captain-hen · 1 year
My impression of being an anon on this site: noooo! How dare you have your own opinions on your own blog that I, a random unidentifiable person who you probably don't know, personally dislike?! 😡 The audacity and the nerve of you thinking things that I did not approve you to think!! 😡😡
(did I do it? Is that how you anon??)
Nah but fr keep being amazing you actually light up my dash with your analyses and ilysm 💖💖
this made me laugh so loudly, thank you dear <33 hope you have a great day!! ❤❤
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rexismycopilot · 1 year
I need you to know that I have exactly 0 interest in sex or romance or dating or any of that, and yet whilst reading your works I have been picking up kinks left right and centre 😳🤯 reconciling that has been very...fun? 🤣🤣🤣 love everything you write so so so much btw you're amazing 💖😘💐
Awww, thank you!!
I don't know about you, but sometimes it takes awhile for the kinks to "sink in" for me and then suddenly they hit and go BOOM!
Also, I think it's totally valid to love reading about kinks, but not wanting to necessarily experience them irl. All is valid!! 💗
Thank you so so so much for the kind words! I truly appreciate it!
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
i will admit it (if you admit it) 
Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 8094
“Buck,” Eddie tries again, voice pillowy soft. “Let me help. I know you don’t want to talk to Bobby but at least talk to me. I’m your best friend.”
He bites the inside of his cheek, eyes burning as his fingers clench around the door handle.
“I- I don’t know why you felt like you had to go to that lawyer instead of coming to me but we can figure this out, okay? We’ll figure it out.”
It’s agony staying still, agony not to rip the door open and hug Eddie as tight as he can and say he’s sorry and can they please fix this. But he does it. He doesn’t move, doesn’t react at all, and after the longest two minutes of his life he hears a noise that could be Eddie sighing on the other side of the door.
“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t try.”
Eddie’s footsteps are only audible for a few seconds before he’s out of earshot and Buck lets out the wounded noise he’d been holding in as soon as he’s sure he’s gone.
In which Buck discovers the road home is a lot more complicated than he'd first thought.
read here on ao3
@evanbucxley @mellaithwen @seacoloredeyes @hmslusitania @hattalove @elvensorceress @wilddragonflying @paranoidbean @eastofoktober @bucksbuddie @megslovesbooks @fleurdebeton @elenaazra @azuresoulsblog @alex1424 @mmtions @midnightxscape @vilanaxxa @hearteyesdiaz @bat-a-tat-tat @wildlife4life @himbodiaz @mxrilynxnne @nouseance @athousandsplendidfreckles @fraddit @kathrynduske @simwizard43  @rutherfordbz  @wherediputtheeggs  @finduilasclln @constructiononsunsett  @leothil @karmilleryn @heretohelptheidiots @thesetwoorthosetwo @everexpandingheart @messyhairdiaz @the-skeptic-pancake  @majesticlymortal @diazboysbuckley @swiftiesisters14  @stellarm @chobani-flip
Let me know if you want to be added/removed 💕
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capseycartwright · 2 years
Idk if you're still doing this buuuuuut 51 and 54 for buddie? Love literally all of your writing btw
51. accidentally married & 54. secret relationship?
Being in a relationship with Buck, even secretly, was kind of the best. The last two months had been some of the best of Eddie’s life - secret kisses shared in the car on the way to work, quiet conversations as they made dinner. It was nothing short of domestic bliss, if Eddie was being honest - they had settled into a relationship with a kind of ease that Eddie hadn’t expected.
They’d still kept it secret, though. It was hard, for Eddie sometimes - having a sexuality crisis in your thirties was overwhelming enough, without starting a relationship with the love of your life (who happens to be a man) at the same time. Eddie knew no one would judge, and even if they did, they weren’t someone worth having in his life, but Eddie still wasn’t ready to let anyone else in on the secret.
Selfishly, he wanted to live in their blissful Buck and Eddie a little longer.
Until -
Well, until Chimney’s bachelor party.
It was Albert’s fault, ultimately. Chimney hadn’t wanted a bachelor party, not a major one at least, but Albert had insisted it was an important rite of passage, and so they had ended up in Las Vegas for three days.
Three days, and still they managed to - well, do something completely insane.
Eddie groaned, as he woke up, his head feeling as though it had been through a blender as he struggled to open his eyes. He wasn’t sure he’d ever been this hungover in his entire life - it felt as though he was about to puke every single one of his internal organs out of his body, and Eddie didn’t consider that a dramatic statement.
“Buck,” he groaned, shoving at his boyfriend. They were sharing a room anyway, two twin beds, to keep their cover, and yet someone, they had ended up sharing one of them, every inch of their bodies pressed together.
As he moved, something caught a glimpse of something on his finger. It was - it was a gold band, Eddie realised, a wedding band, sitting there, clear as day on his left ring finger.
What - what the fuck?
“Buck,” Eddie repeated, a little louder this time, panic setting in as he looked around the room. The hotel room was trashed, their clothes thrown everywhere, an empty bottle of champagne swimming in what Eddie assumed used to be a bucket full of ice. There was a marriage licence, sitting on the nightstand, their names written neatly in print, and signed in two very drunken, messy signatures.
They had gotten married?
Eddie wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol that made his stomach churn, or the shock of the situation, but it felt like his stomach was doing backflips all the same. “Buck,” he called a third time, shoving Buck hard enough to send him flying off the bed.
Buck blinked owlishly at Eddie from his position on the floor, looking as rough as Eddie felt. “What was that for?” he whined, always a pity when he was hungover. Buck didn’t deal well with hangovers. Eddie had known that long before they had gotten together, back when they were just friends.
Eddie waved his hand at Buck. “I think we got married last night.”
Buck’s eyes widened, looking down at his hands. “Are you - are you sure it’s legal?”
Eddie glared at his boyfriend. “I haven’t had time to verify that Buck, no, given I woke up five minutes ago, but there’s rings and a marriage licence. That - that seems pretty clear to me.”
Buck groaned, pressing his face into the crumpled duvet. “We got married.”
“We got married,” Eddie echoed. “The team don’t even know we’re dating, Buck, and I think we probably brought them all to our tacky Vegas wedding last night.”
Buck snorted. “I can’t believe we had a tacky Vegas wedding, Eddie.”
Eddie tossed a pillow at Buck's head. "We've got bigger problems than our tacky wedding Buck. Like the whole married part of it all!"
send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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willowcrowned · 2 years
Follow up to my thoughts on the stealth heels (not on anon this time because I am having Thoughts also I didn't know they even had a name?? So that's cool) does Qui-Gon ever get one chair in his dining room made shorter/without a cushion specifically for if Dooku comes to visit ever so he can be taller even when sitting down because it seems like the kind of thing he would do
jdnfcmekjdnfkd he ABSOLUTELY does
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This is going to sound really weird but I actually needed a good cry today and that really helped so...thank you? Your writing is as wonderful as ever, although I will perhaps go and reread some of the happier parts of the series now 😂💖
incredibly valid, sometimes i too need a good cry! and im happy i could give you one <3 i hope you have fun with the fluff and a good rest of your day!
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tulipanthousa · 2 years
Gosh we are being blessed today, you really did wake up and look at the prinxiety fans and choose violence and that is very sexy of you /hj
Also I appear to have developed a thing for fangs and I will Not be examining this realisation today thank you very much 😂😂😳😳
its that sweet sweet prinxiety brainrot BAYBEEEEEE
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jasontoddiefor · 3 years
Sorry if you answered this one already but Barriss X Ahsoka? also i love your writing 💖✌️
Thank you!!! I’m glad you like my writing! And yep!
Barissoka: Ship It
What made you ship it?
They’re friends and it’s queer and yes. Just 10/10.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
The idea of them supporting each other, growing up and growing close during the war and just supporting each other is aaah, such a lovely image.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Don’t have one! But I do ignore the entire wrong jedi arc. Never happened.
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primeemeraldheiress · 3 years
You absolutely don't have to answer all of these, I'm just always super curious when people do ask games and you're one of my favourite authors so yeah
#28 - if you could stop one character from doing one thing, who, what, and why?
#29 - which character doesn't get enough credit/screentime?
#40 - if you could make your own SW trilogy/series, what would it be about?
Okay that's all, thank you, I love your writing and I may or may not have gone on a little bit of a binge read instead of working on my dissertation today oops
28 I just answered here. 💖
29: Shmi. Give me more Shmi. Can you imagine how fucking hard it had to be to raise Anakin-kriffing-Skywalker? Child of the Force? On Tatooine??? Give👏Shmi👏her👏credit👏!!! And a wife😏
40: I’d love to see the twins growing up. Give me a series about Leia wreaking havoc in her boarding schools and Luke racing across the desert, omg.
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Not real clear on what my gender even is so I can't donate it but you wanna time share? You can have the bits that I'm not using (which TBH is most of them because I put my gender down for two seconds and WHOOPS it's gone)
it’s gone because I took it :)
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twistedingenue · 7 years
tobinlaughing replied to your post “can we all at least agree that the corner pieces of pizza are the best...”
Corner pieces are for brownies. Middle squares are the best pizza. Middle = more cheese.
Well, at least we can eat a pizza together. As for the rest of you: kathrynduske replied to your post “can we all at least agree that the corner pieces of pizza are the best...”
Since when do circles have corners? Did u mean the crust?
beatrice-babe replied to your post “can we all at least agree that the corner pieces of pizza are the best...”
Pizzas are round?????
janetsvandyne replied to your post “can we all at least agree that the corner pieces of pizza are the best...”
no bc pizza should be round, you god damn pleb
The pizza is round. The cut is square. Generally, these are crispy thin crust pizzas, cut into squares, so that introduces 4 corner pieces. 
....this is one of those Chicago/Midwestern things, isn’t it?
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Hey hey @kathrynduske, do you see what happens when I get asks? My brain gets out of control and I end up with 3 new WIPs. But still, enjoy the second chapter. I've moved it over to AO3 for ease of access.
Title: If The Sky Comes Falling Down (There's Nothing I Wouldn't Do For You) 2/?
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Warnings: N/A
Summary: There's a rule that states unmated omegas must be placed in a pool to be married off if they are still single once they are the age of majority. Obi-Wan was exempt because he was a Jedi but then the war starts but when they realize that will mean making an omega a General, so the particular senators team up and get the Jedi exclusion rule thrown out.
Obi-Wan either must be entered into the pool or be faced with marrying Anakin, the only Jedi close enough to marry him before the Senate's guards come for him. Anakin agrees to save his master from a horrible fate.
Unbeknownst to them, there was also a new subsection added that states that said omega must be pregnant within a year to prevent fake marriages.
Additional Tags:
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Alpha Anakin Skywalker
Omega Obi-Wan Kenobi
Alternate Universe - Dystopia
Fake Marriage
Friends to Lovers
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tennessoui · 3 years
I second kathrynduske. You must have the characters’ personalities down so well to be able to write them in so many different situations and have them feel as them. Also, I’ve avoided modern AUs before, but I wanted more of your writing, so I read those stories of yours too and they were just as good and if you end up writing other tropes, AUs etc that I normally don’t read, I’ll read them by you. Can’t get enough. Time and tide has my heart though. I cheered when you first posted it. Love, love, love time travel and now with young flirty Obi-Wan completely stumping Anakin… if you add anymore of my favorite things to it, I’ll swoon.
In your response to kathrynduske, you mentioned exploring Obi-Wan falling as one of the main points in Use My Body and it made me think of something that became a head canon for me when reading The Desert Storm Series by Blue_Sunshine. I’d love your thoughts on the concept. Been loving all your thoughts on all the asks since I followed you here a couple of weeks back. Please and thank you.
So, imagine this: Obi-Wan’s defeated Anakin on Mustafar and is trying to convince himself to end it. He can’t. He feels in his bones that if he does, he’ll fall to the dark side. Killi no Anakin, even this Sith version of Anakin goes so against everything he is and everything he feels. So he can’t
But what if he did? What if he killed Anakin and fell because of it?
And to make a fic idea out of it, what I’d that fallen Obi-Wan time travelled determined to keep Anakin alive at all costs. Killing him brought out the worst in Obi-Wan, so naturally keeping him alive might resurrect the good. And also, he should probably keep Anakin in the light to be safe, so he doesn’t need to be killed again.
Also, seeing all your stories and all your replies inspires me so much. If I post any stories in the near future, it’ll be because of you.
(Also, it was me who sent the fairytale three wishes ask - thanks for that response!!! You were so nice about it that I want to ask out of anon)
💞🥺💞🥺oh this is so 🥺🥺nice and kind and sweet omg thank you??? im very touched im so glad you like what i do with the characters enough to send me this and also off anon!!! you can always send me stuff of anon 🥺🥺 i promise 🥺i get exactly what you're saying about modern aus because i've always been wary in the past of them and never thought i'd write so many, but thank you for giving mine a chance and there's so many amazing other ones out there too!! but thank you again for reading mine 💞💞💞
as for this idea you've mentioned, i've never read this story, but the idea that obi-wan can't bring himself to kill anakin really reminds me of this gifset i reblogged a few days ago that was like 'to strike him down would be to strike at his own heart, to burn it to ash' or something which is just really really sad obikin bless. i love this continuation and very literal take on that moment where killing anakn would literally just be his Fall and it's making me SO emotional
i feel like the way i'd carry on with such a sad awful (in a good way) premise is that if he does kill anakin, then he does fall, and then he also dies on mustafar, a Sith. And the Force is like. 'this is wrong. this is really all wrong.' and then obi-wan's soul is sent back in time to whichever date (a few asks from maybe yesterday were set in a AOTC time travel period) but he still remembers what it was like to firstly kill anakin and then to fall. and he's battling his own memories of how freeing and nice it felt to fall because if anakin's still alive there's no reason for that and he's BETTER than that. and anakin notices this change in his master and how his master is suddenly very against leaving him alone for any period of time (because obi-wan can't figure out when anakin begins to Fall so better safe than sorry)
but his master is now just. more demonstrative? in a way that anakin responds to almost helplessly. and that's.....nice. that's really.....nice. that's sort of.....save the galaxy, change-yer-fate-would-yah nice......
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
Take What You Need, Darling
Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 14048
“Who are you?”
And Eddie intends to answer him, he really does, except-
“You must be Eddie,” the woman says, her earlier hostile tone being replaced with the utmost civility. “Maddie’s fiancé.”
Evan reels back like he’s been punched, snapping his gaze frantically between Eddie and Maddie. “Maddie’s what?”
“How rude of us,” the woman says, drifting away from Maddie’s bedside to come stand in front of him instead. “Eddie, I’m Margaret and this is my husband, Phillip. It really is so lovely to meet you.”
A Buddie While You Were Sleeping au.
read here on ao3
@evanbucxley @mellaithwen @seacoloredeyes @hmslusitania @hattalove @elvensorceress @wilddragonflying @paranoidbean @eastofoktober @bucksbuddie @megslovesbooks @fleurdebeton @elenaazra @azuresoulsblog @alex1424 @mmtions @midnightxscape @vilanaxxa @hearteyesdiaz @bat-a-tat-tat @wildlife4life @himbodiaz @mxrilynxnne @nouseance @athousandsplendidfreckles @fraddit @kathrynduske @simwizard43  @rutherfordbz  @wherediputtheeggs  @finduilasclln @constructiononsunset  @leothil @karmilleryn @heretohelptheidiots @thesetwoorthosetwo @everexpandingheart @messyhairdiaz @the-skeptic-pancake  @majesticlymortal @diazboysbuckley @swiftiesisters14  @stellarm @chobani-flip
let me know if you’d like to be added/removed <3
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Sparkling water is disappointing solely because it isn't glittery, WHERE are my sparkles in this water? 🥺😂
*pours an entire container of luster dust into my la croix*
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tulipanthousa · 3 years
That was simultaneously the hottest and the cutest thing I think I've read all month, what a treat! And what an amazing writer you are! 💖💖💖
alskdjaslkd /)>///<(\ thank you! They are simply Tender
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