#ken satori
dukecarge · 1 year
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me when I am Ken Satori, the one and only Double-shot sniper am here.
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shizukais · 1 year
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patchworkprince · 2 years
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obseletrix · 1 year
opinions on the ninomiya squad + arashiyama squad dynamics since nino was a4 before dropping to b1
ninomiya squad.... pre-hato, you kind of have a squad that's all Serious People, and the levity pretty much just comes from inukai, but that's a dynamic that they all enjoy. hatohara makes a lot of it work because she's kind of the social buffer of the group the same way yuma is for tamakoma or miura for katori squad. they're all pretty chill with each other. dysfunctional but like simpsons dysfunctional, not actual dysfunctional.
post-hato, they're all desperately trying to pretend that they're normal people who are Dealing With This In A Normal And Well-Adjusted Way. no one like talks to each other so the squad splinters into the ninomiya faction and the inukai-tsuji faction. hiyami is a wild card who mostly sides with nino but can be counted on in a pinch. the fact that they have developed politics does not bode well for them, ngl. ninomiya has no chill about hatohara so they don't talk about her. very much not a fun time.
arashiyama squad is a bunch of the most deeply repressed people in border. out of the whole organization, they probably have the most pressure on them because they have this weird fucked-up ideal to live up to. each of them has an actual press team. kitora and ayatsuji have rules about how many times a week they can be seen in public wearing pants. the boys have theme colours and have to wear them constantly. all of them have forgotten what a "weekend" is. despite this they are each other's moments of respite; the performance continues for families, friends, but not for each other. the squad itself gives its members a sort of breathing room, a place where their lives are not constantly being micromanaged. they give each other little gifts, things that border would never approve of. it's a very "the most valuable parts of us are hidden" kind of squad. like the kind of friendship where you don't know the sort of story stuff, like you don't know that the other person dropped a jar on their foot when they were six or which teacher they had in sixth grade, but you know what sort of person they are beneath the front they put up. like that is the squad dynamic.
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animeyanderelover · 1 month
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Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, manipulation, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, abduction
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan @jamayah @chxxz @leveyani @cynniical @shenryu-sama @maggiequinn59
Mother Hen s/o
Hatake Kakashi
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📖​Kakashi hasn't had anyone making such a fuss over him probably since his mother died and initially the care you shower him with is almost scorching him. It is a sensation almost unfamiliar for him especially since he hasn't gotten that close of a relationship with someone in years, the mental scars of his heart having prevented him for a long time to let someone close into his heart. It takes Kakashi a good while until he has gotten over the initial shock of your attitude and the pampering you do whenever he gets hurt. As a famous jonin he always gets assigned missions with a high ranking which means that the level of danger he is going to face is also always very high. For him this is just a common part of his life and most of the time he tries to brush you off when you start making a scene over his injuries, whether it is a shallow cut or a slash so deep that his guts may fall out any moment. He downplays his injuries most of the times because he doesn't want you to worry though deep down he is always relieved to see that he means so much to you that you can't help but make a fuss over him.
📖​An abduction is going to happen since Kakashi is a case of a paranoid and overprotectice Yandere, two types that mash together to something even worse. He understands that you feel betrayed though so he allows you space as long as you don't do anything stupid and plot your escape. He hopes that you realise that he has way too much experience to let you run away from him. As perceptive as ever the jonin still picks up the signs that you are worried for him even if he has broken your trust in him. It's in the way your shoulders slump in relief when he returns from long missions or in the way you take care of him when he has received an injury during a fight. You may not look him into his eyes, may not speak a single word to him and your touches may be a tad bit rougher than what they used to be but deep down he knows that despite everything you still care about him and that floods him with silent relief. Be reassured though that he won't die on a mission whilst away from you. After all there would be no one to protect you if he were to die. Even if you may not share this opinion, what he is doing right now is exactly what you have always done with him. Caring for him.
Sabaku no Gaara
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🐼​The way that you behave around him is everything Gaara has worked for so hard ever since he met Naruto during the Chunin Exams. Recognition and acceptance from the citizens in Sunagakure. You have no qualms about approaching him and openly making a fuss over him whenever he is stressed or tired, something that he would have never imagined would happen if he were still stuck in the same dark place he was in when he was a child. As the Kazekage he always reminds you that those are simply his duties he has to fulfill to keep his village happy but everyone around him knows that he secretly loves it when you make such a fuss about him since it shows him that you care for him a lot. He always feels special in such moments when your worried eyes are focused on him but he knows that he is not the only one to receive such treatment from you. He's observed you long enough to know very clearly that you happily act like a mother hen to everyone you like and it simultanously makes him love you even more whilst also putting his mood down a bit. He isn't that special after all.
🐼​Gaara tends to get paranoid about his darling as well which is why an abduction is likely to happen to you as well, especially since Gaara is quite clingy at times as well. He's still self-aware enough to notice that the relationship between the two of you as changed significantly after that day though and it affects his feelings deeply to the point where even his professional facade as the Kazekage cracks. The poor boy just wants to be loved by his darling but also knows that what he has done to you would obviously make you hate him. When he realises though that you still care for him, albeit in a less affectionate manner than before, his despair is at least partially quenched. After all this means that all hope isn't lost after all and that he can find a way to fix the situation between the two of you. He doesn't expect things to go back completely to the way they were before but if there is a way for him to still receive your love he will latch on to every chance that he can get his hands on.
Chrollo Lucilfer
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📖​Chrollo has been gauging your every reacion since the first time that he laid eyes upon you. It is as natural as breathing by now for him to read the people around him like books, always scheming and searching for ways to gain their trust to get his hands on those things that he desires. There is no physical object that he desires when with you though as it is rather you as a person he is interested in. Quickly he realises that your love language for the people that you care about seems to be acting very protective of them as soon as they have gotten hurt and he decides just as swiftly that he wants that as well. Only that it still isn't enough to quench his growing obsession even when you also start acting that way about him. Chrollo still desires more from you and he especially desires to be the only one you make such a fuss about. The other people in your life are a hindrance in his eyes as they hold pieces of your heart and attention that he wants to claim solely for himself. He is only invested in you and what happens to the rest of your friends and family is of no concern to him.
📖​It is an expected reaction of yours as soon as the truth is revealed to you, the coldness and the bitterness that you treat him with. Whilst it is a reaction that he expected it isn't a behavior that Chrollo will accept. He wants your eyes and your attention on him and unfortunately he knows exactly how he can achieve that as he has read through your facade well enough by now. He doesn't get hurt often as he's too smart to get himself into rekless situations nor does he inflict self-harm on himself to gain your attention. Simply to prove to you that your claims of not caring about him are merely a dog's empty bark though he bites his thumb hard enough until blood drips out, dark eyes observing your gaze flittering back and forth before you can't take it anymore and cater to the minor injury, avoiding to look into his eyes to deny him a tiny part of the triumph to be proven right. Whenever he does end up getting hurt in a fight he makes sure that you see the bruises and the scars though simply because he knows that you won't be able to help yourself from pampering him reluctantly as soon as your eyes lay on his injuries.
Tendou Satori
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❤️​Tendou initially flinches away from your protective behavior as he isn't quite used to being showered in such attention and care since he's labelled as the weird guy. It doesn't take long though before he becomes a total sucker for you as well as the care and the affection you give him whenever he gets even remotely hurt. He knows he isn't the only one getting this special treatment from you and it definitely leads to some hidden jealousy but that never takes away from his adoration whenever you end up catering to any cuts or bruises that he receives and pamper him in affection afterwards. He loves it in fact so much that he allows himself to be more careless in his daily life to receive more minor injuries, whether by getting bruises because he constantly bumps with his lanky body against stuff or by receiving some shallow cuts and burns on his hands. He's not very good in hiding it either how thrilled he is whenever you look out for him, a slight blush on his face when you cover his cuts with band-aid or ask him worriedly if he is fine.
❤️​There is no need of lying to himself after an abduction, he sees that you try to distance yourself more from him after the stunt that he pulled. A part of him understands you fully but on the other hand he is far too clingy and needy for attention to fully give you the time you would probably need to process the new situation better. Instead he is always lurking around every corner, peeking at you and hoping that things will get better between the two of you again over time. He's always had keen intuitions though and so he somehow has a gut feeling that your hatred is partially meant to disguise the fact that deep down you still care about him and he is proven right when he tries to test that theory of his and harms himself on purpose, even if only mildly. He feels like the freak he has always been called at school when only minutes later you walk over to him with band-aid in your hands, your facial expression neutral and cold as you help him with the cut whilst his silly heart is racing in his chest out of joy. Maybe there is a way to manipulate you into giving him more attention after all.
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🟢​Gyutaro has never in his life experienced such affection from anyone, not even his own sister. He's been hated and told that someone as ugly as him shouldn't even exist and his whole personality is build on a foundation of bitterness and sadism as a result of the way he was treated as a human. That is why he flinches away from the smothering care you are willing to give him despite his appearance as he believes that you are merely lying to appease him and get him to have mercy on you. He doesn't need nor want your care. He is a demon, his wounds heal within seconds and you should perhaps be more concerned about your own life by daring to get that close to him. He could easily kill and devour you after all, you stupid little thing. Nevertheless, something about you still draws him to you even if he keeps on insisting that no human could treat a demon that kindly, especially an ugly one like he is. So far he has hidden his full appearance from you but he is sure that once you were to gaze upon his full body you would change your mind. At that point he is always on the way to his obsession with no turning back though.
🟢​His jealousy is a major player in why he abducts you as he despises how you treat other people the same way you treat him. His bitterness flares up as much as his envy does and he has Daki isolating you before killing those friends of yours in a jealous rage. Gyutaro is one to hold grudges so he holds this against you for a long time after the abduction, insulting you and degrading you for being a dumb and naive little thing that clearly is so desperate to be loved and appreciated that you just threw yourself at anyone like a needy slut. Kindness and gentleness are concepts he is not familiar with yet even with his harsh words and painful rouches he still tries to get closer to you, secretly desperate to receive love from you whilst showing it in the only way he has ever known. Nevertheless, there is still a good level of scepticism involved when you start behaving more like you did before he murdered your friends and abducted you even though you're colder about it. His insecurities run deep with you around which is why he constantly second-guesses if you truly love him or just try to deceive him.
Ryuguji Ken
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🐉​Draken is driving you absolutely insane and he is constantly torn apart between pitying you for that or being amused by it. As the second leader of Toman he gets in a lot of fights and whilst he is one of the strongest fighters on the streets there are always some monsters he finds during a brawl with other street gangs which leads to bruises and injuries. He's always quick to reassure you that it looks worse than it is though as his pain tolerance is quite high which is why some injuries that make you wince just by looking at them are things he simply brushes off. He can't help but think that in a way you are very similar to him though. In Toman he has pretty much assumed the role of the bigger brother who looks out for everyone and ends up looking out less for himself as a result due to paying more attention to the people around him. You seem to simply have taken over the part of worrying over him, something that he tends to neglect in favor of seeing it through that his friends and Toman are alright. Both of you act like mother hens around each other though when the other one gets hurt.
🐉​Honestly, he is one of the most mature and wisest people despite his younger age which is why he would give you the easiest time after an abduction. Draken knows that he should allow you some time to process the situation and wait until the worst turmoil of your inner emotions is over before testing the waters with you again. As long as you don't try to escape or act overly reckless you can sulk around all you want if it helps you to cool your head off. It really doesn't take long for you to blow your cover though because Toman seems to love their fights which is why you don't have to wait for too long until Draken returns with bruises and blood all over his clothes though you are sure that most blood doesn't belong to him but whoever he was beating up brutally. Whilst he insists initially once again that he is fine and that you don't have to cater to his wounds ultimately he ends up letting you do as you want, simply noting that you want to do it and that this is probably a good chance to try to pick up the broken pieces of your relationship again.
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animeangel21 · 1 year
Smoke and fuck pt.2
@sweeneyblue1 said: “I feel like Draken and Shinichiro would take real good care of their baby after they've smoked”
And for @fishingwithstring we will be doing tendou and suna ( if anyone knew how down bad i am for suna 😫 )
I agree 1000000% oh my god they would take such good care of their little baby <3
You occasionally found yourself on Drakens couch smoking with him after he works. But your not just sitting in his lap all pretty, you’re sitting in his lap all pretty with his dick in you. He would adjust his hips and your manicured nails would dig into the back of the couch, he’s so deep inside you it hurt how full you felt.
You were always so good for him, sitting so still in his lap and letting him take care of you while you both sat there and passed the blunt back n forth. If you really start to zone out he’ll snap his hips upwards and place his lips on yours to breathe in whatever smoke you had in your mouth and blow it back in your face knowing how it turns you on.
“Eyes on me baby” he said cupping your face with his free hand that wasn’t holding the blunt.
The whites of your eyes were slightly red not too much but enough for him to smirk at you. “What kenny? Why are you looking at me like that?” You said casually as you leaned forward wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Nothin’ just admiring my beautiful girl. Plus I remember telling you to keep your eyes on me” his grip was tighter and you smiled trying not to laugh.
“My bad ken” you let a giggle slip out
“Oh this is funny? Let’s see how funny it is when you’re dumb on dick” he gave your ass a harsh smack and his grip on your hips was bruising as he started to bounce you on his lap.
“K-ken wait slow down!” You tried to get away from his grip on your face but he pulled you closer.
“It was funny huh? Disobeying daddy? Well now you can suffer your consequences like a good girl.” He kissed you so sweetly and his hand smoothed over the area he spanked a minute ago.
“Cum soon and I’ll buy you some snacks.” He mumbled against your lips. And you nodded your head and he kissed your cheek.
“Good girl.”
Unfortunately, as you two finished inupi knocked on the door asking if it was safe to come inside as he didn’t want to disturb you two.
But he himself was very disturbed and kinda turned on.
You two were polar opposites when you met, introduced through Wakasa while being invited to smoke over at the local club he visited quite often and owned.
He didn’t need to say much as you two clicked and you were shin’s first everything and he was your first everything.
You now sat in his lap and rolled up again as his hands traveled up and down your thighs and slowly pushed your skirt upwards. His eyes were focused on your face, how red and glossy your eyes were made you 10 times hotter in shins eyes.
“You sure you can handle that baby?” He said and you readjusted yourself in his lap making the raven haired man groan slightly.
“I think I can, why? You tapping out?” You teased with a kiss to his lips.
“No baby, just making sure you’re gonna be okay while i remind you who usually taps out first.” He said with a laugh while kissing at your neck and sucking hard in several places.
You placed the rolled joint on the side table and moaned softly and arched your back from the feeling of his soft lips.
“Shin,please~” you moaned and his fingers tightened into the fat of your hips and ass.
“What? You wet already? Want me to take care of you baby?” His taller frame under you shifted and you could feel how hot his erection was pressed against your core.
“Ye-yeah. Please baby..” your voice seemed more eager as you leaned forward and pressed your body against his. Rolling your hips over his and pressing your lips against his neck.
His skin was on fire and your lips felt amazing against his neck. You were soaking right through the gray sweats he wore and he knew how you felt after smoking. You kicked the spot on his neck and gave it a bite before sucking it softly.
“Fuck, you’re killing me baby get up for a second.” He groaned and lifted you up with a tight grip on your hips.
You didn’t pull away from his neck but did move your hands down his toned front and pulled his sweats down enough so his erection would spring out and slap against his T-shirt.
“Put it in, let me take care of you princess.” He groaned attempting to pull you from his neck by your nape.
You held his throbbing member in your hand and pushed in with a moan against his neck. “Shin-” his grip tightened and he pushed you down all the way till you’re fully seated in his lap.
“Shh, I got the rest from here you just enjoy the ride”
The next day…
Shin had gotten ready to go to the shop and took another glance at you in the kitchen, he could see the bruising on your hips, thighs, and ass.
“I’ll see you later yeah?” He said walking up to you and placing his coffee cup on the counter.
“ of course baby. Don’t stay too late or I’m gonna have waka drag you out.” You said turning and kissing him.
“I won’t.” He mumbled against your lips before taking his keys and leaving.
“Shin! Where ya at man?” Wakasa’s voice echoed in the garage and shin stood from behind a bike and greeted his friend.
“What’s up? Don’t tell me y/n called you already” he said lighting a cigarette and walking away from his work area.
“No, came to bother. But do you wanna tell me why the hell it looks like your neck was attacked by an animal.” He smirked slightly observing the reddish purple marks on his best friends neck.
“Yeah a little animal named y/n.” He mumbled while making a mental note to get you back for that.
Suna was not only your boyfriend but he was also your dealer. He smoked you out whenever, wherever and most importantly he would always have you tag along especially when he’d have to make a drop off.
Tonight was no different, he wanted his girl with him while he drove around dropping off a couple orders of bud and edibles. You were wearing one of his black sweaters with a pair of shorts and you had the rolling tray in your lap while you rolled up a blunt for yall to smoke with eachother once he had somewhere to park once he’s done.
“Baby hand me that bag.” He said over Brent faiyaz playing through the speakers softly.
You lean forward and grab the black plastic bag at your feet and he opens it up grabbing 2 smaller bags and crumpled it up and held it in his hand.
“Alright, last one for tonight give me a few minutes.” He kissed your cheek and got out. You took a second to actually look around and saw the Osamu’s apartment complex.
Never did you ever think he’d be a stoner in all the years you knew him.
Moments later Suna unlocked the doors and slid in his seat before speeding off and his colder hand fell on your thigh giving it a squeeze and your hand fell on top of his.
“You cold my love?” You mumbled and he nodded so you intertwined your fingers.
“Your thighs are so warm, I want em around my head.” He grins at you causing you to roll your eyes at his comment.
“Hmm, maybe later.” He gave your hand a squeeze.
“Don’t be a tease.” His tone was only slightly serious more so joking but it made your toes curl.
He pulled up to some warehouse that wasn’t abandoned but just never really busy this time of year and you handed him the blunt and he placed it between his lips letting you light it for him.
He took a pretty big hit and you watched him ghost it before blowing it out and unbuckled your seatbelt so you could climb over the middle console and place yourself in his lap.
“Not close enough?” He said looking down at you making you sit up and roll your eyes.
“I’m close enough but it’s not a crime to sit in my boyfriends lap is it?” You took the blunt before he could take another hit and inhaled deeply as he just looked at you with low eyes and a hand on your lower back.
“Right, it’s not a crime but when I’m hard cause of it there’s a problem but, you take care of it every time.” You could feel that he was already semi hard in his black sweats. He looked really good wearing the black hoodie that hugged his figure quite well and his thick toned thighs felt alot warmer than usual under you.
You took another hit while looking at him, and passed it to him and blew it out after you held it in for a second more.
“I would I always do.” He took a hit and his free hand was running over the curve of your ass and up your back in a soft motion.
“When you can take it.” He replied with a lopsided grin. You lean closer to him and he takes a hit and his hand rid up your hand and grips the hair at the base of your neck pulling you closer. His soft lips were against yours and you parted your lips with his and inhaled the same hit he took. He didn’t wait a second after you exhaled and pushed his tongue into your mouth pulling you closer to his mouth.
With a few adjustments of the seat, pulling his sweats and boxers down after putting the blunt into the ashtray so he didn’t burn you, he ran his hand up your thigh and pressed his fingers against your core and the front of your shorts were soaked.
The realization hit him, you had no panties on.
“You’re such a slut for me you didn’t wear panties? You Fucking soaked your shorts baby.” He sucked into your neck pulling the skin between his teeth then moving to another spot.
“Rin need you, please.” You move your hips closer and your fingers dig into the skin on the back of his neck.
“I’m Mm mm mm m-“ he mumbled something into your skin and you could be bothered with what he said cause the way his fingers were running through your slick folds made you brain dead.
“ pay attention or you’re not cumming at all” he said in a serious tone. He felt your hole clench around nothing at all and your slick was running down his middle finger. “ I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you but I need to know if you want me to prep you..not like you’ll need it”
One of your hands tightened in his hair and he bit his lip to keep that moan in his throat. “No rin, want you now”
“Fuck, your pussy feels really good baby.” He groaned holding your hips while lowering you down onto his length.
Your giggle was cut off with a moan “you say that all the time baby”
“Cause you always feel good, always so wet and warm” he said kissing your neck and biting down. His hands still held your hips and he started lifting them and dropping you into his lap.
Your nails dug into his shoulders and your fingers curled in his hair tugged when he started to pick up the pace.
A good night indeed.
Your boyfriend was not one to miss out on the opportunity to smoke with you and spend quality time with you doing other things.
What could that possibly mean? He rolled up and you ran the bath and threw in some vanilla-lavender scented soap and a nice rose scented bath bomb with petals. Once you two settled in, he sat you in his lap chest to chest and he lit the blunt for you.
“Relaxed?” He said with a smile and you look at him with a smile.
“Yes, much better with you here.” You said and kept your dry hand that held the blunt away from the water.
He admired your beauty while taking the blunt and giving you a kiss before taking a hit and cupping your face to bring you in for a kiss.
“Wanna distress a bit more?” He suggestively asked running his thumb over your bottom lip.
“Mm, how do you want me to help you with that baby?” He took another hit and placed the blunt between your fingers and slipped both hands into the water and lifted you up by your hips.
Before he could open his lips and tell you to put it in your smaller hand grabbed his shaft and gave him a few pumps before slipping his fat head into your slick pussy.
“Even in the bath you’re still so wet baby, you wanted me that bad?” He watched your lips wrap around the blunt and take a big pull before putting it in the ashtray.
“For you baby? Always.” Your voice trembled slightly.
His fingertips touched on either side of your waist and he used his grip to grind you in his lap wanting to be careful not to have the bath water spill out too much.
The tip of his dick was pushing right into your g spot and the stimulation on your clit was putting you closer to that edge causing the volume of your moans to increase.
“Fuck baby, you’re so fucking good” he mumbled and smirked into your neck before biting down.
Your nails clawed down his back, the pain caused his own nails to dig into your lower back. He lifted you up and dropped you in his lap as he pleased so his tip was now pressing into your cervix and you were so close to cumming already.
“Baby please, m’ gonna cum. Want more” you moaned and your left hand was holding the back of his neck now digging into his nape.
The pain always got him a lot closer and always caused him to start an unforgivable pace.
“Fuck, me too baby” one of his hands went into your hair and wrapped your locks around his hand and he pulled back so he could kiss you with full tongue.
Nothing could prepare tendou for the feeling of you cumming on his dick, in the bath, in your shared Home, in Paris.
He was truly living his best life with you and wanted nothing more than this.
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cowpokezuko · 1 year
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She's everything. She's just Ken.
UC Irvine au where Tendou is a cheerleader and Ushijima is the captain of the volleyball team.
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outfit-trigger · 1 year
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🐾 POP UP SHOP held 🐾 /
The long-awaited second volume of cat-themed new illustrations ✨
Set released on 6/6/2023
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akq96618 · 1 year
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more 1-C !
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profewriting · 11 months
one day in sniper's daily practice
[ a broken fish rod placed on the table ]
Azuma: "So, who broke it?"
Chika, Touma, Narasaka, Satori, Arafune, Ema: *keep silent*
Azuma: "I'm not mad, I just wanna know."
All: *still silent*
Chika: "I did, I broke it—"
Azuma: "No, no you didn't."
Azuma: "Arafune?"
Arafune: "Don't look at me. Look at Satori."
Satori: "What?! I didn't break it."
Arafune: "Huh. That’s weird. How did you even know it was broken?"
Satori: "Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken!"
Arafune: "Suspicious."
Satori: "No, it’s not!"
Touma: "If it matters, probably not, Ema was the last one to use it."
Ema: "Liar! I don’t even know how to use that!"
Touma: "Oh really? Then what were you doing standing near that table earlier?"
Ema: "I just standing beside Natsume-san (and Amatori-san). Everyone knows that, Touma-senpai."
Chika: "Alright! Let's not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Azuma-san."
Azuma: "No. Who broke it?"
All: *keep silent*
Touma, whispering: "Azuma-san, Narasaka has been awfully quiet…"
Narasaka: "REALLY?!"
Touma: "Yeah, really!"
All: *burst into chaos again*
Azuma: "I broke it."
Azuma: "It slipped from my hands when I'm cleaning it."
Azuma: "I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick."
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realcube · 6 days
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oikawa toru
barbie and ken. it's 100% his idea too. ideally he'd want you to go as the default barbie, with the pink dress and heels, while he'd be surfer ken with his shirt off.
nishinoya yuu
walter white and jesse pinkman. the previous year he had went as pitbull nation (rapper pitbull) with tanaka but he wanted to do a couples costume with you instead this year. so going as walter white meant he could reuse his bald cap. the two of you would go as them when they're wearing their yellow scrubs.
kageyama tobio
pro volleyball players...
kuroo tetsuro
regina george and cady heron. your friends refused to go as the plastics so doing it as a couples costume was your next best bet. when you told kuroo you wanted to do a mean girls inspired costume, he assumed you'd be regina and he'd be aaron. but you insisted he go as cady, since they are a more recognisable duo, and he has a hard time saying no to you. on the bright side, he made it work.
sakusa kiyoomi
men in black. low effort but extremely recognisable. he doesn't pose for the photos properly but it's okay because he's serving face anyway.
kenma kuzome
link and zelda. of course it has to be something video game inspired, but also he's lazy and doesn't want to put too much effort into his costume, so link is ideal since he can just buy the whole thing online. but he'd combust when he sees you as princess zelda tbh.
yamaguchi tadashi
taki tachibana and mitsuha miyamizu. he is lowk a sap for romance movies so he'd flip at the idea of getting to dress as one with you. he wouldn't mind putting time into preparing a costume, but the fact he just needs to dress in his school uniform and a wig is definitely plus tbh.
tsukishima kei
marie antoinette and the cake. tsukishima isn't nessecarily lazy but he doesn't care for halloween and therefore doesn't want to spend a lot of time/money on a costume. you suggest hundreds of low effort costume ideas to him and he rejects them everytime but this one resonates with him. especially as it means he gets to carry around and snack on a slice of cake. let them eat cake!
ushijima wakatoshi
mummies. the ancient egyptian kind, not the parental kind. it's impossible to find many costumes that would fit his stature, so your options are extremely limited. in the end you opt to just roll him up in toilet paper and call it a day.
iwaizumi hajime
spartans. you need an excuse for him to show off those athletic trainer muscles 👀
tendou satori
ringmaster and circus clown. it's up to you which one you'd rather be because he really doesn't mind. on one hand he thinks it would be awesome to dress up as a clown but also he'd love to see you as one, that would be so cute. plus he could definitely rock a red tailcoat.
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dukecarge · 2 months
You when you are Ken Satori, the one and only Double-shot sniper am here.
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me when I am Ken Satori, the one and only Double-shot sniper am here.
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shizukais · 10 months
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itsmeteiiteii · 2 months
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ What if… ♥
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴜʙʙʏ ʙᴏᴅʏ <3
If you enjoy it, please reblog
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Naruto, Kakashi Hatake, Jiraiya, Kiba, Shino, Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Ino Takuma, Toji Fushiguro, Todo Aoi, Inumaki Toge, Choso, Yuji Itadori, Sukuna, Osamu Miya, Atsumu Miya, Bokuto Kotaro, Hinata Shoyo, Tsukishima Kei, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kyotani Kentaro, Ken Ryuguji, Manjiro Sano, Rin Haitani, Ran Haitani, Hanma Shuji, Haikkai Shiba, Sabito, Tomioka Gyuu, Haganesuka Hotaru, Akasa, Rengoku Kyojuro, Murata, Douma, Gyomei Himejima, Hoshina Soshiro, Kafka Hibino, Gen Narumi, Haruchi Izumo, Iharu Furuhashi. + your Fav ♡
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violetarks · 11 months
↣ my hero academia
↠ includes: midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, iida tenya, uraraka ochaco, kaminari denki, kirishima eijiro, yaoyorozu momo, ashido mina, shinso hitoshi, togata mirio, amajiki tamaki, takami keigo (hawks), shigaraki tomura and dabi
↣ tokyo revengers
↠ includes: hanagaki takemichi, sano 'mikey' manjiro, ryuguji 'draken' ken, baji keisuke, matsuno chifuyu, mitsuya takashi, shiba hakkai, kawata 'smiley' nahoya, kawata 'angry' souya, hanma shuji, hanemiya kazutora, kurokawa izana, haitani ran, haitani rindou, sanzu haruchiyo, hitto kakucho, tachibana naoto, tachibana hinata, kawagari senju, sano shinichiro, sano emma
↣ attack on titan
↠ includes: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, jean kirstein, connie springer, sasha braus, ymir, historia reiss, levi ackerman, hange zöe, erwin smith, reiner braun, bertholdt hoover, annie leonheart, zeke jaeger, porco galliard, pieck finger and colt grice
↣ alice in borderland
↠ includes: arisu ryohei, usagi yuzuha, chishiya shuntaro, kuina hikari, aguni morizono, rizuna ann, tatta kodai, karube daikichi and segawa chota
↣ alien stage
↠ includes: mizi, sua, till, ivan, luka and hyuna
↣ chainsaw man
↠ includes: denji, hayakawa aki, power, higashiyama kobeni, kishibe, yoshida hirofumi, mitaka asa, yoru, makima, angel devil, himeno and reze
↣ jujutsu kaisen
↠ includes: itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, zen'in maki, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuta, zen'in mai, miwa kasumi, todo aoi, kamo noritoshi, gojo satoru, nanami kento, sukuna, choso, geto suguru and fushiguro toji
↣ cowboy bebop
↠ includes: spike spiegel, jet black and faye valentine
↣ fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood
↠ includes: ed elric, roy mustang, riza hawkeye, maes hughes, jean havoc, alphonse elric, winry rockbell, ling yao, greedling, greed, envy and lust
↣ ouran high school host club
↠ includes: fujioka haruhi, suoh tamaki, ootori kyoya, hitachiin hikaru, hitachiin kaoru, haninozuka 'honey' mitsukuni and morinozuka 'mori' takashi
↣ haikyuu!!
↠ includes: hinata shouyo, kageyama tobio, tsukishima kei, yamaguchi tadashi, nishinoya yuu, tanaka ryuunosuke, ennoshita chikara, sawamura daichi, azumane asahi, sugawara koushi, haiba lev, kozume kenma, kuroo tetsurou, yaki morisuke, bokuto koutaro, akaashi keiji, kunimi akira, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, goshiki tsutomu, shirabu kenjiro, ushijima wakatoshi, tendou satori, semi eita, sakusa kiyoomi, miya atsumu and miya osamu
↣ the arcana/fictif
↠ includes: asra alnazar, julian devorak, muriel, sage lesath, anisa anka and felix iskandar escellun
↣ steam datings sims
↠ includes: cove holden, everett gray, nate lawson, bae pyoun, nightowl, xyx, quest and micah yujin
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damn-stark · 9 months
Colors of the wind
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Takes place in-between chapter 10 of Sugar
A/N- Nanami Kento, the man that you are
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, FLUFF!! long chapter.
Pairing- Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader, Choso x Gojo!fem-reader
Takes place in between chapter 10
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
“Nanamin!” You greet him excitedly when you spot him approaching your car; even though you told him to wait for you inside the restaurant.
“Hey,” he greets back and picks up his pace to help you open the door. “I thought I’d come help you.”
You laugh softly and try to reach over to take out the baby’s carrier, but Nanami shoves a pink gift bag in your hand and basically pushes you out of the way to try and get it out himself.
“Here?” He asks and points to the button that releases the car seat.
You part your lips to argue, but he’s too much of a gentleman to listen, so you just hum in agreement and watch him not even struggle to take out the carrier for the first time.
You struggled for a while to secure it and take it out—It’s true you haven’t gone out much since Satori’s been born, but you’ve barely managed to master it yourself.
“You’re a natural,” you compliment Nanami after you close the door.
Nanami secures his hold around the handle and waits for you to catch up to head to the restaurant. “It’s not that hard.” He retorts.
You pout but don’t rebuttal, you just reach over to carry your baby’s carrier, but his eyes fall on you and he shakes his head. “It’s all right,” he assures you.
You narrow your gaze on him, but you can’t help but smile at his politeness.
“You look nice,” he adds instead. “You doing okay?”
You nod. “Yeah. That’s the neat thing about being able to use RCT, I healed my body after. The only pain now is these late nights, but I’m lucky to have Suguru. He wakes up to feed her, but I worry that she’s not breathing so I don’t get much sleep.” You giggle shyly at your confession and see him smile at you.
“I’m surprised you wanted to hang out,” he says and opens the door for you to walk inside first. “And I’m more surprised Suguru let you be out in such a non-sorcerer-infested place with his baby,” he mocks.
You feign a laugh and quip in his defense. “Our baby, and he can’t lock her up because he hates humanity, she’s a baby. And until he does something about all these non-sorcerers, or if he changes his mind about hating them then he has to deal with it until she can decide what she wants.”
“Table for two?” The server asks when you reach the stand.
You nod. “And a carrier stand,” you add with a feigned smile.
The server nods in comprehension and holds her finger up before she walks off, letting Nanami add to your conversation.
“That was very well said.”
You partially turn to face him and offer him a smug smile before you comment on something else. “And I wanted to hang out because I wanted you to meet Satori, and because I was bored of being stuck at home; Suguru is going to be gone all day for the first time since I reached my last month of being pregnant, so I wanted to do something.”
Nanami hums and before he can add something to the conversation the server comes back with a carrier stand and opens the little gate to let Nanami and you pass through.
When you reach the table at a far end corner of the room, Nanami secures the carrier on the stand, and when you take your seats the server takes your drinks before finally letting you address the baby in the room Nanami has only seen through the hundreds of pictures you send him.
“You ready to meet her?” You basically squeal and don’t wait for what he has to say before you zip open the cover that protects her, catching right away that her eyes are wide open. “Oh, and she’s awake! Good morning my little love.”
The baby blinks, and you unbuckle her before you carefully take out your chubby baby. “Nanamin,” you speak softly and turn her around in your arms so she can face him. “I want you to meet Satori Geto.”
You glance over at your friend and grin brightly as you show her off to him, seeing a bright and proud smile on his usually hardened face.
“Satori,” you speak in a soft and sweet voice. “This is your uncle Kento Nanami. Don’t worry he may look angry all the time, but he’s turned out to be a big softy.”
Satori is only two months old, so she just fidgets and stares at him intensely with her father's deep brown eyes.
“She’s very beautiful,” Nanami says, letting you cradle her in your arms and offer him a much gentler smile.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“She looks like him too. A lot more in person than in pictures.”
You laugh and nod. “She does, doesn't she? Suguru says he doesn’t see it, but I do. And you do, right?” you direct at your baby, making her coo at you.
“I brought her a present,” Nanami cuts in and reaches over the table to take the present he had shoved in your hands earlier. “I hope you like it.”
You drift your eyes over to him, and since you’re carrying the baby, he pulls out a small square box from the bag for you and opens the box to pull out a small golden bracelet.
“Oh,” you breathe out with tears filling your eyes. “It’s very nice. Too nice, Kento. You shouldn’t have.”
Nanami shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it,” he argues. “I’m more than happy to give her this. You’re my best friend after all.”
You let out a happy sigh and watch as he puts the bracelet under the light to show off her name inscribed on the rich metal, making your eyes soften, and your smile tremble. “Oh, Kenny…” you mumble in disbelief.
“She may grow out of it,” he says with a soft smile. “But you can always add more golden links to make it bigger as she grows. I know you have the money for that.”
You laugh breathlessly and nod while you take the bracelet from his grasp.
“It’s lovely,” you tell him and show it to Satori even though she has no idea what it is you’re holding. “Look at it, it has your name on it.”
Satori curiously watches the gold glimmer under the light, and you continue to admire the bracelet again before you admire your friend. “Thank you Kento,” you direct warmly at your friend.
Nanami offers you a tiny smile and you let your gaze linger on him as you feel your heart overfill with nothing but gratitude and fondness, assuring you for the hundredth time that reaching out to him was one of the best decisions you’ve made.
“Don’t cry,” he scolds you when he catches your gaze and notices you on the brink of tears. “It’s just a present…besides people will be nosy if they see you cry.”
You drop your gaze back to the bracelet and smile in amusement.
“Here are your drinks,” the server startles you, but you don’t give her your attention until it’s time to order. And since you’ve been here before there’s only one thing you craved from this place, so you don’t take your time to look through the menu; nor does Nanami, so the interaction is quick.
Except the server does add one more thing before. “Can I just say you make a very lovely family.”
You snap your eyes to the server and begin to grin mischievously.
“Oh, we’re not—”
“Oh, thank you,” you cut Nanami off and touch your chest as you pretend to be touched by her compliment. “You’re so sweet.”
The server smiles and walks off, letting Nanami groan while you snicker as you meet his gaze.
“Won’t it be funny when they notice that Satori has raven black hair while you're blond, and my hair is white?” You share the idea behind your lie. “It’s a bit scandalous.”
Nanami judges you from his seat and shakes his head in disapproval. “Not really, no,” he deadpans.
You snicker, and he quips.
“You've spent too much time inside, I think.”
You click your tongue and hum in agreement.
“And I’ll have this for dessert,” you point out to the server.
“And for you?” The server asks Nanami.
You look over and see this new server bat her eyelashes at Nanami, making you stifle a laugh and get hit on your shin in return.
When the server leaves you burst out laughing. “I should’ve made a scene,” you immediately say. “Are you flirting with my husband? Don’t you see our baby that looks nothing like him?!” You gasp dramatically and Nanami rolls his eyes.
“You’re embarrassing,” he grumbles.
You snicker and pick up your baby off her carrier to walk over and push Nanami further down his booth.
“Do you want to hold her?” You ask since you have time now and you know she won’t cry because she’s been fed.
Nanami stiffens as if faced with an impossible situation. “Well,” he stammers. “I don’t know.”
You giggle and shake your head. “Don’t worry about it. We were sorcerers for goodness sake. How much harder can holding a baby be? Just cradle her in your arms.”
Nanami reluctantly folds his arms, and you carefully place Satori on them, making his breaths shudder as if he feared such a helpless baby.
“It’s okay,” you assure him. “You’re doing great. You’re a natural.”
Nanami huffs and looks down at baby Satori in his arms.
“If I drop her, tell Geto it was you,” he mutters.
You scoff and lean over to rest your chin on his shoulder to watch Satori as she watches Nanami with her dark eyebrows slowly pinching together.
“She has a lot of hair,” he comments on the fact.
You hum in agreement and smile brightly as Satori’s eyes water and her bottom lip trembles.
“She’s going to cry, take her,” Nanami panics and turns, but you don’t reach over to help him, you just continue to reassure him.
“She won’t cry. Even if she does, well, she needs to know her dad and I can’t be the only ones carrying her. Plus she likes Yuki, and she’s got a rambunctious spirit. How can she not like you?” You compliment him. “You have a very gentle spirit, just loosen up a bit.”
Nanami lets out a frustrated breath, but he drops his shoulders. And without needing to be told he begins to sway her in his warm and muscular arms that nestle her like a warm security blanket. And that calms her down.
“See,” you praise him and nudge his arm. “Natural. If Haibara could you see now.”
Nanami lets out a breathless laugh and his smile widens at the thought.
“Oh my god,” you suddenly change the subject as a thought pops into your mind. “I should take a picture and set you up on a dating profile!” You exclaim and hug his arm. “Women go nuts over men with cute babies.”
“Satori is not my daughter,” Nanami points out as if you don’t know.
“So? You won't lie about that, it’s just bait,” you explain mischievously. “You don’t need to be a father, holding a baby is good enough.”
Nanami side eyes you and you meet his gaze with a smug look.
“Don’t,” he deadpans.
“Don’t,” you mock him and pull your phone out, seeing that you have a message from none other than your husband.
Suguru: How are you doing? You girls doing okay? Do you need me to go pick you up?
You smile and respond to him first.
You: Nope, we’re doing fine ;) talk later
The moment you send the message, you go search on the internet for dating websites.
“Stop,” Nanami warns you.
You peel away from his side and find an okay site so you quickly move your fingers to sign up as Nanami.
“Name,” you read out loud. “Kento Nanami. Age? 21, but your birthday is next month, so almost 22 years old. Height…how tall are you Nanamin?” You ask and peek at him to try and guess.
Yet he’s no help, he tries to reach over, but you drag your ass back and point at him. “Baby in your arms, don’t try anything,” you warn him amusingly and add a white lie. “6’1 and a half.” You smirk. “Hobbies? Reading, smart-mouthing people, long walks on the beach, and…uh going to bakeries.”
“Occupation!” You cut him off and chuckle. “Uh, what do you do again?” You ask and look at him, but he glares at you so you avoid the question. “It doesn't matter. Now what do you look for in a woman? Someone loyal and looking for commitment, someone who wants a family and understands that life is hard and that there's so much more to this world that a lot of people don’t understand.”
Nanami snorts softly. “You’ll scare them away instead of attracting them.”
A smirk tugs on your lips and you scroll up fast to click on the profile picture. “Now,” you change the subject. “Smile! But don’t make it too creepy either!”
Nevertheless, just as you click on the button, Nanami reaches out so all you get is a picture of his palm before he snatches your phone from your hand.
You pout. “You’re no fun! You didn’t have to talk to them, I could’ve set it all up,” you complain.
Nanami deletes the page you were on and slides your phone on the table, making you huff out and cross your arms over your chest. “Do you even have any friends besides me?” You ask him. “And work friends don’t count.”
Nanami looks down at Satori and tugs her blanket over her arm, letting you take that silence as an answer.
“No, you don’t! Am I the only woman you talk to?” You go back to teasing him. “Maybe you should go back to your emo phase.” You snort. “Some women like broody men. You were very broody back in the day.”
Nanami ignores you and you nudge his arm. “It’s okay. I’ll find you, someone. You know, this woman joined our organization, her name is Manami. She’s pretty, a bit mean-looking, but hey you have that in common!”
Nanami sighs, and you smile with pride over the fact that you can get him this bothered.
“Anway!” You roll out and grab your phone before you slide off the seat. “I need to use the restroom. I won’t be long, but if she does cry, her binky is in her carrier—”
“Wait,” he cuts you off with concern.
You wave him off. “Just keep carrying her and you’ll be fine. She’s not fussy, and I won’t be long.” You add and turn. However, before you can walk away you peer over your shoulder and interject smugly. “And hey, maybe you can, I don’t know, catch someone’s eye.” You snicker and hear him groan so you walk off in a prideful stride.
On your way to the restroom, you check your phone and see that Suguru sent another message.
Suguru: Come home soon.
Your nose scrunches with disgust at the command he just sent. Which is very unlike him.
Come home? And not only that but he put a period at the end of the sentence. Tsk.
Then again, you haven’t really gone out since Satori’s been born, and when you would go out he’d be with you in places less crowded than this.
But even then who does he think he is bossing you around like that? Especially when you’re with Nanami, someone he knows and trusts.
It’s why you simply send him a dry message.
You: I’ll see
Now you'll send him something when you’re on your way home now. He doesn’t deserve cute updates.
Which is why you put your phone on silent before you put it away as you continue walking.
Nevertheless, just before you can reach the hall that leads to the restrooms you have to cut around the entrance, and just as you’re going to do that, you actually stiffen right away as you’re struck with immediate fear the moment you see…your father.
Of all the people you could see here, you see him.
And he’s not alone, but he’s not with anyone else from your family either. It looks like he’s with business partners.
Which should indicate him not catching you standing all dumbfounded, but he does. He looks right at you, and rather than facing him with a hardened and confident glare like you had imagined in your head all your interactions would go, you actually duck your head as if it was still something you still practiced.
Your father actually steals your breath away as you see him approaching you.
However, just as you thought he’d come stand before you he comes to a halt a foot away and scoffs.
He doesn’t say anything else though, he doesn't do anything either, he just scoffs. But you can identify that sound as disapproval.
It makes you want to react, to snap back with only a lick of the rage you harbor for him and the rest of your family, but you can’t move a muscle out of fear. No matter how much you want to. You stand there, paralyzed, until you watch his feet turn away. After that, you can only lift your head to notice the pride in his step after he provoked such a weak reaction from you.
After you can no longer see him you shift your feet to storm out of the restaurant and shoot Nanami a quick text.
You: Pay the tab and meet me outside. Please.
You get no response, but you know he’ll listen so you wait, and want to look nonchalant, as if you still aren’t breathing heavily and feel remnants of fear.
Alas, when Nanami meets up with you holding Satori and the things you left behind that discomfort and fear are obvious to him, so he doesn’t bombard you with questions, he instead helps you put Satori in the car.
“I’m sorry,” you break your silence a few minutes later.
Nanami steals a worried glance at you but he doesn’t push. “It’s okay,” he assures you. “Where to next?”
You can’t say you enjoyed the rest of the day after coming across your father. He might’ve not done or said anything, but seeing him was enough to make you live through years of bad memories you had let go of. And it honestly felt like bile wanted to rise up the rest of the day until you returned to the safety of your house and saw Suguru.
Yet when you got home he was more quiet than usual, but since neither of you like talking about your problems in front of the girls, you don’t probe until you’re finally alone at night.
“What’s wrong?” You ask softly and slither your hands under his shirt as you lean your head over his shoulder. “You’ve been quiet.”
Suguru peers back and glances at your lips before he kisses you, making you smile and take him for a deeper kiss.
“You know,” you add between the kiss. “Why don’t we go take a shower together and let me treat you tonight, hm? Before your daughter wakes up to eat, hm?”
Suguru lingers in the kiss for a moment longer before he stops and speaks against your parted lips as you still crave for more. “Let’s talk first.”
You pull back and look at him with concern.
“Come sit,” he says and pats the empty seat next to him.
You let out a small sigh and walk around the couch to sit beside him with your legs resting on the couch. And even if you have an idea what this is about, you still don’t attempt to address anything and wait for him instead.
“You know I trust you,” he starts off by saying, making you slowly furrow your eyebrows. “I trust Nanami…but…I don’t trust monkeys.”
Oh…okay…this is where this is going.
“And it’s why I don’t feel comfortable with you going out there with my baby.”
You blink repeatedly in disbelief and scoff down at your nails as you go over what he just said, knowing well he’s being serious with this concern, and he wasn’t really leaning towards a debate.
This is what the command was about earlier too. His discomfort with his daughter being surrounded by non-sorcerers.
You should’ve known. It should’ve been obvious.
“Our daughter,” you correct him with bitterness slowly lacing through your voice. “She’s my daughter too, Suguru.”
“I know,” he speaks softly before he reaches over to grab your hand. “Darling, she can have a life here. You both can. We’re building up our community stone by stone, but there’s a life to be had amongst these walls, and in the facilities.”
You clench your jaw and slowly slide your hand away from his soft grasp.
“She’s my daughter too, Suguru,” you argue softly at first and finally meet his calm gaze. “I carried her, I birthed her, me. She’s my daughter too. She’s our human daughter who doesn’t deserve to be locked away like some prisoner because of our ideals.”
Suguru holds your gaze and his collected and calm expression falls and forms to express his annoyance.
“She’s still a baby, but what good is it for her to be just at home?” You continue to argue. “I know you don’t like non-sorcerers, I don’t like them either, but Suguru, there’s nothing we can do about it as long as they’re still roaming everywhere. Which is why you can’t control her, she needs to see the world, she doesn’t deserve to just know these walls or these people.”
“I know,” Suguru counters and his face slowly hardens. “And she won’t just know us, there’s many sorcerers she will meet and interact with. There’s a lot of the world she can see without being surrounded by all those people.”
“The world is filled with those people,” you snap back. “It might be a safe place here, but even your facility holds people like that. You can’t hide her from the world, and choose what she has to follow, she’s a baby! She’s two months old, Suguru. And until you manage to get rid of all of them then it’s up to her to decide what she wants to follow, and who she wants to be surrounded by. Until then I will continue to take her out with me. Do you understand, or do you not trust me to take her out?” You ask with frustration seeping out through your heavy breaths.
“I trust you,” Suguru quickly says before he swallows thickly and pulls himself closer to you to try and take your hands.
However, you yank them away and get off the couch instead.
“But,” he continues and slowly gets off the couch too. “I don’t want our daughter out there. What if something happens? What if they do something to all of you when I’m not there? They’re bad people, selfish, and cruel.”
“I know that!” You cut in. “I know that, but I’m with her. I’m with all of them. I’m strong now. You don’t need to worry, and you can’t hide her away because you’re scared of something that hasn’t happened or that will probably never happen.”
“I’m not scared, I’m worried,” he argues and steps towards you, and you let him be close. “I don’t like knowing that she’s out there.”
“So what?” You interject angrily. “Do you prefer us to be locked away here?”
“Yes,” Suguru quickly says, causing you to gasp and step back—“if it keeps you both safe. Then yes. Is that what you want to hear? Does that make me a bad person?”
Your eyes water out of anger, but you don’t shed a tear, you step forward and point your finger at his chest. “Yes,” you sneer and spin around sharply to storm away.
Suguru doesn’t fret to follow after you and continues to argue but in a much quieter voice this time so the twins won’t hear. “Wait, y/n, wait. Listen to me—”
“Don’t,” you interrupt him. “I thought you were someone who let us all live the way we wanted to live without being some dictator, but maybe I’m wrong.”
“It’s not that, and you know it.”
You roll your eyes and make a beeline towards the closet in your room to take out a leather traveling bag, making Suguru quickly change the subject the moment he sees it.
“What are you doing?” He asks quietly as he’s slowly filled with disbelief.
“I’m leaving,” you quickly let him know.
Suguru lags behind as you yank back the drawers of your dresser to throw in your clothes without giving it any thought when you’re usually so precise about what you wear.
“Wait, baby, wait,” he keeps insisting and strides to you to take your wrist and pull you back so you can face him. “Don’t do this. This is plain petty and foolish. You don’t need to leave, let’s talk.”
You shake your head. “If we talk now we won’t go anywhere. It’ll be such an exhausting cycle and we’ll only hurt each other more than you’ve already hurt me. So no,” you make yourself clear and pull your wrists away. “Think about what it is you want. When you’ve come to your senses you can call me and then we can talk. Until then we’re leaving.” You twist around and continue to shove your clothes into the bag before you throw in clothes for Satori.
“No,” you cut him off louder as you continue to pack. “No. I know this life you want. I’ve lived that life. I’ve been controlled, I grew up with people like that. We may have not shared the same exact ideals, but I know that life and it may not seem that way now, but if you continue wanting to control Satori’s life without letting her weigh on it, without letting her live in it, then this will turn out like that. Dictators in the shadows who don’t bother to love their children because they’re too busy trying to control them.”
“I’m not like that,” he whispers.
You peer back at him with tears finally crawling down your cheeks as you feel your heartache at what you’re choosing to do. “Not yet,” you say honestly.
“Look,” you sigh. “I don’t like non-sorcerers, I will follow you to the ends of the world to fight for what we want…but until we have the world we want then we have no choice but to endure. I don’t like that so many non-sorcerers are around her either, but you can’t lock her away here. That’s not freedom, and she’ll just grow up either hating us for what we’re keeping her from, or spiteful about the world. I want our daughter to grow up good. In a good home, and with choices that she can take. Until you can understand that then we can come back home.”
Suguru’s eyes begin to gleam with tears, and he parts his lips, but all that comes out is a breath of air.
You still wait and hope he’s come to his senses but he drops his head and remains still, letting you exhale a deep shaky breath before you finish packing and move to get the twins.
“What’s going on?” Mimiko asks.
You sigh deeply and try not to make them worry. “Mimiko, Nanako, grab your jackets and pack some clothes in your empty backpacks, okay? We’re going away for a few days.”
Nanako rubs her eyes and looks at the door before looking at you. “Why?” She asks.
“We’re just getting away from home for a little while, like a trip,” you lie so they don’t worry. “I’m going to get your sister and get the car ready.”
You quickly go out knowing they’ll listen, and when you go into Satori's Room and Suguru is already in there.
“Suguru,” you plead.
“Please,” he insists.
You walk up to him, making him peer back at you.
“I grew up being controlled, I had to rely on my brother to have a sense of freedom…that’s not good. He was a good brother, but it shouldn't have been that way.”
Suguru nods and looks back at Satori. “She doesn’t like being cold, just like you,” he says softly.
You nod and pick her up off her cradle. She moves and groans, but she doesn’t wake up, letting you continue to get her ready to leave.
Once you’ve packed all you need for Satori, and have her neatly tucked in her carrier, you go out to the car and the twins don’t take long to follow. It’s only when you’re all in the car without Suguru that Nanako asks about him watching from the front door.
“Is Geto not coming along?”
You shake your head as you begin to reverse. “No, he’ll catch up to us later.”
“Oh,” Mimiko whispers. “Okay.”
When you’re ready to drive off you spare one last glance at Suguru and frown with discontent since you don’t like doing this, but you can’t live the way he wants. You can’t let your daughters live through that. He needs to realize that. And to do it he needs to think it over alone.
Which is why you drive over to Nanami’s place.
It’s not so late, but you don’t want to drive around looking for a good hotel to stay at. If Suguru doesn’t figure his stuff out by tomorrow then you’ll stay somewhere else. Until then, you go to the home of the only person you have outside of your growing family; your best and most trusted friend.
And when you knock on the door with your daughters and your bags, he opens the door, studies all of you, reads the state you're in, and just like you assumed, he doesn’t ask questions.
“Can we stay here tonight?” You ask regardless.
Nanami nods and steps to the side, letting you all inside before he closes the door behind you.
“Hi Nanami!” Both the twins greet the man happily.
“Hello girls, it’s nice to see you. You can watch TV if you want. It's on, just change it.” He lets them know kindly as you both watch them wander over there already.
When they’re out of ear shot you face your friend. “I’m sorry, I know it’s getting late, but I didn’t want to be looking around—”
“It’s okay,” he cuts you off. “I don’t work tomorrow either way. I was just watching the news…are you okay?” He doesn’t hold back from asking as the twins plop down on his couch.
“I am,” you assure him after a deep breath.
Nanami studies you to try and read you, but you turn away and walk over to the living room too.
“You can all sleep in my room,” Nanami quickly offers. “It's big enough for all four of you.”
“Nanamin,” you try to argue, but he quickly rebuttals like the gentleman he is.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind the couch. You have three kids, and you’re tired, I am not. I can do the couch.”
You hold his gaze to challenge him, but you’ll go nowhere with him so you just give it up and accept his offer with full-hearted gratitude.
“Thank you,” you whisper with a small smile. “I owe you.”
You laugh softly and look at the twins now. “Okay, you two, bedtime. It’s late for you both as it is. We can watch TV tomorrow.”
The twins groan, but they don’t argue, letting this progress be a lot easier than you thought it would be. Thankfully.
If only sleep for you could be as easy, but you can’t even keep your eyes closed. You just watch your baby sleeping away without a worry, with her hand on her chest in the same way Suguru sleeps sometimes. You watch her to make sure she’s breathing and see her smile when she seems to have a good dream.
You think of Suguru too. You miss him and it’s only been a few hours.
You miss his smell, his arms, and his lips pressing kisses on you when you’re trying to sleep. Especially after you’ve had sex.
You miss him, but you can’t just drop what you were upset about because of that reason. He needs to know that what he wants isn’t right for his daughter. Everything else doesn’t matter, but she does. The three of them do…
But…what if he doesn’t understand? Will you go back for your daughter's sakes? You won’t be happy with the way he wants things—but do you want them to grow up without both of their parents?
No. He doesn’t want that either, so he’ll understand, he’ll try for you and Satori.
He will…won’t he?
“Damn,” you exhale deeply and sit up.
You need water now…
And surprisingly enough when you go out Nanami is still awake watching some movie.
“Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?” You ask him as you walk to his kitchen.
“Aren’t you?” He counters.
You shrug nonchalantly. “Couldn't.”
“Hm. Yeah, it seems we have that in common.”
Before you grab the cup you say it again. “I’m sorry. You must miss your bed. I’m sorry.”
“Shut up,” he snaps. “I told you it’s fine. And it is, I just can’t sleep. It happens.”
You hum and serve yourself water. Once your cup is halfway, instead of returning to the room, you sit beside him.
“So,” he interjects. “Are you okay? Did he do something?”
You scoff softly and shake your head. “No, no. We had a pretty significant disagreement. I just needed to leave,” you share.
Nanami hums and holds your gaze for a while before he sighs deeply and adds, “if he does something. You tell me.”
You smile softly and pat his hand. “I got it handled if he does. Don’t worry. I’ll just come cry to you after.”
“That’s fine,” he assures you, making your smile widen. “You know my doors are always open for you and the girls.”
You draw in a deep shaky breath and nod in comprehension. “Thank you, Nanamin…” you trail off and your smile falls.
“What?” He inquires as he doesn’t miss your expression.
“What if we never come around to agree? What do I do then?” You voice your concern. “I mean…my home, my life, it’s all there with him. My brother doesn’t talk to me, I left everything behind for Suguru. What if we never agree with each other about this matter?”
Nanami lets out a deep breath and shrugs. “Then you start your life alone with your girls. You have the money and the resources. And if you don’t want that then you kick him out. You’re strong without him. And you didn’t leave for him, you left for yourself. Remember that.”
You sniffle and nod softly, but still argue. “I know, but I guess it’s not really about that is it? He’s all I know.”
“No, now you know your daughters, y/n, you don’t live for him. You live for them and for you. You’re not alone, and if you lose him you still have so much to live for. I mean…today you did a selfish thing for your daughters. And I know you’re married, and I hear your doubts, but you still left for their own good and yours. Don’t you see that? You’re just hurting and overthinking right now that’s all.”
Tears run down your cheeks and even if you still ache at the thought of never getting back with Suguru, Nanami is right. And he does help break that doubting cloud forming over your already pained heart.
“Besides,” he adds. “Besides all that, I’m here.”
You look at him and he gently wraps his hand around yours, making you carefully squeeze him back and smile all wobbly.
“You only have one room,” you point out. “We don’t all fit here.”
Nanami snorts. “You’re the rich one we could move.”
You grin. “By a beach?” You play along.
He nods. “Sure.”
“And we'll have a porch swing?” You continue, making his nose scrunch as he rebuttals.
“We’re getting too ahead of ourselves. I’d be your roommate. Nothing more.”
You never meant it that way, but you still play along and snicker. “Roommate? Until what? You find a girl to go live with? Oh wait, you can’t do that because you don’t talk to any.”
Nanami snatches his hand away, and you chuckle.
“Actually,” he speaks up quietly as he averts his gaze. “A got a number from one of the girls at the restaurant.”
You gasp and lean forward with shock. “What?! Really?!” You ask excitedly.
“Be quiet,” he warns you sharply.
“What? Really?” You whisper and giggle. “That’s so exciting.”
“Damn, do you want to talk to her or what?” He mutters as he sees how excited you’re getting.
“It was the baby wasn’t it?” You probe tauntingly. “Hm?”
Nanami rolls his eyes and hesitates before he nods. “Yeah, it was the baby.”
You gasp and pretend to be wounded. “How could you do that to me? To our baby? It’s a good thing she’s not yours. There I said it.”
Nanami narrows his eyes on you and doesn’t hold back. “You’re so weird.”
You laugh, and he smiles down at his hands.
“Text her tomorrow and say “I just wanted to check if this is the right number or a fluke, is it?” You try to help him out. “And don’t text right away—actually no, don’t wait. I really hated when Suguru would make me wait.”
“No,” Nanami retorts, making you pout. “I’m not taking advice from you. You’ve only been with one man all your life.”
You drop your jaw and touch your chest as if he wounded you. “Untrue—”
“Your middle school boyfriend doesn’t count,” he cuts you off.
You smirk and shake your head. “Nope,” you correct him. “There’s also this other guy before I went to school too. He worked at my family house. He was two years older than me, but he was my boyfriend. Secret boyfriend. No one knew, not even Satoru.”
Nanami shoots you a perplexed gaze so you defend yourself.
“It’s true. He had, uh, brown hair that went down to his shoulders. He had, like, almost hazel eyes. And he was dreamy, but then I left for school so we dumped each other.”
“Still,” he scoffs unconvinced. “I won’t take advice from you.”
You pout and wave him off. “Whatever, whatever,” you dismiss him.
Nanami smiles softly and a moment of silence falls, letting a question sink into his mind he had earlier but never asked for your sake. However, now you’re sitting on a couch, sharing a good and intimate moment without your daughters interrupting, so he needs to ask.
“Why did we leave the restaurant in such a hurry earlier?”
Your smile falls and your shoulders tense at the memory. You almost don’t want to share a thing, but you do because you need to tell someone. “I saw…my father. When I was going to the restroom, I ran into him. He was there, we locked eyes and I just saw…froze. I-I felt scared, but like I still wanted to please him. In the back of my head, I hoped he’d compliment my posture, or-or anything really, but at the same time I was mostly overrun by fear.” You shake your head and scoff. “I felt so powerless, I hated it.”
“It’s normal, he hurt you,” Nanami tries to console you. “That reaction is normal. Did he say anything?”
You shake your head. “He came up to me, but he didn’t say a thing…I’m surprised he even came up to me at all. In his eyes, I’m banished. No one.”
“He probably went up to you looking for your reaction,” Nanami shares.
You huff and nod stiffly. “Yeah,” you whisper and share a breathless laugh. “And I gave him what he wanted. I’m so stupid…and weak.”
“Y/N,” Nanami scolds you.
You sigh. “I’m sorry. I just…I’ve ran scenarios in my head of moments like that happening, and I tell him off, I stand up for myself every time, but when it comes down to it…I can’t even muster the strength to lift my head.”
“You don't need to,” your friend tries to assure you and reaches over to take your hand in his. “You have a life you’re proud of. A life you’re happy about, and
one you’re doing so much in, like being a good mother, a leader, a model, and a strong fearless sorcerer. Let that be enough.”
You wish it could be, but it isn’t. Not when it comes to your parents. But you don’t argue or this will go on for hours. You just smile to assure him and lean your head on his shoulder to find comfort in him.
“Thank you,” you whisper and smoothly change the subject. “You really are my greatest friend. I love you Kento.”
Said man stays quiet for a few minutes before he whispers back, “I love you too.”
You genuinely smile and hug his arm.
“Now try to sleep,” he tells you almost threateningly.
You giggle softly and nod. “I’ll try…” you trail off and close your eyes. He’d prefer you went back to the bed, but he doesn’t move, he lets you snooze off on his shoulder just like you would when you were in school; when you were in the car on your way home after a draining mission.
However, this time he doesn’t wake you up so you can get up, he doesn’t wait for anyone to come wake you up so you can get off him. He leaves you be until you grow uncomfortable and wake up to drag yourself back to bed.
Suguru: “I want to talk to you now. I’ll be right there soon.”
He doesn’t even need to ask where you are, he already knows where you went to in your moment of desperation.
Actually, he’d hoped you would come to Nanami’s house and not go to some hotel. So he’s glad you were here.
And you’re glad he’s coming and doesn’t need to ask where you are. You do understand that him coming doesn’t mean there’s a solution, he can still be stuck on his idea, but you did fear he’d just leave you behind and not bother to fight for you and your family.
He wasn’t like that, you know, but you still feared he wouldn’t come.
You even feared that he’d text you and not show up at the last minute…but there he is, standing across the street from Nanami’s apartment building with a bouquet of red hibiscus flowers in his hand, and a tiny smile on his lips; while his long raven black hair flows back because of the light gusts of wind; making him look almost majestic.
Neither of you wait for each other to reach the other, you walk towards each other and meet halfway on the crosswalk.
“You came,” You whisper with relief overflowing from your voice.
Suguru scoffs softly and grabs your shoulders to gently push you back as walks you both away from the crosswalk.
“Of course I did,” he whispers. “You’re my family, my wife, and the mother of my daughter. Of course, I came.”
When you notice you’re by a bench you come to a stop and grab his face, seeing eye bags under his eyes that weren’t there yesterday, while half of his hair isn't tied back, it’s all draped down over his back.
“Suguru you didn’t sleep,” you point out.
Said man lowers his eyes and scoffs. “The house was quiet,” he mumbles. “I woke up at the usual time Satori wakes up to eat, and I couldn’t fall asleep.”
You hum and tilt your head down to meet his gaze. “I couldn't sleep either,” you confess. “And Satori had a hard time. She missed you.”
A soft smile tugs on his lips at the mention.
“I missed you,” you whisper.
Suguru straightens up and puts the flowers on the bench to take your hands and cup them in his grasp, basking your flesh with his warmth.
“I thought about what you said,” he says. “I went over it in my head a hundred times, and you’re right. It’s not fair of me to want our daughter to be kept away because of who I hate. She doesn’t deserve that, neither of them do. You don’t. I…still don’t feel safe having her around all those monkeys,” he says with animosity, “but,” he sighs. “Having her kept behind the four walls of our home won't do her any good.”
With a deep exhale you let out the weight that had sat on your chest since you left and move your hands from his grasp to cradle his hands instead.
“It’s our world too and she deserves to live in it,” he continues. “Once she’s old enough, if I still haven’t given you and her the world you deserve, then she gets to decide what she wants. Until then, who am I to stop her from seeing what this world holds? I can’t hide her. I know that now.”
“Good, good,” you whisper and bring his hands to kiss his knuckles.
Suguru chuckles shyly, and quickly rebuttals by cupping your cheeks and pulling you close.
“I’m sorry,” you cut in as he parts his lips. “There could’ve been a different way to handle things instead of leaving. I’m sorry.”
Suguru shakes his head and argues. “No, no. You did what you thought was right. Forgive me for being arrogant and hardheaded.”
You sigh and nod in agreement. “Let’s…just promise to resolve things before we go to bed, hm? Even if it takes hours let's try and handle things like adults before going to bed angry.”
Suguru hums and nods. “Yeah, I like the sound of that.”
You grin at him and throw your arms around his neck, making him smirk and glance at your lips before he leans in and gently presses his lips on yours to take your lips and begin kissing you as if he’s gone years without tasting you.
Not like you’re any different, you kiss him passionately and with burning desire, making sure to savor every inch of his lips with yours, and taking your time to do it.
However, you do have people waiting on you, so you both pull back even if you ache for more.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers against your lips. “Will you forgive me?”
“Suguru,” you whisper and smile. “Of course I do. Will you forgive me?”
Your husband grins and nods.
You beam at him and pull him for an embrace, making him wrap his arms around your waist and hold your back.
“I love you,” he murmurs.
“I love you too,” you don’t hesitate to return softly.
You linger in his arms for a while, and when you do eventually pull back he holds onto one hand and pulls you with him as he reaches over to pick up the bouquet.
“This is for you,” he shares and hands you the beautiful flowers.
“Oh,” you coo. “Now how’d you know these were my favorite?”
Suguru shrugs. “My wife told me,” he plays along.
You giggle and press your finger on his chest, making him look down at it and watch as you trace a mindless circle on his toned chest that you feel even through his clothes.
“Now, now,” you speak in a silky voice. “Is this wife of yours—”
“Beautiful?” he cuts you off. “She is.”
You snort and push him back. “I’m going to get the girls and thank Nanami for letting us stay.”
“Okay, I’ll walk with you to help.”
“I should hope so,” you quip and secure your hand around his before you begin walking back towards Nanami’s house.
Once you reach the hall, Suguru stays outside to wait while you walk in and usher the girls to get their things they had already scattered.
Meanwhile, Nanami is worrying. “Are you sure?” He asks.
You nod. “Yeah, we talked it out. We’re okay.”
You buckle Satori in her carrier before you turn to face Nanami and quickly wrap him in an embrace. “Thank you,” you whisper. “Thank you. I know we didn’t stay long, but thank you anyway. I love you, my friend.”
“My door is always open for you and your girls, y/n,” he assures you. “Remember that. So this, it was nothing.”
You pull back and shoot him a grateful smile. “Thank you,” you whisper again. “And text that girl, at least just test the waters, you don’t have to marry her.”
Nanami scoffs, making you smile as you let his hands go. “Text me if she answers. Keep me updated, I want to know everything!”
Nanami doesn’t look convinced, but he still hums in agreement, making you squeal excitedly.
“Okay, okay, I have to go now,” you add and swing your bag over your shoulders before grabbing the carrier. “Let’s hang out again soon to plan something for your birthday. How does that sound?”
Nanami nods. “Yeah,” he mutters. “That sounds good.”
You shoot him a grin and watch the girls run over to the door. “Hey! Say thank you and goodbye,” you remind them.
Both girls run back and hug Nanami.
“Thank you, Nanami,” Mimiko says first sweetly. “I hope to see you again.”
“Yeah,” Nanako says a lot more rushed. “Thanks.”
You sigh in defeat and approach the door to swing it open. “Goodbye Nanamin,” you direct at your friend. “Thank you again.”
Nanami walks over to the door behind the twins but stops behind the door frame before he and Suguru can see each other, only letting his voice travel out.
“Take care, let me know when you get home, yeah?” He says and watches the twins run out to unite with Suguru, while you stop under the door and hand Suguru the carrier before facing Nanami one more time.
“I will,” you assure him and gently pat his cheek. “Thank you,” you say one more time even if it sounds repetitive.
This time he doesn’t turn you down and offers you a faint smile. “Of course,” he says.
You flash him one last smile before you walk away and grab onto Suguru’s hand to walk away with your family.
When Nanami’s door closes Nanako breaks the silence.
“Hey, are we going on our trip now or what?”
Suguru chuckles. “Yeah. Why don’t we do that? Where to?” He asks.
You cut in excitedly before they can. “The beach!”
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest
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