#karmaland fic
hunnicakez · 2 months
Hey, I need writing warmups, so throw random prompts or just random words/ideas at me and I'll try making some small thingy with each ask
Fandoms I will write about:
-Stranger things
-Harry Potter
-Percy Jackson
-Detroit: Become human
-Genshin impact
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at0micc0la · 2 years
Quackity's Radio
Living in Karmaland is a nice experience, yes, the people here can be really annoying (cofcof Rubius cofcof), but the man was able to live comfortable. Even without a house, life was kind most of the time.
In the city he got used to live with Rubius some weeks, then go to stay with Luzu and building his house (again). Some days he just helped other citizens with chores to earn some money, but he whined to his friends about it at the end of the day.
One day after helping Merlon, the old man sent him on a mission a few times away, nothing too dangerous 'cause the man had a hard time when it came to fights, Merlon invited him to drink a cup of tea
"I'm sorry, young hero, some pillagers stole my diamonds and emeralds, father Alexby is taking care of them" the man carefully put a cup of tea in front of the young man who was cursing him
'Pinche viejo, me hace viajar un día completo y ni paga me da, que sea mexicano no significa que sea esclavo, cabrón' [Translation: fucking old man, he makes me travel a whole day and he can't even pay! I'm mexicam but that doesn't mean that you can take advantage of me, asshole]
"But I can re pay you with some artifacts I gathered" the man stood up from the chair, he barely sat for two seconds and was already moving to another room "Come with me, boy"
"Fuckin' nasty old man, Ay Dios! Hope he doesn't kill me" the man grumbled through his teeth, following the man, not before sending a text to Rubius saying 'I think Merlon will kill me or fuck me...' and the half bear man just responded with a 'xd. enjoy'
"They're a little old but I clean them at least once a month, I'll let you be, I need to finish my tea" The man left Quackity by himself not knowing what to do, he shyly got close to the artifacts playing with all of them, breaking some in the process and hiding them in the furthest part of a box.
"Gosh, this is getting tedious. I need music for times like this" Quackity grumbled and sat on the floor, peaking the boxes and getting pissy beacuse he should be at home or stealing Rubius food or cuddling with Luzu but no, he needed to choose an artifact as a payment "Wait! I can choose one without looking and just leave" the idea cheered up the man, even if part of him wanted something useful, he wanted to do something else.
So he just took the first thing that he touched, and when he saw what he took he was fascinated. A small radio was the mysterious object, so he inspected it, to see if at least it worked and thanks to the Gods it did.
The radio played just old songs, romantic mexican ballads that reminded him if home, of abuela Coco and his cousins. He remembered the morning drinking chocolate next to Beni and Cochi, enjoying being kids.
"Hey, grampa" Quackity shout to Merlon, while playing with some funny buttons "I'm taking this little radio" when he let the button go he heard his voice repeting what he just said
"Oh, the old radio" the man fixed his glasses "It's an amazing artifact, take care of it"
Quackity left Merlon's house, the little radio playing Chente as loud as it could. The boy couldn't leave for an adventure without that little radio, sometimes he used it to make fun of his friends or just to de-stress. Merlon payed him a few days later the money he couldn't pay him for the mission and a little bit more for the inconvenience, but Quackity wasn't really interest in the money that much, well, he was interested because he was poor at the momento, but he was really thankfull of the radio who became his companion.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
a/n: Sorry, didn't proof read it, but this is a headcanon that I love and never wrote about it. In this house we love Karmaland Quackity and his love for old mexican music
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bistaxx · 6 months
Honestly k!Staxx and k!Quackity's dynamic was extremely underrated like yes they were mother and son but more importantly I firmly they would've casually sold each other to satan should the opportunity come up
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levlies889 · 1 year
What's the smallest ship (in terms of fics on ao3) you've ever written for? I'll go first: Luzu/Sapo Peta/Totem (Monument Valley) (1 fic)
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zethsnex · 9 months
Have a small wip of my next AU
I do hope you guys enjoy it once is out <3
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anon-402 · 9 months
Anon_402's Fanfic Index
■ — n.sfw ■ — sfw
■ — complete ■ — uncomplete ■ — discontinued
— ⟨✧⟩ SERIES
Out of Time ■■ [ESP] [Luckity] ‣ 13/15 ‣ 78K
Emotionally Constipated ■■ [ESP] [Luckity] ‣ 5/? ‣ 14K
The Wattpad Protocol ■■ [ESP][Spiderbit•Sproier(unrequited)•Pissa•4halo•Fitpac] ‣ 1/? ‣ 1K
Boys Over Flowers ■■ [ESP] [Sproier] ‣ 1/2 ‣ 5K
Isn't it Ironic? ■■[ESP] [Pissa] ‣ 1/3 ‣ 9K [ENG-TRAN]
ZigZag Footsteps ■■[ESP] [Pissa] ‣ 1/? ‣ ?K [ENG-TRAN]
Between Kisses ■■ [ESP] [Luckity] ‣ 3K
Midnight Kisses ■■ [ESP] [Luckity] ‣ 2K
Somewhere Between Love and Hate ■■ [ESP] [Luckity] ‣ 13K
You're Always (...) ■■ [ESP] [Luckity] ‣ 5K
Fated To Love You ■■ [ESP] [Luckity] ‣ 12K
As The World Caves In ■■ [ESP] [Sproier] ‣ 7K
Dialogue/Clip Translations
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Me, looking at the distinct lack of English / translated Rubegetta content like
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
The frog is staring at him again.
Quackity ignores it and pretends that he isn't being watched. Gods, that's the worst thing about living in Karmaland: he's always being watched. At least before he had the privilege of being allowed some semblance of privacy.
Before is a complicated thing, so he usually just doesn't think about it. It's hard not to, though, especially now as he wraps leather around the handle of his ax in a familiar way. Once upon a time, someone showed him how to do it this way, someone Quackity can't quite picture through the fog in the back of his mind. This way, he had said, Quackity's hands wouldn't get rubbed too raw by the rough wood. The leather would provide a grip.
A fucking grip, Quackity thinks. He wrinkles his nose annoyedly. Yeah, who here needs a fucking grip? Not him. He's having a perfectly rational reaction to election fraud and betrayal. It's something he thinks that he knows a lot about. Fraud. Betrayal. Cheating. Betrayal. Friendship. Betrayal.
It takes a real asshole to treat a friend like this. What kind of friend goes from saying that he just wants Quackity to be happy to treating him like a kid and ripping away the one thing he wanted in this world just to, what, protect him? Protect him from assholes trying to take advantage of him? What a joke.
The frog is staring. Quackity doesn't know how it got down here, but it's down here. There's an imposter little brother somewhere upstairs playing Call of Duty and cheering loudly every time he murders someone.
Quackity glances at the frog. "The fuck do you want?"
The frog blinks at him one eye at a time. It says nothing in response, but it looks like it's judging him. It probably is. Fucker.
Quackity rubs the top of its head, anyway. A thumb gently strokes a line between its buggy little eyes, and the frog devolves into little froggy purring, and Quackity wants to cry. But he won't. Not now, anyway. He can fake cry like a champ, but actual tears always dry up when he's got company.
This won't be Quackity's first revolution, he thinks. Maybe. The memories are blurry, but he's pretty sure that he's done this before. Somebody died. Someone important. Quackity killed them. He'll kill Luzu, too.
That's the one thing that Quackity knows best, after all. Not politics, not ducks, not music, and definitely not friendships, apparently.
No, Quackity knows one thing best of all: loss. It's all he's experienced on this server between the betrayals and carnivals and births and... everything.
(Rubius in his dress briefly crosses Quackity's mind, Sapo Peta helping him get justice, all the election rigging in his favor...)
Loss. Two universes in a row.
Well, Quackity muses as he raises his ax and inspects it in the light. Third time will be the charm, right?
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read-and-write- · 1 year
I haven't properly used Tumblr in a hot minute, but it's about time I start
Hi, I am Manu, I am Colombian and I spend insane amounts of time writing fanfiction!
This is my Ao3 profile where you can find everything I've written since 2017 (And I hope you don't judge me)
And here are some other fics for fandoms that I've written more recently!
Red, White and Royal Blue
a love to hold in words - ongoing
Drabble collection from the weekly prompts on The Brownstone server, a little bit of everything, sometimes also in Spanish.
las formas de llamarte amor - ~2k words
Henry learns Spanish one pet name at a time, a 5 + 1 of Alex using pet names in Spanish for Henry and the one time he said his name.
and every song reminds me of you - 4k words
The music that reminds Alex of Henry for a variety of reasons, an a peek of what makes him feel that way
All for the Game
it's terrifying to have you in front of me (and making you smile) - 1.3k words
Andrew and Neil learn what love means to them, through the glimpses of their relationships and their routine.
you're an idiot (i missed you) -1.6k words
The Minyard-Josten rivalry, and the inevitable scene of having to go visit your husband at the hospital because he accidentally picked up a fight.
i don't want you to be a secret (but i want them to shut up) -2.6k words
The sequel to the previous one. The press does their best job at being insufferable, Neil is not having a good time, Andrew finds his own way to help.
self-preservation - 2.4k words
And the third part. The Minyard-Josten rivalry and what everyone has to say about them.
Shadowhunter's Chronicles
the only heaven i'll be sent to is when i'm alone with you - 1.9k words
Ty and Kit are in the middle of a plan to save the world, but there's other stuff they have to solve first.
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truly-deceitful · 2 years
In MY mind its is canon that luzu and quackity had the date at illojuans chiringuito somewhere after the elections and before osito bimbo was taken away.
LISTEN, since this was freshly after the elections, tensions were high but they didn't want to kill eachother that bad yet. So how did it play out? Sapo Peta tricked both men into having a chat with him at the chiringuito, in luzus case it would be something about politics and him being the mayor and diplomatic shit, in quackitys case it really didn't need so much of a story before he accepted.
Sapo Peta and Juan had been planning this date for a while that the soley reason they went through with it was bc of how expensive everything was so this is how it went:
Luzu arrives first and illojuan takes his drink order, announces that sapo peta is soon to arrive and that he should wait.
Quackity arrives with sapo peta and as soon as he sees luzu he tries to leave.
literally a fuck no im out scenario
Sapo peta forces him to stay by talking to him and then just dragging him kicking and screaming next to luzu.
Luzu watching the scene indifferently but in the inside he still finds the other endearing
Anyways they manage to get quackity seated and like imagine a bartender Juan trying to mind his business and a sapo peta wearing like a little bow tie acting like their waiter both of them looking polite and all while luzu and quackity don't say a word and just stare hoping it would kill the other
Luzu starts the convo and tries to ask polite stuff like "how have you been in this shitty ass day" and quackity answering in the most motherfucker way possible like "twas doing good until I saw ur stupid face"
Ten year olds arguing
They stay like that for a while and then something sparks an argument
Sapo peta trying his best at calming the parties down
He fails
It evolves into screaming to a point that luzu just snaps and launches himself over quackity starting a hand in hand fight
Very cartoony
Juan is fed up and throws them out
This is the canon reason why Juan never logs into karmaland anymore
He's just so fed up with their shit
This is also the reason he takes osito bimbo away
Absolute pettiness
The end I guess
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msmelgar · 2 years
No importa lo que haga, hacerlo contigo me hace feliz
Ler! K!luzu y Lee! K!quackity ¡sfw!
Advertencias: fic de cosquillas, insultos
Si no te gusta éste tipo de contenido porfavor no leas <3
Resumen: Quackity y Luzu planearon pasar el día pescando mientras platicaban. Quackity se puso más hiperactivo de lo normal y eso lo metió en problemas.
"Llevamos mucho tiempo aquí y no hemos pescado nada, ¡me aburro luzuu! " se quejó Quackity por quinta vez en el día.
"No es mi culpa quacks, de seguro ahuyentaste a todos los peces con tus anécdotas aburridas" dijo Luzu en broma mientras sonreía, aveces le gustaba meterse un poco con Quackity, de manera cariñosa claro.
"Con que andas de gracioso ¿no? Tus anécdotas también están bien aburridas, y no te digo nada, pinche anciano" frunció el seño y le dio un suave codazo en juego.
"¿A mi me estás llamando anciano? Niño hiperactivo" dijo y agarró la caña con una mano para pincharle el costado a Quackity con su mano libre.
"LUJUZU!- ¡no hagas eso! No es mi culpa que ya seas un anciano" rió Quackity y después de decir eso le sacó la lengua como si fuera un niño pequeño.
"No es mi culpa que seas un niño hiperactivo, y tampoco es mi culpa que seas cosquilloso" Luzu dejó la caña de pescar a un lado y colocó sus manos a ambos lados de los costados de Quackity para empezar a apretar allí.
"¡esPERAJAJSJAH LUJUZUJUJAJA s-se me va a JAJAJ caer la cAJAJAÑAJA! " Quackity trató de no soltar su caña de pescar a pesar de tener que lidiar con las sensaciones en sus costados, ¡Era injusto!.
"No me importa tu caña de pescar, quiero una disculpa" dijo Luzu sonriendo y poco a poco acercándose a sus costillas. "Es más, si no te disculpas, haré que sueltes esa caña de pescar si o si".
"JJAJAJAJ N-NOJOJA NO MEJEJAJ V-VOY A DISJIJAJAJHSCULJUJAPAR" Quackity agarró firmemente su caña con las dos manos, tratando de mantener sus brazos pegados a sus costados para atrapar las manos de Luzu, lo cual sólo empeoró las cosas cuando Luzu empezó a garabatear debajo de sus brazos sin piedad.
"Solo tu puedes hacer que me detenga quacks~, anda ya, no seas testarudo. ¿O acaso no quieres que me detenga?" Luzu sabía que Quackity no odiaba del todo éste tipo de afecto, de hecho lo hacía sentir feliz y por eso le gustaba meterse con Luzu. De vez en cuando Quackity quería atención, y a Luzu le encantaba dársela.
"AAHJAJAJJAJAHSJAJAHAK! N-NOJOJAJAJ BASTJAJA PORFAJAJAVOJOR LUZUUJU" Quackity empezó a patear en el aire, retorciendose hacía adelante sin soltar la caña, mentiría si dijera que ése no era uno de sus lugares más delicados para las cosquillas. "OKEY OKEJEJEJY! PERDÓNJAHSJAJAJ PERDÓJOJON JAHSJAJA PARA!" dijo finalmente.
"¿Ves que no era tan difícil? Tonto" le dijo juguetonamente Luzu, deteniendo sus dedos de inmediato pero sin poder sacarlos de debajo de sus brazos. "Quaaacks, no puedo sacar mis manos si no levantas tus brazos".
"p-perojo no p-puedo! Jajajahaj " Quackity no podía parar sus risitas residuales ya que la sensación de tener las manos de Luzu debajo de sus brazos lo hacía sentirse risueño.
"¿Cómo que no puedes? JAJA, bueno, entonces tendré que quedarme aquí haciendote cosquillas hasta que puedas" dijo garabateando un poco y deteniéndose.
"N-NOJO!JAJAJA n-ni te atrevas cabrón!" Quackity se sentía atrapado, si no levantaba los brazos Luzu le iba hacer cosquillas, y si los levantaba también! O bueno, eso pensaba él.
"venga quacks, tu puedes, ya no te voy hacer cosquillas, lo prometo" Luzu se dio cuenta que decir que le iba hacer cosquillas no servía de nada, asi que decidió no alargar las cosas, aunque siendo honesto, disfrutaba cada segundo de su mini pelea.
"b-bueno, májajs te vale!" Quackity levantó lentamente los brazos, sintiendo mariposas en su estómago de los nervios. Pero como Luzu prometió, esta vez no le hizo cosquillas y éste último por fin pudo sacar sus manos.
"bueno, al final no fue tan aburrida esta pesca" dijo y le dió un pinchazo en sus costillas apropósito burlándose del estado desconfiado de Quackity haciendolo chillar por un segundo.
"graciosito, ni siquiera pescamos nada" dijo quackity y por fin soltó la caña de pescar para dejarla a su lado.
"nah, eso no importa. No importa lo que haga, hacerlo contigo me hace feliz".
Las mejillas de Quackity se pusieron levemente coloradas y apartó la vista nerviosamente, solía contestar ése tipo de cosas a modo de broma pero en ese momento se sentía avergonzado por la escena.
Derrepente ambos chicos voltearon rápidamente al escuchar que la caña de Luzu se deslizaba bruscamente hacía el agua, parecía ser que por fin pescaron algo.
"MIERDA-!" dijo Luzu tratando de agarrar la caña a tiempo.
"¡Te vas a caer pendejo!" dijo Quackity y agarró a Luzu del brazo para evitar que éste se cayera. Luzu pudo agarrar la caña antes de que cayera al agua y tiró de ella para exitosamente sacar el pez del agua.
Quizás ésta pesca no fue tan aburrida como decían...
Para mi luckity nunca murió, me vale verga lo que digan 😭
Alex Quackity alcalde en mi corazón
Eres libre de mandarme una solicitud o sugerencia!
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alexanderwesker · 1 year
Notice: To avoid AI scrapping, my FICS now require you to have an AO3 account to read them. Sorry guys.
Chapter: 63
Story Title: The House Always Wins
Chapter Title: The Death Warden
Chapter Summary: Under the earth, there is a City. It has been there for has long as people can remember.
Then how does its Warden know Quackity?
Warnings for this chapter:
Rating: Mature
Category: Gen
Fandom: Minecraft (Video Game); Video Blogging RPF; Dream SMP
Relationships: Quackity & c!Quackity; Quackity &Wilbur Soot; Quackity & Charlie Dalgesh; Quackity & Awesamdude; Quackity & TommyInnit; Foolish Gamers & Quackity; TommyInnit&c!Tommy
Characters: Quackity; c!Quackity; Wilbur Soot; Charlie Dalgesh; Awesamdude; TommyInnit, Foolish Gamers
Additional Tags: Insanity, Alternative Universe – Canon Divergence; Villain Quackity: (Technically); Quackity in Not a Villain; Morally Ambiguous Quackity; Quackity is Not Okay; Dimension Travel; CC!Quackity ends up in the DSMP Universe; Headcanon Galore; My head-canons about the DSMP Characters; Realistic Minecraft; Permadeath AU; Las Nevadas on the DSMP; Paranoia; Panic Attacks; Mentions of Abuse; Canon-Typical Violence; Mentions of Torture(the situation with Dream);Wilbur Soot &TommyInnit are Siblings; Bantering; Politics; CC!Quackity is Scared but that is Fair; Quackity needs a Hug; both of them do; Sam is a Anthropomorphic Creeper; Misunderstandings; Wilbur Soot is Not Okay; Flirting; Tntduo; TNT Trio; (technically); That awkward moment when your character is in a borderline romantic relationship; with your friend’s character; Protective Quackity;(both of them); Scared TommyInnit; Traumatized TommyInnit; Quackity is one of Tommy’s Brotherly Figures; Possessive Behaviour; Obsessive Behaviour; Twisted & Fluffy Feelings; Wilbur Soot is not a Good Brother but he tries Gods he tries; TommyInnit has Abandonment Issues;
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desfics · 2 years
Cuenta principal: @destickleblog
Hola a todos! Antes que nada les advertiré que este es un blog dedicado a escribir fanfics sobre cosquillas, si no les gusta esta temática favor de no seguir leyendo😇
Me llamo Des, les daré unos datos sobre mí:
• Soy Mexicana
• Tengo 20 años
• Mayormente soy lee, pero en algunas ocasiones se me sale lo ler🙃 (diría que un 85% lee, 15% ler)
• Esta cuenta es exclusivamente sfw, si eres nsfw no me molesta que me sigas, pero no comentes cosas inapropiadas por favor!
• Mis fandoms por el momento son: DSMP y Karmaland
• Las peticiones siempre estarán abiertas!
• No tengas miedo de mandarme mensaje💓
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itsoverfeeling · 2 years
So anyway my plan this year fic-wise:
Karlnapity alien au rewrite
Dog show au with miserable quackity
Multiverse collapsing on itself ft. squid games quackity, Michael beloved, and Kyle HQ
And of course:
Fuck around and find out
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ch4ronnnn · 11 months
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¡publiqué el primer capítulo de 'anemoia'!
luckity fic donde algunos de los personajes de karmaland 5 son dioses. luzu y quackity, al fin, se encuentran, con asuntos pendientes y memorias difusas de por medio.
si quieren leerlo, acá dejo el link:
favor de leer el capítulo de advertencias asterisco serio
y en fin, ¡disfruten!
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pandebunuelo · 2 years
na but fr rlly thankful for mae recommending me life series at the right time, it rlly helped me this past week in the worst moments, thank u my lil tsun bestie
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