bananasbyler · 1 year
The swingset friends to lovers is a common trope!! It has shown up in many VERY famous romantic media!!
Compiled for the bylers (I’ll add on if I find more)
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1.) Dawson’s Creek. A huge inspiration from the Duffer brothers because it’s one of their favorite shows.
Canon. They kiss in this scene.
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2.) The Fault in our Stars. Tragic love story.
Canon. They flirt on the swingset.
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3.) 10 Things I Hate About You. Shakespearean modern love story about two people who “hate”each other. Enemies to lovers.
Canon. They have their first moment together in this scene.
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4.) Scott Pilgrim VS. The World. Guy falls in love with a mysterious woman and defeats her 7 exes.
Canon. The “I’m in lesbians (love) with you” confession. Canon scene in the comic too. SEVENNNN exes, hmmmm?!?!
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5.) The Goldfinch. Underlying theme of a love story between two boys.
Canon…? It’s complicated, but technically yes. GAY kiss.
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6.) Andi Mack. Enemies to friends to lovers.
Canon. The show ended with them being an official GAY couple and holding hands.
Again, I will add more if people can find more swingset couples scenes.
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claire-de-lune · 10 months
Why do you love culpa Mia and Nick and Noah’s relationship so much?
Because the bad boy who changes for and becomes soft for the girl he said he hated but ends up falling madly in love with has always been my favorite trope 😌 that’s what some of my favorite couples ever have consisted of (and my first ever favorite couple, I’ll put them in order) bad boy and good girls.
1. Landon and Jamie (a walk to remember) literally my favorite movie growing up
2. Damon and Elena (my favorite TV show couple growing up) until Nian broke up and I couldn’t watch it anymore. I know I shouldn’t ship real couples but teenage me loved them and loved delena and they were obviously dating anyways
3. Sandy and Danny grease Grease
4. Kat and Patrick (The movie and abc family show version)
5. Chuck and Blair
And now Nick and Noah. And their chemistry is just amazing, and I just love how hard he fell for her, and how he’s trying to change for the better. I haven’t read the books yet, and I have read spoilers and some shitty things happen, but I think if the movies are done right they will remain one of my favorite couples ever
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goofyjelly · 5 months
I'm five chapters into reading a twenty-two chapter Katrick (from the TV show) fanfic and trying to prepare myself for the miscommunication because its KATRICK and theres no way this goes on for twenty-two chapters without some communication issue-
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lordfreg · 1 year
which one is autistic 🤔
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TRICK QUESTION; they’re both autistic, one was just brought up in an environment that forced him to suppress his stims because they were ‘socially unacceptable’
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neuroticboyfriend · 3 months
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A Katrick and a Julian Kitten for you <3
I'm proud of you for continuing on, friend. Every day you keep going matters.
(ID in alt text)
aaa this means a lot to hear <3 thank u friend. pet the little guys for me XD
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olkarrion · 7 months
First batch seemed to go over well so sending in backup supply aka 5 more Katrick pictures <3
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Aaaaa i love him so much! heres some pics of my boys
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Humphrey is on the left and Kylo is on the right. I have a discussion post due tonight, so im gonna take a nap to regain some energy. If anyone want to send me pics of their pets or if yall want to see more of my guys, just shoot me a message! I really appreciate you, friend. 💜💜💜 Thanks for all the floofs, i hope you have a low pain day <3
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petrosolgas · 3 months
Empresa desenvolve turbinas eólicas residenciais revolucionárias com potência inédita
A Katrick Technologies, uma startup com sede em Glasgow, na Escócia, está causando um grande impacto na indústria de energia renovável com seu projeto revolucionário de turbina eólica residencial. Em vez das tradicionais hélices giratórias, essas turbinas eólicas apresentam um design hexagonal e utilizam aerofólios oscilantes para capturar a força do vento. Turbinas eólicas com design compacto e…
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hadnews-romania · 4 months
Economica.net - Turbina eoliană fără pale, viitorul energiei din vânt? VIDEO-Katrick Technologies, un start-up din Glasgow, a dezvoltat o tehnologie inovatoare pentru generarea de energie electrică verde. Turbinele sale Wind Panel nu sunt turnuri înalte convenționale cu pale, ci sunt hexagonale și au forma unui fagure...
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neozoneorg · 5 months
Katrick Technologies : l'invention d'une éolienne domestique en « nid d’abeille » compact et sans turbine
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Ce nouveau type d’éolienne terrestre serait en mesure de capturer l’énergie du vent de faible vitesse. Il peut être installé presque partout, principalement en bord de route ou de piste de circuit automobile, sur les toits des bornes de recharge des ... Read the full article
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stanfave · 5 months
Company unveils bladeless 'honeycomb' wind turbines — here's how this super-efficient technology could let clean energy take another leap forward
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goalhofer · 6 months
2023-24 Charlotte Checkers Players With 1st Letter Of Names Reversed
Aasmus Rsplund
Bike Menning
Biley Rezeau
Bkyler Srind'Amour
Cucas Larlsson
Cennis Desana; Jr.
Cvan Eormier
Dac Zalpe
Fasey Citzgerald
Gatrick Piles
Gack Muzda
Katrick Phodorenko
Katt Miersted
Kanttu Sinnunen
Kpencer Snight
Lill Wockwood
Merry Gayhew; Jr.
Myan RcAllister
Mam Corrison
Nvan Eause
Prendan Berlini
Satthew Mamoskevich
Sark Menden
Salle Cjälin
Sustin Jourdif
Tlex Arue
Wudovic Laeber
Wake Jise
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444names · 2 years
irish and american forenames + brythonic deities
Aarona Abelian Abeliana Adarren Adriú Adros Adsullo Adsulloyd Aeris Agneach Agneamhal Agrone Aibhe Aifred Ainnie Ainéadna Alber Alexandall Alfreda Alicaron Alisa Alisonina Allacht Ambernandy Ambisamhán Amhón Ancasey Anmcha Antucarole Aodhnach Aoibhilín Aoigher Aoilianna Aoilibhín Aoimhghan Apristin Armaine Armannach Armanthur Armen Arnán Arthann Arthaoilt Artin Aufannán Baothy Barrie Beara Bearbhán Beargil Bearn Bearne Beatheryl Beinia Belle Benja Bernach Berto Bettanluan Bette Beula Blana Blances Blanda Blann Blanniel Bline Blinn Bradh Bradhnathy Breachadha Breadalupe Breamonntán Brigh Brucelison Bréad Bréamonia Brónán Buadh Byrona Byrone Cachelma Cachy Cailly Caithchelma Calbert Camily Caminneach Camuel Candonnbhar Canette Caolcholmór Carlesley Carola Caron Cathbhar Cathelma Catrica Catridh Cecelley Charl Charonina Cheadarlos Christín Cianos Ciarna Cicole Cimberly Cimbert Cindonnife Cinnia Claunus Clindy Cloda Clody Cocidi Cocidice Coilian Coilianny Coilip Colly Comhghla Comhán Comás Conchaid Conchubhal Conna Connchín Conniel Contres Coret Criomthala Críonaith Cúchollie Cúchonnus Cúmheach Dabha Dabharr Dairbrean Daisne Damos Danie Danis Danitasgus Daradhbh Deandriana Deargary Dearnán Delle Deresa Derinn Dervilim Dianndán Diarfhíona Diarán Domháilín Donne Donnette Donnla Dorothra Duariet Dubhall Dwighear Dwina Déagóirí Eduana Edwayne Eignes Eiléis Eimertrin Eimhe Eirdrey Eiree Eirnesteárd Eleann Elindo Ellia Emiah Eoghal Eoghnathach Eoine Erick Erittan Ernaith Ethal Evelynn Fanya Faolchony Fearabus Fearcus Fearóisín Fintany Fiona Fionghid Fionnbhach Fionnise Flaith Flancamulus Fodhna Fodhnain France Frandictor Frando Froibhne Fáilbheal Féthne Fíneasal Fíonald Gaileanny Gaileán Garedith Garence Gayla Gaylerice Georganthur Glenus Glorrichley Gracy Gregina Hanita Harlendonne Hella Helsonjamin Hernica Hueter Iarmandy Iarán Intonica Ireamhnait Irmairí Irmandán Jacquel Janiel Jaredith Jasmhuire Jeaneton Jeanniell Jeffergus Jeffernan Jerrene Jerricurt Jerrie Johan Johanicheál Johann Jonat Jorgailís Josepherre Juanice Judian Karley Karlos Katha Kathach Katrick Kayle Keithna Kelle Kentia Kristíofán Krysta Labhar Lachán Lanial Lared Latal Leigi Lerome Lestephann Letiarnán Lillisagrus Linald Linthus Lochadhbhar Lorah Loreen Lorri Lorrie Lubhcheach Luimín Lulah Lydiana Lynetonn Maelíostóin Maince Maireamh Mairistina Maith Manne Mantóin Maoife Maoin Maoire Marcedesire Marchadháin Margaidh Marghréamas Marghréann Mariainchín Marus Maryanna Mathean Matti Matty Mausus Meabhagán Meadhnaith Meave Meghala Meibhe Melaniche Melia Merto Michearbhán Minda Mindsay Mindsey Monia Morian Mortis Muircheall Muirene Muirghus Muiristanna Muiristie Murcha Máireamhán Mórdha Nadinez Nanca Nelsea Nelsie Nerick Nerine Neristina Nially Nodenis Normlaitiú Odhna Oirley Olindsay Paulah Pedrosie Penne Perricia Peterri Philín Phyllip Pádra Rachán Raighid Rainn Ramonacht Ramonald Randréas Ranis Raque Rence Ristéar Robius Roborvo Rogert Rosegormac Roxannon Ruadh Ruadha Ruadhbh Ruadhbhín Ruibhlín Ráicheary Ríoghaltach Sabbán Sabrietty Salvin Samainn Samulla Sanos Saoibhearyl Seach Segusabbán Seárd Shearlotte Sheil Sherik Silvin Sinéadna Siobóid Sonjamine Sopherri Stelle Steph Sucetios Susanda Suzann Séamon Séamona Séamos Séanait Séanán Síthmairia Síthmait Taichéal Tarad Taradh Therbháine Theres Tighdín Tigheal Timeavent Toirse Tomán Toniallie Tricki Tuathann Tuathghal Tyroni Uaidh Ualacher Ualacht Ualannie Uillie Uinsias Velynnetony Verald Vernaith Victornaid Vinda Virghal Vitiú Vosephie Wallie Warrickie Wendo Willianne Yvett Yvonn Árónán Éamandraig Éannaith Éanndán Éibhe Éibhinetty Éimhghall Éinda
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majin-mew-mew · 2 years
About the Bitch
Hey I'm Kat/Katrick,
A Canadian witch with a severe attitude problem. I game I roleplay and I DM for my d&d campaign. I do cosplay and I occasionally write and draw.
We got some brief information below
👹🔪 this is a Yandere warning ⚠️
This place is Bisexual energy
This blog is 18+ sometimes so DNI if it's inappropriate for you to do so
I'll talk your fucking ear off so don't message unless you are prepared to get your phone blown up 🪦
Page contains a lot of triggers you have been warned
Dark humor gets me through the day so if you are bothered best stay clear.
BDSM, LGBT+ and Furry friendly I don't really judge seriously here.
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Welcome to the dark side, Jedi
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comfortablynumb · 3 years
About the Creator:
-Name: Grace/Gracie
-Nineteen Years Old
-They/She Pronouns
-Biromantic Demiromantic Asexual Non-Binary (I’m aware that’s a mouthful)
- Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Rising
-Favorite color: Pale Pink
-Favorite singers/bands: Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift, Orla Gartland, ABBA, The Beatles (particularly George Harrison) , The Smiths, The Oh Hellos, Noah Kahan, Hozier
-Comfort movies: Dead Poets Society, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Eighth Grade, I, Tonya, 500 Days of Summer, When Harry Met Sally, Promising Young Woman, Letters to Juliet, and Lilo and Stitch
-Comfort shows: Anne with an E, Jane the Virgin, Heartstopper, Gilmore girls, and The Good Place
-Favorite Books: Red, White & Royal Blue, Fahrenheit 451, and Girl, Interrupted
-Comedians who Always Make me Laugh: Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Pete Davidson, and Bo Burnham
-Cottagecore Queer
-Astrology Bitch
-Obsessed with Musicals
-Double Majoring in Psychology and Early Childhood Ed, Minoring in Art History
-My celebrity crushes: Aaron Taylor Johnson, Timothée Chalamet, Kit Connor, Florence Pugh, Helena Bonham Carter, Johnny Depp, George Harrison, Maya Hawke, and Winona Ryder
- Characters I kin: Pepa from Encanto, Fleabag from Fleabag, Anne from Anne of Green Gables/Anne with an E, Neil from Dead Poets Society, Phoebe from Friends, Lilo from Lilo and Stitch, Alex from Red, White & Royal Blue, Amy from Little Women, Coraline from Coraline, Eleanor from The Good Place, James Potter from the Marauders, Fran from the Nanny, Tori from Heartstopper
-My ships: Wolfstar (Harry Potter/All the Young Dudes), Jegulus (Harry Potter/All the Young Dudes), Regulus x Pandora (Harry Potter), Hedric (Harry Potter), Plantseeker (Harry Potter), Anderperry (The Dead Poets Society), Firstprince (Red, White & Royal Blue), Narlie (Heartstopper), Sprolden (Heartstopper), Solangelo (Percy Jackson), Percabeth (Percy Jackson), Jeyna (Percy Jackson), Jasico (Percy Jackson), Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Ineffable Godsons (Good Omens), Patrochilles (The Song of Achilles), Zukka (Avatar the Last Airbender), Klance (Voltron), Bubbline (Adventure Time), Mercrutio x Tybalt (Romeo and Juliet), Laertes x Hamlet (Hamlet), Villaneve (Killing Eve), Amy x Laurie (Little Women), Shirbert (Anne with an E/Anne of Green Gables), Katrick (10 Things I Hate About You), Johnlock (Sherlock), Eugunzel (Tangled), Orydice (Hadestown), Lams (Hamilton), Jeric (Boy Meets World), Elle x Emmett (Legally Blonde), Steddie (Stranger Things), Edissy (Stranger Things), Ronance (Stranger Things), Jancy (Stranger Things), Buckingham (Stranger Things), Lumax (Stranger Things), Byler (Stranger Things, Stuilly (Scream), Caswen (HSMTMTS), Dinluke (Star Wars), Punkflower (Spiderverse), Syd x Carmy (The Bear), Alex x Chip (The Morning Show), Lottielee (Yellowjackets)
Follow me if you like any of these things. It’s literally all I post about.
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neuroticboyfriend · 3 months
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Sending so much softness and care. I believe in you!! Here is So Comy Lil Boo, and Round AF Katrick <3
aww yay more kitties i love!! thank u for the softness and care my friend. ur so lovely nd im sending the same to u and ur furry friends. ♡
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olkarrion · 7 months
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Here are a few pictures of my floof Katrick in case it can help add some softness to your day <3
Katrick you saved my goddamn life. /hj
Such a cute cat!! I'm home from physical therapy, I'm just gonna try to take it easy today. To anyone reading this, please do the same 💜💜💜
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