#ken's so good at bonding with children lol
clatoera · 1 year
i don't know why i expected the quell to be ten thousand chapters seeing how every chapter in this fic has been contained to one plot point leading into the next one (which isn't a critique don't take this the wrong way!!! you have amazing flow and i wouldn't have it any other way) but ive been dreading this chapter for SO LONG to see what happens that reading the end and realizing that it's over.... knocked ten thousand mountains off my shoulders.
SO MY FIRST QUESTION(s)! was it always supposed to be one chapter? i'm mainly wondering because you said that the fic was supposed to start at this point (LOL CAN YOU IMAGINE) so was it supposed to be a multichaptered event or not. if not, that makes me TERRIFIED for the rebellion part because my GODDDDDD that means you started this entire fic around the war and that's TERRIFYING!!!
anyways, with the quarter quell over, all of our babies safe (???) (definitely... not sound), did you have any differing plans for how it was going to go or was it always supposed to be like this from the start. because the second clove and marvel decided that he would be the one to kill wiress.... i almost died right there out of fear. i had to reread that whole paragraph like ten times to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me and that marvel survived and didn't actually get picked up by the claw machine of death and being sent home with the panem flag draped on his coffin, an arrow in his heart. #LETMARVELBEGOOFY if i were clove i would've laughed at that 5 o'clock joke!!!
SPEAKING OF CLOVE!!!! THE CATHARSIS SHE GOT IN THIS CHAPTER!!! truly an icon of the revenge industry. what do you think the capitols reaction to her just going apeshit on her mother's killer was? what about district 8? his children's? waiting for the horror halloween special spin-off where in 15 years his kids bust into her peaceful home and just go apeshit on HER! that is, well, if she survives not being picked up by the claw machine of rebellion.
i cannot believe that you went with glimmer and cato for the rebellion group... literally the most random pairing with only one thing in common other than being hot & blond. that dynamic is going to be VERY interesting to explore seeing how glimmer is everything and cato is just ken. cato... with the rebellious emotional capacity of a spoon... now being the face of the revolution. that's going to be HILARIOUS!
the aforementioned one thing? how they're the only ones in the group with the most to lose. im blanking on marvels past so forgive me if he has like 8 small siblings that are counting on his victors earnings to not starve and my entire point here just dies, but clove only has cato and enobaria who can fend well enough for themselves. meanwhile glim glam not only has the capitol putting her boyfriend in the un-goofy-inator but her beloved twin victor siblings! the great cashmere and gloss!! are on the line while cato has his darling sister in the line of fire (drawing parallels between him & katniss and prim... now there's a possible trauma bond bestie moment between them!)
i hope i didn't miss any of the points i wanted to make in this ask so if you want to unleash some trivia, some unreleased lore about the background of this chapter and the thought process behind some of your decisions here's a place to say them!!!!
can't wait for the next chapter love you bye<3!
Oh my love I get sooo excited waiting for one of your comments. I know it's going to be good and I can rely on you coming in clutch with the analysis commentary etc of my dreams. My muse, thats you tumblr user @lwveless.
I understand expecting the quell to be much longer. I think it probably should have been, but if I am honest i DREADED this chapter. It was so intimidating, so big, and I was absolutely convinced I was going to fuck it up so significantly. it was the big one and I needed to perfect it. That being said..i never planned it to be longer. Everything that happened in this giant chapter is what always was meant to happen. So..yes. That does in fact mean this fic was entirely created around the idea of the war, and the way the careers, namely Cato and Clove, would fit in. Thats why the title is from The Great War. Thats where this whole fic was supposed to take off from. This whole thing came out of the idea of the war and how Cato/Clove being split in the Katniss/Peeta way would sort of play out. That is the great war really, them trying to get back together. I suppose you could stay the bulk of the fic starts here and now.
I'm putting the rest under a cut for spoilers and length but
So.. yes and no. All the events of the chapter were always 100% planned this way and intentionally SAVE For Marvel killing Wiress, as I literally just couldnt decide who to give the honor to. I gave it to my goofy little king. Other than that..this quell went exactly as planned until the end.
In the ORIGINAL iteration of this fic, Marvel and Glimmer did NOT Have as big of a role. They were taken by the capitol a la Enobaria and let go. I ran into a few issues. How to separate the three oof them from Cato, being one. How to get Cato away from Clove being the other. And lastly, I made Glimmer run her mouth. You may have seen me make many posts about Glimmer being a bigger role than planned and this is what i meant. She ran her mouth about the horrors she faced and there was NO WAY she was getting set free in the capitol. Infact, she wasnt going to survive their hands. I had no choice, I wrote myself into a corner, and thus the split of Marvel and Glimmer came, bringing bestie glim glam into a bigger role.
Also yes marvel is FUNNY, LAUGH at him Clove. Dammit.
Speaking of Clovey YES the girly got her catharsis. I think the capitol is probably losing their fucking MINDS over it. It has to be a big hit. We never know if he had children, or how old they are, because Clove never learns. But here is what I can be sure about: we know what happens to District 8 canonically. Lets leave that at that wink wink (they get wiped out). This was Clove's moment to shine.
Also yes. Bold of you to assume Clove survives this war to have a house 15 years later. Or that there is anywhere she could possibly live.
Listen. As I mentioned, the plot was ALWAYS Clove and Cato split in 13/the capitol. Always. Once Glimmer and Marvel moved in I had a predicament. Glimmer would have faced horrific abuse in the Capitol, and wouldnt have survived. But also, thats SUCH a silly damsel in distress trope if it had been Clove and glimmer in the capitol. We are not doing that here no siree!! And it was ALWAYS Clove in the Capitol and Cato in 13 that was set in stone when I set out to write it. So alas. Glimmer with Cato was born.
yes. They are Blonde. They are hot. But you hit the nail on the head. They have something to lose, but not only that, they both are similar in that they love deeply and with insane devotion. They have siblings back home they love. They have someone they love more than anyone else in the world out of reach. And they are crazy and unhinged to get back to those people. Glimmer and Cato are going to turn out more similar than people realize. That was sort of the whole deal of chapter 12, to ground us back in the fact that we have fallen in love with who these people are behind the scenes, who they are beyond careers, but they are still the blood thirsty trained careers we all know and love.
Spoiler alert? Maybe?? Katniss does make it to 13 too, she was the goal and glim glam and cato happened to be close enough to nab. NO worries, Cato is not the face of this rebellion. WE ALL Know thats not his vibe, he's busy storming around committing homicide to get back to his knife wife clove.
You also uncovered a mystery mous-ka-tool with that Prim comparison, keep that in your back pocket for later use :)
Trivia!!!!! Okay.
There is a cut scene I didnt end up finishing/including where Glimmer talks about all the modifications they wanted to make to her body at 15/16, i'm talking plastic surgery.
The bit about Enobaria wanting to choke them originally had a flashback planned to when she caught them as teenagers.
There was originally more marvel and glimmer that was supposed to happen but i am unsure how the readers felt about them so I left it out but like..they also had way more moments in my intended brain, but i had to remember this is a clato fic for the clato stans.
In the very first inception of this fic things were hugely different namely for clove and cato and what was at stake but also marvel was going to die in the war but now he is alive and thriving so. yay marbles.
You are my angel my muse my love thank you soooo much for this.I love you, until next time ❤️
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solardashpraxus · 1 month
🎁, 💛, and 🔫 for the person ask game :D
PROXY HIIII MY BEST FRIEND PROXY THANK UOU I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHHHHHHH <3 <3 <3 kisses u thank you for doing this. cue “oh good i get to explain this to you. you will regret it” image :3 hold on to your hat it’s gonna be a wild ride
🔫 favorite S.E.E.S member?
oooh this one is hard! i’m not that far into persona 3 (reload) so i haven’t met them all yet but i’ve got a pretty good idea of what they’re all like.
ok i think i have to give 2 cop-out answers first: the protagonist (like yeah he’s literally there for the audience to project on but. ohohoho) and koromaru (has not actually joined the team yet but. he’s ouppy dog. the goodest of boys!)
OK now for real answer time: i’d have to say junpei? again im not super far into the game but despite his personality being… kinda annoying and sexist, he’s also just such a cheery and fun guy that i can’t help but be endeared to him! and i hear he goes through some big character growth later on. apparently he’s kinda like sokka? a big part of it is his voice actor too, zeno robinson did fucking amazing. also i haven’t gotten that far yet but i think im gonna really like ken when he shows up 👍
🎁 favorite character?
GRRRRRGH ok so. i could go on another huge spiel about which characters could claim this spot and why but. man there’s no contest. TATSUYA SUOU LETS GOOOOO YEAHHH TATSUYA FUCK YEAH TATSUYAAAAA!!!!!! WIN FOR MOTORCYCLE BISEXUALS VROOM VROOOOOOOM!!!!! (and also the suffering ^_^)
💛 favorite dynamic(s)?
hhhhhrhgk asking some hard questions here. this will be very long you have been warned. okkkk. ok so. starting off simple with joker and ryuji they’re just. so silly man. they’re just buds having a good time! and they’re just goofing off and hanging out but they care so much about each other and it just creates this sense of. light and warmth and joy and respite from the world around them. i think that “you make me feel free” goes both ways. and that’s not even talking about what happens with them in canon!!! god i love ryuji so much.
anyway for the next one we have to take a trip into my beautiful mind (aka I Am Just Making Shit Up)… ok imagine with me: joker is aromantic asexual but doesn’t know there’s terms/community for it yet. also he’s probably not cis but he doesn’t have time to think about that right now there’s ruin coming or whatever. and ann is a recently realized lesbian who’s coming to terms with how her experiences with sexual harassment + objectification affects her sexuality (and she’s in love with shiho!!!) and they’re each others first person to come out to and they bond so hard over being queer in ways that especially defy japanese social and gender norms (being a lesbian in a society where young women are sexualized + objectified while also placing huge importance on traditional values, marriage by a certain age, having children + starting a family 🤝 being aroace in a society where men are expected to sexualize women, be dominant + increasingly to gain a sense of power/masculinity in their sexual prowess [Belarmino, Melanie and Roberts, Melinda R. (2019). Japanese Gender Role Expectations and Attitudes: A Qualitative Analysis of Gender Inequality. Journal of International Women' s Studies, 20(7), 272-288.] sorry bout the citation i wanted to get my facts right) (also like, atlus come on. queer issues perfectly fit into the themes of persona 5 you’re just a fucking coward + homophobe) sorry abt the tangent ANYWAY they get just so much closer after that, as well as a lot more comfortable with casual platonic intimacy + physical affection cause they both know they can be safe + not have their actions misconstrued by the other. tbh i could see them being in a qpr? there like. gay best friends in a way that doesn’t put emphasis on stereotypes cause they just hang out and genuinely have so much fun eating crepes and trying on outfits and talking shit abt ann’s coworkers lol. they would have the best sleepovers.
ohhohoh and im not even done! ok so i haven’t gotten that far into persona 2 innocent sin cause i got softlocked 13 hours in somehow + now i have to restart BUT i know things, and hooooo boy tatsuya and jun lemme tell you. shuake fans eat your heart out cause tatsujun was doing it better back in 1999. like i haven’t read a lot of in depth analyses cause im trying not to get even more spoiled than i already have been but. the entire basis of innocent sin’s story starts with their relationship… and thinking about everything jun goes through and then what happened in eternal punishment… GOD they’ve got me so fucked up. head in hands. everyone play persona 2 please.
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] Growth Drama CD Vol. 3 - Track 5
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Track 5! This one’s a pretty fun and light-hearted track~ It’s so enjoyable!
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
Under the cut, enjoy~
Track 5: [遊園地に行こう!] “Let’s go to the amusement park!”
(cheery carnival music)
MAMORU: Ah, Sekishima-san, over here!
MINAKO: Good afternoon! Thank you for inviting us today.
MAMORU: Thank you for accepting our invitation, too! It was sudden but is it okay?
MINAKO: It’s perfect, actually! We’re going back to Hokkaido tomorrow and I couldn’t decide on where I wanted to go before returning. I feel like I’m being spoiled but is it okay for you, too? You have work, don’t you?
MAMORU: Yes, that’s right but our work starts at evening so don’t worry about it. We’ll be filming a music video at the amusement park at night later.
MINAKO: Eh~ That’s amazing!
MAMORU: We got free passes for a one day ride-all-you-can ticket. And so, we decided to invite the both of you.
MAMORU: It’d be a waste not to use them and I thought that it might make Tohma-kun happy, too.
MAMORU: Tohma-kun, good afternoon.
TOHMA: G-good afternoon.
RYOTA: Here, have these. It’s passes for both Sekishima-san and Tohma-kun.
MINAKO:  Thank you very much. Tohma-kun?
TOHMA: Ah… Thank you very much.
RYOTA: You’re welcome.
KOKI: Good afternoon, Sekishima-san, Tohma-kun. Welcome.
KOKI: Is your husband doing alright? I heard he had a fever.
MINAKO: Yes. I’m very sorry even after you went all the way to invite my family. It would have been great to come here together.
MINAKO: Ah, but even though it’s a fever it’s not really that high. I think that he’s sleeping at the hotel right now. Even the doctor said that if he took it easy today, he’ll be right as rain tomorrow!
KOKI: I see. I’m so relieved that it’s nothing serious.
MINAKO: Me, too. I think it’s because he got too tired at working at the stall all day yesterday. He told me to tell you all ‘thank you’ though.
KOKI: If it’s thanks, please say it to our manager, Mochiduki-san. He’s the one who got us the free passes after all.
MINAKO: (chuckles) Oh, you’re right. Thank you very much for inviting us today.
MINATO: Ah, no, don’t mind it. It’s good PR for the park too so please enjoy yourselves to the fullest today.
KEN: Good afternoon! I’m Yaegashi Kensuke. Do you remember me?
TOHMA: I mean, I just talked to you the other day.
KEN: I see. That’s great! Let’s enjoy ourselves today~! Do you like amusement parks?
TOHMA: Well… It’s so-so…
KEN: I see, I see. So you love them, huh?
TOHMA: HAH?! I didn’t say that!
KEN: Sure, sure~ Let’s go buy some popcorn or hotdogs later, too.
KEN: Man, I’m kinda scared at how I’m so used to dealing with guys who aren’t honest with their feelings~
RYOTA: That-- (grabs Ken’s shoulder) I wonder who you’re talking about~?
(people screaming)
KEN: This one’s definitely the first!
KEN: A rollercoaster!
TOHMA: Uwah~! So high…!
KOKI: It is quite high, isn’t it?
MAMORU: Uwah… So fast…
KOKI: Quite so, huh?
RYOTA: It’s got quite a momentum. Oh, it twists, too.
KEN: Look at how the rail twists! It’s just like Ryo.
MAMORU: (laughs) That’s a good one, Ken-kun!
RYOTA: (cheerful and yet menacing tone) You two~
MINATO: Eh, I can ride one, too? Really? Yay! This is my first time riding a rollercoaster in a suit!
KOKI: Mochiduki-san, are you fine with riding thrill rides like this one?
MINATO: Yes! I actually really love amusement parks, you see? Man, this job just got a lot more fun~
(rollercoaster going up)
TOHMA: (laughing and giggling)
KEN: Yay~!!
MAMORU: Ugh… Riding one after so long’s getting to me…
MAMORU: It’s coming back to me…
KOKI: (chuckles) Are you okay?
KEN: Next one’s… Oh! Let’s do that one. The coffee cup!
MAMORU: Ugh… Isn’t it dangerous to go ride something that spins around so much after riding one that spun around so much, too?
MAMORU: Big Brother’s at his limit and feels like something’s gonna come out…
TOHMA: I kinda wanna see that…
TOHMA: I’ll spin it around a lot, ‘kay~? (sparkles)
MAMORU: (gasps) Tohma-kun’s such a frightening child…! Do you really wanna see Big Brother’s limit that much?!
MINAKO: Ah, I won’t be riding but I’ll be cheering you on, okay?
MAMORU: Sekishima-san’s protecting herself!!
KEN: Then~ This cup will be me, Mamoru, and Tohma-kun. And over there’s Ryo, Ko, and Mochiduki-san.
MINATO: Alright, Tohma-kun! It’s a competition!
KOKI: Mochiduki-san’s all gung-ho about this…
KEN: Alright, then, me and Tohma-kun will challenge you!
TOHMA: It’s a battle!
KOKI: He’s gung-ho, too…
RYOTA: Even so, everyone’s really—
(Tohma and Minato start spinning the cups vigorously)
RYOTA: W-woah…! Wha--- AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
MAMORU/RYOTA: (panting and trying to catch their breaths)
KOKI: Mamoru, Ryo. Are you two alright?
MINATO: We-we have something here to drink, too. Which one would you like, the cold one or the hot one?
RYOTA: (angrily) Mochiduki-san!
MINATO: Ah-ah, yes…?
RYOTA: There’s no next time, okay?!
KEN: We had some casualties but I’d say the battle was a fair one.
TOHMA: (giggles) It was a great match, wasn’t it?
KEN: Right~?
KEN/TOHMA: Yay~ (high fives)
(train whistling and happy music plays)
KOKI: The wind is calm and this feels relaxing, doesn’t it?
RYOTA: The wind feels so good.
MAMORU: Peacefulness is the best~
KOKI: You two look better now.
KEN: What’s wrong?
TOHMA: Isn’t this train car standing out too much?
MINATO: It’s quite high and it’s full of boys after all.
MINAKO: (from below) Tohma-kun~! I’m taking a picture! Come on, look over here~
TOHMA: I-it’s embarrassing…
KEN: Eh? Come on, it’s fine~! Alright, peace~ Yay!
(people chattering)
TOHMA: I wanna ride that! The go-karts.
KEN: Alright, let’s go! We will become one with the wind!
KOKI: So go-karts are next, huh?
KOKI: Oh yeah, I’ve always wanted to get a car license.
KOKI: Since I think it’d be easier with Mochiduki-san around, maybe now’s the time for me to get one.
RYOTA: Oh, then I’ll go with you. I’ve been thinking that it’s about time for me to get one, too.
MAMORU: Yes, yes~ I wanna go with you, too~
KOKI: You haven’t gotten your license yet, Mamoru?
MAMORU: I worked right after graduating high school, you see? I couldn’t find the time.
(go-karts speeding around)
KEN: Behold! This wonderful steering!
TOHMA: Ah, he got past me!
MINAKO: (from the spectator’s area) Tohma-kun, don’t lose!
TOHMA: Here I go!
RYOTA: I think that Ken over there feeling the wind would want to get his license soon, too.
RYOTA: Let’s try to schedule it together next time.
KOKI: You’re right.
MINATO: Oh, there’s a haunted house over there! It looks like it’s getting less crowded so want to go take a look?
TOHMA: Yeah, let’s!
MAMORU: Ko-kun and I’ll pass. We’ll go buy some popcorn~
TOHMA: Ah, that! Kensuke, it says “Lucky Attack”! I wanna try!
KEN: Let’s see… Ah! It’s that thing where you need to hit all nine with one ball. I like that! I’m pretty good at that.
TOHMA: I play baseball too so I won’t lose!
KEN: Oh~! Then, it’s another battle!
KOKI: This is my first time.
RYOTA: Eh? Really?
KOKI: Yeah. Though I’ve seen people do it before.
MAMORU: (on fire) Let me show you how it’s done, Ko-kun.
KEN: Somehow… Some guy overflowing with confidence suddenly appeared…!
RYOTA: Mamoru, are you okay? I can feel like you’re raising a flag…
MAMORU: I won’t wait.
MAMORU: Looks like my time has come. I wish you wouldn’t lump me in with those who are only doing it for fun.
RYOTA: No, uh… This is actually meant for fun though…
MAMORU: I forget not my NEET days! I managed to win a 5000 yen price for completing a challenge perfectly at a batting center similar to this game.
MAMORU: I had bet my life on that day!
KEN: Uwah… He’s so serious…
RYOTA: More like he’s got a plan brewing under all that…
MAMORU: First one’s the middle!
MAMORU: Number 5, here I go!
MAMORU: Roar, my vanishing attack! Fujimura Mamoru Typhoon!!!
KOKI: Won’t it be bad if it disappeared though?
(ball hits the mark)
ALL: Woah~!
TOHMA: It’s number 2!
KEN: It wasn’t number 5…
MAMORU: Continuing with… Number 5!
MAMORU: Typhoon #2! HYAH!!
ALL: Woah!
KOKI: It was number 1.
KEN: Not number 5… How about not aiming for any numbers…?
MAMORU: Next one…! (voice cracking) Number 5!
MAMORU: Typhoon #3!!
ALL: Woah…!
RYOTA: Number 9.
KEN: The only one you’re not hitting is the middle one…
MINAKO: Oh, speaking of…!
(Mamoru continues to throw baseballs intensely in the background)
MINAKO: Back then, Fujimura-kun was in charge of cheering during a ball game and I was a bit surprised at his vigorous cheering.
KOKI: I see. He hasn’t changed at all, has he?
TOHMA: That was fun~! I think I’m a bit hungry now…
MINAKO: I’m a little hungry, too. Ah, they’re selling hotdogs over there~ Tohma-kun, do you want some?
TOHMA: Ah… Um…
RYOTA: I want some, too. Let’s go buy some together. Tohma-kun, you want some too, right?
TOHMA: Ah, yeah, I want some.
MINAKO: Got it~ We’ll go buy some, okay?
MINATO: Ah, I’ll go with you. They might want something to drink, too.
KEN: Uwah~ I played a lot today~!
MAMORU: We did ride a lot of things, didn’t we?
TOHMA: If we ride two more, we’d be completely finished with this area!
KEN: For real?! Aren’t we awesome?
KOKI: No one normally visits during weekdays after all.
MAMORU: Ah, that table over there’s free. Should we sit? Let’s all take a breather.
KEN: Sure!
(they all walk to the table and sit down)
KEN: So, Tohma, you havin’ fun?
TOHMA: Yep~!
KEN: I’m glad! Even Sekishima-san was happy that she got a lot of good pictures of you.
KEN: She said it’s going to be a gift for her husband, your father, I mean.
TOHMA: Ah… I see…
MAMORU: Hey, Tohma-kun.
MAMORU: What sort of person was your mother? Is she easy-going just like Sekishima-san?
TOHMA: … My mother… My real mother died from an illness when I was really small so I don’t remember her much.
MAMORU: I see… You’re kinda like me, huh?
MAMORU: I lost both of my parents in an accident, you see? I was raised in an orphanage.
MAMORU: I was really young back then so I don’t remember anything about my mom or my dad at all.
TOHMA: Is that so…?
MAMORU: You know? I had a lot of aspirations and dreams regarding my parents.
MAMORU: Like, would it feel like this is both of them were alive right now? Or maybe it would feel like something else. I kept thinking about that.
MAMORU: I don’t know what it would feel like normally so I can only watch others, like you and Sekishima-san, from a distance and speculate.
TOHMA: … I see…
MAMORU: Somehow, it’s a little difficult, isn’t it?
TOHMA: Yeah… It is.
TOHMA: I know that Matsuyama-san cares for me. I know that Father’s not saying anything even though he’s troubled about it. I know all that but…
TOHMA: It’s really difficult. I know that adults think about a lot of things but… Kids do, too.
MAMORU: I understand.
TOHMA: Yeah…
MAMORU: Hey, Tohma-kun. This might sound a little carefree but, for me I think it’d be great if you two could get along better or something.
TOHMA: … Better…?
MAMORU: Yep. A family’s someone who you’re with for a long time, right? I guess if it’s a little difficult for you, it’d be troublesome, huh?
MAMORU: That’s why, I thought it’d be a little better if you found something in common [that you can get along about].
MAMORU: Just because you’ve become mother and child doesn’t mean that you have to be super close. But I don’t think that you should be so distant as well just because you’re not connected by blood.
MAMORU: I love both Sekishima-san and Tohma-kun so I think it’d be best for you two to be always smiling like you do now.
TOHMA: Always smiling, huh…?
KEN: Today, Tohma-kun was smiling a lot compared to the other day we met~!
TOHMA: That time… You guys seemed like suspicious people so… I’m sorry.
KEN: You heard him, Mamoru~ Don’t mind!
MAMORU: I’m not the only one he thought was suspicious, okay?
TOHMA: (laughs)
TOHMA: I… If I laugh with Matsuyama-san, do you think my mom would get angry?
KOKI: Get angry?
TOHMA: Yeah.
TOHMA: Would she think that I’ve forgotten about her? Would she think that her place is being taken?
TOHMA: I… I love my mom, too. Even though I don’t remember her much… She’s important to me.
KEN: Tohma…
KOKI: Since no one knows the correct answer, can I tell you what I think?
TOHMA: Yeah…
KOKI: The fact that you treasure your late mother so means that you’re a nice person. If you’re this nice then I think that your mother was very kind as well.
KOKI: If that’s so then she definitely won’t get angry. I think she would love to see you happy and smiling rather than making a sad and troubled face.
KOKI: That’s what I think. Surely.
TOHMA: Do you think so?
TOHMA: (chuckles) I hope that’s true!
KEN: No, no, no! Not ‘hope’, it definitely is! It’s totally obvious!
TOHMA: (laughs) Eh~?
(Ryota and the others walk back)
RYOTA: Sorry for the wait. The line for the soft-serve ice cream got long so it took quite a while.
KOKI: Welcome back. You even bought ice cream?
MINATO: It says it was a Hokkaido-special soft-serve ice cream. As a proud Hokkaido native, I wanted to check if it’s true!
RYOTA: Even if he says that, I think he just wanted to eat something sweet~
MAMORU: (chuckles) That’s true. I want some, too!
KEN: Me, too!
MINAKO: There’s some for Tohma-kun, too~ Try and taste if it’s really up to a Hokkaido native’s standard~
TOHMA: Ah… Thank you, Minako-san!
MINAKO: Eh,,,?!
TOHMA: It’s still a little difficult calling you “Mom” so… That’s why for now, I’ll call you “Minako-san” just like how Father calls you.
MINAKO: (holding back tears) Yes… Yes, that’s enough for me~! That’s completely fine! Nice to meet you, Tohma-kun!
MINAKO: Ah, does saying “nice to meet you” sound strange? (laughs)
MAMORU: (laughs)
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icharchivist · 2 years
*slides into your inbox* um. in case it hasn’t been clear I’ve been having a3 thoughts and while that’s nothing new it IS new that I have the motivation to be emotionally devastated by some plays!!! soooo… ginji the wanderer it is. i am sooo hype for a sakyo lead. knew that colead was gonna be juza since there’s been a pattern of getting everyone as lead/colead for the event plays except for the troupe leaders… smart choice imo since the act 2 plays are the leader and rookie right?
watching the play i actually almost thought taichi was the co-lead for a bit! his power of being so damn charming and compelling that he becomes the heart of a autumn's plays i suppose... i'm obsessed with how literally every single autumn play so far has been about a loner that is for sure not a loner. take banri and juza working together and bonding in the roman episode, then omi befriending taichi in the stranger, and then now sakyo with taichi as his follower and also pledging himself towards this yakuza family! it's like... i see u autumn. the slashing noises during the play are so funny. also i think its very cool to have juza play a character thats insecure about his own abilities! i feel like... he projects this air of confidence so well that its actually novel to have him act out something that's a bit closer to his true self! and i liked that banri was like “the mental strain of having to be hyodo’s underling is what’s killing me” um,,, oh,, the underling that he literally welcomes back even after a huge betrayal?? the underlings he swears to protect? like i obviously get his meaning lol but its so funny like. 1) you betray him dude so clearly it was killing mr.underling (i know his name is mogi) in the play and 2) juza / ken likes you. dummy.
gah the poster is soooo good too. like the text and the sword and no glasses sakyo with his kimono improperly worn <3 they know what the ppl want. oh speaking of the costuming i thought it was such a sweet detail that taichi specifically greets yuki when he comes in! and abt sakyo's kimono yuki says “tsuzuru specifically requested it” i imagine it went like tsuzuru: we're using sakyo's sex appeal to get tickets. get that man into a kimono! he knows what the people want. i thought omi was gonna get more of beard though like. that's not even 5 o'clock shadow it's the shadow when u stand right under the sun at noon. yes i understand that 5 o'clock shadow does not refer to the suns position and the shadow it casts but something else entirely. however this is just how i am. citroncore. i was surprised yuki knew how to do makeup tho! didnt remember he could.
loved it when the other troupes ran into their practice particularly homare writing down “crossin’ into my turf” bc sparkle eyes I ALSO write down turns of phrase I like! it was also so nice to see sakoda bc he's so sweet! i love how he has like an absolutely maniacal cackle laugh while all hes saying is omg im gonna watch sakyos play and cheer for him!! also while banri has the absolutely buckwild suggestion of "maybe he got married" i think its funny that hes like well why else would he leave. no other reason. though i cant make fun of him too hard because i was sitting there worried like "they already paid off their debt in full right?? was sakyo planning on leaving once that was done???" oh but speaking of banri i rly felt like he was. he jokes that well at least we wont have to hear him yelling at us anymore and its like. wow dude u are coping so hard. bc he's even the one who most actively reaches out to sakyo by saying that like he can come to him if hes having any big issues or whatever. anyways this whole scene was a real reminder They Are Children. bc juza and banri don't quite look it bc of how they act but They Are. omi's like the only adult, but like about 100% of a3, he has abandonment issues by the mile (seriously. who in a3 Does Not have that) it was so funny when sakyo realized something was wrong and called himself a grandpa that was 10 years older than them. i was like *regina george voice* so you agree? you think you’re a father figure to them?
sakyo: guess i'm a bother figure to them. his convo with izumi was rly illuminating lol. he was very much like. and it's so like... yeah sakyo you think you have to isolate yourself from everyone i get it because you're too different and you'll hurt people when you're near them... juza's exactly like that too, yknow? i really loved that about this event--it really called out the sakyo-juza parallels which i enjoyed, and I think it was definitely like. incredibly About Sakyo, which feels like a smart choice given that juza was highlighted so much during the first autumn play (because sriously, rather than lead and co-lead, his and banri's roles felt pretty even?)
okay onto muku appearing and mentioning kyuchan... i get so hype whenever kumon is mentioned!!! it's like. my boy!!!! wants 3 flyers to he can save one display one and carry around one... i don't know you yet but i love you. juza also thinking abt stopping by the bakery on the train was just. it was so sweet (pun intended) like. juza is just a scary looking 15 year old who thinks about mundane things like let me grab some pastries on the way back and smiles. i also like that it seems like juza's family really loves him because it's like... well sometimes you can have problems even if your family loves you, yknow? im not saying i dont love awful family situations because um. well i absolutely do but its nice, seeing this as well.
i thought juza following sakyo was so funny because like. he's a tall eye-catching teenager that absolutely has never tried to follow anyone or be stealthy in his life considering his history. also i love that hes like. gah. this is totally something banri would do and then goes and does it. also when he was like "wow, that ladys old i didnt know sakyo would date someone that older than him" i immediately was like. ok so thats definitely his mother. you dumbass. i did like how juza is like... so polite to sakyo's mom and like very clearly speaks to her abt sakyo doing theatre and stuff like. it checks out that he'd actually be quite good at that thing. also i felt like a3 was rly accurate in getting that embarrasment of introducing your friends to you parents from sakyo lol. and i loved that sakyo is like "here juza ill buy u dessert and narrate by tragic backstory" and then he has everyone make tea the second time its so funny (also that juza is just chowing down on sweets during it). also the amt of "..." going on in this whole event is so autumn.
but about sakyo's backstory... i got a very clear image of like. a bruised beaten up kid (20 is young enough for SURE) on the verge of collapsing into fever due to the rain just absolutely breaking down and telling his life story. what the hell. like i know sakyo's fine (more fine than before at least) but i cannot imagine the pressure of thinking u are a fuckup for so long and then joining the yakuza to make your mother believe you're less of a fuckup only to have the guilt of being part of it make you feel like EVEN MORE of a fuckup than before... anyways him joining the ginsenkai family rly puts it into perspective like hm. why sakuya feels like he has to respect the play so much and work so hard. though i imagine that is also because this is his first leading role and he wants to really respect mankai's legacy.
like i sort of mentioned before i think it's so well done that juza catches onto sakyo saying "one last time" because that's probably how he was with pushing away muku (and perhaps kumon? i don't know) so it's obvious that he'd be like. hey. be with your family. because that's what juza so obviously does now. and love how he intuitively understands that but then compulsively just admits "yeah banri said he's prefer it if you weren't around to yell at us" like YOU KNEW HE WASN'T SERIOUS WHY IS THAT WHAT U LEAD OFF WITH WHEN SAKYO IS LIKE YOU GUYS PROBABLY HATE ME YELLING...
it's all good though because juza's line of “isn’t that what people call love, or something?” is so worth it. obsessed with this coming from juza "so many repressed feelings" hyodo. also i love how as soon as they come back izumi has learned about the issue and immediately confronts sakyo. she is so funny to me. and again the juza sakyo relationship is sooo good here. sakyo saying “he reminds me so much of myself that I ended up blabbing about everything”... juza talking about how he felt like sakyo was always someone to respect and who was above him but now he realizes that they both struggle with the same thing... like man! sakyo spent this event thinking juza and autumn found him annoying but juza thought he was literally TOO COOL to treat as an equal!
the icebreakers were also so cute. loved the lil generation gap and that izumi knew what they were. taichi leading them works because really. autumn needs him he is rly good at bringing those guys together i think.
the play itself! sakyo sans glasses is a Look ofc and the taichi: wow u almost look like a yakuza ur so scary / sakyo: I AM ONE. made me laugh. yuzo crying because he was so happy to see how sakyo's grown really got to me too like. huh he really has seen sakyo for the last 10 years or something. and i KNOW sakyo slayed that action scene at the end.
i was so worried when juza was like where's kumon? but then he came barrelling in and HE IS SO CUTE. so sweet to juza! love how quickly juza is like you are NOT joining the yakuza. u can tell he's an older brother. now personally i've never had a sibling that liked me that much but I'm willing to believe in it being possible. cannot believe izumi has to ask who he was though like. purple hair yellow eyes who else would it be. the "how’s baseball" question and the "still a bench warmer lets change the subject!" answer tho... eyes emoji. man. realistically high school sports can be so tough like. u have to be there all the time for practice but not getting to play makes it look like you've done nothing at all... i wonder if that's kumon's issue (hes really proud of juza but doesn't feel like he has anything) or it's something else! i'm excited to find out... and he brought cookies! great kid. the "oh! but u don’t have to share with that banri dude if you don’t wanna!" is also so sibling and it's nice to see how :) juza is around him.
the parallel with sakoda hugging sakyo so hard was so sweet! as well as taichi basing his role off of sakoda... yeah. i think framing it against kumon and juza's interaction was a rly good way of showing how important sakoda is to sakyo! onto dinner with the yakuza i loved how taichi was still so :D and how juza and banri are still bickering. these guys do not change for anyone. it was a surprise to see ichiro's sprite pop up! i like his outfit design here especially too.
the "where’s the brat?" has me going…boss’s son… AUTUMN ROOKIE??? AZAMI!!!??? i feel like I’ve heard he hates his dad!! so. hype. also when the boss is like "I didn’t think a theatre troupe would take in a yakuza…" sir u do not know how desperate this troupe was. also they were literally in debt to that yakuza (though, in that case, asking them is even more wild lmao) and the "i wouldn’t want you as my sister. you’re something else to me." sakyo you are so obvious. i love seeing sakyo izumi interactions tho. it always feels like. she has a lot more personality when he’s around? like that first conversation they had when she asked him if anything was wrong was also really good like... it feels like they just rly talk to each other head on? i like it they're cute.
anddd that's abt it for my thoughts! i listened to buzama at the end and i don't have much to say except wow, sakyo and juzas voices go REALLY well together!! so to end this I'll say i looked at the belial design again and realized he was drinking apple juice and i was like "that is so mild what the hell. thats so funny" until i had the epiphany that if he's in a story that involves a character named lucifer then. then is his school au self drinking apple juice as a reference to sin in the garden of eden. thats even funnier if thats the case.
oh my god TWO a3 rambling messages from you in two days? It must be my birthd- wait. BUT I MEAN BY THAT, WHAT A GIFT! i'm so glad aaah it's my pleasure!!! Ginji time!!
under cut as always ;D
And yeap pretty much, act 2 play is leader and rookie, so for the 3rd play you can expect pairing whoever is left in the troupe yeap!
oh my god what you say about Taichi… this is so true. He becomes so damn good sobs. It's funny bc on one hand it can also just justified by "he looks vulnerable so Tsuzuru alway smakes him go through hell to pull the heartstrings" but in the end it's Taichi who pushes through and shine with them!!
Your observation about how every autumn play is about loners who are not fully loner… so real. I didn't notice before so it's such a nice thing to point out thank you!! But yesss Juza's chara fit him so much sobs. This play was really good. DLKFJDKLFJKDFL THE ROAST ON BANRI. BEAUTIFUL. DESERVED.
and GOD YEAH the poster is REALLY GOOD i love it. They sure indeed know what the people want. DLKFJDLKFJLDKFJDFKLJDFKL I love your observation. Yes i love Taichi welcoming Yuki, and Tsuzuru deciding to whoring out the old man right away is a delight. But agreed Omi should have a better bear shh. And no no i think your language analysis is pertinant. Citroncore. I guess Yuki picked up some stuff out of fashion stuff? but yeah, surprising indeed.
Homare is as good as ever and i'm so happy it's more details for you to relate to!! Sakoda has such a nice presence this event too, he's truly adorable and i love him and his stupid laugh so much. Sakyo numba one fan.
oh my gOd you managed to get worried for Sakyo this is so sweet. But yesss totally agree with what you point out, Banri was coping hard and it really does remind that they are children, you shouldn't infantalize them in any way and all but. yeah sobs. Omi is indeed the adult figure aside from him but esp as someone who had to take the "mom" role at a young age he probably just, didn't have a healthy "adult" way to step out and could easily get in his own head about all of this. DLKFJDFLDF THIS IS SO REAL THOUGH Sakyo is out there realizing he's a father but he only sees the "old" factor not the FATHER FACTOR.
(genuinely think that the whole scene from b99 would happen to them one day tho.)
I FUCKING TYPED THAT. BEFORE SCROLLING DOWN AND SAW YOU REFERED TO THE BOTHER FIGURE THING LMAO. But yess you're so right about everything else. I also really love that Juza is the one calling him out since Sakyo did mention that he saw a bit of himself in Juza (and it made him feel bad because Juza never gave up on his dream and Sakyo did). So Juza being the one to call him out, seeing right through him, really drives this point even more home. It was honestly so good. (agreed about the Roman Episode having equal time tho)
WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT KUMON.. YES. YES. BABYBOY. This is the spirit. But yeah i agree i really love Juza's family and how, no matter how rough life is for him, at least home is a safe place. He has support and people he loves, though it adds to the guilt and fear to give them a bad name, but none of them actually blames him. It's just gnhhh i love the Hyodo Sakisaka household so much.
Juza following Sakyo is funny for all you said + the fact that Sakyo, yakuza, didn't fucking notice at first sobs. "banri would do it" says he as he does it is really funny indeed tho. man the meeting with Sakyo's mom was really sweet. I did absolutely love to see Juza bond a bit with her and her getting so sweet with him, he was probably so intimidated and yet. what an angel.
And god yeah. Sakyo's backstory is really pulling the heartstrings alright. He wants to be less of a burden on his mom so much that he's willing to take SO much more burdens than needed on his shoulders it's just man. man!!
god all you summarize brings me back the feelies i'm going to choke up. You're totally right on Juza catching Sakyo's drift and even more calling him out (and throwing Banri under the bus in the process) I LOVe Izumi's reaction too. I love how Izumi is her own character that way, she's just as bonkers as the rest of them. And god man. The dynamic between Juza and Sakyo really is so soft and it's just. so good. man.
Everything after that was so good. The icebreaking scene as you sia,d and the lead up to the play, and the play itself man.
AND WOUHOUUU KUMON!! coming like a storm. He's so damn adorable! And omg yeah i feel you on that. I saw some people poke fun at their dynamic like "how unrealistic that they love each other this much" and i'm just no!!! they're sweet!!! Juza is a sweet boy who takes care of others and his little bro is a baby having to be stopped from following his impulses else he'll probably do something stupid. What else do you expect!! this is genuinely so cute of a dynamic tho sobs. AND YEAH LEGIT IZUMI IT WAS OBVIOUS IZUMI COM'ON. hohoho i'm excited for you getting to see what Kumon's deal is. It is an interesting to catch on about him so do hold on to that but i'll say i adore your keen eye for the Hyodos. It'll be a ton of fun. AND YEAH Kumon, the first ally on the battle against Banri with the war on cookies.
AND GOD YEAH. Sakoda/Taichi/Kumon team up in the future which is just "geeking over Juza and Sakyo" while Sakyo slowly dies of embarassment. But yes!! it really does help framing how much they care about one another.
But YEAH genuinely it still kills me how cosy Mankai is with the Yakuza. Having a Yakuza in the cast is one thing, having an entiere Yakuza family chilling, supporting us, and inviting us to dinners, while the kids can be normal around them? genuinely this boggles me more than the supernatural stuff in the Winter chapter. Like. What is happening. BUT YEAH i love the little cameo from Ichiro. I love when the backstage guys are acknowledged, godspeed.
EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH 8D Love the Brat we exist to cherish the brat. This event does so much to prepare for the rookies. it's so good.
We were desperate. We were not wise. And the Yakuza took us first by saving the theater even OKAY. SAKYOOO HE IS SO OBVIOUS IT'S DISGUSTING. JUST TELL YOUR FEELINGS ALREADY OLD MAN. But i agree yes she does have a very strong personality around him and man their dynamic is really adorable. they're so damn cute. I root for them.
But YEAH Buzama really is SO good. Their voices is so so good.
Thank you so much for your thoughts on the event, it truly was a blast to read through and a pleasure to relive <33 those guys make me all so soft, always and forever.
About Belial, yeAH tHIS IS SO STUPID AND FUNNY. And yeap you nailed it, kind of, there's also the fact that in the actual game Belial is associated to the apple too, this is one of his official art:
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He is supposed to be a bit associated to temptation and stuff, one of the quests to get stronger (that is a must do for every player) involves him tempting the player, so yeap! but it's so funny they translated it with him always drinking apple juice in the event
it's also funnier to me knowing that Vyrn, our little dragon friend, is a lover of apple, and i'm pretty sure his face is on the apple juice's box AU!Belial drinks around. I feel like Vyrn is yelling as we speak.
but yeah also in the AU Belial is supposed to be 15yo and every. single. one of us. had a laughing fist about it when it was announced. I remember even some VAs and official cosplayers (bc we have a lot of cosplay shows with official cosplayer/actors) tweeting about how much they had a major whiplash from reading it and had to pause what they were doing for a second. This is so funny to me.
Belial, 15yo, slurping on his apple juice: ah hell welcome to my feast time to start the hedonist. (check the link it won't disappoint! just don't let anyone you're afraid to disappoint eardrops on you.)
This is terrible, but yes. the more you know!
thanks once again for sharing your thoughts it's always a blast <333 take care!
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rayofsunas · 4 years
 haikyuu!! as dads (pt.1)
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A/n: hello! starting off with a clean slate here yay! if some of the first few seem so short and the writing seems different, it’s because I wrote half of this like three days ago- anywways, requests are open btw!!
Summary: haikyuu characters as dads/domestic living. 
Pairings: Semi Eita, Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Oikawa Toru, Kenma Kozume 
Warnings: some timeskip spoilers, fluff, parenting, angst (kinda) swearing (maybe), crack, all characters are aged up
Word count: 1.8k 
Part Two!
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Semi Eita
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- the serious sometimes scary looking dad, but other than that he’s a fluff ball
- he may look scary but he simply cannot punish them for anything 
- especially after they bonded over music, legit cannot do nothing wrong
- on the days he’s not working or with his bandmates, you can often find him with his twin daughters, teaching them how to use different musical instruments 
- okay, so your daughters are still pretty young, so they aren’t very good at using most instruments, but for Christmas you and Semi got them both a small set of drums, something easy
- it was very cute to come home from work to see your husband and daughters loudly practicing on the drums
- sure at first it gave you a blasting headache, but after a while you got used to it, and even jammed out with them when you had the time
- mainly just random sounds/beats coming from the two five year olds, but Semi doesn’t mind, he’s willing to teach them and he does proudly 
- if one of his daughters or both wants too
- definitely writes songs for his daughters and you
- i can see him writing lullaby’s for them and working on them for hours making sure they were perfect
- lets just say they were perfectly beautiful 
- because you went to high school together, the nickname “semi semi” stuck with you (thanks chicken tendo)
- but your girls will also cutely call him “semi semi”
- you often bring them to concerts despite semi saying it’s probably too loud for them
- he’ll let you sit safely with them back stage uwu
- after he runs back to you three and is bombarded with hugs, high-fives and kithes
Bokuto Koutarou
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- bokuto is a hyper dad, which we all saw coming. there is no taking the child out of bo
- i feel like he’d want tons of kids, probably even uses his children as an excuse to act the way he does
- i can see him with a few kids, 3 to be exact (2 boys and 1 girl)
- he likes to be really involved with his children, and gets very sad/emo when he doesn’t see them for short/long periods of time
- for example, the Black Jackals is a whole different game field than high school volleyball and it’s much more time consuming and has him away a lot 
- when he does come home and has time off, let’s just say he clings to his children like a puppy
- even after a while THEY get sick of him and wanna ditch him, cue emo bo :(
- if his children gang up on him (which they do) cue emo Bo again :(
- he babies them all, can’t ever say no
- tends to go back on his word lmao
- if your oldest son begs and begs for season tickets to his favorite sports team? Bo KNOWS they can be expensive, and he was even scolded by you, but two hours after saying no, he runs back to his son and gives him the money 
- if your daughter wants to get her nails done with a group of friends, he knows she picks out the most expensive polishes, etc, BUT HE DOES NOT CARE, he will gladly give her the money and even go with her to get his nails done 
- yes, you heard me
- of course he’ll being chaperone for this girls day, he promises to pretend that he doesn’t know them and keep his distance (sit very far away lol), but after a little while its just hard to contain and he’s screaming to everyone in the salon that his daughter is sitting on the other side of the room eye- 
- your youngest son wants an expensive sports car? done
- he just wants to make his family happy, pleaseee
 Kuroo Tetsurou 
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- poor Kuroo, he has 2 daughters and you, so he’s surrounded by girls lol 
- he actually doesn’t mind it tbh
- between you and his two daughters, he wouldn’t have it any other way
- just gives him an excuse to be overly protective
- anywhere in public, expect either kuroo holding your hand
- or holding his daughters close to him (piggy back rides, yes)
- or, he stands protectively behind you and your daughters while you talk to someone, sending them threatening glares behind your backs 
- he was shy as a child, so it wasn’t surprising when one of his daughters, the youngest, was very very shy
- he doesn’t mind once again, just gives him an excuse to be protective 
- although he’s busy, he always makes time for his girls ALWAYS
- definitely a bragger
- if his family is brought into a convo, he pridefully will express how cute and smart his daughters are, may or may not openly declare his daughters are the cutest amongst his co-workers children
- he’s mad intuitive and aware/observant
- kuroo always knows when one or both of his daughters are about to start crying/throw a fit
- cue dad kuroo prepared to crack funny chemistry and or science jokes
- his shy daughter finds him very funny, doubles over every time he cracks a joke and calls him a “silly rooster”
- even when she's older she still laughs and even copies his jokes
- but his other daughter just cringes, every time sigh
- when she was younger she used to fake the laughs, but when he started saying the jokes in public she just stopped reacting, hoping he would stop-
- he didn’t...
- i like to imagine kuroo and kenma staying friends even after high school, and since kenma has hella video games and a whole arcade in his house, he’ll often bring his daughters over to his house
- his eldest daughter loves it at uncle kenma’s house
- cue jealous rooster dad
Oikawa Toru 
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- okay so oikawa is ALWAYS busy
- isn’t home much, except during off seasons or if he messes up his knee again (yes, it’ll happen) 
- in the event that he’s home due to a knee injury, he’ll wanna be catered too lmaooo
- he doesn’t expect his little girl to cater to him and really only teases you about it
- but his daughter will get him whatever he needs while he’s propped up on the couch
- she admires him so much
- his daughter kinda has a smart mouth-
- definitely got that from him, having picked up on it from a young age, while he was home
- when he was home once propped up with a messed up knee, she went “here dadkawa” as she handed him an ice pack
- he laughs at the nickname, asking you about where it came from later
“she was on call with hajime’s daughter yesterday... hajime asked how ‘poopykawa’ was doing”
- he just rolls his eyes, “at least he cleaned it up for her sake” you explained 
- will not lose the “kawa” part, so it’s dadkawa lol
- when he’s away, she’s always asking for dadkawa
- when he’s here they're inseparable
- morning breakfast now will be her sitting in his lap instead of yours
- she asks to watch cartoons with him instead of you :(
- bath time consists of her arguing with you as you try to wash her hair, while oikawa sits on the closed toilet seat laughing to himself
- “mommy i want dadkawa to wash my hair!”
- “you always whine that he gets soap in your eyes”
- “I don’t care!”
- when you bring your daughter to games, she’ll be cheering him on proudly, “mommy, look at dadkawa!” “GO DADKAWA!!!!”
- since he plays for the professional Argentine team, i figure you all live in Argentina now, traveling from Argentina and Japan was tiring, so you moved to be closer
- when the news approaches him after or before games, he makes sure to show his daughter off and the whole time it’s his daughter stealing the show
- she might be shy at first, but as long as dadkawa is holding her, she’s fine
- he’ll teach her Spanish, defiantly sings happy birthday to her in Spanish because it’s special
- he calls her his princesa (princess in spanish)
Kenma Kozume 
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- if his child didn’t enjoy video games like him or any of his hobbies like volleyball, I feel like Kenma would have a hard time with them
- he loves his son yes, but he’d have a hard time interacting with him, especially if he’s not into video games or volleyball
- if he is though, you can often find the two in kenma’s home office, playing games
- when your son was a infant, you would always come home from being out/work to find your son sitting in his pj’s on kenma’s lap watching his dad play video games 
- “it’s late, ken. i see he’s already in his pj’s- did you already have dinner?” “yes”
- “without me?” you asked, lifting up your son to give his cheeks kisses. “there’s apple pie in the fridge.”
- eye-
- yes he fed your son that, yes he needs a little guidance, yes he needs to be told apple pie is NOT dinner
- on another occasion of coming home, you found your boys in the same spot, once again playing video games, your sons eyes drifting between the game and his father every time he muttered under his breath 
- “the screen is bad for your eyes kenma, and he’s just a baby! he’ll get bad eyes too!”
- kenma’s short answer is, “he won’t” 
- when your son got older, and he started getting into video games, it got harder for you to tear his eyes away from the screen
- he’s been around video games his whole life, so of course it’d be hard, you just didn’t think he’d grow attached 
- kenma leaves most of the strict parenting to you, because he LEGIT doesn’t NOT know what to say
- he’s lowkey afraid he’ll push his son away if he says the wrong thing, but he’s also worried that if he doesn't say anything, they’ll have no real relationship, so he struggles 
- he tries his hardest to bond with him over video games and volleyball though
- as said by your son, kenma’s cooking can’t compare to yours, BUT he does know how to make a yummy apple pie
- his son will help kenma with said apple pie, when he’s younger he was often the taste tester and made a mess every time
- kenma gets nervous in huge crowds and really around anyone he doesn’t know, so if his son is a social butterfly he’ll try to get kenma used to people other than himself and you
- somehow, during the rare moments his son has problems (friends, school etc), kenma will be the one to speak up privately
- he’ll definitely tell his son to surround himself with a good friend/good friends, he also makes sure to let him know the importance of quality over quantity 
- he has a brotherly relationship with kuroo, and if not for kuroo he’d be alone, he wants the same thing for his son
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10.20.20, rayofsunas 
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fifteenskies15 · 3 years
I finally make a proper sheet for ma new Tokyo Revengers boi yay (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
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❅Info dumps❅
Kaito is 178 cm tall
Has broad shoulders, lol
Despite being in middle class family, he steal food for his sister and mother since he knows his mother can't fend off to him and Kirie for a long time,
Victim of domestic abuse, Kaito's biological father died in car crash and his mother date with another man, but it didn't last long as he walked out on them eventually,
His late father, Kohaku Tsuwabuki was an author, a freelance one, Kaito had his love for storytelling and writing through him,
Before Takemichi can time leap, in 2017, Kaito became Toman's swindler and gambler
He carried around his father's copper pen as a good luck charm
✤How he gets along with some of Tomans member (mostly about who he interact the most)✤
Sano "Mikey" Manjiro: Unusually playful, Mikey often steal Kaito's wagashi and cheese croquettes in any chance he gets, when that happens, a chase between them would happen earning them nickname of Toman's "Tom and Jerry" (lol) but despite that, Kaito respected Mikey and applaud him for being a charismatic and cool leader,
Ryuuguji "Draken" Ken: In-between "okay with each other" and Draken mostly uncomfortable with Kaito occasionally making up a random scene out of the blue just to mess around, mostly about him and Emma, Kaito often mused out loud about many scenarios between them just to tease Draken, as he quoted "because it's fun"
Hanagaki Takemichi: He refer Takemichi as "soaked golden retriever" at first Kaito doesn't like Takemichi for being a crybaby, but the dislike was apparently from how Kaito envied Takemichi for being open about his emotions (e.g crying) eventually he came around and enjoyed Takemichi's company (or came to like him) even became somewhat protective of him,
Baji Keisuke: After saving him from being beaten to death, Kaito almost instantly respected Baji and even join Toman to repay him, it's said that his respect for Baji outweigh his respect for Mikey,
Shiba Hakkai: Kaito simply like Hakkai for his friendly and timid personality, but after learning about Hakkai's family and siblings, Kaito came to sympathize him for having a bloodlusted brother like Taiju, and applaud him for staying strong even if he could run away if he gets a chance
Mitsuya Takashi: They both bonded over having younger sister(s) and the fact they have mother who are working women just so her children could be fed, Kaito also pointed that Mitsuya have a "peerless sense of fashion"
Matsuno Chifuyu: They became friends through Baji introduction to each others, and eventually get along quite nicely, whenever Chifuyu is around there's also Kaito with him as well, out of all Toman members, Chifuyu is Kaito's closest friend after Baji and Mitsuya, during Valhalla arc, he stayed by his side and watch as Baji switch side, he's unconditionally close and loyal to Chifuyu that one might think that Kaito's affection for Chifuyu could be more than platonic... There's a hint that both of them might have a mutual pining
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
If you could give Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori their own crests, what would they be?
This is a really tough one!  I do love that they “inherited” crests; the whole “these kids gets mentors” was so cute?  A great way to bring back the older kids in a meaningful way.  I personally think the 02 crew “had it together” in ways the original crew... kind of didn’t, lol!  But they did have a lot of benefits (ability to go home, Koushiro as an advisor, mentors, two members who already knew what was going on, etc).
I also really love the observation that Adventure emphasized individual development (finding and earning and internalizing their crest traits, evolution is triggered by understanding yourself) and 02 emphasized team development (jogress/evolution triggered by strong bonds between teammates, inheriting wisdom from the ones who came before).  So...  I guess I hate to mess with that?  But I do also see the appeal of giving them their own traits...
THIS GOT INCREDIBLY LONG, but it’s a really cool post, I think!  So please read on beneath the cut!
Honestly, I think miracles works pretty well?  I’ve heard people say that Daisuke just...  Does whatever he wants/follows his gut, and it tends to work out; ie he’s more “lucky” than “an effective leader.”  
Personally, I...  Truly admire Daisuke’s faith and optimism and just...  Just raw belief in everyone?  I have anxiety, so sometimes my brain loves to tell me that a thing I’ve done a million times with no problems will somehow explode in my face.  Can you imagine just...  Choosing to always believe, and acting like everything will be okay?  I don’t mean “sticking your head in the sand and going LALALA THIS IS FINE,” I mean taking action without hesitation, even when things are scary.
Like, yeah, maybe that’s not always valid IRL- you need to plan and be realistic and accept and reevaluate when your plan isn’t working- although I’d argue that Daisuke learned to do that over the course of the series (I remember him saying the team should rest at some point, and everyone was surprised that he didn’t want to press on, except Ken).
But I also maintain that Daisuke’s ability to believe in himself, his team, and just a general “things will be okay” is what creates success that almost seems... miraculous!
Also, I think he is suuuch a great meld of courage and friendship, because he pushes on when things are scary (courage) and is able to do so because he believes in everyone (friendship).
So, I’m thinking something like faith/confidence/trust.  And having listed some similar-ish words...
I’m going with trust.  
What incredible things you can do, when you believe in yourself, your team, and the future.
I’ve seen other people assign her the crest of “passion,” which I think is great!  
I think the thing about Miyako is that she’s, like...  Always on, always 150%, so dynamic and vibrant and just... her cup overflows with energy and... Miyako-ness.  
It’s clear to see how she relates to her “purity” side.  It took me a long time to understand what I think the crest of purity means, thanks to a lot of... ickiness around the word “pure” in western tradition, which is also why I am loathe to throw the word “innocence” into my definition.  Basically, I think the crest of purity means that Mimi and Miyako don’t dissemble/hide how they really feel.  You’re always getting their raw, honest truth.  And, because Mimi in particular is spoiled, she can come off as childish- which is where people like to throw in the word “innocent.”  
[The general selfishness of children is related to them not knowing yet that they aren’t the center of the world- psychologically; Freud would call it “being ruled by the id.”  It’s just a developmental stage, and doesn’t really indicate actual selfishness.  You know how Winnie the Pooh is a sweetheart, but can make things miserable for other people by just assuming he can help himself to everything?]
But Mimi also displays a child’s heart in terms of being kind and sweet and sensitive and wanting to help... and then swinging back towards the id at the drop of a dime, lol!
Like Mimi, Miyako is very comfortable giving her opinion and drawing attention to herself, and she doesn’t seem to be holding herself back...  But we do eventually see that things can weigh on her, and that she’s sometimes putting up a front when her energy actually isn’t at 150%.
I think the “love” part is a bit harder to pin down, but then...  The word “love” is incredibly vague, and means a million different things to different people, which is why I kind of hate discussing the crest of love!  I like to think of it as “the crest of compassion” to focus discussions; sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it.  
It’s kind of funny to think of Miyako with the crest of love compared to Sora.  Sora tends to show love by watching over people, being kind and supportive and brave even when she’s struggling and hiding the signs of her struggle/dismissing her own struggles, doing things for others, often without even letting people know she did anything.
In comparison, Miyako shows compassion by being present for people she loves, telling them bluntly when they need to shape up (which, frankly, a lot of Digimon characters really need.  We need waaaaaay less staring into each other’s faces and never answering concerned questions and waaaaaaay more *slap* GET IT TOGETHER!  God, ilu Miyako), and being honest and open about how much she cares for them.
So yeah, passion!  
One of my favorite Chosen, this sweet good boy that I lovelovelovelove!
So one thing about Iori is that, while I can write big honkin’ analysis of how Daisuke and Miyako show their inherited crests...  Um, I think Iori is his own thing.  Like, I don’t... super get honesty and knowledge off of him.  I mean, the honesty thing, sure.  His Grandpa taught him not to lie, we had a whole ep based on that alone.  As for knowledge, yes, he wants to know the truth and get to the bottom of things.  
But...  Neither crest ever felt like a slam dunk for him?  Even though it’s easy to see how “honesty” and “knowledge” coalesce into “a desire for truth,” which is further illustrated in his career as a (presumably upright and truth-seeking) lawyer.  Like, it’s right there in front of your face, Hidden!
The thing that, to me, stands out about Iori most is that he’s grounded and centered.  Have you seen that post recently that explains how Daisuke tried, just one time, to treat Iori like a little kid (he says, “shut up, little brat”)?  And Iori- who is about three years younger than Daisuke, and much more withdrawn- politely but firmly replies, “Please don’t talk to me like that.”  
Iori is like...  He’s like eight, my dudes!  Rolling with a bunch of eleven-ish year olds!  He’s personal friends with Miyako, a twelve year old, before Adventure 02 even opens!  And we don’t often see him being doted on and protected like Takeru and Hikari were in the same situation.
YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?  The simple answer is that he’s mature, but I wanna say that he’s grounded, the ultimate earth sign type (I think Digmon is a pretty clear metaphor).  He doesn’t get flustered or swayed.  He knows where he is, where he stands, what he must do.  On the one hand, this makes him mature beyond his years, reliable, able to stand up for himself and be an equal team mate among kids who are older than him.
The downside is that “that which cannot bend must break.”  I’m sure you’ve read a zillion metas about how Iori sees in black-and-white originally and has trouble changing his world views and learning to forgive...  But he does all of those things, maturing further into possibly just... just...  Can you even imagine him as an adult?!  HE’S TOO POWERFUL.
So, if he were an Adventure character, I’d say that his crest is integrity, and he has to go through his adventure to learn what that really means for him- to develop from stubborn, black-and-white thinking to true integrity.
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locktobre · 4 years
Barbie or Merliah for the character ask thing
I’ll do both since I’m feeling up for it!
What I love about them: She cares so much and she wants to help people and do good things and she’s just full of love.
What I hate about them: Currently, I find DA Barbie too spineless.
Favorite Moment/Quote: In Fairy Secret when she stands up to Raquelle and calls her out for ripping her dress and also hitting on Ken right in front of her.
What I would like to see more focus on: She needs  to stand up for herself more often, or just like, at all. Creating boundaries is not mean and should absolutely be taught to children from an early age.
What I would like to see less focus on: No more pointless shenanigans for the love of god.
Favorite pairing with: KEN! I’m sure that surprises no one.
Favorite friendship: Barbie and Alice had such a nice bond. I wish we’d see Alice again sometime but I know she’s gone forever.
NOTP: With Raquelle, in LitD specifically, but even in the movies I’m ehhh about it. I don’t really ship her with anyone that isn’t Ken lol.
Favorite headcanon: She’s Jewish on her dad’s side.
What I love about them: She’s knows who she is and what she wants, but she can also put others before herself when it really matters.
What I hate about them: It really does hurt me to see her fawn over Georgie Majors, although that’s less on her than it is on Georgie bc Merliah’s just a kid.
Favorite Moment/Quote: When they’re at the cove and she asks why she should care about Oceana and she breaks her necklace... Just that whole scene, really, bc she thinks she’s going crazy and her immediate thought is to a) talk it out with her friends and b) get (presumably) professional help. And also she’s right that she has no stake in anything happening in Oceana lol.
What I would like to see more focus on: I don’t want any more canon for Merliah, ever, I really don’t. So nothing. Even fandom-wise, I’m kind of done with fandoms so I don’t really care what anyone else is doing with her.
What I would like to see less focus on: I have no idea.
Favorite pairing with: With Kylie, naturally.
Favorite friendship: She has a lot of great friendships, but I’m going to say Calissa, actually. I know that’s her mom, but since Calissa didn’t raise her, I think they’re kinda more like friends, anyway. (The beginning of MT2 shows this imo.)
NOTP: I don’t know of any other Merliah ships and thank god for that.
Favorite headcanon: Her middle name is Joy.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
We got episode 3 “Into the Digital World”! And the good news is we are still Very Much at it with the Taishiro lol
This pic pretty much sums up the whole episode for me:
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Spoilers under the cut...
So let’s knock the most important thing off right away, at the end of the ep they DO go to a real digital world!
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And it looks like a child’s fantasy... a beautiful natural world full of amazing creatures. I have no idea how similar it’s gonna be to the world we know, though! So far everything’s different, even things that seem the same. Keeps me guessing.
The landscape is pretty intriguing. Looks like a planet/moon on the horizon? And I’m sure that interesting island’s gotta mean something...
But back to the beginning.
So last week, I was all boggled because they introduced Omegamon and Jogress so early. It was easy to think that since they’d started this hype wave, they were gonna keep riding it out, especially with Hikari and Takeru seeming to receive magic feathers and all. Well, that’s not really how it goes down.
The battle is very quiet, with few words - none at all from Taichi or Yamato until Koushirou gets their attention. I am not 100% sure about this, but from the way Taichi looks to the side when an attack comes his way and Omegamon then takes it out, I think it might mean Taichi and Yamato have some mental work of their own to do to help Omegamon fight and that’s why they’re so quiet. But that’s just a thought. I do love the idea that the kids’ ties to their Digimon have more of an affect on their ability to battle than just their evolutions.
One thing a Jogress does is make you glow. Yeah yeah, we glowed before too. No, I mean GLOW.
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Like, nonstop.
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Also, I have figured out that Taichi and Yamato must have suction cups on their shoes and that’s how they don’t fall off Omegamon while he’s hurtling all over the place
Cue awesome rock version of the theme song battle music!! Omegamon kills nu!Diaboromon the same way he kills him in Our War Game, with a STAB. But that doesn’t stop the missile. Here I thought would be Koushirou’s turn to shine, but aside from continuing to keep tabs on things, he doesn’t get to join in the fight this time.
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Omegamon is somehow able to detect missiles, I guess?
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And lock on to the infected one, which conveniently shows an actual lock, is red, and even has the monster’s eyeball symbol. We also see a bunch of Digi code before this.
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He absorbs the powers of all the Crests into his sword (!!) ...
(notice they’re still glowing!)
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... and stabs it. Because in Digimon, stabbing is always the answer.
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BOOM shakalaka
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People of Tokyo: Wow that’s bright! I should probably avert my eyes or put on sunglasses. But first, to Instagram!
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Thanks, Kouushirou’s computer.
The missle blows up way up high and no one gets hurt. They also don’t seem to care all that much about what this is either! Seconds later everyone’s devices lose power, including Koushirou’s computer. He is very distressed, but the outage doesn’t last long.
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Yamato and Taichi’s suction cups finally lose their grip and they fall away into a bright light...
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Omegamon became a butterfly!!
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It is now certain, Taichi didn’t pull a Kouichi xD He’s perfectly fine. That’s the RIGHT way to get in and out of the digital world at a train station. Take notes, kids.
OK before we move on I must take a second to appreciate these text messages Koushirou receives from someone named Mr.Unknown (gee I’m sure we’ll never hear from him again!)
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OMG my life is
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“Someone stop it!” Suddenly Japanese (also from Mr.Unkown)
Twenty bucks says this guy is Gennai? Ryou? Wallace? KEN?!
no don’t bet against me please, I have no money.
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Have an adorable Hikari, who didn’t get to do anything with the feather in the end. Who knows if she even really has it. She DOES seem to totally know what happened with her brother though. Takeru might know also? But Hikari definitely does. Our little oracle is back.
So Taichi is fine, Koushirou is fine, Yamato is fine. They all get back to the human world safely. Taichi and Koushirou head home, wondering if all that really happened, talking about what could happen next. More importantly, the Taishiro power returns at full throttle.
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Koushirou: Do you know about this? This? This?
Taichi: Hmm... hmmm... hmmm.. thinking makes my head hurt...
(Like I rag on Taichi for not thinking but tbh he’s quite the thinker and planner... maybe more so in this season than in the original.)
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Gloves returned to pocket. Goggles still at the ready.
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Then Taichi reaches out his hand... Koushirou stares at it like he’s not quite sure what to do with it. And Taichi’s like, “Thank you so much, for everything, you were a huge help!”
Koushirou: “But I didn’t do anything.”
Taichi: “You helped so much by doing all that research! You’re awesome!”
Koushirou: :D “Y-Yeah!!”
He agrees that he’s awesome!! My baby!!
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They shake hands! They’re such good friends now!
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... Then Taichi walks backwards out of the elevator with his hand still outstretched, staring at Koushirou
This show producers aren’t even TRYING to hide their bias hahaha okay that’s the Taishiro fan in me but HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO READ THIS SCENE CMON LIKE!?
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So Taichi’s about to go home, and at this point I’m thinking “I guess Koushirou’s never gonna ask that question about camp...!”
Then Taichi is like, “Oh yeah, didn’t you have a question about camp?”
Fricking. TAICHI.
I am absolutely stunned that it’s him who brings up Koushirou’s original errand xD Koushirou himself has completely forgotten about it! (Too busy basking in the glow of being called awesome about twenty times in what this episode establishes is less than an hour!)
Seriously Taichi is SUCH A DAD!? His mom comes home and tells him about her day. Hikari comes over and he pats her on the head and tells her she was brave and did a good job. All he needs is a newspaper and a tie to reach peak Dad-ness.
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Hikari: “Thanks big brother!”
Taichi: “...? For?”
So about Yamato... on the elevator Taichi realizes he never found out where Yamato lives...
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... It’s Shimane. Grandma’s house in Shimane! Well I mean, they could make it somewhere else, but the point is it’s super inaka countryside. Yamato has a call with Takeru which makes it seem like they indeed don’t live together, as Takeru shyly asks Yamato if he’ll come visit since it’s summer break, and Yamato says he does intend to go to Tokyo and see him. Not sure yet who Yamato’s living with, if it’s still his dad or he lives with his grandparents in this version, or there’s some other reason he’s not in Tokyo...
Yamato also asks if Takeru’s okay, and Takeru replies he was inside all day so he’s fine. That’s what makes me think Takeru knows about Yamato going to the digital world. He might not, but I like the idea that he does. My guess would be he knows because he’s seen Yamato do it or something, whereas Hikari just knows because she’s psychic :P
Then guess what! WE GO TO CAMP!
Only for like, two minutes, though. That was a bummer for me. Camp is just a vehicle to introduce a couple other characters, then they go home. Well, we don’t need two of the exact same show I guess... I’ll just appreciate this as a nod to the original.
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First we see Jou! He’s hancho again and trying to tell other kids how to use a knife. He immediately cuts his finger. Good ole Jou I can’t wait to have him back.
Taichi and Koushirou are walking around camp and Koushirou trips due to Jou yelling and basically throws his laptop straight into the air
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Mr Superior Reflexes AKA Taichi quickly grabs Koushirou and prevents him from smashing face first into the dirt. GOSH THEY JUST WILL NOT STOP WITH THE TAISHIRO. I CANNOT.
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Koushirou: “H-H-Human c-c-contact?!?!?! Is this SKINSHIP”
Like y’all know this isnt my fault right? I wouldn’t have to say these things if the show didn’t make it so durn easy. Bahahahaha.
Guess who catches the laptop! Soooooraaaaa!
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My girl is back! She’s got butterflies!
Koushirou says he knows who she is because the girls in his class always talk about how she’s so cooooool!
This episode establishes that Sora is 1) popular 2) well-liked 3) responsible 4) quick-thinking 5) athletic 6) Taichi’s old friend 7) coooooool in like, thirty seconds.
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Taichi and Koushirou continue to spend aaaaaall their time together. My one complaint here is that all they do is talk about the digital world. And while I know it’s no surprise, the one thing I always loved about old Adventure was that to a certain extent, the kids got to act like kids. Of course they had uncanny adult wisdom and ability to sit still, lol. I understand that. So far in this show, they’re not really acting like children even a little bit. It’s all superheroing. That’s how I feel at the moment though - the only one I expect to really act like a child is Takeru, and probably Mimi, I’d guess. I do hope we get to see a larger range of personality from all of them in the future. It is only episode three.
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Koushirou’s icon is a pineapple <3
So there’s a new threat but it’s not as obvious as the old one. Another power outage happens but they don’t know how important it is right away. Then both Taichi and Koushirou’s digivices start to glow! Taichi runs out, and here we finally got some new personality from him, something beyond friendliness and bravery: He really, really wants to see Agumon again. He’s already feeling the depth of that bond and it’s really been weighing on him that they parted so abruptly. He has so many questions. I would say, Koushirou talked about the digital world non stop because he finds it interesting, but Taichi talked about it because he misses Agumon. (Koushirou after all hasn’t met Tentomon yet.)
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Before he can run out, Taichi runs into Hikari in the living room. She’s worried, and she clearly knows what he’s up to, but all she says is “Itterasshai.” I super appreciate that the set up and lighting is the same as these scenes between the two of them in original Adventure! It’s a total throwback to that hallmark ep of Adventure, episode 21.
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Unable to think about anything but seeing Agumon again, Taichi runs outside to the train station where Koushirou is (I wonder if the train station is going to become like their base point or something). He doesn’t even notice Sora, but she notices him...
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... and in true Sora fashion, immediately turns around and starts chasing after Taichi without a word xD
ugh I will always hate how PINK she is in this
Sora: “Taichi’s running somewhere awful fast... he has that look on his face... he’s going to get into trouble ugh I just know it”
The digivices glow and both Taichi and Koushirou disappear into the digital world. As they go through the vortex, we see a bunch of colored lights...
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So this one is clearly Taichi and Koushirou, and Sora as well. My guess is she gets swallowed up as a result of following Taichi.
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However, over here we have Yamato, Jou, and Mimi, but why would they all be together? Yamato’s fine, but how are the other two getting in?
It doesn’t seem like Takeru’s joining this time, which is interesting. But I might be wrong - only episode 4 will tell.
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Taichi wakes up in the real Digital World and is finally reunited with Agumon. End episode 3 <3
I’m really curious about what’s coming next! I’m still pretty shocked that a Jogress happened so early, but I’m gonna guess now that we might not see it again for a good long while. My prediction is that Yamato’s gonna be more like the lone wolves of other seasons (Ken, Ruki, Kouji, etc) who don’t want to join the main team right away, then suddenly just do. Everyone loves a rogue hero. I am super excited for the whole team to be together though so we can see all those personality dynamics grow! I really want them to not go home for a while and have to live by their wits, but I don’t think that’s the way this show wants to go, it wants the drama of going back and forth between lives... OTOH, we now know for sure that it IS summer break, so I suppose they don’t really have a NEED to go home. Maybe we’ll get a bit of both - they usually go home after, but sometimes end up on a longer stay?
I think what I need most from this show is the rest of the team before it will really feel like Digimon Adventure to me. So looking forward to episode 4!
eta: I totally forgot about the pics I took of the trailer for next week!
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Look how awesome this is! This is exactly what I am hoping sticks around for a good long time! We need the partners to bond and we need to live up to the name of “Adventure”!
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Since the trailer only shows Taichi and Sora, I wonder if that means everyone’s split up. Koushirou’s light seemed a bit distant from the other two in that screencap up there, so maybe he lands somewhere else and they all have to find each other. Makes sense, really. I’d expected that for the other three but figured Koushirou would be with Taichi... but it’ll be awesome if he has to try to get by on his own in the beginning. Also, so excited for Birdramon!
Bonus: I found a vid on youtube that claimed to have English subs and I clicked out of curiosity... this is what it wrote when Taichi says “Koushirou”:
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X’D Koushirou has so many nicknames now. DJ Wiseman, Kou the Bro, Awesome, Taichi’s New God, Godzilla... I love Youtube.
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betsypaige22 · 5 years
This is such a great interview....god, I miss Bobby. I’ve posted this because otherwise you need to be a subscriber...
I have to be honest, picturing Bobby doing this particular yoga pose makes me need to take a cold shower, lol. The part about his kids asking if he’s going to leave them is heartbreaking ....😭😭. I do love that he’s still baking...
Every Sunday morning the actor Robert Carlyle grabs his mat and heads off for a session of “restorative yoga” in the Canadian port city of Vancouver, where he lives. There is one particular pose — called a “chest-opener”; you lie back, arms supported by bolsters, and release stress and feelings through the abdomen — that has produced remarkable results.
“You hold the pose for up to nine minutes and it releases emotions,” he says. “Out of nowhere I remembered this old lady leading me through the streets of Drumchapel in Glasgow when I was about seven years old, to go to see some wrestling. I hadn’t remembered her since I was a kid. I just lay there crying.”
Carlyle was brought up by his father, Joe, after his mother, Elizabeth, walked out to be with another man when he was four. His father was a painter and decorator, and the pair lived an itinerant existence around the UK in communes, shared houses and even tents. They lived in almost 100 homes. The old woman was his grandmother, Jean, who stepped in to help sometimes.
“That’s what set me off,” Carlyle says. “The realisation that this old woman was my dad’s mum, born in 1895 and survivor of two world wars. And here she was in her seventies, looking out for me when my dad was struggling to get to work.”
Carlyle left school at 16 and followed his father into painting and decorating. Aged 22, he discovered acting and, without formal training, appeared in The Hard Man, Tom McGrath’s play about the notorious Glasgow gangster Jimmy Boyle. After this he was encouraged to enrol at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (now the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland).
In the early 1990s he made a name for himself in the ITV detective series Cracker, as well as playing Begbie, the charismatic psycho in the screen adaptation of Irvine Welsh’s novel Trainspotting. Carlyle was lauded as a raw talent able to articulate a new “dirty realism”, although it was his role in the 1997 stripper comedy The Full Monty and as James Bond’s ex-KGB nemesis Renard in the 1999 film The World is Not Enough that catapulted him to international stardom.
“I went through a stage of being very angry about my mother, and that helped to fuel some of those roles,” he says. “As for Begbie in Trainspotting, that was partly me and partly the odd genuine psycho I had encountered in Glasgow.”
At the height of his fame in the 1990s Carlyle was at the centre of Cool Britannia and simultaneously friends with Damon Albarn from Blur and Noel Gallagher, then in Oasis (Carlyle appeared in the video for the single Little By Little). Tony Blair even recommended him for an OBE in the 1998 new year’s honours list. And yet, while at drama school Carlyle feared he might never get work because he wasn’t “posh”.
Now he has come full circle because he is about to play the fictional British prime minister Robert Sutherland in the new six-part Sky drama series Cobra. “Before I opened the script, I actually thought it was about a snake,” he says. “That’s what living away from home does to you.”
Cobra in fact refers to the Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms, the government’s crisis centre where national emergencies from terrorist attacks to natural disasters are handled. In this case the threat comes from a geomagnetic storm resulting from a solar flare that is threatening the worldwide electrical infrastructure. Kettles stop boiling. Cities go dark. Planes drop from the sky.
Carlyle is rigorous in his preparation for roles. When cast as a bus driver in Ken Loach’s 1996 film Carla’s Song he qualified as one. “For a working-class guy from Glasgow, being a prime minister was always going to be challenging,” he says. “I listened to tapes of posh Scottish MPs like [the former foreign secretary] Sir Malcolm Rifkind. He’ll sound like a Scot most of the time, but there are certain turns of phrase when you think, ‘Are you sure this guy is for real?’”
Keen-eyed viewers will have seen Carlyle in the BBC’s adaptation of HG Wells’s The War of the Worlds as the “potentially gay” astronomer Ogilvy. But perhaps only true aficionados will have spotted him as John Lennon in the Beatles tribute film Yesterday. He appeared as a counterfactual, 78-year-old Lennon enjoying his dotage in a bungalow by the sea. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr approved, but Lennon’s widow Yoko Ono wasn’t happy. “She didn’t like the idea of people seeing John get old, which I understand, but [the director] Danny Boyle argued that John is revered public property,” Carlyle says.
Carlyle wouldn’t accept a credit for the role. “That felt like too much. The chance to play a hero was enough. I don’t think it hurts to occasionally do things for love.”
Lennon’s relationship with his mother, Julia, was fractured too of course, and after a turbulent adolescence and having reached the top of his professional game, Carlyle came to yearn for a family. “I could go anywhere and have anything. [The 1990s] were an extraordinary time. But even then, I was quite a shy person, and I wanted kids and a home and a wife. Every day I am thankful that I found the most fantastic woman to do that with.”
Carlyle met his wife, the make-up artist Anastasia Shirley, while working on Cracker, and they have three children: Ava, 17, Harvey, 15, and Pearce, 13. After ten years in Vancouver, where Carlyle was making the US series Once Upon a Time, his children consider themselves Canadian. Sometimes they ask about his upbringing, an era referred to as his “black and white years”. “‘Dad, tell us about the black and white years,’ they say. It’s pretty heavy telling children about your mother leaving because they look frightened and say, ‘Are you going to bugger off as well?’ When I’ve reassured them, they just look sad. So I say to them, ‘Don’t be sad for me, I got all the love I ever needed. I don’t feel angry or aggrieved. It was her that missed out.’”
Carlyle’s father died of a heart attack in 2006, and in an attempt to work through his grief Carlyle embarked on a tour of the homes they shared together. “That tour was about confirming I had lived that life,” he says. “I’ve been honoured at Buckingham Palace. I’ve done a Bond movie. But I’ve also slept rough with my old man under Brighton pier. It can mess with your head. Going back reminded me where I’m from. I sat in the car weeping.”
For now the family remain in Canada while the children complete their schooling. At weekends he takes them to football, bakes bread (Carlyle taught himself after discovering that Lennon was an accomplished home baker) and the family sometimes go for walks in a local forest.
He celebrated New Year’s Eve in Scotland with his old friend Robert del Naja from Massive Attack and, sooner or later, the family will return for good. It’s striking that Carlyle has not lost his accent. “You don’t lose the accent unless you want to,” he says with a smile. “I love our life in Canada. It’s a beautiful country with beautiful people. But I only have to do a couple of yoga poses to know I’ve got a lot of Britain still inside of me.”
All episodes of Cobra are available from January 17 on Sky One and NOW TV
Trainspotting or stamp collecting?
Neither — football
Independence or unity?
Unity and collaboration, always
Glasgow or Sheffield?
Green juice for breakfast or the full monty?
Full monty
Night in or night out?
Night in
Last film you saw?
Country walk or personal trainer?
Country walk
How many unread emails in your inbox?
Around 2,000
What’s your signature dish?
I couldn’t get through my weekend without . . .
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001 Barbie! xx
As you wish! They’ll mostly be from Barbie movies but I’ll probably include other Barbie media as well
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
I guess it’s obvious, but Erika’s always been #1 in my heart. She’s brave, loyal, and on a personal level got be through a lot of rough times. But if I had to choose another, it would be a tie between Starlight (Barbie of Para-Den) and Mariposa.
Least Favorite character:
Probably Ryan from Life in the Dreamhouse. He just won’t shut up about how much Ken sucks and how cool he is and how he’ll steal Barbie away. At least most of Raquelle’s shenanigans were about proving she was better than Barbie in general, not just as a romantic partner. Plus she was way funnier and *gasp* showed remorse every once in a while. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
1. Every combo of the Princess and the Pauper OT4 (Julian x Anneliese x Erika x Dominick) because they all work so no you can’t make me choose!
2. Every combo of the Mariposa OT4 (Willa x Carlos x Mariposa x Catania) because again I ship them all so you can’t make me choose!
3. Starlight x Sal-Lee. I mean it’s a classic “tough girl lets her guard down for this one person” idea that I adore, plus through Starlight Sal-Lee ends up opening up to everyone else as well, meaning she’s taking influence from Starlight. I also think they just have a lot of good chemistry. I wish SLA had it sequel so we could see more of their interactions.
4. Tori x Keira x Liam. I think I actually like this one more than Anneliese x Erika because they get so much more time together onscreen. And omg that time together is just oozing in adorable interactions. The winks, the sly smiles, the gushing, it’s just too cute. I also just think Liam is so sweet with Keira and you can tell from the “Perfect Day” montage and the scene with Tori in the carriage that he really loves Keira’s company. I like to think that Keira ends up casually dating both of them for a while - because she’s a BICON! If you really wanted me to choose just one between them though, sorry Liam, but I’d be Troi x Keira all the way.
5. I’m including Summer x Raquelle here because like I’ve said before I love the chaotic energy they’d have. I think if they ever got together Raquelle’s ambition combined with Summer’s competitive nature would lead into hilarious schemes of proving that there's "obviously" the best couple and Summer getting all defensive if Raquelle’s goals aren’t going her way.
Character I find most attractive:/
I have to admit, I think George (Dreamhouse Adventures) is pretty handsome. I think I just have a thing for men with dark hair and glasses.
Character I would be best friends with:
Oooh, so many to choose from! Okay, if I just pick one it would probably be Marie-Alicia (Alice). We’re a lot alike in some ways, shy about our passions, softspoken but not afraid to throw down, and struggling with confidence issues. I would love to spend calm afternoons with her sitting by the windows in Millicent’s Fashion House, working on my latest videos and musical aspirations while she worked on new designs. And then maybe we’d go for dinner or coffee and treats after!
a random thought:
I’m don’t think I’ll ever be over Barbie Live! In Fairytopia and Barbie LIVE! The Musical being limited releases with no proshots (proshot just means filmed musical/play). I mean come on even BARNEY had a proshot for one of his shows, so why not Barbie too?? Not only would everyone have gotten to see it but it would’ve helped to make back money for the production as well.  
An unpopular opinion:
I love ALL Barbie movies and I don't think they "went downhill" after Three Musketeers. Sorry y'all.
My Canon OTP:
Barbie x Ken because I’m basic but I mean can you blame me??? They’re adorable in Life in the Dreamhouse, and I’m actually loving the slowburn in Dreamhouse Adventures despite how overused the trope is. They’re just so comfortable with each other and it’s clear how strong their bond is, even just as friends. Love them. 
My Non-canon OTP:
Merliah x Kylie but honestly, you can’t convince me they aren’t canon. I mean come on, Merliah has NO male love interest and Kylie and her are a classic “rivals-to-lovers” trope. They kind of remind of me of Annika and Aidan at the beginning of Magic of Pegasus actually, because those two idiots were really trying to hide any attraction with snark and it just didn’t work. That’s how I see Merliah and Kylie; they pretend to be all tough and dismissive because neither wants to admit they’re actually head over heels. Plus I mean Kylie almost DIED to protect Merliah and the whole ocean, could you really blame me for shipping them after that?? Aw man they’re one of the best f/f ships out there. 
Most Badass Character:
I’d say of all the badass characters in Barbie, I’ll choose Rosella. She learned how to provide for herself on the island, she can *parkour* (lol), and most importantly she never gave up trying to help Apollonia’s animals no matter what. Even when everything was against her, she stood up for what she knew was right. Also, she never said one bad word against Luciana. I know that may not seem like much but too many movies with love triangles pit the women against each other and I’m just not fond of that unless one of them is supposed to be really nasty or villanous.
Most Epic Villain:
I’m going with Preminger because he honestly scares me. Similar to someone like Adagio Dazzle, he’s almost always one step ahead and easily molds the situation to fit his needs. Every time a wrench is thrown into his plans, he finds a way to adapt and continue being the one in control. He’s undoubtedly clever and cunning.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
i know I’ve said this before but UGH Kara/Super Sparkle x Wes Rivers. I don’t care if he’s supposed to be her “Lois Lane”, he’s a wannabe newshound who exposed her identity without a second thought to boost traffic to his blog. That is the NUMBER ONE thing you do not do to a superhero because it can and WILL endanger not only the life of the hero herself but also anyone she knows. He’s not a journalist, he’s just a one-man papparazzi with a phone instead of a camera. Absolute worst Barbie movie love interest.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Barbie in Puppy Chase. First, she brings the puppies with them to Hawaii for no good reason. Seriously, there’s a lot of work that goes with bringing pets on a plane, so unless it was Chelsea that begged her to take the puppies, which I seriously doubt, there was no reason to waste any time/money on doing that. Secondly, she didn’t reserve a car beforehand. That’s...just common sense. Third, she completely ignored Chelsea every time she said that it was HER trip, for HER competition, and SHE wanted to go straight to the hotel. There was time to see the horses and whatever else, sure, but they should’ve done it AFTER checking in at the hotel. Not to mention, what if their room had been given to someone else because they were no-shows? This movie just made Barbie look like an insensitive idiot and I can’t forgive that.
Favourite Friendship:
One of my favorites is definitely Erika Juno and Princess Olivia. I made a longer post about it a few years ago. I really like how they teach each other and how they grow thanks to each other’s influences.
Character I most identify with:
Right now, Starlight & Erika. I’m jittery, unfocused, and at times really unconfident. At the same time, I also feel trapped inside and music is really my escape from both the world and my own sorrows.
Character I wish I could be:
When I get older, I hope to be like Aunt Millicent - the “cool” aunt that inspires her siblings’ children, like how Millicent inspired Barbie to be a strong woman. I mean I’dl ike to be inspiring to my own children as well, but I chose Aunt Millicent specifically because I’m not sure if I myself will ever be ready to have a child, so right now I’m preparing more for being the best Aunt I can whenever my little sibs have kids.
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seesreadsandwrites · 5 years
Quickie: Thriller, 2018
So I am coming to grips with my quickie reviews as my mode. I really want to dive in deep with my critique and analysis but I’d rather reserve that writing energy for my creative writing and ideas. It would likely be good if I indulged in non-fiction writing to make me a more effective writer and supplement creative writing with research but honestly I am scared and lazy. Maybe I will publish the outlines as a way to light fire under me. That said lets get into this quickie for Thriller.
I’d like to think the title harkens to one of the most celebrated and well-known pop songs from one of the most celebrated and well-known black entertainers Thriller by Michael Jackson. The song was never played in the movie but Black culture loves a throwback. Written by Dallas Jackson and Ken Rance, directed by the ladder, released 2018. Thriller is just that, a thriller. Its about a group of teens being hunted down on homecoming weekend.
Take reviews with a grain of salt. Why? Racism and antiblackness. That said while its not great its not terrible or a 3/10. Its a fiver. Its pizza. You know the pizza that always shows up whenever the job giving a free lunch? Its like that. Firmly in the middle so potential was missed but it hit all homogeneous horror movie plot points. Now while its pizza, it gets extra points here for being a black pizza company, made a by black pizzatisserie, for black people starring black people from his first time making black pizza. If you are not moved by this, this aint the place for you.
The Good: its a black horror movie. BAM. The lead is a monoracial/monoracial presenting beautiful black woman. Black women are rarely presented as effeminate, young and desirable in non-black spaces and if they are they are actually biracial, LS or not styled as desirable (you can tell the female lead by costume styling do your research). BAM. They did not participate in colorism by demonizing the DS girl and instead did to the LS girl. PLOT TWIST. And it actually did have a nice surprise at the end. PLOT SWIRLING. Lol. So as you can tell, I am really gassed about a horror movie about BP and for BP and like I said if aint here to celebrate blackness, this aint for you.
Now the Bad: Okay the cast clearly was not in high school. It was painfully obvious when they brought in actual high school kids. That said, they dont look old, save for the Latino dude. Homie looked MATURE. They should set in a collegiate setting. That would have been more believable. Then the wouldnt have to keep PG and the latino dude could have been a sexy professor. It also would have not made the singer guy a pedo just a creep. And on that point, I know its satire about the kind of music black youth listens to buts its a crap message. Its a low budget indie movie and in certain scenes it showed.
The Okay: All the rest. The acting hits the middle because the cast is rather large so you dont get to bond with them, there isn’t much time so the actors have to hit thier archetypes right away and they do a good job of keeping you locked on. One that stood was girl playing the twin. Good chops. They could have done a whole sequel around her and her inner evil twin hunting the rest of the gang post graduation. The opening was really gripping with the kids (while I am here kudos for using black children!) and I gotta say I didnt expect the end.
So my rating: Pizza. Its on par with any other teen horror movie as far as acting and writing. With access to a better budget it could have measured up cinematically to box office films and do thing like set in a collegiate setting, better set design more time with characters.
Ultimately I do recommend watching it. Support black writers.
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zutara · 6 years
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Dalz here! This is by far my favorite ask, so thank you anon!
To answer this, it really depends on your ships? And your kinks hehe. I was going to post for recs for every ship, but got bored after Kagehina and Iwaoi. If you want more, or for a different pairing, just ask again. For now, here ya go:
Binding Problem: magesticartax. 163,546. 28 chapters and ongoing. Rated E.
The most involved and canon-aligning fic that exists. Ongoing, but the author actually updates (though infrequently, so you’ll be waiting). It’s worth the wait I promise. Beautifully written mutual pining and the slowest, tastiest burn. Probably more like Teen an Up rating right now, but things should escalate soon.
Somewhere to Belong: Esselle. 37,761 words. 4 chapter. Rated E
 Best Haikyuu au fic around. It’s a kageyama loner/sungod hinata au and it’s everything you need in your life. Also, I won’t tag them all, but EVERYTHING by this author is worth reading. You can find her Tumblr here.
Fate Mates: JeweledTygerLily. 95,339 words. 22/? Chapters (basically complete though, with a sequel started). Rated E.
Omegaverse au based on the infamous oneshot Oh God by Olympic Platinum, or orphan_account on ao3 I think, which is also a stellar read. This chapter fic, while it does have some awkward writing and grammar inconsistencies, is overall a fun and exciting read with emotional drama and good sex scenes. The sequel, Fates Revealed, continues with the characters playing volleyball in college (5 chapters, but on hiatus).
I like the Way Your Clothes Smell: Mysecretfanmoments. 75,278 words. 19 chapters. Not Rated
A classic, this fanfic probably was my first kagehina. It’s sweet and fun and there’s volleyball. What more could you ask for? I’d probably rate it Mature, but the author says where to skip if you want to avoid nsfw
Am I Gay? Please Help: buu. 37,371 words. 19/20 chapters (but complete honestly). Rated Teen and Up
Cute misunderstandings, Kageyama realizing he’s gay, and fluffy hinata not-dates! Also one of my first introduction into the fandom.
The Sum of Its Parts: anonymouschupacabra. 140,848 words. 54 Chapters. Rated E.
Kageyama has a child and lots of tattoos. Hinata is bakery fluff. Romance ensues. (It’s well written, but I’m not very down for Kagehina with past relationships tbh).
Impressions: Momus. 55,530 words. 11 chapters. Rted E.
Model hinata is too short to make it! What happens when he becomes the assistant of the stoic top model Kageyama Tobio? Read and find out~~
The Sum of Our Parts: Vixen13. 47.890 words. 14 chapters. Rated E.
Don’t confuse this with the previous fic! This is a dramatic omegaverse where Kageyama bonds with Hinata to protect him from authorities that are anti-omega. He influences Hinata’s mind but ends up falling in love in the process.
Hunger Series: Esselle. 32,669 words. 4 chapters (plus continuation). Rated E
One more by Esselle! This one is omegaverse inspired where Hinata is a cute and innocent prince who runs into the lone wolf Kageyama in the forest and smexy times ensue.
Soul-pair: Yoloo312. 78,659 wordss. 27 chapters. Rated E.
 Pretty similar to Fate Mates, but not quite as good. Omegaverse where you have soul mates.
The Heart of The Jungle: Esselle. 50,148 words. 6 chapters. Rated E.
One more Esselle because I can’t help it. This one is a tarzan au. HOT.
The Video: Navybluewings. 53,473 words. 7 chapters. Rated E.
College Kageyama and Hinata need to pay rent, so they make a porno and also obviously are idiots in love.
Routine: someonestolemyshoes. 29,188 words. 4 chapters. Rated E
Kageyama must be home every night so that he can jerk off to camboy Hinata. Delicious.
Whole Milk Series: Esselle. 4 works. Rated E.
Kageyama is a prostitute. Hinata is an innocent floof.  Nuff said.
The Show Must Go On AND Friends Will Be Friends: someonestolemyshoes and esselle respectively. Rated E.
Can’t really explain? But if you read routine and then whole Milk, then you can read these two fics. I read these while sitting in a library and couldn’t stop shrieking outloud.
Come and Get Lost With Us: boxofwonder. 150,504 words. 28 chapters. Rated Mature.
Emotional forest au where Hinata’s makeshift tribe take in and heal Kageyama, a hunter with a mysterious past. Includes some adorable daisuga and kuroken side plots.
The Kids Aren’t Alright: anonymouschupacabra. 69,493 words. 33 chapters. Rated Mature.
Coffee Shop au! Couldn’t not include at least one.
Parisienne Walkways: someonestolemyshoes. 3 parts. Rated Mature and Explicit.
Sexy figure skating au with good sex and better angst.
Cry of a Fallen Crow: Sakuchii. 112,205 words. 24 chapters (incomplete but updating). Rated Teen
Hinata pretends to be a girl and marries Kageyama at 17 to save his family and protect his sister. Plot idea is great, but writing and pacing certainly leave something to be desired. I usually skim for the cute Kagehina moments.
Just Friends: okoyee. 17,109 words. 5 chapters (very incomplete). Not Rated.
I hate putting up incomplete fics, especially those that look like they’ll never be finished. And yet…just trust me. These 5 chapters are everything. Also. If you comment maybe it will inspire the author to continue!
Denial: martialartist816. 10,028. 4 chapters. Rated E.
Description given: “If we don’t kiss, it’s not gay.” /squeels/
Acceptable Risk: Mysecretfanmoments. 46,108 words. 5 chapters. Rated E
College roommates with mutual pining!
Handgun, Fire, and Key: kvhottie. 13,570. 11 chapters. Rated Mature
Yakuza children/Romeo and Juliet au.
Unexpected Fixations: Natsumiofgames. 27,947 words. 4 chapters. Rated E
Hinata loses a bet and is forced to wear a cheerleader outfit. Kageyama goes crazy and pwp gets real. I would rate this one Mature though.
King and The Lion Heart: MaryLouLeach. 113,073 words. 39 Chapters (and still updating). Rated Mature.
Highschool Omegaverse but with a good amount of abuse as well as pretty sloppy writing. I’m including this fic if you’re desperate for anything kagehina, like me :p
The one that I need (could be right here by my side): kagome_angel. 32,950 words. 13 chapters. Rated E
Our cute beans fall in love! Pretty basic plotline
Saffron and Cayenne Pepper: dontsaycrazy. 30,773 words. 7 chapters. Rated Teen and Up
Hinata can’t cook so his hot neighbor decides to help him out.
You’re my Forever: camra01. 19,416 words. Oneshot. Rated E.
Omegaverse where the paor reunite after meeting in childhood. Cute alpha jealousy and fake relationship.
Good Boy: kieranlikesplants. 1,870 words. Oneshot. Rated E.
Very self-indulgent praise and daddy kink fic. Hinata wears black panties so please don’t read this at work…
Shoutout to the tens of Kagehina fanfics I’ve bookmarked over the years that have since been taken down! Especially “Volleyball Homos” and “Being Seventeen Sucks,” (by crapso), and “Something New.” True gifts to the fandom.
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Something Like Us: the_madame21. 28,916 words. 10 chapter. Rated E
Easily the best iwaoi fanfic written. Omegaverse and consensual. Best portrayal of mutual pining iwaoi and they also play volleyball on the national team so extra plus! Gets hot and heavy right away too~~
The Alpha King & I: caelestisxyz. 147,276 words. 17 chapters. Rated E
Still omegaverse lol. Alpha Iwa-chan has been cursed to live hundreds of years wandering the Earth, alone, until he find the reincarnation of his past love of course. Side plot of Ken and Shigeru. I almost didn’t give this a read because of the fantasy/past lives aspect, but it’s pretty secondary to the romance. Definitely has drama and mentions abuse though (in the side plot) so check the tags.
The Jewel of Seijoh Series: timetopretend. 4 consecutive one shots. Rated E
The smuttiest, kinkiest, most indulgent iwaoi omegaverse you will ever read (but at your own risk). You. Need. To. Read. It. Honestly, read everything by this author.
A Place to Call Home: the_madame21. 191,554 words. 44 Chapters. Rated E
This omegaverse (are you sensing a trend in my tastes?!) fic is definitely worth reading. Not abusive/fully consensual, which is rare for omegaverse. Also, cute mommy Oikawa! and a decent side Bokuaka plotline. Two or three steamy lemons. 10/10 recommend. Pretty ooc though.
Healing the Broken: caelestisxyz. 108,726 words. 14 chapters. Rated E
Finally not omegaverse! Modern au where Iwazumi is a traumatized boxer who moves to New York to escape is troubles. Oikawa is in a band. Not so true to canonverse, but it’s a fun ride if you’re up for it.
Conquering the Great King: suggestivescribe. 105,591 words. 17 chapters. Rated E
Currently rereading this one actually. Lives up to the memory for sure. Mostly PWP and there’s smexy office sex and teasing Daisuga.
To be first, to be best: kittebasu. 26,404. Oneshot. Rated Teen and Up
Cute, long oneshot where Oikawa finds an excuse to move in with Iwa and there is pining.
Where We Begin: chip1. 53,570 words. 13/14 chapters (and updating). Rated Mature.
Getting together story with lots of pining. Pretty nicely paced slow burn with copious amounts of angst.
We Shine Like Diamonds: whitemiists. 26,733. Oneshot. Rated Teen and Up
Another sweet and long oneshot with iwaoi growing up and Oikawa figuring out he’s in love.
No Room For Pretend: orphan_account. 12,600. Oneshot. Rated Teen and Up
The fake boyfriend au we all need.
Build a Temple in Me: Authoress. 39,780. Oneshot. Teen and Up
The author describes it as “a mix between the children->friends->lovers au and a Japanese folklore-ish story.” Oikawa is a god-like creature and Iwa happens to find him.
Shiver: Yuu_chi. 16,703. Oneshot. Rated Teen and Up
Another cute oneshot, but this time Iwa is the one figuring out he is in love.
Always, My Pillar of Faith. Starlitcities. 16,609. Oneshot. Rated Mature
Long a deep oneshot. Lots of Tooru pining. There’s cheating on an oc, but otherwise a fic that will give you feels in all the right places.
I CANNOT FIND my favorite iwaoi oneshot. This is calling all iwaoi fanpeoples to help me! It’s a long, slow burn where oikawa is a nerdy, smart, and sensitive child with no friends until bug collector Iwaizumi moves in next door and they become best friends. In high school tooru shoots up and girls start to flock to him, but Iwa knows that he is just the geeky, alien loving boy he always was. Obviously, they fall in love happily ever after. Any ideas??
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So to be honest, these are just a selection of the thousands of fics I’ve read…let me know if you want part two or ever are looking for one in particular. Happy reading!
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drunklander · 7 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 302
Ok I am so fucking glad I watched this episode after a bunch of beers. Because I basically just giggled through most of it and I’m fairly certain that wasn’t the reaction they were going for. Like lol, nothing matters. And lol I did. Literalol.
Basically this episode makes me look back on the rage I felt about Claire’s half of the story last week and just intensifies it. Like yep. We literally got an entire episode that was just about her placating Frank’s #manpain. Nothing centered actually on her and her grief of losing her husband and her son (Hey, remember Fergus? Yeah, show!Claire loved him a lot.) and everything she held dear. No moment to be with Bree, just the two of them, before spending two decades having to lie to her and keep her slightly at a distance. You know, it’s not like Bree was the entire reason Claire even went back through the stones, so Claire definitely shouldn’t get a moment to reflect on the crazy jumble of emotions that come along with finally meeting this baby. Nope, literally everything was about trying to be what Frank wanted her to be and Frank being a selfish idiot and making her feel like she wasn’t trying hard enough. (Fuck you, Frank.)
So now we’re on ep. 2! So I guess it’s time to forget about last week’s rage and move on to laughing about sentient dildos and hats named Wilson! Because if I don’t laugh about it, I’m really not sure how to feel about this episode? I liked it more than the premiere because it didn’t make me ragey but it still feels like we’re just checking off plot points so we can eventually get to the juicy stuff once they’re back together and like dive into that?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh hey! It’s Red Jamie in the title card! Good thing they’re all plugging #dunbonnet on twitter because the best way to hid your super iconic red hair really is under a brown hat! Glad we established that right off the bat.
Remember though, if the show decides to throw the thing they’ve established as what is supposed to be happening out the window, we’re not supposed to call them out or else they’ll make fun of us in interviews. Because LOL NOTHING MATTERS.
Apparently Romann hit puberty at just the right time lol, because otherwise it’d be *rull* awk pretending like six years had past. But look he’s all tall now and sounds like teenager. A babyfaced teenager, but whatever.
Although listening to Fergus be all macho about killing a redcoat and remembering how fucked up he was telling Claire about it right after it happened makes me want to give him a hug. Like it’s ok that you’re still a little messed up about that, hun.
Also like you’d think that Ian would be more careful about not letting the kiddos see where he was hiding the gun? Because like of course the boys will try to find it?
“I’m here for the dunbonnet. He’s an outlaw that wears a brown hat to cover his distinctive red hair.” “Nope, def no one around here matching this description. There is 100% literally no one around here using a brown hat to cover their distinctive red hair. I guarantee it.”
Maybe a tad too heavy-handed with the whole setting up Fergus for the Scottish redcoats showdown, but whatever. Like he got by on his wits and stuff as a pickpocket but now he’s fine just being like lol fuck you, dude, even though you’re arresting the head of the estate and looking for milord. Anyway…
Oh hey! It’s Jamie! Who is definitely not hiding his distinctive red hair. Because lol nothing matters! It’s not like the redcoats are always around looking for him and arresting Ian.
Hai, Claire. You look much better in this century than the 20th. This little vision didn’t feel as impactful as the one on the battlefield for me though? Idk. I guess I like it? I’m indifferent to it because I’m distracted by the ridiculous hair?
Seriously, I’m sure Sam’s performance in this episode was amazing, but the fucking hair was so distracting and over the top that I feel like I missed out on a lot of what was actually important.
“You scared the bowels out of me! They’ve taken Ian again. So maybe you shouldn’t be coming down in the middle of the day when the redcoats so recently left.” “Sun’s out, Dun’s out.” “What? Did you just…” “Just go with it, Jenny.”
“The dunbonnet, that’s what they’ve taken to calling you now. Soon enough you’ll have ballads sung in your honor.” No no, show. You don’t get brownie points for throwing in a fanservicey line like that, referencing how they find him during this period in the book. Nope. You decided that he wasn’t going to hide his hair, even though apparently he’s known for hiding his hair. So lol nothing matters, he’s just a sad guy who lives in a cave and has an odd attachment to a grubby brown hat. It’s name is Wilson, naturally. No brownie points for you, show.
Jamie and Wilson are the best of friends. Jamie even wears Wilson inside the cave! Some may say their bond is a tad codependent, but they’re really each other’s only friends.
Except sorry, Wilson, but Jamie needs to go into disapproving Da mode. You don’t mind taking a step back do you? No offense, Wilson, but it’s a family thing. No of course you’re family too, Wilson! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you!
“I want to learn to shoot, milord. And if you don’t teach me, I’ll probs just learn by osmosis in the next few minutes anyway because #plot.”
Ok so Fergus in this scene kind of just came off as a moody teenager until he called Jamie a coward. But man, that line. To Fergus, Jamie has given up. Claire’s gone, and Jamie’s living in a cave and it’s like he has lost both of his parents. Jamie called him a son but then left him with Jenny. And I’m sure that Fergus loves Jenny and Jenny loves Fergus, but man. I do not begrudge Fergus some anger aimed at Jamie.
“Sir! Didna ken you were expected today. And oh my, you’re hair! Those long, flowing locks! Where’s Wilson?!” “Red hair, don’t care.” “What, sir?” “Just go with it, Mary.”
I should be feeling things in this episode about Jamie basically hitting rock bottom, except I’m not. Because of that ridiculous hair and the show trying too hard to force a book thing while simultaneously not giving a single fuck about actually making that thing happen. They could have just skipped the whole dunbonnet thing and just had Jamie be a wanted man. But no. They decided to both go all in on the dunbonnet thing while also not going in at all on the dunbonnet thing and I cannot take you seriously even a little bit right now, show. Sorry not sorry. You brought this on yourself with your absurd wig choices.
“See Jamie, it’s cool that you didn’t teach Fergus how to shoot. He already knows how from watching Murtagh!” “Shut up, Wilson, you’re not helping.”
Nice shot, Fergus! It’s totally believable that you hit that bird in one shot having probs never actually fired a gun before! Way more believable than having you just shoot the gun and the bird flying away because you missed.
Although I’m glad they had someone other than Jamie shoot the damn thing. Because it always bugged me that Jamie did it in the book because he should have known better. I mean, Fergus should have known better too, but I guess I find it easier to accept a kid fucking up than a man who knows he’ll probs be killed if he gets caught.
Oh hai, Young Ian! I heart you! Slash we’re totally just forgetting the kids between Young Jamie and Young Ian because everything is so rushed, I guess. Because we had Maggie in ep. 113 and Kitty in ep. 208 and it’s totally cool if we skip the twins because honestly whatever, Jenny and Ian’s kids aren’t really all that important in the grand scheme of things. Except Michael’s apparently important enough that his wife manages to get her very own continuity fuck up in the books. *pounds beer because this is all silly and honestly, who cares*
“How long’s it been since you’ve lain with a woman, Jamie?” “It’s been a long while, I gotta say. You know, I love Claire so much. And you know, she’s the only woman I’ve ever been with. And with Wilson around, it’d get kind of awkward to bring someone back to the mancave. Roommates, amiright? The worst.”
Joking aside, I do really like Jamie in this scene. Like he’s been quiet and brooding and stuff all episode, but this is the first time you can really appreciate just how much he is holding on to his pain and loneliness. Because he doesn’t have Claire, all he has is her memory and the pain he feels because he’s lost her. So he won’t give that up. I feel some feelings.
“I won’t marry. Ever again.” I really think he means that. Like I absolutely believe that in this moment, Jamie never means to ever get married again. I’m still very interested to see how they’re going to play it when he does…
“It’s god’s sorrow you never had the chance to bring a child into this world.” Gah, Jenny, way to inadvertently sack-whack your brother in the feels.
I really don’t like Jenny in this episode, guys. Like she’s pulling a Frank and making it all about what she thinks Jamie should be doing rather than what Jamie needs. Don’t be like Frank, Jenny. Frank is the worst. This show doesn’t need two Franks.
Slash I like that Jamie hasn’t told Jenny about Faith or Bree though? Because she def wouldn’t be saying this shit if she knew, I hope… But it shows just how closely he’s keeping those memories? They’re too precious to share with anyone because they’re all he has left of his children?
“I just want you to have some happiness.” Oh Jenny, you mean well, but you’re not helping here. Please just stop talking.
I get that there aren’t really any good hiding spots on that hallway, but that is a really shitty hiding spot.
And I get that they have to get across how dangerous the redcoats are and how fucked up this period in Scotland is, but these guys going out to look for the body of a dead baby is a bit over the top. But at least they didn’t have Young Jamie in the room for this like he was in the book? Because I’m all for not unnecessarily traumatizing a child. Good job, show.
I love Mary MacNab. Like she just goes in there and is like yep, it’s my gun, here it is, here’s my story. And has no clue how it’s going to play out but it’s a risk she’s willing to take and you have balls of steel, Mary MacNab. I’m glad they gave her actual stuff to do in the episode besides just what happens at the end. Guys, I just really love Mary MacNab and I ship her with happiness so fucking hard.
Oh, so Mary’s no threat, but better go look for the dead baby of the woman who has clearly just given birth. Ok, rando English douchebag.
Slash you really couldn’t wait an extra two seconds to move, Jamie? Really? For a dude who has been hiding in a cave for six years, you kind of suck at hiding. But then again, Wilson could have told me that.
“Take a shovel. Dig a grave in the cemetery in case they look. Maybe take Wilson with you, since the redcoats literally just left and are probably still around. You should maybe try tucking your hair up to hide it this time too. You know, to at least *try* to disguise yourself.” “I can’t, Jenny. My hair, it won’t all fit.” “Well, you see there are these things called scissors…” “Enough, Jenny. You’ve said enough.”
Ok Ian coming back and being like “it’s been a lovely visit, gentlemen” kind of kills me. Because like obviously these repeat stints in jail are taking their toll (seriously, that wig, and also the disease that will eventually kill him). But like Rupert, he’s going to keep his dignity. Because it’s literally the only thing he has left.
It’s definitely in character for the Fergus in this episode that he’d get caught because he’s being impulsive and reckless, leading the soldiers around. But I’m still not sure how I feel about this Fergus? I guess I can get why he’s like this? Like after six years of living like this and Jamie’s off camping with Wilson and Claire’s gone and Ian keeps getting taken away? Yeah, I guess I understand this Fergus? Maybe?
Ok but when Fergus points at himself when he says the Scottish redcoats are betraying their own people. Just kill me with feels, Fergus. The Scots *are* your people, lil buddy. I have feelings.
“Dinna be feart. Fergus, laddie. I watched milady do this many times.” OMG JAMIE USING CLAIRE TO BOTH SAVE HIM AND COMFORT HIM. I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS RIGHT NOW.
Did we really have to pan over to the hand? No. But it’s this show so of course they panned over to the hand.
And Jamie def had a dead rabbit when he ran down to save Fergus and now I’m annoyed that I’m noticing these damn rabbits and birds and shit. Like I doubt whatever payoff is coming from them is going to be worth being taken out of the moment whenever one is on screen.
But Jamie collapsing here and finally hitting rock bottom is where I actually started taking this episode seriously. Because Fergus could have died. And Jamie was powerless to help him. And the redcoats threatened Jenny. And Jamie was powerless to help her. And Ian keeps getting taken away. And Jamie was powerless to help him. Jamie loves his family and would do anything for them. It’s like one of his defining traits. And he’s lost the family who matter most to him, and his mere existence near the family he has left is now what’s putting them in danger and he literally cannot stand it anymore and it breaks him and why is my face wet.
In an episode that keeps just rushing from one thing to the next, I’m glad that they let this scene with Fergus and Jamie slow down and breathe a little. “You remind me I have something to fight for.” Gah, Da!Jamie hits me where I’m weak. And Fergus keeping on his brave face and making jokes about whisky and wine. This poor kid, I want to hug him.
Ok but when Jamie says “you can trust me to keep that bargain” he’s like basically saying goodbye to Fergus, right? Because he pretty much knows he’s going to give himself up, right? Because that’s the best way he can take care of his family because they’re all that matters to him and after wanting to die so badly and then spending six years not dying, if he dies now and it keeps them safe then it’s still as worth it to Jamie as if he had died at Culloden? This scene makes me feel things, guys.
I love this scene with Ian too. So fucking much. “Feeling a pain in a part of ye that’s lost…and that’s just a hand. Claire was yer heart.” Gah, Ian. Right in the feels. He’s so much better at this than Jenny.
I’m really, really glad they made it so Jenny was the person who turns in Jamie rather than some rando. And Ian with the fun fact about not hanging them anymore. I do think Jamie was ready to die though.
“Jamie, have ye not seen the inside of enough prisons for one lifetime?” “Little difference to the prison I live in now.” And he’s not talking about the cave, Jenny. I love how Ian *gets* it. Jenny? I’m torn with how much she gets it and just doesn’t want to accept it vs. how much she just has a different outlook on things… But all things considered, I really do not like her in this episode and I really don’t like how she just pulls a Frank at every turn. It’s not about you, Jenny. It’s about Jamie. This is the best choice there is so just fucking support him in his decision.
Ok I love that Mary makes him look (and feel) like a person again and I like that he recognizes and respects what she did with the redcoats. Like the bit of respect between them makes a scene I already love even better.
But for real, I know I’ve been silly about the ridic hair, but the hair was ridic and now that it’s gone you can finally see all the emotion on Jamie’s face and it makes me sad that this was pretty much hidden for the rest of the episode by that terrible wig.
The actual scene with Mary is basically exactly like how it was in the book but omg it’s awkward and sweet and perfect and I love it so fucking much.
“You can look at me if you’d like.” “Ye’re a bonnie lass. It’s just something I always do.” No, Mary, he can’t look at you. Because they needed that parallel with Claire. But what they inadvertently also did was have him tell you that he keeps his eyes closed while he jacks off in the cave. Wilson keeps his eyes closed too.
Ok so obvi Jamie and Jenny are acting until she gets to “Ye gave me no choice, brother! And I’ll never forgive you.” I think she really means that in the moment. And seriously, Jenny? I get that you have issues with Jamie’s choice, but there’s a chance you’re never going to see him again and you have to send him off knowing that? I’m so over Jenny in this episode. Especially compared to Ian, she’s just not working for me.
Ending on Scotland the Brave playing over Jamie’s face as he’s being carted away is a tad on the nose, show.
So glad they’re showing Claire masturbating. She’s a sexual person, and after basically completely losing her agency last week, it’s nice to see her taking care of herself and that that part of her is still there.
Also is it bad that I kind of wish Frank heard her? Like after all of his “but what about meeee” bullshit last week and what Claire needed being completely disregarded, I kind of wish he could hear her not needing him while not thinking about him. Fuck you, Frank.
Also you can def see Sam’s fingers between his legs as he grabs his junk before he squats down and I can’t stop lol’ing over it.
So Bree has a toy bunny? Because Jamie’s thing is a bunny this season? Or whatever? Idk, who cares. I feel like the show wants me to have feelings about this, but I don’t.
Oh look, Claire’s still reading the Globe despite Dean Ubermisogynist’s opinions. Because of course she is. Because why the fuck wouldn’t you keep reading the damn paper. Dean Ubermisogynist means nothing. But you’re trying way too hard to be cute with the story being about Ireland, show.
Ok but her face there with Frank is like, “Hmm, I don’t want *you*, but you have a penis. And one of those could come in handy when my fingers get tired.”
Ok but I literally started lol’ing just at the shot of her staring at Frank. Like hi, “I miss my husband.” No, not you. Jamie. I miss Jamie. You know, my husband who I love and fantasize about while you sleep and will never get over no matter how much of a dick to me you are about him? You’re basically a sentient dildo. Now just lay there while I get off thinking of a glorious ginger. I’m on top. Obviously.
It reminds me of the pilot. “When the war ended, we both thought things would return to the way they once were, but they hadn’t. … Sex was our bridge back to one another. The one place where we always met. Whatever obstacles presented themselves during the day or night, we could seek out and find each other again in bed. As long as we had that, I had faith everything would work out.” So yeah, five years apart during a war and things were not getting back to how they used to be. So clearly after three additional years during which Claire fell in love with someone else and had their kid, it’s totally a good idea to stay together… Right. *eye roll* Anywho… The main point of bringing that line up is that sorry, Frank, but the magic sex bridge was demolished. You see, Wilson needed the parts to help maintain his structural integrity while hiding all that luscious, ginger hair. Oh wait, what? Wilson isn’t hiding anything? Oh right. THE SEX BRIDGE PROBS NEVER WOULD HAVE WORKED EVEN IF CLAIRE DIDN’T GO THROUGH THE STONES BECAUSE SEX DOESN’T CHANGE THE FACT THAT FRANK WANTED AN ACCESSORY, NOT AN EQUAL. AND IT SURE AS SHIT ISN’T WORKING NOW BECAUSE CLAIRE DOESN’T LOVE YOU, FRANK, AND SHE WAS STRAIGHT WITH YOU FROM THE JUMP AND YOU JUST COULDN’T FUCKING ACCEPT THAT. SO YOU WANTED PHYSICAL CONTACT? THIS IS THE PHYSICAL CONTACT YOU GET. Good on you, Claire, for taking what you need, how you need it, on your terms.
For real though, after two seasons of Frank being a fucking piece of shit and reducing what Jamie and Claire had to just fucking, it’s nice to see him *actually* getting just fucking. Like you serve no real purpose here, Frank. She just needs your dick to hold still for a few minutes while she does her thing and then you can go.
Oh we’re doing this again? I mean, ok. You do you, Claire.
“Claire, look at me. Claire, open your eyes.” “I’m sorry, what part of sentient dildo did you not understand? Why have you stopped?” “Y-you–you never used to close your eyes when we made love.” “It doesn’t mean anything. Just that I don’t love you and I’m literally just using you for your penis because I like sex a lot, just not with you but you’re what I have so kindly shut up and let me finish. Seriously. ‘Sentient. Dildo.’ I don’t know how much clearer I can make your role here.”
“I’m enjoying this.” “Are you?” “Of course. But less and less by the moment. You really can’t just take the win, can you. You’re getting laid. Yes, it’s because I wanted to fantasize about someone else, but really you were a literal beggar so now you can’t be a chooser.” “Then why can’t you look at me?” “Christ, Frank, why the fuck do you think? If you’re not in the mood, you just had to say and I’ll gladly go upstairs and take care of business myself. Geez, you are useless.”
I am *so here* for her reducing Frank to what he keeps accusing Jamie of being to her. Fuck you, Frank.
“When I’m with you, I’m with you. But you’re with him.” No shit, Frank, and she hasn’t made a secret of the fact that she loves him more than you. I still have a very hard time accepting that she stayed with your sorry ass. But you know that ultimatum from last week? Well it works both ways. If you don’t want to be a human sex toy, fucking leave. But it’s all good. She’ll have purpose in her life again soon and won’t have to bother you. And then you’ll die. And we can be one step closer to the good stuff.
Ok so I love that the line from the book about loving Jamie and being part of something more was included, and it definitely works to be like oh look, Claire’s gonna do something meaningful for her damn self. And I’m actually glad that we just jumped right to med school? Instead of like having a fight with Frank about it? Because fuck Frank? Who gives a flying fuck about Frank or his opinions? This is Claire’s life and her choice and fuck yeah, Claire, go be a surgeon.
Idgaf about Bree’s bunny being wedged behind the bed. Why did I have to read the thing about birds and bunnies…
YAAAS separate beds. Sorry, Frank. Since you were so opposed to your sentient dildo duties, Claire went off and found her true purpose in life and now she doesn’t need you at all. Her little smile right before she rolls away from him is my everything. Bye, Felicia.
And yes, I did try to use the words “sentient dildo” as many times as possible in this dumpster fire of a recap. Sorry not sorry. #SentientDildo
I’m gonna go ahead and take Claire giving the piper money as a bit of a fuck you to Frank and her entire existence back in the 20th century up until this point. Plus a fuck yeah she’s going to go to med school. And fuck yeah she’s going to reach her full potential in the profession she was born for. And fuck yeah she doesn’t need Frank and she’s done playing his bullshit mindgames. And fuck yeah she’ll take a minute and remember Scotland and everything it means to her any damn time she pleases.
This still doesn’t make up for the rage I felt about how she was treated last week. Jamie got two episodes about him processing his grief and loss on his own terms and Claire definitely got shortchanged. Le sigh. Whatever.
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rbeatz · 7 years
Bob Marley’s Son and The Reggae Collective, White Tiger Society
White Tiger Society is a New York-based Soul, Reggae, and Hip-Hop collective comprised of vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Dajla “The White Tigress” and Grammy Award-winning engineer/producer Comissioner Gordon Williams. They recently released their new single, Why, featuring Bob Marley’s son, Stephen Marley.
Why is from their debut album, Sound of the White Tiger, set to be released on September 15th via Lalabela Music Group.
Comissioner Gordon Williams adds, “Stephen and I have a long relationship in music, going back to the days of The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill, all the way up to Welcome To Jamrock, on which we worked together, as well as his latest album, The Fruit Of Life. Stephen actually picked Why to collaborate with us on, and we are thankful to have ‘Ragga’ as part of the White Tiger family!”
The song combines reggae, heart-felt soulful vocals and that positive feel similar to what we’re used to hearing from the music legend himself, Bob Marley. It’s difficult to listen to Why and not feel that uplifting feeling.
Comissioner Gordon Williams is a legend in the music industry, with his nickname given to him by KRS-One. He’s won multiple Grammys including two Album of the Year Grammys for The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill and Santana’s Supernatural.
Dajla is a musician to the core. A student of classical and jazz piano from ages 6 to 16 at the national music conservatory in France. She also found inspiration at home, listening to her parents’ Soul, Jazz, Reggae, and Blues record collection. Dajla has released two albums and an EP to date, while sharing the stage with the likes of Angelo Moore from Fishbone,De La Soul, Nneka, Sa-Ra, and The Brand New Heavies.
White Tiger Society was born in In 2013 when Gordon and Dajla met in New York City through their work as a writing/production team.
We had the pleasure of interviewing White Tiger Society below. Play their new single, Why, featuring Stephen Marley and read the full interview below for the FULL White Tiger Society experience. Dajla answered some and Comissioner Gordon Williams did others as noted.
  Where does the name White Tiger Society come from? 
DAJLA – It comes from an Asian legend – The White Tiger is a mythical creature that appears when the world goes off balance. It represents Justice. Although it does not harm people, it becomes angry when the ruler of the land conducts evil deeds.
How many musicians are in your group? 
DAJLA – WTS is a collective fronted by Gordon Williams and myself, and we work with musicians in the studio and on stage. For live shows, we have different line ups, DJ sets, or a full band.
 Where are you from and how has that shaped the musician you are today?
DAJLA – I was born in France, on the west coast. The great thing about my hometown was that I could attend the national music conservatory, so I studied classical and jazz piano and music theory there from age 6 to 16. It gave me solid music foundation that I would use years later for songwriting. But my influences were shaped at home, as I grew up listening to my parents’ reggae, soul, rock, funk and jazz record collection, and artists such as Bob Marley, Ray Charles, James Brown, Michael Jackson and Carlos Santana.
What instruments did you play when you were younger?
DAJLA – I started playing piano age 6 at the conservatory, also did Oboe for a couple years but it gave me migraines lol. I taught myself the bass age 17.
Are there an instruments that you currently wish you COULD play?
DAJLA – I would really like to learn to play the guitar. Great for some writing and performing solo.
Tell us the story of how you started creating music on your computer?
DAJLA – In 2005, a producer friend of mine introduced me to Digital Performer (music software) and showed me how to use it. I slowly started making simple beats and used it to make demos of the songs I’d write. I had a very simple set up, good enough for me. My Macbook Pro, an M-Box, a couple of Genelec speakers, a Brauner microphone, a Nord Electro and my Fender Precision bass. It was great!
What was your favorite studio moment when producing your newest single, Why?
DAJLA – My favorite moment was to go visit Stephen Marley in his studio in Miami. He and Comish go way back, and it was the first time I met him, so I was really honored. After listening to the track a couple times, he just went in the booth and instantly came up with his part. Truly amazing and memorable experience!
What was it like working with Bob Marley’s son? 
DAJLA – It’s like a childhood dream come true.
What do you like to do when you’re simply hanging out – aside from music?
DAJLA – I like to spend time with my close friends and family. Love to go dancing too. NY has some good club nights (Timmy Regisford, Tony Touch…).
Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?
DAJLA – I coach young artists – piano, vocals and songwriting, to help them prepare for recordings or live performances. Gordon has a music Academy – The Lalabela Music Academy that teaches music and music engineering to under-privileged children and teenagers, in the US or abroad. I am joining the Academy as a music instructor and to create a brand new modern, fun and hands-on approach to teaching music. Music can also act as “therapy” for some of the children I work with. Music heals!
Who are your musical influences?
DAJLA – Each period of my life helped me discover amazing artists – There was reggae from early age, and funk/RnB with James Brown, all the jazz greats, too many to mention…From Billie Holiday to Thelonius Monk – a solid hip-hop foundation in the 90s, with bands such as Public Enemy or the  Fugees, Lauryn Hill of course…Also hung a lot in the ska scene and absolutely love Jamaican music (The Skatalites, Ken Boothe, and the electro scene, Drum and Bass, House, Garage…Most recently I have been listening to a lot of Ethiopian Jazz – Mulatu Astatke is one of my favorite artists.
What DAW do you use and why?
COMISSIONER GORDON – Pro Tools. I have been a Pro Tools user many years. I am the most comfortable with it, but I do like Studio One as well.
Do you have a typical music production process? If yes, can you explain it?
DAJLA – I usually write songs on the piano, basic chord progression and lyrics. I let Comish hear the song, think of a style or direction, i.e. reggae, soul, ska…depending on the beat he hears. He then gathers a team of musicians to cut it in the studio. He then adds beats/effects, and finally mixes it, adding his magic touch of course.
Who has been one of your favorite artists to collab with?
DAJLA : So far Comish is the best artist I’ve collaborated with. His vision with regards to my songs is always on point and his experience in recording and writing pushes me to another level.
What is your favorite MIDI Controller or instrument to produce with right now? 
COMISSIONER GORDON – Can’t say that I have a specific controller. I have worked with so many. I still use my original MPC 3000 from time to time. And I like the MPC Renaissance
What is one of your favorite or go-to VST Plugin? 
COMISSIONER GORDON – mmmmmm trade secret lol
Do you have a key production tip for our young producers out there? 
COMISSIONER GORDON – Be true to the music that is inside of you.
What are some of your favorite venues to play and why?
DAJLA – I really like medium capacity venues, which are more intimate and create a great experience and bond with the audience.
What is your favorite color?
DAJLA – I love all colors
What food do you eat the most?
DAJLA – Mainly vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds… At home, I mainly cook North African/ French Mediterranean dishes, and I also enjoy Caribbean food…And Tunisian cookies
Do you have a favorite in-studio snack?
DAJLA – Does Pinot Noir count as a snack? lol
What is your favorite social media platform and why?
DAJLA – Each media has something great to offer… Facebook because it allows fans to reach out directly to us, and it’s very practical too for events. It is also a great tool to find and connect people.
What is next for White Tiger Society?
DAJLA – We’ve just dropped our new single Why ft Stephen Marley here in the US, and more music will come out this fall. The next step for us right now is touring the US and Europe, this fall and in 2018.
from rBeatz Radio http://ift.tt/2g1V92W
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