#keep deluding myself every time I open it acting like I’ll finish it
thecelestial-art · 1 year
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Wip that’s kicking my ass sooooo hard rn but I’m so obsessed w this one portion
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
I am here once again, this time with a request for my man. Can I get a yandere scenario where S/O, after having broken up with Barok, visits him one last time to provide him closure since he just isn't moving on from them? Thanks, hun!
“My Reaper brings all the simps to the blog” so hell yeah!!!! I freaking love Wine man :D Especially when he’s a bit of a yandere 😳 I hope that you love this!!!!
Thank you for being so supportive too ^^; you’re a really good friend!
A lot of this did end up being dialogue ^^; but I suppose that in this scenario, dialogue would be the only way to convey this kind of topic but I hope that people like this scenario. It took me a day longer than I thought it would to finish 🤣🤣🤣
TW: Yandere behaviour, obsessive and possessive behaviour, attempted gaslighting, threatening behaviour, arguments.
🍷Barok van Zieks🍷
S/O sighed as they looked up at the imposing set of doors in front of them as they reached their hand out to use the door knocker. Three sharp knocks filled the silence while they waited for the doors to open. In this time they took a moment to steady their resolve, to prepare for whatever awaited them behind those cold doors.
When the doors opened, S/O came face to face with Barok’s butler, his eyes lightened up in recognition of S/O as he extended the door open to invite them in.
“Thank heavens you’re here, S/O. I hate to speak ill of the Viscount but....he’s been acting very strangely these days, I think that you being here will help to soothe that temper of his.” He whispered, looking around as he did so as if the walls were listening in on the two of them.
S/O knew full well that the walls did tend to listen in on conversations that would have normally been lost to the silence of the hallways.
“I shall fetch Lord van Zieks for you now, please wait here, we shouldn’t be too long, especially if he knows that it is you who has come to visit him today.” The Butler stated before giving a short bow and walking off. S/O looked around at the familiar walls in the meantime, grimacing at the amount of darkness there was, they supposed that Barok had taken to brooding ever since they had left and if they squinted, they could see small dents in the wall as well as some damp spots which had probably been the aftermath of the destruction of a few hallowed chalices. They cringed at the show of anger, shaking their head before turning away from it and towards the door that the butler had left through.
“-tell you, if the person waiting at that door isn’t anyone of importance then you can say goodbye to your job.” S/O heard Barok’s voice from behind the door, it sounded colder than usual, as if his words were tipped with sharp spikes of ice. S/O gulped slightly at the sound, bracing for Barok to enter the room that they were currently standing in.
The door swung open as S/O took in a deep breath, standing in front of them now was the man himself, Barok van Zieks. Albeit, a more haggard looking Barok van Zieks who seemed to be uncaring about the shadow of a beard on his face and heavy eye bags. For a moment, the two of them could only stare at each other, Barok’s mouth hung open slightly as he took in the fact that S/O was here with him, right there in close distance.
“Angel…?” Barok gasped, still staring straight at them in shock. How long had it been? Three months…? Three long months where S/O just wasn’t there by his side until right now.
“Barok, I’m here to talk to you.” S/O stated, trying desperately to keep their voice from shaking too much as they slowly walked over to him, internally they were trying to prepare for what Barok’s reaction could be, throughout their relationship, S/O learned that Barok could sometimes react badly to things. After taking a few moments to think about how they were going to word what they were going to say, they started to speak.
“I understand that the way that we broke off our courtship...it wasn’t the best. I think that a lot of unfair things were said on both sides and I apologise for my part in that, but a lot of people are worried about you. A member of your staff asked me to come and I thought that maybe you might just need some time to move on from the relationship, but three months have passed now and I’m really concerned.” They blathered, ending their rant by looking up at Barok to try and gauge his reaction.
Barok had seemingly froze for a second, although he quickly snapped himself out of his daze in order to pull S/O into his arms, clutching them tightly against his chest as he ran his hands through their hair. S/O started to pull away, struggling against his firm grip before finally jolting away from him.
“Barok, stop it. We need to have a conversation, a proper conversation. You can’t just keep...keep doing that...that thing where you just try and hug me so that I’ll forget about the problem at hand. Look at you! You can’t keep doing this to yourself.” S/O cried out, staring at him in disbelief.
Barok faltered in his movements for a moment, his arms falling to his side as S/O pulled away from him. Again. All S/O seemed to ever do was just pull away from him, every time he tried to bring them back to him, they resisted.
Even now, despite them being the one to come to him, they still continued to pull further and further away.
“You aren’t going to be leaving again, are you?” Barok questioned, his voice low as he tilted his head to stare at S/O. S/O looked back at him nervously, not quite knowing how to answer.
“Well...I’ll have to leave soon, I have some chores that I need to get done before the end of the day. I mostly just wanted to check up on you, like I said before, a lot of people are worried about you and I don’t want us ending our relationship to hold you back from meeting somebody else.” S/O explained, at this point they were just praying that Barok would listen and at least try to take their words into account.
“Why must you do this to me, Angel..? I can’t do this without you! Can we not forget about this...this silly little tiff and move on. I’ve let you have the time away that you needed, I’ve given you space and I don’t know what else I can do. We belong together, you are the only person for me and I know that I’m the only person who can look after you, who can protect you.” Barok lamented, shaking his arms in frustration as he took another step towards them.
S/O recoiled at Barok’s words, horrified at just how blatantly unaware he was of his situation and the events that led to them ending their courting relationship, they were disgusted with the lack of any form of understanding and reminded them of exactly why they had left him in the first place
“I can’t believe you, Barok. I can’t help you if you aren’t willing to work with me here. You can’t let this one setback affect the rest of your life like this! I-” “You? You, what? S/O, I love you. I love you so much, so much more than I’ve ever loved anybody before and I love you above anything else and yet you insist on leaving me. Just stay! We can work everything out.” Barok begged, grabbing onto S/O’s shoulders and shaking them gently. S/O’s eyes widened in shock at the motion before they jarred their shoulder backwards and sprinted towards the door, flinging it open before standing in the doorway.
“I can’t help you while you insist on deluding yourself like this, just leave me alone Barok. I don’t want any part of this. Get it into your head, we ended our courtship! We aren’t together anymore, I am single and so are you so just stop it, stop trying to tell me to get over myself because this isn’t healthy” They spat, before turning and walking away, not looking back once.
In the shadows of his doorway, Barok stood in silence. Staring out at where S/O once stood, barely focusing on their movements as they stormed away. He briefly looked over his shoulder to make eye contact with his butler.
“Could you set up the telephone? I have a call to make.”
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hoewkeyesblue · 4 years
Do I Wanna Know
requested by: anon
“would you write a John shelby x reader one?🥺❤️ With some flirting, teasing, idk, the rest is up to you”
pairing: john shelby x reader
summary: john just won’t ask you out.
word count: 1k
warnings: none, just mutual pining maybe?
author’s note: it's not exactly what you want and I'm so sorry for that, I just got carried away and really enjoyed the result. I hope you can enjoy it too <3 I was dying to write something for my johnny boy! (remember my mother language isn't english and be nice.)
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John was staring at you all across the room.
You pretended you didn't see, taking a sip of your whiskey while talking to Ada about her new home in London. You were really happy with all achievements of the Shelby family; you practically grew up with them and they're your second family.
“But seriously, Y/N, he can't stop looking at you”, she said with a chuckle and you blushed.
“Stop it, Ada. Don't wanna talk about him”, you groaned, tired of his games.
“I still think you should go in there and kiss him, John’s not a man enough to make a fucking move, apparently”, she remarked with a half-smile.
The thing is, you and John were best friends when kids but you grew apart, and, after the war, speaking to him was fucking rare. A while back, though, he started to talk to you again -- which was absolutely fine.
Except it wasn't.
He would hug you, kiss your cheeks and say you're his girl. But that bastard never did anything more than that; kiss you for real? Nope. Ask you out? No. Tell you he likes you? Hell, no.
And now you were suppressing your feelings for him the same way you used to do when you were kids.
Bloody hell.
“He’s coming, I should leave”, Ada murmured, getting ready to stand up when you grabbed her hands.
“Don’t you dare to leave me alone, Ada Thorne”, you hissed and she sighed, staying in her place.
“Two beautiful ladies alone in a bar, may I know why is that?”, John asked as soon as he approached the table you were in.
“You know exactly why is that”, Ada remarked and you looked at her angrily. John ignored her and finished his whiskey.
“Y/N, I need to talk to you”, he finally said.
Your heart started to beat like crazy.
He glared Ada suggestively and then moved his eyes back at you.
“I’d prefer to discuss it alone.”
You laughed in disbelief, “We’ll talk later, then. I'm hanging with your sister right now if you didn't notice.”
“I will get another drink, Y/N. You can talk”, Ada finally spoke.
“Just go already.”
“Ada, stay, seriously. I'm pretty sure the stuff John wants to say can wait, eh?”, you looked at him and smirked. He got annoyed and that felt great.
“Yeah, of course. I'll stop by your place later if you don't mind.”
And then he stood up, walking back to his brothers’ table.
Oh, shit.
You were shocked and looked at Ada just to find her bursting in a laugh.
“Well, now he made a move. A fucking big move, if you're asking me”, she exclaimed, still laughing. “If he tries something, don't give in. Make him suffer the same way he made you.”
“Oi, Y/N!”
You froze when you heard John’s voice. You couldn't believe he actually came -- at 3 am. Fucking Shelby.
You opened the door and moved aside so he could enter. He did, sitting on your sofa without asking for permission to do so.
“Is this so urgent you couldn't wait till the morning, huh?”, you asked with a smile, trying to keep things low.
“So urgent, you’ve no idea”, he muttered. “Can you pour me some whiskey, please?”
“Yeah, of course”, you went to the kitchen to grab two glasses and a whiskey bottle. Putting the glasses on the table, you served both of you. “Now shoot, please”, you pleaded and sat to face him, across the table.
“I heard you went on a date with a fucking Lee boy? I mean, what the hell? Are you dating? Why didn't you--”
You gasped, “Alright, you can stop right there! What do you have to do with it?”
“So you did go on a date with him, fucking hell”, he took a sip of his whiskey. “Thought Tommy was lying.”
“I still don't understand what do you have to do with it, Johnny boy”, you retorted. “If you won't ask me out, someone else has to, eh?”
He finished his glass and poured some more.
“Not gonna say anything, huh? That's why I fucking go out with other people, John Shelby.”
He took another swig.
“Why do you gotta make things so difficult? I don't get it”, you continued to talk. “You’ll flirt with me, make me feel loved, and call me your girl. But then you don't act on it and I feel like I'm deluding myself.”
“I have my reasons, Y/N. I'm scared as hell, but I understand that I gotta make a move. I didn't come here tonight just to talk about the Lee family.”
You felt your entire body trembling and your hands went cold, but you needed to keep pushing to see if it was worth it. You couldn't wait for John forever.
“Oh, you didn't? Then why did you come here for?”
“Would you come here, please?”, he asked and you finished your whiskey, putting your glass on the table before getting up and approaching him carefully.
“May I ask why?”, you murmured, stopping in front of him.
John didn't answer, just put his hands on your waist and pulled you over his lap. You let out a sigh and closed your eyes as you felt his nose gently rubbing against yours.
“You see, I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week”, he whispered, pressing his lips into yours. “And no woman ever made me feel this way, so I'm just... scared.”
“Don't be. I'm here”, you whispered back, caressing his face.
“I know you are, just... don't go away.”
“I won't, but you gotta give me something.”
“I will.”
His hand tangled on your hair and pulled it gently, making you lift your face so he could kiss your neck; one, two, three times.
“I want you to be my girl.”
“I already am”, you responded with a smile. “But you aren't going to have anything tonight, Johnny boy, I want a proper date.”
“This is the game you wanna play now, eh?”, he laughed as you nodded. “You sure?” and then kissed your neck again, lowering his hands to squish your buttocks.
“Pretty sure, sir. If you’ll excuse me”, you smirked, taking his hands off your body before standing up and walking provocatively to your room.
“Do you want me crawling back to you, huh?”
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jewishclarkkent · 7 years
A Hard Day’s Night
Summary: Being both a superhero and a reporter is a juggling act that's often hard to master. Thankfully, Clark has something to look forward to at the end of the day. [Read on AO3]
Rated T/PG-13.
Written for @mashimero as part of the @superbatsecretsanta. Thank you to @eurosthewanderer for the quick and efficient beta! Any mistakes are my own. Happy holidays!
It was approaching ten p.m. by the time Clark made it back to his apartment building, exhaustion lingering in every cell of his body. It had been a tough, demanding day. Throughout its course, Superman was needed on five different occasions, pulling Clark away from the Daily Planet and his investigations. Perry, justifiably irked by his continued absence, had yelled at him in front of the entire newsroom for a good ten minutes, going on and on about how unreliable Clark was. Lois sent sympathetic looks Clark’s way and tried to speak on his behalf, but not even her interjection could appease Perry’s temper. To try and compensate for the lost work hours and submit his latest article on time, Clark had stayed at the office late, missing the last bus home and having to bike back to his apartment in the pouring rain.
He sighed when he finally fit the key into his front door, ready to collapse at the entrance. Finally at home, he was unable to expel the frustration that had worked its way into his bones. In his haste to get out of his soaked clothes, he almost walked past the living room without noticing the man on his couch.
There was a hum of acknowledgment as Bruce continued typing on his laptop, features scrunched up in concentration, bare feet comfortably propped up on the coffee table.
Clark moved his wet bangs from his eyes, chest constricting as he took in the domestic scene in front of him. “What are you doing here?”
More rushed keystrokes, but this time Bruce arched an eyebrow in his direction. “You did say I was welcome any time when you gave me a key.”
“Yeah, no, of course you are, I just—” Clark started, when something occurred to him. He strode towards the window, glancing out into the back lane. “Oh, God. Please tell me you didn’t drive the Jag here.”
“Of course I didn’t,” said Bruce, finally closing his laptop and placing it on the table.
Clark took a deep breath, not feeling reassured in the slightest. For practical reasons, they were keeping their relationship out of the public spotlight. In Clark’s neighbourhood, any of Bruce’s cars would be out of place, like a neon sign advertising the presence of a wealthy outsider.
The last thing they needed was someone getting a whiff of it and investigating.
“You can wipe that worried expression off your face, you’re not going to find anything out there,” Bruce said. “I took the train.”
Clark blinked, certain he misheard. “You… took the train.”
“You... know how to take the train?”
Bruce frowned, clearly unamused. “If you’re just going to be an ass about it, I’ll leave,” he said, rising from his spot on the couch to do so.
“No, no,” said Clark, biting his lip to hide a smile. The idea was pretty comical. “Please. Stay,” he added, closing the distance between them and placing a hand on Bruce’s chest in request.
Examining the man in front of him, Clark wondered how he could have missed the obvious disguise. With a bearded face and a baseball cap on his head, Bruce hardly looked like the famous billionaire featured on glossy magazine covers. The jeans he was wearing were tattered in places, lending them the appearance of being frequently worn. Best of all, he was wearing a grey Metropolis University hoodie; the same one Clark often left at the Manor. Really, he looked like the average Metropolite commuter, no different than Clark himself.
Smiling at the thought, Clark reached to remove his glasses and slid them onto Bruce’s nose. “To complete the look.”
Bruce looked down at the hand on his chest, considering. “Let me guess,” he said, eyes somehow even sharper behind Clark’s lenses. “You got reprimanded at work.”
Clark sighed, lowering his chin. “How’d you know?”
“Well, I did see Superman on the news,” said Bruce, cupping Clark’s cheek. “And you only ever get this snarky when you’ve had a bad day at the office.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a delicious curve, a look that only ever spelled trouble. “You know, I could always just buy the place. I hear Bruce Wayne’s a pretty lax boss.”
Clark glared.
“Right. That’s a no,” said Bruce, dropping back to land on the couch, pulling Clark down on top of him. “Ugh, you’re wet as a dog, Kansas.”
“What, afraid I’ll mess up your wardrobe?” Clark said with a teasing smile, even as he unbuttoned his flannel and let it drop to the floor. He got up to give the same treatment to his belt and pants, settling back onto Bruce’s lap in nothing but his underwear.
“God,” said Bruce, reaching to trace Clark’s bare chest and stomach. “You’re burning up.”
“Mhm,” Clark removed the cap from Bruce’s head, sifting his fingers through soft hair. With his other hand, he grabbed the front of the hoodie and used it to jerk Bruce forward, licking into his mouth. The response was one of enthusiastic reciprocation, Bruce’s tongue leaving no area of Clark’s mouth unmapped. When they separated, his head swayed forward, chasing Clark’s lips. “I am glad you’re here, you know. Can you spend the night, or do you have business in Gotham?”
“The kids are taking care of it,” Bruce responded, throwing his head back and closing his eyes as Clark gently caressed his throat.
“Good. I could use some company after the day I’ve had,” said Clark, burrowing his face into Bruce’s neck, enjoying the prickly sensation of the beard against his skin. The citrusy notes of Clark’s cologne still lingered on the hoodie’s collar, mixing in with the woodsy tang belonging to Bruce.
Bruce reached to move the bangs out of Clark’s eyes, tugging lightly on the persistent curl that always fell on his forehead. “Kal,” he said gravely, his expression serious. He only ever used the name when he was intent on commanding Clark’s attention, and it never failed to elicit a shiver down his spine. “Even you can’t be in two places at once.”
“I know that, I just—” Clark started, looking down. “Clark Kent, Superman… they always seem to come at the expense of each other.” He swallowed, shame settling in his stomach. “What if… I’m not doing all that I can? What if by trying to be two people I’m holding back from maximizing my actions?”
“So, what do you propose? Becoming Superman full time?”
Clark shrugged, feeling dejected. “I could do a lot of good. Maybe I’ve just been deluding myself in thinking I can live a human life. Maybe it’s nothing but a selfish dream.”
“Clark,” Bruce said urgently, cupping his face. “You’re the most human of us all. That’s precisely why Superman is so effective, and why he couldn’t exist without Clark Kent. Take it from someone who’s spent a lot of time trying to extinguish his own humanity. Everything Superman stands for… those are all things that were synthesized from Clark Kent and Kal-El.” He leaned in to brush their lips together, lingering on the corner of Clark’s mouth. “And I happen to hold a favourable opinion of the result.”
Clark stared into his eyes for a long moment, a tight ache unfurling in his chest. “Careful, Batman,” he said with a small smile. “You might lead me to conclude you give a damn.”
“Mhm. Don’t tell anyone.” Bruce rubbed at the points of his hip bones before squeezing his thighs. “Alright, off. On your stomach.”
“What for?” Clark asked, even as he left Bruce’s lap and allowed himself to be guided to lay on the couch.
“Trust me,” was the response Bruce provided before settling on Clark’s back, his weight a comforting presence. He began kneading Clark’s shoulders with firm pressure, working out knots Clark hadn’t realized were there. He bent down to place a kiss on his top vertebrae, grazing it lightly with his teeth, causing a jolt of pleasure to run down Clark’s spine. “Just relax,” Bruce whispered into his ear. “Let me take care of you.”
He took his time working on Clark’s back, his hands sliding down the skin with practiced ease, smoothing out every tensed muscle. By the time he was nearly done, Clark felt light and relaxed, the stress of the day having melted away with the touch of Bruce’s fingers.
With the massage finished, Clark turned to lie on his back, pulling Bruce down on top of him. “Thank you,” he whispered against Bruce’s lips, sneaking his hands under Bruce’s hoodie, running them along his ribs.
Bruce visibly shivered, eyes closed and voice gravelly when he spoke. “The things you do to me, Kansas.”
“The feeling’s very much mutual, B,” said Clark, warmth spreading down his entire body.
They laid like that for a long time, and Clark was beginning to doze off when Bruce got off of him. He opened his eyes and propped himself halfway up on his elbows, watching as Bruce entered the kitchen.
“Are you hungry?” he asked, gesturing to the tiny dining table, where two plates loaded with food sat waiting. “Dinner’s long cold, but we could heat it up.”
Clark immediately tensed, dread clogging his throat. “Bruce, baby,” he began, swallowing nervously as he stood, keeping his distance. “You know I love you, right?”
“Yes?” said Bruce, brow arched in suspicion.
“But there is absolutely no way,” said Clark, shuddering at the very thought, “that I am ever putting anything you’ve made into my body. Not even Kryptonian physiology can withstand it. In fact, it’s probably classified as a biohazard.”
Bruce frowned. “My cooking isn’t that bad.”
Clark folded his arms over his chest. “Your tuna sandwich sent Tim to the hospital. They thought he’d been poisoned.”
“He was exaggerating,” Bruce insisted.
Clark just glared.
“Fine,” Bruce acquiesced with a long-suffering sigh. “It’s takeout from the new Italian place down the street, you ass.”
Clark laughed as he caught the napkin Bruce hurled at him. Maybe, he thought, this day wasn’t so bad after all.
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papillonrecordhouse · 7 years
Mariposa x Haku: S-Support + Event 3
In collaboration with: @xianha
[Event: Annus Novus]
Haku: *walks into Mariposa's office* Hey you busy today?
Mariposa: *leaning back in her chair, looks tired* No, it’s a festival day. *yawns* I need to get you a calendar I swear. Why? *turns to him*
Haku: Wait, it’s a festival again??? Which is it this time?
Mariposa: *looks at him dumbfounded then chuckles* Annus Novus Haku~ *stands up and walks over to him* You know, when people get to punish their masters and act a little more risque~ Kinda why there's a party downstairs at the HQ lobby. Or did you just think that was a HUGE birthday party?
Haku: Probably...wait WHAT?
Mariposa: *laughs at his reaction* Honestly Haku! How can you be so oblivious sometimes? *leans on her side* So what did you come in for? Since it's obvious not to give me holiday wishes~
Haku: I don’t think a holiday like that existed.... Well I thought about what you said.
Mariposa: Oh! *stands up straight and smiles* So what's your answer?
Haku: I’ve decided to stay. For a while.
Mariposa: Oh?... *looks a little disappointed but accepts the answer* Well alright, but know that option is always open to you. *goes to her desk* What made you decide that though? *looks at him, expecting a good answer as she packs*
Haku: Because... I don’t think I’m done here. With you...or everyone else. There's a lot more I can learn here on the field than in any type of school can teach me. Plus, I don't want to be away from the people I care for.... and if I'm going to school, I rather earn my place there as I did here.
Mariposa: *dumbfounded* Haku... *can’t believe her ears, but chuckles* I swear, the things that come out of your mouth can amaze me sometimes. *covers her eyes, with a hand to her hip* I mean, most would jump at this chance and yet...- *uncovers her eyes* Is it weird to say that makes me happy?
Haku: Who knows? I just know, I don't really like to feel indebted to people. I want to earn my place here, even if it does mean scrapping by and getting my hands dirty.
Mariposa: Well I assure you- *walks up close to him* if you are getting anywhere in this network, it's because you earned it. *elbows him a little* You know Haku, for all I tease you for being soft, I actually really appreciate it. I know sometimes I can be... *teeters her hand* rough with targets that may not deserve it, so you being there makes for a good counter-balance. *blushes*
Mariposa: *scratching her cheek, embarrassed* And I just get happy seeing you every day. I mean... *looking up at him, as if judging whether or not to say something important*
Haku: Do you?... huh.... Never heard that one before. Although...most things people think about me, I try to ignore... or it goes over my head.
Mariposa: Well ignore what they say! *obviously getting mad again* And don't question what I say! Haku, if I say you make me happy it's because you do! And if I say you're amazing, it’s because you are! And damn it, even though you can be so thick-headed. I love you, and 50% of the time I’m not sure why! But I’m pretty sure part of it is just the fact your eyes are so pretty! And damnit, it’s not fair! *huffing from shouting so much, hasn't realized what she said*
Haku: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh............
Mariposa: What? You will get a fly in your mou- *realizes* .... *calculating the height of her window to the floor* ...
Haku: Are you gonna jump out that window?
Mariposa: ... I'm thinking about it. It's too tall. *dashes to her door but the lock is jammed* OF ALL THE DAYS!!!
Haku: If I were in your shoes I would do it... but don’t do it.
Mariposa: *frowns, too upset to think, and can't look at him* Is that... Is that all you're going to say? *covers her face* Look, can we just forget about this?... Please? *still fiddling with the door knob to unjam it*
Haku: Sure- *smiles* if that's what you want, I'll forget about it. Just for you. But it’s not something you should be ashamed of though.
Mariposa: *unjams the knob, then looks at him* I'm not ashamed. I just don't like rejection. *leaves*
Haku: .....rejection? ....HUH? DID I REJECT YOU? WHEN????!!!
[End of Event 3]
 Mariposa: *in a park, has been in a bad mood* Ugh.... Why can't I just forget about it? *munching on some cookies with coffee*
Haku: *calling over*- Heeeey!!! Mari!!!!! There you are!!!!
Mariposa: *nearly chokes on a cookie* !!! *patting her chest to help it pass* GAH! *looks at Haku* DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!
Haku: Oh!!! Sorry sorry!!! *bows* I was just running by and I saw you so I wanted to swing by here. Literally!
Mariposa: *sighs and looks at him, trying to look professional* You don’t need to bow, it's weird in this context.... or any really. *puts her meal down* So is this just greetings? *not looking him in the eye*
Haku: Yeah, I wanted to talk to you.
Mariposa: *thinking: Please don't be about the festival* ....Okay.
Haku: You’ve been awfully distant with me lately. ...Is something wrong?
Mariposa: No. *rubbing her ear, looking down* Just a product of business.
Haku: What do you mean? You weren’t always like this, heck you used to tease me to no end.
Mariposa: You didn't like being teased. *looks at his cape* And acting unprofessionally leads to issues... Besides, I thought I gave you a mission with Brandon? Did you finish? You should file your report then. *gets up*
Haku: Yeah I did, but now I wanted to talk to you. Come on, tell me what's wrong?? Did I do something wrong?
Mariposa: There's no- *sees his eyes and guilt rises* ... *bites her lip* Fine, but not here... Let's go somewhere... emptier.
Haku: ....Are you going to kill me when no one's watching?
Mariposa: *frowns and pulls his ear* I SWEAR YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE! *drags him to a quiet area in the park, letting go of his ear* How should I... *sighs* How do I even start?...
Haku: Ow Ow Ow!!!! ...... well.... how about what’s on your mind?
Mariposa: *looks at him and smiles* Well first off, this would have all been a lot simpler if you had agreed to the schooling. Then I could have confessed properly. Made it more final and clean cut. *sighs* After all, then you wouldn't have been my employee.
Haku: Wait? What do you mean? I don't want to go to school cause I want to stay here. Heck, maybe I'll work towards a higher position!!! Wouldn't that be sweet?
Mariposa: Haku, that wasn't the point of your schooling. At least not fully. Look, I wanted you to go to school, because after you got in I planned to confess to you, properly. Because like this, it's dangerous and awkward. I'm selfish Haku, and if you had rejected me. To my face... I wouldn't have taken it well.
Mariposa: *bites her lips* And I wouldn’t have been sure that if you did accept my confession, that you meant it. Because I'm your boss, and hold too much power over you. Not to mention, with me you'd always be in danger! And I wouldn't be able to handle knowing that I had assigned you to your death. *covers her face*
Haku: Oh... wow.... that's a lot. Hm, alright give me a minute to process things. You.... like me?... .as in... like like.... but you... don’t want me to work for you anymore.... because... you.... like like ...... me?...
Mariposa: Yes. Also say love, we aren't children. *feels like he isn't taking it seriously*
Haku: There’s a reason I’m saying like like you know...
Mariposa: *looks to the side* Well whatever... *arms crossed, feels uncomfortable* I don't get why you care anyways. I mean, does any of this really matter to you anymore? I figured, after assigning you to... *eyes getting watery* Brandon, you'd just forget any of this happened. And I could move on. After all, he's the one you want, so what does it matter what happens between us?
Haku: Well because I care about you too remember?
Mariposa: ... *blushes* Cause we're friends? *biting back the bitterness* Fine then, but I still need time away from you. To heal...
Mariposa: So don't worry about it. *wants to smile to reassure him but can't*
Haku: What's there to heal though... You didn't get rejected.
Mariposa: What? *looks hurt* Did you come here to make it official or something?!
Haku: No, of course not. I'm not rejecting you... I accept your feelings wholeheartedly!
Mariposa: ... *silent, processing* Wait what?! But! huuuhhh???? *bright red, eyes tearing up* IF THIS IS ANOTHER TEASE-!
Mariposa: I DON'T KNOW? THEN I MUST BE DEAD! Beause this makes no sense! *confused, checking her pulse*
Haku: ....Am I really that bad?.....
Mariposa: !!! *suddenly feels guilty* Well... I just... I just never thought you'd look at me that way. I mean you said it before. You love Brandon... And you were pretty persistent on keeping it that way.
Haku: I... I know. Still maybe lately... my feelings and admiration towards him. Are...probably an illusion... I mean. I know in the end, he probably won’t care about me as much as I would for him... and maybe... I was just...deluding myself from the truth. So I wouldn’t be disappointed in the end. But with you it’s... different..
Mariposa: *suspicious* Different? Different how? *frowning*
Haku: I mean... You don’t treat me as less as a human being now than before. I remember when I first joined, I was like a lapdog to you too.
Mariposa: *shrugs* Well, that's cause I didn't know you. Back then, you were just Ivan's "replacement". You weren't part of the network... the family. Sorry about that.
Haku: From what I've heard Ivan wasn't that close to you guys either when he was working there... Most of the agents feared him and I've heard some questionable rumors about him... so I just assumed that me replacing him would make them cautious.
Mariposa: Well yeah... The guy was just so twisted... But that's beside the point! What does that have to do with me being different? If anything, I'm surprised you don’t resent me for how I treated you back then.
Haku: Better than most people really and you changed.
Mariposa: ... *looking away* So is that what it is?... I'm just the better "option"? *sighs* ...That's not love Haku...
Haku: Better? You're the best one!! ...Jeez, now you’re the one who's being thick-headed. I like you too, I think you're amazing and I'm glad that you treat me like a human being!! There's a reason why I'm only saying “like like” now... It’s cause I want to genuinely tell you that I "love" you for the first time.
Mariposa: *immediately turns bright red, turning back to him in shock* !!!* speechless, with a face that looks both unsure, but happy* ... *bites her lip before speaking* Prove it. *staring at his eyes longingly then at his lips*
Haku: .....Prove it? ........ oh! Ohhhhhh ....oh okay... *coughs* Ahh, all this is new to me so ....I probably don't know what I'm doing for my first time so ... bear with me okay?.. *softly gives her a small kiss*.... like that?
Mariposa: *feeling her lips gently, looks super happy* ... *looks up at him then pulls him into a hug* That's fine...  For now. *chuckles as she buries her head into his chest*
Haku: Ahaha, alright alright. You can teach me along the way... *pats*
Mariposa: *looks up at him with a smirk, her confidence back* If you like I can teach you right now~ *uses his shoulders to push herself up, and grips her thighs to his waist so they are closer to eye level* And a lot more when we get back home~ If that's alright with you. *winks*
Haku: *very confused* Are you going to break me with your legs?
Mariposa: *chuckles* Noo~ But soon enough you might be breaking mine though~ *kisses him again*
Haku: Ahh? Wait WHAT????
[End of Support S]
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dragon-temeraire · 8 years
Candy Hearts
Summary: Stiles decides that, since they’re the only two single members of the pack, he and Derek should spend Valentine’s Day together.
Notes: Just some silly, light-hearted fluff. (On AO3)
Derek can hear Stiles coming from all the way down the hall, and he turns toward the door, expecting Stiles to burst in with his usual energy.
Instead, there’s just some shuffling and a sort of muffled knocking. It’s odd, because Stiles doesn’t lose keys (in fact, he just keeps them forever), but Derek goes and rolls open the door anyway.
When he does, he realizes why Stiles didn’t let himself in.
His arms are completely full of grocery bags and containers, and Derek is legitimately surprised he didn’t trip on the stairs on his way up.
“Hey, Derek,” Stiles says brightly as he comes in, bags rustling. “So it’s Valentines’ day, and since I’m single and alone, and you’re single and alone, I figured we could be single and alone together,” he says in a rush as he sets everything down.
“Stiles, what—” Derek starts to say, but he’s interrupted when Stiles shoves something into his hand.
It’s a little box of candy hearts, and he idly wonders if they still taste like chalk.
“I got tired of the same old boring ones, so I got themed ones this year,” Stiles says cheerfully.
Sure enough, when Derek looks at the side of the box, it says Werewolf Version. Intrigued, he tears it open and dumps a few into his hand.
“Stiles, all of these just say GRRR and RAWR,” he says.
“What?” Stiles says distractedly, and Derek sees that he’s got his own box of hearts.
It says Suggestions For Your Lover on the side, and Derek peers curiously at the ones in Stiles’ palm. They say KISS and HUG mostly, but the last one says BITE. He smirks when he catches Stiles’ flush.
“Okay,” Stiles says quickly, curling his fingers around the candies, hiding them. “Maybe we’ll just focus on the other stuff I brought.” Then he shoves the hearts into his mouth and crunches them up loudly.
“What else did you bring?” Derek asks, and then, undeterred, eats his own candy hearts.
They still taste like chalk.
Stiles crouches down to dig through the bags. “Well, I have some of these heart-shaped cookies, and some cute little pink pastries, and of course some choco—”
“Did you bring any real food?” Derek interrupts, smirking.
“I have some frozen pizzas right here—”
“That’s still not real food,” Derek contests.
“—and some salad,” Stiles finishes, shooting Derek a smug look and shoving the container into his hands.
“Sesame ginger salad dressing?” Derek says, looking at the package. “Okay, you can stay.”
“I knew you’d come around,” Stiles says wryly, scooping up the bags and heading for the kitchen.
“So, what did you have in mind for today?” Derek asks, pulling the lid off the salad and setting it on the table.
“Well, I was hoping we could eat the food I brought, and then maybe snuggle on the couch and watch a movie?” Stiles says, too casually.
“Did you bring a Valentine’s-themed, heart-shaped blanket for us to snuggle under?”
Stiles snorts out a laugh. “No, I didn’t. I’m not even sure there is such a thing.”
“That’s a deal-breaker, then,” Derek says, deadpan. “Looks like it’s not gonna happen.”
“Aww, come on,” Stiles says, starting up the oven. “I know you have a secret collection of soft fluffy blankets. Surely we can find a suitable one.”
“Maybe we can,” Derek says, smiling a little. “But we’re eating in here. I don’t want any more pizza grease on my couch.”
“That was one time!” Stiles huffs good-naturedly.
“That’s all it takes,” Derek says smugly. It really wasn’t a big deal—Stiles had been studying for finals his first semester of college, and he’d been very stressed and very tired, and he’d dropped a slice of pizza on the couch when he’d fallen asleep mid-bite. Derek just likes to tease him about it every now and then.
Though he rarely brings up the part where he’d carefully scooped Stiles off the couch, and tucked him into bed. Then Derek had gone back downstairs and spent the night on the couch. It had smelled like pizza and Stiles, a strangely good combination.
“You keep that up, and I won’t bring out the pink and red candles,” Stiles says teasingly as he puts the pizza in the oven.
Derek is sorely tempted to make a joke about how romantic that is, but he resists. This is supposed to be the single loners club or something, isn’t it?
“I’ll be sure to be on my best behavior, then,” he says dryly.
Stiles turns, gives Derek the little wink that never fails to make his heart flutter. “I’m looking forward to seeing that,” he says.
 When they finish eating, Derek takes Stiles upstairs to the not-so-secret collection of blankets he has in his closet. He hands them to Stiles, one by one, so he can choose the one most suitable for snuggling. Stiles acts as though it is a very serious task, commentating on the color, fabric type and size of each blanket Derek gives him.
Derek knows he’s found the right one, though, when Stiles won’t hand it back. “Wow, this is really nice,” Stiles says, smoothing his hands over the deep green blanket. Then he actually throws it over his shoulders and cocoons it around himself, grinning at Derek as he does.
“You might have to find your own blanket,” he says, muffled by the folds.
“I’m sure you can learn to share,” Derek says, and then he throws Stiles over his shoulder and carries him downstairs. Stiles just laughs.
 Later, when they’re snuggled under the fuzzy blanket, Stiles tucked up close against his side, Derek decides to ask.
“Is this night going the way you expected?” he says curiously.
“Mmm?” Stiles says, lifting his head from Derek’s shoulder. “It’s going better than I could have hoped.”
Well, that’s good, Derek supposes. Still. “No, but. What were you hoping would happen when you came over here? You must have had a plan,” he says, because Stiles always has a plan.
“I might’ve,” Stiles says, and even in the dim light, Derek can see his blush. “But I chickened out. I had originally intended to come here and woo you with candy hearts and pizza, and then maybe admit my feelings for you,” he says in a rush. “Though obviously that’s—”
“Stiles, why didn’t you just ask me to be your valentine?” Derek asks, trying to hold in his smile.
Stiles sighs. “Derek, I’m not here to delude myself—”
Derek kisses him right then, needing to stop that ridiculous sentence.
Stiles blinks at him, wide-eyed, when he pulls away. “Derek, will you be my valentine?” he asks breathlessly, then pulls Derek into another kiss before he can say anything. But that’s all right.
He knows the answer anyway.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
I was in my eight am anatomy lab class, struggling to keep my eyes open when my cellphone screen lit up. Usually nobody would text me in the morning but the conversation I was about to have would change my mood and make my heart beat so fast in my chest that I was scared my professor could hear it. It also put a smile on my face despite the boring stuff going on the board. When Lauren started on the subject I wanted nothing else than disappear from that room because that was the kind of chat that deserved my full attention. And that wouldn’t be possible with me trying to hide my phone and look normal all the time, my anxiety going through the roof.
Lauren (10:22 am): Camz
Lauren (10:22 am): i’m confused
Lauren (10:22 am): i don’t know if it was a dream or if i remembered something
Camila (10:25 am): what?
Lauren (10:30 am): did you kiss a guy at the party?
Lauren (10:31 am): i dreamt that you were making out with a guy, and then you came back laughing saying that he were not going to kiss me
Camila (10:32 am): it happened haha
Lauren (10:37 am): oh shit haha
Camila (10:42 am): don’t ‘oh shit’ me
Camila (10:42 am): he only kissed me because he wanted to kiss you
Camila (10:42 am): he was wrong from the beginning
Lauren (10:42 am): i wasn’t going to kiss him
Lauren (10:42 am): let’s start with that
Camila (10:42 am): so why did you say oh shit?
Camila (10:42 am): i wasn’t gonna let you kiss him
Lauren (10:43 am): because i couldn’t remember it
Camila (10:43 am): whatever
Lauren (10:43 am): hahaha i just thought it was funny
Lauren (10:43 am): oowww is all that love?<3<3<3
Camila (10:44 am): maybe
Lauren (10:49 am): i didn’t want to kiss anybody else, camz
Lauren (10:49 am): i just wanted to kiss you
Camila (10:51 am): Lauser, lauser
Camila (10:51 am): don’t play with me
Lauren (10:53 am): i’m not playing with you cameela
Oh boy, she remembered the supposed kiss, even though it was just a peck, and she also remembered that I had said that she was not going to kiss him. It had been two days since we kissed for the first time on halloween and nothing had happened between us, neither we had discussed anything about it. It was just regular stuff but I was okay with that, at least she didn’t try to keep a distance from me. But after her confession I could not contain my feelings. It was everything that I needed to know to be a hundred percent sure that she wanted me and that everything I saw wasn’t just my mind fooling around. The thing is, I’m a really insecure person and even if Lauren declared her love for me to everybody in that school and changed her facebook profile for everybody to see, I would still have doubts of it being real. But this time I had to trust it, and even if it was fake I was willing to delude myself just because it felt good.
Lauren (09:03 pm): come over
Camila (09:03 pm): i’m skyping with my family
Camila (09:03 pm): I’ll be there in a sec
Lauren (09:04 pm): oh okay
Camila (09:07 pm): you’re missing me hum lol
Lauren (09:11 pm): yes :(
Camila (09:03 pm): just a sec baby, don’t panic
Lauren (09:14 pm): haha ok
We settled on watching a movie for the night. Me and Lauren were sitting with our backs against the wall behind her bed with the laptop on our legs when I was hit with the urge to feel Lauren’s lips on my own again. I missed the sensations I had felt on Halloween night, having Lauren like I wanted for just one time wasn’t enough.
We still had not talked about the current situation but Lauren wasn’t making anything awkward and still inviting me to come over, so that was a good sign, the sign I need to gather my courage and look at Lauren. She pretended to be paying attention to the screen but I knew she wasn’t, not when she knew I was looking at her lips like that. I began with leaning in her direction a little bit and placing chaste kisses on her jaw and neck, I knew what I wanted but I still had to be sure Lauren was willing to do the same, to make sure I wasn’t forcing anything. But the confirmation came right after when she turned to me and sealed our lips in a kiss full of desire.
And let me tell you what: the act of kissing is pleasurable enough on its own, but kissing someone you already have feelings for is the best thing in the world, a high you never want to come down from. Kissing Lauren became my new addiction, the kisses I shared with random people at parties and bars could never compare to what I felt when I kissed her, and the fact that every kiss could be the last because I didn’t know where we stood at the time only made me take full advantage of it every single time. So we kept making out, more and more and no movie in the world was gonna get in my way.
Lauren (9:28 am): i see what you’re doing
Lauren (9:28 am): you’re up and you don’t even answer me on the group chat
Lauren (9:28 am): what do i do with you….
Lauren (9:28 am): i’m going to eat alone
Camila (9:29 am): lmao
Camila (9:29 am): i can’t eat now
Camila (9:29 am): i also just woke up
Camila (9:29 am): just wait for the girls
Camila (9:30 am): i wanted to go so you don’t have to go alone but my bed is sooo cozy
Lauren (9:30 am): hahahha
Lauren (9:30 am): it ends at ten
Lauren (9:30 am): so i’ll end up missing it, but it’s okay i’m almost there anyway
Camila (9:31 am): i have to get ready soon tho
Camila (10:30 am): your water bottle is in my room
Lauren (10:50 am): i know bby
Lauren (10:50 am): i’ll go get it later
Camila (10:51 am): ok
Lauren (2:14 pm): are you going to sleep?
Camila (2:15 pm): i was planning on it, why?
Lauren (2:18 pm): just curious haha
Lauren (2:18 pm): i have a lot of stuff to do but i’m so lazy right now
Camila (2:21 pm): i have a lot of stuff too
Camila (2:21 pm): buuuuut
Camila (2:21 pm): sleeping is better
Lauren (2:22 pm): hahahaha
Lauren (2:22 pm): i’m gonna start doing it now coz it’s gonna be too much later on
Lauren (2:22 pm): i got an 82 in anatomy, camzz
Camila (2:22 pm): you’re the boss
Camila (2:23 pm): if i’m not awake knock on my door when you go to dinner before class, pleasee
Lauren (2:23 pm): okay gotcha
Camila (2:23 pm): and if you want to stay here doing all kinds of nothing just make yourself at home
Lauren (2:24 pm): hhaha
Lauren (2:24 pm): i’m finishing here
Lauren (2:24 pm): then you’ll be up there with my laptop to start my paper
Camila (2:25 pm): i’m gonna leave the door open because nobody deserves to get up to open doors
Lauren (2:25 pm): hahaha deal
Lauren (6:28 pm): my stomach hurts
Lauren (6:28 pm):ow camz
Lauren (6:28 pm): i just finished a skype call with everybody back home, i feel bad now because i miss them a lot
Camila (6:28 pm): are you in class?
Camila (6:28 pm): just stay calm
Lauren (6:28 pm): no i’m outside
Camila (6:28 pm): i’m in the bathroom
Lauren (6:28 pm): i sang happy birthday to my grandma
Lauren (6:28 pm): haha shit camila
Camila (6:29 pm): come to my room
Lauren (6:29 pm): i have some cramps again too
Camila (6:29 pm): now that you already missed class
Lauren (6:29 pm): but i left my stuff in the room
Camila (6:29 pm): no, come to the closest bathroom to my room then
Lauren (6:29 pm): i should go back
Camila (6:29 pm): oh, you mean the classroom?
Lauren (6:29 pm): hahaha yep
Camila (6:29 pm): oh, i thought you meant in front of the dorms
Camila (6:29 pm): then go back and finish your class
Lauren (6:29 pm): nooo
Camila (6:29 pm): and then come to my room
Lauren (6:29 pm): yes ma’am
Lauren (8:57 pm): lets watch something?
Camila (8:58 pm): yes
Camila (8:58 pm): is your roommate there?
Lauren (8:58 pm): noo
Camila (8:58 pm): i don’t know if pam is coming back soon
Lauren (8:58 pm): come here
Lauren (8:59 pm): if she comes back we put on headphones
Lauren (8:59 pm): maybe ally wants to watch it too
  A/N: really short chapter but next one is longer and better haha. Feedback is always appreciated <3  Probably next week there’s gonna be a double update. Remember this story is also on wattpad: Alicelga  
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