#katsuki is depressed
iamfrankie99 · 2 years
by Femmie
253k 68ch
Summary: Katsuki loses his quirk to All For One when he gets kidnapped at the training camp and his life is a mess. On one hand, for the first time in his life he can feel emotions other than anger and stress now that his body isn’t fighting the nitroglycerin it produced, on the other hand, he has absolutely no clue how to deal with said emotions. How the tables have turned; is this karma for how he treated Izuku all their childhood?
Frankie’s comment: A looooot of angst, like, a shit ton for real. But also, Izuku is so supportive and the plot has so many twist that make you go daaaamn! Also? the starting idea in itself is interesting; I had never thought about the possibility of Katsuki’s quirk having such side effects but it does make a lot of sense and I’m all for realistic and logical fics, I love them when they make sense and this one makes a loooot of sense. It’s pretty long and somewhat repetitive especially in the last 20ish chapters but I’d say it’s worth it😍🧡💚
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peachsukii · 1 month
A faint knock on the front door of your apartment echos through the hallway and to your bedroom, but you don’t bother to get up. They’ll think you’re not here and leave eventually. The lights are off and don’t give off any indication that you’re home.
They knock again, this time a little firmer.
You roll over in bed, tucking your head under the covers to block out the sound. Suddenly, the click of the lock and door creaking open fill the air - he’s here.
“Peach?” Bakugo calls from the living room, feet pattering anxiously around your apartment in search of you. “You here?”
It kills you not to answer him, but there’s no way in hell you want him to see you like this, disheveled and miserable. Maybe if you stay still, you can trick him into thinking you’re not hiding away from the world and aren’t home.
“Ya haven’t answered my calls in three days,” he says aloud as his footsteps approach your bedroom. “Your girlfriends, too. Called ‘em this mornin’ looking for you.”
You’re busted, there’s no running from Katsuki Bakugo. He’s not stupid or naive. Why did you think you could hide from him?
Bakugo lets out a sigh of relief when he sees your body under the covers in the dark. Carefully, he makes his way to your bed and sits on the edge.
“There you are,” he says quietly, nowhere near his normal volume. There’s no bite to his words, only genuine concern. “You okay, sweetheart?”
Ha - no. Not in the slightest.
The blanket shifts a bit when you curl further into yourself. Bakugo reaches for the hem of the comforter, tugging it off of you in one motion. That’s when it sinks in and he understands the situation, maybe a little too well.
“I get it. Y’don’t wanna be seen as weak,” he speaks, both reflectively and to you. “But bein’ down doesn’t mean you’re weak, you’re human, peaches. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with being sad.”
“You didn’t have to come,” you muffle into the pillow, hiding your face from him. “I’ll be fine.”
“Never said you wouldn’t be. Doesn’t mean I can’t be here or worry about your ass.”
Let him in, he obviously wants to help. Just…let him in. Why’s it so hard?
“I don’t…” you trail off, unable to tell him you don’t need his help. Finally, you sit up to face him, hair tangled over your shoulders and t-shirt drooping from your collarbone. “I don’t want to scare you away.”
Bakugo laughs. “Scare me? Gonna have to try a lot harder than that. What kinda hero would I be if I let ya rot away in bed?” He scoops you into his arms and squeezes you firmly. “Let me take care of you when you’re not feelin’ up to it.”
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beybuniki · 9 months
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team up mission in the mountains
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lightseoul · 2 years
you and me? really?
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synopsis. mina and kirishima invite you to a night out. they conveniently forget to tell you it’s a double date. (part 2)
cw. gn!reader, gradstudent!reader, prohero!katsuki, aged-up (~23 yrs old), mina ashido x kirishima eijirou, fluff
word count. 1.7k words
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Mina whines as you drag her into the bathroom of Kozue—the first red flag you should’ve noticed (who hosts a massive group hangout at an expensive ass restaurant?!)—but you’re far too angry to pay her any mind. She winces in disdain as you finally let her wrist go.
“Where’s everyone else?!” You whisper-shout.
“Uhh.. I might’ve left out a few details about this hangout.”
You can’t believe this girl. “No shit, Sherlock,” you sigh in exasperation. “Mina, you lied to me?”
Her eyes bug out in alarm, “I didn’t! I would never lie to you, you know that. As I said, I just omitted a few details.”
“Let me guess, like the fact that aside from you, me, and Eiji, the only other person attending is Bakugou?”
She lets out a squeak. Of guilt or excitement, you can’t tell.
You can’t help but roll your eyes, “Wipe that grin off your face. And you know he and I don’t really get along! And people can recognize you guys and think we’re on a double date. I barely even know the guy and his PR Team will be coming for my head tomorrow morning.”
“You don’t know that! You only met him once during the end of our patrol. He just gets extra snappy when he’s tired,” she giggles. “Oh, and don’t worry about the press. The chef owes Bakugou one—he offered to clear the restaurant just for tonight.”
You can’t believe your ears. Oh, to have the power and influence of a Pro Hero.
You shake your head in (another form of) disbelief, “So you’re not gonna say anything about you roping me into a double date?”
“Nope!” she exclaims cheerfully, turning her back to exit the bathroom. You follow suit, though unlike her, you’re not done with the conversation.
“How’d you guys manage to rope him into this, anyway?” You’d keep your voice down as you weave through the exquisitely prepped tables, but true to Mina’s word, there’s no one else around except Kirishima and Bakugou, who are seated at the far corner overlooking the city.
“Eiji used the same tactic,” she sing-songs. “He got annoyed earlier when he realized his predicament, but Eiji managed to talk him into staying. Said it would be cruel to leave you as our third wheel, or something.”
You chuckle despite yourself. Mina turns to grin at you.
“Right on.”
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Turns out, dinner’s not half as bad as you thought it would be.
And regarding Bakugou? Well, the jury’s still out.
You can tell he’s barely fitting into the small chair beside you—which is actually regular-sized but dwarfs in comparison to his hulking figure—visibly uncomfortable.
He’s sporting a black long-sleeve, rolled up to his forearms, and slacks in light of the semi-formal dress code—the very code you panicked over earlier upon realizing that you didn’t have anything to wear. Luckily enough, you managed to dig out a good enough LBD, and opted to dress it up with some gold accessories you’ve had since college. And now you look even more like you’re on a date: matching colors and all. Great.
Kirishima, ever trusty Kirishima, just had to talk about your awkward situation among the group. (Which was incredibly unnecessary. Why not just ignore the elephant in the room?)
“We just missed the both of you!” he exclaims, while Mina, to his left, nods vigorously in agreement. “We haven’t caught up in a while. And, we figured we could be efficient and host a hangout instead—the four of us!”
Bakugou scoffs, looking away, “You guys are such a fuckin’ married couple already, with all that ‘we’ shit ya got going on. Makes me wanna gag.”
Your eyes widen in shock at his brazenness, but you can’t help but let out a stunned laugh.
His eyes flicker to yours at the sound. You could’ve sworn you saw the corners of his lips turn upward for a second before his infamous scowl took over his face again. Could’ve been amusement, but what’s that to you, right?
Mina pouts at his comment, while Kirishima only laughs wholeheartedly. Both brush it off, though, and you chalk it up to how they’ve gotten used to Bakugou’s bluntness after almost 10 years of seeing each other grow up.
“Anyway,” Mina interjects, “as we were saying, we missed you guys and also, thought both of you could use the company!”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You turn to address Bakugou, whose eyebrows are so furrowed deep into a scowl you’ve half a mind to press a finger against it so he wouldn’t wrinkle so early. “I think they think we’re lonely.”
You look at the lovebirds, “But thanks, though. I appreciate the thought and your inviting us out. It’s been a while since I took the time off of grad school and working part-time at Manual’s. Though,” you spare Bakugou a glance, who eyes you curiously, “I’m pretty sure he can get all sorts of company if he wanted to.”
What’s meant to be a factual observation turned into a flirtatious comment the second Mina and Kirishima lit up, both piqued with interest. Suddenly, you’re regretting all the life decisions that led you to this moment.
“Oooh, what’s that supposed to mean?!” Mina exclaims, clearly delighted, while Kirishima’s eyes flicker between the both of you, wearing a shit-eating grin.
You can’t bring yourself to look at Bakugou.
“What?” you’re exasperated at this point, “I’m just saying,” you gesture vaguely to the guy in question, “Bakugou’s objectively attractive. The three of you are!”
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m serious!” you spring to your feet, “Hell, your entire UA class is! Well, except for Mineta, I guess.”
You hear a suppressed bark of laughter to your left. Mina and Kirishima are cracking up now, too. Suddenly feeling self-conscious about getting all riled up over their teasing, you sat back down.
“I’m sure all of you have experience and can score just about anyone.” You finish your rant, glad you got to wrap it up nicely before the two could get even further with teasing you about Bakugou in front of Bakugou.
You hear him grunt in response and see him, through your periphery, look down at his fancy plate of Porcini Mushroom Velouté. Finally, someone who agrees. Though, weirdly enough, it didn’t feel as good as you thought it would..
“Sorry for teasing you, Y/N!” Kirishima laughs, albeit quite sheepishly.
Mina nods, “But really, though, we’re glad you could come. Both of you.”
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“Has he texted you yet?!”
You look back at the course syllabus and mountains of textbooks stacked on your desk, and you can’t help but heave a heavy sigh, “Really? This is what you called and dragged me out of my deep work for?”
“Come on!” Mina always sounds so cheerful and perky, talking to her makes you feel like you’re not 5 seconds away from crashing and sleeping through what’s supposed to be a serious study night. “He hasn’t, has he?”
“Well,” you decide to indulge her, “No other man has texted me in the last 24 hours except my Uber driver, so I guess my answer to that is no?”
“Very funny, Y/N. Ha ha.”
You grin in amusement. Two can play at this game.
You can hear her mutter a soft curse at the other end of the line, “Damn that Bakugou! He’s sure taking his sweet old time. After all that trouble of getting him to accept your number.”
“Cut it off, Mina. You should’ve tricked someone else who could actually be a good match for him instead of me.”
“What?!” she actually sounded shocked, “I didn’t choose you because you were convenient!”
“Thanks,” you deadpanned.
“Y/N! Sure, tricking you into joining was convenient, because you are both my and Eiji’s best friend, though I don’t think I need to explain that.”
“Sure, go on.”
You can practically hear Mina roll her eyes, “FY fricken I, both Eiji and I think you and Bakugou are a great match. You’re both driven, smart, and no-nonsense individuals who think they’re too busy and grown for romance.”
“That honestly sounds like a recipe for disaster, Mina.”
“People like you think that! But trust me, once you find the one, romance doesn’t seem so bad after all!”
“It doesn’t matter,” you mumble. “The lack of texts says enough. He probably just doesn’t think I’m interesting. So cut it off, please?”
You should’ve known better than to expect Mina to let things go just like that.
“Didn’t you see how he reacted when you called him attractive? He got so embarrassed, all red in the neck and ears. Eiji and I couldn’t stop talking about it last night—we’ve rarely seen him like that.”
You huff in slight irritation (and embarrassment), “It’s because you guys wouldn’t stop teasing us. I’d be flustered too if my friends kept tormenting me like that.”
Mina cackles, “Well, you were the one that gave us classic material to work with.”
“I’m hanging up.”
“No, wait!”
You sigh for the nth time in this conversation, “I was busy trying to hype you up and convince all of you of your attractiveness, thank you very much. So no, I didn’t see his reaction.”
“Yeah, that was very kind of you,” Mina exhales wistfully. “Anyway, I’d dare say he even got disappointed when you started complimenting me and Eiji too!”
You could only hear a second of her high-pitched laugh before clicking the End Call button.
Normally, hanging up on your best friend would make you feel bad, no matter how angry or annoyed you were at her.
But this? This is an emergency.
You clutch your heart, which is now hammering at an alarmingly faster pace than normal.
Fuck, you think to yourself. You cannot be crushing on Bakugou Katsuki.
Before you can spiral and go into an I-can’t-have-a-crush-much-less-on-a-pro-hero-named-Bakugou-induced panic, your phone chimes, indicating a new text message.
You bring it up to eye level, and you can’t help but gawk when you finally see the message content.
Hey, it's Bakugou.
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pbeltarts · 5 days
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listen. shh. i'm just. trying to figure out how to draw them.
dont question why thats the only thing i colored and came out decent
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wy-ote · 1 year
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Some soft kisses
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lees-chaotic-brain · 1 month
bakugou katsuki who isn't a stranger to death due to the nature of his job is at a loss when faced with the death of your father.
after all the deaths in the war you both were suffering, so he was able to share your pain as you comforted each other. after a civilian died on his watch for the first time he came home and allowed himself to fall into your arms as you comforted him. the first time a civilian died on your watch he cooked you a warm meal and told you that some things are out of your control, and it doesn't make you any less of a hero.
he'd like to think he knows death and grief well enough to do something. he'd like to think he knows you well enough to know what to do. but in the face of your insurmountable grief, one that shoves you to the ground and slowly chokes out your will to live, he's lost.
you don't speak for days, just isolating yourself in your room and refusing to eat. it scares him. he knows how to deal with your depressive episodes, but this goes far deeper than an episode.
so he tells you he's there for you, and worries from a distance. days pass, and finally you emerge. standing under the fluorescent lights of your kitchen you finally allow yourself to cry, the force of your tears knocking you to your knees.
he kneels before you and allows you to sob into his chest as you ask if it's always going to hurt this bad, if the grief is always going to be this overwhelming, how you're supposed to move on after losing the only person who supported you since the day you were born.
he doesn't have answers for the first two, but for the last one he tells you what he's heard others say. "for now, you cry. you let yourself grieve. then you take it one day at a time, and let me be there for you when it feels like too much."
they're simple words, but they seem to comfort you a bit. crying into the comfort of his strong embrace, you allow him to hold you up as he sheds a few tears of his own in the face of your pain. he swears, he'll be there for you through it all.
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katsuki-nikiforov · 2 months
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Yurio after living with those two idiots for a week
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plutopitou · 1 year
◇ Carry the two of us
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bakugou katsuki x gn!reader
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genre: fluff, sfw
Suffering from another cycle of depression, you start to feel like a burden to Katsuki. Your aches pinch his soul as he’ll do whatever he can to care for you
word count: 1.4k
warnings: recovering depressed reader, angst if you squint that’s about it :o
I’m pretty new to doing sweet sfw but this one is rlly personal to me so i hope yall enjoy :)
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A lingering aroma of cooked spam awakes you from your extended sleep into the edge of the afternoon. But it was the emptiness of space on your right that had your attention first.
A small pale yellow glow peeks beneath the blackout curtains you begged Katsuki to install with the excuse of being helpful for him, for the times he can only rest in the mornings after a grueling night shift.
You didn’t mention you thought of them for yourself first. Your days started to shift into the nights as the night became your day; yet you still wanted to sleep through it all.
Your heart couldn’t let go of the dismay in Katsuki’s face when he continued to arive home to see you still stationed where he left you ten hours ago.
Only in dreams could you hold his hand to your heart and say how sorry you are for acting like this. Why you couldn’t find the answer to the weight pinning you back down to the bed and drowns you in false comfort.
“Did you eat today, sweetheart?”
A light “no” is muffled beneath the comforter, the sound ricocheting to your ears, cursing yoursef for how pathetic you felt you sound.
Two days passed and your house chores and errands are only piling up, forcing you to confine back in the warm cacoon you lie in.
It can be days since you last had the energy to shower but it will never stop him gracing a kiss to your cheek every rising sun and setting moon. To Katsuki you were far from what you thought of yourself to be in such hard times, even if it was hard for him to express it to you.
You just needed time and patience.
Footsteps rustle through the room until it reaches right beside your head.
The comforter is carefully peeled back, your eyes squint from the light now pouring into the bedroom. You look up to see him glazing down at your fatigued figure. His body radiates a warm tenderness trying to break through to you. White light from the now opened curtains gleaming behind him causing his hair to appear lighter.
“Do you feel like getting up today?” His rough voice asks lightly.
You shake your head no, pulling the blanket closer to your chin, you wanted to block away the incoming feeling of embarrassment.
But he doesn’t look at you that way.
This wasn’t completely unusual for Katsuki, your depressive episodes were something that’s happened plenty of times before. Yet each time you curse and convince yourself he’s had enough of you and will finally leave.
“Let’s just sit up for now, ‘lright?” Your mind fights with your lips to not disagree with this arguably simple task. It takes every fiber of your being to let him help you lean up against the headboard and not burry underneath like a rabbit seeking shelter.
You just wanted to go back to sleep.
Katsuki smolders down your wild hair with his palm, kissing the crown of your head softly before turning to the doorway.
It was then you noticed a white office shirt thrown to the side, his loose trousers and white tank fitting the crevices of his lean muscular body, a outfit usually worn after he only has paperwork at the agency.
You grasp his hand before he leaves. “Wait. Don’t you have a full shift today?”
“Left earlier to get some paperwork done and took a couple personal days off.” He replies rubbing doting circles on your knuckles.
An overwhelming sense of guilt and burden fuels your mind. Feeling like such a case. Your boyfriend, who thousands rely on to protect, has to take time away for you.
He can see the gloomy blue sheen your eyes, noticeably morphing your demeanor into something soft and fragile. It pinches his soul.
You loved feeling the deep scars and roughness of his large palm. “I want to be here with you, okay? Don’t feel bad.” He gives your soft hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I know.” You sighed. “I just feel a little guilty. That’s all.” Vulnerability leaks from your words, shooting daggers from his palm to his center.
“You know, it breaks my heart when you’re hurting like this when I’m not here.” He sighs lowly, dripping remorse for your sudden low spirit.
Muttering his return in a few minutes, he leaves after your empty answer.
He returns settling a tray of cooked spam, rice and a perfect egg sitting on top. A small yet filling meal, one you both would eat constantly together in the beginnings of his heroism to pinch a few pennies and make ends meet.
You envied all his strength as you both lay comfortably in a beautiful spacious home for two.
“Katsuki, I don’t think I can finish all of this.” You mumble, chopsticks piercing the yolk as you play with the rice absentmindedly.
Holding a little notebook and pen, he settles next to you in bed. “Eat whatever you feel you can, don’t force yourself. I’ll finish whatever’s left after.” He replies as he continues to write.
The pen writes gracefully against the paper, his handwriting is sharp yet curved at the end of each stroke; each letter having a perfect gap against one another. You believed you can learn a million things about someone based on their penmanship, and Katsuki’s was assertive yet mellow.
You slowly eat slices of the pork and rice as Katsuki leans over to show you what he’s written. “I made a list for us of chores and fun things we can do together for the next couple days.”
You glimpse through the bullet points. It consisted of laundry, dishes, mopping, watch movies, cooking a meal together or take out, eating outside and more.
Your heart swells.
Your lips form a small grin as you finish reading through the more fun activities with sprinkled chores he wrote down. However, doing anything with Katsuki, even if it was watching paint dry, there was never a dull moment. He wasn’t the type to be outwardly goofy but was always able to make you laugh just from a few words of his dry humor.
Katsuki fights a smile as he watches your reaction. His soul hopes you can see the effort he makes as someone who loves you unconditionally. Depression in his household as a child was not depression, it was being ungrateful, selfish, and laziness. He refuses to let the cycle continue; he understands the push and pull of your pain.
There were thousands that counted on him but you were always the one that came first.
“Y’know,” he continues. “Even if we do half of one thing in a day on this list, it’s still enough isn’t it?”
Tears of merriment are quickly pushed back. You didn’t want to start crying, instead quickly noding; consuming another slab of rice to your mouth in distraction.
You wondered what selfless deeds you achieved in your past life to afford someone who without a second thought stands by your side as he has.
As he continues to write, he leans to you with a gaping mouth, cutely signaling to feed him a little. You laugh putting a little rice on your half eaten spam, pushing it into his mouth.
Katsuki finishes whatever you had left and picks up the tray, stopping by the doorway. “There’s some more things I wrote on the back of the notepad, you should read it.”
You glance up at him. His eyes lock to yours with a soft gleam of nurture targeted to your lying figure before he leaves to wash the dishes.
Grabbing the paper, you flip to the back of the page.
There are no bullet points, just neat penmanship with your name written on it softly with care.
‘Every morning I wake up, the first thing on my mind is to see your beautiful face, to cherish your whole being and never wanting more than you to wake up and look back at me. There isn’t a single thing I wouldn’t do to be by your side. You’ve always been more than enough and it’s time for me to take care of you. Every moment you open your gorgeous eyes is enough for the day. Let’s take care of one another; even if you feel low or can’t find the strength to, I’ll always have enough to carry the both of us.’
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Hope u guys liked this one it was pretty hard to write how i envisioned
Geto and gojo x reader coming soon ;) and dabi eventually ok bye bye luv u
Please like, follow and reblog ʕ⁎̯͡⁎ʔ༄
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maddietries · 1 year
He’s seen you like this before. Yet sometimes he still doesn’t know what to do. You’ve been in bed all day. You’ve barely moved. You won’t eat you won’t really talk to him. Sometimes you’ll let him hold you. You’re not mad at him, not at all. You’re mad at yourself for falling back into this state. You want to be enough for him. How can you be enough if you can’t even get out of bed in the mornings? Bakugou loves you more than anything. He wants to help. He’s brought you your favorite food, your favorite drink, your favorite movie, favorite candy. Anything he can think of, hell he's even laid down with you to try and make it better. He thinks he’s not good enough because he can’t make you feel better. He knows it’s selfish to think that he’s been in the same mind set before. But he just wants you back, not this robot version of you. This is the fifth time he’s come to check on you.
“Hey babe. Do you want to come watch a movie on the couch and eat dinner?” He asks, he knows the answer is probably no. He could bring dinner in here he thinks. But it’s your favorite and he doesn’t want it to get messy.
“I made your favorite.” He says with a hopeful smile. You roll over to look at him. Trying so hard to smile back, instead all you can do is sob. He comes running over immediately holding you. You’ve cried or smiled or anything the past few days. “I’m so sorry.” You sob. You’ve put him through so many emotions these past few days just because you’re not doing okay. He deserve someone who has the shit together.
“there’s no need to apologize. Never apologize to me for something like this.” He says. Why do you feel the need to apologize? You’ve done nothing wrong.
“You deserve someone so much better than me! I’m a mess Katsuki!”you say continuing to sob into him.
“I don’t want anyone else,I want you. I don’t care if you’re a mess or perfect I want you. Okay?” He says kissing the top of your head.
“You promise you want me?” You say looking up at him.
“Promise.” He says sticking out his pinkie. You hook your pinkie with his.
“you wanna come watch a movie with me now?” He asks not even bringing up dinner because that might be a lot right now. Even though you need to eat soon.
“is dinner still an option?” You ask quietly. You’re hungry but food hasn’t sounded good these past few days.
“Yeah it is now come on.” He says picking you up and taking you out of your room. Today was one of those really bad days where you thought he didn’t want you anymore. Not all these things are this easy to fix though. Some episodes take weeks to get through. But no matter what Bakugou will always be there.
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candiiee · 2 months
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Love? Too late. *ೃ༄
Middle school! Katsuki. B x gn reader
Slight middle school! Izuku x reader
summary: Bakugo K. Is a major dick to you and bullies you relentlessly and you can’t take it anymore.
warning: swearing, sucide, not so nice words coming out of Bakugo’s mouth, angst
The idea of Bakugo finding love was insane. Especially with you. He hated you. He hated the way you talked, the way you walked, everything about you. You were just..so gosh darn hateable. But, you didn’t know why. What had you done to the hot headed blond? Talk to Izuku Midoriya and defend him?
Surely that wasn’t the reason. But whatever the reason, you become one of his targets. Relentless bullying, even worse than Midoriya.
“You should just kill yourself. Maybe take a dive off the roof. Something simple.” Bakugo said, but not truly meaning it.
“Worthless extra.”
“Dick rider.”
“Piece of shit.”
Every single day was hell. Thank God for Midoriya. The sweet boy tried his hardest to tell you to ignore Bakugo’s words. But..everyone has a breaking point. And yours came after Bakugo told Midoriya to take a swan dive off of the roof.
Thoughts came. Maybe Midoriya would be better off without you. Maybe he wouldn’t be bullied. It was a foolish hope, but you were so hurt that you believed it.
So there you stood, looking down at how high you were. “Things will be better, right?” You murmured, eyes dull. You had told Midoriya he was gonna be the greatest hero there ever was. That he has to keep going.
His innocent eyes simply thought you were encouraging him, not saying goodbye. You chuckled weakly. “Hm..Midoriya better be great. I hope he can recover from seeing his best friend go splat.”
You leaned slightly forward, looking at the horizon. You paused, was this worth it? Making sure Izuku didn’t get bullied? yes.. you thought. It had to be. He deserved better. But..you wanted to see him grow. You blinked, starting to see reason. This was stupid. Why give in to what Bakugo wants? You started to get off the edge, when you hear a loud slam, and you teeter backward. You desperately tried to regain your balance, and last thing you see is your best friend’s hand desperately reaching for you, tears running down his face.
Bakugo sees the bloodied mess of what used to be them. He had been walking with his friends when he saw something fall and hears the sickening sound of a scream cut short. They were all bloodied, their limbs twisted into angles they should not have been. Deku was in tears, crying over their dead body. He wouldn’t be surprised if the nerd had loved you.
He feels numb, like it isn’t true. His friends were long gone, having given up on getting him to move. Your face, your wonderful face was brutally covered in blood. And it was all his fault. It had to be. After all that bullying, it had to have been his fault.
And now, seeing like this, he realized why he hated you so much. You gave him a feeling. You had stood up to him that day. And he didn’t like that feeling. At least, that’s what he told himself. It was too late anyways. You died hating him, and it was all his fault.
You hovered over Izuku, watching him cry over your casket. You sighed, to the best of your ability putting your hand on his shoulder. You glanced behind you, even Bakugo was here at your funeral. That was weird. Did this mean that bastard actually didn’t hate you? Whatever. You were stuck here. Might as well make sure Izuku rose in rank, and be the best hero ever.
And you would haunt the living shit out of Katsuki Bakugo. Make him regret everything. But of course, not enough to make him want to kill himself either. You grinned, following Izuku back to his seat. Being a ghost had benefits.
Izuku would be your revenge. He was gonna be the greatest hero ever, and you would make sure of that.
This is my first time writing angst, hopefully it was okay.
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randomveyn · 1 month
i need bakugou to send me this
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kyojurismo · 1 year
“what’s the matter?” katsuki turned your way and noticed you were staring at the ceiling, even though you were just turning around under the covers a minute ago. “nothing,” you murmured, not looking at him. “bullshit. you can’t sleep. c’mon, tell me what’s wrong,” he sighed and looked at you, waiting patiently. “i…” you tried to speak but couldn’t find the right words. “hm?” he encouraged you. “i don’t know,” you whispered and felt your eyes fill with tears at that, a lump forming in your throat as your chest tightened. katsuki gulped down and searched for your hand, squeezing it as to ground you. “it’s okay. i’m here,” he spoke in a gentle tone, watching how you silently cried next to him. “my thoughts… there are too many, i feel like i can’t breathe… i’m always so upset, i’m so sorry!” you covered your face with your hands, hiccups shaking your body. “i’m so ugly… i’m a very bad person too!” katsuki waited for you to spit it all out, knowing that it would help later. you were vomiting all the vicious thoughts that were filling and torturing your brain. “hey,” he called for you once you were done, making you turn to him slowly. “i know it’s hard, but i’m here with you… you’re not alone in this,” he kissed your forehead, his thumbs wiping away the tears on your warm cheeks. “you’re not a bad person, you’re just going through a bad time but trust me, it will pass and you’re gonna feel better. and, you’re not ugly, don’t even think about it. you’re beautiful because you are you.” he cupped your face and kissed your nose and chin sweetly. “i know you feel like you’re stuck right now, that there’s… this huge wall — or whatever, but guess what?” you finally met his eyes, his words caught your whole attention. “i’m here to help you get on the other side,” he smiled at you. “although, you’re strong enough to do it yourself. i just believe you need a little help, and i’m here for it. i’m a hero, after all huh?” he smirked and you chuckled at his words, nodding slowly. katsuki kissed your forehead and held you close to his warm chest, caressing your back slowly. “thank you, ‘tsuki…” you whispered then, relaxing into his arms while his heartbeat lulled you into sleep.
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erebusbored · 1 year
After a day at the beach :)
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kickbutts-singsongs · 8 months
You know what I want?
We’ve had Deku vs Kacchan, and DvK2, and I see some people say that want a DvK3 (in a more verbal sense)
But you know what kinda chapter I want???
Deku and Kacchan.
What do they have left to fight over??
All they need to do is talk to each other about their growth and their epiphanies and their undying love for each other and badabingbadaboom
I just want to see them finally come together, with no misunderstandings left between them.
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anicaaa67 · 4 months
The battle we struggle together
TW: sh, sad bakugou, angst/comfort, reverse comfort *not proof read* lots of grammar mistakes
"damn it," Bakugou said Angrily in his mind. This is the third time he's gotten this problem wrong. And it was pissing him off almost to The Verge of Tears. he's been a lot more angry, depressed, and emotional the last few weeks, and he's not sure why. he's just been feeling like such a failure semi: not just because of school, but he relapsed a month ago and has been beating himself up over it. he had been so far free for 3 months, and it absolutely broke him to be in the same spot he fought so hard to get out of.  He sat on the floor, staring at the problem. He'd been trying to solve for over an hour. "I hate myself," He whispered, Audible defeat in his voice. throwing the homework onto his floor, he slumped deeper into the corner, head and hands wishing he had a gun to his head. "I hate myself," He mumbled over and over again until he reached into his bottom drawer and reached for his blade. gripping it tightly with a dead expression, he rolled his sleeves up and began to drag the blade quickly. But forcefully against his bare cold skin.  He could see the cuts he was making a new. He shouldn't be doing this yet. It was so addicting that he gave him relief. It gave him purpose. his brain was yelling him. Just one more, and it'll be done just 1 more. When he was finally done, He threw off his old longsheaf shirt. He was wearing which was now covered in blood. And he threw on a black skull hoodie to cover the new scars he had just made. He wishes he could be better. He wishes He wouldn't be like this. He wishes he wasn't so angry and overreactive. He wishes, He had never started cutting himself. He wishes that he was better at school. He wishes that he was someone else. He wishes he was dead. He finally got himself together composed. And calm like he'd always been shown to everyone else. He kept his composure, but yet was angry at the same time. he went downstairs into the dorm kitchens and tried to get something to eat. Even though he had been struggling with an eating disorder for the last few months, he thought that maybe eating something would make him feel less guilty about the things he'd been doing to his arms. he got downstairs, and nothing made him look good. Everything there made him sick this stomach. He couldn't even look inside the fridge any longer, so he shut it. He knew that if he tried to eat anything, he would end up throwing it up later that night. so he just sat there staring out into the window. Cause he swear he saw someone out there. He's probably just saying things he told himself. It was 5 in the morning. He just then realized that he was gonna have to get up in an hour for training. "Another night sleeplest." He told himself. "Bakugou?" You said concerned that why your friend was up at 3 in the morning. "Why are u awake?" you questioned. "Uh, I was checking g for food.." He shyly answered you, his cheeks blushing, but you couldn't tell because of the lack of light in the kitchen. "Well I'm worried about you, I went to get water and I heard you talking to yourself... some.. not so nice things about yourself" you stated waiting for what the blond would say. You were used to being angry loud and obnoxious. All the time, but somehow you would still caught feelings for him. as he waited for response. He put his head in his hands and slowly lowered himself onto the floor, almost like he was gonna pass out. "Bakugou?! whats wrong??" You said well quickly mealing down next time. Somehow by encouraging bakugo and The fact that it was 3 in the morning he agreed to let you in to his dorm so you guys could talk about him and what he was going through. granted bakugo didn't really wanna talk about anything he just wanted to be with you.
A/N: hey guys this is purely self indulgent and needed to write smth to get my head out from reality. hope this helps someone🤍 also I had to make it two parts cuz my story was too long😭
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