#usually just there to be a supportive side character to whatever ship the fic is about
bistaxx · 6 months
Honestly k!Staxx and k!Quackity's dynamic was extremely underrated like yes they were mother and son but more importantly I firmly they would've casually sold each other to satan should the opportunity come up
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kingofanemptyworld · 6 months
Rin, identity issues, and the complications of being an isolated, alienated teenager
It feels sort of weird to say but I generally don’t head canon characters as having particular sexualities. Whatever people go for in fics is usually fine with me - gay, lesbian, bi, pan, something more general like queer. As long as it makes sense for the story they’ve built and the character they’ve shaped to fit it, I’m good. Unless you’re ignoring a canon LGBTQ+ sexuality, in which case, yeah, I’ll take issue with that.
But anyway. Rin.
I’ve got my personal ship for him (BonRin my beloved), but regardless of the pairing I see him as bisexual. He’s so open with his infatuation with Shiemi, and okay, sure, fandom likes to ignore the love interest in shounen for the most part because we’ve got gay ships to peddle. But I don’t see the point in that unless it really reads like it’s a front, or a result of a character suppressing themselves for one reason or another. And with Rin, I think it’s pretty clear his affection for Shiemi is sincere. You technically have the in-universe evidence of the demon that brought out his true desires to back that up, but even without it, Rin likes her. It’s complicated because of Yukio and Shiemi’s own inexperience with romance, and yet I never once doubt he really likes her.
That being said… he’s very appreciative of the guys in his life, too. (Peddling my gay ship here) Bon in particular, considering he’s often admiring how cool he thinks Bon is, that his haircut suits him whether it’s the blonde rooster look or the undercut. If you don’t want to see it as romantic interest, that’s your prerogative, but to me Rin comes across as seeing cool and cute as different traits he finds attractive (in Bon and Shiemi respectively).
I also think his bisexuality would fit neatly into his narrative struggles to “pass” throughout the early parts of the series. Rin has grown up as the neighborhood problem child, ostracized for being violent, and eventually he decides he’s fine with just his brother and his father — and the rest of the monastery, presumably — for company. (Except that’s absolutely not true and clearly he’s starved for friendship and support.) People looked at him and saw a monster, even before his demonic heritage made an appearance; why would he bother giving them even more ammunition when it comes to reasons to hate him? So no matter when he figured out his attraction to guys, he’s not going to lean into it, because he also likes girls, right? (Ignoring for a moment that bisexuality is a lot more nuanced than that.)
Rin likes girls, Rin is human — that’s what’s going to get people to like him, or at the very least tolerate him. That he likes guys, that he’s half demon, he can shove that shit down and pretend it doesn’t exist. Lock up any stray thoughts and keep the sword sheathed around anyone who doesn’t already know.
(Excuse me for being amused by Rin wielding his humanity and supposed heterosexuality as a sword and shield.)
The problem, of course, is that he can’t keep up the facade forever. The narrative won’t let him. Rin has to embrace his demonic side, because it’s the only way to move forward and to continue to help his loved ones. And once he’s moved past the issue of his friends being upset over the deception, when they understand he’s still Rin despite what he’d hidden from them, Rin is finally allowed to be himself. He uses his flames, he lets his tail move freely in the open around the Cram School kids. Rin still doesn’t like this side of himself — it’s inextricably tied to every moment of pain and isolation he’s dealt with his entire life, including the death of Father Fujimoto (and, y’know, his mom). But he is moving forward, he’s trying to adapt.
And isn’t that some great fucking subtext for his bisexuality, too?
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neverenoughmarauders · 4 months
HP canon debater & canon fanfics writer
I am going to be off tumblr until October 1st! Absolutely feel free to send asks or whatever just don’t expect a reply any time soon <3
I am in my 30s, genderfluid - she/they - Scandinavian, but live in the UK, relatively new to Tumblr and a long COVIDer/POTSer!
On this blog, I am a canon-compliant Marauder fanfic writer - who likes to discuss the canon - and I am currently working on a long fic from 1971-1981 called: When we were up to no good.
More about my ambition below, but long story short - I just want a LONG fic that's not Wolfstar, that's a faithful interpretation of the canon, and which tbh isn't overly about sex or the usual fanon stuff. It's just four great friends; an 'enemies-to-lovers' love story; a war and a betrayal.
I mostly ship canon (especially Hinny, Romione, Jily) because I am boring, but I adore Prongsfoot and Sebinis, and I���m not anti most non-canon ships if they are true to their canon characterisation.
I will argue and discuss the canon with anyone who's interested. If you don't care about the canon, fine, but you and I probably won't enjoy each other's posts very much.
I don’t support JKR’s views (Read: I AM EXTREMELY ANTI HER VIEWS). I regularly question whether I should just abandon the fandom because of her (I have stayed away in the past), but then again, I discovered a lot about my own gender fluidity through the fandom, so it’s all very complicated.
I started writing When we were up to no good because I wanted to write a story where:
Sirius and James are best friends, inseparable and extremely talented
Remus and James have a solid friendship; not just Remus and Sirius
While Sirius and Peter take a bit of time to become close, Sirius ends up closer to Peter than Remus (at the latest) by the later stages of the war.
Peter is very much part of the Marauders, and there’s nothing obvious (to Sirius and James) to suggest he does a 180. Nevertheless, as readers who know what happens, we can see the small stuff that lays the foundation for the betrayal
James and Sirius are bullies! This isn’t a story trying to ignore their bad sides
Remus’ personality is affected by his lycanthropy - he has three great friends and that’s it: James, Sirius and Peter. He does not stand up to his friends (much) as he cannot afford to lose them
Lily struggles to adjust to the wizarding world given her blood status and she struggles with her friendship with Snape. She loves him so much but she’s not blind to his friends and the path he’s being led down
James and Lily have arcs that both make us understand why she disliked James so much, but also understand how the two are rather similar in their own way. The relationship, when it happens, should feel solid and lasting.
James does not go around declaring his love for Lily at every opportunity. It doesn’t fit with the canon
Not every OOTP member are in the same year as the Marauders. In my story, Marlene is 10 years older (and Molly’s best friend), Frank and Gideon are 6 years older; Alice and Fabian are 5 years older; and Dorcas is long gone from school etc.
Frank and Alice starts dating after Hogwarts (not everyone has to start dating at school)
There's lots of (hopefully canon-compliant) plot and character development. And it’s a long story! I want to make justice to their story and not rush it (but I don't want it to feel dragged out)
There is as much fun and fluff and comfort and hurt as I can get away with while feeling I can call it canon-compliant
There are plenty of Easter eggs and things we know happened in the canon, such as: Bertha Jorkins as a source of Hogwarts gossip; the Whomping Willow becoming off-limit, the newly built abandoned Hogsmeade house slowly becoming known as the Shrieking Shack, Mundungus Fletcher finding himself banned from the Hogs Head ca 1975; the 1974 World Cup and more.
That’s the ambition. I’m not by any means an experienced writer and I’m learning as I go. If this is something that interests you, then cool! Absolutely engage as much or little as you’d like with the story! I love geeking out over canon and writing!
I post extracts on here quite often! You might call it self-promotion - I call it oversharing - something I do in all aspects of my life! 😂
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 months
this might be dumb but i wanna vent abt smth i saw
idk a lot aboit copyright and domains but the way some ppl in fandom act so entitled to authours work and their ip is wild to me. saw someone say that they can't wait to see mxtx works become public this year (but that's not happening at all???????) so they can finally fix her characters and couple to whatever their ship is........
That's not how public domain property works, dear lord, I think that made my blood pressure spike....
I think with fandom exploration and of course encouragement, which I fully support, there comes the ugly side of entitlement. From "I didn't like this personally", to "Fans as a whole don't like this outcome for the plot" ergo, I and my fellow fans that agree, are making this better and we deserve these characters more. It's a parasocial pedestal in that because it's fiction it can still be changed via transformative work that caters to my specific wants that I felt the author/creator did not meet.
Now there is always the validity of constructive critique, usually this is supposed to involve the good,the weakness that may have broken submersion and an example that could strengthen it to be more cohesive in detail/plot thread/thematic,wording. But at times this has evolved into "I know these characters better than their own author, if I personally and emotionally relate to a story device character".
Fandom and yes friend circles can have the bad habit of conforming to what is considered socially acceptable and popular amongst them for a fandom, but not necessarily understanding their own perceptions are not going to be the same all around with strangers much less what the author intended. And there can be a lot of anger especially to the creators and other fans that do shoot down popular interpretations or simply say "no this was not what was intended and I will clarify with supporting points from what we have been given". This is also just not a safe environment to foster because what fun is it to demand you have to like it as I do, even when there is no supporting weight for that interpretation other than duress of threat from saying "I relate to this and anything against it is bullying me"?
And it's almost very... interesting how vitriolic others are when it comes to MXTX being open about her own holds and intentions with her works and characters that have derailed popular fanon sort of takes and leading others to call her closed-minded etc. Especially when she says it's fine to explore fics of her worlds, but she doesn't want to have her own romances dismissed because those are the crux of her novels and hard work.
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frankingsteinery · 6 months
thoughts on elizabeth x justine?
personally i don’t have many strong opinions on it! i don’t think there’s much in the text to support it (and i believe elizabeth refers to justine as her sister when visiting her before her execution if i recall correctly), but i think it could be fun and cute if you enjoy shipping. in general, i do acknowledge and have even analyzed the homoromantic/erotic subtext in frankenstein, but i don’t think it was intentional or intended to be read that way, and while i enjoy engaging in shipping sometimes (and i’ve even written waltonstein fic myself), i think honestly as a whole shipping within the frankenstein fandom tends to detract from the value of the book because people focus on (inventing) romance rather than the themes and commentary that are actually present, and it usually comes at the expense of the actual characterization. i get im complaining about shipping in a fandom space, which is often inherently shippy, but it’s still a bit tiring when the only interest and content/discussion surrounding supporting characters like henry and justine and walton (who IS a narrator and a complex, rounded character! why do we not talk about walton more!) are only ever through romantic relationships with victor, elizabeth or the creature.
i can’t talk much on elizabeth x justine because i haven’t seen too much content of it, but while it isn’t as severe as other fandoms, i do see henry and victor specifically flanderized and reduced into one-dimension tropes when shipped with each other. i get henry wasn’t a rounded character in the first place but he was definitely still flawed (ex. being avoidant about victors issues, never confronting the situation even when something was obviously wrong, etc) and at times even confrontational/chastising—not unkind but chastising (im thinking specifically when henry & victor first reunite at ingolstadt and henry lectures him a little for not having written to them) and i don’t see this written about very much at all, specifically in shipping content where henry is the happy sunshine golden retriever to victor’s black cat or whatever.
i also never really see mentions of henry’s life outside of context of his life revolving around victor if that makes sense, even though shelley goes out of her way to give us a bit of backstory on the clervals, and to establish that he has stuff going on outside of his relationship with the frankensteins. it’s always “henry is sad victor is going away for college and won’t be able to see him” and YES that is absolutely a part of it, but he’s also a dreamer who’s dissatisfied with the career that’s been dictated by his family, the life trajectory set out for him, who advocates for himself and argues with his father to pursue these dreams and get a higher education. he IS optimistic and a deliberate foil + supporting character to victor in a lot of ways, but he was also dissatisfied and upset with the career that had been chosen for him, and it’s implied his relationship with his father is a bit rocky, and, like victor, he could be a bit morose almost—go look in the 1818 novel when clerval is walking victor to the carriage after williams death; it’s quite far from most fanon interpretations of him
overall i think shipping in frankenstein can be entertaining, but i tend to be quite picky and enjoy content that dissects the themes and characters themselves more rather than romance just being the sole focus, and for this reason i tend to stick more to the analysis side of things!
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Subtle Mistakes
Continuity: IDW1
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Rodimus/Megatron
Characters: Megatron & Rodimus
Warnings: Sticky sexual content, handjobs, not beta read
Summary: In which a Rodimus worries about ruining a casual encounter with feelings.
Crossposting: AO3 | Dreamwidth
Fic under cut. See AO3 for complete notes.
Rodimus reached up over his head and, while it was a bit of a stretch from this angle, grabbed Megatron by the back of the head to pull him forward into an awkward hug. Or at least as much of a hug as one could have while sitting backwards on someone’s lap and trying to not hit them in the face with a spoiler.
No one knew they were here in Rodimus’s quarters; it was about as private as they could get on this ship to blow off some steam. As friends. Definitely as friends. They had done casual stuff like this before. It was convenient and they trusted each other. Easy; no stress or fuss.
It was comfortable being practically seat belted onto Megatron’s lap by a strong arm while another hand lazily stroked his spike. Fingers, slick with prefluid, slid up and down, catching on sensitive ridges as they traveled. Charge slowly built with each unhurried stroke, with each soft moan.
Beyond his own spike, he could see another larger one, dark in color, bobbing and slowly leaking thin purple fluid as Rodimus moved. Who would have thought that Megatron, notoriously selfish in most things, would enjoy giving as much as receiving. Or maybe he just enjoyed teasing. All the same, someone was clearly patiently waiting for their turn; Rodimus knew that if he were the one that excited, patience would have gone out of the window ages ago. He would have probably just started jacking it himself.
He hadn’t even decided yet what he was going to do Megatron’s spike exactly when he got to return the favor. There were so many options…. He could just grab it and give it the classic up and down, but he could also treat however much of it would fit to a good time in his mouth, or maybe a bit of both or—His own spike sent a surge of current through his lines at the thought. Maybe Megatron was actually onto something with that whole giving business.
For now though, the sight of the untouched spike twitching just past his own was a free show for him to watch while he enjoyed the firm, but gentle grasp enveloping him while he imagined what could come next.
There was no hurry here; it was just a nice way to spend the afternoon together.
Rodimus didn’t usually like to acknowledge when he had gotten himself in too deep.
But this time, leaning back against the warm chest of a mech who had gotten between Rodimus and his chair, he was starting to think just maybe he had. Just maybe.
He sighed contentedly before he twisted to plant an appreciative smooch on Megatron’s cheek, even if the angles of how they were sitting made that a tricky motion.
They both froze.
Rodimus had never done that before. Sure, there had been some snuggling and nuzzling inherent to the intimate positions they sometimes found themselves in, maybe the occasional hand-holding for stability or support…. No kissing though. That was… new. Not that kissing couldn’t be casual, but… the way Megatron paused told Rodimus that he probably didn’t take it that way.
Spark sinking his chest, Rodimus turned his head back to face the front. Hopefully he hadn’t actually ruined it all. They could just forget that happened and go back to lazily jerking each other off like buddies.
“Whoops.” He laughed it off, the sound uncomfortable as he pretended he had just made a simply goof. “Sorry about that; got caught up in the—“
  He was cut off when the arm around his middle moved up over his chest, Megatron’s free hand gingerly resting on his cheek for a moment before pulling his face gently to the side. A kiss was pressed to his exposed neck cables.
Whatever this was between them, Rodimus still didn’t know, but it was fine. Everything was fine.
What it was didn’t matter.
The hand on his spike resumed its motions, almost lovingly encouraging him to settle back against his partner with light caresses. Charge began to build again, fingers ghosting over the head of his spike. A thumb teased the hole where prefluid continued to bead up before the hand shifted back down his shaft once more.
There was no rush.
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erdarielthewhumper · 9 months
you don't support proshippers, right?
As a matter of fact, I do. Mind telling me your url, anon, so I can go ahead and block you and we can go our separate ways, thanks?
Literally I think people should be free to write about whatever dark or gross topics they like. Yes, even that one. And that one too. And it's also no matter of mine whether they do it to cope with trauma, or becasue they think it's fascinating to explore darker sides of characters, or just for fun, or whatever. Just let people live, and let them write what they write and ship what they ship.
I know to heed warnings and know which Ao3 tags to filter out to avoid content that makes me uncomfortable (in fact I feel weirded out by literally any explicit sex, no matter how vanilla and how "morally pure", so I just. you know. don't look at fics that are tagged as having explicit nsfw). Highly recommend others do so as well! And I know that if I click on a fic in Ao3 that's tagged with the "choose not to warn" warning, I might find content I am uncomfortable with there and in that case it's on me to recognize thst I am uncomfortable and decide to leave the fic if necessary.
There's people who would consider whump with absolutely no sexual content in it to be gross and morally dubious and something people shouldn't write or read, too. No matter how squicked out or not I personally feel about someone writing fic of abusive, incestuous, or pedophilic character dynamics, I don't think my personal feelings of discomfort are something that I should be using as standard for moral judgement!
Also, let's keep in mind that what one person finds super triggering and uncomfortable might be just what another person needs to handle their trauma or emotions. People are different, their needs and boundaries are different, and we should respect that and try to make room for everyone in fannish spaces, yeah?
But like literally it just boils down to, I write weird gross dark stuff about characters getting terribly hurt. It's literally not my business in the slightest if someone writes weird gross dark stuff about characters being in fucked-up relationships. I probably won't read it, but I think people should be free to write it if they like!
Besides, in fandom you usually get much more warning about a fic's content than with a lot of other fiction. I've been blindsided by rape scenes and varying-levels-of-gross-or-weird sex scenes in books before (some of Guy Gavriel Kay's stuff, Game of Thrones, a lot of other fantasy - and with Neil Gaiman I've just started assuming that if it's not either Good Omens or one of the works aimed at a younger audience, there will be at least one magic sex scene I'll find somewhat disturbing), and still finished and even liked those books. I'm just happy that in fannish spaces we usually tag things so I can see beforehand whether something contains things I might find upsetting, and decide whether I am in the headspace to read it or not.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Hey, I saw your post about female characters being ignored and not cared about, one thing I know and tha I've seen is that; even if the female characters and side characters were all female—they would still genderbend them, or latch onto two male characters who have done no shit and give them better characterisation, the fandom will also flatten, cut out, and remove important characteristics of the important female characters, while giving important hc canons and what not to the two male characters.
It is plain old fandom misogy and has always been there from the beginning.
"Even when women and girls are at the forefront of the story, men will always be seeked out in whatever ways possible, and centralised—female characters on the other hand, will always be judged or ignored; people do not want to admit it, but they still have internalised misogyny to worked on, 'fandom is not activism' gives them an excuse and cover to not examine, women's stories or inner lives don't and have never mattered to a lot of people in varying degrees."
Overall, I just resonate with your frustrations and thought I was the only one . . .
Oh, you have come to the RIGHT place, my friend, I rant about this every other day at minimum.
FEMALE CHARACTERS!! WILL ALWAYS!!!! BE JUDGED OR IGNORED!!!!!!!!! Like. Chainsaw Man and Game of Thrones/ASoIaF have been praised significantly for letting all of the women in them be extremely flawed and complicated in differing and interesting ways, and I STILL see people not engaging with them and/or reducing most of them to one (1) characteristic. (Cersei is a "crazy bitch," Sansa is "stupid" (??), Catelyn is a terrible mom, Melisandre is...there; Kobeni is obnoxious, Makima is hot, Himeno is the Worst™, etc. etc.) And there should be an overwhelming abundance of increasingly implausible f/f ship content, right? (There isn't.)
(And ohhhhh, people want to erase the importance of women to the overall narrative and its themes (and their canonical importance to other-usually male-characters) so bad, see: Cersei, Himeno, Irene Adler, Mary Morstan, MCU Natasha, Camille O'Connell, Bonnie Bennett, Lizzie Saltzman, Mai from AtLA, Martha Jones, tbh even River gets a fair amount of this. And then some of this is obviously combined with racism when the character is a WOC.)
And I don't have a problem with genderbending characters-gender is complicated, and exploring different facets of how a character might interact with the world if their gender identity changed is incredibly interesting!! But it's...very telling that, historically, I have seen this happen a lopsided amount in one direction, where the female characters are reimagined as men and not vice versa. (Remember when a not-insignificant number of people could only stomach BBC Sherlock/Irene if they reimagined Irene as a man? And then got mad at Elementary for CANONICALLY reinterpreting Watson as a woman? Good times. 🙄)
Just...so many of these wildly-hated or ignored women are...not any less complex than a lot of fictional men who get popular. (I'm sorry, you want to tell me that Misa is not at LEAST as interesting and worthy of sympathy as K*lo fucking Ren? When she has the backstory she does and presents an engaging dichotomy of "bubbly/silly yet murderous" and deconstructs the idea of extreme single-minded devotion NO I'M NOT MAD ABOUT THIS WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT)
And the idea of "fandom is not activism" is supposed to be used in the sense of "Liking a pRoBLeMaTiC dynamic/character in a story doesn't mean you think that behavior is okay in real life" (finding a fictional war criminal interesting doesn't equate to supporting genocide, exploring a toxic dynamic in fic doesn't inherently mean you hate victims, etc.), and "Paying lip service to marginalized/mistreated fictional characters is not the same as helping and supporting actual marginalized/mistreated people in real life." It doesn't mean, "We ignore obvious examples of misogyny and racism and ableism and transphobia and all other prejudices just because this is supposed to be fun." Biases are systemically ingrained, and any given person will bring those biases into all facets of their life; that doesn't just magically stop happening because one of those life facets happens to be a hobby or form of entertainment. Breaking down and dismantling prejudice has to happen on every level, including the """small""" ones.
The only time I have ever seen people engage with multiple female characters on a regular basis while admitting to their importance and narrative complexity and actually creating fanworks about them is Noir (2001). And that's because there are a whole 10 people in this fandom and the show has no men. (Okay, not literally, but you know what I mean.) And it's just so incredibly frustrating that that's the point we have to get to just for it to be possible for people to bother with a work's female characters on an enthusiastic, regular basis. (Because, as you said-that doesn't always happen even when those conditions are met.)
ANYWAY, I'm so sorry for making this response so lengthy, but genuinely I have been holding this in for a long time. TLDR, you're right and you should say it. You definitely aren't the only one, and I'm so, so glad that somebody Gets It.
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veeveepeony · 11 months
.•★Head Canons + Things To Know★•.
★ Penny moved to Paldea with her dad when she was still young after her mother's death. Her father was Paldean so he brought her back to her grandparents' home.
★ She suffers from major depression and social anxiety. This is in part because of dysphoria and not wanting to be misgendered so she lives mostly online because she can be who she really is. The other part is her mourning her mother and the sudden move causing her to isolate.
★ Her father supports her and calls her by her name and fills her wardrobe with whatever clothes she wants. It does a lot to help her dysphoria and is the only reason she even manages to go outside at all.
★ Penny adores Eevees, the ability to transform into anything that suits them is admirable. She has raised many of her own and took their own desires into account when evolving them.
★ She doesn't have an Espeon currently because she's mostly been a recluse and doesn't often leave her room, certainly not enough during the daytime to allow for an Espeon Evolution. Her Room tends to be darkly lit and would probably count more as a Cave, so Umbreon is the only friendship evolution she can currently achieve.
★ Penny has made more friends online than in person or at school, including some trainers from Galar.
★ When Penny returned to Galar to serve her punishment for the whole Team Star thing, she was sent to live with her Maternal grandparents. They didn't approve of her identity and for the time she was living there, she was forced to cut and keep her hair short and wear masculine clothes and was only referred to by her dead name. It was a traumatizing experience and when she returned to Paldea, she became more reclusive than ever.
★ Her father became even more doting and supportive of her when she got back, to the point of being overbearing and embarrassing. But he helped her get her hair styled in a more feminine cut and bought her clothes to replace those her grandparents threw away.
★ While Penny is on HRT, she has no plans to get any surgeries done, her dysphoria more focuses on how others perceive her than on her physical form.
★ Penny loves anime and manga, it was what she filled most of her solitude with. She's far more in the content consuming than content creating side of fandoms, but she always comments on fics and stories she likes and will occasionally offer her own art or headcanons.
★ Penny is a fujoshi and the majority of the few drawings she does share are ship art of some kind between her favorite pairings. She has the tendency to be into Niche ships so her contribution is usually very appreciated.
★ Penny is very good with technology. She's able to hack into complicated systems like the League Point System of Paldea, as well as smaller systems like changing the amount of likes her favorite fanworks have to boost engagement and the creators' self esteem. She doesn't hack as much anymore, but she can find and fix almost any problem you might be having with some piece of technology. As long as its software/code based and not hardware based. She isn't nearly as knowledgeable about the physical part of a computer system, though its on her to-do list.
Bonus just for fun Headcanon that has no bearing on her actual character:
★Penny is Melli's descendant
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victoriousscarf · 11 months
There's so many questions on this thing I can't choose lol- (if that's too much stuff at once just pick the ones you feel like answering and ignore the rest 😅)
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
9. Do you comment on stories you read?
12. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
28. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
29. What’s your revision or editing process like? (Plus 47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?)
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see? (this is probably my favorite question) (I'm most curious about covet verse scenes ofc) (but yeah feel free to talk about whatever fic you feel like)
53. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
7. It depends? Like sometimes a story will just be one POV--like Covet is pretty much Fili, and I'll often take Dick's POV over Jason's in a DC fic, but usually it's like whose eyes do I most want to be on in this fic/scene? I have definitely started leaning toward whole fics in one POV but I will still switch if it works for the story (for example, needing to know scenes about which one character cannot know about). I would have previously said I would switch POVs more in long fics but Mahanon sorta shot that right out of the water. I enjoy the challenge of a limited POV fic sometimes, because you really are stuck with this one dude for what's now 500k and thus as limited in knowledge as he is. But it's rarely something I think like, that much about.
9. I am once again trying to get better lol. It's all about seasons of our lives, right? I used to try and go through fics that didn't have a bunch of comments and comment on them in the smaller fandoms/ships I was in, but then I stopped reading fic for a very long time, and now that I'm more regularly reading again, it's like flexing a muscle to comment again.
But it is an effort, one I think more people need to start accepting again. Writing is really hard work, it deserves some acknowledgement.
12. Like. I will write some wild things, and I don't need a LOT of feedback persay, but if something is getting no acknowledgement at all and another fandom is doing their best to feed me... receiving/not receiving feedback WILL impact my desire to work on a fic. It can be one or two dedicated as fuck readers who get me through a whole story, or it might be a whole swarm of them, but if I get dead silence, I have less like ability to push through the bad times (which always come in any multi chapter fic) and keep going. It hurts the motivation to get silence for sure.
16. So many. So many. As always so many.
I've got usually a whole stack of fics waiting for me to care about them/have the time which I never do. In Dragon Age I've got a pirate AU (Just, Cassandra ranting every 30 seconds about the fact they declared her a pirate but when someone offers her a pardon if she turns Mahanon in she tosses them over the side of the ship like well anyway) a whole Regency Era AU with strong vibes of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel, and a very strange fake dating college au that may involve Fae.
Tolkien wise I've got some fics I promised people that I never wrote, an elf time loop one (which apparently is becoming a really popular idea in the Silm fandom on tumblr haha but I've been nursing this damn one for ages), that Anastasia-ish Hobbit story, a Regency Era AU for them too (but specifically Emma) and a story I've turned around for literally years now where Thorin died before the quest so Fili becomes king in exile and pretty much laughs Gandalf out of the room when he tries to convince him to reclaim Erebor (he's got a LOT to deal with emotionally okay, he's not got time for that) so they have to go and like try and kill Smaug in the middle of the War of the Ring instead.
And those are just the ones off the top of my head.
17. I think the most important thing as a writer is give yourself some grace. I try and write every week, but like I went on a trip and then I've been too exhausted since I got back, so it's been 2 weeks now with no writing for me. And frankly, I'm still feeling really wiped out so it's more like, if you're not feeling it, it's okay to take a break. Drink some tea, read a book, let it all peculate in the back of your head for a while. Try to do some things that inspire you, like for me it's reading history, or taking walks outside or going to museums, basically just learning new things. See some friends. Spend time with people. And then come back and see if that all triggered something. We forget writers block is often a systematic issue, like we're too tired or burned out or whatever, and it's about reinvigorating your creativity. And understanding and giving yourself the time. And if you're just exhausted by life well, unfortunately, maybe it's about trying to make those bigger changes, or accepting this will be a period where you plant some clover on the field of your creativity and let it lay fallow for a season or two. It will be there when you're ready again.
20. I mean, over the years I've written some wildly different things but yes, hahaha, very much yes. My favorite conflict is duty vs desire, I'm a sucker for loyalty, I'm a sucker for little shits that just don't stop, I'm a fan of knock-down, drag out street fighters, and if you leave me alone long enough, I will manifest a revolution into basically any setting. I like characters who are competent and don't give up, but who are human and make mistakes and fuck things up and keep going anyway, despite the fuck ups and danger and road blocks in front of them. I like when people feel things very deeply, but maybe aren't very good at talking about it or dealing with it, but always know they loved first and foremost, but sometimes it wasn't enough, and sometimes they did terrible things for it. I like imbuing the every day with intense feelings, be that ships or robots or undead horses or flower crowns. And I will probably try and make you cry at some point.
22. Hm. Yes and no? I have written things that I would never have expected, and I have written a LOT of stuff over the years on what are essentially dares. And there's things I wrote before that I'm like, way less inclined to write now? Like looking back my early 20s were way more willing to play around with student/teacher relationships that now I'm like... why was I even touching that with a ten foot pole? I also really really really hate pregnancy and will probably never write that into any story with any degree of detail. I'm not saying people won't have kids, but I'm not gonna be dealing with it.
So I'll write anything, as long as I can make it work for me. But it might not be in a way that like, other people expect or like.
28. On days I write I aim for 4ish pages, single spaced, 11/12 font. On really good days I can do 8 pages. On really good days I can do 20. I do not usually aim for that though. 4 is quite manageable for me on one go. (And as you'll see in the answer below on my editing, that's usually the length my chapters are. I know some people like to complain about my chapters being ~too short~ but honestly I don't want to hear it. On a good weekend you're getting 8 pages of writing if I write both days, and while some would probably prefer me waiting until my chapters are at 8 pages instead of 4, the reality is if I wait for it to be that long I will start spiraling mentally on myself and if it's good enough, so it's actually much faster for me to post the smaller chunks than deal with that. I'm a post or die person, and isn't that better than not getting anything at all?)
29/47. ... Hm.
Yeah I don't really edit. My editing process is usually to do one read through before posting (Unless I'm feeling like a scene is not working at all, in which case I may go back and rework it while halfway through and change things to make it work. But if I have to do that more than 2 or 3 times I will delete the whole thing and start again). I will try and grab typos and make sure things are working, then I will post. Once posted I try to do another read through on a typo hunt, but sometimes I don't get to that for another day or two, depending on when I post it.
40. I mean, there are always so many images while writing that make me go this would be really fun as an art haha.
I would love the scene in chapter 7 of covet not the feel of gold or taste of blood of Kili just sorta losing it. Or Fili, poor lad, covered in gold.
I'd love Dick in his magic shop from trust not in the darkness, trust in my outstretched hand, or the cabin covered in candles and the snow. I tried to work on my settings a bit more in that one.
I love any time someone draws Dick and Jason and the bike from find the sun in the corners of shadows.
I would love to see Mahanon and Sonja in art together. That would probably make me cry.
But honestly I would not really care. Like any fanart is a gift that makes me so emotional any time it happens. I understand why commissions etc exist, but I feel like the idea of sharing gifts in fandom used to be stronger than it is now. And that does make me a little sad. But it still happens and every time is worth treasuring.
53. I'm more of a writer, but lately I've been reading a lot of fics again. (Stranger Things got to me). But I also read a bunch of non fanfiction things, so I go through seasons of reading fic or not. But I almost always am writing, so I'd say majority writer, but when I read I do lose it.
55. I mean, the classics at this point are Fili and Dick and Mahanon probably. I am a sucker for someone who has every reason to hate the world and chooses instead love, belief, compassion, or in Fili's case, simple fucking survival haha. And no, I don't really care about people's reactions to certain characters. If I did I would have less plans for Gaspard in the forest is dark and deep. (Every time he shows people yell at me about how much they hate him and I'm like oh well, you're going to have to keep dealing with him anyway <3)
Honestly I only seem to chose popular characters by chance, and sometimes don't really care about the fandom reading on them (Fanon Dick Grayson my beloathed). I don't mean this in a "I'm not like other girls" way, I just know I'm contrary at best, and don't really care for the whims of popular fandom. I do what I want, and I have gotten yelled at for it by readers, and not in a good squee-yelling sort of way.
Unless you mean, swayed by readers/follower's opinions in a "I will never write this again as long as I live" way in which case yes, I did actually drop a whole ship because the readers were so mean about it and it killed all joy I ever felt in those characters together. And it was Tony Stark/Loki back in the 2012 era. That was the worst experience in fandom I ever had, you will always be legendary to me for all the wrong reasons.
60. Yes! Actually I commented on their work and they went wait, aren't you the one who wrote xxx? And I was like oh, yes, that is me, and we went from there. And then we became fandom friends lol. It is always a very kind, warm feeling to realize people have read your stuff, especially when you know they've got good tastes in their own work lol.
65. Listen, listen, I'm so excited for where ancient sea is going, the fact my brain is refusing to write it is driving me crazy. I want Hawke to meet Bianca! For the temple of Dirth to be a total shit show!!! the Forbidden Oasis being EVEN WORSE! I want my boi Abelas to show, I want things in Orlais to get batshit insane while Mahanon goes "whoops" I am dying for the assassins from Josie's personal mission to show up while Mahanon is on a hair trigger on that issue (especially! Josie! After! Wycome! holy shit). I want Gaspard to show up and be really annoying for like many different things while Mahanon keeps wishing he killed him while he had the chance (real "I should have left you on that streetcorner where I found you" "But you didn't!" vibes). I want for them to try and start breaking Mahanon and his symbols down and for him and his to rebuilt something new from the ashes.
On the other hand I also want to keep trucking in Covet because I'm really excited about some of the stuff there too, and getting to the point where I can start posting some of the side story stuff I've been writing to keep myself sane in the main story lol. (I've got like a whole 13 pages of Nori POV that came out of a fucking joke to someone that I can't post yet and now I'm mad about it lol).
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canayams-art · 10 months
i also feel like the animation this season is different, more crisps or something, because it looks even better than season 1 already gorgeous one. fengqing taking hold of me again was unexpected, but im dealing with the onslaught of emotions! i think it's just been too long since ive seen them in new scenes :"))
LQQ IS THE MVP OF THE DONGHUA AT THIS POINT! i looooove his design so much, more than the manhua one personally, and every scene he was in was soo good, i would have hard time choosing the one favorite as well. i think lqq debut this season was absolutely on point, and honestly i love watching him on my screen. he's so precious and when i tell you every scenes he's in makes me love him more and more im not kidding.
KEJEJJRJRJ FY AND LQQ INTERACTION WOULD HAVE BEEN SOO GOOD! especially considering mq is much more open as fu yao and being touched by lqq's sincerity and concern for mq would be right there on his face. (dw they make me cry as well🥹) i think i would also like to explore lqq's reaction to qi rong insulting mq, or maybe even their interactions during the aftermath of the tong'lu. mq being canonically good with children and helping lqq with guzi would be soo cute 🥰🥺 their potential for a strong and genuine companionship has me squealing as i write this, no lie
im so with you on your view of quirong!! it's definitely not a ship for me, even if i do tend to give every ship i come across a chance. although i think a fandom as well plays a role in my dislike, the overall impression of the ship didn't really give me the right vibe to like it either. im not above liking a pretty fanart for them when i come across it, but overall i just don't care about them. however it is always nice when you come across someone who also isn't a fan of the popular ship, makes you feel less crazy for not liking them 😭
mhmm if only more people thought like that, the discourses in the fandom would not exist :") it's so silly thinking everyone would have the same taste about fiction and media they watch and choose to interact with, and if that were to be the case the fandoms would be such a dull place to be. everyday i feel like the fandoms have went from a fun place to find like-minded people who enjoy things you do and with whom you can gush over your silly little blorbos, to this draining chore where you're constantly afraid someone will be on your throat for whatever reason if you dare say something about any character whether you like them or don't. it's honestly becoming exhausting but that's exactly why curating your own fandom experience and environment is important to have fun.
im personally ready to drop a fic if i see a trope i don't like or interpretation i don't agree with, even if i was already invested into the story prior. im willing to look past the characterization issue when the fics are clearly meant to be crack, but otherwise it really is very important to me that characters be the closest to canon as possible, especially in canon universe. modern aus are tricky, but honestly with enough lore throw in to explain it, i can swallow slight mischaracterization. anything fanon related tho, yeah im dipping so fast 😭 gods i sure sound pretentious and nitpicky about this but it's true, i learned the hard way that the only way to enjoy a fandoms is to set standards for what you like and not and not really care about others opinions, it's so much more enjoyable and you will eventually find the like-minded people who will support your delusions
side characters are gold mine when it comes to fics and general fandom experience, and from what ive noticed, the less popular the better 😭😭 sure you will probably have to make your own fan work but it's soo worth it at the end of the day! also less discourses so it's definitely a win. i also feel like the side characters/pairings usually have more interesting concepts when it comes to fics/art 🤔 this is not the case in every fandom but from my experiences, fics and art about side characters somehow feel more satisfying? idk to me it always comes across how people make a thing without it being cut out and served for them by already established canon, so to me it always feels more enjoyable to interact with such works
I’m so sad we have to wait a little longer for the next episode to come out,,,,, I need to see fengqing more 😭 Also!!! Lqq really is the heart and soul of the season so far!!! I guess that makes sense considering we’re right in the middle of his arc but he really is such a joy to see in every scene— they really made him so baby and if last episode is anything to go by they’re about to make him so anguished (affectionate). I love this boy so much.
Also every time we bring up more and more different qianqing scenarios, I can’t help feeling that they’re actually so surprisingly complimentary to each other. Now I’m actually just disappointed that mxtx never really explored their dynamic. Lqq would’ve been a perfect ally in mq’s hardships and mq would’ve been a such an asset to have in the search for qr and the management of Guzi’s care (not sure if mq would be nurturing but he’d definitely come through with a lot of “Why aren’t you [insert form of care here] ?”). They could’ve benefited from being closer.
I think there’s something novel about side characters and rarepairs that makes them (personally) so appealing. We don’t see so much about them so we want to know more and from that want comes so much unique and interesting exploration. I just read an entire story about a pair of main guys— I wanna know more about the people who were a part of their story. It’s about the fun of redirecting the spotlight 🥹
(Also I think in a way everyone is a little pretentious with their personal preferences for what they enjoy and how they enjoy it. If the writing or the art isn’t doing anything for you or it loses you along the way then that’s just part of the subjective experience of the arts! It’s okay to admit to being picky or selective.)
Anyway—! As a lqq art peddler I am happy to keep peddling more lqq art in the future. Might even start drawing more donghua lqq (manhua lqq is very special to me but donghua lqq has charmed me so much 😭). I really gotta get back into the frenzied rate at which I used to draw him— now with a couple extra boyfriends LMAO.
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magicaltear · 1 year
5 things you never get tired of writing
Tagged by: @ailendolin​
Rules: List five things you never get tired of writing. It can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. Then tag more writers!
1 - Hurt/Comfort Like you mentioned in your own post, it also brings me a lot of joy to explore deep human emotions and empathy. I haven’t written about physical injuries all that much, but most of my favorite characters have canonically been through the wringer. I love giving my characters space to grieve, to breakdown, to feel. These quiet moments are usually neglected or rushed by the entertainment industry, so I love dedicating lots of time to them. We all need a gentle touch and encouraging words every now and then, even something as simple as an “I know” to reassure us that we are understood and not alone in our pain.
2 - Historical Accuracy One I never expected to enjoy so much, tbh. I started using this tag in my 1917 fics, and I think it is safe to say that it’s a double-edged blade. I adore history and research, and I’ve gotten to learn so much these past 3 years, but it is easy to become overwhelmed with all of the information or spend more time than needed doing research. I often have to pull back and refocus on my actual plot. Still, having historical accuracy in my fics is very satisfying, and I’ve found that it breathes life into the story and makes it coherent.
3 - Finding beauty in unexpected places This shouldn’t be surprising considering I mainly write about soldiers and superheroes. When the situation is dire, when you have to fight side-by-side with others to protect the world, you start realizing that there’s beauty to be found everywhere. I don’t like writing characters who are stoic or who run from their feelings. Instead, I like it when they embrace them and allow themselves to feel every little emotion until their chest is full to bursting. The best example I can think of is that comic book page of Iron Man going up to hover right in the border between space and atmosphere just to breathe.
4 - Platonic Relationships What can I say? Writing ships and romance is fun, but I also love providing my characters with a solid support system. Their friendships are meaningful and important too! I often like to toy with the “will they won’t they?” line, but I leave that to the readers’ discretion when I do. When I’m writing very angsty fics, I prefer to focus on the support a platonic soulmate would provide rather than a romantic one. It might just be me, but I’m usually not comfortable with grand shows of romance whenever I’m feeling sad.
5 - Canon Disabled Character Is this surprising? I feel like I’m the least surprising writer out there. One of my absolute favorite characters to write is Doctor Strange, of course I’m going to focus on his disability in my fics. It always bothers me how the MCU constantly forgets that its heroes have disabilities, so I make sure to touch on that on my fics. Chronic pain, trauma, Tony’s breathing issues, PTSD, broken bones that didn’t quite heal right, you name it. Disabilities come hand-in-hand with stories set during WW1 and superhero universes, and I hate it when writers forget to include moments where this can be shown because they are focusing too hard on big action scenes and explosions. Well, not in my fics!
Tagging: @atypical-snowman @kiki-shortsnout and @writeyourownstory
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So I was reading a Star Wars fic and the character (an imperial commander) made the *brilliant* decision to add shield generators to all his TIE fighters to improve their survivability...
...and this is just the stupidest thing I'd read. Like, first off, even assuming this is helpful, you can't just slap new core components on the outside of a ship like nothing. Whatever engineer they forced to do that was crying. The TIE fighter is quite compact, literally stripped down to its barest components, so just connecting the wiring is going to be a helluva job, and opening the hull to run the connections is going to create a glaring weakpoint that could probably be damaged just by shrapnel or blasters the second those shields go down. The shields themselves will be incredibly weak because the TIE fighters do not have anything in the way of spare reactor power, and any power they do get will be taken directly from engines and weapons - the only two advantages the TIE has.
TIEs are faster and more agile than pretty much any rebel fighter except maybe the A-wing, which itself is outclassed by the TIE interceptor. Their weapons are enough to usually destroy a rebel fighter in a single on-target salvo, or at least cripple their fighting ability and force a withdrawal.
The rebel fighters' shields do not keep the vehicle in the fight longer in most cases - they merely sometimes give a chance to retreat. Watch the original trilogy if you don't believe me. Though, to be fair, this could be contradicted in other sources, I myself will be holding the original trilogy as the key source.
Shields can be useful, but rarely will they determine the outcome of a dogfight. They can even hinder pilots who put too much faith in them. TIEs are already some of the most effective fighters out there in terms of actually winning battles, despite their higher rates of fatality rather than limping away. Also, TIE pilots could eject to be recovered after the battle, being equipped with a full vacuum suit (a side benefit of the TIE lacking life support).
In short, the best way to modify a TIE fighter to make it more effective in combat? Build on its strengths. Which is exactly what the TIE interceptor did, and why the interceptors were intended as the fighters' replacement.
If you want a TIE fighter with shields and hyperdrives and whatnot, TIE defenders were developed eventually. They were useful for long-range deployments without dedicated hangars on hand, but the significant increase in costs combined with the lower maneuverability meant that they were outright worse than TIE interceptors as complements for stations and star destroyers.
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ultraericthered · 2 years
Miraculous Ladybug - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27.
Will answer the ones I can 1 . Adrinette. Canon has tarnished the idea of this ship for me, so I don't see the appeal in continuing to root for it to happen. 2. Felila. I don't see Felix and Lila as ever becoming romantically into each other, but they'd definitely be great sneaky evil bros. 3. I think I did over some reflexive Chloe stanning. 4. Again, Adrinette. And yes, it is THE fandom OTP for some reason. 5. No, but canon sure has! 7. Plenty, like Marinette's schoolgirl crush and clumsy stalker antics, the attitudes and beliefs of supporting characters like Alya, the more "human" and "sympathetic" side to Gabriel, the whole shtick of Akumas and Akumatizations, and the character of Adrien/Chat Noir in general. 9. I'm usually very lenient on even my disliked characters, but I've no patience for Su-Han, the definition of a strawman character - by all accounts he's 100% right about much he says, but he's mean to Kwamis and acts like a big jerk so we're supposed to reject his valid points. Also, Thomas Astruc whenever he pops up in his own show. 10. The "Guardian Marinette VS Shadow Moth" arc in Season 4 and basically everything that happened in relation to it, though it at least finished stronger than the previous season did. 11. Mr. Damocles, I guess? Or maybe Lila, but that's a later answer for a later question. 12. I liked "Volpina" more than most fans seem to due to their pre-set expectations for it and its titular character being ridiculous. 13. Zoe IS a better Bee Miraculous holder and superheroine than Chloe but neither sister really earned that right, and Lila ain't the purest evil who ever did evil, the fandom's just mean and the writing incompetent. 14. A good deal of stuff that Astruc has said about the online fandom...actually...wasn't wrong. Still unprofessional, immature, and douchey of him to go off like that, but some of his points stand so long as things like "salt fics" exist to reinforce them. 15. It could still get back on track if Zag plays his cards right, but it will sadly never realize the fullest potential of what it could have been. Seasons 3 through 5 just dropped the ball on that so hard. 16. Basically the whole show following Season 2. 17. I would have retired Hawk Moth after the Season 2 finale and had Mayura as the head supervillain on the next two seasons, then introduce Richard Sphinx to be "Monarch" and bring Null in earlier too. Oh, and instead of Zoe getting the Bee Miraculous and becoming Vesperia in the episode immediately following her debut, I'd wait until she was settled into the side cast and actually did stuff that serviced her as her own character rather than just as a foil to Chloe. 19. All the goddamn salt. This show ain't worth it, folks! Stop taking it and its many failings so damn seriously! 22. Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir. 23. Lila Rossi (or whatever other names and identities she's got) 25. Again, I'd alter the end of the Season 2 finale so that Gabriel looses his Miraculous so now Nathalie has to use the Peacock Miraculous and be the head supervillain who creates Sentimonsters in place of the old Akumatization formula. 26. Zoe Lee. 27. Bob Roth. Even Garbiel can get more action than he could!
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Cant stop this feeling - Harry Hook x reader- SMUT FIC p1(?)
SMUT FIC-MINORS DNI- All ‘important’ characters are 18+!
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warning; slightly dubcon due to drugged sex, only Harry is drugged (he fully aware about what's going on and is consensual (both parties are), but its still drugged sex) basically sex pollen smut but its sex potion, SMUT, unprotected sex (don worry (y/n) is on birth control), rough sex, first times, hella swearing and dirty talk. note, i think this is my best work yet lol
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Chubby!reader-no fem pronouns used but using female anatomy cuz this is fully self-indulgent, im still very much getting used to writing smut so i’ll be sticking with fem biology for a bit longer until i’m fully comfortable writing that, then I’ll start experimenting.
Thiiiis was not how you were expecting your night to go. It was just supposed to be a normal senior trip for Auradon prep, it really was. With all the vks and aks hanging out on the royal cruise ship. But now here you were, standing right in front of your cabin door, holding it open with one hand as Harry fucking Hook stood on the other side, his face flushed entirely red and he was…god he was panting. “shit-can-can I come in?” Harry said breathlessly, god he sounded so-“yes-yes” you stuttered out, forcefully interrupting your train of thought. You stepped to the side, letting Harry into your cabin which was luckily only inhabited by you.
God his eyes, they were usually the brightest blue but now they resembled storm clouds, dark with…fuck-was he?- “Are you okay?” you asked Harry, once again interrupting your train of thought; not daring to touch him as he leaned against the support beam that sat in the corner of your cabin, his legs shaking and-oh god did he have a fucking- “No” Harry whined pitifully and god the way he sounded just sent shivers down your spine. “some-something's wrong n’ -fuck- everything hurts”
“Hurts?” you asked quietly, if he was hurt, why would he come to you? One of the regular kids of Auradon prep? Why not go to Uma? Or hell to the medical team on the ship? “Oh shit what-what hurts?” Harry looked up at you, his cheeks a nice dark red and he glanced down at his pelvis, glancing away when you followed his gaze. “i-wha?” you flushed bright red; he was hard, and it looked to be painfully so, the fabric of his sleep pants twitching every once in a while. ”what’s happening to you?”
“I dunno” Harry rasped, his entire body shuddering with arousal, heat pulsing through his body so intensely it hurt. “i-I woke up like an’ hour ago in me room, just-well-“ he shrugged, gesturing his hand in a way that made it clear what he meant, hard. He continued to attempt to explain his last hour awake “and well-I tried ta’ rub one off but-fuck nothing worked, it just got worse and hurt more an’ then-then” his face turned bright red, glancing away from you, his nostrils flaring “I-fuck I smelled somethin’ that just-shit made me even harder n’ when I went ta look for tha’ thing it-it” Harry swallowed, harshly, his eyes consumed with lust “it led me ta you”
You?....YOU?! why would a -obviously some sort of -lust spell or something-lead Harry right to you, and why would your scent make him even harder?! What the hell?! It was no secret to anyone who knew you that you had a major crush on the son of hook…maybe much more than a crush. You were snapped out of your thoughts again when Harry practically crumbled to the floor, breathing heavily in short bursts and drool starting to leak down his cheek, his eyes glassy and cheeks burning even brighter.
“loo’k ah dunnae kinn how or why this-whatever thi’s is-led me ta yeh by yer fucking scent or some shit” Harry shuddered again, the cabin somehow was fucking filled with your scent, the shampoo you used, the body wash, the candles set by your bed, the detergent you used for your clothes, your perfume/cologne, everything just set something off in him. something that wanted to ravish you until you couldn’t speak, trapped underneath his body helpless and needy for him; just like he felt for you.
God, he didn’t even know your fucking name. “I wouldn’t fucking dare ta’ ask this of yeh darlin’ if there was any other choice” Harry rasped out, the name he had bestowed upon you made you shiver, making you almost give into the temptation and jump him “but yer the only one that caught this-things-attention, I don’t think this’ll go away normalllly” his word extended as pain thrummed through his body, starting at his pelvis and sparking up his back, god it hurt so fucking bad.
Harry panted as the intense body cramp passed, looking up at you with glassy eyes “Darlin’ please-help meh, I hate ta take-take advantage of yeh fer somethin’ like this but- I won't even bother-hahh” he let out a breathy moan, a drop of drool hitting his knee as he crumbled further into the floor from both pain and intense arousal. “fuck-I won't bother yeh ever again, fuck I’ll get ye something nice ta make up fer this-but-“ he shuddered again, tears of pain at the edge of his eyes “help me, please.”
You stared at him for a long moment, fuck-he thought he was taking advantage of you? Because of the-whatever it was-leading him to you? Fuck more like you were taking advantage of it, being very sexually attracted to the damn handsome pirate. Harry looked right into your eyes, his glassy dark blue eyes practically begging you to help him come. You took a long, deep sigh. You took a single step, then another, then another, until you were standing over Harry's crumpled body; he stared up at you, breath becoming rapid and uneven. God, you smelled so fucking good he wanted to just have you, keep you, devour you.
You kneeled in front of him, tilting your head just so “Just so you know, my name is (y/n)” you whispered, and Harry surged forward, his impossibly soft and plush lips capturing yours “(y/n)” he purred into your mouth as he pulled away for just a moment “God that's feckin' hot.” Fuck-he thought your name was hot-was this a dream? It had to be. But damn it felt so real, his lips felt so real as they pressed a searing kiss to your lips, all the pain and arousal he had been feeling pushed into it, his nimble hand curled around your waist, the other cupping the back of your head.
“Fuck yer so soft, so sweet, god ye smell so good” Harry continued to mutter into your mouth as he pulled away from each breath-stealing kiss, his hands wandering all over your body which was only covered by a t-shirt and sleep pants. You took a shuddering breath when Harry pulled away again, giving you a small chance to regain your senses as Harry’s lips traveled down to your jaw and neck, his teeth scraping against the suddenly sensitive skin.
“Harry” you breathed out, gasping as he suddenly shoved you to the floor, his eyes almost consumed by his dilated pupils, a dangerous smirk on his lips, his slightly sharp teeth peeking out behind his darkened lips "I’m giv’n' you an out righ’ now (y/n)” Harry rasped, leaning down so close to you, you could smell him “one word, all yeh need, and I’ll leave righ’ now.” God his eyes were so pretty, you could look into them forever, get lost in that stormy ocean blue.
Wait what did he say? You weren’t listening. You looked up at him, just blinking. Harry pressed his forehead into yours, his breath ghosting across your lips “last chance before anythin’ happens, and I cannot guarantee I can stop after we start” he almost sounded afraid, he didn’t want to hurt you or do something that you didn’t like. He wasn’t at all experienced in the world of sex but-dammit he knew consent was key and he wanted to give you that.
You just kissed him, and that was all he needed, his hips pressed into yours, and you let out a shocked moan into his lips; feeling his hardened dick throb with each pulse of his heart. God he felt big, thank god you preferred using thicker toys instead of the smaller/normal stuff. You lifted your hips, helping Harry get some relief from the pain as you carefully rubbed your pulsing core against him. Harry let out a shuddering sigh, pulling away from the kiss to look down between your body; his hips already starting to meet yours in a sexual dance “fuck-“ Harry groaned, almost flopping completely on you and wrapping his arms around you, grinding against you. “fuck fuck fuck, dammit you already feel so fucking good, thank you-thank you” he kissed your neck, scraping his teeth against your skin as he dry humped you.
You let out a muttered response to his thanks, rutting back into Harry’s hips before it wasn’t enough for him anymore. He sat up abruptly, grabbing your body with all too much ease (boi lives and works on a pirate ship BOI IS JACKED)and standing on wobbly legs, walking over to your bed and setting you down not all that gently. You bounced as you landed, almost squeaking as Harry’s rough and nimble hands explored your body once again, pulling off your sleep clothes in fumbling and desperate motions. You sat up to help him slide off your shirt, Harry’s eyes catching on the soft curves of your shoulders and waist, he studied the way your stomach smoothed out into your hips and thighs, your skin so soft under his touch.
He leaned down, trailing his lips against your hips and stomach, his tongue licking up your waist until it reached your breast, his mouth latching into your hardened nipple as you shivered from the intensity of it. He whispered your name against your skin, like a prayer to the gods, and you took a deep sudden breath; god you had imagined your name on his lips like that for so long.
This had to be a fucking dream. It had to be, something like this would never happen to you. You decided to just enjoy it, it wouldn’t be the first time you had dreamed up something like this involving Harry. Soon your pants followed your shirt, landing on the floor behind Harry. Harry stood, staring down at you with dark eyes, his chest rising and falling rapidly; you almost matched him with how hard you were breathing. Harry suddenly pulled your underwear off, your soaked core exposed to the cold air of the cabin. “fu-“ you couldn’t even finish your sentence as Harry's hot and wet mouth met your core, his tongue diving into you as his thumb rubbed your clit “Harry!” you cried out, your hand reaching down to grab his soft and curly hair, bucking your hips against his mouth.
God, this felt 1000x times better than any clit toy you had ever used, this was such a good fucking dream. Harry’s tongue left you and you whined, back arching as his fingers were shoved into you, all three dripping with his spit; his mouth replacing his thumb on your clit. You were so aroused there was little to no resistance for his fingers, his long and thin fingers doing wonders in unraveling you. “Harry-Harry” you repeated his name as if you were a broken record, the heat in your face reaching down to your entire body, sighing as Harry pulled his fingers out.
You watched as Harry pulled off his sleep shirt and then pulled off his pants, his boxers going with his clothes, landing right next to yours. And-oh god he was so pretty, it was easy to see he had worked on a pirate ship for years now, he was toned, every bit of him defined and carved by the gods. He stroked his cock and oh my god it was-oh fuck you were going to be sore in the morning. It had to be 7 inches, and god-two inches thick. You swallowed, letting Harry maneuver your body and legs as he lined himself up; rubbing the purple-tipped head of his dick against the folds of your vagina.
He looked into your eyes, and smirked, pushing in with one swift motion, his eyes snapping shut as he felt your hot soft walls envelop him. In an instant, his body cooled down, allowing a moment of relief before it came back twice as hot and painful. He let out a pained/lustful moan and started to fuck you, it was simple at first, a simple pace; the sound of your wet cunt suctioning around Harry’s cock echoing through the cabin.
Your breath was suddenly gone as Harry pressed down into you, your legs tightly wrapped around his waist as his hands pinned your wrists to the bed “fuck fuck fuck” Harry growled, gods he sounded like an animal in heat; his hips hammered into yours, the sound of your cunt being abused getting even louder. You couldn’t even moan, your breath trapped in your chest as Harry fucked you-no, he didn’t fuck you, he used you; right now you were just a cock sleeve for him, something for him to get off with.
A means of relief.
And goddammit if that wasn’t a wet dream of yours.
“Ah-ah-ah!” you panted out, drool leaking down the side of your mouth as Harry fucked you hard, his hips slapping against your thighs and ass, the sound only turning you on even more; and it seemed to be the same for Harry. He bit your shoulder, moaning so loudly you would be afraid someone would hear the two of you if you weren’t so sure this was a dream or so lost in the pleasure.
Your first orgasm came fast and hard, the feeling of Harry’s cock slamming against your g-spot was just too much, heat and fireworks exploding within your body as the coil building in your gut snapped, you clenched hard around Harry, soaking him even further in your cum.
Harry let out a stuttered groan, coming to a full stop as he came, right inside you; filling you up in a way that shouldn't've been anatomically impossible. You gently pulled your hand free from Harry’s grip to feel around below, a sound of confusion making itself known as you felt his cum leaking out from you. God that was some porn shit.
Harry stared down at you, still panting, still in pain. He grunted as another cramp rushed through his body and he pulled out of you when it passed, flipping you over and pulling your hips up; ignoring your sputtering words and sliding back into you, choking on his breath as you clenched down on him; still coming down from your previous high. He practically overtook you with his body, his arms wrapped around your waist and hips as he fucked you like an animal in heat, his hips hammering into you like there was no tomorrow.
You could feel your combined cum dripping down from your core and landing on your intertwined heels, each thrust from Harry pushed out more and more cum, until every bit of your thighs and ankles were soaked with it. You couldn’t even breathe, each thrust taking it out of you as Harry used you again. God-how long would it take for him to lose stamina? How many times would he have to cum to regain his senses?
Fuck this was the best dream ever, 10/10 brain.
Harry moved his hips in the slightest way, sitting up on his knees, and then you were seeing stars. Each thrust knocked you out of consciousness for a split second, ecstasy flooding through your body as your front half went completely limp, panting moans pushing from your chest with each slap of Harry’s hips against your ass.
Soon enough your 2nd orgasm came crashing through you, not as intense as the first but you still came hard, clenching around Harry in such a way that he came again as well, this time he fucked you through it, even more of his cum filling you up. Again it-should’ve been impossible with how much there was; but-dream logic you supposed.
You gently pushed Harry away, your hand on his chest; forcing him to pull out. His eyes were still dark, still completely bound by whatever it was in his body “i-I need a moment” you panted, turning to lay on your side, Harry's cum leaking out and down your thigh; pooling on your once clean sheets. Harry shook his head, some of the light returning to his eyes, and he nodded. Kneeling on the bed next to you and taking your chin, tilting your head up to look you in the eyes “Are you okay?” he asked, voice strained as if he was struggling to control himself, and you nodded.
“yeah, just-came twice in less than five minutes, need a moment to rest down there” you muttered, gasping as Harry moved you to rest against your pillows, head sitting right in front of his still hard cock, the tip no longer purple but an angry red. Damn how many times was he going to have to cum to flush his system?!? But you knew this was a way to help him while taking a small break, you opened your mouth, letting your tongue drop out with it.
Harry slid his cock into your mouth, his head tipping back at the feeling of you, he slowly started to thrust into your mouth, being much less rough with it than your cunt. You sucked around him, resting your hands on his hard thighs, bobbing your head in time with his thrusts. “god, fuck yer mouth is just as good as yer fuckin’ cunt” Harry groaned, finally able to speak through the cloud of arousal. “so fucking wet n hot” he grabbed your head, not pushing you into his hips but simply holding you.
God you could taste yourself on him, and his cum dripped off at the base of his shaft, and you could feel your cunt pulse with want. G’damn, what a wonderful dream, and thank god it was, the soreness you would feel in the morning if it wasn’t. You felt his cock hit the back of your throat and you gagged slightly, tears at the edge of your eyes, he pulled back slightly, staring down at you in slight worry before the-whatever it was-took effect again and he thrust into your mouth, still not rough, but just using your mouth as his new cock-sleeve.
You sucked hard once and Harry groaned, leaning over your body to brace himself on the wall behind your bed, his cum flooding into your mouth, you didn’t even have time to swallow it, it spilled out the sides of your mouth and dripped down your chin. Harry, realizing you were going to choke on his cum, pulled out. You gasped as more cum hit your face and Harry closed his eyes, clenching his jaw so hard it hurt.
You noted it wasn’t as much cum as inside your cunt, maybe that meant he was flushing whatever it was out of his system. As you examined your chest, which was now covered in Harry’s cum; Harry started down at you, panting still. Fuck you looked so hot covered in him, it was all over your face and chest, still leaking out of your cunt and covering your thighs.
Harry rolled his neck, feeling another wave of heat overcoming his body, much less intense this time, but still hotter than anything he had ever felt. He had to get this shit out, and luckily, he had control of himself this time. He gently lifted your legs to where he could slide below them, your thighs resting on top of his; his cock resting in front of your cunt, which was all too ready to accept him again.
He looked into your eyes, leaning forward and kissing you, tasting himself on your lips and tongue. He slid in, groaning at the feeling of your tight cunt, god you were still so fucking soft and warm, still so tight around him after 2 rounds of hard fucking.
You moaned softly as Harry rocked into you, he was finally in control of his own body again, no longer clouded by an unending wave of pain and arousal that he was practically forced to fuck you so hard you couldn’t breathe. It was still a solid pace that sent shivers up your spine with each thrust but now you could actually breathe and respond to Harry’s motions. “ah~ Harry~” you moaned, your head hitting the bed frame as Harry gripped your hips, staring down at the space where the two of you connected.
He whispered out your name, once again as if it was a prayer to the gods; and you melted, sinking further into Harry and allowing him to go even deeper.
This continued on for another three rounds, each gentler than the last until both you and Harry were laying on your sides, his cock gently rocking into you, the tip brushing against your g-spot as his fingers played with your clit, his mouth was on your ears and neck, leaving dark and bruising marks that had accumulated throughout the night. You both came for the last time, a slow blooming pleasure that burned into a searing flame that turned to smoke.
Harry came inside you one last time, it finally being a normal human amount of cum. He gently pulled out, his cock finally soft; he was exhausted, panting and aching everywhere. But he knew he would not be able to compare to how you would feel in the morning. He had never had sex before but some of the crew and Uma had-and god the way they sometimes complained about how they couldn’t walk the next day or even just an hour afterward.
So he forced himself to stand up, walking to your connected bathroom on wobbly legs and grabbing a few soft towels and then finding a change of sheets. He got you cleaned up with warm damp towels, then used a cold one to cool down your body, resting a fresh cool one on your soon-to-be aching vagina. He cleaned up his several messes, got dressed, replaced the sheets, and rinsed out the sheets so the cleaning crew wasn’t traumatized the next day.
He gently took your body from the plush couch that sat in front of the tv and set you back on your bed, licking his lips nervously as he glanced between you and the door. He couldn’t just leave you, not after what you did for him. but he didn’t want to just-sleep next to you? Well he did, but…fuck. He settled for the pullout bed that was hidden in the couch, rubbing his face as he came to terms with what he had done for…god the last two hours?
He looked at the clock, sucking on his teeth. Nearly two hours of the night were spent fucking you. He fell back on the pull-out bed, staring up at the ceiling before falling asleep; a small smile on his lips as he recalled what you tasted like.
You woke up hours later, the sun already high in the sky, so very fucking sore and aching everywhere. It hurt to breathe. You sat up sluggishly, wincing at the pulse between your legs. You lifted the blanket to check what was wrong, only to see…you were in a new pair of sleep shorts and a plain t-shirt…these weren’t the clothes you put on before you fell asleep, and these sheets were…clean, like brand new just changed clean.
Oh-oh shit- you whipped your head around, looking for any sign of the handsome pirate. Only to find none, minus the pile of damp towels resting in the sink. “no way last night was real” you muttered, wincing again, your voice was just gone. Nothing but a raspy tone of a well fucked throat. Oh shit, oh shit oh shit oh shit!
You whipped around again as someone knocked on your door, in the exact same pattern as last night. You stood up quickly, yelping as your legs immediately gave out and you hit the floor, almost crying from the pain shooting up your legs and hips “(y/n)!” Harry called out, sounding very worried “Are ye okay?! That sounded like a nasty fall!” you just grumbled; face completely flushed from embarrassment. From both falling and the realization that what happened last night wasn’t a dream. You crawled over to the door and unlatched it, scooting back on your butt as Harry stepped through, a plate full of food in one hand and a small bottle in the other. “Oh shit, (y/n)” Harry said in a rush, setting down the two, no three-a water bottle that he had held in his armpit-, items on the nightstand and picking you up, carrying you back over to the bed and setting you down “fuck-I’m so sorry (y/n), I-i-“ Harry stuttered, and you could see panicked tears at the corners of his eyes. He hurt you, fuck he had hurt you-he didn’t want that-he had no control over how hard he was but god dammit!
“Hey” your raspy voice broke through his whirlwind of thoughts, and he looked back up at you, his lips dropping open at your soft smile and kind eyes “it was great, I liked it, and you didn’t have control; also that was five rounds, im bound to be sore after that even if you weren’t rough.” your voice got quieter with each word and Harry quickly grabbed the water bottle and the small bottle he had gotten from Uma. He handed both to you and you gulped down the water, the icy coolness feeling wonderful on your torn throat.
You looked down at the pills as you recapped the bottle, tilting your head at them, you had never seen them before, and they were unlabeled. “Got those from Uma” Harry said, grabbing the bottle again and opening it for you, dropping one into his hand and holding it out to you. “tis’ like a healing potion but-a pill, Uma made it for ‘er own” Harry made a vague gesture between the two of you then out the door “adventures” you smiled, that was so sweet of Harry to get you something to make sure you would be comfortable. You took the pill with a swig of water, and you sighed in relief; the pill immediately took effect.
All the aches washed away, and the soreness in your hips and core disappearing, it all felt like a nice refreshing dip in the pool on a hot day “Better?” Harry asked, his hand on your knee, and you nodded; patting his hand.
“Much,” you said, voice restored. Harry grinned, his eyes that wonderful bright ocean blue once more. He patted your knee, your hand bouncing with his hand at the gesture and he stood, walking over to the damp rags in the bathroom sink and stuffing them into a cloth bag, setting them by the door then turning back to you “so-yer…ye liked that?” Harry asked, as If you liking how he fucked you was a surprise. And you nodded, shrugging as you did.
“yeah, um-kinda was a fantasy of mine to be used like that so, now I know I’m very into it” you chuckled, drinking some more of the water as Harry turned bright red “where’d you learn how to it by the way? You’re a damn good fuck” Harry pursed his lips and shrugged.
“Never learned anything’, tha’ was me first time” you spit out the water, Harry leaping back in surprise, his eyes almost as wide as yours “you-me-what?!” you yelled, Harry’s hands suddenly covering your mouth to shut you up. “shhhh” Harry shushed you, pulling his hands away when your voice died out behind them “no, no-I've never-I, that…I was a virgin till last night” Harry muttered, almost embarrassed as he glanced away, then back at you “is-is tha’ a bad thing?”
You shook your head, no, being a virgin wasn’t a bad thing, nor was it to have lots of sex. You just thought-with how he looked-how he acted-how all the boy attracted isle kids talked about him “i-I just-assumed, I mean, with how some of the isle kids talk about you-I thought you were like-…I assumed you were one to get around, not that that's bad either, just…” you shrugged, unable to find any other way to say it.
Harry chuckled, rubbing the back of his head “Aye…uh, yeah. Never had it, wasn’t exactly-interested honestly, well-I have been interested before but I never partook cause it could’ve been used ‘gainst me n’ stuff so…never did it.” Harry started at you, licking his lips nervously “it-it wasn’t how I imagined losing me virginity, I always kinda wanted ta’ give it ta’ someone I love n trust but…yeah, tha’ happen’d” Harry shrugged, glancing off to the side and suddenly you felt horrible, but…it wasn’t your fault, was it? You didn’t make Harry inconsolably horny and need relief from you, you just happened to be who he was attracted to under that…whatever it was. But you felt pissed for him, whoever had-done that to him-took away his choice, and gods if you ever got your hands on them.
“you did a damn good job for a first time” you said, hoping to give him a bit of comfort, and it worked; he smiled, that pretty smile that had your knees buckling. “like-hot damn, you must have some damn good instincts for sex” Harry shrugged and laughed, not really knowing what had been going on to make him like that, he was aware of every part of it, but after you gave him your consent, it was like he was put on the back burner, something much more…animalistic taking the front seat.
Harry stood; arms crossed. “so uh” he started, suddenly feeling very awkward “um…thank yeh, fer helpin’ me through that” you smiled and nodded, about to speak but Harry continued “whenever ye want me ta get ye somethin’ nice or-whatever, jus uh, hit me up…n…yeah-thank yeh” Harry smiled at you one last time, and then left the room. leaving you alone with the magic healing pills, a plate of food, and an empty water bottle.
You guessed that was it then, a dream come true that ended all too abruptly the next day. You sighed, rubbing your face. You hadn’t expected anything after, honestly, and he did promise to never bug you again. But…god you did kinda hope for something more to come out of this, even if it was just an awkward friendship.
But you guessed you and Harry Hook wouldn’t interact again, not until you asked for the nice thing he promised. That was fine, you told yourself, he was his own person, and just because he asked you to let him use you, he was in no way obligated to become close to you.
Looks like it was time to go back to the toys. It was a damn shame, Harry put even those toys to shame. You brushed away the thought, it was over and done now, Harry wouldn’t be knocking at your door ever again to ask you to have sex with him. Not unless whatever it was came back around and attracted him to you again.
Pffft, ch-eah right. Like that would ever happen.
-later that night-
God dammit again?!
-end of part 1(?)-
i dont have a taglist for smut fics (i do have a harry permtaglist) but i have no clue who and who isnt comfortable being tagged for smut-soooo
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teaveetamer · 2 years
Since you've written a lot of Dimidue, I wanted to ask about why it appeals to you. As a fellow Dimidue shipper, I'm always intrigued about why other fans gravitated towards it. Personally, I multi ship Dimidue, Dimilix, Sylvix so I'm not a "die for one ship" type of fan lol. But the 8 Blue Lions are so ship able together that they're all so easy to poly ship as well. There's very little I won't ship in the Blue Lions because they're all so interesting and well written and great dynamic together
Idk to be honest because it definitely wasn't my main when I started with the fandom. I think it was a couple of factors:
#1 I honestly just didn't expect to like it as much as I did.
I don't hate the lord/retainer dynamic in FE, it's just that usually the execution leaves a bit to be desired. Like Leo/Niles. I don't hate it, but it was always missing something to really sucker punch me and get me on board. Never really knew what it was though, until Dimidue came on the scene.
I think what really took them over the line was just like? How much of a unit they already seemed to be? I mean you literally cannot escape them talking about each other. Even Dimitri has dialogue in 3H where he explicitly talks about Dedue. It's very clear that whatever feelings they have toward each other, they're mutual, and it turns out that was what I was missing from the previous lord/retainer dynamics. All of those tended to be more one-sided on the part of the retainer, so a ship with the lord/retainer dynamic where they're equally invested (and if they aren't you could definitely make the case that it's the lord who is more invested?) Sign me up.
2) There's just so much to work with
I mean you have their supports, which are super gay don't get me wrong, but like? You also have Dedue's return at Myrrdin in AM, or their death scene in CF, or Dedue's revenge quest in VW, and all of their explore sections and dialogue where the two of them stand together quite often, and their whole untapped pre-academy history. AND THEN on top of THAT we got Three Hopes with even more Dimidue
3) It's kind of different from what I'd been doing?
I love Sylvix too, don't get me wrong, but I think part of the reason I gravitated less toward reading and writing it is because... I mean people made the joke that Sylvix was just nu!Leokumi and they aren't... entirely wrong... I mean they aren't identical or anything but the Takumi-to-Felix pipeline is pretty apparent and Leo and Sylvain are both sad boys with daddy issues.
So yeah I spent like five years writing a ton of Leokumi stuff and then Sylvix was feeling a little too similar to me. Dimidue was a completely different dynamic with completely different character archetypes and I found that really appealing, so I think I gravitated toward that a lot
4) This might be shallow but I'm over giving a fuck lmao. I like bottom!Dimitri pretty much exclusively and Dimidue was the only ship that would consistently feed me.
5) Dimidue being a smaller ship I also felt kind of protective over it? Not like I own it or anything but like. This is a precious seed that needs to be nurtured and babied into fruition. So a lot of my Dimidue stuff just comes from me wanting to fill out the archive with more quantity and variety of stuff for them, because it's kind of a bummer when you go to a ship's tag and there's only like ten fics and they're all G rated fluff (or if you wanna get spicy, E rated fluff with lots of hand holding and eye contact. I love that for Dimidue, but I also want Dimitri to choke on a cock and call someone daddy sometimes, y'know???)
I wouldn't say I set out to be a mono-shipper btw. I don't mind shipping characters with others, but I think I just naturally gravitate toward having an OTP.
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