#katagiri kanata
kanamesengoku · 1 year
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fysportsanime · 11 months
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brightersoul2 · 10 months
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MF GHOST - episode 9
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guruneko · 1 year
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Night and day
song inspo
some thoughts that were going through my head while working on these
So when i was first sketching these out, my first thought was to have the cars and the drivers match. Kind of like they share the same aura. I got the idea to have the sunshine on Kanata’s eyes and replicate that on the 86. This was a little tricky but because i made Kanata’s eyes hazel, i got the idea to work (somewhat). By doing so, this will make the car and the driver look as if they are one.
Now for Takumi, i wanted both of these two to be intimidating a little. Much less of a welcoming feel like Kanata, but like they are both staring down at the viewer. However, i didn’t want them to look to threatening so I tried to keep it at a blank stare. Idk, i just wanted to keep the monster feel to them. 
One more note, please listen to “Overload” when looking at this since this is the song that inspired the illustrations. 
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xenarts · 1 year
Kanata Katagiri x Takumi Fujiwara
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michaelfromla · 11 months
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All in - reading the manga, watching the anime... MF Ghost
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animemakeblog · 9 months
“MF Ghost 2nd Season” Announced for 2024
A "super" teaser promotional trailer for MF Ghost's upcoming second season was released, coinciding with the show's 12th and last episode. The upcoming season is slated to air in 2024.
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eternaloblivion96 · 10 months
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The Truth of Survivor. [End of Arc]
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Alright...So, I assume all of you are ready?
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Yep...Though I can’t promise I’ll actually understand anything you tell me.
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It’s ok. You’ll have time to dwell on it it. I plan on telling you the truth and the whole truth.
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But first of all...I would like to apologize...
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What for?
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Remember when Hina and Boss were chasing down Uchui? And they got attacked and knocked out before they could grab him?
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The person who attacked you...it was me.
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Wait, WHAT!?
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Why would you do that?
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In order to make this plan work, we needed Uchui to evade capture. And the reason he was even in the area that day was because I planned to meet him.
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I couldn’t have the Future Foundation get in the way, so I took drastic measures. Boss already knows the truth of this, of course.
*Everyone looks towards Makoto.
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So, you knew the truth the whole time?
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When I came to, I found that Kuripa had left a note in my pocket. He explained his actions and his reasons for what he did, and told me to buy him some time while he sorted things out.
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So...I did. I’m sorry that I kept it from you. I trusted him. And I still do. I can only hope that he tells me the full truth now, since I don’t know it.
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On that note, there’s another thing I need to apologize for keeping from you. About me and Rantaro...
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The Katagiri incident back in the US...It was not our first meeting.
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When had you met before?
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Uchui introduced us personally. He’s been working with our group for a short while now, and has had connections way back when, even before the Future Foundation’s fall.
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It was sometime after Kuripa returned from the campsite where my old friends were presiding.
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What do you mean, “your old friends?”
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I don’t know if we’ve ever actually openly admitted this to everyone yet...But Rantaro is from our world. 
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He’s another participant in the Danganronpa V3 Killing Game.
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That must have been shortly before we all decided to disband and go our separate ways. Did Uchui tell you what he had done by then?
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Selling out secrets, locations, maps, and everything Zetsubou would need to launch an attack on the Future Foundation? Yes, he told me.
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You knew Kamukura had betrayed us all this time and you didn’t tell us!?
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He had his reasons. We all did. It was all part of the big plan.
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What “big plan?”
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The plan to destroy Organization Zetsubou, once and for all.
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Destroy them?
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I don’t get it though! You still basically fucked us over! What was even the point!?
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True, and I apologize for that, but it was integral.
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In order to make this work, I needed to gain Zetsubou’s trust to the point where I would be allowed to preside in their secret base.
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I needed to get Shirogane’s attention, and I figured that was a good way to do so. Lo and behold, it worked.
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Now, because of my status and intellect, Shirogane is making good enough use of me. I wouldn’t exactly call our relationship “trust” but still, it’s good enough for me.
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So...What you’re basically saying is...
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Uchui never ACTUALLY betrayed us?
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Take it how you will, but it was kind of a “to trick your enemies, you’ve first got to trick your allies” deal.
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Yes, quite so. Uchui did indeed sell the Future Foundation’s secrets to Organization Zetsubou.
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But he did so to get into Shirogane’s pocket, and then sell Organization Zetsubou’s secrets BACK to the Future Foundation.
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Wait, what!? We haven’t heard any secrets though!
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Is that really true? 
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Wait...You mean the information we received...!?
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What is it Taichi?
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We got information about the Zetsubou lab...or rather the FF lab that Kaede was trapped in for a while, from an anonymous source. When we dug deeper, that’s when we found it.
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Could that anonymous source have been-!?
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Most likely. No, DEFINITELY. After all, Uchui already became aware of Kanata Inori’s situation, and how Zetsubou were blackmailing her with her father’s life.
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Now that Doctor Ando is free, there’s no problem.
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...The more I think on this, the more things seem to make sense.
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It’s been bugging me for a long time now, but there’s something that I just couldn’t wrap my head around...Based on the information Rantaro was receiving, Uchui must have known about our movements, even after the Future Foundation’s fall.
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You mean he knew where we were all going after we split up?
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Yes, that would be true. In order to make this strategy work, I needed the Future Foundation to gradually trust the members of ERR0RM3SS4GE. Zen Katagiri seemed like a good way to do that.
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But how would you have even known about the Katagiri situation? You were already at Zetsubou base by then and was dealing with your own problems.
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Yeah, you couldn’t have kept track of all of it so easily. How’d you pull it off?
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In order to do this, I needed information on all three major factions that the Foundation had been split into. Those who remained at the Foundation, those who went to the UK, and those who went to the US to hide.
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I could keep track of things at the Foundation myself, so it was the other two groups I needed tabs on. Which is why I told two other people about my plan beforehand, and roped them in on it.
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You hired your own spies to report?
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Yes. As you might have guessed, one of these; the one reporting from the US; was Kuripa...
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And the other...
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Was me.
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Hatsudoki was keeping tabs on the group in London. She’s the one who told me of Shuichi, Kaede and Mii-Yu’s coming. Had anything drastic happened over in the UK, she would have reported it to me.
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That’s it...Kibin was also summoned from the UK. We just happened to intercept her message.
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So she was in on this the whole time...
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Heh. I offer no apologies.
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You guys make one hell of a trio. You’re kind of like your own Kyoko/Byakuya/Makoto...
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I’d ask which one’s which, but we don’t have time for that.
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Agreed. In any case, we know how Uchui pulled it off.
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What we don’t know is the why and the what. Why Uchui felt like he had to go to such measures, and what exactly he gained from it.
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Yes...While I accept that Uchui likely went this far with the intention of helping us and destroying Zetsubou from the inside, we’ve taken far too many losses because of his actions and too few gains.
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I still hold out with the hope that he’ll come around, but surely there must have been some easier way to achieve this without having to sacrifice so much.
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Think about what it is we’ve lost because of you! We’ve lost our home and some of our friends are DEAD! What could POSSIBLY be so important that you find that acceptable!
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I DON’T find it acceptable! I’ve committed the gravest sins imaginable on the Future Foundation, and I will have you know this...
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I have a mission to complete...But once I’m done...
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I will take responsibility...and kill myself for it...
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...the fuck...!?
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A-Ain’t that a little bit much!?
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Death is the only punishment I deserve...No one will accept me after all of this. And to top it all off, my motives for going this far are purely selfish.
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Let me guess...It has to do with the serum, correct?
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The Hope Serum. The concoction that granted both Ayumu Fujimori and myself infinite power and Talents.
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In truth, Uchui is the last surviving descendant of the Kamukura bloodline. His father was also the lead researcher of the Kamukura Project; his research in which the serum was created for.
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What the hell!? You’re a Kamukura!?
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Regrettably, yes...A fact that the nightmares and hallucinations remind me of every single day...
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But if I do this...This may be my chance to get rid of them, once and for all. I have to get my hands on the serum...! I HAVE to!
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Meeting your family’s expectations, even if it means kicking others down and betraying them...
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Can’t say I agree with that ideology.
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It’s what my family lived for...But you know what?
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I agree...
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Wait, what do you mean? I thought you-
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I wanted to use the serum to experiment on people and achieve my goal of reaching other possibilities? Half true...
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The second half is indeed my goal in life, one that I don’t hope I will ever complete but the first half? I’m a better man than to use human experimentation, like my father and grandfathers before me.
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Then what the hell is the goal?
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The truth is...Uchui doesn’t want to make use of the serum. He lied about that.
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He wants to get his hands on the serum...
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So he can completely destroy it.
*There is stunned silence.
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So, he took it upon himself to erase the serum from history?
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Why did he not just come forward and ask for help?
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Oh, what a good idea!
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Why wouldn’t you come forward, admit you’re a descendant of a line of psychos and murderers, and ask for help to combat something that you’re responsible for in the first place!?
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True...It would have been impossible to just dump that on us. Especially if he held it in for so long.
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Makoto, wasn’t Uchui a student at Hope’s Peak post-tragedy? Surely he must have files on him, right?
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Uchui was accepted into Hope’s Peak as Uchui Porosen. His uncle was his legal guardian at the time, and he had also taken in the same surname. There was no record of his parents or his lineage past that.
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When did YOU find out, Kuripa?
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Shortly after we became friends. He trusted me and I helped him deal with a lot of his family’s issues.
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We can save that for another time though.
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Indeed. The other thing you asked, Kyoko, is what he discovered.
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Yes...Has he sent you any new information in regards to Zetsubou’s plan?
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Wh-What’s up? Why did you both just go super quiet?
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Come on, spill. What’s Shirogane planning?
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I...I uncovered the truth...
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Of Shirogane’s Killing Game...Danganronpa Survivor.
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The truth? But...we already know the truth. She wants to hold a Killing Game with the Survivor’s of the previous Killing Game’s, right?
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*Uchui shakes his head.
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Well, what is it then!?
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The fact about the Survivor’s being the participants is indeed true, but it’s not so simple...Let me ask you this.
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Where do you think the setting for Danganronpa Survivor will be?
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The setting?
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So like how the First Killing Game was a school, and the second was an island...
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Is it not this factory? I thought that’s why we were being held here?
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No...The truth is, the setting of Danganronpa Survivor is...
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The ENTIRE world...
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I’m sorry...!? 
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This is all that Shirogane has been working towards for a long time...The military power, the reason why she wants an Ultimate Hope army! She plans to use this world as her stage, but to do that...
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She needs to remove what’s already here...
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...Oh my god...!
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*Fuyuhiko turns towards everyone with a snarl.
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She’s gonna wipe out all of humanity for the sake of her god damn egotistical DEATH GAME!
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That...That can’t be...!?
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Why not? Shirogane is a delirious bitch, you really think she wouldn’t go this far.
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And the fact that she’s already gathering the Survivor’s now means she must be close. 
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Hold on though...Wh-What does wiping out humankind achieve!?
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According to Uchui, Shirogane’s plot goes like this.
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The 16 Killing Game survivors will wake up with no memories of their previous lives, only remembering that they are Ultimate’s with talents, and attended Hope’s Peak Academy.
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They will be told through some anonymous source that the planet is dying, and that humankind has escaped to other pastures through space travel. The only remaining people on the planet are themselves, and the other 15 survivors.
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They will be given an ultimatum. They will be granted salvation, but only under one condition.
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They must find the other survivors...and kill them, correct?
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And the last remaining survivor is the winner?
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Good guess. It’s not exactly your typical Killing Game rules, but it’s not like they’ve not been broken before.
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You see now why I couldn’t let you take Uchui in!?
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Sure, he’s done us a lot of bad, all for the sake of this plan of his, but now he is the ONLY person standing in between us and ARMAGEDDON!
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Do you...really think she can DO it?
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Maybe not at once...But with the Hope Serum and the sheer military power she’s built up over the last 8 years or so, I think she might have a shot.
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Tsumugi is putting everything on the line for this Killing Game. She’ll either make it happen, or die trying.
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Either way, lots of people are going to get killed because of her. We can’t let her do this.
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It looks like there was more to the title of “Survivor” than just being the survivor of a previous killing game.
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Yes...It appears the participants will also be the only surviving members of humanity besides her and her Zetsubou goons.
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Hold on a sec though! That doesn’t make ANY sense!
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What doesn't!?
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Shirogane has an ego the length of Cambodia. She isn’t throwing a Killing Game for the sake of casual enjoyment. 
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She wants people to SEE it. If she wipes out all of mankind, WHO will be her audience!?
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Kaede’s right...! No matter how you look at it, it goes against everything she believes!
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How can you be sure this is even true?
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Well...That’s the thing that Uchui told me most recently when I got a chance to meet him.
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It turns out that Shirogane has actually been looking into his research...And for a while now.
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I see our lovely lady detective has already figured out where we’re going with this...
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What is it Kyoko!?
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Uchui Kamukura is the Ultimate Theoretical Physicist...After his exposure, I looked into some of my research himself...
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As we know, he’s proven that it’s possible to bring people from other universes into your own, but he ALSO documented another study he made years ago...
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The power to send out and receive broadcasted footage across dimensions using science...
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...You don’t mean-!?
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Shirogane is going to...!?
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Broadcast this game across the MULTIVERSE!?
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In the very least, I know she plans to broadcast it to the world that I brought her from...
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But knowing her, she’s not going to stop at one. She will make as many people as possible watch her despair-inducing game, and no one will be able to stop it.
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All kinds of people, young and old, across multiple realities, will be forced to bare witness to this horrifying game...!
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So you see, those who will die and be forced to play part in this game will not be the only victims. She’ll bring her despair to EVERY OTHER WORLD in the multiverse if she can...
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And She CAN...
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I know that we all have our differences, and I’ve done things I’m not proud of, but this can’t continue!
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Because if we don’t stop Shirogane...
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modstarfell · 1 year
Fangan muse list
Muse means characters you roleplay as/write for
DR Blowback DR Another SDRA2 Despair Time Project Edens Garden Rebirth
Blowback: Annabelle Akeru Yozora Chinami Hasami Kana Ise Kanjiro Hayamoto Kazuki Watanabe Mai Yurino Mikihiko Koyasunaga Misako Rokuhana Ryo Koumori Seina Datenashi Shozo Asayoru Tato Shigami Torae Akatsubaki Toshiro Takahara Yosaku Fujita Yukari Koime
Danganronpa Another: Aiko Maeda (and Mr.Maeda to some extent) Akane Taira Ayame Hanato Haruhiko Kobashikawa Hikaru Ando Juu Kinjo (and Ms.Kinjo to some extent) Kakeru Yamaguchi Kanata Inori Keisuke Iranami (and family to some extent) Kinji Uehara Kiyoka Maki (and Rika/Yuzuki to some extent) Kizuna Tomori Midori Yamaguchi Mikako Kurokawa Minako Tomori Mitsuhiro Higa Rei Mekaru Ryutaro Maki Satsuki Iranami Teruya Otori Tsurugi Kinjo Yamato Kisaragi Utsuro
SDRA2: Emma Magorobi Hajime Makunouchi Hibiki Otonokoji Iroha Nijiue Kanade Otonokoji Kokoro Mitsume Mikado Sannoji (Both real and AI versions) Monocrow (and 'original' by Yuri) Nikei Yomiuri Setsuka Chiebukuro Shinji Kasai Shobai Hashimoto Sora Yoruko Kabuya Yuki Maeda Yuri Kagarin
Despair time: Ace Markey Arei Nageishi Arturo Giles Charles Cuevas David Chiem Eden Tobisa Hu Jing J Rosales Levi Fontana Min Jeung MonoTV (and Mai to some extent) Nico Hakobyan Rose Larcoix Teruko Tawaki Veronika Grevenshchikova Whit Young Xander Matthews
Project Edens Garden: Damon Maitsu Diana Venicia Eva Tsunaka Grace Madison Kai Monteago Mara (and Cara to some extent) Toshiko Kayura Wolfgang Akire
Rebirth: Ayumu Fujimori Akira Tsuchiya Aruma Todoromi Kasumi Izumo Kazuomi Samejima Kego Sakuma Maiko Kagura Marin Mizuta Mikoto Itsuki Misuzu Aisaka Mitsunari Koga Narumi Osone Nico Himuro Saiji Rokudo Seishi Yozogawa/Zen Katagiri
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gameforestdach · 9 months
Die Welt der Anime-Rennen nimmt wieder Fahrt auf mit der sehnlich erwarteten zweiten Staffel von "MF Ghost", deren Startschuss offiziell für 2024 festgelegt ist. Als Nachfolger von "Initial D" hat diese Fortsetzung die Erwartungen mit einem super Teaser PV beschleunigt, der in den dramatischen letzten Minuten des Finales der ersten Staffel enthüllt wurde. Regie führte Tomohito Naka und das Drehbuch stammt von Kenichi Yamashita. "MF Ghost" entführt die Zuschauer in eine Zukunft, die von selbstfahrenden Elektroautos dominiert wird. Jedoch schlägt das Herz der Serie im Takt der Motoren von Verbrennungsmaschinen, wenn der Protagonist, Kanata Rivington, ein talentierter japanisch-britischer Fahrer, in den MFG-Rennen in Japan an den Start geht. Die Handlung verdichtet sich mit Rivingtons Suche nach seinem verschollenen Vater, was den Hochgeschwindigkeitsnervenkitzel um eine persönliche Dimension erweitert. Die Animation wurde gekonnt von Felix Film umgesetzt, was sicherstellt, dass das visuelle Spektakel mit der Adrenalin geladenen Action der Rennen mithält. Die Sprecherbesetzung der ersten Staffel, mit Yuuma Uchida an der Spitze als Kanata Katagiri/Kanata Rivington, verlieh der spannungsgeladenen Erzählung Leben. Ayane Sakura, Daisuke Ono, Hiroshi Kamiya, Daisuke Namikawa und Junichi Suwabe ergänzten das hochoktanige Drama mit ihren Stimmen. Ihre Darbietungen, zusammen mit der fließenden Animation und fesselnden Storyline, haben die Fans ungeduldig auf die Rückkehr dieser Charaktere in der neuen Staffel warten lassen. "MF Ghost" basiert auf der Mangaserie von Shuichi Shigeno, die seit 2017 im Kodanshas Weekly Young Magazine serialisiert wird. Bis Oktober 2023 wurde die Serie auf 18 Tankoubon-Bände erweitert. Diese Fortsetzung des Kultklassikers "Initial D" bewahrt das Wesen des Straßenrennsports, während sie es in eine Zukunft steuert, in der Technologie und Tradition aufeinander treffen. Der Teaser für die zweite Staffel, ein kurzes, doch eindrucksvolles 15-Sekunden-Video, stellt Kanatas ikonischen Toyota 86 GT zur Schau. Dieser rotfarbene Wagen, der Kanatas Renngeist symbolisiert, gehörte zuvor Ogata, einer Figur, die eine starke Vorliebe für traditionelle Verbrennungsmotoren hat. Der Teaser, der auf YouTube und Twitter Begeisterung entfacht hat, deutet auf mehr Hochgeschwindigkeitsaction und Drama in der kommenden Staffel hin. Während die Vorfreude steigt, spekulieren die Fans über die neuen Herausforderungen und Abenteuer, die auf Kanata und seine Weggefährten auf den Rennstrecken Japans warten. Das Versprechen von "MF Ghost" Staffel 2 ist nicht nur mehr Rennen, sondern auch eine tiefergehende Erkundung seiner Charaktere, ihrer Motivationen und der sich entwickelnden Welt des Motorsports. Bleib dran, denn 2024 nähert sich und die Motoren von "MF Ghost" werden für eine weitere atemberaubende Fahrt durch die Straßen und Rennstrecken Japans hochgefahren, mit einem Mix aus Geschwindigkeit, Strategie und atemberaubender Spannung. Für weitere Informationen zu "MF Ghost" und der kommenden Staffel besuche die offiziellen Quellen: Offizielle Webseite von MF Ghost
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kanamesengoku · 11 months
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fysportsanime · 11 months
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brightersoul2 · 11 months
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MF GHOST - episode 3
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guruneko · 1 year
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Taktober week 1
I had something else planned for this week but i couldn't stop thinking about old man Takumi
I might post another thing for this week because i can't with this show.
can you imagine being Takumi and having to see this from time to time
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afabstract · 1 year
MF Ghost Episode 1 Review
In a future dominated by self-driving electric cars, "MF Ghost" revs up the competition with Kanata Katagiri, a young racing prodigy, chasing speed and glory.
Set in a future where self-driving electric cars have completely replaced fuel-based vehicles, the 2023 Japanese anime “MF Ghost” is based on the manga series of the same name by Shuichi Shigeno. The plot focuses on a Japanese racing event called ‘MFG’, popular for featuring drivers competing in internal-combustion vehicles. The protagonist is 19-year-old Kanata Katagiri, a Japanese-British…
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