the room with an excited grin. “Hey Jax, I didn’t kill anyone today!” He exclaims. “The fuck you want? A gold star?” I ask him. “Actually, yes.” He smiles. “Well, too bad. I don’t have any.” I say, plopping back down on the floor. “I do!” Rachel smiles, grabbing a sheet from her backpack, ripping off a large gold star stickers, and slapping it onto his face. “Yay!” Lucifer smiles.
“Dude, you’re Satan himself, now act like it.” Dean says, shoving the doors open as always. He looks at us and his face loses all expression. “What the hell did you do today?” He asks us. “We kill demons.” Rachel says, angrily. “You what?” Lucifer asks. “You heard me.” She nods. “We told you to stay here!” Dean shouts. “Dude, when the fuck does she ever listen?” I mutter, taking a bite of my Ramen. “Jax does have a point.” Luci agrees. “That’s not the point.” He groans. Rachel peels off a sticker and sticks it on his mouth. “Accept the gold star and shut the hell up.” She mutters, walking over to me and stealing one of my noodles. “Hey!” I start to complain, but she takes a sticker and boops my nose with it. Gold stars are apparently the new peace maker.
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storiesbyjes2g · 6 years
Time in Willow Creek: 2 years, 8 months
For three months, Hillary and Juliana fought about her dress for the gallery’s grand opening. It was a black-tie affair, and Juliana was the main attraction. People from all over Oasis Springs–and beyond–would come to see her work and praise her name. The press would be there snapping pictures and begging for interviews. This would probably be the biggest night of her life, and she wanted to wear a simple dress? Not on Hillary’s watch. She picked out sparkly, elegant evening gowns worthy of the woman of the hour, but Juliana turned them all down. Either they were “too much” or she felt too exposed. Poor thing. Hillary thought she had finally come to grips with her own femininity, but she still had a long ways to go. She marveled at how Americanized Juliana had become while so much old-world Monte Vista remained. She had to explain to her over and over again that no one would lose their head over the dress. People would look at her and say, “Wow! She’s beautiful,” and not, “Whoa, why is she showing so much skin?” Juliana needed to be the most gorgeous woman in the building. All eyes would be on her all night, and she couldn’t disappoint them.
After she accepted her beautiful fate, she settled on a dress and Hillary couldn’t have been more excited. It was one of the first ones she tried on, and she looked amazing. The others were gorgeous but looked more like something she would wear a ball or some fancy gala with dancing. They were so flowing and had long trains. The venue was much too small for that kind of dress anyway. The one she selected was perfect. It hugged her in all the right places but still flowed. The halter style exposed her shoulders and back, and she looked so sexy but still elegant. If Kevin’s eyes didn’t pop out of his head, something was bad wrong with that man.
Juliana had so much hair, and Hillary wasn’t sure she could do it justice. Besides, she had to get herself and the baby ready and wouldn’t have the time to do Juliana’s hair and makeup, so she recommended a salon for her hair and agreed to do her face. Shortly after finishing up, Kevin arrived in a limousine to pick her up.
Juliana was terrified almost to the point of regret. Nothing about this situation was familiar. Why did she ever think this would be a good idea? Her whole life, she dreamed of showcasing her work in a gallery, but none of her dreams ever looked like this. She didn’t look like a movie star, arriving by limo dressed to the nines. She wasn’t accosted by people wanting to know her entire life story. So much had already been put into this including much of her dear Kevin’s money. It was too late to back out. Too late to admit she would much rather continue dreaming about it than actually going through with it. Maybe she would be happier doing something simpler with her life. Perhaps she could go to school, get a degree, and work as a librarian in her own library.
“You look amazing, Juliana.”
She flashed a quick grin and continued concentrating on not crying. Hillary would kill her if she did.
“Are you ok?”
She started to nod but shook her head.
“You’re scared.”
She nodded.
He scooted closer and draped his arm around her shoulder. “It’s ok to be scared. This is a big night! I’m a little nervous myself, honestly.”
“You are?”
“Sure. This is new for me too. I’m mostly excited but still a little nervous. But, that’s ok. It’s normal to be scared.”
“There will be so many people.” That was the only way she could describe how she felt. Honestly, her feelings were conflicted. While she always dreamed of people seeing her work in a gallery, she never wanted to be in the gallery while people gawked at and discussed her work. Every painting had a little piece of herself in it, and experiencing a bunch of people staring at them would feel like being naked in front of a crowd.
“I know. But the family will be there. And the art club too. I’m sure there will be plenty other faces you’ll recognize. Just pretend like you’re talking to the donors again, or you’re back at the town hall meeting. You were awesome then, and you’ll be even more amazing tonight.”
He kissed her cheek. She hoped he was right.
For the rest of the ride, he kept her mind occupied, and she appreciated it. When they arrived, they found Karli doing exactly what they paid her to do and what she did best: handling everything. She directed the bartender and pianist on where to set up and looked fabulous and confident; they were so lucky to have her. Honestly, they had no reason to arrive so early with her in charge. They could have arrived late like celebrities and wade through throngs of people, waving at them on their way in, but it wasn’t their style. Kevin wanted to greet people as they arrived especially because they had no idea who would attend apart from their own friends and family. They toyed with the idea of making it a private event, but that would fuel the fire of the people who opposed them in the first place. The gallery wasn’t some exclusive members-only club, and the grand opening shouldn’t have been either.
Jase and family arrived much later than anticipated and hoped they didn’t miss anything important. Abigail had missed one of her naps and made dressing her a painful experience. The child didn’t enjoy wearing socks, so putting on tights caused a huge ruckus. The only reprieve from the dressing saga was her hair. Everyone had been surprised to see how curly it was when it began growing out. The Humphries had hair straight as an arrow, so the curls must have come from his Latin genes, compliments of his mother. Hillary put a couple of barrettes in it and called it a success.
Harold offered to drive, but Jase suggested they take a cab. Because they were so late, all the good parking would probably be gone. Besides, an open bar awaited them.
When they arrived finally, Kevin was at the door speaking with a tall, blonde guy. Or, maybe his big hair made him look taller.
“Hey guys,” Kevin said when he noticed them. “I’m glad you made it! Marq, this is Juliana’s friend Hillary and her family.”
Jase felt weird about not being introduced by name, but maybe Kevin didn’t know what to call him; they hadn’t announced their relationship yet, so he probably didn’t know.
Blondie took Hillary’s hand and kissed it, sending a wave of panic over Jase. “Well, hello there, beautiful. I didn’t know Juliana had such stunning friends.”
Jase’s stomach dropped. That moment…that scene…it was the thing he had been waiting on. He didn’t realize it until then but saw it so clearly. The reason he hesitated to trust Hillary for so long was that history repeated itself over and over, and it was just a matter of time before it came back around again. They were always in a good place right before some tall, modelesque dude came along and stole her attention. How could he have been so stupid? She declared her love for him and made him trust her, and he let her in again. He wouldn’t be able to recover this time.
“Nice to meet you too,” she said as she clung to him.
“Hello there, little lady! Aren’t you pretty!”
“This is our baby, Abigail,” Hillary said, smiling at Jase.
The blonde douche finally realized he existed and introduced himself. “Marquis Girard, but you can call me Marq.”
“Jase. Nice to meet you.”
Marq grinned at him. “I know you’re a cool dude because you know gray is the best color for a tux, amiright?” He slapped Jase on the shoulder and laughed.
Kevin shook his head. “I swear you’re the only idiot who laughs at his own jokes. Don’t mind him, guys. Welcome, enjoy, and when you’re ready for the bar, it’s on the patio.”
Harold wandered off just before Kevin introduced them to that blonde yuppie. He didn’t go there to meet a bunch of people he would never see again. He came to see what Juliana had been doing for the past two years. Though she lived in his house, he respected her privacy and never went into her room. He knew she painted well but never saw for himself. Naturally, he would have preferred to go to the gallery sometime during the week after the party, but it would be important to Juliana that everyone went to this fancy event. He found her in the corner talking to some people and didn’t expect to see her looking so fancy. That dress had Hillary written all over it, and he snorted to himself. She looked so comfortable though. Apart from that one time he went to the library, he had never seen her outside the home where she was soft-spoken and submissive…unless Hillary pissed her off. This grown-up version of the scared foreign girl he used to know was a refreshing surprise.
She waved at him when she noticed, and he waited for her to finish her conversation.
“You made it!”
“Mmm hmm. We’re here.” He nodded toward Hillary and Jase.
People kept trying to get her attention, so he said what he needed to say. “So this what you been doing, huh?”
She grinned. “Yes.”
“My. Well…it’s mighty fine. I’m proud of ya, and Harriett is too.”
Her eyes glistened from tears moving in. “Thank you, Harold.”
He grabbed her hand and patted it before leaving her alone.
“You want something to drink?”
“I’m good,” he said a bit more tersely than he planned.
“What’s the matter? You want me to take her?”
“No, no, I got her. You enjoy your friend’s event.”
She looked a bit disappointed like she knew something was wrong and wanted to know what it was. “She’s busy. We can talk to her later.”
He walked around to the other side of the gallery, and she followed him. Abigail got a bit antsy, so he put her down.
“Do you think it would be fun to hang out with Kevin and Juliana? We could go to one of those places where you drink wine and paint.”
The randomness of her statement made him laugh, disarming him a little. “You don’t even like painting.”
“I’ve never tried! Besides, don’t they tell you what to paint with numbers or something?”
Abigail began babbling and pointing to someone in the corner. He had no clue who they were or why she would be interested in them. “Y-yeah, ok, Abbie. We can talk to them later, ok?”
When she couldn’t go do whatever she wanted to do, she fussed. Jase got nervous. Not only were they in public, and he didn’t want to be that guy who couldn’t control his kid, but also Hillary would step in proving that he couldn’t handle his kid, giving her more reasons to keep her. He wanted to prove that he could take care of the girl just fine without her, but so far, he was failing.
“Don’t you want to look at Juliana’s pictures? They’re so pretty.” He scooped her up, but it proved to be a mistake.
The girl screamed and carried on, telling everyone in the place that her bedtime had passed. In the corner of his eye, he saw Hillary not smiling as bright as before, but not stepping in either. She wanted him to succeed even at the expense of her embarrassment. At that moment, he realized his feelings from before were all wrong.
“She’s tired,” she said as if to give him a helpful hint.
He snorted. “That makes sense. She fights me every night around this time.” He didn’t want to admit defeat, but the fact of the matter was he hadn’t been able to get her to cooperate at bedtime for the past few months. She loved her daddy, but for some reason, she did not appreciate him at night. “Here…take her.”
“Ok, sweet pea. Ok, ok. Shhhhh.”
And just like that, she calmed down. Hillary rubbed her back and rocked with her. “Why do you always fight daddy, hmm? That’s not nice.”
Gosh, she was so beautiful. She didn’t give herself enough credit, but she was a natural with children. She did so many little things that reinforced over and over again how there could only be one woman for him. After all those years of trying to make her see how perfect they were for each other, despite how wrong his approaches were, she finally chose him. He felt ashamed for thinking she would throw away what they had for some cute faces. Marq used to be her type, and she would have been all over him two years ago. Even after flirting with her, she remained professional and showed him who she belonged to. They also ran into her friend, Jesse. She seemed enthusiastic about seeing him, but that was just her way. Despite being glad to see him, she kept her eyes on Jase the whole time.
Actually, she stayed close to him all night, checking on him and making sure he was ok. Never once did she look longingly at the other guys. She chose him. Honestly, she chose him a long time ago, but he never had an opportunity to see it in action before. The carrot dangled in her face, and he got a little spooked, but she didn’t bite. He had her, and they were in it together for the long haul; he was certain of that now.
Juliana had much more fun than she imagined. To her surprise, she knew many of the people who came. All the Humphries were in attendance along with the art club and Selina. A few of the library’s donors also came. Branson Mello, his wife, and the Fonescas all happened to live in Oasis Springs and thought it was a coincidence that the gallery had the same name as her. Juliana overheard Hillary speaking to a woman who turned out to be her doctor. Kevin said they lived across the street from him. She recognized a few faces from the town hall meeting including the anxious reporter. He cleaned up very well, she had to admit. He behaved much more professionally, so she agreed to an interview. If Kevin saw them together, she would never hear the end of it.
With all the socializing, and standing in those heels, Juliana grew weary and hoped the party would end soon. She needed a few moments to regroup and enjoy some quiet, so she snuck around to the covered porch on the side of the building. She forgot how cool the evening spring air in Oasis Springs could be. Maybe it was because she usually had on more clothes. Whatever the reason, she caught a chill and attempted to go back inside.
Kevin met her at the door. “Oh, there you are. I’m gonna make the obligatory speech and then wrap this up. Are you all right?”
He motioned for her to come with him while he found Karli and asked her to usher everyone outside. “You look like you had fun tonight.”
She smiled confidently. “I did.”
“I see your boyfriend found you too.”
She rolled her eyes and he laughed. People poured out of the building and spilled onto the patio and lawn.
“We appreciate each and every one of you for being here on this very special night. Galleria Sepulveda is not just an art gallery. It is the fulfillment of dreams.”
“It is also a great example of how dreams can come true with hard work and dedication. Not just dedication to your craft, but dedication to your dream. Juliana and I met in a bar almost three years ago.”–some people laughed–“I know…I can hardly believe it myself. We were both there for the first time, and we were looking at the artwork. I said to myself, ‘now there’s a kindred spirit.’ Heh, if you would have told me then what great friends we would become and how invested I would be in this young girl who could barely speak Simlish,” he turned toward her, “and how deeply in love I would fall three years later with the woman she would become…I wouldn’t believe you.”
His words never ceased to affect her, and it got really hard to keep from crying.
Realizing he got off track, he turned back to the audience to finish. “Three months ago, we first opened our doors quietly to get things in order. Now we welcome you to come and see and enjoy what Juliana has spent the last two years doing. She is an amazing talent–a natural talent. Despite how many talented artists we’ll showcase, Juliana’s work will always have a home here.” Applause echoed off the building. “Juliana, do you want to say anything?”
She nodded. “I didn’t know so many friends would be here. Thank you for being here. To the art club, I learned to express in different ways from you. Thank you for the friendship. The Humphries are my family. They took me in and cared for me when I had nothing. I don’t know where I’d be now without them. Thank you for the love.” She turned to Kevin. “And Kevin…” The words got stuck in her throat, and an onslaught of tears assaulted her cheeks. “I love you.”
She fell into his chest as the crowd said “awww” and applauded even louder than before.
“I love you too,” he said, holding her as she cried happy tears. “Are you ready to get out of here?”
She came out of his arms, wiping her face and hoping she didn’t look like a raccoon. “Yes, I’m ready.” Hillary probably cringed, but at least her work lasted for the entire night.
Kevin grabbed her hand and waved to the crowd. “Goodnight, everyone!”
They piled into the limo and sighed in relief as their backs hit the plush, leather seats.
“Are you glad it’s over?”
“Yes, but I liked it.”
She placed her head on his shoulder, and he grabbed her hand. “I’m glad.”
The words she attempted to say earlier were released. “You do so much for me. Sometimes…I feel I don’t deserve it.”
“If there is anyone on earth who deserves to have everything, it’s you.”
She chuckled. “I don’t think that is true, but…thank you for everything.”
Juliana - Chapter 134 The Grand Opening - It's finally time for the grand opening of Galleria Sepulveda! Time in Willow Creek: 2 years, 8 months For three months, Hillary and Juliana fought about her dress for the gallery's grand opening.
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verytamenow · 8 years
1-92 back at ya! 😜
Fair enough!
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? - No, the last person I sent a text to was my dad and the person before was my staight and engaged work friend.2. You talked to an ex today, correct? - No. I actually should probably message her, actually.3. Have you taken someones virginity? - I haven’t even lost my own mate.4. Is trust a big issue for you? - Yes and no. I’ve got a skeptical mind but a trusting heart. If you lose it though, you’re fucked.5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? - I’m crush-free so no.6. What are you excited for? - At the moment? Nothing. Maybe sleep.7. What happened tonight? - Nothing in particular. Dinner and a bit of tv.8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? - To each their own but if it’s a frequent thing, I don’t want to deal with it.9. Is confidence cute? - It’s cute af and sexy af.10. What is the last beverage you had? - Milk.11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? - 0.12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? - Fuck no.13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? - Try and sleep but fail and probably play Cards.14. What are you going to spend money on next? - Don’t know. I have nothing planned.15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? - Nope.16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? - I don’t know. Maybe.17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? - I don’t think there’s anyone I would be okay being completely honest with.18. The last time you felt broken? - Felt it as in known for sure? No clue. Suspected it? Quite recently.19. Have you had sex today? - Alas, no.20. Are you starting to realize anything? - Yes. Fuck.21. Are you in a good mood? - Not really.22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? - I’m not big on swimming.23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? - Yes.24. What do you want right this second? - I don’t even fucking know. Or if I do I won’t say. A lot of things and nothing.25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? - Again, I’m crush free.26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? - Yes.27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? - I need someone who can make me laugh at least on occasion. 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? - Cards or the post-Cards conversation. If I watch a youtube video later that might do it.29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? - More the idea of someone.30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? - Depends on how they fucked up the first.31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? - No.32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? - Crush free.33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? - I try to be but fail.34. Listening to? - Nothing. Me typing on my keyboard.35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? - No.36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? - Nonexistent.37. Do you believe in love at first sight? - No. Attraction or lust? Yes.38. Who did you last call? - My dad.39. Who was the last person you danced with? - I don’t dance.40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? - I didn’t.41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? - Not in a while. Someone want to make or bring me a cupcake?42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? - Yes.43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? - My entire existence is an embarrassment so yeah, of course. She found it cute though, I think.44. Do you tan in the nude? - I don’t tan.45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? - Can’t take back what hasn’t happened.46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? - No.47. Who was the last person to call you? - Probably my dad.48. Do you sing in the shower? - No.49. Do you dance in the car? - Not as of late and not well.50. Ever used a bow and arrow? - No but I’d like to try it.51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? - Not since school pictures.52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? - Eh, maybe? Not watched many musicals.53. Is Christmas stressful? - Always, even when you don’t celebrate it.54. Ever eat a pierogi? - Yes.55. Favorite type of fruit pie? - I don’t like fruit pies.56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? - Considered: Doctor, Lawyer, Forensics, Mortician, Teaching57. Do you believe in ghosts? - I don’t dismiss the possibility but not really.58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? - Yes.59. Take a vitamin daily? - No.60. Wear slippers? - No.61. Wear a bath robe? - No.62. What do you wear to bed? - Tshirt and pj pants.63. First concert? - U2 on the Vertigo Tour (Thanks, Mom!)64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? - Target but I’ll go to Wal-Mart.65. Nike or Adidas? - Neither. Nike I guess (Sorry, Karlie!)66. Cheetos Or Fritos? - Fritos.67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? - BOTH!68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? - Mine or OOTW69. Ever take dance lessons? - No.70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? - Not really.71. Can you curl your tongue? - Yes.72. Ever won a spelling bee? - No.73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? - Not that I can recall.74. What is your favorite book? - Harry Potter.75. Do you study better with or without music? - Haven’t had to study for a while.76. Regularly burn incense? - No.77. Ever been in love? - Once.78. Who would you like to see in concert? - Taylor.79. What was the last concert you saw? - Brooks & Dunn and Reba80. Hot tea or cold tea? - Neither.81. Tea or coffee? - Neither. Hot Chocolate.82. Favorite type of cookie? - Chocolate Chip! Though I really like Oatmeal Chocolate Chip and Peanut Butter. (And thin mints but I don’t want to start @gay4tay​ on another anti-thin mints debate)83. Can you swim well? - No.84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? - Sure but not for long.85. Are you patient? - To a point. 86. DJ or band, at a wedding? - DJ.87. Ever won a contest? - No.88. Ever have plastic surgery? - No.89. Which are better black or green olives? - Black.90. Opinions on sex before marriage? - I’d quite like to have it.91. Best room for a fireplace? - Living room or bedroom.92. Do you want to get married? - Not opposed to it. Don’t think anyone is stupid or crazy enough to.
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diannaofthemyscira · 5 years
“i don’t need you to play dad”
“you don’t get a say”
“just like i learned to live without you”
“you’re just some guy in my way”
holy shit, the things mia is saying to oliver are hurting me
she has every right to be upset but SHIT she is letting him hear it
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writtenandrecorded · 7 years
Subjects that Propel Modeling
photography (photograph locations & people/do self portraiture)
dance (body awareness & choreography & posing)
non-verbal communication (body language & facial expressions)
principles of design  
the history of
fashion figure illustration
Self video (third person perspective awareness)
study of statues mannequins & portraiture art
People-watch Observe rooms full of personalities Exaggerate them create their stories
52 Weeks Challenge: How do our ideas for the photo shoots come about?
1. Title: sometimes the idea comes simply as words for the title: like- “Try Hard” “Mockery” or “You Seem Disinterested” (<– coming soon) ..phrases I can’t get out of my head until I fabricate the visual components to them. Then, picking the outfit & location that best matches the perceived vision/action comes next.
2. Story: sometimes the idea develops from the desire to express a themed story, like our halloween shoot- “Photojournalist Discovers Escaped Mental Patient” *These shoots happen the least often, and require the most preparation, but turn out the BEST ..because my best modeling style is actual acting- playing a character role.
3. Spontaneity: sometimes there’s no idea, it’s all spontaneous. We pick some outfits we’re feeling that day and drive around until we find a location that speaks to us & fits the outfit. *This method happens most, and requires the least amount of thought.. best displayed in “Cow’s Creek.”
4. Fashion: sometimes I get the desire to style a themed outfit series, like- “New West” & the sweater theme as seen in “Chandail.” Or, we get inspired by a particular item we picked up- like the top in “Contemporary Art,” the jacket in “Broken Arrow,” and the yellow coveralls in “Acid Rain.” Clothing inspirations bring right along with them the ideas (mood & scene) for which we’d like to see them photographed.  
5. Despisal: sometimes I don’t want to shoot at all. I haven’t eaten all day, had a lack of sleep, or I’m just in an out-of-it or bad place mentally <– BC modeling can be a very draining experience. (You lose yourself by constantly feeling the need to compare & compete, even if you started modeling as loving yourself just as you are, at one point or another, you WILL fall victim to the superficial games… and one can only handle so much superficialness.. and then you have to find yourself again). But, because of the 52 weeks challenge, the photo show must go on, and my efforts are forced- if any effort is given at all. These shoots just consist of me negatively existing- “The Silver Lining” and “Anything Goes.” In retrospect though, if I completely forget how I was feeling, the photos turned out beautiful, often the most “high fashion” looking. The important thing to remember–> EVERY SINGLE THING has a downside, and that’s normal. It isn’t called a challenge for no reason, now is it?
But, mostly it’s fun, satisfying, and an overall great experience to explore and push creativity.
Balance trying and being
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Feature Karlie/Cara eyebrows Coco posing Kate defined 90s grunge era Tyra smize Giselle the body
“She just HAS IT” What is and who defines “it?” How does one achieve greatness and success in this industry?
TOP 1%
Photographer- gives boost push believes in mentors gives model A CHANCE
Repetitive use MUSE to at least someone but most can see and agree
Something beyond simply doing the job- giving effort being pretty/having the look Through the eyes/emotion/movement More than a photo Can see/feel it instantly- that there’s SOMETHING MORE Inspire curiosity/interest
DOMINATES in relation to no matter the project no matter the task
DEPTH Bad dark troubled sexual passionate
Non-conforming deviant DIFFERENT stands out Can’t be visually silenced
INSPIRES creativity/curiosity/feeling through her obvious craving/passion for her job (modeling art photography fashion) Brings something (ideas) to the table
Ultra CONFIDENT Limitless fearless no-hesitation effort Self acceptance/genuine love
ACTRESS Performer
PERSISTENT Refusal to take no Too short? Make them see No one can stand in the way of self motivation/passion Be the first if need be Don’t take rejection personally keep going
Do whatever it takes Redefine your style Become loyal to maintaining proportions skin care exercise/diet- the LIFESTYLE
PROFESSIONAL- knowledgeable (of history/field/technical aspect) Know how to sit stand body awareness face angles how clothes move how light bounces off fabric etc Not difficult to work with never complain! Show up on time give it all you’ve got every time no matter what
SALESWOMAN- strong ability to sell clothes/accessories/products Kate Moss- “Put Kate on the cover she just sells”  
ENTREPRENEURIAL- understand the business and how to claim/improve your financial stake in it Understand the big picture and work towards achieving the overall goal Visionary Business woman Overwhelming desire for success
BRAND- work with only the best to be the best Protect self brand image/reputation Whatever your brand OWN it! Do your style better than anyone else can Run your self-image like a business
In relation to: EXCELLENCE is in relation to Who’s my competition What has the client been exposed to/consider great?
Ability to REINVENT stay relevant and interesting Innovative Positive outlook Perseverance Refusal to simply fade away
Photographer/model relationship- perfect SYNCHRONIZATION excellent understanding and communication Both give absolute all But if relationship is lacking or feels awkward a supermodel doesn’t allow that to be fabricated through the photos
SELF AWARENESS- competition only with self- have to know/appreciate myself better than I did yesterday Live experiment learn experience struggle grow succeed Have to acknowledge and call upon my good along with my bad (conflict/suffering/darkness) Synchronize with self
…then just be Just IMPERFECTLY EXIST You’ve had it in you the whole time simply become a self-exploitation master- a master communicator Use/call upon everything
Resist the desire to hide and impress Or I’ll waste too much energy “trying” Remember my MESSAGE: there’s beauty in ALL things Embrace Be true/loyal to me even to my worst sides Be loyal to the lens/produce great images Use available resources/sources- emotion mood insecurity/vulnerability
PERSONALITY celebrity popularity recognized known
REPRESENTative of current era generation time or trend setter- DEFINE
WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUT MODELING? discovering myself through the photographer's lens How he captures my essence filtered through his own beautiful & unique perspective & getting into character
"The DISCIPLINE of the muse: effort combined with inspiration That’s what the muse not only advocates but cultivates"
"ARTIST-MUSE relationships are made possible when they are truly collaborative; where the model is just as much the artistic contributor as the photographer is"
Posing Practice:
Goal: become aware of (discover) personality and natural expressions
Level 2- call upon personality manipulate those expressions to stay within the confines of what “looks good” for modeling  
Level 3- Switch from one emotion/expression to next in a snap Put soul into it and make it believable!  
Model- personality attitude inspiration
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*NSYNC's Chris Kirkpatrick Reveals He and Wife Karly Are Expecting a Baby Boy
Chris Kirkpatrick and his wife, Karly, are expecting a baby boy!
The *NSYNC singer took to Twitter on Thursday to share the news with a sweet pic of his gender reveal, in which he shot arrows at balloons filled with either pink or blue paint.
RELATED: *NSYNC Singer Chris Kirkpatrick Expecting First Child With Wife Karly -- See Their Fun Announcement!
"@IamCKirkpatrick + @MagicKar + crossbow = gender reveal 👪#babyboyboyboy!," Kirkpatrick captioned the shot.
The couple, who married in 2013, announced their pregnancy in March, and are expecting their baby to arrive in early October. 
WATCH: Justin Timberlake Reveals Why He Decided to Leave *NSYNC: 'I Was Growing Out of It'
*NSYNC recently reunited for JC Chasez's 40th birthday last August. See the pics in the video below.
0 notes
diannaofthemyscira · 5 years
“oh great, you’re here too”
I love laurel so fucking much
and she looks SO good at the black canary
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diannaofthemyscira · 5 years
oliver meeting his kids is SO much fun
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