#kaz’s drawing challenge!!!
stealingyourteeth · 1 year
day 3 of the drawing challenge!!!
As promised, Leon.
This one isn’t my fav but I still like it
also I just realized you can see the failed attempt at the top whoops
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en-chi-la-da · 9 months
please we need more hinadam or souhina 🙏
gently gives you both even though you said "or" not "and" 👐🏼
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G: "Feel the dark power of ✨Supernova Silver Fox San-D✨ surging from within your very palm, Hajime! >:)"
H: "Oh, he's waving at me! How cute. :)"
K: "Yeah, cute... 💢>:/"
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ejga-ostja · 9 months
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DAY 5: Porter Robinson- Fellow Feeling
- Love me a good ol' contrast between Kaz's repulsion and desire, his trauma and hope 😌✨
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nicolethecreative · 22 days
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It’s the wraith, our knife wife, Inej!! 💙
I don’t think I can describe how much I love this girl (Kaz can, but not aloud 🫠)
Insta | Tiktok | Twitter
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terrywho-cartoons · 6 months
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1 sketch, 1 artist, 2 art styles
Kaz Brekker edition
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akamikazae · 11 months
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❤ Kami~Chan and all her hair ❤
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kayzowl · 5 months
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i've been trying to figure out my take on what an older matthew + guy would look like
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lab-trash · 1 year
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So the goal is to eventually do all of these, and some of them I'm definitely doing for characters that I chose (ex. number 6 I'll be doing Kaz and Oliver, for obvious reasons)
But if you want, you can send in an ask or reblog with a number and pairing, or maybe even grouping.
These will take a while, most likely, so I'm sorry for that
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barrelborn · 2 years
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His most important accessory, the cane and gloves of course. . . 
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jeanthebeagle · 2 months
Grishaverse/Ketterdam dashboard simulator
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🪙 Barrelrat1877 follow
just spilled my drink on a Fierdan's boots and now he's threatening to duel me. Should I call the stadwatch??? I'm lowkey scared.
#guys please help me
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🐦 Dregsconfessionsofficial follow
SUBMISSION: Last night I was walking around the barrel and I saw dirtyhands petting a dog. Like I'm not even joking, no gloves and all. And it was one of those crusty white ones.
#submission #omg I hope he washes his hands??? # those dogs are so crusty
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🌊 tidesofthecanals follow
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Final results from 672 votes
♠️ kvasandass follow
Razorgulls stop sending anon hate to op over a poll challenge, level impossible, no glue no borax.
#i hope they get caught for tax fraud
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🐝 thislittlelife follow
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A drawing my talented daughter made of Sankta Alina. We pray to her each night 🙏🙏🙏
🐾 magic-tricks follow
🍄 thekingofravkaishot follow
hello??? Omg. Why would you dox someone just like that??? This is literally putting them in danger. It's just a sweet mother with her child, who posted a drawing. What is wrong with you.
🏵️ krugebythedozen follow
Op admitted to lying like a year ago about how they don't actually have a kid, but took the post down. It's probably a dime lion trying to troll us like they did in mass when sankta alina died. Also, respectfully, shut up. You posts thirst traps and long drawn out texts on how the king of ravka is "babygirl”. Go get help.
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🤝 theholyhandofghezenofficial follow
To the citizen who spread a highly damaging rumor that we were hosting a petting zoo inside the church, please come to talk to us. You are not in danger, but words will be exchanged. Lots of trouble was caused due to careless behavior.
⚖️ ketterdamfails follow
Womp womp
9,789 notes
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🎀 justapigeon follow
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been able to update my Pekka Rollins x Jan van eck fanfic. I've been searching for my mom for almost a week since she ran away after hearing that you had to get a vaccine for Firepox after the last outbreak. (She believes in praying to the saints.)
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🍪 eatthemerchs follow
I hate all of you. Why is this website making Kaz Brekker a soft boy when he literally MURDERS PEOPLE. No, he won't cry if you hug him. No he doesn't want to pet your dog. He'll take your eye out.
Stop romanticizing crime, all of you are sick.
(I am TIRED of the dog memes. Brekker is a crime boss. Why would any of you think he'd even care about your dog.)
🐾 magic-tricks follow
Your border collie is nice. But your chihuahua barks too much.
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🦂 northerstaverner follow
literally just saw some tall ass guy with a huge gun, a revolver and the brightest outfit l've ever seen, trot past my window??? In broad daylight??? Like oh my god. It felt like looking at a stork who made a wish he was human. His clothes were purple and green. Who wears that. Like, iconic. But still.
🐰 jeepsteristhebestshot follow
But was he handsome
🦂 northerstaverner follow
He was built like a stork.
🐰 jeepsteristhebestshot follow
But was he handsome???
🦂 northerstaverner follow
I'm not answering that... who is this.
🧁sugarandredribbons follow
Op answer
☁️ theweststavesucksass follow
Op we all want to know
🫵 isthisbarrelbossproblematic follow
🫀dmitrithekerchman follow
4,750 notes
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coleslawleviathan · 4 months
okay so. i challenged myself to try and draw some snakes and try to capture the features i want to stand out for them. i wanted to see if i could make them all look distinct but where its obvious they look extremely similar.
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heres the main lineup but i want to get into design elements for them as well as some personal headcanons.
FIRST! bibo.
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okay so. i'm going to toot my own horn here. i think his beard looks so fire and i did a good job. i imagine this design is around the portable ops era... not much else to say because most of the interesting stuff (at least to me) comes from the differences the others have from him.
V!!! I LOVE YOU V!!!!!!!!!!
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for venom snake, i made him look like big boss but Something's Off. in the game people often (notably huey and the boss' ai) don't recognize him as big boss for a few seconds. an imperfect replica because you cannot get that close with plastic surgery. i made the fat distribution on his neck a bit different from bibo's because i imagine the way that the human body configures itself is hard to change. if you noticed the little snake-tongue-shaped-hair-doohickeys, he is the only one with a slightly different shape. it's a genetic thing, you wouldn't get it. just thought that was silly. his hair texture is different, too. can u tell i like him a lot. also, my favorite detail might be his different nose shape. they never got bibo's nose right i guess. in mgsv, he actually has a bit of a downturned nose, and i honestly don't think i captured that enough.
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SNAVID! the most obvious difference here is his nose. he broke it as a kid lol. i love headcanons. there's not as much to say about him as with venom, but i can say that he is incredibly handsome and i like him. i think he is cute. was he free yesterday? if so i would like to have dinner yesterday with him yesterday. well... i will say that out of this specific lineup i think he looks the most like good old dad. which is awful and i feel bad for him.
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i gave him his canonical sharp nose and high cheekbones! i based a lot of his features off how he looked as a kid so he really has little shit vibes about him. he also has thinner eyebrows, and i headcanon that he does them himself lol. he has less sideburny sideburns than his brother. his eyelids are also smaller. he also does look kinda like kaz so its plausible that he tricked dave! yippee! i also like drawing his hair. its such a great hairstyle. it reminds me of a lion's mane.
N E WAYS... i hope you enjoyed me rambling about giving these goobers a more realistic design for future reference. i like talking about this kind of stuff. life is so much better without same face syndrome.
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stealingyourteeth · 1 year
starting a drawing challenge for me!!!
I’m gonna draw a Danganronpa character each day until I’ve drawn every single one
Today, I have Sayaka!!!!
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She’s so silly
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violets-and-books · 10 months
The Crows at the beach
Ultimate mum friend
Doesn't go near the water but finds a spot for all their stuff and guards it with his life
Has 7 individual water bottles, each named and coloured a different colour
The only time you will ever see him in a T-shirt
This man wears jeans to the beach and you can't change my mind
Has 5 towels and also a picnic blanket to sit on
Has individual snacks for each person in tupperware
Only ever gets up from his seat to chase Jesper up and down the beach with suncream
Will deny being a mum friend no matter what but everyone knows the truth
Sits with her sunnies on a towel and reads a book
Has an appropriate amount of suncream on and never forgets to top up
Buys everyone ice creams at the end of the day
Plays volleyball and tennis with Jesper, Nina and Matthias
Wades in the shallows with Jesper and splashes him a lot
Tries to tease Kaz into building a sandcastle with her
Convinces Nina to put suncream on
Wears a cute top and shorts
Speedo. He wears a speedo (much to everyone's disappointment)
Refuses to wear suncream but after being chased all along the length and breadth of the beach by Kaz gives in
Teases Wylan on the car ride there and back and gets a towel in the face both times
Once he gets in the sea, you have to fish him out with a net
Plays volleyball and tennis with Inej, Nina and Matthias. He and Inej lose. Jesper's a sore loser
Decorates Wylan and Kuwei's sandcastles
Takes about 100 pictures of the beach, the sky, the sea, everything
Wears a T-shirt, swim shorts and sunnies
Will throw sand at anyone if provoked
Doesn't go in the water until Jesper drags him into the shallows. Then you can't get him out
Searches for rock pools with Kuwei
Finds and keeps any shiny rocks or shells or pieces of sea glass he finds
Has a very serious sandcastle-building competition with Kuwei
Tries to get Kaz to judge the competition and fails
Pushes Kuwei over in the shallows and then runs for his life
Wears a bikini and one of those massive floppy hats
Will not put suncream on, she wants to tan
Immediately throws herself down on a towel to sunbathe and falls asleep
Buys everyone fish and chips at lunch
Plays loads of sports with Matthias, Inej and Jesper
Takes a load of beach selfies
Will swim but only if she's not swimming alone
Buys one of those ships in bottles you get from the seaside. She has seven already
Won't drink water unless cajoled into it
Tries and fails to get Matthias to recreate a scene from Titanic
Always complains about being hungry and wanting ice cream
Tried to wear jeans to the beach but was attacked by Nina and a pair of swimming trunks
Spends most of his time building a model of the Ice Court in the sand
Puts on way too much suncream
Complains about the heat to anyone who will listen (no one does)
Don't let him near the water, you'll lose him forever
Judges Wylan and Kuwei's sandcastle competition
Decides it's a draw (so he doesn't get murdered by either)
Absolutely thrashes Jesper at volleyball, tennis and pretty much any sport Jesper challenges him to
Tries to climb the rocks in his swimming trunks and nothing else
Convinces Nina to drink water
Has swimming trunks with little flames on them
Goes searching in rock pools with Wylan
Snorkels for hours but gets too excited whenever he sees a fish and swallows a mouthful of water
Chases Wylan for half an hour after he pushed him in the shallows
Collects shells only to lose them before they go home
Talks to Wylan about all the fish he's seen. They try to identify them
Tries flirting with Jesper and gets pushed in the shallows (again) because of it
Builds too many sandcastles and then destroys them all on purpose, laughing at the chaos
Climbs one rock and declares himself King of the World
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ejga-ostja · 8 months
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DAY 6: My Chemical Romance- Dead!
- This isn't really fitting to the song but idc, I just wanted to draw Kaz and Matthias' ghost associating with each other
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mcntsee · 11 months
Letters to her
summary: kaz’s letter to y/n throughout the years.
warnings: Kaz’s past is kinda mentioned, mentions of death, cursing
note: I tried to express kaz’s feelings and growth with every start and finish of all the letters, hopefully you guys understand it too. I added a little something at the end, hope you enjoy! <3333
first letter:
Deer y/n
My da said you can came come play wheneber you want to come play with my me again can you please come play with me soon pleas?
I miss you and Jordie miss and da and the little kitteny miss you we all misses you very much
Love Kaz!
(I drawed a pist picture of you and me and spots playing)
2nd letter
Dear Y/N,
I hope you're doing okay. I wanted to say a big thank you for being there when we said bye to my da. It made me feel better knowing you were there, even though it was kinda sad.
Guess what? Jordie said we're gonna move to Ketterdam. He says it's cause he wants me to go to a good school there. I'm not sure about leaving this house, but Jordie says it'll be good for us.
The cool part is that you live in Ketterdam! That means we can hang out more and play together. Remember when we used to build forts in the living room and pretend we were pirates? Maybe we can do that in Ketterdam too.
I'll miss this house a bit because it's where we played hide and seek and had ice cream parties, but I think Ketterdam will be fun too. And I'm really happy cause we'll get to see each other more often!
I will see you soon, okay?
Love, Kaz!
3rd letter
Dear y/n,
I'm really, really sorry I haven't come to see you yet. It's not 'cause I don't want to, I promise. You're still my bestest friend ever. It's just that things got a little crazy since we arrived.
Jordie met this guy named Jacob Hertzoon. And guess what? Jacob offered us a whole bunch of money for our house! Jordie said it's a really good thing 'cause we can use the money for important stuff. But it also means we're super busy.
I didn't want you to think I forgot about you or anything. I miss you a lot and I still want to see you and play together. Maybe once we're all settled in our new place and get the money, we can have a big adventure like we used to.
Thanks for being the best friend ever. I promise we'll hang out soon, okay?
Love, Kaz!
4th letter
Are you okay? Please write back! Jordie is gone. I need to know you're alive.
5th letter
I heard you went on quite the journey to Shu Han just to retrieve my cane. I assume the trip was bearable. Your efforts are appreciated.
It's curious how life unfolds, isn't it? One day we're children playing in the streets, the next we're scattered across the world for various reasons. Yet, here we are, still connected by some thread of familiarity.
I imagine you'll return from your expedition when the time is right. Until then, business with the dregs continues as usual. The city keeps turning, and so do its dealings. As for me, well, I have my own matters to attend to as soon as I’m able to walk again.
- K.B.
First note
Get well soon! Let me know if you need anything else.
- Love, Y/n!
6th letter
Your letter reached me, and I must admit, it contained more substance than I anticipated. Word travels fast in the Barrel, and it seems that Haskell has taken quite an interest in your recent endeavors. His words carry weight, though they seldom come without a price.
If his assessment holds true, and you manage to prove your worth in the upcoming job, it could indeed elevate you within the ranks. Haskell’s recognition of your potential is both promising and concerning. The higher one climbs, the more treacherous the fall can be.
In the midst of this, know that I await your return.
May you navigate these challenges with the same tenacity that has carried you thus far. I wish you the best of luck, Y/N. Tread carefully.
- K.B
7th letter
You certainly have a talent for uncovering promising recruits. Jesper Fahey. The word on the street is that he’s got a steady aim that’s worth noticing. The skills he possesses could indeed be valuable, particularly in the line of work we find ourselves engaged in.
However, I must tread cautiously when it comes to individuals entangled in debts and vices. Jesper Fahey, from what I’ve heard, is no stranger to gambling. His tendency to wager recklessly has garnered quite a reputation, one that isn’t entirely favorable. The loyalty of a man buried under the weight of debts is a precarious matter. Whether his skills can outweigh the burden of his choices remains to be seen.
Your perspective on recruits is valued, and I’ll certainly keep a watchful eye on Fahey. I trust your judgment, and I’m willing to entertain the possibility. In the midst of all this, remember that your return is anticipated and your presence missed.
Return safely,
8th letter
Do you remember Jesper? It’s almost comical how, after discussing him in my last letter, fate seemed to conspire to validate our conversation. Not long after I sent those words to you, I found myself intervening to prevent Jesper from getting himself thoroughly thrashed due to his gambling debts.
I hope I’ve made the right call by extending a hand to Jesper. It’s a calculated risk, one that I’m hoping will pan out in our favor. There’s potential there, no doubt, but potential doesn’t always translate into reliability.
This letter is short, I know, but I will tell you more about it when you come back.
Stay safe,
9th letter
It’s been days since your last communication, and the weight of uncertainty presses heavily on me. The quiet absence of your presence has stirred an unease I’m not accustomed to.
I’ve seen you handle insane odds, and I know you’re more than capable. But here I am. My mind keeps wandering to places I’d rather it not go, imagining scenarios that could have unfolded, and none of them are sitting well with me.
I hope that this silence is a result of strategic detachment, that you’re immersed in the intricacies of the job and haven’t had a moment to spare for correspondence.
I’m not accustomed to this vulnerability, nor do I care for it. Yet, here I am, plagued by the absence of information. I ask you, if you’re able, to dispel this uncertainty. A simple message, a token of reassurance – anything to quell this rising tide of apprehension.
I await word from you with an intensity I hadn’t thought possible. May it come soon.
10th letter
I received the coat you sent, and I must admit, it's a rare occasion when I'm at a loss for words. It's unlike anything I would've chosen for myself, yet somehow, it feels surprisingly fitting. I can't deny its utility either – I appreciate it.
Jesper and Nina have managed to cultivate a special talent for driving me to the brink of exasperation. Their camaraderie is both amusing and bewildering, a chaotic symphony that I'm still attempting to decipher.
Today was no different. Jesper's antics at the club bordered on audacious, and Nina's unbridled laughter was enough to turn heads in our direction. As I tried to navigate the sea of chaos they create, I found myself, unusually, yearning for a return to some semblance of normalcy.
I must confess, the prospect of your return holds an allure I hadn't anticipated. There's a steadiness in your presence, an understanding that's often a rare commodity in these tumultuous times. The chaos, the hustle – they feel more manageable when you're around.
Till then, I'll persevere in the sea of antics that Jesper and Nina stir up, counting down the days until your return.
Until then,
11th letter
Your mention of the jurda parem caught my attention, no doubt about it. It’s a name that carries weight, and I’ve got a feeling we’re treading on some dangerous ground here. It’s the kind of thing that’s best left untouched until we’ve got a better handle on what it entails.
Listen, I won’t preach, but I’ve got to say it – be careful and keep an eye out for trouble. The city’s not known for being kind to those who don’t tread carefully, and I’d hate to see you caught in something you didn’t see coming.
I’ve got a job for you. One that’s right up your alley. It’s always better discussing these things face to face, so when you can, make your way back. The sooner, the better.
Until then,
12th letter
I’ve never been one for words, as you well know. My tongue seems to have a mind of its own, often saying the wrong things at the wrong time. And when it comes to matters like these, I’ve found that my eloquence takes a swift exit.
So, here I am, writing this letter in hopes that the words come out right, that they somehow capture what I’m feeling. I’ve spent years navigating the intricacies of this city, and yet the complexities of my own emotions have managed to elude me.
I’ve always valued our connection, from those early days of childhood mischief to the present. You’ve been a constant in my life, someone whose presence brings a sense of order to the chaos that surrounds us. And somewhere along the way, that bond transformed into something deeper, something I’ve been grappling with.
I find myself wanting to say more, to articulate the thoughts that remain half-formed in my mind. But it’s difficult, Y/N, and this letter might be the best I can manage.
What I’m trying to say is that you’ve become more than a friend, more than a partner in crime. There’s a depth to my feelings that I’m only beginning to understand. And if I’m being truly honest, I’d like to explore where this path might lead.
I understand if you need time, if my sudden candor is a lot to process. But I wanted to put these thoughts down, to let you know where my heart is at. And if you’re open to it, if you’ve felt even a fraction of what I’ve been feeling, then maybe we can navigate this new terrain together.
Second note
I’d like to explore where this path might lead too.
Love, y/n!
13th letter
I can't thank you enough for stepping in when I couldn't. I hope the contractor in Lij wasn’t hard to handle.
Now, I have a proposal of a different kind. How about we put our skills to use in a more relaxed setting? I'd like to take you out to dinner. No heists, no secret dealings, just you and me, navigating the menu instead of the back alleys.
I've made reservations for us at a place that's a bit more reputable than the Barrel's taverns. Consider it a step toward normalcy, a chance to enjoy an evening without looking over our shoulders.
Looking forward to your return,
14th letter
Dear Y/N,
Your letter reached me, and I've got to say, the way you put it into words – how much you miss me – it hits home. The distance is a constant reminder of the warmth I've grown accustomed to, and I find myself missing you more than I thought possible.
This job is driving me insane, and my thoughts often wander back to Ketterdam, back to you. It's like a pull, a magnetic force that tugs me back to the life we've been building together.
I bought something with me – a box of those chocolates you can't seem to get enough of. The catch? I'm hoping they survive the journey and don't turn into a gooey mess.
I want you to know that with every sunrise and sunset that passes, I'm getting more restless to return to the city that's been our canvas, our backdrop. Until then, my thoughts are with you, and I'm eagerly counting down the days until I can wrap my arms around you again.
With all my longing,
3rd note
I apologize, it seems the chocolates didn’t fare too well. I hope they’re still somewhat salvageable and that they manage to satisfy your sweet tooth.
- Kaz
15th letter
Dear Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you on the mend, wrapped in warmth and taking good care of yourself. It pains me to know you're unwell while I'm away, unable to offer even the smallest comfort.
My love, get well soon. I miss your laughter, your presence – they're a part of my life I can't bear to be without for long. The distance feels heavier when I know you're not well.
Today, during the heist, I saw a small brown cat with delicate white spots. The sight of it was like a reminder of simpler times, of moments when things were less complex. It stirred memories of my old cat "Spots," whose antics used to provide a reprieve from the realities of the Barrel.
As I look around, I find myself yearning for the day when I'll return to Ketterdam. Until then, my thoughts are with you, my love. Rest well, recover soon, and know that I will be there soon.
With all my affection,
16th letter
Dearest Y/N,
There are times in life when words are inadequate, when even the most eloquent phrases fall short of capturing the depth of one's emotions. Today is one such day, and I find myself grappling with a sentiment that defies my usual precision.
I love you, Y/N. There, I've said it, though the words seem almost insufficient to convey the weight of my feelings. You've woven your presence into the very fabric of my being, and I find that I'm navigating uncharted territory, stumbling upon emotions that have long remained dormant.
In a world marked by uncertainties, you've become my constant, the one I turn to when the winds of the Barrel grow fierce. I cherish our bond, our shared history, and the future we're forging together.
As the days pass, my conviction only grows stronger. You've touched a part of me I thought was unreachable, and I find myself grateful for the warmth you've brought into my life.
4th note
I love you too, more than words can express.
- Love, y/n!
17th letter
My Love,
I've stumbled upon something while on my trip to Lij, a revelation that caught me by surprise. My old house is up for sale. I confess, it's a notion that's been hovering in the back of my mind, a possibility I've been toying with.
And then, as if fate had a hand to play, it occurred to me – what if we made it our own? Y/N, would you consider it? The thought of creating new memories in a space that's intertwined with my past is something that holds a certain allure. A place where we could carve out our own sanctuary, away from the schemes and chaos that surround us.
If this notion speaks to you, let me know. It's a step I'd only take with you, a shared decision that would mark a new chapter in our journey together.
18th letter
This is to certify that Y/N L/N and Kaz Brekker is (are) now registered as the absolute proprietor(s) of the land comprised in the above-mentioned title, subject to the entries in the register relating to the land and to such of the overriding interests set out in section 30 of the Registered Land Act as may for the time being subsist and affect the land.
Kaz Brekker __________
19th letter
My love Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, even though I’m far away in Shu Han. I wanted to share something with you – I stumbled upon the perfect dining table. It’s a piece that seems to embody the essence of what we’ve built together, a symbol of the life we’re crafting, even from a distance.
As I stand here, thousands of miles away, my thoughts are never far from Ketterdam, from you. Every corner of the city is a reminder of our shared journey, of the future we’re molding. And with every passing day, I find myself longing to return, to be by your side again.
The plans we’ve made, the dreams we’ve spun – they’re a driving force, propelling me forward through the challenges that Shu Han presents. I promise you, Y/N, I’ll be back soon enough.
Until then, know that you’re in my thoughts, my heart, every moment of the day.
With all my affection,
20th letter
I’ve come across some interesting information that might be of use to you. It seems that there’s a rumor circulating about a certain merchant in the Fifth Harbor. This merchant, it’s said, has been trying to make deals with both the Merchants Council and the Whitecrows, something that has my interest piqued.
I’ve also managed to uncover some details about a potential source of counterfeit currency that might be making its way into the hands of certain unsavory individuals. The source, surprisingly, seems to be tied to a printing press hidden away in the Barrel. It’s a curious development, one that could have far-reaching consequences.
And finally, I’ve received word that a shipment of goods has gone missing from a storage warehouse near the docks. This might not seem significant at first glance, but it’s the timing that intrigues me. A missing shipment, coupled with the merchant’s deals and the counterfeit currency – it’s all connected, I’m certain of it.
Stay vigilant, stay cautious. And know that even in the midst of our separate tasks, you’re in my thoughts.
I miss you, and I love you.
21st letter
Listen to me, and listen carefully. You need to come back to Ketterdam, now. What you walked into, it was a trap – calculated, deliberate. I can’t explain it all in this letter, but trust me when I say your safety is in jeopardy.
I don’t care what you’re in the middle of, what plan you’re executing – drop it, and make your way back. I can’t lose you, not now, not like this. The threat is real, and the longer you stay where you are, the more danger you’re in.
I’m begging you, Y/N, hurry back. We can sort through the details, I’ll explain everything, but right now, all that matters is your safety. Don’t delay, don’t second-guess. Just come back.
22nd letter
I’m pleading with you, begging you to reach out, to let me know you’re safe. This silence, it’s a torment I can’t bear. Every thought is tinged with worry, and I find myself grappling with scenarios that are far too grim.
I don’t care about the details, the reasons – they pale in comparison to my overwhelming need to know you’re okay. We’ve faced down darkness together, navigated treacherous waters, and I can’t accept the idea of you being lost in the midst of it all.
Please, Y/N, come back to Ketterdam. If you’re reading this, if you’re anywhere, find a way to let me know you’re alive. I’ll make sense of the rest later. Just, my love, come back to me.
23rd letter
I can’t wait any longer. The silence is a weight on my chest, a suffocating reminder of the unknown. I’ve agonized, I’ve begged, and still, there’s no word from you. It’s time I take matters into my own hands.
Please, hold on. I’m coming. I hope you’re okay, I hope you’re just out of reach, waiting for me to catch up. It’s a risk I have to take.
I love you.
Stay strong, my love. I’m on my way.
24th letter
My Dearest Y/N,
It's been a week since you left us, a week of darkness and aching emptiness that nothing can fill. I know you won't get this letter, that these words will remain suspended in the void, but I find myself needing to put them down, needing to release the feelings that have taken hold of me.
The pain is suffocating, a weight that's settled into my bones. I still can't grasp the reality, can't accept that you're gone, that your light has been extinguished. It's a void that stretches beyond comprehension, a void I'm stumbling through.
The memories are a double-edged sword. They're a balm, a reminder of the moments we shared, of your laughter, your warmth. But they're also a blade, a reminder of what's been taken from us, of the future that was stolen away.
I want you to know, even though you'll never read these words – I love you. I always have, and I always will. You were more than a partner, more than a confidant. You were my anchor, my solace, my reason to keep pushing forward.
It's impossible to fathom life without you, Y/N. Your absence leaves a void that can never be filled. I can only hope that wherever you are, you're at peace, free from the pain that's gripped my heart.
Until we meet again, my love,
25th letter
My dearest Y/N,
Six months have passed, and the ache of your absence has only deepened. The city, our city, is a different place without you. The crows, the ones you brought together, are slowly finding their separate paths, their separate destinies. It's as if the world itself is reshaping in your absence.
I found the little box where you kept all those letters. Your letters, my words – I'm surprised, in a way, that you kept them all. It's a piece of you that I'll treasure forever.
It's in these moments of solitude that I find myself yearning for your presence the most. Your laughter, your insights – they're still very much alive in my memories, and they continue to guide me through the labyrinthine twists of this world.
I miss you, Y/N. More than words can say. The void you left behind is as vast as the Barrel itself, and there's a hollowness that's impossible to fill. I can only hope that, wherever you are, you've found the peace that eluded you in life.
Until the next time we meet, my love,
26th letter
My Dearest Y/N,
Time has continued its relentless march, and two years have slipped through my grasp since you left us. The city, once our canvas, has taken on a different hue, a different weight. The crows have scattered, their paths diverging, and the life we built together feels like a distant memory.
I wanted to share something with you – I've made a decision about the house, the one that once held the echoes of our shared history. It's a decision born out of the reality that without you, it's ceased to be a home. The walls, the rooms – they're empty without your presence, and it's a stark reminder of what's been lost.
Putting it up for sale again, it's not just about letting go of a physical space. It's about acknowledging that our time together, our shared moments, live on in memories, not in bricks and mortar. I carry you with me, always, but it's time to release the hold the house had on me.
Life continues to move forward, though it's a path I tread with a shadow that can never be dispelled. I hope, wherever you are, you've found the peace that eluded you in life. And I hope, wherever I am, you're watching over me, your presence a guiding light through the darkness.
With a heart full of love,
27th letter
My dearest,
It's been almost three years, and some days it feels like it was just yesterday when I last saw you. I miss you, fuck, I miss you so much. It's like this gaping hole, this emptiness that can't be filled. No matter how many schemes I plan, no matter how many crows I put to work, it's like there's this void that's always there.
I was gonna do it, you know? I was gonna ask you. I got this ring, this small little thing that I bought just a month before you fucking died. It's funny, you know, I never thought I'd be the one to feel this way, to want something that much, to want to stake a claim in this shithole of a world.
But I guess that's what you did to me. You turned this cold, calculating schemer into someone who wanted more, who wanted you. I'm sorry I didn't ask you sooner, that I waited, that I let time slip through my fingers like sand. I'm sorry I couldn't be the one you deserved.
You were my light, Y/N. You shined a light into my darkest corners, and now that you're gone, it's like the shadows have returned with a vengeance. I need you, I need you so fucking much it's like a knife in my gut every damn day.
I don't know where you are, what's out there after this life, but I hope you're somewhere better. I hope you're at peace, and I hope you know that I'm here, waiting in this shithole, missing you every fucking day.
I love you, Y/N. I love you so fucking much it hurts. And I wish... I wish I could've showed it more when you were still here.
With all my shattered pieces,
28th letter
Deer Y/N,
This will be the last letter I write to you, and as I put pen to paper, I’m filled with a mixture of emotions that words could never truly capture. The passage of time has been unkind, separating us by years that have felt both fleeting and eternal.
It’s strange, the way grief works. It’s a steady ache that never truly fades, an ache I’ve grown accustomed to carrying. There’s an emptiness in my heart that’s become a part of me, a void that can never be filled by anyone or anything else.
I’ve learned to navigate this world without you, though it’s been a journey fraught with challenges and moments of unbearable pain. There’s a longing, a yearning, that can never be quenched. You were my constant, the force that kept me grounded, and now that you’re gone, there’s a piece of me that will forever remain incomplete.
As time marches on, I find myself grappling with a heartbreaking reality – the sound of your voice is fading from my memory. The way you felt, the touch of your hand in mine, it’s becoming harder to recall. It’s as though the vibrant details of your presence are slipping through my fingers, leaving behind a hazy impression.
And oh, Y/N, the thought that your laughter will never again reach my ears, it’s a pain that reverberates through my very being. Your face, once etched in my mind with unparalleled clarity, is beginning to blur around the edges. The little details that I once treasured, the nuances that made you uniquely you, they’re slipping away, like grains of sand carried by the wind.
I love you, Y/N. Those words have become a mantra, a whispered refrain that echoes in the corners of my mind. I carry your memory with me, every step of the way, and I hold onto the hope that, wherever you are, you’ve found the peace that eluded you in life.
As I place this letter alongside the others, a part of me hopes that somehow, somewhere, you’ll receive these words, that you’ll know that you were loved, that you’re still loved, even in your absence.
I miss you, “we all misses you very much.”
Love, Kaz!
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bi-bard · 1 year
How Did We Get So Good at Dismantling These Hearts? - Kaz Brekker Imagine [Shadow & Bone]
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Title: How Did We Get So Good at Dismantling These Hearts?
Pairing: Kaz Brekker X Reader
Based On: Hourglass
Word Count: 1,219 words
Warning(s): mention of murder
Summary: Kaz gets word of a new job for the Crows. On the surface, it appeared to be nothing other than a normal job. However, when he tells the crew, (Y/n) has a reaction that immediately catches his attention. He just needs to find out why.
Author's Note: I changed this story because the original one was alarmingly similar to the May stories.
Part Two of "June" [Release Date: 7/5/2023]
Part Three of "June" [Release Date: 7/7/2023]
If any of the Crows had noticed me tense, then none of them spoke up about it.
Not at the time.
Kaz had gathered all of us together, telling us about a new job that he apparently couldn't turn away. Nothing felt strange about it. It all seemed normal... our version of normal, anyway.
Some plan for a heist, a good pay... it was exactly what our crew was meant to love.
And I did. I loved working with the Crows. The idea of having a new job made me grin a bit to myself.
And then, I heard my mother's name come out of Kaz's mouth.
My shoulders tensed a bit. I had to physically stop myself from drawing them up. I did my best to take a subtle deep breath, desperate to return to normal. Nothing would stop my heart from racing and my leg from bouncing.
I was watching Kaz as he spoke, but I couldn't hear him. My ears were filled with buzzing as my mind played back every memory that I had buried for all too long.
The first thing I heard was Kaz dismissing us for the day.
I was the first person to stand up and walk out. Maybe I had been a little too fast on my way out. Maybe I had pushed the chair away a little too hard. I don't know.
All that I could think of at the time was going home.
I didn't notice anyone paying any mind to me.
It wasn't until that night that I would even know that anyone had looked at me in some way other than normal.
I was pacing my small room, mind still racing when there was a knock on my door.
I took a breath before walking over. In my state of distractedness, I didn't think much before pulling the door open. I found Kaz standing on the other side of the door.
"All this time with the Crows and you still open your door with no attempt to check who could be on the other side," he said. There was the smallest hint of a grin on his face, letting me know that this wasn't him genuinely scolding me.
"Did you come here to inform me of your new passion for comedy," I asked.
"I'm here to talk about the job."
"Much less exciting," I replied.
Kaz didn't reply, merely raising an eyebrow at me and nodding toward the inside of my place. I took a deep breath and stepped to the side, letting him walk in.
It was strange to see Kaz in my home.
I had trouble associating him with something so... comfortable. There was something about Kaz being in a place meant for merely existing that made me pause. It felt like watching an animal exploring a new habitat. It made me wonder how many nights he had spent avoiding his room. How long had he been avoiding falling asleep in his bed? Or simply falling asleep at all?
I moved around him, putting myself between him and the rest of my home. "What did you need to talk about?"
"You have a personal connection to the job," he said. "I need to know what it is."
I scoffed, going to deny it.
He cut me off before I could, "No use denying it. You're not as subtle as you think you are."
There was a long pause.
"I need to know any potential risks that come with this job. Whatever you're hiding is a risk."
"The woman that you're robbing... she's my mother," I explained. "I... ran away... a long time ago."
"My uncle. He killed my brother... He didn't know that I had seen him until after it was over. I had... I had only seen the very end of it. If he had told me that he had just found him like that, then I would have believed him. And then, he told my mother that I did it."
"You were a child."
"He called it an accident," I shrugged. "He played the part well. That was when I knew that he had done it. My mother hated me. He threatened to kill her if I ever said anything... because killing me would be too easy. I had to run. Now, he is going to inherit everything that my mother has... and nothing is going to stop him."
There was a silence.
I watched as Kaz's eyes scanned me. I couldn't tell if he was trying to see if I was telling the truth or if was merely some kind of assessment of my current state. I blinked away any tears that had built up. I hadn't let myself think about it for years. I forgot how much it hurt.
"I can't have you on the job," Kaz finally said.
"It's too dangerous-"
"I can keep my composure on the job, you know that-"
"That's not my concern," he stopped me. "Your uncle knows that you're the only one that knows that truth. Your mother thinks that you killed her son and then ran away. If either one of them sees you, then it will be more than just imprisonment. I am not going to willingly get you killed."
"We have gone on jobs where our lives are in danger," I argued. "Most of them do-"
"Not with such a clear target on our backs."
I took a deep breath. I hated how much I agreed with him. Mainly because I had never once seen him show himself this much care. I had watched him walk into dangerous situations with little to no concern for his own well-being. Part of him had to be aware of that.
"You're off the job."
"Fine," I muttered begrudgingly. "No mourners."
He nodded once. "No funerals."
Kaz turned around to walk back out. He made it to the door before I spoke up.
"Why did you come," I asked. "Why not just sent Inej down here to get information? Or Jesper, even?"
"Your desire for vengeance... it's one that I'm familiar with," he explained. "More than you know... and I will help you get it."
He went to turn away again. His words made me panic.
"Kaz," I stopped him again. "Don't get yourself killed for me."
He didn't respond. He merely looked back at me, waiting for some explanation or request or something.
"I'm not worth it," I said quietly.
He watched me for a few moments longer. I wish I knew what he was looking for. "You don't get to decide that."
He walked out before I could ever question him about that statement.
I furrowed my eyebrows as I stepped forward and locked my door.
I didn't want to make any assumptions or jump to any conclusions, but it was difficult for me to act like I had no desire to do so. Taking me off of the job, the way he spoke, the promise of vengeance in my name... it all gave me pause. Embarrassing pause.
I ran my hands over my face before shaking my head. Jumping to conclusions was foolish. I knew better. His rare empathy was not a sign of anything.
And all I had to do was continue reminding myself of that until I believed it.
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