#kay gets shot
arolegos · 20 days
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cowboy season where they get kicked out of every tavern for being too loud every episode
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blep :P
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Ninjago Headcanons from an elder fan
Part 1
There is a group chat, and it pops off all hours of the day. And often the conversation is being texted in all caps, or voice messages of the ninja yelling at each other.
Skylor was added to it but left because there were too many notifications while she was working.
Zane will take selfies in the middle of the battle and send it to the group chat
Nya begs him to stop doing it but Zane thinks it's hilarious
Kai is a material girl; he does his skincare, haircare, and body care and will often pester Nya about where she goes to fix herself up for dates.
Ninjas who ride cycles also wear helmets, which increases their attractiveness by 200%.
Lloyd has taken on the man bun. Yes, it does work out for him.
Jay is severely underrated. He's strong, average-sized, and has freckles all over. This dude is a ninja and commonly climbs high places to practice his element. He's got to have that nice upper body strength.
Cole's the tallest, heaviest, and strongest. He's pure muscle, but he's also a gentle giant when he's not in battle. Even sparring, he'll go easy in an effort to not hurt his friends.
He will, however, pick Jay up and just carry him out of the room if he gets too aggravating.
Nya will still tinker with mech, and often spends time with Pixal doing so. They're lesbians, and Nya taught Pixal how to be more self-assured and independent.
Pixal's life revolved around serving other people, and she had to be taught how to serve herself.
Zane and Pixal are similar to how the D:BH androids function. They can download any file, and research anything, but once it comes to human experiences and emotions, they have to take their time and learns from being hands-on.
That's why it took so long for Zane to catch on to simple emotions and phrases, and why he still has trouble even if he's made improvements.
Zane and Nya are close friends, they were the oddballs before Lloyd showed up.
Nya and Lloyd are also really close because of this, and while as a child he loved to annoy her, he actually really looked up to her.
Babysit isn't the proper wording, but Nya definitely looked after Lloyd and taught him the basic functions of how to take care of himself.
Kai as well, the Smith's were the closest thing to a pair of siblings Lloyd could've had growing up, and their bond still stays strong.
Lloyd still clings onto remnants of his short childhood. He will do things to heal his inner child.
There's articles and social media posts catching him swinging on a swingset with Cole, or getting icecream with Kai. He'll even go to a comic-con or two...or ten.
While the ninja aren't necessarily paid for their efforts, the city will give them a check every so often whenever Ninjago is saved by a big baddie.
However, if there are casualties or if the city is destroyed (Ex. The Great Devourer), that money will go back into repairing the city.
But, Nya keeps the finances in check, and knows how to haggle for anything the team may need (she threatens the salespeople).
But even with the extra money, some will seek a second responsibility. Pixal will do hybrid part-time jobs, and Jay will pick up a delivery contract for example. Something to take a break from daily training and punching bad guys.
They still have their golden weapon vehicles because I said so, and I like people on motorcycles. They also have spare backups that Nya has built from scratch. She almost strangled Jay for crashing that one.
And yes, Nya has a motorcycle, too.
But all in all, they've found each other as family, and it's ride or die with all of them. Especially Zane.
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spinjitsuburst · 7 months
since @icy-watch has finished seabound (my condolences btw a heartbreaking season finale to get through) I feel I should remind us all of one of the BEST FIGHT SCENES IN NINJAGO
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beastlyidiocy · 14 days
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 2 months
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Fukutora shitposts + a redraw of that one dumpster battle panel where they look like bugs
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applecranberryjuice · 2 years
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2. Scars [and a realization]
Do you know how children don't know of the pain a scar brings? It might just be me, but i got conscience pretty late of how to get a scar you needed to get hurt and to get a BIG scar you needed to get REALLY hurt. I don't think Kid!Lloyd sees that yet.
HEYY nothing like a bittersweet comic to start our morning right? Let's all pretend it's still october 2, just this once.
If you're curious abt where this situation came from, it came from one of my au's!
I don't talk a lot of them, but for context, Lloyd managed to get himself spawn in the past weeks before the green ninja was even figured out. Nobody recognizes him and while i have him wear his mask on the au, here it was removed just for aesthetic purposes. So if you imagine him with the mask on during this, it would be canon.
But basically, nobody knows he's Lloyd and they're just excited to have the green ninja around, kid!Lloyd is less thrilled about it (having the suspected murderer of your father near, he completed the prophecy so,, does that to you) but they bond sometimes, when K!Lloyd isn't busy pranking his older self.
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yallthemwitches · 24 days
The "Official" Illustration of Snape's Worst Memory (Snape and Lily) by Jim Kay
Sorry it isn't the best quality, I had to do a lot of sneaky photo taking. Interested that A. this photo hasn't really been talked about in the community and B. that of all the illustrations of the book, THIS one was the hardest to track down online??? Anyways, here it is, the "Official" depiction of Lily (and Snape) as of the newest illustrated editions of HP.
Interested to hear thoughts ( as an aside I found it immensely disappointing he didn't illustrate the marauders...)
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poekiidokidoki · 5 months
My silly little idea of how I'd end the Cobra Kai series. It's the last scene; Johnny about to get married (Cause let's be honest, we are going down the classic soap opera trope and it always, mostly, ends with a wedding) He's in the room getting ready and Daniel comes knocking in. Cause you know, he is the best man now (yes all the og cobra's are pissed about it) Daniel goes, "Woah, looking good there Goldie locks," Johnny like, "pfft, Thanks," and there is a kind of silence in the room as Daniel is about to speak up, a little sounds escapes him and shakes his head dismissing it. And Johnny goes, "What is it LaRusso? You didn't have a problem before bitching out whatever came to your mind," Daniel looks offended ," first of all I don't, bitch out, second-" he stalls and with his little hand gestures dismisses it again, " No, it's stupid. Don't worry about it," johnny gives him a deadpan stare and huffs out, "Just say it man, it can't be that bad-" Daniel shrugs and scoffs while rubbing his chin, " No, I rather not-" Johnny, "should I kick it out of you-?" as he moves forward pretending to strike, "You'll have to explain to Carmen why my suit is messed-" Daniel flinches only slightly blurting out, " I used to have a thing for you back in high school-" and it goes silence as Johnny drops his stance, and they stare at each other for what feels like hours, and And Johnny goes, "You too-?" AND IT ENDS WITH JOURNEY'S SEPARATE WAYS CHORUS BLASTING AND IT GOES BLACK WITH THE COBRA KAI LOGO FLASHING ONTO THE SCREEN/END CREDITS.
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embryoed · 3 months
How I feel with That Shot of Demetri with That Dialogue over it in the Season 6 Part One Trailer
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torys moms death would’ve been better if we actually knew literally anything about the character other than ‘she’s ill’ tbh
like she was mentioned a few times and then she died. #goals
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zappedbyzabka · 2 months
So nervous
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dracocheesecake · 5 months
Self-Indulgent Daddy!Kai One-Shot: Hand In The Cookie Jar
"You dote on her too much. Dai Lu is already becoming a very spoiled child," Kai's wife said to him one day.
They were in the pantry, organizing herbs and poultices. They could have had the servants do it, but her request that he open jars for her had stroked his ego so much that he agreed. Her hope was that the menial task would suffice to get him to stay in one place long enough to listen.
Kai snorted. "I don't dote on her," he said. He unscrewed another jar and then passed it to her so she could fill it. "I treat all of my children with the exact same iron discipline and authority that I do my soldiers."
Zan wanted to roll her eyes, and was about to point out the various gifts and requests Kai had granted their daughter only recently, but she didn't have to. A sweet, tiny voice interrupted her, coming from under Kai's side of the table.
"Daddy, can I have a cookie?"
That would undoubtedly be Dai Lu. Zan leaned over the table to take a peek. The calf was looking up at her father with woe-be-gone brown eyes, her lips pursed beseechingly. The black curls of her mane were held back with green ribbons and flower pendants, and with the dress to match (all expensive gifts from her father and godfather) she looked like a princess.
Zan frowned. "You had one after lunch," she said, though gently, "and we're about to have dinner-"
There was a noise of something being moved. Zan looked up. Kai had already grabbed the large jar off the shelf where it was kept (high for even Zan, but nothing to him), and was already passing it down to his daughter. The calf took it in her arms and flashed him one of her sweetest smiles before trotting off with the prize that was as big as she was.
Kai turned back towards his wife. He didn't seem to recognize the irony in what had just happened. All he knew was that she was glaring at him. He blinked.
Zan's glare intensified. "...You spoil that child."
Kai shrugged. "She was hungry."
Zan huffed. "You idiot."
Kai shrugged again. "She's a growing calf! What did I do?"
Zan began to stuff the jars with more angry fervor than before. Kai held out his arms in bewildered exasperation.
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mo-ok · 2 months
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Toku Summer Day 5 - Favourite Sun Themed Villain
So long, the person I was until today! Welcome, the person I'll become tomorrow! The High School Heroes: Sun Halo Majin
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It tugs, sometimes. Curious and foolish.
That traitorous heart mana of his, reaching out, drawing in, seeking connection in the way that's in their blood, their soul, their nature. Synchronicity.
Rei's not known it, before.
Where other demons might be attuned to family, Rei has no one to claim the spot. So, his heart mana sings, unblemished, its lonely little sonata, the song of his homeland. All there is to him, granted by air and earth and starlight.
He has so much to give, and yet, it isn't good enough. Discordant, they say. Human, they snarl, disgust evident in their tones.
Thus, growing up Rei learns to compose himself. Pushes himself to the brink in order to rewrite his heartbeat's melody. Puts himself out there, gets stronger, richer in experience, whenever he draws back. Over and over and over again.
Until one day, pushing himself past reason, he almost doesn't return.
But while he hasn't been looking, a new melody has taken residence by his side. Soft and steady high notes, barely perceptible.
Morofushi Hiromitsu, faded, yet giving himself so generously.
Rei hears him, takes him in and amplifies the notes he's given, until others may do so, too. Until Hiro may do it himself.
Their hearts mana, separate but inseparable, resonating in response.
And Rei's called back home.
Rye is low notes, a deep bass, slow and steady.
He could enrich their harmony, if only he wasn't so gratingly offbeat.
Rye's unrefined and ever-contradicting himself. Cold and uncaring, yet bleeding red like the rest of them. A long-ranged combatant, always too close. The smartest fool Rei ever has had the displeasure of meeting.
He takes Rei's heart mana greedily, gives it back tenfold.
Then he takes Scotch's, and their tentative song, not yet given voice, dissolves into dissonant whispers.
When they meet again, Rei doesn't want to feel Akai's heart mana for the longest time.
It's too painfully familiar, echoes of the past still trapped reverberating within. Misery-in-resonance almost dusts Rei.
It's his duty to be here, and so he stays, but there's others to preoccupy himself with.
So, he remains a careful distance away from Akai. Doesn't see the muted melancholy wrapped around him until it's too late, until Akai's almost gone dark and quiet.
When he heals Akai, he pours all of his heart mana into him. Their hearts still sing the same tune, after all these years, discordant notes and all.
The journey is too perilous to allow them senseless grudges. Their lives are one. If either falls, the story ends.
They rely on each other's mana like air, sharing desperate breaths like drowning men in a land that wants to drag them under.
What even is left of their individual songs? It doesn't matter, anymore. They've shared so much it really is one and the same, disjointed notes smoothed out through time and touch and trial, into an elegy for Scotch.
As they finally reach tentative harmony, they rip themselves apart.
There is dissonance in Demon Lord Furuya’s heart. A furious ache that even Hiro's return can't soothe.
But he has a duty, to his land and his people. He can't stop to rest. Besides, the one to replenish his heart mana, he who's grown so good at it over the years, has left, exiled by Rei's own hand.
Akai is a fool, but so is Rei.
He clings to the thrum of Akai's low warm notes, barely an echo within himself.
Da capo al coda, the cyclical rhythm of life remains the same.
Rei's still not good enough.
He's bested their best. He's saved the realms. And all that matters, in the end, is that they see his heart mana, and find it lacking.
But he's no longer the lonely manaspawn he once was. His song no longer just his own.
He's holding the position through skill and strategy, through force of personality. With the help of friends and allies gathered on his journey.
They'll have to listen to his tune, this time.
The key, of course, is an argument.
Their feverish crescendo crashes into mellow adagio - along with their lips.
Rei knows, then: if no one else accepted him, the boundless love in Akai's heart would be enough to supply his heart mana for as long as he lives.
It's exhilarating, to share every last bit of himself, to accept all of Shuuichi in turn. Synchronized in full, for now and as long as they live.
Pulsating, between them, the potential to compose a new melody, together. Point and counterpoint. Bright and warm and vibrant and home.
When he takes Akai's hand, leads him to the dancefloor, the festive joy of friends and family soaking the ambient mana with joyous ringing, it's enough to put pressure even on Rei's heart mana.
He can't help thinking that this should've been so much easier. But theirs has never been the easy way.
And it's not the conclusion, but the overture to their new life, together.
The waltz of their future, a thunderous symphony.
@floofiestboy's Demon King Furuya AkAm AU is giving me too many feelings. Go read it here.
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, and Thane Krios With: Flight Lt. Jeff "Joker" Moreau, Councilor Rannadril Bibsos Tembin Lesti Bensin Valern, Cmdr. Armando-Owen Bailey, and Kai Leng Kalahira, this one's heart is pure, but beset by wickedness and contention. Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Guide this one, Kalahira, and she will be a companion to you as she was to me. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#thane krios#jeff joker moreau#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#priority citadel is one of my favorite priority missions in the game so it’s a fun one to gif!#i absolutely love how much thane content you get in the front end of the mission since thane is one of my favorites!#and bailey is one of my favorite npcs in the game so i adore that he gets a bit of a spotlight role in a bigger mission too!#but i will say that i do think priority citadel has some.. writing issues? to put it mildly?#i think my biggest problem is that i feel like everything with udina feels like it kinda just comes out of left field#like it feels like there’s VERY little build up for what happens with udina being a cerberus plant#the idea is interesting!! but i wish there was much more build up for it? it’s sort of just- there for me and it just comes at you so fast#like udina had always been sort of portrayed as a kind of shifty/power hungry character (don’t get me wrong)#but the cerberus plot line seemed VERY hastily thrown in and i wish there was a bit more subtle nodding to it throughout earlier missions#and i could write essays about how i wish kai leng was written better#but people who write much more eloquently than i do can put it in much better words than i can what problems there are with his writing#i think he had potential to be a super interesting character if he was introduced earlier and was much less stereotypical in form#also i’m sorry mr. leng but miranda wears the armor better (I SAID IT AND I WONT APOLOGIZE FOR IT)#the fight between kai leng and thane is *chef’s kiss* 👌 tho (i adore the cinematography of the shots as a video editing bitch)#ME3 has very nice fight choreography in some of the cutscenes (especially the ones with kai leng and the phantoms)#thane krios will always be my beloved and in canon he and soph develop a mutual respect over their hand to hand combat skills :)#also i forgot to say joker looking so absolutely done with everything in that first gif is me irl ✨
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variousqueerthings · 3 months
do think it's very funny on some level that
cobra kai keeps shoehorning in nonsensical repetitive heterosexual relationship stuff
cobra kai trailer focuses almost entirely on same-sex "friend"ships (johnny/daniel and sam/tory -- the sam/tory is especially funny considering how s5 ended on supposedly big romance arcs that supposedly act as their main drives)
just really makes a few things obvious in terms of what's meant to be important in their story...
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