#katniss and Peeta fight
lovepersevering13 · 8 months
Can I request something Everlark?
I have this idea about them on victory tour, but it's a bit raw. The prompt is "Well, I can't read your damn mind, sweetheart!" And it's about them having a fight shortly before they arrive in D1, which was tough for Katniss because of Glimmer and Marvel. And she is really struggling and starts a fight with Peeta on the train, but they make up again 🥺🥺🥺 thank u ✨
Haunted - Everlark
Thank you so much for this request!!! It’s longer than I originally planned it to be but I just kept wanting to add more… :)
Summary: The stress of the victory tour causes some tension between Katniss and Peeta
Warnings: Survivors guilt, guilt, arguments, mention of character death, minimal editing so there are probably some issues here… (Please let me know if there are any more I should add)
Word Count: 2164
There wasn’t much to enjoy on the victory tour. The repetitive, tedious and depressing routine caused each miserable day to blur together into a whirl of torture. Katniss constantly tried to remind herself that she was doing absolutely everything she could but in all honesty everyone knew by then that no amount of kissing, hand holding or giddy smiling at Peeta was going to pacify the rioting districts.
On top of the helplessness she felt surrounding the threats from president Snow, she was hit each day with a violent and guilt ridden reminder of each tribute who should’ve been in her place.
It really did feel as if the one and only thing stopping her from going completely mad was the undeserved, dutifully loving and gentle presence of Peeta Mellark by her side through it all.
As the train sped along steadily he lay sleepily next to her. Peeta didn’t have to be in there with her, but he was every single night without fail.
Katniss was grateful for Peeta. She really, truly was, even though she didn’t have the strength to tell him as much.
Usually she could sleep perfectly fine with Peeta next to her but even though she was curled up in her bed with Peeta’s sleeping face mere inches from hers she couldn’t rest. Her stomach was too heavy with guilt to do anything but lay paralyzed and count the seconds between his breaths.
The train was steadily but surely approaching district 1, Katniss found herself unable to think of anything but their tributes from last year. Before the games started Glimmer and the boy from one had the odds stacked in their favor (As much as they could be in the games) but somehow… She killed them both.
What tormented her the most on this night was that tomorrow she would look into the eyes of their loved ones and know that she was the reason their children were not in her place.
It was the one thing she couldn’t talk about with Peeta. He understood so much of what she’d been through but he hadn’t a drop of blood on his hands. Some days Katniss was so covered in the blood of others that she was practically choking on it. Like tonight.
Peeta rose with the sun every morning, a habit from the bakery. So when the blurry orange hues began to paint the sky out of the train window Katniss was not at all surprised by Peeta stirring next to her.
In the mornings Peeta looked so peaceful that it brought a sense of ease to everyone around him. At least it did for Katniss.
“You’re awake early,” He murmured softly, staring at Katniss with hazy blue eyes,
“So are you,” She stated, Peeta smirked and rolled onto his back,
“I’m always awake early,”
“I know,” She rolled onto her back, mirroring his position. Despite how close they come in sleep, the morning always brought a painful amount of awkward distance.
“You didn’t have a nightmare last night?”
Katniss answers silently with a large yawn,
“You didn’t?” She questions,
Peeta smiled, masking his worry over Katniss’s lack of sleep, “Not with you here,” He answered, turning to face her. Peeta shamelessly admired her.
The way the light brought out the prettiest of shades in her hair, the way her flushed, sleepy cheeks contrasted her deeply tanned skin and the way she let him find solace in her presence.
Peeta’s admiring was cut short by a rampant knock on the door,
“Katniss, we have a big, big, big day ahead of us!”
Then the day started. Breakfast, makeup, hair, a beautiful dress lined with cascading golden jewels that only Cinna’s trustworthy hands could craft. Katniss glimmered (pun not intended) on every light she touched. The dress wasn’t too heavy, itchy or revealing as per usual, and of course it looked beautiful. She looked beautiful.
Carefully Cinna adjusted the complex braid which was wrapped in a majestic crown around Katniss’s head. He placed three palm sized cards on the vanity in front of her.
“Here are the cards from Effie,”
“Thank you,” Katniss sighed. She had long ago given up on trying to deviate from the cards - even Peeta who was much better with speeches stuck to the cards.
“Now, show me that smile,” Cinna urged, one hand comfortingly and firmly placed on each of Katniss’s jewel studded shoulders.
Katniss would never perfect the art of forced smiles.
She moved on autopilot as she made her way to the justice building. Peeta took her hand, Peacekeepers opened the doors and Katniss stepped out into the blaring sun. Marvel, she noted, was the name of the boy. She killed him and didn’t even know his name. Her next breath took more effort than her last. Katniss had learnt days ago not to look at the family no matter how much she wanted to. Instead, she stared at the shimmery photo of Glimmer, Glimmer stared back at her.
Katniss was going through the motions but her mind was miles away. Specifically, up the top of a tree in the middle of the arena, Tracker jackers buzzing irritatingly around her head. On her skin.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Sting. Sting. Sting.
Katniss gritted her teeth and tried desperately not to reveal herself by swatting at the Tracker jackers.
She kept going, reading the cards, kissing Peeta’s cheek.
Sting. Sting. Sting. Her skin was bloating and her throat was closing in. Katniss kept her face placid. They couldn’t see her pain.
They couldn’t see.
They couldn’t see.
They couldn’t see.
The door slammed shut behind them with a thud just in time for Katniss to suck in a violently loud breath.
Peeta was still linked to her side- suffocating.
In panic, Katniss shoved Peeta off her, simultaneously stumbling back against the wall.
Effie shrieked.
“Katniss,” Haymitch hissed in warning. Katniss glanced at Peeta, his face was almost blank but his eyes scanned the room for people who saw Katniss’s small outburst.
Katniss took slow breaths, averting her eyes from everyone in the room. She spread her palms against the wall behind her, slowly tracing her fingers over a golden jewels implanted in the wall.
She stayed like that for a moment, those around her sharing weary looks until Cinna placed a hand on her arm and led her away.
Once Katniss wa re-dressed and designed for dinner, another extravagant golden dress, skin tight and floor length, accompanied by flowing sheer sleeves, a white shawl made of fox skin and a light golden glitter on her cheeks and eyelids which served to feminize her like the most delicate jewel. She sat at the vanity, swallowing her nerves thickly.
There was a knock on her door, Effie, she suspected.
“Come in,” Katniss called sitting up straight, she really couldn’t handle a lecture from Effie right now.
Peeta creaked the door open slightly, just enough that Katniss got a glimpse of his shimmery outfit, seemingly cut from the same length of golden fabric as hers. And, if it wasn’t just a trick of the light, his blonde curls were dusted with gold. Peeta was also not exempt from the makeup, he wore dark heavy eyeliner and his prep team had accentuated his jawline and cheekbones to such an extent that he looked nothing like the gentle Peeta she’d woken up to that morning.
“Cinna did a good job on your dress,”
“And Portia on your suit,” Katniss responded quietly. Peeta nodded and entered the room, he closed the door behind him, preventing passer-bys from overhearing whatever he wanted to discuss.
Peeta wanted to clear the tension before they had to spend the evening madly in love, it had proven much easier when they were at least friendly with each other. He also didn’t want to sleep alone that night.
“Can we talk about earlier?” He asked hesitantly,
“There’s nothing to talk about.” She stated,
“Look Katniss, this works better when we’re open with each other,”
Peeta waited momentarily, assuming her agreement would evoke further comment.
That was the thing with Katniss though, you could never assume anything.
Peeta grew impatient with every passing second,
“Well I can’t read your damn mind sweetheart,” Katniss recoiled at the term, Peeta knew that name got under her skin.“Look Katniss, I get that this is hard for you but we can’t get through this if we don’t work together.“
“You don’t understand Peeta,” She snapped dismissively,
“Help me understand, I want to understand Katniss!” He snapped back, running a hand through his hair, erasing what was probably hours of work.
Katniss pursed her lips, staring blankly at Peeta, how could she even begin to make him understand. She didn’t want him to ever have to understand the crushing weight that she carried constantly.
“You just wouldn’t get it.” She stated, with a sense of finality that Peeta couldn’t be bothered to argue with.
Peeta left, though he was cautious not to slam the door and immediately don a charming smile.
Katniss and Peeta made sure that they acted the same as usual all through dinner, though there wasn’t much of a difference: it was always an act anyway.
The main difference occurred after dinner, when Katniss sat on the edge of her bed waiting for Peeta. As more time passed she began to feel increasingly foolish. She had just expected him to apologize like he usually would, though she knew it wasn’t his fault. Katniss was so used to him doting upon her that it was easy to pretend she was always in the right.
Exhaustion and fear began to overtake her. The lack of sleep from the night before was beginning to catch up to her but she couldn’t handle the darkness of night alone. Without Peeta.
She did feel terrible for the things she’d said in the moment, she knew Peeta had been under similar pressures, she just felt jealous that he was able to handle it better than her.
The guilt of yelling at Peeta was the last unsteady brick needed to bring her crumbling down.
Katniss slipped on a deep green cardigan over her silky gray t-shirt and lounge pants before heading towards Peeta’s room. It was empty, bed made, shoes neatly lined by the door, bathroom door wide open- also, empty. Katniss had never really seen Peeta’s room before, he always came to her. It looked identical to hers, only she doubted it had ever been destroyed in a fit of rage.
Katniss continued her search, going to the next logical place- despite it being her least favorite room on the train. The door to Peeta’s studio was cracked slightly open and she could smell the paint fumes leaking out from it. She knocked on the door,
“Peeta?” She called weakly,
Peeta appeared at the door.
Peeta’s long sleeved cotton shirt and linen pants were speckled and splattered in paint- primarily, greens and reds. Katniss noticed Peeta’s leg was detached and perched against the wall. He clutched an elegant golden walking stick to support himself.
“Peeta-“ She started, “I’m sorry,”
“No, I am,”
The two clambered over each other to apologize.
“No Peeta. I’m sorry. I’ve been really stressed recently and I was just…” Katniss struggled to put words to her feelings.
“I get it Katniss, I’m not mad. I know you’ve been put under a lot of pressure recently,”
“I’m still sorry,”
“Thank you.” Peeta smiled, limping to the stool in the middle of the room.
Katniss lets herself in, keeping her eyes trained to the floor- a fear of nightmares written on every walk in this room. She sat cross legged on the floor in front of him.
“We should talk about it though, when you’re ready?” Peeta suggested,
“I know,” Katniss nodded, this time deciding she probably ought to continue.
“Glimmer and Marvel… I killed both of them. Their blood, it’s in my hands.”
Peeta’s brows furrowed thoughtfully. If he believed the train wasn’t bugged he’d assure Katniss that the only hands stained crimson were Snow’s. However, Peeta wasn’t stupid.
“I killed Foxface,” He murmured instead.
Katniss was shocked, her illusion of loneliness in guilt being shattered around her was enough to make her look up to meet Peeta’s eyes despite the horrors all around them.
“What? Peeta, no. She ate those berries, it wasn't your fault,” Katniss corrected him.
“If I hadn’t been gathering them…”
Katniss couldn’t help but reach forward and gently rest her hand against his one knee.
“It wasn’t your fault Peet,” she promised, horrified at how someone as perfect as Peeta could be plagued by the same guilt she’d carried for so many months.
“Then it wasn’t your fault either,” Peeta took Katniss’s hand off his knee and cradled it in his hand,
“Promise me you won’t blame yourself for their deaths Katniss,”
“I promise,” She sighed, unsure how she’d ever truly keep that promise, but for Peeta she was willing to try.
(Let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is welcome)
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man, I can't believe people who say that Katniss and Peeta never would have found each other without the Games forgot the most important line in all of Katniss' narration regarding Peeta:
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"This would have happened anyway" is such an important line from Katniss in regards to her relationship with Peeta after three entire books of uncertainty and anxiety.
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everlarksquell · 5 months
what a pair of unserious dorks, i love their friendship so much
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ivysos2001 · 7 months
I think one thing that’s so important about the hunger games (and something that sets it apart from a lot of other ya media) is the fact that all the teenage characters are treated like teenagers by the adults around them.
And because of that- every single teenage character in the hunger games is constantly being manipulated/influenced/controlled by those adults (both by people trying to protect them and those trying to use them for their own gain)
Katniss and Peeta are kept out of the rebel plans for the quarter quell by haymitch (to protect them) and the others (to protect the plan). They’re also manipulated directly by Snow himself into playing up their romance in cf to try to prevent a rebellion. Gale (with his knack for traps) is manipulated by coin and the rebels as something they can use for weapons development and military strategy. Even prim is manipulated by coin into being part of the medic team sent to the Capitol (so that her sister has to watch her die). Even young snow and his high ambitions in tbosas are manipulated by Gaul and and Highbottom in his early attempts to gain power/glory for himself. And, of course, every teenager who’s ever been sent to the hunger games has been manipulated into participating in their show- this also includes all of the victors that continued being manipulated by the Capitol long into adulthood (like haymitch whose loved ones were all killed to prevent further rebellious behavior or finnick who was trafficked by snow because he was young and desirable).
Like this is not a series where the teenagers are special and the adults treat them as peers/equals bc of how special/important they are for whatever reason. This is a series where every teenager 👏 is 👏a 👏 teenager 👏 and is treated as such by all of the adults/governments/social systems around them. They all have that teenage naivety about them that’s constantly being used/manipulated by the adults around them (both for attempts at the teens’ protection and for the adults’ own causes/gains)
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capric0rnie · 9 months
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do we think katniss runs the peeta mellark fan club twitter on the side or is she so bad at social media that she makes someone like prim do it and tells her what to post
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Peeta: Are we fighting or flirting?
Katniss: I'm pinning you to the wall with my hand around your neck-
Peeta: Your point?
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plenaurum · 6 months
The funniest thing about THG is that most of the happenings could've been prevented if the Gamemakers didn't try to renege on the rule change. If they just allowed Katniss and Peeta to win at the same time without trying to milk as much melodrama as possible out of their star-crossed-lover story, Katniss wouldn't have done that shit with the berries. And the uprisings would've arguably been kept at a minimum.
So really, it's their fault for trying to push their luck.
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nightlocked-in · 1 month
please does anybody have fic recs where you see a bunch of hijacked!peeta and katniss hash it out, like they have a bunch of interactions or talk more even if it’s just yelling
before prim dies i mean, or maybe in a canon divergent au
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 months
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Victors of The Hunger Games at the age that they won.
Haymitch / Finnick / Annie / Johanna / Katniss / Peeta
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AU Idea:
Peeta is rescued, non-hijacked. Katniss, in a desperate bid to be with him and by his side when doctors try removing her uses the wife card.
Coin, who may or may not know Katniss and Peeta weren't married, decides if Katniss is gonna act like they are married she will too. They promptly are requested to move in together. Sign a marriage certificate. And she loosely implies that Katniss and Peeta, as a young, healthy and presumably fertile couple will be encouraged to have children.
Peeta, at first, is SUPER bothered by this. They are being forced into things again and it feels gross.
Katniss on the other hand, is only seeing this as an excuse to have Peeta cuddle time. Which after all she's been through, she feels like she deserves. If it takes marriage to stop people prying him away from her she will happily do it. This reaction does a lot to soothe Peetas reaction.
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bestloversfan · 1 year
Katniss admitting that she was/had been suppressing or denying her feelings for Peeta: 
"[...]And then he gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me.
A warning bell goes off in my head. Don't be so stupid. Peeta is planning how to kill you. I remind myself. He is luring you in to make you easy prey. The more likable he is, the more deadly he is." (The Hunger Games) 
"I wish that Peeta were here to hold me, until I remember I'm not supposed to wish that anymore." (Catching Fire) 
"He tucks me in and says good night but I catch his hand and hold him there. A side effect of the sleep syrup is that it makes people less inhibited, like white liquor, and I know I have to control my tongue. But I don't want him to go. In fact, I want him to climb in with me, to be there when the nightmares hit tonight. For some reason that I can't quite form, I know I'm not allowed to ask that." (Catching Fire)
"[...]Warmth radiates from the spot where his lips just touch my neck, slowly spreading through the rest of me. It feels so good, so impossibly good, that I know I will not be the first to let go. And why should I? I have said goodbye to Gale. I’ll never see him again, that’s for certain. Nothing I do now can hurt him. He won’t see it or he’ll think I am acting for the cameras. That, at least, is one weight off my shoulders." (Catching Fire) 
"Because for a moment, even I am working through what Peeta has said. Isn’t it the thing I dreaded most about the wedding, about the future - the loss of my children to the Games? And it could be true now, couldn’t it? If I hadn’t spent my life building up layers of defenses until I recoil at even the suggestion of marriage or a family?" (Catching Fire) 
"I move through the downstairs on hunter’s feet, reluctant to make any sound. I pick up a few remembrances: a photo of my parents on their wedding day, a blue hair ribbon for Prim, the family book of medicinal and edible plants. The book falls open to a page with yellow flowers and I shut it quickly because it was Peeta’s brush that painted them." (Mockingjay)
"September. That means Snow has had Peeta in his clutches for five, maybe six weeks. I examine a leaf on my palm and see I’m shaking. I can’t will myself to stop. I blame the coffee and try to focus on slowing my breathing, which is far too rapid for my pace." (Mockingjay) 
"I’m light-headed with giddiness. What will I say? Oh, who cares what I say? Peeta will be ecstatic no matter what I do. He’ll probably be kissing me anyway. I wonder if it will feel like those last kisses on the beach in the arena, the ones I haven’t dared let myself consider until this moment." (Mockingjay) 
"I don’t want to talk about Peeta. One of the best things about training is, it keeps me from thinking of him." (Mockingjay)
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cherries-and-knives · 5 months
Brain says ‘Mental health is important!! Let’s not make ourselves sad again ya know🤪’
But heart says ‘reread hunger games. now.’
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sameschmidtdiffname · 3 months
If anything were to ever be released from Peeta's POV during the series, I think what I would be most interested in is what was going through his head during The Mockingjay Trial.
Peeta's thoughts during Mockingjay as a whole would be interesting. Peeta is ultimately cunning. We all joke about how Peeta would've ran 13 if he'd been the one that was saved, but I can't imagine Snow was having a particularly fun time with him either. Peeta knows how to communicate with the Capitol. I wonder if part of the reason Peeta was abused so horribly was not to torture Katniss, but because it's very possible there was a real possibility Peeta could've won the war from the inside by turning Snow's people against him with his own personal showmanship. "If it weren't for the baby" is a perfect example of how capable Peeta could be of doing just that.
I imagine once Peeta begins to regain his mind, it doesn't take long for him to realize the multiple problems that exist within president Coin. The problems Gale decided not to acknowledge in the proper manner.
Gale and Katniss are incredibly close. Now, I know we all like to poke our fun at Gale, (I'm definitely guilty of it,) but Gale is a genuinely complex character. He was a kid too. That doesn't take away from how he still did wrong, but you cannot look at him from a black and white lense when legitimately viewing his character. He does have depth.
Gale and Katniss are close because they are similar. They lose their fathers in the same accident, they learn to survive the same way. Katniss speaks throughout the series of how similar they are. It would not at all be impossible for Peeta to assume Katniss was radicalized the same way Gale was since he remembers their relationship despite the hijacking.
I think this is what hurts Peeta the most during the voting for the final Hunger Games. Peeta is at a severe disadvantage to reading Katniss still. His mind is better, and most likely he had already begun therapy in seriousness and was already improving mentally. But he and Katniss have not begun to grow back together yet. He no longer has access to her obvious tells. And yes, Katniss's thoughts are obvious to her inner circle. To everyone else, she is a mystery. Katniss loves him, but he is no longer in her inner circle at this point.
I don't think Peeta would realize the truth of Katniss's vote until she shoots Coin instead of Snow, which I think is the point for many to realize the amount of deep set problems there truly were with Coin. Most of the time it takes someone doing something extreme to make people pause and think.
Peeta is already having to put the pieces back together in his mind about Katniss. I think The Mockingjay Trial would probably be the tipping point of Peeta's recovery due to the testimonies, the evaluations. Something I've wondered is if Peeta was even allowed to testify since he had been hijacked. Honestly, I would assume that he wasn't. Leaving him off to the sidelines, forced to watch as someone he knows he used to be close to be examined live for the nation to see, to be picked and torn apart. I imagine that maybe the general public was not allowed to see any footage, but based off of Plutarchs offer for Katniss to be on a new singing program during their final conversation in 'Mockingjay,' it seems Katniss was correct in thinking there was most likely a live broadcast of her in the Training Center available to watch. Most likely Haymitch was allowed a peak. And through Haymitch, probably Peeta. I don't think it would be until the entire nation is forced to learn the "truth" about The Mockingjay that Peeta has the same moment as Katniss has in 'The Hunger Games,' when suddenly he realizes just how much he does know about her.
I would think this time would be when Peeta and Haymitch also make peace with their relationship as well. Most likely there were probably a few, very hard to have conversations between the two of them during the trial. About Katniss, about Haymitch's promise to both of them during 'Catching Fire,' about being unable to save him.
Peeta returns to District 12 at the earliest opportunity allowed. Probably for a few reasons. It's his home, it is ultimately where he belongs. But I also think there's probably a very large part of him that wants confirmation for what he's sure he already knew. Her thoughts when shooting Coin. When she voted yes. I think The Mockingjay Trial is probably when Peeta decided he wanted to be her friend again. That it was when he finally remembered her. And I'd just really like to see that, even as a short story.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 5 months
ogfoofodoxx thinking about how the most defining character trait of haymitch is how protective he is. not in the sense it's the most obvious, but how all of his actions are fueled by this desire to protect. how hard he works at keeping katniss alive in the first games, him fighting to keep them from augmenting katniss's body, him yelling at plutarch to keep finnick from having to share his trauma, him being so involved in peeta's recovery and being the one to bring katniss home. him holding mayslee's hand as she died, fighting for plutarch to stay and rescue peeta, being the one to find katniss and finnick when johanna had an episode, begging coin to believe peeta's warning. it being heavily implied or either outright stated that he was one of the people who fought to protect effie.
makes me physically ill because no one does that for him. everyone who would of, died.
#DIES EXPLODES COMBUSTS#thg#haymitch abernathy#:v#haymitch acting like he doesn't care about anyone when he actually cares about everyone#he's acting like he's winning the idgaf war but love has disarmed him completely.#Tbc katniss and peeta would but they are literally incapable of being that for him. bc they are infant#also thinking about how we get this sense that while he has some modicum of power with the revolution his sway only goes so far#which is to say not far at all#the times we actually see what the negotiating process is like for him he has to beg coin to listen to him#and he says Plutarch didn't listen to him between cf and mockingjay when he tried to get them to stay for peeta#I just get this sense that most of the time he's in the room but isn't really allowed to make decisions#and constantly has to fight to be heard#I mean again I will always circle back to this they literally locked him in a room to detox#and the descriptions we get in cf is his withdrawal symptoms are incredibly severe#so clearly they weren't dependent on his imput#idk idk I just get this sense they valued his input up until the point he reminded them all he still views people as people.#him coaching katniss was to say in mockingjay during her speech in two also makes me chew drywall#how much of that is what he thought she needed to say to stay alive and how much is what he had always wanted to say#also thinking about how he wasn't lying when he told Plutarch he couldn't go back to twelve sober.#bc he gets katniss home and then immediately gets blackout drunk#I am of the opinion that he genuinely can't get sober while living in 12#I like to think he lets himself leave eventually never to the capitol of course but in my hc he goes to 11#just bc of his fondness for chaff and seeder but that's just a self indulgent headcanon#ALSO ALSO.#thinking about how he's fighting a revolution that he doesn't even believe will bring chance#well. he thinks it'll change things but that change will be temporary and fighting will break out again#my perfect pessimist idiot. in my heart of hearts he gets a therapist moves and actually recovers
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eskawrites · 10 months
okay who’s gonna take one for the team and write a super soft ptsd/recovery ronance fic with the title ‘if you wanted you could do no harm’
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In chapter 23 of Catching Fire, Katniss says this when she looks at the other victors showcasing their district-inspired skills/talents:
Of course. Johanna Mason. District 7. Lumber. I bet she's been tossing around axes since she could toddle. It's like Finnick with his trident. Or Beetee with his wire. Rue with her knowledge of plants. I realize it's just another disadvantage the District 12 tributes have faced over the years. We don't go down in the mines until we're eighteen. It looks like most of the other tributes learn something about their trades early on. There are things you do in a mine that could come in handy in the Games. Wielding a pick. Blowing things up. Give you an edge. The way my hunting did. But we learn them too late.
It made me think of Gale. Of course, Katniss and Finnick realise they're all still playing the games in Mockingjay as the rebellion continues to fire up. And it's interesting that Gale does in fact end up playing in the games and using his skills he probably learned in the mines ("blowing things up") for causing irreparable damage to so many lives. When given the opportunity, "outside" of the games, he doesn't choose the path of empathy and kindness. He chooses destruction. And I think that's a big difference between him and Peeta/Katniss/even Finnick. And a big reason why Katniss cannot move past who she sees him become. At every opportunity, Gale is moved to vengeance and destruction, like his suggestions in district 2. Never mind love, but I think Mockingjay showed her the vast divide between them in their approach to the rebellion and human life, and their friendship was always doomed in a way.
When Gale finally got to take part in the games, he took part in it actively, and in a way that showed he put violence and vengeance above his humanity.
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