#kat has unpopular opinions
cinematicnomad · 5 months
man i actually hate that quote about how buck has found a love interest he's "actually" interested in. it seems so invalidating of buck's past relationships. like. buck is bi. that does not suddenly mean that bc his past relationships were with women they were not real or didn't count or that he was faking it. you can hate taylor or ali or abby or natalia or whoever, but buck WAS interested in them, his attraction WAS real, and as someone who's bi, i'm not here for pretending otherwise.
like i know kenny was just speaking off the cuff, and i am not upset at him at all but i looked through the tags/comments and MAN it left a bad taste in my mouth.
like, you wanna say that buck's finally found someone who the 118 likes?? 110% i will support that and laugh alongside you. but let's not pretend that buck wasn't devastated by abby leaving him or that he didn't genuinely have feelings for taylor. buck's identity as a queer man and his past relationships go hand-in-hand and those relationships don't suddenly not count bc they weren't with men.
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towerartt · 2 months
Hey... psst... katagawa jr for the breakdown thing pretty please...
1. How I feel about this character
They always ask, what sort of monster would do this to his own siblings? While I am asking. Did he have fun? Killing his brothers and sisters, and for what? For the right to be called Rex? It looked fun ^-^
2. All the people I ship romantically with this character
Rhys. Kat wants him sooo bad, he has to resort to middle school bully tactics to get his attention. He is pulling at his pigtails and breaking his toys, and he is getting increasingly frustrated by the fact that Rhys is not throwing himself into his arms.
3. My non-romantic OTP for this character
Katalypso! Kat talked about them in this post and this, and I see the vision. I really do.
To me. They are not romantic, not platonic, definitely NOT familial. They are a grave danger to themselves and others. Good for them!
4. My unpopular opinion about this character
No redemption for him, please and thank you. I wish he had lived through getting electrocuted so he could properly usurp the Maliwan throne. And he would have grand ol’ time doing that. Let him pull the plug on his dad. “I want to teach him empathy and that siblicide is bad." Well, I choose to accept him as he is. You are not rocking with his brother-killer tendencies? Grow up.
5. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
They should have let Naoko talk about him. What was he like as a child? Were the signs there? Was he their sweet little brother.
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eponastory · 3 months
Thank you for that post about the “multishipper” 🙏
Honestly, I get so tired of those types acting like they’re uniquely enlightened because they ✨multiship✨ and ✨don’t hate anything✨
Can you they stop acting like it’s a hate crime to dislike a character or ship, I beg. Having opinions and convictions is not a bad thing, but these people act like you murdered their firstborn or something 🤦🏻‍♀️
Being free to dislike what you want is just as important as being free to like what you want, honestly
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You're welcome!
Seriously... I enjoy letting myself go sometimes, and this was one of those times.
To be honest here, I don't care about what anyone really ships. To that point as long as there isn't any bullying going on, I'm good. But I will call out the bullshit.
And trust me, my bullshit meter is always on point.
Multishipping is fine. Just don't get your high horse out of the stable to rise above everyone else like your shit doesn't stink.
(Not you, but all the ones that are like 'I love all ships but...')
'But' after the initial statement makes it meaningless and is backhanded. Anyway, the antis need to sell soap with how many soapboxes they have. I'm not attacking them, I'm pointing out their flaws. There is a difference. If they take offense, that's all on them for not accepting the pov of other people and having a civil conversation about it. But no, it's pearl clutching. They are free to ship Kat*ang, I don't have to, and neither does anyone else.
Am I rambling too much? 🤔
Oh well, I have lots of thoughts on this.
But yeah, I think we all have the same concerns.
Don't be a dick.
Don't bully other people for different opinions.
And definitely don't come in the tag with the intent to stir shit up. I'll call you out on it if I see it. (Which means either block me or just don't post unpopular opinions)
Okay this has gone on long enough.
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theodoravery · 4 months
unpopular opinion it seems. but i liked the first volume! idk what i was expecting but it was fine to me. i think you guys might expect a bit too much from fusebox and then get mad when they don't meet your incredibly high expectations, even if this has been going on for years now. i love how the mc looks, i dare say she's the best looking mc we've had in a while--we finally have a deep dark skin colour and all the brown and black mcs look Amazing. i do agree that the hairstyles and many of the outfits suck but... she's still gorg. also i love the new tattoos! they look fab<3 there's also a few new eye, nose and lip shapes and those are pretty too!
i don't care for finn i never did, i don't like his redesign and i like kat's even less. i adore chen and i'm kinda into fb making him seem like a player, the funny charming guys aren't usually the players so i think it's fun. i'll see how things go w him but rn i'm thinking i might still go for natasha, she's insanely beautiful and she's the sweetest<3 so yeah
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finalfilms · 1 year
final destination characters and what movie/tv shows i think they would like
alex - the walking dead. has seen every single episode even though it’s been running for over a decade. says he could probably survive a zombie apocalypse. is the biggest glenn defender ever.
tod - community. 100%. when the movie got announced he went apeshit on twitter. he loves troy, has seen every episode at least twice, and actually liked the fourth season for some reason.
george - he doesn’t watch tv unless it’s like a sport. look at him. if he had to pick, brooklyn 99.
clear - shameless. she sat through all eleven seasons, would have watch parties with her friends, and liked to take notes on the psyche of the characters. she HATED frank with a passion and loved fiona. actually cried at both finales.
billy - my babysitters a vampire. claims it was his “childhood” and is still upset they ended it on a cliffhanger. rory def rubbed off on him growing up. he prefers the first season to the second but has seen each episode like a million times. will sing the theme song totally unprompted
carter - breaking bad. actually tried making meth cause he thought walter had the “right idea” with the money. is the kind of guy to retweet sigma male edits of the characters
terry - locke and key. watched it cause she thought the main villain was hot, and when he was a girl too she went crazy on twitter. live tweeted the second season, and will defend kinsey locke to no extent.
kimberly - first kill. clear or shania told her to watch it saying it was like a better version of twilight. (she loves twilight). she was on the front lines trying to keep the show from getting canceled. she has probably made an edit of caliette. she’s crazy like that.
rory - he also likes breaking bad, but he’s more into better call saul. saul goodman is HIM. literally so relatable and babygirl. he saw better call saul first, so when he showed up in s2 of brba he went APESHIT
eugene - abbott elementary because there is “finally” a REAL show about what it’s like to be a teacher. he also never gets into sitcoms so it was a shock for him that he liked it so much
nora - bones. she LOVES crime dramas on daytime television, and bones is no exception. she finds herself trying to figure out the twist every single episode. she also gets way too into the characters. (tim was explaining to her that bones was autistic coded and she went :o)
tim - kid LOOKS like henry danger, but i’m gonna say malcom in the middle. secretly wished for a big family growing up. alex told him that the father makes meth and since tim didn’t know about brba he was actively seeking out that plot line.
evan - literally anything with wrestling.
kat - the office. not in like, a “basic” way or anything but because she is a businesswoman and needs to feel included. she likes pam a lot. wanted dwight to die once. she got through about eight seasons before calling it quits.
wendy - i feel like she’s a house md fan??? idk why or how but it just makes sense to me i suppose. probably an rsl fan or something
kevin - okay unpopular opinion but i feel like he’s a huge fan of the will forte era on snl. he’s a will forte fan in general so he’s probably seen clone high, last man on earth and macgruber
ian - def a santa clarita diet fan. trust me when i say this man was having meltdowns on twitter when it got canceled. you have never seen him more passionate in his life!
erin - okay this is very unpopular and very out of character but she has a guilty pleasure show and that is dawsons creek. joey is her fave and she is Completely Normal about pacey + joey. her regular show is yellowjackets, however. god bless cannibalistic high schoolers
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wowthesewomen · 6 months
unpopular opinion: they really destroy Eliot character in season 2.
1- he's way to passive aggressive with Kat and Alice. Make up your mind both in the pass and present about the pond. Also his relationship with Kat is kinda creepy at this point. You need to get over it. Specially when the vibe that Kat gives is friendship and that he's second choice.
2- The introduction of Susanna and Thomas didn't give him any favors. Kat has more chemistry with both of them, every simple gesture and look feels authentic, with him is like brother and sister, nothing romantic.
3- if i can't have Susanna and Kat, them Thomas all the way.
4- i hope that in season 3 they put Eliot and Kat behind. Kat deserves better.
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specialagentartemis · 7 months
ask meme since Pin-Lee was taken: the literal goddess Athena. throwing the apple of discord at you
Kat are you trying to get me smited :P
First impression
Age 10 or so: wow! Cool smart warrior lady! Also I love that she decides to stay unmarried forever for reasons I don’t know how to express!
Impression now
Age now: wow! Cool smart warrior lady! Also I love that she decides to stay unmarried forever for reasons I know Exactly how to express!
… although tempered a lot with more knowledge about Ancient Greece and different variants on the gods’ stories, the social context of when the different ones were written, and why. I’m actually more fascinated now with Athena’s portrayal as the goddess of merciful justice, as she is in the Oresteia; neither Apollo’s smug righteousness, nor the Furies’ screaming for vengeance and blood. However, a lot of these portrayals of wise, just, balanced, merciful Athena come from Athenian playwrights who were obviously biased towards their city’s patron, and against Apollo (who was associated with Sparta, the city Athens was at war with at the time). She could certainly be selfish in the way of the Bronze Age gods in the Bronze Age stories.
I’m also interested in her association with crafts, specifically women’s crafts. Crafts being recognized as taking the same kind of logic, planning, intelligence, and importance as war tactics. Athena spanning this masculine space of war and feminine space of craftworking.
And the ambivalence of her eternal virginity—Athena only able to have that position of power and respect she does because no man is allowed to dominate, master, and functionally own her, the way classical Greek views on gender hierarchy and sexism assumed was the natural way of men and women. Athena has to take on masculine characteristics to be powerful in this manner. As much as I wanna go hell yeah genderqueer aroace icon there’s also the fact that it’s heavily rooted in sexism. She’s a fascinating, complex, ambivalent figure.
Favorite moment
I’m very fond of the story where Athena was raised alongside Triton’s daughter Pallas, as sisters and friends. They both practiced the arts of war and would practice and spar together. Then, once, either they had a falling-out and the fighting became real; or they were sparring and ply-fighting, but either way, Zeus, afraid for his daughter and Meddling, distracted Pallas, and Athena accidentally killed her. Athena, heartbroken at the death of her friend, which she genuinely wasn’t trying to do!, built a statue in her honor and adopted her name “Pallas” in honor and memory.
Idea for a story
She’s Odysseus’s patron, and Telemachus’s mentor (ha), but as the goddess of weaving and tactics and cleverness… I would LOVE to see her interacting with Penelope more. The woman known for her cleverness, and her weaving skill, and for using weaving as a tactic in her cold war against her suitors. I would DESPERATELY love to see Athena and Penelope during the time period when Telemachus was growing up, or while he was off in Sparta and Pylos, and Penelope was holding down her palace and kingdom alone.
Unpopular opinion
Ovid’s renditions of the myths are fine. Yes even the one where Athena turned Arachne into a spider out of spite, and the one where Athena made Medusa a monster. They’re not the only versions or the version that your own mythic/literary tradition needs to draw on, but they’re compelling and interesting. They were written from a very specific cultural and political perspective, but that perspective is fascinating in its own right. It’s not Ovid’s fault that most of our knowledge of Greek literature comes from Athenians who are biased towards Athena and portray her as great.
Favorite relationship
I’m a simple normie, I like Athena lavishing attention on Odysseus as her champion during the war, a warrior after her own heart, and the way even when he pisses her off after the war and she withholds her help anymore she starts to feel kiiiiinda bad about it. And she strikes up a friendship/mentorship with Telemachus and starts advocating for him to the other gods again. Odysseus and his son as Athena’s… projects, supplicants, maybe even in the strange way of gods and men, friends.
Favorite headcanon
I think she is SO pleased that even though she lost the judgement of Paris, she won the war (not even the Trojan War, the war for the hearts and minds of the people. She is Everyone’s Favorite Greek Goddess now)
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slutisnotabadword · 2 years
My Possible Unpopular TVD Opinions
DISCLAIMER: This is MY fucking opinions, lets be for real. If you don’t agree, then good. If you do, then great.
This fandom doesn’t realize everyone’s horrible. One thing I’ve noticed about this fanodm is that people really like to pick and choose who’s the worst or the ‘least worse’ character. Idk, I just find it weird that someone favors Klaus Mikaelson, but HATES Damon Salvatore. As if Klaus isn’t terribly worse. Almost every single character in this series has done a multidue of horrible things, especially the vampires, so it doesn’t make sense to people do that. I understand if it was based on personalities, but the way people express their likings, it doesn’t seem like it is. For example, the whole Damon versus Stefan debate. Some people hate Damon because what he’s done, but turn around and love Stefan even though he’s done the same shit, and even worse.
Damon didn’t need to be labeled as the ‘better man’. Look, Damon is my FAVORITE character. I love that man with all of my heart, but truthfully, I don’t think he should’ve been the “better man”. All Damon’s life he has been coming second to Stefan. With their parents, Katherine, Elena, and damn near everyone else. And honestly, I think it got worse with Elena because deep down, she wanted him to be “Damon with Stefan-like qualities”. But he’ll never be Stefan. And that’s okay. I think Damon’s arc should’ve concluded with him accepting the fact that he’ll never be the better man, and him being okay with being imperfect. Not everyone has to be the hero.
Bamon should’ve fucking happened! If Bamon has one fan, it’s me. If Bamon has no fans, I’m no longer on Earth. I just really, REALLY, love this ship, I don’t think you guys understand. Honestly, it might’ve been better than Delena. Damon and Bonnie have some underrated chemistry and tension since day one. And they had a great set up. Damon sworn to protect the Bennet bloodline and now he has this girl who pushes his buttons alot, while he’s constantly pushing her buttons—UGH, I love it. True enemies to friends to lovers. They should’ve ended up together, atleast once. But we all know why it didn’t happen *cough* julie *cough*.
Caroline’s such a fucking hypocrite. I love Caroline, but she also annoys the fuck outta me. And I think it’s just her natural personality. She’s just so judgemental that it drives me crazy, and personally, I can never be friends with someone who always has ann opinion on the shit I do. What really bothered me about her is her drilling down on Elena during the first part of season 4 about Damon. Which I would’ve understood considering her abusive past with Damon, however, she never mentioned or brought up that as a reason why she hates Damon or why Elena shouldn’t love him. Instead, she came off really fucking hypocritcial because not even five second after basically calling Elena an idiot for picking Damon, she’s LAUGHING WITH KLAUS?!?!? Aka the most evil mf in the entire series, like let’s be so fucking fr. Klaus is ten times worse than Damon and this bitch is laughing it up with him over champagne. And not to mention she sleeps with him later on.
Bonnie would’ve made a better protagonist. Bonnie’s storyline had so much potential to be stretched out. Like she came from a very powerful coven that dated back to the first creation of an immortal being AND the other side. Her ancestoral history with the Salvatore brothers. The way she became one of the most powerful witches—like she fucking stopped hell fire, bffr. And Bonnie’s fine asf, she’s that girl. I think her character arc is good, and would’ve been great if racism didn’t occur with Kat Graham.
Elena is not as bad as y’all say she is. Can she a be a little self-centered? Yeah. But it’s not hard to understand why. During the first few seasons, EVERYONE made everything about Elena—especially Damon and Stefan. Like Bonnie was about to die for her during season 2. Everyone has risked everything for her. Shit, if people treated me like that, I would think everything’s about me, too! And no, Elena’s not a crybaby. If I was going through everything she was going through, I would cry every day and night. Girl lost two sets of parents, her brother at one point, and both of her guardians (Jenna and Alaric). And at one point, lost the love of her life (Damon in S6). Not to mention, someone was always trying to kill her, and then she had to deal with an evil doppleganger. Shehas every reason to cry. And the weird thing about that is, everyone calls Elena a crybaby but not Klaus? Every damn picture I see of that man, he’s crying his eyes out. It’s always that same damn crying face too. I love Klaus but y’all really be pickin and choosin who to pick on.
Damon and Stefan’s background should’ve been talked about more. I still don’t know why the producers, or whoever, changed their origins from the books (as far as I know they were from the 1500s in Italy) but I think changing it was so unnecessary. I don’t know why people have such an obsession with 1800s, but it’s WEIRD how we collectively decided to treat that time as an aesthetic while this country was treating people like animals, but hey, that’s just me. ANYWAYS, I think they should’ve brought up the brothers’ history and background earlier in the series, instead of waiting till the end where the rest of the story was falling flat. Because if we’re being honest, in the early seasons, we don’t know much about them. Hell, I don’t even think we know their birthdays. Like we’re aware of their troubled past, but we don’t know their family backgrounds, and I feel like knowing someone’s familia backgrounds helps understanding their core.
“When I kill someone, they’re supposed to stay dead!”. Alaric should’ve stayed dead. Jeremy should’ve stayed dead. End of story.
Kai’s actions are not justified. This fandom and hundreds of others have a tendecy of babying these grown ass people. So what Kai’s family treated him differently. That literally happens to damn near everyone in this world. It does not give you anexcuse to kill your entire family, INCLUDING CHILDREN?? Bitch you deserve to get locked up. They should’ve killed his ass but that’s just me. But Kai’s fun, I suppose. I just don’t like it when people baby him trying to justify him killing innocent children just because his father didn’t love him enough. Who cares? Go to fucking therapy like the rest of us. And then y’all tried to ship him with BONNIE?? OUR PRECIOUS BONNIE?? It’s like y’all forgot how he made her life a living hell in that prison world, which led her to almost killing herself. Bonkai could burn, don’t ever bring up that garbage ass shit ever again in my presence.
Might do a part two
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alto-tenure · 6 months
Fandom: Layton’s Mystery Journey (sorry if this is cheating!)
Ship: Emiliana/Kat
Character: Janice Quatlane
I mean uh. I sent Whiskers Great Ace Attorney specifically, so LMJ-specific isn't cheating. I'm sticking to game-only for the sake of this.
Favorite character: Emiliana
Least Favorite character: Britannias. ACAB is always applicable (ignore my favorite), but even more so for him.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Uh. Katriana. Whatever people call Cesar Chance/Taboras Lloyd. I'm fond of Pipper/Liza...uhhh, I don't really feel strongly about any other ships
Character I find most attractive: meh
Character I would marry: meh
Character I would be best friends with: the waiter!
A random thought: I wonder how many people end up being in the Ratman network.
An unpopular opinion:
My canon OTP: Bess/Benjy I guess?
Non-canon OTP: Katriana <3
Most badass character: Katrielle
Pairing I am not a fan of: Sorry, people who ship Katrielle and Ernest...I just can't really see Katrielle reciprocating his feelings. I think seeing more nuanced portrayals of their relationships that dug into how Case 12 affects them would help, but I don't think I could ever really see it.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Ernest. The twist with him could REALLY have used more foreshadowing (like how he would react to Katrielle getting buddy-buddy with the Seven Dragons, for instance).
Favourite friendship: I do feel strongly about Katrielle & Ernest's friendship. I think...they're similar to how I feel about Claire & Dimitri, but with much lower stakes due to being nowhere nearly as tragic.
cut here for length, but I did answer the rest!
when or if I started shipping it: It was Katrielle Layton: Wanted that really cemented it for me.
my thoughts: I really like Emiliana growing to care for Katrielle and respect her as a rival and as a friend, as well as developing respect for Katrielle's methodology.
What makes me happy about them: Rivals to lovers is a really fun trope.
What makes me sad about them: Emiliana has a pretty strict moral framework that I think is not impossible to reconcile with Katrielle, but will take a lot of work to really develop.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: This isn't really a bad thing, but I do wish there was a little less 100% fluff in the tag. It doesn't annoy me, I like the fluff, but I wish there was more variety.
Things I look for in fanfic: I'd love more stuff like the fic I wrote last year, but not written by me, lmao
My kinks: nope, not answering this here
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I respect the people who ship Katrielle and Lucy immensely.
My happily ever after for them: they reconcile their conflicting moral frameworks
How I feel about this character: I like Janice :) She's a neat character and I really like the parallels to Hershel.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: obviously Melina. and also Emmy
My non-romantic OTP for this character: her and Hershel
My unpopular opinion about this character: uhhhhhhhh I don't even know what the popular opinions are, ngl. I guess...I wish we had gotten more pre-canon flashbacks to establish her dynamics with the Whistlers?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I think she should take a break from music and figure out if she wants it for herself or if she wanted it because Melina was by her side doing it. I think she ultimately comes to the conclusion that she does like it, though.
My OTP: Janice/Melina <3
My OT3: a while ago @magicwhiskers29 and I were kicking around an Emmy/Janice/Melina triad after I shared some lines from my Janice/Emmy fic with her about how both Janice & Melina admired Emmy and her abilities. in my head there's also a version of this where Janice and Melina are still sharing a body when this happens
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teeth-cable · 1 year
Loona the angry goth woman who have trauma vivziepop failed to make her sympthatetic. Kat elliot from wendell and wild the writer manage to make her sympthatetic
Kat elliot she have trauma, her traumatic past is being shown, but she wasn't abusive or being jerk for no reason. She just want to be left alone unlike loona who will start drama for her toxic behavior she doesn't.
Helluva boss unpopular opinion loona is the unpopular mean girl look at how she treated moxxie, blitzo, and individual around her. The poddle or mean girl clique i think it's trying to make us feel bad for loona when it's not working
I would change the scene by making the poddle with glasses make it very clear she's not interested befriend with loona at all and she's not a mean girl. If loona does invite to another party the poddle met with loona again she's annoyed because she remember very well loona started drama for no reason at all
Kat Elliot is the perfect example of an introverted girl who has problems connecting with people because of her trauma. She isn't mean and just wants to be alone because she grew up in an abusive system that exploited her trauma and people who were terrible to her.
Loona throughout the Ep 8 acted like a mean girl, she was angry at Queen's Bee for being Tex's girlfriend because she still has a crush on him and when Queen Bee asked Loona nicely, if she can check on Blitzo because he is purposely causing problems and ruining the party, she gets defensive when she should know Blitzo crashed the party and he does stuff like that all the time.
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cinematicnomad · 4 months
can you make a bucktommy gifset??
ah, anon. thanks for thinking of me!! but honestly—i'm gonna pass on this request. there are so many talented gifmakers out there who love bucktommy that would kill to make something for you i'm sure. also to be fair, while i gif 911 when it gets me inspired these days, i'm v much working through a terror gifset a day and that's got my main attention right now.
also for me, bucktommy doesn't get me all that excited. i like tommy as a character, i'm so glad he was brought back and helped buck to better understand his sexuality, and i'm curious to see where their relationship goes but. at the moment? they honestly haven't been given enough screentime for me to care about them as a ship. just, for me, there hasn't been a lot of depth to their relationship so far which is like. not a bad thing?? i'm actually ok with buck getting to take a backseat so other characters can be more front and center. but it does mean that his relationship isn't getting all that much attention.
just in the sake of honesty, i'm also not much of a multi-shipper. like. i v much appreciate that others can do it and i am very happy for them when they're enjoying multiple ships at a time, but for me, i'm v much an OTP kind of person lol. so for 911, for buck, i really only ship him with eddie. they have years of history to build them up and to have captured my interest, and tommy's handful of kisses with buck this season just isn't enough to really change my mind.
anyway! sorry for the ramble. hope this was ok! this ask has been in my inbox for a few days so i figured i'd explain the delay in response
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skyland2703 · 2 years
Character ask: Conner McKnight, Katherine Hillard, Carter Grayson, Rose Ortiz, Prince Phillip, and Aisha Campbell.
THANKS FOR THE ASK!!! Sorry it took me so long!! I was kinda stuck on the MMPRs heheh
Conner McKnight:
• favorite thing about them: I love his hair I literally love his hair I WANT his hair!
• least favorite thing about them: his characterisation of the “standard jock” is just… mehhh. Not a big fan, there. A lot of his personality traits come from that and I would just like to avoid him more often than not.
• favorite line: when he said Dr. O is batman *cackles*
• brOTP: Conner & Trent. Also Conner & Kira
• ПОТР: …none yet
• random headcanon: he knows he’s taking his life to shit but he just always goes :D because if someone finds out he doesn’t have everything under control, they’re gonna think of him being weak.
Also his parents are going through a divorce.
• unpopular opinion: he doesn’t feel very much like red ranger material + dr O’s presence overshadowed that for most of the season anyway.
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: loved him in the SPD team up, so this:
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Kat Hilliard:
• favorite thing about them: she was a cat.
• least favorite thing about them: she was a cat.
• favorite line: “Oh no, they're forcing Bulk and Skull to dance the conga!”
• brOTP: Tommy & Kat (and a lot of the MMPRs in general)
• ОТР: none yet,,, I mean I know a lot of people ship her with Jason or Tommy but idk. I haven’t watched enough of MMPR to make a definite opinion of my own…? But I feel like I wouldn’t vibe with it, somehow.
• ПОТР: Kat/Kim (Sorry to those who ship it, but too much pink energy is dangerous)
• random headcanon: she’s a hopeless romantic and loves looking at the stars at night and walk barefoot on the grass and all those soft things, and hopes someday she’d get to do the same with her lover/partner. Extremely high expectations of romance, and an equally high level of optimism and hope to meet those expectations. (i hope its in character for her. like i said, my mmpr knowledge is limited..)
• unpopular opinion: she owns a licensed pistol and will not be messed with. She’s still got a little bit of… uh.. evil left in her. It’s for the better though.
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: she’s so pretty abdfnsndnnr
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Carter Grayson:
• favorite thing about them: he can go fucking blast GUNS at a giant monster— i don’t think ANYTHING gets cooler than that. This man is not afraid to die and it shows.
• least favorite thing about them: I don’t like the Lightspeed rescue suits and his battilizer is another level of 😬😬😬
• favorite line: “I see you're still keeping bad company.” From the TF team up~
• brOTP: Carter & Kelsey
• ОТР: ….Very inclined to say Carter/Dana, but I don’t think they fall into the otp category.. per se?? Ship, yes, very much, but I am open to other pairings. Maybe Carter/Ryan????
• ПОТР: Carter/Chad
• random headcanon: He likes hot cocoa and marshmallows and has a sweet tooth in general. The aqua base is always STOCKED with sweet foods for him— be it gum or candies or chocolates— he NEEDS to have something sweet on his person when they’re going for battle. Half his decisions are taken on a sugar high~
• unpopular opinion: he’s reckless and might just end up paying for it. Yes it’s cool, yes it’s badass, but it’s also dangerous. *runs and hides in a corner to watch the fireworks go off*
• song i associate with them: this one. Just. So frickin FIIITSSS
Rose Ortiz:
• favorite thing about them: HER ENTRY SCENE!! Her style in that moment the first time we see her THAT IS HOW YOU LEAVE AN IMPRESSION PEOPLE!!!!
• least favorite thing about them: how they went with a “I never had a regular childhood” but how there’s nothing “different” about her because of that, except maybe a superiority complex. They did it better with Dr K. Later on in RPM, and could’ve improved on Rose if they tried something similar.
• favorite line: “You’re rich. Buy an army” i love her sass so much
• brOTP: Rose & Dax. I just think it’s the perfect “he’s going to kill all my braincells” dynamic, because while she’s smart™️, he’s got absolutely nothing on the top floor.
• ОТР: N/A
• ПОТР: Rose/Tyzonn, Rose/Dax, Rose/any guy, actually.
• random headcanon: She has a collection of fridge magnets she buys from everywhere they visit for their missions. Like they keep na hour or two to visit the local markets because “rose wants magnets” and she just puts all of them on Hartford’s fridge, which is already crowded with so much shit as it is. Spencer is the only one who really appreciates her magnets 😔💖
• unpopular opinion: the entire overdrive team acts like they’re on drugs and Rose is no exception even though everyone considers her to be the smart/sensible one. She’s just as reckless/crazy if not more XD
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: I had such a crush on her asdfghjklhgds
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Prince Phillip:
• favorite thing about them: I don’t think we have a lot of “existing royalty” characters in PR and I think this is an interesting concept DC played with, especially when he was trying to “buy” his good deeds and all that~ that entire episode was masterful!! And he really DID have a good heart!!!
• least favorite thing about them: they kept getting rid of him because he had to “run his kingdom”. Come on man— let him work at the Dino bite cafe a bit??!???? For just a couple episodes??
• favorite line: “Wait - aren't you the museum director?”
• brOTP: Philip/James Navarro. Both of them don’t show up a lot they can bond over that 😂 (ok honestly everyone who survived from S2E18 works ask brotp)
• ОТР: Prince Philip/Sir Ivan. I mean it’s basically a given at this point~
• ПОТР: Philip/Kendall
• random headcanon: he calls his pacha zord at times in Zandar and talks to him when he’s feeling lonely
• unpopular opinion:
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them: love him when he’s all ruffled
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Aisha Campbell:
• favorite thing about them: I love her especially in the comics!!
• least favorite thing about them: …nothing. At all. I love her!!
• favorite line: “it’s just the place where everyone thinks we’re idiots”
• brOTP: Aisha & Billy, Kim and Tommy
• ОТР: Adam/Rocky/Aisha
• ПОТР: none yet?
• random headcanon: she takes Adam and Rocky with her every time they go to get a haircut. The three of them, they do everything together. And she even makes Adam grow his hair out~
• unpopular opinion: I didn’t want her leaving the show 😭
• song i associate with them:
• favorite picture of them:
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eponastory · 3 months
Bring the salt!
I need some for my fries.
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Unpopular opinion
Character Assassination is cathartic.
Yep... that's right. I said it.
So, when I was writing The Medici Girl, I had someone comment about how they hated my interpretation of Ezio. They said that I made him an asshole because of the way he treated his wife.
Well, here's the deal... I fucking love Ezio Auditore da Firenze! He is possibly my all-time favorite character ever. But why did I turn him into an asshole?
For context, the story was basically a retelling of Assassin's Creed 2, only more historically accurate. The story is told from Contessina de'Medici's perspective for the most part, and she was married to Ezio before the events of AC2. He was in an affair (canonically) with another woman, making it Contessina's main conflict. So yes, Ezio's actions are pretty bad. That being said, I didn't intend to make him completely bad, but in Contessina's eyes... she saw him as someone in contention to her until he finally let his mistress go.
That is the purpose of character Assassination.
To a point.
But I wouldn't call exaggerating a characters traits and beliefs to the point of debauchery, Character Assassination. It's character exaggeration. It's like putting the speakers up to 11.
In the case that most Kat*angers use as contention for Zutara, all I've ever seen is writers exaggerate character flaws (which are canon) and dial them up because it is in character. It's just another form of conflict. Does it mean we are destroying that character to make our ship work? No. I don't see it that way because these are fictional characters, and it's just another part of being creative.
If anyone has a problem with that, it's likely because they don't understand how conflict moves a story or builds a character. It's actually one of the building blocks for any story. You can't have a good story without some sort of internal or external conflict, and if that means dialing up a character, then fine.
I do want to add that if you are trying to see a character from the pov of another, making the outside character look a certain way makes it more interesting.
But don't get your panties in a knot over it. Just move on.
Stay classy!
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motownfiction · 6 months
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
kat omg this is such a terrifying question ... but it would depend on the state where i was living ... whichever mutual was geographically closest 😭
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
like ... personal about me? no! but things i personally know about this fictional universe and haven't discussed on the blog ... steph's name is a gender play on a character she's ... not based on, but the relative of a character she's based on.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
johnny cade is straight and has had upwards of 900 girlfriends. it's a joke but it's also true in my heart.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Casey Novak!!
favorite thing about them
her fierceness, how she wears her heart on her sleeve and isn't afraid to break the rules to do what she believes is right.
least favorite thing about them
her fashion sense in the early years. yeesh.
favorite line
THERES SO MANY. uhm... either the "hi, what did i do?" "richie rich and daddy starbucks" "are you an idiot, she's in rehab!"
her & kat tamin would be absolute chaos besties (and tbh grace would be in there too)
rita or alex
olivia, and lort the people who ship her with stabler pls... no...
random headcanon
loves all sorts of animals and creepy crawlies. has no problem with bugs whatsoever. would absolutely be the type of person to have a ridiculous animal as a pet.
unpopular opinion
i think this would just be unpopular through the whole fandom, but she's the best ada.
song i associate with them
oh lort.. i have NO idea.
favorite picture of them
very rude of you to make me choose.. uhm... here's a couple
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kitsumidori · 2 years
uhhhjhh hmmm. katagawa jr for the character meme. or moxxi if you cant do anything for kat
Sorry if this is late, I was asleep, but I'll do Moxxi
favorite thing about them
Honestly she has one of the best character designs, like even before I got into borderlands and was watching those poker night 2 videos, I was always drawn to her. Also her voice (which is funny cause she has the same VA as Mineta from MHA, who is the stereotypical pervert character)
least favorite thing about them
Her treatment of Ellie in 2
favorite line
Her innuendos, and also in pre-sequal where she threatens the vault hunters if they tell anyone that they saw her out of character: "And remember, shallow grave."
Moxxi and Hammerlock: The quintessential gay/bi friendship.
Timoxxi: The ultimate Girlboss x Malewife ship
Jack x Moxxi: Even though they weren't married, I wish Moxxi would have taken Angel in the divorce
random headcanon
She a sex positive bi ace, I saw someone had this headcanon and I was like all in.
unpopular opinion
This is more of a problem with the fandom, but I really wish they would stop with the extreme sexualizing, like there were fanfic's with her involving [REDACTED] shit
song i associate with them
Oh Nick Please Not So Quick by E-Rotic. It's more of a Timoxxi song, but I always think of Moxxi when I hear this.
favorite picture of them
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