#karrde's 400
wild-karrde · 2 years
Hi Karrde! Might be a little late but congratulations on the 400, that's an awesome thing to celebrate over!
If there's still time and you're willing: can I have a "I'll stay for as long as you let me" and "Stay forever then." with Tech?
HELLO ANON! Thank you for the kind words! And you were not late at all. If anything, I am late as I'm slowly poking away at these (but it's the holidays, we're NOT putting pressure on ourselves. IT'S ALL GOOD). This one got super soft on me, and I see an emerging theme between the last two ficlets I've written: I just want our boys to rest. I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE AND THANK YOU AGAIN!
Pairings: Tech x GN!Reader
Rating: M (implied sexual content, nudity, showering together)
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“Hello, darling.”
Your heart flutters as his tall, thin silhouette materializes in the doorway of your apartment, helmet in hand. You put down your datapad, sweeping him into an embrace. His arms wrap around you, and you bury your nose in his chest, inhaling deeply. He smells like blaster smoke, sweat, and the soap you bought him last time he was on Coruscant. Tech was never one to allow himself even small indulgences, not seeing the practicality in it, so you’d made a habit of gifting him small luxuries here and there. 
“Missed you,” you whisper. 
“And I you.” 
You take his helmet from him, setting it on the table to be cleaned eventually. There are a few more scuffs and dirt streaks than normal. Tech carefully steps out of his boots, leaving them by the door so as not to dirty your floor. You help him remove the rest of his armor, which you’ll meticulously clean in the way he showed you later. 
“Are you hungry?”
“Starving,” he replies, giving you a small smile. 
You note he’s carefully stripping out of the top of his undersuit, wincing slightly. 
“Are you hurt?” 
“Just a few abrasions.” 
You nod, knowing he’s downplaying it but not arguing with him. You know making a fuss won’t change the number of injuries he has, nor the likelihood that he’ll sustain more like them. “Sit down, I’ll bring you some food and get the medkit.” 
He’d only given you a few hours notice, so the best you could scrounge up was leftover stir-fry from the night before and some cookies, but Tech devours it as though it were a gourmet meal. While he eats, you carefully clean and bandage his wounds. You know he could do this himself, but he’s always told you that you do a better job. You’re not certain that’s true, but you never have called him out on it. It’s nice to have him appreciate your medical skill, and you’re more than glad to put it to use on him. 
You’d met in the med ward here on Coruscant. He was escorting his much larger brother in after a mishap with a faulty explosive. Wrecker had been lucky, only burning his palms and breaking a finger. Tech had stated he’d normally have dealt with it himself, but they hadn’t restocked their medical supplies yet, and most of the other clone medical centers were full of more serious injuries at the moment. You’d assured him it wasn’t a problem. 
At first, you’d been annoyed at how he’d hovered over your shoulder, watching you carefully as you cleaned and bandaged Wrecker’s hands. When you’d gone to grab another roll of gauze, he’d followed you, and you’d finally whirled on him, allowing your annoyance to get the best of you. 
“Do you think I can’t do my job without your supervision?” you’d snapped. 
“I apologize if I gave you that impression. My presence was more intended to calm Wrecker. He often looks to me to determine if an injury is worse than it looks. I was hoping that by watching you closely and showing no alarm, it would calm him down.” He picked at his glove a little sheepishly, and you’d ducked your head in embarrassment. 
“I… I’m sorry. I thought-”
“I understand how you could come to that conclusion,” he assured you. “I’m sure you noted the injury on the side of his head. When he sustained that, it was severely downplayed by the civilian medic that treated him. The medic then made him feel as though he were overreacting and exaggerating his pain levels, but the damage was quite severe, and that instance bred a sort of mistrust for medical professionals that aren’t me.” 
You nodded, reaching for the gauze. “I’m sorry he went through that. No one deserves to have their pain downplayed like that.”
He smiled at you. “I agree.”
You moved to step past him, but he hesitantly laid a hand on your arm. “For what it’s worth, I think it’s admirable how you care for him. Many consider us to be expendable, but it’s apparent how attentive you are and how you’re paying careful attention to his reactions and pain. I know he appreciates it. As do I.” 
Your face flushed with heat, and you returned his smile. “Of course.” 
You’d completed your work on Wrecker, suddenly noting that the large clone occasionally shot his brother a nervous look as he watched over your shoulder, and Tech would give him a reassuring nod when he caught his eye. It was so subtle you’d have never noticed it without Tech telling you, but now that you knew, all you wanted to do was wrap them both in a hug. After you’d completed bandaging Wrecker and he’d mumbled his thanks, Tech had asked you to dinner under the pretense of learning about the technique you’d used when splinting the broken finger, but you both knew that was a bold-faced lie. 
You’d never minded. 
Now, you gently applied bacta to a blaster burn on his shoulder, smoothing the gel over the damaged skin there. Tech hissed slightly between clenched teeth. You pause, whipping out your penlight to look more closely at the wound, worried you’ve missed something. Tech chuckles quietly as he watches you over his shoulder, immediately knowing what you’re thinking. “The bacta was just colder than I expected. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Better to be certain.” 
“One of the things I love about you.” 
You smile, giving the burn one last cursory look before carefully bandaging it, placing a light kiss next to it when you are done. He catches your hand in his as you stride past him to replace your supplies, kissing the back of your knuckles. 
“Thank you, darling.”
“Of course, my love,” you reply, leaning down to press your lips against his forehead. He leans against you, and you can feel the exhaustion in his muscles. Quickly, you clear his dishes from the table before leading him down the hall to your bedroom. 
You help him shower, gently washing the dirt from his skin and ensuring not to scrub too hard at the fresh bandages peppering his chest, arms, and back. He allows it, watching you without protest as you lather his skin carefully and massage his scalp with shampoo. You know letting someone else take control is a struggle for him, and you appreciate that he’s finally comfortable enough to let his guard down around you, to allow you to take care of him in the way he deserves but will never ask for. 
When you’re both rinsed clean, you stand for a while, your bodies pressed together as the water trickles down your skin. You hope the constant patter of the water on his shoulders is working some of the tension from his muscles and spine as he presses chaste kisses along your neck and shoulders, finally allowing his chin to rest there, his arms wrapped around your torso. 
“I love you very much,” he whispers. 
“And I love you,” you reply. Those three words had always come easy to the two of you, neither of you feeling the need to choose a “right” time to express your affections. It had just come out of him one night as you sat next to each other on your couch, and you’d never hesitated in saying it back. You and Tech both had discussed early on that you were fine with being upfront about your emotions and feelings. War didn’t allow for the luxury of beating around the bush when it came to important things being said. 
You feel him sag against you slightly, and you take that as your cue to retrieve the fluffiest towel you own, helping him dry off before leading him to bed. 
The two of you slip under the sheets together, him pulling you close so that your back is pressed against his chest. One arm slips under your neck, the other wrapping around your waist. You resist the heat swirling in your belly, knowing he needs rest right now and to heal. If he’s still here in the morning, you know there’ll be time for other activities, but for right now, you just want him to sleep peacefully next to you without any expectations beyond that. 
“Do you know how long you can stay?” you ask, knowing he probably doesn’t have a definitive answer. 
“I’ll stay for as long as you let me.”
You reach down, interlacing your fingers with his and pulling his hand up to your lips, brushing his knuckles with a kiss. “Stay forever then,” you whisper.
You both know it’s impossible, that eventually his comm will go off and he’ll be whisked away once more on some mission he can’t tell you about on some world you’ll likely never visit. But it’s nice to pretend, if only for a few moments. As pragmatic as Tech is, he allows himself the indulgence this once, nuzzling against the back of your neck as he breathes you in. 
“I just may.”
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501 @arctrooper69
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
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Thank you so much for helping me reach 400!
I am stoked to be celebrating another milestone for this blog, and I couldn't do it without all of you lovely people!
Honestly, I'm just so happy. It feels like July is giving me a lot to celebrate and a lot of events, and since my birthday's also coming up, I want to make this a more party-like celebration, so
Say hello to my slumber party celebration!
What this consists of is basically sending one of the following things to my ask box and I'll answer it. These are all meant to be fun and lighthearted and quick (which is great because I got a lot of creative projects on my hands right now).
You can choose any of the following:
Send me three characters for Fuck, Marry, Kill (current fandoms are Star Wars and Vox Machina)
Make me choose between two characters
Ask me anything about my fanfics
Request a secret about me OwO
Give me two scenarios for a would you rather (Fiction-related or not)
Send in a thot (or several)
You may send in as many as you like! Anons are also on in case you prefer!
And thank you all again for being on this little corner of tumblr with me, I love you all with my whole heart!!
These will be open until July 21st!
Just gonna tag some people below but please feel no pressure to participate at all!
@stardustbee @sageislostinspring @wild-karrde @eloquentmoon @kimageddon @kaminocasey @book-of-baba-fett @twistedstitcher27 @tech-deck @angelltheninth @patchmates @damerondala @a-lil-perspective @teletraan-meets-jarvis @misogirl828 @rain-on-kamino @rexxdjarin
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Congrats on 400!!!! 😍🥰 I'd like to request Kix with the quote: "Don't touch it, it hurts!" (Gotta love me some major ouch with cute fluffy comfort). Thanks so much and congrats again!
Thanks so much! Alright, I really love writing Kix and don't do it enough. This one got cute and I DIG IT. Thanks again for the ask!
Pairing - Kix x Medic!Reader
Rating - T (mention of injury, language)
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“Kix, I’m FINE! Just slap some bacta on it so we can move!” 
“It’s not that simple! You need to stay here so I can work on it, otherwise we’ll be down another medic.”
“If you stay here with me, then we’ll be down two.”
“Coric’s gone on ahead and Sticks and Stones are inbound to support. He’ll manage until they get here, now sit still.” 
“I said I’M FINE.”
The clone medic gave you an unamused look as he gripped your thigh and shin, bending the knee that you’d just taken a blaster bolt to just enough to send pain radiating from the joint. Your stubborn muttering shifts to a yelp.
“Ok, stop, stop, STOP! Don’t touch it! It hurts!” 
He sighs in exasperation. “I know it hurts. So if you’d quit arguing with me for five minutes, I’ll be able to make it hurt less, understand?” 
You finally surrender, laying back on the ground and folding your arms over your eyes in defeat. Kix takes this as you relenting, reporting to Rex on his comm that the two of you will hang back for now, catching up with the others when you’re able. The captain’s voice is strained, but not angry, so you take some solace in that. 
You’ve only been serving with the 501st for a few weeks, but in that time, you’ve managed to become an anxious mess. It was clear that the other medics around you, both civilian and clone alike, were far more qualified, leaving you wondering why you were here and instilling you with a fear of failure that kept you up most nights. You were determined to prove that you could be useful and help those in need, but right now, you feel more like a burden than anything else. 
The sound of boots and blasterfire has faded into the distance as the entire battalion has moved on without the two of you. Now, all you hear is Kix’s modulated breathing as he shuffles around in his kit, looking for supplies. 
Of all of the medics, why’d it have to be him?
You can’t quite put your finger on why Kix is the one you’re most desperate to impress. Maybe because you admire his professionalism, his calm demeanor, the way his brain works. 
And maybe you’re also a bit in denial. While he shares the same face as his brothers, there’s always been something about Kix that you’ve found exceptionally endearing. Sure, you’ve got your face covered right now because you’re embarrassed to be the thing keeping him back, but also, you feel heat rising to your cheeks as he manipulates your leg a bit to get a better look at your injury. 
“Just a graze,” he surmises. “I hope you didn’t like these pants too much though. I am going to have to cut them away a bit to bandage it properly.” 
You shrug. “‘S fine.” 
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, but then you hear the unmistakable hiss of his helmet being removed. Your arms fly away from your face as you sit up to stare at him in alarm. 
“Kix! You need to keep that on! It’s not safe.”
He tosses you a smirk. “You’re not wearing one.”
“Yeah, well I’m a civ. We don’t get issued armor.”
He glances over at you as he begins cutting away at the leg of your pants. “Still. Most civs have them. So why don’t you?”
He’s distracting you, and it’s obvious, but you’re more than willing to let him right now as your knee starts to noticeably throb. He’s always been good at redirecting attention. It’s one of the things you admire about him. 
You shrug. “Gear’s expensive. Would rather have a kit that holds up.”
Kix is removing his gloves, and you feel your heart thundering in your chest as you start to think about what his hands are going to feel like on your skin. You’ve absolutely thought about this before, but you had somewhat hoped it would be under different circumstances. 
Very different circumstances. 
A sharp prick as he injects the knee with a painkiller jerks you back to reality before your thoughts can wander further. He’s watching you out of the corner of his eye to see your reaction, and you try to not whimper. Instead, you swear quietly under your breath. He doesn’t acknowledge it. 
“So if you can’t afford the proper gear, why fling yourself out here?” he asks, taking out a solution to clean the wound a little better. “Most civs would say that’s justification to stay out of it.”
“F-family business,” you stutter. He pauses to watch your reaction, but you nod at him, urging him to get this done quickly so that you can get moving. “Mom’s a doc. Been following her around since I could walk and eventually went into medicine on my own. Figured my skills would better be put to use here than just staying on some cozy backwater moon and pretending the war isn’t happening.”
Kix pauses, turning to face you fully now. “That’s admirable.”
You feel like your face is on fire, and your eyes burn with tears of frustration. “Haven’t exactly been helpful,” you rasp, gesturing at your leg. 
“This’ll heal quickly,” he replies, gently dabbing at the damaged skin with some gauze before carefully applying bacta. “And you’ve been plenty of help.” 
“Kix, I know I just get underfoot. You don’t have to sugar coat it for me.” Your eyes drop to your lap, where you’re nervously picking at a cuticle. You feel him stop touching you for a moment before his fingers slip under your chin, pulling your gaze up to meet his. All of the moisture evaporates out of your mouth, and you swallow hard. 
“Now let’s be clear about one thing,” he says, his soft brown eyes piercing into yours. “There are plenty of people in this galaxy that see my brothers and I as expendable, nothing more than cannon fodder. Even those that don’t see us that way are more than fine with letting us die anyway. You are here. I see how much you care, how much each loss affects you. People like you are the ones I fight for. You’re the reason I keep going. Because there are good people out there, and you’re a reminder of that. So don’t you dare belittle what you’re doing here. I wouldn’t stay behind for any civ. I stayed because it’s you. Got it?” 
You nod, swallowing hard again. Your tongue darts out to moisten your lips, and he notes it, his eyes flicking down to follow it. You suddenly become extremely self conscious about the amount of dirt you’ve got covering your face. 
Kix seems to be turning something over in his mind, his brows furrowed in the way they are when he’s thinking. After a moment, his hand slips from your chin to wipe at some grime on your face, and you can’t help but lean into his touch a little. Both of you freeze for a moment, and he chuckles quietly. If he was looking for confirmation as to how you felt about him, he’s absolutely found it, but his reaction is far from what you expected.  
Kix smiles at you, but he almost seems bashful, something you’re not used to from him. “I would uh… also be remiss to not tell you that I enjoy having you around. For more than medical reasons. You’ve got a big heart. It’s… it’s nice.” 
A tear slips from the corner of your eye in relief, and he withdraws his hand quickly, thinking he’s done something wrong, but you grab his hand with yours. “Thanks,” you whisper quietly. “It’s really nice to know I’m not just a pain in the ass.” You squeeze his hand reassuringly. “I like being around you too.” 
Kix grins, his cocky smirk slipping back into place as he goes back to work on your knee, carefully wrapping a bandage around the joint. You’re not sure if it’s the pain meds or the high from both of your confessions, but the pain has faded to a dull ache. When he fastens the final end of the bandage in place, he inspects it one last time before nodding. 
“That should do it.” 
You feel a little bolder, for just a moment as his eyes find yours again. “When… when we get back to base, I’ve got a bottle of spotchka in my tent. If you feel like spending some time together where we’re not being shot at.” 
Kix smiles. “I think I’d like that.” He pauses, looking around cautiously. Seemingly satisfied the two of you are very alone, he leans down and places a light kiss on your bandaged knee. “All better?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows. 
You giggle. “Yeah. At least able to walk.” He pulls you to your feet, and you search for something else to say, realizing your time together is coming to a close, and in a few minutes, you’ll be back with his brothers. “You know, I think a lot of you too, Kix. You’re a very skilled medic.” 
You kriffing idiot, could you be any more awkward? You fight the urge to clap a hand to your forehead. 
Kix winks at you, seemingly flattered nonetheless. “I’m skilled at other things as well, but you’ll have to wait until at least our third date to find out about those.” 
Your face burns, but you can’t hide your smile as the two of you make your way back towards the battle.
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Congrats on the followers and thanks so much for the Friday Fic Recs (being able to scroll through them is literally what gets me through work on Fridays)!!!
Anyways for the quote ficlet for your follower celebration can you do Fox x f!reader with “The reason I drink so much caf is because I can’t sleep without you. Not that I want to sleep when I’m with you.” It can be SFW or NSFW.
And thanks again for all you do for the fandom ❤️
THANK YOU DEAR FRIEND! I am SO STOKED you enjoy the Fandom Fridays! And thank you for the prompt! It got soft, and I kinda like it. Hope you do too!
Pairing: Commander Fox x F!Reader
Rating: M (implied sexual content, Fox insulting Thorn's caf making)
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Your eyes flutter open as the first rays of Coruscant’s sunlight finally reach your eyelids. You wrinkle your nose, inhaling deeply and stretching your arms over your head. The soft snores continue on the other side of the bed, and you roll over slowly, watching the rise and fall of Fox’s back as he sleeps peacefully next to you. He’s turned away from the window, and you hope he’ll stay that way for a little while longer so the sun won’t wake him as well. Sleep doesn’t come easy to him, and he always seems dead on his feet, so you always look forward to these moments where he finally gets the rest he deserves. 
The chrono on the nightstand catches your eye. 
He’s still got a few more hours until he needs to leave. Unless Thorn summons him sooner. 
You don’t think that’s likely. When you’d met up at 79s last night, you could tell Thorn was concerned about Fox. He never expressed that concern verbally; he knew it would be a waste of breath. Fox would accuse him of worrying too much, and in the end, Thorn would sigh deeply, rolling his eyes while Fox continued to push himself beyond any reasonable limits. So Thorn had stayed quiet. But as you’d bid each other goodbye, he’d made sure to give you a pointed look. 
“You two go home and get some rest.” The “please” was implied. 
Thorn will be happy to know Fox had only stayed awake long enough to strip out of his armor and shower before conking out next to you with barely a whispered “Good night.” He’d been sleeping soundly ever since. 
Quietly, you slink out of bed, throwing on your robe. You tiptoe out of your bedroom, closing the door behind you to keep it quiet for your exhausted commander. 
The hum of Coruscant’s morning traffic is already carrying up to your windows as you make your way to your kitchen. You hum as you retrieve the caf carafe from the place you normally store it above your stove. Most days, you’re satisfied with a normal caf press, but mornings with Fox call for something more special. He was so used to whatever sludge he could get around the Senate offices, the first time you’d given him a pourover cup of caf, you thought he’d combust on the spot. From the way Thorn and Thire joked about the amount of caf he ingested, you figured it would be good for him to drink the quality stuff every now and again. He loved it. 
You get out the special caf blend that you save for when Fox is over, holding your breath as the grinder runs in the hopes that Fox’s heavy sleep will continue. When the grinder finishes, you wait a few seconds and are relieved to hear no shuffling or groans to indicate he’s awake. 
You dump the grounds in the carafe’s filter before heating some water on the stove in your kettle. Once it’s steaming, you do a small pour to allow the grounds to really bloom before you begin slowly pouring, ensuring to go at the correct pace to really bring out the flavors. The bitter, warm scent strikes your nostrils, and you hum quietly to yourself. You find comfort in the smell, and while you love caf as much as the next person, you know it’s secretly because it reminds you of Fox. 
Opening the cabinet over your head, you stand on tiptoe to reach the mugs. You find the new travel thermos you’d bought for Fox to fill with caf for him to take with him before pulling down your favorite mug and reaching for the one Fox seems to favor. You grunt with effort as your fingers can’t seem to find the handle. You’re considering the best way to climb up on the counter when a warm hand grazes the small of your back. 
“I’ve got it,” Fox rumbles softly as he reaches over your head, grabbing the mug and setting it down on the counter. 
“I’d hoped you’d sleep longer,” you say quietly, examining his face. The dark circles and bags under his eyes seem to have receded a bit. He looks a little closer to his actual biological age, despite the greying hair at his temples. You reach for the carafe, pouring his travel thermos first as his arms slide around your waist. You feel his chin rest on your shoulder. 
“I got enough. Plus, couldn’t keep sleeping when I smelled this brewing.” He turns his nose into the place where your neck meets your shoulder, inhaling deeply. “Best thing to wake up to.” 
You let the joke about whether he means you or the caf die on your tongue, choosing instead to lean back against him, enjoying the gentle scratch of his stubble against your cheek. You treasure these moments with him, particularly with how infrequent they are. He’d already warned you that he’ll be busy for the next few rotations and that it’ll be unlikely you’ll see each other. You hate it, but he had been very up front with you about what being with him entailed. 
Not even that had convinced you to not at least give it a try, and since then, every second you were with him had been worth it. 
“That’s new,” he comments, finally spotting the travel thermos. 
“Figured with as much as you drink this stuff, you’d better take some with you,” you joke. 
He hums against your skin in agreement. “Too bad that’s all I’ll have this week. Going to have to rely on the tar Thorn brews.” 
“I’ll have to teach Thorn how to do a pourover,” you tease. 
“I hardly trust him with the cheap stuff,” Fox replies. “No way I’d let him touch this.” 
“Then maybe you could learn.”
“I don’t think it’d help,” he says quietly. 
“Why not? You drink enough of it.” 
“Half the reason I drink so much caf is because I can’t sleep without you,” he rasps against your skin, and your heart stutters in your chest. “Not that I want to sleep when I’m with you.”
You smile, turning to face him and allowing your hands to drift around his neck, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I thought it was just because you work too much.”
“That’s the other half of it,” he concedes. “But even when I’m not working, laying in my bunk at night, all I can think of is how I’d rather be here with you.” His hands drift under your robe, pushing your nightgown up enough to grip your thighs. You giggle as he lifts you onto the counter, pressing his lips along your collarbone. “Sorry I fell asleep on you so quickly last night,” he mumbles against your skin. 
“It’s alright. Glad you could finally get some rest.” 
“How about I make it up to you now?” he asks, lifting you off of the counter. You giggle as you wrap your legs around his waist, holding on tightly to his shoulders as he starts to carry you back towards the bedroom. 
“Fox! The caf’ll get cold.”
“Let it. It’ll reheat. Right now, I’m more interested in you.”
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501 @arctrooper69
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Karrde!! Congratulations on 400 babes!! 🥳🥳 I kept forgetting to send this, so sorry it’s a bit late.
May I request my favorite boy Fox with the quote “as you wish” please?? I’d love to see how you write him ❤️❤️
THANK YOU ERIN!!!!! It's completely fine. I know this line maybe should have been something sweet based on where it comes from, but I had a thot thought that wormed its way into my brain, and I could NOT shake it loose, so ummmm, here you go. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.
Pairings: Fox x F!Reader
Rating: E (18+ MINORS SKEEDADDLE - finger, PiV sex)
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You push back from your desk, smoothing your skirts with shaking hands, anticipation causing the tremors rather than nerves. It’s been a rotation since you’ve returned from your diplomatic mission, but you’ve been counting the seconds to this moment since then. 
But you must be quick. Fox never wastes a moment on his rounds. You’ve got to be sure he sees. 
Your office door hisses shut behind you, and you key in the lock code. 
Twenty-three paces to the end of the hall and then a left. First camera is on the left.  
Your pace is unrushed but not leisurely, as if you have somewhere to be. 
It must be 22:32 by now. It normally takes him a minute to make it down to the command center to check in on his men watching the feeds. Two if he takes his time. 
You turn the corner, striding past the floor-to-ceiling windows that cover the left side of this corridor. You always loved the view on your side of the Senate building. Normally, you’d linger and watch the late night speeder traffic flow by in its almost hypnotic river of lights, but tonight, you’re in a hurry, even if you’re trying not to look like it. 
Around fifty paces to the fork and then turn right, in full view of the camera that covers the atrium.
You cross the dimly-lit atrium, eyes already on the set of lifts on the other side of the room that are almost beckoning you with their bright buttons that glow brightly in the dark. Your heels against the polished flooring are the only sound in the room. Well, that and the sound of your blood rushing in your ears. 
Your finger finds the summon button, and you press it, trying not to appear nervous as the lift hums to life. After what feels like an eternity, the doors hiss open and you step inside. 
The light inside the lift is much brighter, and you feel yourself involuntarily squinting as you move towards the control panel, selecting one of the lower levels of the Senate building. The chrono next to the buttons displays the time. 
22:35. If he’s still there, he’ll only linger for a few more minutes before moving on. 
You can’t stop yourself from glancing directly into the camera that’s affixed to one of the corners of the ceiling. 
Come and find me, Commander. 
To anyone else that might be watching the feeds now or in the future, you look like a Senate aid visiting the records room on the twelfth level. At least, you hope that’s how it looks. No one has any reason to suspect otherwise. 
You’re not ashamed of your relationship with Commander Fox, but you understand how much danger your relationship puts him in. The Senator you serve doesn’t have an unfavorable opinion of clones, but many of her counterparts do, and the last thing you want is you and Fox’s relationship being put on display for some sort of political maneuvering. 
You also understand that he has a reputation to uphold, one that he’s worked very hard for, and you’d never wish to jeopardize that and put his leadership into question. 
The agreement to keep things a secret had been mutual, and if you’re honest, the thrill of your clandestine meetings was something unexpected, but it made you eagerly anticipate them even more somehow. Even now, as the lift doors open, you wonder if he’s watching you, understanding where you’re headed and that you’ll be waiting for him. You’d arranged this system early on, knowing his rotation schedule and when he made the rounds to check on his men. If he saw you on camera, passing through the right displays to indicate you were headed to what had become your favorite place, then he knew to follow. It had worked flawlessly thus far, and you hoped for another repeat success tonight. You can almost feel him watching, his eyes burning into you as you exit the lift. You resist the urge to look straight into the lens again and wink on your way out. 
Thirty-three paces to the corner. Then no more cameras after that. 
You check that your keycard is in your pocket. You do need to visit the records room at some point. But for now, that can wait. 
As you turn the corner, you hear the echo of a stairwell door banging open in a different hallway, and you resist the urge to break into a run. You’ll beat him with plenty of time to spare if he took his usual route, but now your heart is about to leap out of your chest. 
You hadn’t seen him for several weeks, having been forced to travel with your Senator on a diplomatic mission. Fortunately, the negotiations had wrapped up amicably and sooner than anticipated, so you’d made it home a week sooner than planned. 
You hadn’t told Fox, hoping to surprise him. He was so rarely surprised. Another thrill. You couldn’t even imagine what a surprised expression might look like on his ruggedly handsome features.  
Your steps carry your right past the records room and to your favored supply closet. It was well off the beaten path, mostly housing ceremonial robes that were only broken out on the most special occasions, their thick and stuffy fabrics making for excellent sound-proofing. No one had any reason to be in it at this time of night.
Well, no one besides you and a very particular clone commander.
The door hisses shut behind you, and you smooth your hand through your hair one more time, trying to take deep breaths. You begin to count the seconds in your head, and after you get to a full minute, you wonder if perhaps you were wrong, that someone else was actually just working late on this level. Or maybe you’d imagined the noise completely. 
I was certain he was on tonight. He normally is. Maybe he just didn’t see me on the feeds. He wouldn’t have known to look. 
Perhaps this was a terrible idea.
Just as you’re about to talk yourself into giving up and going to the records room, you hear footsteps pause outside the door to the supply closet. You hold your breath. 
The door hisses open, and there he stands in his red and white armor, hands behind his back as he observes you from behind his visor. Heat rushes to your face as you lean back against a crate, letting him drink you in. After a few seconds, he nods, apparently finding your presence satisfactory. 
You’ve never said it aloud, but you hate that helmet. It does exactly what it’s supposed to do; it makes Fox an unreadable fixture and an intimidating presence, but that’s not the man you know, and you hate that the helmet affects you in that way. You want to see his eyes, the greying hair at his temples, the smile that he seems to save only for you. 
The door shuts behind him, and he strides forward, his armor rustling the ceremonial robes as he brushes past. He comes to a stop just in front of you. 
“I thought you had another week.” His voice buzzes slightly from the modulator, and you can’t tell what he’s thinking. 
You shrug. “Negotiations went well. Turns out, the Banking Clan was more open-minded on this particular treaty than they have been in the past.”
The helmet is growing more frustrating, so you turn your back to him. 
If he wants to be unreadable, then so will I. 
“Senator Korrrvan was quite complimentary of my work,” you continue. “Claims that the research I did and the brief I put together was most thorough. I appear to have anticipated most of the sticking points, and the alternatives I recommended were found to be favorable. In fact-” you turn back to face him, but before you can utter another word, he slams into you, and you grunt in surprise. The helmet is gone, as are his gloves, and his lips are warm and frantic against yours. He weaves his fingers into your hair, his other hand already working at bunching up your skirts as he walks you backwards, pinning you against the crate you were previously leaning against. His other hand finds your thigh, gripping you hard enough to bruise as your fingers frantically work at the clasp on his codpiece. The armor clatters to the floor unceremoniously just as he lifts you onto the crate, leaning you back. The fingers of one hand find their way under your undergarments as his other hand works at the collar on your dress, trying to undo just enough buttons to get to the skin of your neck so that his teeth can leave marks only you can see. 
Fox is nothing if not efficient with his time.
Your fingernails dig into the back of his neck as his fingers slip inside of you, and he groans against your neck as you gasp. clenching around him. 
“Missed you so much,” he mumbles against the skin of your throat. “Fisted my cock thinking about you last night. Would have saved myself if I’d known you’d be here tonight.” 
“But then I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of surprising you,” you joke, your voice breathy as Fox adds a second finger. You’re soaked and ready, and both of you know it. 
“If it’s pleasure you want, then I’ll give you that,” he rasps, and you feel his fingers leave you, replaced with the hot, blunt head of his cock. He drags the tip through your folds, soaking himself before notching at your entrance. “I should make you wait for teasing me like this, but I don’t think I can. Now how do you want it?” 
You don’t even have to think about it. “There’ll be time for softness later. I need you, Fox.” Your voice is a needy whimper, and you wrap your arms around his neck, digging your fingers into the black fabric of his undersuit, preparing to hang on for dear life. “Take me hard. I want to feel you tomorrow.” 
He smirks, pressing his forehead against yours as he enters you, sheathing himself to the hilt in one sharp thrust, already brushing against that place inside you that has you moaning his name. He chuckles. 
“As you wish.”
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501 @arctrooper69
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Hi! For your 400 follower celebration, could I request a ficlet with Wrecker and “I forgave you a long time ago .” I hope you are feeling better soon. The family and I have been sick since Thanksgiving! Bleh.
HELLO DEAR FRIEND! I am finally testing negative and I hope you and the family are feeling better! I gave myself ALL THE FEELS with this one (and also wrote a scene/interaction I wish we'd seen in S1). I hope you like it!!!
Rating: T (mention of injury)
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Wrecker’s eyes drifted back to the closed curtain at the rear of the ship, wondering for the hundredth time if he should go and talk to the young occupant hiding inside. It had been a few rotations since Bracca, since they’d saved her from the bounty hunters, but Omega had still largely been keeping them all at a distance, and Wrecker couldn’t help but feel like it was him. 
He’d never forget the way she’d looked at him while he was under the chip’s control. 
She’s already been through so much, and she thought I was gonna hurt her. 
She’d begged and pleaded with him, telling him that she knew it wasn’t him, but still, he’d almost killed her. Even now, just remembering the tension in his trigger finger at that moment made him nauseous and brought tears leaping to his eyes, and he wiped at them hurriedly. 
The others were off at Cid’s for a resupply, and he’d been left to reorganize the weaponry that Tech had been nagging him about for weeks. Omega had begged off, saying she was tired, and he hadn’t pushed her on it, instead giving her the space he thought she needed. 
I hope one day she forgives me.
A flash of red, white, and black caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, and he hummed when he spotted Lula poking up among the crates he was sorting. Wrecker leaned forward, carefully tugging her free and staring down at the toy in his hands before allowing his gaze to drift back to the closed curtain. After a few moments, he made a decision, pushing himself to his feet and walking towards Omega’s ‘room’, clutching Lula in one hand. 
Balling up his fist, he softly knocked against the ship’s hull. The curtain tugged open, and the same amber eyes he and his brothers shared stared back at him from beneath a mop of blonde hair. 
“What is it, Wrecker?”
Words failed him for a moment, so instead he handed her Lula as he struggled to find what he wanted to say. Omega’s eyes widened for a second, before she took the doll, clutching it to her chest. 
Wrecker nodded. 
“Was… was there something else?” 
Wrecker floundered. “I… I hope she makes you feel more safe. I know you… I know that’s been hard lately.”
Omega gave him a small smile. “I’ve got you, Wrecker. You make me feel safe.” 
The words brought an unexpected surge of emotion out of the large clone, and Wrecker had to chew on his lip to hide the tremble it caused. 
“Don’t know how you feel safe around me after what I did,” he rasped, his voice cracking. “I-I-I see how you want to be away from me, and I get it. I just hope one day you’ll feel like forgivin’ me. That’s all. I’m sorry.” 
Omega scooted to the edge of the gunner's nest, her legs dangling over the edge as she reached out to cup Wrecker’s cheeks. “Oh, Wrecker. I forgave you a long time ago. Right after it happened. I know that wasn’t you. I told you that.”
Wrecker couldn’t stop the tear that slipped from his blind eye. “But… but you’re stayin’ away. You stay up here. Away from me.” 
Omega’s eyes were suddenly glossy. “That’s not because of you,” she whispered. “I feel like… like I’m the danger.”
Wrecker’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What?”
Omega sniffled, hugging Lula a little tighter. “I-I can’t stop seeing Hunter just lying on the ground after… And what if they come back? Then what if it’s you or Tech or Echo? And it’s because of me?” Omega’s speech was accelerating as tears welled in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. “What if one of you gets hurt again, or worse, or-”
Wrecker stepped forward, scooping her into his arms and holding her to his chest, cradling the back of her head as he rocked her. “Shhhh, ‘Mega. You’re alright. It’s alright.” The younger clone’s sobs slowed, shifting to hiccups as she shuddered in Wrecker’s arms, gripping the fabric of his undersuit tightly. Wrecker rested his head against hers, trying to stifle his own tears as he realized she didn’t fear him, but found comfort in his embrace. Carefully, he leaned against one of the Marauder’s bulkheads, lowering himself to the floor and sitting Omega on his lap. She remained curled into his chest, and when her breathing finally slowed, he lifted her to her feet so that she was facing him. He rested his massive hands on her shoulders, but she stared at the floor. 
“Now you listen to me, and you listen good. There is no bounty hunter or bad guy in this galaxy that me or Hunter or Tech or Echo will let hurt you. And if they want to take down one of us, then they’re gonna need an army. Maybe even more than that. We’ve always battled the odds, Omega. But we will never let anyone hurt you, and if somethin’ bad happens, it is never your fault. You got that?” 
She nodded, her eyes on the floor. Wrecker slipped one of his massive fingers under her chin. “You’re our sister. Our family. And family takes care of each other. No matter what.” 
“But I can’t fight the way you all can.” 
“Not yet, but maybe someday. Until then, just keep laughing at my jokes. That helps enough.” 
She giggled, wiping at her tears. “I think I can manage that.”
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501 @arctrooper69
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wild-karrde · 2 years
I’m back again 👀. Last one from me for this fabulous 400 followers celebration!! What aboutttttt Gregor + “I’ll take that bet”?
OK OK OK SO TJ I MADE IT REAL FILTHY I HOPE THAT'S OK. Also, since I am unable to help myself, I put all of my OCs from the 28th Combat Wing in there. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
Pairing: Gregor x f!Reader
Rating: E (18+ MINORS SKEEDADDLE - slight exhibitionism, fingering, implied PiV, language, Gregor's a menace)
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The bass of the music in 79s was damn near deafening when you stepped inside the bar, immediately spotting the magenta and grey paint of the 28th Wing’s armor in their favored booth against the wall. What stood out more was the yellow hatch marked commando armor sitting amongst them. 
Fucking Gregor. Dammit. 
Maker alive, he was infuriating, but you weren’t about to let him ruin your night out. You had to cash out on all of the booze Chuckles owed you at some point, and he was so rarely planetside, your opportunities were limited. But why did it have to be the night that asshole of a commando was also around? 
You’re not sure what exactly about Gregor gets under your skin. Maybe it’s his cocky smirk or his stupid hair or that ridiculous giggle that sounds like an inebriated fathier whinnying. Or maybe it’s the way he seems entirely unbothered by you. No matter what it is, Gregor’s got you figured and loves to dig his finger into that wound whenever he gets the chance. He’s already spotted you from across the room, raising an eyebrow as you start heading in his direction. 
Not tonight, asshole. 
You square your shoulders, swaying your hips a bit more than necessary. None of them have ever seen you out of your mechanic’s jumpsuit, and you’d picked your favorite (and only) dress for the occasion. After all, you deserved a little bit of attention. And maybe a good lay. If you could find one.
Gregor says nothing as he sips his beer, but his eyes never leave you, raking from your toes to your eyebrows as you nudge Chuck and slide into the booth next to him. 
“I’m sorry, I’m saving this seat for some greasy mechanic I owe a few drinks to,” Chuckles teases. 
“Oh, my apologies. Mind if I keep it warm until she gets here?” you joke back, playfully ruffling his mohawk, which is currently a deep purple color. 
Crater rolls his eyes while Stones leans over, whispering that you look very nice, making you duck your head bashfully. Chuck flags down a waiter droid. 
“What’ll it be, Bolts?” he asks, invoking the nickname he’d given you.”Just don’t break my non-existent bank account.” 
“I’ll have a whiskey, please,” you request. Gregor raises an eyebrow again. 
You feel annoyance tighten your chest. “What?” you ask. 
He shrugs. “Just didn’t peg you for the whiskey type.” 
“Oh, do enlighten me as to what type you thought I’d be, Captain.”
“Alright, alright, your seat’s not even warm yet,” Chuck mutters. He leans closer, speaking directly into your ear. “What is your damage with him?” 
You sniff. “Nothin’. I just asked a question.” 
Chuck rolls his eyes before sliding the whiskey in front of you. “Just drink this so you’ve got less of a stick up your ass.” 
It doesn’t take too many whiskeys before you feel yourself start to relax, some of the tension leaving your shoulders. You laugh at Chuckles’s terrible jokes, chat with Crater about the last bolo ball game, and even get Sticks to come out of his shell a bit. The entire time, you notice Gregor’s stealing glances at you, and your confidence grows. 
Let the bastard look.
You lean forward to take another sip of whatever drink Chuckles has ordered for you now. You let your cleavage rest on the table as your tongue wraps around the straw, pulling it between your lips. You glance up in time to see Gregor watching you over the rim of his glass. His eyes are on your breasts, but they quickly flick up to meet your gaze. You roll your eyes at his obvious leering, leaning back into the crook of Chuckles’s shoulder. He seems somewhat surprised, but doesn’t move to pull away. Gregor says nothing, but something in his eyes seems to flare for a moment. 
You’re imagining things. 
As the evening progresses, Crater graciously excuses himself to head back to the barracks and catch up on some reports. As soon as their commanding officer disappears, tongues loosen, and suddenly the conversation turns to romantic encounters. Unfortunately, the boys haven’t spent enough time planetside to rack up anything too salacious, so it isn’t long before you become the target of the conversation. 
“C’mon, Bolts. What’s been your wildest night?” 
“A lady never kisses and tells.”
“Who said anything about kissing?” 
“And since when are you a lady?” You elbow Chuck for that comment, shooting him a glare.
“Oh, come on. There has to have been something that you’d consider memorable.” 
You shrug. “Not lately.” 
“No game or nothing worth writing home about?”
“You guys sure are nosey.” 
“We’ve got to live vicariously through you, Bolts.”
You laugh, growing bolder as the liquor in your stomach warms you. “There was a guy a few weeks back. He did his best, and it was probably better sex than I’d had in a while, but that’s not saying much with the losing streak I’ve had going. Thinking of giving up and just going with the battery-powered lovers from here on out. At least then I get to finish.” 
Stones groans in despair for your lackluster love life and Chuckles cackles loudly. “You sure do know how to pick ‘em, Bolts.” 
You shrug. “It’s been a struggle.”
“Maybe you’re just looking in the wrong places.” 
Gregor had been quiet for the last little while, but that comment from him draws your attention. And your ire.
“And what would you know about making a woman cum, Captain?” you sneer. 
He grins cheekily. “Plenty.” 
“I bet you couldn’t make a woman orgasm if your life depended on it,” you bite back. 
Gregor swirls his whiskey in the light, watching the legs of the liquid trail down the side of the glass. 
“I’ll take that bet.” 
Your eyes lock onto one another, and for reasons you can’t explain, you feel heat pool between your legs. You adjust in the booth, and while the others are guffawing about something else Chuckles said, Gregor notes the way your thighs rub together. He smirks, and you feel that anger flicker in your chest, along with something else. After another few minutes, you excuse yourself, unsure of where you’re heading.
Just need to get away from him for a minute. 
Your feet carry you towards the back of the bar where it’s dark. You pass plenty of bodies pressed together, panting, sweating, and moaning in the darkness. Suddenly, you feel a hand in the small of your back, pressing you towards one unoccupied corner that’s far from any prying eyes. You whirl to find Gregor smirking down at you. 
“I-I was looking for the ‘freshers,” you mutter. 
“Now love, I don’t think that’s true at all,” he responds. “I think you were looking for trouble.” 
You regain your bearings, scoffing at him as he backs you into the corner. You feel the heat grow between your legs, and you hate how your panties are sticking to you as he pins you against the wall, one arm braced against the wall. You jut your chin out defiantly.
“What do you want, Gregor?” 
“Same thing as you.”
“And what’s that?”
He chuckles before leaning closer to you, his voice raspy in your ear. “To make you cum.” 
You snort indignantly, but your legs are trembling. 
“The question is,” he continues. “How best to make that happen? Are you one of those lovers that wants to be taken roughly, with me buried deep in that sopping cunt of yours while I hold a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet? Or do you need me to build you up more slowly, take my time until you fall apart?” His fingers trail up your thigh, slipping under the fabric of your dress before digging into your skin slightly. He presses forward, slotting a knee between your legs, and your breathing quickens. His eyes are watching you as his fingers find the hem of your panties on your hip, and he twists the string of delicate lace around his fingers. 
“Now this feels like something you were hoping someone would take off of you tonight. That the case, love?” 
You swallow hard. 
“You want me to take these off of you?” 
He pulls his hand away immediately, clearly thinking he’s misread things, but you lock your fingers around his wrist. His eyes find yours in the dim lighting, the question in them apparent.
“I want you to make me cum with them on.” 
His trademark smirk reappears, his fingers slipping back under your dress, drifting between your legs to press your clit through the thin fabric. 
“All worked up just from thinking about me? You’re practically soaked,” he murmurs. 
“You talk a lot,” you mutter. 
He chuckles against your ear. “I think you like when I talk.” His fingers find the hem of your panties between your legs, and you feel him push the lacy fabric aside, tracing through your dripping folds. “I think you like hearing all the ways that I think about fucking you, and trust me, I’ve thought about it a lot.” His first finger finds its way inside you, and you gasp, hitching one leg over his hip as your hands fly to his shoulders to find purchase. Gregor’s watching you as your lips part, your head thunking back against the wall as he slips a second finger inside you. 
“That’s it, love. Let go for me. Let me take care of you.” 
“I really don’t like you,” you try to snap, but it comes out more of a whine. 
He chuckles. “I think you want to dislike me, but that’s becoming more difficult.” 
Your reply dies on your tongue, replaced by a gasp. His fingers are so thick and deliciously calloused. When they finally find that spongy place inside you, you dig your teeth into your lower lip to stifle a moan. He crowds you further against the wall, bearing down on that place inside you. “None of that now. Let me hear you.” 
“Fuck you.” 
“I might let you if you’re nicer,” he teases.
You dig your nails into the back of his neck, and he gasps lightly before he nudges the strap of your dress aside with his nose and bites down on the flesh of your shoulder. You groan out his name. 
“That’s right. You like this, don’t you? Being back here where anyone could see you falling apart on my fingers. You want them to watch, hm? I could call the others over. Have them watch while you finally get what you deserve.” You whimper, clenching around his fingers as he slips a third one in. “Oh, you liked that, didn’t you? You’re filthy, love. Maybe another time. Right now, I want you all to myself.” 
You’re practically riding his palm right now, the man you’ve hated for months, but Maker above, you’re not about to stop. The music is faint enough back in this corner that you can hear the obscene wet noises coming from between your legs. You’re both sweating, foreheads pressed together, panting in each other’s faces. 
“Gregor, I’m close.”
“I know you are, love. Be good for me and soak my hand, yeah?” 
You glare at him with heated eyes, mustering your last bit of defiance. “Make me.” 
He sucks at the place just below your ear. “With pleasure.” With that, he presses against your clit with his thumb, circling slowly with just the perfect amount of pressure. You fly towards the edge and topple over, your vision whiting out as you cum hard. Gregor presses his mouth to yours, swallowing your scream, and you bite down on his bottom lip as you ride out your high. When the aftershocks have finally subsided, you slump against the wall as Gregor pulls his hand from between your legs, and he holds you up, resting his chin on your shoulder as he pants against your skin. 
“I… still don’t like you.” 
He chuckles. “Keep telling yourself that, love.”
When your breathing finally steadies and your legs become usable again, he stands back, watching you as you straighten. You try to recompose yourself, smoothing your hair, and he grins. You roll your eyes at him, and he chuckles, leaning down to whisper in your ear. 
“Looks like I won that bet.” He kisses you on the cheek, which infuriatingly makes your face flush with heat. You glare at him as he turns to leave, but you grab his arm again. 
His expression is puzzled, and you relish in it as you step closer to grip his rock-hard length on the outside of his pants, making him gasp. You whisper directly into his ear, ensuring only he’ll hear. 
“Wait five minutes and then follow me outside. I’ll have a cab waiting.” 
“What for?” 
You kiss him, running your tongue over the inside of his lip before patting his cheek, enjoying the way he groans and the surprised look on his face. 
“Double or nothing. But this time you can't use your fingers.”
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A/N: This ficlet got re-written and turned into a multi-part VERY SMUTTY series you can find here: The Blitz Series
Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501 @arctrooper69
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wild-karrde · 2 years
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HELLO LOVELY HUMANS! In spite of the Covid, I AM KICKING THIS OFF (I'm stuck in my bedroom for the foreseeable future, so it only makes sense). I want to thank you all for hanging out and tolerating my shit posts and terrible jokes. I'M SO GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF YOU!
For this go around, repeating some of the old activities while adding a new one. Make sure you specify which option you’re looking to do and any pertinent details (character names, quotes, etc.) I’ll be taking submissions in my ask box up until next Sunday (10/18). Here are the options:
1. Quote Ficlets: this works the same as it has in the past. Send me an ask with a line of dialogue and a Star Wars character (ex: Captain Rex + "I'm no Jedi"), and I will write a short one-shot for it! All ficlets can be found on my Master List under the Follower Celebrations section.
2. Fic AMA: send me an ask about anything you want to know about any of the fics I’ve written. It can be questions about plot, headcanons, decisions I’ve made, or just if you wanna talk about it.
3. Creator Appreciation: send me an ask to give your favorite creator(s) a shoutout! Be sure to include what you love about them, and if you've got a favorite work of theirs, link that as well!
Thank you again to everyone that’s given me a follow! This is such a great community to be a part of, and this last year in particular, it's meant a lot to have you all around.
- Karrde
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Woot, congrats on the milestone (here's to many other to be reached! 🧃)!! I like your writing so much, you deserve each follower you got <3 Now may I request a quote? Rex + "look what this love's done to me"
Remember to keep hydrated!
HELLO LOVELY ANON! Thank you SO MUCH *clinks juice box*. I am so STOKED you like my writing and am very grateful for YOU!
I hope you don't mind I got QUITE angsty on this one (and a teeny bit spicy). Thank you so much for the ask!
Pairing: Captain Rex x Reader
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You stare out the window, watching the steady glow of the speeder traffic flow by in the levels below. The cup of tea you’re holding went cold about ten minutes ago, but you’re still holding on to it tightly, as if there’s any more comforting warmth to be had. Your brow is furrowed in thought as you sigh in frustration. 
He was supposed to be here by now.
You’d canceled your plans for the evening when he’d commed you to tell you he was coming in tonight. Your friends had groaned and given you shit, but ultimately, you’d stood your ground. 
“You’re not as fun as you used to be.” 
“You never come out any more.”
“I hope he’s worth it.”
You sip the cold bitter liquid, wrinkling your nose slightly. 
Look what this love’s done to me.
You used to go out every night you could with friends or business colleagues, wining and dining and dancing the night away, but now it seemed you rarely left your apartment, waiting for him to call or hoping he’d have a few minutes to spare to grace you with his presence. He was a busy man, you understood that, but it didn’t make it any more frustrating to be at the mercy of the Grand Army of the Republic when you’d never signed up to put on a uniform. 
Technically, he wasn’t given the option either.
The furrow between your brows softens slightly at that thought. He never asked you to wait of course, but you couldn’t waste a second of the precious time you had with him. Even the most fleeting moments where all he can do is kiss you before running to his next briefing makes your heart flutter. And the nights where he can actually give you all of his time, well those almost seem to make it all worth it. 
You love Rex, of that there’s no doubt. He’s the kindest, gentlest soul you’ve ever known, which seems ironic considering his success as a soldier. You’ve long suspected that’s why he seems to crave tender moments with you the most. Of course there are nights he takes you roughly in your bed, pounding into you while he growls filth into your ear. Those nights, it’s apparent he’s working through something, and you’re more than happy to be his outlet, letting him work it out of his system while you ride wave after wave of pleasure. 
But it’s the nights where he gently pulls you into his lap, removing his gloves so he can feel your skin, the nights that he takes his time that you both love the most. Tears leap into your eyes at the memory of the night he came back from the Umbara campaign. You’d heard rumblings in the news holos, giving just enough detail to let you know it was horrific without telling you anything at all. You hadn’t left your room that night, waiting until the early hours of the morning when your comm finally pinged. His voice had sounded so tired. 
“I-I’m sorry if I woke you. Would it be alright if I came over when we land?” 
He’d come in, stripping his armor and stacking it wordlessly before bringing you to your bedroom, laying down in bed with you and just holding you closely. He’d fallen asleep with his head on your chest, lulled by the beat of your heart as you gently rubbed his head. His fingers were holding you so tightly, as if you might disappear. 
You hadn’t left your apartment for two days, calling off for work. You were fairly certain the meeting you’d missed had cost you a promotion, but you’d never tell him that. You were certain he’d tell you it wasn’t worth it, that he wasn’t worth it.
But is he right? Is it worth it? Worth giving up the life I once had? Worrying about him constantly? Wondering if he’ll survive this war?
It had only been a few months. Perhaps it was time to call it off, save both of you the heart break of getting in too deep only to realize it wasn’t what you wanted. 
You had a future planned. If you keep going, it’s going to disappear. And then what?
You’d asked him last time he was on Coruscant what sort of future he imagined. His gaze had grown distant as he played with your hair absently. 
“Don’t know. Never really thought much about it.” 
Your heart had fallen slightly, and he must have noticed. He glanced down at you with those eyes that were so piercing and yet so warm at the same time. His thumb brushed your cheek as he cradled your face. 
“But I hope that we get to find out together.” 
Look what this love’s done to me. Putting all of my chips on a future that may not exist. 
Your life had been a series of carefully planned endeavors, most of which were executed flawlessly. You always knew what you were having for dinner before you met Rex, always knew what your schedule looked like for the week. You stayed late at work, always going the extra mile. And now, here you were, plans canceled yet again in the hope that he might materialize in your doorway. 
“I hope he’s worth it.” 
You sigh pressing your forehead against the cool transparisteel of your window. Is this a future worth pursuing? 
Why do you always do this to yourself with him? 
The answer was so simple when you thought about it. 
You love him. More than you’ve ever loved another person in your life. 
Memories of waking next to him flood your mind. The way his eyes open slowly, and you can tell he’s gotten the best sleep he’s had in a while. The warmth that blooms in your chest when he reaches for you in his sleep, pulling you against his chest. The way the corners of his eyes pinch when he laughs. The protectiveness he feels for his brothers. The way he pulls you close to dance in the kitchen, humming quietly in your ear as you stir whatever meal you’re making for him. No matter what you cook, it’s always the best thing he’s ever tasted. The way he whispers in your ear how much you mean to him as he thrusts into you at night, assuring you that he’ll never love another the way he loves you. Your face flushes with heat. 
The door of your apartment beeps before hissing open, and you’re jerked from your thoughts as you whirl to see that familiar silhouette standing there. He pulls his helmet off, and despite the bags under his eyes and the hunch of his shoulders, he musters a smile that makes you melt. 
“Hey there, beautiful,” he rasps. 
“I hope he’s worth it.”
Your vision blurs with tears as your friend’s words echo in your mind once more, and a realization settles into place. 
He always will be. Whatever the future holds, I want him in it. And we’ll figure it out together.
You move to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. His helmet falls to the floor with a clunk as his hands come to rest on your hips, pulling you against him. He smells like sweat and blaster smoke, and the feel of his mouth against yours is intoxicating in the best way. You shudder in his grasp.
“Everything alright?” he asks, despite looking dead on his feet. 
You cradle his face, pressing your forehead to his as you huff out a laugh. 
“Never better.”
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501 @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Karrde! Congrats on 400! ❤️❤️ You’re amazing and I am so grateful I found you here. Also I am sending healing-get well soon-chicken noodle soup vibes because being sick sucks.
I really am resisting the urge to ask for Domino Twins (because I love them your honor) ficlet and instead going with TECH because you write him so well and he struggles so much with emotions and it’s so sweet and awkward.
SO… how about TECH and any of his brothers and “You are more important than any piece of hardware.”
EEEEE THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS! I am SO GRATEFUL to have you read my stuff and enjoy it! And we're almost out of the woods on this end (I hope). Still testing positive, but maybe only for a few more days.
As for the ficlet, I LOVE THIS. However, I hope you don't mind that I didn't choose one of Tech's brothers for this. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! THANK YOU FOR THE PROMPT!!
Rating: T (some canon-typical violence, small injury)
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“NO! Oh no no no no!”
She had been so careful, really she had tried, but between the waves continuously knocking her off balance and her sweaty palms, she’d dropped Tech’s favorite wrench into the water around her ankles. The surf was strong, immediately starting to suck the tool out further into deeper water.
“Omega what is it?” 
She ignored Tech’s voice, desperate to recover the wrench before he came out to investigate. They’d been working on some repairs on the Marauder’s weapons controls, and he’d asked her to help since Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo were off completing a job for Cid. He’d been depending on her, and now she was about to cost him his favorite tool. 
She scrambled after it, getting her clothes and hair wet, but at this point, she was determined not to fail her older brother any further. 
He’ll never let you fly again if you lose his favorite wrench. He may not even speak to you. 
Her toes lifted off the bottom at this depth, and she had to keep dunking her head under the water to search for the telltale glint. Somehow, the current was still dragging it further out. She ducked under the next wave, which crested over the top of her head, pushing her backwards. Gasping, she flailed above the surface again, trying to orient herself. She heard Tech calling her name, but ignored him, her stubbornness only intensifying. Poking her face below the surface once more, she almost sighed with relief as she saw the wrench had finally come to a rest, jammed between two rocks. 
She dove under the water, kicking hard, her hand outstretched. She was pushed back again by another wave rolling over her, but she pressed on. Her lungs were just starting to burn as her fingers finally locked around the wrench’s handle. Digging her feet in, she had to tug a few times, but finally it was free in her hands. 
Suddenly, a dark shape darted through the water ahead of her. Omega kicked away, startled. Red glowing eyes stared back at her, and the shape charged at her. Teeth and multiple eyes emerged from the darkness, becoming clearer in the murk, and water filled her lungs as she tried to scream, kicking away frantically. A tentacle reached out from the depths, gripping her leg. She kicked harder, screaming into the water. 
A shadow loomed over her and an arm encircled her waist, yanking her above the surface. She gasped, clutching plastoid and compression suit. 
“HANG ON TO ME,” Tech shouted. 
Reaching behind him with his unoccupied hand, Tech grabbed his blaster, leveling it and tracing along the tentacle that had Omega captured until he found the main body of the sea predator. He unleashed a barrage of blaster bolts, and the monster shrieked, immediately releasing Omega’s leg and shriveling up, letting the waves carry it away from the danger. 
Tech immediately began half wading, half swimming back towards the ship, keeping Omega above the water as she coughed and spluttered. As soon as they were back onboard the Marauder, Tech set her on the deck and began assessing her. 
“Are you hurt?” he asked, rolling up her pant leg to reveal some purple bruises forming in the shape of the suction cups the creature had on its tentacle. His fingers gently pressed around the bruises, and he watched her face for any reaction indicating a deeper injury.
Omega’s lip trembled. “I-I-I don’t think so. It just… it grabbed my leg.” The memory of the beast’s toothy, gaping maw and many glowing eyes resurfaced, and with the realization of how close she’d come to becoming a meal, Omega shuddered and burst into tears. 
Tech paused his investigation before kneeling in front of the young girl, gently pulling her hands away from her face and cupping her cheeks. 
“Are you injured or just scared right now?”
“J-j-just scared. If you hadn’t… I would have…”
“Take a deep breath with me, and we’re going to hold it together. Do you understand?”
Omega hiccupped but nodded. 
They inhaled and Tech watched her as they held it before they released it together in a long, slow exhalation. 
“Well done. Now would you care to tell me why you were so far out in the waves? After I warned everyone that there are unknown predators on this planet since it has largely been unexplored?”
Omega hung her head in shame, her shoulders drooping. “I know. I just… I dropped your wrench. The one you like so much.” She held out her empty hands as if surrendering. “I even had it in my hands when that thing had me, but I got so scared, I dropped it trying to get away. I’m so sorry Tech. I really am. I just wanted to get it back for you.” She sniffled, bracing for the scolding she was positive she was about to endure. 
Tech watched her for another moment before taking her hands in his gently. 
“Omega, look at me.” She sniffed again, but complied, her bloodshot, tear-filled eyes finding his behind his goggles. Tech gave her a small smile. “It is true that I love my tools and the work I do with them. But I fear I’ve given you an incorrect impression. You are more important than any piece of hardware. That wrench is replaceable. You are not.” 
Omega wiped at her nose with her soaked sleeve, nodding quietly. She wanted to hug him, but she knew he didn’t always welcome those, so instead, she squeezed his hand back tightly. 
“Thanks Tech.” 
He nodded, reaching for her leg. “Now let’s both agree that perhaps we don’t tell Hunter and the others how you got these suction marks on your leg.”
She giggled. “Deal.”
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Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501 @arctrooper69
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wild-karrde · 2 years
KARRDE!!! Congrats on 400 followers!!
To celebrate you and such a great milestone, could I perhaps request a Crosshair fic with the quote "I'll wait for you" pleeeease 🥺💖✨
Thank you for always being so great!
Pairing: Crosshair x GN!Reader
Rating: E (18+ SO MINORS SKEEDADDLE - PiV sex)
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Being with Crosshair was complicated. Every moment from the second he stepped through your door felt rushed between the two of you, as if you were attempting to cram as much of a relationship as you could in a single night before he was whisked away again on some mission. Despite the danger that came with being a part of Clone Force 99, he was confident enough to always tell you he’d return. 
“Be back before you know it. Don’t wait up,” he’d tease, popping a toothpick between his teeth as he readied to leave. 
You’d roll your eyes. “I’ll wait for you. Always.” 
That was how it always went. He never told you where he was going, and by the time he’d return to your apartment, his armor looked almost cleaner than when he’d last left. You suspected he cleaned it before coming over, ensuring there was never any evidence of the war brought to your doorstep. You were sure he’d say it was for your benefit, but you often wondered if he didn’t want to carry the memories of his missions longer than he had to. 
The Batch stopped over on Coruscant often enough for the two of you to make a go of it. Your relationship consisted largely of seemingly celebratory dinners followed by a night where neither of you spoke much other than to moan the other’s name, and in the morning, he’d be off again. 
Crosshair had never been one to be overly sentimental. Even during dinner when it was just the two of you, he was confident, quiet, and sarcastic. But at night, when you had your legs wrapped around his hips as he thrusted into you, your fingers carding through his hair as you urged him on, the entire facade fell away. Those moments, you treasured above all others. 
He’d been the one to say it first, laying next to you one night in bed, catching your breath as the evidence of your activities still leaked from between your legs. You were going to get up in a minute and go to the ‘fresher to clean yourself off, but you wanted just a few more moments staring at him. He appeared to be doing the same, his piercing eyes seemingly memorizing the planes and curves of your face. One of his slender fingers had reached out to push some of your sweaty hair out of your eyes before trailing down your neck and tracing your collar bone. 
“I love you,” he’d whispered. 
Your eyes had widened, but you knew he’d hate it if you made a big deal about it. 
“Is that alright?” he’d asked. 
That question took you aback. 
“Of course,” you’d replied. “Because I love you too.”  
You think back to those words now as you stare out the window of that same apartment, watching the last traces of Coruscant’s sun sink below the horizon. Your fingers twist the simple silver chain around your neck that he’d gifted you the last time you’d seen him. That had been months ago, before the end of the war. 
“I’ll wait for you.” 
Those were the last words you’d spoken to him. You knew that the victory had been chaos, that the Jedi had been killed along with many clones, but still, you held out hope that he hadn’t become another nameless number entered into some system to be forgotten next to a “KIA” indicator. Worse yet, something had changed with the clones that had survived. They weren’t cruel, but they were absolutely different, and you wondered what had happened, and if it had affected him. 
Sighing, you step into the apartment’s small refresher, beginning the process of taking off the day’s make-up while you ponder what leftovers you can eat for dinner. As you scrub your face clean, you think you hear a knock at your door. Freezing, you strain your ears, listening for the same sound. 
There is no response. 
You finish cleaning your face quickly, reaching for the clean towel you’d placed near your sink and gently drying your skin, sighing into the smell of the fabric. 
Knock. Knock. Knock.
This time you are positive you’re not imagining it. Tossing the towel on the counter, you hurry towards your door, trying to calm your pounding heart. Your palms press against the door’s paneling as you peer through the peephole. 
Your heart falls. 
A trooper in black armor stands in the hallway, the green visor of the helmet staring emotionlessly back at the door. The trooper’s frame is tall and slender, but the shoulders are stooped as though the person under the armor is dead on their feet. You are about to press the intercom to ask what the trooper wants when you freeze. In the soldier’s gloved hand, you can see the identical silver chain that you’d given him glinting in the hall’s dim lighting. 
You slam the door open, your chest heaving. The trooper’s head snaps around to look at you. Your blood pounds in your ears. “Is… is that… where did you get that?” you ask, pointing at the chain. 
He’s gone. You knew this was a possibility. 
Tears are already in your eyes as you try to steel yourself for the news you’re sure is coming. But the air is punched from your lungs when the trooper speaks. 
“You waited.” 
Your mouth falls open. You’re positive you have to be dreaming. Your body moves out of the way, and the trooper takes it as an invitation to step inside. The door hisses shut, plunging the two of you into darkness, but still you don’t move. The visor is examining you, and you strain to see any evidence of the man underneath, almost afraid to confirm your suspicions. 
“I… I thought you’d be gone,” he rasps. “But you waited.” 
Your hands are shaking as you reach for the lip of his helmet. The shoulders stiffen, but you don’t stop as you lift the helmet off of his head. You cover your mouth to try to stifle a sob. 
He’s cropped his hair closer to his scalp, the silver hair you’d loved gone. His eyes are more sunken into his face with dark circles competing with the tattoo over his eye. It looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks. A massive scar gnarls the side of his head. But the thing that draws your attention the most is the dirt and blood and grime that’s coating the armor he’s wearing. He’s brought the war home with him, and the realization sobers you.
“Crosshair,” you breathe. 
His voice cracks. “A… a lot has happened. I’m so sorry. I didn’t… I couldn’t.” He rubs at his eyes in frustration as the words don’t come easily. “I can’t stay. I’ll just put you in danger. I just… I had to see you one more time. They’re… they’ll find me.” 
You touch his face, and he inhales sharply, his eyes finally meeting yours. 
“You waited,” he repeats, as if that’s somehow more remarkable than him just being here. 
You cautiously step forward, cradling his face and pressing your forehead to his. “Of course. I promised you.” You kiss him, and it’s like coming home, the familiarity and ease of it almost making you cry. You can still smell the blaster smoke on him, mixed with the smell of him, and you fall into the kiss more. His hands hover over you for a moment before pulling you against him, and it’s as if the kiss is giving him oxygen when he’d been drowning just seconds ago. After a few moments, he pulls back, resting his forehead against yours once more. 
“We… I have to go. I can’t stay. You won’t be safe. I-” 
You put your finger to his lips, and he falls silent, his bloodshot amber eyes finding yours even in the apartment’s dim lighting. 
“I’m done waiting,” you whisper. “So where are we running to, my love?”
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501
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wild-karrde · 2 years
first, I hope you feel better soon and congrats on 400!
for the ficlet, may I request a follow up to the Imperial Tech you did? any style you go with, maybe him having his chip removed and his family all escaping with him? or some introspective of him being without his family?
i am always in the mood for chip controlled clones and what they go through, especially with Crosshair or Tech.
thank you !
Alright alright I liked revisiting Imperial Tech and I hope you dig this too! For those new around here, this wound up being kind of a sequel to this Imperial Tech AU ficlet. I went with the classic quote: "Good soldiers follow orders."
Rating: G
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He’d noted it a few weeks ago. He’d struggled to describe it. Not quite a gnawing, that felt too visceral to be an accurate description. Perhaps like the ringing in one’s ears after an explosion, but more of a steady hum that eventually started to crescendo, especially during certain interactions. Interactions that made him question what he was doing. 
It had been loud when he’d captured them, only to be drowned out by the same mantra that had nestled into his brain since the end of the war. 
Good soldiers follow orders. 
When Omega had looked at him mournfully, her small wrists in binders, following behind his former squad, it had nagged at him again. 
Good soldiers follow orders. 
He’d heard how startled Nala Se’s voice had seemed as each of his former squadmates was scanned. Her eyes widened, her voice rising slightly in pitch from her usual monotone delivery. 
“They’ve removed their inhibitor chips.” 
The hum had grown louder, like an itch at the back of his mind that he couldn’t quite scratch. He didn’t hear the rest of the conversations around him, chewing at the inside of his cheek to try and ground himself.
Several of them had their heads bent as they’d been led past him on their way back to the cells. Wrecker looked wounded, Hunter stared at the ground, but Echo and Crosshair glared at him. Crosshair was especially aggressive, snarling at Tech as he walked past. The troopers escorting him had to restrain him as he’d rasped at his brother.  
“All those brains and they just flip off with the push of a button? What a kriffing waste. You of all people should have been the one to figure it out.” 
Figure it out.
The words had embedded themselves in his mind, and he’d been unable to sleep, turning them over and over until he’d risen, sneaking out of his barracks and down to one of the data centers. Tech’s brain was screaming at him as he accessed the Imperial database, easily bypassing the security measures to locate their individual files. 
He winced. 
I have to know. They told me it was out. That they’d removed my chip.
A searing pain shot across his vision, and he gasped for a second. He remembered waking in the med pod, the AZ unit hovering nearby. His head had ached then. Had there been a bandage? Removal of the organic tissue would have required an incision, but he hadn’t even thought to feel for one. He’d just blindly believed them. 
That’s very unlike me. 
His hands were shaking as he frantically pulled his gloves off, feeling along his skull for any scars he didn’t recognize. He’d had plenty throughout the war, but could find none he didn’t already have catalogued mentally. Tech chewed his lip. 
What if it’s still in?
The file he was searching for finally loaded. He quickly scanned past his previous medical records, frantically searching for the correct date. His breath caught in his throat when he found it. 
Procedure 99-66 performed - Experimental Enhancement of Inhibitor Chip. 
Subject to be monitored for increased control via chip. Preliminary results seem promising. Subject has shown increased loyalty to Empire, obedience, and despite mutations, has not shown resistance. Released for duty pending physical.
Tech’s hand flew to his mouth as he sat back in the chair. 
It’s still in. They lied. I’m… what am I? What have I done? 
The hum grew louder, the searing pain returning. Tech clutched the side of his head, grinding his teeth against the headache. 
Good soldiers… NO!
He slammed his fist on the workstation. 
I can fix this. I can fix it. 
Hurriedly, he closed the file, making sure to cover his tracks. He knew he had a few hours before his squad woke. His mind began turning. 
What medbay will be closest to the cell block? 
He pulled up schematics of Tipoca City. 
That one there. Shows as only a skeleton staff at the moment. Should be easy enough to subdue. And they’re listed as having four medpods, although one is down for maintenance. 
He squinted, adjusting his goggles. 
And that AZ unit is there. It’ll know how to undo this. 
The hum was growing to a piercing squeal in his brain, but Tech stood, unholstering his blasters from his hips. 
I have to get this out. I have to figure out what’s happening. 
Another blast of pain radiated across his vision, but this time, Tech didn’t waver, exhaling sharply out of his nose as he braced against it. 
I have to get this out… and then I have to get to my brothers and Omega.
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501 @arctrooper69
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Hi there! I hope that you are feeling better. I have a request for your 400 followers celebration. Tech + “Aurora means dawn”.
I loved the scene from Guarded where Tech wakes Kestia up to see the combined aurora and meteor shower show. I’ve had this story idea in my head that I’m not talented enough to write, and wonder what you’d do with it. Tech has a relationship with a woman, but they are separated unexpectedly (either he thinks she died at the rebel base where she’s stationed or they broke up over messy relationship stuff). She ends up having their daughter and names her Aurora unbeknownst to Tech. They meet for the first time when Aurora is four because they’ve been in hiding due to Aurora’s Force sensitivity. Mom and Tech are not Force sensitive. I used to work at a non-profit that served highly-gifted kids and their families. The family dynamics of dealing with a super smart kid reminds me of what it would it be like to raise a Force sensitive. There are too many ways I’ve thought of how this would develop, which is why I don’t write. Lol. I don’t mind if the fic turns out that he’s just explaining the phenomenon to Nita, Ari, and Omega, or some shell-shocked survivor of some awful Imperial action. Have fun with it, and congratulations on your follower milestone!
Ok so this is a LOVELY story concept, and I ENCOURAGE YOU TO WRITE IT VERY MUCH!! I LOVE IT and would love to see your take on it (if you ever feel comfortable writing and posting it). In the mean time, I did get a brain worm tied to your last thought. I hope you like it.
Rating: T (mentions of grief)
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“Alright Nita, why don’t you pass me that blanket?” 
The young Pantoran grinned before making her way over to where Senna was crouched, handing her the heavy blanket she was carrying, which the Jedi spread across the last mat that was lying bare before giving a nod of satisfaction. “Perfect.” Tech dumped the load of pillows out of his arms, tossing a few towards Arni, who carefully placed them along the edge of the mats that they’d laid out. 
When Tech had told the younglings that there was going to be a once-in-a-millenia aurora over the base tonight, all three of them had been eager to watch, and Senna had offered up the ramp of her ship as a viewing spot. Omega, Arni, and Nita had immediately set to work dragging some spare bunk mats, blankets, and pillows out to the base’s tarmac along with a few choice snack bags Nita had been saving for a special occasion. Chuckles, Wrecker, Echo, and Fives had all opted to join in as well. 
“Tech, what’s an aurora?” Nita asked as she plopped onto the mat between Fives and Chuckles, offering Fives some of her snacks, which he happily accepted. Tech turned towards her, adjusting his goggles, clearly preparing to launch into an explanation. 
“To begin with, the word aurora means ‘dawn.’ This name is due to the lights that appear to glow brightly in the sky during the event. Auroras are caused by the sun or suns in a system releasing energized particles during a solar storm, and when these particles strike a world’s atmosphere, the gasses within the atmosphere interact with them, causing auroras through a process known as ‘excitation.’” 
Nita yawned, clearly bored, but Arni was paying rapt attention to Tech’s explanation, their head resting against Omega’s thigh with their lekku draped over her lap. “I read somewhere in the archives that early Force users believed that the dancing lights were the souls of their loved ones reaching back to them, letting them know they’d found their place in the Force.” 
“That’s really lovely,” Omega commented, smoothing one of the wraps around Arni’s lekku that had gotten twisted. 
“Yes, many more primitive cultures came up with fantastical explanations for things they could not yet understand,” Tech stated. Senna nudged him with her shoulder, and he blinked at her. 
“Don’t be such a buzzkill,” she murmured, plopping down on the mat closest to them. 
“I’d hardly say explaining things in a scientifically accurate manner is being a buzzkill,” he muttered back, sitting down next to her. 
“Shhh it’s starting!” Wrecker almost shouted, a grin stretching across his face as the first shades of color erupted across the sky in waves of greens, pinks, and purples. Nita clapped her hands excitedly as Chuckles sat back on the heels of his hands, tipping his face skyward. Echo and Fives both laid back, Echo tucking his hands behind his head as Fives snuck more of Nita’s snacks.
They all sat quietly, occasionally unleashing an excited whisper at a particular wave of color or a gasp of awe. It truly was a brilliant display as the colors rippled across the night sky. 
“You know, I understand how some beings may have thought that this was souls reaching back to them,” Senna whispered quietly to Tech, leaning over so that only he could hear. 
“Yes, but you and I both understand the science, so we know that is not the case.”
“Do you really think we have everything figured out from science?” Senna asked, her tone a bit teasing. “I can move things with my mind and do things physically most humans can’t. No physics can explain that.” 
“The Force is a concept that hasn’t been studied enough in depth,” Tech conceded. “But I’m positive that with time, we’ll be able to explain how it works and how Force sensitives are able to channel it.”
Senna shrugged. “Perhaps, but in the meantime, I’m alright with not knowing. It kind of adds a bit of wonder to the galaxy, in my opinion. And even with the science and math that you and I love so much, I still find magic in the universe around me. In life, in death, in all of it. And sometimes I do think the beauty around me helps me better remember those that have had an impact in my life.” 
Tech sighed. “I can find beauty in things while understanding an aurora is just an aurora.”
Senna just smirked at him, clearly about to make a snarky remark when suddenly, a new strand of color erupted across the sky. Where most of the green streaks had leaned towards a yellow-green or grassy color, this one was more of a seafoam green, a lone strand stretching out in waves across the sky amongst all of the other colors, the brightest by far. Senna didn’t say anything, instead slipping her fingers into Tech’s and squeezing his hand. Tech said nothing, his eyes locked on the streak across the sky. His mouth hung open slightly, and it was as if he were afraid if he blinked, the light would disappear. 
Senna was the only other one that had experienced Kestia’s Force signature, seen its turquoise, seafoam green color and felt its warmth. One of his fondest memories of the time he’d spent with Kes was when he’d watched a simultaneous meteor shower and aurora on Naboo with her. He’d never forget the way her eyes had sparkled or the way she’d smiled at him, her expression filled with wonder in spite of the war tearing her planet apart around them. He’d loved that part of her, the part that always found wonder and hope in the galaxy, even in the darkest times, and in this moment, despite all of his logic and reasoning, he couldn’t deny that this aurora felt like Kes reaching out to remind him of that. Tech’s eyes were misty behind his goggles as he watched the wave of color shimmer for a few more seconds before it began to dissipate. As it faded, so did the remaining streaks until just a few wisps of colors remained. 
The younglings groaned in disappointment as Chuckles, Echo, and Wrecker began helping them grab items to carry back inside. Fives was snoring quietly on his back until Echo nudged him with his foot, and he jumped, grumbling indignantly. 
Senna and Tech sat together quietly for another moment before he turned to look at her. She smiled warmly at him, giving his hand one last squeeze before standing and helping the others gather up the bedding. 
Tech smiled to himself, reaching up to wipe at his eyes under his goggles. 
“Thanks Kes,” he whispered. “You always were one to make sure I keep things in perspective.” He chuckled quietly to himself. “And to tell me when I’m wrong.” 
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Hehe the menace has arrived. CONGRATS ON THE BIG 400!!! Im here with a hope that some Grunter may help warm your soul during these times. I’m thinking Typho/Hunter + “how can one man need so many bandanas?” It can be fluffy/angsty/saucy, whatever your brain vibes with 😎
Pairing: Gregar Typho x Hunter (I know, it's crack, but I HAVE MY REASONS) - this pairing was originally introduced in my fic "Guarded" if you want to know the background
Rating: M (implied sexual content)
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“Where the kriff is it?” 
Gregar Typho dodged a flying Lula that had been precariously tossed around as he stepped onboard the Havoc Marauder. Peering into the aft end, he found Hunter on his hands and knees, rummaging around under the bunks. 
“I know I saw it around here this morning,” the sergeant muttered under his breath as he pushed Wrecker’s clutter around.
Typho leaned a shoulder against the interior of the ship’s hull. “Lose something?” he asked. 
Hunter had apparently been so absorbed in his search that he hadn’t noticed the captain’s appearance, and at the sound of his voice, he jumped, slamming his skull against the underside of the bunk. He swore loudly, rolling out from under it and sitting with his legs outstretched, rubbing at the back of his head. Typho chuckled, pushing off the wall and coming to squat in front of Hunter, tipping his head forward to inspect the back of it. He always loved running his fingers through Hunter’s curls and was more than happy to have a justified reason to do so. 
“Not even a bump,” he teased, and Hunter huffed in reply. 
“Have you seen my bandana?” 
“Which one?” It was a running joke between the two of them, one that Hunter currently did not have the patience for. 
“You know I only have the one.”
“The second one is a scarf. There’s a difference.”
Typho sighed dramatically. “How can one man need so many bandanas?”
Hunter rolled his eyes. “We’ve got to head out soon, and I really need to find it.” 
“Why don’t you find another piece of something to tie your hair back with?” Typho offered. “It’s not like there’s any shortage of fabric scraps around the base.”
Hunter scrubbed his hands over his face. “I know that, but that… that one’s lucky.” 
Typho paused, searching Hunter’s eyes. “What makes it lucky?” 
Hunter scooted towards the opposite side of the ship, starting to dig around through some of the storage crates pushed against the wall as he tossed his answer over his shoulder. “Crosshair gave it to me right after we completed our training together. Made some snarky comment about making sure I could see things clearly.” He paused, glancing back at Typho, who was listening intently. “I-I know it’s silly, but I’ve always felt I make my best decisions with that thing. That I do see clearly.” He rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. “I know superstitions aren’t real and that they don’t actually make a difference, but it feels like that bandana keeps me and my team safe. So that’s why I’m so stubborn about finding it.” 
Typho watched him for another moment before coming to sit next to him. Heaving a deep sigh, he reached into his back pocket, pulling out the familiar piece of folded red fabric and handing it to Hunter. Hunter raised an eyebrow at him. 
“You took it?”
The former Naboo captain shrugged. “I was hoping to keep something that smelled like you while you were away. Something to hold at night. Since you hardly wash that thing, I figured you wouldn’t miss it, but if that bandana gives you a better chance of returning to me safely, then it’s not worth the risk.” He smiled as Hunter took it, running the fabric through his fingers before he leaned over, cradling Typho’s jaw and kissing him gently. 
“I’ll always return to you, Gregar.” 
Typho leaned into his touch, placing his hands over the back of Hunter’s. “You had better.” 
Hunter pressed his forehead to Typho’s. “I’m sorry I don’t have another shirt or scarf to give you, but I just did laundry. This shirt is the only one that I’ve worn recently.” 
A wicked grin tugged at the corner of Typho’s lips. “Well, we could always dirty it up before you leave.” 
“But then I’d have to take it off and find another.” 
Typho pushed him to the ground, straddling his hips as he kissed along Hunter’s jaw, chuckling against his skin. “I think that’s a good compromise.”
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501
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wild-karrde · 2 years
💖💖KARRDE! Congrats on 400!🍾🥂 🥰🥰🥰
I LOVE the redemption arc you’ve written for Crosshair in Shadows and Shades. What inspired you to write it, and which part or parts of the fic held special meaning for you?
Awwww Leyla THANK YOU SO MUCH and THANK YOU for the ask!
Honestly, the redemption arc was spurred on by low expectations for actual canon (as a lot of fic is I think haha). Star Wars has an awful track record with redemption arcs (I think I've only ever been good with Kallus's?), and I think Crosshair presents a super interesting opportunity for a GOOD one. There's honestly so many opportunities to explore the clones' reactions to the chips, and it seems we're going to see more of that in TBB S2 (yay!). I'm hoping we don't see Crosshair redeemed through death, but that so often happens, I'm not holding my breath.
I also wanted to explore his relationship with the rest of the Batch as he comes back into the fold. I so often see people take a black or white stance about what's going on with his brothers, but I honestly think the situation is more grey, as many things in life are. I think Hunter and the other guys are operating on super limited information and are doing the best they can. Is it flawless? No. But I think it's important to remember the characters don't have all of the same information that we do as viewers. I wanted to really kind of examine what would happen as the characters find out more and more of that information and how living under the chip's influence impacted Crosshair (which is what I tried to do in Guarded).
On the other side of that, I don't think Crosshair is a bad guy. I honestly wrote what I hope to see from him: a desperation to make sense of and justify what happened while he was with the Empire, and when he can't, I hope he does work through that. I really love Iden as a counterpart in this instance because she's someone that pushes back when he's being a closed off asshole (like I suspect he might be for a bit), and honestly, I feel like the redemption arc I wrote is pretty complete, and I'm proud of how it kinda came full circle.
Not to say that this is the last we'll see of Iden and Crosshair, but I feel pretty good about the arc that I wrote for him and how that chapter of his story closed out (desperately trying to keep this mostly spoiler-free for those that haven't read Shadows and Shades haha).
As for parts that held special meaning, I haven't talked a lot about this openly, but Nisa and Iden's arc in Shadows and Shades was something deeply personal for me due to things that were going on in the background with my personal life. At times, it was hitting so close to home that I had to pause work on the fic, but ultimately, also very proud with how that arc wound up as well. I pull a lot from my personal life when writing, and that particular piece wound up being a bit cathartic for me in several ways.
Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Hey Karrde!!!! I gotta give a huge shout out to my friend and collab partner @idlenesses!!!! She did this gorgeous artwork of Gregor and I did the fic to go with it, “Naughty or Nice”!!! It was so fun to work with her! She captures Gregor’s essence PERFECTLY!!! And not to mention every single detail of her art is gorgeous!!!! I’m obsessed!
-kaminocasey 💚❤️💚
When this artwork rolled across my dash this week, it made my mouth hang open slightly (I may have Gregor a bit on the brain after that 400 Follower smut I wrote for him hehe). It is festive but also SO SPICY and just the right amount of cheekiness (no pun intended) for our favorite former burger joint employee haha. I completely agree with you that this is just GORGEOUS and so perfectly Gregor hehe. Thanks for the rec!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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