#quirkless kacchan
iamfrankie99 · 2 years
by Femmie
253k 68ch
Summary: Katsuki loses his quirk to All For One when he gets kidnapped at the training camp and his life is a mess. On one hand, for the first time in his life he can feel emotions other than anger and stress now that his body isn’t fighting the nitroglycerin it produced, on the other hand, he has absolutely no clue how to deal with said emotions. How the tables have turned; is this karma for how he treated Izuku all their childhood?
Frankie’s comment: A looooot of angst, like, a shit ton for real. But also, Izuku is so supportive and the plot has so many twist that make you go daaaamn! Also? the starting idea in itself is interesting; I had never thought about the possibility of Katsuki’s quirk having such side effects but it does make a lot of sense and I’m all for realistic and logical fics, I love them when they make sense and this one makes a loooot of sense. It’s pretty long and somewhat repetitive especially in the last 20ish chapters but I’d say it’s worth it😍🧡💚
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bakudekublogblog · 25 days
kacchan is so much gayer than I would have ever been able to reasonably anticipate
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kisasan · 22 days
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When people think/write about adult quirkless deku AU where he never got ofo and never became a hero, that he'd be all rage filled and hate bakugo still.
But I feel there's a lot of missed opportunities where he's not rage-filled and hateful but just awkward and weirded out by the whole situation.
Like imagine you're Izuku, you are now a grown ass man, you are completely over Middle School and all of the events that transpired there, you don't really care about Katsuki.
But the problem is you see his face everywhere. Taking the bus to work? Bam! Childhood bully on a billboard. Trying to watch a YouTube video? Bam! Unskippable ad of your childhood bully trying to sell you cookware.
You go on a hero forum to nerd out and you see a couple posts talking about how "Hot hero Dynamite is", and you just have to remember that this is the same guy who, when you were five, you were at a sleepover together and he peed the bed and you had to help him hide the evidence and agree to never speak of it again.
The whole situation is just so unbelievably awkward. And gods forbid you ever try to talk to anyone about heroes irl.
You start talking about heroes but then they bring up Dynamite and you have to try to change the conversation to a different hero without them getting suspicious. You're doomed if you get into a conversation with someone you find out to be a super fan of his. Or worse, you call him "Kacchan" out of habit and then they look at you weird.
And you're not just going to go around telling people that you grew up with him. Cuz either they don't believe you or they just think you're weird and still salty about your childhood.
You really don't care about him anymore! You just wish he would stop popping up in your life.
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sakubabypowa734 · 26 days
So... I can't found the first pages of the chapter. We just have Uraraka and Todoroki with their mind away. This war really touched all people psychic...
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And then, a lot of Bakugou and Deku's moment...
First of all, Bakugou was there with his parents next to him
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And then, Deku is in the same hospital room than All Might.
Dammit! Where is this useless Midoriya Hisashi!??
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So Bakugou shows up in Deku's room again. Humm... last time, he was stopped in the middle of the hallway.
He didn't listen all the conversation between Deku and All Might but heard about the embers...
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The fact that he heard Deku is Quirkless again broke him... he remembered the whole time of their childhood and when he was a bully... and still remind that Deku still chasing after him
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OMG! What a crybaby when he was just in front of Deku! 😂
Anyway, there is a sweet confession from Bakugou to Deku: that he will forever be together to chasing each other. You know, rivalry is their way to say they cared for each other
Deku tried to conforting him by saying he still had some embers but he was weak for now. It will be better later.
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All Might speaking now, telling that Deku was the Greatest Hero of All Time and he thanking Bakugou for saving him.
They both are amazing heroes!
Save to Win and Win to Save!
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Look at these sweet and peaceful smile! 😭
They are so... AJFYSLWVQIZWGLP!!!
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By the way, All Might mentionned the OFA predecessors. Must be the last time we will see them...
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New haircut and 2 freckles less cause of the wounds.
My hero academia continue!
For the next chapters:
- How many chapter left?
- What will happened now?
- Hope everything will be okay for now. Villains will always be here but AFO not.
- Don't know if I want Deku with embers or be quirkless again... 🤔
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mimithealpaca · 1 year
DAILY PRIDE MONTH DOODLES #23 - this is not a flower shop meet cute (part 3) [9 page mini comic]
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 (is this one!)
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sorry i've been behind on cross-posting the entries onto here! it's been rough just keeping up but we caught up at the last minute! the last days are gonna be special >:)
anyway i really liked this one! because butch x butch is SUPREME content and also like my fave thing to do is to draw kacchan having gay panic
if you enjoyed this, let me know by reblogging (with notes? 👀👀👀) and/or tipping me at my ko-fi! bribe me to get that fic out sooner (or for that spicy wolf!kacchan bkdk doujinshi >:)) OOOORRRR you can buy my already published comics here :DDD
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mobunso · 3 days
Chapter 1 PREVIEW
TW panic attack, physical aggression, physical abuse.
Again, this is only a preview! I’m going back through and adding more development with Bakugo and the other classmates. I’m also making this chapter at least twice as long and will be delving briefly into Izuku’s mental health as well as his relationship with his parents (or lackthereof).
Feedback is welcome and so so appreciated!!! Enjoy (-:
His hands were trembling, a physical manifestation of how rapid his thoughts trampled through his mind. Shaky meticulously fingers picked through emerald green hair, as if looking desperately for any sort of distraction from the issue at hand. There were none. The reality in front of him stared him in the face. Izuku Midoriya could not run away from how others perceived him or how their perception caused others to treat him. He couldn’t blame them. Who would want to be kind to a worthless, not to mention quirkless, disgusting child like him? For fuck’s sake, he couldn’t even take a shower. His parents said that he would taint the purity of their house if he went anywhere other than his own room. Izuku could sleep on his putrid, dirty comforter while he’d catch sounds of laughter dancing up the stairwell, only to stop before ever getting close to his door.
A voice jolted the green-haired child from his mumbling. “Hey! What the fuck are you going on about? Did I say you could speak, nerd? Don’t forget your place. You’re just a worthless Deku.” His childhood friend sneered at him through gritted teeth. Deku felt the familiar burn of Katsuki Bakugou's explosive quirk melting into his skin, but he didn’t cry out. He didn’t cry at all. Izuku stared dead ahead of him, not an emotion to be seen. He was empty.
Izuku had been bullied like this for as long as he knew he would never be like the other kids. He had a target placed on his back the day that the doctor proclaimed him to be quirkless. Kaccha- Katsuki would parade his cult of like-minded bullies around the school like a king. Every chance that he, or any of his goons got, they would harass, burn, pin, kick, punch, throw things at, and report Deku to the teachers for any reason they could think of.
“Settle down class!” The complacent chime of his teacher’s voice rang out like a bell. The students sat idly and half-listened to a lecture that seemed to last forever. Izuku may not have cried out when Bakugou charred his flesh, but he was broken on the inside. He couldn’t escape the abuse, not even once he left school.
As soon as the bell shook Izuku from his seat, he sprang out of the classroom. Anxiously, he darted through the halls, avoiding all of the pointed looks from what should be his peers.
Izuku yanked off his shoes and practically threw them into his locker. Inside was his worn-down pair of tennis shoes that barely fit him anymore. His parents had begrudgingly bought them from a garage sale because, “If we want to be able to pawn you off to the school so we don’t have to deal with you, unfortunately we have to pay for shoes to wear so that they don’t get too suspicious. Not to mention, it could ruin our reputation if we sent you without something to wear home from school.” Shaking the voices of his parents away, he quickly pulled on the raggedy shoes and shoved the locker shut.
Green hair flashed by the entrance of the school and past the gates. Once he bolted down the first alleyway, he slowed his pace. He should be safe now. Even if he was fun to play with, nobody would chase him this far away from the school. At the end of the day, he was worthless. Why would anyone go out of their way to follow him out of their way?
Eventually, the slow trudging of his feet came to a stop. He raised his eyes to the door of what should be his home. Shaking again, he pulled out his house key and fit it inside the lock with a ka-ching. A feeling of despair flooded Izuku’s mind as he carefully attempted to keep the door from making any noise as he shut it.
Being careful didn’t matter when his mother loomed behind the door.
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dabihawksluvr · 25 days
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roguesenses · 1 year
maybe we are not meant for the perfect ending @ofdetonation !
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The beach was quiet, but in the best, most relaxing way. Izuku sank his toes into the golden sand, reveling in its warmth. UA kids were given some time off - they all deserved it after everything they had been through. Most were occupied playing beach volleyball, while others went off exploring. Izuku was told to stay close to the shore until his remaining injuries healed while one or two of the others kept him company at all times. They didn't need to, and he had reassured them multiple times that he was fine, but his classmates were capable of being very stubborn when it came to taking care of him. They were worried about his mental state, you see, because the war had taken something very precious from him - One for All.
In a way, it was the perfect price to pay for peace. One for All was always meant to defeat All for One, so it made sense for them to take each other out in the end. Izuku was quirkless again, but he didn't mind, because he was able to protect those he cared about and restore his loved ones' smiles.
Still, his head felt empty without the previous users, and every so often he got a sinking feeling in his chest like he was missing something. For the first few nights, he couldn't sleep, and that turned out to be a good thing, he supposed, because otherwise, he would have missed out on some important conversations.
Izuku leaned back, resting his head against Katsuki's shoulder. The blond was either too preoccupied with cutting up the watermelon to shake him off or decided this was grudgingly allowable after what they discussed.
His eyes slid from the bridge of Katsuki's nose, down his neck, then fixated on his chest. This wasn't allowable and should he stare a few seconds longer, he'd probably get barked at. Izuku had been doing that a lot lately, weirdly finding himself staring at Katsuki's chest, eyes searching across the smooth skin without understanding exactly what he was looking for. Was something missing there?
Stop it. Izuku internally nudged himself to calm down. The war was over and everything was set to right, so he must stop feeling restless as if something was wrong still. Was this PTSD? Maybe he should talk to someone after all. They did hire that nice new counselor with a soothing voice...
As Izuku's gaze shifted, he spotted someone in the distance. Tattered clothing, bruises, and blood. This person did not feel like he belonged on this beach of serene beauty and laughter.
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"Kacchan?" He sat up, puzzled. "But..." Kacchan was sitting right behind him. How could there...be two?
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Doctor Midoriya 💚
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Inspired by an ongoing fic written by the incredible @lifeaccordingto-cass 💕 I just HAAAAD to do this scene from Chapter 4 (and throw in a little kabedon for good measure :3) Make sure to check it out and send Cass some love! <3
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bakudekublogblog · 1 month
i am a bit like rrrrrrrrr about izuku not acknowledging kacchan at all, but also kacchan literally just told him not to slip up, so if izuku had a moment where he was like “omg kacchan” he would have REALLY been ignoring kacchan in that moment
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mega-ditto-3 · 2 years
This is by FAR the funniest set of lines I've ever written.
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For context, Izuku and Katsuki never met in this AU, and Katsuki doesn't really like Deku yet but Izuku has already decided to call him Kacchan in his head bc he thinks he's 'so cute'.
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meeko-mar · 2 years
(spoilers for recent manga chapters)Thought:
While ShigAFO is bearing down on Bakugou again, wanting to get rid of BK before his control over Tenko slips again (and assuming he does so even after the Big 3's interruption and amajiki's current play)
We have Bakugou clearly seeing him in that one panel of 361(and he is still sparking)
We get Bakugou's perspective once again. He flashes back to the very first time he'd ever met Izuku with his mom and Inko. The two moms introduce and want their kids to play together. Izuku is of course smaller and much more sensitive than Katsuki, Mitsuki brings this up and tells Katsuki,
"Hey, watch out for Inko's kid, okay? Protect him!" Or something to that effect.
And little Katsuki looks over at this tiny, nervous, freckled boy with enormous green eyes, who's being encouraged out of his initial shyness by Inko, looks back at his mom with a huffy little "Fine..."
Of course, as we all know, Katsuki doesn't live up to this much beyond this point, but that's kind of how they're introduced. Izuku quickly slips into "kacchan sugoi" mode and continues to live there for eternity, meanwhile Kacchan takes this as his first inclination, one of the formative notes of him being special, that "YEAH, I'm the powerful one. I'm the HERO and IZUKU is the one who needs protecting." and so it shapes their relationship. Until Izuku starts showing HIS heroic side that Kacchan takes as a threat to HIS OWN power and heroics and resorts to his bully tactics for the rest of their childhood--- thus their entire relationship from there on out getting fucked up.
Flash back to Katsuki in the battle, recalling all this, and remembering his original, very distant promise of protecting Izuku, looking out for him.
And it has just been sinking in about how AFO just told him in so many words that HE was going to be brutally killed and shown to Izuku as a means to HURT Izuku.
And that being the final motivation he needs to get up and start moving again.
Because even though it was just such a little thing that his mom said to him when he was just a tiny, Quirkless little kid, he knows he made a promise and he should have kept it all these years...But he didn't. But he's going to keep living and KEEPING that promise. Like hell is AFO going to hurt Izuku while he's around. He knows now that Izuku is more than capable of protecting and saving, but he also knows, intimately well, that Izuku NEVER PROTECTS HIMSELF.
Thus his Quirk evolves, Izuku shows back up and we get a team up we've been waiting for, etc etc
(once again I state I just really want to see how exactly these two first met)
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
So I'm watching episode 0 of season 2, basically a recap of the first season voiced by Izuku... And god, imagine they did this but with Katsuki's POV?!
The whole bullying and getting pissed cuz quirkless Deku wanna go to UA TOO?!
I told him to fucking die and he runs like an ass to try and save me from sludge villain, wtf?!
Why is he not backing down when I'm telling him to not go to UA?!
Fuck he's in my fucking class HOW?!!?!
Rage, damn nerd, Imma beat the shit out of you for lying to me and looking down on me!!!
I FUCKING LOST TO HIM HOW????!!! *full panic attack*
Why the fuck did this useless nerd move before me when All Might was sure to die?!
God I wanna watch this 😭💚🧡
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meitanteimaple · 2 years
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Twinstars Week Day 0: Free day; GHOST HUNTERS. Saving people... Hunting things... its the hero business. Pro Hunters!
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iamfrankie99 · 2 years
Always Yours
by Gemsom
18k            6ch
Summary: Katsuki’s biggest regret in life is not saying sorry to Izuku. It’s slowly eating at him from the inside, especially when his Alpha is dead-set on the greenette being his omega. That’s how, one day, on the verge of collapse by exhaustion, he finds himself in the green-eyed omega’s apartment, apologizing and pleading with the omega to not hate him. But Izuku has never been able to forget him either. They decide to meet again and it soon turns into dating. Katsuki has never been happier.
Frankie’s comment: This is another one of my favourites. Usual trope: Katsuki becomes a pro, Deku stays quirkless, they meet again and get together. Clichè but always appreciated. Soft Kacchan is really too much for my heart 😍
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