#kazutora hanemiya x reader scenario
demiesworld · 2 years
How They React When You Fight (Tokyo Revengers)
pairings: mikey, draken, baji, chifuyu, mitsuya, kazutora x fem!reader synopsis: reader gets into fights with people warnings: fighting, violence, and swearing
He doesn’t remember how the beef between you and this girl started, and he doesn’t really care about it. So when you tell him one night that when you see her in person you were gonna quote unquote “whoop her ass” he didn’t take you seriously. Mikey just nodded his head as he mindlessly scrolled through his social media then went off to sleep that night.
It’s not until you and him were walking out of a restaurant after having lunch together that Mikey should have believed in your words. You spotted the girl from the internet walking with a friend of hers. The two were both giggling with each other over something, but you didn’t give two shits. All you saw was red when you saw her. She didn’t notice you charging towards her, and neither did Mikey notice you leaving his side, until you shouted, “RIKA!” and then slugged her. Your closed tight fist landed a strike on her left cheek.
“Y/N!” Mikey shouts, but it’s too late. You were already punching the girl in her face again with a left hook and kicking her in the stomach. Mikey was stunned to say the least as he stood there watching you climb on top of the girl, straddling her then wailing your closed fists on her.
Mikey took a step forward when her friend tried to pull you off of her, but to his surprise again you took her on too. “You want some of this too bitch?!” you yell at her and shove her away from the unmoving body of her friend. The friend was going to say something back to you, but Mikey snuck up behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you away from the scene. You were flailing your arms, yelling at him to let you go.
“If I let you go, you’re gonna have a murder case on your hands babe, not happening.”
Draken should have seen this coming from the moment he stepped into the club with you. He remembers you telling him that you were a hot-head, and had little patience for bullshit. Draken took steps into not pissing you off or making you angry in your two’s relationship. A few arguments did happen between you two here and there, but never did they result in any physical violence.
However, nothing could prepare him for when some drunk woman spills her bottle of liquor over your new dress. The liquid stuck to your skin like glue, and the drunk woman had the nerve to laugh at you. You weren’t having that. “Excuse me, but you just spilled your drink on me.”
“Yeah, I did, and?”
“You got three seconds to apologize to me, bitch.”
“Bitch, get the fuck-”
She didn’t finish her sentence because you had secretly grabbed an empty bottle of beer that was sitting on an end table near the corner of the club and whacked it on the side of her head. Glass shattering when it made contact with the woman’s head. She screamed and you began to slug your fist at her face. She backed up, falling to her feet when she slipped on the broken shards of glass on the floor.
Draken saw all of this happening from the booth he was in and he immediately got to his feet. He pushed through the crowd of dancing drunkards to get to you. “Babe, it’s not worth it, it’s time to go.” He yells into your ear, and grabs your upper arm, tugging you away from the incapacitated woman. “You’re lucky my man is here or you would be dead.”
“That’s the last time I’m letting you out of my sight again, Y/N. Damn!”
Baji knew that when it came to an argument with you, he knew just to let you have the last word and think that you’ve won. When he first got into an argument with you, Baji ended up talking out of his ass and that got him three things: 1. slept at his momma’s house for a week, 2. no pussy for a week, and 3. a knot on his forehead. His mom asked him what happened for him to get the knot, and he was truthful with her, to which his mother told him never to argue with you again. And he didn’t.
So, in conclusion, Baji learned just to let you have the last word and the impression that you’ve won an argument with him. Now that didn’t necessarily mean that his friends knew. No, they sadly didn’t. It happened at a house party at the Haitani Brother’s house. You were in the kitchen grabbing a beer for you and Baji to drink on.
That’s when Rindou entered the kitchen and was talking to you about your attitude. “…I mean like you’re in my house and you didn’t even say ‘hey’ to me when you walked in. You just gave me a disgusted look like you don’t even fuck with me. What’s up with that?”
“Rindou, shut up and get out of my face, now. I greeted both you and Ran, now leave me the fuck alone.” You sneered, gripping the can of beer in your right hand tighter.
He ignores your warning and presses on, “Put my beer back in my refrigerator then woman, and then I’ll get out of your face.”
As Baji was about to tell Draken and Mitsuya a story from their childhood, he heard the sound of loud pop and all of a sudden the living room got quiet. Followed by a sound of a man screaming and a woman hollering.
“Shit, Y/N!” Baji hisses as he rushes out of his seat to race into the kitchen. Behind him were Draken and Mitsuya, both men curious to see what was going on. The three of them saw Rindou with a bleeding head, clutching it in his hands and kneeling on the floor. Towering above him was you, holding a damaged beer can in your hand. “Y/N what the fuck did you do?!” Baji says.
You turn your body to face your boyfriend, “I told you I didn’t wanna come to this shitshow of a party. Let’s get the fuck out of here Baji, we’re going home!” You throw the can of beer into the sink ignoring Baji’s shouts for you to come back.
He likes spending time with you and especially when you come around to hang out with him and his two little sisters. They couldn’t get enough of you. So when Mitsuya invited you to the playground to help him babysit, you couldn’t refuse. You and him were on the bench, seated and your eyes were glued to the screen of his phone as he showed you sketches of clothes he had made. The two of you were laughing and smiling when you heard the heartbreaking cry of a little girl and shuffling of feet.
Mana came over crying with her Luna holding onto her as she sobbed. You and Mitsuya were worried as the two sisters walked together and you asked what happened. Luna explained that a boy on the playground pushed Mana off of the swing and took it from her. “Mana, it’s okay big brother is here.” Just then you stood up and walked away from the three siblings. Mitsuya notices and he blinks, “Y/N where are you going?”
You ignored Mitsuya. You went up to the little boy and crossed your arms at him. “Hey little boy, who are you with?” He looked up at you, stopped swinging his legs, and pointed over to a woman. “I’m with my sister,” You tell him that you wanted to talk to her and he calls her over. You tell the sister that he had pushed your boyfriend’s sister off of the swings. You were being polite and explained to her that he should give the swing back to her. “I don’t see a problem here, this is just kids being kids, so if you don’t mind just leaving us alone.”
“You don’t see a problem? Your spoiled little brother just pushed off my boyfriend’s sister from the swing! She could have gotten hurt!”
“Well she’s not hurt is she? No, they’re kids.”
You had enough of reasoning with the woman, so instead you shoved her to the ground. “You know what you’re right. They’re kids, and that makes us adults. So let’s settle this like adults then.” She looked up at you in horror, “Get up, we’re gonna settle this.”
Mitsuya shook his head as he sat on the bench and watched you shove the woman to the ground. “Luna and Mana, you two stay right here okay?” He tells the two girls before rushing over to your side. You had your arm cocked back ready to punch the girl, but your boyfriend stopped you before you could touch her. “Y/N, this isn’t the time or place to do this right now. Let’s go get the girls some ice cream.”
Reluctantly you lower your arm and jerk your body towards the woman. It scares her causing her to grab her little brother by his arm and pull him away from the swings and out of the playground area. “Pussy,” you mutter under your breath and Mitsuya shakes his head.
“What am I going to do with you?”
“Yeah there’s been some girl harassing Kazutora for his phone number at work.” Chifuyu blurts out in the living room of you and Kazutora’s apartment. Your eyes widened and you don’t remember your boyfriend telling you that a girl was bothering him. “Who’s harassing Kazutora?” you asked Chifuyu. That’s when he knew he fucked up. He stammered on his words, trying to explain that the girl was just a customer at the pet store and she wasn’t anything to worry about. “No to me it sounds like there is something to worry about.”
Kazutora enters the living room after exiting the bathroom and overheard part of the conversation. “What are we worrying about?” He questions, his eyes drift from Chifuyu to you and you immediately ask him. “Who’s the girl that’s bothering you Kazutora and why haven’t you told me this?”
Kazutora wants to kill Chifuyu right now, so he glares at the man before returning his attention to you. “She’s a customer that shows up on the weekends, begging me for my phone number and socials. Don’t worry about her though, baby, I’m not entertaining her.” You grunt, “I still don’t like this, so I will be showing up at your job to make sure she doesn’t try anything.” Kazutora goes to interject, but you shoot him a stern glare. “I mean it Kazutora.”
And that is how he finds himself working the front counter at the pet store on a Saturday afternoon. You were in the office of the store watching the cameras waiting for that girl to show up so you could surprise her. She did. You took note of her outfit, seeing that she was a college student. She smiles sweetly at Kazutora and tucks her hair behind her ear. “Hey there Kazu’baby. How are you doing today?” He clears his throat and ignores her. He waves his hand dismissively at her, trying to get her to leave, but she reaches over the counter and pulls him down by the collar of his shirt.
Oh hell no. You sprung up from your seat so fast, the Flash would be impressed. You stormed out of the office and hollered, “Hands off of him!” before you pushed the girl away from Kazutora. “W-Who are you?” She shouts, looking at you and Kazutora. “I’m his girlfriend you little slut! Now hands off of my man, before you end up in a cage like these animals!”
Your boyfriend sighs, running a hand down his face, “I told you that I had a girlfriend, and I told you that she’s crazy.”
You were at home just doing some house cleaning when your phone went off with notifications. You stopped sweeping and wiped your hands on your apron as you entered the living room to grab your phone. You were getting messages from Baji, Kazutora, and Draken asking where you were. You were confused until a message from Baji said that Chifuyu was getting into a fight with some girls on the way to your place.
You knew that none of the guys would ever fight a girl. None of them were raised to hit a female. A sigh left your lips as you took off your apron and high tailed it out of your apartment to go find your boyfriend and his friends. As you turned a corner you saw Chifuyu getting smacked by a girl and off to the side stood the other three men just watching the situation happen.
“You fucking idiots you aren’t gonna stop her? What kind of friends are you?” You yell at him as you near the scene. Kazutora replied, “She said if we jumped in we were gonna get it too.” You rolled your eyes at the three of them and snatched the girl by the collar of her shirt.
“Listen here bitch,” you hissed and before she could utter a word you slammed your fist against her face. “Don’t, fucking, touch, my, boyfriend!” Each pause you punched her in her nose. The nasty sound of bones cracking and a loud screech came from the girl. By the time you were done with her she was laid out on the alleyway crying and holding onto her broken bleeding nose. “You try to pull some shit like that again, and you won’t be leaving with just a broken nose.”
As you were walking back to your place with the boys you asked them why she randomly fought with Chifuyu. Your boyfriend answered, “At first she told us she wanted to rob us for our money, but then she said I looked like one of her friend’s exes and she just started fighting me. I didn’t wanna fight her because you know, we don’t hit girls.” You hit Chifuyu in his arm, “Next time don’t just get your ass beat, stupid, at least block her hits or something!” Then you looked at the guys, “And you three, should be ashamed of yourselves, if this happens again pull the chick away from ‘em don’t just stand there!”
The trio chorused, “Yes ma’am!”
a/n: i think im going to make a part two with other tokyo revengers characters. coming soon!
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kisakis-boyfriend · 10 months
Scissoring with the boys pt. 1
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Pairings: Mikey, Kazutora, Kokonoi, & Inui x male reader (separately)
Warnings: Trans male!reader, dom!reader (Mikey, Koko, Kazutora), trans characters, scissoring, dirty talk, use of the terms: pussy, cunt, tdick, clit, hole, Koko calls you 'daddy'
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“Oh shit...mmph!” His sweet voice rang out, mixed in with gasps from both you and your pretty boyfriend as you grind your cunt on his harder. Mikey's legs are tangled with yours on top of the plush bed, scissoring your pussies together for the first time
The sensation of his wet hole squishing against yours felt incredible; an unmatchable pleasure that causes you to speed up, vigorously thrusting your hips as you rub against him faster, biting your lip to stifle the grunts and moans falling with every passing second
Mikey can barely keep himself propped up because of your brutal pace. His eyes squeeze shut as his head falls back in ecstasy, a curtain of gold hanging behind his head beautifully while your bodies tremble in sync and your orgasms inch closer
“You're so wet, Mikey. Must feel pretty good, yeah?” You teased, recognizing the tight feeling deep within your stomach that warned of an incoming climax. “Gonna cum for me, right? Gonna gush all over me? Mmm, cum all over my cunt, Mikey...wanna feel how much you love this~ ”
You rolled your hips against the blond's little cunt, moaning loudly when your clits rubbed together and balling the sheets underneath your fists as you heard Mikey scream, “Cumming!! Y/n!” Rolling his hips just as hard against yours while coating your holes in slick cum as the wettest sounds filled the room
Your own release followed immediately after. Stars flooded your vision as white hot pleasure coursed through your entire body. Mikey's thighs shook as the aftershocks of his orgasm caused him to buck against your pussy and overstimulated both of you in the process
Collapsing back onto the bed in exhaustion, Mikey sighed while running a hand through his messy hair. Post-sex giggles spilled from the two of you as you regained your composure, laying there with your legs still loosely tangled until you had the strength to sit up and clean up and cuddle for a while
“Aaahh!! T-too fast...y/n please...” Your precious tiger whimpered at the new pace. Misty golden eyes were transfixed on the two tdicks rubbing against each other while you continued thrusting as quickly as you could, dripping so much wetness onto the sheets and all over Kazutora's cunt
“You can take it, baby. You can take it. You're my good boy, right?” You cooed at your darling, panting and sweating profusely from how fucking good Kazutora's pussy felt on yours. Rubbing against your folds as his cum mixed with yours from your previous round, acting as extra lube for your slippery cunts to move faster together
“God you feel good, baby...haah! Yeah grind against me...just like tha-aaat!! ” Tears pooled on your lashes as Kazutora began thrusting against you roughly, finally giving in as the need to cum overtook him
“Y/n...mmm aah~ Pl-please...need to– ” Half-lidded eyes gazed into his as you nodded your head, just as eager to stain him with your seed again
Shameless moans spilled from your lips as you chased your climax, Kazutora's lovely voice harmonized with yours from his own approaching climax all the same. With a final burst of strength, you sped up once more, letting your mouth fall open in a silent moan while you came hard against Kazutora's spasming cunt
“Fuck that was so good....did you like it, Tora?” The dazed smile while he nodded at your question was enough of an answer. His eyes fluttered closed as he exhaled a shaky breath, grinning when he felt your hands massaging his legs gently. Your fingers found Kazutora's and squeezed lightly, helping to ground him while his high subsided
“Mm fuck yeah, daddy~ Fuck my pussy~ ” Your lover purred, throwing his head back and rolling his hips against you. His moans were the prettiest, sluttiest sounds, urging you to thrust your cunt against his even harder — even faster — until Kokonoi was nothing but a squirting mess
A sharp thrust from your hips prompted your whimpering boy to beg you for permission to cum again. The way your clit rubbed against his, all puffy and wet, sent tingles throughout his body. Having your bodies connected in this way was downright addicting
“Fuck, baby... You like when I fuck your hole like this, dontcha? ” You moaned, and Kokonoi responded with a sultry 'mm-hmm'. You reached out to pet your partner's cheek lovingly, brushing your fingertips across his porcelain skin and carding through the hair at the nape of his neck
One rough tug at his roots was more than enough to bring Kokonoi to the edge, causing his thighs to tremble uncontrollably. You began thrusting faster, trying to wring an intense orgasm out of your pretty boy. “Gonna cum for me? Yeah? Call yourself my good boy while you cum, babydoll.”
Kokonoi was breathless due to the relentless pace you were now going at. Your folds rubbed together in a pornographic display, squelching loudly while he chanted, “I'm your good boy, I'm your good boy, oh fuck– I-I'm your...aaah! Your g-good boooyyaaaaahhhfffuuucckk—!! ”
The sensation of your lover's pussy squirting right up against yours while you were grinding together tipped you over the edge as well; cumming with a broken whine as Koko's juices covered both of your bodies
It took a while for either of you to recover, but you did eventually. Exchanging soft kisses amongst the afterglow of such a messy session
Inui could be incredibly rough sometimes, and you wouldn't have it any other way. The way he would let go after a while, growling and bucking his hips as if he was in heat, was absolutely a turn-on
“Oh god– fuck...Inupi, yes—!! ” You yelled, matching the quick pace that your partner had worked up to currently. Both of you were now pressing your cunts together tightly and scissoring with a terrifying speed, panting and grunting while staring into each other's lust-filled eyes
Inui's pussy was dripping down his thick thighs, coating your folds in his juices. His tdick was just big enough to dip inside of your pussy if you were at the right angle; brushing against your walls a tiny bit and sending a little shiver down your spine
“Cum with me– C-cum on my dick, y/n! ” Inui exclaimed. Using every bit of leverage that he had, your partner used his tdick to stimulate your clit and shallowly fuck the inside of your pussy. Ripping a cacophony of wanton moans out of you until you came along with him
He didn't stop immediately though, continuing to rub against your soaked hole through cloudy vision and a hazy mind. Your overstimulated whimpers did nothing except spur Inui on even more, rolling his hips until his muscles gave out and he slumped down on the bed — your own collapse following suit
Once you recovered with just enough energy to move, you crawled over to Inui and curled up next to him. Rubbing your lover's chest while his hand rested on top of your own, exchanging sleepy smiles before you both fell asleep
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ranhaitanisgf · 9 months
hi omg i'm so excited for you and your event you deserve the 2k!! could i request childhood friends to lovers with kazutora wherein reader is baji's sister and they fake date for awhile to fuck with their friends but then realize their feelings for each other? also angst to fluff maybe !! have a good one and take care<3
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— kazutora hanemiya // childhood friends to lovers // fake dating
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☆ ˎˊ˗ THIS WAS SOOO FUN TO WRITE OMG !! thank you for requesting for my event !! i hope you all enjoyyy xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ gn!reader
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 1.8k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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it was funny at first. 
when you’d seen the look on keisuke’s face, you’d had to use an epic amount of strength to keep yourself from laughing, only allowing yourself to have a bit of an amused look as you held kazutora’s hand. he was having a harder time containing his laughter, his face looking like he was going to break at any point as keisuke stared at the two of you, his jaw almost unhinging from how far it was hanging open. 
“you…you two…are dating?!” he spluttered, which made kazutora start to lose it. 
it had been even funnier when you and kazutora had shown up to one of the toman meetings, your hand once again encased in his. the amount of utterly shocked faces from all your friends had the both of you losing it once again, which had made the deal seem entirely worth it. 
that’s right. it was just a deal. a joke. the two of you were going to come clean soon and admit that it was all just to fuck with everyone. you would be able to laugh freely at their shocked faces, and you would all move on with your lives. 
so why were you feeling so bitter right now?
you had come across the scene by a complete mistake; you had been just been running to the convenience store to grab some snacks for yourself and your brother, (he had insisted on needing more yakisoba stocked up). you didn’t even known that kazutora had been in the area, and now you were frozen in your tracks, looking at him from afar. 
in front of the convenience store, he was holding a soda can in his hand, a plastic bag hanging from his arm. also hanging from his arm was a girl, the two of them talking with smiles on their faces as they seemed to be waiting for someone who was still inside the store. the girl was surprisingly close to kazutora, her body pressed up against his side, and you found it hard to recognize this boy who used to blush and stutter at the simple action of a girl talking to him. 
he hadn’t seen you yet, so you were taking a moment to contemplate what to do. should you just go back home? no, why should you care about this? the two of you aren’t even dating, so it really doesn’t concern you at all. besides, why should you go back home when you haven’t done anything wrong? 
you pulled the hood up on your sweater, pulling the hoodie strings so that most of your face was covered, leaving you with just a small amount of your vision. 
when you passed by kazutora, he didn’t even take a second glance at you, completely ignoring you. 
why would he talk to me?! i’m the one who made myself unrecognizable!!
you decided to put the confusing thoughts out of your mind, grabbing the snacks and packs of yakisoba, going up to the counter and quickly paying. with your bag of goodies in hand, you walked out of the store, noticing that kazutora and his little friend were nowhere to be seen. 
you let out a sigh of relief, (why are you relieved?) and started your walk back home, loosening the strings on your hood a bit. your hand reached into the bag, shuffling around in it a bit before picking a bag of chips, taking it out and ripping the top open. 
“ahh!” you screamed, hearing a voice in your ear. you turned around, closing your eyes and throwing the bag of chips at the person. when you opened your eyes, you realized that kazutora was in front of you, looking at you with a confused expression and your bag of chips in his hands, (how did a single chip not fall out?). 
“your first reaction was to throw chips at me?” he questioned, taking a few steps to walk by your side as you grumbled, continuing your way home. “y’know, that’s not really a sound defense tactic.” 
“shaddup. gimme that.” you muttered, snatching your bag of chips from him. you grabbed a few chips, shoving them in your mouth and crunching as the two of you walked. 
feeling a stare on you, you glanced to the side, noticing how kazutora was looking at you with a quizzical expression. 
“what.” you said flatly, staring back at him with a blank look. “you got somethin’ to say?” 
“you seem pissed off.” 
“do i? well, i’m fine.” you answered, continuing to munch on your chips. 
“you don’t seem fine.” kazutora stated, his tone turning more serious. “what’s wrong? did someone do something to you? i can beat them up if you-” 
“i just told you i’m fine. can you get off my case? shit, i just wanted to get snacks! is that a fucking crime?!” you snapped. “don’t you have to go hang out with your arm candy or something? just leave me alone!!” you started to walk a bit faster, starting to regret what you said the moment it came out of your mouth. 
whatever. i’ll just go watch a drama and not think about this. 
you felt kazutora grab your arm, trying to keep you from stopping. the action made you want to roll your eyes; why was he acting like this?? 
“hey! i just told you i-!” your words were left unsaid as you turned around, guilt suddenly rushing through you. kazutora was looking at you with tears in his eyes, and now that you were paying more attention, his grip on your arm was extremely loose, holding it as though you were made of porcelain. 
“are you mad ‘cause you saw me with that girl? is it my fault?” he asked, his voice a bit shaky. 
“n-no, it’s not your fault…shit, i’m sorry…” you apologized, sighing a bit. “i’m sorry i snapped at you, i was just…” you trailed off. 
why were you so pissed off seeing kazutora with that girl? 
“...just…” you continued, trying to find an explanation for your actions. “...” your silence continued as you stared at him, the boy waiting for an answer from you. his sad, golden gaze felt like it was forcing you to admit the truth to yourself as you continued to look at him, (why did he almost look like a kicked puppy?). 
were you…jealous?
“i…don’t know. i’m sorry. just ignore everything i said.” you suddenly said. “i need to get home. okay. yes. i’m sorry, i’ll treat you to a meal soon as an apology, uhm, okay, bye-” 
“are you jealous?” 
you froze at kazutora’s words, your heart skipping a few beats as your jaw dropped. 
his face had suddenly changed into a smug expression, the tears that were in his eyes a moment ago completely gone. the look in his eyes hadn’t changed, he was still uncertain, but you could tell that he knew he had hit the nail on the head. 
“w-what?! why would i be jealous? we aren’t even dating for real!” you sputtered, trying to refute the accusation. “you could go and hang out with every girl in tokyo and i wouldn’t care!!” 
“you wouldn’t? that hurts me, (y/n).” kazutora said, a frown on his face as he stepped a bit closer to you, pulling your hood down. “i don’t know that girl, though. she was getting away from a creep, so i pretended to be her boyfriend for a while.” 
of course. 
you felt shame course through you as you realized you had overreacted for nothing, and you now looked like an absolute freak. there was no way kazutora would ever talk to you ever again, not after you had snapped at him like that-
“i would care if you were hanging out with another guy.” kazutora suddenly said. 
“what? why…?”
“because you’re mine. i like you.” you stared at him, your eyes damn near popping out of their sockets as you tried to figure out if he was playing with you or not. the look on his face and in his eyes didn’t change at all, staying serious and sincere as he looked back at you. 
“you’re…not joking?” you hesitantly asked. kazutora shook his head, his hands moving to rest on top of your shoulders. 
“i want…to date you. for real.” 
“yes. these last few weeks…” kazutora sighed, shaking his head. “...it was a mistake to agree to fake date. i was just too scared to ask you out for real, so i thought that it was the closest i could get to actually dating you. i’m sorry…if you hate me, that’s fine, i just needed to tell you-” 
“let me kiss you.” 
“to see if you’re telling the truth.” you explained, putting on a confident front as you spoke. “if you’re lying, i’ll know it because you won’t kiss me. so, let me-mmph!” kazutora’s had suddenly moved from your shoulders to the back of your neck, pulling you towards him as his lips crashed into yours. 
your shock kept you from doing anything for a moment, but after your moment of shock was over, your hands immediately moved to cup his cheeks. you closed your eyes, embracing the feeling of kazutora’s soft lips on your own, gently moving as he kissed you deeper. 
you felt disappointed when he pulled away, though you suppose you were okay with the two of you staying this close together. 
“do you believe me now?” he asked earnestly. 
“yes…” you answered, still feeling a bit shocked at everything that had happened, (should you thank keisuke for bothering you to go and get yakisoba?). 
“good. lemme walk you home now, it’s getting kinda late.” kazutora said, smiling softly at you. his hands released from the back of your neck, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before grabbing one of your hands from his face, interlocking your fingers and beginning to walk. 
the two of you walked for a minute or two in silence, which you felt grateful for since you were still trying to process what had just happened. 
did that really just happen?! ohhh my god…
“by the way, you didn’t answer my question.” kazutora suddenly piped up, looking at you. 
“what question?” 
“i asked if you wanted to date. for real, not fake.” 
“...shouldn’t you already have your answer?” you asked. “i don’t just let anybody kiss me, y’know.” 
“well, i’d hope not.” kazutora responded, pouting a bit. “i would be hurt if you did.” you rolled your eyes at his dramatic behavior. 
“riiight, because i’m the type of person who would actually do that…you’re so dramatic. i could almost think that you were fake crying earlier or something!” you joked. there was silence from kazutora, and when you looked at him, you immediately recognized his ‘oh shit’ face. “wait…were you actually fake crying earlier?!” 
“uh…” you gaped at him while he avoided eye contact. 
“are you serious?! what’s wrong with you!!” 
“well, you’re the one who was yelling at me…” 
“that doesn’t matter!! at least i wasn’t faking it!!” you argued, shaking your head. “seriously…you’re an emotional terrorist or something…” 
“but i’m your emotional terrorist!” 
“...you’re supposed to use that with an endearing term like ‘idiot’, not emotional terrorist.” 
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y-umiko · 1 year
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CHARACTER(S): Kazutora . Hanma . Baji WARNING/S: angst? A/N: Please don't be surprised if the writing seems different as it goes on, I wrote each one when i'm in different moods.
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Kazutora watches with gritted teeth as the nurse patches you up after being rushed to the hospital. It was nothing serious just some cuts and bruises, but Kazutora can't be relieved, imagining the worse that could happen if didn't arrive in time.
He thought long and hard about it, being with him had made you a target for others. and if separating from you means your safety then he was willing to do it.
but you were having none of it, all it took was to see the dreaded expression on his face to know what was running on his head. after thanking the nurse, you sternly gave him your piece of mind.
"whatever it is that's running on your head, quit it" his eyes previously downcasted and staring at the floor, flickering towards you, "I haven't said anything yet"
"It's written all over your face" you sigh, watching his eyes drift away from yours. Kazutora felt incredibly guilty that he can't bear to look at your eyes.
he had done a lot of bad things in his life, maybe this was his punishment, maybe this was his karma, if it is, he doesn't want you getting the same burden, and maybe he was right.
"Maybe it's for the better that we - "
"No" you quickly cut him off, reaching over to hold his hand, which was incredibly warm, "Listen to me, This is not your fault alright? so don't go having any thought in that pretty head of yours"
Kazutora simply stared back at you, content with your hold on his hand. wondering that maybe he wasn't so bad in his previous life to be rewarded as precious as you.
he was brought back when he felt you squeeze his hand, "are we clear?"
"…yeah" he mumbled, gently leaning towards you and nuzzling his head on your shoulder, this time he'll protect you properly.
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Hanma knows nothing good comes out of being associated with him. but he was being greedy wanting to have you in his life, he thought he can protect you but how wrong he was.
and for the first time in his life, he didn't want to be selfish, for your sake and his peace of mind.
"so that's it, see you around" he casually bid goodbye, hands stuffed in his pocket, after explaining to you he's breaking up with you 'just because he felt like it'. if it was a normal day it would have hurt you, but you knew him too damn much to know he felt guilty for what happened.
"wait a damn fucking minute" you called after him but Hanma pretended not to hear you and continued walking out of your hospital room. but you were quick to your feet, getting out the bed and dragging the bag of IV with you to catch up with him.
"you can't just come here, say what you want and leave" Hanma momentarily stops in his tracks, an internal turmoil inside his head, a slight worry in his eyes seeing you get out of bed. but if his gonna do it, he has to stay strong, as he continued his way out, "I have nothing left to say"
"Well, I do and you better fucking listen" you voice out loudly than intended, making Hanma sigh as he stops in his tracks once again to give you another piece of his mind and say words he didn't mean but will hurt you so bad that you'll probably stay away from him for good.
"you're serious-"
however, all those words got eaten and forgotten as you came tackling him, arms tightly wrapped around him, and head buried on his chest.
"Don't leave me…please" you coaxed, voice calm and gentle but Hanma can feel the tremors coming from your body. if it was fear of him leaving or fear of the accident. he doesn't care, all he knew was you needed him and that someone has to pay.
"you're a pain in the ass"
As his reasons crumble the bastards who did this to you can enjoy the last hours of their life. meanwhile, he wanted to be a little bit more selfish, as long as you want him, he'll stay with you.
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When Baji came to see you with bruises and some remnants of blood, you immediately knew what had transpired before him seeing you in the hospital.
Baji just can't seat around, he just had to let out his contained rage upon seeing you all bloodied and bruised because of him. and amid the chaos of exchanging fists, he had a thought. his life had always been full of danger and will probably be more dangerous as the Tokyo Manji Gag expands.
he was sure enemies would come swarming towards him and normally that would have thrilled him. but after some careful thought, he wasn't alone anymore, the more enemies he made the more dangerous it become for you and he can only think of one thing to do.
"we should break up"
he coldly said, quick and direct he thought, hands on his side, a glare in his eyes as he stared at you. if there's one thing Baji was good at, it was his acting skills. and if you were anyone else, you would have believed him, luckily, you weren't just anyone.
"I don't understand? why?" you calmly replied, but your eyebrows were furrowed. while Baji remained a certain distance from you. it should be easy he thought, just like he practiced on his head countless times.
"I don't like you anymore"
words he thought would be enough to drive you away yet Baji swore you look calm than he thought you would be.
"then look me in the eyes and tell me you mean it" you sternly replied, and he did so with full confidence but as he searched your eyes, desperately looking for anything that will let him repeat his words, all he found was your eyes fill with unconditional love, eyes that had seen his worse and beauty. nothing came out of his mouth, words stuck on his lips.
"dammit y/n! don't make this anymore harder than it is!"
"then stop it!" you burst out before calming yourself. "I know what I'm getting when I agreed to go out with you, I wouldn't even lie, it was scary, but this is not enough to the point that it will make me leave you, you're stuck with me until the end"
"Besides I have full confidence that you would save me every time"
a rush of warmth spread on Baji's chest, he should deny it, he should continue his act and walk away yet his feet moved towards you as if having a mind of their own. would it be selfish to continue wanting to be with you despite putting you in danger.?
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xxelfmamaxx · 2 years
Kazutora:Send me some words of encouragement so I don't murder someone at work.
Y/n:There is no Wi-Fi in jail
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lvrlamp · 9 days
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05 ; hitting it off
𝓅ɾₑ𝓋 . . . 𝓶-𝘭𝒾ₛᵗ . . . 𝓷ᵉ𝓍𝓽
—> a quick cheeky chapter for you guys, enjoy !!
—> next chapter will be written + chat and will have more plot to it!
@ list: ask in comments to be added! @jmclouds @ohgoditsjades @rinsowangiy
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© all writings belongs to lvrlamp 2024. do not repost or change
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liaarxse · 1 year
could u headcannons of what the tr characters would do if y/n did this trend with ken, nahoya, chifuyy, baji, kazutora?
(basically y/n walks away from them whenever they get close)
Nah, cuz it's 2am, and I'm cackling like a madman omfg this is amazing
<3 Here you go, anon:
How would TR characters react to you moving away from them
Characters: Ryuguji Ken, Nahoya Kawata, Matsuno Chifuyu, Keisuke Baji, Kazutora Hanemiya
Warnings: none
A/n: I literally have 40 history lessons to revise in 2 days, and I've gotten nowhere
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Ryuguji Ken
Not this shit again
Draken is tired of your games
He had to deal with Toman, some punks, MIKEY and now you?
Kill him
Oops already happened
But he did this to himself
A few days ago he "accidentally" ruined one of your favourite dresses with motor oil and only said sorry
So sorry not sorry Dora
"Hey, Y/n? Want a glass of water?"
Perfect timing
He walked towards you to give you the water
You walked away
He took 3 steps forward
You took 3 steps backwards
3 steps forward
3 steps backwards
You made 5 full circles around the couch at this point
"Not this shit again"
He went to sit down because man's tired of this
You felt bad and went to him
He turned to you before he sat down
"Sorry, c'mere"
He went to hug you
You took a step back
Give him a hug pls
You did ofc
Until you could
I'm not sorry
Y'all spent the night just cuddling and talking about how annoying(ly hot) Mikey is
The next morning you did the prank again
He went back to sleep (and never woke up)
Nahoya Kawata
Who made you do this?
You lost your marbles?
LAST PERSON to do this prank on
But you still did
Y'all were just chilling at a park
The sun was setting, giving the landscape a pretty peachy-golden tint
It reminded you of your boyfriend who was chasing squirrels behind you
Yeah, you pretended not to know him
He got tired and went to sit next to you
"What'cha starring at, babe?"
"The sun?"
He left to chase a squirrel that he claimed to look like you
Back to not knowing that person
It was getting pretty late, so you gathered y'alls stuff and got up to leave
He was carrying a dead squirrel in his hands
"Babe, look! I caught your doppelganger!"
"Oh, that's nice baby– MOTHER OF GOD–"
You didn't have a choice that fucker started chasing you with it
He lied that he threw it away
He didn't
Half way towards your house he fished it out of his pocket and shoved it in your face
You screamed and took like a fucking backflip backwards
He slowly walked towards you with his iconic grin obv
"Nahoya, no."
"Nahoya, yes."
"I'm gonna break up with you."
"I'll shove this up your ass while you sleep."
Y'all didn't break up ofc
That continued up until like 3 blocks to your house before he threw it inside a house through an opened window
The night at least ended peacefully
You had a nightmare where he did shove it in your ass
Matsuno Chifuyu
Like why?
Just why?
This happened while you were at a Toman fight
You got a call from Hina that your boyfriend got hurt
So you skiddadled to the place very quickly since you lived like 7 minutes away
It took you 30
When you got there, the fight had already ended
Your boyfriend noticed you and ran with an opened arm since his other was a tad bit injured
You took a step back
"Hey babe."
"Why did you do that?"
"Did what?"
He took another step towards you
You took a step backwards
He frowned
"Is it because my uniform is blooded? Wait, gimme a sec"
He took his top off
bite bite
Lmao, who were you kidding
Get em tits
And you did baby gorl
Don't do this to him again though
Keisuke Baji
He just got back
And guess what
Another stray kitty was brought home
You lost count of how many Baji Jr. and Y/n Jr. cats you had
You smiled anyway since it's a kitty after all
"Yo bae, can you please fetch me some kitty clothes to dress up Y/n Jr.?
Ah this time it was you turn
You did of course
And when he walked over to you to grab the clothes
You saw something jump
Then again
And it hit you
You threw the clothes in his face and ran back
"What the hell?"
"Stay back."
He started walking towards you
You screamed
He was confused af still walking towards you
And you were walking back
This continued for like 7 minutes before you entered the kitchen
You grabbed bug spray
And sprayed him with it
He died
He was mad though
Ah, it's fine. You took care of it and cuddled with all 61 cats
Then you saw it again
You jumped out of the window
He jumped after you
Lmao you got flees too
Kazutora Hanemiya
This time, there was no specific reason
You were just watching tiktok with him, laying on your chest, trying to sleep
But he couldn't
This was Mikeys fault
"My wheenie needs to take a whee-whee."
"The mental hospital is 10 minutes away."
He got up and went to the bathroom
Then you landed upon the tiktok
Now this, this is perfection
He came back after like, 2 minutes
He crawled back in bed
You got up
He sat on the edge where you stood
You walked away
He walked towards you
"What are you doing?'
"What are YOU doing?"
You barely kept your laugh in when you noticed his face
"This is Mikeys fault isn't it."
"Tora no–"
You did like 6 circles around the room
You got bored with just staying in it and went to the door
He got in front of you and locked it
You stumbled back into the bed
Oh-oh guess who's weenie has to take a wee-wee now
Lmao this surely will 'rearrange your guts'
If you know what I mean
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buccini555 · 1 year
𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚 ♡
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≡ You decide to go on a date with Hanma, but you get a surprise at the end of the night.
⌕ x r e a d e r !
★ 𝑭𝒕. Hanma Shuji and Kazutora Hanemiya
⚠︎!! alcoholic drinks (vodka), drunkenness, cigarettes, mention of s♡x and Infidelity(?)
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That night Hanma had asked you out on a date, obviously, you can't let surprised by the boy proposal, as Shuji doesn't usually like romance, but out of exception, he made the decision to indulge in some kind of cheap romance.
Almost at dawn, Hanma went to pick you up at your house, as soon as you heard the insistent knocking on the door, you realized that he had arrived.
He hugged you, gently kissing your neck and holding tight to your waist.
— I want to take you somewhere fun, hmm?
He whispered with a slow breath, leaving you with a slight shiver, soon, you agreed to go to the unknown place, so, you walked a few blocks away from your house, arriving at an empty street full of alleys, you didn't understand where Hanma wanted to arrive, but he just kept walking through the dark streets holding the tattooed man's hand, when you least expected it, Hanma pulled you into one of the alleys, pinning you against the wall and covering your mouth gently.
— The place I intend to take you is a secret, so it's better to forget that we were ever here, understand, my baby?
You just nodded, making the taller one let go of you, walking back, this time in that unhealthy and even more dimly lit alley, you reached a small garage, quickly, Hanma opened the door, making you enter with even more quickly, the place was empty but at least there were some points of light in it, Hanma took some bottles that were on top of the counter and offered you that drink that seemed to be there for decades, however, you did not refuse to take a sip, pure vodka and Hanma wasn't worried about getting drunk.
After taking a few more sips, Hanma sat on the couch, later making you sit on his lap, between puffs on cigarettes and sips of drink, he kept giving you breathtaking kisses, subtly pressing your body against his lap, making you feel how much he wanted you at that moment, it was undeniable that Hanma was already getting completely stoned and more and more excited for you, seeing those almond eyes begging for at least a drop of pleasure, you finally made the decision to give for Hanma what he wanted so much before he fell from so much drunkenness.
As soon as they "finished" the act, Hanma could not even stand to remain seated, for that reason, you made him lie down, helping him to get dressed, together also putting his clothes back and while gently caressing the boy's bleached hair unconscious after three full bottles of vodka, you felt a strange presence.
The silence of the place didn't let lie that the environment was completely empty, or at least, that's what you wanted to believe at the time, you tried to wake up Hanma, but clearly the amount of alcohol he had ingested would make him sleep until the next morning, once again, suddenly, you heard something, a tin can noise or something, and in an act of extreme courage, you asked if there was anyone in the middle of that totally abandoned place, without waiting for an answer, you calmed down, until from afar, at the end of the hall, you can clearly hear a laugh, fear took over your body, but you just tried to ignore it, until, from the same hall, someone appeared.
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Kazutora Hanemiya, a member of the same gang as Hanma, seeing that boy looking at you, you just remained silent.
— Hey, don't worry, I would never hurt someone as beautiful as you.
You continued in silence, immediately recognizing Kazutora, you had never spoken before but knew each other by sight.
— You were here all the time?
You questioned the boy, of course, at that moment you only thought about the fact that Kazutora saw you having sex with Hanma.
— Let's just say I've been inside here enough to see you...
He responded immediately, letting out a wry laugh as he looked at you.
— I'm leaving...
You got up, even worried about an unconscious Hanma, you knew he knew how to take care of himself better than you.
— Do you really think I'm going to let you go off these dangerous streets alone? What do you have in that head?
Hanemiya approached you, he clearly wouldn't allow you to walk alone at that early hour.
— Did this son of a bitch drink himself out and leave his hottie girlfriend alone?
— It seems so.
— ... Can I make you company?
You fell silent again, still embarrassed by the situation, but since you were there, deep down you didn't want to miss out on Kazutora's presence.
— M-may.
— Still ashamed?
He moved even closer to you, gently cupping your face and making you look at him.
— It's not alright.
— You have such a pretty mouth, sweetie, I saw you know how to use it well.
— Wh-what?”
— Don't be disingenuous, Baby...
— I'm not!
— Not what I saw with my beautiful eyes.
You walked away from Kazutora, making him surprised by your attitude.
— You should stop watching people!
— Hmm? What a lack of education, you who invaded my space.
— I'm so sorry...
— Are you sorry?
— Yes, I would never know this place belongs to you.
— I'll forgive you…if you do me a favor.
— What do you want?
— Don't you find me more attractive than he is?
- No! Obviously not!
— Don't lie to me, pretty.
Of course, you wouldn't assume that you strangely found Kazutora attractive, until the two of you ended up getting even closer, you didn't think twice about giving yourself away at that moment when Kazutora stole a kiss from you.
— Gonna give me what I want, little bitch?
— I-I will
— You sure baby?
— ... I'm sure.
The previously unknown gave you another kiss, this time, you ended up reciprocating it, and then, he held you by the waist with one hand and with the other lightly pulled your hair, you no longer cared about Hanma at that moment, you just continued to kiss Kazutora as if there was no other chance.
— Fuck me the way I saw you fuck with Hanma, baby.
He said in a low tone, placing you on top of a small bench, for a moment, you thought about denying the invitation, but the way he touched you made you change your mind, finally, you ended up giving in to Kazutora's wishes.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 1 year
Oops, all catboys! pt. 1 - Tokyo Rev Edition
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Pairings: Kokonoi, Baji, Kazutora, Chifuyu x male reader (separately)
Warnings: Catboy au, sub characters, gn!reader, dom!reader, mentions of breeding
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Imagine sweet little catboy Chifuyu who waits for you to come home. He sits on the couch or waits right by the door if he's feeling extra clingy, and once you walk inside he's already hugging you and asking about your day, looking at you expectantly. You know what he wants but you can't help pretending like you don't, waiting until he's whining and nuzzling into your chest, muttering about how he's waited all day for you, he needs you...
Sweet little catboy Chifuyu who's a blushing mess as you take his hand and lead him into the bedroom, tossing him onto the bed and crawling on top of him.
Sweet little catboy Chifuyu whose ears flatten against his head when you loom over him with that hungry expression, like a predator about to eat its prey. You lean down to taste his lips, pushing your leg against his bulge and he whines, humping at your leg instinctively
Sweet little catboy Chifuyu whose face is shoved into the pillows, clawing at the sheets as you fuck his ass, making the cutest noises as you claim him
“Nya...m-more... Nyaa—!” He wails as you smack his cute cheeks, his whole body jerking at the sudden motion. “Master...please fuck me more...aaahh~”
Imagine precious catboy Baji who acts tough around everyone else except you, picking fights with other catboys and humans alike, all because they said something not nice about you
Precious catboy Baji who pouts and defends himself, claiming that they had it coming. You're not mad, but you're worried that one day he's going to get seriously hurt, so you still scold him
Precious catboy Baji whose tail flicks back and forth when you tease him, “You really care about me that much, huh?” You can't stop a smile from forming as you think about everything he does to defend your image
Precious catboy Baji who quickly loses his composure when you push him down and yank off his pants, telling him that he deserves a treat for being so thoughtful. You take him into your mouth and begin coating his dick with your saliva, bobbing your head up and down his length
Precious catboy Baji who can't stop panting and grunting as you take every inch of him, his thighs squeezing around your head as he thrusts into your mouth, “Aah...mm fuck...y-yeah, just. like. that.”
Imagine bratty catboy Kokonoi who purposely riles you up just to earn more punishment. Ignoring you when you ask him to do something, sitting on top of you or on tables and even shelves when you've told him not to do that, talking back or mimicking you every other sentence
Bratty catboy Kokonoi who sits on the kitchen counter and waits until you walk into the room to knock something over, tilting his head and acting like he doesn't understand why you're so mad at him
Bratty catboy Kokonoi whose legs tremble as you fuck him against the counter, clawing at the surface as you breed his tight ass, drooling all over your fingers shoved in his mouth
Bratty catboy Kokonoi who cries out for you to fill him up again, “Nyaaa~ Yes, Master, please...breed me more~ ” He exclaims, scratching at whatever part of you he can reach as you ruin him. “Put it all inside of me~ Nyyaaa—!! ”
Imagine possessive catboy Kazutora who glares and growls when other people get too close to you. You leave him at home more often than not, dealing with his clinginess at home is preferable to dealing with him attacking strangers just because they brush past you in the store
Possessive catboy Kazutora who's attached to your side as soon as you walk through the front door, rubbing his cheek against your arm and saying how he missed you so much
Possessive catboy Kazutora who just loves you so much, he'd do just about anything for you, even sinking to his knees in front of you and grinding against your shoe like you asked
Possessive catboy Kazutora who gets pulled into your lap and forced to hump your thigh if he wants to cum. Groaning into the crook of your neck about how good it feels, his hard cock smearing your pants with precum
“Mmm...Master...I– haah—! I love you....aah~ ”
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atsumwah · 2 years
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hanemiya kazutora is the type of man who will look you in the eyes when you're talking. he has his chin propped up on the table as you talk about your day, smiling ever so softly as your hands went about in crazy gestures. he finds it adorable and he likes knowing about your day when he wasn't with you.
hanemiya kazutora is the type of man who likes to buy you trinkets. sees a key chain you'd like? grabbing it immediately. sees a flower when he's at the park? plucks it and gives it to you. sees bangles he thinks will look good on you? buying it without hesitation.
hanemiya kazutora is the type of man who will mouth the words to the movie. he doesn't even realize it sometimes but you do and you can't help but think it's cute. especially when it's musicals and you can hear him singing the songs under his breath.
hanemiya kazutora is the type of man loves to give you forehead kisses. it's the most closest level of intimacy for him. when he wakes up in the morning and is met with your sleeping figure, he places the softest kiss on your forehead and relishes when he sees you scrunching your nose in your sleep. or when you need reassurance, he kisses your forehead and feels you relax under his touch.
hanemiya kazutora is the type of man that still gets flustered when he sees you getting ready. he feels like a he shouldn't be a creep and watch you get dress (not that you mind, hell you encourage it even) but he can't help it! you just have that effect on him and well you're not exactly complaining ;)
hanemiya kazutora is the type of man that loves it when you play with his hair. he loves the feeling of your fingers combing their way through his locks and he loves it even more when you start to braid it or style it any way you want too. will use any excuse to have you tie his hair up in a ponytail for him
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authorluvgxbby · 1 year
HII! I hope you’re taking care of yourself :) I wanted to request TR boys sneaking in your room at 3am to wake us up and do some stupid stuff with them but they end up confessing afterwards. If not then that’s totally okay have a nice day/night!!
I Just Wanna Be Yours
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Includes: Kazutora, Hanma, Ran
Note: I recommend playing I Wanna Be Yours By Arctic Monkeys for a better experience! Enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of weed, mentions of alcohol/alcohol consumption (not underaged drinking), slight suggestive teasing in Kazutora's part. Rest is fluff.
Usually every other teenager would jump at the chance to sneak out in the middle of the night to do god knows what unholy things as a result of them surely getting grounded for life by nagging parents. But, you were different. 
Unlike your friends who always stayed out, doing their own thing, you decided to spend your weekend enjoying time to yourself while relishing in the joy of getting a full eight hours of sleep before transitioning back to dealing with your stressful weekday routine of high school. Your mom was out of town working, so there wasn’t any point in sneaking out. Besides, you preferred staying home compared to running the streets.
You enjoyed the time alone and getting a good night’s rest was a bonus!
You had already freshened up and changed into a comfortable set of pajamas. Slipping into the warmth of your comforter and numerous pillows, you sighed in content. 
There was nothing better than getting ready for bed after relaxing on a Saturday. 
Everything was just perfect. The room was cool, your bed was warm to perfection, and your eyes were already droopy, ready to be closed for rest. Nothing could prevent you from sleeping through the night. The moment your head made contact with your pillow, you were out like a light. 
But of course, all good things must come to an end. 
It seemed as if you hadn’t fallen asleep at all when you were suddenly startled by the sound of what seemed to be small pebbles knocking against your window. 
Your eyes flew open at the small pangs against the glass. You quickly sat up, heart beating partially fast at the sudden disturbance. You glance at the window, and then to your nightstand where your digital clock sat. Squinting, you briefly check the time that glowed across the small screen: 3 A.M.
Who on earth could be up at three in the morning throwing rocks at my window??
You certainly didn’t know. Anyone who knew you knew better than to disturb you on your weekends. 
Once again, the pang of rocks against your window rang in your ears. 
Groaning, you rubbed your temples. 
“This is ridiculous…” you muttered, already annoyed at the disruption of your precious sleep.
Reluctantly, you slipped out of bed and quietly padded over to the window, determined to find out who could possibly be disrupting your sleep at this ungodly hour.
Unlocking your window, you slide it up, and peek your head out.
“Pssst! y/n!,” a familiar voice whispers from below.
Cocking a brow, you look down, only to be met with a pair of golden eyes and a familiar head of blonde and black locks.
“Kazutora? I-Is that you?” you replied in the same hushed tone.
“Quick! Throw down the rope will ya?”
He must be joking.
“Go to bed!” you deadpanned.
His eyes were wide, “W-what? Please! It’s cold!”
You sighed tiredly, glancing back inside your room and back to your pleading friend. 
“Wait there!”
He smiles in reply, nodding as he waits for you to throw down his entrance to your window. 
Searching your closet, you found an old knot of sheets you had made into a rope. After all, this wasn’t the first time Kazutora has shown up to your window asking to be let in. However, it was the first he’s ever come unannounced. He knew better, so why not warn you ahead of time?
You tie one of the ends to your bedpost and throw the rest of it down. Afterwards, you settle yourself on the edge of the bed that faces the window. Patiently, you waited for Kazutora to climb through, which didn’t take very long. 
Less than five minutes later, he managed to get himself halfway through. Soon he’s slumped against the floor, grinning like a dork at you.
Frowning, you crossed your arms.
“Don’t tell me you're mad at me for waking you up?” he quipped.
“Kazutora…it’s too late to be pulling stunts like this. We’re not little kids anymore.” you huff, giving him a pointed look.
His grin staggers, flashing a guilty grimace. “I-I know, it’s just…I didn’t have any plans so I was hoping we’d go on–I don’t know–a little adventure,” he pauses, glancing back at you and then shooting his gaze at the ground, “like we used to…” he sighs.
Your harsh stare softens and your shoulders relax. 
“If you wanted to hang out, you could’ve said something,” I whispered. 
He perks up, hopeful eyes captured by your own. There’s a pause, a quick silence.
“You know I won’t say ‘no’ to you Kazutora.” You breathe out.
There’s more silence between you two, and at the moment, you didn’t even care that it was late and you were losing sleep. You didn’t want him to leave, but it was hard to really sit in the same room with him right now. It was tense, and neither of you dared to speak up. 
There’s a sudden shift in weight next to you on the bed, looking back up, you turn to the side, meeting your friend’s slightly flushed face.
“Hey, um,” he clears his throat, “that…was a lie.”
Your brows furrowed. “Hm? What do you mean ‘tora?”
Situating himself more comfortably on your bed, he folds his arms, holding your curious gaze.
“The truth is…I just…I wanted to be with you. I-I missed you, I guess.” 
You blinked a few times, processing his words carefully so as to not mistaken his intentions. But, once it clicked what was going on, it was pretty clear to you as to what the poor boy was trying to say. So far, he was as red as a tomato, and it killed you at how cute he looked. You got the hint, but you would rather hear it from him.
“What’s that mean?” you asked coyly, leaning in towards him with a grin. You dropped your hands to your sides, awaiting a response from the struggling juvenile.
He takes a shaky breath, swallowing thickly as he considers his next words. 
“I just…I couldn’t stop thinking about you s’all…” he mumbles.
Clicking your tongue, you get on all fours, slowly crawling towards Kazutora until he’s backed up and eventually trapped between you and the mattress.
“Kazutora, do you…like me?” you teased.
He nods, his head hazy and spinning from the close proximity. “I-I do!”
After the small confirmation, you were satisfied, immediately collapsing on top of him and snuggling into his chest. 
“Good. ‘Cuz, I like you too!”
Groaning, he envelopes you in a warm embrace, returning the small ounce of affection.
“W-why didn’t you say something sooner then?!” he whines.
“Because you're cute when you’re nervous!” You laughed airly.
For the rest of the night, he stayed with you, falling into a deep sleep in the comforts of your warm bed.
There wasn’t a night that went by that Hanma didn’t appear from your bedroom window. He was always welcome to use the front door. You even went as far as to give him an extra key to your apartment. 
However, according to your manic friend, using the door “wasn’t as welcoming” compared to using your window as an entrance. Either way, you didn’t mind Hanma’s company or his random appearances. 
It was comforting in a way. It was like a fresh touch of color to your daily plain routine.
Tonight was exactly the same. 
Hanma had recently texted you not too long ago, saying he’d drop by to hang out. Per usual, you had opened your apartment’s window, waiting for Hanma to climb down the apartment balcony staircase. 
From there, you would wait in your bed with a book in hand as you waited for Hanma.
Ten minutes later, there’s a knock on the wall. Turning your attention from your reading, you meet with the familiar wicked smile of your awaited guest.
“Hey there sweetcakes. Missed me?” 
Rolling your eyes, you bookmark your page and place the book on your nightstand.
“Hardly.” you lied.
Hanma scoffs, climbing through the opening of your window with a noticeably big plastic bag in hand. 
Tilting your head slightly to the side, you eye the items in the bag with a questioning stare. 
“What's in the bag?”
“Hm? This?”
He grins, proudly raising the bag in his left hand as if he had just found gold, “I’d thought we would make some weed brownies and try ‘em!”
“W-weed WHAT?!” you choked, baffled at how calm he was at the sudden proposal of doing something very much illegal.
He cocks a brow, “Hm? What? You don’t like brownies?” He questioned thoughtfully. 
You were ready to smack him upside the head and scold his ass right on the spot, but you caught yourself and recollected your composure before losing your cool.
“Hanma…it’s not normal for ordinary people to spend the night making weed brownies.” you sighed, smoothing the lines on your forehead.
“Where the hell did you even get the weed?”
“I know a friend,” he simply shrugs, walking over to you and casually situating himself next to you on your bed. 
Both of you rested against the headboard of the bed, enjoying each other’s company in the quiet with nothing but the rambunctious sound of the ongoing city of Kabukicho filling the gap between the two of you. 
“Have you ever made a weed brownie before?” you chimed, staring at the chipped ceiling of your small apartment. 
“Yeah, plenty of times.” he muffledly replied, lighting the cigarette that rested between his lips.
“Let’s make some tomorrow.”
He gently blows a puff of smoke, smirking as he turns his head to you, “Sure thing Sweets.”
You chuckle at his ridiculous pet name, while a warmth spreads across your chest, rising to your cheeks. 
“Hey…” he pipes up, turning your gaze towards his own. “I’ve, um–been meaning to tell you somethin’.”
“What’s that?” you asked warily, a small grin gracing your tired features.
“...I really like you y/n.” he sighs, once again exhaling a large cloud of smoke from his thin lips. 
You knit your brows together, eyes searching his expression for any foul play. 
“Hanma…” He turns his gaze back to you, “did you eat a weed brownie before coming here?”
He flicks your forehead.
“Ouch! Hey!” you rub your forehead while using your other free hand to swat his shoulder.
“That’s for asking dumb shit. Of course I didn’t.” he scoffs, mildly glaring at you.
You huff, settling down in your spot as you process his sudden confession. 
“But, why?”
“Hm?” he furrows his brows, taking small puffs of his cigarette before resting it between his fingers. “Why what?”
“Why do you like me?”
There’s a heavy silence weighing down on the two of you. Hanma stares at you for a little longer, before turning his attention to the blank, dull walls of the room. 
“I like you because you're different.”
You return to face him with your own stare. 
“Different, how?”
He smirks and returns your fixated gaze, “Give me a chance and you'll see~” he winks. “You won’t regret it.”
You did give him a chance. And you never regretted it at all.
You weren’t expecting a visit from Ran. Especially through the window of your run down apartment building. 
You just came back from taking a double shift from work. It was well past 2 in the morning and all you wanted to do was crash for the night. 
Trudging through your apartment, you kick off your shoes and sling your bag on the couch. 
You make your way over to the fridge where you kept a bottle of wine. Grabbing the bottle you take it with you into your bedroom. 
Once you close the door behind you, you turn around and are met with a familiar lanky figure in your bed. 
“Oh, great your home.” Ran casually exclaims as he thumbs through a random book from your shelf. 
He glances at you and then down to the wine bottle in your hand. Cocking a brow, he folds his arms and says, “Rough night?”
“Yeah,” you sigh dejectedly, trudging over to his spot and settling next to him in the bed. 
“Mind if you share that?” he asked, nudging his elbow gently to your side with a tired smile.
You hum, handing over the bottle while you stare at the static TV screen. “Go ahead.”
He gently grasps the bottle, easily unscrewing the cap and downing a good mouthful of the bitter liquid before handing it back to you.
“You should seriously get that thing fixed.”
“I don’t mind the static…” you wearily say, downing your own mouthfuls of the harsh liquor.
“You had a rough night yourself?” you asked, looking over to him to study his features more closely. He’s usually covered in cuts and bruises, sometimes after getting into another brawl. Tonight was just that.
Ran’s once porcelain, smooth skin was now littered with small cuts and a few bruises. Nothing major to damage the face. You could even go so far as saying he looked more handsome when he was a little roughed up. Of course, you would never admit it out loud. He’d never let you hear the end of it.
“You could say that.” he chuckles, turning his attention to the static of the TV. 
“Wanna talk about it?” you asked.
“...would it make me feel better?”
“You tell me.”
He stays quiet for a moment, shaking his head.
“I got into a fight.”
“Well duh, I already know that dummy.” you sigh, pinching your bruised cheek.
“Ow, so mean.” he pouts, turning to face you again. 
You suppress the smile creeping on your lips and press them into a firm line.
“Why did you start a fight?”
“Bold of you to assume I’m the one who picked a fight first.”
You give him a pointed look, ignoring the lousy answer. Your eyes narrow as you press for the truth. 
Now it was his turn to sigh. “Ok, so I did start it first, so what?” he huffs, staring back at the TV. 
Your gaze softens at his hardened tone. You gently take his hand and squeeze down gently. 
“Why?” you voiced softly.
Once again he goes quiet, attempting to find the proper answer to your persistent questions. When he does, he doesn’t look at you, he just continues to stare at the static screen of the TV.
“Because they mocked the woman I care about the most and I’d be damned if I didn’t teach them a lesson about bad-mouthing you.” he muttered irritably, his hand tightening around your own. 
You were shocked, not just by the subtle confession, but also by his angered expression.
For the first time, you saw Ran Haitani angry with someone else besides his little brother. And deep down, it touched you knowing that he cared. 
Smiling, you wrap his arm around your shoulders, scooting closer to him and pulling the covers over the both of you. 
“That’s fine with me.” you whispered against him.
"Really?" he whispers back.
You hummed," Yeah. I'll let it slide this time. But afterwards, not more pointless fighting."
He smirks.
"Yes Ma'am."
For the rest of the night, the two of you sat in each other’s company, eventually falling asleep in a warm embrace.
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ranhaitanisgf · 9 months
Hello. Can I request “girl/boy next door” and getting sick” with Kazutora. Reader gets sick and Kazutora takes care of her. Thanks!
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— kazutora hanemiya // boy next door // getting sick
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☆ ˎˊ˗ helloooo this is my fave cliche ever omfg. why was i such a genius like srsly 16 yr old me was cooking with this cliche event... also this was my first time writing for kazutora !! if i remember correctly, i didn't have him in my regular reqs but i decided to put him in the event reqs, so apologies if hes a bit ooc ... blegh anyways enjoyyyy my lovelies have a wonderful day !! xoxoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 1.5k+
☆ ˎˊ˗ gn!reader implied
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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you knew that you had lost when you’d woken up with a sore throat yesterday, but you didn’t think that it was going to escalate into this. you’d felt mostly fine yesterday, a bit under the weather if anything, but it hadn’t been anything that you couldn’t handle, so imagine your surprise when you woke up and felt exponentially worse. 
your vision went fuzzy every time you tried to stand up and you were sure that your night clothes were soaked through with sweat, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to come out from under the blankets, shivering despite the added layers on top of you. the only thing you had the energy for was to flip your phone open and closed, occasionally texting your friends who were telling you about their vacations. 
the air in your room was excruciatingly stuffy, but you swore you would somehow fall out of the window from dizziness if you tried to open it, so you stayed in bed, staring at the ceiling and watching your phone screen for new notifications. 
the silence of your room was disturbed by a light knocking sound; when you sat up in bed and looked to your window, you saw a familiar face wave and smile at you. you could hear his muffled voice through the window, ‘let me in!’. 
you smiled at kazutora, telling him to give you a second as you slowly got up from your bed, throwing on a t-shirt laying on the floor over your tank top. you swayed a bit as you walked over to the window, which you could see made his face twist with concern. a few moments later you opened the window, though you were struggling a bit with opening it more than a few inches. luckily for you, kazutora’s hands slipped under the window, opening it the rest of the way with ease. 
“ah, thanks…” you murmured, yawning a bit as you started to walk back to bed. behind you, you could hear kazutora coming through the window and closing it, and you heard him begin to say something, but a ringing in your ears blocked out his voice. your vision blurred a bit as you swayed once again, the dizziness starting to get to you. you could faintly feel someone grabbing your shoulders, and after a few seconds your vision began to return and the ringing in your ears slowly dissipated.
“...(y/n)?! are you alright?!” in front of you was kazutora, worry strewed over his pretty face. “are you hurt?! what happened-?!” 
“i’m fine kazu…just deathly sick…” you murmured, your eyebrows pinched together. “please stop shouting…”
“deathly sick?! do i need to take you to the hospital??” 
“i just told you to stop yelling, and no. i’ll probably be fine in a couple days, i was joking. lemme get in bed, please.” at your request, kazutora released his hands from your shoulders, though they hovered near you as you walked the last few steps to your bed, scared that you were going to get a wave of dizziness again. 
as soon as you sat down again the dizziness went away, making you feel a bit better. you watched as kazutora hovered over you; you could see the unsaid question on his face, wondering if there’s anything he can do to make you feel better. 
“you can sit down y’know, i’m not actually dying. i’m glad you’re here actually; i was getting so bored.” you groaned, patting the spot next to you for kazutora to sit down. “i’ve been sitting here staring at my phone, waiting for people to text me. how lame is that?” 
he hesitantly sat down next to you, disregarding your words as his hand went to feel your forehead. the coolness of his hand felt nice against your heated flesh, making you sigh a bit in relief. 
“you feel really warm…” he murmured, somehow managing to look even more worried. “have you taken any medicine?” 
“no…” you answered, a bit embarrassed. you’d been feeling too dizzy to go and get medicine from the store, but you supposed that you should have kept some on hand just in case. 
at your words, kazutora suddenly sprung up, mumbling something about having to make a call as he exited your room and stepped out into the hallway. he closed the door, so you could only hear him talking to someone on the phone, but nothing more than just muffled parts of it. after almost five minutes, he came back in your room, a determined look on his face. 
“i-i’ll be back!! just give me a bit, but i’ll be back!” before you could say anything else, kazutora walked across your room, opening the window and climbing out of it. 
dumbfounded, you sat in silence for a moment before flopping back, burying your face in your pillow. 
“he left the window open…” 
˗ˏˋ ☆ ˎˊ˗
kazutora is feeling very unsure of himself right now. 
despite consulting who he thinks is an expert in these things, he isn’t sure if he’s gotten the right things, and he sure as hell has no clue whether or not it’ll actually help you. 
he’s taken it upon himself to help nurse you back to health; he hasn’t been sick a whole lot of times, but he knew that every time he was sick his mom would always make a bowl of rice porridge and would make him drink a capful of nasty medicine so that he would get better. he knows that you can take care of yourself, and he also knows how much you like being independent, but in all honesty, it gave him a big scare when he saw the state you were in earlier. paired with the fact that you live alone, he was worried that your sickness might get worse and that you wouldn’t call anybody to help you, (he knows that probably wouldn’t happen, but he can’t stop himself from thinking these things). 
and so here he was, nervously biting his nails as he walked back to your house from the convenience store, a plastic bag in his other hand containing all the essentials for taking care of sick people, (according to chifuyu). 
when he arrived at your window, he carefully climbed through, not wanting to scare you.
“(y/n), i’m back-...” kazutora immediately shut himself up when he saw that you were asleep, breathing softly and looking as peaceful as ever. he smiled a bit to himself, walking to your bedside and gingerly setting the plastic bag down beside him. 
the other hard part of this was containing his feelings. 
he had to admit to himself that he had become quite flustered when he’d seen you in just your tank top for that brief moment, glad that you hadn’t been looking his way while he got a handle on his emotions. he’d had an even harder time trying not to get flustered when you had leaned into his hand, resisting the urge to keep your hand on your forehead for longer, (he already had kept his hand there for longer than he probably should have). 
as he watched you sleep, he noticed that your face was a lot more flushed than usual and that your breathing was quite heavy, which made him frown a bit. he wishes that he could transfer your sickness to him, that he could take whatever pain and discomfort you were feeling and give it to himself. he thinks that he feels more pain now just seeing you suffering than any other time he’s felt pain before. 
kazutora is snapped out of his thoughts when your face twists in discomfort, your brows scrunching in your sleep. his hand reaches out all on its own, brushing some of your hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear. 
what did chifuyu say again…? 
“ah, cold packs…” he murmured to himself, digging through the bag beside him. after a few moments of searching, he found the package, ripping it open and taking a cold pack out. he peeled the sticker covering off and used his sleeve to wipe any sweat and stray hair off of your forehead, taking the sticky part and carefully pressing it to your forehead. 
he’s not sure what else he can do since you’re still sleeping; he brought food for you to eat and medicine for you to take, but he’s also heard that sleep is the best medicine when you’re sick, so he’s not entirely sure if he should wake you up. he shouldn’t, right? 
he knows it’s probably weird to watch you sleep, but he swears he’s not watching in a weird way! he’s definitely not watching because the hair splayed around your face makes you look divine, no, of course not…
before he knows it, kazutora is leaning forward and he is pressing his lips against the cold pack on your forehead, and oh my god what is he doing?! he immediately leans back, a hand to his lips as he stares at you with wide eyes. you’re not awake, right? he can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing, because did he just take advantage of the fact that you were sleeping? 
oh god, i’m definitely a freak. 
you’re just glad that the flush from your fever covers up your flush from getting a kiss from the boy you like.
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y-umiko · 2 years
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A/n: I think I miss writing too much :) anyways- This goes from Hot to cute. character(s): Various characters with no particular order
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Baji taking his shirt off by pulling it from the back and over his head, his toned stomach on display for you to see. bonus if he was wearing his sweatpants dangerously low on his hips. do this often within your sight, knowing you can't help but stare.
Kazutora slightly slid off the right part of his jacket to show his sleeveless undershirt, Showcasing his tattoos running up from his right shoulder up to his neck. he does this when it gets too hot for his liking.
Hanma with his hair down and his golden eyes peeking through the strands of hair shows an innocent and sexy charm, this occurrence is most common when his fresh out of the shower or when he has just woken up. claims he hates it when you ruffle his hair but secretly it makes him sleepy.
Kisaki loosening his tie after a long day with one hand then removing his glasses in one swift movement before dropping all his weight into you. tucking his head between your shoulder and neck, mumbling about his day and how much he hated Hanma for making his day unnecessarily hard.
Sanzu habitually sticks out his tongue on almost any occasion while his eyes are dazed and deliriously crossed upward as he slaps the gun onto his tongue. or in just some cases licking his lips while maintaining eye contact at you, aware of his effect on you.
Kakucho rolling the sleeves of his dress shirt, exposing his forearms before doing tedious work, his muscles openly displayed for you to ogle. A few buttons open revealing his collarbone. You swore its almost a sin to look at him.
Ran leaning down to hear you better and clearer, head tilted to the side to allow you to whisper in his ears, before giving his shit-grinning smile.
Rindou not bothering to wipe your lipstick stain after making out or habitually placing his hand in your tight whenever you're sitting together, him tracing random shapes in your skin when he gets bored. your breath hitches when you feel him squeeze your thigh.
Wakasa always smells good no matter what situation, you get a whiff whenever you sat beside him or you pass by him. it was intoxicating.
Draken wiping off his sweat after a workout or after tinkering with his bike, using the bottom of his shirt to give you the perfect view of his abs.
Mikey casually flexes his muscles when he opens that jar of peanut butter for you, even though you know it's not actually that tight.
Chifuyu wiping the corner of your mouth with his thumb and then gives you his closed eyes grinning face that makes your heart flutter.
Mitsuya still being a gentleman even when he's angry, pulling you to the side of the road where there aren’t moving cars while he was scolding you or nagging while he patches you up.
Izana makes good eye contact whenever you hand-feed him snacks or most of the time chocolates, his lips brushing against your fingers, catching you off guard whenever he licks the remnants on your fingers.
Shinichiro grabbing your burnt fingers and places them into his mouth to soothe the burn, concern swirling within his gaze.
Akashi puts off his cigarette and tossing it away whenever you're within the area. 
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xxelfmamaxx · 2 years
We all know what is happening here 👀👀
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lvrlamp · 13 days
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𑁍ࠬܓ 𝓁σ𝓋𝐞 b𝓁𝓸ѕ𝐒ᴏms ... !?
you never expected to find yourself tangled in a relationship—especially not with him. but i guess with spring comes new beginnings, and amidst the chaos, love blossoms
kazutora x reader smau
cw: ; social-media au, modern au, no gangs au, enemies-to-friends-to lovers (one sided beef) swearing, corny, kys, nsfw jokes :3, the pet shop gang is here 🔥🔥, SPELLING MISTAKES, lowkey not proofread
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.. 1 pull up ho??
.. 2 fumbled
.. 3 smooth operator
.. 4 instigators
.. 5 hitting it off
.. 6 skeptical
.. 7 pending…
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© all writings belongs to lvrlamp 2024. do not repost or change.
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airbendertendou · 9 months
91 for kazutora please 🙏 (for the wrapped event)
a sappy number 91 + sweet timeskip!kazutora
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dual-toned hair falls over his right shoulder as kazutora leans his head. you shy away, lips pouted and eyes darting to the ground. he grins - the menace - and leans closer to you. "gettin' shy, doll?"
"no," your voice cracks. you clear your throat and shimmy your shoulders in an attempt to calm down. "i'm simply... staring at your shoes. they're very nice."
kazutora's grin widens. he glances down before looking up through his eyelashes. "i'm only wearing socks 'cause i'm at home, honey."
you let out a sound between a whine and a groan. curling further into the couch, you kick against his thigh gently. "stop makin' fun of me, 'tora!"
he inches closer, pulling your legs down so that he can slide between them. chest to chest now, kazutora breathes onto your neck before straightening up, meeting your eyes. "can't help it, pretty. you're too easy to tease."
kazutora brushes his nose against yours, your lips barey touching before he pulls away completely. the grin on his face is devilish, "lets eat before it gets cold, hm?"
——♥︎—— kazutora favoritism got the best of me once again
request your own here ♡ read more
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