vittravals · 4 years
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Trollskt II
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wakeningwoods · 3 years
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roseliterapeuta · 4 years
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Eu me perco na vida Eu me perco no trânsito e lugares Eu me perco em pensamentos e sentimentos Eu me perco em histórias e olhares Eu me perco no tempo Eu sempre me perdi Durante muito tempo eu lutei Para ser mais atenta Hoje entendo o quão bom é se perder Para se encontrar em cada novo olhar. Ana Helena @escolhadela . . Quando nos perdemos de nós mesmas estamos passando um processo de alquimia, algo precisa ser redirecionado e transformado. Baba Yaga é uma figura, muitas vezes descrita nos contos de fadas, como a bruxa má. Porém, ela faz parte do arquétipo feminino. Sua história vem da cultura eslava. Uma senhora velha, muito sábia que mora nas profundezas da floresta. E essa senhora come pessoas que estão perdidas na floresta. A palavra-chave da Baba Yaga é transformação. Essa metáfora é aplicada para quando estamos nos sentindo sem direção. Estar perdida é a oportunidade para se conhecer e reconhecer, trazer à luz medos, traumas, limitações do insconsciente. Se você estiver passando por processos sentindo-se assim. Olhe para sua ancestralidade. As mulheres que vieram antes de ti. Como está seu relacionamento e sentimento em relação a elas? Avós, mães, tias, irmãs, suas raízes. Observe quais padrões estão se repetindo em sua vida. Algumas ações para ajudar nessa questão: - Mexer na terra: jardinagem ou fazer arte com argila. - Banhos de mar, rio ou lago. - Óleo essencial Vetiver, extraído das raizes da planta. É um óleo que vai ajudar com aterramento e tranquilidade. Muito ligado com o primeiro chakra. Ele pode te ajudar a se conectar com o aqui e o agora. Reconhecer que está perdida é o primeiro passo para encontrar-se. Photo Credit: @karolinajacobsen . via @escolhadela . . #sobreelas #empoderamentofeminino #lugardemulheréondeelaquiser #mulheresciclicas #sobremulheres #somosasnetasdasbruxas #sororidade #juntassomosmaisfortes #feminismo #femininosagrado #sagradofeminino #sagradofeminismo #feminismosagrado #mulheresresilientes #mulhemoderna #mulherverdadeira #mulheresdeusas #mulherespoderosas #MulheresDespertas #pelofimdosexismo #empoderamentofeminino #mulheresempoderadas #mulherverdadeira #mulhermoderna #mulheressensiveis #relacionamentoamor (em Roséli Terapeuta) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_l-VlBnyrO/?igshid=6cxrfowzadti
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ukcustomplugs · 7 years
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Show some love to karolinajacobsen wearing our Abalone Dewdrop Plug! We love to see all our customers faces, so tag your photos!
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vittravals · 4 years
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~ Bland tomtar och troll ~ From yesterdays forest hike .
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vittravals · 4 years
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Móðir Jörð, faðmaðu mig.
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vittravals · 4 years
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Bland urberg
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vittravals · 4 years
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”Jag älskar sommarns vindar och solen tröstar mig, all markens blommor gläds jag med inunder himmelen.”- Dan Andersson
Blessed solstice everyone. Let the sun caress you and shine up these dark times.
Take care🌾
All love/
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vittravals · 4 years
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This petroglyph was found damaged on a burial ground a few hundred meters from the copy that’s now stands at Vallenstena church is Vallstenarum, Gotland. The stone is dated to the migration period and was originally raised at a tomb dating from the 400 or 500 AD. The spirals in the middle are associated with sun worship and the two figures with spears and shields at the bottom of the stone can be associated with pagan rituals and war. According to half a millennium younger Icelandic litterature , the two animals opposite each other could tell us about the stallion breeding sport, which was very popular during these times. But, as we know from many other petroglyhps and sources, these horse-looking animals was often linked to the sun and movement symbolism in the prehistoric religions. This particular one is very similar to another gotlandic stone found in Hadlingbo.
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vittravals · 4 years
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En vistelse dit anor vilar / A stay to where ancestors rest
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vittravals · 4 years
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Kom sól
Petroglyph from Gotland, Hadlingbo, Havor, dated 400-550 BC. This kind of whorl motif is one of the most common during the oldest Iron Age and horses was often associated to the sun in the prehistoric religions. Movement and the sun's journey have been an important symbolism or also as I like to express it, a laungage, for the prehistoric human, their beliefs and perspectives of the world.
~ Photo taken at the Historical Museum on Stockholm, where this petroglypth is exhibited. @historiska
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vittravals · 4 years
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HEILUNG at Amager Bio in Denmark
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vittravals · 4 years
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vittravals · 4 years
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”Sköna systrar, kommen högt upp på de starkaste klipporna,
vi äro alla krigarinnor, hjältinnor, ryttarinnor,
oskuldsögon, himmelspannor, rosenlarver,
tunga bränningar och förflugna fåglar,
vi äro de minst väntade och de djupast röda,
tigerfläckar, spända strängar, stjärnor utan svindel.” - Edith Södergran
”Lovely sisters, up on the strongest cliffs,
we are all warriors, heroines, horsewomen,
maidens , canopies, rose larvae,
heavy fires and wild birds,
we are the least expected and the deepest red,
tiger spots, tense strings, stars without scams.”- Edith Södergran
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vittravals · 4 years
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Förgätmigej - The Forget Me Not Flower
The name "forget-me-not" comes from the German "Vergissmeinnicht", which means "don't forget me". According to legend, the following event took place in the Middle Ages: A knight and his fiancee walked along a river as he picked up a bouquet of forget-me-nots. Because his armor was so heavy, he fell into the water. Shortly before he drowned, he threw the bouquet to his beloved and shouted "don't forget me". The flower is associated with romance and tragic fate. It was often worn by women as a sign of faithfulness and eternal love.
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vittravals · 4 years
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Even if I’ve been longing for the darker nights, calmness and beautiful autumn colors, it’s always a bit hard for me to let go of the light. Thank you sun for all the warmth, comforting and joy. It’s time for us both to rest. We’ll meet again soon.
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