#katsumi takahashi
redsamuraiii · 5 months
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Tokujo Kabachi / Legal Eagle (Ep 4)
Bro is crying internally. 😭
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anamon-book · 2 years
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演劇ぶっく FEB. 2007 vol.125 演劇ぶっく社 表紙=八嶋智人×高橋克実 NODA・MAP『ロープ』/ロングインタビュー:近藤良平
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stuff-diary · 1 month
9 Border
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
9 Border (2024, Japan)
Director: Momoko Fukuda, Takuya Sakagami & Kana Torii
Writer: Arisa Kaneko
9 Border doesn't break any new ground, but it goes through the usual tropes and clichés with flair and cleverness. The main character is very relatable, and the show has quite a few interesting conversations and ideas about aging, expectations and life as a whole. The romance storylines are mostly solid too, especially the one focused on the central couple, which is very sweet. I did feel a bit uncomfortable with the way it handles other topics, like cheating or child abandonment, but at least it doesn't devote much time to them. So yeah, not the best drama ever, but it's fun enough and leaves you with a pretty important message.
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girlywave · 1 year
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stickers included in h mag vol. 31
photos: masafumi sanai, katsumi omori, yoko takahashi, naoki tsuruta
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Assorted Osomatsu-kun/san headcanons I have buried in my head
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Psst... Hey you. Yes you, You wanna know about my silly little headcanon I have for a bunch of characters most were one-shot characters. Well, you came to the right place.
Welcome, I'm your host Diseaster and today I'll be reaching as far as humanely possible into the deepest crevices in my brain to be you my assorted list of headcanon no one asked for.
Tw: Kidnapping, Animal Abuse, General Tougouness, CSA mention (Nothing actually happen tho)
🟣🔵🦷Ichimatsu learned the Kusomatsu thing from that one time Iyami visited and forced Karamatsu to drink beer.
🥨🦷That one German Iyami doppelganger grew up in a novelty shop that sold German stuff
🩳Dekapan's son, Taro, followed in father's footsteps and became a scientist. Though instead of making crazy gadgets and shit, it's just normal ass science, something like microbiologist
🩳Dekapan been married around six times. He wasn't the most attentive husband. He's still a doting father tho.
🤪The Dayon tribe is actually a bunch of people he vored when he was drunk on vacation
🔪👛 On meta note, Tougou is very prideful of newfound fame and still brags about appearing in the San for movie for like five seconds. Everyone else not give less of a shit
💨🍢 Chibita is related to the boss of the Smog Gang in a way, he doesn’t know this however
💨🏳Hatabou works an informant for the Smog Family Gang
🎀That one uprising in S2E1 was planned by Ta-bo. She must've really not wanted them to be CEOs or something.
🧑‍🏫Yagi occasionally hangs out with the sextuplets. He's really proud of how his disciples turned out.
💍 Kumiko is now an up and coming model. She rubs this in Totoko's face to no end
💍 Kumiko and Kinko are cousins, their names being the same is kind of an inside joke between the two.
👓🥐Niyake works as a reporter alongside Toy Car Boy. He says it's to travel around the world but in reality, it's because his family went bankrupt and he needed the money. He's still a prissy little shit tho.
👓🥐Such as not letting Iyami live that one time he humiliated him out of a job, still beefing with Chibita over outclassing him and generally sticking his nose up at everybody.
🎌🧛Hatabou and Dra-chan befriended each other, this somehow involved lots of bloodletting and ended up with them in the hospital
🥊🦑Fighting Yowai and Knockout Tsuyoi are drinking buddies
🍎🥊Knockout Tsuyoi doesn't approve of his little brother, Yotaichi, bullying people and he usually has to force him to apologize.
🟪🦷Just as Chibita can summon a cat army, Iyami can summon a swarm of ravens to attack people. He learned this trick from his older brother.
🪆👮After retiring from being a policeman, Katsumi a became seamster
🪆🦷Iyami quickly divorced Katsumi after he learned that being married to a cop won't get you out of legal trouble.
🐭🪤After the incident with his son being replaced by a cat, Instead of abusing cats Tataoji put his energy into helping mice
🎭That one old couple Tougou and Oso robbed, They were Jiguzou's grandparents. Ok, I just made this up to give Jiguzou a reason to kill Tougou.
🧺🦷Speaking of Iyami's brother, Gisei, he uses ravens to assist him in his robberies.
🧺🦷Some more tidbits about Gisei; half the stuff he steals is to sell for a higher price and the other half for no other reason than it looks cool, as a result, his house is full of all sorts of useless shit.
🧺🦷He is considerably "nicer" than Iyami, well at least to anyone other than Iyami. He has good manners and barely a mean word to say about others. He tends to apologize on his Iyami's behalf, mainly to humiliate him, and at first, seems to be a swell guy
🧺🦷On the flip side, he is the most unloyal traitorous little bitch on the face of the earth. There’s no limit to his selling out, he would rat out his friends, family (specifically Iyami), and anyone else unlucky enough to associate with him.
🦷🎀Iyami's daughter, Isoka, is blissfully unaware of her father being a con artist and is told that he's some sort of salesman. Iyami's brother holds this over Iyami to no end.
🦷🎀 Iyami still visits his daughter from time to time and seems to be on his best behavior around her.
🦷🎀 Isoka works in a ski resort as an instructor. She is normally good at her job but she still has a bit of favoritism streak, particularly to handsome rich guys
💰💵 Cash-kun is the one that got Chibita into crypto in the first place
🧺🦷Iyami's brother can't sheeh to save his life, any attempt from him to do so ends up with him falling flat on his ass
🕯️🦇 The Shinigami Salesman has a candle under his top hat (don't ask how that works with his candle going out or the hat burning, it's magic or some shit) He can regenerate instantly when injured. If his candle is put out, he "dies" until it re lit. Also, he can remove it and switch it out for a new one.
🕯️🦇The Shinigami Salesman was a normal human and was on his way to becoming a door-to-door salesman before getting bodied by a truck. The Shinigami before him was about to quit and ask him to take their place.
🐈‍⬛🦇Nozomi and the Shinigami Saleman tend to work together to help people want to pass on without regrets.
🔪🍢Contrary to popular belief, Tougou wants to get revenge on Chibita. Unfortunately for Tougou, Chibita has no clue who he is outside of some annoying old guy that keeps loitering around his cart.
🔪🔴 On the topic of Osomatsu and Tougou. Tougou can't even get his name right (usually calling him Osumatsu or Omomatsu), let alone care enough about him to take vengeance on some shitty NEET.
🔪🔴Osomatsu, on other hand, can't stand the sight of Tougou and push him into traffic if it was legal (jk, he would do it even if it wasn't legal). It wouldn't be so bad if Tougou just fucked off and never showed his face but... Nooo... Tougou just had to return instead of moving on with his life.
🟣🔵🟢🟡👚 On the side of the other Matsuno. Jyushi scares Tougou and he's convinced that Jyushi is some sort of cryptic. He found Kitty!Ichimatsu rummaging in his trash, at that point he doesn't know what to do about him. Choro and Kara generally don't trust him but they aren't outright trying to attack him so Tougou is cool with them. Todomatsu and Tougou silently hate each other.
🔪👩Tougou tried to attack Matsuyo for putting sleeping tonic in his food, he ended up having his ass handed to him and barely escaped with his nipples. Plus he keep picking on Matsuzo for being short (the fucking dickhead)
👨👩Matsuyo and Matsuzo would've either hounded the police or search for Osomatsu themselves if Tougou actually succeeded Osomatsu (bc I refuse to same people who fought a death god and aliens made counterfeit money to pay a ransom, jumped a barber for fucking up their kids hair would just go "Oh, some guy with a knife stole our kid. That fucking blows but I guess we can't do shit about."
👨Matsuzo can be summoned by singing the first five lines of the 80's anime theme. I mean it's practically canon. Choromatsu deadass starts singing the theme song and out of nowhere Matsuzo just ✨️pops✨️ out of nowhere. Like I refuse to believe that was a conscience, it was ✨️magic✨️
🏎️📻Osomatsu and That Toy Car Kid from the Tougou chapter still hang out. They usually go fishing, watch horse races (Oso bets, Car Boi just likes to watch), or pray on Tougou's downfall.
🔪💰This has no basis in canon but it's a funny brain worm I had stuck in my head. To lessen his sentence, Tougou "volunteered" (forced) to be an idol to entertain his fellow prisoners. It fucking blows. He was forced to wear this ugly ass, itchy as fuck knife suit. Had to sing these corny ass lyrics about weapons. His fans didn't even like him. His manager forced him to perform no what condition he was in as he raked in the money from his CD sales. The whole experience shaved 10 years off his life.
🔪💰Speaking of prison, Tougou was at the bottom of the pyramid in prison. Basically, someone start rumors of him being a ch0m0 and if you know how people like that are treated in prison, you can tell it wasn't pretty.
And finally, Mujirushi took place in the Osokun universe. Search your heart and you'll know it's true.
Whew. That was long. In all honesty, I had fun making this, though I may not do it again. I hope everyone enjoyed reading this.
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mariocki · 2 years
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Ringu (The Ring, 1998)
"She killed a man just by willing him dead. That's power of a different order from her mother."
"So that video..."
"It's not of this world. It's Sadako's rage. She's put a curse on us."
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cynicalruins · 1 year
Changérion Bible - Hagino Takashi interview
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Translation by Windii, scans by me
(Mild spoilers for a few episodes of the show)
Carefree, but manly! Suzumura Akira, a descendant of a family of weird (?) detectives whose ancestors have been venerable for generations, has somehow become a hero of justice. Where in the world would there be an ally of justice who would use "being a hero" as a way to pay his debts…? Ah, here he is. So we talked to Hagino Takashi, who played Akira, and who has created a stir in the way heroes are supposed to be.
"Actually, last year when I was in a drama called Love is Justice, I went to the scene very depressed. I had a chance to think a lot about what kind of job it is to be an actor and what kind of actor I am…"
-The trigger was an encounter with two actors.
"Takahashi Katsumi and Tayama Ryousei, both of whom have stage backgrounds and have a great deal of skill and experience. And since it was a drama about lawyers, there were many courtroom scenes, and I was in the audience as a detective. Every time I was in the courtroom behind the fence, I would watch the various performances and think, 'Oh, they are so good, I wish I could be a part of that.' I was very envious of the high tension and flexibility of the actors. The two of them have taught me that the world is a big place. I am sure they went through a lot of hardships, but when they talk about it, it all becomes a charming boastful speech. I admired their personalities. When I look back on my own acting, I think, what have I done? I have done many things in my life, but what is my own acting? I enjoy being on set. When the courtroom scene starts, I become a spectator. I am the first person in the audience to see the two perform. But on the other hand, it's like, what about me? So it was a lot of fun, but also a lot of pain."
-Is it the actor's desire to perform on an equal footing?
"Yeah. At the time, I thought about many things. I wondered what was wrong about my acting, why was I so troubled, what on earth was bothering me, and so on and so on, rinse and repeat."
-Escape from that conflict came suddenly one day.
"It wasn't triggered by anything. I met a lot of people, read a lot of books, watched a lot of movies, and gradually I thought, 'Ah, I have no choice but to do this.' I was troubled and suffered a lot, but I arrived at that answer. As I worked consistently, even in one or two scenes of a two-hour drama, I talked with the director every time, and as I acted, I came to be able to separate the role from the real me."
-It was the beginning of a new awareness of the need to "manipulate roles at will."
"In interviews and such, I was told that I was just as I was, even though there were usually some differences from the role I played in Changéríon. I thought the same thing. But finally, I came to think that no matter what role I play, a role is a role and I am me. But since I am the one playing the role, I am more determined than before to always give it my all, but I have also come to have a sense of calmness about it. That's why I was able to play the role of Ouja in "Kamen Rider Ryuki" with a very detached attitude. I don't know if "detached" is the right word, but I hope to be able to play the role even if I don't have the role in my mind. If I have to play a role that is completely different from me again, I may feel conflicted, but be that as it may, I would like to see myself in that role as soon as possible. And I hope to complete it before I die. I think I have come to be able to look at things from a longer span of time, rather than immediately judging whether or not something is "not in me" or "not possible." For example, if there is a costume that I would have thought "what the heck" before, now I can say "yes, I will wear it" if that is what I want. I am not so much asserting myself anymore. In that sense, if I played Akira now, it would be different. That was a role I was able to play because I was doing it then as it was, and I don't think I can play it anymore. And now I am playing completely different roles, and when I receive fan letters, some of them say they were betrayed in a good way, but I'm not really conscious of that. I'm just thinking, that was then, this is now, and I'm me."
-Are you now experiencing fulfilling days?
"But of course! But sometimes, when people around me say that they're so scared of Ouja, I think, 'Shut up, I get it' (laughs)."
-It is said that you are impersonated by all of your co-stars at the scene.
"It's like, oh my God, they're all so cocky in a way. Everyone was quiet at first, but then they started to rebel (laughs). But it's fun. I used to work with a lot of senior actors, but this time there are a lot of younger actors, and it's a lot of fun. I think of myself as everyone's big brother. ♡"
-He describes his position in the midst of that as follows.
"I do what I'm given, and I think everyone else does the same. I think it's important that we do our best to create one thing properly."
-It is not about not losing to anyone, but about not losing to yourself. Not to be aware of others is actually very difficult, but it is a very big deal.
"Really? That makes me happy. Apparently, everything seems to take a long time for me, and there were times when I had a hard time being aware of other actors my age, but recently I finally got there."
-Now that you are in such a state, did you have any resistance to "transforming" again?
"I have to admit that I was a bit embarrassed by the transformations. But at the same time I wondered if it was appropriate for a 29-year-old. Still, it was a big deal to get a transformation at the end of my twenties. But, well, the people who knew me invited me, so I felt the most motivated to do my best."
Changéríon Memories
"We were just filming episodes 30 and 31 when we heard that the show was coming to an end. Episode 30 was the one where the dark creature in the form of a Zen priest appeared, and his end-blown bamboo flute was so loud that everyone had insomnia. The cries of 'I can't sleep!' were filled with a sense of 'Why did this get cancelled?!' (laughs). So I was very excited about episodes 33 and 34. But in the preview for episode 36, there was a voiceover saying, 'I don't care about this show anymore,' (laughs) and I'm sure the staff was determined to give it their all."
-In episode 35, Akira was abducted by Zafia, a dark creature who is in love with and obsessed with him, and somehow in the middle of the desert, he was tied up naked and whipped in a crazy fantasy scene.
"That was crazy, wasn't it? We shot it in front of a blue background and composited it, and the director praised my panting (laughs). It was kind of absurd."
-That desperation (?) is said to have been a bit unusual to be before the final episode.
"There was a break before we shot the final episode, and I had a lot to think about, so I got sentimental. But now I think it was all for the best."
There After All! Auditions
"The first time I met Hayami (Aizawa Kazunari) was when we rode together in the elevator at Toei's headquarters when I was going to an audition. I asked him what floor he was on and he said "…the 8th floor." I remember thinking, "You should use polite language when you meet someone for the first time," but he insisted that it was polite language. I had the worst (laughs) impression of him. So after I passed the test, we had a costume fitting, and I told him that the guy who played Hayami would be there, and he came. And when we were shooting the first episode, he asked me what he should call Akira, and I said, "Just Akira" while thinking that he seemed like such an upright guy."
-Legend has it that you were in your best personal attire at the audition.
"Well, um… I went to the audition on the way home from some party. I was wearing a really nice suit at the time, and I remember the manager telling me why I was wearing that…"
-It was a flashy double three-button men's Bigi suit.
"At the time, I loved Shouken's Wounded Angel, and I had made everything up, from the accessories to everything else, and of course I had my shirt bare, and my pants were a little thicker, so my whole body had a tight vertical line. The theme song was playing in my head, and I felt like Shouken, so I opened the door and said, 'Ah, hello ♡.' I had read the script for the first episode beforehand, and I didn't go in thinking, 'Oh, I really want to do this,' so I didn't really prepare for the role. Looking back on it now, I am horrified. That's the work of ignorance, isn't it? (laughs)"
-As a result, you passed the test with flying colors, perhaps thanks to (?) your appearance. However, the new attempt at casting, aimed at creating an unprecedented hero show, (seemingly) caused a ripple in every quarter.
"I was told for a long time that it wasn't decided (laughs). I was told, "It's not decided, but we're going to take the camera test, we'll introduce you to (suit actor) Jirou, and we're going to greet the big guy." Toward the end, I was like, 'Do whatever you want. ♡' But the producer, Mr. Shirakura, and the director, Mr. Nagaishi, both smiled and said, 'Well, I guess it's okay.'"
-The real challenge, however, was the final audition.
"I was told that there would be no dialogue test, so I was very relieved. Then one day, they handed me the script and said, 'Well, let's try to get this together,' and I read the lines with my heart pounding… By the way, that was for the first episode, when I disguised myself at school."
-The next day, to his surprise, the manager was summoned to Toei's headquarters. According to him, "He asked a certain producer with whom he had been in contact for some time, "What do you think of that?!' (laughs)" (according to the manager) From those words, you can guess how good the acting was…
"But, you know, from my point of view, it was so perfect that it couldn't have been any better. But Mr. Shirakura said, 'Next time I decide to go with this guy, I'll never let him read another script.' and I was like, 'Huh?' and he said out of the four who were left, I was the worst."
-In the end, rumor has it that Mr. Shirakura and the entire staff pushed through the company until the very end, using only photographs and visual materials.
"Well, I mean, I guess my performance was amazing, making everyone say that much! (laughs)"
-That's true… In other words, you had "something" that made people say the role of Akira belonged to Hagino Takashi, even though you had gone that far (laughs).
"But actually, I found that out around episode 20, when I was having a drink with Mr. Shirakura, and now that he finally told me about it, now I'm depressed about it! So, if it were to be released on DVD, then I would have to rerecord the dubbing… No, I'm sure it would be painful to watch… but, it's a good memory in that sense, so let's leave it as is! Yeah, let's!"
-Mr. Hagino was convincing himself on his own. In fact, this program is the first Toei tokusatsu work to be released on video while on the air, and it's incredible (laughs). It is said that it also set a sale record. It may be because the times were too early.
"Most heroes start out as bad boys but become good guys toward the end, but Akira was like that until the very end. In the script for episode 28, there was something about "Akira turning into a cat" (laughs). We don't have shows like that, do we?"
-He borrowed money from the bank, went on binges, and was lectured by monsters about the true image of a hero. It is not difficult to imagine how much friction there was at that time to dare this program. However, the voices of the third party did not enter the scene at all.
"For me, I thought I was just doing something fun rather than doing something great, and I didn't think about whether the numbers were bad or how it was. It was just fun anyway."
-That atmosphere was definitely palpable.
"That's why I'm glad that even after six years, there are still people who say they like it. I'd be happy if you could keep it as a secret treasure."
Akira (Hagino Takashi) & Rui (Matsui Yuka)
Rui: I hear you're doing Kamen Rider now? Akira: Oh man, I transformed again! It was called "Sanzen" at the scene, but I told them it was "changing." Rui: That's great, you guys are so close. Akira: The staff is all together, after all. The other day, my brother showed up, and his name is Akira, and we have the same name spelling. And of course, it was written by Mr. Inoue (laughs). Rui: Ah, I'm sure the fans will be happy to know that there is a connection like that.
Akira: It's been a long time. But you haven't changed at all. Rui: You too, Hagino. I had to drop out of the role due to a car accident, so it's been about five years since we've seen each other. Akira: That's right. That was a surprise. I'll never forget the tree-lined street in Aoyama! You didn't show up at all, but we were all talking about how it wasn't like you to be late, and then we got a call that you had been in an accident, and all hell broke loose. There was a lot of dialogue by Rui in that episode, but we tried to do something about it, and in the end, we had Hayami say one line (laughs). Rui: I see… I'm sorry. Akira: Was your head okay? Rui: Hmm… maybe I hit it a little and lost some of the contents? Akira: Maybe there was nothing to begin with… (laughs) Rui: That's mean… but that may be true (laughs).
Akira: My first impression was that you looked much younger than your age. I thought you were in junior high school… Rui: I was nervous because I was in the middle of the show… and you looked really scary (laughs), so I wondered what kind of person you were, but when I greeted you, you smiled at me, and I was happy. Akira: Really? (happy) It was a pity that there was an accident just when we were all getting to know each other. Rui: I hope we can play together again someday. Akira: Yeah. If we work hard in the same world, there will be opportunities. I'm looking forward to it.
Hagino Takashi Born May 27, 1973 in Tokyo. He made his acting debut in "Lipstick Message" (TBS) in 1991. After acting in "You're the Only One I Can't See" (Fuji) and "I Like You" (TBS), he was selected for the role of Suzumura Akira, the main character in "Super Shining Soldier Changéríon." Since then, he has been active in TV dramas and V-Cinema. Currently, he appears in "Kamen Rider Ryuki" as Asakura Takeshi, aka Kamen Rider Ouja.
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ashhearthelpsaa · 5 months
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Below the cut will be a list of some of my favorite Japanese names. I like to write a lot of original characters that are based in different animes, so I thought this would be useful to have. These will be placed under a read more, as this post got quite long. There are 70 feminine names, 75 masculine names, and 31 gender neutral names. Please like or reblog this post if you found it useful. Thank you. :)
Feminine Names.
Ami. / Aimi.
Emica. / Emika.
Hatsue. / Hatsu.
Kanna. / Kana.
Masculine Names.
Ryo. / Ryu. / Ryou. / Ryuu.
Gender Neutral Names.
Ren. / Rin.
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15 January:
Good morning, everyone.
Hey, listen.
I was driving down the road and there were a lot of people around.
I found someone i was close to within seconds.
Is that possible? We were both laughing so hard.
I couldn't help but take a picture of him, lol.
(I'm asking if i can use the picture now, but haven't heard back yet).
Our eyes met in the hustle and bustle of Tokyo and it was a blast of a love affair.
The reality is this.
16 January:
Good morning, everyone.
It's a shame that Katsumi Takahashi's picture alone has racked up over 13 million views lol.
What, wait a minute? It's cold. Outside.
I was driving so hard i started screaming.
The world is a little different now.(repost of Yuichi Nakamaru's tweet).
17 January:
Good morning, everyone.
I had to open this because i wanted to write something.
I forgot what i was going to write. Scary.
Checking emails, answering emails and taking a little time to myself.
18 January:
Good morning, everyone.
Oops, oops, i didn't ask you to compose like that.
I think a photo of me was posted by Kikuchi Fuma, on his instagram page.
19 January:
Good morning everyone.
Fuma. I get it.
It was a huge success
I'm really hilarious!
I heard you say it a little awkwardly, lol.
I'm glad you liked it, right?
(Don't get mad already!)
I'm getting drunk.
Good night.
20 January:
"Actually, i was already with Ninomiya-san. Good.
Have they given me a lift before? I listened to him,
"I used to be a lorry driver and drove Arashi sets all over Japan!"
Surprise. Surprise.
I've travelled before, even if it was there!
I thought it would be about the same, lol.
But why are you a taxi driver now, i asked.
When i got out, he said: "Please let me drive you again!
Hearing that made me feel good.
[Breaking News.
Shunsuke Kazama-pon seems to have thawed out.
21 January:
Good morning, everyone.
Well, i slept in, i slept in.
If you have time, please watch it!
By the way, i came here for no reason, lol.
22 January:
Good morning everyone.
I thought i was being watched, and when i looked back, it was me.
Thank you very much for being by our side and following us closely after the interview.
And as of today, i'm joining Sport Hochi.
We will publish it within three days.
Thank you for your help!
I'm being watched again...
I thought i was looking in a completely different direction.
23 January:
Good morning, everyone.
However, being on the front page two days in a row is something that will never happen, no matter how bad life gets.
I can only express. Only my gratitude.
24 January:
Good morning everyone.
I have never experienced anything like this before.
In January, Ninomiya realised once again that he was living thanks to the help of many people
Of course, this has always been the case. This is the environment in which I work and yet keep in touch with many people.
I am very grateful for such an environment.
(No, i can't wait to find a manager).
25 January:
Good morning, everyone.
We are very happy to announce that #Yoninojourney #1 is now in the fastest growing ranking!
Thank you to all of you!
Thank you all so much!
26 January:
Good morning, everyone.
27 January:
Good morning everyone.
I feel like Kazama-pon and feel like Roland at the same time.(repost of Kazama Shunsuke's tweet).
I realised when i was told about it.
I thought i had done it.
I wasn't following you.
28 January:
Good morning everyone.(2 times).
Thanks to all of you, we can play again!
Thank you!
In the end, Nakai Masahiro is the best.
29 January:
Good morning, everyone.
30 January:
Good morning everyone.
It's been so long...
It's so fast. In the blink of an eye.
I'm about to get the letter packet out.
I feel like i'm living a normal life when everyone tells me they're going to send me a packet of letters and asks me to go lol.
Yes. It was a date.
31 January:
Good morning everyone.
Is this happening?
I thought that only in my next life would i be able to do a regular show with Nakai-san.
Thank you all!
Please support us in our desperate endeavour not to be left behind! LOL!
Why can someone from Nakai immediately follow him?
Why can't Kazama Pon do that?
1 February:
Good morning everyone.
Today's Asobo location with Nino.
2 February:
Good morning everyone.
The person who can finish preparing the evening meal in the morning.
3 February:
Good morning everyone.
4 February:
Good morning everyone.
So it's only my friends here.
I'm a little nervous, but I'm laughing.
There's a reason the "Yonino" video will be released at 5pm today, so you can already enjoy it!
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otakween · 2 months
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One Pound Gospel - Episode 9 (Final Episode!)
This was so cute and fun 🥹 Just as a silly rom com finale should be. The episode flew by and felt shorter than usual? It was a bit like an extended epilogue since Kosaku already became the champion in the previous episode. I really needed these warm fuzzies after a stressful day at work.
Side note: Somehow this is my first completed Jdrama?? I've lived 31 years and never got around to watching one from start to finish. Hopefully this is the beginning of a long and beautiful friendship.
As usual everyone banding together to cheer up a sad Kosaku was really sweet. Talk about a good emotional support net.
Angela and Ueda get a one-on-one! I love Ueda's wise older brother vibes, he was a delight to watch (gotta check out that actor's other stuff).
Of course they had to throw in some more Rumiko Takahashi Easter eggs with Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2 chilling in the background. They even mentioned Inuyasha by name! (Apparently Angela read all 30 volumes in one sitting lol)
Ueda waiting for Kosaku to fall asleep when he was upset that Ueda was leaving 🥺
Kosaku showing off for the kids in the park was great. Transform Champion Man!
Loved the little comedy routine with the guys trying to get Angela to leave the room in the church. I actually laughed out loud quite a few times this episode
Mature!Kosaku tells Angela that he'll wait for her. I didn't really understand that tho. Telling her he'll wait implies that she'll definitely quit being a nun at some point no? It's like he was trying to take the pressure off but instead added a crazy amount of pressure? lol
Boxer!Katsumi was super cute with his bangs pinned back. It was pretty cheesy how everyone announced what their happily ever after was going to be. They really wanted the least ambiguous happy ending possible lol
Happy for the Mukoda gym becoming crazy popular now that they have a champion. Happy for the Chairman mostly, she deserves this :)
The scene where Angela first shows up without her habit and the wedding sequence both felt really awkward lol. In the first scene it took Kosaku like 10 years to look at her face and then the wedding was just strange. Barely anyone in the crowd (wait, does Kosaku just not have any family?) and then they applaud when she walks in? I don't think that's how it works...Also, Kosaku's clown shoes lol
The egg stroganoff bowl looked pretty nasty but I'm sure it's delicious. Why were the nuns eating it tho?
Angela's training to be a housewife with that side pony. I did like her "cozy at home" look the best. Considering her resume (or lack there of), I would say housewife or teacher/daycare worker are her best options.
Kinda ruined the mood when they stamped "This drama is a fiction" right over the final frame. What if I was like "wait, WHAT!?" lol
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Whelp, that's it for this franchise (manga, OVA, and live action). Nice to have something short and sweet as I trudge through Digimon. Onto the next!
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magpiejay1234 · 3 months
So, let's do the Dark Signers.
The most notable thing is main writer of Season 1, Atsuhiro Tomioka has gone back to Pokémon. So, Shin Yoshida formally steps in.
Another notable thing is this Season's length, it is 38 episodes, making this is the second longest half-length Season of any Yu-Gi-Oh! series, and explains why ARC-V, and VRAINS will return to standard long season with half season length production cycle writing structure. Longest is of course WRGP proper, which is Season 4 (Episodes 93-134, 42 episodes).
This is rather inane coming from ZEXAL to 5D's, where there were 6 Seasons, and two sub-series, and ARC-V, which had 6 production cycles with OP/ED.
In a later YGO show, or even back in GX, the Dark Signers would have been over by Episode 52 at most.
Given Katsumi Ono's situation as the "director-in-name-only" for later seasons, this makes one wonder what sort of executive meddling was going behind the scenes (almost certainly predominantly from Konami, with TVTokyo being the lesser evil), since it is pretty clear Yoshida wasn't in the actual driver's seat.
It is kind of hard to gauge what specific problem was the primary one, since 5D's era was when YGO's stakeholders, Shonen Jump, TVTokyo, Konami, and yes, Kazuki Takahashi went crazy with card game specific merchandising. 5D's had many video game tie-ins like GX, you had the Duel Terminals being the first time Synchros were showcased, etc. This is not comparable to odd merchandising from DM, and GX era (DM era had school items for Doma arc for example like Pokémon usually did), but since this time merchandising was more focused on the cards, the profits went directly to stakeholders, and not third parties.
For some reason, some of the merch probably didn't meet expectations, which is part of why the different direction for the series was made.
The other reason, as we discussed before, was the lack of vision. Tomioka didn't leave a guideline of what to do next, as Director Ono was still involved. Yoshida didn't really need a plan for Dark Signers, since most of the plot was planned out by Takahashi, and other minor directors. This would of course doom the latter half of 5D's, as writers scrambled first for new ideas, and then new writers.
Of course, Takahashi himself won't be involved for the latter half, since he will be involved in BBT instead, and Yoshida will immediately jump ship to ZEXAL.
It is kind of amazing in retrospect how the most well praised YGO show was considered an unwanted bastard child by the people who were involved. Explains the insanity of 5D's era main sets.
Now for the writers:
**Shin Yoshida is formally the main writer, but has only written 10 of the episodes. Most of the episodes he written involve Crow, as Yoshida dislikes writing female characters (he admitted this himself in the ZEXAL manga interviews), and prefers male-only trios (see Doma arc, good chunk of GX, ZEXAL, ARC-V manga, VRAINS especially S3). Thankfully Crow will get other writers after this, which suggests Yoshida's early infatuation with Crow was to use him as a wedge against the female characters he was forced to write.
**Yasuyuki Suzuki is unofficially the main writer, as he wrote the largest bulk of the episodes (13 of them), and the final Duel.
**Koji Ueda, technically present in S1 as the lyric writer of ED1, but not as an actual episode writter, has also done 10 episodes. Most notably, he done Jack vs. Carly, and will later do the Jack episodes in S3 (Kaz, Fake Jack etc.)
Given the Fake Jack episodes, I don't think he was particularly fond of Tomioka, but more importantly, he is not the reason why Jack-Carly got reset, because he wrote the relationship himself (under Takahashi's, and Ono's guidance of course). It is Shin Yoshida, and presumably the executives, particularly the Konami folk.
(Though as we discussed before, Yoshida also reset Asuka's relationship with Manjoume, and Rei-Martin stuff that was developing in GX S3 when he took over as the main writer in GX S4, so, this is not new. Though many 5D's fans never watched any previous YGO, especially in their Japanese versions, so sure. It might be new to you personally.)
Ueda will leave the franchise overall after Episode 109, the end of the Placido Duel, which I presume due to creative differences (though there could be other reasons like health).
**Masahiro Hikokubo, the Duel Constructor of all the series (ie. the guy who writes the Duels), and major writer in GX S3's Supreme King mini-arc, and writer of 5D's manga, is the writer of Episode 32. This is the only episode of 5D's animé he will write, ever.
**Tadashi Hayakawa from DM's Seasons 2-3 will also write Episodes 60-61, the final Misty Duel. He is just an in-between writer for 5D's, who will be involved in 5 episodes in total, with the last being Episode 85. His only other episodes will be the Tetsuzo (dub name Bashford) episode, and Aki's D-Wheel episode.
Writing wise, this arc will be a roughly even split between Suzuki, Ueda, and Yoshida, as such Yoshida's influence, while very present, will be diffused, and no writer will really dominate.
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keykite · 7 months
do you have any archived info about rtcd? like any info about the characters, art done, potential plot ect?
hey anon! at this moment i dont (sadly i didnt get around to archiving all of the spotify playlists before they were taken down) but i do remember some info. the main character (i dont remember his name) was a lesbian that used he/him and cat/catself i believe ... and kitsune's ex was going to be an antagonist? the one who took advantage of them prior to wtcd i believe. there was a genderfae character and a hijabi who needed hearing aids/was deaf i believe. also i think ntombi's sibling wouldve been in it. i do believe ... actually. hang on. we do have a cast list and at one point we HAD icons ..... ahhhhgh. okay i'm gonna draft this for now and come back after i do some digging..
okay! im back from my adventure! i found the spotify playlists.
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and let me copy out the cast list for you, anon. incase you missed it;
delilah zielinski, ultimate librarian, genderfae, she/they
sekai ndlovu, ultimate racecar driver, she/her, aromantic
farah ali, ultimate mini golfer, she/her, lesbian
rin takeda, ultimate game show host, he/zi/they, (presumably) mlm, kitsune's ex
anne-marie viverette, ultimate arsonist, he/cat, lesbian(? if my memory serves), would have been the protagonist
amari adeyemi, ultimate ornithologist, they/them, aromantic (and presumably under the nonbinary umbrella), ntombi's sibling
anah elbaum, ultimate paranormal investigator, she/fae/they, lesbian
garmal ahmad, ultimate lifeguard, he/him, bisexual
katsumi fukei, ultimate performer, she/her, (presumably) wlw
akemi masashi, ultimate prince, he/him (no recorded image of his design or flags)
hayato fujioka, ultimate barista, he/they/fae (no recorded images of their design or flags)
sumiko takahashi, ultimate sailor, he/him (no recorded images of his design or flags)
meiko kutsuki, ultimate poet, they/them (no recorded images of their design or flags)
yuko kamiya, ultimate exorcist, he/it (no recorded images of its design or flags, but it had a playlist at one point)
yoichi sasaki, ultimate escape artist, any except for she/her (no recorded images of xeir design or flags)
aiko hamasaki, ultimate matchmaker, he/him (no recorded images of his design or flags)
also one plot point i totally forgot that was teased, but i was VERY upset about for a good while - angel (main character) and katsumi (akihiro's girlfriend) were implied to be a ship that was going to be canon in wtcd2. for obvious reasons .... this really isnt a good thing. i'm just gonna let my past self explain this one -
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sorry this answer got a bit long anon!
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ryotaroishihara · 2 years
高橋昂大監督作品『A Veil』(2023) - Trailer
Credit 彼 : Ginga Kikuchi 彼女 : Koyuki Akahoshi 中年 : Yuya Kawasaki 店員 : Ryotaro Ishihara 青年 : Ryota Matsuda 友人A : Haruki Mitsuzane 友人B : Shion Miyazaki 友人C : Yudai Kasuga 女1 : Moe Okeda 女2 : Ameri Fukasawa 女3 : Aika Sudo 男1 : Shinnosuke Susuki 男2 : Nariaki Seo 衣装協力 : NER下北沢 協力 : Shinnosuke Susuki 美術/グラフィック : Futaba Sugiyama スタイリスト助手 : Katsumi Takahashi スタイリスト : Moe Okeda 照明/撮影助手 : Jones Martin Tomoki スチール : Ameri Fukasawa 音楽 : Ryotaro Ishihara 助監督 : Utaha Omuro Masaki Arakawa 脚本/編集/監督 : Kodai Takahashi
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anamon-book · 4 years
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NHKウイークリーステラ 平成24年 6/1号 2012 5/26→6/1 NHKサービスセンター 表紙=高橋克実・堀北真希 連続テレビ小説〈梅ちゃん先生〉高橋克実 インタビュー、堀北真希 メッセージ
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years
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Dark Water (Hideo Nakata, 2002).
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saitama-division · 2 years
Lola’s Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
“Hey, so this is the chick that sits next to Kureha when she’s in school, huh? Well, she looks adorable and not too bad looking for someone who can’t speak. Speaking of, I think that’s why she and Kureha get along so well, not that there’s anything wrong with not speaking, there are a lot more ways to convey what one wants to say. I, for one, am pretty fluent in body language.” She winks with a cheeky grin. “I heard she’s an author, kinda like Gentaro but with better fashion sense, I haven’t read any books from her but Aika looooves to tell me about them. That’s fine and all but I’m good, I’m not big on romance you see.”
Mitsuru Tenjo
She shakes her head. “Damn, I still remember when I saw the attack her sister did on her, pretty sure those screams are gonna haunt me for a good while. First Sayaka and Ritsuko and now Mitsuru and her sister, what ever happened to ‘sisterhood’? I’m kinda glad that I’m an only child, I can’t imagine the shit that’ll happen if I had a sister.” She sighed heavily. “But I’m glad to see that she’s up on her feet again and is still pursuing ballet, a lot of people would be deterred from doing something they love after something like that but kudos to her for not being as easily shaken, she’s got my respect.”
Katsumi Kenzaki
“A fencing champion, huh. Gotta admit, it’s a little weird that a Japanese person is better at a French sport than actual French people. They sure do start out young these days, don’t they? 22 years old and already has 6 gold medals under her belt, I’m not hating though, good on her for showing up everyone who looked down on her because she’s younger than they are. But uh, is she doing okay? Not to intrude or anything but I noticed that she doesn’t show her arms as much, a weird observation, I know but I only know one person who does that and…well, she has a reason why.”
Vivid Angels
“Okay, I love the name. It’s cute, not good as ‘Femme Fatale’ but it’s got their own charm and honestly, what more does a team need other than that? I feel a little bad for them though, knowing that they were forced into this like the rest of us and being a new team on top of that? That’s gotta bring some pressure but I hope they know that they got people rooting for them, not just their fans but even some of us competing here as well.”
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