#kc: promo
ningcast · 2 years
Oi naevis, voltei aqui para dar um engajamento na minha pesquisa @pesquisabanda, já estou montando o plot e tudo que envolva, mas gostaria muito de saber o que os players gostariam de ver em uma comunidade de banda ♥️ obrigada!
Oi future mod! tudo bem? espero que sim!
atenção! a pesquisa para o rp de banda continua ativa, mas precisam da ajuda de vocês para saber o que gostariam de ver na comunidade. corre para o @pesquisabanda e deixem suas ideias!!
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kacievvbbbb · 19 days
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say what you want about the show. You cannot deny that they always bring their A game for cast promo pics.
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violetshippingzine · 1 year
hey everybody!! welcome to day 47 of my irl diaries! just got back from the tournament in fukuoka. hope i made y’all proud! 😄✌️ gonna take a small break and spend some time with the bossman. make sure to follow the page for more behind the scenes stuff! #katsuya!! #how-long-b4-pr-makes-me-delete-this-lol 
There’s only a little more than a week until the Interest Check for Nemui: A Domestic KaiJou/JouKai zine closes! This is an unofficial, nonprofit, charity fanzine celebrating Kaiba Seto and Jounouchi Katsuya as we explore their everyday lives together. We will be supporting The Trevor Project <3 
Please reblog to spread the word!
Carrd | Curious Cat | Schedule | Tumblr | Twitter | 
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curemoonliite · 9 months
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~magical girl-fying my laptop (ft. brightcloud since they're practically my brand now too)~
bonus--i'm probs gonna put a sailor mars motivational sticker that hasn't shipped yet in the middle, but i just found the FUNNIEST local con sticker i've ever seen and i'm extremely tempted to put it in the middle instead:
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yes, that is sweetie belle wearing a kc royals ballcap, yes i am geniunely considering making it the centerpiece over 'sailor mars says follow your dreams' please carry on
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90363462 · 6 months
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Hey friends and loyal followers,
I am doing sort of an experiment on how many people can see my posts. If you see this, please 'love' this post. *just for fun, comment what state you live in if you'd like* I'm excited to see the results!! Thanks so much! 😘
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xernition · 2 years
Life & Work with Xernition - VoyageKC Magazine
I was lucky enough to be interviewed by VoyageKC Magazine! If you'd like to learn more about my art and backstory, you can check out the story here:
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the-empress-7 · 1 month
I feel your frustrations Empress. The UK government and KC need to strap a pair on and publicly state they are not representing the monarchy or the British government. And the countries they are visiting need to be transparent on who exactly is footing the bill for them to spend 4/5 days “touring” the country essentially on a promo tour for their private business ventures. No one is winning here except the harkles.
Harry and Meghan are part time Royals, they are enjoying every single perk they had as full time royals except they now get to line their pockets too.
The Sandringham Summit was a waste of time, none of the terms from it have passed the test of time. So much for the BRF and their long game.
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Buddie & Madney - 7x6 & Karaoke
I'm still frustrated about the fact that 9-1-1 promoted episode 7x6 by using clips of Buck and Eddie to get people to watch. Also, I'm going to be real about it because the reason they did it was to get engagement but that's not the only thing that's pissing me off.
The Buddie and Madney 'ships have been intertwined since 2x6 "Dosed" when Buck, Eddie and Chimney helped Maddie move into her new apartment. They're ship pairings are similar to the Bathena and Henren 'ships because Hen and Athena are best friends and the four of them play cards and spend time together all the time. They don't necessarily hang out with Maddie and Chimney or Buck and Eddie like they do each other.
Buck and Eddie aren't married (Yet! If the narrative continues the way that it began in season 2 they will be but only TM knows what he's trying to accomplish with them now) but their friends to lovers love story has paralleled Maddie's and Chimney's and it appears the karaoke scene was intentionally added to parallel with Maddie's and Chimney's karaoke scene from 2x8. Furthermore, Maddie's and Eddie's lives parallel (both are the eldest siblings and they also had to shoulder a lot of their parents' responsibilities/secrets). Also, believe it or not but Buck's and Chimney's lives do too (they both have abandonment issues. Reminder, Sang left Chimney to fend for himself when he moved back to Korea).
The thing that's really irritating me about 7x6 is from the start it SHOULD HAVE ONLY BEEN ABOUT MADDIE AND CHIMNEY getting married. That's it! There shouldn't have been this whole Chimney gets kidnapped/abducted or whatever is supposed to happen because they've been through a lot. Why couldn't they have simply had a nice wedding episode that highlighted their relationship? It could have included flashbacks that showed where they started and how they arrived at the point they're at now. Also, it could have shown how they overcame adversity even after they decided to end things when they were on their way back to L.A. after Maddie left in season 5. Then they could have proceeded to show how they rekindled their true love in season 6. Too much has happened for them off-screen and also, they've had the most tumultuous relationship especially with the Doug Kendell of it all when he tried to kill both of them.
Buck and Eddie's party shenanigans might still be included but if they never intended to air their "karaoke scene" (they knew they weren't going to include it by the end of 7x5 because it's been said it takes 2 weeks for an episode to be edited but they kept promoting Buck and Eddie instead of Maddie and Chimney), therefore they shouldn't have focused on Buddie as much as they did. Additionally, OS said he was terrified of singing karaoke but he did it and he's proud of it. RG and OS both looked like they were having a good time doing it so IMO, they could have at least included 15 seconds of the song and eliminated something else.
I'm really trying not to feel like they're using Buddie shippers for views but that's what it seems like. If they wanted people to genuinely watch Madney's wedding for their love story then there wouldn't have been a need to add Buck and Eddie in the promos and they should have let JLH and KC do all the interviews after 7x5 aired in preparation for 7x6.
Finally, since they have more than an hour and a half of footage, it appears the wedding should have been slotted for 2 episodes instead of one and they could have accomplished it if they would have planned better. A lot of things that's included in 7x5 could have been condensed or added to 7x4 so they could have started the wedding scenes at the end of 7x5.
Be clear, this is NOT 9-1-1's first time filming a 10-episode season, that was season 1. Also, season 4 only had 14 episodes and that was because of the pandemic so they're not strangers to understanding how to fit everything into a limited number of episodes. Maybe they need to focus on time management instead of adding people to the ever-growing list of recurring characters and focus on their mains. Karen, Denny and Ravi are all recurring characters who've been around for several seasons (Karen and Denny since season 1 and Ravi since season 4) but for some reason they keep bringing new people and giving them more screen time instead of focusing on the core cast. We've all seen it before in season 5 with all the time they gave Taylor Kelly so this 7x6 debacle basically comes down to poor planning. IMO, someone who's responsible for the decisions that were made with the promos and the final edits should say something to the audience about it.
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taylorrepdetective · 1 month
Any guesses for season 2?  Living full time in KC?  Going to all the games?  Engagement?
As I’ve said before, I believe season 2 is the most likely scenario. I believe this because it has been so successful and I don’t see a reason for her to mess with success. And I see few signs of a change. And if season 2 does happen, a big part of it will be the constant anticipation for an engagement ( and pregnancy unfortunately.) Every appearance she makes at a game would involve the GP looking at her hands and speculating about Travis asking or them announcing it publicly in some way. This would be huge publicity for both of them, and for the NFL and Chiefs. Viewership and scuttlebutt will continue to be high. I haven’t paid too much attention this off season, but I believe KC will be the favorite to go to the SB again, so that’s another chance for huge, huge publicity for her. But it is a bit of a “been there done that” situation, so that should be kept in mind. I do not know what her next big project is (re-recording, TS12, documentary, hyping herself up as a director, or something else) but if she does have something (I think we can assume a re-recording by March, so that counts) this is her promo for it, just like she used it last year for eras tour movie, 1989 tv, and TTPD. Even if she has nothing specific to promote, there’s always her brand and the perception that she likes men, along with keeping her actual private life private. For him, he has his game show and the Ryan Murphy show to promote. Plus he’s trying to do a huge podcast deal and trying to get more similar gigs, especially a movie deal.
So, short term: she goes to games (possibly as early as this Thursday - romantically flying straight from London.) She will appear to spend the bulk of the next 2 months in KC. When he has extra days off they may do something outside of kc✅. I think he’ll have a few days after this Thursday’s game✅. I don’t have the energy to look up if his bye week coincides with a tour stop, but I looked in the past, and I don’t think it does. Basically similar to last year except he probably won’t make it to a show. She’ll probably go the VMAs.
However, while I think the above is most likely, I can see several different paths that would add something more fun and interesting (for me - I have been mostly bored by travlor since January.) For example I believe that whenever the breakup is planned (tomorrow or 4 years from now) she will do it in a hilarious and well thought-out way that I am really looking forward to. I think she’ll try to top her announcing the toe breakup by switching out Invisible String and then officially announcing it at midnight, Easter, London time, on Matty’s birthday, followed by all her friends unfollowing him one by one. I won’t dare try to predict the details, except I know I will love it. And that could be tomorrow or it could be ~October, if she doesn’t plan to do the full Super Bowl thing again. Again it could also be in 4 years or even never. I do not actually know anything.
Other interesting things that could happen include releasing the rep vault and we all lose our minds. She could come out as bi. She could get engaged. There’s the election, which I assume she’ll back Harris in some way✅, but I don’t know if he’ll be involved. I do not know any of this actually. It’s all guesses. But my guess have been very good since November so there’s no reason for me to doubt I’m mostly right.
There are a few clues I’ve been watching, some stuff that started in May, that tells me a break up in the near term could happen, and if it does happen, I will let you know what those clues were. And there’re few other things I’m watching for to add to that. But I don’t really see a breakup before October to be likely. Always possible, but unlikely.
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ningcast · 2 years
oi kwangyas!!!! podem dar um apoio na @devsespesquisa ? o pessoal tá tentando colocar na tag mas não tá indo. espero que tenham um ótimo fim de semana! ♡
Olá, future mod!!!!! e vem aí um rpzinho de deuses???? espero que sim!
Um RP de deuses gregos, nórdicos, egípcios, os perpétuos e criaturas mitológicas, o foco é ser um nxn no tumblr, com uma atividade mais tranquila, para que consigam desenvolver os personagens no seu tempo e quando quiser.
Se interessou??? CORRE AGORA NO @devsespesquisa.
se não for, Ares vai cair no soco com você, fique atento.
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kwyw · 11 months
I don’t get the concept here where this fandom thinks Taylor is not in charge of her own PR or why she is getting in her jet to fly to KC . She is rich beyond anyone’s dreams and ppl want to believe she is doing this for money?
I don’t get the concept here where that fandom thinks Taylor is solely in charge of her own PR or why it’s news she is getting in her jet to fly to KC. She is rich beyond anyone’s dreams and people have to believe she’s a specific way that appeases them so she can make money and be successful.
If Taylor were solely in charge of her own PR, then why exactly does Tree Paine have a job? Public relations is literally the job of her publicist. Taylor is her boss, yes, but Tree is responsible for how she appeals and relates to the public.
We typically don’t exactly know why she is in her jet flying anywhere unless it’s for a tour stop because that’s already public knowledge. However, we can assume if it’s Florida, it’s to see her father. If it’s Nashville, it’s to see her mother or maybe even Abigail. If it’s New York or LA, she’s going to her own house or working. However, every time we’ve seen an article that she flew to KC, these websites by default attach it to Travis.
And we literally see an article every single time she goes to Kansas City. Every day there’s a new detail of this “relationship” we didn’t ask for.
That’s your first example of PR here.
I need you and others to grasp the concept that PR isn’t always based around money. PR is mainly for image reasons. If a celebrity has a scandal come about, you almost always see how People or ET for example will say they reached out to that celebrity’s team and they either didn’t respond or did not offer comment.
Travis JUST signed to CAA in May for off the field representation. He is building an expanded brand for when he retires from football. He’s 34. That’s “old” for his position in the NFL. So ask yourself—why does a 2 time Super Bowl champion (his last championship being won this past February)
Did you even watch Miss Americana? Where her Dad and another person on her team tried to gaslight her by using a potential decrease in ticket sales to stop her from talking about politics? Guess why—because PR has taught you that Taylor Swift™️ does not talk about politics.
PR taught you for 6 years that she was “extremely private” with Joe, but you always got an article before one of their projects released, right? Either the day of, or the day before Midnights was released, what picture just so happened to be released?
Taylor and Joe in NYC furniture shopping.
Remember how it was dead silent before CWF was released but a month or so before, engagement rumors popped up? Because PR had to make him seem interesting enough during his promo for the show.
Before the Reputation Tour arrived on Netflix—PR gave you pictures of Taylor and Joe with his friends in NYC on NYE.
PR is what got you the pictures of them on the balcony in Nashville before the rep tour started when paparazzi don’t camp in Nashville. Which you know because most country artists live in Nashville and you never see them unless they’re papped in LA or NYC.
PR relationships have always existed, but for some reason, y’all seem to think it’s beneath Taylor to engage in them.
So yes, she is “rich beyond anyone’s dreams”, but at what cost? Because PR is why y’all can’t fathom that she could possibly be queer—because to most people, she doesn’t “look” queer.
Not to mention, given all PR has taught us about her for the past 17 years, you have to question why this Travis situation is so odd and sloppy. No one really who Travis is outside of football—but now they know him as “Taylor Swift’s boyfriend” and now everyone wants to capitalize, right?
This 👆👆👆
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denniswilsonzine · 3 months
Oh my god I have a physical/print zine ***Preorders open***
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Thoughts Of You a Dennis Wilson fanzine Summer 2024 £4/$4 Print issue 1: You Are So Beautiful
Preorder on etsy / Preorder on ko-fi.
44 pages , stapled, printed by mixam on recycled silk paper.
Zine is a mix of revised/redesigned reprints from pdf only issues 1 & 2 & a tiny bit of new/updated content.
Includes image edits/collages, perzine-esque thoughts on what Dennis & Tug Of Love & esp. You Are So Beautiful mean to me, art by Vicky Troiano, PDC, Valerie Simadis, & Gino Dal Cin @ginodalcin, fan memories from Bengt Stenström, a feature on virtual zine fests inc. Quarenzine & KC Zine Con, Dennis/Beach Boys cartoons by Ollivier Cartoonist, Dennis' connection/affinity with homeless people & why the zine's fundraising for Simon On The Streets, zine promo & call for submissions + more.
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Zine will come with a sticker & at least one promo card until I run out.
All profits (minus cost of printing) will be donated to Simon On the Streets. Pdf replica edition will happen as soon as I manage to re-edit the file & create the hyperlinks.
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@zine-shop-channel @eufanzines
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nikethestatue · 8 months
Let’s face it, if the TIME article mentioned Az and Gwyn/Elain and Lucien, Gwynriels/Eluciens would be going crazy with excitement as well. TIME IS HUGE. Everybody knows it. It’s not a confirmation, but it’s good elriel publicity in a big way. It’s also very likely the article was vetted by BB/SJM’s team.
It’s same with the Today interview. If when asked about rejected mates, SJM said “Well it’s interesting but I love fated mates.” they would be excited.
It seems like SJM has really been staying out of the public eye for the last few years. The fact that she comes out of hiding and does these interviews that have Elriel suggestive content really makes me think she’s doing a soft launch. I can’t wait for the Kelly Klarkson interview.
Of course they would.
But now apparently every Gwynriel is a journalist, and they are posting about how things are done and what is typical in the reporting and journalist field. It's kind of hilarious.
I think they have started on the ACOTAR5 unveiling and it will be gradual, but pretty quick.
I wonder what she'll say in the KC show. Hope it will be something fun.
But I feel like she is definitely going bigger and more 'professional' with her publicity. No more Lives with girlfriends. I think BB has definitely taken charge and she can't get away with doing one promo per book.
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doctoratecuddles · 2 months
THANK YOU for saying that doom x Carrie feels like Stockholm syndrome. personally i don’t hate on anyone who ships something i don’t but the idea of shipping doom with any of the patients makes me uncomfortable— even if he hasn’t hurt them personally, he’s definitely hurt other people, and honest to god i don’t think anyone in the right mindset would be okay with being in a relationship with a legit murderer/abuser (even if they’ve “reformed”)
If doom were to be with anyone, I’d hope it’d be after extensive therapy and even after dealing with some repercussions for their actions (obviously.) I’d also hope it’d be with someone outside of the hospital just to distance themselves from everything he experienced in that hospital, because yeah shared trauma is a thing but sticking in the same small group doesn’t seem very healthy to me personally
i enjoy doom as a character; they’re definitely not my favorite, but i do see the appeal. i only wish he was given depth and personality besides “pathetic sad easily flustered traumatized murderer who hates what he’s done.” show me apathetic doom. show me doom that hates what he’s done but also deals with that he does in a way that shows he doesn’t have remorse for certain people. show me they’re so fed up with their job they just hurt people and are numb to it all.
i don’t know just show me that doom isn’t a “good” character all around, which leads me back to why i don’t think he should be shipped with any of the patients
thank you for coming to my ted talk —🏴‍☠️ (call me piratenon)
Wow, this is honestly a very interesting way of seeing this piratenon, as well as a very valid way of seeing Doom and his character, as well as his relationships. I personally don't have a problem with shipping Doom with patients as long as he hadn't harmed them and it's after the fact (such as Barry / Uni), but I do understand why exactly you see this as a problem! Doom is a very interesting character to me. He's shown to hate his job but the fact that his original reasoning wasn't from feeling empathy. I wish KC had stuck with that instead of suddenly making him redeemable. He's a serial killer, he sides with the villain, and yet we're supposed to root for him as if he were a protagonist? Personally, I'm not a fan of that. Doom should have continued to be a morally grey asshole and unhelpful nurse that put his morals aside in favor of work. Morals do not get the job done. Shipping a protagonist with an antagonist, especially if it's during the main story, only really works in certain cases. In some cases, they don't physically harm each other and are just opposing one another, and in other cases, they're simply rivals. But Carroom, nor any Doom ship that takes place *while* they're in the hospital, isn't that. Aside from the obvious fact that Doom is basically helping hold them captive and torture them, Carrie physically hurts Doom in many ways both in the comic, promo art, and official art (chasing him with a hammer, throwing them down the stairs, dumping vomit on them, shoving them, grabbing them, etc), and even after all of that, even if they both had extensive therapy, I think it'd be inappropriate to ship them considering that. Even with the Kissmas comic, where Carrie had claimed to love him since the start, felt like a lie. After all, no person who claims to be in love verbally and physically assaults their crush. It's wrong. It's not "romantic" to make your ocs harm each other Kittycorn, it's called abuse.
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jess-moloney · 4 months
Horizon is not a big-budget studio project. Kevin Costner has been vocal about how he has put $38 million of his own money into the $100 million (and counting) budget to produce the films. He has leveraged his ranch and four homes so far (see Forbes and Deadline magazines). 
He is currently working on securing funds for the 3rd installment: "Costner has already shot three days of part 3. “I’m trying to make the third one. I knocked on every boat in Cannes to help me. The guys say, ‘C’mon, we’ll get a picture.’ I said. ‘No, get your checkbook out.’ “ (Deadline)
Re: Cannes: "He also joked about the whole notion of hitting the red carpet at Cannes, “I use[d] to get no money to do this, then I got paid a lot of money to do this, now I need to pay my own money to do this.” (Deadline)
Consider this info, along with Costner's announcement that he'd decided to showcase the female cast members at Cannes. Yes, Luke Wilson and Alejandro Edda (along with Costner's son, who has a role in the film) attended, but it was up to Kevin, who, out of a very large cast, was invited to this event, and he explained that it would be predominantly the female cast members. Do I wish he'd included Jamie? Of course! We all know he would have killed it on the red carpet, but It simply was not in the budget to comp the entire cast to attend Cannes, and Jamie was not inclined to pay out of pocket to attend (maybe Luke Wilson and Alejandro Edda were, idk, or maybe KC invited them).
If Kevin is smart, he'll tap JCB for the upcoming Horizon promo, as Jamie really excels in that arena. Fingers crossed, all the cast members will attend Horizon's big premiere stateside. We'll have to wait and see.
(Deadline: https://deadline.com/2024/05/kevin-costner-on-betting-his-own-money-for-horizon-an-american-saga-has-knocked-on-every-yacht-at-fest-for-financing-part-3-cannes-1235923948/)
I just hope whatever promotion he does he does it without Jess trying to hog the spotlight.
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