#ken is basically a try guy i hate it
nnnyxie · 10 months
kuroo, atsumu, osamu, bokuto, ushijima, & kenma with a chubby s/o (i added ken as a little treat [lowkey to myself..])
(pretty & beautiful are used, could be considered suggestive)
(requested by @starrbright)
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kuroo tetsuro ;
as much as i love to slander him— he is a true romantic and will treat you like you’re a higher being.
he doesn’t care if you’re chubby or not. he’s the type of guy to say “that just means there’s more of you to love” (which is lowkey kinda cute, he’s so dumb)
i hate him (affectionate). he just adores you and loves your to hold your stomach and hips (he will whisper awful pick up lines in your ear while holding you though [he’s such a loser /aff]). he just can’t get enough of you, he’s constantly touching you, it’s a spectrum of linking pinkies to yk..
anyways… he’s always showering you in affection and gifts. takes you to specific stores that have plus sized clothing. to be more specific, expensive plus sized stores. he makes you try on everything. yk how men do that whole manspread thing?? yeah, he does that on the couches near the dressing rooms and does that little finger whirl to make you twirl (that rhymes).
he’s always telling you how beautiful you are to him and how breathtaking you are. he’s so in love with you it makes him look stupid (affectionate).
he’s ALWAYS bragging to his friends about you and telling all of his coworkers that he has the prettiest partner (he’s so dumb, i love him)
miya atsumu ;
is he a major asshole? yes. but does that extend to you? absolutely not.
he’s another absolute LOSER (affectionate). he’s so in love with you. you could stab him and he’d thank you. i strongly believe he’s very into thick/chubby people. he loves laying on your thighs or stomach.
ngl when you first heard about how he was in high school, you were vv uncomfortable w/ him because you thought he’d treat you the same (even though you’re MSBY’s manager)
so you didn’t interact with him unless it was to pass out towels/water bottles or go over notes (which you tried to get that over with quickly). and it kinda pissed him off cause he thought you were so pretty (it’s physically painful how attractive you are to him).
he decided to confront you one day. the team was in the locker room, yk just doing their thing, and he was finally able to get you alone. so he strides on over to you (like the loser he is) and asks why you avoid him. and obviously you hesitate but he kept pushing for an answer. when you told him, he was genuinely stunned. he stutters out how he’s sorry he made you feel that way and offers to take you to a restaurant as a way to start new (aka he tricked you into going on a date).
anyways— after a few more ‘hang outs’ of getting to know each other, he finally asks you on a proper date (osamu made him. he said that atsumu couldn’t just keep tricking you to going on dates. atsumu protested) (ps if u got boobs, he’ll squish em HARD so beware)
miya osamu ;
my LORD he loves chubby people. you CANNOT change my mind !!!!!
okay okay so…….. he met you at a farmer’s market <3 you had a booth and you were selling his favorite seasonings !!! he didn’t really LOOK at you until he went to pay for his spices and good LORD he basically drooled all over himself.
he whimpered a little… your curves made him feel a teensy bit crazy. and when you spoke?? when you laughed at a corny joke about seasonings?? he fell in love right then and there.
he asked for your number after the small conversation and invited you to try his food at his restaurant. when you realized he was the owner of onigiri miya, you were kind of shocked. you only ever ordered online. plus, i mean— you only got his first name. but that’s besides the point
anyways, you would have cooking/dinner dates and afterwards you’d just cuddle, yk cutesy stuff. he always made it a point to hold all of you or at least most of you. (he just loves touching you)
he has his hands on you whenever he can and he’ll squeeze whatever part of you he could. his favorite though— your butt and thighs. but sometimes he’ll squeeze them too hard and you’ll have to pinch him.
bokuto koutaro ;
okay so— let’s say you work at onigiri miya. you’re the sweet new employee that the team has yet to meet (aside from shitty [/aff] atsumu).
the moment he walks through that door and sees you, it’s like one of those cheesy romcoms where the main character sees a glow around you and everything is in slow motion. brows up, eyes wide, mouth agape, face red. he’s genuinely in awe of you. (atsumu notices and makes sure to get a seat in your serving area)
when you come to bring them their food, bokuto is so nervous— his palms are sweaty and his whole face is red. at first you thought that maybe he was red because he was upset about not getting the other server (yk like red in the face anger??).
he ends up asking for your number at the end of his meal. you thought that maybe it was a joke cause, well, he’s a big ass athlete and usually those people don’t go for your type (which is so stupid bc chubby people are <3 [they’re very much my type]). but those thoughts left when you saw how nervous he was about it. this 190+ cm man was shaking because he was so nervous (it was cute).
he definitely messages you as soon as he leaves. he ends up calling you later that night, just so he could ask to take you out on a date (poor guy was too nervous to ask when he saw you) (the date went well and was very nice).
he’s very physically affectionate so expect his constant need for touch. when you’re both sitting, he likes to hold your thigh. especially when he’s driving (yk like— the one hand on the wheel, one hand on your thigh thing). he also loves to hold your hips and squeeze them. he says it gives him energy— doesn’t make sense but okay !
ushjima wakatoshi ;
he’s like— a chubby chaser but also not?? if that makes sense???
anyways !! i’d like to think you two have been together since the end of high school <3 you guys met through tendou in your first year (he was totally setting you two up) and oddly became fast friends. then he asked you out after the karasuno match (you were comforting him and the question just came out on it’s own. like he was thinking about being with you and his mouth said something before his brain could comprehend).
so yes, you’ve been together for a looong while.
he unintentionally brags about you. like— the adlers will ask why he declines their invitations to go out sometimes and he’ll say “my partner is making dinner at home. they’re very good, i’d rather have their food. restaurants don’t make food as good as theirs” but that ends up in the adlers coming to your house to try your food. (a warning would’ve been nice)
speaking of food and when you’re cooking— he loves to hold you while you do so. he’ll squish your stomach and hips (his favorite parts) while swaying to the music that’s playing (maybe you got soul and r&b playing [i am currently fixated on lauryn hill so bare with me]) it can get a little annoying (i like cooking alone so,,, yeah) but he’s very sweet and cute and amazing, so he gets a pass.
mmmm this man loves to cuddle, i just know it. he loves the position where like— half of his body is draped over you and he has his head on your chest cause it lets him touch his favorite parts of you.
kozume kenma ;
he doesn’t care what you look like. if you have a good personality then that’s all that matters to him.
when he’s gaming, he likes to sit on the floor in front of you so that he’s in between your thighs and they sort of rest on his shoulders. which can be dangerous because sometimes he’ll get so excited and try to jump up but drags you off the couch/bed.
whenever you’re playing games (maybe you’re taking turns??) he’ll turn himself (yes, he’s still on the floor) and rest his head between your thighs or lays his head on one of them. sometimes he’ll lay on the couch/bed so he could hug your waist (i like to think he’s clingy when he’s close w/ someone).
he’ll brag about you on his stream and taunt kuroo for not having a partner yet. he’ll actually be so mean to kuroo saying shit like “you’re the only cat at a horse orgy party” (they have such a beautiful friendship)
he also likes to sit in your lap (i wanna cradle him… i think i have issues??) and usually faces towards you when he does
he’s a BITER!!!!! if he’s ever laying on your lap or sitting between your legs— he’ll just fuckin bite you. when he has his head on your stomach??? CHOMP. when you’re cooking or putting dishes away?? shoulder bite. he’s just the type of guy to bite as a way of showing affection (me too tho ???)
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my boys <3
sorry this took so long!!
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lovebugism · 8 months
Halloween is not really a big thing in my country so our october is as lame as every other month 😭
What do you think about sunshine/ditzy!reader planning her all on pink Halloween costume and eddie trying to convince her to go as something from one of his fav horror movies, or something silly like as a gremlin.
I love everything you write so I'll be happy with anything really
ily <333
ty angel! hope you like it! — eddie and his ditzy gf have trouble deciding on matching costumes (established relationship, fluff, ditzy!reader, can be read as a modern!au, 0.8k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
“You don’t like my costume?” you wonder, all pouty in your pretty pink leotard and biker short duo. 
You’ve mastered the Barbie look — at least from what Eddie can remember. You’re only missing the neon rollerblades and matching yellow kneepads. You’re the prettiest, most vibrantly colored ball of sunshine he’s ever seen in his life.
“I love your costume, babe, don’t get me wrong…” Eddie assures as he rises from the couch, flashing you a rosy grin as he shakes his head. “But I am not wearing tights.”
Your pout deepens at his refusal to match with you. He was the Ken to your Barbie, after all — even if he wears so much black he basically absorbs all the light in any given room. “But why?” you ask in an unabashed whine.
“‘Cause if I knew I’d be wearing biker shorts for Halloween, I would’ve started doing squats three months ago.”
“But you’d make such a nice Ken!”
Eddie’s chocolate eyes narrow. “Do I look like Ken to you?”
“Well… No,” you answer, faltering only slightly when your gaze darts across the pale features of your wild-haired, metalhead boyfriend. “But it’s not like I look like Elvira!”
Eddie’s face twists like he’s tasted something sour, he’s that offended by your words.
His matching costume idea was the total opposite of your bright pink and sporty one. He wanted you to be a beautiful, shadowy thing hanging on his side in all black — the Mistress of the Dark to his Prince of Darkness. He still gets a little giddy thinking about it.
“Are you serious?” Eddie scoffs, playfully insulted and loud with it. His voice booms across the trailer as he takes you in his arms, curling his calloused fingers around your elbows. “You’re a total smoke show, babe— you’re killer. That’s, like, the only prerequisite.”
You roll your eyes at his compliment, though it has you blushing something fierce. 
Self-loathing was always hard with Eddie around ‘cause he thinks you’re the prettiest thing that’s ever walked the Earth. You’re not quite as certain as he is about it, but he says it with so much confidence that it’s hard to disagree.
“I do have a great set of boobs…” you lilt quietly, eyes flitted to the ceiling as you imagine yourself as the bombshell from Eddie’s favorite movie.
Your quoting of the film, along with your subtle reconsideration, has him grinning. “Yes, you do,” he affirms with a rapid and boyish nod. 
His gaze falls to your breasts, squeezed tight by the spandex fabric clinging to you like it was made to do it. His face heats with embarrassment when he notices he’s all but ogling at you. Then he realizes he doesn’t have to be embarrassed because you’re his girlfriend. It’s his job to ogle at you. It’s fucking metal.
“And an incredible pair of legs…”
“…But I still wanna be Barbie.”
Eddie’s grin never wavers. “Figured.”
“But you don’t have to be Ken if you don’t want!” you affirm quickly, eyes as wide as your glittering smile. “You can still be that weird, freaky singer guy that bit the head off that bat that one time.”
“Ozzy Osbourne,” he corrects.
“Yeah! We can just compromise. Easy peasy.”
Eddie deflates with a dramatic huff. His features twist in a puppy-like pout as he pulls you closer to him. “But you know I hate not getting my way,” he whines, mostly playful.
“I know,” you hum with a sympathetic smile. You gravitate towards him without thinking twice, arms wrapping around his shoulders as you press your chest to his. “But it makes sense, right? I’ve always been like Barbie, and you always liked me anyway… Right?”
He hates that you’re even asking — like he hasn’t been head over heels for you and stumbling all over himself since the day he met you. “I mean, obviously.”
“And you’ve always been a freak! And I’m, like, fucking obsessed with you—” you ramble, as bright as sunshine, until you realize the weight of your words. You grow abruptly serious. “No offense.”
He keeps on beaming like a lovesick idiot. “None taken.”
“And Halloween’s a cool way to represent that, right? Like, yeah, we’re different and we’re hot. Screw couples’ costumes!”
Eddie grows so suddenly fond. His chest warms and sparkles with it, like his dark eyes that melt for you. “Yeah. You’re probably right.”
“I know,” you shrug, still smiling. “I usually am.”
He grins wide before pressing a kiss to your smart mouth. It’s an innocuous peck — a meshing of plush lips and a lingering there. A quiet smack fills the tiny trailer when he parts from you just to pout, “You know I’m gonna have to walk behind you all night to keep people from staring at you, right?”
You giggle when his warm, calloused palms smooth over the outsides of your hips. “You do that anyway, Eds.”
“Well, yeah,” he responds, shrugging like it’s obvious. ��‘Cause the view’s so nice.”
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ideas-live-forever · 11 months
Business Trips With Ken!
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inspiration strikes! i’m on a roll, i never usually write so much 😭. just some more ken headcanons/blurbs :))
send a request if you have one! i’m looking for some more ideas about what to write!
Ken LIVES to be around you
So when he learns that you have to travel for two weeks or so for your job, he’s a little bitheartbroken
The poor guy immediately assumes that he won’t even hear from you the whole time
You explain to him that you could still call him and talk every day, you just wouldn’t be in person with him for a little
He’s still very sad, but he does his best to be understanding
He helps you pack your bags and insists you bring a bunch of things you definitely don’t need for two weeks 
“Y/n! You *have* to bring your favorite pillow!” Ken insists, pushing it towards you.
You take it in your hands and let out a soft laugh at his antics. He’s so worried about you, and you haven’t even left yet. It’s honestly adorable.
“The places I’m staying at have pillows, love. I’ll be fine.” You reply, your tone affectionate as you delicately set the pillow down.
“But what if they’re not as comfy? Then you won’t be able to sleep, so you might not be able to do work as well! And then you’ll get upset!” Ken persists in his actions, picking the pillow up again and hugging it to his chest. “Just take it, it’ll make me feel better. Please.”
How could you say no to that? Reluctantly, you pack the pillow in your suitcase, looking up to see a much less stressed out boyfriend. 
“Okay, fine. Happy?” 
“Very!” He says, smiling before he gets an idea. “While you’re at it, maybe you should bring this stuffed animal for luck.” 
To your dismay, he holds up his favorite horse plush. His expression is so innocent and caring. It takes practically all of your willpower, but you manage to go without packing it.
You found that horse in your suitcase while on your trip
The next day, he insists on going with you to the airport, and he calls a taxi early in the morning for you two to get there
Ken doesn’t even let you NEAR your suitcase. He pulls it for you all the way to security
When its finally time for you to leave, he gets all teary eyed
Pulls you into a bone crushing hug.
“Call me as soon as you land, okay?” Ken says through sniffles, burying his head in your shoulder. 
“I will. Promise.” You back away from the gif long enough to press a kiss to his cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. And we can call every day.”
Ken nods at that, blinking rapidly to try and stop the tears from really spilling down. He gives you a little smile, incredibly proud of you even though you have to be away from him. The noise of the bustling airport around you seems to draw you out of your sweet moment.
Teary goodbyes
He gives you a nice, long kiss on the lips before he lets go of you
When you finally go through security and he can’t see you anymore, he goes back home and texts you a ‘Safe flight!!! Love you so much!!’
You text him when you land, as promised, and he lets out a breath of relief
While you’re away, Ken is basically texting you all the time
Every time he sees something that remind him of you or he thought you might enjoy, he sends you a picture.
You answer him as soon as you have time too
And every day after work, you call him to catch up
He always picks up on the first ring with a “Y/n! I miss you :(“
If you’re in different time zones, he’ll definitely stay awake until unreasonable hours to talk to you
Until you make him hang up and go to bed
BUT if you have a rough at and tell him about it he will absolutely refuse to go to sleep until he knows you’re feeling better 
He hates not being able to comfort you in person :((
Ken makes plans to pick you up when you land back home from your trip, but he can’t drive, so he calls a taxi again
You barely see Ken before he runs and hugs you, ignoring the weird looks he’s getting from the other people in the airport
He takes all your bags to the taxi and then sits next to you in the backseat, clinging onto your hand
Once you get home, he insists on you resting 
“Ken, I should really unpack a little-“ You start as he practically pushes you into your room.
“No, you have to sleep! You were on a plane today. Get some rest. I’ll unpack. Then we can cuddle!” He says with a tone that sounds like he doesn’t plan on budging in his stance.
He keeps his promise
Ken unpacks all your bags as best as he can, putting things away correctly for the most part
Then, he joins you in the bed, grabbing you around you waist and kissing your forehead
Lots of ‘I love you’s 
He falls asleep with you, excited to hear about your trip more in the morning
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multifandomimagin3s · 10 months
Chaotic Co-Worker
Requested by Anon
Summary: Reader is a Spider-Person, and is best friends with Deadpool.
Idk what this is. But anyways, I'm alive. Hope you guys enjoy.
Miguel O'Hara
Both you and Wade give this man chronic, back-to-back migraines.
As soon as Wade somehow manages to get to the Spider-Society HQ ((*cough cough* he snuck in through a portal with you)), Miguel can't get five minutes to himself.
Miguel's been around the Multiverse, so he's probably encountered various Deadpool variants on his travels - and he claims that none of them were anywhere near as annoying as the one that you happen to be best friends with.
He basically just treats Wade like he treats Hobie - actively trying to ignore him and not lose his shit.
It only works 30% of the time.
Regardless of how many times he literally kicks Wade out, he always finds his way back in.
God help him if Wade ever gets it into his head that Miguel has a crush or something on you - I mean, you're Wade's best friend and probably would get up to some shenanigans with him... and you haven't been fired? Suspicious.
He would probably ask Miguel if there's a 'casting couch' involved when he does his 'interviews' for joining the Spider Society.
And he'd probably try to grab his ass.
Peter B. Parker
I think he would find Wade's antics funny, until he's on the receiving end.
Tries not to laugh when Wade's clearly pushing Miguel's buttons on purpose, but as soon as Peter starts being called Spider-DILF, he doesn't know whether to be flattered or weirded out. Or both.
Doesn't know whether Wade can be trusted around Mayday or not - I mean, Wade's not a bad guy and usually has the best intentions, but I can just see Mayday picking up some of his coarse language after hanging around him.
Probably would be as confused as Miguel when Wade keeps popping up out of nowhere - like, how tf does he keep coming back??
But all-in-all, I don't think he would really mind that much about Wade being there.
I mean, I'm pretty sure Miguel hired Kaine. So it takes a lot to shake Peter B.
Ben Reilly
Ben would instantly get annoyed when Wade mocks his broodiness.
And Wade being Wade, the fact that he got a reaction out of Ben would just fuel him more.
"Emo Ken Doll" is his new name.
I think that Wade's more brutal way of doing things would kind of pique his interest though - not that Ben would admit it since he'd still probably be annoyed at being the butt of his jokes.
It would also make him more interested in you by proxy - whether you're secretly similarly natured to Wade, or if you're complete opposites.
You'd know this, of course, because of his monologuing.
Ben: Deadpool is brutal. But he's their best friend. Hm, thinking.
Spider Noir
I think it would be 50:50 as to whether he and Deadpool would actually get along, at all.
On one hand, he'd get annoyed when Wade insults him - especially when Wade called him Nicholas Cage, despite neither Noir nor you knowing who he was on about.
But on the other hand - Noir canonically likes punching Nazis and isn't opposed to violence, so him and Wade would probably find some common ground there.
Since the Deadpool from the movies lost Vanessa, but did everything he could to protect her, I think Noir would sympathise with that - he's from the 1930's, so those old-fashioned ways of looking after your partner really resonate with him a lot.
Basically, Noir would either hate him, or they would be the most unconventional friends that you'd ever see.
Jonathan Ohnn / The Spot
**[Contains some spoilers]**
Okay, so depending on which version of the Spot that you two encounter, really determines his reaction.
If it's Jonathan, or the initial version of the Spot we meet in ASTV, he's arguably more tame in his reaction - I mean, you're a Spider-person, so he's going to be annoyed straight away.
And Wade would most likely give him some verbal taunting and 'mild' abuse.
He'd just be like >:( ... well, he doesn't actually have a face so it would just be a squished 'O'.
But if you two were to encounter him after he went to the collider in Mumbatan...
If it's one of those BookTok scenarios where he secretly likes you, then you'll probably be fine...
But he realistically would try to kill you. And Wade... and would be equal parts fascinated and annoyed when he can't kill him due to his healing factor.
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keefechambers · 1 month
drop the rabban/piter ship manifesto Please
okay okay okay okay okay all right here we go
point the first: dave bautista and david dastmalchian are hot and therefore we are fully justified in wanting to smash them together like ken dolls
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point the second: the 2021 scenes
rabban and piter never interact on page in the original books but denis made the choice to have them in scenes together because narratively they kind of fit as opposite sides of the spectrum of house harkonnen and that is fun. their canonical film scene having the vibe of "this fucking guy" on both of their parts fits the characters and belies a necessary amount of shared history, which is interesting.
plus, things that were deleted: bautista describes a scene where rabban is essentially trying to intimidate piter (i'd guess after their sauna scene with vlad). dastmalchian says there was a short scene of piter and rabban together where he's torturing a prisoner. this is probably the same scene. torturing a prisoner in proximity is basically a date for a mentat i think.
the choice to extend their screentime (even if for the pragmatic reason of not having to cast feyd until he'd have more than a minute of screentime and because denis loves his daves) creates a dynamic that is really cool! the slavering, entitled, shrieking manchild of house harkonnen and the coolly sadistic mentat? it's very hot to think about.
(please see this fanart for a summation of that Vibe)
point the third: narrative functions.
isn't it hot when foils kiss?
within the realm of dune, not speaking to the prequels/graphic novels, just the first book, rabban and piter essentially function as the top tier of baron harkonnen's operation - they are equal opposites, like real actual narrative foils. piter is a mentat and assassin and therefore serves a more subtle, back-end function while rabban is front-facing; he's the older of the nephews, he's a count and he's been ruling arrakis for a while.
the baron literally has an evil plan that involves taking back arrakis, installing piter as the ruler and then killing him and putting feyd in his place. when piter dies, he just does the same plan but with rabban. he treats them as interchangeable despite how different they are. they're at the top of vlad's list of "guys everyone fucking hates" together!
piter is also power-hungry. it makes sense that he'd see the most susceptible to manipulation harkonnen as an appealing target to sink his claws into. piter would absolutely treat rabban like a meat shield against the baron and, conversely, i think rabban would try to use piter to figure out how to keep his uncle happy. neither would succeed, but they would absolutely get wrapped up in each other trying.
additionally, they can't kill each other. neither of them have that boundary with anyone else, and could murderfuck their way through giedi prime, arrakis and lankiveil and the baron probably wouldn't care. but piter can't kill his boss's nephew, even the stupid one, and rabban can't damage his uncle's property. so even if they did hate each other, they would kind of be trapped in this state of flux where they couldn't do anything about it, anyway, so why not just fuck about it?
plus, with piter being a spice addict and rabban nominally in control of arrakis, there's a certain amount of poetry in the idea of piter being attracted to the source of his vices.
i conclude the manifesto with this excerpt from the novel:
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like the baron thinks rabban is afraid of him but he's actually angry at him? come on.
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kdinjenzen · 5 months
Now I'm curious WRT how 'Barbie' didn't hit for you.
I’ll say this first. If you liked the movie, I’m happy for you and I’m not here to tell you to hate the movie. I’m glad you enjoyed it and hope you continue to enjoy it.
That said… this movie was NOT for me and I did not enjoy its story at all. I loved the set design, costume design, the performances, the music, the dedication to creating the world, all that stuff was great.
The plot itself. It felt circular without actually purposefully dealing with the issues it tried to talk about.
The fact that Doctor Barbie, who is trans, is the one who is told to “go seduce Ken by telling him you feel don’t feel pretty” - as if this isn’t something that leads to violence toward trans women in the real world and also why her to be the one who doesn’t feel pretty? Wtf?
The Kens of Barbieland are basically all losers, are grossly incompetent compared to Barbie, treated poorly, and our main Ken (aka Beach Ken) has severe self worth issues… so naturally all the Kens become the villains and are able to overthrow all of Barbieland later on in the movie by doing …. they never explain how. Somehow a world full of, and built by, the most capable women ever are overthrown by like 20 dudes who they treated poorly and who aren’t very smart. Beach Ken’s root problems are only barely resolved and none of it feels meaningful.
Gloria and Sasha, the human characters who work with Barbie to fix Barbieland, are just as much caricatures and tropes as Barbie herself. Sasha, the daughter, is a mean Gen Z who just openly lashes out at Barbie (a stranger), and everyone else who is actually nice to her, for no reason. Gloria is “a sad mom who pretends to be happy” but they never explain why at all, it’s assumed that it’s because “she lives in a patriarchy”, but the only person who’s directly mean to her in the film is… her daughter.
Gloria gives a speech to each Barbie, individually, to snap them out of the Ken’s brainwashing (which like AGAIN how did that happen? It makes no sense at all and just confuses me) - the speeches are not empowering at all, they’re just about how women in the real world suffer a double standard on how to exist and SOMEHOW with all those depressing revelations thrown at them it… restores their self-confidence/self-worth and undoes the brainwashing?
Weird Barbie, whom everyone says is ugly and gross and they have violent “EW!!!” reactions to her face, is played by Kate FUCKING McKinnon. Meanwhile Stereotypical Barbie, while having an ugly cry breakdown about (again) not being pretty anymore, is played by Margot FUCKING Robbie. A fact that the movie points out as “the wrong casting choice to have this scene and cast Margot Robbie as Barbie saying she’s ugly.”
I heard so much about how it was a “queer positive movie” but there’s nothing queer about nor really in the movie. So it got to cling to the rainbow and scream “allyship” and everyone praised it for essentially doing nothing.
Everyone is like… mean? Everything feels so mean and mean spirited. It’s supposed to be very tongue in cheek, very snappy and quick, and everyone has a comeback for every situation but… it just really feels like everyone is just being mean for the sake of being mean and it makes moments where you’re supposed to feel sympathy for any character just drop immediately when they say the rudest shit ever for literally no reason.
They talk about Midge, aka the pregnant woman in the Barbie line, and then say “no don’t look at her anymore, she’s weird and creepy” … which AGAIN feels like that statement undercuts the point of women empowerment that the movie wants you to take away from watching the film?
It tries to balance jokes and seriousness in a way that undercuts the message of “society is kind fucked up and broken” that they’re trying to talk about. The “good guys” are also constantly mistreating other people, the “Barbieland bad guys” became bad by going to the real world and leaning “patriarchy”, the “Real world bad guys” literally do nothing except take up movie time for random gags and really don’t service the plot at all, and as much as it’s like “TAKE THAT MAJOR CORPORATION” at every turn… the movie was fully approved by Warner Bros Discovery AND Mattel… so it’s never actually going to say anything worthwhile about corporate greed and corruption without putting on kiddie gloves to do so.
The only person who I felt true sympathy for, understood their reasoning, and felt they deserved a happy ending was ALLAN, aka Ken’s Best Friend, who is treated equally like shit by basically everyone in the film. Allan points out that Barbieland and the Real World both kinda suck, how life is only just slightly more miserable there after the Ken’s took over, and how he just “wants to run away” and when given the chance does so, only to defend Sasha and Gloria from a bunch of Ken’s single handedly and telling them to “get out while they can”… and then is subsequently brought back to Barbieland by Sasha and Gloria to fix everything and… AGAIN none of this pays off because Allan’s purpose is dropped immediately when they get back to Barbieland. And Allan is played by MICHEAL CERA. I feel like I’m losing my mind at this point.
It feels like the movie wants to talk about the issues women face in all walks of life, but is never able to punch hard enough to make that message matter nor stick. It talks around gender issues, self worth issues, and problems in society without actually saying something real about them. The meanness of all the dialogue makes me really not care about pretty much anyone in the movie because… man I’m just so fucking tired of everything and everyone having to be “mean” in movies to prove a point.
The movie ends with a gynecologist appointment.
I dunno what to tell you. The plot is “not for me” and I didn’t really connect with anything.
The movie just made me sad and disconnected because of how much everyone praised it, saying it “made me proud to be a woman” or “it’s inventive, immaculately crafted and surprising mainstream films in recent memory - a testament to what can be achieved within even the deepest bowels of capitalism.”
And it didn’t feel like that for me at all.
Maybe it’s because of all the “that’s womanhood” talk throughout the movie. Because I’ve had so many women in power give me that speech after I came out as trans only to be abused directly by them in the same way that they said men abused them all while I was still ALSO being abused by the same men who abused them too. So like YIPPEE this fucking SUCKS and it was kinda trauma triggering!!
Maybe it’s because I’ve worked in the entertainment industry for 17+ years and know how stuff like this gets made and how many corporate approvals you need for it to make the “take THAT major corporations and CEOs!” jokes land like a dead fish on the floor. The people they are directly calling out said “yes, this level of joke at the expense of our richness and power is okay” and that’s the ONLY reason any of those moments are in the movie. So it doesn’t even really fucking matter, it’s all manufactured, it’s all there to make you feel like it’s doing something when the people with all the power just allowed it to happen. It’s not a “win” or a “heavy blow to their ego”, they literally don’t care.
So I DUNNO, this movie kinda just made me feel depressed and made me remember how badly I had been treated by people after coming out regardless of that person’s gender. The movie felt mean in a way that was too “on the nose” and real for me but then praised most of the characters for their mean actions or words.
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driderwife · 4 months
Ok so here’s extremely barebones info about my Tav cuz ppl are asking and I wanna ramble about dumb fan character stuff cuz it’s fun lol and I actually love this OC now, im probably gonna use him for regular DnD shit when im done with BG3. Sorry for being cringe but like. I’m free and im gonna play this game how I want.
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His name is Valence and he’s a half drow storm sorcerer (He should have a drow name but I like hate trying to make them work im not crazy about drow names). I’ve only figured out like, the very basics of his backstory but he was raised in the underdark instead of being banished or killed for his high elf blood, because there’s magic inherent in his bloodline on his drow fathers side so he was deemed useful. I don’t know his early life yet but obviously he was Bullied and Oppressed because duh he’s a little male drow half elf freak.
What I have written so far is that later in his life as an adult he studied and worked under an elderly Matriarch who like whipped and paddled and spanked him. So he’s particularly scared of old women and just submits to women in general. for a lot of his in game choices if a woman is showing authority toward him I just like have him do whatever she says LOL. Hes like I sat my Gray ass down and LISTENED.
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As for the romance stuff I have a soap opera going in my head where Valence is like completely enamored with Astarion bc Astarion took his virginity at the ripe age of Old Man & Valence is like easily manipulated by anyone talking him up bc his name is Mud in drow society and usually nobody likes him. also he’s a revenge driven half drow so he lets Astarion do the ascension plot & when that goes sour in their relationship shit Valence is like, do whatever you want to me be evil. Women beated me for fun im a wet napkin for you.
Also you shouldn’t feel bad for valence at all im playing him kinda evil and vindictive and letting him making nasty in game choices. Let the old traumatized twinks be toxic they need to fight it out.
But im also gonna romance Halsin as a poly thing i just haven’t thoroughly plotted that in my head bc i didn’t get very far in his arc yet it takes a WHILE.
Anyways im just having fun with making a truly pathetic dude. Also I love drow men theyre really the Kens of DND universe.
Anyways pls don’t be shy if u wanna tell me about your guys too I think it’s so fun.
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juyeonszn · 10 months
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PAIRING ₊˚⊹ lee juyeon x f!reader
SUMMARY ₊˚⊹ all is well in the business of matchmaking. except it’s actually not, because lee juyeon, the school’s star baseball player, has just come to you for help in obtaining the girl of his dreams. oh yeah! and he happens to be the guy you’ve had a crush on since your first year of university.
MORE ₊˚⊹ i remember when i was writing this i was like ..woah bc i didn’t expect it to be so angsty 😭 like idk what is up with me and the angst train lately
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ELEVEN — Just Like A Doughnut (2.04k)
The next few days pass by in a flash and before you know it, it’s Wednesday.
Part of you really missed the whole matchmaking thing and listening to people explain why they wanted you to set them up with whoever it was they wanted you to, after all, that was the whole reason you started the club. You’d been a hopeless romantic for as long as you could remember. There were times in your childhood where you had these elaborate meet-cute backstories for your stuffed animals. You’d even go as far as planning fleshed out weddings for the Barbie and Ken dolls your mom had gotten you for Christmas when you turned 8.
Throughout grade school, you had this big dream of being a wedding planner, too. You wanted to help people put together their best day ever— the day they’d recall for the rest of their lives. Helping women channel their inner child was the portion you were most excited for. It would be like letting yourself have the chance to give back to the little girl who threw extravagant celebrations of love for her inanimate toys.
But, alas, you had to grow up from that idea eventually. As you got closer to starting university, you knew there wasn’t much you could do as a wedding planner. There wasn’t anywhere for you to go. The pay was mediocre for such a stressful and demanding job, so why would you make yourself hate something you felt so passionately about when you could do something else that made you just as happy?
That was when you decided to study psychology. It was a basic enough major that you didn’t have to choose an exact career yet, but also generalized enough that narrowing it down wouldn’t be too hard when the time came. Getting to know how people’s minds worked was exciting. Then the idea for Love Loop saved you in a way. It brought together this new territory with that old passion of yours. That was why you’ve been trying to reconnect with the club so much recently. You didn’t want to forget your roots and become out of touch with your beginnings.
As you’re finishing up with your 2PM appointment, your phone begins to ring from its spot on your desk. A quick check of the caller ID lets you know that Minho was calling, which was a bit unusual for the time of day. Once your ‘client’ has left your little cubicle area, you plop back onto your rolling chair, spinning around as you accept the call from your friend.
“Hey, so I remember you saying you had a break between your last two appointments and I figured you hadn’t had lunch yet. Is it cool if I drop by and leave you some jajangmyeon? Seonghwa and I are leaving the restaurant now.” He says, and as if on cue, you hear Seonghwa’s voice in the background.
“That would be amazing actually! Thank you, Min. Is there by any chance enough for me to share with Kkura?” You slow your chair to a halt, nibbling the inside of your cheek.
“I think so. We ordered you a pretty big portion.”
“You’re a lifesaver really, I owe you one.” You sigh dramatically.
Minho laughs into the receiver. “I’ll hold you to it.”
The two of you say your goodbyes and then you’re strolling over to Sakura’s cubicle to inform her of the good news. This was just what you needed to power through that last appointment of the day, the mysterious and anonymous person who requested you specifically.
You had to admit, you were a little nervous. Of course, you understood that they probably wanted to protect their privacy just a bit longer before the entire club found out about them. However, you were also slightly afraid that this person was not interested in the club’s purpose at all and they just wanted to harass you. You could never be too sure or too careful! There’s a lot of weirdos out there.
But no matter what, you chose to stick by your mindset of giving people the benefit of the doubt. Even now, you felt like they just wanted to stay concealed a smidge more than the average Love Loop client. The ball of nerves in the pit of your stomach was the product of something else you couldn’t quite place your finger on.
It was like when you had a gut feeling about something. Except, you didn’t know what your stomach was trying to tell you. It felt foreboding in a way, almost like a warning— but not necessarily a bad one. Things were going to get interesting to say the least, that was one thing you could settle on.
Sakura and yourself had migrated back to your own space by the time Minho arrived with the food. He told you that Seonghwa had headed back to their apartment for his afternoon nap, which was why he wasn’t present. It was so Seonghwa-coded to leave the entire delivery to Minho.
“Thank you again for the food, Min!” You smile, watching as the brunette’s hand comes up to cup the back of his neck. He shrugs as if the action was no big deal, when in actuality the simple gesture made your day.
“Of course. Don’t sweat it,” Minho says, saluting to you with his index and middle fingers. “And don’t work too hard, okay? I’ll see you later.”
You wave to him as he exits your cubicle and seemingly heads to his shared apartment with Seonghwa. Without hesitation, you begin unpacking the takeout bag to eat with Sakura as quickly as possible, realizing you only had around 15 minutes before your last appointment arrived. You notice silence coming from your friend even after you’ve opened the container of jajangmyeon and handed her a pair of chopsticks.
“What?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Nothing,” she giggles while simultaneously slurping up some of the noodles. “I just don’t think any of my friends would go out of their way to bring me lunch. Or even remember when I had a break in my day.”
“What are you insinuating, Kkura?”
“That’s up for your interpretation.” She answers through a mouthful of food. You decide to leave it as that and not pry any further, lest you gain a headache before your final client of the day. As much as you loved Sakura (especially because she was one of the few club members you actually hung out with), she could be a royal pain in the ass when she wanted to be. Therefore, leaving things unsaid was your best option.
The two of you tear through the jajangmyeon like a tornado through a farm, leaving hardly anything except a couple stray vegetables by the time 2:45 rolls around. The ravenette tips her imaginary hat in salutation to you as she returns to her own cubicle. (She more likely went to another one of the club members’ since they all had collectively agreed to spy on your appointment. They desperately wanted to find out who this anonymous client was.)
It was 2:47 when they finally arrived at the Love Loop headquarters, knocking on the wall of your cubicle to alert you of their presence. When you glance up from the sheet of paper you were preparing for notes during the appointment, you nearly fall out of your chair onto your ass.
Low and behold, standing at the entryway of your cubicle, is Lee Juyeon. It feels as if all the muscles in your face have gone slack and your jaw has dropped to the floor much like you almost did. He looks a bit nervous, running a hand through his hair as he waits for your invitation in. Your heart stutters in your chest at the sight.
It takes him clearing his throat for you to gather your bearings. “O-oh! Right, c-come in!”
He bows slightly before assuming the seat across from you at your desk. You can tell this is something completely out of his comfort zone, if the whole anonymous thing didn’t already give it away. And then as you begin writing his name at the top of the paper in front of you, the situation clicks in your brain.
Lee Juyeon wanted your help to get with someone.
And if that person was you, he obviously wouldn’t be here right now. So then the reality of it all hits you like a train of bricks— hard, fast, and painful. Just a few minutes ago, you were content with how your day was going. You enjoyed some good food with good company brought to you by one of your closest friends. You thought this would be a nice, uneventful day. But, it appears you jinxed your own fortune. It was silly of you to even think you stood a chance.
You swallow the lump of your throat and elicit yourself to speak up. “S-so, Juyeon—” God, that hurt to say. “What brings y-you in?”
Juyeon relaxes in his seat, pursing his lips. “To be 100% with you, I’m not too sure. There’s this whole stigma surrounding me that I could have any girl I wanted, right? Star pitcher for SNU, grades that aren’t the worst, every guy wants to be me and every girl wants me. Why am I here if that’s true?”
He could have any girl he wanted. He could have you in a second if he asked. So, why was he here?
“Um— I-I don’t know. Why do you think so?”
“I think it’s probably because I don’t feel worthy of her. I feel like she deserves better than someone like me. And I never know how to approach her without coming off as an entitled jerk either. I’ve just been admiring her from afar for a while and everything sort of boiled over when I realized we aren’t getting any younger, you know? I think it’s time I made my move.” Juyeon explains, twiddling his fingers in his lap.
Whoever this girl is, must be something special since he talks so highly of her, you conclude. Each syllable of each word chips at your heart, eventually driving a wedge right through those cracks and shattering it entirely. You write a summarized version of his confession down with a shaky hand, willing away the tears threatening to pour from your eyes. You see this as the opportunity to distract yourself for a second, to recalibrate your systems and get back on track before you crumble right in this chair.
When you started Love Loop, the possibility of having to assist your crush in asking out the girl of his dreams was never something you considered. In fact, you never thought about your crush at all during the process. The reason the club came to fruition was because of your desire to bring people together in the name of love.
Lee Juyeon’s case was no different. Sitting across from you, dishing all of his deepest secrets and most vulnerable feelings about the girl he liked, was not the Lee Juyeon you were in love with. He was a client requesting your aid in his quest for love of his own. Who were you to stand in the way of that? Besides, if Juyeon was happy, then so were you. And that was what mattered the most, didn’t it?
“Who’s the lucky lady?” You pluck up the courage to ask, not only because you needed that information, but because you were curious.
“Chou Tzuyu. I’m in love with Chou Tzuyu.” He replies following a beat, staring out of the window catty-corner from him.
Even after bandaging your heart as quickly as possible and picking yourself up to hold your head high, he unintentionally found a way to pull it apart once more and knock you back down. Through trembling lips and a dull ache deep inside of you, you force a smile. “I can’t wait to get you and Tzuyu together.”
You were lying, but he didn’t have to know that. In fact, he didn’t have to know anything at all. As long as he was happy at the end of the day, right? It was the client who came first.
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NEXT ₊˚⊹ TWELVE — need a comically large piano to fall on top of me
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TAGLIST ₊˚⊹ @matchaoreocrepes @maessseongs @tannieflix @winterchimez @kyusqult
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enbysiriusblack · 7 months
i'm growing invested in your popular marauder era group. tell us more!
thank you!!
okay so. the group is basically the hufflepuffs; caradoc dearborn, edgar bones, amos diggory, hestia jones, and the ravenclaws; benjy fenwick, florence and her boyfriend, and bertram aubrey. emmeline vance (gryff) hangs out with them a lot, as well as davey gudgeon (slyth). mary and james sometimes hang out with them, getting on with them and mary being close to emmeline, but isn't really part of the friendgroup since they hang out with others more.
most of them are straight, athletic, okay in classes but puts socialising above academics. your standard popular people (at least when i was in school). caradoc and benjy are in love but caradoc would never want to be openly gay or in a long term relationship with a guy so they mostly try to ignore their feelings (benjy less so). they're literally like cedric's friend group? like that small scene we get of them, just lounging around, subtly making fun of harry.
davey is regulus and evan's roommate but he's like the himbo people make james into. very bubbly, social, happy, a little dumb. regulus hates him. davey does not realise that.
I've talked about emmeline a lot, and why she hangs out with other people rather than being in mary/lily/marlene's friend group (there is no drama/hate, its just who she grew closer to in first year). but shew does split her time between this group, her roommates, and sybill & pandora
bertram aubrey i do not have much hc for. he's just There. your standard guy. had a crush on mary for a while, was her first date. she did not want another.
florence is an icon. she is narcissa without the family trauma and lesbianism. close friends with emmeline, goes to all her band's gigs. wanted to be a healer. her boyfriend is literally ken.
benjy fenwick is very gay. dated peter for a bit. made out with sirius a few times. is deeply in love with caradoc. seeker on ravenclaw quidditch team. secretly listens to the beatles.
hestia is a year above the marauders but hangs out with people in the year below (like dorcas). dated edgar for a while. the cool, popular girl. would be accused of being a 'pick me' in todays society.
amos diggory. the nerd. purely because he's the smartest and tries the most in class, he's really not that nerdy. is keeper on hufflepuff quidditch team and was a prefect.
edgar was chaser on hufflepuff quidditch team. rugby lad vibes. wanted to be an auror but didn't get the grades so he joined the order, not having a backup plan. from liverpool, bonds with james over that.
caradoc is very closeted and has no desire of changing that. deeply in love with benjy. middle class. catholic. chaser on hufflepuff quidditch team and was captain.
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crispycreambacon · 4 months
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Fuck it if this doesn't get notes eye dee kay (idk) and eye dee sea (idc) anyways I LOVE PUPPETS!!!
Don't you love puppets? "Well I love humans." Then why not both? Why not mix them up? Puppets!!!
You can read more thoughts of the puppets down below. I think about them a normal amount.
The guy and the puppet on his shoulder in the 2nd drawing are indeed Human!Professor and Puppet!Ryan. I need to draw them at some point.
The Flower Boat (连奕辰 or Lián Yìchén, Yìchén being his name, he/him) seriously has one of the most underrated songs ever. The emotions are off the charts??? THE LYRICS ARE PURE POETRY??? LizLuvsCupcakes on YouTube said, "This boat is the only ex I respect. His whole breakup song is "I miss her so much but I hope she's happy where she is."" and THEY ARE SO RIGHT!!!
He's typically closed off emotionally, trying to maintain a happy but subdued mood, but he will absolutely be starry-eyed when he talks about Ching Shih (fun fact: she's also known as Zheng Yi Sao). He can also help y'all get through a break up or really any romantic troubles if you sit down with him for a drink.
The Beast of Gévaudan (Gevariel, sometimes referred to as Gévau, he/him) and Policarpa's Spool (Poli for short, she/her) are besties!!! They're both trans and despise romance. They'd rather spend Valentine's Day studying a corpse.
Poli is such a cool gal. She rallies against injustices whenever she can, and she hates how the police system has been used to enforce the marginalization of minorities. When she investigates with a given suspect, her priority isn't to find enough evidence to condemn them but rather look for all evidences possible, even ones that may contradict the suspect being the murderer 'cause she firmly believes in "innocent until proven guilty". Basically, ACAB, baby!
The Mummified Goose (Merneith Gomaa, referred to as MG or Mery for short, she/her) is a hell of a hypewoman! If you're trash-talking yourself, she will shut that shtick down QUICK. She's so unapologetically confident and self-assured that it infects the others around her ehe. She also collects antiques as a hobby to the point her house is kind of a mess, but she takes care of them very well!
"Wait if Poli hates romance, then what's up with–" Queerplatonic partners, my friend!!! Poli and Mery share a deep emotional connection together, and Mery, despite knowing her romantic feelings won't be reciprocated, still loves Poli very much. She adores how determined Poli is in getting the truth, and similarly, Poli loves how much Mery brightens up the room :]
Intermission: Sapphics who are into Puppet History, can you show yourselves plsplsplsplspls I just need assurance that I'm not the only sapphic in this fandom 🥹👉🏽👈🏽
I don't think Gévau would pursue any kind of relationship whatsoever (even friendships are rare for him, he's a loveless aro babyyyyy), but he can get behind cannibalism as a metaphor for love 👉🏽👀👉🏽 (and giving heads as gifts. 'cause what better gift can you give really <3)
The Oar still has no shame and shows his erotic manga to anyone who asks. The Professor has had to scrub his brain so many times (to absolute failure </3)
I'm still stuck on Ken (剣) and Oru (オール) being the Sword and Oar's names ngl. If y'all have actual names for them, I'd love to hear them 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽
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thankskenpenders · 2 years
Comic-Con has come and gone! It’s been an exciting time for Sonic comic fans with news about the upcoming Scrapnik Island miniseries, a live mural painting from Adam Bryce Thomas, Gigi Dutreix, and co., and more. Also, Penders was there
For a while now Penders has been saying that SDCC 2022 would be where he released the new hardcover reissue of Mobius: 25 Years Later with an added extra chapter and a few names changed, now packaged as The Lara-Su Chronicles: Beginnings. (Before anyone asks: yes, he has the rights to rerelease his old Archie Sonic stories following the lawsuit, and yes, he says he’s going to pay the artists royalties. Kudos to him for that, at least.) While I take every creative endeavor the guy announces on Twitter with a massive grain of salt for obvious reasons, I thought this one might have some small hope of actually happening because it’s mostly just a collected volume of some comics that already exist and not a whole new graphic novel
So, did that happen?
But he did show off a new build of the iOS-exclusive The Lara-Su Chronicles motion comic app, which is the main way he plans on releasing these things. He’s shared a few new videos on Twitter, too, so let’s take a look at those. This is what he’s been working on all these years
Let’s tackle these in chronological order. First up: the M25YL “remaster.” (I'm just linking directly to the original tweet because Tumblr won't let me upload more than one video.)
From that first page it's immediately obvious that the hand lettering is gone, replaced with a font. Between the few character names changed to maintain consistency with TLSC and the many translations he's doing, digital lettering is probably just easier on that front. I won't knock him too much for that, although the fact that he kept the same random words bolded is funny to me
No, what really knocks me on my ass here is when we get to the second page and we see that the new motion comic format and the need to show more of the backgrounds means that not even this "remaster" is safe from Ken's horrible fucking photo backgrounds. Here's a direct comparison of how he ruined this panel, originally drawn by Steven Butler and colored by Jason Jensen:
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I should add in here that I don't hate the use of photo backgrounds on principal. You can do some really cool things with mixed media! As is true of basically everything in art, any technique can be cool if it's used with the right intent. I was a Homestuck reader in its heyday, and it made cool use of color-altered photo landscapes and images taken straight off the internet mixed with the cartoony characters and original elements. But this is not that. This isn't trying to be mixed media or alternative or counterculture or whatever, it's just a shoddy attempt to save time on a hamfisted tribute to Silver Age comics
It's also worth noting that Angel Island, which looks extremely tiny here, is in fact the same shitty image Penders has been using as his personal logo for years
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Next up, an excerpt from The Storm, the prologue chapter starring Geoffrey that will be included with the rerelease of M25YL. He's been posting previews of this for years
This one also has voice acting! Bad voice acting!
When asked what happened to Geoffrey's signature accent, Penders said that he only had access to an American actor, and that he'd rather not have him use a fake accent. The audio is apparently also temporary, although how much will or won't be changed in the full release is impossible to predict. Either way, the wooden voice acting does Ken's typically clunky dialogue zero favors here, and it continues to baffle me that he thinks all of these motion comic bells and whistles are somehow worth all the added time and effort when it's been over a fucking decade and he still hasn't released the first of seven planned volumes
Also noteworthy here is that we actually see the point where the timeline-altering energy wave or whatever hits? I guess? I assume that's what's happening, because the art style deliberately changes from Ken's best approximation of what he thinks Archie Sonic looked like (which already isn't great, although the dog girl is almost kinda cute) to his new style for TLSC, which. God. Look at that profile view of Geoffrey
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Lastly we have a preview of the opening of The Lara-Su Chronicles: Shattered Tomorrows, AKA the actual first volume of the series. It's the scene of Lara-Su walking on the beach and shedding a single tear over how Knuckles is dead, as one does
It's not as noticeable in the video, but I need to link to the full res version of the shot of Lara-Su sitting on the rocks so you can appreciate how truly fucking horrendous the jpeg artifacting is. At the risk of referencing Homestuck too many times in one post, this is truly some Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff level shit. I don't know how he did this
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And, at the very end we have a special guest appearance from the one, the only... the unlicensed likeness of Anthony Mackie that he is still fucking using for this character. Despite his appearance changing slightly in other art, this page still very much just uses a redraw(?) of Mackie's IMDB profile photo
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And that's it! If you've been following the updates on this project for years like I have, you may have noticed something
None of these pages are actually new!
I'm pretty sure we've seen every single one of these before. Some of them are from years ago. If there's actual new material in this preview build of the app beyond the addition of speech bubbles to some of these pages, it's not present in these videos. Penders says that his next priority after recharging from the con will be releasing TLSC Beginnings (the M25YL rerelease + that Geoffrey chapter), but it's hard for me to believe he's anywhere close to releasing anything in the state these previews are in, unless he's secretly sitting on a whole bunch of pages that he just didn't want people to read for free at his con table
As usual, though, Penders claims that the responses from Comic-Con attendees were positive, particularly in comparison to the constant dunking he's subjected to on Twitter. People were even buying his prints. (He also posted a photo of Karl Bollers visiting his table. I don't know what Bollers thought about the app.) My kneejerk reaction is that I find this kind of hard to believe, but it's also like... I dunno, people are just generally going to be polite at a con, nine times out of ten. Most people are not going to walk up to someone at an artist alley and be like "hey bro your prints look like dogshit." It isn't the place for that. They don't wanna cause a scene by getting into an argument in the middle of their expensive con trip. I also don't doubt that there are a lot of people out there who probably see the old Archie Sonic comics he always has for sale at cons and go "oh hey I've heard of that" or "oh I read some of those as a kid!" and then realize he was one of the writers and wish him luck on his new endeavors, blissfully unaware of decades of obscure Sonic drama. And while it's well documented that I don't like the guy or his work, I don't think that's a bad thing! People are allowed to be polite to him. I do not want him to get pelted with fucking tomatoes every time he goes outside
But the thing is, most of the feedback the guy's getting is either polite well-wishing within the context of a busy convention, or people spamming him with pictures of Donkey Kong and telling him to retire on Twitter. And so he's shutting out the latter, and taking the fact that people aren't beating his ass in the QRTs at the SDCC show floor as a sign that he's on the right track, and that Twitter is just full of haters looking for ammo
And like. He's not wrong on that last point! People blame him for all sorts of shit he didn't actually do and take many things wildly out of context and spam his replies for fun
But Jesus Christ, my guy. You've been working on these comics for a decade and the art looks like this
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incarnateirony · 1 year
I have seen some really odd takes on the Ackles move to Amazon, and some of those takes are of course from the Kelios/Vinnie coven, claiming you will back pedal on your predictions for Jensen and SPN? Honestly, I don't see a conflict. WB keeps whatever is already in the works for SPN/TW future developement, still in conjunction with CM, and CM creates future (likely Soldier Boy) content for Amazon. Sounds good to me, but they hate on Jensen and hate to see success. Thoughts?
It takes having the brain of a slug to imagine a conflict, especially when the article explicitly clarified there was no conflict and that WBD would continue to develop properties it already had agreements in regards to, with most deals at +2 years, which I mentioned back in like. Fuckin. December or some shit.
This is the same news as I mentioned raising flags in late February. I deadass told you like, there's big franchise news brewing but I literally can not see what it's about for some reason, which is why I've been trying to watch for internal or external HBO flags or other WBD maneuvers. Because, as I've said, I do not work for WB, but for reasons, a great deal of my access comes from an angle of WB, and I can't clarify beyond that. Just take off your shirt and spin under the peachtree, okay?
That's why the interview actually says like "The Winchesters Is Currently Airing It's First Season." Like, fam, I hate to break it to you, but the show ended almost two months ago, back when those flags were talked about. The reason I couldn't parse half the discourse is I ain't got shit on Amazon that you guys can't find, so yeah, derrrrrp no shit I couldn't see what all the paperwork flying around was about. I'm a leaker, not omniscient, jesus christ. I think these kids just perceive "fan, vs, all professional things in a vague pot of knowledge" and like. That isn't how it works.
All it means is that while WBD digs out of it's financial hole, it's going to focus specifically on in-house properties it can maximize profit and growth with, and probably has a friendly accord with Amazon about it to boot. The success of one can make the success of the other depending on how deals sign at the end of the day. Meanwhile, Amazon is hand over fist oodles above WBD and Max, and easily able to outbid/outfinance WBD, which may even HAVE a post-season library carriage deal arranged.
Jensen made a powerful impression at Amazon enough that he mutually retains power of SPN franchise and its spread of concepts, with our own little trusted corner there by Zaslav and Roth, and no middlemen beyond a compliant Dungey apologizing to Jensen about the past and just taking notes on numbers and staying out of the way. Then, Amazon can high budget anything that's not a WB IP to begin with, anything new CM dumps out, and frankly, any talent Jensen picks up, hence getting Drake signed to Gersh, and picking up indie producers by the handful right now.
Like this is actually moves beyond this fandom's ken. Not only has Jensen moved us up over the last 2 years where he basically has executive authority for at least a few more years with Supernatural Franchise, as long as its content retains success ongoing; but he's moved himself up in the world into being highly competed for globally, and is using his infrastructure to pull everyone up around him. Whether that be Berlanti and Misha's current co ops with him unspoken to the public, or talent and actor First Looks. Drake is about to be plastered all over Amazon, just you watch, and everyone else Jensen is adopting slowly.
Jensen hit The Top in WB almost 2 years ago now, or at least had all the deals signed that would land him there once mergers stopped shaking everything. People just didn't understand what the fuck he was genuinely building professionally. So now that he's at the top of WB and SPN there with him, he isn't settling, he's just moving further up the media tree than WBD alone can give him, hence Amazon, and that same engine he used to climb WB, he's now using to elevate everyone in it with him into brighter careers with greater reach and media leverage.
It's optimal positioning. Don't let the same idiot trolls whine you into even considering otherwise. They don't understand what's happening now any more than they've understood the last several years.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
Postal OC (Beachtime Dude) x Postal 2 Dude
The worst
Hiiii :) I made a postal oc a while back called Beachtime Dude but never made a fic with him until now! Like his name suggests he’s a beach themed Dude! He’s a stereotypical surfer Dude basically. The idea for him kinda came from just Ken from Barbie and doll swimsuit lines being called stuff like “Beachtime fun 🤪”. His nickname is Ken bc of that :D uhhhhHHH YEA I HOPE U ALL LIKE THIS 👍
“Yknow, you’re probably the worst version of myself I’ve ever came across.” Dude said matter-of-factly from across the table as he took another scoop out of the ice cream the other Dude had bought for him. Yes the same one who he was currently bad mouthing. The blonde raised a eyebrow but didn’t look too fazed as he tossed the frisbee Champ and his own dog, Pal, had brought back to him. “Is that so? Would love to know why.” Was all he replied with as he watched Champ and his golden retriever kick up sand as they carelessly chased after the toy.
‘Would love to know why’ Dude repeated in his head with a scowl. There are so many reasons why he was the worst but they all pretty much equated to this version of Dude being too perfect. He was too sane to be a Postal Dude..and just too different in general. The man had blonde hair and a sculpted body for Christ sakes. He honestly looked sculpted by the Gods while most Postal Dudes Dude knew were ginger and on the skinny side or like in his own case, flabby. It pissed him off. Not to mention that the blonde, in the three days Dude had been stranded and stuck with him, hadn’t shown a single moment of his mask of sanity slipping. He hasn’t seen one instance of the other seeming pissed off by the world or pissed at himself. It just didn’t make sense. He wasn’t even annoying sly like the Postal Dude with the brown trench coat was. He was just some ‘ordinary’ Dude by the looks of it…it wasn’t fair and oh god did he hope there wasn’t more like him. He couldn’t take another version of himself that was basically a ‘what could have been’ being rubbed in his face.
Of course he didn’t need to really know that right now however. Dude just sighed and watched the blonde for a moment longer. “Ken?” He asked. The blonde looked over and took his sunglasses off before he began to rub the lens against his the bottom of his tight shirt, probably to get the sand off or something. “Hm?”
“Do you really spend all your time just chilling at the beach? Like.. you aren’t always running around.. living the busy life?” Dude asked before again, taking another bite of his ice cream, trying to ignore the fact this other Dude had insanely mesmerizing light blue eyes (another thing he hated him for). “Mhm. Well- occasionally I help organize events for the beach or beaches near by.. or help bring awareness to keeping them clean by having people sign petitions. Other than that I mostly just take it easy.. and get up to things I wanna get up to.” Ken explained as he continued to rub away at his sunglasses and once he was happy with them, he slid them back on.
Dude felt like if he scowled anymore at the other he’d get stuck that way. Really? This guy was one of those ‘keep the earth green’ hippie guys too? He was more like a young Unlce Dave if anything else. Ok not that Dude was against the message but y’know…again he wasn’t like any other Postal Dude he’d met.. he seemed like too much of a goodie two shoes. Dude decided to yet again basically repeat himself from earlier “You suck.” Ken rolled his eyes with a grin before taking the spoon Dude was using from his hand and taking his own scoop of Dudes frozen treat. “For what? Caring about something important? I’m so sor-”
“Has anything shitty happened to you before? Ever?” Dude blurted out without really thinking about it.. and by Kens expression, he could tell that he was maybe catching on to Dudes jealousy.. or at least train of thoughts. Ken only looked at him a moment longer before bringing the spoon up to his mouth and yep, put it in his mouth even though it had just been in Dudes. “Yeah? I guess… Had a bit of a uh..traumatic at home life with my parents. But I don’t exactly wanna get into it.” Oh.. well Dude of course wasn’t going to celebrate that but at least Ken seemed a little more relatable with this now known fact. “Oh… sorry.” was all Dude offered in return.
They sat in silence for a bit in the sunset as Ken took a couple more bites. The silence had been alright for them both for awhile but Dude could tell there was something on Kens mind. It only just now occurred to him that maybe just randomly asking someone you didn’t exactly have the closest bond to yet about their possible troubled past wasnt the best idea. He was about to try to get some sort of apology out until Ken held up a finger as though he was about to speak before he swallowed his spoonful of ice cream.
“If you don’t have the best uh.. mental health or if you wanna change your mind set, have you tried exercising? It-” Dude interrupted Kens thoughts with a scoff before propping his elbow on the bench table and resting the side of his head on his hand. “What’s next? You’re gonna sell me crystals?” Dude joked with a roll of his eyes. Everyone always said the same thing when it comes to this kinda shit. Do people think it’s honestly that easy t- “if you’d let me finish…” Ken continued, now interrupting Dudes thoughts “I was going to say, I know it’s not for everyone but it helped me. I don’t even think of surfing and swimming as exercise half the time. It’s more of a hobby. I was going to say you could try finding a hobby too asshole…” he said with a tease as he just twirled the spoon a bit in his hands, still watching Dude in front of him, even ignoring when the dogs came back with the frisbee and dropped it by his feet.
“Don’t have time for ‘em. It’s always something or another going on with me. I haven’t quite figured out the way to be a beach bum and relax all day in a little travel camper thing like you yet so..” Dude trailed off with a grin. Ken ignored the ‘bum’ part for now as he sighed and looked over to the ocean to the left of him. The waves had calmed down quite a bit and not many people were still hanging around.. not many people stayed very late on weekdays anyways. The few people who were still on the beach were just relaxing near the shore line while others were swimming in the water.. and that’s when Ken got a idea.
He turned back to Dude and was suddenly grinning but before Dude could say anything, Ken took another scoop and held it up to Dudes mouth. “Here. Hurry up ‘busy boy’. I got a idea”
Dude felt his cheeks heat up a bit at the nickname as he roughly pulled the plastic spoon out of Kens hand and into his own, making the scoop of ice cream fall onto his own pants. “Whatever…I can feed myself you weirdo. Just give me a second.” Dude grumbled. Ken didn’t seem to mind though as he suddenly got up and tossed his own trash away in the nearby garbage can and made his way over to his little camper parked right on the sand not far away.
Dude watched with a frown as he quickly finished before tossing the empty cup out and catching up to the blonde who had opened the back doors of his camper and was rummaging in what looked like a pile of clothes for something or another. “What the hell are you doing?” Dude asked as he leaned against the back of the truck. Ken shuffled a couple things around a moment longer before he held up a pair of swimming trunks. “You said you didn’t have a swimsuit yesterday right? Well you’re going to try swimming now.”
It took a bit of convincing to make Dude actually try them on. Ken had to tell him that yes they were washed (even though he knew Dude really wasn’t one to give a shit about wearing clean clothes), and also yes, they’d fit and he wouldn’t look stupid. There weren’t even many people around anyways even if he did. He obviously could tell that despite the tough, rugged persona Dude put on he was pretty easily embarrassed and self conscious.. but it wasn’t anything some positive reinforcement and praise couldn’t fix. And eventually, Dude did emerge from a nearby changing stall in the ‘stupid’ trunks Ken had picked out that were just black with flames on them.
“Here. Happy? I hope you don’t expect me to go very deep by the w-”
“See!?” Ken cut him off. “Look at you! You look fine! You can even keep those if you want. I barely wear them anyways. I get so many from companies and brands that I don’t even wear the same ones more than once anymore.. anyways cmon, let’s go.” Ken said with a grin before taking Dudes wrist before Dude could go on just standing there, complaining further. Dude followed him though confused as he did so. “Companies send you shit? Why?” He asked. Ken however didn’t answer and instead slipped his hand into Dudes as they approached the shore line. Dude felt his face get a little warm again but didn’t really make move to take his hand away..he just didn’t hold Kens hand back.
“Ok. So..there isn’t anything to be afraid of okay? I don’t know what horror movies you’ve seen but it’s really not that dangerous until you swim wayyyy out.. wait do you even know how to swim?” Ken asked. Now Dude took his hand out of Kens grasp. Of course he knew how to swim. He was 26. He wasnt a child… Dude huffed. “I’m not stupid Ken. Just shut up already would ya?” He asked as he finally took a couple steps in. He was fine. The only thing bothering him was he was pretty sure he already stepped on a sea shell but it didn’t matter. Ken watched him with a grin before shrugging. “Whatever man. I’m still making you actually swim a bit.”
And the whole thing.. turned out less annoying than Dude thought it would. The water felt really refreshing against Dudes already ‘old’ and warn our body.. especially when Ken wasnt making actually swim out some (with his help.. Dude had gotten a little rusty and forgot how to really swim so some help was needed. Which Ken actually kindly gave) and allowed him to relax. The time together actually made Dude a lot less pissy with him earlier as they shared some laughs, stupid life stories, and some nice moments together. They barely had noticed when the sky had gotten darker until the last other person on the beach had gotten out to get dried off some.
At least Dude had watched that person leave anyways. Ken was being stupid and was under the water for some reason or another until he popped up beside Dude and flipped his wet hair back out his face and grinned. Dude wouldn’t admit it but.. damn did Ken look nice with his hair all messy with that stupid grin. “Necklace.” He randomly said. “Huh?” Ken lifted a arm out of the water and presented some necklace he definitely hadn’t had on earlier. This one had a nice, pretty sliver butterfly charm on it “Someone lost it I guess. It’s mine now.” He grinned as he moved to put it on Dude, only rolling his eyes and chuckling as Dude swam back away from him a bit at the action.
“If it’s yours why the hell are you putting it on me?!” Dude asked as he went to grab a hold of it. “Because? I wanna. Chill out. If it’s mine I can give it to whoever I want.” Ken replied with a shrug, still grinning. Dude was quiet a minute before letting go and leaving it on. “Hm.. I guess you are a little bit of shitty person then. Stealing some poor girls necklace to give to a guy you barely know.” Dude finally grinned back. “Eh, if someone loses something while swimming here they rarely have hope they’ll be able to find it again. I’ve seen like maybe.. one or two people try though and I actually helped them thank you very much.. and it’s not like I pawn the stuff I find off anyways.”
“Oh so you give them to whoever lucky girl.. or uh guy.. I guess.. you’re with for the day?” Dude teased, now slicking his own messy wet hair back too. Ken smirked and moved a bit closer to him. “Mm.. nah. I might give some away but I actually use most accessories I find in my photos online! Well the ones someone can’t be like .. totally sure it’s theirs anyways.” Ken explained. “Ah.. you post a lot of pictures online? What? You got a ‘onlysurfers’ or something?”
Ken chuckled and shook his head. “Nah. Remember how I told you I get people sending me things? I got a good social media following.. I guess you can kinda say I’m a model. It’s usually like beach life brands sending me shit. I get paid to promote their crap.” Ken explained before he glanced over to their two pups who were now just laying about on the sand. “Ugh… you’re a social media influencer? I think me and Champ are going to have to leave you soon now.” Dude teased, shoving him playfully. Truth be told, it really didn’t surprise him that Ken was a bit of a model though. Hell, if he looked like him he probably would post pictures everywhere of himself too. “Aww don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” Ken joked as he looked back to Dude. Okay now he really was sounding like that one other ‘Postal Dude’ with the brown jacket.. maybe he was a more sane version of that specific Dude.. though he honestly didn’t give a shit about thinking about all that anymore at the moment.
They swam for a bit more, just talking until something felt.. really wrong and painful. Dudes face twisted into a pained look as he hissed and lunged forward onto Ken since the pain was in his foot and he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep himself up right with the painful muscle spasms. “AGH! Shit!” Dude cursed only just now realizing he’d thrown himself against Ken when Kens arms wrapped around him.. oh god. “Are you alright?” Ken asked in concern as Dude still gripped on. “Ah- sorry yeah. Got a fucking cramp from all this swimming though. Didn’t mean to grab you though let me just-..” Dude tried to shimmy away to maybe swim back to shore himself as quickly as he could but it seemed like Ken had other plans as he held onto him as he started swimming back to shore.. Dude was pretty sure he’d never been more embarrassed in his life. This shit was something out of some girls diary where she wrote about some blonde hot life guard man coming in and saving her. Dude couldn’t help but to groan and cover his face once Ken got out of the water but still held onto him, now bridal style. Ken only grinned though as he happily walked Dude over to his camper. “Poor thing.. see this is why you need to keep swimming! You can build up your tolerance and-”
“Or I could just not go swimming in the first place” Dude spat glaring at him but for some reason.. still not telling him to put him down. “Pfft. But where’s the fun in that?”
Eventually Ken had gotten both dogs back in the camper and shut the doors as he had Dude sit on the bed as he digged for some kinda medicine to help Dude with his pain. Dude hated how bright it was in his little camper but it was somehow better than his own trailer home.. even though it was much smaller. It was nicely decorated and not cluttered somehow and he’d somehow managed to fit a sofa in there which is what Dude had slept on the past two nights.. hell there was even a little spot inside the camper for Kens dog. How he managed it, he didn’t know.
“Sorry you’re feeling bad.. I shoulda realized you probably couldn’t swim as long as I can.” Ken said as he finally found the medication he was looking for and grabbed a water bottle before handing both to Dude. Dude shrugged and took the meds before speaking. “Not the worst pain I’ve been in. At least I had a idea that it was coming…”
Ken wasn’t exactly sure what Dude meant by that but as he looked over his body… he could probably piece it together. The other man had many odd shaped scars all over his body and with the way he was talking earlier, it wouldn’t surprise him if Dude really did get up to more.. dangerous things around town all day. It wasn’t a ugly look though, more interesting than anything else really. He’d have to ask about it eventually but as he looked up to Dude, he noticed he’d probably been checking his body out too long because his face had gone red.. it was so easy to see it too since he was your typical pale ginger. “W-what?” Dude asked, only now just remembering to turn and grab his shirt he’d left on the bed and toss it on.
Ken shook his head. “Nothing. Just.. you can take the bed tonight. I kinda accidentally pushed ya too hard. I’ll take the couch.” He said as he began to shut the blinds to some windows. It had gotten pretty late and Ken really seemed to have a much better sleep schedule down than Dude.. Dude watched for a bit, thinking to himself… The couch wasn’t terrible but, god would he be pissed if he had to let some basically ‘homeless’ guy take his bed while he slept on his couch.. that’s what Dude told himself his thought process was at least before he awkwardly coughed before speaking up.
“Uhm… you don’t- I wouldn’t mind…” Of course Dude couldn’t actually get what he wanted to say out, it was too fucking weird and embarrassing. He scratched the back of his head and looked away from Ken as he tried to think of how to continue. “Hmm?” Ken asked as he turned a light off. “Get on the damn bed.” Dude spat out awkwardly.
Ken rolled his eyes and just thought Dude was being hardheaded. So he tuned off one other light before grumbling a “fine.” And climbed onto the bed, thinking Dude would stand up but he never did. It was only when Ken laid down and Dude followed his action until he got what Dude wanted. “Oh…” He smirked, now flipping to lay on his side toward Dude. “If you wanted to cuddle you could have just asked” he teased. Dude grumbled before taking his sunglasses off and rubbing his eyes. “I can get up if you’re just going to be a ass.” Dude huffed. “No~ I’m sorry. You’re just trying to be nice. I know it’s hard for you.” Dude ignored that and just moved to actually get under the covers, which Ken did as well. Once they were both comfortable, Ken spoke up again. “Hey Dude?”
“I get a.. little lonely at night. Can I hold you?” Ken asked barely holding in the laugh at the end though he was serious. Dude opened his eyes to give a mean glare at him. “Whatever. This is already gay enough as it is.”
“ I don’t know why you’re acting like it was my idea for this mr moody.” Ken said before snaking his arms around the other. Dude didn’t dignify that with a response.. well more like he didn’t know how to respond to that. He was just so tired and it did feel nice to have someone hold him like that so he just stayed quiet. And it stayed like that until they both fell asleep, gayly in the same bed.
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Wanted to write a fairly short succession future fic set in 2044 where Connor has been voted president lmao and the Roy’s and all their kids, plus a grandkid via Sophie are all at his house for his 80th birthday, Tom and Shiv had two kids in the end a girl and a boy, and Greg also had a son from some woman who he was with for like 6 months when he temporarily called off the Tomgreg affair, and all the Roy’s refer to her as an nrp of course cause their awful. Anyway Tom eventually leaves Shiv (Shiv living her best life in 2044 with a younger guy) for Greg and sort of ended up being in Greg’s kid (Layton’s) life more then his own (although he wasn’t even in his that much because of the job) but it obviously causes tension, but Eliza and Angelo (Tomshiv kids) don’t actually hate Layton or anything but there is some jealously but they like to keep him in their little trio, they sort of mirror ken/shiv/Rome, and would be at Connor’s birthday bitching at each other. Anyway Eliza is the first child and is like 24 and I gave her a girlfriend to be her plus one at the birthday, but then I was like how did they meet? And I was like her girlfriend Khalie was a college intern at Waystar of course. And then I wanted write about how they met the year before, then do Connor’s birthday. But then I got really into Eliza as a character and wanted to write about an argument she overheard when she was 10 between Tom and Shiv not long before they divorced. And now I’m just really into Eliza and the inherent trauma of being the daughter of Tom wambsgans and Shiv Roy. And also wanted to do a whole thing where Greg proposed to Tom and few years after Tom and Shiv divorced, but Tom rejected saying it wasn’t the right time, but it actually had more to do with his internalised homophobia and his issues with marriage, and Greg is still hinting about marriage but Tom worries he is too old now (he’s 69 😏) Also wanted to do something about Roman and Connor trying to get Shiv and Kendall to make up after 24 years of basically not talking and turning into the next Logan and Ewan.
Also Conwilla have 4 kids. Also as Roman seemingly escaped the cycle in the final episode so I let him come out and marry and Irish guy and they have a daughter called Erin. Tom is still the American CEO at Waystar, Greg is head of parks, I figured Shiv would work at Pierce (maybe CEO I don’t know) and Kendall and Roman started the 100, which is semi successful idk. Also Kendall has a six year old that he named Kendall junior lmao who is the same age his grandchild via Sophie. Anyway this is basically potential novel length at this point and I just wanted to do a crack fic about Connor becoming president at an extremely old age. And I already have 3 other succ fics I have on go that I do plan on finishing eventually ugh why am I like this.
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haus-mom · 10 days
1, 10, 20, 30 and 40! And 9!
aaaa thank you mar!!!! you better believe i'll ask you back! though when this gets posted the questions will already be on your askbox but anyway
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
AUGH I HAVE. A LOT ACTUALLY but if i had to choose a few hmmmmm
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first there's ninten!!! yes that's actually his name. or ken. he's named ken in the novel. any mother/earthbound character would fit but i'm specially attached to ninten because Back Then he used to get characterized as this super silly guy with millions of penguin plushies in his room and he's just. he's a cool dude! his first and only quote in the entire game is at the end, when the adventure is over, he just plops into his bed and falls asleep mid sentence. the penguin thing is kinda canon btw. he loves penguins <3
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then there's neku from twewy!!! i'm trying to go chronologically or i'll get irrevocably lost. met him through kingdom hearts and seeing as his game was on the ds i was like "eh why not" (<- this later led to a life changing experience)
he's such an idiot and i actually hate him a lot <3 (affectionate. like, really affectionate) he's the definition of a closed off edgelord but he grows so much and learns so much and dhsbhdabhjhjbhj
there's another reason why he's here though!!! twewy is played with both screens on the ds, neku being on the lower and his game partner on the upper. but i absolutely sucked at keeping track of both screens so my brother would control the partner so when i see him i smile remembering everytime my brother and i almost broke my ds in half trying to beat sho <3 it was christmas too! yay!
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the fun part about being a fan of this game is that the only official art that came up when i looked him up were a super close up of his face and a spoiler. so i had to go into the game files and get this pic myself.
this is yuuichi mizuoka from re:kinder, he's the last character someone would consider a comfort character, and he basically invented being a princess with a disorder (sort of. heart did it first)
this is also the little guy who went around biting people (like chibita!) and telling you why he's a comfort character would both be extremely spoilery and extremly sad, because i already showed you his introduction and he's just. he's a murder baby, what else do you need? the things that this li'l fella has both gone through and done are unspeakable. he's unfixable. he's also 8 years old.
honestly every parun character (that. that i know of (?) is a comfort character in the sense that if i see them i get all happy and [FLAPS HANDS]
some more than others, like, i can highlight tokimeki, gote, ramu, and if you show me a picture of handa i will actually do the 🥺face irl. does that make topema from henderland no daibouken a comfort character? wait, she actually kinda is, isn't she?
i have some more but this ask would never get actually answered if i listed them all, have the ones from my formative years (11-13 y/o, everyone's formative years, right?) honorable mentions are the second year trio from inago, kasane teto, ryuunosuke naruhodou, minori hanasato, sora kingdomhearts (that's his actual name), takane enomoto... see, this is why we go chronological, otherwise we get confused and forget characters </3
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
neither, actually, i don't like coffee and caffeine makes me sleepy, so i normally don't drink any... i don't like tea either, so i'm team third option: chocomilk :D!
10. would you slaughter the rich?
not realistically, because i'm hilariously weak (physically), but i'd gladly watch others slaughter the rich! i'd feel bad doing nothing so i can offer emotional support! i can even dress as a cheerleader. or the cheer squad from osu tatakae ouendan. hell yeah.
20. do you say soda or pop?
les digo FANTA y COCACOLA porque creo que aparte de "bebidas gaseosas" no tenemos ninguna palabra así cortita para definirla, así que en españa (no sé si en alguna parte de latinoamérica tenéis alguna) siempre les decimos como las marcas. creo que rebloggeé hace poco un post sobre marcas teniendo que ceder derechos porque la gente empieza a decirle a los productos como las marcas y me resulta hilarante
when speaking in english i say soda because, despite my (british) teacher's best efforts, i was raised by american youtubers and that cannot be undone. pop is a hilarious word to me because it is what it is. it goes "pop!" when you open it, so it's called pop!
30. is there dishes in your room?
there were two (2) dishes in my room when you sent this ask, but i decided to be a responsible adult and wash them before having dinner. there's a cup here though. from dinner. because i don't feel like leaving it in the sink just yet.
40. did you have any snacks today?
uhhhh, do chewable fruit candies count? when it's exam season i usually have a bag of snacks nearby because the sugar does wonder to my concentration ✨ might be placebo, might be me doing better because i get to have A Little Treat, who knows
(these candies have the flavour written in portuguese, i think, and i was so confused like 'what the fuck is a mirtilo 😭'
cuando vi el limón, que pues, es literalmente limão, quedé como así
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iceywrites · 2 years
kinnporsche if it was a high school/university romance gmmtv show
(i am by no means trying to offend gmmtv here)
kinn, tay and time would be engineering students
porsche, pete, arm and pol would be in architecture
vegas would be in political science
kim would be a music major
porschay is that kid who's freshly finished school and wants to get into kim's university
(much like canon except he actually joins college. probably)
macau would a film major (idk he just gives those vibes)
ken and big would in whatever is the rival faculty of architecture
kinn and porsche are enemies to lovers (bc the main couple always most of the times hate each other)
vegas is always trying to hit on porsche
(let's assume, it's cause he's genuinely romantically interested in porsche)
let my vegasporsche heart thrive y'all T_T
one fine day kinn and vegas were randomly fighting (they do that a lot. also what is a gmmtv show without a fist fight)
porsche was just passing by and tries to stop them or something
teacher passes by and takes some disciplinary action (basically some tedious job work or something)
vegas approaches the teacher and tell them that porsche and him were not involved in the fight and it was kinn who started it
porsche and him get exempted and kinn has to do the difficult task by himself
fast forward to when porsche is taking some books back to his room and he sees kinn doing the task alone
and bc he's a nice person, he decides to put his hatred away and helps kinn
"wHy ArE yOu HeLpInG mE?! gO fUcK yOuR bF!"
porsche: *rolls his eyes*
now... SLOW MOTION, CAMERA ANGLES, PLAY THE OST BESTIE, gasp they accidentally fell into each other's arms and longingly gaze into each other's eyes
flash back and they were in the same school OMG THEY WERE IN THE SAME SCHOOL
jom and tem were porsche's school friends
and what do we have here? kinn absolutely did not have a crush on porsche. nope. no way.
back to present and there's a few scenes with vegas trying to hang out with porsche but kinn is always there to be a hindrance
alexa play jealous by nick jonas
and then there's one scene where vegas is like "can i take you home khab?" (porsche is probably drunk or something) and he's just about to put porsche's arm around his shoulder and then kinn comes running in the frame
"keep my future boyfriend's name out of your fucking mouth"
the next morning, in porsche's room: porsche doesn't remember anything but kinn is acting weird and so is vegas and there's so much tension between them
now all you need is a random guy posting a video of the fight in 4K on facebook "ayye these are my uni peeps. come join"
after porsche watches this: *heads towards kinn in the middle of the classroom with the paused video in his hand* what the fuck is this kinn?!
*kinn activating his yolo self* i love you, bitch. i ain't never gonna stop loving you bitch
porsche: no this can't be i like girls
porsche after 2/3 episodes: kissing your homies till they drop is not gay
dates. slow motion. lovingly gazing into each other's eyes. holding hands. play that ost bestie
more dates. kinn insisting to be called porsche's bf in front of the whole university but porsche is not ready for that
a liiiiitle bit of jealousy (thank you vegas) and
"I love you porsche"
now what were vegaspete doing all this time?
vegas was sad+angry that he can't have porsche so he goes to the bar to get drunk off his ass
his staggering ass colliding into an asshole
random asshole: "look where you're going bitch"
vegas: "no you"
oh what do we have here? pete works in this bar and is rushing over to stop this fight
he gets punched in the face too but successfully stops the fight
pete carries him to his dorm and vegas is all like: no don't leave me i'm lonely and sad
and pete is like: ugh fine
next morning, vegas wakes up in an empty bed and there's a note on his lamp reading "gtg i have work"
now vegas might not remember any other details from the night but he clearly remembers that a took a cute guy to his bed
so he goes to the same bar, finds pete and tells him
"i'll take responsibility"
"we slept together, did we not?"
"no i'm pretty sure we kissed"
"oh? then i like you"
their little back and forth happens with vegas trying to pursue pete and pete is like STOP PLEASE (not really)
that's until macau points out the pete is probably not into him as he is
so vegas stops and pete is like "no why i was starting to like you"
and then vegaspete becomes canon
now we're heading close towards the finale when this bitch tawan enters
it's funny coz gmmtv actually has a tawan and i really like that guy
right off the bat, tawan starts hitting on kinn and porsche is all agitated "NOT ON MY WATCH"
misunderstandings. fights. sad montage. bitches are crying everywhere.
until porsche's friends (pete, arm and pol) knock some sense into porsche's head that kinn is not even into tawan
meanwhile kinn is confessing his undying love for porsche in front of a crowd bc he is also a singer (ofc he is)
and porsche is standing in the backstage and after looking all sad after the performance bc porsche wasn't there in the audience but what do we have here? porsche actually heard the whole song???
a liiitle bit of crying. exchanging sweet words. PLAY!!! THAT!!! OST!!! BESTIE!!!
macau pointing at tawan: (to vegas) isn't that your ex?
pete choking on his food: excuse me wHAT?
vegas taking macau in a headlock: "i have absolutely no idea what this boy is saying"
kimchay were having their own thing going on
straight sweet love story. no drama whatsoever.
last episode: couples making out in public, holding hands and walking into the sun.
happy ending
nobody died
what was tankhun doing all this time?
he was the narrator
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