#kat rant
katzdxd · 3 months
I'm back to writing agents of chaos after a break and I've been playing a LOT of cotl while in wisdom teeth extraction recovery so I've been on leshylamb brainrot again
anyways I like to think shamura used to be able to see glimpses into the future and something they saw a lot was a lamb in leshy's future. everyone was confused because lambs were narinder's whole thing, then after narinder went against his siblings they thought leshy would catch and kill the lamb, then after he was killed they were once again confused, and finally once they were all brought back they realized leshy's destiny was to marry the lamb. they are still very confused.
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I've read someone saying that Husk is just telling Angel to suck it up and victim blaming him.
Yes he's saying Angel to suck it up, but he isn't saying anything about him having fault into his situations, but he can understand regretting bad choises. He's saying he isn't alone, and he can in some way, understand him.
Husk is the first one who Angel reveals that he had sold his soul to Valentino, and the same goes for Husk that reveals that once he was a overlord and he had made a deal with Al.
Now, the situations are obviously not the same. Valentino is abusive, manipulatine and a r*pist. Al is yes, a sadistic overlord and he is not a good person, but he is evil for his own entertainment and in the pilot he calls Husk to fulfill his favor, making him work at the bar, probably just because he enjoy making Husk do it just for the sake of ordering him around.
What Husk is saying to Angel Dust is You are not alone. You may be a loser, you may feel you're at the bottom and screwd up, but that's okay. Cut yourself some slacks, forgive yourself and start to accept your flaws. You are not alone and together we can help each other.
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blackkatmagic · 8 months
I am fully in support of all of those posts that critique fandom's obsession with making the clones completely Mandalorian in every way curse you Traviss, and I think it's valid to take a second look at the impulse, but I also take umbrage with the idea that the clones have nothing to do with Mandalorian culture at all. Literally the most visible clone in the whole of TCW wears jaig eyes, used the same way the Mandalorians use them, and so do multiple other clones. Multiple clones also picked Mando'a names for themselves, or wear traditional Mandalorian hairstyles, and Boil isn't the only clone who wears some sort of Death Watch insignia (which is fascinating in its own right).
There's just - nuance to all of it, I think. The clones aren't wholly Mandalorian, but they aren't not Mandalorian either. Whatever canon you want to take re: Jango and the trainers he picked, the clones clearly picked up bits of the culture from them, whether because of or despite them. Especially considering Mandalorian culture was largely spread through conquest originally, and adoption, the clones have as much of a right to it as anyone, and writing that off or ignoring the fact that at least some of them clearly do consider themselves part of the culture in some way removes a lot of the grey area from them as their own thing, imo.
The clones are a grey area, as a whole. I think that's part of the tragedy of them. They don't have one people who are their own except other clones. They don't have one specific homeworld or culture. They were created literally to die as cannon fodder, and they made themselves into a people despite that. Taking away one of the major pieces they incorporated into their lives (in strict canon, even if you want to ignore everything Traviss ever touched) is weird and overlooks a lot of what's presented about the clones in TCW.
They don't have to be perfectly Mandalorian in every way. That's just as much of an injustice to them. But removing the Mandalorian bits entirely strips away a lot of how they clearly see themselves, too.
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xlocalkatzx · 23 days
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I’m so sorry I think I starved you guys for WAAAY too long ohmygod HEGLP!! I ran out of drawing ideas and motivation for the LOOONGEST TIMEE and only decided to draw recently…..,,, please take this as a incredibly sincere apology
do.. do I have to credit all the creators
Please don’t cancel me I CANT DO IT OHMYGOD PLEASE there’s too many of them and I’m so tired
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blackkatdraws2 · 2 months
Laptop screen problems!! Might take a while for me to post something new. (◠‿◠)
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Ha. Hahahahah hahe heaah. For the majority of my life, I have animated and drawn on a shitty cheap phone screen with cracks all over it and this laptop thinks it can stop me with a little green tint.?
Screw this fuck. I have my tablet display screen just fine, this thing isn't going into any repair shops anytime soon. Not until I finish my animation and I will finish that fucking animation, I am NOT going a single day not drawing because of a faulty display cable or whatever other problems this dainty little Acer laptop has.
I most definitely do not have the money to fix this thing at the moment, school has just started, and my body is currently in pain because of physical problems beyond my control, I don't care. I am finishing that goddamn animation, I am drawing, I will animate until I drop dead in front of my SCREEN.
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If I die I'm taking my drawing equipment with me so I can still draw in hell.
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katshelluvacritic · 8 months
Charlie Morningstar is probably one of the worst written characters I’ve seen in the series.
(This one’s gonna be a long one…)
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Ok…. So I watched all six episodes and to be honest I’m pretty much pissed off by this character specifically. This might be more of a rant rather than a critique, so I do understand that not everything I say in this will end up being as constructive exactly but I genuinely need to get this off my chest, especially since she is a character I’ve specifically and recently been hyper fixating on before the show released…
(Side note: I realized the post was very long so, to have it be easier to read I added titles for each section! Hope this helps)
> Charlie lacks the qualities of being a main character.
Now besides the piss poor excuse of an introduction for her (and the rest of the cast) in the main series, I honestly question why exactly Charlie specifically is the “protagonist” in the first place (and I say protagonist with the biggest of quotes here, you’ll see why).
In the first episode of the series “overture”, we don’t really see much of her character, most of the time we’re shown screen time of Vicky (a nickname I made for v*ggie since I’m not gonna call her by her genitalia thank you) trying to make an ad for the hotel and even when we do get the screen time of her, she’s barely doing anything other than hearing viv’s self insert- I mean- Adam just go on and on about whatever he’s talking about.
And when Charlie does go on to explain her plan to redeem sinners she’s just interrupted and then stands there when they start singing hell is forever, she doesn’t “go off” like the hazbin Twitter says, she just stands there and then tries to say something only to get interrupted again and again and then gets pushed out of the meeting room before going back to the hotel to see it’s spread across in the news that the next extermination happens in 6 months.
Now although one might argue “Well didn’t Charlie at one point said in the show that giving orders is so mean?” Well yes but again, Charlie is literally the princess of pride ring, you would think that since her parents are literally rulers of pride, they would’ve probably teach her how to stand on her two feat, especially if your RUNNING A HOTEL. And the thing is, she has stood up and did so in episode 6 and the goddamn pilot (which is at this point is probably canon due to Charlie calling it the hazbin hotel instead of happy hotel), even going as far as to fight Katie Killjoy because she thought it was stupid.
Not only that but the episodes after overture, her screen time lessens until somewhat in 5 and 6. She doesn’t really appear that much in the between these episodes to the point where she feels like a supporting character rather than a protagonist. And when she does get screen time, she’s either forgettable at best and infuriating at worst.
> Charlie’s character is poorly written and just dumb.
In the episodes past overture, she’s literally rock solid stupid that I literally screamed in real life multiple times “you’re a fucking idiot” because of how frustrated I was from what she was doing, In episode 2 she literally trusted sir pentious to go to her hotel even though he almost destroyed her place and in episode 6 thought it was a hunky dory idea to let a person who literally exploded buildings to take charge of giving her employees a “good time”. Yes it could be played off as her being naive but if she’s that naive of a person then maybe she shouldn’t be a boss of a hotel to rehabilitate sinners.
Heck, in episode 4, Charlie gets pissed off and turns into her demon form because val literally started hurting Angel when he followed him into the room (and rightfully so) but when angel tells her to leave and drags her out of the studio, she’s just in her normal form and fucks off??? Reminder she’s literally the princess of hell! She could beat the shit out of val if she wants to, why did she just fucked off after angel had her leave?
“But Kat, what if something bad happens to angel if valentino dies?” Like what? If it was explained that if an overlord dies then the sinners that made a deal with them die too or something like that then yeah, that would make sense but we don’t know that whether or not that’s the case, if anything angel could be just fine after Valentino dies but we don’t know that.
And even when Charlie had the opportunity to go out there and apologize to him herself after he stormed out of the hotel, she and Vicky just send Husk to do it. And I have to ask, WHY? HUSK didn’t know what was happening to Angel earlier. HUSK wasn’t at the porn studio that Angel was working at. CHARLIE WAS….
“Well Kat, what if Charlie was scared about making things worse?” Fair enough, but again sending Husk is a stupid idea, I feel like it would’ve AT LEAST made sense if she sent Vicky out there. Because Charlie didn’t know if husk could fight (if you could even call it that, all he did was throw cards at people), BUT SHE KNEW VICKY COULD THOUGH. But nah we gotta do it for the ship right?
And then Charlie had the gull to be crying that angel forgave her after she fucked up, like shut the fuck up… it’s like if viv looked at a bunch of chars that had the optimistic care-free ‘ish personality and thought that meant making her as pathetic as a baby crying that they didn’t get a lollipop from their mommy.
Like I’m gonna be honest with you, it’s literally gone to a point where I think Orel Puppington (aka the 11 yo Christian kid who worships Jesus and gets harmful lessons from other Christians) makes a better Charlie Morningstar than the Charlie Morningstar herself!
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And that thought is justified when he tried to go help people in Sinville, “Kat he ended up turning into a pimp at the end of the episode” yeah but AT LEAST HE TRIED TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING! Which leads me to another question….
> How is Charlie gonna redeem sinners exactly???
Like honestly, I’m serous with this one. How is Charlie gonna redeem these guys?
I ask this because in the series, she barely does ANYTHING to help these guys, she and the rest of the characters just sit around and then do an activity that is the equivalent of something you would do in kindergarten except it’s with ADULTS.
I don’t know about you but If your idea of helping people is doing just that and nothing else, then the only thing the people around you are gonna get is them being annoyed at first and eventually walking out with thinking your not helping them but rather just treating them like a baby who doesn’t know anything, and the only thing your gonna get personally is nothing because you did dick all.
Like other than that she pretty much just whines about sinners not going to her hotel and oh gee I wonder why, it’s not like your not doing anything to help these sinners not committing sins anymore, oh definitely not, your absolutely being helpful.
“Oh but Kat! Charlie was born in hell, how can she know how to help people? She’s not from the human world so, she wouldn’t exactly know how to help these people!” I would tell you to look at the world building for the series and it’s spin off but that’s a whole other can of beans that I don’t wanna cover today and this is already getting to long, so y’know what? We’ll go with that.
If Charlie didn’t know how to help people and was trying to figure out what she can do to help sinners get better, then why didn’t she just ask her employees for suggestions? Y’know, the other sinners who were from the human world and had experiences while they were alive and such?
Yeah, I get that not all of their advice would be exactly good or healthy (since they’re sinners who’ve done many bad things after all) BUT ITS AT LEAST SOMETHING FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!
She literally does nothing, she just expects you to immediately get better after some improvisations or whatever other activities she does and once you’ve done one nice thing then boom you’re close to redemption.
> Conclusion.
Charlie Morningstar is (like I said in the beginning) probably one of the worst characters in the hazbin hotel series, she at best a stereotype of the “everything is sunshines and rainbows” character tropes and at worst is a pathetic excuse of a main character and is nothing but a rotten shell of her character from the pilot.
I would go on about how her design’s also bad but I’m sure millions of people have already said the same issues and I’ve already posted my redesign of her before the show dropped.
I might plan on posting a rewrite of her or maybe explain my problems with another character or episode but I don’t know.
But until then, I’ll see y’all later!
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kayatoastkkat · 3 months
this is the face of a man who’s going to suffer a severe disappointment
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seriously 😭😭 top ten photos before disaster core cuz LOOK AT HIM HE WAS SO HAPPY READY TO SEE HIS HUSBAND AFTER A WHOLE MORNING OF HIM GONE
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the shock?? the confusion?? the way he couldn’t even react?? the way he knew instantly it wasn’t Henry because he would NEVER grab him like that??? kill me.
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okay well I’ll take what i can get the “darling” is sending me into the fucking stratosphere
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he’s seriously going to question himself and the world at how he fell for Hyde’s “trick” so easily, notice no one else was in the room and think he’s duped (it’s not like he would want to hear Frankie out otherwise) and worse, might think Hyde is again, blackmailing Jekyll and that Jekyll is in danger. Or….even worse if it’s possible, notice Hyde wearing Jekyll’s clothes and get a very wrong idea of what happened.
bro. bro either way Lanyon is going to be out for Hyde’s blood I CANNOT WAIT for the potential angst that would follow ESPECIALLY WITH HYDE BEING AS UNSTABLE AS THIS AND WANTED TOO OMG WAIT WAIT WHAT IF LANYON TURNS HIM IN-
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kankat11 · 9 months
I have to right a wrong in the Good Omens fandom. Over and over again I see edits of Crowley to the song killer queen, and while they are fun and entertaining you couldn't be more wrong. Crowley is good old fashioned lover boy of this pair.   Aziraphale is the killer queen. I am very passionate about this. Just look at the lyrics the literal first sentence from the song is "She keeps her Moët et Chandon In her pretty cabinet" sound familiar right?
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The subtitles are awful but you get my point.
And that is far from the only time the lyrics sound suspiciously like Aziraphale. Just look here.
" "Let them eat cake," she says Just like Marie Antoinette"
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Need I say more. Till this day I am not sure he's actually eating cake.
"Caviar and cigarettes"
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Sushi is close enough.
"Well versed in etiquette"
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"Extraordinarily nice"
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Bit too nice at times.
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It's almost creepy at times. Please ignore the subtitles.
"She's a Killer Queen"
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Just look at her.
"Insatiable an appetite"
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We aren't talking about this scene.
"To avoid complications She never kept the same addres"
I'll admit that this one doesn't fit Aziraphale.
"She spoke just like a baroness" 
"Met a man from China"
Probably at some point.
"Perfume came naturally from Paris (naturally)"
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"For cars she couldn't care less"
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Just look at his poor face.
"Gunpowder, gelatine"
He owns a gun and loves sweet things.
"Playful as a pussy cat"
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Don't mind the subtitles.
"She's out to get you"
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She is definitely out to get Crowley.
Moral of this the story is: can someone please for the love of my SANITY make an full video edit of Aziraphale to the song killer queen or if it exists please tell me. I desperately require it.
Yours sincerely KanKat,
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And to those who don't know, Paris Hilton was a victim of the Troubled Teen Industry in her late teens and spent literal years in horribly abusive institutions based on hard labor where the conditions LITERALLY killed people. So when she did her "lol I don't need to know what work is because I'm pretty" or whatever later on as a young adult, that was mainly because she wasn't ready to face that trauma publicly because she was literally forced to work her fucking ass off in the most literal physical sense of the word for years
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miss-wizard · 14 hours
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god sorry im still on it. what the fuck is wrong with these people
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katzdxd · 3 months
did you guys know at the peak of my unikitty hyperfixation I literally started writing an entire ass reboot
like I had very many episodes scripted out in my head and there was like a whole overarching arc and stuff in it. but like also it had the general writing style in it (albeit a bit different) and it was very cool. oh also it more of focused on fleshing out the world along with personalities of characters because I REALLY didn't like when they were inconsistent with worldbuilding in the OG.
there's a couple episodes I can remember like the entire plot of including like breakdowns of a bunch of scenes. I'd love to go into detail abt them sometime but idk if anyone would actually wanna listen to my little rambling
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star-kovs · 6 months
the bellamy drawing in clarke’s head is driving me crazy because she also had a drawing of lexa there as in the two loves of her life and still between him having that much of an impact in her head and the way he fought for her and brought her back with the cpr and they still never got together has me sick
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blackkatmagic · 6 months
I'm always a little weirded out by just how much both the movies and the fandom gloss over how utterly uncomfortable Padme was with being around Anakin in the beginning of AotC. Like, this is a woman who grew up under a microscope from the time she was 14, but she still goes so far as to cover all the cameras in her room, knowing that a bounty hunter is after her and just murdered one of her handmaidens, because Anakin watching her creeps her out so much.
And yeah, most of that is because the movies forget about it too in favor of reducing her character to "girl in forbidden love", but still. It's so deeply clear in the first half of the movie just how much Anakin makes Padme uncomfortable. Like. to wild degrees.
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lesbiangiratina · 3 months
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I should probably try to put some sources on other things in their design section so this looks less insane
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toiletphotoshoot · 16 days
My relationship with pokemon xy and prfr is like that of a old man with dementia waking up to see his beloved wife every morning not knowing who or what is going on but is just happy to be there
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alitgblog · 2 months
despite this volume being stick or twist, the most exciting part for me was the split second I thought that Stefan and Chen's "wild night" was gonna lead up to them hooking up with each other
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