asphodelis · 7 months
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fates faves :)
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fefuckability · 1 year
Qualifier 5: Fates
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Feel free to rb/comment with your justifications!
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plagues02 · 3 months
Fire Emblem Fates - Retainers Queer HCs
Pride Month 2024 - Day 18
Felicia is a lesbian.
Flora is demiaroace and doesn’t care about the gender of her partners.
Jakob is somewhere on the asexual spectrum and is also biromantic.
Silas is bisexual.
Kaze doesn’t feel the needs to label himself. Whoever he falls for, he falls for.
Saizo took sometime into adulthood to realize his sexuality. He’s gay.
Kagero is bisexual with a female lean.
Setsuna doesn’t care much for romance or sex. She’s very indifferent to it.
Azama is somewhere on the aromantic spectrum.
Hinata is a trans man who uses he/him, and he’s onmisexual.
Oboro is bisexual with a masc lean.
Hana is bisexual with a fem lean.
Subaki doesn’t like labeling himself, but he’s attracted to men and women.
Laslow has a strong lean towards woman, but he is omnisexual.
Peri doesn’t care about the gender of her partners, but she just wants a partner who will be able to keep up with her during battles.
Selena is pansexual.
Beruka is on the aroace spectrum and is very indifferent to both.
Odin is a trans man who uses he/him. He’s very open about this since his scars easily show with his clothes. He is also pansexual.
Niles is canonically bisexual. He has a masc lean. He is also polyamorous.
Effie is mpsec with a masc lean.
Arthur is mpsec with a fem lean.
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randomkposts · 8 months
I remember the starfish
I love Fire Emblem Fates. My favorite is Awakening, but Fates has a special place in my heart for all of its flaws, and plotholes I love to poke at. No malice meant, if I didn't care, I'd probably just leave it alone. Instead it takes up so much brainspace.
So I think I might want to write something a bit more themed another time, but for now I want to write some scattered thoughts.
First, If I were going to change just one thing, I would give Azura ,Kaze as a retainer. And Shura.
Why? It bugs me that she didn't have any retainers, and Corrin has 3 household staff, their teacher, a childhood best friend, and a Ninja, most of whom are willing to follow them even if they defect. That's pretty excessive, that they just have a small- personally loyal fighting force. And Kaze's just hanging around, a trained retainer not assinged to anyone. And really Mikoto, Azura is your niece, you can give her one retainer at least.
Kaze defecting to Nohr to protect his charge makes arguably more sense then his reasons for defecting to Nohr on Corrins behalf.
Azura recruiting Shura as a retainer, fits with the older of the Nohrian sibilings having a criminal retainer. They also have a personal history between them that would be intresting to explore in a support. A support with Ryoma would also be intresting, as Shura states his family used to serve the royal family until his principality was taken over by Mokushu, so learning more about that would be neat.
Speaking of retainers, Despite three Nobrian Siblings havinging a criminal as a retainer, the person with the weirdest retainers is Hinoka, for having the least retainer-like retainers in the game. And Ryoma has 2 ninjas as retainers, which perhaps says some odd things about his diplomatic choices.
Hinoka does her own chores, protects her retainers, and seems to barely know anything about Azama beforehand. Until we learn from her support with Niles in Revelations that Hinoka hired Setsuna for her skill in archery, I was almost convinced she was hired to annoy Takumi.
And yet they are the last retainers sticking around the Hoshidan royals when they are recruited in Revelations.
Hillarious. Baffling. Lends a diffrent weight to Hinokas support with Saizo in this route, not that it wasn't already weird, but there was more cause for suspicion.
Speaking of supports, Sakura takes Corrin's amnesia as a sign that Silas is cursed. Meanwhile, in Birthright Takumi gets mindwhammied and dragon posessed, and Sakura does nothing to try to help. Which to be fair, nither instance lasted long. Who knows if she could have done anything effective, but in the Conquest one she doesn't seem to take note of his dirastically changed attitude as something to worry about, yet was far quicker to diagnose Silas as "something was off. Maybe its cause Silas a stranger, and she doesn't want to see anything wrong with her closest brother, but I wonder what got her attention in the first place to draw that conclusion.
I haven't played Engage, but even without that I am pretty sure Corrin is the most watched avatar we have ever played. Their big sister Camilia and her retainers makes it 3 in a lifetime, as said by Selena/Severa.
"Selena: Lady Camilla! Sorry we got ahead of you. But you should have heard the horrible things Lord/Lady Corrin said to us. Even though we used to watch over them, they don't remember us at all. Sure, we always stuck to the shadows and never introduced ourselves... but still! I could cry right now. Really! I really could!
Beruka: All that time hovering... caring... watching... it was all for naught. They has no heart.
Camilla: Now, now, you two. I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm certain they would remember, given more time. You simply must forgive them."
No wonder Corrin is so chill with Ryoma's Ninjas and other people following them around.
A headcanon, Odin/Owain can use dragon Veins. Anankos can hide his brand, but he can't undo that he is decended from the Exalted line of Ylisse, a heritige who also formed a pact which presumably involved drinking dragons blood. (That does seem to be a series consistant for how one gets a stats edge, with consent of the dragon being pretty important in how well they control it. )
He uses it once by accident. Leo did see it, but never confronts him on it. Maybe they might be siblings, but if this is what kept him alive and he's happy with living his life, then Leo isn't going to be the one to tell anyone. One of them may as well be happy.
If I were going to change something about the Fates Kids, I would mess with Shiro. Ryoma never told him until recruitment that he was royalty. So what if Shiro, figuring Ryoma is impotant, but not connecting the dots (as in cannon) comes to the (incorrect) conclusion that he is the next Saizo. And so comes with the Ninja class, alomg with some family drama, lol.
I would also tone down Soleil's supports, and add some depths to the other kids, but ninja Shiro creating some family drama with the retainers is a concept that amuzes me
I'll end it here for now. Might write a second at some point.
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panco-1812 · 1 year
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Collection of doodles I made. Enjoy :D
The 2nd/Top left explanation is how I think dual support works in Fates. Basically you pair up a unit to a ninja and that lead unit gains +1 movement. I like to think the ninja backpack piggyback caries the lead unit as the lead unit attacks lmao
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applebyss-snakybite · 4 months
Part 4 of Mobianification of Fire Emblem Fates character. Aka: FE fates: Mobian AU
If you don't know the Fire Emblem Fates characters/never played the game(s), you can see them as Sonic ocs HEAVILY inspired by the characters.
Let's go with Corrin's retainers because, why not?
Corrin has a LOT of retainers or people hired to protect and take care of them. So there's Gunter the Dinosaur (he's very old), Jakob (or Joker, his other name) the cat, Felicia and Flora the Husky Sisters, Kaze the Chameleon and Silas the Horse.
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Some explanations: Jakob and Felicia are the two possible retainers that would join you into the early game: Felicia, if it's Male Corrin and Jakob, if it's female Corrin. They are opposite from each other, which is why I went with the dog vs cat them. Jakob is sophisticated, and Felicia is more clumsy.
Furthermore, Felicia and Flora have ice powers. Another little detail I put into why I made them dogs is because of Blaze the cat, who is a cat with fire power. I thought it was funny.
Then, Kaze is a ninja, so I made him (and the rest of his family that will come up later) as if he was some kind of distant relative/ancestor of Espio. Without the Sonic universe in mind, I would have made him a frog.
Poor Silas, he's so smol. There's wasn't enough room on my paper... He's a horse because he's a cavalier in the game and because he has such a noble heart. <3
This batch of characters is a bit more... doodly. Sorry for that, I had trouble with the space on my sheet. This was drawn in 2021.
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— chrom, the one on a horse and with falchion
there are two tacticians in my head and if they share nothing else beyond the fact that they both wear their oppositely-colored long hair in some form of pigtails and wear oppositely-colored tactician's cloaks and that they are brown (WE SHOULD'VE BEEN ABLE TO CHOOSE SKIN COLOR FOR ROBIN. i want to be my pretty brown girl self while smooching a prince), they share the fact that they have a thing for this weirdo
also it makes me sad that robin doesn't get to be a wind mage as much. she's the wind at his side!
in other news, i think that last line implies an indirect kiss because chrom seems like the kind of dude that'll bite into something and then make you try it because he thinks you'll like it, not understand why you won't meet his eyes
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frickingnerd · 14 days
Birthright Masterlist
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yandere corrin - headcanons
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starrcrrossed · 1 year
Kaze!Sophie and Mozu!Asugi
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Please Reblog or credit to use! Requests are open!
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A little continuation of the previous post.
Corrin and Silas especially think that they're so cute. I like to think they'd gossip about it and make bets on how long it will take until Orochi announces she's pregnant.
Silas would SO tease Orochi to hell and back about Kaze, he's so happy for her. Love to think of them having this bestie dynamic. Silas says stuff like "Squeak squeak, was it?" because he overheard her squeaking when it was Kaze's turn to "hunt", etc, and she just goes "Were you SPYING on us? >:0" and he goes "Hehee, you're not exactly stealthy doing it out in the open, you know?"
She pushes him affectionately and makes up some silly evil prediction that he'll stub his toe and that Corrin will steal his food from his plate (she does it as tease sometimes).
"It will be the strawberry on top of your dessert!"
"Nooo not my strawberry!!"
"Consider your candied peaches gone!"
"Evil woman!!!!"
Silas bet it would take no time at all, Corrin bet it would take some time for them to have a baby. Think a few months or something. Silas definitely lost.
Orochi was too busy enjoying playfully flirting with her husband on cloud nine to worry about the baby-making part initially. They both really enjoy taking things slow.
Corrin, when Silas lost: Heehee, your dessert is mine for a month!
Silas: NOOOO! Her prediction was right!!! She's such a witch!!! Even when she is wrong, she's right!!!
Orochi: That's because I'm never wrong uwu
Kaze: I beg to differ.
Orochi: Well, excuse me?
Corrin, laughing: Here they go again...
Meanwhile Saizo ain't dealing with this shit and poofs out of existence //smacked
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voxmilia · 8 months
Recruiting people in three houses when the war phase rolls around:
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fireemblemshowdown · 1 year
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childofaura · 1 year
Not to bust out another question after the last one but I got a big question…
Why did you state that you hate Niles? I thought he is a pretty decent character, slimy comments aside.
Hoo boy… so first off, I do apologize. I know Niles is very popular, so I’m not trying to rain hate on him. As a character, he’s well written.
On a personal level to me though, he’s an incredibly awful person and hasn’t seemed to really seek to change himself. Like for example, one thing I’ve adored about Shura is that he actively loathes the lows he’s reached in order to survive, and despite his hardships he treats others (from what I’ve seen in the F!Corrin support at least) fairly and with respect. Plus, he doesn’t squander this godsend of a second chance and acts accordingly in the army.
Now Niles… despite the fact that he’s loyal to Leo and drops the banditry, continues to be an incredibly shitty person to others. Especially in his support with Camilla where he mocks her love for Corrin and essentially calls her a privileged princess, while assuming she’s never known any kind of hardship or sadness. Of course, Camilla figuratively goes for the throat:
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And even after all this, Niles can’t put his masochism aside and begs Camilla to flog him, it’s a super inappropriate response to what she just told him. Also, he tries to judge Corrin the same way before Corrin tells him about their childhood trauma. Plus he gets mad at Arthur for judging him based on his life despite him doing the exact same thing.
But I think the worst part of it, is Nina. Despite the fact that he was scorned by having a dead-beat, piece of shit dad… he inflicts that exact same heartache on Nina, and then tries to pretend like he has authority over the things she does (while also taunting her, which he has absolutely no place in doing so). There are characters who don’t visit their kids as much, that is true; off the top of my head I can name Arthur, Hinata, and Hayato. But for the first two, I can give it to them that Arthur stole a wyvern egg with his bare hands so Percy wouldn’t be alone, and Hinata actually saves Hisame instead of fighting him while apologizing for his absence. Meanwhile Niles didn’t even know that Nina had left the Deeprealms. I commend him for apologizing and resolving that, but it doesn’t erase that he never visited her.
That’s pretty much all my feelings on Niles and his character. I like asshole characters SOMETIMES, like Azama, but even Azama has redeeming qualities to his character, like a genuine duty to help heal people (while putting aside his snark in that regard) and being an actual balanced father to Mitama. Niles is just a mess of a human, and not in a fun way to me. But again, it’s just all my personal feelings on it.
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fayesdiary · 2 years
for the ask game: S supported Silas and Kaze in fates, and Stahl in awakening <3
Not that big a fan of Silas and Stahl but Kaze? Excellent taste anon!
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panco-1812 · 2 years
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Today is my birthday, and I also made Corrin’s birthday today, so it’s our birthday!
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The characters that can only support corrin are done so dirtyyyy like I am playing birthright rn, how does reina not have a support with her fellow retainer orochi?? (god forbid I would be able to turn reina into a diviner and orochi into kinshi). And I wouldn't believe the excuse that they don't know what to write for the supports. Hinoka and kaze support is basically kaze being a messenger or something lame like that. Scarlet and Oboro would have such a cool support and giving oboro wyvern without corrin marriage sounds so funn. Also don't think they care about unit balance, this game gives you Ryoma and silas btw.
Tldr: corrinsexuals could have so many opportunities to shine as characters and units but fall flat because game be like that, I know everyone already knows about this but I want oboro and scarlet support, I beg
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